Metrology Ad Measuremet Systems: Index 330930, ISS 0860-8229 WWW - -
Metrology Ad Measuremet Systems: Index 330930, ISS 0860-8229 WWW - -
Metrology Ad Measuremet Systems: Index 330930, ISS 0860-8229 WWW - -
The article shows the methodology and calculation procedures based on Lagrange polynomial interpolation
which were used to determine standard performance characteristics of the Polish production engine, type
ANDORIA 4CTi90-1BE6. They allow to simplify the experimental research by maintaining a minimum number
of measurement points and estimating the remaining data in an analytical way. The methods presented are
convenient when it comes to the practical side because they eliminate the need for exploration of mathematical
equations describing the various curves, which can be cumbersome and time consuming in the case of non-
automated accounts. The results of analysis were applied to actual experimental results, indicating sufficient
accuracy of the resulting approximations. As a result, procedures may be used in bench testing of a similar
profile, especially with repeated cycles of the experiment, such as optimization of operating parameters
of combustion engines.
1. Introduction
The issue of interpolation primarily consists of finding, in a chosen interval, a function that
accepts arbitrarily given values at certain points, so called nodes. Moreover, relatively the best
approximation beyond them is expected, what is directly connected with the choice of the
calculation method. It may be a prerequisite for the correct description of empirical data
obtained from the experiment, whose potential disruption will lead to misinterpretation of the
phenomenon in question. Interpolation as one of the basic numerical methods has been
repeatedly used in studies of combustion engines, and the variety and complexity of the
described processes determined specific procedures and calculation algorithms. For example,
spline functions were used by Stotsky and Forgo [18] and they were used to estimate the
acceleration of the engine crankshaft. Whereas Druault, Guibert and Alizon [5] used them to
simulate the charge turbulence in the cylinder. In some works combining simple interpolation
methods with other techniques can be found, in order to obtain the desired results. Erlandsson
[6] modeled turbocharger performance with low-degree polynomials and extrapolation.
Complex approximations procedures were presented in Vigild’s work [21] but it was done
earlier and to a much greater extent because it referred to the entire drive unit.
The problem of mathematical description of engine characteristics has already been taken up
but a more complex methodology or different techniques were used for that purpose.
For example in the scientific literature by Kudela, Jablonska, Shchetnikava, Karbach, Norling,
Gerth, Nguyen, Zhou [13] for all experimental curves the approximation algorithms were
used. Whereas, Wu, Fu, Wu [12] used low-degree polynomials but the procedure was related
to make the universal characteristics. In the works of other researchers most often the linear or
cubic interpolation and splines have been considered. This does not mean that the classical
Article history: received on Mar. 28, 2013; accepted on Dec. 11, 2013; available online on Mar. 15, 2014; DOI: 10.2478/mms-2014-0015.
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Lagrange formulas were not used but they related to separate issues such as: the assessment
of individual performance of Suhail turbocharger [19], the simulation of Kim and Lee piston
and valve travel [11] or discretization of measurement signals from Dobrolyubov engine [4].
Interpolation formulas in their classical form are much less common because they have
become the starting point for deriving more complex methods. However, in the discipline
of combustion engines, there are areas where they could be used not only in a much more
frequent, but also effective way. That idea can be supported by the simplified calculation
apparatus, since usually not only one, but very many interpolating functions are expected.
Such a situation occurs while trying to describe curves that were obtained in the process
of long-term operational tests, for repeated cycles of the experiment, e.g. at powering the
engine with different fuel types, changing its regulatory setting or the correction of intake
parameters, etc. The results are very often presented in a graphical form, as full power
(performance) or partial power characteristics. As these courses are not especially
complicated, the idea of limiting the number of measurement points which are needed for
their determination, with the desired shape and course, and then estimation of the remaining
data in the calculations has occurred. In principle, this procedure has to shorten the duration
of the bench testing, while reducing operating costs. Elementary Lagrange interpolation was
used for calculation analysis which was brought to the machine calculation comparison in
three variants. Thus it is possible to conduct the current calculations without the laborious
presentation of the final form of the polynomials but showing only the function values for
earlier given points.
The starting point for calculations is the Lagrange interpolation formula which is
applicable in the case of equal distances between the test points. The simplest form of this
kind of polynomial has been cited by many authors in their works, e.g. Yang Cao Chung,
Morris [23] or Fausett [7]:
( x − x1 )( x − x2 )...( x − x ) ( x − x0 )( x − x2 )...( x − x )
W ( x ) = y0 + y1 +
( x0 − x1 )...( x0 − x ) ( x1 − x0 )( x1 − x2 ) ...( x1 − x )
( x − x0 )( x − x1 ) ...( x − x −1 )
+ ... + y ,
( x − x0 )( x − x1 )...( x − x −1 )
W: (x) - Lagrange interpolation polynomial of degree,
x0, x1, x2, …, x: - measurement points (nodes),
y0=f (x0), y1=f (x1), y2=f (x2), …, y:=f (x:) - function values at those points.
However, application of the equation (1) may be problematic, because increasing the
number of nodes in a quick way leads to complexity of the calculations, what results from a
high degree of the obtained polynomial. In case of hand-made calculations it is better to take
advantage of iterative Aitken method, which guarantees the same approximation and
increases the transparency of the recording. According to Fortuna, Macukow, Wąsowski [8], a
first degree polynomial Wi,j, which at the nodes of xi, xj (i ≠ j) takes the value of yi, yj, can be
presented with:
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Metrol. Meas. Syst., Vol. XXI (2014), No. 1, pp. 157–168.
yi xi − x
y x j − x
Wi , j ( x ) =
. (2)
xi − x j
In this variant, the next nodes are added very conveniently but the increase in their number
may lead to deterioration of the results, as it is seen in the case of the classical Lagrange
formula. This phenomenon usually occurs at the edges of the examined interval, and it is
called the Runge’s phenomenon. Its occurrence was described in detail in many publications,
e.g. by Bjorck, Dahlquist [2], Yang Cao Chung, Morris [23], Cheney, Kincaid [3], Fortuna,
Macukow, Wąsowski [8]. Most commonly it was manifested by the presence of extremes
of the interpolating function, significantly deviating from the course of the analyzed curve. In
such a situation more favorable results can be obtained by using the polynomials of lower
degrees, e.g. of second or third ones, which was presented for the purpose of the hand-made
calculation in the publication by Stoeck, Prajwowski [16]. Interval interpolation at the same
time allows to maintain a constant distance between the nodes.
The presented models were used in practice to support the process of determining the
performance characteristics of the Polish production engine, type ANDORIA 4CTi90-1BE6.
As part of this article, three variants of calculation were compared: classical Lagrange
formula, Aitken scheme and interval interpolation.
3. Testing equipment
The study was conducted on a typical engine dynamometer, the diagram of which was
shown in Fig. 1. Operating parameters of ANDORIA 4CTi90-1BE6 engine were set by
devices that were a part of the job, including, i.a.: AVL Dynoperform 160 eddy current
dynamometer and AUTOMEX AMX 212F mass fuel gauge. The engine dynamometer was
also equipped with complete control and measuring equipment, as well as systems ensuring
the conditions to conduct research in accordance with guidelines of PN-ISO 15550:2009 [15].
Basic technical data of the tested engine is summarized in Table 1. This is the unit
manufactured by Andoria-Mot Sp. z o. o. (Andoria-Mot Ltd.) with its registered office in
Andrychów (Poland), primarily designed to drive big cars, SUVs and vans weighing up to
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3.5 tons. The diesel oil summer "B", according to PN-EN 590 + A1: 2011 [14] was used as
fuel. Measurements were made for the following engine speeds [rpm]: x0=1400, x1=1800,
x3=2200, x4=2600, x5=3000, x6=3400. The results obtained, also summarized in Table 2,
were used to designate the following performance characteristics: effective power Pe=f (x),
torque Ttq=f (x), fuel consumption B=f (x) and specific fuel consumption b=f (x).
Fig. 1. Scheme of the test stand with the 4CTi90-1BE6 ANDORIA engine.
Table 1. Basic data of ANDORIA 4CTi90-1BE6 engine according to the manual [10].
No. Parameter Unit Description
Diesel engine, four-stroke supercharged
1 Type of engine -
with intercooler
Radial turbocharger with exhaust waste-
2 Type of charge -
3 Fuel injection - Indirectly to the swirl chamber
4 The order of injection - 1-3-4-2
5 Injection pressure [MPa] 15
Overhead valves timing with the camshaft
6 Type of timing -
located in the head
Number and arrangement of
7 - 4, vertical
8 Piston stroke [mm] 95
9 Cylinder bore [mm] 90
10 Engine cylinder capacity [cm³] 2417
11 Compression ratio - 20,6
12 Power rating [kW] 66
13 Engine speed at power rating [rpm] 4100
14 Maximum engine torque [kN·m] 0,205
15 Engine speed at maximum torque [rpm] 2000-2500
16 The minimum engine speed at idle [rpm] 800
Specific fuel consumption at the
17 [g/(kW·h)] 270
time of maximum
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Metrol. Meas. Syst., Vol. XXI (2014), No. 1, pp. 157–168.
First, the classical formula was applied (1); it was used to calculate the values of the
function at points which are not the root nodes. The following values of intermediate
argument were adopted: {x=1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200}. In order to determine the final
form of the polynomial interpolation W: (x), its separate components Si=0,1,2,3,4,5 (x) had to be
determined and summed up. The presentation of the calculation was performed for torque
characteristics, indicating the sequence of selected actions.
Table 3. Determination of polynomial interpolation of the fifth degree for the argument x=1600.
i xi yi Si=0,1,2,3,4,5 (x) W (x)
0 1400 0,163 0,040
1 1800 0,192 0,236
2 2200 0,203 -0,167
3 2600 0,199 0,098
4 3000 0,190 -0,033
5 3400 0,180 0,005
For example, the value of the first component in Table 3 was determined as follows:
( x − x1 )( x − x2 )( x − x3 )( x − x4 )( x − x5 )
Si = 0 ( x) = y0 . (5)
( x0 − x1 )( x0 − x2 )( x0 − x3 )( x0 − x4 )( x0 − x5 )
After substitution of nodal points:
( x − 1800)( x − 2200)( x − 2600)( x − 3000)( x − 3400)
Si = 0 ( x) = 0,163 . (6)
(1400 − 1800)(1400 − 2200)(1400 − 2600)(1400 − 3000)(1400 − 3400)
Hence for the argument x=1600 it was:
Si = 0 (1600) = 0,040. (7)
Summing up all the components allowed to determine the value of interpolating function at
the point not being the cardinal node:
W (1600) = Si = 0 (1600) + Si =1 (1600) + Si = 2 (1600) + Si = 3 (1600) + Si = 4 (1600) + Si = 5 (1600). (8)
After substitution:
W5 (1600) = 0,040 + 0,236 + ( −0,167) + 0,098 + ( −0,033) + 0,005. (9)
The final value of the fifth degree interpolating polynomial for x=1600 amounted to:
W5 (1600) = 0,179. (10)
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Calculation W (x) values for
program x arguments
Nodal points
xi, yi
Fig. 2. The idea of calculating the value of polynomial interpolation at the given points of the discrete set.
A large number of components of the Lagrange polynomial makes the calculations tedious
and time consuming. In accordance with the idea shown in Fig. 2, the efficiency of this
process can be picked up in various ways, e.g. using available mathematical programs,
writing a script in one of the computer languages or by entering the appropriate formulas in
the spreadsheet.
0,250 70
Effective power, Pe [kW]
Torque, Ttq [k·m]
Effective power
0,000 10
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400
Engine speed, x [rpm]
Fig. 3. Performance characteristics of ANDORIA 4CTi90-1BE6 engine: Ttq=f (x), Pe=f (x).
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Metrol. Meas. Syst., Vol. XXI (2014), No. 1, pp. 157–168.
Examples of ready-made solutions and algorithms can be found in the scientific literature,
e.g. by Bjorck, Dahlquist [2], Venkataraman [20], Billo [1], Fortuna, Macukow, Wąsowski
[8], Wu, L., Fu, Z., Wu, W. [22]. Due to the numerical procedure chosen, calculation of the
function value for other values of x does not present any difficulties. In this way, all the
performance characteristics of the engine under test were set and the results are summarized
in Table 4, detailing the data estimated analytically. Their graphical interpretation is shown in
Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. In order to distinguish them, the main nodes (measured experimentally)
were left unfilled, and the intermediate points (calculated) were completely filled with color.
320 20
Specific fuel consumption, b [g/kW·h]
270 12
Specific fuel consumption
230 Fuel consumption
220 4
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400
Engine speed, x [rpm]
Fig. 4. Performance characteristics of ANDORIA 4CTi90-1BE6 engine: b=f (x), B=f (x).
Analogous results of the interpolating function approximation were obtained when the
Aitken method was used (4). For example, for the data considered in Section 4.1, so for the
torque characteristics, the triangular matrix will look as follows:
1400 0,163
1800 0,192 0,178
2200 0, 203 0,173 0,180
. (11)
2600 0,199 0,169 0,180 0,180
3000 0,190 0,166 0,179 0,180 0,180
3400 0,180 0,165 0,179 0,180 0,180 0,179
In case of automatic calculations it can also be represented in the form of a table. However,
irrespective of the manner of presentation, the calculation always uses the values lying on the
left in the same row and above.
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Table 5. Determining the values of polynomial interpolation for the argument x=1600.
xi yi W0,i (x) W0,1,i (x) W0,1,2,i (x) W0,1,2,3,i (x) W0,1,2,3,4,5 (x)
1400 0,163
1800 0,192 0,178
2200 0,203 0,173 0,180
2600 0,199 0,169 0,180 0,180
3000 0,190 0,166 0,179 0,180 0,180
3400 0,180 0,165 0,179 0,180 0,180 0,179
For example, the last part of Table 5, that is the value of the polynomial interpolation
W0,1,2,3,4,5 (x) for the specified argument was calculated as follows:
W0 ,1, 2 , 3, 4 ( x ) x5 − x
W x4 − x
W0 ,1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ( x ) = 0 ,1, 2 , 3 , 5 ( x ) . (12)
x5 − x 4
After substituting components and nodal points:
0,180 3400 − x
0,180 3000 − x
W0 ,1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5 ( x ) == . (13)
3400 − 3000
Hence for the argument x=1600 it was:
W0,1, 2,3, 4,5 (1600) = 0,179. (14)
The convergence of the calculations carried out by the classical method and Aitken scheme
makes that the results for all the external characteristics of the engine under test are identical,
and they have been presented earlier (Table 4, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). The correctness of the
procedures can be easily checked, considering the situation for the value of the argument on
any node (measuring point). For example, for x=x0=1400 the final member of the matrix
W0,1,2,3,4,5(x) must equal y0 (Table 6).
Table 6. Checking the value of the polynomial interpolation for the argument x=1400.
xi yi W0,i (x) W0,1,i (x) W0,1,2,i (x) W0,1,2,3,i (x) W0,1,2,3,4,5 (x)
1400 0,163
1800 0,192 0,163
2200 0,203 0,163 0,163
2600 0,199 0,163 0,163 0,163
3000 0,190 0,163 0,163 0,163 0,163
3400 0,180 0,163 0,163 0,163 0,163 0,163
Using polynomials of lower degrees requires dividing the interval into smaller parts. It is
very convenient for simple calculation processes which are not automated, but the automatic
calculations do not pose much difficulty either. For the example considered in Sections 4.1
and 4.2, two polynomials were used: of the second and third degrees. Since the measuring
point (x2, y2) was selected as the common node, thus for the argument x=x2=2200 the values
of both interpolating functions had to be identical. While analyzing performance
characteristics of torque, the result of W:=2 (x)=W:=3 (x)=0,203 was obtained, which confirms
the correctness of calculations with a single Lagrange polynomial (Table 4).
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Metrol. Meas. Syst., Vol. XXI (2014), No. 1, pp. 157–168.
Table 7. Checking the value of the polynomial interpolation for the argument x=2200.
i xi yi Si=0,1,2 (x) W=2 (x) Si=2,3,4,5 (x) W=3 (x)
0 1400 0,163 0,000
1 1800 0,192 0,000 0,203
2 2200 0,203 0,203 0,203
3 2600 0,199 0,000
4 3000 0,190 0,000
5 3400 0,180 0,000
The procedure is the same as in Section 3.1, but two groups of components determined
separately for each polynomial are considered. Application of the procedure for all
experimental data allowed to estimate the value of the function at points which are not the
cardinal nodes (Table 8).
Table 8. Test results and analytical calculations for the interval interpolation.
No. x [rpm] Ttq [kN·m] Pe [kW] B [kg/h] b [g/(kW·h)]
1 1400 0,163 24,00 6,70 279,00
2a) 1600 0,180 30,56 8,06 265,27
3 1800 0,192 36,50 9,40 257,42
4 a) 2000 0,200 41,81 10,74 255,45
5 2200 0,203 46,50 12,06 259,35
6 a) 2400 0,202 50,31 13,33 264,71
7 2600 0,199 53,90 14,40 267,16
8 a) 2800 0,195 57,16 15,33 268,37
9 3000 0,190 60,00 16,20 270,00
10 a) 3200 0,185 62,31 17,07 273,74
11 3400 0,180 64,00 18,00 281,25
data estimated analytically
It should be noted here that in relation to the previous variants the results
of approximations are slightly different. In the graphical interpretation the deviations can be
observed only for the graph of specific fuel consumption, and thus for the performance
characteristics of the least regular course (Fig. 4).
For the other curves, that is torque, effective power and fuel consumption, such a kind
of presentation of results was dropped. Interpolating function values are in fact so similar that
the determined characteristics overlap, giving a false picture of the identity of calculation
procedures. In this situation, the choice of method is therefore much less important, supposing
a small number of measurement points (at constant distances between them) will be
maintained, and the interpolated graph of the function will not be marked by prominent
failures, strongly outlined extremes, etc. If these conditions are not fulfilled, it can lead
to oscillations of high degree polynomial, which is used for description at the whole interval.
As shown in Fig. 5, better results of the approximations were obtained for the interval
interpolation, since its curve almost perfectly applied to the description of b=f(x), which was
drafted only on the basis of experimental data. This does not mean that the use of single-fifth
degree polynomial resulted in appreciably worse results. For example, at engine speed
x=2800 rpm, the calculated value of specific fuel consumption amounted to b=269,61 g/kW·h
(Table 4), being within measurement uncertainty for the experiment being carried out
(b=268.60±2.66 g/kW·h). At the remaining points which were not cardinal nodes,
comparable or even smaller oscillations were obtained. Therefore, approximation should be
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considered satisfactory if the maximum deviation allowed for the measurement of this
parameter will be taken into account (±3% according to PN-ISO 15550:2009) [15].
280 279,00±3,73
b [g/(kW·h)]
270 267,16±1,80
265,03±2,07 270,00±2,97
265 268,60±2,66
255 257,42±2,55
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400
Engine speed, x [rpm]
Fig. 5. Performance characteristics of specific fuel consumption, including the function values
being obtained experimentally and indicating measurement uncertainties.
5. Conclusions
On the basis of the conducted analysis, it can be concluded that the calculation procedures
presented here may be useful for determining the performance characteristics of the engine.
Their use supports this process effectively, because estimation of data not contained in the
plan of the experiment does not pose major difficulties from the technical point of view.
For the machine calculation a change of input parameters (node, intermediate points) may be
conducted online so each of the options under consideration can be easily adapted to similar
studies in other positions. Moreover, they can be extended to those characteristics of an
engine whose course is mild as well, e.g. partial power, operating power, smoke limit, etc.
The starting base for all procedures is the Lagrange interpolation formula, what is imposed
by certain conditions necessary for their application. The first step is to maintain a constant
distance between the measuring points at the experimental stage. Furthermore, adding more
nodes can be problematic because the use of a single high degree polynomial over the whole
discrete interval brings the risk of unwanted oscillations. This is related to the cases
considered by the classical method and the Aitken scheme. Examples of interpolating
function interference that describe the curves which have been designated in the research
process for the other engine were presented in earlier publications by Stoeck, Prajwowski [16]
and Stoeck [17]. In this case, it is safer to operate the interval interpolation, thus the third
of the presented options, what additionally simplifies the calculation procedure. This method
gives a better guarantee of accuracy of analytical estimates, and adjustment of the machine
algorithm for low-degree polynomials is intuitive. Its correctness can be checked in a very
easy way, using an arbitrary cardinal node, as it was shown in examples above.
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Metrol. Meas. Syst., Vol. XXI (2014), No. 1, pp. 157–168.
B - fuel consumption
i - numerically index of consecutive argument
- degree of polynomial
Pe - effective power
Si (x) - components of polynomial
Ttq - torque
W: (x) - Lagrange interpolation polynomial of degree
x - engine speed (arguments)
x0, x1, …, x: - measurement points (nodes)
y0, y1, …, y: - function values at measurement points
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