Bullying Worksheet:: Learning Intention: Success Criteria

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Bullying Worksheet: Name: Sophia Form: 9D

Learning Intention: Success Criteria:

 To learn what bullying is What is bullying?
 To learn how to deal with a bullying situation  I can identify a bullying situation
 I have a range of strategies I can use in a
bullying situation
1. What is your definition of Bullying?
- Bullying is when one person (or a group of people) with more power than someone else tries to upset or
hurt them.

2. Write the definition given by your teacher.

- Bullying is when one person (or a group of people) with more power than someone else tries to upset or
hurt them. This power can come from being more popular, stronger or part of the group. They might
repeatedly try to hurt the person physically, socially isolate them or say and do mean or humiliating things to
them. Bullying can happen in person or online and it can be obvious or hidden.

3. Discuss the following statements with a partner

What do you think about this statement? Do you agree/disagree why?

Statement Your Comments

People who bully others feel Yes, because they can hurt/humiliate the others who they think that
powerful. ‘weak’.

Those who don’t stand up to I agree, they don’t want to interrupt because they are afraid.
bullying behaviours are showing

People who bully others have no Maybe, I don’t know.


Bullying behaviour is never I strongly agree. It’s our rights to live happily and freely, without
acceptable. being bullied by others.

Bullying or violent behaviour stems Maybe, I don’t know.

from fear.

No one has the right to make I strongly agree.

others feel unsafe. (Everyone has
the right to be treated fairly)
We are all responsible for making a I agree, because we are human beings, we are obviously responsible
difference. with our decisions.

4. What does it mean to feel safe and supported at school?

- When no one is making you unsafe or uncomfortable. When you feel that when something happened to you,
you can freely tell your teachers or some staffs in school. When you are having fun and not worrying about
being bullied in school.

5. Give your responses to the following - Discuss with a partner

Is bullying always highly visible to Maybe, I don’t know.

all? Why/Why not?

Is it always easy to recognise Yes, you can easily tell when a person is a bully or what.
bullying behaviours? Why/Why

Why do some people choose to So they can feel superior.

bully others?

In what ways are bullying and fear You hurt others, then later on you’ll feel afraid because of the
connected? consequence that you’ll face later on.

Is it possible for those who choose Maybe, if they get psychological medications.
to bully others to make positive
changes to their behaviour?

What could we do as a class/school The rules of the school should be more strict, as well as the
community to ensure that our teachers.
peers choose not to bully others?
What would a school look like if it Probably, it will be the best school in the country.
is safe and supportive and where
students don’t bully each other?

6. Consider the following situations and write your thoughts? Discuss with a partner
Choose one area of the school; Canteen or Lockers and Corridor or Yard

What does bullying look like at the: Bullies would ask some money from the other students, so that they
Canteen or Lockers and Corridor can buy food on the canteen. Then, they’ll be aggressive when the
or Yard person that they ask for money didn’t give them anything.

How should we behave at the: Everywhere we go, we should act with respect to others and respect
Canteen or Lockers and Corridor their decisions or acts.
or Yard ?

7. How can bullying effect the following:

The Bully The bully can get in jail.

The person being bullied It will badly affect their mental, social and physical health.

The observers of the bullying It will affect their mental health.

8. Devise an anti-bullying campaign or slogan that could be used at school.


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