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9th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
Nice Acropolis, France- April 8-12



P.F. Gou, K, K. Panahi

GE Nuclear Energy, M/C 747, 175 Curtner Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125, USA
Email : [email protected]

Key Words: Response spectrum-Time dependent-Analytical solution

This paper studies the responses of a uniform simple beam for which the supports are subjected to
time-dependent conditions. Analytical solution in terms of series was presented for two cases: (1)
Two supports of a simple beam are subjected to a harmonic motion, and (2) One of the two supports
is stationary while the other is subjected to a harmonic motion. The results of the analytical solution
were investigated and compared with the results of conventional response spectrum method using the
beam finite element model. One of the applications of the results presented in this paper can be used
to assess the adequacy and accuracy of the engineering approaches such as response spectra methods.
It has been found that, when the excitation frequency equals the fundamental frequency of the beam,
the results from response spectrum method are in good agreement with the exact calculation. The
effects of initial conditions on the responses are also examined. It seems that the non-zero initial
velocity has pronounced effects on the displacement time histories but it has no effect on the
maximum accelerations.

Frequently there is a need to analyze problems of transverse vibration of beams subjected to time-
dependent support excitations. One of the typical examples of this type of problem is a beam-like
structure, such as piping system, subjected to earthquake ground motion. Generally speaking, in the
nuclear power plant design, calculation of responses of a piping system or equipment subjected to
support excitations due to dynamic loads may fall into this category of problem.

The methods commonly used for the analysis of this class of problem are the single response
spectrum method [1, 2], the multiple response spectrum method [3, 4, 5], and the time history method
[6, 7]. These methods are approximate and convenient engineering approaches for which computer
programs have been developed. All these methods need development of a discrete meshing model (or
a lumped mass model) and numerical schemes for solution. In the development of a discrete meshing
model, a question that generally arises is how many lumped masses or nodes or modes should be
considered to calculate the responses adequately or reliably. The answer to this question is that it
depends on the input, the responses, the problem and the solution. The paradox is that the solution is
not available, because it is what we are looking for. Thus, there is a need to find some basic problems
in this category where analytical methods can be applied in order to find analytical solution by which
the results can be compared with those obtained by engineering approaches listed above.
To our knowledge, the analytical solution for this type of problem seems to be simple but it is not
readily available in any standard textbooks on structural dynamics. The closest one that is in the
classical textbook on engineering vibration, for example, is in [10]. It presents an example for which
the middle point of a simple beam is performing a given motion. The case of a cantilever beam for
which the free end is subjected to a prescribed motion can also be found in [10]. For a simple beam
whose supports subjected to a harmonic motion, some results were presented in [11]. It is one of the
objectives of this paper to find the solution and to show the results of a simple beam for which one of
the two supports is stationary while the other is subjected to a harmonic motion.

In Section 2 of this paper, the solution of a uniform beam subjected to a time-dependent boundary
condition is presented. The procedures for finding the analytical solution for a typical problem are
also demonstrated. In Section 3, numerical results are obtained for a beam subjected to harmonic
support excitations with various frequencies. In Section 4, results from the previous section are
compared with those obtained by the conventional engineering approach - response spectrum method.

In sections 3 and 4 it is shown how the analytical solution results reveal some interesting behaviors of
response of a continuous system. It seems apparent that the complexity of response of a continuous
system cannot always be produced by the conventional engineering approach based on simplification
and dynamic systems with finite degrees of freedom. This shall not be interpreted as criticizing the
inappropriateness of the conventional engineering approach that has its merit in convenience in
design. Frequently, engineers are challenged by the questions regarding the discrepancie s between
the anticipated actual behavior and the calculated results based on engineering calculations that
involve many assumptions and approximations. An inside understanding may help to resolve the
discrepancies that are encountered in engineering calculations and analyses. One of the applications
of the results presented in this paper can be used to assess the adequacy and accuracy of the
engineering approaches such as response spectra methods.


The equation of motion for transverse vibrations of a beam neglecting shear deformation and rotary
inertia is given in basic theory [1] as:

In Eq. (1), tis the time, x the coordinate measured along the beam axis, E the modulus of elasticity, A
the cross-sectional area of the beam, / the moment of inertia of the beam, p the mass density of the
beam, Cs the coefficient of viscosity of the beam material, P the coefficient of viscous resistance to
transverse motion of the beam, y(x, t) the transverse deflection of the beam axis and p(x, t) the
external load.

For a beam supported at x=0 and x=£, various possible time-dependent boundary conditions may
have the following form:
y(0, t)=f,(t) y(l, t)=f5(t) (2)

xsl =/7(0 (4)

=;=/g(0 (5)
Any two of the conditions at x=0 and any two of the conditions at x=l furnish four conditions. When
a beam is subjected to support excitation without external load, Eq. (1) is a homogeneous differential
equation. Since the boundary conditions are time-dependent, the separation of variable technique,
normally used for solving the partial differential equation, will encounter difficulties. However, by
changing the variables such that the boundary conditions, in terms of the new variable, become
homogeneous, the equation of motion becomes non-homogeneous for which the general solution
consists of a homogeneous part and a particular part. The procedures are similar to the ones
developed in Ref. [8].

Consider a beam with hinged ends subjected to the same support excitation at both ends given by:
y(O,t)=y(l,t)=f(t) (6)
For hinged ends, at x=0 and x=£ we have:
dx2 " dx2 ( }

Initial conditions are:

y(x,0)=0, y(x,O) = vo. (8)
Introduce a new variable u(x, t) such that y(x,t) =f(t)+u(x, t)
where u(x,0 = | > , , ( 0 W (9)
To satisfy the boundary conditions (6) and (7), we select: Yn(x) = sin( Xnx) (10)

Where: Xn = — (11)
For metal, the coefficient of viscosity Q is small and, in this study, assumed to be zero. After
substitution of Eqs. (9) and (10), the equation of motion, becomes:
l„_] ^
^ - ^ 7 / (0
Application of orthogonal conditions to Eq. (12) gives:
qn (t) + 2conqqn (t) + (O2nqn (t) = An (t) (13)

where ft),, = -, (14)


, _ P
An(t) = -—[f(t)+20)ngj(t)]
Whenfft) is a given function, then An(t) can be found by the above expression. Now the problem
becomes equivalent to a SDOF system with natural frequency ft), and having damping coefficient /?
subjected to a forcing function An(t) given by (16). The solution is:
1 rt
" m. Jo "

After qn(t) is obtained from Eq. (17), then:

^ (18)
n=odd *
The same procedure with slight modifications is also applicable to the case for which the excitations
at the two supports are different time-dependent functions.


3.1 Two supports of a simple beam subjected to same motion

A special case with both supports subjected to a harmonic motion given by:
f(t) = Asprsin((Oft) (19)
where Asp, is the amplitude and Cflf is the frequency of the motion, is chosen as an example. For
simplification, Aspt is assumed to be 1. After substitution, Eq. (13) becomes:
2 L f
svi(Qt) cos(fty) (20)
nn nn
for which the solution is:
r / r ^ -^<°'t z' '^ <^G)" •
" a * (21)
+ C2 [sin( (Oft) - e'^®"' • sin( adt)]
It satisfies the initial conditions: qn(0)=qn(0) = 0. In Eq. (21). Q and C2 are determined by
Equation (20). Thus, we have

and C2=—L[(l-4g4n)CQ2n -CO}] (23)
where D = (a2n -CO
CO2 2
f)f) + 4(g
f) f (24)

The initial condition q(0)=0 corresponding to y(x,0)=0, this means that the beam is initially not
deformed; the initial qn(0)=0 corresponding to y(x,0) = / ( 0 ) , this implies that the beam is
subjected to a velocity Asp,*G} at t=0sec. Eq. (20) is similar to a damped single degree freedom
oscillator subjected to a harmonic forcing function. A resonance occurs when Cty = ft), for n=l, 3, 5,...
To study the responses, we consider a beam as shown in Figure 1 for which the first natural frequency
is fi =1.405 Hz. The time history of the displacement for the middle point of the beam with &)•=&>/
=27i/} is shown in Figure 2. The displacement time histories at the same point of the beam for theft}-=
V3 , 4 and 9 times COi are shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5, respectively. The damping value in terms of
percent of critical damping is \ - 0.02. When the frequency of the excitation motion equals the first
natural frequency, the steady state response at the center of the beam is, from Eqs. (21), (22), (23),
and (24), approximately given by:

y™ = - ^ - (25)

The envelope of the peaks in Fig. 2 approaches this value. For % = 0.02, the maximum deflection at
the center of the beam can reach 31.8 times the amplitude of the support motion. The resonance is
clearly demonstrated in Figure 2. It takes about 20 cycles of support excitations to reach the
amplitude that is 30 times the amplitude of the excitation motion.

Properties of Beam: ^ = 50 cm2 ^ = 500 cm p = 0.784 kg/cm3

/ = 1000 cm4 E = 2.xl 06 kgf/cm2

Figure 1: Both Supports of a Simple Beam Subjected to a Harmonic Motion

When the frequency of the excitation is not the same as the fundamental frequency of the beam, the
maximum responses are reached at the beginning while the envelopes are gradually decreasing. When
the frequency of the excitation coincides with higher natural frequencies of the beam, the steady state
envelope values are higher than those for which the excitation frequencies do not coincide with any of
the natural frequencies of the beam. In this set of calculations, £, is assumed to be constant for all
frequencies. This implies that the damping coefficient P increases with the frequencies. On the other
hand, if P is considered to be constant, then \ is inversely proportional to C},. For p = 0.02 with the
same set of excitation

For p = 0.02, ymax is 22.48 times the amplitude of the support motion. When the frequency of the
excitation is not the same as the fundamental frequency of the beam, the behavior of the response is
quite similar to that for £, equal to a constant. When the frequency of the excitation coincides with the
natural frequency of a higher mode, the amplification is higher than the case for which t, is considered
as a constant.
The damping coefficient (3 may depend on frequency in other forms than those discussed above. In
Ref. [9] the nature of some important damping mechanisms is discussed and an indication is given of
how the damping depends on the amplitude and frequency of the cyclic motion.

The deflection curves at various times for (fy= <$ are shown in Figure 6. Similar curves for (ty= V3 ,
4 and 9 times (0/ are shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9. The maximum amplitude of the deflection curve for
the resonance case (i.e., Figure 6) is larger than those of non-resonance cases (i.e., Figures 7 and 8). It
is clear in Figure 6, 7 and 8, that the deflection curves are predominately made of the first mode of the
beam. When the frequency of the support motion is in resonance with the third mode of the beam, the
contribution of the third mode of the beam is clearly seen in Figure 9, when t is about 3.6 sec.

3.2 One of the two supports of a simple beam subjected to a harmonic motion
Properties of Beam: A = 50 cm2 t = 500 cm p = 0.784 kg/cm3
/ = 1000 cm 4
E = 2.xlO kgf/cm2

Figure 10: Right Support of a Simple Beam Subjected to a Harmonic Motion

We consider the same simply supported beam presented in 3.1 except that the support at x=0 is not
moving but the one at x=l (see Figure 10) is subjected to a harmonic motion defined by:
/ ( / ) = sin(ay) (27)
where ft}-is the frequency of the harmonic motion. For the present case, the boundary conditions are:
y(O,t)=O (28)
y(l,t)=f(t) (29)
Introducing a new variable u(x, t) such that

,t) = f(t)-j+u(x,t) (30)

where (31)

It can be shown that the boundary conditions (28) and (29) are satisfied with the same Yn (JC) as the
one defined by Eq. (10).

The equation of motion, after substitution of Eqs. (30) and (31), becomes:
qK(t) + jq.m.(x) =^ j f {t)lj~f{t) (33)

It has the same form as Eq. (13) after applying orthogonal conditions, except the right hand side of
the equal sign is replaced with

Bn(t) = (-!)"— \f(t) + 2a>Hgj(t)]

In terms of given f(t) , the solution to Equation (33) is:
qn(t) = C\{cos(fl),0 - e'iM • [cos((Odt) + ^ s i n ( 0)dt)]}
<Dd (35)
+ Ci [sin( (Oft) - e~ • sin( codt)]
The initial conditions <7 n (0)=g n (0) = 0, are identically satisfied. In Eq. (35), d and C 2 are
determined by Eq. (33). Thus, we have

l )n+1
((-l) o o ff2
2 2oo
and C\ = [{\-Aql)(ol -co}] (37)

whereD is the same as Eq. (24) wdn=l,2,3,

The time history of the displacement for the middle point of the beam with (% = <*}, is shown in
Figure 11. The time histories for the same point of the beam for (ty = V 3 , 4, and 9 times a>i are
shown in Figures 12, 13, and 14, respectively. The resonance of this case is similar to the resonance
of the case in 3.1 as shown in Figure 2 except the magnitude of the amplitude is about 50% of the
response of the beam excited by the same harmonic motion on both supports.

The deflection curves at various times for (%=ft}are shown in Figure 15. Similar curves for (fy =
V3 , 4 and 9 times (d are shown in Figures 16, 17 and 18. Unlike the previous case for which the
deflection curves are symmetric and consist of mode shapes with odd integers, the deflection curves
for the current case are made of mode shapes with both odd and even integers. In Figure 17, the
second mode is seen when time equal to about 3.6sec. When the frequency of the support motion is in
resonance with the third mode of the beam, the contribution of the third mode of the beam is seen in
Figure 18, when t is about 7.7sec.

3.3 Effects due to Initial Conditions

In order to understand the effects on the response due to initial conditions, the same example used 3.1
is considered except the support motion is defined by the following time dependent functions:
0) = AsP, -zrMPft), when t < Tf
And F(t) = Aspl • sin( USft), when t > Tf
In the above expressions, Tf (=27i/cG{) is the period of the harmonic motion of the support. With
support motion defined above, when t=0, F ( 0 ) = 0, the initial condition q(0) = 0, corresponding to
y(x,0) = 0, means that the beam is initially at rest. This condition is more realistic in the practical

Following similar procedures as those given in 3.1, the responses in terms of series solution can be
found. The time history of the displacement for the middle point of the beam with C0f = Cfli, the
resonance case, for this example (zero initial conditions) is plotted as solid curve in Figure 19
together with the time history, shown as dashed line, of the displacement for the same point of the
beam calculated in 3.1 (initial velocity of the beam not zero). As expected, these two curves are
almost identical except in the beginning of the time histories. For a non-resonance case, when cq- =
4*0)], the corresponding two time histories are plotted in Figure 20. The effects of initial conditions
on the displacement time histories are clearly shown. For various excitations with ff= 1.405Hz,
lOHz, 12.5Hz and 35.6Hz, the maximum accelerations for the zero initial conditions and those for the
non-zero initial conditions, y(x,0) =0, j(x,0) = A t -G7 f, are practically the same as shown in Table
7. It seems that the initial conditions affect more on the displacement time histories than on the
responses in terms of maximum accelerations.


The same beam as shown in Fig. 1 is modeled by 10 equal elements. Elementary Euler beam
elements were used in the model. A response spectrum method using uniform support motion adopted
in a finite element program, was applied to find the responses of the beam. To apply the response
spectrum method, the input response spectrum for the support excitation defined by sin(cqi) is
calculated according to the following relation:

/con)2 (38)

This spectrum in terms of base displacement defined by sin(cqt) is based on steady state. The use of
steady state response spectrum should produce upper bound of the responses.

The first nine frequencies, participation factors, modal displacement and spectra values
calculated by the finite element program, are summarized in Table 1. For excitation frequency equal
to the first natural frequency of the beam, the maximum displacement and moment at center of the
beam and the maximum shear force at either end of the beam are summarized in Table 2. These
results are in good agreement with those calculated by the exact method shown in Section 3. As
expected, this good agreement is because the response spectrum method being used here produces the
steady state responses of the beam. For excitation frequency that is different from the first natural
frequency of the beam, for example, ff = 10 Hz, the maximum displacement and moment at the center
of the beam and the maximum shear force at either end of the beam are summarized in Table 3. The
results calculated by the response spectrum method are lower than the steady state responses
calculated by exact solution derived in Section 3 by about 5%, 20% and 40% for maximum
displacement, moment and shear, respectively. For other excitation frequencies, the results calculated
by these two methods are compared in Tables 4 and 5. When excitation frequency coincides with the
natural frequency of the third mode of the beam, the response spectrum method predicts the results
lower by about 14%, 2% and 18% for the maximum displacement, moment and shear, respectively.
When excitation frequency coincides with the 5th natural frequency of the beam, the response
spectrum method predicts the results lower by about 78%, 15% and 80% for the maximum
displacement, moment and shear, respectively.
For various excitation frequencies (ff = 1.405 Hz, 10 Hz, 12.5 Hz and 35.37 Hz), the maximum
accelerations calculated by the relations derived in Section 3 are compared with those obtained by
response spectrum method using finite element program. The comparison is shown in Table 6.

For the case that two supports of the simple beam are subjected to the same harmonic motion, the
comparison indicates that, when the excitation frequency equals the fundamental frequency of the
beam, the maximum acceleration from the exact calculation corresponding to the steady state is in
good agreement with the maximum value obtained by the response spectrum method using SRSS rule
for combining the contributions from various modes. This good agreement is expected, because the
response spectrum method produces the steady state responses of the beam. SRSS) does not
recognize this. For excitation frequency not equal to any of the natural frequencies of the beam, the
maximum acceleration for transient may be higher than that of the steady state according to the exact
solution. For example, when excitation frequency is 10 Hz, which does not coincide with any of the
natural frequencies of the beam, the maximum acceleration calculated by the response spectrum
method over-predicts the steady state result by about 32%. For excitation frequency equal to the
natural frequency of the third mode of the beam, the maximum acceleration of the steady state value
based on the exact solution shown in 3.1 is about 9% above the steady state maximum acceleration
calculated by the response spectrum method using SRS S rule. For excitation frequency equal to the
natural frequency of the fifth mode of the beam, the maximum acceleration for steady state is about
the same as that for the transient state according to the exact solution. However, tie maximum
acceleration calculated by the response spectrum method under-predicts the maximum value obtained
from the exact calculation by about 24%. The discrepancies found above may be caused by the
coarseness of the discrete meshing of the model. The use of high order finite elements may show

For the case that one of the two supports of the simple beam is subjected to a harmonic motion, the
comparison indicates that the maximum responses from the exact calculation are lower than the
corresponding maximum values obtained by the response spectrum method based on uniform support
motion and using SRSS rule for combining the contributions from various modes.

Analytical solution for a beam subjected to harmonic support excitations is developed. The approach
is straightforward after the time-dependent boundary condition problem is converted to a
conventional boundary value problem by introducing of new variables or functions. It E applicable
for beams subjected to other forms of excitation than harmonic motion.

The results for a sample problem considered herein are derived in analytical form without
approximation by which the results obtained by other engineering approximate approach can be
compared to test for adequacy and accuracy.

The results for various damping relations are discussed By investigating how the responses vary with
damping and frequencies tests can be performed to produce data by which the measured responses
can be compared with the calculated results to determine the frequency dependent damping

An examination of the time histories of the responses presented in Section 3 for various excitation
frequencies indicates that the conventional engineering approach such as response spectrum method
can produce only limited information such as steady state responses. When the excitation frequency
equals the fundamental frequency of the beam, the results from response spectrum method are in
good agreement with the exact calculation. However, when the support excitation frequencies are not
the same as the first natural frequency of the beam, the results from the response spectrum method
can either over-predict or under-predict the responses calculated by the exact solution. We shall not
categorically accept the idea that the response spectrum method always produces conservative results.
With the results obtained by exact solution such as those discussed here, the responses calculated by
engineering approaches, for example, response spectrum method or the direct integration method can
be compared to get better understanding in order to judge whether the responses are real ones or
simply numerical inaccuracy caused by numerical calculations.

The effects of initial conditions on the responses are also examined. It seems that the non-zero initial
velocity has pronounced effects on the displacement time histories but it has no effect on the
maximum accelerations.

When the two supports of a beam are subjected to two different time-dependent functions, the
approach presented herein can be used to assess the adequacy and accuracy of the approaches to
calculate responses of structural systems subjected to multiple support response spectra input [4, 5],
The superposition of the results in 3.1 and 3.2 can produce the responses of a beam for which two
supports are subjected to two different time-dependent functions.

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[2]. Fung, Y.C.; "Shock Loading and Response Spectra", a colloquium on shock and structural
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[3]. Kassawara, R.P.; Peck, D.A.; "Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems Excited at Multiple
Support Locations", Specialty Conference on Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities,
Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 1973.
[4]. Lin, C.W.; Loceff, F.; "A New Approach to Compute Systems Response with Multiple
Support Response Spectra Input", Nuclear Engineering and Design 60 (1980) pp 347-352.
[5], Wu, R.W.; Hussein, F.A.; Liu, L.K.; "Seismic Response Analysis of Structural System
Subjected to Multiple Support Excitation", Nuclear Engineering and Design 47 (1978) pp
[6]. Newmark, N.M.; "A Method of Computation for Structural Dynamics", Trans-ASCE, Vol.
127, pp 1406-1435, 1962.
[7]. Bathe, K.J.; Wilson, E.L.; "Stability and Accuracy Analysis of Direct Integration Methods",
Int. J. of Earthquake Eng. and Struct. Dynamics, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1973.
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[9] Crandall, S.H.; "The Role of Damping in Vibration Theory", J. Sound Vib. H., pp 3-18,
[10] Timoshenko, S.; Young, D. H.; "Vibration Problems in Engineering", Van Nostrand
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16-19, 1988.
Table 3
Table 1 Maximum Displacement, Moment and Shear
Dynamic Characteristics for Beam Shown in Fieure I
Calculated by Response Spectrum Method Mode Displace Max. Max. Mom. Max.
Mode Freq. Displace, Modal Participation iNum Resp. Disp. at (cm-Kgt)
Num (Hz) at Center Factor Spec. Center of (kgf)
of Beam Left Sup. Right Sup. Value at Beam
Support (cm)
1 1.405 0.3162 -1.9966 -1.9966
1 -4.106 1.2985 1.034xl05 638.9
2 5.619 0 0.9733 -0.9733
2 0 0 0 0
3 12.636 0.3162 0.6206 0.6206
3 2.088 -0.6604 5.049x10' 8170
4 22.424 0 -0.435 0.435
4 0 0 0 0
5 34.869 0.3160 0.3162 0.3162
5 0.057 0.018 -4.33x10" 860.5
6 49.64 0 -0.2298 0.2298
6 0 0 0 0
7 65.887 0.3160 0.1611 0.1611
7 0.00783 -0.0025 1.227x10" 216.3
8 81.74 0 0.1028 -0.1028
8 0 0 0 0
9 93.94 0.3162 -0.05 -0.05
9 -0.00123 0.0004 3.O83xlO3 21.5

SRSS Combined 1.4569 5.049x10' 8170

Table 2
Maximum Displacement, Moment and Shear i Transient 9.5 12.7X105 1.6x10"
fi=fi = 1.405 Hz Exact | (0-1 sec)
Mode Displace Max. Max. Mom. Max.
Num Resp. (cm-kgf)
i Steady 1.53 5.96X105 1.14x10*
Disp. at Shear ! State
Spec. Center of (kgf)
Value at Beam Table 4
Support (cm) Maximum Displacement, Moment and Shear
f r 9 f i = 12.65 Hz
-99.848 31.57 2.51X1O6 1.55x10" Mode Displace Max. Max. Mom. Max.
Num Resp Disp. at (cm-kgf) Shear
0 0 0 0 Spec. Center of (kgf)
0.2376 -0.0751 5.74x10* 932 Value at Beam
Support (cm)
0 0 0 0
0.12105 0.0383 9.19x10" 1837 -4.049 1.2804 1.019xl05 630
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.0617 -0.0195 -lOSxlO 5
1700 30.811 -9.743 5.45x10s 1.205x10*
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.019 0.00606 5.4x10* 334 0.0978 0.0309 7.424x10* 1485

SRSS Combined 31.57 2.52X1O 6

1.58x10* 0 0 0 0
0.01262 -0.004 2.154x10* 348.5
Max. Values (1) 0) (1)
from Exact 31.83 2.51X105 1.58x10* 0 0 0 0
-0.00193 0.00061 5447 33.07
NOTE (1): The maximum values are reached when t
approaches infinite. SRSS Combined 9.8272 7.45X10 6 1.205x105

| Transient 15.6 4.6x106 7.4x10"

Exact i (0-1 sec)
! Steady
11.2 7.6x106 1.42x10?
Table 5 Table!
Maximum Displacement, Moment and Shear Comparison of Max. Accelerations (in g's) of a simple beam with
! fi =33.2Hz zero initial velocity and those of a beam with non zero iniial
Mode Displace Max. Max. Max. velocity for Various Base Motion Frequencies
Num Resp Disp. at Mom. Shear F f =fi = Fr = Ff = 9fi F r = 25fi
Spec. Center of (cm-kgfj (kgf) 1.405Hz lOHz = 12Hz =35.2Hz
Value at Beam
Support (cm)
Two supports of a simple beam subjected to harmonic motion
1 -4.0 1.2648 l.OxlO 622.3 with non-zero initial velocity
2 0 0 0 0 Trans 0.35 7.1 53 310
3 1.4282 0.4516 -3.45xl0 5 5587

Steady 2.52 4.0 68.2 316
4 0 0 0 0 State
5 14.466 4.5745 1.098xl07 2.196xlO4 Two supports of a simple beam subjected to harmonic motion
6 0 0 0 0 with zero initial velocity
7 0.1285 -0.0406 -2.193x10s 3.548xlO 3
Trans 0.18 7.1 53 310
8 0 0 0 0
Steady 2.52 3.96 68.1 316
9 -0.0166 -0.00525 4.688x107 289.7 State

SRSS Combined 4.7678 1.099x10' 2.197xlO5

i Transient 32.63 1.44x10' 3.9xlO5

Exact J (0-1 sec)
i Steady 8.5 1.27xlO7 3.95X1O5
J State

Table 6
Comparison of Accelerations (in g's) for Various Frequencies of
Support Motion
F f =fi = Ff = F f =9fi Fr= 25fi
1.405Hz lOHz = 12Hz =35.2Hz

Max. Value
SRSS 2.51 5.06 61.9 231

Two supports of a simple beam subjected to harmonic motion

Trans 0.35 7.1 53 310

Steady 2.52 4.0 68.2 316

One support of a simple beam subjected to harmonic motion
Trans 0.15 3.61 26.8 155
X Steady 1.25 1.98 34 158
w State

A t L i5,
Time (sec)
Time (sec)
Figure 2: Displacement of mid-point of
beam with Two supports excited by a
Figure 3: Displacement of mid-point
harmonic motion ff= 1.405Hz (1st natural
of beam with Two supports excited by
frequency of beam, a resonance case)
a harmonic motion £ =4.15Hz (Not a
resonance case)

Time (sec)

Time (sec)

Figure 5: Displacement of mid-point

of beam with Two supports excited by
Figure 4: Displacement of mid-point of a harmonic motion ff =9*1.405Hz (? d
beam with Two supports excited by a natural frequency of beam, a
harmonic motion ff =4*1.405Hz (Not a resonance case)
resonance case)
t 0.015 J

»-Q-O O O O Q O O Q O a

0 1 2 3
Om X
x-axis along the beam
©•©«• t=0.25*Tf
K-X t=5*Tf

Figure 6: Deflection of Beam with Two supports subjected to A Harmonic Motion with ff=
1.405Hz (1 st natural frequency of beam, a resonance case)

0 06
J3.0A6 J


y y B ( o . 2 5 T f , x ) 0.04
®-©^ s 0.03
yy B ( 0 . 7 5 T f , x )
0.02 $£-e-&&-t*o O O O - » O O Q ( 5 ^
y y B ( l . l 6 T f , x ) „_„,
yyB(5-Tf,x) 0
t- 0.03^0.04
x-axis along the beam

K - X t=5*Tf
~~"~~ Beam

Figure 7: Deflection of Beam with Two supports subjected to A Harmonic

Motion with ff = 4.215Hz (Not a resonance)
.0.053 ,

x-axis along the beam

K-H t=5*Tf

Figure 8: Deflection of Beam with two supports subjected to a Harmonic

Motion with ff = 4* 1.405Hz (Not a resonance case)

L 0.087.,

yy B ( 0 . 2 5 - T f ,x
£ ©6« 0.04
8 yy B(0.75-T f,x)
yyB(l.l6T f ,x)

"s yy B(s-T r ,x

x-axis along the beam

K-X t=5*Tf
Figure 9: Deflection of Beam with two supports subjected toa Harmonic Motion with ff=
9*1.405Hz (3rd natural frequency of beam a resonance at higher mode of beam)

Time (sec)

Figure 11: Displacement of mid-point of beam

Figure 13: Displacement of mid-point
with one support being stationary while the
of beam with one support being
other one excited by a harmonic motion ff =
stationary while the other one excited
1.405Hz (1 st natural frequency of beam, a
by a harmonic motion ff = 4*1.405Hz
resonance case)
(Not a resonance case)

— _

yy i
— -1 1'


-4 - 4
0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5 15
A, t J5.,
Time (sec)
Figure 12: Displacement of mid-point of beam
with one support being stationary while the Figure 14: Displacement of mid-point
other one excited by a harmonic motion ff = of beam with one support being
4.215Hz (Not a resonance case) stationary while the other one excited
by a Harmonic motion ff = 9*1.405Hz
(3rd natural frequency of beam,
resonance at higher mode of beam)
0.012 —
^.,1 inmiiin m,

g yyB(0.25-T f X
- i

' ^ 0.008 ——•

•g yyB(l.l6-T f ,x) 0.004

| y y ^ - i ' T f ,x) °
0 -0.008
-0.016 ———
°-02J-0.02 I±i
0 1 2 3 4 5
0- m X L
x-axis along the beam
— t=0.25*Tf
•X- t=1.16*Tf
•4- t=5*Tf
— Beam

Figure 15: Deflection of Beam with one support being stationary while the other one excited by a
harmonic motion
ff = 1.405Hz (1 st natural frequency of beam, a resonance case)

yy B (0.25-T f.
S yyB(l.l6-T f,x) 0.004

Mf,x) °
!+ + -0.004
^-0.015^0.02 0 2 3

Om x
x-axis along the beam

Figure 16: Deflection of Beam with one support being stationary while the other one excited by a
harmonic motion
ff = 4.215Hz (Not resonance case)
yy B (o.25T f ,x
yy B (l.l6-T f ,x) 0.04

f x
' '
, 0.025
t -0.022^-0.05
0 1 2 3
0m x
x-axis along the beam
X - X t=1.16*Tf

Figure 17: Deflection of Beam with one support being stationary while the other one excited by a
harmonic motion ff = 4*1.405Hz (2nd natural frequency of beam, resonance at higher mode of

yy B (0.25-T f ,x) 0.06


o 2 3
Om x
x-axis along the beam


Figure 18: Deflection of Beam with one support being stationary while the other one excited by a
Harmonic motion ff = 9* 1.405Hz (3rd natural frequency of beam, resonance at higher mode of

•g yy i_i ( 0 12
3 cm 6
E 0
f yyi_o(O - 6 .LLLLI ———
n -12

.6.975 „
Time (sec)
- " • yyl_O(t)
Figure 19: Comparison of two time histories, one with zero initial velocity and the other with
non-zero initial velocity, of displacement for the center point of a beam subjected to the same
harmonic motion (Ff=Fi=1.405Hz) on two supports


I q(U) • llj l "\ '*.

L .
8 •]j ^j(ir*—
8« qq(t,l)
cm - 2 1 \
1^ I •

0 5

LQ. L4.493,
Time (sec)

Figure 20: Comparison of two displacement-time histories, one with

zero initial condition and the other with non-zero initial condition,
of a simple beam subjected to harmonic motion Ff=5.6Hz

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