Magnetic Electrostatic Plasma Confinement
Magnetic Electrostatic Plasma Confinement
Magnetic Electrostatic Plasma Confinement
Plasma Confinement
By Thomas James Dolan, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EG&G Idaho,
PO Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3880, USA
= trapped electron pumpout rate/ Φ = potential barrier for electrons or ions
diusion rate Φ = electron potential barrier
= eective open fraction of wire mesh grid
Φi = ion potential barrier
= geometrical open fraction of wire mesh grid
Φp = plasma potential = Φi + Φ
0 = permittivity of free space
c = cyclotron frequency
= global Brillouin ratio
c = electron cyclotron frequency
In = Coulomb logarithm
ci = ion cyclotron frequency
= wavelength
p = electron plasma frequency
μo = permeability of free space
ei = electronion momentumtransfer collision
a = electron Larmor radius in anode gap
b = electron Larmor radius at plasma boundary
= electron Larmor radius
o = electron Larmor radius in point cusp
i = ion Larmor radius
1 = inner electron turning radius
2 = outer electron turning radius
= 1
16 g
1.1.1 Virtual Electrode Formation where is the eective open fraction of the grid, g = g
d2/g2 is the geometrical open fraction of the grid, g is the
Lavrent’ev 1 first proposed electrostatic plasma confine
spacing between grid wire centers square mesh and d is
ment on 22 June 1950, and magnetic field enhancement
the grid wire diameter. For example, if g = 4 mm and d =
of electrostatic plasma confinement in March 1951. In
the early 19605 Farnsworth 2 proposed electrostatic 0.2 mm, then g = 0.90 and = 0,865. The circulating
plasma confinement for the production of fusion reac current Ic is related to the current I intercepted by the
tions, based upon his experience with spherical multi grid wires by the equation:
pactor vacuum tubes. Lavrent’ev3 developed a theory of Ie 2
charged particle flow and focusing in plane and spherical = 2
geometries. Budker4 calculated the fusion reaction rate I (1 2 )
that could be attained by trapping ions in the negative
electrostatic charge of an electron beam. Early electro For the example case with = 0.865, the theoretical
static plasma confinement experiments 5 consisted of value of Ic/I = 6.9. Thus, for a highly open grid the circu
concentric spherical wire mesh electrodes, which accel lating current can be about an order of magnitude
erated charged particles inwards to produce a virtual greater than the grid current.
electrode inside the central sphere Figure 1. Charged Lavrent’ev and coworkers8 studied ion generation by
particles of the opposite sign would be attracted into oscillating electrons and ion focusing with spherical
the virtual electrode. For example, if electrons were in grids. Probe measurements inside a 5 cm radius spherical
jected into the sphere, they would produce a virtual cathode indicated a strong focusing of injected ions
cathode6, which would attract positive ions. In order to down to radii < 1 cm. The focused ion current density
minimize grid current and heating, it is desirable to have was 1225 mA cm2 at 4 kV in 0.13 Pa of argon.9 ,10 ,11 A
the grid mesh nearly transparent to the charged particle passing ion density of 1017 m3: was deduced from cur
flows. rent probe data.12
0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
-2 -1 0 1 2
Radial Position Figure 5 — Theoretical variation of dimensionless electrostatic potential Y versus dimen-
sionless radius X, for a case with applied voltage = 500 V, current = 125 mA, grid trans-
Figure 3 — The results of a neutron collimation study at -90kV, 20 mA and p = 1 Pa parency = 90%, and very small spreads of energy and angular momentum. A double well
(deuterium)18 is apparent.
iii Peaks in the curve of electron bremsstrahlung vi Electron beam probe studies by Swanson e
yield versus radius measured by Hirsch18 as al 21,22 of a spherical electrostatic confinement
shown in Figure 4; device at low pressures;
1.4 vii Peaks in the curve of electron density versus
radius Figure 6 measured by laser heterodyne
studies in a cylindrical electrostatic confine
1.2 ment device by Meeker and coworkers.23 ,24 This
figure is for the case of electron injection; simi
lar, less pronounced peaks were observed during
ion injection.
Relative Intensity
-12.5 -6 0.0 6 12.5 19
Position With Respect to Cathode Vertical Axis, mm
well hypothesis.
Peterson and Oleson31 studied hemispherical focusing of
4 a lowenergy ion beam in a doublebeam plasma device.
When the ion beam energy exceeded Tc the beam ions
were slowed down by a potential hill virtual anode at
3 the focus. They observed formation of a dense group of
cold electrons 0.8 eV, which appeared to ride along
with the ion beam, in addition to the background
plasma electrons 4.5 eV and primary electrons from
2 filaments. Such cold electrons could tend to wash out
potential wells.
Nadler et al 32 built a collimated solid state proton detec
1 tor to observe protons resulting from DD fusion reac
-10 0 10 tions in a spherical electrostatic confinement device.
Radius, mm The energy shifts produced by aluminum and lead foils
verified that they were detecting 3 MeV protons. At 12
Figure 6 — Electron density versus radius measured by Meeker et al using a laser het-
mA cathode current, 30 kV voltage, in 0.5 Pa of deute
erodyne interferometer during electron injection into a cylindrical grid with radius 40 mm,
at 16A circulating current, p = 1 Pa (deuterium)24.
rium fusion reactions between the focused ion beam and
the background plasma were dominant. In future ex
Other studies, however, have yielded results less indica periments at higher currents, the higher proton count
tive of multiple potential wells. Imel25 and Black and rates should permit improved angular resolution, which
Klevans 26 developed theoretical models of the electro could facilitate the detection of multiple potential wells.
static potential profile and electron and ion density pro
files, using distribution functions tailored to various ex
perimental conditions. They analyzed three cases27
1.1.3 Regimes of Operation
Miley et al33 distinguished three regimes of ion injection
i Ion beam injection at very low pressures the
into an inertial electrostatic confinement IEC device:
Hirsch experiment. They concluded that mul
tiple deep potential wells would probably not 1 A discharge mode. In this mode a self~sus
form under the conditions of the Hirsch ex taining plasma discharge like a glow discharge
periment. generates ions throughout the chamber volume.
Free electrons are produced by ionization and
ii Ion injection at higher pressures, where charge
by secondary emission from grids. This mode
exchange produces a broad spread of ion ener
requires comparatively high gas pressures >1
gies several experiments. They predicted a
Pa, which result in substantial charge exchange
central plasma density close to the value meas
ured in the Penn State experiment 2 x 1015 m3,
and found that substantial potential wells could 2 An emitter mode, based on a patent by
be formed for p < 0.13 Pa 1 mTorr. Hirsch and Meeks.34 In this mode primary elec
trons from thermionic cathodes orbit in and
iii Electron injection at low pressures the Swan
out of an intermediate grid, ionizing back
son et al and Black and Robinson experiments.
ground gas, at pressures typically 0.11 Pa. Ions
They predicted deep potential wells for high
produced by ionization are then accelerated
perveance cases, as observed by Swanson et al,
into the central cathode. This mode was used in
and shallow potential wells for low perveance
experiments by Meeker and coworkers24,35 to
cases, as observed by Black and Robinson.28
measure density profiles. Using this mode with
They did not report any cases with finite angular mo deuterium gas, Miley et al33 observed steady
mentum and multiple potential wells. state neutron yields of 105 neutrons per second.
Gardner and colleagues29 continued the ion beam ex 3 A beam injection mode. Highenergy ion
periment of Hirsch and used a microwave cavity to beams are focused into the central region, to
measure the number of free electrons in the plasma, but produce a highdensity virtual anode. This
tron stream flowing through the cusp gap may be re
X statically plugged cusps are equivalent to magnetic
cusps X shielding of the grid wires of an electrostaticinertial
confinement device. In electrostatically plugged cusps,
Figure 8 — Magnetic field lines (smooth curves) in some cusped geometries. The symbols
the ions no longer flow freely out of orifices, so the free
x and o represent current into and out of the drawing, respectively.
flow confinement time estimates do not apply. Instead,
the ions are confined electrostatically by the potential
For plasma confinement by magnetic cusp fields, the well of electron space charge, and electron confinement
loss area through a ring cusp is approximately 2R2, is limited by diusion across the magnetic field.
where R is the ring cusp radius and the eective half Moir discussed the use of electrodes to contain warm
width of the cusp gap through which plasma is lost. In a plasma for stabilizing open magnetic confinement sys
spindle cusp, the loss area through the point cusps is tems, such as a toroidal quadrupole cusp.56 The augmen
comparable, so the total loss area Aloss = 8R. The ion tation of toroidal magnetic confinement by strong elec
flux into the loss regions is approximately 0.25nu, where trostatic fields was studied by Daugherty et al57 and by
u is the ion speed, so the confinement time in an un Stix.58 ,59,60 Jones61,62 suggested the use of electron or ion
plugged magnetic spindle cusp device is approximately injection to create radial electrostatic potential varia
tions, instead of using plugging electrodes.
nV V
= 5
0.25nuAloss 2 uR
where V is the plasma volume. This time is typically tens
of bounce times back and forth inside the central field
free region. Spindle cusps have very small plasma vol
umes. If pi then unfeasible large R and B would be
required for a reactor. If ppi1/2 a hybrid gyro
radius, as indicated in some cusp experiments and in a
computer simulation,51,52,53 then a reactor using a ‘picket
fence’ cusp such as the spherical cusp and linear set of
ring cusps in Figure 8 is feasible, but high magnetic
fields and large radii are needed.54
For a linear set of ring cusps Figure 8 with distance L1
between the ring cusps, the plasma volume between
4 cm -2 kV
Coil Coil -3
(x) Ions Figure 10 — Hypothetical equipotential surfaces in the anode region, showing saddle,
A shaped electrostatic potential distribution.
The potential hill for ions approaching the walls at an
Electrons ode potential is even higher, so most ions will go out
through the cusp gaps as soon as they acquire enough
energy to overcome the barrier i; no ions acquire
Figure 9 — An electrostatically plugged toroidal quadrupole magnetic cusp and the resul- enough energy collisionally to surmount the barrier i +
tant distribution of electrostatic potential . The broken line represents the potential with and reach the walls. The ions are electrostatically
no plasma present.
confined in a negative electrostatic potential well pro
In a vacuum, the interior of the device will be near the duced by a slight charge imbalance. The ion Larmor ra
anode potential broken curve of Figure 9. Plasma may dius is less significant than usual, because the ions are
be produced by electron beam injection into low electrostatically reflected in the boundary layer. The
pressure gas, by rf radiofrequency heating, by plasma maintenance of a potential dierence along the mag
rp2 Ln
2 = N 2 R2 niauia 20
100 i
0.5 where is the central plasma density, i is the ion con
finement time, N is the number of ring cusps, R is the
ring cusp radius, is the eective halfwidth of cusp
2 4 6 8 10 gaps for ions, ia is the density of ions flowing over the
B, Tesla barrier and uia is the speed at which ions pass over the
barrier. Ions just barely leaking over the potential barrier
Figure 12 — Variation of self-shielding potential sag with magnetic induction, for various will have low velocities uia 3 x 104 m s1, and they will
anode gap peak electron densities na, assuming w = 2pe, a = 2 mm, T = 20 keV. be restricted to a narrow corridor of halfwidth .
At equilibrium the ion particle confinement time will
These could be typical parameters for a MEPC reactor.
equal the electron confinement time, which is roughly
A comparable result was found by Ware and Faulkner,74
assuming a triangular density distribution. The quantity equal to the diusion time di across the magnetic field.
in brackets varies from 0.96 at /a = 0.01 to 0.67 at /a Thus, the ion density in the anode gaps is estimated to
= 0.2, so the approximation be
gives a slight overestimate of ϕ. Expressing Te in keV where L1 = distance between ring cusps. For the example
and ϕ in kV, this becomes MEPC reactor parameters of table 1, assuming L1 = 1.5
m, it is estimated that ia/ 0.02.
Tek na a
= 6x10 15 18
B 2.5.2 Magnetic Reflection
Sidorkin and Lavrent’ev75 studied electron reflection by
which yields ϕ = 89 kV 20 high for the above ex
multipole cusp gaps, as illustrated in Figure 13. They
ample case. The maximum electric field occurs at the
showed that electrons with a > cri are reflected by
anode wall
the cusp field, where
Emax =
(1 + x ) x
2m m1
n ew a
= a
0 w a
m 1
1/2 m
x0 = 23
For typical values of MEPC experiments, the electric m + 1
field energy density 1/20Emax2 << B2/2o.
x = r/R, r is the initial electron radius, R is the cusp gap
radius and m is the number of pairs of multipole con
ductors = N/2. The values of cri are plotted as functions
z +
Magnetic field at plasma boundary, after 37
Bb 1.3 T
Figure 13a — Current carrying conductors of a multipole cusp. In this figure N = 8, m = 4.
Electron Larmor radius in anode after 37
gap, pa 8 x 105 m
y, cm
Electron Larmor radius at the after 37
plasma boundary, pb 3.8 x 104 m
crease a and ϕ to unacceptably large values, but the
diocotron instability may help remove cold trapped where 4.7, = trapped electron pumpout rate/
electrons without seriously impairing hot electron con diusion rate 1/3, N is the number of cusp gaps and
finement. /a is the trapped electron density/anode electron
density 1/3. Taking N = 6 in the example case of table 1,
it is found that
dt 31
2.8.1 Anomalous Transport Electron energy may be supplied by electron beam injec
tion, neutral beam injection, wave heating and heating
Pastukhov and Il’gisonis 97,,98 studied anomalous electron in the edge electric field. Electron energy is lost by elec
transport in the boundary layer of an MEPC plasma. tron flow over the potential barrier to the cathodes, by
When Ti << T, the ion acoustic instability is dominant, transfer to waves, by thermal conduction and convection
giving rise to rapid electron diusion through the across the magnetic field and by inelastic collisions with
plasma edge layer. The longwavelength ionacoustic ions, atoms and molecules.
instability can occur at kp ~ 1 and w ~ cci0.5 when
Approximate energy balance equations for the central
the electron densitygradient drift velocity n > cs. The plasma electrons and ions may be written
corresponding maximum diusion coecient Dmax ~ csp,
which has Bohmlike scaling. The resulting anomalous d (nTe ) Ie d (nTe )
1.5 d PE 0.25 ni2 * v W f e 1.5
transport tends to broaden the electron density profile dt eV dt "!
to a condition where n ~ cs. The resulting theoretical nTe (T Ti )
electron density profile is given by: 1.5 Prad 1.5 n e SmWloss Pw
E eq
n(r ) n0 exp( ecs A / cTe ) 41 43
0.2 Dense Plasma
A 47 Core with
Ti 0.05 A Radius rc
Te 0.05 A 49
In order to confine plasmas with fusion reactor parame
ters, applied voltages ΦA 300 kV are desirable.100
High-Beta Plasma Operation
Figure 16 — Electron injection through multiple point cusps in a Polywell device. The full
Karpukhin et al 101 studied particle and energy balance in
curves represent magnetic field lines, which are pushed outward by electron diamagne-
an electromagnetic trap with rp ~ 0.3 m, Ba = 13 T, ΦA = tism during high-beta operation.109
2550 kV, V ~ 0.5 m3, a = 1.5 mm and an electron injection
power of 500 kW. They predicted values of ~ 3 x 1019 The degree of convergence of ions flowing radially to
m3, E ~ 0.10.2 s and Ti ~ 0.51 keV. For an octupole elec the central core is determined by angular momentum
tromagnetic trap they found the optimum electrode gap conservation to be
spacing a = 0.51 mm, which maximizes the injection
rc W
eciency, plasma density and confinement time.102 En
ergy balance calculations will be discussed further in R ei 50
section 4.1. In addition to spindle cusps, multipoles and
ring cusps, two additional MEPC configurations have where W is the ion energy perpendicular to the radial
been studied recently: the Polywell concept and the direction and Φi is the accelerating potential.104 The
modified Penning trap. Polywell concept is based on highbeta electron con
finement by the magnetic field. Watrous et al 105 showed
that the required diamagnetic currents could be
2.10 The Polywell Concept achieved with reasonable electron injection conditions,
Bussard103 proposed electrostatic confinement inside a yielding a relatively fieldfree internal region that en
polyhedral array of magnetic point cusps Figure 16, hances electron confinement. Krall et al 106 also studied
called a Polywell, with electron injection at 10100 kV the density and pressure anisotropy profiles resulting
along point cusp axes to provide a quasispherical nega from various ion sources, and assessed processes which
tive potential well capable of trapping and confining may degrade ion focusing, such as angular deflection and
ions. The ions are to be injected at very low energies < energy upscattering. The concluded that isotropy of the
100 eV from the system boundary r = R, along cusp plasma core inhibits the Weibel instability.
axes or the axes of the polyhedron vertices, The electron
distribution in the ‘mantle’ region r > rc outside the
z 0
z 0
2 1 0 1 1
-1 r
1 0.5 0 0.5 1
r Figure 18c — Contours of externally applied electrostatic potential for a magnetic quadru-
pole. 117
z 0
z 0
-2 1 0.5 0 0.5 1
2 1 0 1 2 r
r Figure 18d — Contours of plasma density for a magnetic hexapole. 117
z 0
2 1 0 1 1
Figure 18f — Contours of externally applied electrostatic potential for a magnetic hexa-
pole. 117
Zalesskii et al 132 found that the the plasma accumulation cusp of the Jupiter 1A device at A = 6 kV, B = 0.82 T, and model profiles n/na = 1/[1 + (z/
w)2] with w = pc (broken curve) and w = 2pc (dotted curve).
rate with microwave heating was much faster than with
electron beam injection, and about 50 of the micro In the KEMP~II spindle cusp experiment Stansfield and
wave power was coupled to the plasma. colleagues136 measured ~ 4 x 1017 m3, and electron en
Stepanenko and Komarov133 measured the Jupiter1A ergies ~ 1 keV. Ionization of gas prolonged the plasma
electron and ion energy spectra during microwave heat density persistence after electron beam cut~o.
ing with 10 power absorption, and determined the
electron energy confinement time to be about 0.9 ms.
The dominant ion energy loss mechanism was charge
3.2 Jupiter-1M
exchange. The Jupiter1M spindle cusp experiment at Kharkov137
had pulsed magnetic point cusp fields 13 T 25 ms half
Electron and ion energy spectra were measured with
period, ring cusp fields 4 T, electron injection voltages
gridded electrostatic energy analyzers at the point cusps.
~4 kV, plugging voltages ΦA ~ 6 kV, electron beam injec
The electron energy distribution is shown in Figure 19.
The ion energy spectra were measured with a drift mass tion current 2 mA, neutral gas pressure 0.11 mPa and
spectrometer combined with an electrostatic ionenergy plasma volume 30 cm3. It attained plasma densities up to
analyzer. The distribution appeared to have two Max 1018 m3, with temperatures ~100 eV and confinement
wellian components. The highertemperature compo times ~ 1 ms. The short duration of the pulsed magnetic
nent was believed to be caused by the initial formation fields did not allow enough time for buildup of higher
of the potential well. The average energy of the ions plasma densities. The plasma losses from the point
increased linearly with applied voltage, <Wi> ~ 0.18ΦA.36 cusps were less than from the ring cusp.138
Komarov and colleagues 139 used gridded analyzers to
Komarov and Stepanenko134 measured the spatial varia
measure the energy distributions of electrons and ions
tion of the total number of electrons N leaving the ring
emerging from the cusp gaps after removal of the plug
cusp gap, and found a narrow distribution with width ~ ging voltage. The mean ion energy observed under those
p, as shown in Figure 20. At an electron energy of 0.55 conditions was about onefifth of the plugging voltage.
keV, p = 0.1 mm. The distribution was narrower at high For a few microseconds after electrostatic plugging was
plasma densities, indicating that electron losses along removed, the remaining ions were accelerated to higher
the magnetic field became important relative to cross energies by the plasma potential.140 The measured po
field diusion losses. The model profile with = p is tential barrier in the ring cusp for ions Φi ~ 3Ti exceeded
roughly consistent with the experimental data, but = 2
the calculated barrier ~ 2Ti. The barrier height in the
p is used here in estimating future device parameters to
point cusp was practically zero, but most of the ion
avoid underestimating Φ. Komarov and coworkers135
losses occurred through the ring cusp. Point cusp ion
also measured the distributions of electrons and ions in losses were probably retarded by the centrifugal and
a point cusp gap, finding a narrow electron stream with magnetic field gradient forces.141
radius <1 mm.
R 3n0
Support Ne
diff 1.11
I diff I diff 56
S1, Kharkov 5 5 1.5 0.4 2.0 3.0 x 1017 0.27 0.16 4.0 x 105 11 0.032 7.8 x 103
S3 and S3M, Kharkov 81 10 1.5 0.6 5.0 4.0 x 1017 0.50 0.34 12 0.038
KEMPII, University of Quebec 135 17 1 0.5 6.0 4.0 x 1017 1.0 0.30 5.0 x 104 5 0.084 5.5 x 104
University of Missouri 122 16 1.5 0.3 5.0 2.0 x 1016 0.50 0.10 5.0 x 104 6 0.005 4.1 x 104
Jupiter1A, Kharkov 131, 138 23 1.5 0.65 6.0 3.0 x 1017 1.50 0.40 3.0 x 104 7 0.054 3.0 x 104
Jupiter1M, Kharkov 137, 147 10 1.5 1.7 8.0 1.0 x 1018 0.10 0.05 5.0 x 104 76 0.002 3.0 x 104
Linear multipole, m = 8, Kharkov 153, 154 6 1 1.2 1.0 x 1017 0.50 0.30 5.0 x 105 16 0.002 1.1 x 104
Toroidal quadrupole, ATOLL 158, 154 20 1 1.5 1.7 x 1017 0.03 0.07 1.8 x 104 81 0.001 5.3 x 103
Linear set of ring cusps, Jupiter 173 22 1.6 0.6 2.5 x 1018 0.015 0.03 3.0 x 103 74 0.005 3.1 x 104
2M, Kharkov
Hypothetical reactor, Linear set 400 2 6.0 400 x 1020 20 20 6 25 4.5 1.7 x 108
of ring cusps
3.7.4 Assessment
MEPC experiments typically have had small radii R ~ 10
to 20 cm and plasma volume < 11, except for Jupiter2M
501 and the SCIF device. The anode gap halfwidth
ranges from 1 to 2 mm. A larger gap could permit exces
sive voltage sag Φ, and a smaller gap would decrease
the electron diusion loss time. The magnetic fields
have generally been below 1 T, except for a few pulsed
experiments. The applied voltage has been below 10 kV.
Many excellent measurements have been performed in
MEPC devices. Detailed probe measurements have
shown that the electron density profile in the ring cusp
anode has a halfwidth about one Larmor radius. The
electrostatic potential profile has been mapped out with
pulsed ion beam transmission measurements and grid
ded energy analyzers. A deep negative potential well has
been sustained for many milliseconds. The electron ve
locity distribution resembles a shifted Maxwellian, as
expected. These measurements verify the basic theory
of MEPC.
The scalings of density, temperature and confinement
time have been established within the current ranges of
R rp L1 4.2 Applications
Besides power production, there are other potential ap
Point plications for MEPC devices. Their good confinement
Magnetic Field Lines Cusp of highZ ions would make them well suited for strip
ping and confining heavy ions for accelerators, as sug
gested by Stix.181 ,182
Figure 25 — One End of a Linear MEPC Reactor
Nadler et al 183 have suggested that small inertial
Radiation collimators and voltage dividers would be electrostatic confinement IEC devices operating in the
used to prevent high voltage breakdown, as illustrated in glow discharge mode at 3050 kV could become useful
Figure 26. lowcost neutron sources producing >106 DD neutrons/s
for a variety of applications, including detector calibra
tion, diagnostics and training. By increasing the voltage,
current and size, and using DT fuel, yields of 1010
neutrons/s might be attainable. Such neutron sources
could be stronger than 252Cf sources 2.6 year halflife,
and they would be simpler and cheaper than accelerator
based neutron sources.
Miley et al184 found that IEC device operation in the
‘star’ discharge mode maximizes the eective grid
transmission factor for ions. An IEC device using D3He
fuel could generate 14.7 MeV protons for production of
positronemitting radioisotopes that are useful for posi
tron emission tomography facilities. Miley et al 185 pro
posed the use of highvoltage collectors in a ‘venetian
blind’ configuration to convert the D3He reaction
product kinetic energy directly into electricity.
Footnotes 6670
1Oleg A. Lavrent’ev; 1992 unpublished letter to Thomas 16C. Barnes; 1973, “Computer simulation of electrostatic
James Dolan, 17 October 1992 inertial confinement,” Stanford University Report
2Philo T. Farnsworth; “Electric Discharge Device for
Producing Interactions Between Nuclei,” U.S. Patent 17G. D. Porter; E. H. Klevans; 1971, Physics Fluids,
Number 3,258,402 June 28, 1966. 1442834
3 Oleg A. Lavrent’ev; 1963 Ukrain. Fiz. Zh. 8, 440445 18Robert L. Hirsch; 1967, “InertialElectrostatic Con
finement of Ionized Fusion Gases,” Journal Applied
4G. I. Budker; 1961, Plasma Physics and the Problem of Physics, 38, 45224534
Controed Thermonuclear Reactions I Elmsford, NY: Per
gamon pp. 295301 19K. M. Hu and E. H. Klevans, “On the Theory of Elec
trostatic Confinement of Plasmas with Ion Injection,”
5Oleg A. Lavrent’ev; 1968, “Investigation of an electro Physics Fluids, 17, 227231 1974
magnetic trap,” Magnitnye Lovushki Vypusk 3 Kiev:
Naukova Dumka pp 77147 translation: AECTR·7002 B. E. Cherrington; J. T. Verdeyen; D. A. Swanson; 1975,
Confinement,” US Air Force Oce of Scientific Re Applied Physics Letters, 23, 1256
search Report AFOSR701656TR
23 J. T. Verdeyen; B. E. Cherrington; D. A. Swanson; D. J.
8Oleg A. Lavrent’ev; V. A. Sidorkin; B. V. Zaitsev; V. P. Meeker; 1975, Annuals New York Academy Sciences, 251,
Goncharenko; L. I. Ovcharenko; 1972 Ukrain. Fiz. Zh. 12638
42, 1436
24 D. J. Meeker; J. T. Verdeyen; B. E. Cherrington; 1973,
9Oleg A. Lavrent’ev; V. A. Sidorkin; B. V. Zaitsev; Yu S. Journal Applied Physics, 44, 534755
Azovskii; 1972, Ukrain. Flz. Zh. 46, 12824
25G. Imel; 1973, Ph.D. Thesis, Pennsylvania State Uni
10S. Yu; S. Azovskii; B. V. Zaitsev; Oleg A. Lavrent’ev; N. versity
N. Sappa; V. A. Sidorkin; 1976, “Generation and focusing
W. M. Black; E. H. Klevans; 1974, Journal Applied
of ions from a source with distributed parameters,” Re
port 76·9 Institute of Physics and Technology, Ukrain Physics. 45 250211
ian Academy of Sciences, Kharkov
27 E. H. Klevans,; 1975, Annuals New York Academy Sci
Barnouin; J. Lovberg; 1991, Fusion Technology, 19, 8405 dimensional simulation cusp confinement of a plasma,”
Report 7855 University of Iowa Department of Physics
34 Robert L. Hirsch; G. A. Meeks; 1970, US Patent and Astronomy
53 G. Knorr; D. Willis; 1982, Z. Nalurf. 37a, 7805
Thomas James Dolan; J. T. Verdeyen; O. J. Meeker; B.
E. Cherrington; 1972, Journal Applied Physics, 43, 1590 54N. Hershkowitz; J. M Dawson; 1976, Nuclear Fusion,
600 16, 63942
36 Oleg A. Lavrent’ev; “Electrostatic and Electromag 55Oleg A. Lavrent’ev; L. I. Ovcharenko, B. G. Safronov;
netic HighTemperature Plasma Traps,” translated by T. V. A. Sidorkin; 1966, Ukrain. Hz. Zh. 11, 98290
J. Dolan, in Electromagnetic Confinement of Plasmas
56Ralph W. Moir; 1968, “A new magnetic well configura
and the Phenomenology of Relativistic Electron Beams,
L. C. Marshall and H. Sahlin, Editors, Annuals New tion, importance of the mirror ratio and electrostatic
York Academy Science, 251, pp. 152178 1975. containment of warm plasma,” Report EurCEAFC496
FontenayAuxRoses, France
37 B. I. Inanov; A. A. Kalmykov; Oleg A. Lavrent’ev;
57J. D. Daugherty; L. Grodzins; G. S. Janes; R. H. Levy;
1976, “On the possibility of initiating thermonuclear
reactions by highcurrent ion beams,” Report KhFTI 1968, Physics Review Letters, 20, 369
768 Institute of Physics and Technology, Ukrainian
58 T. H. Stix; 1970, Physics Reviews Letters, 24, 135
Academy of Sciences, Kharkov
59 T. H. Stix; 1971, Physics Fluids, 14, 692
38D. W. Baldwin; 1977, Review Modern Physics 49, 317
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