EX - .A Twisted Love Story - Chakraborty, Novoneel - 2IN1 PDF
EX - .A Twisted Love Story - Chakraborty, Novoneel - 2IN1 PDF
EX - .A Twisted Love Story - Chakraborty, Novoneel - 2IN1 PDF
Love makes all of life’s
coincidences seem like
real intention. My
parents’ divorce, my
shifting to Salt Lake confession that he loved
International School, me. Later Neel told me
getting drenched on my nothing much happened.
first day to school, Avni left the party citing
Neel’s presence in the a headache. His parents,
class, the shirt-swap, and more importantly, were not
all of the subsequent harsh on him. For the
events were no coincidence first time in his life, he
even though it seemed so said, his parents didn’t
when they were happening. make a fuss about his
Coincidences in life—they choice. I was happy to
make our stories know that because it only
interesting. meant they had accepted
I don’t know much about his choice—they had
what happened at the party accepted me.
after I walked out of it, In school, Neel and I
after Neel’s open were given the couple-of-
the-year kind of time. And that’s the best
treatment. It’s not that thing anyone can do for
Neel and I talked much. someone. It’s because time
But because all our brings the past and future
classmates kept nudging us into existence. With my
respectively all the time, mind off time, I was
we felt like we were in an finally ‘living’ in the
affair which neither of us truest sense of the word.
formally maintained. I I couldn’t take Neel off
kept stalking him in my mind though. I felt
school and at times he like I was possessed by
stalked me too. The hide- him. So much so that at
n-seek we played gave me certain moments it didn’t
soul-orgasms. It was a even matter if I loved him
game we both were or if he loved me for I
participating but neither knew he had consumed me,
accepted it. He made me and I could live a life
forget to keep track of
off that consumption. ‘No, I mean what exactly
A few weeks after the did you feel and why did
birthday party incident, you say it only at that
and after a lot of moment?’
thought, I finally asked Neel, with a frown,
him, ‘Why did you say started looking here and
that?’ there, as if he was
‘What?’ desperately searching for
‘That you love me.’ an apt answer.
‘Why did you tell my mom ‘I like your presence.
that you loved me?’ And it does something to
‘I felt like doing so.’ me. I don’t know what.’
‘Same here.’ In that ‘I-don’t-know-
‘What did you feel?’ what’, I got to know a lot
‘That I love you.’ about him, about me, and
about us.
I blushed a little but
didn’t make it obvious. ‘Tell me,’ he said,
‘When did you fall for best about you?’
me?’ I shrugged.
‘The day we swapped ‘Forget it. If I tell
shirts.’ you, then you will
‘You mean you wouldn’t consciously try to
have fallen for me if we maintain it. I would
hadn’t swapped shirts?’ rather love it if you keep
It was my turn to doing whatever it is
surmise an apt answer. unknowingly.’
‘Why don’t you see it If that’s what made you
this way: it’s because we fall for me, I will...I
were supposed to fall for wondered but we left it at
each other that we swapped that.
shirts. Incidents are All through the night, I
merely an excuse. A means kept guessing what it
to an end.’ could be. What could be
‘You know what I like that thing in me which was
worthy enough for someone Yo-didun sighed touching
to love me? I was lying on my chin with her
my bed, smiling to myself, fingertips and then
when Yo-didun came and sat immediately kissed those
beside me. fingers as if she stole a
‘So it has finally kiss from my chin.
happened.’ ‘It’s strange, isn’t it?
‘What Yo-didun?’ I sat Falling in love eventually
up on the bed feigning becomes the one big event
innocence. of your life. I’m seventy-
‘When a girl of sixteen nine. And every night I
years smiles to herself keep thinking about the
before going to bed, it number of times I fell in
means it has happened.’ love.’
‘It has,’ I said rather ‘Did you fall in love
softly. ‘Why, shouldn’t it more than once, Yo-didun?’
have happened?’ ‘More than once? I fell
in love so many times that job and we were married.
I have lost count.’ He died sooner than I
That was a revelation. thought he would. In the
Until then, I had thought days that followed I
Dadu was the only man in really thought I had lost
her life. him, but as I kept
‘If the one you love thinking about our times
doesn’t make you fall in when he was there with me,
love with him again and I understood he was that
again, then you were never kind of a novel which even
in love with that person after you are done reading
to begin with.’ I met your it, stays with you. You
Dadu for the first time on keep wondering about its
the first of November lines, certain passages,
1955. He was my father’s and then you realize that
favourite student. The there is more meaning to
next year he got himself a them than you thought
while reading it for the
first time. And thus even them, but I never abused
after your Dadu’s death I Avni or her groupies
kept falling in love with because I knew if I was in
him again and again.’ her place, I would also
She gave me an endearing not appreciate someone
smile. snatching Neel from me or
I hope my love for Neel acknowledge if Neel
is something similar, I willingly got inclined
thought. I slept well that towards any other girl
night. just like he did towards
Avni started avoiding me me being in a relationship
in school after Neel’s with Avni. True, he wasn’t
birthday party, and her in a relationship with
silly groupies kept Avni by choice, but then
looking at me detestfully he could have told Avni
whenever I passed by them. about it rather than
Not that I cared about playing on with the
relationship just for the
sake of it. Maybe she bookshelf in the library?
loved him just as much as I had seen it only once
I did. but I was sure they had
This negative feeling kissed a lot many times
towards Neel disturbed me. before and after that. It
I had never experienced troubled me so much that I
anything like this before. chose to become blind
I knew nobody was perfect towards Neel’s
but still I would have imperfections. For every
been happier if Neel had imperfection of his, I was
told Avni that he was in a churning out a perfect
relationship with her excuse to cover him. I
because his parents wanted wasn’t comfortable doing
him to be, and not because it. I never talked to him
he was really in love with or anybody else about it
her. And what was that either. Since my parents
they did behind the were divorced, I had
already seen how brittle
relationships could get whom I could call mine. He
with time. I didn’t want was my first emotional
Neel and my relationship possession. People don’t
to ever reach that brittle leave their house locked
stage where one of us fearing their stuff would
broke it into pieces and be stolen. They do so
told the other that it was because they know they
for good. have something priceless
From the very beginning, with them which they can’t
I had full faith that Neel afford to share or lend to
would love me one day. But others. But how could I
when he actually started lock Neel only to myself?
loving me, I began feeling From the night this
insecure about him. Maybe thought occurred to me, I
it was because before Neel started noticing weird
I had nobody in my life, things about Neel which I
whom I could hold on to, had never noticed before,
or had chosen to ignore in Titiksha.’
love. Every time I met him I didn’t know why but
in school or in tuition, I with those words I felt
had a problem if he talked Neel and my relationship
to a girl or laughed with would never ever be
her. If he didn’t look at brittle again, that my
me when I was looking at fears were uncalled for.
him, I felt enraged. I To my heart’s relief, I
started expecting things somehow convinced myself
from him which I knew that no other girl would
didn’t matter, and yet ever be able to snatch
those insignificant things Neel away from me. Yo-
would hurt me if left didun was right. There’s
unfulfilled by Neel. Until always this craving for a
one day he told me physical proximity—and
something after school. physical ownership—in
‘Mom wants to meet you everyone’s idea of love.
11 he went away, his mom
smiled at me, stood up,
‘May I please talk with and ambled towards the
her alone, Neel?’ door to lock it. I kept
We were in Neel’s looking at her as she
bedroom. Neel’s mother was picked up her costly-
great to talk to, quite looking purse and rummaged
different from what she through it. She took out a
was on Neel’s birthday. I cigarette packet and a
had not slept the night lighter. She lit the
before, wondering what was cigarette and put the
it that she wanted to meet packet and the lighter
me for. But seeing her back inside her purse. She
favourable attitude took a deep puff and came
towards me, I relaxed. back to sit beside me. She
‘Sure mom,’ Neel said. suddenly made a face as if
He gave me an assuring I was stinking.
look and left the room. As
‘Neel told me that your to a rich family,’ I said.
parents are divorced and ‘Then what are you doing
that you live with your with Neel?’
uncle who works as an ‘I love him.’
accountant in a college?’ ‘That’s what every poor
‘Yes. That’s true.’ girl says when she meets a
‘You know that you don’t rich boy.’
belong to our financial In that moment, I
class, right?’ realized why Neel’s mom
I knew what she meant. wanted to meet me. She
By then I’d guessed the wanted me to move out of
goody-goody attitude she his life simply because I
had showed in the didn’t belong to, as she
beginning was only because implied, the same
Neel was around. This was financial class as them. I
her real self. also understood why she
‘I know I don’t belong was so submissive in front
of Avni all the time. She ‘I study hard aunty.’
belonged to an even higher ‘But all this love
financial class than Neel. business won’t help your
‘I’m not a poor girl. focus.’
Both my parents work and ‘My love for Neel
they sponsor my studies. I doesn’t defocus me in
am from a well-to-do anyway.’
family.’ My resilience wasn’t
‘How very wonderful of helping her intention. She
them! Equally good is the must have thought I was a
fact that you are aware TGIF when she called me
that they are working hard here. Well, I was never a
to educate you. So why TGIF anyway. Finally she
don’t you make use of this stubbed her cigarette in
opportunity and study hard an ashtray and said,
instead of loitering ‘Forget Neel. Neel’s dad
around with my son?’ and I have grand plans for
his wedding with Avni. Now ‘You are a nice girl,
come out with me and tell Titiksha.’
Neel that you will never I followed her as she
meet him again, and that moved out. My steps were
he deserves someone heavy for I knew this
better.’ She held my chin could be the last time I
roughly and pressed her was meeting Neel. I knew I
fingers on my face hard. would continue to see him
It hurt but I didn’t budge in school and tuition but
except for looking at her with a sense of loss,
straight as she said, ‘Is knowing he would
that clear?’ eventually be someone
A few seconds passed by. else’s. His mom wanted me
Her eyes were burning with to tell him that he
contempt. I nodded in deserved someone better
agreement after which she than me. But how could I
let go of my face. tell him all that when I
had desired and coveted about my own life being in
Neel ever since I saw him, love with Neel?
and also knew he did the As I reached the hall
same for me? Was this room downstairs, I found
temporary life that I Neel flipping through a
lived between seeing Neel sports magazine, sitting
for the first time to the by the sofa. The Doberman
day when he left his mom was sitting by his side.
and me alone in his Neel stood up the moment
bedroom, an illusion? Yo- he saw me. His mom was
didun always told me life standing by the stairs
was one big magic trick looking at us. At me in
and if one wanted to enjoy particular.
the trick, one shouldn’t ‘Hey, are you leaving?’
be too inquisitive about Neel came up to me.
it. Otherwise the trick ‘Yes.’
shall disappoint you. Was
‘So early? Weren’t we
I being too inquisitive
supposed to go for tuition ‘She said…’ I raised my
together?’ I stole a voice a bit and continued.
glance at his mom who was ‘She likes me a lot and
waiting for me to tell never wants me to leave
Neel whatever she had told you, come what may.
me upstairs in his Actually she thinks we are
bedroom. a perfect couple.’
‘I need to tell you Neel beamed as he looked
something, Neel.’ up again at his mom and
He gave me an enquiring gave her a flying kiss.
frown. ‘I love you mom,’ he
‘Your mother told me said.
something while you were His mother returned his
here.’ kiss with another flying
Neel looked up once at kiss rather reluctantly,
his mom and then at me. all the while looking at
‘What did mom tell you?’ me with scorn.
‘Let’s go for our Neel’s mom had told me
tuition now. And please, such nasty things. But she
let’s walk. No car this was also proud of how I
time,’ I said to Neel. It handled the situation.
was directed more at his Although it was spiteful,
mom, though. his mom deserved every bit
That was perhaps the of it. Her words weren’t
first time I had claimed exactly honey-coated
my ownership of Neel to either. After listening to
someone other than myself. me, Yo-didun also said
If I ever deserved the that’s how great love
Best-Bitch Award, this was stories were created: when
the moment. someone dared to do
something unexpected or
when someone decided to
12 sacrifice something dear.
I had done both that day.
Yo-didun couldn’t believe
I had dared to disagree
with Neel’s mom and I had mama’s reaction. If he saw
also sacrificed my self- a boy from my school at
esteem owing to my love his place, he would have
for Neel. Stupidly enough, thought of all kinds of
I was feeling happy even things. I have never had
after I knew I had been any boy calling me up,
humiliated like never even on my landline
before. number, ever, so a boy
For the next few weeks, visiting my place would
Neel would take a cycle- have been stretching it
rickshaw and come to my too far. Even the
mama’s house to fetch me. neighbourhood wasn’t a
The first day I was a bit good one. People noticed
nervous seeing him by the whoever frequented the
house gate. neighbourhood, whose house
‘Please don’t come they went to, when and
here,’ I told him fearing why. Thankfully the first
day nobody really noticed
Neel. didn’t like that.
From then on, Neel ‘But the cook loves me.
decided to wait for me at She gives me extra without
the bus stop close to my telling mom about it.’
place. I too used to move Sharing breakfast with
out a few minutes before him behind the bus stop
my normal time. Bijoya together had its own
mami said she wouldn’t be charm, and I chose not to
able to provide me say anything to disrupt
breakfast because I was it. Neel would
leaving the house ten intentionally come to
minutes early. I school early. After his
sacrificed my breakfast. car dropped him, he would
When I told Neel about it, take a cycle-rickshaw to
he solved my breakfast the bus stop where I would
problem by bringing me meet him, we would share
breakfast from his home. I breakfast, and together
take another cycle- school one day that Avni
rickshaw to school. saw us. Not that we cared.
Everyday seemed like a new We were on our way inside
life. We talked when we the school premises when
were quiet, we were quiet she came up to us and
when we talked, we were said, ‘So Titiksha has
happy when we looked brought you to the level
serious, and we were of a cycle-rickshaw from
serious when we were your suave car? Good luck
happy. Every significant Neel for your future,’
exchange between us was saying this she was gone.
special and every What I never understood
insignificant thing was was why this world was
magical. infested with people who
It was while getting judged an individual on
down from the cycle- the basis of their
rickshaw in front of the possessions and not what
was within them. Nobody, Given a choice, would
except Yo-didun, Bijoya mami live with all
appreciated the fact that of them? Prior to that, I
I loved Neel a lot. All always thought it was
people noticed was if my simple: you love someone
parents were divorced or then you get married, and
not, if I lived in a big remain together forever.
house or not. Going by But seeing his parents’
Neel’s mom, I would have reaction as well as how my
deserved him if my family own parents handled their
was richer than Avni’s. marriage, even when it was
Why this materialization a love marriage, I was
of love? Yo-didun had once totally perplexed. I tried
told me how Bijoya mami to share my quandaries
married my mama because he with Yo-didun at times but
had a secure job then. But instead of answering like
then so many people might she always did, she asked
have had secure jobs?
me to discover the answers jealous. I believed him.
myself as I moved along in During recess, Avni came
life. I didn’t know how to me and said, ‘In case
Neel perceived this. If he Neel has not told you
thought my love for him before, he and I have made
was manipulating him in out many times—sometimes
some way, and making him at his place, sometimes at
compromise the luxury he mine, and also in various
was born with, then my corners of our school. So
love for him was a even if you guys are
failure. making out, just remember
I didn’t react at Avni’s you will always be his
words when she retorted second choice. I was and
about the ‘car to cycle- will be his first girl.
rickshaw’ thing. Neel And you won’t ever know
asked me to avoid her for how it is to be someone’s
she was being plain first.’
And then the image of
her going behind the
Chapter 9
bookshelf, followed by
Neel in the library during
my first week in school,
flashed in front of me. IS TITIKSHA HIDING,
The image told me I would MISSING, OR…DEAD?
never be what Avni was for
for the
first N eel feels like there’s some
weight on him. The weight
time I understood what seems to be shifting back and forth
jealousy was and how around his pelvis. As his conscious
quickly can it burn a mind slowly flowers, Neel opens
heart in love into ashes. his eyes. He sees Titiksha riding
him with her hands on his chest.
When did she come in? He
wonders and looks at her loose hair
covering one side of her face. Her
moans are just about audible. As ferocity that given just a little
she jerks her head back and opening in the cage, it will barge
straight, the hair shifts from her out of it and eat him alive. How
face a bit. Neel notices her eyes and why did Titiksha do that; bring
shut tightly, and she looks drunk a dog inside his flat? What the fuck
with passion. is wrong with her?
Neel has no time to question her. Neel hears another bark. He
He can feel the carnal pleasure pans his eyes and notices there are
himself. He is about to raise his two, three, four, five, six, seven
hands to support her juggling cages around him in the room and
breasts with his palm when he each one has a shining brown
hears a bark; a sharp and loud bark. Doberman locked inside it, barking
Neel twists his head sideways and away at Neel with darting looks.
sees to his horror a cage inside And at the centre of the cages are
which a Doberman is barking out at Neel and Titiksha fucking away
him. Its canines look razor sharp. naked.
The Doberman eyes him with such With every fierce bark, Neel’s
eyes flicker with fear. He is too there is one problem. There is only
scared to find his voice. He tries a difference of fifteen inches
calling out to Titiksha but she puts between one of the Doberman’s
her hand on his mouth and face and Neel’s. He had not seen
continues to ride him. Her moans this particular one because it had
and the dogs’ barks make a scary been hiding behind Titiksha till
yet wild sexual concoction for Neel. then. Now looking at it eye to eye,
Before he can choose between he knows this one has to be the
pleasure and fear, Titiksha grabs his fiercest of the lot. It barks. Neel
hands and pulls him forward, shuts his eyes tight. He feels a pat
herself lying on her back. It on his butt from Titiksha,
happens so quickly that Neel demanding him to move his hips
doesn’t get enough time to resist. In faster. But his focus is no longer on
an instant Titiksha, from being on giving Titiksha what she wants. It’s
top of him, goes under him. They the dog. It’s his fear. By now he has
are in the missionary position now understood the dog won’t come out
with Titiksha tightening the grip of of the cage. It helps him eye his fear
her thighs around Neel’s hips. But
better. And the more he gets dog barks even louder. Before Neel
accustomed to the fear, the more can continue this barking contest,
his pelvic thrusts increase in he feels something building up
intensity. The dog isn’t barking inside him; an orgasm. He fastens
anymore but only eyeing him with his hip movement and feels as if his
a growl exposing its canines. The thigh and hip muscles may suffer a
other dogs are surprisingly quiet spasm any moment. As Neel barks
now. The dog takes a backward once more, his head goes closer to
stance and leaps onto the cage with the cage. The dog instantly bites
full force. Neel almost feels its onto his hair and tries to drag him.
tongue on his nose tip. His thrusts Neel hollers in pain. Titiksha
slow down. Suddenly out of hollers in pleasure. The dogs bark
nowhere, Neel barks out loud at it. out in chorus. Neel’s heart is in his
The dog mellows down. Neel has mouth. Titiksha’s mind is numb.
surprised himself by barking like a ‘Help me, Titiksha. Help me,’
dog. He looks down at Titiksha. She Neel cries out. He looks around to
is moaning in ecstasy. He hears the see but there’s no Titiksha. There
dog bark. Neel barks louder. The
are no dogs either. There’s nothing met her in college. She may not be
in the room, in fact, except for the most perfect woman, but he
haunting silence. It was all a fucking still loves her.
dream? Neel wonders sitting up on For the first time since Titiksha’s
his bed. He is naked and has a full sudden disappearance, Neel misses
blown erection which dies quickly. her. Till now he has only thought
He rubs his eyes wondering who about her absence but the dream
sees such a weird dream; making makes him miss her presence. He is
out with your girlfriend with killer emotionally low. He starts crying.
dogs around. Wailing, in fact. In a matter of a
As he sits alone on the bed, it minute though he composes
dawns on him that he has probably himself and gets up. He is about to
lost Titiksha forever. From now on move out of the bedroom when his
maybe he will have to only dream eyes fall on the Marlboro packet he
about her to get to her. Neel feels had found in his room last night.
defeated from within. He has He picks it up from the table beside
always loved her from the time he the bed. He had kept the chart
paper cut out under the packet. about it? And he met Titiksha in
Now holding onto the cigarette college. Maybe Titiksha wants to
packet, he picks up the lips-shaped meet him in their college. Why?
chart paper cut out. He re-reads the Maybe she will explain the mystery
lines on the paper. He doesn’t behind the disappearance when he
know if it’s the same song that the meets her. But why the cigarette
character Titiksha wrote for Neel in packet? Neel thinks for a while and
the story on his birthday because then looks at his watch. It’s 10 in
Nivrita never told him the song. the morning. He has never slept till
But Neel nonetheless feels an eerie so late. Whatever happened to his
similarity between the two. He sense of time? He hurries to the
casually flips it. It’s a note of sorts toilet. At least he has got a lead
stating: remember where we met for now. His college. Maybe all his
the first time? questions will be answered when
We? As in Neel and…? Nivrita or he gets to college.
Titiksha? He met Nivrita at the Neel quickly gets ready to leave.
Jaipur Literature Festival. So what He takes a taxi to where his college
is: Munkundapur. It takes him close interested. Then Neel too gave up
to two hours to reach the place. He chasing them.
gets down from the taxi after Standing by the road opposite to
paying the fare and looks around. which stood the college once, Neel
This is the place where he met finds himself staring at an open
Titiksha for the first time. He still field which is fenced by barbed
remembers that she was wearing a wire and in the middle of it there’s
yellow salwar kameez and was a bamboo stick planted on the
carrying a bag. She seemed to have earth. On top of the stick a board
an aura unlike others. Talking of hangs: Gemini Realtors Pvt. Ltd.
others, he doesn’t know what The entire college building, which
happened to them. The ones he at the time of his graduation was
used to talk to most in college were expanding, is nowhere in the sight
Arijit Pal, Anirban Debnath, and now. Neel’s throat has gone dry.
Rohit Haldar. Neel has no idea He is sweating a lot more than he
what happened to them after usually does.
college. He tried to keep in touch He notices a man walking by on
but they suddenly didn’t seem
the opposite side of the road. ‘I don’t know. I haven’t seen any
‘Excuse me, dada.’ college here. How long ago was
The man stops to look at him. this?’
‘What?’ ‘Four-five years.’
Neel crosses the road and comes The man’s face twisted in a let-
to the man. me-think manner.
‘Isn’t there a college here ‘I think you should ask Madhu
somewhere?’ da about this. He’ll know.’
‘Here?’ The man looks at the ‘Madhu da?’
direction Neel is pointing at. ‘Come.’
‘I don’t see one,’ the man gives The man walked ahead and Neel
Neel a are-you-mad look. followed him. They reached a small
‘I mean there used to be one wretched looking motel by the
here.’ Neel reluctantly changed the road. Neel had not noticed it when
tense. he came to the lane in a taxi a few
‘So?’ minutes ago.
‘What happened to it?’ ‘Madhu da, this gentleman
wants to know if there was any Madhu da. Neel himself must have
college here four-five years ago.’ missed this motel during his college
Madhu da is sitting on a raised years because he was picked up and
platform behind a rickety desk by dropped right in front of the
the entrance of the motel. Looking college in his father’s car. And he
at his upper half, Neel is sure he is didn’t look around much during
way taller than the normal Indian those days.
standard. He looks like he has come ‘What happened to it?’ Neel
straight from his bed to the motel. inquired.
He looks up at Neel and says, ‘I don’t know. I think five years
‘College?’ back, students stopped coming.
Neel nods. Then one day the building was
‘Yes there used to be one. broken down.’
Students from the college used to ‘Broken down?’ Neel actually
come in my motel too.’ whispers it to himself but the two
Neel relaxed. He couldn’t have men hear it clearly.
possibly handled a ‘no’ from ‘Was it an old college?’ asks the
man who brought Neel here. Internet. The college must have its
‘Not really. It remained for four own website if they are genuine.
years.’ Maybe they changed its location.
‘Four years? A college for four My son says the entire world is on
years! What nonsense! You can’t the Internet these days. You know
believe anyone these days. Madhu da…’
Everyone is a scamster.’ The man is Neel’s mind is elsewhere. Why
visibly disgusted. ‘I’m sure it must would Titiksha tell me if I
have been some illegal racket to remember where we first met
lure students.’ when there’s no college here
Neel does a quick math. ‘Four anymore? Or is it the disappearance
years’ Madhu da said. It means the of the college itself that Titiksha
college was there only during the wants me to know about? Is it a
time he studied there. Neither clue to her disappearance as well?
before that nor after. Coincidence? ‘Dada, khe jaben na?’ Madhu da
‘Look gentleman,’ the man says, queries if Neel wants to have lunch
‘Why don’t you look it up on the at his motel. He looks at Madhu da
and says, ‘No, thanks.’ picks them up: one grass-green
By the time Neel gets himself a coloured top and a white jeans.
taxi to go back home, he has a plan Both smeared with something red…
in his mind: he would go to his flat blood. Neel instantly let’s go of the
and check about the college on clothes. They belong to Titiksha.
Google. Titiksha has left her That’s what she was wearing when
Internet dongle at their flat. Its time Nivrita saw her last in the mall.
he should forgo his usual boycott of Even he had seen a glimpse of it.
the virtual world and for a change, What the heck is this all about?
make use of it. Neel notices the back of the jeans
Another one and a half hours which is now on the floor again.
later, Neel is there at his flat. The Something is written in blood
elevator is out of order. He takes there. He picks up the jeans and
the stairs and reaches his flat. There unfolds it completely. He is now
is a heap of clothes in front of his able to read the note clearly:
door. He is skeptical about touching Neel is a murderer.
them. He drops on one knee and
climbs down the stairs, now with a
suspicious gaze, Neel gets up with
Neel doesn’t know for how long he heavy legs and long-drawn breaths.
has been sitting by his rented flat’s He takes time to unlock the flat.
door, and crying holding on to the The key simply isn’t going inside
grass-green top and the white jeans, the lock. His mind is unable to
and sniffing it regularly as if that focus on anything. After a good
would make Titiksha appear in minute of struggle he unlocks the
front of him. The worst has finally door.
happened. Someone has killed As he closes the door behind,
Titiksha. feeling emotionally drained, he
Neel notices a middle-aged clips his nose with his fingers.
woman climb down the stairs. She There’s a rotten stink in the flat.
pauses seeing Neel. She senses he Neel looks around but there’s
needs help but Neel quickly hides nothing rotting anywhere. He is
the clothes, wipes his tears and having trouble breathing now. He
turns his head away indicating he tries to follow the stink and goes to
isn’t interested. As the woman
the small corridor connecting the inside the washing machine stuffed
hall and the bedroom. As he passes up to the brim. Neel collapses on
by his washing machine in the the floor. Someone has chopped
small corridor, he stops. The stink is Titiksha into pieces, and stuffed her
the maximum in this area. Neel body parts inside the washing
drops the blood smeared top and machine is Neel’s conclusion before
the jeans he is carrying on the floor. he loses consciousness.
And with trembling hands opens It’s the icky stink of flesh that
the lid of the washing machine— brings Neel back to consciousness
the stench that comes up from it after about an hour or so. He gets
pushes back Neel. Then slowly he up with a start, holding his head.
tries to look inside by clasping his He has a mild headache. Neel
nose tightly. What he sees makes opens the washing machine’s lid.
him scream out with plain horror. There are two pieces of eyes glaring
‘Oh God. Oh God! OH MY at him. Neel immediately shuts it.
frigging GOD!’ He quickly examines the windows
There are chopped pieces of flesh of the flat. All are shut tightly. Neel
relaxes. If the windows were open, of the kitchen. He washes his face
all the inhabitants of the building properly. Still he can’t forget the
would have been here by now. And image of the chopped flesh pieces.
what would he have told them? His He washes his face for few more
girlfriend was missing and now he minutes. And then puts his head
has her chopped pieces inside the directly under the tap. It relaxes
washing machine of his flat? The him slightly.
residents would not waste a second He takes out a bottle of cold
to call the police and hand over water from the refrigerator and
Neel to them; the prima facie gulps it down. Who could have
murderer. What is written on killed Titiksha with such hatred?
Titiksha’s jeans? That Neel is a She didn’t have many friends or
murderer. Does that mean Neel has enemies. The only person she used
killed Titiksha? And he doesn’t to fight with was him. And
know about it? Wow! What does whatever may be written on the
that note mean, really? dress, he hadn’t killed her. But then
Neel has reached the washbasin who did? Neel is thinking hard.
Could it be the guy with whom now, Neel tells himself resolutely,
Titiksha was going around? He it’s time for some action. He keeps
must have killed her and has now the bottle back inside the
pinned the murder on Neel? He has refrigerator. He brings out his
seen one such case in a crime show handkerchief from his pocket and
on television at his parents’ place ties it around his nose and mouth to
where an illicit lover murdered his negate the stink. He opens the
woman. In fact only he could have wooden wardrobe under the
got the flat keys from Titiksha and kitchen sink and brings out three
dumped the pieces inside. How big plastic packets from it. He
very convenient of him. But what heads towards the washing
went so wrong between them that machine. He stands right in front of
he had to do this? it holding its lid. He closes his eyes
I’ll find out who that guy is and kill and makes a mental count…1…2…
him with my own hands after he 3. And then opens the lid in a flash.
confesses the reason for killing my He feels like throwing up but
beloved Titiksha. Enough of emotions somehow doesn’t. He picks up the
chopped pieces, and transfers it
onto the three plastic packets, one with two room fresheners in hand,
at a time. Once done, he ties the he notices blood patches on the
packets well and takes them to the floor which he had missed earlier.
kitchen again. He empties the Neel first mops all the patches from
refrigerator and stuffs all the three the floor, and then empties the two
packets inside it. He has seen this in room-fresheners in the flat. Then he
a movie Titiksha had forcefully opens the windows, takes a bath,
made him watch once. He never and sits down to think what he
knew he would be enacting the should do next.
same scene in real life. He remains If Titiksha’s guy is trying to pin
still for a moment after closing the him as the murderer, then first he
refrigerator’s door. Then he vomits will have to track the guy down.
his guts out. Sobs. Vomits again. And if the other guy is innocent,
Sobs again. Then he cleans it all up then he can at least give him a lead
and puts the blood-stained clothes to whoever else could have done
inside the washing machine. this. Though Neel thinks the first
As he goes to the drawing room one is more probable. But how does
he get to the other guy? Neel thinks engineering college of its worth. He
hard and recalls why he came home searches the list carefully but
from Mukundapur in the there’s no mention of Neelkanth
afternoon. He had to check the College. Neel shuts the laptop
college website. The college where screen in disgust. How is it
he met Titiksha for the first time, possible? He had been given a
the same college the paper note in certificate from the college which
the cigarette packet led him to, in he had later given to the bank as
an indirect way. well during his appointment as an
Soon Neel gets busy with his employee. Was that a bogus
laptop and finally googles the certificate? Was Neelkanth College
college’s name: Neelkanth College a bogus college? In that case, even
of Engineering. There’s no link Titiksha’s certificate would be
suggesting the college’s website. bogus. Is that why, maybe, Cintus
Neel ponders for a while and then Finance had expelled her, and she
goes to the AICTE website—the didn’t tell him anything out of
body which labels every embarrassment?
Nothing makes any sense to everything to Inspector Parimal
Neel except that things are not Biswas and he comes to find the
right. There’s a major flaw body in the refrigerator. What alibi
somewhere which he now knows does he have? He doesn’t even
but can’t put his finger on to just know the guy with whom Titiksha
yet. And that’s what frustrates him. was in the mall’s washroom. But…
He won’t let Titiksha’s killer rest in Nivrita may identify him. Yes, she
peace. But he can’t even share it said she saw him. So should he call
with anyone that she is dead. That Nivrita?
stage is gone. He should have done Neel’s phone buzzes and he
that the moment he saw the shrieks out in shock. It is Nivrita
clothes, but how would he know calling. Neel presses the green
that she had been stuffed inside the button and puts the phone against
washing machine? Should he his ear.
simply tell his parents? They will ‘Neel, where have you been all
understand he is innocent. No, day? We have to hurry up now
wait. Will they? What if they tell with the story. I want to get it
published this year. Do you get
As Neel’s heart beats chugs back
to normal, he wonders how come
whenever he thinks of Nivrita FROM NEEL’S
either her message pops up, or a
call, or at times she herself turns up. MANUSCRIPT
Who the hell is she…the devil?
Neel and I had still not
kissed. I had kissed him
once on the cheeks, but
that was more of a peck
and it happened so quickly who initiated the make-out
that it seemed like it sessions? Neel or her? It
didn’t happen at all. couldn’t be Avni all the
From the time Avni told time. Then why hadn’t Neel
me about their make-out ever kissed me till now or
session, a fear of sorts even talked to me about
had engulfed me. I making out? Whether I
understood why it was would agree to it or not
important to look good. is a different issue, but
Earlier I was arrogant he could have at least
enough to perceive asked me. Did Neel not
external beauty as find me attractive enough?
something unimportant A 16-year-old fat girl who
probably because I didn’t wears old fashioned
have it. What I was clothes like an aunty;
curious to ask Avni, but would she be attractive to
certainly I couldn’t, was any guy? They say if you
don’t like yourself,
nobody else will. I questions troubling me
actually started hating ever in the past. It could
myself. Was it because have also been that the
Neel didn’t try to make- people around me talked so
out with me? Was it much about sex and making-
because I thought he never out that I was
would because of my looks? unnecessarily hyping these
Was it because he was in things in my mind when
love with the concept that they actually didn’t mean
he didn’t belong to Avni much in a relationship. I
anymore and I was only the really hoped that was the
means for him to case. I loved Neel, he
materialize the concept? loved me—it should have
Was I just an option he been the end of the story.
could hold onto to stay Growing up with an
away from Avni? I had uncompromising loneliness
never had so many nested within me, I had
developed a block against miserable for me. I lost
physical proximity. On one my focus on my studies,
hand I was worrying about and for the first time got
why Neel hadn’t shown any below average marks in
physical inclination Physics and Mathematics in
towards me, and on the a unit test.
other, I wondered about Neel had fought with his
what I would have done if parents and now used to
he actually proposed a travel to and fro from
make-out session. I had school on his own. I loved
never been hugged properly the fact that
by my parents. Skin to materialistic pleasures
skin touch gave me the weren’t important for him.
creeps. Had I not been We had few extra classes
charged with humiliation, one day, and by the time
I wouldn’t have pecked school got over, it was
Neel either. All these late in the evening. The
queries were making life
sky was roaring with thought we would reach our
thunder since afternoon homes before the onslaught
and it was unbelievably started but we were wrong.
dark. Neel and I took a I had an umbrella. But
cycle-rickshaw to the bus Neel didn’t.
stop. We were struggling ‘You go ahead. I will
to hold onto his guitar in wait till it stops raining
the cycle-rickshaw, and and then go home.’
trying to protect it from ‘Are you mad? It may be
getting wet. Neel wanted several hours before the
to practice after school rain stops. Plus we have a
but the rain was playing a test tomorrow.’
spoilsport. ‘There’s nothing I can
The moment we got down do.’
from the cycle-rickshaw at In a split second, I
the bus stop, it started took a daring decision.
raining heavily. We ‘Come to my place. We
can study together till As we walked from the
the rain stops. Then you bus stop to my mama’s
can leave.’ place, roughly five-
‘Are you sure?’ minutes walk, it turned
‘Of course!’ Honestly, I out to the longest walk I
was shit scared of had ever encountered. I
Bijoya’s mami’s reaction, had opened the umbrella
but I still didn’t back but I didn’t know how
track on my decision. exactly to get Neel under
That’s how great love it. To begin with, he did
stories are made—Yo- come under it, and held it
didun’s words reverberated above our heads while I
within me—when you dare to held onto the guitar. But
do something unexpected I guess he realized I
and unprecedented. Neel wasn’t comfortable and
and my love story had to thus he stayed a tad away
be a great one. from me, thereby getting
soaked in the rain. By the room, the one I shared
time we reached home, he with Yo-didun. But she
was partially wet. didn’t come to the room.
To my surprise Yo-didun ‘I have to watch my TV
opened the door. One look serial,’ she said.
at us and she knew who the True to her name, she
boy was. Neel touched her was a rockstar granny.
feet and she hugged him Neel eyed my room
tightly with a cute smile. properly keeping down his
‘Where is Bijoya mami?’ guitar by the door.
‘She has gone to her Obviously it was nothing
friend’s place. Your compared to his bedroom,
cousins are upstairs.’ but he didn’t let it show.
I relaxed. Coincidences And why should I hide or
like these make life fake something in order to
beautiful, I thought, and gain something as genuine
both Neel and I went to my as Neel’s love? What I
was, I was! I gave Neel a own?’ I said teasingly and
towel and asked him to dry went ahead to snatch the
his hair while I went to towel from him and rubbed
the kitchen to make tea it on his hair in order to
for the three of us; Neel, dry them properly. In one
Yo-didun, and myself. instance the towel fell
Minutes later when I not only over his head but
came back to the room, also over mine. Our heads
Neel was still fidgeting were under the towel at
with the towel with a the same time. We giggled
messed up hairdo. He at each other. I looked at
looked funny in a cute him once and then looked
way. I laughed keeping the down. I didn’t want him to
teacups on the dressing understand my feelings at
table. that point of time. The
‘You rich kids. Don’t worst part was I was sure
you do anything on your he did understand them. I
knew what was about to
happen but I didn’t back ‘You are the best thing
up. I stood my ground. His that has ever happened to
lips slowly came near mine me,’ he said without
and rubbed against it. It moving an inch.
wasn’t a proper kiss but I looked at him with
that friction seemed to tears in my eyes. They
wake me up to a myriad of weren’t happy tears. They
realizations. The most were tears of doubt. Did
significant of those he say the same thing to
realizations being that I Avni too? Wish I had the
belonged to Neel. The audacity to ask him that
moment was too emotionally then and there.
vibrant for me to ‘What happened?’
withstand it for long. I Am I better than Avni? I
soon removed the towel, wanted to ask but said, ‘I
and took a few back steps love you Neel.’
to move away from Neel. ‘I love you too
Titiksha,’ he reciprocated close—then too there
softly but he sounded very remained certain things
sure. which I couldn’t share
As I closed my eyes for with him. Maybe everything
a trice, the tears which is not meant to be shared.
were hanging on my eyelids ‘Do you trust me,
fell freely onto my Titiksha?’
cheeks. I nodded.
‘But why are you ‘Then your trust on me
crying?’ will be my strength to
‘Nothing.’ I still fight all temptations.’
couldn’t tell him I was That sounded like an
shamelessly comparing assurance. It helped me
myself to Avni. When Neel calm down.
was a stranger, I couldn’t ‘Excuse me,’ I said and
tell him certain things. headed towards the
When he came close—very washroom.
Once I was back, we was learning every day,
studied together till the knowing well that I would
rain stopped. Yo-didun never be able to unlearn
made us some hot and it. No relationship can be
delicious pyaaji as well. unlearnt. But you can
Only when he was gone that always start learning
I realized he had another language. And it’s
forgotten his guitar at my up to the aura of the new
place. language how it can compel
one to forget the old
language. I wanted to be
14 that new language for
Neel. And probably I
The brief kiss sorted a
lot of things in my mind. already was.
I felt more confident Neel also opened up a
about Neel and myself. He new world for me which I
had become this language I wasn’t much upbeat about,
but being in love with him mother. All he had was
I had to pretend I was. He Pandeyji who was his
invited me finally to one assistant, bank, and
of his band sessions. It partner-in-crime.
happened in this huge There were cartons of
garage which belonged to Budweiser beer for
one of Neel’s friend’s, everyone. I tasted beer
Hemant. He studied in a for the first time. I
different school and had a thought it tasted like
band of his own. There was horse piss though some
a third band also in the other girls said that it
garage that night, but I was their favourite. Neel
didn’t know who they were was busy setting up his
or which school they band. He had purchased a
belonged to. Hemant’s new guitar for himself and
father was an IAS officer asked me to keep the old
who was out of station for one which he had forgotten
some work along with his
at my place with me. He ‘smoke-kissing’—as in a
said I could play it boy and girl would take a
whenever I missed him even puff each from a cigarette
though I didn’t know how and then release it inside
to play a guitar. the other’s mouth
With Neel busy with his simultaneously. I didn’t
band pals, I was feeling know why or how they could
like the odd-one-out in get pleasure in doing such
the crowd. I couldn’t weird stuff. And yet
relate to anything or standing there I behaved
anybody there. There were as if I did like it all.
youngsters like me who The same thing I did at
were not even eighteen but school too.
were doing grown-up stuff. There was this invisible
They were drinking, I saw ‘dress-code’, I realized,
a few couples smooching in which one had to adhere to
the open in one corner, in case one wanted to
remain in any social a group and participate in
group. One had to belong whatever they do,
to a certain group. compromising on your
Standing out was personal beliefs and
sacrilege. Rebelling was tastes, or live a lonely
considered arrogance, and life, a life of a social
as gutter stuff. I always outcast. If I wouldn’t
felt an ineffable pressure have drunk beer that
to choose like my fellow night, I too would have
classmates, talk like been termed a TGIF. There
them, and behave like them was this group of Avni-
even if I wanted to show lovers who were always on
them my middle finger most the lookout for an
of the times. There was no opportunity to tag me a
room for individuality. TGIF and humiliate me
The choice was simple: further in front of
either you become part of everyone all the time.
Till then I had foiled all
their attempts six months or so he says.’
successfully. But I There were whistles and
remained alert. loud cheers from the
Standing amid the garage crowd. ‘But he is yet to
band get-together, with a make-out with her! Not
beer can in my hand, my even a kiss!’ There was
eyes were looking for pin-drop silence. I didn’t
Neel. The next instant a know what the guy was
guy came forward, and trying to say. He raised
called for everyone’s his voice again looking at
attention by clapping his Neel, ‘Who is the girl
hands. dude?’ All eyes were on
‘Hey there, listen up. Neel now. I understood why
The lead guitarist of he was hesitating. He
Paintbrush, our own Neel, didn’t want to drag me
is in a serious into this shit. I loved
relationship for the last him for that. I chose to
step-in myself.
‘I am,’ I said aloud and could do something, I saw
all the eyes shifted their Neel punch the guy hard.
focus to me. The guy The others, instead of
stared at me for some time stopping the fight, were
and then said, ‘I don’t cheering them to hit each
blame Neel for not making- other harder. I let go of
out with you.’ the beer can and ran to
There was an outburst of the spot. I had never seen
laughter from all corners Neel so violent before.
of the room. I couldn’t And even though I hated
stand it. I felt someone what he was doing to the
had stripped me bare in guy, I knew he was right
public. The way they were to stand up for his girl.
looking at me told me that I somehow managed to
I didn’t have the right to pull Neel out of the
be in love with a handsome fight. The others booed as
boy like Neel. Before I I did so.
I pulled him by his hand dripping from his eyebrow.
and said, ‘Let’s get out I took out my handkerchief
of here Neel.’ He and tried to rub it off,
complied. By the time we but he withdrew. He was
were out of the garage, quiet and looked intense.
everyone in the crowd was I didn’t know why he
chanting: ‘They are The wasn’t talking to me since
Great Indian Fattu I wasn’t at fault. Or was
couple!’ he rueing over the fact
that we indeed never made
out or because he, Mr
Popular, indeed deserved a
After moving out of the better looking girlfriend?
garage, Neel and I stood Suddenly I felt more
by a lamp post which had a insulted standing there
fused bulb unlike the beside Neel than I did
other lamp posts in the inside the garage when
street. I could see blood
people were laughing at away immediately. No
us. words, no gestures. He
‘What was the need to didn’t even care to ask me
tell them about what we how I would go back to my
have done or not done?’ I place. Few minutes later,
blurted out. It came out a I found a taxi to take me
bit rudely than I would home.
have liked it to. I later learned that
Neel kept looking at me. Neel had casually confided
I had never seen him give in his friend about the
me that look. It was so making-out matter, and the
full of contempt, anger, friend had blown the
and everything I never matter out of proportion
associated Neel with. in front of everybody in
His car came and stood the garage. But the real
in front of us. He simply shocker was the guy who’d
went inside it and sped announced it was dating
Avni so there wasn’t any Honestly, I was used to
prize for guessing why the those glances, name-
guy actually came out with calling, and back bitching
it in public. but what disturbed me more
In the days that was that Neel was slipping
followed, Neel and I away from me. I could
became the butt of all sense it. We hadn’t said a
jokes. Every time we were single word to each other
seen together in school, since he left me by the
we could feel our lamp post. He started
classmates laughing in a avoiding me in school and
hush-hush manner. ‘Mr tuition.
Popular had become Mr There wasn’t anybody
Jocular’ was what they had waiting for me either at
on their lips. And of the bus stop in the
course ‘TIGIF couple’ was morning or near the school
our new name. gate at the end of the
day. When I initiated a of his own free will then
conversation—be it during why was he pushing me
the recess or in between towards an emotional
classes—all I got was cold abyss? As if all these
answers in monosyllables. months, his love for me
Why was he making me feel was a mere charity. And
like a culprit? I never suddenly he had run out of
forced him to love me. I his ‘mood for charity’.
never asked him to leave After trying for a few
his car and travel in a times, I let him go. It
cycle rickshaw with me to hurt my self-respect to go
school every morning. I and ask him every time
never insisted him to lie ‘what was wrong?’ as if he
to his parents about the was a customer care agent
fact we were actively for me and our
involved in a relationship was an out of
relationship. Then if he order phone or something.
did whatever he wanted out
There were times at night realized I was crying.
when I promised myself I ‘What happened
won’t crib over the fact Shonamoni?’
ever and the very next day ‘Is it my fault that I
in school, one sight of am not beautiful and
Neel, and my heart was sexy?’ Never before did I
squirming with pain. utter that s-word before
Finally Yo-didun Yo-didun.
understood there was ‘What’s sexy?’ she said
something seriously wrong rather innocuously.
with me. She enquired ‘Another word for being
about Neel. attractive.’
‘What to do, Yo-didun, ‘Who said you are not
when you have to suffer sexy?’
for no fault of yours?’ It ‘I know it Yo-didun, I’m
was only when Yo-didun
not. Just look at me!’ I
wiped my cheeks that I
got up and stood in front
of the mirror. That was of Neel and me. She kept
when I started sobbing looking at me expectantly.
uncontrollably. Yo-didun ‘Nothing Yo-didun. You
came to me and caressed my won’t get it.’ I went to
back to help me calm down. bed, stretched myself, and
‘Did Neel say you aren’t pretended to be asleep. I
beautiful?’ was sure Yo-didun must
‘No.’ have understood it was
‘Then?’ something I couldn’t
‘His behaviour did. I share, but thankfully she
didn’t make fun of him. It didn’t pester me about it.
was that guy.’ That night I missed having
‘Why did the guy do so?’ a sibling, a best friend,
a family, parents…Neel.
‘It was because…it was
because…’ I checked When I told him I loved
him, it wasn’t a joke. As
myself. I couldn’t tell
I slept with tears drying
her why the guy made fun
on my cheeks, I finally ‘Stop it from tomorrow.’
decided it was I who had ‘What?’
to do something about my ‘He should feel he has
love story. I didn’t know lost you. After then, if
what Neel thought about us he comes to claim you, be
at that point of time, but his. Else don’t. A palm
I would apologize. I can’t hold on to something
would, if that’s what he if the fingers decide not
wanted to hear from me. to curl up. If you need to
‘Are you still pursuing hold onto your
him?’asked Yo-didun. relationship, you both
I turned on my bed. It have to work for it.’
was dark so an eye contact Yo-didun had a point. An
was not possible but I instant ago, I was
knew she was looking at thinking of apologizing to
me. Neel even though I had
‘In a way.’ done nothing wrong, but
now I was pretty sure I existed. It was tough for
would do what Yo-didun me but as Yo-didun said,
said. There was a fear of the palm alone can’t hold
losing Neel for I didn’t onto something. The taunts
know if he at all would from the other classmates
care if I stopped pursuing continued but the
him. But then if he didn’t intensity died down. I was
care my taking a back-step sure if Neel and I came
then what was the point of together, it would regain
loving someone who didn’t its notoriety once again.
understand your feelings The point was: would Neel
for him? dare to accept me
From the next day irrespective of the stupid
onwards, I started TGIF tag, the taunts, the
avoiding Neel. I didn’t mocking? And by daring to
glance at him or even make do so, would he make our
him feel that I knew he love story a great one? It
was a test I knew whose
result I wanted to see class test and Neel had
alright but I was scared been given the
too. For if the results responsibility of
were negative, then I distributing the notebooks
didn’t know if I would in class. Though I didn’t
ever be able to fall in see him do it, I was sure
love with a guy again in he must have slipped in
this life with the same the piece of paper while
kind of passion and distributing the
piousness I felt for Neel. notebooks. The piece of
On the tenth day of my paper read: Want to talk.
avoidance of Neel, I got a Please be here in the
piece of paper in one my class after school. After
notebooks during the reading the note, I looked
English class. Our teacher at Neel for the first time
had taken our notebooks after ten days only to
for correction after a notice that he was already
looking at me. We ‘For behaving so weirdly
exchanged a smile. The with you after the garage
hiccups that my life was incident. It wasn’t your
suffering till then had fault.’
finally stopped. ‘So why exactly did you
I did stay back in the behave that way knowing
classroom after school. well that it wasn’t my
And so did Neel. He was fault?’
half-sitting on the ‘I don’t know. Perhaps…’
teacher’s desk while I was Neel lowered his head and
leaning back on the was softer when he
adjacent wall. He continued, ‘I took what
initiated the that idiot said that night
conversation. a bit too seriously.’
‘I’m sorry Titiksha. I ‘You mean you believe
really am.’ you deserve someone better
‘Sorry for what?’ than me?’
He lifted his face and Neel was quiet. Since he
blurted out, ‘No! I didn’t was quiet, I had the right
say that. But…’ He again to decide the answer to my
went soft. ‘I did consider liking. And it was
it.’ obvious.
‘And so you didn’t talk ‘You can tell it to my
to me.’ face Neel that you don’t
Neel nodded his head love me. I won’t mind,’ I
subtly with a guilty said after I had
expression. mercilessly killed
‘Look at me Neel,’ I something within me.
said. ‘If I looked ‘I love you Titiksha and
anything like Avni, and that’s why I am talking to
you know what I mean, we you today. In all these
would have had a make-out days that I tried to
session already, isn’t ignore you, you invaded me
it?’ all the more. If that’s
not love then I don’t know senses. He spoke
what is.’ maintaining the tight hug.
I was happy to hear him. ‘But I don’t like the
After a long time, I was way people talk about you
happy. In fact I had and me.’
rarely encountered that ‘Do you mean the TGIF
kind of happiness before. tag?’
It gave me a feeling that ‘Yes. It affects me, and
if I didn’t do anything in I hate it. I feel like
life anymore, I would have smashing their faces. The
still lived it to its worse is it’s not only
core. about me. It’s about you
‘Thanks Neel.’ and me. And when something
He came to me and hugged happens to you, and I am
me tight. I could feel his not able to do anything
breath on my ears and about it, I feel weak.’
neck. It tickled my I smiled. There was
something emotionally doing so. It wasn’t a
arousing about the way he matter of moral courage.
was being protective about Had it been only about
me. I broke the hug and courage, I would have made
looked deep into his eyes. out with Neel. I wasn’t
I noticed he didn’t look ready for it; that’s all.
totally happy. And I knew I could sense Neel wanted
why. to make-out. Let’s say
The kind of background I Neel would have been
came from didn’t let me happier had I instigated
open myself up the way our making-out session or
Avni must have opened up was more frank about it
in front of Neel. I knew like Avni. I wasn’t. I
if we made-out, we could couldn’t be that frank
have connected all the just as yet, because there
more intensely, but I was so much emotional junk
couldn’t pull myself to within me that I had piled
on since childhood, that I
had to clean them up
before I took the step
Chapter 10
that I thought Neel and I
deserved to take. I needed
time for that.
Something struck me
seeing Neel’s upset face.
‘I have a solution.’ ‘I guess that’s enough for now,’
Neel says pressing the corner of
‘What?’ his eyes on either side of his nose.
‘Can’t we just lie to He needs rest but he can’t. He has
everyone that we did make- to find the guy Titiksha was dating
out?’ or, he presumes, has murdered
My suggestion made him Titiksha and left her pieces in their
look slightly happier than flat. With each passing minute, the
he was. presumption is turning into reality.
He’ll chop the guy into double the
number of pieces the moment he
gets to him. It’s a non-negotiable Macchiato, she can feel something’s
resolve. wrong with him. On other days
At the moment he is with Neel is rather still in public places.
Nivrita in a CCD outlet in Lake But today he is moving a lot.
Town, the only time he has Sometimes he touches his eyes,
managed to write the last three sometimes he looks around like a
chapters sitting in front of Nivrita. spy, or at times he cracks his
She had wanted to come to his fingers, or scratches the back of his
place and narrate another portion head.
of the story in the privacy he ‘You look a bit bothered and
always asks for, but for obvious disconnected. Any news of
reasons Neel requests her to meet Titiksha?’ Nivrita says wiping her
somewhere outside. mouth with a tissue.
‘That’s so unlike you,’ Nivrita Neel moves his hand away from
had remarked. his face. There’s a momentary
Sitting opposite Neel and uncomfortable eye connect with
sipping the last of her strong Nivrita after which he nods his
head. ‘In fact what?’ She urges him to
‘Did you report a missing case go on.
with the police?’ She takes out a ‘In fact,’ Neel reluctantly says, ‘I
small hand mirror and checks if her don’t think the police will ever be
makeup is in place. She then runs able to find her.’
her fingers through her hair. ‘Why is that?’ She folds her hand
Neel nods. and keeps them on the table
‘What are they saying?’ Nivrita looking straight at Neel.
puts the mirror back in her bag and ‘I didn’t give the inspector any
sits in a laidback manner. photograph of Titiksha. How will
‘Nothing. The inspector said he they identify her?’
would get in touch the moment he Nivrita laughs out. Neel doesn’t
gets something worthwhile. In like it.
fact…’ Neel stops. He isn’t sure he ‘Dude, are you mad? Don’t you
should say what he has in his mind want the police to get to Titiksha?’
to Nivrita or not. What will she ‘I don’t have any photograph of
think? hers.’
‘You don’t?’ She is serious now. all at once and keeps it on the table.
‘I do. But not at my parents’ He notices Nivrita place her palm
place. I had to check for on her cheek and look intently at
photographs at my place, but him.
totally forgot about it.’ With the ‘I think you have lost her.’
dead body thing, everything else How right she is, like always;
had totally slipped from his mind. Neel wonders. He has lost Titiksha
He makes a mental note to check forever now.
for her pictures the moment he ‘I know.’ Neel is cautious about
reaches his flat again. But what’s what he says. He can’t tell Nivrita
the point now? Even if he gives a or for that matter anyone the
photograph to Inspector Parimal heinous truth just as yet. Only
Biswas, how will he be able to when the guy who was dating
locate Titiksha for him? She is Titiksha secretly, confesses the
inside his refrigerator, resting in crime, Neel would be able to tell
pieces. Neel feels like throwing up. everyone how he panicked seeing
Neel gulps down a glass of water Titiksha’s clothes in front of his
rented flat and what he did down trying not to think too much
thereafter. God, Titiksha is no more. about it.
Neel feels like crying then and ‘What is it that you are hiding,
there but somehow holds back his Neel?’ Nivrita says gently caressing
tears. He doesn’t have enough time his hair.
to even rue over the fact that Neel slowly looks up at her. She
Titiksha is no more. He may have removes her hand.
slept with Nivrita, but he loves ‘You saw the guy that day, isn’t
Titiksha. He would have never left it?’ Neel says slowly, weighing
her for Nivrita. Never ever. Not down each word. Neel was waiting
even if she didn’t help him publish for an opportunity to put it in front
his book. But then Titiksha herself of Nivrita. The story narration is an
would have left him since she was excuse. Neel wants Nivrita’s help in
having an affair with someone else. tracing the other guy.
It’s such an emotional quandary—
‘Oh, don’t tell me you are still
to love and cry over a girl who you into was-the-guy-better-than-me
know would have left you soon.
and likewise nonsense.’
Neel holds his head and looks
‘Did you see the guy that day, down on the guy.
Nivrita?’ This time Neel is more ‘What if I shift with you now?’
assertive. If words were bombs, this was a
‘You know it was dark inside the nuclear blast.
washroom. I only saw silhouettes ‘Why?’ It’s the loudest Neel has
and probably a glance of his face, spoken today.
but I have no recollection of it. Why ‘Why not? Titiksha isn’t coming
do you have to know about the and my boy-mate has gone mad.
guy? You better concentrate on He keeps fighting with me. And we
finding Titiksha.’ both like each other, don’t we?’
‘Hmm,’ Neel grunts. Like each other? Is that a reason
Almost a minute goes by with no to live together under one roof?
words spoken. Then Nivrita Whatever happened to the good
abruptly leans forward and says in old society! And this girl is calling
an exited manner, ‘I have an idea.’ him mad?
Neel looks eager hoping Nivrita Neel needs to cite an excuse. In
will let him know of a way to zero the current scenario, he can’t even
have Nivrita in his house for a her.’
minute, forget living together in it. ‘Then make them meet me.
‘What will I tell my parents?’ They’ll like me. I know it. You
Neel tries to sound nervous. know it.’
‘The obvious,’ Nivrita says with It’s an advantage for Nivrita
her usual sharpness. ‘That you have now. Neel is losing this verbal-
found another girlfriend.’ coaxing-match and is quiet. He
‘They won’t like it. Please try to looks around with resignation—the
understand.’ Neel is already way one does when one has
pleading. Not a good sign when nothing left to tell the person one is
one is trying to negotiate. sitting with. Had he not wanted to
‘How did they accept your living be an author, he wouldn’t have
in with Titiksha?’ tolerated the shit this girl was
She seems more of an advocate ranting now.
than a commissioning editor of a ‘What are you thinking? Call
publishing house, Neel wonders. your parents and tell them you
‘They have met her. They liked want them to meet your new
girlfriend.’ coffee shop will now throw glances
‘Okay, let me find out where that says you-are-such-a-pig. He
Titiksha is first. After that I will talk opens his eyes slightly to see people
to my parents about you.’ Neel has around him indeed giving him that
thought of a stop-gap. sort of a glance. He stands up and
Nivrita glares at Neel. rushes outside to find Nivrita as
‘I get it.’ Nivrita gets up, grasps well as avoid being looked at.
her shades and wears them in a Once outside CCD, Neel sees her
flash. ‘You don’t like me. Right, walking ahead furiously.
Neel? You don’t want to accept me Something about the gait tells him
as your girlfriend. Fine. I take it that he will have to pacify her else
that you only want to fuck me for his debut novel could be in danger.
your own good.’ He scampers towards her, and
Neel shuts his eyes in shame catches up with her in sometime.
while Nivrita storms out. He knows ‘I’m sorry Nivrita. Don’t take me
she has said the last sentence aloud, otherwise. It’s just that I am upset.’
and other people present in the ‘And living with me will make
you more upset? Is that what you towards the taxi’s direction. Since
ran up to me for? Fuck you Neel.’ the road is clogged with vehicles,
How could he beat this woman he can still see the taxi behind a
at words? Neel is furious with bus. He soon realizes he is no
himself for not coming up with a Superman and gets into another
proper excuse. Standing by the taxi.
footpath he watches Nivrita get ‘We need to follow a taxi.’
into a taxi. ‘Twenty rupees more,’ the taxi
‘Don’t try to get in touch. Ever!’ driver says. It’s Kolkata—extra
she says. The taxi moves forward. labour, extra charge.
What’s that supposed to mean? Neel gets in. He can’t jeopardize
Oh, whom is he kidding? He knows his debut novel for twenty extra
exactly what’s that supposed to bucks. If he loses Nivrita’s taxi, he
mean. His debut novel has just will lose her because he still doesn’t
died. There’s renewed energy in know where exactly she stays.
Neel. He wants to chase down The taxi driver does a good job.
Nivrita and apologize. He sprints Almost half an hour later, Nivrita’s
taxi stops by an old looking puts it. It has a dehumanizing tone
apartment. Neel’s taxi also comes to to it. But it’s a fact. His bone of
a hault a few meters behind it. Neel getting published is in her hands.
pays up and comes out just when Or so she has convinced Neel.
Nivrita too is coming out from her Hence, he remains quiet.
taxi. ‘When I said we can live-in, I
‘Nivrita!’ Neel screams. She didn’t mean we have to shift to
stops by the gate of the high-rise your place. You can stay with me.’
and turns to look at him. As they enter the apartment
‘I’m sorry. Don’t do this.’ campus, he looks up and notices
‘Every dog has an affinity for a there’s an arch over the gate and on
particular bone that it will never let it is written:
go of. I knew you would come SHARADA HEIGHTS
running behind me because the one
particular bone you desperately
want is in my hands.’
Neel doesn’t like the way she Instead of the elevator, they take
the stairs on Nivrita’s insistence. door as they take the stairs. It’s on
Her flat is on the top floor—fifth— the third floor that Neel sees a flat’s
and yet they are taking the stairs. door which has a Ganesha Idol on
While climbing one floor after it. It looks old but it’s there and
another, Neel has the same kind of weirdly enough Neel was expecting
sensation he had when Nivrita, it to be there. ‘Neel,’ says Nivrita.
weeks ago, had taken him to the He is on the third floor while she is
deserted house where she played in-between the fourth and the fifth
the same music on a guitar similar floor.
to what Titiksha often played for ‘I may be reborn again. But I’ll
him. He feels like he has been in never change my love for you.’
this building before, like he has Saying so, she moves up to the fifth
climbed these steep stairs before. floor. Why did she say such a thing all
Suddenly he has a feeling there of a sudden? Neel wonders. It’s so
should be a flat which has a out of context. Also, it’s so not a
Ganesha Idol atop its main door. place to talk about life and re-birth.
Neel keeps an eye on every flat’s Neel hears someone unlocking a
door on the fifth floor. He starts love any one person in present life,
ascending the stairs once again. never mind life after it.
This time with a laboured gait. As Neel reaches the small space
Every time Neel tries to uncover a between the stairs connecting the
thing, he feels something pushing two floors, he notices Nivrita busy
him to shift focus. A day before he unlocking the door of her flat.
thought he would unearth why his ‘But in every birth my love for
college changed its location, and he you will be predatory,’ Nivrita says
stumbled on Titiksha’s murder. and unlocks the door. Predatory love,
Now a minute back he was desirous Neel wonders, that’s more like
to know how and why did he Nivrita.
expect the Ganesh Idol to be ‘Welcome home,’ she smiles as if
present atop one of the doors, she has been waiting for this
Nivrita tells him something moment since a long time. Next she
mysterious about her love for him. disappears inside her flat. Neel
Her love for him? Love? Nivrita climbs the rest of the stairs and
loves him? He isn’t convinced. comes in as well.
Nivrita never looked like she can
He didn’t expect the flat to be as fingertips. Seems like she hasn’t
dark as it is. There are thick brown read them in some time now.
curtains covering the open Strange, Neel wonders, and keeps
windows. A 42-inch LED Sony searching for books by Word Tree
Bravia beside the window and publishing, the company where
myriad books. Neel can’t guess Nivrita works. There’s none.
what those books are about since he ‘Don’t you keep any books from
doesn’t go near the bookshelf. Their your own publishing house?’ Neel
spine looks old and somewhat says still trying to find Word Tree
distorted, almost as if they have books.
been read again and again. A ‘The latest ones are by the
commissioning editor for a television. And the rest are in
publishing house, obviously, has to office.’
be a voracious reader. Neel goes Neel turns to notice that by the
closer to the bookshelf and caresses television stand are kept two piles
the books. There’s dust on the of books. He goes and picks one up.
spine. Some of it sticks to his It’s by an author named Maninder
Jadeja and the book is called Let’s ‘Am I?’
Play Bf-Gf. He notices the other ‘Of course. What will do in your
books; each one has a funny name. flat alone?’
‘My baby, my life’. He thinks of Titiksha’s pieces
‘She crushed my heart’. lying in the refrigerator and shrugs.
‘I’m sad, he screwed my love’. He feels happy to have followed
Neel doesn’t even know when Nivrita to her place. Going to his
his lips have stretched into a smile. parents’ place to stay the night
Soon, Word Tree would publish his would have piqued their interest.
book as well. ‘Yeah, sure. I’ll stay over. But
Ex by Neel Chatterjee. For a won’t your boyfriend have a
moment he forgets where he is and problem if he finds out?’
why. ‘Boy-mate Neel.’ Nivrita appears
‘Why don’t you change, Neel? in the hall room with a Budweiser
You are spending the night here beer can.
anyway,’ Nivrita speaks up from ‘Sorry, boy-mate.’
the kitchen. ‘I told you he is acting mad these
days. He hasn’t been here since a Nivrita points with one hand.
week or so.’ Neel goes inside the bedroom.
‘Okay. But I don’t have a spare As he is about to enter the room, he
set of clothes.’ notices another room adjacent to it.
‘You’ll find a few knickers on the The door is slightly ajar. A quick
hook behind the bedroom door.’ peep tells him that there’s a table
Neel expects her to say more on which there’s a laptop and a
since knickers will only take care lamp. Probably where Nivrita reads
half of his physical privacy. manuscripts and works, he thinks
‘What? You really want to wear to himself.
anything else in this hot and sticky On the hook behind the door,
weather?’ Nivrita had said. Neel locks the
As if Neel has a say when door and checks the wall behind it.
Nivrita has decided something one There’s a wooden plate which has
his behalf. four hooks pinned on it. The first
‘I guess not.’ hook has a tee hanging on it. The
second has two knickers. The third
‘The bedroom is that way.’
has a trouser along with a kurta.
And the fourth has…Neel can’t
believe his eyes. From the fourth
hook hangs a police uniform. On it
is a name badge on which is FROM NEEL’S
written: Parimal Biswas.
‘After you freshen up a bit, we MANUSCRIPT
can continue with the story. What
say Neel?’ he hears Nivrita say.
For a moment Neel feels he has
no voice.
Neel didn’t want to spread
rumours about our intimacy
but then he also didn’t
want us to be tagged as a
TGIF couple. Neel agreed rumour. We only wanted to
to my suggestion, even if give our relationship some
it was reluctantly so. We oxygen by shutting up our
decided to lie to our classmates.
classmates that we had in Neel went ahead and
fact made-out. Some of his confessed to Avni’s
friends knew that he was boyfriend that we had
supposed to meet me in the made-out in the classroom
classroom after school. So itself. It was two days
Neel decided to tell his later that I saw the first
friends that we made-out ramification of the
in the classroom itself. I rumour. In the girls’
was okay with it for at toilet, just after the
least we could be together assembly, I saw it written
in school without being on the wall in a very
mocked at. Maybe we were noticeable manner:
both too naive to gauge ‘Titiksha of XI science
the ill-effects of the
has a fucked cunt!’ The toilet it was my name
statement was accompanied scribbled along with the
by a vulgar sketch. I vulgar sketch and not his.
immediately tried to As if it was only I who
scratch it out. I wondered had supposedly made-out.
if the same was written When I asked Neel if he
about Neel in the boys’ had scratched it off, he
toilet. I went to the said no. I told him he
class and told Neel about should have.
it. He said he hadn’t seen ‘But what’s the problem?
anything as such in the Let it be. Just because
boys’ toilet but promised someone says something
to check. During recess he doesn’t mean it’s true.’
said the same thing was He had a point alright but
written on one of the I would have liked it if
walls of the boys’ toilet he had scratched that
as well. What surprised me disgusting thing off the
was even in the boys’
wall. He understood my couldn’t rub it off. The
predicament and said, wall was full of them. I
‘Alright I will strike off went to one of the maids
your name. Fine?’ working in the school,
I gave him a flying brought her in, and
kiss. requested her to wash off
After school when I went the graffiti if possible.
to the girls’ toilet, I She agreed but asked what
got the shock of my life. it was that was written on
The same statement now was the wall. I made something
all over the wall. up.
Somebody had replicated While I was waiting
the initial statement and impatiently for Neel near
sketched a hundred times the school gate, after
over. It seemed like a school, trying to frame in
slap right across my face. my mind how exactly I
Even if I tried to, I should share the toilet
issue and ask him if we very stupidly caught hold
should report it to our of Avni’s shirt collar and
class teacher or not, I asked why she was doing
saw Neel waving at me. I it. She was obviously
waved back. As he came taken aback and so was
towards me, Avni stopped Neel. He started yelling
him. They were talking and at me, saying that I was
I noticed Neel smiling hurting her but I didn’t
about something and then leave her until Neel
Avni hit him on his forcefully took off my
shoulder lovingly. hand from her collar. She
Lovingly! Here I was going feigned innocence. It
to tell Neel that maybe irked me the way she was
Avni was behind the vulgar playing the sympathy game
graffiti and there he was, with him, as if I was the
smiling alongside her. I bitch breaking her life
marched towards them and apart.
‘You should learn to wrong image of me to Neel.
behave Titiksha!’ Neel I was sick and tired of
shouted. I stopped. I acting abruptly like a
looked around to realize possessed soul. The way
most of the students were Neel raised his voice
gaping at me as if I was against me felt worse than
some crazy soul. I the graffiti on the wall.
regained my composure and I wanted to apologize to
simply walked off from both Neel and Avni. The
there. whole incident exposed a
At night when I had side of me which I had
cooled down a little, I only seen in Avni till
felt ashamed at my then. When Neel and I had
reaction. Whatever it was, just met, I couldn’t grasp
I shouldn’t have gotten why exactly Avni was
physical with Avni. It feeling jealous of me, and
must have given a very now seeing the two
together in school today,
I felt the same. Was I myself. I was being
being possessive of Neel possessive and aggressive
just like I had accused in school because I was
Avni of being the same still not sure about him.
once? Had I started to I mean I was sure about
treat him as my property him but I wasn’t sure if
like Avni was doing when I he was sure about me.
stepped in? My worst fear Hence my insecurity kept
at this point of time was me on my toes all the time
what if Neel turned and pushed me to stupidly
towards Avni because I was grab Avni’s shirt’s collar
acting the way she was that day.
acting before? Love did ‘You can’t hold onto
the same thing to me as it anything; especially that
did to her. Does it do the which is not yours. And
same thing to everyone? I what really is yours, will
tried to be honest with remain yours irrespective
of the fact you hold onto someone else.
it or not.’ Next day I was ready
I turned on my bed to with my egoistic guard
see Yo-didun reading aloud down. I didn’t see Neel
from a book. I didn’t though. Avni was there but
share the incident with I wanted to apologize to
her but maybe she had Neel first. The assembly
guessed it from my grim happened on time after
look what could be the which I reached the
issue. We shared a smile classroom. Everyone was
and I turned my back to laughing at me. I turned
her. I would apologize to to look at the blackboard
Neel, and if he says, to where it was written:
Avni too. I couldn’t ‘Titiksha has a fucked
afford to become another cunt!’ Alongside it was
Avni and instigate Neel to the same vulgar sketch
get inclined towards which I had seen last day
in the girls’ toilet. Even what’s all this nonsense?
before I could react, our ‘I don’t know teacher.
class teacher was in the Someone is spreading
room. Everyone quietened. rumours about me.’
The next thing the class ‘Who?’
teacher noticed was the ‘Neel!’ Someone spoke up
blackboard. from behind. We turned
It was then that Neel around but didn’t know who
came in. He was late that it was. ‘Who was that?
day. Come on stand up.’ Nisha
did; the same bitch who
had once informed Avni
about the shirt-swapping
It didn’t take much time incident on my first day
for Neel to understand in school. I don’t know
what was going on. The what her problem was.
class teacher shot the
‘What did you just say
obvious to me, ‘Titiksha,
Nisha?’ he spoke the truth, the
‘Neel told everyone rumour would remain a
about this.’ rumour, alright, but the
Neel shot a furious question would then be who
glance at Nisha, then a spread it. Obviously it
furtive glance towards me, would easily be proven it
and in the end he faced was him who confessed to
the teacher who was Avni’s boyfriend. And if
standing with a give-me- Neel agreed to the
the-truth look on her statement on the
face. blackboard being a reality
‘Neel, did you spread —that I indeed had a
this vulgar rumour about fucked cunt—it would put
Titiksha?’ both Neel and me under
Neel stood still. I knew strict disciplinary
what he was going through. action. Before he could
He was in a quandary. If say anything, I spoke up.
‘Teacher, I think Avni ‘It seems like someone
has done it.’ by the name of Titiksha
‘Avni?’ has lost her virginity
‘Avni Jain, XI teacher,’ Avni said in her
Commerce.’ typical I-am-a-smart-ass
‘Why would she do all manner. Most of the class
this? Call her.’ burst out laughing. Only
I stood my ground while Neel and I didn’t.
the monitor of our class ‘Shut up!’ the teacher
went out to fetch Avni said to the class and
from her class. A few confronted Avni.
seconds later, Avni ‘Titiksha claims you
entered our classroom. have written this.’
‘What’s all this?’ the Avni shot a surprised
class teacher asked her look at me and said, ‘Why
gesturing towards the would I do that Titiksha?
blackboard. How would I know this fact
anyway?’ course she was on her
There was further hush- queen-bitch’s side.
hush laughter. ‘Do you students come to
‘Don’t give me that school to study or waste
shit,’ I started but was time on all this? All
cut short by my class these nonsensical Hindi
teacher. movies are eating your
‘What kind of language head out it seems.’
is that?’ I glanced back at the
‘I’m sorry teacher, but class. Almost the entire
Avni is jealous of Neel class had a we-accept-the-
and me.’ I was speaking truth expression hanging
the truth. on their faces. The
‘Jealous?’ teacher sat down on her
‘Neel and Titiksha are chair, opened her bottle
having an affair,’ Nisha of water, and drank some
butted in from behind. Of of it. Nobody talked in
between. I thought it was walked out. I didn’t look
the right time to squeeze at Avni but I looked at
in my request. Neel who was looking at
‘May I please rub the Avni. I didn’t know why he
blackboard now teacher?’ wasn’t looking at me. He
The teacher looked at seemed scared of
Avni, at Neel, and then at something. Even I was. But
me. one glance from him would
‘No!’ have given me strength.
My heart skipped a beat. Didn’t he know that?
She stood up. ‘Neel…’
‘Monitor, rub the board He didn’t listen and
first and look after the followed the teacher
class.’ She said and urgently. It was only when
glanced at Neel and me. he was gone that I
She said conclusively, realized I was trembling
‘You three follow me’ and with fear for I knew where
exactly our class teacher Principal’s room. I stood
must have gone. Avni came outside gaping at the name
to me and whispered, plate: Dr Geetika Kumari
‘Whore, I told not to Iyer. My heartbeats slowly
screw my boyfriend the ascended. I was too numb
first day you were here. to think anything
Now you will rot in hell!’ worthwhile. Avni came out
She walked out too. As I and told me that the
stood there unable to move Principal was waiting for
fearing the worst, the me to join the rest of
class started booing, them inside. I followed
displaying their middle her inside.
fingers at me. I left Dr Iyer looked like she
hastily and stopped was in a bad mood.
outside the Principal’s ‘I thought you were a
office. The class teacher, good girl Titiksha. What
Neel, and Avni were happened to you?’ Dr Iyer
already inside the
spoke to me directly. I ‘It’s not a joke ma’am.
didn’t know my gait from Neel told me about it.’
the classroom to the It was a rumour alright
principal’s office was so but Neel was not supposed
slow that everything had to tell Avni about it.
been relayed to her by Never! He was supposed to
then. tell her boyfriend only.
‘It’s not true ma’am,’ I But why was I believing
barely managed to speak in Avni’s statement? She
my defense, pronouncing could very well be lying
every word with caution. to create
‘Then what’s the truth; misunderstandings between
tell me,’ she said us.
removing her glasses. She ‘Neel didn’t do anything
looked menacing without like that,’ I said.
them. ‘I’m all ears.’ ‘Titiksha please don’t
‘It’s a joke.’ talk out of turn,’ Dr Iyer
said to me and to Neel she who is also your
said, ‘Did you tell Avni classmate?’
what was written on the Neel was still quiet.
blackboard?’ ‘Answer me Neel or else
Neel remained quiet. He I will have to call your
should have said no parents.’
straightaway. But he ‘Ma’am please don’t
didn’t. Then I realized report this to my
that maybe he did tell parents,’ Neel pleaded.
this to Avni. Maybe, I ‘Then answer me with
realized to my horror, honesty.’
Avni was right. ‘Titiksha asked me to.’
‘Your silence tells me I couldn’t believe he
you did say this.’ Dr Iyer had taken my name. And did
continued, ‘Why? Why did he say I ‘asked’ him to?
you initiate such a nasty
‘What nonsense are you
rumour about a decent girl
saying Neel! I had only
suggested it to you to Titiksha. Avni. you may
make you happy. The final leave.’ She had given the
decision was yours,’ I bitch a clean-chit.
screamed. I saw Neel almost
Dr Iyer looked shocked pleading to Dr Iyer to
beyond belief. take back her decision of
‘Titiksha, you suggested summoning his parents but
him to write such a nasty she didn’t. And I didn’t
thing about yourself?’ know how on earth was I
This time I was quiet. going to tell Ashok mama
‘Alright I want to meet and Bijoya mami about why
both your parents tomorrow they were being summoned
first thing in the to school?
morning,’ Dr Iyer
‘Bring your guardians
that he has any issue with Parimal,
Chapter 11 but somehow from the time Neel
saw the uniform, he hasn’t been
able to take his mind off it. It would
have been better if he had talked
WILL NEEL GET TO THE about it before Nivrita started
OTHER GUY TITIKSHA WAS narrating the story, but he decides
DATING? against it and keeps his query for
when they take a break.
Nivrita is in the kitchen
W hat is Inspector Parimal
Biswas’s uniform doing in preparing Spanish omelette for
both. Neel stands by the kitchen
Nivrita’s bedroom?
This is what Neel wanted to ask door and asks, ‘What’s your boy-
the moment he came out of the mate’s name?’
bedroom wearing one of the ‘Huh?’ Nivrita turns to look at
knickers which could have also him in a flash and then carries on
belonged to Parimal Biswas. Not making the omelette.
‘The name of your boy-mate?’ on the two sitter sofa, legs curled
‘Parimal. Why?’ up, and switches on the television.
‘I saw his uniform behind the She surfs the channels when Neel
door.’ suddenly asks her to stop at one
‘Oh okay.’ Nivrita transfers the particular channel where a Bengali
omelettes from the pan onto two television serial is being shown.
separate plates. She picks two forks ‘Hey, that’s Arindam, my
from a nearby stand and brings the colleague,’ exclaims Neel.
two plates to Neel. He takes one ‘The one you met while we were
plate, one fork, and together they coming from the airport?’
head to the hall. ‘Yes. What is he doing?’
‘I have met him.’ ‘Well, now you know why he
‘You have? Where?’ left his job. He is an actor.’
‘He came to my place. Dad had ‘I never knew he liked acting.’
called him to investigate Titiksha’s ‘We don’t know a lot of things
missing case.’ about others.’ Nivrita changes the
‘What a coincidence!’ Nivrita sits channel and puts on Discovery TLC
(Travel and Living channel). ‘I have met Titiksha once,
‘You like this channel?’ Neel says remember, at your place.’
making himself feel comfortable; They discussed their favourite
on the corner of the three-sitter television channels on the first
couch where Nivrita had been meet? Weird.
narrating the story to him earlier. There is silence as Neel observes
‘I always have.’ Nivrita has her Nivrita digging into her omelette in
eyes fixed on the television. total bliss. He came to her flat
‘Even Titiksha liked it.’ believing they would have a good
‘Liked?’ She shoots a glance at sex session, but not for once did she
him. give him a signal that she was
‘Likes,’ Neel corrects himself interested in him sexually whereas
even though the correction is the Nivrita he met in Jaipur seemed
incorrect. Titiksha is now past carnally possessed. Maybe Parimal
tense. has been keeping her satisfied.
‘Hmm, I know.’ ‘When will Parimal be back?’
‘You know?’ ‘No idea. He never tells me. I
never ask either. He has the key.’ may at best lure one into a
‘Don’t you ever feel bad that he relationship but it’s love that
is cheating on you?’ decides whether the relationship
Nivrita gives him a look as if she shall sustain or not.
doesn’t know what he is talking ‘Don’t you have a heart?’ Neel
about. can’t believe he said it aloud.
‘You told me once that you Nivrita looks at him sharply and
thought he was having an affair, says, ‘Someone burnt my heart long
right?’ back. Now I only have hormones.
‘Maybe he does have a dozen And whenever they flare up, I call
affairs; how does it matter to me? up my boy-mate.’
Initially I was a bit pissed but then I I call up my boy-mate. I call up…
thought he isn’t my property. All I Neel springs on his feet.
care is he is here when I’m horny.’ Finally he has got a way to get
Neel feels disgusted by the way hold of the other guy Titiksha was
she puts it. How can sex be dating, and who he suspects must
everything in a relationship? Sex have murdered her.
‘I need to go.’ ‘Was? How can you be sure she
‘Where?’ Nivrita puts her legs isn’t dating him anymore?’
down. ‘I’ll explain later.’
‘I’ll be back soon.’ Neel sprints ‘You better be back soon.’
towards the door, opens it, and ‘I will.’
runs out. Neel grabs his jeans, goes inside,
It’s only while calling for a taxi and comes back within seconds
that Neel realizes he is in knickers wearing it. He takes the elevator
and doesn’t have his wallet either. and disappears from sight.
More importantly, even his flat Once there, Neel unlocks the flat
keys are in his jeans’ pocket. He in an uber-excited manner and
goes up this time in the elevator. As saunters into his bedroom. On the
the door opens he sees Nivrita table where he usually sits and
standing there with his jeans. writes, he finds the thing for which
‘What happened?’ he has come rushing up all the way
‘I think I know how to get to the —Titiksha’s mobile phone. He had
other guy Titiksha was dating.’ found it in the washroom in a
dismantled condition. It takes a No answer. Then again. This time
minute for Neel to put the battery, someone cuts the line. Neel is sure
sim card, and finally he switches on someone has noticed his call. He
the phone. Neel’s heart is galloping tries again. The call is taken.
like a racing horse. He puts on the ‘Hello?’ Neel says with an
date and time and then after the anxious voice. Nobody talks back.
phone has loaded properly, he ‘Hello?’ Neel can hear someone
checks the contacts. There are a breathe.
total of only one contact.: ‘I know you’re there. So why
‘Chocopie’. Neel checks the aren’t you talking?’
number. It’s not his. Who else will A hiatus later Neel adds, ‘I also
Titiksha call Chocopie? He tries to know what you did to Titiksha. But
dial ‘Chocopie’ but notices there’s I will get you for this. You get it?’
no network. The line is cut. Neel looks at the
Neel dials Chocopie’s number phone. And dials again. This time a
from his own mobile phone. It rings mechanical voice says that the
but nobody picks up. He calls again. phone is switched off.
‘Motherfucker.’ He has the other but in a different form. Neel
guy’s number now but still doesn’t suddenly feels fear chaining him
know who the guy is. Should he down. He thinks Titiksha will call
call the mobile company customer out to him from the refrigerator. He
care service and request for the closes his eyes hoping to get out of
name of the owner of the number? this situation as soon as possible.
Neel decides to try. He shouldn’t be hiding Titiksha’s
‘Can you please tell me which body parts like that. It’s not good.
network this number belongs to?’ He should inform someone soon.
‘No sir. I don’t have the liberty With steps made heavy with fear
of telling you that. Can I help you Neel goes to the kitchen. It’s dark.
with anything else?’ He switches on the light. Then he
Yes, go fuck yourself Neel thinks, approaches the refrigerator and
but says, ‘No, thanks.’ with trembling hands slowly opens
It’s then that Neel realizes that its door. The packet is still there.
he is in his flat. The same rented Neel sits down on the floor.
flat where Titiksha too is present ‘I’m sorry Titiksha. I’m so damn
sorry.’ He sobs for some time. He ‘What are you saying?’ Nivrita is
then rubs his eyes and gets out of shell-shocked.
the flat. It takes two minutes for Neel to
An hour later, Neel is back at relay whatever happened from the
Nivrita’s place. Looking at his time he saw the blood smeared
swollen eyes she can tell something clothes in front of his rented flat till
is terribly wrong. he found the flesh pieces in his
‘What is it that you are hiding, washing machine.
Neel?’ she asks as they settle down ‘Someone killed Titiksha,
on the couch. This is the second chopped her into pieces, and left
time in the day that she has asked her remains in the washing
him this. machine,’ Neel is surprised by h ow
‘I didn’t do it.’ easily it all is coming to him unlike
‘What?’ what he had thought.
‘I didn’t kill Titiksha.’ Neel says, ‘Calm down.’ Nivrita goes close
his entire body shuddering. He can to him and takes him in her
hide it no more. embrace. Neel holds onto the
embrace and continues to cry. looks at his teary eyes.
‘I loved her. I loved Titiksha. I ‘You know his name?’
wanted to marry her. Now I won’t ‘That’s the problem. I called but
ever be able to get her.’ he didn’t talk and then switched off
Listening to Neel ranting about the phone.’
his love for Titiksha, Nivrita doesn’t ‘Give me the number,’ Nivrita
budge. As if she has developed says and takes her phone in her
emotional insulation and that no hand and gives Neel his phone
amount of emotions can touch her. from beside the couch.
Her hand mechanically moves on As Neel calls out the number,
Neel’s back trying to calm him Nivrita punches the digits in True
down. Caller, an Android app which
‘What did you go to your flat displays the person’s name on
for?’ she asks. which a specific phone number is
‘I have the number of the guy registered.
she was dating.’ Once done, Nivrita touches the
Nivrita breaks the embrace and ‘search’ button on her phone and
waits. Neel too waits with a blank
face. A couple of seconds later
Nivrita looks up at him with a
bewildered look.
‘What happened? Got any FROM NEEL’S
‘Parimal Biswas.’
I didn’t talk to Neel the
day we were summoned to
the principal’s office. In
fact, he too didn’t make
any attempt to talk to me. I couldn’t tell them in
We maintained a distance the evening after
surprisingly with the same returning from school. I
ease with which we used to wanted to but whenever I
be together on other days. passed by them, I felt so
It made me wonder what choked with fear and
this relationship was. At anxiety that nothing came
times it seemed as out of me. And the more it
unbeatable as time, and at stayed within me, the more
other times, as it throttled me. During
manipulative as fate. It dinner, not a single bolus
anyways was not the numero of food went down my
uno fear on my list that throat, but still I
day. The primary fear was pretended as if all was
how Ashok mama and Bijoya fine.
mami would react when I When Yo-didun enquired
tell them about the why was I holding onto a
principal’s summon.
fake face all evening, I I thought I would first
broke down. I finally tell my mother about the
confessed to her what the matter but it was Yo-didun
problem was. I couldn’t who prepared me to relay
look her in the eyes after it to mama since I was
my confession. She only staying with him.
asked me if it was the Moreover, I didn’t want to
truth: if I had actually bother my mother. Later
made-out with Neel? I that night, when mama and
rightfully denied it. She mami were about to retire
was quiet for some time to bed after dinner Yo-
and then asked me to be didun took me to their
brave. It made me sob room.
further for I thought she ‘Titiksha wants to tell
meant I won’t get any you something,’ Yo-didun
support from anyone. She said. She took a step back
was right. and pushed me a little
forward as mama switched down from the bed. Her
on the tubelight. tone told me she was all
‘Yes, what is it?’ he ready and charged up to
said. make a hue and cry over
I turned to look at Yo- it. But mama cut her
didun. She gave me an short.
assuring look. I looked at ‘One minute,’ he told
mama and said, ‘Dr Iyer her. ‘What is it about?’
wants to meet you he asked me.
tomorrow.’ ‘Someone has spread a
‘Who is Dr Iyer?’ rumour about me and she
‘She is the principal of needs to talk to you about
my school.’ it.’
There was a momentary ‘What rumour?’ Bijoya
silence. mami was sharp.
‘I knew such a day will ‘That I have an affair
come!’ Bijoya mami climbed with a boy.’ I couldn’t
tell him the actual the room.
rumour. ‘Don’t beat her. It’s
‘Oh God! All our just a rumour,’ Yodidun
prestige will go to the protested but mama asked
gutters now.’ Bijoya mami her to go to her room.
shouted. Mama looked at me ‘There’s no smoke
with contempt for some without fire,’ Bijoya mami
time, and then slapped me chipped in.
hard across the face. I Yo-didun took me along
stood still. I had with her before mama could
expected this. hit me again. I called up
‘Is this why your Neel but he didn’t pick up
parents have left you with the call. I desperately
me? To bring shame to me wanted to talk to him.
and my family?’ Though I told my mama
By then my two cousin and mami it was a rumour,
brothers had also come to he didn’t care about it.
He would have probably didn’t pick up the call.
killed me if it was the At his place his parents
truth instead of a rumour. must have blamed me, the
According to them a mere girl, for dragging him,
rumour, a baseless the boy, and his family in
accusation would bring the rumour-ruckus. His mom
shame to their household. didn’t like me anyway. I
Not for a single second was sure she would hate me
did they behave as if they even more now. How this
would protect me in case would affect Neel and my
it’s proved that I was love story, I didn’t know.
right about it being a I prayed hard at least he
rumour. I was screwed both would understand me. I
ways. I was sure that had know Neel feared his
it been his son, he would parents a lot, but then I
have said the other girl also knew he loved me a
was at fault. At that lot. Spreading the rumour
point I realized why Neel
was suggested by me, I
agree, but only to get rid Chapter 12
of the TIGF tag and the
relentless mockery,
bordering on harassment,
we both were subjected to IS TITIKSHA’S BOYFRIEND
I kept thinking every THE SAME?
possible shit that could
happen to me. I didn’t
know when I slept. The ‘H e is not picking up my call,’
Nivrita says aghast after
morning arrived. I spoke dialling Parimal’s number for quite
absolutely nothing while a number of times.
going through my routine ‘Is this the same Parimal Biswas?
chores before going to Your boy-mate?’ Neel asked with a
school. Then I went to voice half dry with astonishment
school with mama. and half wet with curiosity.
‘It has to be. The name can’t be a before?’
coincidence. The son-of-a-bitch was Does he? Neel thinks hard. No!
fucking me at night and dating He has seen Parimal only once. At
Titiksha during the day.’ Even his place when his father had called
Nivrita looks shaken with the him to investigate Titiksha’s
development. missing case. In that case, even his
‘But why Titiksha? And you?’ parents didn’t know him. But if
Neel is tense. Parimal Biswas is Titiksha’s
‘What’s common between boyfriend and Nivrita’s boy-mate,
Titiksha and me?’ Nivrita looks at does it mean even Nivrita’s life is in
him for an answer. danger now. Neel’s heart skips a
Neel thinks for a moment. beat.
‘I am.’ ‘But how do you know its
‘But why you?’ Parimal who murdered Titiksha?’
‘Yeah, why me?’ Neel almost Nivrita says.
echoes Nivrita. ‘C’mon. There can’t be anyone
‘Do you know Parimal from else. She never mixed with many
people. His number in Titiksha’s retorts.
phone can’t be a coincidence. I’m A haunting silence follows.
sure he knew me the day we met at Neither of them is comfortable in it.
my parents’ place. I could sense ‘You should have reported it to
that he did. His body language was the police then and there,’ Nivrita
such that it seemed as if he knew says sounding pensive. ‘Now you
me from somewhere. I’m sure he don’t have an alibi Neel. The police
asked Titiksha about me. The only will think you are cooking up a
thing I need to know now is why story.’
did he do it? Why did Parimal have ‘That’s what Parimal’s intention
to kill Titiksha?’ is. Unless we get him to confess.’
‘Maybe because she realized her ‘Right. Let’s get him.’
mistake and didn’t want to marry ‘Not we, I’ll get him. You wait
him after all?’ Nivrita says. here and don’t open the door till
‘Enough of maybe’s. There are I’m here. Not even if Parimal
hundreds of them. I want to know comes. I don’t trust that bastard.’
why exactly he did this,’ Neel ‘I think I should let him in if he
comes here. Let him not get the doesn’t let Nivrita ask any further
impression that I know what he has questions.
been up to. That way I can keep
him busy and maybe I’ll be able to
churn out significant information
from him. Of course I’ll call you.’ It does not take much time for Neel
It sounds better than his plan. to reach his parents’ place.
‘Okay. But be careful. I don’t ‘How did you locate inspector
want to lose you, Nivrita.’ There’s Parimal Biswas?’ Neel asks his
an innocuous genuineness in his father. They are in the hall.
voice that hits Nivrita hard. Even ‘Why? I called Chitpur Thana.’
Neel is surprised. Does he really ‘Did Parimal himself pick up the
care about Nivrita so much? phone?’
‘I will take care. And you too. ‘No someone else did. The
But how will you get to him?’ person said he would send an
‘Leave that to me.’ inspector to our place and inspector
The determination in Neel Biswas turned up. Why are you
asking all this?’ His father has Neel’s father looks at his son.
sniffed some problem. With a sense of reluctance, Neel’s
Neel doesn’t want to involve his father calls someone from his
parents yet. mobile phone.
‘I want to talk to him. I have ‘Are you dialling his mobile
Titiksha’s photograph.’ It’s only a phone?’
ploy. ‘No, let me first dial Chitpur
Neel’s father gives him a weird Thana.’
gaze. ‘Okay.’ Neel waits to hear his
‘What?’ Neel shrugs looking at father talk on phone.
his father’s expression. ‘I told you I ‘Hello. I’m Atul Chatterjee. May
have Titiksha’s photographs with I please talk to inspector Parimal
me.’ He now realizes why Parimal Biswas?’ Neel’s father says.
never called him again for the ‘I see. When will he be back?
photograph. He never needed one. Alright, I will call then.’ He keeps
‘Dad, please call Parimal and tell the receiver down.
him you want to meet him.’ He looks at Neel and says,
‘Parimal Biswas is on a holiday. taken care of, but he never could
They don’t know when he will join share any of his problems with
back.’ them. He didn’t know why. They
Neel holds his head and thinks always seemed welcoming in an
hard. There has to be some way to unwelcoming manner. And add to
reach Parimal Biswas without him it their possessiveness. Whatever he
knowing anything about it. did, he had to tell them in advance
Neel feels his father’s warm until Titiksha and he started
grasp on his hands. livingin together.
‘Is there any problem, ‘The problem, as you know, is
Babushona? You can tell me.’ Titiksha is missing.’ Neel couldn’t
He feels good that his father has tell his father the truth. And before
shown concern towards his his father can react, he says, ‘Where
problem after a long time. All these his mom?’
years he always felt distanced from ‘She is hosting a small party with
his parents. They used to be caring, her group of friends.’
and also saw to it all his needs were Nothing new for Neel’s mother.
Preferring parties to her family has ‘Great! Where are you meeting
always been her hallmark. Neel him?’
gets a call. He withdraws his hand ‘I’m not meeting him, you are.
from his father’s grasp and takes There’s a restaurant called Renuka
out his mobile phone from his opposite Nagerbazar petrol pump.
pocket. It’s Nivrita. Do you know the place?’
‘Excuse me dad.’ ‘I don’t but I will look it up.’
Neel gets up and goes a little ‘Good. Keep me updated. And
away from his father. Neel…’ A hiatus later she says, ‘Be
‘Yes Nivrita.’ safe. I don’t trust that scoundrel
‘I had a talk with Parimal.’ anymore.’
Nivrita sounds excited. ‘Thanks. When will he be there?’
‘He picked up your call?’ Neel is ‘An hour from now.’
cautious. Neel takes his leave from his
‘No, I messaged him that I father. He lies to him, telling him
wanted to meet him. His message he is going to his flat but he in fact
just came in. He has agreed.’ is on his way to the Nagerbazar
petrol pump. Neel doesn’t have to in a corner seat which has a good
ask anyone to get to the meeting view of the entrance of the
spot. He climbs down the taxi and restaurant.
panning his sight locates the The boy who was ogling at him
restaurant; Renuka. It is right seconds ago comes and puts a glass
opposite the petrol pump by the in front of him, pouring water in it
series of shops on the lane. Neel from a jar. He puts a laminated
crosses the busy road and enters computer print-out, with soft
Renuka. edges, on the table. It’s the menu.
It’s an almost empty B-grade ‘The rates are old. Just add five
restaurant. The ceiling is low. At rupees to everything. That’s the
one end is a middle-aged couple new rate,’ the boy says and waits
having noodles. They are the only for the order again ogling at him.
customers. One of the boys in the Though he hasn’t had a good lunch,
restaurant is ogling at Neel as if he Neel still isn’t hungry. From the
has no clue why he is here. time he has seen the flesh pieces in
Neel makes himself comfortable his washing machine he has not
been able to even think about food. is a criminal too. Criminals usually
He looks at the menu then at the have more muscle power than
boy and says, ‘I’m waiting for ordinary civilians like Neel. He
someone.’ hasn’t even brought anything to
The boy almost snatches the beat Parimal with if need be. No, he
menu from him with an I-don’t- would sit with him in Renuka itself,
give-a-fuck attitude. Neel sips some probably order some food, and talk
water and keeps his focus on the about the murder. What? Talk
door. He glances at his watch. about the murder? Is he here to
Parimal should be here any date Parimal?Rubbish! Neel has to
moment now if he is punctual. catch him and pin him down and
What exactly should he do when he beat him till he confesses to killing
sees Parimal? Obviously he will Titiksha. That’s final.
recognize Neel. Should he catch Neel’s impatience increases with
hold of him and beat the shit out of each passing minute. He empties
him? What if he overpowers him? the glass of water. While keeping it
Parimal is a police man after all. He back on the table, he notices
Parimal step inside Renuka. is able to keep his focus on Parimal
Neel impulsively stands up and cross the road.
seeing him. Parimal notices Neel Running after Parimal for the
immediately since there are not next two minutes and thereby
many people in there. Parimal going into lanes and by lanes,
turns and runs out in a flash. Neel which Neel has never been to, he
follows him. As he passes the finally is able to catch hold of him.
restaurant boy who has been ogling Neel has surprised himself more
at him, Neel hears him murmur, than Parimal with the speed with
‘Boka choda.’ which he has chased him down.
Neel scoots out of Renuka. He Both are now gasping for breath,
notices Parimal cross the road and standing at the corner of a by lane.
run towards the nearby flyover. Parimal tries to run but Neel
Neel runs after him but isn’t able to catches him by the collar of his shirt
cross the road as quickly as Parimal. and slaps him hard twice.
The honking of horns makes him ‘You swine. You thought you
emotionally unstable. Somehow he were going to meet Nivrita here,
right? After killing Titiksha, you
think Nivrita and I will let you live
in peace?’ He punches him hard.
Parimal’s nose is bleeding. The
punch has hurt Neel’s knuckles as FROM NEEL’S
‘Who the fuck is Nivrita?’ MANUSCRIPT
Parimal says rubbing the blood off
his nose. ‘I don’t know any Nivrita.
It’s Titiksha ma’am who asked me
to go to the restaurant at that
particular time.’
Neel stares at him as if he has 17
just been backstabbed by his most
As I sat behind mama in
trusted friend.
his scooter on our way to
the school, I had pretty
well guessed what would
happen in the principal’s were four chairs in front
office. But what actually of the principal’s table
happened that day was much and those were occupied by
worse than I could have Neel’s and Avni’s parents.
ever imagined. Ashok mama wasn’t given a
When Ashok mama and I chair to sit so he stood
entered Dr Iyer’s room, I nearby from where he could
saw Neel with his parents talk to Dr Iyer. I noticed
already present there. To Neel’s parents eyeing my
my surprise, even Avni was mama with the same
there with her parents. condescending look with
Both Neel and Avni stood which they had eyed me
in front of me like before. Such megalomaniacs
complete strangers. they were!
Neither cared to look at As mama greeted Dr Iyer,
me. I introduced Ashok she wasted no time in
mama to Dr Iyer. There accusing me of being a bad
influence on both Neel and like Neel and Avni,
Avni. I was disappointed hailing from well-cultured
on hearing this. I had families and whose parents
expected Dr Iyer to warn were educated people with
me, ask my mama to help me a social stature, studied.
focus on studies, and Salt Lake International
leave me with a warning. wasn’t for someone like me
But to be called a bad whose parents, even after
influence on Neel and being in the same city,
Avni? No way was I ready would only send the
for this! I was so blank guardian to meet the
that I didn’t remember principal. I felt bad for
much of what exactly was Ashok mama. He didn’t do
said, but the basic gist anything to hear someone’s
of the matter was, I was wrath like this. I don’t
tagged as a bad girl who think even at his
wasn’t fit to study in a workplace his superiors
proper school where people
had ever talked to him school’s official
like that. He could have letterhead before I had
been a wife-pet but he was entered the room that
a sincere man otherwise. I morning. It stated that I
wouldn’t have protested if had been expelled from the
he had killed me that day. school because, in the
I was the root cause of principal’s words, Salt
all trouble. For others Lake International
and for myself too. couldn’t keep a student
The meeting ended in who spoilt other fellow
fifteen minutes with Ashok students and distracted
mama not given a chance to them from doing what they
talk and I not asked for were primarily in the
any apology. Mama was school for; getting an
simply handed a piece of education. Neel and Avni
paper in which my future were asked to focus on
had been typed on the their studies, and let off
with a warning.
Mama didn’t talk to me take her revenge. She had
after the meeting. I tried to explain it to me
didn’t know about him but before but I was too
I had turned into a deeply in love to take
zombie. I had not only anything seriously. And
been expelled from the why were they to be
school but the transfer blamed? What was Neel
certificate mentioned such doing being quiet before
words that I had no chance the principal? Why didn’t
of securing admission in he tell her that all of it
any other good school was a joke? That if
elsewhere. It was someone had to be
obviously not the expelled, it had to be
principal’s decision those students who were
alone. Neel’s parents— harassing us in school.
especially his mother—had Above all, it was only a
finally got a chance to goddamn rumour! And my
future had been
compromised by these so mother.’ And then he was
called ‘harbingers’ of gone.
good education. Neel’s When I came back home,
mother was right. There Yo-didun was curious to
was a difference between know what had happened. I
them and me. They had the didn’t respond. My actions
power to turn a wrong into did. I started packing
right. I didn’t even have almost immediately without
the power to prove a right shedding a tear. I didn’t
as right. want to think anything for
It was while moving out there was nothing to think
of the school gate that about actually. The only
mama said, ‘I’m going to thing that remained for me
work now. By the time I’m to see was what mama would
home in the evening, all tell my mother and whether
your things should be she would give a damn
packed. I’ll talk to your about the whole thing or
not. neither verbally nor
In the evening, after emotionally. I was blank.
mama was back from office, Nothing mattered to me
he unleashed himself on anymore. I knew I was
me. He said that he had doomed for life. I was
told my mother that she only waiting for time to
had given birth to a pass and the next day to
prospective whore and arrive so that I could
asked her to fetch me from leave mama’s house. I
his place before I shamed didn’t have dinner nor was
them more. Yo-didun tried I asked to. Yo-Didun and I
to intervene but he shut didn’t talk much either. I
her up and continued to had never seen her that
call me names. Every time quiet. I hoped she knew
mama calmed down, Bijoya what the truth was, and
mami came and put fuel to that I hadn’t let her down
the fire. I didn’t react; in anyway. I was her
granddaughter. I wouldn’t
have done anything to nothing to feel, and
shame her. After all she nothing to say. I was
was my real and only awake but I wasn’t alive.
companion at mama’s house. I was lifeless but I
I skipped dinner. In wasn’t dead. Not yet.
fact I had skipped food Somewhere in the wee
the whole day. I felt hours of the night, I saw
nothing within me when I a light shining on the
retired to bed early that window beside my bed. I
night. No pain, no could hear heavy rain
pleasure. No treasure, no beating down the street.
tears. No chaos, no Rain was a little odd at
calmness. I was just lying that time of the year. I
there on the bed like a must have slept without
lump of mass. Strangely realizing because I didn’t
enough, I liked being a hear any thunder or saw
mass: nothing to think, any lightening. The light
certainly wasn’t just a my window with a torch in
lightening for it his hand. He was totally
persisted on the window drenched. I saw him waving
pane and was moving all at me.
over it as if someone was
intentionally throwing
light. Curious I got up
from bed. I noticed Yo-
didun was sleeping. The
entire house had an eerie
silence about it while
outside steady wind
roared. I peeped out from
the corner of the curtain.
I heard the loudest my
heart could beat.
It was Neel staring at
murder Titiksha?’
Chapter 13 ‘Murder?’ Parimal’s eyes
broaden. ‘What are you talking
‘You killed her, and then
IS NIVRITA NOT REAL? chopped her into pieces, and
stuffed it inside the washing
‘W hat do you mean Titiksha
asked you to do all this?’
machine in my flat so that I’m the
one who gets caught for her
Neel has grabbed Parimal by his
murder—that’s what I’m talking
shirt’s collar. Parimal’s hands are about.’
atop Neel’s hands trying to remove
Parimal gives him a bewildered
his grab.
look and says, ‘Now I know. You
‘I mean I don’t know anybody by are totally mad and hence Titiksha
the name of Nivrita.’ ma’am wants to get rid of you.’
‘This is the best you could come
Again Titiksha ma’am?
up with for persuading me, you
‘Weren’t you guys dating?’ Neel
asshole? Tell me why did you
asks. ‘If I’m lying then, you can hand
Parimal laughs and says, ‘I am me over to the police. There’s no
only working for her for some hiding from the police anyway. I
money. I’m not even a real didn’t know this will cause me so
policeman.’ much trouble, else I would have
‘Aren’t you Nivrita’s boy-mate?’ never accepted Titiksha ma’am’s
‘I don’t know who Nivrita is.’ offer.’
Nothing makes sense to Neel. Yet again Titiksha ma’am!
Nivrita doesn’t exist, Titiksha has Neel looks at Parimal’s eyes. To
hired this idiot to get rid of him by his horror he reads nothing fake in
getting herself chopped to pieces, them. He wants the eyes to tell him
and the most bizarre thing is he is he is lying. Of course he has heard
neither dating Titiksha nor has he about Nivrita. She is his girl-mate.
killed her. All of it seems unreal. And what did he tell him; that he is
‘And what if whatever you are totally mad? Alright, he will give
saying are lies? Why should I this man a chance. This man who
believe you?’ Neel says. Neel firmly believes has murdered
Titiksha, and has been sleeping He is expecting Nivrita to pick
with Nivrita, and is right now only up while Parimal is confident it’s
bullshitting him, he will give him a Titiksha who will pick up. Both
chance. It’s only because Neel keep waiting but nobody picks up.
wants to prove to himself that he The call ends. Neel and Parimal
isn’t a crazy person. But before that, look at each other like fools.
another idea strikes him. Holding ‘Can I take out my mobile
onto the man with one hand now phone?’
and taking out his mobile phone, Neel nods. Parimal brings out his
Neel calls Nivrita. If she doesn’t mobile phone from his trouser’s
exist—like what the man is pocket and in his contacts shows
implying—she won’t pick up the Titiksha’s number. It’s the same as
phone. As it begins to ring on the Nivrita’s.
other side, Neel puts the phone on ‘See it’s the same number.’
speaker. Neel checks. Indeed it is the
‘Nivrita will pick up and then same. Neel lets go of Parimal’s
everything will be clear.’ Neel says. shirt’s collar.
‘Thank you sir. I swear I have got where Nivrita used to meet him
nothing to do with all this.’ Parimal before going to any other place.
adjusts his shirt and runs for his He asks a couple of people about
life. Neel dials Nivrita’s number the exact location of Word Tree
again. There’s no response. Publishers India Pvt. Ltd. They
Neel takes a taxi and goes to direct him to go to the first floor of
Sharada Heights. He takes the the Apeejay House. Neel follows
elevator and reaches Nivrita’s floor the directions and reaches the first
only to see the door locked. On an floor.
impulse he dashes down using the The moment he moves out of the
stairs, takes the same taxi which elevator, he notices a glass door to
luckily for him hasn’t found his right. Above the glass door, a
another passenger, and heads to big golden plate reads ‘Word Tree
Park Street; to the office of Word India Publishers’ in black bold
Tree Publishing India Pvt. Ltd. letters. Neel relaxes. After the case
Neel gets down near Apeejay of his missing college and the
House in Park Street, the usual spot sudden vanishing act of Titiksha’s
office, Neel feels relieved to see ‘Are you sure?’
that the Word Tree office does The second guard speaks up,
exist! He approaches the two ‘Why we would be lying? Everyone
uniformed security guards at the signs while coming in and going
main door. out. We know every employee’s
‘Excuse me, I’m looking for the name here.’
Commissioning Editor.’ The guards’ look as genuine as
The two guards look at each. The Parimal’s eyes did when he told
first one speaks, ‘Megha madam him that he doesn’t know any
has left.’ Nivrita.
‘I’m looking for Nivrita Roy.’ Neel swallows a lump. His
The two guards again exchange mobile phone rings. He takes it out
glances. This time they seem from his jeans. The screen flashes:
clueless. Nivrita calling.
‘There’s no one by that name.’ Neel feels choked. He presses the
Neel feels a thud in his heart. green button and takes the call.
Was that rascal Parimal right? ‘Neel, help me…help me Neel.
Parimal is here. He has gone mad… the street, and takes a taxi for
he will…he will kill me.’ Nivrita’s place. If he can reach on
‘Nivrita? Where are you?’ time, if he can save her from
‘At my flat. Come soon,’ The line Parimal and catch him red-handed,
disconnects with a shriek from then every piece of this confusing
Nivrita. maze will come together. He asks
So that bastard Parimal had lied the taxi driver to drive fast, even if
to him after all. But why aren’t the he has to break a few traffic rules in
guards recognizing Nivrita’s name the process.
here? Well, he can take care of it Neel tries Nivrita’s phone
later. He needs to go and save number a few times from the taxi
Nivrita first. She sounded but it is out of reach. It only
extremely scared on the phone. He escalates his anxiety.
has lost Titiksha but he won’t let As he gets down and pays the
Parimal murder Nivrita. Neel taxi driver, he gets a call from
doesn’t wait for the elevator. He Nivrita again.
rushes down the stairs, runs across ‘Hello, where are you? I just
reached Sharada Heights.’ Neel in some air. Then he pushes open
says as he saunters inside the the door with caution. It opens
locality. with a creaking sound. A wild gush
‘I’m on the terrace Neel,’ Nivrita of wind hits him. A thunder roars
whispers over the phone. ‘Parimal in the sky. He looks up to notice the
is here too. Please come soon. I sky is abnormally dark. It may rain
don’t want to die.’ soon. He looks around. There’s no
‘I’ll be there. In fact I’m climbing life, no sound. Only darkness. Has
the stairs now,’ Neel says. He is all Parimal killed Nivrita? Neel asks
ready to fuck the life out of Parimal himself.
—the man who chopped his ‘Hey vampire boy!’
girlfriend into pieces—and now is Neel turns around to see Nivrita.
trying to kill Nivrita. All calm and composed. Her face
By the time he reaches the tells him her life was never under
terrace, Neel is gasping for breath. any threat.
He waits for a moment right ‘Vampire boy?’ Neel mutters.
outside the terrace door and takes ‘Ever since you toyed with it, my
heart still has your fingerprints.’
What’s that supposed to mean?
Neel wonders and looks at a
smiling Nivrita.
‘Ready to listen to the last FROM NEEL’S
chapter of the first half of Neel and
Titiksha’s story?’ she asks. MANUSCRIPT
Neel feels like he is confronting a
Seeing Neel downstairs by
the road in the rain,
waving at me, I thought I
was sleep-walking. He
gestured me to come down. to him—even if we were
I closed the window. Neel meeting for the last time.
was indeed there by mama’s A voice inside me said
house at this hour. I tomorrow is too fickle to
glanced at the big watch be trusted. Today is
on the wall adjacent to everything. Tonight is the
the window. 12.35 am, it moment. If Neel was there
said. What was Neel doing downstairs at the dead of
there? It was a day of the night, and in this
unexpected turn of events. weather, there had to be a
Forget about seeing him solid reason for it.
downstairs, I honestly I dared to move out of
didn’t think I would even the house. I didn’t care
hear from him again. He to change. I was wearing
flashed his torch light what I wore after I was
once again on the window. back from school—a royal
I impulsively gestured for blue cropped trouser and a
him to wait. I had to go
blue top. I tiptoed to the doing here, Neel?’ I said
main door, unlocked it, and pulled him towards the
and cautiously, without chemist shop diagonally
waking anyone up, moved opposite my mama’s house.
out. Its shutters were down but
It was raining hard its extended roof gave us
then. The unexpected enough shade to shelter us
thrill of seeing Neel by from the incessant rain.
the house made me forget ‘What if I tell you love
the umbrella. I didn’t itself is afterlife? From
care to go inside again the time one loves
lest I woke up anyone. I someone, he or she
moved out in the rain and transcends normal life as
soon scampered to Neel, we all know it. And death
careful not to slip on the is a means to bring
road. someone back to that very
‘What the hell are you life so that one can fall
in love and transcend it I kept gaping at him for
yet again—a cycle of some time. He himself
sorts?’ Neel said. preferred to clarify.
Something about him was ‘I have had enough,
abnormal. Titiksha. They want me to
‘What nonsense are you go to a boys’ residential
talking about?’ school somewhere in
‘I ran away from my Dehradun now, and I don’t
place,’ Neel said. He was want to. I mean what will
shivering. happen to all my
‘Obviously. Your parents Paintbrush dreams? I tried
would have never allowed to persuade them but they,
you to come here at this as usual, aren’t getting
time. But what’s up, it. And more importantly,
really?’ I don’t think they will
‘No. I won’t return to ever allow me to be with
my home ever.’ you.’
I could sense a pain in time I pretend about its
the way he said the last non-existence. Most
part. A certain pain I importantly, it was a pain
could well identify with. that would never allow me
It was the same pain to see anyone the way I
within me that I had saw Neel, never feel for
chosen to remain ignorant anyone the way I felt for
about in the last few him, never belong to
days. A pain which would anyone the way I wanted to
soon become a way of life belong to him. This was
for me and control my the pain of getting
choices, alter my separated from Neel
perceptions, and slowly forever.
transform me into someone ‘I can’t live without
I never thought I could you Neel,’ I said stating
become. A pain which would the obvious.
invariably tease me every He hugged me tight. But
there was something more was afraid you would have
important that was getting to undergo hell because of
aligned to the other—our me. And the worst was even
souls. I wanted to after knowing all this, I
disappear right into him. couldn’t stand for you. I
‘Please tell me we can was afraid of my parents.
be together always,’ I But today when Dr Iyer
said. He could tell that I expelled you, and later
was crying, and I could when my parents talked
guess so was he. about sending me off to a
‘I’m sorry for being residential school, the
indifferent in the last fact that we may no longer
couple of days. I was get to see each other ever
afraid. I was afraid if again struck like a blow.
the real thing came out, I rebelled. I have finally
people would make more fun rebelled Titiksha.’
of me, of you, of us. I ‘You rebelled for me
Neel?’ This wasn’t a real cared about what I want. I
moment anymore. Neel and I want to be with you, near
standing by my house under you always, Titiksha.’
the chemist shop’s roof in There was silence except
that rainy night and for the rain which was now
confessing our feelings; I falling with renewed
bet my life that night intensity.
wasn’t real. ‘What do we do now
‘I rebelled for us. I Neel?’ Holding onto him I
fought with my parents. spoke into his ears. ‘My
They said you have mother is coming tomorrow
poisoned my mind, and if I morning to fetch me from
don’t forget you, they here. I don’t know what
will kick me out of their her plans are for me.
house. I told them I Maybe she too would send
wouldn’t mind walking out me to some boarding
of a house where nobody school. I don’t want
that.’ us. If we elope, my
Neel broke the hug, parents will get to us
looked deep into my eyes, sooner or later. Eloping
and then hugged me tight is improbable. If we
once again. The way his follow what they want,
body shuddered, I could then we have to forget
understand that he further each other. Forgetting you
broke down. is impossible. And if we
‘There’s nothing we can follow what my heart says
do,’ he spoke in my ears. then…’
I could feel his breath as ‘What is your heart
his lips moved. ‘I have saying?’ This time I broke
thought about it enough the hug. I looked at him.
since evening. We don’t He looked at me, caressing
have options Titiksha. If my cheeks.
we choose each other, then ‘Let’s end it Titiksha
there’s no option left for for a better beginning.’
I knew exactly what he night, I wouldn’t have
meant, but I wasn’t sure dared to decide what I did
if I had the audacity to in that instant being in
do it. I had to take a his arms. I convinced
decision. What was the myself Neel was correct.
life I was living? Parents We had to end it for a
who never cared for me, better beginning. There
mama and mami who despised comes a time in your life
me. Yo-Didun was the only where to commit to
one I cared about but she something, you don’t ask
was old and hence wouldn’t yourself whether it’s
be there by my side right or wrong. The only
always. The only person I thing you ask yourself is
really loved was there in can you or can’t you. I
front of me. And he was as asked myself the same
helpless as I was. Had thing: can I or can’t I?
Neel not come there that ‘I’m ready,’ I heard
myself say. Neel continued straight as he took a
to gaze deep into me. Then picture of us with his new
he pulled me out in the camera. Neel and I
rain. We ran across the exchanged a glance. I kept
street for a good five my hand around his waist
minutes and reached while he kept his arm
Sharada Heights where around my shoulder. We
Neel’s friend lived. complied lest the friend
The friend was waiting suspected anything. The
inside the apartment moment he clicked our
campus under an umbrella. picture, Neel asked for
Seeing Neel, he waved at the terrace keys.
him. As we approached him, ‘Are you guys sure? It’s
Neel’s friend said, ‘Guess bad, bad weather tonight.’
what dude, I got a new If only he knew what we
camera tonight.’ The were up to. Neel took the
friend asked us to stand keys to the terrace. The
friend asked when we would blowing amid the rain. It
be back. Neel lied to him was there before too but
and said in an hour. As we now the wind had a
were climbing up the foreboding chill. I was
staircase, Neel relayed to too emotionally numb to
me that he had told his give words to what exactly
friend that both of us I was going through.
needed to go to the Everything seemed to be
terrace because we wanted happening slowly. When I
some private time tried to feel it, all of
together. His friend had it started happening too
bribed the security guard quickly for me to
and fetched the terrace register. Neel and I
keys for us. kissed, we smooched—for
It was dark when we the first time to our
opened the door of the hearts content. It must
terrace. A cold wind was have been special but I
wasn’t myself anymore. I
was doing it but it wasn’t never wants to lose, then
happening to me. We sat one has to surpass life.
for some time on the edge Neel was right. If we
of the cemented barricade could not choose each
of the terrace other, then there were
contemplating life and plenty of other options we
feeling our fervour for it could go for. But since we
slowly evaporating as our did choose each other,
craving for remaining there was no other option
together forever took than the one we had chosen
over. Sitting beside Neel, for ourselves. I was
I realized every one of us happy.
had something special to The moment finally came
lose. In Neel’s case it where we had to execute
was me. In my case it was our decision. Both of us
Neel. And if one wants to stood on the cemented
hold on to that thing one barricade of the five-
storey building and jumped
off. Chapter 14
Only one of us died.
The Present