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J J Lal and C V Sreeranjit Kumar, Centre for plant seed in the world and looks like two coconuts
Development of Science and Technology, Thrissur, joined together side by side. Macapuno is a Philippine
Kerala, India variety of the coconut palm that does not have any
M Indira, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, water inside the coconut shell. Its ‘meat’ is a soft jelly-
Kariavattom, India like substance that is used in popular Filipino sweets.
Copyright 2003, Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Coconut palm adapts to almost all types of well- 0004

drained tropical soils like coastal sand, red loam,

laterite, alluvial, and the reclaimed soil of the marshy
low land. A water table that is too high and remains
static for long periods is harmful, but the palm
0001 This is a graceful palm, 20–30 m in height, and native can tolerate salinity and a wide range of pHs from
to the tropical regions of the world. Its requirement of 5.0 to 8.0.
high humidity, abundant rainfall (60 cm) and mean Coconut palm is propagated with the help of seeds. 0005

annual temperature of about 33  F makes the sea Seeds are selected from healthy, high-yielding, and
coast its usual habitat. Characterized by tall slender regularly bearing palms. One-year-old healthy seed-
and uniformly thick stem and massive crown with a lings with a minimum of six leaves are selected for
large number of paripinnate leaves bearing bunches planting. Nine-month-old seedlings with a minimum
of nuts in their axils, the palm enhances the natural of four leaves can also be used for planting. The
panoramic beauty of countries where it is extensively square system of planting, with a spacing of 7.5–9 m
cultivated. It is a long-lived plant that may live as long accommodates, 124–177 palms per hectare. The
as 100 years (Figure 1).
0002 The fact that the coconut palm could be found
throughout the tropics, even before the advent
of European explorers, renders the tracing of its
origin quite difficult. Coconut was first mentioned
by an Egyptian monk, Cosmos Indicopleustes in
‘Topographia Christiana’ in ad 545. The most im-
portant regions of coconut production are the Philip-
pine islands, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, and Sri
0003 There are several different varieties of coconut
palms, including tall and dwarf. The common tall
varieties are Ceylon tall, Indian tall, Jamaica tall,
Malayan tall, Java tall, and Laguna. Malayan dwarf,
Dwarf green, Dwarf orange, and Dwarf Fijian are
some of the dwarf varieties. Tall varieties are com-
monly cultivated for commercial purpose. Tall var-
ieties are slow to mature and produce the first flowers
6–10 years after planting. The life span of tall var-
ieties is about 60–100 years. Dwarf varieties may
grow to a height of 7.5–9 m, produce the first flowers
after 3 years, and have a life span of about 30 years.
Dwarf varieties are thought to have originated as a
result of a mutation of tall types. D
T (dwarf
and T
D (tall
dwarf) hybrids are early bearers and
are found to be superior to their parents in terms of
yield under favorable conditions. There are also sev-
eral unusual types of coconut palms in different parts
of the world. Lodoicea maldivica, a palm very closely
related to coconut is known as double coconut or
Maldive nut. Its nut is considered to be the largest
Figure 1 (see color plate 37) Coconut palm. fig0001

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