3.3 English TRP Ex p44 48 Dvd4
3.3 English TRP Ex p44 48 Dvd4
3.3 English TRP Ex p44 48 Dvd4
- ... is big.
- No, it isn't. It's small.
TO PLUG IN How do you make an appliance work? (You plug it in.) Also teach the opposite:
TO UNPLUG You unplug it. What's the noun? (Plug.)
CABLE And what's this? Mime. (The cable.)
Tell students that you have just bought a new CD player and that they have to tell
you how to use it. Mime each of the steps below and have them supply the
instructions if possible. If you have the equipment available in the Centre, it will be
easier to demonstrate using it. Each time the correct form has been
produced/given, drill it.
TO CONNECT Plug the CD player into an electrical socket. Connect the speakers to the CD
SPEAKER player.
- What's happened?
- (The screen's frozen.)
- What were you doing?
- (I was just working on the computer.)