Sewer Odor Control Biofilter

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Bioteg Force Main Biofilter DEBF-Series

Bioteg DEBF-Series Biofilters provide mid-volume (15-45 cfm) H2S
odor removal for spot applications surrounding underground pump
station and main system vent pipes. They present a negligible
footprint and can be easily installed, above or below ground, to
an 8’’ flange connection of a force-main vent pipe. HDPE and
stainless steel construction ensures durable field life and all but
eliminates vessel maintenance. As with all Passive Bioteg
Biofilters, the DEBF-Series employs our proprietary bpc - Biomedia
to provide up to seven years of effective odor control.
Rain Cap

Vent Stack

Detachable Cover Bioteg



DEBF Sewer Odor Control Biofilter Specifications

H2S Concentration............................................< 50 ppm
Removal Rate ......................................................> 95%
Pressure Drop .................................................< 0.5 iwg
Model CFM Dia. Height H1 Height H2 **
Filter Container

8’’ Flange Connection DEBF-15 15 31’’ 35’’ 20’’ 440 lbs.

DEBF-30 30 39’’ 41’’ to 770 lbs.
DEBF-45 45 47’’ 43’’ 60’’ 1,080 lbs.
> Low Investment Cost > High Efficiency
> Trouble-Free Operation > Quick and Easy Installation
> Minimal Maintenance > Long Lasting Media

Bioteg Passive Biofilters

Bioteg Passive odor control Biofilters are an ideal
and inexpensive solution to treat nuisance odors at
the source anywhere in the collection system.
All Bioteg Biofilters employ our proprietary bpc-
Biomedia with an extremely low pressure drop,
allowing their use as passive odor control biofilters.
The normal pressure in the sewer system forces
the air through the biofilter, where microorganisms
degrade the odorous substances. The Biomedia is
self-regenerating and may therefore have a service
life of up to 7 years. The spent media is not hazardous
and can be easily replaced.

© Bioteg, LLC

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