DIV. DLL SCIENCE 9 - Biodiversity and Evolution

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: WEEK 7 Quarter: 1ST QUARTER



A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of how changes in the environment may affect species extinction.

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of representative microorganisms, plants, and animals

C. Learning Competency/
LC code Relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment. S9LT-Ie-f30

Specific Objectives 1. Define biodiversity and 1.Determine the pattern of population 1. Differentiate threatened from 1. Discuss the local and SCI – FUN TIME
explain its importance. distribution using mathematical endangered species global environmental
2. Find out the amount of formula 2.Demonstrates the probable issues that contributed to MOVIE WATCHING – ICE
biodiversity and species 2. Compare the distribution patterns of causes of species extinction. AGE 3
species extinction.
distribution in a community. the different populations. 3. Recognize the role of man in
3. Recognize and appreciate 3.Recognize and appreciate the maintaining balance in nature. 2. Recognize the role of
the diversity of life that exists in diversity of life that exists in our man in maintaining
our planet. planet. balance in nature.

Index of Diversity Population Density Endangered but not Environmental Issues/ Problems


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 38 -39 pp. 39 -40 pp. 41 – 43 pp. 44 – 47
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp. 51– 55 pp. 56– 57 pp. 58– 59 pp. 60 – 64
3. Textbook pages You and the Natural World 9 by
Religioso et. al pp. 66 - 68
4. Additional Materials from https://www.youtube.com/watch? https://people.uwec.edu/jolhm/eh4/
Learning Resource (LR) v=vpxmTZ02FXg extinction/causeslink.html
https://www.youtube.com/watch? https://video.nationalgeographic.co
v=n_Jdh8XJuE4 m/video/101-videos/climate-101-

B. Other Learning Video clips or Pictures for each

Resources environmental issue
A. Reviewing previous The teacher tells the students The teacher starts/ presents the The teacher introduces the The teacher asks:
lesson or presenting the to study Figure 1 and 2. lesson with picture analysis activity. lesson with a Species  Give examples of….
new lesson Charade Game. - endangered species
(Elicit)  At least 5 students - threatened species
pick a piece of paper - extinct species
from the list prepared
and pretend to be the
Picture yourself swimming and Look at the Figure. This is an area in animal written on it.
diving in Tubbataha Reef Calauit, Palawan set aside as a park The rest of the
Marine Park. preserve, and no hunting is allowed in students guess what it
(Trivia: Tubbataha Reef National Marine
Park located at the middle of the Sulu Sea, the park. The herd of giraffe and zebra is.
181 kilometers southeast of Puerto are assumed to be healthy and begin
Princess, Palawan. It covers 33,200 to multiply faster than expected.
hectares including the north and south
reefs. It is a marvelous marine wilderness  Predict what will happen if
with a very high density of marine species, the giraffe and zebra
with 80% coral cover of 46 coral genres and
376 fish species and a special ecosystem population continues to
much appreciated for its beauty as well as
its scientific value.) increase in the park area.
 What organisms are
in Figure 1?
 How many kinds of
organisms do you
think you will see?

Imagine yourself standing in a

coconut plantation.
 Which species do you
think dominates this

Compare the population of the

2 ecosystems.
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher asks: The teacher asks: The teacher posts on the board The teacher asks?
for the lesson  What is biodiversity?  What is a population? the question:  Have you eaten?
 What brings about  What happens if the  Did you turn on an
changes in the living conditions of electric light, ride a
population? organisms in a tricycle or jeepney, or
particular area are not use a computer today?
ideal for their When you do any of these
survival? activities, you use one or more
natural resources. Natural
resources are materials in the
environment that people use to
carry on with their lives.
 But are you using these
natural resources
 Will time come when
these materials will no
longer be available to
you? Explain your

C. Presenting examples/ Activity - Index of Activity - Measuring Activity - Endangered but not The teacher guides the students
instances of the new Diversity Population Density Extinct…..Yet in understand the effects of
lesson  Within the group  In triads, students study  Within the group, environmental issues on
(Engage) (7 members), the ecosystems.
(5 members), the three patterns of  Deforestation
students observe population distribution students perform  Wildlife Depletion
species distribution and calculate the density the simulation  Water Pollution
in the school of each population activity.
grounds or

D. Discussing new concepts The class presents their data The class presents their data and The class presents their data The class discusses the key
and practicing new skills and discusses the activity discusses the concepts using the and discusses the key concepts using the ff. guide
#1 using the ff. guide questions: ff. guide questions: concepts using the ff. guide questions:
(Explore) questions:
 Calculate the Index  Compare the distribution  What happened to  One of the country’s
of Diversity (I.D.) patterns of the three the toothpick environmental
using the given populations. grasshoppers over problems is the rapid
formula rate at which trees are
 Which population has time?
 Compare how your cut down. Did you
the greatest density?  What factors might
tree I.D. would be encounter the same
 Infer from recorded data account for problem in your
different in a vacant
lot than that in from the possible causes differences in the community?
a grass lawn. for the differences in the graphs and /or total  What happens to
Explain your population density. number of animal populations that
answer.  What conditions could toothpick are driven away from
 If humans were change the density of grasshoppers in their natural habitat?
concerned about any of the population. each group?  What are the effects of
biological diversity,  Describe how a  In nature, what water pollution?
would it be best to population’s density can environmental
have a low or high factors might
be used to learn about
I.D. for a particular
the needs and account for
characteristics of that differences in the
Explain your
answer. population. total number of
 What effects do you
think will habitat
reduction have on
the toothpick

E. Discussing new concepts Populations can be of the same  

and practicing new skills size, but they may have different
densities. Differences in
population density in any
(Explain) community may be attributed to
many factors.
 What are the factors
affecting population size?

Anything that limits the size of a

population like certain
environmental conditions are
called limiting factors. Limiting
factors keep a population from
increasing in size and help balance
an ecosystem. Examples of
limiting factors are the availability
of food, water, and living
conditions. Light, temperature and
soil nutrients are also limiting
factors because they help
determine the types of organisms
that can live in an ecosystem. The
maximum population size an
environment can support is called
its carrying capacity. If the
population size rises above the
carrying capacity, organisms die
because they cannot meet all their
 How are limiting factors
related to population
 What happens if the
population size rises
above the carrying

F. Developing mastery Which of the following organisms 

(leads to Formative is endangered? threatened?
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations The teacher asks: The teacher asks: The teacher asks: The teacher asks:
and abstractions about  What are the  What is a population?  When is a species  What are concepts or
the lesson knowledge/skills/va  How is population considered as insights you gained
(Elaborate) lues you learned density determined? endangered? from the lesson?
from the lesson?  What brings about  When is a species
changes in the said to be threatened?
 When is a species
said to be extinct?
 Give examples of….
- endangered
- threatened
- extinct species

I. Evaluating learning The teacher assesses the The teacher assess the KSA’s The teacher assess the KSA’s The teacher assess the KSA’s 
(Evaluate) KSAs gained by the gained by the students from the gained by the students from gained by the students from the
students from the lesson. lesson. the lesson. lesson.
 Given a data,  If the population species Fill in the blanks to 1. What are the principal
calculate the Index of a given area is doubled, complete the key concepts causes and effects of
of Diversity (I.D.) what effect would this of the lesson: deforestation?
using the I.D have on the resources of 1. _____________occur 2. What is the major cause
the community? s when the last of wildlife extinction?
 In a population, limiting member of that
factors and population species dies.
DATA TABLE density are often related. 2. When the population 3. Explain the effects of
School Ground / A B Suppose that the of a species begins eutrophication on
Jungle population density of plant declining rapidly, the aquatic organisms.
Number of species 5 30
Number of runs 5 10 seedlings in an area is species is said to be a
Number of trees 10 50 very high, explain how ____________specie
Index of Diversity limiting factors may affect s.
 What happens to a population density. 3. A species is
community when Work on the following problems: ___________ when
its species  Suppose 60 ants live in a 4 its population has
diversity is sq m plot of grass. What become so low that it
reduced? would be the population is possible of
 Explain the density of the ants? becoming extinct.
importance of  If 40 carabaos live in a 1 4. Human actions have
biological ½ sq m area, what is their resulted in
diversity. population density per sq. _____________loss
km.? and degradation that
have accelerated the
rate of extinction.
5. In the Philippines,
some terrestrial
species like the
tamaraw in Mindoro,
mouse deer in
Palawan, Philippine
deer, Monkey-eating
eagle are in danger of

J. Additional activities for The teachers tells the The teacher tells the students to The teacher instructs the The teacher assigns the students
application or students to read about list down at least three endangered students to make a research to read more about the causes
remediation population density. species, threatened species and on local and global issues that of species extinction.
(Extend) extinct species. contributed to species


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: WEEK 8 Quarter: 1ST QUARTER



D. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of how changes in the environment may affect species extinction.

E. Performance Standards The learners should be able to make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of representative microorganisms, plants, and animals

F. Learning Competency/
LC code Relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment. S9LT-Ie-f30

Specific Objectives 1. Discuss the local and Make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of 1. Assess the knowledge
global environmental representative microorganisms, plants, and animals and skills gained by the
issues that contributed students from Module 2
to species extinction. 2. Practice honesty during
2. Recognize the role of the summative test and
man in maintaining checking of papers
balance in nature.

Environmental Issues/ Problems Timeline of Extinction of Organisms Summative Test - Biodiversity and


C. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 48 – 50 pp. 48 – 50 pp. 37 – 54
2. Learner’s Materials pp. 65 – 68 pp. 50 – 52 pp. 50 – 71
3. Textbook pages You and the Natural World 9 by You and the Natural World 9 by Religioso et. al pp. 63 - 66 You and the Natural World 9 by
Religioso et. al pp. 69 – 71 Religioso et. al pp. 58-74
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
D. Other Learning
K. Reviewing previous The teacher asks: The teacher asks: The teacher asks 
lesson or presenting the  What are the principal  What are the effects of  Are you ready to take the
causes and effects of environmental issues on summative test?
new lesson
deforestation? ecosystems?
(Elicit)  What is the major
cause of wildlife
 Explain the effects of
eutrophication on
aquatic organisms.
L. Establishing a purpose The teacher asks: The teacher shows the Ice Age 3 The teacher give instructions about
for the lesson  What are the trailer to the students and asks: the summative test.
composition of the air?  What is the focus of the

M. Presenting examples/ The teacher guides the students The teacher guides the students in doing their Performance Task - The teacher supervises the
instances of the new in understand the effects of Timeline of Extinction of microorganisms, plants, and animal by giving students in taking the test
lesson environmental issues on tips, showing an example and explaining the criteria in assessing their
(Engage) ecosystems. performance task.
 Air Pollution
 Destruction of Coral
 Acid Precipitation Contents/Facts 4
Dates 4
Learning of Content 4
Resources 4

N. Discussing new The class discusses the key The students present their output The students answer the test items
concepts and practicing concepts using the ff. guide in class. given with the guidance of the
new skills #1 questions: teacher.
(Explore)  What are the effects of
air pollution?
 Explain why coastal
areas are getting
destroyed through the
 What are the effects of
acid rain?

O. Discussing new The teacher gives follow up

concepts and practicing questions to deepen understanding
new skills #2 of the concepts
P. Developing mastery 
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
Q. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living

R. Making generalizations The teacher asks: What are the knowledge, skills
and abstractions about  What are the and values you learned from the
concepts/skills/values activity?
the lesson
(Elaborate) you learned from the
S. Evaluating learning The teacher assess the KSA’s The teacher assesses the The teacher asks:
(Evaluate) gained by the students from the learnings of the students.  What are the
lesson.  Give at least 3 events in knowledge/skills/values
1. What are the major the Timeline you made. you gained from the
contributors to air lessons on “Biodiversity
pollution? and Evolution”?
2. What are the causes
coral reef destruction?
mangrove destruction?
3. How acid rain affects
living things?
T. Additional activities for The teacher assigns the The teacher instructs the students The teacher solicits comments,
application or students to bring their laptop to prepare for the summative test. suggestions or recommendations
(Extend) about the teaching-learning
process of Module 3.



H. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
I. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
J. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
K. No. of learners who
continue to require
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
M. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
N. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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