Statistical Quality Control (S.Q.C)
Statistical Quality Control (S.Q.C)
Statistical Quality Control (S.Q.C)
Statistical Quality Control is one of the
important application of statistical techniques
in field of Pharmaceutical industries.
It is noted that quality control is specialized
professional technique which is used to
maintain the technical efficiency of the
process of production.
The term “statistical process control (S.P.C)” is
often used interchangeably with “statistical
quality control”, although S.Q.C includes
acceptance sampling as well as S.P.C.
S.Q.C aims at achieving the target of
conformance of the end products to the
standards and expectations laid down by the
It is the application of quantitative techniques
to determine how far the product conforms to
the standards of quality and precision and to
what extent its quality deviates from the
standard quality.
In other words, it is a simple statistical method
for determining the extent to which quality
goals are being met without necessarily
checking every item produced and for
indicating whether or not the variations which
occur are exceeding normal expectations.
S.Q.C enables us to decide whether to accept
or reject a particular product.
Variations in manufacturing:
No two products or characteristics are ever
exactly the same, because any process
contains many sources of variability.
In mass-manufacturing, traditionally, the
quality of a finished article is ensured by post-
manufacturing inspection of the product.