Unit - I
Unit - I
Unit - I
1. What is an error?
The algebraic difference b/w the indicated value and the true value of the quantity
to be measured is called an error.
2. What is calibration?
The instruments measure the quantity which do not vary with time, the static
characteristic of an instruments play an important role.
4. What is measurand?
The instruments are subjected to rapidly varying inputs then it is necessary to study
the dynamic relations b/w input &output.
It is the degree of closeness with which the instruments reading approaches the true
value of the quantity to be measure.
7. What is precision?
It denotes the smallest change in the measured variable to which the instruments to
be responds. The units of sensitivity are in mm/unit quantity to be measure.
If the i/p quantity is slowly varied from zero onwards, the o/p does not vary until
some min value of the i/p is reached.
10. What is resolution? (NOV/DEC 2009)
The ability of instruments to retain its performances through its specified operating
life & the storage life is called stability.
The max allowable error in the measurement is specified in terms of a value is called
The actual value of a variable to be measured is called true value. This is practically
impossible hence it is not possible to determine.
15. Which are standard i/p used to obtain dynamic behavior of an instruments?
The step, ramp, parabolic & sinusoidal i/p are used in practice to obtain the dynamic
behavior of an instruments
It indicates how much faithfully the system reproduces the changes in the input. it is
the ability of an instruments to produce a wave shape identical to the wave shape of an
input with respect to time.
Before indicating the finial reading the pointer of the instruments takes finite time,
during which it oscillates or moves slowly to its final value.
The instrument in which the reading shown by the instruments gives directly the
measurements of the quantity to be measure is called secondary instruments.
Gross errors also called personal errors, Random errors due to unknown reasons.
The standard used for comparison purpose must be accurately defined and should be
commonly accepted.
· Mechanical Instruments
· Electronic Instruments.
27. Give the applications of measurement systems. (Apr/May 2011)
The calibration of all instruments is important since it affords the opportunity to check
the instrument against a known standard and subsequently to errors in accuracy.
It is the process by which comparing the instrument with a standard to correct the
16 mark questions
1. (i) What is standard? Explain the different types of standards? (Nov/Dec 2011)
(Nov/Dec 2010) (May /June 2014) (April /May 2015)
(ii) Define and explain the types of static errors possible in an instrument.
(Nov/Dec 2009) (May /June 2014)
2. (i) For the given data, X1 = 49.7, X2 = 50.1, X3 = 50.2, X4 = 49.6, X5 = 49.7
calculate a) Arithmetic mean b) Deviation of each value
c) Algebraic sum of the deviations (Nov/Dec 2010) (Nov/Dec 2013)
(April /May 2015) (April /May 2010)
3. Explain in detail the types of static error. (Nov/Dec 2011) (Nov/Dec 2010)
(Nov/Dec 2012)
6. Define the following terms in the context of normal frequency distribution of data.
a) Mean value b) Deviation c) Average deviation
d) Variance e) Standard deviation.
7. Draw the block diagram showing the basic functional elements of an instrument
and explain the functions of each. (Nov/Dec 2010) (Nov/Dec 2009)
(Nov/Dec 2013) (May/June2014) (April /May 2010)
8. Explain the normal or Gaussian curve of errors in the instrument and explain in
9.How are histogram and arithmetic mean helpful in the statistical analysis of data?
(Nov/Dec 2011)
10. Explain the concept of static evaluation of measurement data. (April/May 2011)
(Nov/Dec 2012)
a) Deflecting torque
b) Controlling torque
c) Damping torque.
a) Magnetic effect
b) Thermal effect
c) Electrostatic effect
d )induction & hall effect.
Using springs, & using control weight the controlling torque is produced.
The quantity is to measure is proportional to sin rather than in gravity control which is
not a uniform. Hence scale calibrated is not in uniform.
A current carrying coil placed in the permanent magnet field experiences a force,
proportional to the current it carries.
It is suitable for d.c. only as in a.c. the torque produced on coli is reversing which
cannot give accurate readings.
A soft iron piece is brought near the magnets gets attracted by the magnet is the
principle of moving iron attraction type instruments. When like polarities of magnet face
each other they experiences a force of repulsion.
10. List the possible cause of errors in moving iron instruments? (Apr/May 2015)
a)hysteresis errors,
b) Temperature errors,
The temperature coefficient of shunt and the meter should be low& should be as equal
as possible. The shunt resistances should be stable and constant with time.
The low sensitive instruments is used in high resistances circuit then its gives a lower
reading than the true reading.
The voltmeter resistances are very high & it should always be connected across the
circuit or component whose voltage is to be measure.
The controlling torque is absence in energy metering energy meter continues rotation
of disc is required & it is not necessary to reset it to zero every time & hence controlling
torque is absence.
Main speed adjustment possible by braking magnet & power factor adjustment
possible by the shading ring.
d) high sensitivity.
21. What are the constructional parts of dynamometer type wattmeter?
Fixed coil
Moving Coil
Current limiting resister
Helical spring
Spindle attached with pointer
Graduated scale
22. Write down the deflecting torque equation in dynamometer type wattmeter.
Td =VI CosÖ
27. Name the methods used for power measurement in three phase
circuits.(Nov/Dec 2010)
28. What are the special features to be incorporated for LPF wattmeter? (Nov/Dec
Method by which energizing the pressure coil circuit and current coil circuits
Electrolytic meters
Motor meters.
Clock meters
Slow but continuous rotation of disc when pc is energized and cc is not energized.
41. Name the types of instruments used for making voltmeter and ammeter.
(Nov/Dec 2013)
PMMC type
Induction type.
Uniform scale.
No hysteresis loss
Very accurate
High efficiency.
Used in dc galvanometer.
Less expensive
Reasonably accurate.
48. State the advantages of Hot wire type instruments. (Apr/May 2015)
Primary winding
Secondary winding
Magnetic core.
Ratio error
Phase angle error
The ratio of energy component current and secondary current is known as the ratio
Ratio error
Phase angle error.
16 mark questions
(ii) Explain the design of three phase wattmeter’s and give the reactive
power measurement in 3 phase circuits.
2. (i) Sketch the circuit and waveforms for ac voltmeter using a PMMC instrument
(ii) Develop the torque equation for a PMMC instrument and show its scale is
3. (i) With a neat diagram explain the construction and working of electrodynamometer
type instruments. Also derive its torque equation. (Nov/Dec 2010)
4. (i) Explain the different methods of determination of B –H curve (Nov/Dec 2011)
(Nov/Dec 2010) (April/May 2011) (May /June2014)
(ii) With a neat block diagram explain the working principle of digital frequency meter.
(Nov/Dec 2011) (Nov/Dec 2010)
5. Draw the circuit diagram of digital phase meter and explain its working.
6. Give the construction and principle of operation of single phase induction type energy
meter. Also derive its torque equation. (April/May 2011) Nov/Dec 2009) (May
10. Explain with neat diagram the working of integrating type DVM. (Nov/Dec 2010)
11. With neat figure explain the construction, working principle of three phase
wattmeter. Derive the deflecting torque equation.
12. What are the different methods used in high frequency measurements.
13. How to measure power using instrument transformers? Explain. (Nov/Dec 2011)
14. How is multi-meter used to measure different parameters? Explain. (Nov/Dec 2011)
15. Explain the operating principle of Instrument Transformer and what are errors
affecting its charactersistics. (April/May 2011) Nov/Dec 2009)
In potentiometer the unknown emf is measured by comparing it with a std known emf.
German silver
Maganatic wire
3. Define standardization.
It is the process by which adjusting the current flows through the potentiometer coil to
make the voltage across the std cell is equal.
More accurate
Easy to adjust
More complicated
Accuracy is seriously affected
Difficulty is experienced in standardization.
7. Classify ac potentiometers.
Polar potentiometer
Coordinate potentiometer.
AC bridges are used for the m/s of self and mutual inductance and capacitance.
14. Name the bridge circuits used for the m/s of self inductance. (Nov/Dec 2011)
Maxwell’s bridge
Maxwell-Wein Bridge
Anderson bridge
Hay’s bridge.
15. Name the bridge circuits used for the m/s of capacitance.
De Sauty’s bridge
Schering Bridge
Wein bridge
16. Name the bridge circuits used for the m/s of mutual inductance.(May/June 2014)
19. In which cases audio frequency oscillators are used as ac source. For high
It is the ratio between power stored in the coil to the power dissipated in the coil.
Low resistance
Medium resistance
High resistance
Resistances of about 1 ohm to 100 kilo ohms are called medium resistance.
34. Name the methods used for low resistance measurement.(Apr/May 2010)
35. Name the methods used for medium resistance measurement. (Nov/Dec 2009)
In this method a capacitor is charged and discharged for a specific time period and
from this resistance is measured.
16 mark questions
1. (i) Explain the theory and working principle of Kelvin’s double bridge method for the
measurement of low resistance. Derive the relation for finding unknown resistance.
(NOV/DEC 2011)(MAY/JUNE 2014) (APR/MAY 2015) (APR/MAY 2010)
(ii) Explain how inductance is measured by using Maxwell’s bridge .Derive the
condition for balance. (NOV/DEC 2013) (MAY/JUNE 2014)
2 .i) Explain the working principle of Anderson’s bridge and also derive its balance
(ii) Explain the working principle of Schering Bridge and also derive its balance
equations.(APR/MAY 2011)
3. Discuss briefly how Hay’s Bridge can be used for the measurement of inductance.
(NOV/DEC 2011)
4.With a neat bridge network, derive the general equation for bridge balance with a neat
A.C bridge diagram. (APR/MAY 2015)
5. Explain the working principle of Wheatstone Bridge and also derive its balance
equations.(APR/MAY 2011) (NOV/DEC 2012)
6.(i) Describe about the multiple earth and earth loops. (NOV/DEC 2009) (MAY/JUNE
2014) (APR/MAY 2015)
(ii) Mention the importance of grounding. Explain the different techniques of
grounding. (NOV/DEC 2011) (NOV/DEC 2013) (APR/MAY 2010)
7.(i) Explain in detail about the laboratory type DC potentiometer.(NOV/DEC 2011)
(ii) Give the applications of AC potentiometers.
8.Explain how to determine frequency using Wein bridge with circuit diagram. Obtain
the expression.
9.How do you measure the phase angle using ratio transformer. (NOV/DEC 2011)
11.Draw a neat sketch of a modern slide-wire D.C potentiometer and discuss how the
potentiometer is standardized. (NOV/DEC 2010)
12. Describe how co-ordinate type potentiometer can be used for calibration of a
voltmeter and A.C energy meters. (NOV/DEC 2010)
It is used to record one variable varying with other variable. It consists two separate
self balancing potentiometers and the resulting motion of the pen gives a plot on a graph
for variation of one variable with other.
The devices which provides a visual display of numbers , letters ,symbols w.r.t an
electrical input are called digital display devices.
The power requirements LCD to scatter or absorb light is of the order of few micro
watt/cm. it operates at low voltages of the order of 1 to 5 volt.
a)Gallium – Arsenide-Phosphide
b) Gallium- Phosphide
c) Gallium – Arsenides
LCDs do not emit pr generate light but alter externally illumination & when electrical
signal is applied modulated light.
True- In CRO an electron emission beam can be deflected in two direction X & Y
.it is possible to produce a spot top produce two dimensional display.
It is based on the photo-voltaic effect. when an open circuit p-n junction is illuminated
, large number of electron hole pair are generated in the region near the junction.
11. Define photo-conductive cells?
It is based on photo-conductive effect. when light falls on the material through glass
window, the covalent bond ionize due to energy in the radiation.
12. Mention the use of photo-voltaic cells?
It is used widely in the application in satellite & solar heaters. Also used in infrared
detectors& sensing lights.
1. Recording head
2. Magnetic tape
3. Reproducing head
5. Conditioning devices.
15. What are the methods used for magnetic tape recording? (Nov/Dec 2011)
1. Direct recording
16. What are the types of digital data recording? (Apr/May 2015)
i).electron gun
ii).deflection system
iii).fluorescent screen
i).mesh storage
ii).phosphor storage
19. What are the advantages of digital storage oscilloscope? (Nov/Dec 2009)
4. The characters can be displayed on screen along with the waveform which can
1. LEDs are small in size, and hence can be regarded as point source of light.
2. The brightness of light emitted by LED depends on the current flowing through
LED. Hence the brightness of light can be smoothly controlled by varying the
1. Dynamic scattering
2. Field effect
1. Poor reliability
4. Slow speed
5. Requires an ac drive
2. As long as image is required to be stored, the power must be supplied to the tube.
4. The stored waveform cannot be reproduced on the external device like computer
1. Electronic recorders
2. Analog recorders
3. Digital recorders
The operation of this display is based on the principle that under breakdown
Condition, a gas near cold cathode gas filled tube emits light. the cold cathode
Indicators are called nixie tubes. These are based on the principle of glow
1. Analog X-Yrecorders
2. Digital X-Yrecorders
16 mark questions
1.(i) Describe the basic components of a CRT. (NOV/DEC 2013) (NOV/DEC 2014)
(ii) Write short notes on liquid crystal displays. (NOV/DEC 2013)
2. (i) Give the basic block diagram of a digital data recording system
3. Explain with a neat sketch (NOV/DEC 2012) (APR/MAY 2012) (MAY/JUNE 2014)
a) Dot matrix displays
b) Bar graph displays
3.Explain the basic elements of a magnetic tape recorder. (NOV/DEC 2012) (NOV/DEC
2014)(APR/MAY 2012) (MAY/JUNE 2014)
4.With a neat block diagram, explain the working of digital storage oscilloscope.
5.Discuss briefly about the applications of LED. (APR/MAY 2012)
6.Draw and explain the block diagram of X-Y recorder. (MAY/JUNE 2014)
An element which produces electrical signal in the form of voltage or current d.c. or
a.c. without using external power, when stimulated by any form of physical quantity is
called an active transducer.
It is a devices which converters one form of energy into some other form. It is the
main components in an instruments system.
A transducer is a devices which converters one form of physical quantity into some
another form of energy such as electrical, hydraulic pneumatic useful for measurements
It converters the i/p quantity into an analog o/p which is a continuous function of time.
It is based on the principle that the resistances of the material changes with change in
temperature, generating thermal emf.
a)High accuracy
When heat is applied to hot junction, a temperature difference exists b/w the two
junctions, causing generation emf. The generated emf is proportional to the difference in
the temperature.
It is used for the measurements of pressure, level, and displacement. It can also
measure for linear & angular displacement.
18. Why are the capacitive transducer most useful for small system?
The force requirements of capacitive transducer are very small. Hence the power
required to operate them is also very small.
LVDT are available with range as low as ±0.05inch to as high as ±25 inch.
a)Potentiometric accelerometer,
b)LVDT accelerometer,
c)piezoelectric accelerometer,
d)strainguage accelerometer,
It’s a rotational displacement transducer which is used to measure the angular motion
of a body about axis of rotation. it works on the principle whose displacement is to
measure when rotates.
A digital to analog conversion accepts n bit input word in binary and produce an
analog signal proportional to it.
For D/A conversion the shunt resistors are used to generate n binary weighted
currents. These resistors look like a ladder hence called R-Rladder.
29. What are various errors in DAC?
32. Which are the techniques used for A/D conversion? (Nov/Dec 2009)
16 mark questions
1.(i) Explain the binary weighted resistor technique of D/A conversion. (MAY/JUNE
(ii) Define the following terms for D/A converters: (May/JUNE 2009)
a) Resolution b) Accuracy c) Monotonicity and d) conversion time
2.(i) Explain the construction and working of LVDT with a neat sketch
(i) Explain schematic block diagram of a general data acquisition system
and give its objectives(MAY/JUNE 2014) (APR/MAY 2015)
3.(i) Discuss R-2R ladder type D/A converter(APR/MAY 2015)
(ii) Explain the successive approximation type ADC. (MAY/JUNE 2014)
4. Explain the various types of ADC with suitable sketches.
5.Explain the principle of piezo electric transducers and name any two piezo electric
materials. (May/JUNE 2009) (APR/MAY 2015)
6.Explain in detail about smart sensors.(May/JUNE 2009)
7.Discuss in detail about(APR/MAY 2015)
(i)Optical encoder
(ii)Resistive encoder
(iii)Shaft encoder.
8. Explain different strain gauges with the principle of operation. (May/JUNE 2009)