This document summarizes the cost of goods sold calculations for two departments (Department I and Department II) of PT Banyumili.
Department I reports that 1,250 units entered the production process, 500 units were transferred to Department II, and 100 units remained as final work in process inventory. Total costs of Rp12,661,662.50 were allocated based on equivalent production units.
Department II received 950 units from Department I. After production, 750 units were transferred out and 150 units remained as final work in process inventory. Total costs of Rp20,776,101 were allocated based on equivalent production units.
The document provides production quantities, cost allocations, and calculations of
This document summarizes the cost of goods sold calculations for two departments (Department I and Department II) of PT Banyumili.
Department I reports that 1,250 units entered the production process, 500 units were transferred to Department II, and 100 units remained as final work in process inventory. Total costs of Rp12,661,662.50 were allocated based on equivalent production units.
Department II received 950 units from Department I. After production, 750 units were transferred out and 150 units remained as final work in process inventory. Total costs of Rp20,776,101 were allocated based on equivalent production units.
The document provides production quantities, cost allocations, and calculations of
This document summarizes the cost of goods sold calculations for two departments (Department I and Department II) of PT Banyumili.
Department I reports that 1,250 units entered the production process, 500 units were transferred to Department II, and 100 units remained as final work in process inventory. Total costs of Rp12,661,662.50 were allocated based on equivalent production units.
Department II received 950 units from Department I. After production, 750 units were transferred out and 150 units remained as final work in process inventory. Total costs of Rp20,776,101 were allocated based on equivalent production units.
The document provides production quantities, cost allocations, and calculations of
This document summarizes the cost of goods sold calculations for two departments (Department I and Department II) of PT Banyumili.
Department I reports that 1,250 units entered the production process, 500 units were transferred to Department II, and 100 units remained as final work in process inventory. Total costs of Rp12,661,662.50 were allocated based on equivalent production units.
Department II received 950 units from Department I. After production, 750 units were transferred out and 150 units remained as final work in process inventory. Total costs of Rp20,776,101 were allocated based on equivalent production units.
The document provides production quantities, cost allocations, and calculations of
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DEPARTEMEN I Daftar Kuantitas Fisik : Unit masuk Proses 1250 Produk Selesai ditransfer ke Dept. II 500 PDP akhir (BB 100%,BK 40%) 100 Produk hilang awal proses 150 + 1250 Biaya dibebankan di dept I : Jumlah Biaya Unit Produk Ekuivanlensi Biaya/UPE BB Rp 4.406.250 950+225 x 100% = 1.175 Rp 3.750 BTK Rp 3.851.948 950+225 x65% = 1.096,25 Rp 3.513,75 BOP RP 3.851.948 + 950+225 x65% = 1.096,25 Rp 3.513,75 + Rp 12.110.146 Rp 10.777,5 Harga Pokok Produksi HP Produk Selesai ditransfer ke dept II : 950 x Rp 10.755,5 = 10.236.725 HP PDP akhir : BB : 225 x Rp 3.750 x 100% = Rp 843.750 BTK : 225 x Rp 3.513,75 x 65% = Rp 790.593,75 BOP : 225 x Rp 3.513,75 x 65% = Rp 790.593,75 + Rp 2.424.937,5 + Jumlah pertanggung jawaban biaya di departemen I Rp 12.661.662,5 PT “BANYUMILI” LAPORAN HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI DEPARTEMEN II DAFTAR KUANTITAS FISIK Masuk Proses 950 Produk Selesai ditransfer ke Gudang 750 PDP akhir bl (BB:100%, BK: 50%) 150 Produk hilang awal proses 50 + 950 PEMBEBANAN BIAYA :
HPdrDept I Rp 141.000 750+(150x100%) = 900 Rp 11.374,14 BTK Rp 890.625 750+(150X75%) = 862,5 RP 6.387,5 BOP RP 1.068.750 750+(150X75%) = 862,5 RP 6.387,5 Rp 21.255.163 RP 24.199,14 HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI Produk Jadi ditransfer ke gudang 750 X 24.149,14 = Rp 18.111.855 Persediaan PDP akhir bulan : HP dr dep I 150 x 11.374,14 = Rp 1.706.121 BTK 150 x 6.387,5 x 50 % = Rp 479.062,5 BOP 150 x 6.387,5 x 50 % = Rp 479.062,5 + Harga Pokok Produk Dalam Proses Rp 2.664.246 + Jumlah pertanggungjawaban Rp. 20.776.101 NO Rekening Debit Kredit 1 Pemakaian Bahan BDP-BB-Dept I Rp 4.406.250 Persd Bahan Rp 4.406.250 2 Pencatat BTK Gaji & Upah Rp 9.361.167 Hutang Gaji dan Upah Rp 9.361.167 3 Distribusi BTK BPD-BTK-Dept I Rp 3.851.948 BPD-BTK-Dept II Rp 5.509.219 Gaji & Upah Rp 9.361.167 4 Mencatat timbulnya BOP BOP Rp 9.361.167 Berbagai Rekening Rp 9.361.167 5 Pembebanan BOP ke Departemen BDP-BOP-Dept I Rp 3.851.948 BDP-BOP-Dept II Rp 5.509.219 BOP Rp 9.361.167 6 Transfer Produk jadi ke Departemen II BDP-HPdrDept I-Dept II Rp 10.236.725 BDP-BB-Dept I Rp 3.562.500 BDP-BTK-Dept I Rp 3.338.062 BDP-BOP-Dept I Rp 3.338.062 Perhitungan BB 950 x Rp 3.750 = Rp 3.562.500 BTK 950 x Rp 3.513,75 = Rp 3.338.062 BOP 950 x Rp 3.513,75 = Rp 3.338.062 + Rp 10.238.624 7 Mencatat Persediaan PDP akhir di Dept I Persd PDP-Dept I Rp 2.424.937,5 BDP-BB-Dept I Rp 843.750 BDP-BTK-Dept I Rp 790.593,75 BDP-BOP-Dept I Rp 790.593,75 8 Mencatat Transfer Produk Jadi ke Gudang Persd produk jadi BDP-HPdrDept I-Dept II BDP-BTK-Dept II BDP-BOP-Dept II Perhitungan BDP-HPdrDept I-Dept II 950 x Rp 3.750 = Rp 3.562.500 BDP-BTK-Dept II 950 x Rp 3.513,75 = Rp 3.338.062 BDP-BOP-Dept II 950 x Rp 3.513,75 = Rp 3.338.062 + Rp 10.238.624 9 Mencatat Persed PDP akhir Persd PDP-Dept II Rp 3.622.371 BDP-HPdrDept I-Dept II Rp 1.706.121 BDP-BB-Dept II Rp - BDP-BTK-Dept II Rp 958.125 BDP-BOP-Dept II Rp 958.125 PT “BANYUMILI” LAPORAN HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI DEPARTEMEN I Daftar Kuantitas Fisik : Unit masuk Proses 1250 Produk Selesai ditransfer ke Dept. II 500 PDP akhir (BB 100%,BK 40%) 100 Produk hilang akhir proses 150 + 1250 Biaya dibebankan di dept I : Jumlah Biaya Unit Produk Ekuivanlensi Biaya/UPE BB Rp 4.406.250 950+225 x 100% + 150 = 1.325 Rp 3.325,47 BTK Rp 3.851.948 950+225 x65% + 150 = 1.246,25 Rp 3.090,83 BOP RP 3.851.948 + 950+225 x65% + 150 = 1.246,25 Rp 3.090,83 + Rp 12.110.146 Rp 9.507,13 Harga Pokok Produksi Produk Selesai di transfer ke dept II : 500 x Rp 9.507,13 = Rp 4.753.565 Penyesuaian 100 x Rp 9.507,13 = Rp 950.713 + Setelah disesuaikan 500 @ Rp 11.408,556 = Rp 5.704.278 Persediaan PDP akhir bulan : BB : 225 x Rp 3.325,47 x 100% = Rp 748.230,75 BTK : 225 x Rp 3.090,83 x 65% = Rp 452.033,89 BOP : 225 x Rp 3.090,83 x 65% = Rp 452.033,89 + Rp 1.652.298,53 + Rp 1.658.002,8 PT “BANYUMILI” LAPORAN HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI DEPARTEMEN II DAFTAR KUANTITAS FISIK Masuk Proses 950 Produk Selesai ditransfer ke Gudang 750 PDP akhir bl (BB:100%, BK: 50%) 150 Produk hilang akhir proses 50 + 950 PEMBEBANAN BIAYA :
HPdrDept I Rp 141.000 750+150+(150x100%)=1050 Rp 134,28 BTK Rp 890.625 750+150+(150X75%)=1012,5 Rp 879,62 BOP Rp 1.068.750 750+150+(150X75%)=1012,5 Rp 1.055,55 Rp 21.255.163 RP 2.069,45 HARGA POKOK PRODUKSI Produk Jadi ditransfer ke gudang HP Produk Jadi 750 x Rp 2.069,45 = Rp 1.552.087,5 HP Produk Hilang 50 x Rp 2.069,45 = Rp 103.472,5 + Harga Produk Jadi 350 @ Rp 4.730,17 = Rp 1.655.560 + Harga Pokok PDP akhir bulan (350) HP dari Dept I 150 x Rp 134,28 = Rp 20.142 BTK 150 x Rp 879,62 = Rp 131.943 BOP 150 x Rp 1.055,55 = Rp 158.332,5 + Rp 310.417,5 + Rp 1.965.977,5 PT. BANYUMILI BUKU JURNAL UMUM NO REKENING Debit Kredit 1 Pemakaian bahan BPD-BB-Dept I Rp 4.406.250 Persd Bahan Rp 4.406.250 2 Pencacatan BTK Gaji & Upah Rp 9.361.167 Hutang Gaji & Upah Rp 9.361.167 3 Distribusi BTK BDP-BTK-Dept I Rp 3.851.948 BDP-BTK-Dept II Rp 5.509.219 Gaji & Upah Rp 9.361.167 4 Mencatat timbulnya BOP BOP Rp 9.361.167 Berbagai rekening Rp 9.361.167 5 Pembebanan BOP ke departemen BDP-BOP-Dept I Rp 3.851.948 BDP-BOP-Dept II Rp 5.509.219 BOP Rp 9.361.167 6 Transfer produk jadi ke Dept II BDP-HPdrDept I-Dept II Rp 1.655.560 BDP-BB-Dept I Rp 2.992.923 BDP-BTK-Dept I Rp 2.781747 BDP-BOP-Dept I Rp 2.781747 Keterangan : Biaya Satuan Transfer Hilang 750 150 Jumlah BDP-BB-Dept I Rp 3.325,47 Rp 2.494.102,5 Rp 498.820,5 Rp 2.992.923 BDP-BTK-Dept I Rp 3.090,83 Rp 2.318.122,5 Rp 463.624,5 Rp 2.781747 BDP-BOP-Dept I Rp 3.090,83 Rp 2.318.122,5 Rp 463.624,5 Rp 2.781747 Rp 9.507,13 Rp 7.130.347,5 Rp 1.426.069,5 Rp 8.556.417
NO REKENING Debit Kredit
7 Mencatat Persediaan PDP akhir di Dept 1 Persd PDP-Dept I Rp 1.652.298,53 BDP-BB-Dept I Rp 748.230,75 BDP-BTK-Dept I Rp 452.033,89 BDP-BOP-Dept I Rp 452.033,89 8 Mencatat Transfer Produk Jadi ke Gudang