Design of 25 KV LA Structure (Lattice)

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PROJ: 66/33/25 kV RSS/ TSS in New Delhi

(IRCON) Title: Design Calculation of Equipment Supporting Structure Type - 66KV LA
Doc. No. SYS2 / CAL / RSS / S013 Rev. 0 Date 10/9/2019 CHECKED
Design of Equipment Supporting Structure - 66KV LA
Input Data:
Details of Bus
Type of Bus : 2.5" IPS Al. Tubular
Height of Bus from from Finished Gravel Level 4.5 m.
Diameter of Bus = 73.025 mm.
Span of Bus = 3.5 m.
Phase to Phase Distance = 2 m.
Weight of bus = 2.979 Kg./run m.
Fault Current = 25000 Ampere

Details of Equipment (Ref. Drg. No. Rev. )

Height of Equipment = 1180 mm.
Diameter of Equipment = 270 mm.
Selfweight of the equipment = 100 Kg.

Details of Structure
Height of Structure = 3120 mm.
Width of structure = 350 mm. B/B
No. of bays = 4
Leg member Designation = ISA 65x65x6
Bracing Member Designation = ISA 50x50x6
Yield Strength of steel = 250 Mpa.
Plinth height = 0.2 m.
Diameter of Bolt = 16 mm.

Calculation of Short Circuit force (As per Cl. 11.3 of ANSI/IEEE Standard 605 - 1987)
Span of bus = 3.5 m.
Total Short Circuit Current, ISC = 25000 A.
Conductor Spacing, D = 78.7401574803 inches
Constant, G = 0.866
Mount Structure Flexibility Factor, Kf = 1
Short circuit force, FSC =
= 1 x 27.6 x 0.866 x 25000^2/(1e+07 x 78.74) 18.971895 lbf/ft.
» 29 kgf/m.

Span of bus = 3.5 m.

Total Short Circuit Force = 29 x 3.5 102 kg.
Short Circuit Force Considered = 110 kg.

Calculation of Wind Pressure (As per IS:802 (Part 1/Section 1) - 1995.

Basic wind speed = 47 m/s
rological Wind Speed = = 47/1.375 34.18 m/s
Terrain Category = 3
Reliability Level = 1
k1 = 1.0
k2 = 1.00
Design Wind Speed = = 34.18 x 1 x 1 34.18 m/s
Design Wind Pressure = = 0.6 x 34.18^2 71.48 Kg./sq. m.

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PROJ: 66/33/25 kV RSS/ TSS in New Delhi

(IRCON) Title: Design Calculation of Equipment Supporting Structure Type - 66KV LA
Doc. No. SYS2 / CAL / RSS / S013 Rev. 0 Date 10/9/2019 CHECKED
Design of Equipment Supporting Structure - 66KV LA
Calculation of Wind load on equipment

Effective area = 0.159 sq. m.

Drag Coefficient = 1.200
Gust Response Factor = 2.550
Wind Load = = 0.159 x 1.2 x 2.55 x 71.48 34.845 Kg.
Height of force from GL = = 3.12 + 1.18/2 + 0.2 3.910 m.

Calculation of Wind Load on Bus

Effective Area = 0.256 sq. m.
Drag Coefficient = 1.000
Gust Response Factor = 2.050
Wind Load = = 0.2556 x 1 x 2.05 x 71.48 37.454 Kg.
Height of force from GL = 4.500 m.

Calculation of Wind Load on Structure

Calculation of Effective Area
On Leg = 2 x 3.120 x 0.065 = 0.406 sq. m.
On Bracing = 8 x 0.855 x 0.05 = 0.342 sq. m.
0.748 sq. m.

Total Panel Area = = 3.12 x 0.35 1.092 sq. m.

Solidity Ratio = = 0.748/1.092 0.685
Drag Coefficient = 2.000
Gust Response Factor = 2.550
Wind Load = = 1.092 x 2 x 2.55 x 71.48 272.539 Kg.
Height of force from GL. = = 3.12/2 + 0.2 1.760 m.

Calculation of Selfweight of Structure

Leg member = 4 x 3.12 x 5.8 72.384 Kg.
Bracing member = 16 x 0.855 x 4.5 61.555 Kg.
Total = 133.939 Kg.
Add: Extra 40% = 53.575 Kg.
Total = 187.514 Kg.

Design of Leg member (As per IS:802 (Part 1/Section 2) - 1992)

Moment at base due to
short circuit force = = 110 x (4.5 - 0.2) 473.00 Kg.-m
wind on bus = = 37.45 x (4.5 - 0.2) 161.05 Kg.-m
wind on equipment = = 34.85 x (3.91 - 0.2) 129.28 Kg.-m
wind on structure = = 272.54 x (1.76 - 0.2) 425.16 Kg.-m
Total Moment = 1188.488 Kg.-m
C/c distance = 0.3464 m.

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PROJ: 66/33/25 kV RSS/ TSS in New Delhi

(IRCON) Title: Design Calculation of Equipment Supporting Structure Type - 66KV LA
Doc. No. SYS2 / CAL / RSS / S013 Rev. 0 Date 10/9/2019 CHECKED
Design of Equipment Supporting Structure - 66KV LA
Wt. of bus = 10.43 Kg.
Wt. of Equipment = 100.00 Kg.
Wt. of structure = 187.51 Kg.
Wt. of man with kit = 150.00 Kg.
Erection Load = 350.00 Kg.
Total Vertical Load = 797.94 Kg.
» 800.00 Kg.

Force on leg due to horizontal force = = 1188.49/(0.346 x 2) 1715.58

Force on leg due to vertical force = = 800/4 200.00

Net Tensile Force on member = = 1715.58 - 200 1515.58 Kg.

Net Compressive force on member = = 1715.58 + 200 1915.58 Kg.

Design compressive force = 2100 Kg.

Design tensile force = 1700 Kg.

Angle chosen ISA 65x65x6

Lxx = 156.00 cm.
Lvv = 78.00 cm.
rxx = 1.98 cm.
rvv = 1.26 cm.
KL/r = 78.79 < 120 Ok
Cc = 125.66 > KL/r
Permissible compressive Stress = = ((1 - 0.5 x (78.79/125.66)^2) x 250) 200.86 Mpa.
Cross-sectional Area = 7.44 cm2
Permissible compressive load = 15238.30 Kg. >
2100.00 Kg. Ok
Permissible tensile stress = 250 Mpa.
Diameter of bolt = 16.00 mm.
Net sectional area = = 7.44 - 2 x 1.75 x 0.6 5.34 cm2
Permissible tensile load = 13612.73 Kg. >
1700.00 Kg. Ok.

Design of Bracing Member (As per IS:802 (Part 1/Section 2) - 1992)

Member Chosen = ISA 50x50x6
Total Transverse Force = 454.84 Kg.
Angle of Inclination of Bracing = 67.63 Degrees.
Total force on bracing = 597.57 Kg.
Design force on bracing = 700.00 Kg.

Length of member = 843.47 mm.

rvv = 9.60 mm.
KL/r = 87.86
Cc = 125.66 > KL/r
Permissible compressive Stress = = ((1 - 0.5 x (87.86/125.66)^2) x 250) 188.89 Mpa.
Cross-sectional Area = 568.00 mm2
Permissible compressive load = 10940.30 Kg. >
700.00 Kg. Ok

441239753.xls SHEET 3 OF 14

PROJ: 66/33/25 kV RSS/ TSS in New Delhi

(IRCON) Title: Design Calculation of Equipment Supporting Structure Type - 66KV LA
Doc. No. SYS2 / CAL / RSS / S013 Rev. 0 Date 10/9/2019 CHECKED
Design of Equipment Supporting Structure - 66KV LA
Permissible tensile stress = 250 Mpa.
Diameter of bolt = 16 mm.
Sectional Area of connected leg (A1) = 179 mm2
Sectional Area of unconnected leg (A2) = 284 mm2
k = 3A1/(3A1 + A2) = 0.654
Net sectional area = = 179 + 0.654 x 284 364.76 mm2
Permissible tensile load = 9298.43 Kg. >
700.00 Kg. Ok

Using Bolt of property class 5.6 (in single shear)

Capacity of Bolt in shear = = 3.142 x 0.25 x 16 x 16 x 320/9.807 6561 Kg.
Capacity of Bolt in bearing = = 16 x 6 x 620/9.807 6069 Kg.
Design Strength of Bolt = 6069 Kg.
No. of bolts required = 0.12
However provide 1 bolt of 16 mm. Dia of property class 5.6

Design of Base Plate

Maximum Compressive Load = 2100 Kg.
Grade of Concrete = M20
fck = 20 Mpa.
Permissible bearing pressure = 5 Mpa.
Required Area of Base Plate = 4119 mm2
Provide 140 mm sq. Base Pl.
Area Provided = 19600 mm2
> 4119 mm2 Ok
Actual Bearing Pressure q = 1.05 Mpa.
Thickness of Base Plate provided = 16 mm.
No. of Bolts = 2

Providing stiffners of 150 mm ht. 8 mm. thk.

Length & width of panel a = b = 74.1 mm.
For a/b = 1 b 1
= 1.769
β 1 qb
σ b= = 39.87 Mpa. <
t2 165 Mpa. Ok

441239753.xls SHEET 4 OF 14

PROJ: 66/33/25 kV RSS/ TSS in New Delhi

(IRCON) Title: Design Calculation of Equipment Supporting Structure Type - 66KV LA
Doc. No. SYS2 / CAL / RSS / S013 Rev. 0 Date 10/9/2019 CHECKED
Design of Equipment Supporting Structure - 66KV LA
Design of foundation bolt
Maximum Tension = 1700 Kg.
Maximum Shear = 454.84 Kg.
Tension per bolt = 850 Kg.
Shear per bolt = 56.85 Kg.
Diameter of bolt = 16 mm. of property class 4.6

Permissible Shear Stress = 218 Mpa.

Permissible Tensile Stress = 194 Mpa.

Actual Tensile Stress = = 850 x 9.807/(3.142 x 16^2 x 0.25 x 0.8) 51.82 Mpa. Ok
Actual Shear Stress = = 56.85 x 9.807/(0.25 x 3.142 x 16^2) 2.77 Mpa. Ok
Interaction factor = = 2.77/218 + 51.82/194 0.28 < 1.4 Ok

Bond Stress of concrete = 0.8 Mpa.

Embedment length reqd= = 850 x 9.807/(0.8 x 3.142 x 16 x 1.33) 155.86 mm.
Provide an embedment length of 250 mm.

Check of base plate against tension in bolt

Tension per bolt = 850 Kg.
Edge distance = 30 mm.

Moment arm = = 74.1 x 1.414 x 0.5 - 30 x 1.414 9.9687 mm.

Bending Moment = = 850 x 9.9687 83099 N-mm.
Width of the base pl. resisting B.M. = = 1.414 x 74.1 104.78 mm.

Sectional Modulus = = 1/6 x 104.78 x 16^2 4470.5 mm3

Bending stress developed = 18.59 Mpa. <
165 Mpa. Ok

9.9687 104.78



16 f BOLT

30 40 40 30 THK PLATE

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Drag Coefficients for structure (Cdt) Gust Response Factors for Towers & Insulators
0.01 3.6 Ht. Terrain Category
0.02 3.6 1 2 3
0.03 3.6 0.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.04 3.6 1 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.05 3.6 1.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.06 3.56 2 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.07 3.52 2.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.08 3.48 3 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.09 3.44 3.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.1 3.4 4 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.11 3.35 4.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.12 3.3 5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.13 3.25 5.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.14 3.2 6 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.15 3.15 6.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.16 3.1 7 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.17 3.05 7.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.18 3 8 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.19 2.95 8.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.2 2.9 9 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.21 2.86 9.5 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.22 2.82 10 1.7 1.92 2.55
0.23 2.78 10.5 1.7075 1.934 2.5635
0.24 2.74 11 1.715 1.948 2.577
0.25 2.7 11.5 1.7225 1.962 2.5905
0.26 2.66 12 1.73 1.976 2.604
0.27 2.62 12.5 1.7375 1.99 2.6175
0.28 2.58 13 1.745 2.004 2.631
0.29 2.54 13.5 1.7525 2.018 2.6445
0.3 2.5 14 1.76 2.032 2.658
0.31 2.47 14.5 1.7675 2.046 2.6715
0.32 2.44 15 1.775 2.06 2.685
0.33 2.41 15.5 1.7825 2.074 2.6985
0.34 2.38 16 1.79 2.088 2.712
0.35 2.35 16.5 1.7975 2.102 2.7255
0.36 2.32 17 1.805 2.116 2.739
0.37 2.29 17.5 1.8125 2.13 2.7525
0.38 2.26 18 1.82 2.144 2.766
0.39 2.23 18.5 1.8275 2.158 2.7795
0.4 2.2 19 1.835 2.172 2.793
0.41 2.18 19.5 1.8425 2.186 2.8065
0.42 2.16 20 1.85 2.2 2.82
0.43 2.14 20.5 1.8555 2.205 2.828
0.44 2.12 21 1.861 2.21 2.836
0.45 2.1 21.5 1.8665 2.215 2.844
0.46 2.08 22 1.872 2.22 2.852
0.47 2.06 22.5 1.8775 2.225 2.86
0.48 2.04 23 1.883 2.23 2.868
0.49 2.02 23.5 1.8885 2.235 2.876
0.5 2 24 1.894 2.24 2.884
0.51 2 24.5 1.8995 2.245 2.892
0.52 2 25 1.905 2.25 2.9
0.53 2 25.5 1.9105 2.255 2.908
0.54 2 26 1.916 2.26 2.916
0.55 2 26.5 1.9215 2.265 2.924
0.56 2 27 1.927 2.27 2.932
0.57 2 27.5 1.9325 2.275 2.94
0.58 2 28 1.938 2.28 2.948
0.59 2 28.5 1.9435 2.285 2.956
0.6 2 29 1.949 2.29 2.964
0.61 2 29.5 1.9545 2.295 2.972
0.62 2 30 1.96 2.3 2.98
0.63 2 30.5 1.9655 2.305 2.987
0.64 2 31 1.971 2.31 2.994
0.65 2 31.5 1.9765 2.315 3.001
0.66 2 32 1.982 2.32 3.008
0.67 2 32.5 1.9875 2.325 3.015
0.68 2 33 1.993 2.33 3.022
0.69 2 33.5 1.9985 2.335 3.029
0.7 2 34 2.004 2.34 3.036
0.71 2 34.5 2.0095 2.345 3.043
0.72 2 35 2.015 2.35 3.05
0.73 2 35.5 2.0205 2.355 3.057
0.74 2 36 2.026 2.36 3.064
0.75 2 36.5 2.0315 2.365 3.071
0.76 2 37 2.037 2.37 3.078
0.77 2 37.5 2.0425 2.375 3.085
0.78 2 38 2.048 2.38 3.092
0.79 2 38.5 2.0535 2.385 3.099
0.8 2 39 2.059 2.39 3.106
0.81 2 39.5 2.0645 2.395 3.113
0.82 2 40 2.07 2.4 3.12
0.83 2 40.5 2.073 2.404 3.126
0.84 2 41 2.076 2.408 3.132
0.85 2 41.5 2.079 2.412 3.138
0.86 2 42 2.082 2.416 3.144
0.87 2 42.5 2.085 2.42 3.15
0.88 2 43 2.088 2.424 3.156
0.89 2 43.5 2.091 2.428 3.162
0.9 2 44 2.094 2.432 3.168
0.91 2 44.5 2.097 2.436 3.174
0.92 2 45 2.1 2.44 3.18
0.93 2 45.5 2.103 2.444 3.186
0.94 2 46 2.106 2.448 3.192
0.95 2 46.5 2.109 2.452 3.198
0.96 2 47 2.112 2.456 3.204
0.97 2 47.5 2.115 2.46 3.21
0.98 2 48 2.118 2.464 3.216
0.99 2 48.5 2.121 2.468 3.222
1 2 49 2.124 2.472 3.228
49.5 2.127 2.476 3.234
50 2.13 2.48 3.24
50.5 2.1335 2.4835 3.245
51 2.137 2.487 3.25
51.5 2.1405 2.4905 3.255
52 2.144 2.494 3.26
52.5 2.1475 2.4975 3.265
53 2.151 2.501 3.27
53.5 2.1545 2.5045 3.275
54 2.158 2.508 3.28
54.5 2.1615 2.5115 3.285
55 2.165 2.515 3.29
55.5 2.1685 2.5185 3.295
56 2.172 2.522 3.3
56.5 2.1755 2.5255 3.305
57 2.179 2.529 3.31
57.5 2.1825 2.5325 3.315
58 2.186 2.536 3.32
58.5 2.1895 2.5395 3.325
59 2.193 2.543 3.33
59.5 2.1965 2.5465 3.335
60 2.2 2.55 3.34
60.5 2.203 2.554 3.346
61 2.206 2.558 3.352
61.5 2.209 2.562 3.358
62 2.212 2.566 3.364
62.5 2.215 2.57 3.37
63 2.218 2.574 3.376
63.5 2.221 2.578 3.382
64 2.224 2.582 3.388
64.5 2.227 2.586 3.394
65 2.23 2.59 3.4
65.5 2.233 2.594 3.406
66 2.236 2.598 3.412
66.5 2.239 2.602 3.418
67 2.242 2.606 3.424
67.5 2.245 2.61 3.43
68 2.248 2.614 3.436
68.5 2.251 2.618 3.442
69 2.254 2.622 3.448
69.5 2.257 2.626 3.454
70 2.26 2.63 3.46
70.5 2.2625 2.633 3.466
71 2.265 2.636 3.472
71.5 2.2675 2.639 3.478
72 2.27 2.642 3.484
72.5 2.2725 2.645 3.49
73 2.275 2.648 3.496
73.5 2.2775 2.651 3.502
74 2.28 2.654 3.508
74.5 2.2825 2.657 3.514
75 2.285 2.66 3.52
75.5 2.2875 2.663 3.526
76 2.29 2.666 3.532
76.5 2.2925 2.669 3.538
77 2.295 2.672 3.544
77.5 2.2975 2.675 3.55
78 2.3 2.678 3.556
78.5 2.3025 2.681 3.562
79 2.305 2.684 3.568
79.5 2.3075 2.687 3.574
80 2.31 2.69 3.58
Gust Response Factors for Cond. & GW.
Ht. Terrain Category upto 200m.
1 2 3
0.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
1 1.7 1.83 2.05
1.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
2 1.7 1.83 2.05
2.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
3 1.7 1.83 2.05
3.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
4 1.7 1.83 2.05
4.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
5 1.7 1.83 2.05
5.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
6 1.7 1.83 2.05
6.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
7 1.7 1.83 2.05
7.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
8 1.7 1.83 2.05
8.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
9 1.7 1.83 2.05
9.5 1.7 1.83 2.05
10 1.7 1.83 2.05
10.5 1.71 1.8445 2.0695
11 1.72 1.859 2.089
11.5 1.73 1.8735 2.1085
12 1.74 1.888 2.128
12.5 1.75 1.9025 2.1475
13 1.76 1.917 2.167
13.5 1.77 1.9315 2.1865
14 1.78 1.946 2.206
14.5 1.79 1.9605 2.2255
15 1.8 1.975 2.245
15.5 1.81 1.9895 2.2645
16 1.82 2.004 2.284
16.5 1.83 2.0185 2.3035
17 1.84 2.033 2.323
17.5 1.85 2.0475 2.3425
18 1.86 2.062 2.362
18.5 1.87 2.0765 2.3815
19 1.88 2.091 2.401
19.5 1.89 2.1055 2.4205
20 1.9 2.12 2.44
20.5 1.905 2.1255 2.448
21 1.91 2.131 2.456
21.5 1.915 2.1365 2.464
22 1.92 2.142 2.472
22.5 1.925 2.1475 2.48
23 1.93 2.153 2.488
23.5 1.935 2.1585 2.496
24 1.94 2.164 2.504
24.5 1.945 2.1695 2.512
25 1.95 2.175 2.52
25.5 1.955 2.1805 2.528
26 1.96 2.186 2.536
26.5 1.965 2.1915 2.544
27 1.97 2.197 2.552
27.5 1.975 2.2025 2.56
28 1.98 2.208 2.568
28.5 1.985 2.2135 2.576
29 1.99 2.219 2.584
29.5 1.995 2.2245 2.592
30 2 2.23 2.6
30.5 2.005 2.2355 2.608
31 2.01 2.241 2.616
31.5 2.015 2.2465 2.624
32 2.02 2.252 2.632
32.5 2.025 2.2575 2.64
33 2.03 2.263 2.648
33.5 2.035 2.2685 2.656
34 2.04 2.274 2.664
34.5 2.045 2.2795 2.672
35 2.05 2.285 2.68
35.5 2.055 2.2905 2.688
36 2.06 2.296 2.696
36.5 2.065 2.3015 2.704
37 2.07 2.307 2.712
37.5 2.075 2.3125 2.72
38 2.08 2.318 2.728
38.5 2.085 2.3235 2.736
39 2.09 2.329 2.744
39.5 2.095 2.3345 2.752
40 2.1 2.34 2.76
40.5 2.1035 2.34525 2.76525
41 2.107 2.3505 2.7705
41.5 2.1105 2.35575 2.77575
42 2.114 2.361 2.781
42.5 2.1175 2.36625 2.78625
43 2.121 2.3715 2.7915
43.5 2.1245 2.37675 2.79675
44 2.128 2.382 2.802
44.5 2.1315 2.38725 2.80725
45 2.135 2.3925 2.8125
45.5 2.1385 2.39775 2.81775
46 2.142 2.403 2.823
46.5 2.1455 2.40825 2.82825
47 2.149 2.4135 2.8335
47.5 2.1525 2.41875 2.83875
48 2.156 2.424 2.844
48.5 2.1595 2.42925 2.84925
49 2.163 2.4345 2.8545
49.5 2.1665 2.43975 2.85975
50 2.17 2.445 2.865
50.5 2.1735 2.45025 2.87025
51 2.177 2.4555 2.8755
51.5 2.1805 2.46075 2.88075
52 2.184 2.466 2.886
52.5 2.1875 2.47125 2.89125
53 2.191 2.4765 2.8965
53.5 2.1945 2.48175 2.90175
54 2.198 2.487 2.907
54.5 2.2015 2.49225 2.91225
55 2.205 2.4975 2.9175
55.5 2.2085 2.50275 2.92275
56 2.212 2.508 2.928
56.5 2.2155 2.51325 2.93325
57 2.219 2.5185 2.9385
57.5 2.2225 2.52375 2.94375
58 2.226 2.529 2.949
58.5 2.2295 2.53425 2.95425
59 2.233 2.5395 2.9595
59.5 2.2365 2.54475 2.96475
60 2.24 2.55 2.97
60.5 2.24275 2.5535 2.9755
61 2.2455 2.557 2.981
61.5 2.24825 2.5605 2.9865
62 2.251 2.564 2.992
62.5 2.25375 2.5675 2.9975
63 2.2565 2.571 3.003
63.5 2.25925 2.5745 3.0085
64 2.262 2.578 3.014
64.5 2.26475 2.5815 3.0195
65 2.2675 2.585 3.025
65.5 2.27025 2.5885 3.0305
66 2.273 2.592 3.036
66.5 2.27575 2.5955 3.0415
67 2.2785 2.599 3.047
67.5 2.28125 2.6025 3.0525
68 2.284 2.606 3.058
68.5 2.28675 2.6095 3.0635
69 2.2895 2.613 3.069
69.5 2.29225 2.6165 3.0745
70 2.295 2.62 3.08
70.5 2.29775 2.6235 3.0855
71 2.3005 2.627 3.091
71.5 2.30325 2.6305 3.0965
72 2.306 2.634 3.102
72.5 2.30875 2.6375 3.1075
73 2.3115 2.641 3.113
73.5 2.31425 2.6445 3.1185
74 2.317 2.648 3.124
74.5 2.31975 2.6515 3.1295
75 2.3225 2.655 3.135
75.5 2.32525 2.6585 3.1405
76 2.328 2.662 3.146
76.5 2.33075 2.6655 3.1515
77 2.3335 2.669 3.157
77.5 2.33625 2.6725 3.1625
78 2.339 2.676 3.168
78.5 2.34175 2.6795 3.1735
79 2.3445 2.683 3.179
79.5 2.34725 2.6865 3.1845
80 2.35 2.69 3.19
Steel Table

Designation Area Rxx Rvv t A/B Unit Wt. Cxx/Cyy

ISA 45x45x4 3.47 1.37 0.87 4 45 2.7 1.25

ISA 45x45x5 4.28 1.36 0.87 5 45 3.4 1.29
ISA 50x50x5 4.79 1.52 0.97 5 50 3.8 1.41
ISA 50x50x6 5.68 1.51 0.96 6 50 4.5 1.45
ISA 60x60x5 5.75 1.82 1.16 5 60 4.5 1.65
ISA 65x65x5 6.25 1.99 1.26 5 65 4.9 1.77
ISA 65x65x6 7.44 1.98 1.26 6 65 5.8 1.81
ISA 65x65x8 9.76 1.96 1.25 8 65 7.7 1.89
ISA 75x75x5 7.27 2.31 1.46 5 75 5.7 2.02
ISA 75x75x6 8.66 2.30 1.46 6 75 6.8 2.06
ISA 75x75x8 11.38 2.28 1.45 8 75 8.9 2.14
ISA 90x90x6 10.47 2.77 1.75 6 90 8.2 2.42
ISA 90x90x8 13.79 2.75 1.75 8 90 10.8 2.51
ISA 90x90x10 17.03 2.73 1.74 10 90 13.4 2.59
ISA 100x100x6 11.67 3.09 1.95 6 100 9.2 2.67
ISA 100x100x8 15.39 3.07 1.95 8 100 12.1 2.76
ISA 100x100x10 19.03 3.05 1.94 10 100 14.9 2.84
ISA 100x100x12 22.59 3.03 1.94 12 100 17.7 2.92
ISA 110x110x8 17.02 3.38 2.14 8 110 13.4 3
ISA 110x110x10 21.06 3.36 2.14 10 110 16.6 3.08
ISA 110x110x12 25.02 3.34 2.13 12 110 19.7 3.16
ISA 110x110x15 30.81 3.31 2.13 15 110 24.3 3.27
ISA 130x130x8 20.22 4.03 2.55 8 130 15.9 3.5
ISA 130x130x10 25.06 4.01 2.54 10 130 19.7 3.58
ISA 130x130x12 29.82 3.99 2.54 12 130 23.5 3.66
ISA 130x130x15 36.81 3.95 2.53 15 130 28.9 3.78
ISA 150x150x10 29.03 4.63 2.93 10 150 22.8 4.06
ISA 150x150x12 34.59 4.61 2.93 12 150 27.2 4.14
ISA 150x150x15 42.78 4.58 2.92 15 150 33.6 4.26

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