Sample Audit Checklist For HACCP
Sample Audit Checklist For HACCP
Sample Audit Checklist For HACCP
IMP = Improvement
Crit = Critical
Maj = Major
Min = Minor
Crit IMP
1.0 Pre-audit
4.1 Has the food safety plan been based on the Codex
Alimentarius HACCP principles and is reference
made to relevant legislation, codes of practice or
Does the food safety plan identify, monitor and
manage physical, chemical or microbiological
risks in products and processes?
(Victorian companies: does the company use an
approved food safety plan template?)
4.2 Does the food safety plan describe what
processes are covered within the context of the
paddock to plate through chain process?
4.3 Has a food safety plan been written to include all
products and processes?
Total number of food safety plans within audit
Date of the food safety plan(s):
4.4 Does the food safety plan include an appropriate
flow diagram of the process?
4.5 Check that the company has used HACCP
principles to:
conduct a hazard analysis
determine the Critical control points
(CCPs) by use of the Codex decision
tree when determining CCPs
establish critical limits
establish a system to monitor control of
the CCPs. Is the established frequency
for monitoring each CCP sufficient to
control the hazard?
establish the corrective action to be
taken when monitoring indicates that a
particular CCP is not under control
establish procedures of validation and
verification to confirm that the HACCP
system is working effectively, including
auditing of the HACCP system
establish documentation concerning all
procedures and records appropriate to
14.3 metal
14.4 bone
14.5 wood
14.6 rubber
16.1 Is there a program to minimise the entry of Door left open in receipt dock area.
rodents, insects and birds in the manufacturing Plastic strips tied back while
and warehousing areas? unloading. Bird observed in