The Emotional Development: By: Indah Mutiara Insani SID: 4193332001 Bilingual Chemistry Education Program
The Emotional Development: By: Indah Mutiara Insani SID: 4193332001 Bilingual Chemistry Education Program
The Emotional Development: By: Indah Mutiara Insani SID: 4193332001 Bilingual Chemistry Education Program
SID : 4193332001
Alhamdulillah, thank God, prayed for Allah's presence because of God's grace, taufiq
and guidance we could finish writing a student development paper entitled "emotional
The process of making this paper is not very short but through several stages that must be
done. We would like to thank the lecturers of this course who have helped and guided so that
this task can be completed.
I am fully aware that this paper is far from perfect, therefore critics and suggestions
that are relevant to the refinement of this paper are very welcome. Hopefully this paper can
add value to its readers.
A.Background of Study..............................................................................................................4
B.Problem of Study....................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II : DISCUSSION...................................................................................................6
THE CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................10
A. Background of Study
Teenagers are in a period of development that has many problems with growth and
development, especially with regard to adaptation to the demands of the environment and
society and adults. The problem that often occurs in adolescent intellectual and emotional
development is an imbalance between the two. Their intellectual abilities have been
stimulated from the start through a variety of facilities and infrastructure that are prepared at
home and at school with various media.
The development of adolescent emotional independence, can not be separated from the
application of parental care through interaction between mother and father with adolescents.
Parents are the first environment that has the most role in the care of their teenage children,
so it has the most influence on the formation of adolescent emotional independence.
Emotional development in adolescents is characterized by emotions that are unstable and
tumultuous. At this time the mood can change very quickly. The results of research in
Chicago by Mihalyi and Reed Larson (1984) found that the average teenager needed only 45
minutes to change from the mood of "extraordinary pleasure" to "extraordinary sadness",
while adults need several hours for the same thing. These emotional changes are closely
related to the hormonal feelings that occur in adolescents. Emotional stress arises from the
rapid and extensive physical changes that occur during puberty.
One of the characteristics of adolescents according to Allport (1961) is a reduction in
selfishness, on the contrary growing feelings of mutual ownership. One of the distinctive
signs is the growing ability to love others and the natural surroundings. The ability to tolerate
with the people he loves, to share in the suffering experienced by those he loves. Another
feature is the development of an "ideal ego" in the form of ideals, idols and so forth that
illustrates how the ego (self) will look in the future.
Traditionally adolescence is considered a period of "storms and stresses", a time when
emotional tension rises as a result of physical and glandular changes. The heightened
emotions mainly because boys and girls are under social pressure and face new conditions,
while during childhood he was less prepared to deal with these conditions.
B. Problem of Study
Based on the above background study, the discussion of this paper will focus on the
following problem:
C. The Purpose of Study
Emotions are of two types, namely positive emotions and negative emotions. Positive
emotion is a psychological reaction as a sign of their satisfaction with the decisions that
adolescents perceived, and negative emotions caused by dissatisfaction with the various
needs it.
a. Fear of problems over the attitude of parents who are unfair and tend to resist in the family.
b. Fear of problems getting status both in the peer group and in the family.
c. Fear of the problem of adjusting education, or the choice of education in accordance with
the abilities and ideals.
d. Fear of the problem of choice of position in accordance with the abilities and desires.
e. Fear of sex problems.
f. Fear of the threat of self-existence.
3) Emotions of Love
Emotions have existed in children from infancy and continue to develop into
adulthood. Whereas in adolescence, love is directed to the opposite sex. In infancy, love is
directed at parents, especially to mothers. In childhood (3-5 years) love is directed at parents
of the opposite sex, for example boys will fall in love with mothers and daughters on fathers.
In adolescence the direction and object of love change toward peers of the opposite sex.
Physical changes experienced during adolescence are commonly referred to as
puberty. Puberty is a period where physical maturity takes place quickly, which involves
hormonal and bodily changes, which mainly take place in early adolescence. The most
obvious change at this time was the presence of signs of sexual maturity and height and
weight gain in adolescent growth.
Puberty in boys mostly starts at the age of 10-13.5 years and ends at the age of 13-17
years. While puberty in girls usually occurs at the age of 9-15 years. But there are also
children who experience Previous Puberty, namely puberty that occurs before puberty, and its
development is very fast.
From the above theory further clarifies the relationship between emotions and
symptoms of cruelty or behavior. From the study of healthy behavior it can be explained that
the state of anger, fear of anxiety or other arousal conditions causes the body to produce
adrenaline. So that, in a long time the production of adrenaline will be excessive which
affects the workings of the body's system. Blood pressure rises, heart beats faster, breathing is
interrupted, digestion stops temporarily, etc. In chronic conditions constantly health becomes
disturbed, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. Both trigger the onset of heart disease and
Emotions can function as motives that motivate or cause the emergence of a kind of
power so that individuals act or behave. The behavior that is caused by these emotions can be
both positive and negative. This can be found in everyday life for example:
1. When we find out that our brother has been struck by a disaster, there is emotion,
sympathy, and then we are moved to make a contribution.
2. A group of football seporters who watched the favorite team lose, a feeling of
disappointment, annoyance, anger, and then act brutally by destroying the stadium.
3. Students make fun of each other then anger, hurt, or revenge arises, which in turn causes
fights or brawls between students. Emotions can have positive or negative consequences. We
should be able to manage emotions so as not to cause negative impacts that are not desirable.
4) Learning through conditioning
5) Learning with guidance and supervision.
g. Family environment
Family parenting style will greatly affect the emotional development of children. If
the child is developed in a positive emotional family environment, the child's emotional
development will be positive. However, if a parent's habit of expressing his emotions is
negative, such as venting anger with an aggressive attitude, irritability, disappointment and
pessimism in dealing with problems, then the child's emotional development will become
Emotion is a psychological reaction that is visible from the physical reactions such as
rapid heartbeat, flushing or pale, muscular holding and so on. Eg emotional behavior cheerful
or happy, anger, fear, sadness and so on. So, emotion is any activity or upheaval typical
thoughts, a state and a series of biological and psychological tendency to act.
The types of emotional patterns experienced by adolescents normally experienced are
love / affection, joyful anger, fear and anxiety, jealousy, sad etc.
Some emotional conditions of adolescent are love and affection are important factors in the
lives of adolescents to get love from others, be happy if you remember something pleasant
and will tell the full story of what happened, anger and hostility, and the last is fear.
From the study of healthy behavior it can be explained that the state of anger, fear of
anxiety or other arousal conditions causes the body to produce adrenaline. Emotions can
function as motives that motivate or cause the emergence of a kind of power so that
individuals act or behave. The behavior that is caused by these emotions can be both positive
and negative.
The characteristic of adolescent emotional development includes physical changes,
childhood, changes in relationships with friends, changes in relation to school, learning
factors, and the family environment.
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