Hydraulic Structures: Assignment: Group 4, 5 and 6, Compiled by:M.M.Qawdhan

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Hydraulic Structures:

Assignment: Group 4, 5 and 6, Compiled by :M.M.Qawdhan

Total marks 40%, Deadline: 10 Feb 2018, Total Number of problems #7

1. Design a concrete gravity dam for the following data

a) Maximum allowable compressive stress in concrete = 3000 kn/m2
b) Maximum reservoir level = 200 m
c) Bottom of the dam = 100 above mean sea level ( 100 M.S.L)
d) Specific gravity of concrete = 2.4
e) Unit weight of water = 10 kN/m3
f) The dam will have a free board of about say 3% dam height
7. Analyse the stability of the gravity dam shown below for the following loading combinations:

a) Usual loading: Hydrostatic force for normal operating water level+ gravity (dead) load+ice

load (60KN/m) + silt load (hs=5 m, γsub=11KN/m3 , φa=32°)

b) Unusual loading: Hydrostatic force for at full reservoir + gravity (dead) load+silt load

c) Extreme loading: Loading a+ Earthquake (considering F horiz and F vert separately)


i. Earthquake coefficient, k=0.07

ii. Friction between dam and soil, f=0.85
iii. Uplift reduction coefficient, φ=0.60
iv. Allowable shear stress in concrete, τs=1500 KN/m2
v. Allowable compressive stress in soil, σall, soil=3000 KN/ m2
vi. Allowable compressive stress in concrete, σall, conc.=2500 KN/ m2
vii. Normal operating level, H=+75 m
viii. Unit weight of concrete, γconc=24 KN/m3
ix. Unit weight of water, γwater=10 KN/m3

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