CENG 197 - CE Competency Appraisal II Problem Set 6 - Geotechnical Engineering

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Student Number: _____________________________ Particles smaller than 0.002 = 40+n/10%

CENG 197 – CE Competency Appraisal II Determine the following:
Problem Set 6 – Geotechnical Engineering a. Plasticity index
b. Indicate the activity classification for this clay
Sit.1. A soil sample having a mass of 1 800 + 3n grams and a
volume of 0.001 + 0.0001n m3 was taken from the field. It has Sit. 8. The sieve analysis of three soils ang the liquid and
a moisture content 12%. The density of the solid particles was plastic limits of the fraction passing no.40 sieve is given in
found to be 2 500 + 3n kg/m3. Determine the following: Table CCAII3.02. Use AASHTO Classification.
a. Dry density Determine the following:
b. Void ratio a. Classification of soil A with its group index
c. Degree of saturation of the soil sample b. Classification of soil B with its group index
c. Classification of soil C with its group index
Sit. 2. For a given soil, the following are known. Gs = 2.50 +
n/100, moist unit weight = 20 +n/100 kN/m3 and moisture Sit.9. Laboratory results of a sieve analysis for three soils are
content of 16 + n/100%. Determine the following: shown in Table CCAII3.03. Classify the soils according to the
a. Dry unit weight Unified Soil Classification System.
b. Void ratio a. Soil classification of soil A
c. Porosity b. Soil classification of soil B
d. Degree of saturation c. Soil classification of soil C

Sit. 3. The total density of sand in an embankment was found Sit.10. Given soil having the particle size distribution as
to be 1 800 + n kg/m3 and the field water content was follows: 10+n/5 % sand, 29+n/10 % silt, 20+n/10% gravel and
10+n/10%. In the laboratory, the density of the solids was 41-2n/5 % clay. Determine the following:
found to be 2 500 +2n kg/m3, and the maximum and minimum a. Percentage of sand using USDA method
void ratio were 0.50 + n/100 and 0.25 + n/100, respectively. b. Percentage of silt using USDA method
Solve for the following: c. Percentage of clay using USDA Method
a. Dry density d. Classification of soil using USDA Method
b. Void ratio
c. Relative density Sit. 11. A confined aquifer is shown in Figure CCAII3.11. The
aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of 40+n/10 m/day and a
Sit. 4. The moist weight of 0.00283 + 3n/10000 m3 of soil is porosity of 0.20+n/1000. The piezometric heads in two
50+n/10 N. if the moisture content is 10+n/50 % and the observation wells 1200 +2n m apart are 65m and 60m from
specific gravity of soil solids is 2.50+n/100, determine the the common datum. The aquifer has an average width of 4
following: km. Determine the following:
a. Moist unit weight a. Rate of flow of water (m3/day)
b. Dry unit weight b. Seepage velocity (m/day)
c. Void ratio c. Time of travel from the head of the aquifer to a point
d. Porosity 4 km downstream
e. Degree of saturation
f. Volume occupied by water Sit. 12. During a falling head permeability test, the head fell
from 80cm to 65 cm in 83+n seconds. The specimen was 5cm
Sit. 5. A soil has a liquid limit of 50+n/5 and a plastic limit of in diameter and had a length of 50+n mm. The diameter of the
20+n/5. A moisture content test performed on an undisturbed standpipe was 0.75cm. Compute the coefficient of
sample of this soil yielded the following results: permeability of the soil.
Mass of soil + can before placing in oven 90+n/10g
Mass of soil + can after removal from oven 70+n/10g Sit. 13. The soil under a dam has four layers of soil with
Mass of can 20+n/10g different coefficients of permeability as given in Table
Determine the following: CCAII3.04 and is under normal flow. Compute for the
a. Plasticity index following:
b. Moisture content a. Average vertical coefficient of permeability in m/day
c. Liquidity index b. Transmissibility of the soil when the water table is at
the ground surface in m2/day
Sit. 6. Table CCAII3.001 shows the results of liquid and plastic c. Interstitial velocity of water moving through the soil
limit tests. Determine the following: if it has a void ratio of 0.60 and a hydraulic gradient
a. Liquid Limit of 0.0018 in cm/hour
b. Plasticity Index
c. Liquidity Index Sit. 14. A submerged clay layer has a thickness of 8+n/100 m.
The water content of the soil is 50+n/10%. The specific gravity
Sit. 7. Laboratory test results for a sample of clay soil for the of soil particles is 2.00+n/100. Determine the following:
purpose of evaluating the potential for volume change a. Saturated unit weight of the clay
(swelling, expansion) are as shown. b. Total stress at the bottom of the clay
Liquid Limit = 60+n/10 % c. Effective stress at the bottom of the clay
Plastic Limit = 20+n/10%
Sit. 15. A thick layer of clay underlies a sand layer 5.00+n/92 Compute for the following:
m thick. The ground water table is located 2.00+n/29 m below a. Angle of friction of the soil sample
the ground surface. The sand has a void ratio of 0.52. The b. Shear stress on the failure plane
degree of saturation above the water table is 0.30+n/1029. c. Normal stress on the plane of maximum shear
The clay has a moisture content of 35+n/100. The specific
gravity of solids for both sand and clay is 2.70. Determine the
a. Unit weight of the clay
b. Total stress at a depth of 10m below the ground
c. Effective stress at a depth of 10m below the ground

Sit. 16. A dense silt layer has the following properties: void
ratio e = 0.50 + n/1000, effective diameter D10 = 10+n/100 μm,
capillary constant C = 0.29 cm2. Free ground water level is 8m
below the ground surface. Assume unit weight of solids 𝛾𝑠 =
20 + 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3 . Compute for the following:
a. Height of capillary rise
b. Vertical effective stress at 5m depth. Assume the soil
above the capillary zone is partially saturated at 50%.
c. Vertical effective stress at 10m depth. Assume that
the soil above the capillary zone is partially saturated
at 50%.

Sit. 17. Two footings rest in a layer of sand 2.70m thick. The
bases of the footings are 0.90m below the ground surface.
Beneath the sand layer is a 1.80m thick layer. Underneath the
clay layer is solid rock. Water table is at a depth of 1.80m
below the ground surface. Refer to Figure CCAII3.12.
Determine the following:
a. Stress increase below footing A (1.50m x 1.50m) at
the center of the clay layer. Assume that the
pressure beneath footing A is spread at an angle of
2 vertical to 1 horizontal.
b. Size of footing B so that the settlement in the clay
layer is the same beneath footings A and B
c. Settlement beneath footing A.

Sit. 18. A cohesionless soil is subjected to a shear test. The

normal stress and the shear stress on the failure plane at
failure were determined to be 400+n kPa and 350+n kPa,
respectively. Compute for the following:
a. Angle of friction of soil
b. Angle of the failure plane measured from the major
principal plane
c. Major principal stress

Sit. 19. A shear test was conducted on a clay sample. The

normal and shear stresses on the failure plane at failure were
determined to be 150+n kPa and 76+n kPa, respectively. The
angle of shearing resistance of the soil is 10+n/10°. Determine
the following:
a. Cohesion of the clay
b. Chamber confining pressure
c. Plunger stress

Sit. 20. The results of a consolidated-drained triaxial test

conducted on a normally consolidated clay are as follows:

Chamber confining pressure = 300 +2n kPa

Deviator stress at failure = 400 +3n kPa
Table CCAII3.04
Coefficient of
Layer Depth (m) permeability
1 4+n/100 5+n/100
2 8+n/100 3+n/100
3 12+n/100 2+n/100
4 3+n/100 1+n/100

Table CCAII3.03
Sieve Analysis
Sieve Number Diameter (mm)
Percentage Passing
4 4.760 100 94 100
8 2.380 90+n/10 60+n/10 100
10 2.000 85+n/10 50+n/10 96
20 0.840 80+n/10 30+n/10 80+n/10
40 0.420 45+n/10 20+n/10 75+n/10
60 0.250 35+n/10 10+n/10 60+n/10
100 0.149 29 10 58+n/10
200 0.074 9 2 55+n/10
Characteristics of fraction passing no. 40 sieve
LL 35 47
PL 20 24

Table CCAII3.02
Sieve Analysis
Sieve Number Diameter (mm)
Percentage Passing
4 4.750 100 94 100
8 2.380 85+n/10 75+n/10 100
10 2.000 64+n/10 73+n/10 96
20 0.840 34+n/10 65+n/10 80+n/10
40 0.425 24+n/10 45+n/10 75+n/10
60 0.250 12+n/10 40+n/10 60+n/10
100 0.150 10 29 58+n/10
200 0.075 2 9 55+n/10
Characteristics of fraction passing no. 40 sieve
LL 46 47
PL 29 24

Table CCAII3.01
A. Liquid Limit
Test Number 1 2 3 4
Number of blows 40 29 25 10
Weight of wet soil and container (g) 22.24 21.20 22.3 27.50
Weight of dry soil and container (g) 19.44 19.20 18.66 24.30
Weight of Container (g) 12.74 15.30 15.06 14.65
B. Plastic Limit
Test Number 1 2
Weight of wet soil and container (g) 22.12 20.44
Weight of dry soil and container (g) 20.42 19.56
Weight of Container (g) 13.07 14.12
C. Natural Water Content
Test Number 1 2
Weight of wet soil and container (g) 17.53 15.74
Weight of dry soil and container (g) 14.84 13.87
Weight of Container (g) 7.84 8.40
Figure CCAII.3.11

Figure CCAII3.12

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