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The Environmental History of Silver Refining in New Spain and Mexico, 16c to 19c:

A Shift of Paradigm

Saúl José Guerrero Quintero

Department of History and Classical Studies

McGill University, Montreal

March 2015
A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfilment of the requirements of
the degree of Doctor in Philosophy

© Saúl José Guerrero Quintero, 2015


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... 1

List of Figures ................................................................................................................ 6
List of Tables ............................................................................................................... 26
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ 38
Résumé......................................................................................................................... 39
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 40
Guide to the text ........................................................................................................... 44
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 46
1 The genesis and nature of silver ores. ............................................................ 59
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 59
1.2 Subduction and the New World ..................................................................... 62
1.3 The geological difference in New World silver deposits ............................... 71
1.4 The chemistry of the sources of silver in New Spain / Mexico ..................... 72
1.4.1 Silver sulphide and silver chloride ............................................................ 74
1.4.2 Argentiferous galena ................................................................................. 79
1.4.3 The silver belt in New Spain / Mexico ...................................................... 79
1.5 The chemistry of the sources of silver in Europe ........................................... 80
1.6 The silver content of New World ores ........................................................... 87
1.7 Mercury .......................................................................................................... 97
1.8 Salt, sodium chloride (NaCl) .......................................................................... 99
1.9 Lead .............................................................................................................. 100
1.10 Final remarks ................................................................................................ 101
2 The dry refining process: smelting of silver ores......................................... 103
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 103
2.2 Smelting of silver ores : the human context. ................................................ 108
2.3 The chemistry of smelting and the nature of the ore .................................... 116
2.4 The infrastructure of smelting in New Spain ............................................... 123
2.5 The architecture of smelting in New Spain .................................................. 135
2.6 The environmental impact vectors from smelting........................................ 142
2.6.1 Lead: its nature and magnitude................................................................ 143
2.6.2 Lead: its directionality ............................................................................. 156
2.6.3 Lead: its source ........................................................................................ 163

2.6.4 Charcoal and wood: its magnitude .......................................................... 165

2.6.5 Charcoal and wood: its directionality and source.................................... 166
2.6.6 Regional and local environmental impact of smelting ............................ 169
2.7 Concluding remarks ..................................................................................... 173
3 The wet process, amalgamation of silver ores ............................................. 178
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 178
3.2 The alchemy of Mercury .............................................................................. 180
3.3 The gold connection ..................................................................................... 186
3.4 The chemistry of amalgamation ................................................................... 193
3.5 The implementation by stages of the amalgamation process ....................... 199
3.6 The infrastructure of amalgamation in New Spain ...................................... 210
3.6.1 Milling the ore ......................................................................................... 211
3.6.2 The amalgamation reactor, or patio. ........................................................ 216
3.6.3 The handling of mercury within the hacienda. ....................................... 219
3.6.4 Planillas ................................................................................................... 221
3.6.5 Desazogaderas or capellinas and the recycling of mercury. .................... 222
3.7 Amalgamation: the human factor ................................................................. 231
3.8 The architecture of patio amalgamation....................................................... 234
3.9 The mass balance of amalgamation: the role of the correspondencia ......... 251
3.10 The environmental impact vectors of amalgamation ................................... 262
3.11 Final remarks ................................................................................................ 275
4 Hacienda Santa María de Regla. ................................................................. 280
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 280
4.2 The Adventurers in the Mines of Real del Monte ........................................ 287
4.3 The Hacienda de Regla. ............................................................................... 293
4.3.1 Ore reception and stamp mill .................................................................. 298
4.3.2 Arrastres and water power in the Hacienda ............................................ 300
4.3.3 The patio reactor...................................................................................... 305
4.3.4 Furnace Area A: Capellinas and the recycling of mercury ..................... 308
4.3.5 Furnace Area B ........................................................................................ 315
4.3.6 Final comments on the architectural layout of the Hacienda de Regla ... 326
4.4 The mass balance of the amalgamation process at Regla, 1872 to 1888 ..... 327
4.4.1 Silver ore received for amalgamation...................................................... 328
4.4.2 Milling of silver ore destined for amalgamation. .................................... 330
4.4.3 The amalgamation tortas (cakes). ........................................................... 333

4.4.4 The silver content of ores used for amalgamation................................... 338

4.4.5 Interlude: pizzas or juggling acts. ............................................................ 340
4.4.6 The mass balance for salt. ....................................................................... 342
4.4.7 The mass balance for copper sulphate. .................................................... 344
4.4.8 The mass balance for mercury used during amalgamation ..................... 345
4.4.9 The mass balance for silver. .................................................................... 346
4.4.10 The mass balance for mercury consumed ............................................... 349
4.4.11 The overall mass balance for the amalgamation process at Regla .......... 352
4.4.12 The energy balance of the amalgamation process ................................... 353
4.5 The mass balance of the smelting process at Regla, 1875 to 1886. ............. 355
4.5.1 The mass balance for ore ......................................................................... 355
4.5.2 The mass balance for litharge as input .................................................... 358
4.5.3 The mass balance for silver: output ......................................................... 358
4.5.4 The mass balance for litharge: output ..................................................... 360
4.5.5 The mass balance for smelting at Regla .................................................. 361
4.6 The environmental loss vectors in the period 1872 to 1888. ....................... 365
4.7 Concluding remarks ..................................................................................... 371
5 The economies of refining silver. ................................................................ 376
5.1 The most valuable jewel of the Crown......................................................... 376
5.1.1 The Spanish Crown ‘ganando indulgencias con escapulario ajeno’. ...... 382
5.1.2 The financing of Almadén and the price of mercury in New Spain. ....... 386
5.1.3 The environmental impact of the Crown monopoly on mercury. ........... 389
5.2 The historiography on the economies of refining. ....................................... 395
5.3 The accounting records for Regla ................................................................ 416
5.4 The macroeconomic context in the nineteenth century. ............................... 417
5.4.1 Silver........................................................................................................ 418
5.4.2 Maize ....................................................................................................... 421
5.4.3 Salt ........................................................................................................... 423
5.4.4 Copper sulphate ....................................................................................... 425
5.4.5 Mercury ................................................................................................... 425
5.4.6 Charcoal ................................................................................................... 430
5.4.7 Litharge.................................................................................................... 431
5.5 The partial variable production costs of amalgamation at Regla, 1872-1888.
...................................................................................................................... 432
5.6 The cost of ore: the missing link in variable costs at Regla ......................... 436

5.7 The capital cost of amalgamation at Regla. ................................................. 439

5.8 The partial variable production cost of amalgamation as a function of silver
content of the ore. ........................................................................................ 441
5.9 The partial variable production costs of smelting at Regla, 1872-1888....... 445
5.10 The variable production cost of smelting as a function of the silver content of
the ore........................................................................................................... 447
5.11 Patio amalgamation vs smelting at Regla .................................................... 451
5.12 Extrapolating the results from Regla to other historical scenarios............... 453
5.13 The structure of labour costs at Regla. ......................................................... 463
5.14 Patio vs Barrel Amalgamation ..................................................................... 471
5.15 Concluding remarks ..................................................................................... 482
6 The environmental impact of silver refining: a shift of paradigm. .............. 488
6.1 The magnitude of the impact: the method employed ................................... 488
6.1.1 Caja of Zacatecas .................................................................................... 495
6.1.2 Caja of Guanajuato.................................................................................. 501
6.1.3 Caja of Mexico ........................................................................................ 505
6.1.4 Caja of Durango ...................................................................................... 507
6.1.5 Caja of San Luis Potosí ........................................................................... 511
6.1.6 Caja of Guadalajara ................................................................................. 516
6.1.7 Caja of Pachuca ....................................................................................... 520
6.1.8 Caja of Sombrerete.................................................................................. 524
6.1.9 Caja of Bolaños ....................................................................................... 528
6.1.10 Caja of Rosario....................................................................................... 530
6.1.11 Caja of Zimapán. .................................................................................... 532
6.1.12 Caja of Chihuahua. ................................................................................. 535
6.1.13 Aggregate totals for New Spain .............................................................. 537
6.1.14 Aggregate totals for Mexico, 1820 to 1900 ............................................. 547
6.1.15 Environmental impact vectors, sixteenth to nineteenth century: conclusions.
................................................................................................................. 549
6.2 A change of paradigm. ................................................................................. 557
6.3 The human choices. ...................................................................................... 562
6.3.1 What did they know and when did they know it? ................................... 563
6.3.2 Historicity and the reality of the refining process ................................... 568
6.3.3 The option of smelting all the ores in New Spain ................................... 575
Epilogue ..................................................................................................................... 580
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 585

A. Silver production in smelting haciendas...................................................... 585

B. The accounting books of Regla.................................................................... 587
C. Inventory areas at the Hacienda de Regla ................................................... 596
D. Report of the costs of refining by cazo amalgamation and smelting, 1801. 604
E. Sensitivity matrix for refining costs ............................................................. 609
F. Smelting costs in Europe. ............................................................................ 611
Glossary of technical terms ........................................................................................ 614
Archival sources......................................................................................................... 621
Bibliography .............................................................................................................. 622

List of Figures

Figure 1-1. Top ten silver deposits ranked by aggregate production and main mercury

sources up to the late twentieth century. Data from Table 1-I. ............ 64

Figure 1-2. The spreading ocean floor subducts under the continental crust of the

Americas (illustration based on Sillitoe in footnote 51). ...................... 68

Figure 1-3. Subduction along the Andes, Cordillera and Japan (based on illustration

in footnote 55). ..................................................................................... 70

Figure 1-4. A simplified representation of Sillitoe’s interpretation of the effect of

weathering on an original (hypogene) non-weathered sulphidic silver

deposit. Drawing based on interpretation of Sillitoe in footnote 74..... 76

Figure 1-5. The main historical silver, lead and salt deposits of New Spain / Mexico

(based on footnote 86). ......................................................................... 81

Figure 1-6. Location of main historic silver mining regions in Europe by mid

sixteenth century. Adapted from Blanchard in footnote 98. Map and

inset not to scale. .................................................................................. 84

Figure 1-7. Altitude of the main historical silver ore deposits found in the Hispanic

New World and in Europe. For sources see footnote 100. ................... 86

Figure 1-8. Plot of average silver content in ores of New Spain / Mexico grouped by

century, data from Table 1-II................................................................ 90

Figure 1-9. Plot of a selected range of data for the silver content in ores of the Vice-

Royalty of Peru / Bolivia, as per Table 1-III, grouped by century. ...... 91

Figure 1-10. Plot of published data for the silver content in ores of Europe, as per

Table 1-IV, grouped by century. .......................................................... 91


Figure 2-1. Schematic diagram of two stage refining of silver ores using lead, adapted

from Craddock, footnote 179. ............................................................ 121

Figure 2-2. a) Molino mill stones, Monte Caldera, San Luis Potosí. The diameter can

reach 2 m b) a modern reconstruction of a molino in Zacatecas, at the

exit of the El Edén mine c) drawing of a molino, reproduced from

footnote 192. ....................................................................................... 125

Figure 2-3. Exterior of smelting furnace at the ruins of the Hacienda Santa María in

Monte Caldera. The arched port would have been used to feed ore or fuel

to the furnace. ..................................................................................... 129

Figure 2-4. Ruins of the Hacienda de Aranzazu in Guadalcazar. a) front view

showing archways under two smelting furnace chimneys, height around

7 m b) back view of chimneys, showing possible aperture for drive shaft

of bellows c) section of hacienda wall d) fields of grasas e) image from

Google Earth © 2014 DigitalGlobe, 22°37’21” N 100°24’9” W. ...... 130

Figure 2-5. Section of a blast furnace as found at Regla. Adapted from footnote 213.

............................................................................................................ 131

Figure 2-6. a) Ruins of smelting hacienda HMC2, with chimney b) alquibris (tuyere)

c) one of two bowl-shaped depressions with caved-in roof, connected via

the tubular section observed in d). ...................................................... 133

Figure 2-7. Mounds of grasas in Monte Caldera a) Hacienda Santa Maria, chimney

of Figure 2-3 in the background b) Hacienda HMC2. ....................... 134

Figure 2-8. The solid white lines encapsulate the minimum area that can be clearly

identified with each smelting hacienda, the dotted line the minimum area

of the extant dumps of grasas. All satellite images from Google Earth ©

2014 DigitalGlobe. The Hacienda Santa María lies at 22°12’10” N


100°44’27” W, and the Hacienda HMC1 at 22°12’31” N 100°44’47”W.

............................................................................................................ 139

Figure 2-9. Copy (1986) drawn by Carlos Morán de la Rosa of the original map by

Captain Manuel Pascal de Burgoa, 1794, showing the division of the city

of San Luis Potosí into barrios (quarters) by the Viceroy Marques de

Branciforte. Digital copy courtesy of AHSLP, Colección Mapas y

Planos. ................................................................................................ 140

Figure 2-10. Scheme of the mass balance for lead during the smelting of silver ores.

Letters in bold indicate mass input, letters in capitals indicate mass

output. ................................................................................................. 147

Figure 2-11. Main areas of lead deposition within and around the reconstruction of

the Hacienda Santa Maria in Monte Caldera, adapted from original

drawing with permission of Prof. Guadalupe Salazar González, footnote

267. ..................................................................................................... 158

Figure 2-12. Digital copy of photograph by Charles Waite titled ‘Mexican Adobe

Smelter Taxco Guerrero’, 1905, number 13 in the series Tema y

Tecnología (CIG-AGN)...................................................................... 160

Figure 2-13. Relative alignment of arrays of furnaces from three different smelting

haciendas in the area of Monte Caldera, adapted from the architectural

reconstructions in footnote 275. ......................................................... 162

Figure 2-14. Location of the main mines, smelting haciendas, charcoal production,

agricultural and cattle rearing areas around the town of San Luis Potosí,

adapted from the original map in footnote 300. ................................. 171

Figure 3-1. Timeline of main stages in the implementation of amalgamation in the

New World. ........................................................................................ 210


Figure 3-2. The main stages of the patio amalgamation process as practised in New

Spain / Mexico. Dashed lines indicate optional stages. ...................... 212

Figure 3-3. a) a horse-powered Molino in Mexico, late nineteenth century reproduced

from footnote 418 b) example of the pit of a molino, from where the finer

grains that have been shovelled through the mesh in a) are withdrawn

via the arched tunnel and taken to the tahonas/arrastres. Photo taken in

the ruins of the Hacienda San Juan Nepomuceno, Marfil, Guanajuato c)

drawing of a tahona /arrastre, showing its four voladoras, reproduced

from MacDonald, footnote 420 d) photo of a wasted voladora stone, over

1.6 m in length, taken at the home of the Morrill family, previously the

Hacienda Bustos, Guanajuato. ........................................................... 215

Figure 3-4 a) patio of the Hacienda de San Xavier, Guanajuato, photo reproduced

from Antúnez Echegaray, footnote 423 b) patio of the Hacienda de La

Luz, Guanajuato, photo reproduced from Hernandez and Rangel,

footnote 425 c) patio of unidentified hacienda in Guanajuato, photo

reproduced from Rickard, footnote 426. ............................................ 217

Figure 3-5. Amalgamation in ‘fixed casks’, Born’s variation on Barba’s cazo process.

Illustration reproduced from footnote 427. ........................................ 218

Figure 3-6. Photo of an azoguería (mercury room), showing mercury flasks, scales

and vertical white manga held by chains from a beam to the right of the

background. Original photo from footnote 435. ................................ 221

Figure 3-7. a) cross section of a planilla, reproduced from Laur, footnote 439 b) photo

of planilleros at work, showing the cárcamo running with the waste

water from the washings, the inclined planillas and the scoop made from

a bull’s horn in their right hand. Reproduction of illustration in footnote


438. It seems to correspond to a larger image from where a more reduced

area has been reproduced in a photograph by Charles Waite titled

‘Washing the Tailings, Guanajuato’, 1907, number 16 in the series Tema

y Tecnología (CIG-AGN). .................................................................. 223

Figure 3-8. Barba’s illustration of the apparatus used at the end of the sixteenth

century to recycle mercury from the amalgam. A is the iron vessel where

the amalgam is placed, B is the caperuza (clay or metal) that fits on top

of A, with a nozzle (C) that ends below the surface of the water placed

in tank E. The whole assembly sits on the ring D on top of the brick

furnace. Figure from Barba, reproduced from footnote 444. ............. 226

Figure 3-9. a) Cross-section of capellina used by nineteenth century in Mexico. The

stack of amalgam disks (A) is covered by the capellina. A temporary

wall made of bricks (B) surrounds the capellina, and embers are placed

in the space between the two. Mercury condenses in the water basin

below the capellina assembly (V) and is collected via the main water

channel (C). Adapted from illustration in Laur, footnote 452 b) indirect

heating of capellina and use of pulleys to manoeuvre capellina into

place, original lithographs by Tillmann, as reproduced in Macdonald,

footnote 452. ....................................................................................... 229

Figure 3-10. a) schematic cross section of a capellina building in Guanajuato, original

illustration from footnote 455 with annotations added b) and c) capellina

building, option 2, within the historic Hacienda La Escalera,

Guanajuato, at present part of a private dwelling, used as a storage shed

d) capellina building, option 2, renovated by the Morrill family and

converted into a studio, previously the Hacienda Bustos, Guanajuato e)


reconstruction of a capellina building, option 1, at a museum on mining

on the grounds of the Real de Minas hotel, Guanajuato. The museum was

not functioning as of February 2013. ................................................. 230

Figure 3-11. Simple recycling assembly of mercury from amalgam, based on inverted

clay water bottles. Original illustration from footnote 456, with labels

added................................................................................................... 231

Figure 3-12. Perimeter walls a) Hacienda La Escalera, Guanajuato, scale bar 1.6 m b)

Hacienda San Juan Nepomuceno, Marfil, scale bar 1.6 m c) Hacienda

Santa Ana, Marfil, scale bar 1.6 m d) Hacienda Las Mercedes,

Zacatecas, scale bar 1.7 m e) Hacienda, name unknown, Pacumo,

Zacatecas, scale bars 1.7 m................................................................. 237

Figure 3-13. Monthly silver production for four amalgamation haciendas in

Guanajuato, calculated from data in footnote 477.............................. 240

Figure 3-14. Plan of the Hacienda Casas Blancas, Marfil, 1885, AHUG, Mapoteca,

Hda. Casas Blancas, 5p3. Digital image supplied by AHUG. ........... 241

Figure 3-15. Main process areas identified in Figure 3-14. .................................... 242

Figure 3-16. Historical plan of the Hacienda de Rocha, Guanajuato, reproduction in

MacDonald, footnote 481, from an original lithograph in a report by E.

Tillmann of 1866. ............................................................................... 243

Figure 3-17. Main process areas of the hacienda de Rocha, according to Figure 3-16.

............................................................................................................ 244

Figure 3-18. Digital image of the original hand drawn plan, ink on paper, of the

Hacienda Las Mercedes, AHEZ, Fondo Mapas e Ilustraciones, Serie V:

Planos Siglos XVIII al XX, number 16, 3 July 1850. ...................... 245

Figure 3-19. Schematic plan of the main process-related areas of the Hacienda Las

Mercedes, adapted from Figure 3-18.................................................. 246

Figure 3-20. Plan of the Hacienda de Proaños, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, annotations

added to the digital image supplied by MMOB, Colección General,

Estado de Zacatecas, Varilla CGZAC03, Numero de control 12780-

CGE-7241. No scale is supplied in the drawing................................. 248

Figure 3-21. A perspective of the Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillo, annotations added to

the digital image supplied by MMOB, Colección General, Estado de

Zacatecas, Varilla CGZAC03, Numero de control 12780-CGE-7241.


Figure 3-22. Simplified mass balance of amalgamation process ............................ 257

Figure 3-23. Sensitivity of Hg/Ag weight ratio to the fraction of silver chloride and

sulphide of the total silver present in the ore (fa) and on the fraction of

physical loss (fb). Reproduced from footnote 495. ............................ 260

Figure 3-24. Sensitivity of the Hg/Ag weight ratio to fb values, for the range of fa

values expected from ores refined by amalgamation. Reproduced from

footnote 495. ....................................................................................... 261

Figure 3-25. The Observatorio Metereológico of Guanajuato (Conagua and

Universidad de Guanajuato), sited on a landfill of waste from refining

haciendas. Photo taken from the grounds of the historic Hacienda de

Rocha (at present the Hotel Reales de Minas).................................... 272

Figure 3-26. Main loss vectors of calomel and mercury ......................................... 275

Figure 4-1. Production of silver in metric tons, from 1493 to 1900, adapted from

footnote 543. ....................................................................................... 283


Figure 4-2. The Hacienda de Regla in relation to Real del Monte, Pachuca and Ciudad

de México. Map adapted from footnote 551. ..................................... 289

Figure 4-3. The locations of three of the historical silver refining haciendas operated

by the Compañia Real del Monte in the second half of the nineteenth

century, on the outskirts of present day Huasca de Ocampo, Hidalgo

State, Mexico. Adapted from Google Earth © 2013 DigitalGlobe,

reservoir location 20° 13’ 36” N 98° 33’ 46” W. ............................... 292

Figure 4-4. Section of the lithograph that shows the location of the three refining

haciendas (San Miguel, San Antonio and Regla) with respect to the Ojo

de Agua that provided the guaranteed water supply for their processes.

Reproduced and adapted from footnote 566. ..................................... 294

Figure 4-5. Satellite image of Regla. The lake is the most evident of modern

additions. The photograph is aligned on a South to North axis from left

to right. Google Earth © 2013 DigitalGlobe, 20° 14’ 15” N 98° 33’ 42”

W. ....................................................................................................... 296

Figure 4-6. Assignment of general process areas of Regla. Satellite image from

Google Earth © 2013 DigitalGlobe. ................................................... 296

Figure 4-7. Reconstruction of main functional areas at Regla (see text for details).

............................................................................................................ 297

Figure 4-8. ‘Entrada a los trapiches de la hacienda Santa Maria de Regla’, by Johan

Moritz Rugendas, oil on cardboard, 24 August 1832. Image reproduced

with permission from the web portal of the Universidad de las Artes,

Aguascalientes, Mexico:

temas/cultura/ webua/catalogo/ johanmoritz.html (accessed 9 May

2013). .................................................................................................. 299


Figure 4-9. View of the sixteen circular vats of the arrastres. The remains of two

molino tracks are hidden by the cactus leaves on the lower right-hand

corner. ................................................................................................. 301

Figure 4-10. Photograph of water-driven arrastre, from unnamed hacienda in

Mexico, photograph reproduced from footnote 579........................... 302

Figure 4-11. Water distribution channels and overflow outlet in the southern area of

the Hacienda. The four pillars on the grassy area may be the remnants

of the structure that sustained a roof over the patio area. ................... 303

Figure 4-12. The pool at the foot of ‘El Salto’. ...................................................... 304

Figure 4-13. ‘Patio de la Hacienda de Regla’ by Eugenio Landesia, 1857, oil on

canvas, 46 by 64 cm. Image reproduced from footnote 588. ............. 307

Figure 4-14. The Hacienda de Regla, from an unidentified illustration in footnote

590. ..................................................................................................... 307

Figure 4-15. Proposed assignment of dry process areas related to the amalgamation

process in the southern part of Regla. ................................................ 309

Figure 4-16. Tentative location for a capellina, showing the channel for cooling

water. This picture was taken in March 2013. Further excavation around

this location has been carried out by November 2014. ...................... 310

Figure 4-17. a) Drawing with the engineering specifications for the construction of

iron capellinas in the workshop of the Compañia de Real del Monte (date

unknown). The left-hand capellina has a height of ‘5 pies 6 pulgadas

ynglesas’, 5 feet 6 english inches, an internal diameter of 21 inches and

an external diameter of 24 inches. The capellina on the right has the same

width but a height of 4 feet and 6 ½ inches. Digital image of undated

drawing courtesy of AHCRMyP, Sección: Administración Interna,


Serie: Departamento de Ingenieros, Subserie: Croquis y Planos, Vol 204

Carpeta 1. b) Photo of capellina in the entrance to the Hacienda Santa

María de Regla, photo courtesy of Mr. Josue Soto Samperio, November

2014. Original height impossible to ascertain since capellina has been

embedded, but at least over 1 m. ........................................................ 311

Figure 4-18. Stone water channels (just to the right of the pyramidal chimney stack)

on the roof of the Furnace Area A corridor, that distribute water supplied

by the external aqueduct for the condensation of mercury. The shrubs in

the foreground hide the connection to the furnace topped by the

rectangular chimney stack. ................................................................. 313

Figure 4-19. a) Ordenes de Christo b) Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, inscriptions

over arches where hornos castellanos are deemed to have been located

to the left of c) Furnace Area A corridor, to the right of which d) the

vaults of the proposed storage areas for salt and copper sulphate. Photos

4-19 a) and b) courtesy Mr. Josue Soto Samperio.............................. 314

Figure 4-20. Extant chimney stacks, date unknown, but similar in location and shape

to two of the five depicted in Figure 4-14. ......................................... 315

Figure 4-21. Plan of Furnace Area B, floor level including courtyards. ................. 318

Figure 4-22. Plan of loading floor of Furnace Area B, at present without a roof. .. 319

Figure 4-23. a) Blast furnaces B2 and B3, h = 4m and w = 6m; distance from hearth

front to front furnace wall: ~2 m, distance to exposed back furnace wall:

~2.7 m. b) trough in front of furnaces, possibly for water. The photo was

taken in March 2013. By November 2014 this trough had been

demolished as part of alterations underway in this area by the hotel c)

furnace stacks, with opening to charge the furnace; the left stack is taller,

notebook in lower corner served as scale for photo measurements, strong

sunlight precluded laser measurements d) right hand stack was built in

1854. ................................................................................................... 322

Figure 4-24. a) Detail of Landesia’s painting of the Hacienda de Regla in 1857,

showing the presence of three stacks in Furnace Area B. The single

chimney in the foreground is assigned to reverberatory furnaces b)

probable location of same chimney stack in modern Regla. .............. 324

Figure 4-25. a) Courtyard B-I. This photo was taken in March 2013. By November

2014 this crenelated wall no longer exists, having been half demolished

in alterations being carried out by the hotel b) Original view in March

2013 of Courtyard B-II. By November 2014 the area has been converted

to a set of pools and toilets c) View of courtyard B-II from vaulted

furnace area. Photo taken in March 2013. In November 2014 this arch

was being filled in using stones from the demolished interior walls . 325

Figure 4-26. Monthly deliveries of raw ore to Regla. Data adapted from Informe

Mensual. ............................................................................................. 329

Figure 4-27. Average monthly values and standard deviation of ground silver ore

destined for amalgamation, in the period mid 1872 to mid 1888. Data

calculated from Table 4-I. .................................................................. 331

Figure 4-28. The monthly amounts of silver ore ground for and processed by

amalgamation. Data from Table 4-I and the Informe Mensual. ......... 333

Figure 4-29. Histogram of the days required for amalgamation, as recorded over the

period October 1872 to December 1873. The average amalgamation run

lasted 13 days. Raw data from Informe Mensual. .............................. 334


Figure 4-30. Scatter graph and plot of averages as measured at various amalgamation

periods that show an evident correlation between the percentage of silver

extracted and the number of days for an amalgamation run. Raw data

from Informe Mensual. ....................................................................... 335

Figure 4-31. Histogram of the number of cargas per torta as practised at Regla (1872

to 1888). Source data from Informe Mensual. .................................... 337

Figure 4-32. Histogram of ore quality refined by amalgamation. Raw data from

Informe Mensual. ................................................................................ 339

Figure 4-33. Decrease in percentage of refined silver from the ores processed by

amalgamation. Percentage calculated from raw data in Informe Mensual.


Figure 4-34. Consumption of salt per kg of silver refined by amalgamation (1872-

1888). Raw data from Informe Mensual............................................. 343

Figure 4-35. Consumption of copper sulphate per kg of silver refined by

amalgamation (1872-1888). Raw data from Informe Mensual. ......... 344

Figure 4-36. Monthly production in kg of silver by amalgamation (1872-1888). Raw

data from Informe Mensual. ............................................................... 347

Figure 4-37. Losses of silver, expressed as percentage, during amalgamation (1872-

1888), calculated from raw data in the Informe Mensual. All negative

values reported in the ledger have been excluded. ............................. 348

Figure 4-38. Weight ratio of mercury consumed to silver refined by amalgamation

(1872-1888). Raw data from Informe Mensual. ................................. 350

Figure 4-39. Monthly deliveries of ore for smelting to Regla (1875-1886). Raw data

from the Informe Mensual. ................................................................. 356


Figure 4-40. Monthly values (1875-1886) of silver ore ground prior to smelting, and

the quantities of ore smelted. Raw data from the Informe Mensual. .. 357

Figure 4-41. Histogram of the silver content of ores destined for smelting at Regla.

Raw data from the Informe Mensual. ................................................. 357

Figure 4-42. Monthly production of silver by smelting (1875-1886). Raw data from

the Informe Mensual. .......................................................................... 359

Figure 4-43. Comparison of silver losses incurred during smelting and amalgamation

(1872-1888). Raw data from the Informe Mensual. ........................... 360

Figure 4-44. Weight of litharge lost per 1 kg of silver smelted (1875-1886). Raw data

from the Informe Mensual. ................................................................. 360

Figure 4-45. Weight of charcoal required to produce on average 1 kg of silver by

smelting (1875-1876). Raw data from the Informe Mensual. ............ 365

Figure 4-46. Main mass transit corridors at Regla, average monthly quantities in the

period 1872/73 and 1875/88 (amalgamation) and Jun 1875 to Jan 1886

(smelting). ........................................................................................... 366

Figure 4-47. Main loss vectors of waste material, monthly average at Regla in the

period 1872/73 and 1875/88 (amalgamation) and Jun 1875 to Jan 1886

(smelting). ........................................................................................... 367

Figure 4-48. The Valley of the Metztitlan River, Hidalgo State, Mexico. Satellite

image from Google Earth Image Landsat. The Lago de Metztitlan is

situated at 20° 41’ 04” N 98° 51’ 01” W. The depth of the valley floor

relative to Regla is best appreciated in Figure 4-4. ............................ 368

Figure 5-1. Production cost and price of mercury in New Spain, plotted from data in

footnote 693. ....................................................................................... 381


Figure 5-2. The evolution of the gold to silver ratio from 1690 to 1900. Data from

footnote 781. ....................................................................................... 418

Figure 5-3. The evolution of the price of silver in the London market. Data from

footnote 781. ....................................................................................... 419

Figure 5-4. Time series for the expenditure on maize as fodder for animals at Regla

(1872-1888). The source data used to calculate the values of monthly

unit costs of maize in pesos per carga are from Contabilidad Mensual.

............................................................................................................ 423

Figure 5-5. Monthly expenses of salt consumed at Regla (1872-1888), in pesos per

arroba. Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual. ........ 423

Figure 5-6. Yearly average expense on salt, in pesos per arroba (1853-1888). Values

calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual correspond to salt prices

for Regla. Values calculated from data in Estados Comparativos

correspond to the average price of salt registered for all the haciendas of

the Compañia Real del Monte carrying out amalgamation in any given

year. .................................................................................................... 424

Figure 5-7. Monthly expenses of copper sulphate consumed at Regla, in pesos per

pound. Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual. ......... 425

Figure 5-8. Monthly expenses of mercury consumed at Regla, in pesos per pound.

Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual. ..................... 426

Figure 5-9. Yearly average expense on mercury, in pesos per pound. Values

calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual correspond to mercury

cost at Regla. Values calculated from data in Estados Comparativos

correspond to the average cost of mercury registered for all the


haciendas of the Compañia Real del Monte carrying out amalgamation

in any given year. ............................................................................... 427

Figure 5-10. Nineteenth century mercury prices from footnote 799. The scale on the

right applies to US and London prices, the scale on the left to prices from

Italy. .................................................................................................... 429

Figure 5-11. Monthly expenses on charcoal for smelting consumed at Regla (1875-

1886), in pesos per carga. Values calculated from data in Contabilidad

Mensual. ............................................................................................. 431

Figure 5-12. Monthly expenses on litharge consumed at Regla (1875-1886), in pesos

per kg. Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual. ......... 432

Figure 5-13. Monthly production costs of silver refined by amalgamation at Regla

(1872-1888). Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual.433

Figure 5-14. Percentage breakdown of the amalgamation cost of silver at Regla in the

period 1872 to 1888, excluding the cost of silver ore at the plant gate.


Figure 5-15. Percentage breakdown of the total variable cost of production by

amalgamation at Regla, based on the production cost of ore from the

mines of Real del Monte in 1853-1854. Other data as in Figure 5-14.


Figure 5-16. Cross-over point between the average variable cost of processing one

montón by patio amalgamation at Regla, and a deemed maximum value

for the silver extracted from the ore. Data sourced from Table 5-VIII.


Figure 5-17. The projected cost of production using patio amalgamation at Regla

(1875-1888) as a function of the gross silver content of the ore. Data

from Table 5-VIII. .............................................................................. 445

Figure 5-18. Monthly production costs of silver refined by smelting at Regla (1875-

1886). Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual. .......... 446

Figure 5-19. Percentage breakdown of variable smelting costs at Regla (1875-1886),

(a) without and (b) with the deemed variable cost of the ore. ............ 448

Figure 5-20. Cross-over point between the average variable cost of processing one

carga by smelting and the value of silver extracted from the ore. Data

from Table 5-X. .................................................................................. 450

Figure 5-21. The variable production cost by smelting at Regla as a function of the

silver content of the ore. Data from Table 5-X. ................................. 450

Figure 5-22. Total variable refining cost at Regla (1875-1888), as a function of the

silver content of the ore. Data from Tables 5-VIII and 5-X. .............. 456

Figure 5-23. Comparative production costs of amalgamation and smelting in the

context of the second half of the sixteenth century as a function of the

silver content of the ore. See Appendix E for source data. ................ 458

Figure 5-24. Total production cost as a function of the silver content of the ore, within

the context of the period from the mid-seventeenth to mid-eighteenth

century. See text for details on the generation of the values plotted. . 462

Figure 5-25. Annual average of cargas of silver ore processed at the refining

haciendas of the Compañia Real del Monte in the period 1853 to 1873.

Source data from Estados Comparativos. .......................................... 475

Figure 6-1. Map of regional Cajas of main mining districts in New Spain, snapshot

of the 1760s, adapted from original map in footnote 874. ................. 491

Figure 6-2. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation in Zacatecas in the

period 1670 to 1820. Prior to 1700 the time intervals are exactly one year

only for the Lacueva data. Fractions calculated by the author on the basis

of the raw data from TK set and footnote 894.................................... 496

Figure 6-3. Registry of silver at the Caja of Zacatecas according to refining process.

Data from Table 6-II. .......................................................................... 497

Figure 6-4. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Guanajuato in the period 1679 to 1816. Prior to 1720 the time

intervals of the raw data in the TK data have been approximated to the

calendar years. .................................................................................... 502

Figure 6-5. Registry of silver at the Caja of Guanajuato according to refining process.

Data from Table 6-V. ......................................................................... 502

Figure 6-6. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of México in the period 1786 to 1816. The raw data are from the

TK data set. ......................................................................................... 506

Figure 6-7. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Durango in the period 1696 to 1813. Between 1737 and 1765 no

distinction was made between amalgamated and smelted silver in the tax

register. Prior to 1713 I have approximated the irregular time series of

the raw data in the TK data to their nearest calendar years. ............... 508

Figure 6-8. Registry of silver at the Caja of Durango according to refining process.

Data from Table 6-XI. ........................................................................ 509

Figure 6-9. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of San Luis Potosí in the period 1713 to 1806. Source of raw data

is the TK set. ....................................................................................... 512


Figure 6-10. Registry of silver at the Caja of San Luis Potosí according to refining

process. Data from Table 6-XIV. ....................................................... 513

Figure 6-11. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Guadalajara in the period 1691 to 1804. Prior to 1699 I have

approximated the irregular time series of the raw data in the TK set to

their nearest calendar years. ............................................................... 517

Figure 6-12. Registry of silver at the Caja of Guadalajara according to refining

process. Data from Table 6-XVII. ...................................................... 517

Figure 6-13. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Pachuca in the period 1667 to 1820. Prior to 1706 I have

approximated the irregular time series of the raw data in the TK set to

their nearest calendar years. ............................................................... 521

Figure 6-14. Silver registered at the Caja of Pachuca. Data from Table 6-XX. ..... 522

Figure 6-15. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Sombrerete in the period 1680 to 1820. Prior to 1760 I have

approximated the irregular time series of the raw data in the TK set to

their nearest calendar years. ............................................................... 525

Figure 6-16. Silver registered at the Caja of Sombrerete. Data from Table 6-XXIII.

............................................................................................................ 525

Figure 6-17. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Bolaños in the period 1753 to 1804. Raw data from TK set. 529

Figure 6-18. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Rosario in the period 1770 to 1813. Raw data from TK set. 531

Figure 6-19. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Zimapán in the period 1729 to 1806. Raw data from TK set.


Figure 6-20. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the

Caja of Chihuahua in the period 1788 to 1813. Raw data from TK set.


Figure 6-21. Registry of silver by process, as projected for New Spain. ................ 540

Figure 6-22. Approximate geographical distribution of main refining processes

applied in the Cajas of New Spain. Black: smelting, Grey:

amalgamation. Adapted from Figure 6.1. ........................................... 543

Figure 6-23. Listing of Cajas by the magnitude of the vector corresponding to lead

and lead compounds. Data from table 6-XXXVIII ............................ 544

Figure 6-24. Woodland consumed by smelting and amalgamation according to Caja.

Data from Table 6- XXXVIII. ............................................................ 545

Figure 6-25. Ranking of Cajas according to the magnitude of the environmental

impact vector of mineral waste voided into waterways. Data from Table

6-XXXVIII. ........................................................................................ 545

Figure 6-26. Ranking of Cajas according to the magnitude of the environmental

impact vector of salt voided into waterways. Data from Table 6-

XXXVIII............................................................................................. 546

Figure 6-27. Ranking of Cajas according to the magnitude of the environmental

impact vector of copper sulphate consumed and voided into waterways.

Data from Table 6-XXXVIII. ............................................................. 546


Figure 6-28. Ranking of Cajas according to the magnitude of the environmental

impact vector of calomel voided into waterways. Data from Table 6-

XXXVIII............................................................................................. 547

Figure 6-29. Amalgamation and smelting fraction of silver presented at the Mexican

mints, 1876 to 1892. Raw data from footnote 900. ............................ 548

Figure C-1. Inventory of raw ore destined for amalgamation. Raw data from Informe

Mensual. ............................................................................................. 596

Figure C-2. Inventory levels of ground silver ore destined for amalgamation. Data

from Informe Mensual. ....................................................................... 597

Figure C-3. Monthly inventory levels of salt. Raw data from Informe Mensual. ... 597

Figure C-4. Monthly inventory levels of copper sulphate. Raw data from Informe

Mensual……. ..................................................................................... 598

Figure C-5. Monthly inventory levels of mercury. Raw data from Informe

Mensual…… ...................................................................................... 599

Figure C-6. Inventory levels of raw silver ore destined for smelting. Raw data from

the Informe Mensual Regla. ............................................................... 599

Figure C-7. Inventory of ground silver ore ready for smelting. Raw data from the

Informe Mensual. ................................................................................ 600

Figure C-8. Inventory of litharge. Raw data from the Informe Mensual. .............. 601

Figure C-9. Inventory of charcoal for smelting. Raw data from the Informe

Mensual…… ....................................................................................... 602


List of Tables

Table 1-I. Major silver deposits ranked by aggregate production. For sources see

footnote 39. ........................................................................................... 65

Table 1-II. Silver content of ores reported for New Spain / Mexico. Sources are listed

in footnote 113. ..................................................................................... 94

Table 1-III. Silver content of ores in the Vice-Royalty of Peru. Sources are listed in

footnote 113. ......................................................................................... 95

Table 1-IV. Silver content of ores in Europe. Sources are listed in footnote 114..... 96

Table 1-V. Major deposits of mercury through history. Sources indicated in footnote

116. ....................................................................................................... 98

Table 2-I. Published weight ratios of lead to silver used in the smelting of silver ores.

Sources are given in footnote 248. ..................................................... 148

Table 2-II. Range of lead to silver weight ratios from individual smelting runs carried

out in the region of Veta Grande, Zacatecas, in 1718. The source data

are from footnote 250. ........................................................................ 150

Table 2-III. Range of percentage values for lead losses during smelting of lead ores.

Sources in footnote 251. ..................................................................... 151

Table 2-IV. Lead content in slags from different smelting sites and periods. Sources

in footnote 255. ................................................................................... 153

Table 2-V. Lead, arsenic and sulphur content of two samples of grasas from Monte

Caldera. ............................................................................................... 154

Table 2-VI. Assumptions applied to the mineral and lead mass balance for the

Hacienda Santa Maria, Monte Caldera. For details and sources see text.

............................................................................................................ 155

Table 3-I. List of debtors on supplies provided by the Hacienda La Escalera,

Guanajuato, with their estimate of selected assets offered as collateral to

the debt, as of 1791. Raw data from footnote 473. Numbers in italic have

been calculated by author from original data. .................................... 239

Table 3-II. A comparison of some of the main spatial and operational features of

amalgamation haciendas in Mexico, nineteenth century. Data in italics

have been estimated, other data are derived from plans or from sources

in text. ................................................................................................. 250

Table 3-III. Historical values of Hg/Ag weight ratios calculated from values of

correspondencia reported in the historiography. Sources from footnote

498. ..................................................................................................... 256

Table 3-IV. Percentage breakdown of mercury losses to the environment as a result

of the refining of silver ores with mercury. ........................................ 262

Table 4-I. Monthly amounts, in cargas, of ore ground for amalgamation. Raw data

from Informe Mensual. ....................................................................... 331

Table 4-II. Partial transcription of data that appear for the five weeks ending on

November 28th, 1885, as registered in the Informe Mensual. Numbers in

italics represent numbers shown in red in original document. The units

of silver content are registered in marks and hundredths of a mark. .. 341

Table 4-III. Additional consumables at Regla, from Memorias de Gastos for the four

weeks ending on May 26th 1877. ....................................................... 351

Table 4-IV. Overall mass balance for the amalgamation of silver ores as practised at

Regla between 1872 and 1888. Data compounded from different sections

of this chapter. The numbers in italic denotes a calculated number, not

directly derived from the monthly accounting ledger. ....................... 353


Table 4-V. Total consumption of firewood and charcoal registered on a weekly basis

at Regla, according to Memorias No. 19 - 21 de los Gastos de la Hcda

de Regla, for the four weeks ending on May 26th 1877. Data in italics

correspond to inventory make-up. ...................................................... 354

Table 4-VI. Overall mass balance for the smelting of silver ores as practised at Regla

between June 1875 and January 1886. Data was compounded from the

sections on smelting of this chapter. The numbers in italic were

calculated and not obtained directly from the accounting data. ......... 363

Table 5-I. Interpretation of Villaseñor’s working examples and method that sustained

his argument against decreasing the price of mercury. Data adapted from

footnote 730. ....................................................................................... 398

Table 5-II. Summary of amalgamation and smelting costs in New Spain/Mexico from

the historiography up to the nineteenth century. Figures in italics are

calculated from source data. Sources are indicated in footnote 737. . 402

Table 5-III. Production costs as reported in 1802 for the cazo, patio and smelting

refining processes carried out at Catorce (San Luis Potosí), adapted from

data in footnote 743 and Appendix D................................................. 405

Table 5-IV. Generic profile of patio amalgamation costs (excluding ore cost) in

Mexico as practised around 1840, expressed in terms of g of fine silver.

Specific export costs are highlighted in bold and italics. Data from

footnote 749. ....................................................................................... 408

Table 5-V. The percentage breakdown of the main variable amalgamation costs at

Regla, excluding the cost of ore at the plant gate. The percentage values

were calculated from the individual headings within the monthly account

data, and then averaged for the year. A total of 153 data sets are

represented in the table. Source data from Contabilidad Mensual. ... 435

Table 5-VI. The percentage contribution to the total variable amalgamation refining

cost of the total fuel required by the amalgamation process. Source data

from Estados Comparativos. .............................................................. 435

Table 5-VII. Mining and other costs for Real del Monte mines in the period 1849 to

1854, raw data adapted from footnote 809. ........................................ 437

Table 5-VIII. Matrix to determine the variation of total production cost by patio

amalgamation at Regla as a function of silver content in the ore. All data

derived from the accounting books of Regla, except for the cost of ore

which has been derived from Section 5.6. .......................................... 443

Table 5-IX. The percentage contribution to the partial variable refining cost of the

main cost elements of the process. The percentage values were

calculated on a monthly basis, and then averaged for the year. A total of

103 data sets are represented in the table. Source data from Contabilidad

Mensual. ............................................................................................. 446

Table 5-X. The derivation of the total cost of smelting per carga and of the variable

production cost per kg of silver as a function of silver content in the ore.

For source of data see text. ................................................................. 449

Table 5-XI. Selection of historical costs from the sixteenth to nineteenth century of

the main factors that determine the production cost of amalgamation and

smelting. Sources in footnote 830. ..................................................... 455

Table 5-XII. The profile of costs registered at Regla in the third quarter of the

nineteenth century within the historical context of New Spain / Mexico.

For sources see Table 5-XI and Sections 5.8 and 5.11. ...................... 456

Table 5-XIII. Sensitivity values for a cost approximation to the context of refining of

silver in the second half of the sixteenth century. .............................. 458

Table 5-XIV. A theoretical context of production costs viable for the period 17c to 18c,

and within the limits of data provided in Table 5-XII. ....................... 461

Table 5-XV. Breakdown of labour man-days and costs for the various refining stages

carried out at at Regla based on data for the four week period ending on

May 29th 1877 (Memorias Numero 18 - 22)....................................... 465

Table 5-XVI. Labour costs at Regla, according to the Memorias 18 – 22, and the

deemed distribution of labour costs between patio amalgamation and

smelting. ............................................................................................. 468

Table 5-XVII. Labour man-days at Regla, based on data from the Memorias 18 – 22,

and the deemed distribution of man-days (manual and non-manual

labour) between patio amalgamation and smelting. ........................... 469

Table 5-XVIII. Labour force at Regla, based on the Memorias 18 – 22, and the

deemed distribution of the workforce (manual and non-manual labour)

between patio amalgamation and smelting. ....................................... 469

Table 5-XIX. Variable production costs in pesos per kg of refined silver for the various

refining haciendas of the Compañia Real del Monte, in the period 1853

to 1873. The gaps in grey indicate the haciendas were not in use at the

time. The gaps in white indicate a lack of primary sources for the period.

Source data from Estados Comparativos. .......................................... 476

Table 5-XX. Silver content of ore before processing. Raw data from Estados

Comparativos. .................................................................................... 477

Table 5-XXI. Losses of silver, expressed as weight percentage, registered at the

refining haciendas of the Compania Real del Monte, in the period 1853

to 1873. The gaps in grey indicate the haciendas were not in use at the

time. The gaps in white indicate a lack of primary sources for the period.

Source data from Estados Comparativos. .......................................... 479

Table 5-XXII. Mercury to silver weight ratio registered at the refining haciendas of the

Compania Real del Monte, in the period 1853 to 1873. The gaps in grey

indicate the haciendas were not in use at the time. The gaps in white

indicate a lack of primary sources for the period. Source data from

Estados Comparativos. ....................................................................... 479

Table 5-XXIII. The average amount of pesos required to refine 1 kg of silver using

the two amalgamation processes. The haciendas in italics used the barrel

process, and the haciendas in normal script used the traditional patio

amalgamation. The data has been calculated for the period 1853 to 1873

using as source the Estados Comparativos. ....................................... 480

Table 6-I. Silver production in Mexico, nineteenth century. Sources from footnotes

875 and 876. The data after 1875 corresponds to fiscal years beginning

in the year indicated............................................................................ 492

Table 6-II. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Zacatecas. In this and

following tables A: Amalgamation, S: Smelting, For the method and

sources see text. .................................................................................. 499

Table 6-III. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Zacatecas. ........................................................................ 500


Table 6-IV. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Zacatecas. .............................................................................. 501

Table 6-V. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Guanajuato. .................. 503

Table 6-VI. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Guanajuato. ...................................................................... 504

Table 6-VII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Guanajuato............................................................................. 505

Table 6-VIII. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of México. Values in bold from

footnote 894. ....................................................................................... 506

Table 6-IX. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of México. ............................................................................ 507

Table 6-X. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of México. .................................................................................. 507

Table 6-XI. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Durango. Silver production


figure in bold from footnote 896, ceiling for calomel estimates indicated

in bold italic figures. ........................................................................... 510

Table 6-XII. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Durango. .......................................................................... 511

Table 6-XIII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Durango. ................................................................................ 511

Table 6-XIV. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of San Luis Potosí............. 515

Table 6-XV. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of San Luis Potosí. ............................................................... 516

Table 6-XVI. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of San Luis Potosí. ..................................................................... 516

Table 6-XVII. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Guadalajara. ................. 519

Table 6-XVIII. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Guadalajara. ..................................................................... 520


Table 6-XIX. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Guadalajara. ........................................................................... 520

Table 6-XX. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Pachuca. ....................... 523

Table 6-XXI. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Pachuca. ........................................................................... 523

Table 6-XXII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Pachuca. ................................................................................. 524

Table 6-XXIII. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Sombrerete. .................. 527

Table 6-XXIV. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Sombrerete. ...................................................................... 528

Table 6-XXV. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Sombrerete............................................................................. 528

Table 6-XXVI. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Bolaños. ........................ 529


Table 6-XXVII. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Bolaños. ........................................................................... 530

Table 6-XXVIII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Bolaños. ................................................................................. 530

Table 6-XXIX. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Rosario. ........................ 531

Table 6-XXX. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Rosario. ............................................................................ 532

Table 6-XXXI. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Bolaños. ................................................................................. 532

Table 6-XXXII. Production of silver by smelting as registered in the Caja of

Zimapán. ............................................................................................. 534

Table 6-XXXIII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Zimapán. ................................................................................ 534

Table 6-XXXIV. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid

mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by

amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Chihuaha… .................. 536


Table 6-XXXV. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in

the Caja of Chihuahua. ....................................................................... 537

Table 6-XXXVI. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the

Caja of Chihuahua. ............................................................................. 537

Table 6-XXXVII. Summary of main magnitudes projected for each of the main

mining Cajas of New Spain. Woodland figures expressed in units of a

thousand ha, all the others in units of a thousand t. ............................ 538

Table 6-XXXVIII. Amalgamation and smelting by Caja over the whole colonial

period in New Spain. Source data from Table 6-XXXVII. ................ 542

Table 6-XXXIX. Projected magnitudes of main environmental impact vectors for

amalgamation and smelting in Mexico, 1821 to 1899. ...................... 549

Table 6-XL. Total magnitude of environmental impact vectors from amalgamation and

smelting as projected for New Spain and Mexico. All numbers have been

rounded off, and expressed in thousand t except for woodland which is

in thousand ha. .................................................................................... 550

Table A-I. Account book prepared by Lopez de la Madriz, Valle de Pozos, AHSLP,

Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1650.3, expediente 8. ................................... 585

Table A-II. Weekly accounts of the Hacienda de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores,

corresponding to the year 1773, signed by Lorenzo Mata. AHSLP,

Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1773.2. ........................................................... 586

Table B-I. Assignment of account headings in Contabilidad Mensual into subsets

(labour, mercury, salt, copper sulphate and other costs) used in the

analysis of production costs at Regla. ................................................ 593


Table B-II. Comparison of amounts accounted for in the Contabilidad Mensual and

Estados Comparativos for the year 1873 for production costs at Regla.

See text for analysis. ........................................................................... 595

Table C-I. Areas required by the average inventory of the main reagents, fuel and ore,

as calculated from the raw data in the Informe Mensual Regla. ........ 603

Table E-I. Amalgamation sixteenth century context ............................................... 609

Table E-II. Smelting sixteenth century context ....................................................... 609

Table E-III. Amalgamation seventeenth and eighteenth century context ................ 610

Table E-IV. Smelting seventeenth and eighteenth century context. ....................... 610


The environmental history of silver refining in New Spain is the aggregate result of two

refining processes, amalgamation and smelting, that emit two completely different sets of

chemicals and impose two distinct levels of woodland depletion upon the environment. Over

60% of its silver was produced by amalgamation, a physical term that hides the complex and

concatenated chemical reactions that transform silver sulphides into amalgamated silver and

calomel. The chemical ratios and the historical levels of the correspondencia (mercury to silver

weight ratio) are shown to mathematically restrict the possible level of physical losses of

mercury during amalgamation to less than 15% on average, with mercury in calomel

constituting the balance. Just under 40% of silver was refined by smelting in the presence of

lead, with high emissions of lead fume and high energy requirements. Waterways would be the

waste disposal channel for amalgamation, the air for lead fumes, and woodland depleted for

smelting. A mass balance analysis is applied to each process to arrive at ratios of by-product

emissions and energy input per kilogram of silver extracted. The raw data is derived both from

historical sources and also from the nineteenth century accounts of the Hacienda de Regla, one

of the major silver refining centres in nineteenth century Mexico. The choice of refining

method in New Spain was determined by the chemical nature of the silver ores. The analysis

of production costs at Regla and their projection back to the sixteenth century indicate that

changes in the historical context could alter substantially the relative economies of both. The

strategic decision by Spain to favour amalgamation over smelting was influenced by the fiscal

importance of its mercury revenues. The main conclusion of this thesis is that a paradigm based

on lead and calomel determined the material impact of the environmental history of silver

refining in the New World.



L’histoire environnementale du raffinage de l’argent à la Nouvelle Espagne est le

résultat de l’agrégat de deux procédés, l’amalgamation et par la fonte, qui dégagent deux

ensembles complètement différents de produits chimiques et produisent deux niveaux de

réduction des bois. Presque 60% de l’argent a été produit par l’amalgamation, un terme

physique qui cache les réactions chimiques complexes qui transformaient les sulfures d’argent

en argent amalgamé et calomel. Les rapports chimiques et les niveaux historiques de la

correspondencia réduisent mathématiquement le niveau possible des pertes physiques du

mercure à moins du 15%, et calomel compris le 85% restante. À peu près de l’autre 40% de

l’argent était produit par la fonte avec du plomb, avec grands émissions de la fumée au plomb

et un très grand besoin d’énergie. Les cours d’eau seraient les voies pour jeter les déchets de

l’amalgamation, l’atmosphère pour les fumées au plomb, et les bois épuisés par la fonte. Une

analyse du bilan de masse de chaque procédé donne les rapports des émissions et de l’énergie

requis par chaque kilogramme de l’argent produit. Les chiffres pour le calcul sont retrouvée

des sources historiques et aussi des cahiers de comptabilité du dix-neuvième siècle provenant

des opérations à la Hacienda de Regla, une des usines de raffinage de l’argent plus important

au Mexique. Le choix du procédé de raffinage à la Nouvelle Espagne était déterminé para la

nature chimique du minerai. L’étude des couts de la production à Regla et leur projections

jusqu’au seizième siècle indique que les changes du contexte historique pouvaient changer le

bilan entre les deux. La décision stratégique de l’Espagne qui a favorisé l’amalgamation sur le

procédé para la fonte a été influencée par des raisons fiscales à cause des revenues de la vente

du mercure. La conclusion principale de cette thèse propose qu’un paradigme fondé sur plomb

et calomel a déterminé l’impact matérielle de l’histoire environnementale du raffinage de

l’argent à la Nouvelle Espagne.



My gratitude first of all to the History Department of McGill for having taken the risk

of accepting a grandfather in its graduate program. Prof. Gershon Hundert in my first meeting

told me the consequences of that decision were firmly in my hands, and I hope I have not let

the Department down. Without the fellowship from the Cundill Foundation I would not have

been able to come to McGill, again a leap of faith on their part for which I am extremely

grateful. It is not an easy task to supervise and guide a mature student. My warmest thanks to

Prof. Catherine Desbarats who had the patience to manouevre me through the hectic reading

of the first year, and provided support throughout my stay at McGill. Prof. Daviken Studnicki-

Gizbert then accepted the challenge to supervise what turned out to be a multidisciplinary

sourcing of material with strong chemical overtones that had to be marshalled within the

discipline of History. I have tried to learn from his incisive questioning and detailed editing

along the way, and I am grateful for his contributions that have strengthened my thesis. I could

not have hoped for a better external advisor than Prof. Pamela Welbourn of Queen’s University,

who supported my work, sharpened my writing, pointed out glaring mistakes and helped me

over the more lonely stretches. The Faculty of Arts of McGill and the Department of History

have provided financial support for my travels to Mexico and my attendance at conferences,

for which I am most grateful. The staff at McGill Library chased down many a source for me.

I have benefited throughout my work from the generosity of total strangers, though the

final responsibility for any errors in my work is solely mine. By order of chapter: Dr. Richard

H. Sillitoe (U.K) for answering my questions and providing his latest paper on silver deposits;

Dr. Alexandre Desbarats (Natural Resources Canada) who provided very useful comments on

my attempt to lay out a firm foundation of geology in Chapter 1; Prof. Guadalupe Salazar

González, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (Mexico) for organizing and providing

all the support necessary, including sacrificing a long and dusty Saturday, to arrange my field

trip to visit the ruins of the haciendas in Monte Caldera and providing an invaluable guide to

the interpretation of these ruins; Don Rafael Morales Bocardo, Director of the Archivo

Histórico de San Luis Potosí, and his staff, who welcomed me with the warmth, politeness and

hospitality I would find everywhere in Mexico. He shared information on his own research and

details on the history of San Luis Potosí; Doña Maria Esther Méndez Tobías of the Museo de

Arte Sacro in Guadalcazar, who spent a Sunday after mass to take me to the ruins of the

Hacienda de Aranzazu, and waited patiently in the shade while I walked around and took

photographs and measurements; Dr. Eduardo Manzanares Acuña, of the Unidad de Estudios

Nucleares, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, for discussing with me his research on the

abnormally high levels of lead measured in the blood of children of modern Mexico who live

in houses built over historic mining and refining fills; Prof. Raynald Gauvin and Mr. Nicholas

Brodusch of the Department of Materials Engineering of McGill University for carrying out

pro bono the electron microscopy work on slag samples from Monte Caldera; Dr. David

Johnston (U.K.) for guiding me through his paper and for digging up further information from

his old laboratory notes; Dr. Thomas Hillerkuss of the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas,

who drove me to various mining and refining sites around Zacatecas and Pánuco, shared his

library, provided me with documents, set up meetings and overall was a generous guide to the

area; the Director of the Archivo Histórico de Zacatecas, Ing. María Auxilio Maldonado

Moreno, Ms. Genoveva Raquel Andrade Haro and her colleagues; Maestra Maria del Socorro

Cardoso Girón, the State appointed local historian of Pánuco for welcoming me to her house

to talk about the refining haciendas of the area; the Morrill family and Dr. Virgilio Fernández

del Real who opened their homes in historic refining haciendas of Guanajuato and Marfil and

shared their stories; the historian Jaime Medina Martínez who photocopied his thesis on

refining haciendas for my benefit; Licenciada en Historia Eréndira María Guadalupe Guzmán

Segoviano, Coordinator of the Historical Section of the Archivo de la Universidad de

Guanajuato, who made it possible for me to review the maximum number of relevant

documents; the historian Ada Marina Lopez Meza, who provided insight on haciendas in

Guanajuato; the present owner of the Hacienda Las Mercedes, who with his wife received me

on a Sunday to show me around the reconstructed hacienda until the evening chill forced us to

retreat; Prof. Carmen Giunta, the Editor of the Bulletin for the History of Chemistry, who took

the risk of publishing my hybrid paper and whose constructive editing enriched it; the Director

of the Museo de Minería y Archivo Histórico de Pachuca, Asociación Civil, Lic. Belem

Oviedo Gámez, and Maestra Aracelys Monroy Pérez, who from the first email strongly

encouraged me to visit their archives in Pachuca, thanks to which the whole course of my thesis

changed. They provided me with all the support, guidance and kindness I could hope for; Prof.

Herbert S. Klein (Columbia University) for generously providing his Excel files with data from

the Cajas of New Spain; Dr. Daniel Engstrom (St. Croix Watershed Research Station) and Dr.

Colin Cooke (Dept. of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, Alberta) for

sharing their research results, for their words of encouragement and for providing a very wide

audience for part of my work. Their use of the term paradigm emboldened me to apply it to the

title of this thesis.

Finally, to my grown-up family (Cristina and Juan Cristobal, Saul Ignacio and Claire,

Mariana and Juan Carlos, Carlos Pedro and the sky), who have had to wait for the grandfather

to come back to the joy of all our lives, my grandchildren Manuela, Olivia and Leo. As to my

wife Adriana, she played a major role in the transcription of many a data point into my

spreadsheets. I cannot love her more, she has had to endure an unexpected late twist to our life,

yet has never complained nor failed in her support during our many recent wanderings.

To Adriana

Guide to the text

Chemical symbols
Ag: silver
Cl: chloride
Cu: copper
Hg: mercury
Na: sodium
O: oxygen
Pb: lead
S: sulphur
Units of measure
kg = kilogram
m = metre
m2 = square metre
m3 = cubic metre
Ma = million years
oz = ounce
t = ton (metric)
t/d = tons per day
t/m = tons per month
t/y = tons per year
lb = pound
y = year
Equivalence of units of measure
1 quintal = 46 kg
1 mark = 8 oz = 0.23 kg
1 arroba = 11.5 kg
1 carga = 12 arrobas = 138 kg

1 troy oz = 0.031 kg
1 lb = 0.454 kg
Tons (t) are metric tons = 1,000 kg
1 fanega maize = 1/2 carga of cereal = 52 kg
1 mark = 8.5 to 8.75 pesos
1 vara = 0.84 m
Monetary units
All calculations involving monetary units of pesos, reales and tomines have been
rounded off on the basis of pesos only.
All translations are by the author unless otherwise indicated. Non-English words in the
text and footnotes are inserted in italics, except for proper names and institutions.
Photographs, illustrations and drawings
All plots, tables, photographs and drawings by the author unless otherwise indicated.
Digital images were taken by the author of original prints made public prior to 1920. Digital
copies of other material were provided by the AHSLP, MMOB, AHUG and AHCRMyP.
Satellite images from Google Earth have been reproduced for academic and non-commercial
purposes, as well as single images from texts under ‘fair dealing’. Where applicable,
permission to reproduce is indicated in the captions to the figures.
Geopolitical terms
The geopolitical designations of New Spain and Mexico are used either separately or
together, depending on the historical period being covered. New Spain covered a larger
territory than republican Mexico, including territory in Central America, except for present day
Panama that was assigned to New Granada.


From the mid sixteenth century to the third quarter of the nineteenth century, Spain

dominated the world production of silver. According to the data collated by TePaske, silver

from the Hispanic New World constituted 40 % (sixteenth century), 74% (seventeenth century)

and 71% (eighteenth century) of world production totals. The silver refining industry of New

Spain came to produce on average nearly half of the world’s silver during the eighteenth

century.1 Only the United States of America as of the 1870s overtook republican Mexico to

become the world’s leading producer of silver.2 The historical impact of this wave of bullion

from the New World on global trade and the future course of the European and Asian

economies has been amply analysed within a global perspective. 3 The same silver is credited

by Flynn and Giraldez with giving rise in 1571 to the first instance of truly global trade, the

year Spain set up its entrepôt in Manila.4 There is consensus that the mining and refining of

silver in the New World changed the course of world history as of the mid sixteenth century.

The reverse side of the silver coin was the environmental legacy in the New World that

was left in the shadow of this pivotal moment in history. Up to the end of the nineteenth century

John Jay TePaske and Kendall W. Brown, A New World of Gold and Silver (Leiden, Netherlands; Boston: Brill,
2010), 140.
Charles White Merrill, Summarized Data of Silver Production (US Government Printing Office, 1930), 18.
Modern historians of note such as the Chaunus, Braudel, Carla Rahn Phillips, de Vries and others have been
cited in this regard, as in for example the analysis of the concatanated economic effects of New World silver flows
as it made its way through Europe, the Ottoman Empire, Persia, India and ultimately to China, in Ronald Findlay
and Kevin H. O’Rourke, Power and Plenty. Trade, War and the World Economy in the Second Millenium
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007), 212-26. John Kenneth Galbraith argues that it was not the silver
per se that strongly assisted the birth of European capitalism, but its inflationary effect on prices of goods coupled
with a decrease in wages, that led to increasing profits and capital accumulation, in John Kenneth Galbraith,
Money, Whence It Came, Where It Went (London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1995), 10-11. Silver as a ‘gift’ to Europe,
product of Spanish coercion, and its effects on Indian and Chinese economies is analyzed in Kenneth Pomeranz,
The Great Divergence. China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy (Princeton, New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 2000), 269-74.
Dennis O Flynn and Arturo Giraldez, "Cycles of Silver: Global Economic Unity through the Mid-Eighteenth
Century," Journal of World History 13 (2002).

there is little in the way of published primary documents that comment on the collateral impact

on communities and their habitat as a result of refining silver. One notable and very early

exception was the following text by Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (1539-1616), the son of a

Spanish conquistador and an Inca princess, which refers to the refining of mercury from its


‘The Inca Kings felt that [mercury] was harmful to the welfare of those who extract it and
refine it, for they saw it caused tremors and the loss of consciousness. In view of which (as
Kings that care so much for the welfare of their subjects, according to their name “Lover of
the Poor”) they prohibited by law its extraction, or any memory of it. So much did the Indians
abhor it that they erased its name from their memory and language’.5

The early European sources from the Viceroyalty of Peru adopt a more business as

usual approach to the workplace dangers of refining silver. Viceroy Toledo imposed larger

heights of chimneys from smelting furnaces than their counterparts in amalgamation units.6

Alonso Barba, author of the only major metallurgical work in the early seventeenth century to

come from the New World, recommended that workers do not stand downwind during the

heating of the amalgams to avoid the danger of mercurialism (becoming azogado) should an

accident occur.7 In the eighteenth century, de Gamboa would comment on the poisonous nature

of smelters and amalgamation haciendas.8 At least one lurid account of the deemed mortal

effect of amalgamation on workers was penned by Sir William Rawson in England in the early

‘Los Reyes Inca … sintieron [que el azogue] era dañoso para la vida de los que lo sacan, y tratan, porque vieron
que les causaba el temblar y perder los sentidos. Por lo cual (como reyes que tanto cuidaban de la salud de sus
vasallos, conforme al apellido “amador de pobres”), vedaron por ley que no lo sacasen, ni se acordasen de él.
Y asi lo aborrecieron los indios de tal manera, que aun el nombre borraron de la memoria y de su lenguaje’.
Garcilaso de la Vega and Aurelio Miró Quesada S, Comentarios reales de los Incas (Caracas: Biblioteca
Ayacucho, 1976), 555.
As quoted in Peter J. Bakewell, Miners of the Red Mountain. Indian Labor in Potosí, 1545-1650 (Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press, 1984), 150.
Alvaro Alonso Barba, Arte de los metales (Barcelona: Editorial Labor, 1977 ), 170.
Francisco Xavier de Gamboa, Comentarios a las ordenanzas de minas dedicados al católico rey nuestro señor
Carlos 111, Madrid, Oficina de Joaquín Ibarra (1761), 462.

nineteenth century.9 However the detailed accounts by European technical observers of this

period do not mention any fatal environmental or workplace conditions as a consequence of

the refining processes.10 Concern over the depletion of woodlands was expressed throughout

the colonial period within the context of the impact of mining in general, perhaps not so much

in the modern sense of safeguarding the environment for future generations but more as a

problem of sourcing new supplies of fuel so as not to impair the course of silver production.11

A generalized interest in the negative impact of human actions on the environment only

arises after the middle of the twentieth century. As more information became available on the

toxicity of chemicals, greater attention began to be paid to the environmental effect of industrial

activity, with Rachel Carson’s publication of Silent Spring in 1962 a significant milestone.12

Her concern was triggered by the indiscriminate use of man-made pesticides, but in that same

timeframe and context the devastating effects of mercury and its by-products on humans would

become apparent to a world audience observing its effects on the fishing communities around

Minamata Bay in Japan.13 It cannot be said that the tragedy at Minamata immediately sensitized

the historiography to the possible environmental impact from the use of mercury in the New

World. The emphasis remained on the amounts of mercury produced or imported in relation to

the refining of silver, not their environmental impact. Prior to public reaction to events at

Minamata, Lohmann Villena had published in 1949 his detailed study on mercury production

William Rawson, "The Present Operations and Future Prospects of the Mexican Mine Associations Analysed,
by the Evidence of Official Documents, English and Mexican, and the National Advantages Expected from Joint
Stock Companies, Considered, in a Letter to the Right Hon. George Canning,"(London: J. Hatchard & Son, 1825),
Saint Clair Duport, De la production des métaux précieux au Mexique, considérée dans ses rapports avec la
géologie, la métallurgie et l'économie politique (Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 1843).;M.P. Laur, "De la metallurgie
de l'argent au Mexique," Annales des Mines, 6th series, 20 (1871).
For a recent review of historical texts on depletion of woodlands in New Spain and the Andes see D. Studnicki-
Gizbert and D. Schecter, "The Environmental Dynamics of a Colonial Fuel-Rush: Silver Mining and Deforestation
in New Spain, 1522 to 1810," Environmental History 15, no. 1 (2010).
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett, 1962).
Shigeo Ekino et al., "Minamata Disease Revisited: An Update on the Acute and Chronic Manifestations of
Methyl Mercury Poisoning," Journal of the Neurological Sciences 262, no. 1-2 (2007).

at the mine of Huancavelica, in present day Peru. Using his data, it is possible to calculate a

yearly consumption of mercury for the refining of silver around Potosí of approximately 300 t

per year for at least 74 continuous years.14 The aggregate total of mercury consumed in the

New World from 1556 to 1700, based in part of Lohmann Villena’s data, was then estimated

by Pierre Chaunu in 1959 at approximately 49,000 t (1,069,494 quintales), a yearly average for

the refining centres of the New World of 340 t over 144 continuous years, that would increase

in tandem with silver production in the eighteenth century.15 One estimate on the total amount

of mercury (and its compounds) discharged into Minamata Bay is from 260 t to 600 t of

mercury over a period of 36 years, at an average of 7 to 17 t/y, part of which found its way into

the human food chain as very toxic methyl mercury. 16

Further refinements in these totals were published, but none of these magnitudes

triggered a warning on the potential for major negative health and environmental issues for the

communities of the New World arising from the amalgamation of silver ores.17 The historical

data represented an unprecedented major source of anthropogenic waste chemicals based on

mercury voided into the communities and ecology of the New World. Quite the contrary, the

technique of amalgamation, which needed to be supplied with such major quantities of mercury

in order to function, was hailed in much of the modern historiography in quite positive terms.

The importance of New World silver on world history was reflected onto the technique of

Saúl Guerrero, "Chemistry as a Tool for Historical Research: Estimating the Contraband of Silver from Potosí
and Oruro, 1576-1650," Bulletin for the History of Chemistry 37, no. 2 (2012): 75.
Pierre Chaunu, Seville et l’Atlantique (1504-1650). La Conjoncture (Paris: SEVPEN, 1959), Tome VIII (2,2)
Ronald Eisler, Handbook of Chemical Risk Assesment: Health Hazards to Humans, Plants, and Animals.
Volume 1: Metals (Boca Raton, FL.: Lewis Publishers, 2000), 322.
Richard L. Garner, "Long-Term Silver Mining Trends in Spanish America: A Comparative Analysis of Peru
and Mexico," The American Historical Review 93, no. 4 (1988): 916-23.; D. A. Brading and Harry E. Cross,
"Colonial Silver Mining: Mexico and Peru," The Hispanic American Historical Review 52, no. 4 (1972): 563. In
the industrial world of the twenty-first century, average mercury emissions from global coal burning in 2013 are
estimated at 474 t/y. Data from UNEP, "Global Mercury Assesment 2013 "(Geneva: United Nations
Environmental Program), 9.

amalgamation.18 The pioneering historians of silver refining would mention the danger posed

by the use of mercury, but were limited by the fact there was no mention of widespread

mercurialism in the primary documents spanning the complete span of amalgamation in the

Americas.19 Examples of the dangers of mercury in the refining of mercury ores were cited in

Kendall Brown’s study on Huancavelica (Peru).20 In general, the absence of a strong

commentary on this potentially serious issue as a direct consequence of amalgamation possibly

led the environmental historian John F. Richards to state as late as the year 2003: ‘as yet, the

true environmental costs of silver [refining in the New World] have not been fully explored or

acknowledged by scholars’.21 Nicholas Robins, in his recent monograph on the ravages of

mercury in the Andes of Huancavelica and Potosí, drew attention to the dangers of mercury

but his strongest examples derive from the effects of refining mercury from cinnabar at

Huancavelica, or from the dangers of mining and the attrition on local communities caused by

the mita system of forced labour in the Vice-Royalty of Peru. His case is much weaker on the

‘[amalgamation] stands out as a unique event in the annals of Spanish-American technology, up to the present
time’, Marcel Roche, "Early History of Science in Spanish America," Science 194, no. 4267 (1976): 807.;
‘[amalgamation] may rank ... as high as any other technical innovation made in the Americas since Europeans
first went there’, Peter J. Bakewell, A History of Latin America, 2nd ed.(Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004),
185.;‘in the refining of metals ... the americans contributed through amalgamation with perhaps the most important
innovation of the period’- ‘En el beneficio de los metales ... los americanos aportaban con la amalgamación la
innovación tal vez más importante de la época’. Bernd Hausberger, "El universalismo científico del Barón Ignaz
von Born y la transferencia de tecnología minera entre Hispano américa y Alemania a finales del siglo XVIII,"
Historia Mexicana 59, no. 2 (2009): 614. ‘Revolution’, ‘epoch-making’ and ‘the most transcendental event in the
history of world metallurgy’ are some of the other epithets that have been used to describe the implementation of
amalgamation of silver in New Spain in the 1550s. For the respective quotes see Manuel Castillo Martos,
Bartolomé de Medina y el siglo XVI (Santander: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2006),
75. ; Mervyn F. Lang, "Silver Refining Technology in Spanish America (patio y fundición) " in 5th International
Mining History Congress, ed. James E. Fell, P. D. Nicolaou, and G. D. Xydous (Milos Island: Milos Conference
Center-George Eliopoulos, 2001), 139. ; Manuel Castillo Martos and M. F. Lang, Metales preciosos--unión de
dos mundos : tecnología, comercio y política de la minería y metarlurgia iberoamericana (Sevilla: Muñoz Moya
y Montraveta Editores, 1995), 99. Not all historians contribute to this panegyric on amalgamation. Portuondo
dedicates just two lines to this refining process in her 20 page paper, María Portuondo, "Constructing a Narrative:
The History of Science and Technology in Latin America," History Compass 7, no. 2 (2009): 505.
In one of the most recent examples, in the second edition of the textbook on Latin American history, published
in 2004, Bakewell dedicates two lines of text to the toxicity of mercury in relation to the use of amalgamation to
refine silver in the New World. See Bakewell, A History of Latin America, 186.
Kendall W. Brown, "Workers Health and Colonial Mercury Mining at Huancavelica, Peru," The Americas 57
John F. Richards, The Unending Frontier: An Environmental History of the Early Modern World (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2005), 366.

environmental impact of amalgamation per se, both on chemical grounds as will be argued in

Chapter 3 and because he can only cite one primary source (Pedro de Oñate, a Jesuit priest) on

the danger of mercury from the amalgamation process itself.22

When attention was finally focused on the environmental impact of silver refining, it

was conditioned by a narrative that had been constructed to explain the uniqueness of a mercury

amalgamation process that was only applied massively in the New World and not in Europe.

This narrative posited that the richer superficial silver ores of the New World had been quickly

exhausted by mid sixteenth century, and that smelting was incapable of refining at a profit the

deeper ores with a low silver content. The implementation of mercury amalgamation was

therefore the only viable technical and economic choice that allowed Spain to reap the wealth

of silver from the ‘other’ poorer type of ore prevalent in the New World. No strategic choice

was involved between two refining options, but rather a decision imposed by necessity. As a

corollary to this narrative, smelting had to be relegated to a minor role in the production of

silver, since ‘rich’ ores were not the average norm in the American continent. Thus

amalgamation and mercury came to dominate the historical narrative on colonial silver

refining, a modern yet unfiltered echo of the voices of colonial miners complaining of lower

silver yields and clamouring for more and cheaper mercury as the key to silver production in

the New World.23

N.A. Robins, Mercury, Mining, and Empire: The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver Mining in the
Andes (Indiana University Press, 2011), 140.
It is difficult to single out any specific historian as to the origin of this narrative, since it merges well with some
of the primary documents from the colonial era. The Spanish historian of mining and silver refining Modesto
Bargalló is a very useful source for extracts from early historical sources for mining and refining in New Spain
and Peru. He presents in his book published in 1955 one of the first modern versions of this narrative, in Modesto
Bargalló, La minería y la metalurgia en la América española durante la época colonial (Mexico: Fondo de
Cultura Económica, 1955), 240-45. The same narrative is voiced by the most quoted of English language
historians of colonial silver refining, as for example in: Bakewell, A History of Latin America, 184-89.; Brading
and Cross, "Colonial Silver Mining: Mexico and Peru," 552-56.; Richard L. Garner and Spiro E. Stefanou,
Economic Growth and Change in Bourbon Mexico (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1993), 111. An
indication of their role as references to the history of silver refining is the fact the they are the historians cited for

The next step in the same direction came not from historians but from the discipline of

environmental science. In attempting to interpret modern levels of mercury depositions world-

wide, the residual contribution of historical silver refining activities needed to be assessed. In

1993 Jerome O. Nriagu published a one-page note in the journal Nature proposing that all the

mercury used to amalgamate silver in the New World had been lost during the process through

physical means, up to 65% during a heating stage of the amalgam, and the rest by spills or in

waterways. Nriagu explicitly tied his line of reasoning to modern observations of artisanal gold

mining in the Amazon.24 His argument was taken up by successive authors, both environmental

scientists and historians, with the latest proposal by Robins in 2012 stating that up to 85% of

the mercury used in Potosí was ultimately volatilized.25 In all these studies no mention is made

of any chemical transformation of mercury during the refining process, nor is any other heavy

metal mentioned as a source of environmental impact from the historical refining of silver ores.

This mainstream environmental narrative based on ‘poor silver ores / amalgamation /

volatile mercury loss’ has faced major challenges in recent years on both fronts, by historians

and indirectly by environmental scientists. The Spanish historian Lacueva, in 2010, questioned

many of the tenets of this narrative. He begins by stressing that in the five year period prior to

the implementation of amalgamation in New Spain, the shipments of precious metals to Spain

(mainly silver) from the port of Veracruz had risen 70%. Thus the use of amalgamation was

not a response to a crisis in silver production. He then argues that certain texts of the period

from Zacatecas contradict the notion of ‘poor’ silver ores. He posits that in fact smelting was a

more profitable refining method than amalgamation, though without a quantitative base to his

the sections on silver refining in John Huxtable Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World : Britain and Spain in
America, 1492-1830 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006).
J. Nriagu, "Legacy of Mercury Pollution," Nature 363 (1993): 589.
Robins, Mercury, Mining and Empire, 109.

argument. Finally, he recognizes that the increase observed in smelting in Zacatecas as of the

mid seventeenth century cannot be readily explained by the ‘poor ore / amalgamation’


Bakewell had earlier recognized the potential contradiction of events in the seventeenth

century to his narrative based on ‘poor ores’. If smelting was held to be only viable for very

rich silver ores, then only new sources of such an ore could justify the surge in smelted silver.

He therefore proposed that gunpowder was helping miners find new pockets of ore with high

silver content. The argument is weak but inevitable for Bakewell to remain consistent with his

narrative. The weakness has been pointed out by Lacueva, who attempts to circumvent the

contradiction trap by claiming that in fact smelting represented the lowest cost option for

refining silver ores.27

The second challenge faced by the mainstream narrative has come indirectly from the

results of recent studies (2011) from the field of environmental science. Cooke et al took

measurements of mercury in deposits at the bottom of Lake Lobato, 6 km east of Potosí. When

core samples of the sediments were measured for mercury, it resulted in a curve of mercury

concentration that decreases during all the historical period amalgamation was practised at

Potosí. In all, 70% of all the mercury deposited over Lake Lobato corresponded to periods

before amalgamation was introduced by Spain. Pre-conquest levels of mercury in the sediment

were higher than those of colonial Potosí.28 This result pointed to a major flaw in the current

Jaime J. Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del rey y de sus vasallos : minería y metalurgia en México (siglos XVI y
XVII) (Sevilla: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Escuela Superior de Estudios Hispano-
Americanos; Universidad de Sevilla; Diputación de Sevilla, 2010), 93-107,147-228,259-68.
Ibid., 133-34.
C.A. Cooke et al., "Pre-Colombian Mercury Pollution Associated with the Smelting of Argentiferous Ores in
the Bolivian Andes," AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 40, no. 1 (2011).

narrative on colonial silver refining, with direct consequences for the way its environmental

history should be studied.

The doubts raised by the current direction of the mainstream narrative, of which the

above are just some of the salient objections, required a complete revision of the subject,

starting with the most basic of questions. Why was Spain the only European power to come

across the only major deposits of silver in the world? Why was amalgamation only used

massively in the New World and not in Europe? Was amalgamation the only option available

to Spain to refine the ores it found in the New World? How much silver was produced by

amalgamation and how much by smelting, that is consistent with registered sale revenues of

mercury? The balance of production by each refining method is the key to estimating two quite

distinct sets of environmental impacts. What was the nature and amount of the chemicals

voided to the environment from either refining process? Was mercury the only chemical of

note to have an environmental impact in the New World as a result of silver refining?

The answers to these questions lie in a series of concatenated events that defined the

environmental history of silver refining in the New World. It begins with the geology of silver

deposits, which determine the different chemical nature of silver ores. The chemistry of the

silver compounds then define their response to the two possible refining methods known in this

period, smelting and amalgamation. While smelting can be applied to any silver ore with

enough patience and lead flux, amalgamation of silver ores is in reality a misnomer for a

complex set of chemical reactions that require the transformation of silver sulphides into silver

chlorides (via the action of roasting with salt or through the reaction with copper sulphate),

which are then reduced by mercury into elemental silver, which will only then amalgamate

with the available mercury that has not been transformed into calomel (mercurous chloride).

The presence of lead would impair the efficient use of mercury to amalgamate silver ores. Thus

the choice of refining process for silver ores was determined in the first instance by the

chemical nature of the ores.

What was the role of production costs and economics if chemistry was the gatekeeper

to the two quite different paths of environmental impact? Under what economic scenarios of

cost production could smelters derive a profit if the nature of their ores precluded the use of

amalgamation? If lead fluxes were available to use with lead-poor ores, could refiners have

turned to smelting and still made a profit during periods when mercury became too scarce or

payment terms too onerous? Did smelting in fact compete on production costs with

amalgamation? On the other hand, what exactly were the economic reasons behind the use of

mercury, first in New Spain and then in the nineteenth century in republican Mexico?29 For all

that has been written on mercury and amalgamation, there is not a single detailed analysis of

comparative production costs between amalgamation and smelting that can serve to answer

this question, for lack of a suitable historical data base of production costs. What influence did

the fiscal opportunity cost for the Spanish Treasury between amalgamation and smelting have

as a result of Spain’s ownership of the mines at Almadén and Huancavelica? Did the obvious

value of mercury as a revenue stream to the Treasury tilt the balance towards the use of

amalgamation in New Spain, and thus alter the course of its environmental history?

What follows is based on a chemical history of silver refining in the New World, using

the tools from chemistry to interpret the historical documents, much as an economic history

relies on applying principles of economy to decipher historical data. Following Occam’s

dictum I have sought the minimum number of variables that could explain the overall patterns

While independence in the nineteenth century marks a clear historical boundary between New Spain and
republican Mexico, the practice and environmental impact of amalgamation and smelting form a more continuous
narrative that starts in mid sixteenth century and terminates with the introduction of the cyanide process at the end
of the nineteenth century.

as reported in the historiography of silver refining. I have thus based my analysis on the

chemical behaviour of the two main groups of silver compounds that were the source of silver

production in New Spain and then Mexico: silver chloride with silver sulphides, and

argentiferous galena. The following chapter explains how geology determined Spain’s

predominance in the silver market, and uses current theories on the evolution of silver deposits

to interpret their composition and the manner in which this affected the course of silver refining

in the New World. Geology also explains the fundamental chemical difference, and similarities,

between silver ore deposits on both sides of the Atlantic. The conclusions reached in this

chapter set the groundwork for the behaviour of the ores when subjected to either smelting or

amalgamation in its various forms.

In the following two chapters I will weave between New Spain and the Vice-Royalty

of Peru, because for the latter the extant documents provide a more continuous narrative on the

state of smelting as inherited from Europe and a more detailed source on the critical evolution

of amalgamation to an industrial-scale technique capable of refining sulphidic silver ores. For

each process I establish its generic environmental footprint, which is intimately bound to the

architectural legacy of every refining unit in the New World. Using the chemistry of the

reactions I identify and quantify the separate set of environmental impact vectors generated by

smelting and amalgamation.

I will then focus only on New Spain, where smelting competed more closely with

amalgamation. An important key to interpret the historical trail of silver refining was found in

the impressive architecture of the Hacienda de Santa Maria de Regla on the outskirts of

Pachuca. It is very rare to find at present both the well-preserved physical remains of a major

refining hacienda together with more than a decade of very detailed accounting records. What

made Regla unique was the fact that detailed records for both amalgamation and refining

processes were available. Chapter 4 provides a close-up view of the historical operation of a

silver refining hacienda as seen through the mass balance of materials entering and leaving its

walls. These accounts also serve to make up for the absence of historical measures of chemicals

voided to the environment, since mass balances can be used to calculate the magnitude of the

environmental impact of its operations. The simple tenet of the conservation of matter meant

that what entered a refining compound had to be accounted for in what exited the compound,

regardless of its chemical form. As a result it is possible to arrive at ratios of chemicals voided

into the environment per kg of silver refined by amalgamation or smelting. In Chapter 5, the

economic data from Regla give a very rare opportunity to analyse in depth the comparative

production costs and structure of amalgamation and smelting. In turn these insights are used to

explain why refiners in New Spain could have applied in a profitable way both amalgamation

and smelting, subject only to the nature of the silver ore being refined.

The mass ratios for the main environmental impact vectors, calculated for each of the

processes, complemented by the data on silver produced and mercury sold obtained from

primary and secondary sources, are then used in Chapter 6 to project over the main mining

districts of New Spain, or in total over Mexico, a gross estimate for the mass balances of the

major waste products issued to the environment as a result of the historical refining of silver.

It will quantify how the different chemical compositions of the ores being refined lead to totally

different environmental impact vectors, thus highlighting the importance of the geochemistry

of the silver ore deposits to the environmental history of silver refining in the New World. The

results presented at the end of this research propose a major departure from the narrative that

until now has dominated the studies on this topic. The quantitative data indicate it was lead and

its compounds from smelting, not mercury from amalgamation, that was the only heavy metal

to be issued to the air in major quantities. Calomel that exited as solid waste was the end result

of the consumption of mercury during amalgamation. I will argue that the chemical and

physical nature of the refining reactions mitigated the impact of mercury on the workers and

communities, while exacerbating the environmental impact of lead and its compounds. Human

choices were made in full knowledge of the toxicity of both lead and mercury, and the final

environmental impact owed less to human foresight than to a fortunate attenuation of effects

from a balance of refining processes dictated by fiscal reasons.

One final word of caution. The conclusions reached in this work only apply to the silver

refining activity as carried out in New Spain and Mexico, and in no way represent the

environmental impact of the mining and processing of mercury ores in Almadén or

Huancavelica, nor to the overall environmental consequences of mining.


1 The genesis and nature of silver ores.

‘It seemeth to me a thinge undecent to reade so much of golde and sylver and to know
so lyttle or nothinge of the naturall generation thereof’’ Richard Eden (1555)
‘wherever the earth moves, metals are concentrated ... silver … a gift from the
underworld sealed in cracks’ Fortey, Earth: An Intimate History (2005)

1.1 Introduction

There is no Costa da Prata marked on maps of Africa alongside the Gold Coast and

other shorelines that eponymously signposted each new class of trade goods for the expanding

Europeans. From the fifteenth century to the seventeenth century, the Portuguese would hug

the coasts from Africa to India and all the way to China with the fortified port-cities of the

Estado da Índia, without having a single opportunity to become masters of a world-scale

deposit of silver, and not for lack of searching for one.30 The most they would achieve was to

become middlemen in the Sino-Japanese trade of the sixteenth century, when Japan was known

as the silver islands, and ‘the profits made there by the Portuguese were the envy of sailors,

merchants and adventurers from Amsterdam to Manila’.31

Unbeknownst to them, the Treaty of Tordesillas had effectively quarantined the

Portuguese from ever adding to their wealth and possessions from new silver mines. In fact,

with the exception of Spain and France, no other European power engaged in global expansion

during the Early Modern Era would have as strong an option of coming across world-scale

As for example the military campaign by Portugal in search for silver mines in Southern East Africa. A. R.
Disney, A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire : From Beginnings to 1807 vol. II (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2009), 145-71.; or the search for the ‘islands east of Japan “rricas de plata”’ as cited
by Paul W. Mapp, The Elusive West and the Contest for Empire, 1713-1763 (Chapel Hill; Williamsburg, Va.:
University of North Carolina Press, 2011), 109.
William S. Atwell, "International Bullion Flows and the Chinese Economy circa 1530-1650," Past and Present
95 (1982): 69,71.

deposits of silver ore.32 The dearth of any major primary silver ore deposits in India or China

raises the question as to why huge areas of the Earth remain barren to the present of any

important ‘criaderos’ (nurseries) of silver, to use the organic phrasing found in Spanish

metallurgical tracts of the Early Modern Period. This lack of silver would drive part of the

Asian transcontinental trade towards a Europe incapable as yet of producing the textiles,

porcelain and spices that India, China and the Spice Islands could provide.33 And yet it was no

mean advantage for Europeans to have access to their own silver and gold mines and to have

developed the necessary technology to extract the ores and refine these precious metals,

supplemented by the gold bartered from Africa. By conquering the mountainous spine of the

New World, Spain would have access to a source of silver of a magnitude beyond the powers

of imagination of the European miners of the fifteenth century.

There is a sense of wonder at the unique triangulation of geological gifts that resulted

from the trans-oceanic voyages due west of the Spanish mainland. The chemical context that

defined the technical options for refining silver ores in the New World, and consequently its

environmental history, belongs to the longest of the Braudelian cycles, that of geological time.

Geology did not determine European imperial policy, but it did favour the Imperial ambitions

of the Spaniards, who stumbled across the vast silver deposits found in Peru and New Spain to

complement their own vast deposits of mercury of Almadén in Spain and Huancavelica in the

Vice-Royalty of Peru. During the Early Modern Era, Portugal’s name would be mostly

associated with African and Brazilian gold, while Spain would fund its political aims to a great

‘ore: any naturally occurring material from which a mineral or aggregate of value can be extracted at a profit’.
L. J. Robb, Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes (Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2005), 6.
Dennis Flynn and Arturo Giráldez, "Latin American Silver and the Early Globalization of World Trade," in
National Identities and Sociopolitical Changes in Latin America (London and New York: Routledge, 2001).;
Andre Gunder Frank, ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age (Berkeley: University of California Press,

extent based on New World silver from the highlands.34 The same geological forces that also

explain the dearth of silver deposits in India and China, or the brief silver bounty in Japan,

configured the nature and direction of the first global flows of trade. Geology is the only path

to provide an answer to Richard Eden’s complaint quoted in the epigraph to this chapter.35

What geology cannot explain is the luck of the draw that kept France from joining Spain as a

major producer of silver of the Early Modern Era. Its colonists of New France were

tantalizingly within reach of a source of silver in the Cobalt area of modern Ontario that

equalled over 80% of the total silver extracted from Potosí by Spain.36

The environmental history of silver refining in the Americas is thus the end result of a

chain of concatenated events that begins with the geological birth of each silver deposit. The

geological genetic imprint defines the nature of the silver compounds contained in each ore,

Gold would be found on both sides of the Tordesillas Line, though geologists have remarked on the fact that
silver and gold deposits tend to be dominated by one or the other (Frederick T. Graybeal, Douglas M. Smith, and
Peter G. Vikre, "The Geology of Silver Deposits," in Handbook of Strata-Bound and Stratiform Ore Deposits.
Part IV, ed. K. H. Wolf (Amsterdam: Elsevier 1986), 159. ; Walter Pohl, Economic Geology : Principles and
Practice : Metals, Minerals,Coal and Hydrocarbons - Introduction to Formation and Sustainable Exploitation of
Mineral Deposits (Chichester, West Sussex; Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), 227. This observation is made
even by the non-specialist observer: ‘one never has at the same time a high content in silver and gold’ -‘on n’a
jamais à la fois haute teneur en argent et en or’, in Albert Bordeaux, Le Mexique et ses mines d'argent (Plon-
Nourrit et cie., 1910), 291. In South America Colombia, Brazil and Venezuela are known more for their gold
than for their silver.
Richard Eden (1555) as quoted by Cyril Stanley Smith in his introduction to Vannoccio Biringuccio, The
Pirotechnia, trans. Cyril Stanley Smith and Martha Teach Gnudi (Cambridge, Mass.: The M.I.T. Press, 1966),
xxii. Richard Eden was the translator to English of Biringuccio’s metallurgical text.
Over 600 million ounces of silver [over 18,000 t] was produced from the Cobalt area in modern Ontario,
according to Graybeal, Smith, and Vikre, "Geology Silver Deposits," 15. This amount represents 84% of the silver
mined from Potosí up to the end of the eighteenth century (22,170 t, as reported in TePaske and Brown, Gold and
Silver, 184. In monetary terms this would have provided a windfall of over 700 million pesos within the French
colonial economy (at 40 pesos per kg of silver) or over 4,200 million livres (assuming 6 livres to the peso in the
eighteenth century, according to Carlos Marichal, Bankruptcy of Empire : Mexican Silver and the Wars Between
Spain, Britain, and France, 1760-1810 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 54.). Annual values of
sugar arriving in France from its Caribbean plantations went from 15 to 75 million livres per year from 1730 to
1790 (Robert Louis Stein, The French Sugar Business in the Eighteenth Century (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State
University Press, 1988), 103.), so just the silver value of these deposits represented around 60 years of sugar
imports from the French Caribbean to France at the highest range of sugar prices. If the French mining and refining
establishment of the eighteenth century had the expertise to mine and smelt the Cobalt silver ores, the impact of
silver from the area around modern day Cobalt throughout the French colonial economy of the New World, and
the ripple effect on the overall French strategy towards its empire in the Americas, would have been substantial.
The deposits were discovered in 1903.

and of any collateral metallic species. The chemistry of the silver compounds and the other

metals present in the ore in turn defines the optimal refining process that can be applied to

profitably extract the silver content of the ore, either smelting with lead or amalgamation with

mercury. Each refining process finally produced a completely different set of environmental

impact vectors that would create the environmental history of the local communities around

refining centres and their landscape. The Spanish historian Castillo Martos has stated that when

determining the reasons why mercury amalgamation became the method of choice in the New

World and not in Europe, ‘the difference in the nature of American and European [silver] ores

is a fact not to be ignored; however other factors were more influential’.37 I will argue

throughout this thesis precisely the opposite, that the difference in the chemistry of the silver

ores on both sides of the Atlantic is what defined at every step of the way the environmental

consequences of silver refining in the Americas.

To understand what gave rise to the difference in the chemical composition of silver

ores I will briefly review in the following sections the current geological explanations for the

appearance of major silver deposits in the Americas and in Europe, based on present theories

of metallogeny and plate tectonics.38

1.2 Subduction and the New World

Nine of the ten largest sources of primary silver ore known to humankind (those where

at least 50% of their revenue is or was derived from the production of silver) lie on the

'La diferente calidad de las menas americanas y europeas es un dato que no habría que despreciar; sin
embargo, influyen más otras consideraciones’. Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 106.
‘metallogeny [is] the study of the genesis of ore deposits in relation to the global tectonic paradigm ... a range
of processes responsible for the formation of the enormously diverse ore deposit types found on Earth’ Robb,
Ore-Forming, vii.

mountainous spine of the New World (Figure 1 and Table I).39 The only source of silver outside

the New World to figure in this exclusive list are the Erzgebirge silver deposits in Europe. The

combined silver endowment of Mexico (smaller now than New Spain) and Peru / Bolivia (the

Vice-Royalty of Peru) continues to be the greatest known deposit of silver on Earth, with a

total amount of silver (produced to date and remaining) to the year 1994 estimated at 441,405


It is a further measure of the uniqueness of the geological landscape that was conquered

by the Spanish Crown that more than half of the mining locations listed in Table I would have

been recognized by a miner in the New World of the late sixteenth century onwards. 41 Little

did Charles V suspect there was no hyperbole in the motto granted under his reign to Potosí: ‘I

am the rich Potosí, treasure of the world, Lord of all the mountains and the envy of the Kings’.42

At present Potosí remains what Laznicka terms the world’s ‘largest silver supergiant’ ore

reserve, a distinction all the more remarkable since the search for new deposits has continued

since the sixteenth century, with the support of ever increasing technical sophistication. 43 The

Spanish employed the word bonanza to denote a ‘spectacularly rich precious metal zone’, but

Graybeal, Smith, and Vikre, "Geology Silver Deposits," 2-32. Their listing published in 1989 includes only
deposits that had yielded over 28 t of silver (one million ounces) to date, and does not include the Imiter silver
deposit of Morocco, a deposit with an estimated 8,000 t of silver, as detailed in Alain Cheilletz et al., "The Giant
Imiter Silver Deposit: Neoproterozoic Epithermal Mineralization in the Anti-Atlas, Morocco," Mineralium
Deposita 37, no. 8 (2002). As of the twentieth century the majority of silver produced is a by-product from the
mining and refining of other metals (for example, copper), which explains why the Lubin Kupferschiefer district
in Poland is now listed as the single largest deposit of silver, even greater than Potosí, even though the silver
content of the ores is a paltry 4 grams per ton, Peter Laznicka, Giant Metallic Deposits : Future Sources of
Industrial Metals (Berlin: Springer, 2006), 54. Sources for Table I: a) Graybeal, Smith, and Vikre, "Geology
Silver Deposits." b) Laznicka, Giant Metallic Deposits. c) TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver.
D.A. Singer, "World Class Base and Precious Metal Deposits; A Quantitative Analysis," Economic Geology
90, no. 1 (1995): 91.Table 2.
Graybeal, Smith, and Vikre, "Geology Silver Deposits," 2-32.
‘Soy el rico Potosí, del mundo soy el tesoro, el rey de todos los montes y la envidia de los reyes’ quoted in Pedro
Cunill Grau, "El paisaje andino: Punas, Salares y Cerros," in Potosí: plata para Europa ed. José Villa
Rodríguez(Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2000), 81.
Laznicka, Giant Metallic Deposits, 108. The terms giant and supergiant are based on a relative scale determined
by the scarcity of each metal and the size of the endowment in each deposit, thus the more scarce a metal the
lower the threshold in endowment size required to classify it as a giant or supergiant deposit. See ibid., 38-54.

it could as well describe the whole geological panorama that opened up to them in the New

World.44 It has been estimated that of the total 337 ‘giant metal deposits’ discovered until

now, only 13 were known prior to 1492, and only an additional 12 would be found up to 1800.45

Cobalt Erzgebirge
Coeur d’Alene
Virginia City 4 6 10

9 10
New Almaden Toponah Almaden
Parral 7
Zacatecas 5

Oruro 8
The Treaty of
Tordesillas line 1494
Potosí Primary silver deposit zones Major mercury deposits

Figure 1-1. Top ten silver deposits ranked by aggregate production and main mercury
sources up to the late twentieth century. Data from Table 1-I.

Graybeal, Smith, and Vikre, "Geology Silver Deposits," 1. According to the Diccionario de la lengua española
(, bonanza was a Spanish term originally applied to sailing, and denoted a calm (favourable)
Peter Laznicka, "Discovery of Giant Metal Deposits and Districts," in Proceedings of the 30th International
Geology Congress: Energy and Mineral Resources for 21th Century: Geology of Mineral Economics ed. Pei
Rongfu(VSP, 1997), 356-357.

aggregate production production dates endowment/reserves+production/contained

ranking by
aggregate country location ore
silver metal
production metric tons source years source million source source
1 Mexico Pachuca 36,400 a, 17 1528-1976 a, 17 35 a, 17 (production plus b, 137

2 Bolivia Potosí > 28,000 a, 9 1545-1950 a, 9 100 a, 9 86,000 (endowment) b, 131

3 Mexico Guanajuato 31,700 b, 137 to 1984 b, 137 8 a, 17

4 United States Coeur d'Alene 26,180 a, 22 1884-1980 a, 22 50 a, 22 34,000 (contained) b, 364

5 Mexico Zacatecas 23,236 b, 138

6 Canada Cobalt, Ontario ca. 18,000 a, 44 1903-1967 a, 15

7 Mexico Parral 13,496 a, 16 1631-1982 a, 16 50 a, 16

8 Bolivia Oruro 7,588 a, 8 1595-1962 a, 8 27 a, 8 (production plus b, 146

9 United States Virginia City 5,376 a, 28 1859-1950 a, 28 19.1 a, 28

United States Tonopah 4,878 a, 28 1900-1950 a, 28 8.8 a, 28

7,000 (Freiberg,
Germany (including 4,788 a, 12 1163-1910 a, 12 20 a, 12 b, 364

Table 1-I. Major silver deposits ranked by aggregate production. For sources see
footnote 39.

Spain would find three of the dozen in the first fifty years after starting their conquest

of the New World, including the two major epithermal deposits of primary silver ore. Six of

the ten ore deposits that appear in Table I would be under control of the Spanish Crown for a

space of some 250 years. The scale of the bonanza found in the Spanish silver mines in the

New World is highlighted by the fact that ‘Pachuca [in New Spain, present day Mexico, is] the

world’s second largest epithermal accumulation [of silver known up to the year 2006] after


In its westward thrust of conquest and expansion Spain had stumbled without knowing

across ‘the Andean and Cordilleran orogens of the western Americas [that] contain the greatest

concentration of metals on Earth, and are pervasively mineralized from one end to another’.47

According to Evans, the mineralization observed in the continental margin arcs of the Andes

and Cordillera is unique in the variety and magnitude of its metal endowment.48 The

explanation for the mixture of bounty and scarcity of silver deposits in Figure 1-1 had to wait

for recognition of the dynamic nature of global plate tectonics, the new paradigm in the field

of geology that as of the late 1960s would radically change the view held until then of Earth as

a ‘static, rigid sphere’.49

Subduction is a word that does not appear in the historiography of Spanish America

and New World silver, and yet subduction is the geological script that determined the history

of Spain’s role in the New World.50 In 1972 Richard Sillitoe published a paper in which he

Giant Metallic Deposits, 137. The difference between the top tier deposits in Table I and the remainder of
known silver deposits in the world is very large. Over 115 primary silver deposits in the world (excluding the ex-
USSR) were reported in 1980 which had produced over their lifetime over 1 million ounces (oz), equivalent to 28
t. Graybeal, Smith, and Vikre, "Geology Silver Deposits," 6-30. To place this threshold in perspective, 28 tons of
lifetime production corresponds to approximately a quarter of just one year’s output in Potosí averaged over 250
years continuous production during the Early Modern Era. World-class silver deposits that have accounted for
79% of all silver discovered and produced are those that contain over 2,400 t of silver (the top ten percent of all
known deposits), while supergiant deposits of silver contain over 22,000 t of silver, and account for 37% of total
silver endowment. Singer, "Precious Metal Deposits," 10.
Robb, Ore-Forming, 338.
Anthony M. Evans, Ore Geology and Industrial Minerals : An Introduction (Oxford; Boston: Blackwell
Scientific Publications, 1992), 331.
R. W. Carlson, "Introduction," in Treatise on Geochemistry : The Mantle and Core., ed. R. W. Carlson (Oxford:
Elsevier-Pergamon, 2004), 15. There is an interesting account of the paradigm change brought about by plate
tectonics, and a discussion in terms accessible to the non-geologist as to why deposits of silver arise from
movements within the Earth, in Richard A. Fortey, Earth : An Intimate History (London: Harper Perennial, 2005),
202, 253.
The theory of subduction as the explanation for the silver wealth exploited nearly exclusively by Spain has not
yet received attention in recent histories of the region to explain the uniqueness of its silver deposits, for example:
Kendall W. Brown, A History of Mining in Latin America : From the Colonial Era to the Present (Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press, 2012).; Robins, Mercury, Mining and Empire.; Elliott, Empires Atlantic World.;
Manuel Castillo Martos, "Plata y revolución tecnológica en la América virreinal," in Historia de las Ciencias y

proposed an explanation as to why the western area of the New World has been privileged with

metallic richness.51 According to Sillitoe, the metallogeny of silver ore deposits of the

American continents begins at the mid-ocean ridges within the Pacific Ocean, extended gashes

on the sea-floor where ocean crust is being continually issued forth from material that rises

from the mantle, and where metal rich solutions are vented and precipitated minerals fall on

the newly created and spreading ocean floor. The new ocean crust spreads on either side of

each ridge until the eastern portion reaches first the continental crust of the Americas (Figure

1-2). Instead of a head-on-collision, a subduction of the oceanic crust takes place as it slides

under the thicker continental crust, a very slow motion version of the last step of a mechanical

escalator sliding continuously under the more static landing stage. In so doing it entrains with

it all surface metallic deposits vented from the mid-ocean ridge and also accumulated during

its travel under the Pacific Ocean, together with quantities of sea-water. As the subducting

ocean crust slides deeper under the continental crust it enters a zone where, in Forley’s powerful

and succinct summation, whenever the Earth moves metals are indeed concentrated. 52 In the

case of silver, hydrothermal processes will play a major role: ‘The most efficient metal

transport in ore formation is by aqueous fluids [in which] metals dissolve … through simple

de las Técnicas, ed. Luis Español González , José Javier Escribano Benito, and María Ángeles Martínez García
(Spain: Universidad de la Rioja, 2004).; Bakewell, A History of Latin America.
R.H. Sillitoe, "Relation of Metal Provinces in Western America to Subduction of Oceanic Lithosphere,"
Geological Society of America Bulletin 83, no. 3 (1972): 815. For a more recent discussion on subduction and the
American continent see Suzanne Mahlburg Kay, Víctor A. Ramos, and William R. Dickinson, Backbone of the
Americas : Shallow Subduction, Plateau Uplift, and Ridge and Terrane Collision (Boulder, Colo.: Geological
Society of America, 2009).Other possible processes that have been proposed involve the scraping off of certain
metal content from the base of the overriding plate during subduction; inhomogeneous distribution of metals
below the solid crust of the Earth, scavenging of pre-existing concentrations at depth, and accretion from large
meteorites that fell at an early stage of Earth’s history. For a more detailed discussion see A. H. G. Mitchell and
M. S. Garson, Mineral Deposits and Global Tectonic Settings (London; New York: Academic Press, 1981),
191,324-326. For an approach based on melt generated by subduction then zoned magma chambers leading to
volatile stripping of copper and silver via magmatic vapour phases followed by extended fractional crystallization
of metals and hydrothermal activity see B. Lehmann, A. Dietrich, and A. Wallianos, "From Rocks to Ore,"
International Journal of Earth Sciences 89, no. 2 (2000): 287-292.
Fortey, Earth : An Intimate History 253.

ions ... or complexes’.53 Hydrothermal processes involve the action of water to transport metals

under the Earth in concentrated solutions akin to the strong metal-rich soup of a hot mineral

spring. Epithermal deposits is the term used for the resulting hydrothermal ore deposits formed

at shallow depths (less than 1500 meters) and fairly low temperatures (50-200oC).54

Pacific Ocean Andes

Ocean trench
Gold- Silver-Lead- Tin
Iron Copper Zinc

ascent of
magmas and


East Pacific Rise

Partial melting on subduction,
sequential release of metals
entrained on ocean crust

Figure 1-2. The spreading ocean floor subducts under the continental crust of the Americas
(illustration based on Sillitoe in footnote 51).

Silver and its compounds are among the metals that have been deposited in major

amounts via subduction processes along the mountainous spine of the Americas. Figure 1-3 is

of great help in visualizing the role of subduction in defining the location of major primary

silver deposits in the New World. It also shows why the history of silver refining in Japan has

Lehmann, Dietrich, and Wallianos, "From Rocks to Ore," 285.
Robb, Ore-Forming, 7.

the same geological roots as that for New Spain.55 In the Pacific coast of the Americas

subduction started in the Mesozoic [201 to 66 Ma] and early and middle Cenozoic [66 to 2.5

Ma] and is still very much active beneath Central and South America. 56 I have already

mentioned that the Andes have been described by modern geologists as the single most

important concentration of metallic ore deposits to be found in the world.57 According to plate

theory the reason for this distinction is the ‘singular longevity of the convergent plate boundary

of the eastern Pacific rim’, so that even as these words are written a section of oceanic crust

that was formed some 55 million years ago at the mid-ocean ridge is now sliding continuously

under the South American plate in an on-going process of subduction.58 Nowhere else on earth

has such persistent and active subduction occurred so close to a large and inhabitable landmass.

This proximity is crucial for historical events of the Early Modern Era to have been influenced

by this geological process. To quote a strangely disturbing Freudian turn of phrase: ‘Latin

America was, in comparison with other regions in which mineral wealth was potentially to be

extracted, eminently penetrable’.59 Long- term and active subduction is what distinguishes the

Spanish silver mines of the New World from the blank spaces in Figure 1-1.

Not all subduction zones are created equal as far as silver is concerned. The cornucopia

of New World metals, including silver, ‘may’ be related to its proximity to the East Pacific

Rise, as metals keep being added to the spreading oceanic crust. ‘The whole Eastern Pacific

William R. Dickinson, "Anatomy and Global Context of the North American Cordillera," in Backbone of the
Americas : Shallow Subduction, Plateau Uplift, and Ridge and Terrane Collision, ed. Suzanne Mahlburg Kay,
Víctor A. Ramos, and William R. Dickinson (Boulder, Colo.: Geological Society of America, 2009), 2.
Sillitoe, "Metal Provinces in Western America," 815. Ages in parenthesis throughout are expressed in million
years (Ma) and correspond to the classification as published in the 2011 version of the International Stratigraphic
Chart (
One important exception relevant to the history of silver refining in the Americas is iron.
Pohl, Economic Geology, 222.; Mitchell and Garson, Global Tectonic Settings, 186.; F. T. Graybeal and D.M.
Smith Jr, "Regional Distribution of Silver Deposits on the Pacific Rim," in Silver - Exploration, Mining and
Treatment(Mexico City: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1989), 7.
Peter J. Bakewell, "Introduction," in Mines of Silver and Gold in the Americas ed. Peter J. Bakewell (Aldershot
(UK): Variorum, 1996), xxii.

continental margin arcs from British Columbia to Chile are well endowed with major silver

deposits while the Western Pacific continental margin has virtually none’.60 According to

Graybeal and Smith the shorter the time interval to subduction, as applies to the eastern side of

the Pacific Ocean crust, the more evident the effect of ‘enrichment of silver in young ocean

crust at spreading centres’, which is why the western areas are silver-poor in comparison.61


North America South America



circum Pacific arrows indicate

orogenic belt subduction of plate

Figure 1-3. Subduction along the Andes, Cordillera and Japan (based on illustration in
footnote 55).

Even if subduction is the fundamental geological process that gave rise during different

geological eras to silver deposits both in the Americas and Europe, the resulting chemical

nature of the silver compounds and accompanying metals varied substantially in each location,

as I will discuss in the following sections.

Evans, Ore Geology, 330-331.
Graybeal and Smith Jr, "Regional Distribution of Silver Deposits on the Pacific Rim," 3.

1.3 The geological difference in New World silver deposits

New World silver did not arise from a single type of metallogeny, since there is a

distinct genesis to silver ores in the Andes compared to those of New Spain, even if both are

the ultimate product of subduction processes. It has long been evident that the two silver

refining industries proceeded along different historical lines, and historians have proposed this

arose from differences in the silver content of the ores and from the tax burden imposed upon

refiners.62 In geographical terms the silver in the Andes has been concentrated in few and large

deposits at very high altitude, such as Potosí. In the case of New Spain, the geographical

dispersion of silver deposits is much more pronounced, and none has reached the magnitude of

Potosí. As to the geological difference between the two, according to Sillitoe:

“It should be noted that the Bolivian silver deposits are parts of tin systems formed in a
back-arc setting by chemically reduced magmas dominated by a crustal source. In contrast, the
main Mexican silver deposits are accompanied by lead, zinc and subordinate gold and are
associated with chemically oxidized magmas of combined mantle plus crustal origin that were
formed in an arc setting above a shallowly inclined subduction zone. Hence, the two regions
differ substantially in both their tectonic and magmatic settings [emphasis added]’.63

There is as yet no work that relates directly the geological difference of both areas to

the geographical concentration, dispersal and size of silver deposits. However, the greater

probability of finding both lead and gold together with silver in the deposits of New Spain

(Mexico) compared to the Andean locations is extremely relevant in the light of the importance

of smelting in New Spain compared to the Andes. The presence of lead is a necessary condition

Brading and Cross, "Colonial Silver Mining: Mexico and Peru."
Dr. Richard Sillitoe, private communication. The mention of crustal or mantle sources of magma indicate the
origin of the magma from where metals and their compounds are ultimately leached from by hydrothermal
processes. Chemical reduction or oxidation will determine the final chemical profile of these metals and
compounds. Subduction processes of a different nature are indicated, back-arc setting (inland side of the Andes),
or shallowly inclined subduction zones in the case of Mexico.

for smelting, and the added cash flow from gold would assist in making this process

economically viable. I will return to both issues in the chapters that follow.

1.4 The chemistry of the sources of silver in New Spain / Mexico

It is virtually impossible to obtain a wide sampling of the ores found by Europeans at

each of the mining sites developed during the first centuries of silver mining in the New

World.64 In one location even the historical mines have been physically erased from the face

of the earth by modern day mining techniques in search of parts per million of gold. 65 The

problem is compounded by the fact that silver is extracted from a greater number of different

ores than any other metal: over 200 varieties of silver ore have been reported.66 The complexity

of the multiple sources of silver is captured in its bewildering visual array by the early historical


‘it is common to find some [silver] clean and purified, that does not need to be refined … it has
waxed sometimes as glitter; other times, wrapped around a stone like a thin piece of string
made of fine silver ... silver that arises in minerals encrusted in stones ... is a marvellous thing
to see in how many ores it is nurtured ... because some are black; others, yellow, grey-brown,
light-brown, light-coloured or of many shades of colour; some, extremely hard and thus
stubborn, and others soft, tender ... some ores are earthy, others leaden, others are laced with
iron pyrites; and others are mixed with gold, copper, tin, lead, caparrosa [ferrous or copper
sulphate], to sum it up, there is hardly any [silver] that can be found that is not mixed in various

‘No specimens of silver minerals survive from the original mines [of Potosi]’. T.C. Wallace, M. Barton, and
W.E. Wilson, "Silver & Silver-Bearing Minerals," Rocks & Minerals 69, no. 1 (1994): 35. While there are reports
of samples collected and sent back to Spain from the New World, the fate of these samples is unknown.
The whole Cerro San Pedro on the outskirts of San Luis Potosí is at present being levelled to the ground through
open-pit mining operations by the Canadian mining company New Gold. The historical mines dating from the
late sixteenth century onwards have disappeared literally into thin air.
Claudia Gasparrini, "The Mineralogy of Silver and its Significance in Metal Extraction," CIM Bulletin 77, no.
866 (1984): 99.
‘se suele hallar alguna limpia y acendrada, que no tiene necesidad de beneficiarse … cuajase algunas veces
como escarcha; otras, revuelta a una piedra como un delgado hilo de plata fina … la plata que nace en minerales
incorporada en piedras … es cosa de maravilla ver cuán diferentes son los metales en que se cría. Porque unos
son negros; otros, amarillos, pardos, de color castaño, rubio y de todos colores; unos, durísimos y por extremo
empedernidos, y otros blandos, tiernos … unos metales hay terrosos, otros plomizos, otros margajitosos; y otros
tienen mezcla de oro, cobre, estaño, plomo, caparrosa; y, en suma, casi no se halla ninguno que no tenga varias
mixturas’. Bernabe (S.J.) Cobo, Historia del Nuevo Mundo, ed. Francisco (S.J.) Mateos, vol. 91, Biblioteca de
Autores Espanoles (Madrid: Atlas, 1964), 141.

In the absence of physical historical evidence it is necessary therefore to turn to modern

research on the main chemical compounds from which the major part of silver production has

been obtained, and the current state of knowledge on the chemical transformations that are

known to take place in deposits of silver ore. I have expressly avoided addressing each of the

historical silver deposits of New Spain in the formal terminology of geology that categorizes

ore deposits of different genetic types according to all the metals present, the host rocks that

ultimately make up the gangue or waste mineral material, and the mechanisms by which these

metal compounds were deposited in the host rocks.68 This would require detailed historical

knowledge of the geological genetic type of silver ore deposit for each mining district (Real de

Minas) of New Spain, which according to Humboldt numbered around 500 in the 1800s.69 On

the contrary, I will base my analysis of the environmental impact of historic silver refining on

the one factor common to all the Reales, that the silver produced in New Spain came from

basically just two chemical groups of silver compounds distributed among these deposits: 1)

silver sulphide compounds (simple to complex), that via weathering as described below could

give rise to surface concentrations of silver halides (mainly silver chloride) and also metallic

silver and 2) argentiferous galena (lead sulphide, PbS, that contained silver compounds).70

As one example, these descriptive models have been published by the United States Geological Survey for
deposits such as currently found in Pachuca (Model 25 b, Dan L. Mosier et al., "Descriptive Model of Creede
Epithermal Veins," in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, ed. Dennis P. Cox and Donald A. Singer
(Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, 1987), 145-49. ) There is an updated level of description that now also
takes into account the environmental consequences of the various chemical compounds that make up the deposit,
under the term ‘geoenvironmental models’. For model 25 b see Geoffrey S Plumlee et al., "Creede, Comstock,
and Sado Epithermal Vein Deposits," in Preliminary Compilation of Descriptive Geoenvironmental Mineral
Deposit Models, Open File Report OFR-95-0831 ed. E. du Bray (Denver, CO: US Geological Survey, 1995), 152-
Alexander von Humboldt, Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne (Paris: Chez F. Schoell,
1811), Tome III, 310.
In contrast to gold, the main primary source of silver was not the native metal but the chemical compound silver
sulphide (Ag2S). V. M. Goldschmidt, Geochemistry (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1954), 189. Sulphur is not one of
the most common elements on Earth (around 0.05% of the crust) but its role in the movement of metals
underground might explain its unmistakeable presence around active volcanoes as a yellow efflorescence of
elemental sulphur on the crater walls or via the rotten-egg smell of hydrogen sulphide (H2S). Silver is classified
as a calcophile metal, one that prefers to react with sulphur, as anyone eating a boiled egg with a silver spoon can
quickly ascertain. Pohl, Economic Geology, 208,356. Silver sulphide presents itself at ambient temperature as the

1.4.1 Silver sulphide and silver chloride

Nearly one hundred years ago, Emmons explained that a silver ore deposit is not an

inert mountain of material but a constantly evolving chemical reactor in which over time the

composition of the original (hypogene) silver compounds is constantly changing. 71 Because

the surface layer of the deposit is a zone where oxygen plays an important role, the term

‘oxidized zone’ has led to the erroneous statement in some of the historiography that silver

oxide is generated in this surface layer.72 It is not silver that is oxidized but other chemical

species present in the ore deposit: the ferrous ions to ferric ions, or the sulphide ions to sulphate.

Quite the opposite, any silver ion will be reduced to elemental silver, or be solubilized by the

sulphate ions and later precipitated as chlorides, and other halides.73

mineral acanthite, the most common of all silver ores, so soft that it can be cut with a knife, with a colour range
‘from black to mirror white silver’. Acanthite is the low temperature (< 173 ° C) form of argentite, and in some
of the literature both terms appear to be readily interchanged. Wallace, Barton, and Wilson, "Silver-Bearing
Minerals," 25,27. Acanthite would be found in most mines of New Spain and Peru in huge quantities, as the main
hypogene (original) silver mineral. It can also be found as part of the silver content in galena, the sulphide of lead.
William Harvey Emmons, The Enrichment of Ore Deposits vol. 625 (Washington: United States Geological
Survey, 1917), 264.
‘the interaction between mercury and the surface of gold is easier than with the surface of silver, and this may
be the reason why the Romans did not amalgamate silver. The latter [silver] oxidizes when exposed to air and,
sometimes, appears with a film of silver oxide (Ag2O) that impedes contact between the metals [silver and
mercury]’- ‘La interacción entre el azoque y la superficie de oro nativo es más fácil que con la de plata y ello
puede ser motivo por el cual los romanos no amalgamaron plata. Esta última se oxida en el medio ambiente y, a
veces, aparece recubierta de una capa de óxido de plata (Ag 2O) … que impide el contacto entre los metales.’
Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 74.; mention of finely ground silver ores (oxides, chlorides and sulphides)
in Bakewell, "Introduction," xvi. The chemical texts are quite clear on this topic: ‘silver oxide could not
accumulate in oxidizing zones, because it is soluble in acid and also [to a limited extent] in water ... it is unknown
as a natural mineral [of silver]’ S.A. Cotton, Chemistry of Precious Metals (Bristol: Blackie Academic &
Professional, 1997), 282.; Emmons, The Enrichment of Ore Deposits 625 255.; ‘other naturally occurring silver
compounds, including oxides … are either rare or unknown’, in Richard H. Sillitoe, "Supergene Silver
Enrichment Reassessed," in Supergene Environments, Processes and Products, ed. Spencer R. Titley (Society
Economic Geology, 2009), 22.; ‘neither metal [silver and gold] is attacked by oxygen, but silver reacts with H2S
in town air forming a black tarnish of Ag2S.’ Cotton, Chemistry of Precious Metals , 275.
Although it is an older paper, Emmons provides detailed chemical reactions that take place in the oxidation
zone, and serves as a guide to a correct interpretation of the chemical changes in this region. Emmons, The
Enrichment of Ore Deposits 625 157-62,252-74.

Sillitoe has published an extensive review of the research up to the year 2009 on the

changing nature of the chemical composition of silver ore deposits.74 He states there is a

fundamental difference between copper deposits, where enrichment has been studied and

confirmed even down to levels below the water table, and the behaviour of deposits of silver

sulphide, which are the ones that predominate in the New World. The revisionist proposal by

Sillitoe that ‘supergene sulphide enrichment is an economically unimportant process’, being

absent in most examples of major extant silver deposits he reviews in his paper, leads to a

conclusion of great relevance in the interpretation of the early subjective reports by miners in

the New World. The first generation of Spanish refiners in the New World found a text-book

example of an undisturbed deposit of silver sulphide, in which superficial levels had undergone

weathering to silver chloride and silver in the zone above the water table. According to Sillitoe,

the absence of supergene enrichment means that on average the silver content found at the more

superficial levels is indicative of the silver content as a whole for the deposit. In other words

the major change as extraction proceeded within most mines in the New World was not so

much in total silver content as in the nature of the silver compounds within which it was to be

found (Figure 1-4).75

Not all the silver sulphide deposits or even all the veins of a major deposit necessarily

undergo any process of chemical change at all. When it does take place, the first segment a

Sillitoe, "Supergene Silver Enrichment," 21-23. In this paper Sillitoe provides a more detailed geological
description of major silver deposits in the world, including an estimate of their reserves of silver. An earlier
overview of silver sources based on the type of deposit in the Americas is provided in D.M. Smith Jr, "Geology
of Silver Deposits along the Western Cordillera," in Silver - Exploration, Mining and Treatment (Mexico City:
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1989).
There is no doubt that miners came across pockets of extremely rich silver content, as in this description: ‘I
have seen in the mine of Zacatecas such a rich vein of silver that, on placing it in the fire, it spit out pieces of
silver the size of a broad bean’ - ‘yo he visto en la mina de Zacatecas una vena de metal tan rico que, quemando
en el fuego, escupía pedaços de plata como habas’ Agustin de Sotomayor, as quoted in Julio Sánchez Gómez, De
minería, metalúrgica y comercio de metales : la minería no férrica en el Reino de Castilla, 1450-1610 (Salamanca:
Universidad de Salamanca : Instituto tecnológico geominero de España, 1989), 34. According to Sillitoe’s
argument these bonanza zones are not the end product of weathering but the high concentration level of silver was
present from the origin of the deposit.

Spanish miner would have found close or at the surface would have provided him initially with

an ore mainly in the form of native silver and silver chloride (chlorargyrite), for the most part

generated by oxidation-reduction reactions above the water table.76 As the Spanish miners

continued to extract silver ores at deeper levels down to and below the water table, these would

revert to the original and primary (hypogene) silver sulphide, native silver, and more complex

sulfosalts such as pyrargyrite that contain antimony, an element that interferes in all silver

refining processes.77


oxidation zone

water table
silver sulphide
silver sulfo-salts
elemental silver
silver chloride


Figure 1-4. A simplified representation of Sillitoe’s interpretation of the effect of

weathering on an original (hypogene) non-weathered sulphidic silver deposit. Drawing based
on interpretation of Sillitoe in footnote 74.

The earliest historical texts that reflect the mining practices of the Spanish conquerors

of the sixteenth century reflect from the first moment the main classes of silver compounds

Blanchard has identified silver chloride as the main silver compound that differentiates silver ores of the New
World from those known in Europe up to the sixteenth century. Ian Blanchard, Russia's "Age of Silver". Precious-
metal Production and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century (London; New York: Routledge, 1989), 3.
Sillitoe, "Supergene Silver Enrichment," 22,30.

indicated in the discussion based on Sillitoe’s review. A useful guide is found in the dictionary

by De Llanos from 1609, which describes three main visually distinct classes of silver ores:

a. Very rich silver ore or native metal that could be worked directly with a hammer was

called respectively tacana or machacado.78

b. Ores found from the surface down to the water table were called colorados in New

Spain and pacos in Peru. In some areas the presence of reddish iron oxide-hydroxide minerals

such as limonite-haematite in this zone (gossan is the term used in geology texts) or the mixture

of oxidized iron pyrites and enriched silver minerals found near the surface gave rise to the

term of ‘coloured’ ores in Spanish. By inference these ores would be made up primarily by

native silver and silver chloride, other silver halides, and some silver sulphide.79 The depth of

the oxidized zone will vary according to each deposit and its climatic conditions. According to

Burkart the colorados in certain mines of New Spain reached down to 150 metres, in others

the negros (see below) reached the surface, testimony to the fact that the degree of weathering

Garcia de Llanos, Diccionario y maneras de hablar que se usan en las minas y sus labores en los Ingenios y
beneficios de los metales (1609) (La Paz, Bolivia: MUSEF, 1983), 79-80. Even if ‘it is noteworthy that in many
well-known mining districts there is very little of the native metal’, native silver can constitute either an important
hypogene or secondary source of the metal. Emmons, The Enrichment of Ore Deposits 625 263. With the
exception of Cobalt, Ontario, it is claimed that it was more common to find native silver in Europe than in the
New World. For example, at Schneeberg (Erzgebirge area) a solid mass of native silver measuring 1x2x4 metres
was found in 1477 from which a table was made for the Duke Albrecht of Saxony, which weighed around 20 tons.
Wallace, Barton, and Wilson, "Silver-Bearing Minerals," 20-22.
Garcia de Llanos, Diccionario, 79-80. For a description of how gossan is formed see Pohl, Economic Geology,
85. and Robb, Ore-Forming, 239. Silver chloride, AgCl, is found as the mineral cerargyrite (chlorargyrite, horn
silver). Cerargyrite is very soft, white or transparent when fresh; on exposure to light, it immediately darkens and
becomes opaque. Typically, specimens are brown. Wallace, Barton, and Wilson, "Silver-Bearing Minerals," 28.
‘Cerargyryte [in modern texts written as cerargyrite] (horn silver, AgCl) is probably unknown as a primary
constituent of ores deposited by ascending hot waters but is commonly developed by weathering, alteration … at
or near outcrops of silver-bearing sulphide lodes... its occurrences include nearly all sulphide deposits ... in arid
undrained areas it is an important ore mineral, so important that the term “chloriding” is generally used in such
regions for pocket hunting near the surface. It is fairly stable at the surface, particularly in arid countries’.
Emmons, The Enrichment of Ore Deposits 625 272-73. Silver halides in general would give the mines of Catorce
in the province of San Luis Potosí a special distinction with regards to the refining process they would adopt at
the end of the eighteenth century.

is not necessarily the same in every silver ore deposit.80 The greater the aridity, the greater the

amount of silver chloride (cerargyrite or chlorargyrite) to be expected in a deposit.81

c. Darker and deeper ores found above and below the water table called negros or

negrillos, the silver sulphide and sulfo-salt ores.82

As the knowledge of the nature of the different silver ores advanced in tandem with

chemical theory, the information on silver ores in the historiography converges on the average

chemical profile of a silver sulphide ore deposit as described in Sillitoe’s summary above. 83

The lack of scientific knowledge of the indigenous workers at the mine was more than

compensated by the skill to pursue a vein underground based on the visual and tactile evidence

under the tenuous flicker of a yellow flame. However, what would have posed a greater

challenge to the Spanish miner-refiner aboveground was the ability to recognize that ores could

contain the same overall silver content but require completely different levels of refining skills

to extract the same amount of silver from them. The historical consequence was the waste of

J. Burkart, "Du filon et des mines de Veta-Grande, près de la ville de Zacatecas, dans l'état du même nom, au
Mexique," Annales des Mines, 3eme série 8 (1835): 66-67.
Emmons, The Enrichment of Ore Deposits 625 , 256; Pohl, Economic Geology, 222.
Garcia de Llanos, Diccionario, 86. Another sulphur containing hypogene silver mineral of commercial
importance is pyrargyrite, Ag3SbS3, a sulphide containing both silver and antimony. Pyrargyrite is an important
silver mineral in the mines of Zacatecas, Guanajuato and Pachuca of New Spain. Emmons, The Enrichment of
Ore Deposits 625 276. ‘The name comes from Greek, fire and silver ...dark ruby silver, is more common than
proustite [see below] and is an important ore of silver; a deeper red than proustite and less sensitive to light; in
mining lore, high grade pyrargyrite ore is known as “blood mining” in reference to the color and texture of a
freshly excavated face’. The presence of compound silver sulphide salts together with other metals would lead
them to be branded as rebellious, since they did not respond in a straightforward manner to amalgamation or
smelting. Another sulphide hypogene silver mineral is proustite, Ag3AsS3, which contains both silver and arsenic.
‘Known as ruby silvers due to their translucent red colour when fresh, lighter than pyrargyrite. perhaps the most
vivid color in all the mineral kingdom is the scarlet-vermilion of proustite ... [though] exposure to light darkens
it’. Wallace, Barton, and Wilson, "Silver-Bearing Minerals," 29.
Humboldt identifies by name silver sulphides, horn silver (silver chloride) and antimony/arsenic compounds of
silver among the main silver ores of Mexico, in Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome III, 354-61.; by mid nineteenth
century silver chloride is identified as one of the main components in pacos or colorados, together with
descriptions of silver and antimony sulphides, among others in Edward Pique, A Practical Treatise on the
Chemistry of Gold, Silver, Quicksilver and Lead, Tracing the Crude Ores from the Mines Through the Various
Mechanical and Metallurgic Elaborations, Until the Pure Metal is Obtained (San Francisco: Towne & Bacon,
printers, 1860), 81-84.; by the turn of the century Emmons was publishing his research on the chemistry of silver
ore deposits.

good silver ores from silver sulphide deposits, since the absence of adequate refining skills

resulted in the complaint by Spanish miners of the apparent sudden onset of poor silver content

relatively soon after mines started to be exploited.84 The miners and authorities did not have

the knowledge base at the time to recognize that the real poverty lay not in the silver content

of the deeper ores but in the range of refining skills they could bring to bear on silver sulphide

ores during the early years of silver production.

1.4.2 Argentiferous galena

The other major source of silver in New Spain was argentiferous galena, which

contributed an important fraction of the close to 40% of silver that would be refined by smelting

(Chapter 6). These deposits were found in the region of San Luis Potosí, Durango, Sombrerete,

Chihuaha and Zimapán in New Spain. This was the silver compound familiar to silver refiners

in Europe up to the conquest of the New World that will be described in section 1.5. The

economic consequences of the weathering of deposits where galena is the main silver ore has

not received as much attention as the case for silver sulphides presented above.85

1.4.3 The silver belt in New Spain / Mexico

The silver belt of New Spain lies at the edge of the North American continental shelf,

and is traversed by the Volcanic Belt of Mexico (Figure 1-5). The Mexican metallurgist

In Chapter 3 I will comment in detail on this issue, since the early amalgamation process cut its teeth on the ore
recovered from mountains of tailings. In the mid eighteenth century women would still be combing through 200
year-old tailings in search of useful silver ore. Manuel Jose Dominguez de la Fuente, Leal Informe Politico-Legal
(Observaciones sobre la maniobra de las minas, hechas en el Real de Guanajuato en 1774) (Guanajuato, Mexico:
Ediciones La Rana, 1999), 79.
The literature on weathering of galena deposits is much more limited than for deposits of hypogene silver
sulphide. An early discussion that questioned the current opinion at the time that no great supergene enrichment
of galena deposits is observed can be followed in John Stafford Brown, "Supergene Sphalerite, Galena, and
Willemite at Balmat, New York," Economic Geology 31, no. 4 (1936). Formation of supergene silver chloride in
deposits such as Slocan, British Columbia, are generated from the fraction of silver sulphides also present in a
deposit that also contains galena. See the description of the genetic type model 22c, in Dennis P. Cox, "Descriptive
Model of Polymetallic Veins," in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1693, ed. Dennis P. Cox and Donald A. Singer
(Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, 1987).

Guillermo Salas has classified the locations of deposits of Mexico into six metallogenic

provinces, of which two are of special interest to the history of silver refining. The first is the

Sierra Madre Oriental, an extension of the North American Rocky Mountains that is the link

between the Cordilleras of the north to the Andes of the south, where the main deposits contain

lead, silver (in galena or silver sulphide ores), zinc and copper. It encompasses the historic

mining districts of San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato, and Zacatecas. According to Salas this metal

province is rich in argentiferous lead, lead-zinc and lead deposits. The second is the Provincia

del Eje Neovolcanico Mexicano (also known as the Volcanic Belt of Mexico) which contains

the mining districts of Pachuca and Real del Monte and Taxco, also producing both silver (in

galena or silver sulphide deposits) and lead.86 The more recent monograph by Coll-Hurtado et

al mentions that gold-silver and argentiferous lead deposits are to be found in Zacualpan,

Sultepec and Taxco, as well as in Pachuca and Real del Monte, all areas historically known as

pioneers in the mining and refining of silver. Other argentiferous lead deposits are found in

Guanajuato, Zacatecas and Fresnillo.87

1.5 The chemistry of the sources of silver in Europe

The silver ore of the New World was to be refined on the basis of the accumulated

experience of Europe and Asia of mining and metallurgy dating back at least two thousand

years.88 To understand the challenge faced by the miners of the sixteenth century when

confronted for the first time with the type of silver ores found in the New World, it is necessary

Guillermo P. Salas, Carta y Provincias Metalogenéticas de la República Mexicana (Mexico: Consejo de
Recursos Minerales, 1980), 69-73. The work includes a detailed fold-out map of the regions.
Atlántida Coll-Hurtado, María Teresa Sánchez-Salazar, and Josefina Morales, La minería en México: geografía,
historia, economía y medio ambiente (Mexico: UNAM, 2002), 16-22. A metal province has been defined as an
area ‘characterized by an abnormal concentration of large deposits of a particular metal or metals, by numerous
occurrences of a metal, or both’ as distinct from the term metallogenic belt which ‘shows the types of deposit of
a metal or metals formed within a narrow time range, ideally not more than 10 to 20 million years ... or less’.
Mitchell and Garson, Global Tectonic Settings, 5-6.
An overview is presented in Ian Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages. Continuing
Afro-American Supremacy 1250-1450. , vol. 3 (Munich: Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 2005).

to understand how the different geological roots on both sides of the Atlantic determined the

nature of the silver ore in the deposits. Subduction processes had also given rise to the Variscan

Sta Eu ESM


Pacific Ocean D
S F C Gulf of Mexico
C : Catorce SLP
D : Durango CP G Z
F : Fresnillo
G : Guanajuato
P: Pachuca
Pa : Parral Lead, Galena
Sta Eu : Santa Eulalia
Peñon Blanco, salt
SLP : San Luis Potosí
T : Taxco
Zac : Zacatecas Boundary of Eastern Sierra Madre
(ESM) and Central Plateau (CP)
Z : Zimapán
Boundary of Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB)

Figure 1-5. The main historical silver, lead and salt deposits of New Spain / Mexico (based
on footnote 86).

orogen, the geological process of rock deformation and mountain building in Europe that took

place during the Carboniferous to Permian, 359 to 252 Ma. It gave rise to silver-bearing

polymetallic ore deposits stretching from Devon/Cornwall to Spain and the modern day Czech

Republic.89 The first major difference on both sides of the Atlantic is that the European silver

ores were deposited over 250 Ma ago while the silver ores in the mines to be worked by the

‘Variscan and Hercyninan orogenies are essentially synonymous terms’ Robb, Ore-Forming, 110, 334-38.

Spaniards are as young as 12 Ma.90 The different metallogenic epochs led to a fundamental

change in the way silver ore deposits were generated, thus in their chemical make-up. This is

a critical difference that sustains the main arguments of this thesis, so I will quote at length on

this topic:

‘The principal historic source of silver in Precambrian and Paleozoic mineral deposits
[European ores] has been as a by-product or co-product of base metal ores. Most of this silver
was concentrated by syngenetic [concurrent] or diagenetic [transformation in time of existing
deposits] processes ... the principal historic source of silver in Mesozoic and Cenozoic mineral
deposits [New World] has been as a coproduct or major economic component of ores. Most or
all of this silver was epigenetically concentrated [ores deposited in cracks formed after the host
rocks were created] ... the increased abundance of relatively young deposits in which silver
is the principal economic component reflects a fundamental evolutionary change in the
abundance of silver in the crust and/or in the processes which concentrate silver into ore
[emphasis added]’.91

In other words, in Europe the main silver source known to generations of miners up to

the early sixteenth century were ores in which silver was secondary to metals such as lead or

copper. The first silver deposits to be exploited in Europe were argentiferous galena. The silver

within this lead ore has been reported as consisting of ‘minute crystals of the silver sulphide

… rather evenly spaced through massive lead sulphide, even when only a little silver is

present’.92 The silver content can range from 0.01% to over 1%. 93 These are the lead-silver

sources that funded the Athenian Empire, which provided the silver and lead of Rome, and

from the Middle Ages the silver of the Harz and some of the Erzgebirge mines of Germany, of

Kutna-Hora and the lead and silver of England.94 Lead would gift to European silver refiners

Laznicka, Giant Metallic Deposits, 150.; There is an interesting graph that shows the clear division in time
between the formation of the silver deposits at Erzgebirge and those of the Americas in Graybeal, Smith, and
Vikre, "Geology Silver Deposits," 39.
"Geology Silver Deposits," 163-64.
Emmons, The Enrichment of Ore Deposits 625 367.
Pohl, Economic Geology, 195-97.
For example, in the sixteenth century Agricola wrote: ‘In the same region is found Goslar, where one finds so
much galena from which lead is extracted that one could say the whole mountain is made of lead’ - ‘Dans la même
région se trouve Goslar, ou l’on rencontre tant de galène dont on tire le plomb que l’on peut dire que toute cette

an in-built key for the extraction of metallic silver via smelting, but lead could also interfere

by amalgamating with mercury. These are the lead based silver ores that had served to generate

European mining and refining expertise on silver over many centuries.

When from the fifteenth century the argentiferous lead ores of Europe began to be

exhausted or required deeper mines subject to flooding, it was the expertise in a metallurgy

based on lead smelting that was now adapted to extract secondary silver from copper ores found

at Erzgebirge (Joachimsthal), in the Tyrol (Schwaz) and in Hungary (Neusohl). This was the

new generation of silver bearing ores that would make the Fuggers an extremely rich banking

family based on their large scale approach to refining operations.95 The silver in the copper ore

is inserted in complex copper minerals such as tetrahedrite. It cannot be discerned as solid

discrete particles as in the case of argentiferous galena.96 In both cases silver is not the primary

economic target in the ore, in total contrast to the silver-bearing ores found in the Spanish mines

of the New World. This secondary role of silver, and the fact metallurgy of silver in Europe

cut its teeth on argentiferous lead ores, is what separates the average European silver ore from

its counterpart in the New World.

Figure 1-6 situates the main silver historic mining areas within Europe. The earliest

mining in Central Europe took place in the Harz region around Goslar, including Rammelsberg

and Freiberg, known for their argentiferous galena as source of its silver. The Erzgebirge, the

Ore Mountain region straddling Germany and the modern day Czech republic, rose to

prominence as a major source of silver rich copper ores such as made Joachimstahl (present

montagne n’est que galène.’ Georgius Agricola, Bermannus, trans. Robert Halleux and Albert Yans (Paris: Belles
Lettres, 1990), 18.
J.U. Nef, "Silver Production in Central Europe, 1450-1618," The Journal of Political Economy (1941): 578-85.
The evolution of silver refining techniques in Europe will be treated at greater depth in Chapter 2. The pivotal
role of the Fuggers in the history of silver refining in the New World will be discussed in Chapter 5.
Gasparrini, "The Mineralogy of Silver," 99-100.

day Jachymov) famous; it is the only European silver deposit to figure in Table I. The English

deposits of Devon and Cornwall have been more important for tin and lead than for silver but

played a historic role in supplying lead to the silver smelters of Europe and New Spain.97 The

copper ores that contained silver of the Hungarian mines at Neusohl would supply the major

silver and copper refining centres units set up by the Fuggers both at Neusohl (Hungary) and

Freiberg Goslar
(Ag/Pb) Pb

Thuringia Pb
Devon and
Cornwall Neusohl
Tyrol Saigerhütten
Pb Villach (Ag/Cu)
Venice Pb Lead production

Rio Tinto

Figure 1-6. Location of main historic silver mining regions in Europe by mid sixteenth
century. Adapted from Blanchard in footnote 98. Map and inset not to scale.

also at Vilbach to process the ores from the Tyrol region.98 Finally the Rio Tinto and

Guadalcanal mines in Spain were the sources of jarositic and argentiferous galena ores.99

Mitchell and Garson, Global Tectonic Settings, 280.; Stephen Rippon, Peter Claughton, and Chris Smart, Mining
in a Medieval Landscape: The Royal Silver Mines of the Tamar Valley (Exeter: Univ of Exeter Press, 2009), 13-
Ian Blanchard, "England and the International Bullion Crisis of the 1550s," in Precious Metals in the Age of
Expansion: Papers of the XIVth International Congress of the Historical Sciences ed. Hermann Kellenbenz
(Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1981), 87-93.; Nef, "Silver in Europe," 584.
On the composition of silver ores at Rio Tinto: ‘Jarosite is the lead-silver equivalent to fahl, by degradation of
pyrites, formed a potassium iron sulphate rich … and is found in the Rio Tinto silver deposits at Huelva, Spain,
formed at junction between weathered pyrites and primary pyrites’. P. T. Craddock, Early Metal Mining and
Production (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995), 29. South-west Spain is the only place where
silver has been extracted from jarositic earths according to Leonard U. Salkield, "Ancient Slags in the South West

The map is important because the history of silver refining in New Spain and then

Mexico is woven from threads of technical experience spooled from each of these areas.

German smelting know-how based on lead would migrate from the mines of MittelEuropa to

New Spain in the early sixteenth century, as I will narrate in Chapter 2. Venice will play a

leading role in the development of the amalgamation refining process in Europe, as I will

explain in Chapter 3. Cornish miners expert in dressing tin ores and English smelters raised on

lead ores will immigrate to Mexico in the nineteenth century, where I will catch up with them

in Chapters 4 and 5. The Fuggers will lend unwillingly their considerable wealth obtained from

smelting European argentiferous copper ores to the initial supply of mercury to New Spain, as

I will argue in Chapter 5.

Figure 1-7 visually summarizes the differences in the nature of ore deposits on both

sides of the Atlantic. The geological youth of the New World silver deposits is reflected in the

altitude at which they are found, compared to the historical silver deposits of Europe. 100 In

of the Iberian Peninsula," in La minería hispana e iberoamericana. Ponencias del I coloquio internacional sobre
historia de la minería (León: Cátedra de San Isidro, 1970), 94.
Figure 1-7 is a simplified picture of complex geological forces at work. For example, the silver deposits at
Cobalt (Ontario) were unrelated to subduction processes operating on the western seaboard of the continent.
Altitude is a fickle guide, since the Himalayas are quite barren of silver deposits. Aridity is a condition that can
change over millions of years, so current conditions may be quite different from those existing when the deposits
were formed (see Laznicka, Giant Metallic Deposits, 172.) Sources: treeline range, Christian Körner, "A Re-
Assessment of High Elevation Treeline Positions and Their Explanation," Oecologia 115, no. 4 (1998): 446-47.;
maximum altitude Potosí (Cunill Grau, "Paisaje andino," 79.); Porco (C.G. Cunningham et al., "Relationship
between the Porco, Bolivia, Ag-Zn-Pb-Sn deposit and the Porco caldera," Economic Geology 89, no. 8 (1994):
1833.); Pasco (Laznicka, Giant Metallic Deposits, 127.); Oruro (José De Mesa and Teresa Gisbert, "Oruro. Origen
de una villa minera.," in La minería hispana e iberoamericana. Ponencias del I coloquio internacional sobre
historia de la minería.(León: Cátedra de San Isidro, 1970).); Zacatecas (Burkart, "Mines de Veta-Grande," 60.);
Real del Monte (José J. Galindo y R, El distrito minero Pachuca-Real del Monte ([Pachuca?]: Cia. de Real del
Monte y Pachuca, 1957), 2.); Catorce (Rafael Montejano y Aguiñaga, El Real de Minas de la Purísima
Concepción de los Catorce, SLP (San Luis Potosi: Editorial Universitaria Potosina, 1993), 169.); Cerro San Pedro
(Alvaro Sánchez-Crispín, Eurosia Carrascal, and Alejandrina de Sicilia Muñoz, "De la minería al turismo: Real
de Catorce y Cerro de San Pedro, México. Una interpretatión geográfico-económica," Revista Geográfica, no.
119 (1994): 85.); Guanajuato (Yann René Ramos-Arroyo, Rosa María Prol-Ledesma, and Christina Siebe-
Grabach, "Características geológicas y mineralógicas e historia de extracción del Distrito de Guanajuato, México.
Posibles escenarios geoquímicos para los residuos mineros," Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 21, no. 2
(2004): 273.); Parral (Robert C. West, The Mining Community in Northern New Spain: the Parral Mining District
(Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1949), 9.); central European mines (Humboldt, Essai
politique, Tome III, 333.).

practical terms this meant that erosion had not worn down and dispersed the topmost layers of

silver compounds, a task that would be accomplished by the Spaniards, who on the back of

indigenous labour in a few centuries achieved what would otherwise have taken place over

millions of years of geological

Arid to semi-arid or moderate to moderate

Local energy source limited
4,500 to shrubs and animal dung


approx. altitude (m)

expected tree line



2,000 Subject to rainfall levels

local forests are energy
source until depletion



Silver primary metal mainly as silver sulphide with Silver secondary metal
weathered zone of native silver and silver chloride within galena or copper
Also found in argentiferous galena
On-going to recent geological activity (subduction) on Pangea-era subduction
average < 65 Ma on average > 250 Ma

Figure 1-7. Altitude of the main historical silver ore deposits found in the Hispanic New
World and in Europe. For sources see footnote 100.

time. It also meant that in the case of the Andean deposits, most were at or above the treeline,

which would have immediate consequences on the sourcing and pricing of fuel:

‘[Silver] is generated usually in sparse and sterile lands, in paramos and punas [Andean
highlands with very scarce vegetation, usually above the tree line] of great cold, hills and snowy
ranges ... the most highly regarded are the mines in high mountains and places, the mountains
with mines are bare, treeless, with no vegetation’.101

1.6 The silver content of New World ores

The current narrative on the history of colonial silver refining has been built upon the

notion that the average silver content of the ores in the New World was very poor, which in

turn is claimed to have limited their refining to just one viable technique, amalgamation.102 The

roots of this line of thought can be traced to the earliest years of silver refining in the New

World, when for example in the 1550s in New Spain it was claimed that: ‘the ore that only had

three marks [1.5 % by weight] was considered poor’.103 On the other hand claims can also be

found for a high level of silver in these ores, as stated in the early 1600s:

‘criase [la plata] de ordinario en tierras ásperas y estériles, en paramos y punas de riguroso frio, en cerros,
lomas y sierras nevadas … estímanse mas las minas de cerros y lugares altos.. son los cerros de minas rasos y
pelados, sin arboleda’. Cobo, Historia del Nuevo Mundo, 91, 141.
Among the most recent examples in the modern historiography are the following: ‘the vast quantities of ore
with a low to medium silver content’ - ‘las inmensas cantidades de mineral de ley baja y mediana’ in Hausberger,
"El universalismo científico del Barón Ignaz von Born y la transferencia de tecnología minera entre Hispano
américa y Alemania a finales del siglo XVIII," 607.; ‘low-yield ore, characteristic of South America’ in Lang,
"Silver Refining Technology in Spanish America (patio y fundición) " 140.; ‘the low [silver] content of the silver
deposits’-‘la baja ley de las menas de plata’, Peter Bakewell, "La transferencia de la tecnología y la minería
hispanoamericana, siglos XVI y XVII: algunas observaciones," in Hombres, técnica, plata : minería y sociedad
en Europa y América, siglos XVI-XIX, ed. Julio Sánchez Gómez, Guillermo Mira Delli-Zotti, and Francisco A.
Rubio Durán (Sevilla: Aconcagua Libros, 2000), 365. The major exception is Blanchard, who bases his analysis
on the different types of ore found on either side of the Atlantic, and not on any deemed difference in silver
content. He explains the adoption of refining methods not on a deemed poverty of the ores but rather on their lead
content. Blanchard, Russia's "Age of Silver". Precious-metal Production and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth
Century 3-31.
‘el que era de tres lo tenían por pobre’. Juan Suárez de Peralta, Tratado del descubrimiento de las Indias :
(noticias históricas de la Nueva España) (México, D.F.: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1990), 164.

‘we understand, that minerals are mined in the provinces of Germany and metals are refined
from them though with little benefit, and we have been told … that ours have much more silver

In the early nineteenth century Humboldt stated that Mexican silver ores were deemed

much richer than European ores. However ‘it is not thus … by the intrinsic richness of the ores,

but rather by the great abundance in which they are found in the ground ... that distinguishes

the mines of America’.105 In the late nineteenth century Burkart would claim from his own

first-hand experience: ‘Mexican silver ores are not in general inferior in silver content to those

of other mines: on the contrary, they are richer than those from the majority of other mines and

locations in Europe’.106 Historical judgements of this nature need to be judged with care. Even

by the nineteenth century the assaying of silver ores in Mexico prior to refining was the

exception and not the rule.107 This problem of the absence of analytical information does not

seem confined to the New World, since Burkart complains of the difficulty of finding sufficient

data to calculate the silver content of European ores.108 In addition, sampling of large ore

masses was a major challenge, and silver content when reported was based on the silver that

could be extracted, which was never necessarily the silver actually present in the ore.109

‘habemos … entendido, de que en las provincias de Alemania se labran minerales y se benefician los metales
dellos que son de muy poco aprovechamiento, y nos han afirmado ser de la misma suerte que los negrillos que
tratamos y que estos tienen mucha mas ley y plata’ Marcos Jimenez de la Espada, Relaciones Geograficas de
Indias - Peru II, ed. Jose Urbano Martinez Carrera vol. 184, Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles (Madrid: Atlas, 1965
(1588)), 126.
‘ce n’est donc pas ... par la richesse intrinseque des minerais, c’est plutôt par la grande abondance dans
laquelle ils se trouvent au sein de la terre .. que les mines de l’Amerique se distinguent’ Humboldt, Essai politique,
Tome III, 371.
‘los minerales de plata mexicanos no son inferiores por cuanto a su ley tomada en general, a los de otras minas:
por el contrario, son más ricos que los de la mayor parte de las demás minas o distritos [de Europa]’. Johann
Burkart, "Memoria sobre la explotación de minas de los distritos de Pachuca y Real del Monte de México," Anales
de la Minería Mexicana (Revista de Minas) I (1861): 97.
Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 138-39. By mid nineteenth century no assaying of ores was carried out
in Catorce, Sombrerete, Fresnillo, Zacatecas and Guanajuato, according to Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au
Mexique," 182.
‘the majority [of European silver mines] do not possess the necessary data to calculate the silver content of the
ores’- ‘las mas de ellas no contienen los datos necesarios para calcular la ley de los frutos’ Burkart, "Memoria
Real del Monte," 92.
Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 49. See Chapter 4 for examples of problems in sampling
with respect to data of silver content even by the late nineteenth century.

There are three ways to address this issue. Brading and Cross question the statements

on operational grounds:

‘various problems confront the historian who attempts to come to a closer view of colonial
refining... on many occasions both miners and royal officials claim that ore levels had fallen;
they then provide an average figure, let us say, of one ounce silver per hundredweight of
mineral. The historian then has to decide: did these refiners know how much silver their ores
really contained?’110

To their observation I would add the following question: could the inability to extract

silver from an ore that has suddenly changed its chemical structure so as to place it outside the

scope of the refining method being used have been misinterpreted as a sudden impoverishment

of the silver content of the ore?

Finally, what exactly is meant by a ‘low’ silver content? There is no atemporal and

absolute threshold that determines when an ore is low or high in silver.111 What exists is a

location-specific set of human skills and a total production cost in each historical period that

determine how much silver is extracted from a given ore, which in turn is a function of silver

content, chemical nature of the ore, variable and fixed costs of production, and the option to

market any metallic co-products from the refining process. Therefore the only number that is

relevant is the minimum value of extracted silver that is required to meet the cost of production,

a value that changes with technology, location and historical period. An orphaned number

designating a silver content, devoid of context, can mislead rather than assist in deciphering

the events that determined the environmental history of silver refining in the New World.

Brading and Cross, "Colonial Silver Mining: Mexico and Peru," 555.
To highlight how relative the terms ‘poor’ or ‘rich’ are in relation to the silver content of silver ores, in modern
times the typical range reported for silver ore deposits is between 10 to 1,000 grams of silver per ton, 0.001% to
0.1%, the latter being now considered a ‘rich’ silver ore. Wallace, Barton, and Wilson, "Silver-Bearing Minerals,"

In view of the weight placed upon the notion of ‘poor ores’ in the historiography

(see Introduction) I have nevertheless reviewed a selection of the historical numerical data on

silver content as reported in primary and secondary sources, though the exercise has to be

interpreted with caution. First of all the source of much of this information is sometimes

unclear, whether it was hearsay, assumptions or actual assays. Second, there is no histogram

available up to the end of the nineteenth century that segments total quantities of ore in New

Spain or Mexico according to their silver content. At the most the data reported in the

historiography can be grouped approximately by period, and a strong aggregation of values

may be representative of the average of silver content during a certain period. Since they are

reported in a variety of units, I have calculated where necessary their value as a weight

percentage.112 The data plotted in Figures 1-8, 1-9 and 1-10, represent a non-exhaustive

sampling of the published values of silver content in ores from New Spain/Mexico, Peru and

Europe, excluding bonanza values (those above 2.5% silver content by weight).

silver content (%)



15 16 17 18 19


Figure 1-8. Plot of average silver content in ores of New Spain / Mexico grouped by
century, data from Table 1-II.

In modern geological texts the grade of an ore (silver content) is expressed as grams per ton.


silver content (%)



15 16 17 18 19

Figure 1-9. Plot of a selected range of data for the silver content in ores of the Vice-Royalty
of Peru / Bolivia, as per Table 1-III, grouped by century.


silver content (%)



16 17 18 19

Figure 1-10. Plot of published data for the silver content in ores of Europe, as per Table 1-
IV, grouped by century.

Tables 1-II and 1-III include the sources of the data for the New World.113 Table 1-IV

corresponds to the data for some mines of Europe.114 The statistical significance of each data

Sources: a) Miguel Othon Mendizábal, La minería y la metalurgia mexicanas (1520-1943) (Mexico: Centro
de Estudios Históricos del Movimiento Obrero, 1980). b) Jaime García Mendoza, "La administración de las minas
de plata y haciendas de beneficio de la familia Sandoval en Taxco (1562-1564)," in La plata en Iberoamérica:
Siglos XVI al XIX, ed. Jesus Paniagua Pérez and Nuria Salazar Simarro (Leon: Universidad de León, 2008). c)
Gonzalo Gómez de Cervantes, La vida económica y social de Nueva España al finalizar el siglo XVI (Mexico:
Antigua Librería Robredo de José Porrúa e hijos, 1944). d) Linda A. Newson, "Silver Mining in Colonial
Honduras," Revista de Historia de América, no. 97 (1984). e) Ciriaco Pérez Bustamante, "Las minas en los grandes
geógrafos del periodo hispánico," in La minería hispana e iberoamericana. Ponencias del I coloquio
internacional sobre historia de la minería (León: Cátedra de San Isidro, 1970). f) José Antonio Fabry,
Compendiosa demostracion de los crecidos adelantamientos, que pudiera lograr la real haciencda de su Magestad
mediante la rebaja en el precio del azogue que se consume para el laborio de las minas de este reyno ... con una
previa impugnacion à las reflexiones del contador Joseph de Villa-señor y Sanchez ... Añadese un breve modo de
reducir, ligar, y alear el oro, y la plata à la ley de 22. quilates (Mexico: Impressa por la viuda de J.B. de Hogal,
1743). g) Dominguez de la Fuente, Leal Informe Politico-Legal. h) Garner, "Long-Term Silver Mining."i) D. A.
Brading, "Mexican Silver-Mining in the Eighteenth Century: The Revival of Zacatecas," The Hispanic American
Historical Review 50, no. 4 (1970). j) Enrique Tandeter, "Forced and Free Labour in Late Colonial Potosi," Past
& Present, no. 93 (1981). k) D.A. Brading, Miners and Merchants in Bourbon Mexico 1763-1810 (London:
Cambridge University Press, 1971). l) Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial. m) Joseph Garcés y Eguía, Nueva
teórica y práctica del beneficio de los metales de oro y plata por fundición y amalgamación que de órden del rey
nuestro Señor Don Carlos Quarto (Mexico: D. Mariano de Zúñiga y Ontiveros, 1802). n) Humboldt, Essai
politique. o) Clara Elena Suarez Arguello and Brígida Von Mentz, Epístolas y cuentas de la negociación minera
de Vetagrande, Zacatecas, 1791-1794, 1806-1809 (Mexico: Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en
Antropologia Social (CIESAS), 2008). p) Burkart, "Mines de Veta-Grande." q) Duport, Métaux précieux au
Mexique. r) Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique." s) T. Flores, Étude minier du district de Zacatecas
vol. 17 Guía de excursiones del X Congreso Internacional de Geología México (Xalapa: Institut Geologique
National, 1905). t) Figures 4-32 and 4-41, Chapter Five of this work u) John Arthur Phillips, The Mining and
Metallurgy of Gold and Silver (London: E. and F.N. Spon, 1867). v) Claude T. Rice, "The Silver-Lead Mines of
Santa Barbara, Mexico," The Engineering and Mining Journal LXXXVI, no. 5 (1908). w) Bordeaux, Mexique
mines d'argent. x) Benjamin Ponce and Kenneth F. Clark, "The Zacatecas Mining District; A Tertiary Caldera
Complex Associated with Precious and Base Metal Mineralization," Economic Geology 83 no. 8 (1988). y)
Graybeal, Smith, and Vikre, "Geology Silver Deposits." A) Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial. B)
Gwendolyn Ballantine Cobb, "Supply and Transportation for the Potosí Mines.," The Hispanic American
Historical Review 29, no. 1 (1949). C) S.E. Ramírez, "La minería y la metalurgia nativa en el norte peruano (siglos
XVI-XVII)," Anuario de estudios americanos 64, no. 1 (2007). D) W. E. Wilson and A. Petrov, "Famous Mineral
Localities: Cerro Rico de Potosi, Bolivia," Mineralogical Record 30 (1999).
E) Carlos Serrano Bravo, "Historia de la minería andina boliviana (siglos XVI al XX) " F) Wallace,
Barton, and Wilson, "Silver-Bearing Minerals." G) Arthur F. Wendt, "The Potosi, Bolivia, Silver District,"
Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers XIX (1891). H) María del Carmen Martínez Martínez,
"Plata y mineria en la correspondencia privada de las Indias," in Ophir en las Indias. Estudios sobre la plata
americana. Siglos XVI-XIX, ed. Jesus Paniagua Perez and Nuria Salazar Simarro (Leon: Universidad de Leon,
2010), 30. I) Luis Capoche, "Relación General de la Villa Imperial de Potosí," in Biblioteca de Autores Españoles,
ed. Lewis Hanke (Madrid: Atlas, 1959). J) José de Acosta, Historia natural y moral de las Indias, ed. Fermín del
Pino (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2008). K) G. Arduz Eguía, Ensayos sobre la
historia de la minería altoperuana (Madrid: Editorial Paraninfo, 1985). L) Jimenez de la Espada, Relaciones
Geograficas de Indias - Peru II, 184, 126. M) CG Cunningham et al., "The Age and Thermal History of Cerro
Rico de Potosi, Bolivia," Mineralium Deposita 31 no. 5 (1996). N) De Mesa and Gisbert, "Oruro." O) Robins,
Mercury, Mining and Empire. P) John Fisher, "Silver Production in the Viceroyalty of Peru, 1776-1824," The
Hispanic American Historical Review 55, no. 1 (1975). Q) Newson, "Silver Mining Honduras." R) Rose Marie
Buechler, "Technical Aid to Upper Peru: The Nordenflicht Expedition," Journal of Latin American Studies 5, no.
1 (1973). S) Tandeter, "Labour in Potosi." T) Garner, "Long-Term Silver Mining." U) Mervyn F. Lang,
"Azoguería y amalgamación," Llull 22, no. 45 (1999). V) Castillo Martos, "Plata y revolución tecnológica."

point varies and cannot be quantified. The visual impression from the three sets of data points

to similar ranges of silver content on ores on both sides of the Atlantic, within the limitations

of the comparison, grouped around a value of 0.25% from the seventeenth century onwards.115

This is as much as can be said on this matter, without incurring the mistake that the

silver content of ores of the New World could be compared simply on absolute value with those

of the ores of Europe. As will become more evident in the subsequent chapters, a silver ore

containing 0.25% of silver in the presence of major amounts of lead or copper in Europe cannot

be compared on the same basis as a silver ore containing 0.25% of silver in the form of silver

sulphide in New Spain. The only straightforward conclusion from this analysis is that the

concept of a ‘poor’ silver ore is too simple and devoid of context to be of use in the analysis of

Sources: a) George Papadimitriou, "Mining and Metallurgical Activities in Ancient Laurium and its Impact on
the Golden Era of Athens " in 5th International Mining History Congress, ed. James E. Fell, P. D. Nicolaou, and
G. D. Xydous (Milos Island: Milos Conference Center-George Eliopoulos, 2001). b) Wallace, Barton, and Wilson,
"Silver-Bearing Minerals." c) R. F. Tylecote, "Roman Lead Working in Britain," The British Journal for the
History of Science 2, no. 1 (1964). d) Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 e) Lynn
Willies, "Introduction" (paper presented at the Boles and Smeltmills: Report of a seminar on the History and
Archaeology of Lead Smelting, Reeth, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 15 to 17 May 1992). f) P. Braunstein,
"Innovations in Mining and Metal Production in Europe in the Late Middle Ages," Journal of European Economic
History 12 (1983). g) William Jacob, An Historical Inquiry into the Production and Consumption of the Precious
Metals, vol. 1 (New York: Augustus M. Kelly, 1968; repr., 1831). h) Georgius Agricola, De re metallica, trans.
Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover (New York: Dover Publications, 1950). i) Hermann Kellenbenz,
"Final Remarks: Production and Trade of Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead from 1450 to 1750," in Precious Metals
in the Age of Expansion: Papers of the XIVth International Congress of the Historical Sciences, ed. Hermann
Kellenbenz (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1981). j) Christoph Bartels, "The Production of Silver, Copper and Lead in the
Harz Mountains from Late Medieval Times to the Onset of Industrialization," in Materials and Expertise in Early
Modern Europe : Between Market and Laboratory, ed. Ursula Klein and E. C. Spary (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2010). k) Arduz Eguía, Minería altoperuana. l) Mikuláš Teich, "Born's Amalgamation Process
and the International Metallurgic Gathering at Skleno in 1786," Annals of Science 32, no. 4 (1975). m) Antoine-
Marie Héron de Villefosse, De la richesse minérale considérations sur les mines, usines et salines des différens
états, et particulièrement du Royaume de Westphalie, pris pour terme de comparaison (Paris: Levrault, 1810). n)
Louis Edouard Rivot, Description des gites métallifères, de la preparation mecanique et du traitement
metallurgique des minerais de plomb argentiferes de Pontgibaud (Paris1851). o) Principes généraux du
traitement des minerais métalliques traité de métallurgie théorique et pratique (Paris: Dalmont et Dunod, 1859).
According to Blanchard, by the sixteenth century the silver content in European ores was below 0.2%: ‘During
the first [silver] long-cycle [1125-1255] output had peaked on the basis of argentiferous lead ores containing in
excess of 100 oz of silver/ton [this is equivalent to 0.28% silver]. During the second long-cycle [1250-1392/1412]
the best quality ores contained no more than 40 oz [0.11%] of silver per ton. Finally during the third long-cycle
[1425-1560] whilst in the Balkans ores of 20-40 oz silver content were exploited, elsewhere 12 ½ oz [0.03%] ores,
the minimal amount which could be processed by the prevailing cupellation method were the norm’. Blanchard,
Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 xvi.

arrobas de
oz / marks / mark / plata por pesos/ oz /
original units g/t kg/ton
quintal quintal arroba quintal de ton carga
New Spain tierra
conversion source
factor to % 0.0001 0.063 0.50 2.00 0.1 25.0 0.003 0.02
% weight
mine location period
Zacatecas 1550s 5 to 15 10 to 30 a, 40

Zacatecas 1550s 50 2 a, 40

New Spain 1564 1 to 1.5 2 to 3 b, 48-49

New Spain 16c 0.5 1 c, 150

New Spain 16c 0.06 1 c, 151

Honduras 16c 0.5 to 0.6 8 to 10 d, 48

Honduras 16c 0.7 to 0.9 12 to 14 d, 48
Honduras 16c 2 to 3 4 to 6 d, 48
Honduras 16c 1.5 to 2 3 to 4 d, 48
Honduras 16c 0.24 4 d, 48
New Spain 1620s 8 to 10 16 to 20 e, 301
Zacatecas 17c and 18c 0.09 to 0.12 1.5 to 2 d, 48
New Spain 1740s 0.06 to 0.5 1 to 8 f, 1-5

Guanajuato 1774 over 0.08% g, 90-91

Honduras 18c 2 to 16 1 to 8 d,48

Honduras 18c 0.50 1 d,48

New Spain 18c 0.12 to 0.18 2 to 3 h,914

New Spain 18c 0.18 3 i, 668

New Spain mid to late 18c 0.15 0.3 j, 100

Zacatecas 1775 0.12 2 k, 672

Zacatecas 1801 0.19 l, 153-154

New Spain 1800s 0.18 to 0.24 3 to 4 m, 241

New Spain 1802 0.25 n, 144-146

Guanajuato 1800s 0.24 4 o, 413

Zacatecas 1808 0.4 20 p, 699

Zacatecas 1835 3 6 q, 81

Zacatecas 1835 1.5 3 1/6 q, 81

Zacatecas 1835 0.9 1 7/8 q, 81

Zacatecas 1835 0.21 3 1/2 q, 81

r, 83, 85, 236, 279-

Mexico 1840s 0.2 to 0.3 280, 351

Mexico 0.1 to 0.5 s, 57-62, 254

Zacatecas 1854-1868 0.15 1.48 t, 4

Zacatecas 1876 0.07 0.73 u, 4

Pachuca 1870-1888 0.19 v

Pachuca 1870-1888 1.8 v

Mexico 1860s 0.09 w, 471

Santa Barbara,
1900s 0.025 to 0.05 250-500 x, 208-209
near Parral
Zacatecas ~1910 0.21 70 y, 278

Real del Monte ~1910 0.12 1200 y, 275

others near 1000 to

~1910 0.10 to 0.15 y, 275
Pachuca 1500
Zacatecas 1980s 0.012 120 z, 1680

Pachuca 20c 0.018 180 aa, 137

Table 1-II. Silver content of ores reported for New Spain / Mexico. Sources are listed in
footnote 113.

pounds / ducats /
oz / marks / pesos / mark /
original unit g/t oz / ton weight % cajón (5000 marks / cajón hundred
quintal quintal quintal pound
Vice-Royalty Peru lbs) weight
conversion factor
0.0001 0.063 0.50 0.003 1 0.06 51 0.02 0.01 0.05 page
to %
% weight
mine location period
PotosÍ 1545 40 to 45 80 to 90 A, 241
PotosÍ early 1550s 49 100 B, 124
PotosÍ 1550s 49 1 C, 175
PotosÍ 1550s 24 480 D, 11
PotosÍ 1560s 2 E, 44
PotosÍ mid 16c 20 20 E, 43
PotosÍ mid 16c 25 25 F, 36
PotosÍ 1545-1572 25 25 G, 75
PotosÍ 1568 1 2 B, 124
PotosÍ 1573 2 4 H, 30
PotosÍ 1574 4 to 4.5 8 to 9 A, 241

PotosÍ 1580s 0.2 to 0.4 2 to 3 3a6 I, 122

200 to
PotosÍ late 16c 12 to 15 J, 109
PotosÍ late 16c 2 to 3 30 to 50 J, 109
PotosÍ late 16c 0.1 to 0.4 2 to 6 J, 109
PotosÍ late 16c 0.50 50 K, 50

PotosÍ 1588 1 2 L, 126

PotosÍ 16c 30 to 40 30 to 40 M, 374
PotosÍ 16c 5 500 M, 40
Oruro 1605 0.2 3 to 4 N, 563
Oruro 1605 0.4 6 to 8 N, 563
Oruro 1605 0.7 1.4 N, 564
PotosÍ 1600s 0.4 to 0.5 20 to 25 O, 81
PotosÍ 1600s 0.2 10 to 12.5 O, 81
PotosÍ 1600s 0.1 2.5 O, 81
PotosÍ 1607 0.1 1.5 A, 241
PotosÍ 1618 0.20 52 G, 76
PotosÍ 1636 0.10 50 G, 77
PotosÍ 1600 to 1630s 0.1 to 0.4 50 to 150 D, 12
PotosÍ 1600 to 1650 0.1 12 to 13 M, 51
PotosÍ 1660 0.40 150 G, 77
Cerro Pasco 1700s 0.1 10 to 12 P, 33
PotosÍ 1740 0.1 5 O, 81

PotosÍ 1700 to 1750 0.04 4 M, 51

Cerro Pasco 1700 to 1750 0.1 8 M, 110

800 to
Peru mid 17c 0.1 to 3 E, 59

Cerro Pasco 1790s 0.1 8 P, 33

PotosÍ late 18c 0.10 0.75 Q, 48

3 marks 1 ounce to 6
Peru late 18c 0.03 to 0.06 marks 2 ounces
R, 62

Cerro Pasco late 18c 0.06 to 0.25 6 to 25 P, 31

PotosÍ late 18c 0.04 to 0.06 0.08 to 0.12 S, 100
PotosÍ 18c 0.06 to 0.12 1 to 2 T, 914
New World 16c to 18c 0.12 to 0.24 2 to 4 U, 661
PotosÍ 16c to 18c 0.005 to 0.02 50 to 200 V, 83
Cerro Pasco 1820s 4 400 Q, 36
PotosÍ 1886 0.20 70 D, 13
PotosÍ late 19c 0.04 to 0.06 15 to 20 G, 89
PotosÍ late 19c 1.96 700 G, 91
PotosÍ late 19c 0.21 to 0.24 75 to 80 G, 102

Table 1-III. Silver content of ores in the Vice-Royalty of Peru. Sources are listed in footnote

the environmental history of silver refining in the New World.

Silver deposits by themselves do not explain the dominance and choices exercised by

Spain over silver production. Geology would also provide the Spanish Crown with the

ownership of vast deposits of the three chemical substances that subsequent chapters will show

were indispensable for the refining of the silver ores: mercury, salt and lead.

troy oz /
weight g / 100 silver / marks marks /
original units ounce / oz / ton 100lb
% kg talent of /cajon hundredweight
ton ore
Europe ore
conversion page
factor to % 0.0031 0.0029 1 0.001 0.06 1.76 0.01 0.5
% weight
mine location period

Laurion BCE 0.04 0.04 a, 34

Laurion BCE 0.12 to 0.26 40 to 90 b, 18

Laurion BCE 1.9 600 c, 26

average European
1125-1225 0.29 100 d, xv
silver ores

England 12 c 0.07-0.28 25-100 e, 1

average European 1250-

0.12 40 d, xv
silver ores 1392/1412
minimum quality
1425-1566 0.036 12.5 d, xv
Balkans 1425-1566 0.058 to 0.12 20 to 40 d, xv

Eisleben, Schwaz 1480 0.79 790 f, 589

Eisleben, Schwaz 1494 1.38 1380 f, 589

Austrian mines 1460s 0.12 to 1.32 2 to 22 g, 242

1520s 0.88 to 1.76 0.5 to 1 h, 36

Europe 1526 0.52 1.053 i, 316

0.03 to
Rammelsberg 16c 0.03 to 0.07 j, 80

Rammelsberg 16c 10 10 j, 80

Cornwall/Devon <18c 0.4 130 c, 26

16 to
Freiberg, Saxony 1750s 0.16 to 0.625 k, 110
Slovakia 18c 0.09 to 0.12 1.5 to 2 l, 312, 314

0.01 to
Harz 1805 0.01 to 0.04 m, 102
1840s 0.1 0.1 n, 193-197
o, 317-319,
Flintshire 1850s 0.03 0.03 386-388

Cornwall/Devon 19c 0.08 to 0.12 25 to 40 c, 26

Table 1-IV. Silver content of ores in Europe. Sources are listed in footnote 114.

1.7 Mercury

During the Early Modern Era there were only three sources of mercury in the world for

all practical purposes, of which the two most important ones would be under the direct control

of the Spanish Crown, one on each side of the Atlantic (see Figure 1-1). Nearly 80% of all the

mercury produced in this period was owned by Spain. The mercury mine in Almadén, Spain,

remains the doyen of the group even after over one thousand years of production. In Europe

only Idrija achieved important and sustained levels of exploitation, but always inferior to those

of Almadén. Spain would find in the New World the second most important source of mercury

of the world of that time at Huancavelica, in present day Peru. As Table 1-V shows, there were

no other known major deposits of mercury during this period, since China never materialized

as a viable supplier of mercury to the New World in spite of repeated attempts by the Spanish

authorities to find Chinese supplies.116

There is a sense of incredulity at the scale and variety of geological deposits at the

service of the Spanish Crown during this period. Not only had Spain conquered exclusive

access to the main silver depository on Earth, it was already in possession of a mercury deposit

that even modern geologists address in mystified terms:

‘Almadén ... is a most enigmatic mineral system ... [with an endowment of ca. 271 thousand
metric tons] it is the largest Hg [mercury] “supergiant” that stores close to 30-40% of mercury
of the world’s endowment. It is also the number 1 deposit in terms of geochemical magnitude
of accumulation, of all metals. Despite this, there is no satisfactory explanation where this
mercury had come from, and why it had accumulated in this geologically almost “normal”

Sources: a) S.M. Cargill, D.H. Root, and E.H. Bailey, "Resource Estimation from Historical Data: Mercury, A
Test Case," Mathematical Geology 12, no. 5 (1980). b) Lars D. Hylander and Markus Meili, "500 Years of
Mercury Production: Global Annual Inventory by Region until 2000 and Associated Emissions," Science of The
Total Environment 304, no. 1–3 (2003). c) Laznicka, Giant Metallic Deposits.
Giant Metallic Deposits, 356-58. A similar sentiment, ‘possibly the largest geochemical anomaly on the
planet’, is expressed in Cris M. Hall et al., "Dating of Alteration Episodes Related to Mercury Mineralization in
the Almadén district, Spain," Earth and Planetary Science Letters 148 no. 1-2 (1997): 287.

production to 1800
ranking country location source
metric tons metric tons

Almadén 271,000 a, 492 1499-1975 a, 493

1 Spain
country total 304,666 b, 16 67,966 b, 15 1501-2000 b, 16
104,000 a, 492 1850-1975 a, 493
2 Italy Monte Amiata n/a
104,473 b, 16 1851-1982 b, 15
102,200 a, 492 1495-1975 a, 493
3 Slovenia Idrija 35,609 b, 15
107,311 b, 16 1501-1997 b, 16
Huancavelica 52,000 a, 492 50,321 b, 15 1566-1810? a, 493
4 Peru incl. Yanacocha
57,962 b, 16 n/a 1551-2000 b, 15
after 1993
New Almaden 38,000 a, 492 1847-1975 a, 493-94
5 United States New Idrija 20,000 a, 492 n/a 1854-1975 a, 493
country total 131,106 b, 16 1801-2000 b, 15
Ukraine Nikitovka 33,700 c, 359 n/a not indicated
ex- USSR Kyrgyzstan and 77,788 b, 16 n/a 1881-2000 b, 15
7 China country total 45,978 b, 16 >5 b, 15 1601-2000 b, 15
8 Mexico country total 32,250 b, 16 n/a 1891-2000 b, 15
9 Africa continent total 17,212 b, 16 n/a 1921-2000 b, 15

Table 1-V. Major deposits of mercury through history. Sources indicated in footnote 116.

Up to 1977 the Almadén mine has produced about one-third of the world’s mercury,

with extraction commencing prior to the arrival of the Romans in Spain.118 Spain would be

further awarded in the New World with the mercury mine at Huancavelica, which would

provide the majority of the supply of mercury to the amalgamation processes carried out in the

Vice-Royalty of Peru until its exhaustion at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Cargill, Root, and Bailey, "Resource Estimation from Historical Data: Mercury, A Test Case," 492.

1.8 Salt, sodium chloride (NaCl)

‘Without salt there was no silver. Without silver another would have been the history

of New Spain’.119 Salt was as critical an ingredient for the refining of the silver ores in the New

World as mercury. Yet again the size of the natural deposits of salt that were gifted by geology

to Spain at locations close to the main silver deposits could only have strengthened their belief

in Divine Intervention. The largest salt deposit in the Americas, Uyuni, lies in the Andes, and

the other nearby salt deposit of Yocalla was harvested by amalgamation refiners of Potosí, who

were thus spared the cost and logistics of bringing salt from the sea.120 While New Spain did

not have a single deposit of salt of the scale of the Andean Uyuni, Peñon Blanco (Figure 1-4)

among others satisfied the industrial demand for salt:

‘from the 16c to the 19c Southern and Central Mexico relied mainly on their own inland
resources, besides importing salt from either coast. Colima salt came to the altiplano via
Guadalajara and was sold as far away as Guanajuato... salt came from Campeche via Veracruz
and then packtrain to the capital and neighbouring mines. The salinas del Peñon Blanco
supplied all the mines from northern central Mexico up to Durango … Peñon Blanco would
also sell as south as Pachuca ... [in contrast to the monopoly on mercury] free market economy
regulated trade’.121

‘Sin sal no había plata. Sin plata, la historia de la Nueva España habría sido otra.’ Juan Carlos Reyes,
"Introducción," in La sal en México ed. Juan Carlos Reyes (Colima: Universidad de Colima,Consejo Nacional
para la Cultura y las Artes, 1995), vii.
Cunill Grau, "Paisaje andino," 77. The Uyuni salt deposits are clearly seen as a white patch on satellite images
taken from a height of 64,000 km as appear on Google Earth© images of the central Andes.
Ursula Ewald, The Mexican Salt Industry, 1560-1980 : A Study in Change (Stuttgart; New York: G. Fischer,
1985), 202-203.; Coll-Hurtado, Sánchez-Salazar, and Morales, La minería en México, 26. Apart from Peñon
Blanco, other salt mines are mentioned as belonging to Ocotlan, Piaxtla, Chila, Tehuacan, Cuzcatlan, Omitlan,
Chiautla, Acatlan, Jasco and Sinaloa, in Ewald, Mexican Salt Industry, 20.; Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana,
80.; Jaime J. Lacueva Muñoz, "Nueva Vizacaya y sus yacimientos minerales hasta el descubrimiento de San José
del Parral," in Ophir en las Indias. Estudios sobre la plata americana. Siglos XVI-XIX, ed. Jesús Paniagua Pérez
and Nuria Salazar Simarro (León: Universidad de León, 2010), 106. Salt came from many more smaller locations
than Peñon Blanco, and a good case study of local multiple sources of supply for the silver mines in the Taxco
area is given in Margarita Menegus Borneman, "Las comunidades productoras de sal y los mercados mineros: los
casos de Taxco y Temascaltepec," in Minería regional mexicana. Primera reunión de historiadores de la minería
latinoamericana, ed. Dolores Avila Herrera and Rina Ortiz (Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e
Historia, 1994).

1.9 Lead

It is important to insist on the fact that lead was present in important quantities in New

Spain, for geological reasons previously pointed out by Sillitoe. The argentiferous lead mining

districts are (among others) Sombrerete, Veta Grande in Zacatecas; Catorce, Matahuela in San

Luis Potosí; Taxco in Guerrero; Santa Eulalia, Hidalgo del Parral in Chihuahua; Temascaltepec

and Sultepec in Mexico, Zimapán close to Pachuca. Lead deposits are found in Chihuahua

(Santa Eulalia among others), Coahuila (Sierra Mojada), Nuevo León (Sombrerete, Ojo

Caliente) and Zacatecas.122 Mendizábal draws attention to the important fact that even though

it was known that lead deposits existed in New Spain no effort was made to develop them:

‘Lead ... was present in great abundance ... as well as in argentiferous galena … it seems that
lead was never the aim of any special exploitation, except in the mines of El Cardinal and
Zimapán (Lomo del Toro) in the state of Hidalgo, which produced some fifteen thousand cargas
annually (4,140 tons), sufficient quantity to meet the industrial demand for lead ... at the end
of the eighteenth century lead mines are exploited in Sultepec’.123

The location of the principal lead resources in the northern provinces that took longer

to pacify may have delayed their discovery (for example the deposits at Santa Eulalia were

only discovered in 1704) but Mendizábal points to an absence of clear directives from the

Spanish Crown to search for lead mines as diligently as for silver or mercury sources.

The lead endowment of Mexico as calculated to 1994 was of 11,062,988 t, just below

that of Germany at 12,150,180 t.124 Up to the Early Modern Era both Germany and England

Teodoro Flores, Yacimientos minerales de la República Mexicana, con algunos datos relativos a su producción
(México: Instituto Geológico de México, 1933), 18,28. Also in Coll-Hurtado, Sánchez-Salazar, and Morales, La
minería en México, 16.
‘[El] plomo … existía en gran abundancia … como en la composición de la galena argentifera y [aunque se
aplicaban los impuestos del rey desde el siglo XVI] parece ser que el plomo no fue objeto de explotación especial,
sino en las minas de El Cardonal y Zimapán (Lomo del To) en el estado de Hidalgo, que producían unas quince
mil cargas anuales (4140 toneladas), cantidad suficiente para las necesidades industriales del plomo … a finales
del siglo XVIII se explotan minas de plomo en Sultepec’. Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 71.
Singer, "Precious Metal Deposits," 94.

had based their refining of silver ores on the use of their endogenous lead deposits and the

application of smelting technology. From a geological point of view there was no lack of local

deposits of lead available to refiners in New Spain.

1.10 Final remarks

Portugal had enforced a no-sail zone down the Atlantic seaboard of Africa by the end

of the fifteenth century, all the while whetting the appetite of Europe by returning with African

gold loaded onto its ships. The only unopposed expansion route by sea for other European

powers lay to the West, and Spain was the first to back the leap into the unknown. As a result

of this decision by the Reyes Católicos, Spain stumbled onto a continent with an active and

extended subduction zone along all its western coastline. It colonized first the narrowest portion

of what is now North America, endowed with a very rich metallogenic zone, and would thread

the rest of its conquest and colonization along the metal-rich spine of the Andes. Spain thus

came to control a unique monopoly of mineral resources that would allow it to corner the

market of silver production for nearly three centuries, a geological-political conjunction that

has not been repeated for any other metal up to the present. It would only be in the nineteenth

century that the new United States of America would join Spain in profiting from the silver

and gold bonanza of its own politically controlled subduction area.

Spain would control in just 50 years the two major deposits of primary silver ore known

to man, together with the major mercury deposit of Huancavelica to complement its Spanish

mine of Almadén, the salt deposits of Uyuni and the polymetallic deposits that contained lead

and gold in New Spain. The diversity of this geological bonanza meant that Spain had at its

disposal all the raw materials needed to make possible the refining of the silver ores of the New

World. The term ‘silver ore’ however is too generic, and implies a uniformity that does not

exist. The silver ores of Europe, the Andes of the Vice-Royalty of Peru and the Silver Belt of

New Spain do not share an identical geological genesis, though all are the product of subduction

processes. The different roots in geological time may be the reason why silver ores found in

Europe were extracted in order to profit from their content of lead or copper, with silver as a

collateral benefit. In contrast, in the New World it was only the silver content that sustained all

mining and refining production costs, in the chemical form of silver sulphides or argentiferous

galena. This was the fundamental and relevant difference on both sides of the Atlantic, not the

silver content in each ore.

Once geology determined the embarrassment of mineral riches of the New World, it

was up to the Spanish miners and authorities to make a conscious choice as to which technical

route to follow in their pursuit of silver. The environmental history of the refining of silver in

the New World was not the unavoidable consequence of ores poor in silver content. Sillitoe’s

proposal that there is no major supergene enrichment above the water table in sulphidic silver

deposits, shores up the strong suspicion that the early decrease in the production of silver, as

mines clawed deeper into the mineral veins of the New World, was a technical issue unrelated

to silver content. I have argued in this chapter that it was the consequence of the change in the

chemical profile of these deposits, from superficial elemental silver and silver halides to a

deeper and much more intractable silver sulphide ore. The reasons why silver halides and

argentiferous lead were easy to refine for the early Spanish miners, yet silver sulphides posed

initially an insurmountable challenge, and the very distinct environmental consequences of the

refining method applied to each type of ore, now lead this narrative into the next two chapters.

2 The dry refining process: smelting of silver ores.

‘The most general and proper way, better adapted to the nature of metals, to separate
them from the earth and stones where they are raised so as to reduce them to their purity and
perfection … is through the fire of the furnaces, which to this end are called smelting ovens’.
Alvaro Alonso Barba, Arte de los metales (1637)125
‘in those times there had come from Castille and the islands many Spaniards poor and
greedy, curs hungry for wealth and slaves’. Bernal Díaz, Historia verdadera de la conquista
de Nueva España (ca 1568)126

2.1 Introduction

The Spanish priest Alvaro Alonso Barba (born 1569) is a singularity amongst the early

Spanish refiners of silver ores in the New World. He wrote the only extant metallurgical text

of the early period that is sourced in the practice of the New World, which provides a first-

hand guide to the mind-set and skill level of the time. He also proposed the last original refining

method for silver ores based on mercury, the cazo process that will be described in the

following chapter. As a historical figure he is firmly entrenched in the historiography on

amalgamation of silver ores in the Americas. Thus at first sight it might seem odd that he would

exalt smelting as the ‘most general and proper way’ to extract silver from its ores.127

In fact, the major part of Barba’s much cited book, Arte de los Metales, is dedicated to

the smelting of ores (approximately 68 pages of Books IV and V, out of a total of 198 pages),

longer than his discussion on what he terms ordinary amalgamation (Book II, 36 pages) or even

‘El modo más general, más propio, y más conforme a la naturaleza de los metales, para apartarlos de la tierra,
y piedras con que se crían, y reducirlos a la pureza y perfección … es mediante el fuego en los hornos, que para
este efecto se llaman de fundición’
‘en aquel tiempo vinieron de Castilla y de las islas muchos españoles pobres y de gran codiçia e caninos y
hambientos por aver riquezas y esclavos’.
Barba, Arte de los metales, 130. The metallurgical term ‘smelting’ is confusingly close to the word ‘melting’.
The latter implies the use of heat to change the physical state of a crystalline substance from solid to liquid. The
former is only applied to metallic ores, and is an operation that requires both heat and chemical reactions to bring
about the extraction of a metal from its ore. For a definition of smelting see Manuel Eissler, The Metallurgy of
Argentiferous Lead (London: Crosby Lockwood & Son, 1891), 33.

the description of his new cocimiento (cooking) process (25 pages of Book III). And yet forty

years before this manuscript was sent to Madrid for printing (1637), the practice of smelting

silver ores in New Spain had suffered a fate similar to Mark Twain’s news of his early demise:

‘and with respect to smelting, I say that it is very much forgotten since 35 years have passed
since it was last used, so if new ores with sufficient silver tenor for smelting were to be
discovered, no man would still be alive who knew how to smelt them, nor would there be a
smith to make the tools required for smelting; and there may come a time when this work may
be held of some interest and of great curiosity by the fact that it [knowledge on smelting] should
have been preserved in writing’.128

The author of this premature obituary for smelting was Gómez de Cervantes, a

commentator at the end of the sixteenth century on events unfolding in the New World, and

not a minero.129 He was claiming that smelting had long since disappeared in New Spain in the

face of the success of mercury amalgamation. The notion that amalgamation swept its way past

smelting to become virtually the sole refining process in the New World still percolates its way

through the modern historiography.130 Yet the view expressed at the time by Gomez de

Cervantes contains two important errors of fact. First, towards the end of the sixteenth century

not enough mercury was being imported into New Spain to amalgamate all its silver ores.

‘y en cuanto a la fundición, digo que esta tan olvidada por haber más de 35 años que no se usa, que entiendo
que si se descubriesen metales de ley, que se hubiesen fundir, no habría hombre que los supiese fundir, y aun
dudo si habría herrero que supiese hacer las herramientas de fundición; y quizás, vendrá tiempo que se tenga en
algo esta relación y por muy gran curiosidad esta prevención haberlo escrito’ in Gómez de Cervantes, Nueva
España siglo XVI, 156-157.
The term minero is applied in the early documents both to the person that owned and/or operated the mines
and the person who owned and/or operated the refining haciendas. It was only by the eighteenth century that the
business of refining could be regarded as separate from that of mining, with the introduction of the maquila or toll
(Chapter Five). The use of the masculine does not mean women were excluded from the business of mining and
refining, but they do not appear in documents as much as the men. The following extract shows an interesting
exception since women are involved on both sides of the business: ‘Doña Francisca de Paz minera of this village
[San Luis Potosí] declares before Your Eminence one hundred and fifty cargas of ore from my mines to be
processed in the refining hacienda of Doña Ysabel de Adriansen which she owns in Los Pozos’ - ‘Doña Francisca
de Paz minera en este pueblo manifiesto ante Vmd [Vuestra Merced] ciento y sinquenta cargas de metal de mis
minas para beneficiarlas en la hacienda de minas de doña Ysabel de adriansen que la susodicha tiene en los
posos’, AHSLP, Fondo de Alcaldía Mayor 1635.3, expediente 19, 11 July 1635. Many widows undersign
documents relating to sales or rental agreements of refining haciendas in New Spain.
For example, the recent claim that more than 95% of all silver was produced by amalgamation in Manuel
Castillo Martos, "Alquimia en la metalurgia de plata y oro en Europa y America " in Informes para obtener plata
y azoque en el mundo hispánico (Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2008), xxiv.

Second, not all of New Spain’s silver ores could be refined via the amalgamation process

applied at that time, since as indicated in the previous chapter argentiferous lead also

constituted an important part of the silver sources in New Spain. Very relevant in this regard

were the deposits of silver rich galena discovered towards the end of the sixteenth century in

the mines of the Cerro San Pedro close to the town of San Luis Potosí, towards the north of

Ciudad de México.

Barba is definitely one of the strong and credible voices of the late sixteenth century on

silver refining in the New World, and his evidence gives a contemporary lie to the report by

Gómez de Cervantes. The overall impression in Barba’s text is that amalgamation is never

taken for granted as being a better refining method than smelting. Time and again he cautions

his contemporary readers against being led astray by the limitations of mercury amalgamation,

which could not even be used to provide a true assay of silver in an ore. ‘Whoever deals with

ores without knowing how to assay them by fire to learn correctly their silver content ... runs a

great risk ... do not trust the assay by mercury, which is very deceitful’.131 Deceitful mercury

is certainly not a part of the mainstream historiography on colonial silver refining. Barba knew

first-hand that mercury amalgamation was not a process that would extract silver efficiently

from every ore. In his words:

‘a certain minero … extracted a lot of very rich ore, but did not realize this; he assayed it by
mercury [amalgamation] and measured four or five pesos per quintal [0.24 to 0.3%]… he
abandoned the mine, because he deemed it without profit ... [later I found the ore and] assayed
it by fire [smelting with lead] and it had nine hundred pesos per quintal [approx. 54%]’.132

‘Muy a riesgo esta … el que tratando en metales no supiere ensayarlos por fuego para enterarse con
certidumbre de la ley que tienen … no se fien del ensayo de Azogue, que es muy engañoso’, Barba, Arte de los
metales, 151.
‘cierto Minero ... saco cantidad de metal riquísimo, aunque no lo conoció; ensayolo por Azogue, a cuatro o
cinco pesos por quintal ... desamparo la Mina, porque no le era de provecho … [luego yo halle del metal y]
ensayelo por fuego, y tenía a novecientos pesos por quintal’. Ibid., 71. Metal is the word used in Spanish texts to
denote both the metallic element as well as the ore. Halleux provides the etymology of the Latin word metallum,
derived from the Greek metallon, which initially referred to the mine, the ‘underground cavity of extraction’.
After the first century CE it came to designate the minerals in the mine, the ores, whether metallic or not. It was
only at the end of Antiquity that it was applied to seven specific bodies: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, and

Barba’s windfall profits were the result of a confusion still found to the present day that

amalgamation of silver in ores was of the same nature as the amalgamation of gold. Mercury

amalgamation was one of the tested methods to assay gold ores in Europe in the sixteenth

century, and amalgamation did not require the skills of assaying with lead using a cupel and a

furnace.133 The clue to explain the great discrepancy between assaying with mercury or by

smelting can be deduced from the similar experience of another priest that was a friend of his:

‘In the Cerro de Santa Juana … ores like Soroche [galena, lead sulphide] were extracted, that
when assayed with mercury showed little or no silver; they were thrown away by the mineros
[until I assayed them by smelting] and found they had sixty or more pesos per quintal [3.6%
silver] ... on my advice he collected many [and] extracted much wealth from them’.134

The chemical explanation to both priests’ profit-taking is that lead is the main metal

present in galena or soroche [as it was called in the Andes] and it forms an amalgam with

mercury, thus competing and interfering with the extraction of silver. The silver extracted from

a soroche ore by amalgamation can therefore be a minor fraction of the real amount of silver

present. This is the reason why argentiferous lead was never refined efficiently by

amalgamation. The limitations of simple amalgamation also extend to non-lead silver ores rich

in silver sulphide or sulfo-salts, the negrillos. Mercury alone will not reduce silver sulphide to

silver metal, as I will explain in greater detail in the next chapter, so simple assaying of

either mercury or electrum. The concurrent use of metallum to designate both these seven bodies and also the ore
of a mine is the reason why the Spanish texts use the word ‘metal’ for both purposes as well. Robert Halleux, "La
nature et la formation des métaux selon Agricola et ses contemporains," Revue d'histoire des sciences (1974):
L. Ercker, Treatise on Ores and Assaying, trans. Anneliese Grünhaldt Sisco and Cyril Stanley Smith (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1951), 57-60, 96-97. Any of the metallurgical texts of this period provides details
on how to make cupels from crushed bones, hollow receptacles in which ores and lead could be melted in a
‘En el Cerro de Santa Juana … se sacaban unos metales como Soroches, que por el ensaye ordinario de
Azogue mostraban ninguna o muy poca plata: echabanlos por ahí los Mineros [hasta que los ensaye al fuego] y
halle que tenían a sesenta, y mas pesos por quintal … recogió con mi aviso cantidad de ellos [y] mucha riqueza
de ellos saco’. Barba, Arte de los metales, 71. The fact there is an earlier tale in the historiography of a skilled
priest buying cheaply an ore wrongly classified as poor in silver and then refining its true worth to his profit
underlines the ubiquity of technically proficient Spanish priests with a good eye for wealth in the mining
landscape of the New World. See Juan de Peralta, late sixteenth century New Spain, as quoted in Henry R.
Wagner, "Early Silver Mining in New Spain," Revista de Historia de América, no. 14 (1942): 61-62.

negrillos by mercury amalgamation without the required chemical pre-treatment would again

have given false low values.

Smelting never disappeared as a major contributor to the production of silver in the

New World, regardless of reports to the contrary.135 The attention paid by Barba in his

metallurgical text on the technical merits of smelting indicates this was a topic of current

interest to the mining community from whose experience this text was sourced. The handful of

German, Siennese or Spanish authors who wrote texts on mining and refining in the sixteenth

and seventeenth century reflected the most relevant practices of the mining district from where

the authors drew their experience.136 A case in point is the fact that Agricola does not address

the technique of refining silver ores by amalgamation with mercury. He was writing about

techniques applicable to the silver ores found in the Erzgebirge and Harz mountains,

argentiferous copper or lead for which amalgamation was not an option.137 In contrast, both

Agricola and Ercker mention in detail the amalgamation of gold ores, a reflection on the

This perception is shared by the English historian Mervyn F. Lang: ‘All descriptions and accounts of South
American mining emphasise the amalgamation technique giving the impression that smelting was totally
discarded. This was not true’ in Lang, "Silver Refining Technology in Spanish America (patio y fundición) " 140.
Two further examples in-between Gómez de Cervantes and Castillo Martos of the notion that amalgamation
dominated over smelting are cited as follows. In his monograph promoting the use of a mineral additive
(tequesquite) to facilitate the smelting of silver ore, Garcés y Eguía pays the following compliment to
amalgamation: ‘the master key that has made possible the extraction of the prodigious sums of silver with which
the Americas have astounded the world’ - ‘la llave maestra que ha facilitado la extraccion de las prodigiosas
sumas de plata conque las Américas han asombrado al mundo’, in Garcés y Eguía, Nueva teórica del beneficio
de plata, 76. Sonneschmidt, a firm believer in amalgamation as practised in New Spain, said around the same turn
of the eighteenth century: ‘this refining by mercury … has produced the greatest part of the enormous quantity of
silver that is circulating in the world’ - ‘este beneficio por azogue … ha producido la mayor parte de la enorme
cantidad de plata que esta girando por el mundo’ in F.T. Sonneschmidt and J.M. de Fagoaga, Tratado de la
amalgamación de Nueva España (Galería de Bossange (padre), 1825), 160. In Chapter Six I provide quantitative
evidence as to the historical importance of smelting in New Spain, where it produced 40% of all the silver.
‘Agricola’s ... outlook is severely local to Germany and the topics considered are almost completely restricted
to the activities current within regions in and around the Harz mountains and the Erzgebirge... De Re Metallica
gives a picture of the best practices of the age, practices that had made Germany lead Europe in non-ferrous
metallurgy and which caused the services of German metallists to be sought by the rulers of many other countries’.
Leslie Aitchison, History of Metals (London: Macdonald & Evans, 1960), 373.
An alternate interpretation advanced in the historiography is that Agricola’s silence on mercury amalgamation
of silver ores proves that Biringuccio’s instructions for the amalgamation of silver ore were quickly forgotten and
never put in practice. Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 111.

importance of this new process as of the fifteenth century in the Rhennish workings of

Europe.138 Biringuccio, a Siennese and not a German, is the only metallurgist and author of the

sixteenth century to mention in detail the use of mercury to refine silver ores by amalgamation,

in a book that was published in Venice, because he was addressing a Venetian mining audience

already conversant with the amalgamation of silver ores, as I will explain in the following


2.2 Smelting of silver ores : the human context.

The early history of smelting silver in the New World is defined by the profile of the

Spanish actors who arrived in the newly conquered lands in search of a wealth they could never

attain back in their homeland. When Spain reached the New World it turned its attention very

early to mining activities. It is claimed that some ten percent of the 1,500 strong contingent that

came on the second voyage of Columbus was made up of ‘workers ... to take gold out of the

mines’ on Hispaniola.139 Precious metals were not the only target:

‘On September 18, 1505, Fernando, having heard good reports about the possibility of finding
copper in La Española, dispatched three caravels from Seville with all equipment needed for
such an enterprise. He sent not only equipment, but a hundred African slaves’.

Five years later the King would add another 250 slaves destined to mining. It was

mining, and not sugar, that marked the start of African slavery to the New World.140

‘Agricola was the first writer to give a comprehensive account of the metallurgy of gold and his most extensive
recordings deal with that subject [including amalgamating gold with mercury]’. Aitchison, History of Metals, 385.
According to Cyril Stanley Smith ‘there are no books on metallurgy among the incunabula’. The most prominent
mining texts published in the sixteenth century and early seventeenth centuries are: the anonymous German
Probienbuchs (early sixteenth century), the Siennese Biringuccio’s De Pirotechnia (1540), the German Agricola’s
De Re Metallica (1556) and Ercker’s Treatise on Ores and Assaying (1574) and the Spaniard Barba’s Arte de los
Metales (1637). See the introduction to Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, x-xix.
‘gente trabajadora ... para sacar oro de las minas’, as quoted in J.E. Pérez Sáenz de Urturi, "La minería
colonial americana bajo la dominación española," Boletín Millares Carlo, no. 7 (1985): 55.
Hugh Thomas, Rivers of Gold : The Rise of the Spanish Empire (New York: Random House, 2005), 256-257.

The Spanish contingent that swarmed over New Spain on the heels of the conquest was

described by Bernal Diaz, one of the original band of conquistadores of New Spain under

Hernán Cortés, as ‘poor and greedy, curs hungry for wealth and slaves’.141 Oviedo describes

well the predatory, rags-to-riches mentality of many of these mineros:

‘And in particular, those in these parts that have no intention of remaining nor wish anything
from this land other than to ravish it and return to their homes, turn to trading or to the mines
... or any other activity that will allow them to get rich quickly and leave ... for most who are
here treat this land as a step-mother, even though many have fared much better here than in
their own motherland’.142

Part of the problem faced by Spain was the very small pool of home-grown talent from

where the early miners could be sourced, with no generational experience on any type of silver

ore. Two historical texts that refer to the early period, ca 1550, attest to the very low level of

skills prevalent at the time:

‘this way of extracting silver [smelting] was not learnt from the indians, nor did men go from
here who knew about it, because they did not know how to smelt, and they were also ignorant
of refining over a bed of ash … previously they used to disinter the dead and burn their bones,
so as to benefit from the ash alone to make the cupels in which they refined, and in a similar
manner there were other primitive actions that point to the ignorance of that time’.143

‘the Spaniards did not have the experience of the ancient asturianos [from Asturias], or
Portuguese, or Gallegos [from Galicia] gained in antiquity working the mines of the provinces
... of Spain, from where the Romans had taken great treasures’.144

‘pobres y de gran codiçia e caninos y hambientos por aver riquezas y esclavos’. Bernal Díaz del Castillo,
Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España : Manuscrito "Guatemala" (Mexico: Colegio de México
: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2005), 834.
‘Y en especial, los que en estas partes no tienen pensamiento de permanecer ni quieren desta tierra sino
desfructalla e volverse a sus patrias, danse a la mercaduria o a las minas … e a otras cosas con que presto
alleguen hacienda con que se vayan … porque los mas que por aca andan, tienen esta tierra por madrastra,
aunque a muchos hales ido muy mejor que en su propia madre’. Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Historia
general y natural de las Indias (Madrid: Ediciones Atlas, 1959), 80.
‘este género de sacar plata no se aprendió de los indios, ni de acá fueron hombres que lo supieran, porque no
sabían fundir, y también ignoraban el afinar sobre cendrada de ceniza … antes solían desenterrar a los muertos
y quemar los huesos, cuya ceniza sola decían que aprovechaban para hacer la capella en que afinaban, y
asimismo había otras rusticidades en que se conoce bien la ignorancia de aquel tiempo’ from a letter from Agustín
de Sotomayor to the King, dated 20 April 1573, as quoted in Tomas González, Noticia histórica documentada de
las célebres minas de Guadalcanal, desde su descubrimiento en el año 1555, hasta que dejaron de labrarse por
cuenta de la Real Hacienda, vol. II (Madrid 1831), 409.
‘los españoles no tenian aquella esperiencia de los antiguos asturianos, e lusitanos, e Gallegos tuvieron
antiguamente en este ejercicio de las minas en las provincias ... de España, de donde los romanos tan grandes
tesoros hobieron’ Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Historia natural de Indias, 47.

Even by the early seventeenth century Barba was sufficiently worried by the overall

lack of skills he observed in Peru to propose that only those who passed an official exam to

demonstrate their ability to assay ores by smelting should be allowed to refine silver ores, such

had been the waste incurred by ignorant refiners in the past.145 Modern historiography shares

the judgement on the poverty of metallurgical skills:

‘the number of expert miners that were available was very small and their knowledge very
rudimentary, since except for the mines of Vizcaya, and those of mercury at Almadén,
exploited by the German bankers the Fuggers, there was no exploitation of important mines at
that time in Spain, given that the famous silver mines of Guadalcanal, in the Sierra Morena
[some 110 km north of Seville] were not discovered until 1555’.146

The Spanish historian of mining, Julio Sánchez Gómez, argues that from Roman times

up to the sixteenth century it became common practice in mining deposits of argentiferous lead

(galena) in Spain to only work the most easily accessible surface deposits, abandoning the mine

as soon as it required deeper levels of mining.147 By the middle of the sixteenth century the

contribution of Spanish mines, with the exception of Almadén, to the revenues of the Crown

was on average less than 0.4%, which gives an indication of how little mining and refining

know-how would have figured among its subjects.148 From a metallurgical point of view the

working of iron ores in Asturias and the Basque country (part of the Kingdom of Castille at the

Barba, Arte de los metales, 70-71.
‘el número de mineros expertos de que se disponía era muy pequeño, y sus conocimientos muy rudimentarios,
pues salvo las minas de Vizcaya, y las de mercurio de Almadén, explotadas por los banqueros alemanes Fugger,
no se trabajaban entonces minas importantes en España, dado que las famosas minas de plata de Guadalcanal,
en la Sierra Morena, se descubrieron hasta el año de 1555’. Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 19. Silver ore
from the mines at Guadalcanal was smelted, since it was argentiferous galena as is evidenced in the following
extract: ‘in this month [January 1559] three thousand six hundred and eighty eight marks of silver were extracted;
refining goes well, with the care that has been taken in assaying the lead’ - ‘en este mes [enero 1559] se saco tres
mil e seiscientos e ochenta e ocho marcos de plata; las afinaciones andan buenas, y con el cuidado que se ha
tenido de ensayarles el plomo’. González, Noticia histórica minas de Guadalcanal, II 17.
Sánchez Gómez, Minería no férrica en el Reino de Castilla, 47. The Mexican historian Mendizábal shares the
view that ‘due to the imperfection in mining techniques and metallurgy the miners abandoned their works at the
first sign of impoverishment [of the ore]’ - ‘debido a la imperfección de la técnica de laboreo y la metalurgias
los mineros abandonaban los trabajos al primer indicio de empobrecimiento’ in Mendizábal, La mineria
mexicana, 21.
Sánchez Gómez, Minería no férrica en el Reino de Castilla, 269.

time of the conquest of the New World) would have provided some background on furnaces

and smelting but little in the way of providing prior experience for the majority of silver ores

to be found in the New World.149 The technology employed in the iron works of the Basque

country is claimed to have been too simple to be of use in the refining of silver in the New


The Spanish colonial authorities recognized the technical deficiency in the field of

mining and refining silver ores and turned to German technical expertise for New Spain from

the 1520s and for Peru in the 1570s.151 ‘Tradition holds that the Germans or <alamans> had a

[mining and refining] know-how that was much sought after’. The term German encompassed

those originally from Germany but also included Swiss, Bohemians, Slovaks, Austrians and

other Middle Europeans.152

‘at the forefront of [metal refining] were the German master miners. Having gained experience
in the Harz and Saxony, these men travelled to the new mineral fields across Europe,
transferring knowledge and skills ... their skills in operating smelters was much sought after’.153

The role of Basque families as owners of mining investments in Zacatecas has been described in E. Fernández
de Pinedo y Fernández, "Influencias recíprocas de las técnicas extractivas entre la minería vasca y la americana
en la Edad Moderna," Areas, no. 16 (1994): 36. The Basque (Vascongados) fraction in Potosí has been made
famous thanks to the description of their ongoing fights in Bartolomé Arzáns de Orsúa y Vela, Historia de la villa
imperial de Potosí, ed. Lewis Hanke and Gunnar Mendoza L (Providence: Brown University Press, 1965).
Fernández de Pinedo y Fernández, "La minería vasca y la americana," 38. English language historians are
equally dismissive, see Peter J. Bakewell, "Mining in Colonial Spanish America," in The Cambridge History of
Latin America, ed. Leslie Bethell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), 111.;R.C. West, "Early Silver
Mining in New Spain, 1531-1555," in In Quest of Mineral Wealth. Aboriginal and Colonial Mining and
Metallurgy in Spanish America. , ed. Alan Craig and Robert C. West (Baton Rouge: Geoscience Publishers, 1994),
Instructions to Toledo as cited in C. Salazar-Soler, "Innovaciones técnicas, mestizajes y formas de trabajo en
Potosí de los siglos XVI y XVII," in O trabahlo mestigo. Maneiras de pensar e formas de viver séculos XVI a
XIX, ed. Eduardo Franca Paiva and Carla Maria Junho Anastasia (Sao Paulo: UFMG, 2002), 149. The authorities
in Madrid did not hesitate in turning to whichever foreign expertise they considered could assist the mining and
refining effort in the New World, since in the next chapter I will refer to similar instructions being given in the
case of amalgamation.
‘La tradition veut que les Allemands ou <alamans> aient des compétences très recherchées. Sous ce terme
générique, on désigne des personnages originaires d’Allemagne, mais aussi de la grande province germanique
incluant la Suisse, la Bohème, la Slovaquie, l’Autriche, etc.’ Marie-Christine Bailly-Maître, L'argent : du minerai
au pouvoir dans la France médiévale (Paris: Picard, 2002), 143.
Martin Lynch, Mining in World History (London: Reaktion Books, 2002), 17. For similar references to the
migration of German skilled miners within Europe see John U. Nef, The Conquest of the Material World (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1964), 12.

From the thirteenth to the seventeenth century German miners would be employed in

England, France, Sardinia, Norway, and in the Serbian Brskvo mines, among others.154 The

presence of German miners in the New World came about either through individuals

circumventing the initial restrictions on emigration for non-Castillians, or later in the sixteenth

century as part of technical teams sent by either the Welsers (1529) to assist in the extraction

of gold, or by the Fuggers at the request of the Spanish authorities, once travel was allowed

after November 15, 1526 to subjects of the Holy Roman Empire under Charles V (Germans,


The need for technical assistance in smelting the ores of New Spain arose quite soon

after mines started to be exploited. According to a document dated June 6th 1571 by the Cabildo

de México to the Concejo de Indias, less than ten years had passed between the start of mining

in 1532 and the observation that by 1542 ores had declined in silver content and in ease of

smelting, ‘minas comenzaron a perder la ley y la Buena fundición’. This is a very significant

pairing of concurrent events in a sixteenth century document that strengthens the line of

argument that the difficulty in smelting the deeper silver sulphides triggered the conclusion

that silver content had suddenly decreased substantially. Then, according to this account, a

German dubbed with the generic name of Juan Alemán advised the Vice-Roy on German

German miners in Sardinia and Serbia, Lynch, Mining in World History 17.; in England, Jacob, An Historical
Inquiry into the Production and Consumption of the Precious Metals, 1 292.; in Norway, Wallace, Barton, and
Wilson, "Silver-Bearing Minerals," 32.
Demetrio Ramos, "Ordenación de la minería en Hispanoamérica durante la época provincial (siglos XVI, XVII
y XVIII)," in La minería hispana e iberoamericana. Ponencias del I coloquio internacional sobre historia de la
minería. Cátedra de San Isidro (León: Cátedra de San Isidro 1970), 381-382.; Hugh Thomas, The Golden Empire.
Spain, Charles V, and the creation of America (New York: Random House, 2010), 113. The ill-fated expedition
of eighty miners sent by the Welsers came mainly from the Erzegirbe area, where the main mining activity was
focused on argentiferous copper ores that were being refined by the liquation process with lead in the early
sixteenth century. All except a few would die in the New World, with little support for their endeavours. Juan
Friede, "La introducción de mineros alemanes en América por la compañía Welser de Augsburgo," Revista de
Historia de América, no. 51 (1961): 99-104.

smelting techniques using lead and litharge with rich ores.156 Events seem to have taken place

even earlier. Bargalló places the arrival in New Spain of the German smelters Juan Enchel and

others in 1536, sent by the factors of the Fuggers in Seville,

‘with tools and techniques to smelt metals from silver mines that until then had not been
understood, and they set up grinding and refining facilities [most likely in Sultepec, according
to Icazbalceta], from where came great benefit to the republic and great service to your

The Germans were not the only source of smelting skills to aid the initial wave of

Spaniards. The technical role of African slaves within a smelting hacienda is an intriguing facet

to the history of smelting in the New World. They are mentioned as of the mid-sixteenth

century by Bartolomé de Medina: ‘And so I have seen how such ores are processed in many

places using greta and cendrada and with great cost to the owners of the mines and with great

risk to the life and health of those involved in their processing, both of indians and negroes’.158

The seventeenth century records of Zacatecas make frequent mention of the African slaves that

are sold or rented together with the physical assets of a refining hacienda. The level of skills

of some of these slaves is indicated by the following notations: ‘a black called domingo smelter

from the land of angola; another black called juanito … smelter from the land of angola’.159

Since all the slaves in the inventory are identified according to their place of origin in Africa,

most probably as an indicator of their behavioural and physical nature, the fact that the smelters

Henry R. Wagner, "Early Silver Mining in New Spain," ibid., no. 14 (1942).; Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia
colonial, 91. For a review on German miners in the New World see West, "Early Silver Mining," 16.
‘con aparejos e yndustria para fundir los metales de las mynas de plata que hasta entonces no se entendían, e
hyzieron yngenios de moler i fundir los metales (seguramente en Sultepec, según Icazbalceta) de donde se siguió
mucho provecho para la rrepublica y gran servizio a Su Magestad’. At least one Spaniard, Alonso Carreño, is
said to have established an ‘ingenio de fundicion’, a smelting refinery, in Sultepec by 1543. Bargalló, Minería y
metalurgia colonial, 58, 95.
‘Y así he visto como se benefician los dichos metales en muchas partes con greta y cendrada y la muy grande
costa de los dueños de las minas y el mucho riesgo de las vidas y salud de los que en el beneficio de elas entienden,
así de indios como de negros’ as quoted in Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 112.
‘otro negro llamado domingo afinador de tierra de angola; otro negro llamado juanillo … afinador de tierra
de angola’ in a rental agreement for a smelting and refining hacienda between Pedro de Medina and Andrés
Pereira, 20 March 1608, AHEZ, Notaria-Colonia, Numero 01 (Pedro Venegas, 1608), expediente 1.

came from Angola may not necessarily indicate a premium being placed on the level of skills

originally brought by the slave. Slaves would persist in silver mining duties, and Mendizábal

has pointed out the great number of slaves that worked in refining haciendas of Zacatecas,

though according to the quote provided from the Bishop Alonso de la Mota y Escobar (1602)

the indigenous workforce was better skilled than the African slaves or the Spaniards for both

smelting and amalgamation.160

A picture emerges of a stage from early to mid sixteenth century with a very limited

resource of refining skills in the New World, given the possible exception of some literate

clergy who refined silver ores, together with pockets of German, Andean and African know-

how of smelting methods. Bargalló also refers to this period as a proto-smelting period in New

Spain where the lack of knowledge of German smelting techniques led to many trial and error

processes.161 In Chapter 3 I will return to this scenario, since it may have been an important

factor in the fast adoption of an alternate refining process, one more amenable to such a large

group of unskilled refiners of silver ores.162 The contrast with the evolution of the mining and

refining work-force of Europe remains to be studied. The technical complexity of the smelting

operations carried out on a large scale has been used to argue that it led in Europe to the

Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 32, 36.
‘el desconocimiento de dichas técnicas [las europeas alemanas de minería del siglo 16] hubieran evitado la
serie de tanteos de los primeros mineros que por cierto han merecido severas críticas … de cuantos han estudiado
ese periodo inicial de la metalurgia hispanoamericana’ Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 23. It is
interesting to note the assertion that at the other end of the historical period studied in this thesis : ‘The dependence
on Spanish mining methods was so great on the American [United States of America] frontier that by the 1880s
mining men were literally relying on Spanish techniques hooked up to a steam engine’. The author argues that the
Spaniards had a strong mining and refining experience before arriving in the New World. Otis E. Young, "The
Spanish Tradition in Gold and Silver Mining," Arizona and the West 7, no. 4 (1965): 299. It can be counter argued
that the rich experience applied north of the Mexican border in the late nineteenth century was the product of three
centuries of experience in the New World, not from Europe.
Even by the nineteenth century in Europe the high level of skill required for an efficient use of smelting to
refine silver ores is remarked upon in the preface to Schlutter’s classic textbook by M. Hellot. He points out that
among the lead mines in France are those that give six ounces of silver per quintal [under 0.4%], ‘their smelting
and refining very amenable … that have been abandoned due to a lack of intelligence and [management]’ – ‘sa
fonte et l’affinage très-asaisés … qui ont été abandonnées faute d’intelligence & de conduit’. Christophe-Andre
Schlutter, De la fonte des mines, des fonderies, etc. , trans. M. Konig, vol. 2 (Paris: Jean-Thomas Herissant et
Jacques-Noel Pissot, 1853), xiii.

development of a high degree of organization and literacy within the mining work-force,

beginning as early as the eleventh century in Goslar (Harz Mountains). Bartels presents a

persuasive argument that since smelting involved careful and consistent control of many

process variables (temperature, exact knowledge of the silver content to be able to monitor the

extraction process, consistent batches prepared for each furnace charge) therefore:

‘assaying, precision measurement, data collection, the use of mathematics, attempts at

standardization, the writing of technical instructions, the writing of technical books to be
published – all this contributed to the practice of mining and metallurgy’.163

The fact that profit levels could not depend on contingent bonanza ores but on the

careful monitoring of all the process variables, required:

‘extensive written communication ... in mines, ore processing, and smelting works not only the
experts ... but even every foreman had to be able to write and to do basic calculations from the
mid-sixteenth century onwards. By the seventeenth century the vast majority of Harz miners
were literate, and it was no longer possible to enjoy respected status in the community without
being able to read and write’.164

Even when Spain found an alternative refining route in the New World, it still applied

smelting in a major way in many mining districts, as will be detailed in Chapter 6. The level of

smelting skills of the indigenous workforce or the African slaves, and their technical hierarchy

within a smelting hacienda of New Spain is as yet an unexplored topic, and Bartel’s

conclusions raise the question if a similar path of development was ever observed at any level

for the smelting labour force of the silver refining industry of the New World.

One final topic is the size of the work-force required for smelting, and whether this was

a factor that was adversely affected by the epidemics that ravaged the indigenous communities

after the arrival of the European diseases. Berthe has argued that a major reason why the Crown

was looking so enthusiastically for an alternative to the tried and true smelting method was the

Bartels, "Production of Silver in Harz Mountains," 73, 98.
Ibid., 98-99.

shortage of manpower after the epidemics among the indigenous population in 1545.165

Medina in his promotional report on the advantages of amalgamation does focus expressly in

the mid-sixteenth century in New Spain precisely on the size of the workforce of the rival

process to amalgamation, claiming that :

‘since [for] a horse-powered ingenio [smelting hacienda] working with one sound furnace …
it is necessary to have four smelters and four carriers and two Spaniards that will need rooms
and people to handle the horses of the ingenio and their rooms and two to refine and to grind
the greta and cendrada another two persons and to make the furnaces and work the stones
another two and to work the cendradas for every time they refine six persons are required
because at the end of two days per week it will come to two persons each day and at night
twelve negroes, and more to cover and take out such charcoal’.166

The impression left by both texts is that amalgamation required a smaller workforce

than smelting, though no quantitative figures are proposed to establish man-hours per kg of

silver refined by both processes. This exercise will be carried out in Chapter 5.

2.3 The chemistry of smelting and the nature of the ore

Smelting of silver ores is a complex operation for two reasons: in most cases it takes

place at temperatures that require a furnace and not a simple cooking fire, and second, it

requires a high degree of empirical skill to guide the silver in the ore through at least two major

changes before isolating it in a pure state. However, the early history of silver refining in the

New World hinges on the fact that the only exception to this statement is for an ore rich in

silver chloride, like those found in the weathered section of a silver sulphide deposit. The

Jean Pierre Berthe, "Le mercure et l'industrie mexicaine au XVIéme siècle," in Ciencia, vida y espacio en
Iberoamérica: trabajos del programa movilizador del C.S.I.C., "Relaciones científicas y culturales entre España
y América". ed. Jose Luis Peset Reig (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1989), 144.
‘porque un ingenio de caballos que trae un horno andando bueno … ha menester cuatro fundidores y cuatro
cargadores y dos españoles que se muden por sus cuartos, y por personas que anden con los caballos del ingenio
por sus cuartos, y más dos afinadores, y para moler la greta y cendrada otras dos personas, y para hacer los
hornos y labrar las piedras otras dos, y para hollar las cendradas cada una que afinan, son menester seis
personas, porque al final de dos días a la semana que vendrán a ser dos personas cada día y de noche doce
negros, y más para cubrir y sacar dicho carbón’ as quoted in Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 112.

highest accessible temperature range to a person with no special training is that of an ordinary

camp fire, in the range of 600 to 650o C.167 Native silver melts at 962o C, silver sulphide at 825
C, so this temperature would not be high enough to cause these compounds trapped in a

mineral matrix to flow and be recovered as a puddle in the ashes of the fire. However silver

chloride, with a melting point as low as 455o C, does soften and liquefy under these

conditions.168 Furthermore, in the presence of charcoal (carbon) lying at the base of the fire it

will be reduced to elemental silver at these relatively low temperatures.169

The weathering that chemically transformed the more superficial veins of silver

sulphide deposits in the New World therefore gifted the early mass of untrained Spanish

mineros with silver chloride, the easiest of silver compounds to refine by smelting, with

virtually no skills required. All they needed was to avoid overheating the silver ores so as to

avoid losing silver via volatilization, and even this level of care may have been beyond them.

The downside to such an easy operation was that no effort was made to refine the silver to its

highest possible level.170 It is no surprise that as soon as these silver halides were depleted, and

more silver sulphide was present in the ore, the gaggle of Spanish dilettante refiners would find

less and less silver coming out of their primitive operations, regardless of the true silver content

of their ores.

Aitchison, History of Metals, 34.
Cotton, Chemistry of Precious Metals 277.
Wallace, Barton, and Wilson, "Silver-Bearing Minerals," 17. Reduction in this thesis, except when it appears
within a quotation, refers to the modern chemical term as applied to redox equations, whereby the metal in its
ionic state gains electrons from another element that in turn is being oxidized (losing electrons), so that the metal
is transformed to its elemental state. When the word appears in historical quotations prior to the nineteenth century
it is used in in accordance with the Latin original of the word, reducere – “to lead back” to an original state.
‘Reduction had the more specific sense ... of the isolation or extraction of a metal from ... an ore’. William Royall
Newman, Atoms and Alchemy : Chymistry and the Experimental Origins of the Scientific Revolution (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2006), xiii.
‘it is not likely that for a long time anything but very impure silver was shipped’ in Wagner, "Early Silver
Mining in New Spain," 61.

For all other silver compounds contained in ores the process requires a much greater

level of skill, such as was supplied through the German artisans in the New World. Europe by

mid fifteenth century had been refining its silver mainly from argentiferous galena, lead

sulphide ores.171 In contrast to most metal ores, silver will not form silver oxide on heating in

air, and heating silver ores to high temperatures over 1000o C can simply lead to major physical

losses of silver in the smoke of a furnace. It is estimated that at some point prior to 2500 BCE

a major breakthrough in smelting occurred, possibly invented by tribal people on the southern

shore of the Black Sea: silver could be processed as a by-product of smelting lead from

galena.172 The lead obtained by heating galena absorbs in its melted state any silver present in

the ore, either as native silver or silver that has also been reduced at high temperature from any

silver compounds present (silver sulphide, silver sulfo-salts, argentojarosite). The process from

a chemical point of view is the same whether lead is present in the ore (as in argentiferous

galena) or whether lead is added to the ‘dry’ silver ore.173 The difference only lies in the

economics of production, as analysed in Chapter 5.

Figure 2-1 represents the two main stages involved in the refining of silver from either

of these two starting minerals. The diagram is based on the description by Craddock of a two-

step refining process, where the first step is a smelting process under high temperatures and

reducing conditions that creates a silver rich lead. In Spanish historical texts this is called

fundición. The second step is sometimes called the cupellation stage, or afinación in Spanish

texts. The silver-enriched lead, plomo rico in Spanish, is heated in a cupel to around 1,000° C

Craddock, Early Metal Production, 211.
Galena is one of the easier ores to smelt, since at temperatures as low as 800° C lead oxide (litharge) is formed
from the lead sulphide at the upper, more oxidizing zone, while the reduction of the oxide to metallic lead (which
melts at 327° C) takes place in the presence of unburnt charcoal or carbon monoxide. In addition a further quantity
of lead is produced by the reaction between the lead oxide and the lead sulphide. N. H. Gale and Z. A. Stos-Gale,
"Cycladic Lead and Silver Metallurgy," The Annual of the British School at Athens 76(1981): 178.
It was known by the sixteenth century that to avoid losses via volatilization even native silver or silver chloride
benefit from the addition of lead prior to smelting. Agricola, De re metallica, 400.

under oxidizing conditions, achieved by blowing air (oxygen) onto the surface of the molten

lead so that litharge (lead oxide) is formed as a surface scum that entrains with it the oxides of

the majority of other metals present except gold.174 The litharge (greta in Spanish texts) is

skimmed off to be recycled. The litharge is also absorbed by the material of the cupel (porous

crushed bone in many cases) which is then also recycled (cendrada in Spanish texts). Recycling

did not require reducing lead from litharge, and had the added advantage of recovering any

silver entrained in the litharge.175

Simply heating efficiently and uniformly to the right temperature (in itself a major

technological breakthrough) is not enough: in the first step it must be done under conditions

that reduce the silver compounds (chlorides, sulphides or more complex sulphosalts) to metallic

silver, to assure maximum recovery of the silver content of the ore. Silver has to be absorbed

by the lead and not lost in the slag or volatilized if the temperature is too high. The second step

requires quite the opposite, a careful oxidation of the surface of the molten lead avoiding spatter

or other physical loss of silver into the litharge that is being continually scraped off, within a

furnace that has to be kept at or over one thousand degrees centigrade. 176 As a historian of

silver refining in the New World and mining engineer has written, after describing smelting of

silver ores:

‘litharge fluxed everything ... smelting furnaces fell apart in a week ... refining furnaces ...
lasted a little longer ...This [his description of the process] is so oversimplified that it may
appear anyone could do it. If so, blame this narration, because it is a very complicated and
difficult process which taxed the skill of experienced furnacemen’.177

Craddock, Early Metal Production, 210-223.; Gale and Stos-Gale, "Cycladic Lead and Silver Metallurgy,"
180. To observe the other possible inputs to the two stages of smelting see F. Ströbele et al., "Mineralogical and
Geochemical Characterization of High-medieval Lead–Silver Smelting Slags from Wiesloch near Heidelberg
(Germany)—An Approach to Process Reconstruction," Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 2, no. 3
(2010): 212.
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 172.
Ibid., 163.
Alan Probert, "Bartolome de Medina: the Patio Process and the Sixteenth Century Silver Crisis," Journal of
the West 8, no. 1 (1969): 96.

Smelting is not ‘a relatively simple affair’, ‘much more simple ... than

amalgamation’.178 On the other hand, smelting can be applied to any silver ore, though the

operation becomes more technically demanding according to the nature of the ore. When dry,

polymetallic ores are smelted, the two-stage process of Figure 2-1 can become an iterative

sequence of multiple stages of smelting, as has been reconstructed for the way jarositic earths

containing silver of the Rio Tinto mines in Spain were refined by smelting in Phoenician times,

using lead imported from Carthage.179 The silver sulphide and complex silver sulfo-salts of

the silver ores in the New World represent the intermediate spectrum of smelting complexity

between the beginner’s luck of silver chloride and the unique challenge of the jarositic silver

compounds of Rio Tinto. Smelting was always the refining workhorse for ores that could not

be refined by amalgamation in the New World, such as those containing lead or antimony.180

In Europe as of the mid fifteenth century, silver refining techniques had been forced to

adapt to a new type of silver source, the argentiferous ores rich in copper.181 The technical

challenge these new ores posed and the impact on silver production once the new refining

process had been mastered has been considered a pivotal moment in the history of mining in


Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 137.; ‘el proceso de fundición era mucho más simple ... que el de
amalgamación’, Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 89.
Craddock, Early Metal Production, 220.
Antimonial ores were being efficiently smelted together with iron or copper pyrites by 1604. West, The Parral
Mining District, 30.; ‘when smelting ores from hard sulphidic veins, or with antimony, it would have been enough
to mix them with lead ores, or greta, or cendrada’ – ‘Al tratar de fundir las menas de sulfuros duros, o
antimoniosos, hubiera bastado con mezclarlos con menas plomizas, o greta o cendrada’ in Bargalló, Minería y
metalurgia colonial, 91.; argentiferous lead, copper or zinc ores rebellious to amalgamation required smelting
according to Thomas Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, Gold, and Mercury in the United States (London; New
York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1887), 40-41. For detailed technical descriptions of how smelting was carried out up to
the nineteenth century see for example Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 240-255.; Bargalló,
Minería y metalurgia colonial, 92-98, 249-251.; La química inorgánica y el beneficio de los metales en el México
pre-hispánico y colonial (Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1966), 109-110.; West, "Early
Silver Mining," 26.
Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 1071.

‘An invention of the mid-fifteenth century ... was of even greater importance ... it was
discovered that the separation of silver from the argentiferous copper ores, which abounded in
Central Europe, could be effectively accomplished with the help of lead ... the rich copper ores
had been little exploited before this time because of the difficulty of extracting silver from them
... no other invention had so stimulating an effect … upon the development of the mining and
metallurgical industries in Central Europe on the eve of the Reformation’.182

Argentiferous ‘dry’ silver ore (AgS or

Galena (PbS + AgS or AgCl or Ag) + Lead or
+Ag + other metals) Litharge

loss of lead
solid slag R
Argentiferous Lead (Pb + Ag + other metals)

loss of lead
O solid litharge

Litharge (PbO) + oxides

Silver of other metals

Heating stage in furnace

R: reduction
O: oxidation Litharge (greta) cendrada

Figure 2-1. Schematic diagram of two stage refining of silver ores using lead, adapted from
Craddock, footnote 179.

The new copper liquation process (Saigerprozess) also made use of the capacity of

liquid lead to absorb silver. Silver was then recovered from the lead by the traditional

cupellation method.183 The increase in percentage terms of silver production in Europe was the

same order of magnitude as that which would be experienced in the New World with the

Nef, Conquest of the Material World, 36.
Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 973.; Aitchison, History of Metals, 385.

introduction of amalgamation.184 ‘More than any other invention, this accounts for the great

prosperity of mining and metallurgy during the century which followed’.185

Even though this new refining breakthrough was not applied in the New World, I cite

it for two reasons. First, to emphasize that mining and refining are human activities that

continually respond to new challenges, so that events in the New World are not exceptional in

the sense that refining technology was already on a wave of large-scale innovation even before

Columbus sailed to his West. Second, because the banking dynasty of the Fuggers, who will

become a vital part of the early history of amalgamation in New Spain, owed their wealth in

part to this new technology. The Central European mining industry evolved into ‘a major

industrial complex’ thanks to the symbiotic production and sale of copper and silver, a pairing

essential for the commercial success of the new technology. It also incorporated into the pricing

of silver the costs associated with external sourcing of lead, since the argentiferous copper was

in general lead-poor. That it resulted in a very profitable venture can be judged from the success

of the Fuggers, who built their fortune on being able to coordinate ‘a complex chain of raw

materials, technical expertise and parallel marketing of two and even three metals, one noble

and two base’.186

The level of smelting skill developed in Europe allowed its refiners to extract silver

from ores with as low as 0.04% silver content.187 This technical threshold should not be

From 1470 to 1490 production of silver with the new process increased over five times to 22,794 kg and in a
further 20 years to 34,563 kg, .Bruce T. Moran, Patronage and Institutions : Science, Technology, and Medicine
at the European Court, 1500-1750 (Rochester, NY, USA: Boydell Press, 1991), 11.
Nef, "Silver in Europe," 576.
Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 974.; Aitchison, History of Metals, 317.
Approximately 12 oz of silver per short ton of ore, Agricola, De re metallica, 388. A threshold of 0.02% for
smelting as practised in Saxony in the late eighteenth century is mentioned in Francisco Javier de Sarria, Ensayo
de metalurgia (Mexico: D. Felipe de Zuniga y Ontiveros, 1784), 105. In Poland argentiferous lead ores containing
just 0.02% were smelted, according to D. Molenda, "Silver Production in Poland, XVIth to XVIIIth Century " in
Hombres, Técnica, Plata. Minería y sociedad en Europa y América, Siglos XVI-XIX ed. Julio Sánchez Gómez and
Guillermo Mira Delli-Zotti (Sevilla: Aconcagua Libros, 2000), 23. A minimum value of 0.03% is given in in
Phillips, Metallurgy Silver, 433.

confused with the profit threshold determined by the balance between production costs and

total revenues obtained from refined silver and all other major metals present in the ore (gold,

lead or copper).

2.4 The infrastructure of smelting in New Spain

Though smelting was carried out in many locations and different periods within New

Spain, the region around the town of San Luis Potosí became a major producer of silver during

the seventeenth century on the strength of its smelting of silver ores. The silver deposits in the

vicinity of San Luis Potosí began to be exploited by the Spanish conquerors of the northern

Chichimeca territory by the end of the sixteenth century (1592). The most prominent were the

deposits of the Cerro San Pedro, but due to the lack of sufficient water at the site some of the

smelting haciendas were built in Monte Caldera, some 7 km from the mines and 25 km from

the town of San Luis Potosí.188 Others were located in the town itself. The presence of lead in

most of the ores found in the vicinity of the town of San Luis Potosí made smelting the only

viable refining process right from the start.189 In the absence of technical documents written by

refiners of this region, it is the historical legal documents of San Luis Potosí that provide an

indirect guide to the way smelting was practised by its major exponent in New Spain. 190 The

For the location of the main sites around San Luis Potosí mentioned in this chapter see Figure 2-14.
Even by 1744, by which time the use of mercury in some haciendas of the region has been documented, a
committee of miners including the local mayor (Alcalde Mayor) set up to test a new amalgamation recipe at the
request of the Crown made the observation that ‘what is generally processed are ores by fire [smelting], and at
this time none by mercury … the ores for mercury are of low silver content, with no stability [of supply] … but
to demonstrate their obedience to the Crown they will set up the test’ - ‘que lo que generalmente se benefician en
este mineral, son metales de fuego, y en estos tiempos ninguno de azogue … los de azogue, de cortissimas leyes,
de ninguna estabilidad, … pero para mostrar su obediencia a la Corona montaran el ensayo’ AHSLP, Fondo
Alcaldía Mayor 1744.1, expediente 35, dated 13 December 1744. Not all the ore was rich in lead, at least by 1622,
when there are references both to metal plomosso (lead ores) and to metal seco or sequillo (dry or dryish ores) in
AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1622.6 expediente 15, receipts for ores dated 1622 and 1623.
The Spanish refiners did not find in New Spain the same advanced level of metallurgy their counterparts would
find in the Andes, where the indigenous craftsmen had been smelting silver ores in huayras, small tube furnaces
riddled with holes so that the blast was provided by the force of the wind on hillsides, well before the arrival of
the Spaniards. For studies on pre-hispanic smelting practice in the Andean region see Colleen M Zori and Peter
Tropper, "Late Pre-Hispanic and Early Colonial Silver Production in the Quebrada de Tarapaca, Northern Chile.,"
Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino 15(2010): 68,82,85.; Pablo Jose Cruz and Jean-Joinville Vacher,

operational stages of the smelting process have been described at length in the

historiography.191 I will only focus on those areas where some further light can be shed:

a) The introduction of molinos: a common sight at present around San Luis Potosí are the large

circular stones from the molinos (called Chilean mills in the English literature), Figure 2-2,

used to crush the raw ore placed in the path of the stone within the circular trough. 192 In this

example the stone was powered by a mule tethered to the arm leading to the axle of the

wheel.193 Smelting does not require the flour-like consistency demanded by amalgamation (see

next chapter), so breaking down the ore by hand was a viable option, especially so for small

refining haciendas set up during the early years of refining.194 It is not clear when and to what

eds., Mina y metalurgia en los Andes del sur: desde la época prehispánica hasta el siglo XVII (La Paz: Institut de
Recherche pour le Development / Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2008).; Warwick Bray, "Ancient
American Metal-Smiths," Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, no.
1971 (1971): 29-32.; Heather Lechtman, "A Metallurgical Site Survey in the Peruvian Andes," Journal of Field
Archaeology 3, no. 1 (1976): 36-38.; Heather Lechtman et al., "Procesamiento de metales durante el Horizonte
Medio en el Altiplano Surandino (Escaramayu, Pulacayo, Potosi, Bolivia)." Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte
Precolombino 15 (2010): 9-27. For a questioning whether cupellation was practised before the arrival of the
Spaniards see Mary Van Buren and Claire R Cohen, "Technological Changes in Silver Production after the
Spanich Conquest in Porco, Bolivia.," ibid.15: 33.
For sixteenth century practices in Spain and the New World, Barba, Arte de los metales, 130-170.; González,
Noticia histórica minas de Guadalcanal, II 410-411.; Carlos Sempat Assadourian, Zacatecas, conquista y
transformacion de la frontera en el siglo XVI : minas de plata, guerra y evangelización (México, D.F.: Colegio
de México, Centro de Estudios Históricos, 2008), 151-152. For later smelting practices see Francisco de Paula
Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas (Besanzon: Libreria de Rosa Bouret y Cia, 1857), 250-260. In English
the nineteenth century texts are the most useful, for example Phillips, Metallurgy Silver, 497.; Henry F. Collins,
The Metallurgy of Lead & Silver (London: Griffin & Co., 1899), 273-352.
Manuel Amador, Tratado práctico y completo de trabajos de minas y haciendas de beneficio (México: E.
Sánchez, Editor, 1901), 66-68, Lamina 5a Figura 1.
For a general description see Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 269-270.
The final size should range between a grain of rice and that of a ‘Grueso de garvanzo’, the thickness of a chick
pea, and the more docile the ore, the bigger the particle, according to Garcés y Eguía, Nueva teórica del beneficio
de plata, 63-64. The bean size had already been pointed out in Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 153.

a) b)


Figure 2-2. a) Molino mill stones, Monte Caldera, San Luis Potosí. The diameter can reach
2 m b) a modern reconstruction of a molino in Zacatecas, at the exit of the El Edén mine c)
drawing of a molino, reproduced from footnote 192.

extent these molinos were used in the seventeenth century smelting haciendas of San Luis

Potosí. The legal documents of the period are ambiguous, since they mention a wheel (rueda),

but in such a way that it could also apply to the assembly required by a bellows and not only

the rueda of a molino.195 According to West, Chilean mills were not introduced in New Spain

‘wheel, pinion, shafts, cross-beam and bellows’ - ‘la rueda y lanternilla peon exe y gualdra y fuelles’, as in the
sales contract between Nicolas de Peralta and Cristobal Zapata, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1667.3,
expediente 6, 18 July 1667. I have used the English translation for the Spanish terms as reported in Appendix I of
Peter J. Bakewell, Silver Mining and Society in Colonial Mexico: Zacatecas, 1546-1700 (Cambridge, U.K.:
University Press, 1971), 267. A guide in Spanish appears in de Gamboa, Comentarios Ordenanzas de Minas, 399-
401. Another example is the listing of ‘gualdra, lanternilla, peon y rueda y tablon y canones’ which includes the
cañones or nozzles of the bellows, in the sale contract dawn up by Juan Dominguez de Sequera, AHSLP, Fondo
Alcaldía Mayor 1653.1, expediente 8, 14 March 1653. The drive wheel is a fundamental element that transforms
the horizontal circular motion imparted by mule or water power via a crankshaft into the reciprocating movement
that drives the bellows for the furnace.

until the nineteenth century.196 For the largest of the smelting establishments Salazar Gonzalez

identifies a mortero (stamp mill) by 1628, and a stamp-head for a mortero by 1703 as part of

their infrastructure.197

b) The role of dressing ores: the importance given to the requirement of water for the

smelting haciendas at first sight is surprising, since water seems a more critical issue for

amalgamation than for smelting:

“Antonio de Espinoza … townsman and miner of the mines of San Luis Potosi states that as is
notorious and public [knowledge] the ores that are extracted from this hill [Cerro San Pedro]
cannot be processed or smelted without washing. And due to the great lack of water that has
been and still is … some haciendas have ceased to process [these ores].’198

The need to have water for the workers and animals is evident.199 What is interesting is

the use of water for the washing of the ores. This meant that silver ores in San Luis Potosí were

dressed, concentrated for silver and lead content prior to smelting based on a differential

sedimentation rate in water depending on the density of the mineral particles, in the process

explained by Agricola as of the sixteenth century.200 According to Barba, washing ores prior

to smelting was not normal practice in the New World.201 The dressing of ores that was an

important part of the initial strategy of the English investors of the nineteenth century in

Pachuca was in fact never implemented (Chapter 4). It is important therefore that the

West, The Parral Mining District, 113. In Chapter 3 I cite evidence that places them in Zacatecas earlier.
Guadalupe Salazar González, Las haciendas en el siglo XVII en la región minera de San Luis Potosí: Su
espacio, forma, función, material, significado y la estructuración regional San Luis Potosí (Universidad
Autonoma de San Luis de Potosí, 2000), 84, 90.
‘Antonio de Espinoza … vezino y minero de las minas de San Luis de Potosi digo que como es notorio y publico
los metales que deste serro se sacan no se pueden beneficiar ni fundir sin labar. Y por la gran falta que a avido
y ay de agua … a sesado el beneficio en algunas haciendas’ AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1635.1, expediente
6, 16 January 1635.
Where water power was deficient, animal power was required to drive mills and bellows, as well as to haul ore
from the mines to the haciendas. As late as 1778 a new invention was being touted in San Luis Potosí that would
not require ‘abundant water for the beasts’ – ‘ni abundancia de Agua para Bestias’. Claim by Don Juan Martin
de Irrazu, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1778.2, 30 October 1778.
Agricola, De re metallica, 300-310.
‘at great length Agricola teaches how to wash ores prior to smelting; it is not much used in these Kingdoms’-
‘muy dilatadamente ensena el Agricola a lavar los metales antes de fundirlos; poco se usa en estos Reynos’ in
Barba, Arte de los metales, 148.

documents show that for San Luis Potosí dressing was part of the common practice in smelting

haciendas. Lavadores, workers who carried out the washing of ores, are mentioned amongst

the labour force of a smelting refining hacienda in this area as late as 1773.202

c) The chimneys of the smelting furnaces: smelting was carried out in an horno

castellano.203 Barba defines them as simply the same type of furnace as currently in use in

most of his known world to smelt all sorts of ores, as described by Agricola.204 They were

initially very simple structures built from stone and lime mortar (‘piedra y cal’) in the form of

a square pillar up to 2 metres tall and with an internal square cross section of under one square

metre, or built in the shape of an inverted sectioned cone.205 It was an inexpensive construction

made from local materials that could be easily rebuilt as required by the wear and tear of

smelting. An inventory of a rented smelting hacienda in Zacatecas, dated 1608, describes well

the precarious nature of the early structures: ‘two chimneys of stone and lime one good and the

other with openings in three or four places … four furnaces of stone and lime with chimneys

made from adobe, all open in many places and propped up’.206 Their presence in the ruins of

these haciendas is inferred by the more evident remains of a tuyere, an alcribis in Spanish texts,

Weekly accounts of the Hacienda de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, signed by Lorenzo de Mata for the year
1773, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1773.2.
This is translated to English as a castillian furnace, though the term ‘Spanish furnace’ might be more
‘Llaman en este Reyno Hornos Castellanos a los que en las otras tres primeras partes del mundo, han sido
usados, y comunes para la fundición de toda suerte de metales. De ellos solos trata el Agricola para este efecto’.
Barba, Arte de los metales, 139.
‘erect these furnaces plumb to the ground, in the shape of a square pillar somewhat taller than wider at the
cavity. Their height is one vara [ approx.. 80 cm], some nearly two and some less … at the back they have a small
aperture … the [alcribis] where the nozzles of the bellows are placed … others make these furnaces round, wider
at the top than at the bottom’ … ‘Levantase estos hornos a perpendículo, en forma de un pilar cuadrado algo mas
largos, que anchos por lo hueco. Tienen de alto algunas una vara, otros casi dos, y otros menos … por la parte
de atrás en una ventanilla … el alchrebiz en que han de estar los cañones del fuelle … otros hacen estos hornos
redondos, mas anchos de arriba que de abaxo’ ibid.
‘dos chimeneas de piedra y cal la una buena y la otra abierta por tres o quatro partes … quatro hornos de
piedra y cal con las chimeneas de adobe todas abiertas por muchas partes y apuntaladas’ in the inventory drawn
up by Pedro de Medina and Andres Pereira for an hacienda ‘de refinar y afinar’ (to smelt and refine) rented from
Doña Margarita de Cobarrubia in Fresnillo, 20 March 1608, AHEZ, Notaria-Colonia, Numero 01 (Pedro Venegas
pendiente), expediente 1, 4r.

the element of the furnace wall fitted with an orifice that allowed the bellows to pump air

through a nozzle (cañon) into these furnaces.207

Low chimney heights would leave the workers and immediate surroundings exposed

to the lead fumes issued from the furnace.208 The surviving pyramidal chimney that

characterizes the ruins of the smelting haciendas around San Luis Potosí (Figure 2-3) is not the

original from the early period but acquired its present shape and height following the mining

laws of the eighteenth century.209 By the nineteenth century ‘ordinarily two of these furnaces

are placed one beside the other, under the same pyramidal chimney without a roof on its top’.210

The only example I found of two standing chimneys (Figure 2-4) was in the ruins of the

Hacienda de Aranzazu situated in Guadalcazar, a historical mining and refining district some

100 km north-east from the town of San Luis Potosí.211 The ruins of this hacienda have not yet

been analysed or reconstructed from an architectural standpoint. The castillian furnaces

This would have been the most critical part of the furnace, judging from the manner in which the weight of the
alcribis is singled out in the rental agreement between Fraga Gorbaran and Rodrigo de Aldana, in which it is
stated that the new alcribis that weighs 37 lbs must be returned at the end of the rental period. AHSLP, Fondo
Alcaldía Mayor,1631.3, expediente 38, 27 December 1631. In a similar vein the cost of three sets of bellows (at
70 pesos each) and the set of an alcribis said to weigh 48 lbs and a nozzle of 13 lbs costing together 60 pesos are
among the few fixed costs listed by Juan Lopez de la Madriz in his book of accounts, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía
Mayor 1650.3, expediente 8. The importance given to the weight of the alcribis in both documents is noteworthy.
The chimneys of these early furnaces were sometimes raised in height not because of the fumes but to capture
any silver entrained in the flue gas. Barba, Arte de los metales, 167. Barba’s dimensions and the height of the
extant pyramidal chimneys measured in Monte Caldera and Guadalcazar are significantly lower than Bakewell’s
account of a mining edict implemented by Vice-Roy Toledo in 1574 in Peru whereby lead smelting had to be
carried out an enclosed building with chimneys some 7 meters tall (4 estados). Bakewell, Miners of the Red
Mountain, 150.
Prof. Gonzalez Salazar, private communication. Hermosa describes a ‘German furnace’ in the nineteenth
century with a height of 6 varas, under 5 m, which is more in line with extant chimney heights. Hermosa, Manual
de Laboreo de Minas, 254-255.
‘ordinairement deux de ces fourneaux sont places a cote l’un de l’autre , sous une même pyramide sans toiture
dans le haut’ in Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 70. There is an illustration of the side by side arrangement
of furnaces under a common chimney in the paper on silver smelting by Václav Vaněk and Dalibor Velebil, "Staré
hutnictví stříbra," in Stříbrná Jihlava 2007. Studie k dějinám hornictví a důlních prací (Jihlava: Archaia Brno /
Muzeum Vysočiny Jihlava, 2007). The illustration can be accessed via
I visited Guadalcazar at the urging from the Director of the Archivo Histórico San Luis Potosí, Dr. Rafael
Morales Bocardo. In Guadalcazar I was led to the ruins of the Hacienda de Aranzazu by Doña Maria Esther, who
is also in charge of the colonial museum of the church. For further general information on the area see Alejandro
Galvan Arellano, Arquitectura y urbanismo de la ciudad de San Luis Potosí en el siglo XVII (San Luis Potosí:
Editorial Universitaria Potosina, 1999), 70.

described in eighteenth and nineteenth-century texts correspond to more elaborate affairs than

Barba’s ‘horno Castellano’.212 By the nineteenth century, blast furnaces were installed in

Mexican smelting haciendas, with the blast of air driven either by water or steam engines.

These furnaces required top-loading of the smelting charge, via an opening to the furnace

situated at an upper floor to the level of the furnace hearth, as indicated in Figure 2-5. 213

Figure 2-3. Exterior of smelting furnace at the ruins of the Hacienda Santa María in Monte
Caldera. The arched port would have been used to feed ore or fuel to the furnace.

For example, in de Sarria, Ensayo de metalurgia, 109-110.; Garcés y Eguía, Nueva teórica del beneficio de
plata, 67-68.; Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 69.; Pique, A Practical Treatise on Silver, 67-69.; Phillips,
Metallurgy Silver, 477.
Robert H. Lamborn, The Metallurgy of Silver and Lead : A Description of the Ores; their Assay and Treatment,
and Valuable Constituents (London: C. Lockwood, 1878), 125.

a b

furnaces grasas


69 m

d e

Figure 2-4. Ruins of the Hacienda de Aranzazu in Guadalcazar. a) front view showing
archways under two smelting furnace chimneys, height around 7 m b) back view of chimneys,
showing possible aperture for drive shaft of bellows c) section of hacienda wall d) fields of
grasas e) image from Google Earth © 2014 DigitalGlobe, 22°37’21” N 100°24’9” W.

Photographs of these furnaces as installed at the Hacienda de Regla, near Pachuca, are provided

in Chapter 4.

Because a smelting furnace required a set of adjacent bellows, its architectural footprint

required an additional area contiguous to the furnace to fit both the bellows, the mules turning

round in a circle, or a waterwheel fed by hydraulic power. Thus for example: ‘there are two

joined mules that move the wheel of said ingenio [machinery] that makes the blast provided by

load floor

not to scale

~5 m

Furnace front
facing north at Regla

exact type of hearth unknown

Figure 2-5. Section of a blast furnace as found at Regla. Adapted from footnote 213.

a set of bellows that are placed on the side of one of two furnaces that are found in this

hacienda’.214 In the nineteenth century the description had hardly changed : ‘the blast of air is

given by two bellows … one mule for each furnace’.215 The space required by this additional

area shared by up to a pair of furnaces, where the effective power to drive the bellows was

generated, is not always possible to identify in the reconstruction of smelting haciendas.

‘estan dos bestias mulares uncidas que mueven la rueda de dicho ingenio y hacen dar soplo a una parada de
fuelles que están puestos hacia la parte de un horno de dos que hay en esta hacienda’ from the report of 1593
written by Juan Lopez de Riego on the smelting hacienda of Captain Miguel Caldera, as cited in Galvan Arellano,
Arquitectura de San Luis Potosí, 60-61.
‘le vent est donne par deux soufflets … une mule pour chaque fourneau’ in Duport, Métaux précieux au
Mexique, 70.

Cupellation of the silver-enriched lead bars (barras in Spanish texts, or ‘pigs’ in the

English literature) usually took place in a separate reverberatory oven, where heating is by

indirect reflection from a curved roof and the ore is not in direct contact with the carbon fuel.216

The whole set, furnace and prepared bed, is named a vazo, baso or vaso (literally a vessel, a

tumbler) in the legal documents of San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas.217 A single vaso could serve

to refine the enriched lead bars from up to four smelting furnaces.218

Because of the attrition of the processes on these structures it is not usual to find whole

vasos from the first two centuries of refining activity. In the ruins of Hacienda Number 2 (HMC

2) in Monte Caldera are two caved-in depressions in the shape of bowls connected via a tubular

structure (Figure 2-6). A complete archeological study would be required to establish if these

are the remains of a vaso from the original smelting hacienda.

d) The fields of grasas: the smelting furnaces produced a solid waste that was dumped close to

the refining hacienda. Historically, smelting refineries have had no compunction about soiling

their own nests, and major slag heaps still abound around the husks of smelting haciendas in

San Luis Potosí, giving the landscape the desolate look and crunchy step of an old lava field

(Figure 2-7).219

The low domed roof of these ovens reflects the heat from the wood fire onto a separate chamber where the
material to be heated is placed. For details of early sixteenth century reverberatory ovens used in the New World
see Barba, Arte de los metales, 136-38.; for later periods there are more sources, for example Phillips, Metallurgy
Silver, 449.
By the nineteenth century they are still called vasos: ‘le vaso ou fourneau du coupelle’, the biggest with of 1.2
and 1.4 m, and a depth of 15 cm; these ovens do not have an enclosed vent to the roof. Duport, Métaux précieux
au Mexique, 70-72.
The concentration of silver in the lead bars refined in the vaso is said to be between 8 and 10%. Pique, A
Practical Treatise on Silver, 59.; Phillips, Metallurgy Silver, 488. This explains why these enriched bars were
stolen from haciendas, as in the claim by Rodrigo de Noriega against Juan Rodríguez for allowing two indigenous
workers to refine three stolen bars of lead using his set of bellows. AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1650.3,
expediente 1, 13 June 1650.
The heaps of slag at Laurion in Greece were of the order of several million tons, of which 1.5 million inland
and the same dumped into the sea. Hans-Gert Bachmann, "Archäometallurgische Untersuchungen zur antiken
Silbergewinnung in Laurion. II. Charakterisierung von Bleiverhüttungsschlacken aus Laurion=

a b

c d

Figure 2-6. a) Ruins of smelting hacienda HMC2, with chimney b) alquibris (tuyere) c) one
of two bowl-shaped depressions with caved-in roof, connected via the tubular section observed
in d).

The lead-rich slag from smelters are termed grasas (literally ‘greases’) in Spanish texts of the

period.220 Other solid waste products are called granzas and mazamorras (discarded broken-

down ore with very low silver content) or lamas (fine waste from washing the ores during

Archaeometallurgical Investigation on Ancient Silver Smelting at Laurion. II. Characterisation of Lead Smelting
Slags from Laurion," Erzmetall 35, no. 5 (1982): 246.
I have not found an etymology for this use of the word ‘grasas’. A clue may lie in the description by Barba of
molten slag from lead ores: ‘when the slag is well melted, and liquid like oil’-‘quando la escoria esta muy
derretida, y liquida como azeyte’. The visual similarity to oil from grease may have led to the word ‘grasas’.
Barba, Arte de los metales, 152.

dressing).221 None of these solid wastes were considered truly final and worthless products,

and the sale contracts for smelting haciendas carried a stock phrase along the lines of explicitly

including ‘grasas granzas lamas mazamorras y desechaderos’ among the tangible assets of the

hacienda being sold.222. Furthermore, idle land that was suspected of containing waste from

previous refining activity was sought after and dug up to recover these potential sources of

recoverable traces of silver and lead.223

a) b)

Figure 2-7. Mounds of grasas in Monte Caldera a) Hacienda Santa Maria, chimney of
Figure 2-3 in the background b) Hacienda HMC2.

Ricardo N. Alonso, Diccionario Minero. Glosario de voces utilizadas por los mineros de Iberoamérica
(Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1995).
Contract for sale of smelting hacienda by Juan Dominguez de Sequera to Cristobal del Castillo in Monte
Caldera, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1653.1, expediente 8, 14 March 1653; by Nicolas de Peralta Pimentel to
Cristobal Zapata, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1667.3, expediente 6, 18 July 1667; by Pedro de la Perna to
Captain Juan Manuel Rendon, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor, 1696.3, 6 November 1696.
Request by Juan Lopez de Meza to dig up a site previously occupied by a smelting hacienda near the Convent
of San Agustin in San Luis Potosí in order to process its content of grasas and other solid waste. AHSLP, Fondo
Alcaldía Mayor 1672.1, 10 February 1672.

2.5 The architecture of smelting in New Spain

The region around the town of San Luis Potosí epitomizes the use of smelting to refine

silver ores in New Spain, so its haciendas are a prime example of the physical structure of this

genre. In the historical legal documents, these haciendas are not characterized by their

nameplate production capacity, expressed as their capacity to handle a certain throughput of

ore per month or year. Rather they are described by the number of smelting furnaces (ornos or

hornos) and cupelling furnaces (vasos) they possessed, which would indicate that furnace size

was uniform and their capacity so well known it did not merit a special mention in the legal

documents pertaining to the sale or rent of these haciendas. A non-exhaustive survey of textual

sources points to a range of smelting furnaces per hacienda between one and sixteen, while

the number of cupelling furnaces is in general just the one, very rarely two.224 The only textual

clue as to the capacity of these smelting furnaces is found in a document dated 1620 which

states that a total of 22 smelting haciendas produced in a year 150,000 marks of silver from

100 furnaces.225 If the size of these furnaces is as standard as I have assumed, on average one

smelting furnace could produce at least 1,500 marks of silver (345 kg) per year. The data can

also be interpreted to mean that an average smelting hacienda had between 4 to 5 furnaces, and

produced in that period approximately 1.5 tons of silver per year.

There is an account book of smelting operations in the Valle de Pozos (see Figure 2-14

below) that gives credence to this average. It dates from a later period, 1660 to 1661, and was

Sale by Juan Dominguez de Sequera to Cristobal del Castillo of an hacienda in Monte Caldera with one
smelting furnace, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1653.1, expediente 8, 14 March 1653; sale by Nicolas Peralta
de Pimentel to Cristobal Zapata of an hacienda within the town of San Luis Potosí with two smelting furnaces,
AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1667.3, expediente 6, 18 July 1667; rental by Mathias Pardo to Sanchez and
Rodriguez of an hacienda with four smelting furnaces in the valley of Pozos, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor
1629.3, expediente 24, 31 March 1629; the Hacienda de Briones in Monte Caldera is reported as having eight
smelting furnaces in 1628, and up to sixteen furnaces have been reported according to Salazar González, Las
haciendas de San Luis Potosí, 90, 97.
Ibid., 24, 80.

presented as evidence for the state of business dealings (‘trato’) between Juan Lopez de la

Madriz and the deceased Miguel de Santibañez. As such it is not an account book based on

operational data, but a set of prepared accounts of expenditures and revenues from sales of

silver and gold produced between May 1660 and December 1661 that are presented in defence

of its author, de la Madriz. The entries cannot be used to establish an operational cost of

production, since they deal mainly with payments made to individuals over this time period.

The account book however includes a series of entries at the end that detail the amount of silver

and gold produced. The pages are still stitched together within their original leather bindings,

and the folio numbers are consecutive, but there is no guarantee that it reproduces all the

production data for the period covered. The aggregate amount of silver reported from May to

November 1660 was approximately 500 kg, which prorated to the whole year corresponds to

approximately 860 kg, ignoring production fluctuations according to the season. A similar

aggregate amount (approximately 880 kg) is reported for the whole year of 1661. If these

records correspond to the production of a single hacienda, a fact that cannot be established

from the documents, then in both years the maximum monthly production was approximately

150 kg of silver, within the range (20% above) of the yearly average of 1.5 tons calculated for

1620. The other finding of note to come out of this account book is the role played by the

revenues from gold refined from these silver ores. In 1660 and 1661 gold contributed around

25 to 30% of the total revenues reported by its author, Lopez de la Madriz.226 Thus the presence

of gold would have played a major role in meeting the production costs of smelting.

The whole state of San Luis Potosí has at present 36 ruins of refining haciendas that

correspond to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, all either in an advanced state of decay

AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1650.3, expediente 8, selected accounts of the years 1660 and 1661. For the
detailed calculation see Appendix A.

or with substantial changes to their original architecture. Galvan Arellano commenced and

Salazar Gonzalez has continued in greater detail and scope the architectural study and

reconstruction of some of these haciendas.227 Without a detailed knowledge of the spatial size

and distribution of the production elements within a smelting hacienda it is impossible to

determine the spread of the environmental impact around each smelting location. An estimate

of the architectural footprint, and of the area outside the boundaries of the hacienda proper that

can be deemed industrial and thus off-limits to agricultural activities or to dwellings is also

required. Finally, the local wind patterns and proximity to waterways that can extend the

geographical area impacted by the production process also has to be established for each

refining unit. This is a very detailed agenda for every refining district and in this section I will

only carry out an approximate exercise for a few examples in the area of Monte Caldera.

The area occupied by a smelting hacienda is an important factor, since a large area

would tend to contain within its boundaries a larger share of the wind-borne lead from low

furnace chimneys, thus attenuating its impact on neighbouring habitations. A document from

1772 details the sale of a smelting hacienda in Monte Caldera between Cristobal Pardo and

Juan Nieto for 640 pesos, with a dimension of ‘140 varas de oriente a poniente, 85 varas de

norte a sur’, approximately 110 m east to west by 70 m north to south, for an area of 7,700 m2.

It included a small reservoir (‘tanquesito’) to collect water in the rainy season.228 An idea of

the balance between functional areas and waste areas can be gained from modern satellite

images. Figure 2-8 shows satellite images of the area around the village of Monte Caldera, and

the location of ruins of smelting haciendas. The approximate area for the Hacienda HMC1 is

Galvan Arellano, Arquitectura de San Luis Potosí, 211-13, 271-72.; Salazar González, Las haciendas de San
Luis Potosí, 83-119, 428-34. Due to the generous arrangements provided by Prof. Salazar I was able to visit four
of the eight haciendas that according to Galvan existed in Monte Caldera. Galvan Arellano, Arquitectura de San
Luis Potosí, 56.
AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1772.2 expediente 18, 7 November 1772.

3,000 m2, of which approximately 2,000 m2 are taken up by the waste grasas. In the case of the

Hacienda Santa María, approximately 3,500 m2 correspond to operational areas including the

water reservoir, and approximately the same area for the grasas. In each of these satellite

images the area occupied by the waste grasas either matches or surpasses the extant footprint

of the historical hacienda, thus doubling the size of the industrial plot required overall for silver

production.229 The environmental implications are important, since these wastelands of grasas

inadvertently helped to isolate the hacienda from agricultural or cattle grazing activities and

from human dwellings, and by desolating their stretch of land they acted as a sink of further

chemical depositions issued from the smelting chimneys.230

Some of the smelting haciendas of the state of San Luis Potosí were set up within

town limits.231 It would not have been possible for each smelting hacienda within the town to

have occupied a space or to have spread its mineral waste in the same manner as in the

countryside, but I have no information on sizes, areas or how grasas were legislated by the

town authorities. Mounds of grasas from previous or existing smelting haciendas inside the

city were considered to be sufficiently part of the urban landscape that they merited being

included in a map of San Luis Potosí from as late as 1789 (Figure 2-9). When the streets of

present day San Luis Potosí are dug up for major road works or to lay pipes, workers come

across an underground layer of grasas, as if a historic volcano had at one time covered the area

in ash.232

Satellite images do not necessarily show the whole extent of the hacienda or the grasas, the former due to a
blurring of physical perimeter walls with time, the latter due to cover from trees or displacement with time by
agricultural land, disposal as gravel to line tracks in the countryside around Monte Caldera, or even by the stream
when in flow. Even with these limitations the images are a useful tool to appreciate the relative dimensions of
each area.
The large area taken up by grasas and other solid wastes is another reason to include them in sale contracts
that involved the ownership of land.
For the location of haciendas in the region close to the city see Salazar González, Las haciendas de San Luis
Potosí, 396.
Personal communication from Dr. Rafael Morales Bocardo.


La Luz

Church and
main square

38 m MARIA

131 m

Figure 2-8. The solid white lines encapsulate the minimum area that can be clearly
identified with each smelting hacienda, the dotted line the minimum area of the extant dumps
of grasas. All satellite images from Google Earth © 2014 DigitalGlobe. The Hacienda Santa
María lies at 22°12’10” N 100°44’27” W, and the Hacienda HMC1 at 22°12’31” N

Figure 2-9. Copy (1986) drawn by Carlos Morán de la Rosa of the original map by Captain
Manuel Pascal de Burgoa, 1794, showing the division of the city of San Luis Potosí into barrios
(quarters) by the Viceroy Marques de Branciforte. Digital copy courtesy of AHSLP, Colección
Mapas y Planos.

It would be useful if either the historical sale price or the rent of these haciendas

were a guide to their refining capacity, and thus their size. However the data are not conclusive,

since the assets sold or rented do not only comprise furnaces but at times mines, charcoal

making facilities (carboneras), slaves, indigenous work squads, livestock and mounds of solids

of varying magnitude. The limited evidence for now points to the year of the sale, rather than

the number of furnaces or other assets, that determines the market value of the hacienda. This

would be consistent with a valuation based on expected future cash-flows rather than on the

cost of construction. Thus an hacienda with four smelting furnaces is to be sold for 20,000

pesos in 1628, while another with just one smelting furnace is sold for 1,700 pesos in 1653,

and another hacienda with just one furnace is sold for 700 pesos in 1667. The near halving in

price per furnace as the century advanced correlates well with a decrease in the silver refining

activity in the area.233 I only have one reference to the actual cost of building a smelter within

an hacienda in the Valle de Bledos being rented by Juan de Sandoval in 1607. It cost 525 pesos

to build, but the cost excluded both wood and certain basic equipment (bellows and other

accessories) furnished by Sandoval. The contract calls for construction to be completed within

budget in 40 days, which reflects a simple structure. It does not state how many furnaces are

covered by the contract.234

Some, but not all, rental contracts of smelting haciendas also specify the number of

furnaces being rented, as well as a wide menu of additional services, such as workers, or access

to mines or mounds of grasas, which in turn determine a range in rents between 250 and 1,000

pesos per year.235 In the case of rents the correlation with the year is less evident. The most

intriguing contract is for the use of a smelting furnace at 5 pesos per day, and for mines and

two indigenous workers ‘that belong to me’ at 50 pesos/y, since it shows a significant degree

of uninhibited entrepreneurship within the private silver refining business in this region.236

Proposed sale of the hacienda of the deceased Juan Perez Basurto by Antonio de Arismendi Gogorron for the
proposed sum of twenty thousand pesos, photocopy of original document dated 30 May 1628, folio 52 r, AHSLP,
Colección Miguel Iwadare; sale by Juan Dominguez de Sequera to Cristobal del Castillo of an hacienda with one
smelting and one refining furnace in Monte Caldera for 1,700 pesos, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1653.1,
expediente 8, 14 March 1653; sale by Nicolas de Peralta Pimentel to Cristobal Zapata of an hacienda behind the
convent of St. Francis in the town of San Luis Potosí with one smelting and one refining furnace for 700 pesos,
AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1667.3, expediente 6, 18 July 1667.
The builder, Juan de Vargas, is asking for the pending amount of 232 ‘pesos de oro común’ that have not yet
been paid since Sandoval is not satisfied with the work carried out. AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor, 1607,
expediente 1, 9 October 1604 and 24 April 1608.
Two refining haciendas, furnaces not given, and their mounds of grasas, at 500 pesos/y each, between
Geronimo de León and Palomo y María de Mendoza. AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1627.5, expediente 27, 24
December 1627; one hacienda with four smelting furnaces at 500 pesos/y between Mathias Pardo and Sanchez
and Rodriguez (document damaged). AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1629.3, expediente 24, 31 March 1629; one
of four furnaces within a smelting hacienda, plus use of refining furnace once a month, and partial use of existing
workforce, plus supply from existing mounds of grasas, at 1,000 pesos/y between de Fraga and Rodrigo de
Aldana Chavez. AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1631.3, expediente 38, 27 December 1631; one smelting and one
refining furnace but without fuel at 250 pesos/y between Gaspar de Villanueva and Fernando de Mesa Godines.
AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1641.1, expediente 9, 25 June 1641; an hacienda with two smelting and one
refining furnace for 400 pesos/y between Geronimo Dias and Alonso de Borja. AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor
1658.1 expediente 4, 7 January 1658; an hacienda with three smelting furnaces for 750 pesos/y between Francisco
Dias del Campo y Diego Sanchez. AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1658.1, expediente 18, 18 March 1658.
Rental agreement between Francisco Dias del Campo and Hernan Vasquez, AHSLP Fondo Alcaldía Mayor
1635.5, expediente 28.

Overall these contracts show a cross-section of an active market for the outsourcing of refining

services. The level of rent in this market was the equivalent of approximately 30 to 120 marks

of silver per year, at the most some 1% of the average silver production per hacienda registered

in 1620. It is interesting that the rental contract was not tied in some manner to the total silver

produced by the renter. One strong incentive to rent must have been the provision of ores and

skilled workers more than the relatively simple infrastructure that could be built in five weeks.

Towards the end of the eighteenth century, smelting would be overshadowed by cazo

amalgamation in the refining of silver presented to the Caja (Treasury) of San Luis Potosí. The

boom in silver production shifted to the mines of Catorce in the northern part of the state, where

the nature of ore (mainly silver halides, poor in lead) made the cazo process the best refining

option.237 The difficulties faced by some smelting haciendas during this period is reflected in

the nineteen surviving weekly accounts from the Hacienda de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores,

corresponding to the year 1773. An analysis of the records that tracked the silver refined per

week indicate that on average 2.4 kg of silver were produced on a weekly basis, approximately

0.12 tons per year. This is one third of the value reported for just one furnace in 1620. If the

number of cargas of ore set down in these weekly accounts were the source of the silver refined,

the values indicate a silver content for the ore being smelted around 0.6%. The data show a

persistent operational loss in the accounts being rendered, based only on silver revenues.238

2.6 The environmental impact vectors from smelting

The smelting process presents two environmental impact vectors of special importance:

the emission of lead products and the consumption of wood for charcoal. I treat these

See Chapter 6.
Weekly accounts signed by Lorenzo Mata that cover, with major gaps, the period from 27 December 1772 to
28 November 1773, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1773.2. The details of the calculation based on the primary
data are given in Appendix A.

production variables as vectors, since they not only have a magnitude but also a directionality

that is relevant to any environmental analysis. In modern environmental impact studies the

level of emissions is determined by in situ field measurements of the chemicals being studied.

For historical estimates of chemical emissions I will use the principle of the conservation of

matter in this and the following chapters. The mass of all the chemical reagents and ore that

entered an hacienda has to equal the silver produced, any by-products sold, and the total

emission of chemicals and inert mineral matter to the environment.239 The method will provide

the quantitative ratio of each emission or amount of energy consumed per kg of silver refined.

This ratio in turn will allow me to project over a whole region the quantitative environmental

impact of each major emission or energy source simply by knowing the amount of silver

produced either by smelting or amalgamation. While the macro-impact lends itself to this

method, the local impact is location specific, and thus can only be established on a case by case


2.6.1 Lead: its nature and magnitude

In the case of lead the only sources that supply it to the smelting process are the ore

itself and / or any fresh lead compound (poor lead, greta or cendrada) that is added to

compensate for the dryness of the ore or for losses of lead during the smelting process.

Recycling of lead, greta, cendrada or the recovered accretions from the furnace walls does not

enter the gross mass balance equation. The amounts of lead that must be replenished during

the smelting process are due to four causes (Figure 2-10):

I have not come across any similar application to estimate historical environmental impacts, but cannot affirm
the method is original across all disciplines. I would argue it provides better order of magnitude estimates than to
measure modern soil concentrations of the offending chemical and then projecting back in time a quantitative
emission factor for said chemical.

1. Loss to the atmosphere of lead and its compounds, spread via the chimney flue gas

or within the area around the smelting and refining furnaces. The heating of lead or lead ores

creates was is known as a lead fume, an aerosol of particles composed mainly of lead sulphide,

lead sulphate, lead oxide, lead carbonate and metallic lead.240 The exact chemical composition

and the size distribution of the particles varies according to the temperature in the furnace, the

presence of oxygen, and the other compounds present in the furnace. This fume is so rich in

lead and lead products that in Europe it was recovered in horizontal flue traps to extract its lead

products as of the end of the eighteenth century.241

The toxicity to humans of these lead compounds varies substantially, both with

chemical nature, particle size and type of exposure (inhalation, ingestion, contact with the skin).

Because of the many combinations of factors possible, a very approximate scale of high to low

toxicity spans lead oxide, lead carbonate, small particles of lead inhaled, to the least toxic lead

sulphide.242 The toxic effects of the lead fume that constituted the accretions to the smelting

furnace walls on the workers who were assigned to dislodge them at the end of a smelting run

Pure lead melts at 328° C and its boiling point is 1750° C. Modern studies on the composition of lead aerosols
from smelting lead indicate the presence of Pb, PbS, PbSO4, PbO, PbCO3 and others. USEPA, Air Quality
Criteria for Lead EPA/600/R-5/144aF, vol. I (2006), 2_4, 2_8. Lead fumes analysed in the nineteenth century,
when furnace conditions corresponded more closely to the period of this study, conform to this profile, but the
source of the fume (ie furnace conditions and presence of other compounds) determine which specific lead
compound predominates. See examples in John Percy, The Metallurgy of Lead Including Desilverization and
Cupellation (London: J. Murray, 1870), 451-58. Why metallic lead should be present in the aerosol is not evident
due to the high boiling point of lead. Measurable volatile lead is reported from 1,200 °C, in Katsunori Homma,
"Experimental Study for Preparating Metal Fumes," Industrial Health 4, no. 3 (1966): 132. Volatile lead is
reported from approximately 1,100 °C and volatile lead oxide from 550 °C, but the presence of sulphur and
chloride will shift the lead compounds to lead sulphate and very volatile lead chlorides, in Anders Ljung and
Anders Nordin, "Theoretical Feasibility for Ecological Biomass Ash Recirculation: Chemical Equilibrium
Behavior of Nutrient Elements and Heavy Metals During Combustion," Environmental Science & Technology 31,
no. 9 (1997): 2502. This is a range of temperature that could be attained in the furnaces of the period in question.
In the discussions that follow I will refer to ‘lead and its compounds’ to encompass all the lead speciation present
in lead fumes that are produced during smelting.
Percy, Metallurgy of Lead, 434-51.
The estate of research on the toxicity of lead and its compounds is extensively covered in USEPA, Air Quality
Criteria for Lead EPA/600/R-5/144aF, vol. I,II (2006). A more accessible guide as to the approximate order of
toxicity is the early article by Lawrence T. Fairhall, "Inorganic Industrial Hazards," Physiological Reviews 25, no.
1 (1945): 184-85.

is well documented by de Gamboa in his description of the smelting of silver ores at the end of

the nineteenth century in New Spain.243 The phrase ‘lead poisoning’ or ‘lead toxicity’ has to

be taken to refer not only to the metal itself but to its many toxic compounds.

2. Loss via solid particles spread by the wind from stockpiles of ore, greta or cendrada

within the hacienda compound (fugitive lead). Again the size, chemical nature and type of

exposure of the particles would determine their toxicity. Ingested greta or cendrada (containing

lead oxide) would be the most toxic, gross particles of the ore (lead sulphide) the least. Oral

ingestion by children of the workers of this fugitive lead would be a major problem.244

3. Loss of lead contained in the solid grasas dumped alongside the haciendas. This lead

(metallic lead, lead sulphide, other lead compounds) is encased in a solid matrix, either porous

like a lava stone or glassy. Leaching of the lead into the soil would be expected under mostly

acidic conditions.245

4. Sales of poor lead and/or greta as a by-product of the process. The last group is

contingent on the manner in which each individual smelting hacienda managed its business.

Lead-poor ores would require a total recycling of any greta or poor lead to minimize the

purchase of fresh additions of lead to reach the required lead to silver ratios in the smelting

recipe. Lead-rich ores would create a surplus of greta that would be thrown away as waste or

else offered to other mining localities that were deficient in lead. In San Luis Potosí legislation

de Gamboa, Comentarios Ordenanzas de Minas, 286.
The topic is addressed for modern cases of workers acting as transport vectors for lead compounds from the
workplace to the home, or of children poisoned by ingestion of lead contaminated soil or dust, in USEPA, Air
Quality Lead, I 3_17, 3_27, 3_28.
One study of the portioning of lead in the soil of historical lead smelting sites and the mobility of lead with
decreasing pH is J. E. Maskall and I. Thornton, "Chemical Partitioning of Heavy Metals in Soils, Clays and Rocks
at Historical Lead Smelting Sites," Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 108, no. 3-4 (1998). During the visit to the ruins
of the Hacienda Santa María in Monte Caldera, one of the family members who uses the remains of the hacienda
as an animal pen remarked that when they last held a barbeque and used grasas to line the fire pit, these exploded
with the heat and some of the family fell ill afterwards. It is only one anecdotal instance, but the heating of the
slag will liberate the lead content, among other toxic substances.

was in place that regulated this export of greta, forcing potential sellers to offer it locally during

nine consecutive public offerings (pregones) at a set price before it could be sold out of the

jurisdiction.246 Penalties for contraband export set in 1678 were high: confiscation of the greta,

the cart, fines, jail for the Spaniards, and 200 lashes for any indigenous workers or African

slaves caught participating in the act.247 Overall, the fact that it is documented that greta was

offered with no takers locally, or that contraband was attempted, would confirm indirectly that

lead was not an issue for the haciendas of San Luis Potosí. As for poor lead, it will figure in

my mass balance of Chapter 4 for the case study in Pachuca, but I did not find any evidence

for a market of poor lead in San Luis Potosí. My mass balance analysis will therefore focus on

the first three groups.

To calculate the emissions of lead and its compounds into the environment per kg of

silver refined by smelting I will base my mass balance calculation on the weight of lead coming

in and out of a smelting operation, regardless of the nature of the chemical compound of lead

involved. This allows me to arrive at a mass ratio without having to know exactly the profile

of lead compounds involved for each specific furnace condition. A more detailed study on the

toxic effects of this loss of lead will require a more detailed knowledge of the speciation of

lead products issued during smelting.

Request by Antonio Maldonado Zapata to sell in Sombrerete and Guanajuato 200 quintales of greta, AHSLP,
Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1674.3, expediente 11, 31 August 1674; request by Dionissio de Rojas y Valdez to export
30 quintales of greta, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1674.4, expediente s/n, 18 September 1674; request by
Fernando de Vaca y Castro to offer locally or export 600 quintales of greta or of lead obtained therefrom, Fondo
Alcaldía Mayor 1680.2, expediente 10, 5 October 1680.
Capture of contraband of 27 cargas of greta destined for Guanajuato by Antonio Veles de la Torre, Alcalde
Ordinario of San Luis Potosí. An added incentive was the share of the proceeds from the sale of the impounded
contraband greta between the judge and the person who informs / captures the contraband. AHSLP, Fondo
Alcaldía Mayor 1686.1, expediente 11, 14 March 1686.


Lead in silver ore
Lead in new greta
Reduction Oxidation in Optional: reduction of
silver- greta or Pattinson’s
in horno enriched lead reverberatory
process to produce poor
castellano furnace lead

Recycled lead,
greta, grasas,
cendradas and

Figure 2-10. Scheme of the mass balance for lead during the smelting of silver ores. Letters
in bold indicate mass input, letters in capitals indicate mass output.

Since both lead rich and lead poor silver ores were smelted, using added greta or

recycled lead to make up any deficiency in lead, the key is to know what is the average total

lead to silver ratio in the smelting recipe. The smelting recipes that appear in the historiography

do not provide sufficient information on the lead content of the ores or the quality of the greta

to allow a calculation of this ratio. There are however direct and indirect indications of this

ratio, as set out in Table 2-I.248 The indirect values are given as proportions of lead and lead

a) Barba proposes a ratio between 2:1 and 5:2 for ores rich in silver, and for smelting silver sulphides he
recommends a ratio approaching 4:1. Barba, Arte de los metales. b) A ratio of 1.5:1, subject to the lead and silver
content of the ores. Gómez de Cervantes, Nueva España siglo XVI. c) West quotes from a 1539 document that in
Taxco (New Spain), 25 hundredweight of litharge were required to refine 75 to 126 ounces of silver. Robert West,
"Aboriginal metallurgy and metalworking in Spanish America: a brief overview," in In Quest of Mineral Wealth.
Aboriginal and Colonial Mining and Metallurgy in Spanish America. , ed. Alan Craig and Robert West,
Geoscience and Man (Baton Rouge: Geoscience Publications, 1994). d) The ratios could range from just over 1:1
to 4:1 according to J. de Oñate, Nuevas leyes de las minas de España: 1625 edición de Juan de Oñate: con tratado
de re Metalica de Juan de Oñate (Santa Fe, New Mexico: Sunstone Press, 1998). e) de Sarria, Ensayo de
metalurgia. f) Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas. g) Bruno Kerl, William Crookes, and Ernst Otto Röhrig,

containing fluxes (greta, cendrada) to the amount of ore, without providing the total lead

content of the flux or the silver content of the ore. Thus the values in italic in the table have

been calculated based on a 100% content of lead in the flux and a 2% content of silver in the

ore. The former is an approximation,

weight lead per

location source
unit weight silver

100 to 200 New Spain, 16c a, 152-161

> 75 New Spain, 16c b, 158-159
250-450 New Spain, 16c c, 127

50 to 200 New Spain, 17c d, 81-85

200 New Spain, 18c e, 105

100 New Spain, 19c f, 254

200 to 300 Halsbrucke, 19c g, 219
100 to 1 Utah, 19c h, 355

Table 2-I. Published weight ratios of lead to silver used in the smelting of silver ores. Sources
are given in footnote 248.

based on the fact that greta with an 82% content of lead would have been the main substitute

to pure lead in the recipe. The latter assumption is based on data presented in Chapter 4. They

fall within the same order of magnitude, 100 to 300, and apply on both sides of the Atlantic.

A Practical Treatise on Metallurgy Adapted from the Last German Edition of Prof. Kerl's Metallurgy (London:
Longmans, Green, and Co., 1868). h) smelted ore had a silver content of 0.16% and a lead content of 16%, in
Eissler, The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead. Garcés y Eguía states that he uses one quintal of greta for every
six marks of silver in an ore, but he does not provide the lead content of the ore. Garcés y Eguía, Nueva teórica
del beneficio de plata. There are other higher published ratios but they correspond to recipes for assaying small
quantities of ore by smelting.

There is an operational record dated 1718 that provides confirmation of the ranges

reported in Table 2-I. It forms part of a bundle of accounts rendered by Andres de Soliz related

to his management of a ‘fuelle’ (a bellows) in Veta Grande (Zacatecas), ‘en que me ocupó de

mayordomo en un fuelle que tenía en Beta Grande’, belonging to Captain Don Salvador de

Inostrosa.249 ‘Fuelle’ in this context is a smelting furnace situated close to the minehead. The

specific account that is of interest is signed by Marcos Alcay and begins with an invocation to

‘Jesus, María y Joseph’, followed by the title: ‘Book of charges and discharges of lead and ore

that were received in this smelter of captain Don Salvador de Inostrosa … August 16 1718

year’. It contains a record of individual smelting runs carried out from August 16 to September

15 in the year 1718, registering the amount of lead added to a specified quantity of silver ore,

and the total amount of silver obtained from the operation.250 I have included in Table 2-II the

information provided in the document, except for two runs where the data are not clear, and

my calculations of the minimum silver content of the ore being smelted, and the resulting lead

to silver weight ratio for each run. The results show that the richer silver ores required less lead

for smelting, and that a ratio of 100 to 1 can represent the operational range of the lead to silver

weight ratio used to smelt silver ores with approximately 2% silver content.

AHEZ, Serie Civil C15-E08.
‘Libro de cargo y descargo del plomo y metal que resivo en este fuelle del capitán Don Salbador de Inostrosa,
Agosto 16 de 1718 años’, AHEZ, Serie Civil C15-E08, 13r, 17 r,v.

lead added ore silver smelted silver in ore lead to silver

year 1718
quintales arrobas quintales arrobas marks oz % minimum ratio
8 2 4 2 9 2 1.03% 184
16 August
2 3 5 4 3 1.75% 126
21 August 5 1 3 8 1.33% 131
2 3 0 6 10 3.33% 55
2 2 6 7 3 2.46% 68
26 August
3 3 9 4 0.89% 188
2 1 5 3 1.20% 150
01 September 5 2 3 1 10 2 1.58% 107
7 1 4 19 2.38% 76
05 September
5 9 19 4.22% 53
15 September 8 4 1 14 2 1.68% 112
19 September 4 2 1 3 4 0.78% 229

Table 2-II. Range of lead to silver weight ratios from individual smelting runs carried out
in the region of Veta Grande, Zacatecas, in 1718. The source data are from footnote 250.

With respect to the losses of lead, they have been reported either as total losses, losses

in slags or losses as lead and lead compounds to the atmosphere. Table 2-III sets out the range

of published values.251 According to Biringuccio it was preferable to lose a certain amount of

lead through losses to the atmosphere as lead fume in the last step of cupellation rather than to

lose silver entrained during the removal of the last traces of litharge.252 The sources derive their

values from European lead smelters where there was an economic incentive to avoid as much

as possible losses of lead. Thus these values are minimum values, since this incentive did not

a) Ian Blanchard, "Technical Implications of the Transition from Silver to Lead Smelting in Twelfth Century
Britain," in Boles and Smeltmills Seminar, ed. Lynn Willies and David Cranstone (Reeth, Yorkshire: Historical
Society, Ltd., 1992). b) Michael C. Gill, "Analysis of Lead Slags,"ibid. c) Jerome O. Nriagu, "Tales Told in
Lead," Science 281, no. 5383 (1998). d) Eissler, The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead. e) Lynn Willies,
"Derbyshire Lead Smelting in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries," Bulletin of the Peak District Mines
Historical Society 11(1990). f) Pique, A Practical Treatise on Silver. g) Phillips, Metallurgy Silver. h) Rivot,
Description des gites métallifères. i) Danuta Molenda, "La metallurgie du plomb en Pologne au moyen age et aux
XVIe - XVIIIe siecles. ," in Mines et métallurgie ed. Paul Benoit, Les chemins de la recherche (Villeurbanne:
Programme Rhône-Alpes recherches en sciences humaines, 1994).
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 165.

total as slag in lead fume process source

12 lead smelting 14c a, 10

6 5.4 lead smelting 19c

one to four, ratio of loss as slag to slag in castillian furnace b, 53

volatile lead 19c

10 to 25 cuppellation, early
c, 1623
2 to 5 cuppellation, 19c

Nevada mid 19c silver

up to 40 d, vii

5 to 20 other smelting furnaces

75 Spanish slag hearth e, 13

over 10 other smelting furnaces

silver ores with one step

7 f, 59

14 cupellation 19c g, 488

17 5 12 blast furnace19c g, 480

10 6 to 10 cupellation, 19c h, 187

cupellation Poland, 13 -
30 i, 53

Table 2-III. Range of percentage values for lead losses during smelting of lead ores. Sources
in footnote 251.

necessarily apply to silver refiners in New Spain, where in some localities the lead content in

the ore would have sufficed to smelt without added greta, and thus any greta produced would

have had to be disposed of or sold. At the limit, even a total loss of lead during refining could

have been accommodated without impacting the silver refining profit. 253 I will therefore

assume as a conservative scenario that 5 to 10 % of the total lead mass input was lost as lead

and lead compounds to the atmosphere in both heating stages of the smelting process.254

This implies as a minimum a range of 5 to 10 kg of lead and lead compounds issued to

the atmosphere per kg of silver refined. With respect to the lead content that remained trapped

by the mounds of grasas around each smelting hacienda, Table 2-IV summarizes what has

been measured at silver smelting sites from various historical periods.255 The lead content of

two samples taken from the surface of the mounds of grasas that line the southwest side of the

Hacienda Santa María in Monte Caldera was measured, and gave the results shown in Table

2-V.256 The values for lead fall within the expected average range for an efficient smelting

A similar assumption has been applied to other historical silver smelting sites: ‘the principal objective of most
ancient smelting operations seems to have been the recovery of silver from argentiferous lead minerals and not
the production of lead metal. Under such circumstances significant lead losses are unlikely to have been
considered disadvantageous’. Paul Budd et al., "The Possible Fractionation of Lead Isotopes in Ancient
Metallurgical Processes," Archaeometry 37, no. 1 (1995): 148.
This analysis concurs with the conclusions reached by Collins in his textbook that : ‘there are very few figures
obtainable on this point [loss of lead fume during smelting of silver rich ores]. The average loss of lead … on the
whole refining process is supposed to vary between 3 and 8 per cent, by far the largest part of which is in the
cupellation’. Collins, Metallurgy of Lead & Silver, Vol. I, 347. In the early centuries I would expect the loss in
New Spain to have been substantially higher. For example, in the nineteenth century a “Spanish slag hearth’ was
introduced in England to smelt lead ores. The diagram of this furnace and dimensions are similar to that of an
horno castellano. Up to 75% of lead was lost when using this furnace, according to Willies, "Derbyshire Lead
Smelting," 13. A report dated 1802 on smelting tests carried out at Catorce (reproduced in full in Appendix C)
lists a total loss of 18 arrobas (207 kg) of ‘perdida de liga’, loss of added lead flux, incurred in refining 7.5 marks
(1.7 kg) of silver. This is a ratio of over 100 to 1, of which according to the working assumption of this section 5
to 10% was lost as lead and lead compounds to the atmosphere and over 90% was lost mainly as slag.
a) Gill, "Analysis of Lead Slags." b) John Percy, Metallurgy. The Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores.
Silver and Gold, vol. I (London: J. Murray, 1880). c) Willies, "Derbyshire Lead Smelting." d) Phillips, Metallurgy
Silver. e) I C Freestone et al., "Role of Materials Analysis in the Reconstruction of Early Metal Extraction
Technology: Zinc and Silver-Lead Smelting at Zawar, Rajasthan," Materials Research Society Symposia
Proceedings 185(1990). f) Bachmann, "Archäometallurgische Untersuchungen zur antiken Silbergewinnung in
Laurion. II. Charakterisierung von Bleiverhüttungsschlacken aus Laurion= Archaeometallurgical Investigation on
Ancient Silver Smelting at Laurion. II. Characterisation of Lead Smelting Slags from Laurion."
The analysis was carried out by a commercial laboratory (Actlabs, Ontario, Canada). Samples were first
prepared by milling and then digested with sodium peroxide. Sulphur was measured by Infrared (IR) analysis and
lead and sulphur by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). No procedural blanks were run. A certified
sample was run by Actlabs for every analytical procedure used. The results of the certified samples indicate that
lead values are within 5.5%, sulphur within 2.5% and arsenic within 1%. A third sample was measured by Prof.
Salazar González and gave 3.35% lead (personal communication), method unknown. Electron microscopy of
sections of these samples show the presence of galena particles within the matrix of the fused slag (courtesy of
Prof. Raynald Gauvin and Mr. Nicholas Brodusch of the Department of Materials Engineering of McGill

operation, if no leaching has taken place over the centuries. Arsenic levels are high, just

approximately 30 to 40 times less on average than the lead content.257 Two samples taken from

the surface of the mounds, thus from the most recent historical period, are not statistically

significant, and the analysis was undertaken solely as an initial probe into the probable

chemical make-up of the slags. Even with these limitations in mind, the limited results

definitely point to the need to carry out a formal study with historically relevant sampling areas

and sample sizes, together with the required chemical analysis and leaching measurements to

determine their long-term effect on the groundwater. During smelting arsenic would have been

average lead in
range (%) location source
slag (%)

3 0.15 to 11 England, 19c a, 53

8 to 25 general b, 280
10 to 12.5 c, 10
England, 19c
2 to 8 c, 12
most favourable
2 conditions silver d, 478
smelting 19c
India, first
4 to 13 e, 619
15 9 to 25 Laurion, antiquity f, 248

Table 2-IV. Lead content in slags from different smelting sites and periods. Sources in
footnote 255.

1% is equivalent to 10,000 ppm.

another toxic element present in the lead fume, though primary sources even up to the

nineteenth century do not provide much guidance in this regard. The limited measurements of

Table 2-V indicate that lead is not the only toxic element present in these mounds of waste.258

Though arsenic will not figure in the subsequent discussion in this work on the environmental

impact of historical silver refining, it has already received attention in current research in


Lead Arsenic Sulphur

(%) ( ppm) (%)
1 2.67 832 0.8
2 4.27 964 0.55

Table 2-V. Lead, arsenic and sulphur content of two samples of grasas from Monte

Sulphur levels are inconclusive, since in sample 1 they would be consistent with high

levels of galena, which was identified via electron microscopy, while in sample 2 they are much

lower than expected if all the lead was in the form of galena.260

I would like to thank Prof. Pamela Welbourne for arranging a presentation on my on-going research at Queen’s
University, Ontario, where the presence of arsenic in silver ores was brought to my attention by Dr. Geme Olivo.
See for example Yolanda Jasso-Pineda et al., "An Integrated Health Risk Assessment Approach to the Study
of Mining Sites Contaminated With Arsenic and Lead," Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management
3, no. 3 (2007).
Electron microscopy of sections of these samples show the presence of galena particles within the matrix of
the fused slag. Particles of fused lead sulphide are said to indicate lower furnace temperatures, but the results
obtained for these samples is too limited in scope at present to attempt to recreate the smelting conditions that
gave rise to them. See Gill, "Analysis of Lead Slags," 51.

Table 2-VI is an estimate of the magnitude of lead losses from an average smelting

hacienda fitted with four smelting furnaces (hornos castellanos) and refining an ore with an

average of 2% silver. The ratios are those derived in the previous sections, and I further assume

smelting furnaces 4
silver per furnace 345
total 1,380
incoming ore at 2% 69,000
solid waste generated 67,600
lead + compounds to kg/y
6,900 to 13,800
weight of slag 67,600
3% lead in slag 2,000
fugitive lead unknown

Table 2-VI. Assumptions applied to the mineral and lead mass balance for the Hacienda
Santa Maria, Monte Caldera. For details and sources see text.

that all the non-silver solids in the incoming ore is incorporated into the waste slag. 261 Losses

via fugitive lead are impossible to estimate, so I acknowledge them in the table but cannot

quantify them. Fugitive losses would be located all around the soil and walls of the hacienda

compound, and would also include lead taken out of the compound entrained on the skin and

clothes of workers and their families, or on pack animals.262 The outstanding figure is that for

‘slag consisted of … unburnt ore, partially oxidized or reduced ore, gangue (non-metallic materials), and
metallic lead’ in Willies, "Derbyshire Lead Smelting," 2.
Modern environmental impact assessments around lead smelting facilities have concluded that ‘fugitive
emissions, or those from non-point sources, such as transportation routes and smelter floors, are major sources of
particulate matter, even exceeding stack emissions, but only within the smelter confines’. Measurements at a
modern smelter site in Trail, British Columbia, Canada, show that from 41% to 87% of total lead losses are
attributable to secondary sources. Fariborz Goodarzi et al., "Sources of Lead and Zinc Associated with Metal

losses of lead and lead compounds to the atmosphere, with a minimum range from

approximately 7 to 14 tons of lead per year from an average sized smelting hacienda.

2.6.2 Lead: its directionality

In 1761 a refiner by the name of Manuel Correa started digging the foundations for a

new smelting hacienda in the Real de Pánuco, Zacatecas. In what might be one of the shortest

colonial civil suits on record in New Spain (it was initiated on the 28th March and an agreement

reached between the parties on the 8th of April 1761) a group of townspeople objected to the

new hacienda on the grounds of the toxicity of its smoke and its effect on the neighbours and

nearby church.263 The wording of the complaint and of the defence made by Correa are worth

quoting extensively since they make very clear that for the communities the most evident

environmental impact of a smelting hacienda was through the smoke of its smelting operation:

‘Juan Estevan y Francisco Messa and all the other residents of the Real de Panuco … that were
named in the previous writ … [on] the opposition to the construction of an Hacienda for
extracting silver by fire in the proximity of said Real by Manuel Correa … since with its smoke
… it will add to the imminent damage to all the neighborhood, since not a single expert in
Medicine exists that does not disapprove of the noxious, diffuse and extended turbulence of
the air over the Real of the pestiferous smoke from diverse ores, and ingredients, that will be
poison to the health of the inhabitants … no smelting haciendas are found in centres of
population knowing that … it [the smoke] harms so that it kills all the animals it comes

Smelting Activities in the Trail Area, British Columbia, Canada " Journal of Environmental Monitoring 4, no. 3
(2002): 403. However, I have no way of quantifying historical fugitive losses, since the modern percentage figures
from Trail cannot be extrapolated to colonial smelting haciendas. The modern smelter at Trail fitted with a 100 m
chimney stack and filters to maintain a low level of lead in the flue gas increases the relative importance of fugitive
emissions as a percentage of the total losses of lead. In historical smelting haciendas, with a much higher expected
amount of lead in the flue gas since no attempt was made to recover or contain the flume, the relative percentage
of the fugitive emission to total emissions would be substantially lower.
An earlier but similar case of complaint against the construction of a smelting hacienda has been documented
in Bernd Hausberger, "Una iniciativa ecológica contra la industria minera en Chihuahua (1732)," Estudios de
Historia Novohispana 13, no. 13 (1992). It is interesting that in both cases the parish priest took the side of the
smelter being questioned.
‘Juan Estevan y Francisco Messa, y todos los demás vecinos del Real de Panuco … que se nombraron en el
anterior escrito … [de] la oposición a que se construya Hazienda de sacar plata por fuego próxima a dicho Real
por Manuel Correa … pues con sus humos … se agregara el daño inminente a todo el vecindario, pues no abra
perito en Medicina que no desapruebe la nosiva turbulencia difusa, y estendida por los aires sobre el Real de los
humos pestíferos de diversos metales, e ingredientes, que serán veneno de la salud de los moradores … no se

Even the irony in the argument put forward by Correa to defend his decision to build

the smelting hacienda is built on the toxic nature of the smoke:

‘Unhappy would be the city of Zacatecas if it consented that in its centre be built similar
haciendas, that all would live either sick, or bothered by their smoke: but what am I saying?
Can my adversaries deny, that they have right in the middle of the city four haciendas
surrounded by many houses?265

In the concluding writ, where Correa desists from his intentions to build the hacienda

after agreeing that both parties should share the costs of the litigation, the negative view on the

nature of the smoke is repeated: ‘ because of the harm to the neighborhood of said Real from

the sulphurous particles in the smoke from said ores’.266

The problem with the smoke was not so much sulphur as lead, as evidenced in the levels

of lead and lead compounds issued to the air as a result of smelting silver ores presented in the

previous section. In Figure 2-11 I use the reconstruction of the Hacienda Santa María (Monte

Caldera) proposed by Salazar Gonzalez to illustrate the directionality of these loss vectors of

lead and lead compounds issued to the atmosphere.267 The first area within the compound of

high concentrations of lead in the air is the working space around and in front of the smelting

furnaces. The lead barras, or pigs, were handled in the open area in front of the furnace where

the molten lead flowed into its moulds, so there is no doubt ambient lead levels were much

descubre introducir haciendas de fuego en las poblasones sabiéndose que … perjudica de modo que es homicida
de quantos animales encuentra’ AHEZ, Serie Civil C37-005, 28 March 1761
‘Infeliz fuera la ciudad de Zacatecas si consintiera que en su centro se fabricasen semejantes haziendas que
todos vibirian , o enfermos, o fastidiados de los humos de ellas: mas que dije? Podran negarme los adversarios ,
que en su puro medio tiene esta ciudad quatro haziendas rodeadas de muchas casas?’ arguments by Manuel
Correa, 31 March 1761, AHEZ, Serie Civil C37-005.
‘por lo perjudicial que pueden ser al besindario de dicho Real las partículas asufrozas que enbuelben en si
los humos de dichos metales’, agreement to suspend litigation between the parties, 8 April 1761, AHEZ, Serie
Civil C37-005.
Salazar González, Las haciendas de San Luis Potosí, 432.

higher than any modern industrial and occupational guideline.268 The second area of high risk

to the hacienda workers was the refining furnace, graphically described in the nineteenth

century in terms that leave no doubt as to the toxicity of this space for the workforce:

‘these ovens do not have chimneys, and the smoke exits the furnace at the place where the
circumference of the cupel ends … the smoke and the lead vapours that coat the walls in lead
oxide rise in a thick column under a pyramid similar to those of a castillian furnace’269



LEAD waste,
LEAD IN in waterways

Figure 2-11. Main areas of lead deposition within and around the reconstruction of the
Hacienda Santa Maria in Monte Caldera, adapted from original drawing with permission of
Prof. Guadalupe Salazar González, footnote 267.

Whatever fraction of lead fume escaped through each chimney from the hornos and

vasos was then deposited around the surroundings of the hacienda leaving a footprint that

There is a very illustrative drawing of a blast furnace at work, showing pigs being formed in the area in front
of the furnace hearth. While part of the hearth may have been under a hood, the ambient levels of lead fumes
would have been substantial in all this work area. Mark Bowden, Furness Iron : the Physical Remains of the Iron
Industry and Related Woodland Industries of Furness and Southern Lakeland (Swindon: English Heritage, 2000),
4, 52.
‘ces fours n’ont pas de cheminées, et la fumée sort du fourneau à l’endroit où se termine la circonférence de
la coupelle, … la fumée et les vapeurs plombeuses qui tapissent les paroirs en oxyde de plomb s’élève en colonne
épaisse sous une pyramide semblable à celle des fours castillans’ in Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 71-

mirrors the shape of the wind rose at each locality. The thick column of smoke described by

Duport is well evident in the photograph in Figure 2-12 of a nineteenth century smelting

hacienda. Two smelting furnaces and possibly one refining furnace are at work, and the thick

smoke has to be pictured issuing from an horno castellano at just above the eye-level of the

workers in the early centuries of smelting in New Spain, not at over 10 m as in the photograph.

Contrary to Correa’s argument that ‘as every idiot knows, the centre of smoke are the aerial

regions’, in the period under study much of this lead rich smoke would have been closer to the

ground on which lead would ultimately deposit.270 The exact distribution of the lead deposited

between hacienda compound, immediate vicinity (i.e. over fields of grasas) and long-distance

spatial spread remains to be established. For the workers involved in scraping the inside of

furnaces and chimneys between smelting runs, the dust would represent an additional source

of ingested lead and lead compounds.271

What is reported is that the concentration of lead deposited in the areas surrounding a

smelter could be so high as to cause the deaths of livestock and other animals, a fact

acknowledged in the extracts quoted above from the legal writ against Correa. This

phenomenon was well known in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth century: ‘fumes

emitted from Cupolas or low arched reverberatory furnaces … poisoned herbage for ¼ mile or

more around the Cupolas, and owners were obliged to pay a rent to the farmers for the damage

caused to their land’. The poisoning of cattle and humans in Derbyshire went by the local term

of Belland or bellanding, and hens, sheep and even dogs were also poisoned by the lead

deposited from the smoke of the smelters. No statistics were recorded for any of these

‘Siendo sabido a el mas idiota, que el centro del humo son las regiones aereas’ writ by Manuel Correa, 31
March 1761, AHEZ, Serie Civil C37-005.
de Gamboa, Comentarios Ordenanzas de Minas, 286.

incidents.272 In England lead smelters started to recover fume as of 1792, and especially as of

mid-nineteenth century, by installing long flues attached to the exit of the chimneys.273 No such

measures of control have been detected in the Hacienda de Regla run by English management

and investment in the first half of the nineteenth century (see Chapter 4).

Figure 2-12. Digital copy of photograph by Charles Waite titled ‘Mexican Adobe Smelter
Taxco Guerrero’, 1905, number 13 in the series Tema y Tecnología (CIG-AGN).

I. Thornton and P. Abrahams, "Historical Records of Metal Pollution in the Environment," in Changing Metal
Cycles and Human Health, ed. J. O. Nriagu (Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 1984), 12. For
studies on the lead concentration around historical lead smelting sites in England and the incidence of bellanding
even in recent times from historical lead deposits is discussed in Mike Wild and Ian Eastwood, "Soil
Contamination and Smelting Sites," in Boles and Smeltmills Seminar, ed. Lynn Willies and David Cranstone
(Reeth, Yorkshire: Historical Society, Ltd., 1992). See also Willies, "Derbyshire Lead Smelting," 3, 13. Similar
cases of compensation are not reported in the historiography in New Spain nor have I found any in my non-
exhaustive search of the records from San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas, Guanajuato and Pachuca. One reason may be
the common ownership of refining haciendas and cattle/agricultural haciendas as documented by Salazar
González, Las haciendas de San Luis Potosí, 153-210. and Eugenio Martín Torres, El beneficio de la plata en
Guanajuato, 1686-1740 (Guanajuato: Presidencia Municipal de Guanajuato, 2001), 162-166.
‘fume is the general name given to the usually greyish white, feathery , partially crystalline , partially dusty
deposit [lead sulphate and oxides, arsenic, silver] which sublimates or adheres onto the sides of chimneys and
other flueways along which gaseous material from the furnaces pass’ in Willies, "Derbyshire Lead Smelting," 13.
For the installation of flues see Gill, "Analysis of Lead Slags," 53.; Willies, "Derbyshire Lead Smelting," 3, 14.
The use of chambers to condense and extract metal fumes from the furnace appears as early as Agricola, De re
metallica, 394. See also Pique, A Practical Treatise on Silver, 72.

Owners and builders of the smelting haciendas were conscious of the need to site these

facilities taking into account the prevailing winds of the region. Again the civil suit against

Correa provides interesting insights:

‘there being more than two hundred paces between my church and home and the place Manuel
Correa intends to build his hacienda, and being this location at a greater height than the church,
and my home, without the winds from the South and West (as it seems to me) being able to
push the smoke so that it can harm the church or me … since it seems to me only the winds
from the Southwest could cause harm according to what was established by the Architects for
the construction of this Hacienda’274

Indirect evidence of the care taken to integrate the wind direction with the orientation of the

smelting furnaces within the haciendas comes from the reconstruction of the smelting

haciendas in the area of Monte Caldera, San Luis Potosí. Figure 2-13 aligns the architectural

footprint of three haciendas published by Salazar González with the direction of due North.275

The three arrays of smelting furnaces appear remarkably parallel to each other, and the only

common factor to all would be the predominant wind direction in the area of Monte Caldera.

Even without specific knowledge on the wind rose of the area during the colonial period, the

parallelism observed in Figure 2-13 indicates that local builders took it into account when

locating the smelting furnaces within the hacienda compound, so as to minimize the impact of

the plume on the compound itself.

In addition to the main loss via lead fume, three other directions for the loss of lead

need to be considered. One is within the compound, in the form of fugitive lead loss, from the

‘haviendo de la iglesia y de mi casa mas de doscientos pasos a el lugar adonde intenta Manuel Correa poner
su hazienda, y hayarse este sitio en gran altura respecto de la Iglesia, y de mi casa, sin que los Aires de Sur y
Poniente (según me pareze) puedan aviolentar a el humo para que perjudique o a la Iglesia o a mi … por
parecerme ser solo el aire Suroeste el que hubiese de dar algún perjuicio según lo determinado por los Arquitectos
para la favrica de dicha Hazienda’, sworn statement by the parish priest, Don Joseph de Siloa, in support of
Manuel Correa, 28 March 1761, AHEZ, Serie Civil C37-005.
Salazar González, Las haciendas de San Luis Potosí, 428, 431, 436.

Hacienda Buena Vista

Hacienda La Luz

Smelting furnace
Hacienda Santa Maria
Cupelling furnace
note: each plan is drawn to a
different scale

Figure 2-13. Relative alignment of arrays of furnaces from three different smelting haciendas
in the area of Monte Caldera, adapted from the architectural reconstructions in footnote 275.

physical loss of lead or litharge as dust. The second direction is through leaching of lead and

lead compounds from the slag heaps into the soil and water table. It is important to know the

nature of the lead compound in the grasas since it will determine in part its extraction rate to

the environment under long- term atmospheric exposure. A more systematic study of the

environmental impact of these grasas is required, that includes establishing the leaching

behaviour of the grasas and its potential consequences to the local population, livestock, crops

and the water sources of each area.

The remaining vector of lead emissions from each hacienda was the waste water from

the washing of the ores. ‘The process of Buddling – separating lead ore from gangue materials

using water- used to poison the streams’, made rivers suddenly turn yellow with the amount of

mineral sediment voided into them, and fish died and cattle were poisoned from drinking this

industrial waste in the water.276 The magnitude of this vector can only be established comparing

the amount of lead in the mined ore with the amount of lead in the dressed ore, but these data

are not yet available for the period in question.

2.6.3 Lead: its source

The absence of lead in silver ores was never an obstacle to smelting them. In Europe

since at least the mid-fourteenth century there had been a traffic of lead to supplement the so-

called ‘dry’ ores: ‘by the 1330s Polish lead was utilised for smelting and refining the “dry”

gold and silver ores processed in the metallurgical enterprises of the Hungarian-Transylvanian

Carpathians and the Bohemian-Moravian and Saxon Erzegirbe.’277 In fact, the lead industry of

Europe was forced to respond to the increase in demand once the copper liquation process was

applied to argentiferous copper ores. By the 1540s England was already an important supplier

of lead to the silver/copper refining centres of Europe, which required around 4,800 tons of

lead per year and absorbed 60-85% of an English lead production of 3,200 tons.278 Then, from

1543 to 1549, the traditional European market chain for lead destined to silver-copper refining

Thornton and Abrahams, "Metal Pollution in the Environment," 12.
Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 1468.
Kellenbenz, "Final Remarks Silver Production," 332.

was disrupted by the appearance of English lead stripped from Church holdings that halved the

prices as of 1538-1539.279

Local sources of galena at Taxco and Sultepec had been sufficient initially to provide

the required quantities of lead for smelting, but soon the whole dynamic changed and imports

of lead to New Spain were initiated.

‘From 1536 the trade, based now almost entirely on monastic lead, passed directly to Seville
[and] shipped to the New World ... abundant and cheap supplies of lead benefited the bullion
producers of central America ... via Seville English lead, carried as ballast by the Indies fleets,
passed to Veracruz and thence northwards to satisfy the demands of the producers in the
booming centre of Zacatecas, where the deposits, though rich in silver, were poor in lead ...
[this would create] a dependence which left the central and south American smelter
dangerously exposed ... by 1554 prices rose again on the Seville market and [New World]
producers were drawn into the general bullion crisis’ [emphasis added].280

As demand rose from a European industry requiring more lead per unit of silver refined

and a New World providing further new silver deposits to Spain refined on the basis of smelting

with lead, a brake on English lead exports brought about strong pricing fluctuations that saw a

threefold rise in prices in the early 1560s (compared to prices in the 1540s) until they dropped

to a third above 1540s level. Between the 1560s and late 1570s lead supply would be re-

established from various European sources, but by that time mercury was displacing lead as

the main refining agent of choice by Spain to the point that by 1572 an English visitor in Central

America could say

‘as for this charge of quicksilver it is a new invention, which they find more profitable then to
find their use with lead ... wherefore they shall not need any of our lead, as they have neede
thereof in times past.’281

Blanchard, "England and the International Bullion Crisis of the 1550s," 87.
Ibid., 89, 90, 107.
Ibid., 95-108., citing R. Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation
(1589), II, p. 549

According to Blanchard English lead would continue to be exported to New Spain from

1580 to 1590, from 1610 to 1614 and from 1625 to its final phase in the 1640s, after which

point it was displaced by local lead sources in New Spain.282 From the mid-seventeenth century

onwards the movement of lead, litharge and silver-rich ores between mines and refining

haciendas in the same or different Caja districts is not documented in the historiography. This

intra- and inter- regional transit of silver-rich lead ores and lead fluxes required for smelting

would determine the balance between amalgamation and smelting, as will be seen in Chapter


2.6.4 Charcoal and wood: its magnitude

Charcoal was the main fuel requirement for smelting in New Spain, while wood was

the minor fuel for cupelling in the reverberatory ovens.283 Charcoal was necessary not only to

provide the heat required to reach the necessary furnace temperatures, but also to act as

reducing agent during smelting. Charcoal was used to smelt all metal ores, but the quantities

required varied according to the metal. To smelt copper during this period the weight ratio of

charcoal to copper was in the range of 20:1 to 50:1.284 In the case of iron, the ratio was 30:1

approximately.285 Lead required less charcoal, with values as low as 3:1 or 6:1 being reported

for ores containing 45% lead.286 In sharp contrast, for the smelting of silver ores the metal to

charcoal weight ratios reported in the historiography are considerably higher. Between 975 and

1,145 kg of charcoal are reported as being required by the smelting operations at Wissenbach

Russia's "Age of Silver". Precious-metal Production and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century 19. In
Chapter Six I will come back to the important question as to whether there were sufficient endogenous lead
deposits in New Spain to have met the requirements for smelting, and the attitude of the Spanish Crown with
respect to prospecting for lead.
Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 81. In Chapter 4 the large difference in fuel requirements for charcoal
and wood in smelting will be fully documented, so for the rest of this chapter I will only focus on charcoal.
Craddock, Early Metal Production, 193.; Salkield, "Ancient Slags in the South West of the Iberian Peninsula,"
Nef, Conquest of the Material World, 174.
Craddock, Early Metal Production, 209.

(Europe, Vosges, late sixteenth century) to produce 1 kg of silver from ores containing between

0.07 and 0.13% silver. Rech also cites data from smelting of silver ores in the eighteenth

century (nature of ore and silver content not given), that required between 800 and 960 kg of

charcoal to produce 1 kg silver.287 Studnicki-Gizbert and Schecter have used the information

in the accounting books of two smelting haciendas in New Spain to calculate a ratio of 1,185

kg of charcoal per kg of silver in San Luis Potosi (1611-1612) and 1,168 kg of charcoal per kg

of silver in Pachuca (1782-1783), though the silver content of these ores is not given.288 I will

thus use as a working figure an average weight ratio for charcoal of 1,000:1 up to the nineteenth

century, when the use of more efficient blast furnaces will decrease substantially this ratio

(Chapter 4).

2.6.5 Charcoal and wood: its directionality and source

The directionality of this vector is determined by the location of the woodlands that

ultimately provided the charcoal to the smelting furnaces. These vectors were not distributed

radially around each refining nucleus, but could extend like tendrils for many kilometres in a

single direction. In the case of the region around San Luis Potosí, charcoal was sourced as far

away as Peotillos (Figure 2-14). In order to estimate the amount of natural resources required

to meet this high consumption of charcoal it is necessary to proceed in stages. Charcoal is

obtained from wood, wood is obtained from forests, and forests are organic systems that can

be regenerated given sufficient time. To estimate the amount of charcoal generated from a

hectare (ha) of woodland, the following factors have to be taken into account: a) individual tree

species can produce quite distinct amounts of charcoal per cubic metre of wood b) the moisture

Georges Rech, "La fonderie de Wisenbach (Vosges)," in Mines et métallurgie ed. Paul Benoit, Les chemins de
la recherche (Villeurbanne: Programme Rhône-Alpes recherches en sciences humaines, 1994), 178-81.
Studnicki-Gizbert and Schecter, "Colonial Fuel-Rush," 112.

content also varies according to the state of the wood and c) the type of charcoal making process

will also determine the efficiency of the operation. The average amount (expressed as volume

in cubic metres) of growing stock (trees above a certain height and diameter) per ha of forest

‘is an estimation of how well or how poorly stocked the forests are’. For the year 2010 the

Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has calculated an average of

44 m3/ha for Mexico.289

As to the efficiency of the transformation from wood to charcoal, the FAO establishes

a range for developing countries of 10 to 27 m3 of wood required to produce 1 ton of

charcoal.290 Using the average density of wood reported by FAO (650 to 750 kg per m3), this

range of conversion of 5 to 15% of the weight of wood to weight of charcoal overlaps fairly

well with the estimation in the historiography that in general the amount of charcoal

corresponds to 10 to 20% of the weight of wood.291 Thus using an average of 18.5 m3 of wood

per ton of charcoal (approximately 10% conversion), and a charcoal to silver weight ratio of

1,000 to 1, the amount of forest area required to produce enough charcoal for the refining of 1

kg of silver in New Spain (Mexico) would have been 0.4 hectares in New Spain (Mexico).292

Studnicki-Gizbert and Schecter estimate that one kilogram of silver consumes 6,332.8 m2 (0.63

ha) of woodland, based on reported data by other authors from mesquite growth and charcoal

production in the arid regions of Arizona.293 Their projection is within the order of magnitude

predicted using FAO data.

Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010, (Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
2010), 270-271. , accessed 15 July 2012. For the other silver
producing regions the values are 74 m3/ha for Bolivia and 120 m3/ha for Peru
Table 11 in; Craddock, Early Metal Production, 193.
0.2 hectares in colonial Peru (average of modern day Bolivia and Peru).
Studnicki-Gizbert and Schecter, "Colonial Fuel-Rush," 112. In my limited discussions with local historians
and residents it seems encino (evergreen oak) and not mesquite was the tree of choice for mining and charcoal
manufacture around San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas, Guanajuato and Pachuca.

A projection can also take into account the capacity of forests to regenerate themselves

in the space of decades, even without the assistance of modern forestry methods. Values vary

in the published literature, but for forests in the tropical zone the above ground biomass has

been reported to be recoverable in a span of 20 to 30 years, though this type of estimate is again

very site-specific.294 Jones and Salkield in their studies of the slag heaps from Roman mining

of silver at Rio Tinto in Spain use a 40 year cycle of forest generation in South-West Spain to

estimate the amount of forest required to supply 40,000 tons of charcoal per year. 295 On the

other hand, Studnicki-Gizbert and Schecter do not take into account any natural reforestation

and multiply the forest depletion per unit of charcoal by the total charcoal required by the

aggregate of historical production of silver in New Spain.296 Since during the period covered

in the present study there were no strong demographic pressures acting on the forests, a 30 year

cycle of regeneration to estimate total deforestation requirements would take into account the

natural resiliency of this resource. This would reduce substantially any long-term projection on

forest depletion due to mining activities.

A supporting infrastructure was set up to supply with charcoal the smelting operations

of ores from some of the largest silver deposits in New Spain, as can be read in an extract from

a report on the hacienda of Gonzalez de Mera in 1584:

‘a large quantity of silver has been and is being produced ... and to improve this production, he
founded and peopled a settlement of charcoal makers in the Serrania of Santa Catalina, where

M.V.N. d'Oliveira et al., "Forest Natural Regeneration and Biomass Production after Slash and Burn in a
Seasonally Dry Forest in the Southern Brazilian Amazon," Forest Ecology and Management (2011): 1496.
Salkield, "Ancient Slags in the South West of the Iberian Peninsula," 94.; G. D. B. Jones, "The Roman Mines
at Riotinto," The Journal of Roman Studies 70 (1980): 161.
Studnicki-Gizbert and Schecter, "Colonial Fuel-Rush," 99. As I will explain in greater detail in Chapter 6, their
method overestimates the depletion of forest cover by a factor of at least 4, or greater if natural cycles of forest
renovation are taken into account. Smelting consumed much more charcoal than amalgamation, thus the
calculation must be adjusted to take into account the consumption ratio for each refining process, and the split
between silver produced by smelting and by amalgamation. In addition the specific fuel requirements of the cazo
amalgamation process as practised in the area of Catorce must be determined, since it accounted for the majority
of silver production in the last quarter of the eighteenth century.

they produce a large quantity of charcoal for the smelting of said ores and those of the mines
of Mazapil, Nieves, Sombrerete and Fresnillo, which became of great importance’297

These carboneras could be owned by smelting haciendas or the charcoal could be

produced by third parties, at times indigenous groups, who then supplied the haciendas. In the

latter case the conflict of interests is shown in a document whereby the suppliers of charcoal

complain to the authorities that the hacienda owners try to cheat them by hitting too many

times the bags of charcoal on delivery, thus decreasing artificially the volume occupied by the

solid fuel. The purchase price corresponded to the volume of charcoal occupied within a bag

that could be hit up to three times on delivery to insure its contents were well packed.298

2.6.6 Regional and local environmental impact of smelting

The pollution of air and waters due to smelting of ores is as old as metallurgy, as

Agricola was well aware: ‘the miners violate Nature: they make the air pestilential with their

smoke and the waters with their waste: they destroy their health’.299 Once the nature of these

pestilences has been established, the next step is to quantify an order of magnitude of their

historical amounts. The method employed in the previous sections has been based on a review

of numerical data from the historiography and primary sources. In Chapter 4 a more specific

mass balance for all chemicals and fuel consumed in the smelting process will be calculated

‘se ha sacado y se saca gran cantidad de plata … y para que esto se pudiese mejor hacer , fundo y pobló un
asiento de carboneras en la Serrania de santa Catalina.. donde se hace mucha cantidad de carbón para la
fundición de dichos metales y de los de las minas de Mazapil, y de las Nieves, Sombrerete y Fresnillo, que fue de
mucha importancia’ Lacueva Muñoz, "Nueva Vizacaya y sus yacimientos minerales hasta el descubrimiento de
San José del Parral," 99.
Complaint by a group of charcoal makers to the authorities, AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1767.2, expediente
3. The original document is so damaged it is not available to researchers, so I have taken the description of its
content from the summary in the file by Mrs. Carmen Cordero; in 1616 a caxon (box) of charcoal had to contain
at least 30 sacas (bags) of charcoal which have been hit twice. AHSLP. Fondo Alcaldía Mayor 1616.5, expediente
33, 20 December 1616.
‘les mineurs violent la nature … ils empestent l’air de fumées et l’eau de déchets ; ils se détruisent la sante’
Agricola, Bermannus. p. xviii.

based on operational data from the Hacienda de Regla. This will allow a crosscheck to be

effected between the factors estimated in this chapter and the reality of industrial operations.

The aim of establishing a self-consistent set of weight ratios of environmental impact

vectors (lead, charcoal) per kg of silver refined by smelting is to configure a macro-scenario of

its environmental impact by mining region. This calculation will be carried out in Chapter 6

based on the registers of smelted silver reported or estimated for each regional Caja (Treasury).

On the micro-level the exercise is much more complex, but would be required in order to better

estimate the consequences of lead emissions or deforestation on the local population and

ecology. Each hacienda is an environmental world on its own, location and period specific: the

architecture (height of walls and chimneys, type of furnace efficiency, size of courtyards,

internal disposition of spaces), extent and location of the deposits of grasas around the

hacienda, the wind rose, rainfall and temperature, the water basin corresponding to nearby

streams, rivers or wells. In addition, the location of each hacienda with respect to population

and agricultural centres will play a critical role in the consequences of the chemical emissions

to the environment. I will briefly discuss the case of the smelting activity around San Luis

Potosí in the seventeenth century to illustrate the scale of the challenge facing a detailed

environmental impact assessment from historical silver refining.

First of all the main historical centres of human and economic activity in the refining

region have to be identified, as well as all the mines and refining haciendas for each period.

An example is the research carried out by Salazar Gonzalez for the area around San Luis Potosí,

which I reproduce in a simplified way in Figure 2-14.300 The next step requires identifying the

refining capacity of each hacienda and determining the area of deposition of lead from its

Salazar González, Las haciendas de San Luis Potosí, 396.

10 km

Agua Hedionda
Smelting Haciendas
Carboneras (charcoal making sites)
Approximate higher terrain

Sierra de Pinos
Cerro San Pedro

Monte Caldera

San Francisco Sauceda

de los Pozos

Hacienda de Gogorron
Valle de San Francisco

Figure 2-14. Location of the main mines, smelting haciendas, charcoal production,
agricultural and cattle rearing areas around the town of San Luis Potosí, adapted from the
original map in footnote 300.

furnaces according to the wind rose at each location, subject to the architectural reconstruction

of each hacienda or by using an average size hacienda as a generic point source. At first sight

it seems that refining centres in the area of San Luis Potosí were sufficiently apart from cattle

rearing and agricultural centres to lower substantially the risk of bellanding (see above, Section

2.6.2), but the air dispersion of lead should be mapped, as well as the diffusion channels along

the water basins in the area.

The direct risk to human population centres seems more pronounced than the risk to

agriculture, though again the exercise requires a quantitative accounting of smelting carried out

within city limits in San Luis Potosí and Guadalcazar, to name two population centres with

known refining activity. Major refining haciendas are reported by Salazar Gonzalez well

outside the city limits. Thus the Hacienda de Gogorron, with its sixteen furnaces could have

produced on average around 50 tons of lead and lead compounds issued to the atmosphere per

year, yet its relative isolation (Figure 2-14) would have restricted its impact to the local

population, its workers and their families within its compound. A smaller hacienda behind the

convent of St. Francis within the town of San Luis Potosí would have caused much greater

problems on a per capita basis to the general population around it.

In all cases the brunt of the environmental impact of lead smelting would have been

borne by the workers labouring close to the furnaces, handling the bars of molten lead and

transporting greta within the compound.301 The families of the workers would be the second

most exposed segment of the population to lead. Wives working as ore crushers and /or

washing contaminated clothes would have been subject to higher lead levels than normal.

Children playing in the dirt of these compounds would have shown at a minimum the same

high level of lead in their blood as has been measured in modern times for children living in

houses built upon old slag heaps near to Zacatecas.302

For details on the social role of living spaces for the indigenous workers of a smelting hacienda in the area of
San Luis Potosí see the Ph. D. thesis by Laurent Corbeil, "Identities in Motion. The Formation of a Plural Indio
Society in Early San Luis Potosi, New Spain, 1591-1630 " (McGill, 2014), 171.
The impact of lead from old slag heaps has been researched in Zacatecas, where dwellings have been
constructed on top of the jales. Abnormally high levels of lead have been detected in children who live in these
areas. Blood samples of children living over old mining dumps and in the vicinity of current mining operations in

To be studied in detail each refining region requires a mapping of activities such as

shown in Figure 2-14 as a function of time, each temporal snapshot as specific as a fingerprint,

with its ridges of hills and climates, and its whorls of different human activities and

architectural variations. The sequence of snapshots would see pollution loci appear and vanish

as mines became depleted or new ones sprung up, total shifts in pollution patterns as refining

shifted from smelting to amalgamation and back again, variation in pollution levels as chimney

heights increased and/or furnace efficiency improved, population density and agriculture

pulsing closer or retreating from refining centres as a function of local mining activity,

woodlands receding or advancing as a function of refining and mining intensity. No gross

extrapolations can be applied from one mining region to the other, or within a mining region

across the centuries. Each matrix of smelting haciendas, main urban centres, wood sources for

charcoal, agricultural and cattle rearing areas requires a degree of quantitative information that

may be available but awaits to be deciphered.

2.7 Concluding remarks

Little is known of the day-to-day working environment in a smelting hacienda of New

Spain, as of the sixteenth to the seventeenth century. No texts written by practising

metallurgists or working owners of smelting haciendas have as yet come to light, in contrast

to what I will review in the following chapter for the Peruvian Andes of the same period. It is

fortunate therefore that smelting of ores to extract metals from their mineral matrix is one of

Vetagrande, Zacatecas, have shown very high levels of lead in the blood, with levels of 15 to 24 µg/dL in one
third of the children. Children under the age of 11 are the most affected by lead as a result of playing closest to
the soil. Both the floors of the houses and the streets where the children live are just compacted earth, so conditions
would be similar to those of the historical period of interest in this chapter. Eduardo Manzanares Acuña et al.,
"Evaluación de riesgos ambientales por plomo en la población de Vetagrande, Zacatecas,"(Zacatecas: Universidad
Autónoma de Zacatecas, Unidad de Estudios Nucleares, 2005).; Eduardo González Valdez et al., "Niveles de
plomo en sangre y factores de riesgo por envenenamiento de plomo en niños mexicanos " Revista de la Facultad
de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Antioquia, no. 43 (2008): 116-18. Hausberger’s study on the complaints by
the community of Chihuahua against lead smelters singles out the greatest toxic effect of smoke on young children.
Hausberger, "Una iniciativa ecológica contra la industria minera en Chihuahua (1732)," 120.

the oldest technical processes applied by mankind to convert nature into mass man-made

objects. The data from historical smelting practices together with Barba’s testimony from the

Andes can be used to flesh out the sparse information from documentary sources in the

historical record for New Spain. Inventories of assets sold or rented, requests to the local

authorities on issues related to smelting, criminal cases for contraband, accounts after the fact

rendered as a result of legal wrangles between owners, their inheritors, and the administrators

that run the smelting haciendas, all have provided pieces of the puzzle. The major missing link

remains to this day a detailed operational account book that can provide a day to day diagnostic

of the inner workings of a smelting hacienda, but as I will further explore in Chapter 5, this is

a failing that applies both to smelting and amalgamation in New Spain up to the nineteenth


Thanks to the work carried out by Prof. Guadalupe Salazar González it is possible to

drape the information derived from the texts around the three dimensions of the infrastructure

of smelting. The deterioration of the surviving ruins of smelting haciendas around San Luis

Potosí adds a level of urgency to her research. The historical mines within the Cerro San Pedro

have already vanished under the grinding machinery of modern open-pit mining, but it was

their deposits of lead-rich silver ores that made this region a showcase for smelting in New

Spain for nearly two centuries, as of 1592. San Luis Potosí and its mines do not seem to have

suffered the ignorance and wasteful predatory efforts of the first cohorts of dilettante refiners

in New Spain. Its silver deposits did not offer the easy-to-refine silver chlorides that spoilt, and

were spoilt by, the initial primitive Spanish refiners. The Cerro San Pedro offered the

traditional European silver ores, rich in lead, which required the standard European approach

based on a smelting process. A picture emerges of a community around San Luis Potosí geared

to provide the necessary context within which the smelting process could function, sufficiently

pragmatic as to comprise women with leading roles on both sides of the refining business.

The mines were fixed by the geology of the region, while the smelting haciendas

sprouted close to water, to pastures and at times close to the safety of numbers provided by the

towns. Ores were dressed by washing away the lighter non-productive fraction in water. The

same gold that at present has caused the annihilation of the Cerro San Pedro, contributed to the

revenues of these haciendas. The presence of lead was the sine qua non condition to implement

smelting in the first place, but gold and lead combined to guarantee its permanence and success.

In New Spain neither the sale of copper nor lead served to meet the cost of smelting of silver

ores, as in Europe (see Chapter 5), but additional revenues from gold did. How much lead was

present in these ores is not evident, though at least some of them were dry ores, in the parlance

of the period. Enough lead flux was generated in some districts to permit its export to other

silver smelting regions in New Spain, either officially or by contraband. Charcoal, the other

prime necessity of the smelting process, was made wherever wood was available, sometimes

by owners of haciendas who diversified upstream. Distance in procuring fuel does not seem to

have been an obstacle. An energetic private enterprise sector manifested itself through rental

contracts that offered a varied menu of services for hire to those who wished to pursue the

illusion of become refining magnates.

Casting its pall over this hive of entrepreneurial activity were the emissions of lead and

lead compounds from the smelting and refining furnaces. There can be no doubt that lead

emission levels within the workspaces of the haciendas exceeded by far any modern standard

set by legislation on occupational safety and health standards. When Medina predicated the

merits of amalgamation with mercury he was correct in highlighting the dangers that smelting

posed to the welfare of the indigenous and slave labour, ironic as this may seem in the light of

modern knowledge on mercury. For every kg of silver smelted, five to ten kg of lead or lead

compounds was disseminated from the furnace area into the surrounding air, to be deposited

around each working area close to the furnaces or entrained by the flue gas out of the chimney

stacks to ultimately settle on the soil, streams and surfaces within and without the hacienda. It

remains to be determined how much of this lead ended up by chance within the desolate no-

man’s land of the mounds of grasas that established a non-sanitary cordon around each

smelting hacienda. It is an intriguing question whether the extensive fields of grasas were ever

expressly located downwind of the arrays of smelting furnaces, to act as lead sinks on a ground

already condemned to a barren future.

Additional lead would be trapped within the fused shards of slag, or as the insidious

dust of fugitive emissions within each compound, which at times harboured the indigenous

workers, slaves and their families, and a Spaniard or two who could not yet afford his own

independence. The location of the fields of slags, their extension, the architecture and wind

patterns around each hacienda convert every refining unit into a unique footprint of lead

depositions that can only be studied on a case by case basis. The mass balance of lead smelting

determined in this chapter will serve to guide the regional calculations in Chapter 6. Without

the geographical fingerprint of the centres of human activity within each mining region, as set

out by Salazar Gonzalez in her integrated study of San Luis Potosí, together with a detailed

breakdown of the size, architecture and wind rose at each locality, it is not yet possible to

establish in detail the environmental impact of the individual lead emission footprints from the

scattered clusters of smelting haciendas.

The Spaniards and Germans of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who smelted

silver ores with lead knew of the environmental impact of the operation. Even Agricola

decorated his textbook with bare hillsides dotted with stumps of trees, while heavy smoke

billows out of furnaces, to be captured at times in chambers that have not appeared as yet in

the infrastructure of smelting haciendas in New Spain or Mexico. Up to the sixteenth century

they did not even have a choice, since heat and the reducing power of carbon were the only

means available to extract metals from their ores. In the second half of the sixteenth century

an alternative to smelting would be implemented in the New World, a reduction of silver

compounds to silver metal without the need to heat to high temperatures with charcoal. It was

first applied simply as an extension of deceptively similar practices used for gold, but mercury

amalgamation of silver ores was a chemical reaction in disguise that would not be fully

deciphered until late in the nineteenth century. With no theory to guide them, its self-taught

practitioners would stumble through a unique process of trial and error in the scientific

wasteland of the sixteenth century Andean highlands until they configured in just under sixty

years a mature industrial-scale process capable of refining even the silver sulphide ores.

3 The wet process, amalgamation of silver ores

‘I am a spagyric philosopher, alchemist … I make gold from herbs, from egg-shells, from hair,
from blood, from urine … if the princes knew of this they would stuff me in a jail so as to save
on the trips to the Indies’. Francisco de Quevedo, La Fortuna y el Seso y la hora de todos

‘I was then and there convinced that metallurgy in settled and civilized countries was one thing,
and metallurgy in the wilderness another … in the latter he has to adapt himself as best he can
to circumstances’. Eisler, The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead (1891)

3.1 Introduction

Seville had become the conduit that was feeding new supplies of bullion from another

continent to Europe. The application of a new technology based on amalgamation with mercury

had increased substantially the production of bullion to meet the ever increasing demands from

a Europe that had little else to offer the merchants of Asia. The new process was based on

mixing the mineral ore with an excess of mercury until an amalgam was formed, placing the

liquid amalgam in a cloth and squeezing out the excess mercury. The solid amalgam was then

carefully heated to separate the mercury, while the solid precious metal left behind could be

further purified by smelting. For Spain this new outlet for mercury from its mine at Almadén

represented therefore a novel marketing opportunity, and foreign bankers and merchants were

involved at many stages of this new activity. A description on how to refine the precious metal

using mercury amalgamation had already been long in print. Europe did not know a New World

full of silver even existed.

The period in question was 1460 to 1485, and according to Blanchard the bullion was

African gold, eight tons of which had been produced via amalgamation in Egypt and North

‘soy filosofo espagírico, alquimista ... hago oro de yerbas, de las cascaras de huevo, de cabellos, de sangre
humana, de la orina ... si lo supiesen los príncipes me engullirían en una cárcel para ahorrarse los viajes de la

Africa, with an additional three tons produced in Europe. A total of forty five tons of mercury

from the Almadén mine in Spain was consumed in the process.304 The description of

amalgamating gold is from Theophilus, ca. twelfth century, as quoted by Dorothy Wyckoff in

a footnote to her translation of Albertus Magnus’ Book of Minerals.305 Bartolomé de Medina,

the cloth salesman of Seville, had not yet been born. As the French historian Jacques Heers has


‘From mid fifteenth century, before the discovery of gold from America, Castille was already
the major redistribution centre of precious metals: it is there that came the Genoese and
Florentines ... Cadiz, Seville are for certain, towards 1460, the <capitals> of gold and of the
white metal … before America the pattern was already established’.306

The history of amalgamation of silver in the New World is one of continuity, rather

than of a magnificent Ibero-American singularity devoid of a relevant past and with no negative

repercussions as to the future. Amalgamation as a large-scale method to refine silver ores did

not suddenly erupt on the world scene in Pachuca during the 1550s. The sequence of events

that led to the industrial use of mercury in the New World is a much more interesting history

of blind alleys and pragmatic refiners that is best deciphered through the chemistry of the

process. Silver and quicksilver (mercury) had been firmly wedded in the chymical mind-set of

the age much earlier than the discovery of silver by Spain in the New World.307 These are the

roots of the mentalité of a period that would lead to the longest continuous anthropogenic

disposal of mercury products to the environment in the history of mankind, from the adoption

Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 1034.
Albertus Magnus, Book of minerals, trans. Dorothy Wyckoff (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967), 180.
‘Dès le milieu du XVe siècle, avant la découverte de l’or d’Amérique, la Castille est déjà le grand centre de
redistribution du métal précieux ; c’est là que viennent Génois et Florentins … Cadix, Séville sont bien, vers 1460,
les <capitales> de l’or et du métal blanc … avant l’Amérique les habitudes sont déjà prises’ Jacques Heers,
Gênes au XVe siècle, activité économique et problèmes sociaux (Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1961), 71.
‘“Chymystry” [is the ] archaic word [that refers] to early modern alchemy-chemistry, a discipline that still
viewed the transmutation of base metals into gold (chrysopoeia) as viable and yet contained much in addition that
is identifiable to us moderns as chemistry’. Newman, Atoms and Alchemy : Chymistry and the Experimental
Origins of the Scientific Revolution xi.

of amalgamation in the mid-sixteenth century until its displacement by the cyanide process at

the end of the nineteenth century.308 In contrast to smelting, it was a wet process, due not only

to the use of liquid mercury, but because water was such a critical part of the process that as

Thierry Saignes, the French historian of Bolivia, quoted: ‘when it rained they say it rains


3.2 The alchemy of Mercury

For many centuries the only substance known to physically interact without altering the

two most precious of metals, gold and silver, was mercury, the semen of Shiva.310 This alone

would have been enough to anoint it as a special substance of the material world. Together with

the visual allure and the mystery of a metal that was liquid at room temperature, it became an

ontological force within the Arab and European theories on matter and metals, summed up in

the phrase ‘Mercurie without which nothing being is’.311 The line of intellectual stepping

stones that led to this sweeping judgement can be traced back to Plato, for whom matter was a

passive recipient on which properties can be imposed. The one and only primordial matter

would be the prima materiae. Aristotle then postulated all metals had a common origin and

were produced from two vapours which rise through the earth; so subtle they pass through

stones but are capable of condensing into forms of metals. Under this concept transmutation is

simply the readjustment of the quantities of these two vapours.312

In 1891 MacArthur and Forrest would request formal permission to the Mexican government to apply their
new cyanide process to refine first gold then silver ores. Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 107.
Thierry Saignes, "Las técnicas mineras de Potosí según una relación inédita de 1600," Arte y arqueología 8,
no. 9 (1982/1983): 171.
John Read and F. H. Sawyer, Prelude to Chemistry; An Outline of Alchemy, Its Literature and Relationships
(London: G. Bell and Sons, ltd., 1936), 19.
George Ripley, The compound of Alchemy (London: Thomas Orwin, 1591), following B3.
For a more in-depth discussion on the sequence of ideas from Plato to Aristotle see Aitchison, History of
Metals, 260-302.

Arab thinkers then associated mercury with Aristotle’s moist vapour and sulphur with

the dry or smoky vapour.313 ‘The view that sulphur and mercury were the basic components

of all metals first entered Europe textually in the work of Jabir Ibn Hayyan ... and continued to

be the cornerstone of alchemical theory up through the seventeenth century’.314 Mercury

evolved into ‘the prima materia of which all metals were made’, and only the relative quantities

of sulphur and mercury defined each type of metal.315 Raymond Lull, one of the most famous

alchemists from Spain in the thirteenth century, held that mercury was the first matter of

Genesis and that it was found in everything that had been created by God, and that mercury

served as the channel whereby the heavenly bodies could induce changes in the sublunary

world.316 Arnaldo de Vilanova would call it the ‘sperm of metals’.317 In some alchemical texts

the Sophic Mercury (the essence of mercury, not to be confused with the mercury of the

laboratory) was referred to as Azoth, showing the same Arabic roots to the word used in

Spanish texts for mercury, azogue.318

The alchemical symbol of mercury was the only one to fuse the symbols of the moon

(silver) with that of the sun (gold).319 ‘Beyond a doubt [mercury was] the metal most commonly

used as a reagent [in alchemy]... it is ... so nearly a precious metal that one recipe tells how to

Ibid., 268.
Pamela H. Smith, "Vermilion, Mercury, Blood, and Lizards: Matter and Meaning in Metallurgy," in Materials
and Expertise in Early Modern Europe : Between Market and Laboratory, ed. Ursula Klein and E. C.
Spary(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 39.
L. Fabbrizzi, "Communicating about Matter with Symbols: Evolving from Alchemy to Chemistry," Journal of
Chemical Education 85, no. 11 (2008): 1506.
Bruce T. Moran, Distilling Knowledge : Alchemy, Chemistry, and the Scientific Revolution (Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 2005), 20.
Juan Eslava Galán, Cinco tratados españoles de alquimia (Madrid: Tecnos, 1987), 31.
Bruce T. Moran, Andreas Libavius and the Transformation of Alchemy : Separating Chemical Cultures with
Polemical Fire (Sagamore Beach, MA: Science History Publications/Watson Pub. International, 2007), 63.
Smith, "Vermilion, Mercury, Blood, and Lizards: Matter and Meaning in Metallurgy," 40-41. Eslava Galán,
Cinco tratados españoles de alquimia, 30, 43, 44, 46. Also Read and Sawyer, Prelude to Chemistry; An Outline
of Alchemy, Its Literature and Relationships 20.; John Read, Through Alchemy to Chemistry; A Procession of
Ideas & Personalities (London: G. Bell, 1957), 44.

make mercury alchemically out of lead’.320 It was used either as an aid to achieve transmutation

of base metals into silver or gold, or as the object of transmutation itself. According to Flamel

‘the first time that I made proiection ... was upon Mercurie, whereof I turned halfe a pound ...

into pure Silver, better than that of the Mine ... this was upon a Munday, the 17. of January ...

in the yeere ... 1382.’321 According to William Newman, one of the historians of alchemy, in

the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries ‘it was to be a favourite and prevailing theory of

transmutation ... that gold and silver could be made artificially from mercury alone, using

perhaps a little gold or silver to initiate the process’.322

Mercury generated a very rich alchemical symbolism, and became one of the popular

images of the art to the laymen of the time. The following extract is from a masque performed

for King James II of England in early 1616 titled ‘Mercury vindicated from the alchemists at

court,’ by Ben Jonson, the dramatist contemporary with William Shakespeare:

‘I am ... their Hermaphrodite ... I am corroded, and exalted, and sublim’d and reduc’d and
fetch’d over, and filtred and wash’d and wip’d ... now a sous’d Mercury, now a salted Mercury,
now a smoak’d and dri’d Mercury ... now a pickl’d Mercury ... my whole life with them hath
bene an exercise of torture ... they eat nor smell no rost-meate but in my name ... [the alchemists
promise] mountains for their meat, and all upon Mercuries securities.’323

In this same vein Quevedo in Spain would mock alchemy as presenting a better

alternative to the trips to the New World in search of precious metals.324 Framed by the lore of

W. J. Wilson, "An Alchemical Manuscript by Arnaldus de Bruxella," Osiris 2 (1936): 251.
Read, Through Alchemy to Chemistry; A Procession of Ideas & Personalities 52. Though my examples on
mercury are all taken from the European experience, from the second to the fifth century CE, Buddhist texts are
said to report the attempted transmutation of metals into gold using mercury together with other substances, and
this craft was called raseśvaradarśana (the science of mercury). Arab and Hindu texts recognize the capacity of
mercury to feed (amalgamate) on certain metals. Wilson, "An Alchemical Manuscript by Arnaldus de Bruxella,"
William .R. Newman, The 'Summa perfectionis' of Pseudo-Geber: A Critical Edition, Translation and Study,
vol. 35 (Leiden: Brill, 1991), 205.
S.J. Linden, "Jonson and Sendivogius: Some New Light on Mercury Vindicated from the Alchemists at Court,"
Ambix 24, no. 1 (1977): 39, 46, 49.
The quote from Quevedo in the epigraph to this chapter is taken from ‘La Fortuna y el Seso y la hora de todos’
in Eslava Galán, Cinco tratados españoles de alquimia, 112-13.

alchemy, the practical knowledge on the amalgamation of mercury with various metals began

to appear in texts. Gerber in the early thirteenth century classified the perfection of bodies

according to how well they amalgamated with mercury, citing the ‘easy amalgamation of

quicksilver by a body of solar [gold] or lunar [silver] perfection’.325 From trials of

amalgamation to its application in refining silver ores was a small step. Biringuccio (1540) is

the most widely cited source on the use of mercury on silver ores, but there is another

contemporary text among the works of Paracelsus that is not widely quoted:

‘volatile and fugitive metals, such as gold and silver, if they are to be separated from their
minerals, since they can neither be treated by fire nor with strong waters, should be
amalgamated, separated and extracted by means of Mercurius vivus. Afterwards the Mercurius
vivus must be abstracted and separated from the calx of the gold, or silver by the grade of
distillation ... for this is the nature of Mercurius vivus that it is amalgamated with metals and
wholly united with them, but more quickly or more slowly with one than another, according as
the metal is more or less akin to its nature’.326

In this period there is an overlap between alchemical practice and the pragmatic world

of mining and refining. For example, silver is reported as having been obtained by

transmutation not less than fourteen times in London in 1578, in which copper was converted

into silver.327 There is an obvious link between these exercises in transmutation and the fact

already established at the time that lead and copper ores contained silver that could be extracted

without the need to recur to additional effects of legerdemain. As mining became more

important in Europe starting from the eleventh century, it also relied for the refining of ores on

the practical knowledge generated in the alchemical workshops, and vice-versa, so that as Tara

Nummedal states :

Newman, 'Summa perfectionis' of Pseudo-Geber, 35 783.
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 47-48.; Paracelsus, The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus
Theophrastus Bombast, of Hohenheim, Called Paracelsus the Great : Now for the First Time Faithfully Translated
into English trans. Arthur Waite (1976), 164.
Eslava Galán, Cinco tratados españoles de alquimia, 132, 141.

‘distinguishing alchemy from metallurgy ... in the early modern period is quite difficult
…Princes and wealthy investors ... thought about alchemy as an extension of their long-
standing interest in mining technology. Patrons hired alchemists and mine experts to address
the same kinds of technical problems ... patrons frequently responded to alchemical proposals
with the same kind of investor mentality that framed their responses to mining proposals ...
alchemists were expected to produce not merely ideas but also increased profits’.328

Mercury, silver and alchemy were therefore already very much present in the mentalité

of the Spanish Crown by the time the first silver mines were being exploited in the New World.

When King Philip II of Spain turned to alchemy and the transmutation of mercury to silver in

order to pay off the numerous debts of the Crown he was acting in perfect consonance with the

context of the age. He is known to have sought the services of alchemists in 1557, 1559 and

1567, dates that overlap the introduction of amalgamation in the New World. The first attempt

took place in Flanders just one year into his reign, when he declared his first default on

payments by the Crown.329 From a report filed by the Venetian Ambassadors to the Spanish

Court it is stated that a German called Pedro Sternberg successfully transmuted for the King

six parts of mercury into six parts of silver, a one to one equivalence of mercury to silver

produced, with the aid of one ounce of unidentified ‘powders’.330 This type of transmuted silver

was considered an option to pay the troops in Flanders.331 By 1567 Philip II was still pursuing

transmutation of mercury so as to be able to pay his creditors.332

Tara E. Nummedal, Alchemy and Authority in the Holy Roman Empire (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2007), 33,86. For an example of the historiography on the evolution of ideas of alchemy and metallogeny through
the early Modern Era, and its relation to the development of science and mining in general, and also to mining
practice in the New World see Newman, Atoms and Alchemy : Chymistry and the Experimental Origins of the
Scientific Revolution and J. Norris, "The Mineral Exhalation Theory of Metallogenesis in Pre-Modern Mineral
Science," Ambix 53, no. 1 (2006).
Francisco Javier Puerto Sarmiento, "La panacea aúrea. Alquimia y destilación en la corte de Felipe II (1527-
1598)," Dynamis (Granada, Spain) 17(1997): 114.
Francisco Rodriguez Marin, Felipe y la Alquimia (Madrid1927), 16-17.
Ibid., 18-26. Philip II’s attitude in this episode, a mixture of pragmatic scepticism and blind faith, is well
summarized in the Spanish saying ‘no creo en brujas, pero de que vuelan, vuelan’ – ‘I don’t believe in witches,
but that they can fly, they can fly’.

Philip II’s interest in alchemy went beyond the practicalities of transmutation, as his

design of El Escorial has shown.333 For the Spanish historian Puerto Sarmiento the King’s

interest in the transmutation of mercury into silver was triggered by the success of Medina’s

amalgamation process in New Spain. This however does not match well with the dates or the

general alchemical context of the period. I would argue quite the contrary, that one major

reason why mercury would always receive such prompt backing from the Spanish Crown and

its officials was the aura of its alchemical and ontological role in the transmutation to silver.

Philip II would keep to his death a gift of a silver tray claimed to have been made in Brussels

from transmuted silver.334

Did the mineros in the field think that mercury was transformed into silver during the

treatment of the ores by amalgamation? At least one contemporary voice certainly thought they

did. Juan de Cardenas, a medical doctor who published in 1591 the earliest extant technical

description of the amalgamation process as practised in New Spain, states that ‘some say that

since mercury is so similar to silver ... those ... pounds ... that are missing of mercury were

converted into silver’.335 As Barba tells the story, the discovery of his cazo process started as

an attempt to ‘coagulate’ (cuajar) mercury in an iron vessel; since he did not have much iron

to build the vessel, he tried out a copper one, and added some silver ore powder to assist in the

coagulation.336 Coagulation of mercury into Luna, set on its way by the addition of some silver,

was a common alchemical attempt at transmutation. A later historian concurs, stating that in

Eslava Galán, Cinco tratados españoles de alquimia, 110-11. His nephew, the Emperor Rudolph II, would also
become a patron of alchemy in Prague. David Goodman, "Philip II's Patronage of Science and Engineering," The
British Journal for the History of Science 16, no. 1 (1983): 55. The role of alchemy and royal patronage in Europe
has been studied by Nummedal, Alchemy in the Holy Roman Empire.
Puerto Sarmiento, "La panacea aúrea. Alquimia y destilación en la corte de Felipe II (1527-1598)," 115.
‘algunos dicen que como el azogue es tan semejante a la plata ... aquellas ... libras ... que faltan de azogue se
convirtieron en plata’ in Juan de Cárdenas, Primera parte de los problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias
(México: Academia Nacional de Medicina, 1980), 161.
Barba, Arte de los metales, 105.

the sixteenth century amalgamation was confused with transmutation.337 I would posit it was

deeper than a simple confusion, that there had never been a strong conceptual divide between

the two. As I follow the path of amalgamation to its industrial apotheosis in the New World, I

will point out the many traces of its alchemical past that crop up in the recipes, the words and

the lore of the amalgamation refiners.

3.3 The gold connection

According to Brading and Cross, ‘at first the industry [New World silver mining]

formed little more than an overseas extension of the great central European mining boom of

the years 1451 -1540’.338 On mining techniques this statement may apply up to a point, but on

refining methods it merits a more critical assessment. The European boom to which it refers

was based mainly on the Saigerprocess or copper liquation, a more complex smelting technique

than cupellation, but still based on using lead as the primary refining agent. It is thus difficult

to understand how European silver refiners, who had nurtured all their technical skill from the

smelting of argentiferous copper or lead, would have any expertise outside of smelting with

lead to offer the New World. Amalgamation was never applied to argentiferous copper or

galena in Europe because it did not work on this type of silver ore, as will be made clear in the

following sections of this chapter.

The picture changes if we focus on the introduction of a different technology that

appears on a large scale in Europe around the middle of the fifteenth century. Blanchard

speculates on the role played in its transmission either via Alpine gold workings of the twelfth

‘en el siglo XVI se confunde la amalgama con la transmutación’ Rodriguez Marin, Felipe y la Alquimia 62-
69. Other historians have remarked upon the alchemical context of the sixteenth century, for example Bargalló,
La química inorgánica 101-104.; Castillo Martos, "Plata y revolución tecnológica," 91.;"Alquimia en la
metalurgia de plata y oro en Europa y America ".; Bartolomé de Medina, 54-55, 59-79. I have not come across a
detailed tracing of the roots of mercury and amalgamation as presented in this section.
Brading and Cross, "Colonial Silver Mining: Mexico and Peru," 545.

and thirteenth centuries or by Genoese spies in the Maghreb in the 1430s. Whichever the


‘in the 1440s Genoese merchantmen may be seen transporting mercury from Almadén to
Bruges for transhipment to the Rhineland where knowledge of the intricacies of mercury
amalgamation, previously confined in the main to the gold refineries of Asia and Africa
[Sudan], was now current’.339

The skills developed during the amalgamation of tons of gold ore in Europe are very

relevant to the development of silver amalgamation in the New World. Between 1460 and

1485 Blanchard states that approximately eight tons of gold were produced via amalgamation

in Egypt and North Africa with an additional three tons produced in Europe, requiring a total

use of forty five tons of mercury from the Almadén mine in Spain. 340 Blanchard’s data

challenge the notion that amalgamation before the New World was only practised using minor

quantities of material. An industrial scaling-up of gold amalgamation had already taken place

in Europe half a century before Columbus sailed to the New World.

As soon as Columbus found samples of placer gold on Hispaniola he returned on his

second expedition with a contingent of experienced miners from Almadén for mining and from

other sites for the extraction of placer gold from washings. The finding of one kg of mercury

at the site of La Isabela, the first colony to be founded on Hispaniola in 1494, together with

The exact roots of amalgamation applied to ores is unknown but according to Blanchard were Afro-Asiatic in
origin. Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 1029. A thriving market for mercury
exports from Spain existed well before the fifteenth century: ‘Geniza [Old Cairo, Egypt] records show ... mercury
... carried eastward ...after copper, mercury and its derivative, mercuric sulphide (cinnabar) were the most noted
Andalusi metallic exports. Amongst other uses, mercury was important in the refining of gold [this is a statement
applying to a period before 1212] ... mercury was traded through Seville to markets in the Mediterranean, England
and Flanders during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries ... references to the export of Andalusi mercury are
earlier than those for copper, with Mas’udi describing Andalusi mercury “exported to the entire Islamic and non-
Islamic world” by the middle of the twelfth century’, in Olivia Remie Constable, Trade and Traders in Muslim
Spain : the Commercial Realignment of the Iberian Peninsula, 900-1500 (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1994), 20, 165, 186-87, 217.
Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 1030, 1034.

galena and implements required for the assaying by smelting of ore samples, is strong evidence

for a technical approach to gold refining from the start.341 As Born recognized in his 1791 text,

‘quicksilver … after the arrival of the Spaniards … may have been used even in America for

the extraction of gold-dust from the sands’.342 Mercury would have been used to assay or refine

by amalgamation placer gold, using methods similar to those that Biringuccio and Agricola

would include in their works published some 50 years later.343

The production and export of gold by the Spaniards in the Caribbean islands have been

interpreted as being somehow deficient in the historiography:

‘The searches for sources of both metals [gold and silver] carried the Spaniards far and wide
across the Americas ... on the promise of gold they first settled the Caribbean; finding little in
the islands they were lured on by golden visions to the Isthmus’.344

However the hard data indicate otherwise. Gold exports just from Hispaniola between

1492 and 1555 reached a total of 23.4 t, and in the peak decade of 1501 to 1510 they averaged

over 1.3 t per year.345 This represents roughly half the total annual gold produced by

amalgamation from Rhineland gold workings in Europe from 1460 to 1485.346 Columbus had

not exaggerated on the wealth of gold he found on Hispaniola, equivalent to any European

source of gold known up to that time.347 This major amount of new gold production attracted

A. M. Thibodeau et al., "The Strange Case of the Earliest Silver Extraction by European Colonists in the New
World," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104, no. 9 (2007).
Sanchez Gomez refers to a decree dated 1495 in which 15 quintales (approx.. 700 kg) of mercury are requested
from Almadén to send to the Indies. It is further evidence of the technical approach adopted by Spain in its search
for bullion in the New World. The mercury would have been used for assaying gold and also for production by
amalgamation. Sánchez Gómez, Minería no férrica en el Reino de Castilla, 277.
Inigo Born, Baron Inigo Born's New Process of Amalgamation of Gold and Silver Ores, and Other Metallic
Mixtures: As by His Late Imperial Majesty's Commands Introduced in Hungary and Bohemia, trans. R.E. Raspe
(T. Cadell, 1791), 8.
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 30.; Agricola, De re metallica, 243. A modern description of field assaying of
gold ores with mercury is given in Young, "The Spanish Tradition in Gold and Silver Mining," 300-301.
Bakewell, "Colonial Mining," 108.; ‘Columbus first established bases on the islands ... though they yielded ...
but little gold’ in Aitchison, History of Metals, 360.
TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 33, 56.
Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 1160.
The same geological deposits of gold found by Columbus in Hispaniola have placed modern day Dominican
Republic seventh among the top ten gold sources of the world, with over 33 million ounces of gold reserves at the

the attention of European miners and artisans with experience in gold amalgamation as already

practised on an industrial scale in the Rhineland and Austrian mines. Did some of these miners

have knowledge of the advances already made in Europe on the amalgamation of silver ores?

The Republic of Venice had also been working its silver mines on the mainland. Its

geographical location (see Figure 1.7) made it an obvious choice for the export of silver and

gold to Asia. According to Day it exported the equivalent of up to one metric ton of gold per

year to Asia during the first half of the fourteenth century, equal in value to around 25% of all

new silver mined in Europe in that period.348

‘Italian prospectors searching for ores in Bohemian or German mountains ... known as “Vlach”
in Czech ... were often sent out by glassworks in Venice to collect ores for the dyeing of glass.
At the same time they gained recognition as able metallurgists and ... employed as such by the
nobility and ... King ... [thus] the Royal Mint in Kutná Hora [is the] “Vlachian court” ... there
is a Vlachian Street in Prague. Later these Italian prospectors reached the Harz Mountains in
Germany ... they also experimented in ... transmutations’.349

It is more than probable that Venetian and German miners exchanged their know-how

on gold amalgamation and silver refining during this very active production period. What was

good for gold was good for silver as well, and the illustration on gold amalgamation in Ercker

could well represent the later process on silver ores, down to the detail of mercury being

squeezed from a leather pouch onto the ore being amalgamated.350

Vergani has described the Venetian silver mines at Schio in the Haut Vicentin area,

which saw their highest level of activity in the period 1490 to 1530. He argues that though

amalgamation of silver had been used for a long time in the gilding of metals and glass, it had

not been used to refine silver ores prior to the sixteenth century. He presents strong evidence

Pueblo Viejo deposit. Data from Global Gold Mines & Deposits 2012 Ranking, published by Natural Resource
John Day, "The Great Bullion Famine of the Fifteenth Century," Past & Present, no. 79 (1978): 11, 38-39.
V.Í. Karpenko, "The Oldest Alchemical Manuscript in the Czech Language," Ambix 37, no. 2 (1990): 64.
Ercker, Treatise on Ores and Assaying, 113.

that the first attempt took place in Venice in 1506, since the following year two ex-prospectors

of gold, Tommaso Cusano and Giovanni Antonio Mauro of Verona applied for a patent from

the Republic of Venice to ‘extrahere argentums sine igne’, to extract silver without fire.

According to the filing they were owners of a foundry and of mines of silver and lead in the

Schio. Subsequent paperwork indicates ‘without the shadow of a doubt that the invention

consisted in treating the silver ore without fire and with water and quicksilver’. Wars intervened

and it was only in 1526 that Mauro applied himself again to the process, and to defend the

patent against unauthorized use by other refiners.

‘all the information concerning these patents emphasize on the one hand the dearth of wood …
and on the other on the fact that the new process can be carried out "without costs of charcoal
and of wood" … according to an estimation made by Mauro in 1530 … the refining of one
mark of silver from local ores cost 16 L. using traditional methods, against a cost of 5 L. using
the new process, which in addition was four times faster’.351

Berenguccio stayed in Venice from 1507 to 1509. He mentions that he paid with a

diamond ring worth 25 ducats to ‘one who taught it to me’, but does not provide either name

or nationality.352 The circumstantial evidence is strong that the origin of his amalgamation

recipe came from refining practice in the Venetian mines of the Schio region.353 Other reports

in the historiography correlate well with Vergani’s scenario. Mercury is being exported from

Spain to the Schio area by mid fifteenth century.354 According to Blanchard amalgamation of

gold and silver ores was being practised in the mining regions of Bohemia and Austria as of

the fourteenth century, and the Venetian mines were in the mainland territory contested

‘toute la documentation relative a ces brevets met l’accent d’une part sur la penurie des bois ... et d’autre part
sur le fait que le nouveau procede s’effectue "sans frais de charbon et de bois" … selon une estimation de Mauro
… de 1530 … l’extraction d’une marque d’argent des minerais locaux coutait alors 16 L. par les methodes
traditionelles contre 5 L. par le nouveau procede, lequel était de surcroit quatre fois plus rapide’. Raffaello
Vergani, "La métallurgie des non-ferreux dans la république du Venise (XVe-XVIIIe siècles)," in Mines et
métallurgie ed. Paul Benoit, Les chemins de la recherche (Villeurbanne: Programme Rhône-Alpes recherches en
sciences humaines, 1994), 210.
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 384.
P. Braunstein, "Les entreprises minières en Vénétie au XVe siècle," Melanges d'archéologie et d'histoire 77,
no. 2 (1965): 529-607.
Heers, Gênes au XVe siècle, activité économique et problèmes sociaux 490.

between the Republic of Venice and Austria.355 The most telling corroboration is the fact that

in 1557 Philip II is advised to seek the help of amalgamation experts from Venice:

‘the refining of [silver] ores is held to be the right choice in New Spain … in Spain we believe
it will also be so [referring to the new mines at Guadalcanal] ... it is in the interests of Your
Majesty that we look in Venice for a good official that knows about this mercury [process]. It
will be of benefit to all the mines and to your Majesty’.356

The good official may have been a Garci Hernandez, who received in 1565 the

following letter:

‘His Majesty understands that in that city [Venice] there are some masters who know the art to
extract silver without fire … I have been entrusted to write to Your Excellency … [so that] you
may send a true and correct report to His Majesty ... being satisfied that these are not fictions
nor mockery as sometimes happens, because if this is true His Majesty will wish to bring them
to Spain so as to gain from their art’.357

The contents of these letters show that even by 1565 there was still some hesitation at

the highest levels in Madrid about the amalgamation process being tested in the New World,

so that the more technical support at hand, the better.

Was the Venetian know-how of amalgamation the recipe that was originally transmitted

to New Spain in the mid-1550s? Vergani argues that it is, and proposed a route originating in

Haut Vicentin, then Germany, Spain and finally New Spain. He argues that the transmission

agent was not Biringuccio’s book, since in this period techniques were made known not so

Blanchard, Russia's "Age of Silver". Precious-metal Production and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth
Century Footnote 5, 356.
‘el sacar el metal con açogue se tiene en la Nueva España por muy açertado … en Espana creo que será lo
mismo … conviene al seruicio de V.M. que se enuie a Veneçia por algún buen ofiçial desto del açogue.
Aprouechara para todas las minas y redundara en prouecho de V.M.’ Sánchez Gómez, Minería no férrica en el
Reino de Castilla, 326.
‘Su Magd. a entendido que en esa cibdad ay alguns maestros que tienen arte para sacar plata sin fuego …
ame mandado que yo escriba a V.M. … [para que] pueda embiar muy verdadera y çierta relación a Su Magd. …
estando satisfecho que no son fiçiones ni burlas de las que suele auer, porque siendo verdad querria su Magd.
lleuarlos a España y fauoreçer su buen arte’. Ibid., 315.

much through texts but by the migration of skilled artisans.358 However the chemical signature

of the Schio process, the addition of a water soluble copper compound to the amalgamation

recipe, is not observed in the New World until the 1590s (see the following section). This is

the only reason to doubt this interpretation, but it is a strong one. Had the experience from

Schio been transmitted verbatim to the New World, it would have cut some 50 years from the

learning curve of the Spanish amalgamators.

Independently of events at Schio, European and German artisans would have

transmitted know-how on large-scale gold amalgamation to Hispaniola, from where it would

arrive to New Spain. There are two examples of this technical migration attracted by the gold

of the New World. In 1525 the Italian mining specialist Paolo Belvio was sent to Hispaniola

with a batch of mercury to reactivate the placer gold workings.359 A more intriguing trail is the

mention by the German historian Schafer of a Fleming named Gaspar Loman, sent initially by

the Welsers to extract gold in Venezuela, who then moves to Cuba in 1540 to revive copper

mines in the Sierra Madre.360 In 1550 a Gaspar Lohman is awarded a merced (a royal grant)

for proposing a method to dress ores prior to smelting, and together with Bartolome de Medina

another merced in 1556, in recognition for his proposal of an amalgamation process of silver

ores, based on drawings he had brought from Germany of machinery used for the refining of

gold and silver ores with mercury.361 For the refiners of the day, if smelting was running into

trouble, the use of mercury would have been a natural option to try next. Whether Loman and

Lohman are one and the same remains to be established, but their lives illustrate well how

Vergani, "La métallurgie des non-ferreux dans la république du Venise (XVe-XVIIIe siècles)," 207-211.;
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 384.
Sánchez Gómez, Minería no férrica en el Reino de Castilla, 277.
as quoted by West, The Parral Mining District, 106.
‘recibe orden del virrey, como persona experta … había mostrado al virrey ciertos dibujos y trazas que el se
trajo de Germania a Nueva España de unos ingenios en que se beneficiaban los metales de oro y plata con
azogue’. S. Zavala, "La amalgama en la minería de Nueva España," Historia Mexicana XI, no. 3 (1962): 418-19.

mining and refining in this period was a continuum of experience applied in the field, not

restricted to any particular metal. When New Spain was found to be richer in silver than in

gold, the Lomans of the time would have responded without a break in their stride.362

The large-scale mercury amalgamation of gold in Africa and then the Rhineland of

Europe set the stage for the application of amalgamation in the New World. It is precisely

because the initial recipe came from a much simpler process for amalgamating gold that its

implementation in the New World for silver ores would require a learning curve spanning some

fifty years. As the nature of the main silver ore being amalgamated changed from native silver

and silver chlorides to the deeper silver sulphides, so too would the amalgamation recipe have

to be adapted to each new challenge.

Peru would lag some fifteen years behind New Spain in applying a silver amalgamation

process, but in less than 30 years would produce fundamental changes to the simple gold

amalgamation recipe that would transform it into an efficient industrial refining process

specifically tailored to silver ores. To follow these historical events it is first necessary to

review the seven basic chemical principles that defined the history of amalgamation of silver

ores in the New World.

3.4 The chemistry of amalgamation

1. Mercury only amalgamates elemental silver. It does not amalgamate silver

This is the fundamental but often overlooked tenet of amalgamation with mercury. In

the strict use of the term, amalgamation does not involve a chemical transformation of either

The report to the Crown that silver was proving to be more important than gold in New Spain took place in
1533, according to Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 19-20.

mercury or of elemental silver. An amalgam does not have a fixed amount of mercury. It is a

physical mixture that does not change the original chemical nature of its constituents. It can be

either a liquid or a solid depending on the amount of excess mercury that it can retain like a

sponge retains water.

The confusion arises when amalgamation is the term applied to the whole refining

process using mercury, during which chemical reactions involving mercury takes place.

2. Mercury reduces silver chloride to silver, and in turn oxidizes to form calomel,
mercurous chloride (Hg2Cl2)
This is the chemical reaction that allowed the first miners of weathered silver deposits

in the New World to extract silver using the simple amalgamation recipe derived from the

refining of gold. Mercury plays a double role in the amalgamation of silver ores: it is an

amalgamating agent, and it is also an active chemical reagent that reduces any silver chloride

it comes into contact with according to the following equation:363

2Hg(l) + 2AgCl(s)  2Ag(s) + Hg2Cl2(s) Reaction 1

3. Iron and copper can also reduce silver chloride to silver

Iron and copper can also act as reducing agents to silver chloride, as for example: 364

AgCl (s) + Fe (s)  Ag (s) + FeCl2 (aq) Reaction 2

In all the chemical reactions the letters in parenthesis indicate the physical state of the reactant, thus (s) solid,
(l) liquid, (aq) in aqueous solution.
Percy, Metallurgy Silver, 94. In the case of copper, this is the reason why the cazo process invented by Barba
cuts down significantly the consumption of mercury during amalgamation. Iron would be part of the recipe in
later versions of the cazo and barrel processes. Copper was added to amalgamation recipes to cut down loss of
mercury at Guadalupe and Calvo according to Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 314.

4. Mercury does not reduce silver sulphide to silver

Laboratory runs carried out with mercury, salt and silver sulphide have failed to yield an

amalgam of silver and mercury under conditions that replicate the amalgamation process of

silver ores.365

5. Silver sulphide reacts with copper salts and sodium chloride in the presence of
oxygen to form silver chloride
Silver sulphide reacts with cupric ions in saline solution to produce silver chloride:366

Ag2S(s) + 2Cu2+ (aq) + 8Cl- (aq)  2AgCl(s) + 2[CuCl3]2- (aq) + S(s) Reaction 3

6. Heating a silver sulphide ore with salt will transform the silver sulphide into silver
This is an alternative route to convert silver sulphides into silver chlorides prior to

amalgamation with mercury. It is known by the term ‘roasting’ and was used intermittently in

the New World.367

7. Lead renders a silver ore unfit for amalgamation

Lead amalgamates with mercury, and would be present in much larger quantities than

silver in the galena ore. This competition between a much larger content of lead than silver for

the same amount of mercury being added would lead to a serious depletion in the amount of

Dr. David Johnson, private communication.
According to the laboratory experiments it is oxygen that acts as oxidizing agent and the copper in magistral
ultimately does not change its oxidation state, thus acting only as a catalyst. D.A. Johnson and K. Whittle, "The
Chemistry of the Hispanic-American Amalgamation Process," J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., no. 23 (1999): 4242.
The amalgamation cakes were subjected to periodic turnovers and treading, all of which would have incorporated
fresh oxygen into the slurry mix. Thus it is reported that continuous treading by mules over twenty four hours
accelerated the amalgamation process, but costs were deemed too high to implement this on a regular basis, in
Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 266.
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 137,142.; Agricola, De re metallica, 273-276. A discussion on roasting as
practised in the nineteenth century can be found in Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 226.; C.H. Aaron, Leaching
Gold and Silver Ores: The Plattner and Kiss Processes (Barry & Baird, Printers, 1881), 15-20.

mercury available to either amalgamate any silver or to reduce the silver chloride, leading to a

very low extraction rate and efficiency of the process. Other metals such as copper and bismuth

can also interfere with this process.368

In summary, silver ores without lead respond to amalgamation by three parallel routes:

i) by the direct amalgamation of any native silver with mercury ii) by the reduction of silver

chlorides with mercury, iron and/or copper to elemental silver, which then amalgamates with

mercury iii) by the formation of silver chloride from silver sulphide in the presence of copper

and chlorine ions in aqueous solution, which then reacts as in ii). Silver chloride can also be

generated from the sulphide by roasting the ore with salt prior to amalgamation. The only

scenarios where calomel is not formed is when native silver is being amalgamated, in which

case consumption of mercury could drop to zero. If silver chloride is also reduced to silver by

copper or iron, then the consumption of mercury during amalgamation will also be lower.

The historiography up to the end of the nineteenth century is very clear that lead was a major impediment to
the use of amalgamation. Though I will cite only the main authors, there are many other documents of the whole
period that underline that this was common knowledge in the field. For example: ‘the lead content of an ore is a
formal impediment to refining by amalgamation’-‘por quanto es impedimento formal lo plomoso de las piedras
para el beneficio de azogue’ in José Antonio de Villaseñor y Sánchez, Theatro americano : descripcion general
de los reynos y provincias de la Nueva España y sus jurisdiccions (Mexico: Imprenta de la Viuda de D. Joseph
Bernardo de Hogal, 1746), 132. Sonneschmidt warns that amalgamation is not apt for ores that contain copper,
lead or antimony. Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 55. ‘moreover
the ores of the Harz forest are very rich in lead, and cannot therefore be treated with quicksilver in so easy and
cheap a manner as other ores’ in Born, Born's New Process of Amalgamation, 239. Kerl, Crookes, and Röhrig,
Prof. Kerl's Metallurgy, 319.; Eissler, The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead, 163-172.; G. Küstel, Roasting of
Gold and Silver Ores: and the Extraction of Their Respective Metals Without Quicksilver (AJ Leary, stationer and
printer, 1880), 14, 39. It is in the modern historiography that this knowledge becomes somewhat blurred. A case
in point is the interpretation by historians of the failure of the amalgamation trials held at the newly discovered
mines of Guadalcanal in Spain right after its implementation in New Spain. One of the few historians to have
correctly interpreted the failure of the trials as caused by the lead content of their ores is Joaquín Fernández Pérez,
"La amalgamación de los minerales de plata," in El oro y la plata de las Indias en la época de los Austrias, ed.
Concepción Lopezosa Aparicio (Madrid: Fundacion ICO, 1999), 149. In contrast, Castillo Martos blames the
failure on Boteller for attempting to pass as an expert on amalgamation, becoming unmasked by his inability to
amalgamate the unamalgamateable, the argentiferous lead ores of Guadalcanal. Manuel Castillo Martos,
"Primeros beneficios de la plata por amalgamación en la América colonial (1565-1600)," in Minería y metalurgia.
Intercambio tecnológico y cultural entre América y Europa durante el período colonial español, ed. Manuel
Castillo Martos (Sevilla, Bogota: Muñoz Montoya y Montraveta Editores, 1994), 383.

Towards the end of the eighteenth century German metallurgists were quite correct in

pointing out that mercury only amalgamated with elemental silver. Born’s original statement

is unimpeachable: ‘[since] it is an axiom in chemistry … that quicksilver never unites with

metallic calxes, it naturally followed that … silver cannot be extracted from … ores by

quicksilver … but that the … silver calxes must be reduced into their metallic form’.369 Thus

the conclusion posited by the English historian Tristan Platt that ‘German metallurgical

discourse was based on a theory of matter that denied the possibility of refining most silver

ores by amalgamation with mercury’ or that there was a European ‘monopoly of truth’ or a

‘system of ideas’ that can be interpreted as opposing European science to American tradition,

cannot be based on the assumption that the German scientists were mistaken in their concept

of amalgamation.370 It remained a fact of chemistry that amalgamation could not be applied to

the majority of silver ores of Europe, which consisted either of silver-rich lead or copper ores.

In the early nineteenth century Humboldt was the first observer to attempt to understand

the chemistry behind amalgamation by replicating its process under controlled laboratory

conditions.371 The lack of an established chemical theoretical framework hampered most

efforts of the early nineteenth century to explain how mercury was able to extract silver from

its ores.372 The challenge was to recognize that mercury had two functions, one to create

elemental silver from the fraction of silver chloride, the other to amalgamate all the metallic

To find a way around the fact that mercury only amalgamates silver metal, Born argued that silver particles,
like larvae, were ‘wrapt up in sulphur and arsenic … or other metals and semi-metals, so as to become wholly
invisible to the naked eye … thus enveloped in ore and stony matter, should be freed of their external disguise …
either mechanically or chemically … assisted by calcination, which expels and destroys these heterogeneous
bodies’. Born, Born's New Process of Amalgamation, 5, 73-74. Born argues that metallic silver silver was always
present, but hidden.
T. Platt, "The Alchemy of Modernity. Alonso Barba's Copper Cauldrons and the Independence of Bolivian
Metallurgy (1790-1890)," Journal of Latin American Studies (2000): 2, 3, 30.
Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 76-80.
Amalgamation of silver ores reached its industrial pre-eminence in the New World well before Mendeleyev
published the first version of the periodic table of the chemical elements in 1869. Early theories on the mechanism
of amalgamation can be found in Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 120-44.; Laur, "De la metallurgie de
l'argent au Mexique," 258-70.

silver present. It very soon became evident that a salt of mercury was being formed, which was

variously described as ‘sweet mercury’ (which may reflect the sweet taste of calomel),

chlorinated mercury, a subchloride or chloride of mercury, even if the exact formula was not

yet known.373 By 1868 a German textbook on metallurgy could state unequivocally that ‘the

large loss [of mercury] is chiefly caused by the formation of chloride of mercury … the

presence of mercury being necessary, not merely as a means of collecting the particles of silver

… but also as a chemical reagent’. In addition it also recognized the fact that other metals could

reduce silver chloride in place of mercury: ‘if iron is not present in sufficient quantity [in the

amalgamation recipe]… mercury will be wasted by its conversion into calomel’.374

The work by Johnson and Whittle was a long-overdue modern laboratory study in

which they put to the test the main amalgamation theories proposed in the historiography.375

Their results confirm the transformation of mercury into calomel as an inherent part of the

process, and yet the historiography in general has been slow to point out that mercury was not

‘lost’ during the process but consumed as a chemical reagent. The following example

underlines the problem in not recognizing the chemical nature of the amalgamation process:

‘losses of mercury, an expensive substance, tended to be great when the amalgamation

‘part of mercury is converted into a [chloride]’ -‘une partie du mercure se convertit en muriate’ in Humboldt,
Essai politique, Tome IV, 77. ; Mercurio dulce in Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación
de Nueva España, 125.; ‘du mercure chloriné’ in Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 124.; ‘the chloride of
silver … reacts on the metallic mercury, a portion of which is converted into subchloride, whilst the remainder
combines with the silver thus liberated’ in Pique, A Practical Treatise on Silver, 115.
Kerl, Crookes, and Röhrig, Prof. Kerl's Metallurgy, 325, 338-40. Cloruro de azogue (chloride of mercury) is
identified in Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 239.
Platt advocated that ‘future research, requiring chemical knowledge and laboratory resources, must attempt to
repeat all the procedures experimentally … only then will be able to evaluate properly … American … practice’
of the amalgamation process. Platt, "The Alchemy of Modernity. Alonso Barba's Copper Cauldrons and the
Independence of Bolivian Metallurgy (1790-1890)," 15-16. In the recent historiography the only attempt to
correlate the laboratory with historical practice has been Johnson and Whittle, "The Chemistry of the Hispanic-
American Amalgamation Process." Sets of chemical equations have been proposed that include the formation of
calomel (for example Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 194.; Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 223.
None have the correlation with experimental results presented by Johnson and Whittle.

processes of the day were applied to ores of very high silver content’. 376 The statement is

misleading on two fundamental issues. First, mercury is mainly consumed via a chemical

reaction, not lost. An industry that buys a reagent for its processes is not incurring a loss but a

production cost. Ulloa makes reference to the disdain of European metallurgists on the

amalgamation process as practised in the New World due to the great waste of mercury.377

There was no such great waste, but simply the required consumption of mercury in a chemical

reaction. Second, from a chemical point of view mercury is only consumed if there is silver

chloride in the ore to react with, forming calomel. If the silver content is of native silver only,

whether high or low, the consumption of mercury could in theory be nil, since it will not react

chemically with native silver. This lingering misconception on the fundamental nature of the

amalgamation process of silver ores affects the manner in which the environmental impact

vector of mercury has been interpreted in most of the literature from the twentieth century to

the present, so I will return to this critical issue in Sections 3.9 and 3.10.

3.5 The implementation by stages of the amalgamation process

Chronologies of the practice of amalgamation in the New World have been published

in the historiography, but none follow the chemical pas de deux between the chemistry of the

recipe ingredients and that of the silver ores being treated in the New World.378 To follow the

trail I will be switching from New Spain to the Andean experience around Potosí, since the

historical records of the latter provide a wealth of technical detail not as yet found for the

former, which correspond to the critical last quarter of the sixteenth century. It is a period of

Bakewell, Miners of the Red Mountain, 18.
Antonio de Ulloa, Noticias americanas: Entretenimientos phisicos-historicos, sobre la America Meridional, y
la Septentrional Oriental (Madrid: Imprenta de Don Francisco Manuel de Mena, 1772), 267.
Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 112-133.; Carlos Sempat Assadourian, "Base técnica y relaciones de
producción en la minería de Potosí," in Ciencia colonial en América, ed. Antonio Lafuente and José Sala Catalá
(Madrid: Alianza, 1992).; Castillo Martos, "Primeros beneficios amalgamacion."

fifty years in which human ingenuity aided by the mineral riches of the subducted Andes guided

the theoretically blind but very pragmatic Spanish refiners through the complexity of the

concatenated chemical reactions needed to extract the most silver out of a suitable ore. The

profile of the tongue-tied, uncouth yet skilled refiner that implemented the amalgamation

process in the sixteenth century is well described by the Viceroy Toledo when he refers to the

manner in which the amalgamation method was brought to Potosí, thanks to the arrival at


‘of a poor Spaniard from Mexico who calls himself Pero [sic] Hernández whose knowledge
cannot be questioned even if it only covers what he does nor can he barely express himself
were it not for a sharper companion who understood what lay within the simplicity of the

The end result was a process simple to operate at ambient temperature, requiring less skills

than smelting, whose longevity and lack of change is not a sign of backwardness but rather of

a chemical maturity achieved as early as the end of the sixteenth century.

In spite of the attention given to Bartolomé de Medina in the historiography as the man

responsible for implementing amalgamation in the New World, there is at present not a single

historical document that provides any detailed information of his refining activity carried out

in Pachuca, New Spain, in the mid-1550s.380 The first extant account with a minimum of

‘un español de Méjico pobre que se dice Pero Hernández y no lo es menos de entendimiento porque no le tiene
para más de lo que hace ni aun apenas lo sabe declarar con otro compañero agudo que entendió lo que avía
dentro de la simplicidad destotro’ as quoted in Sempat Assadourian, "Base técnica y relaciones de producción,"
128. The burst of empirical genius shown in the altiplano of the Andes in the sixteenth century has not received
the same attention as Medina’s efforts in New Spain, even though the technical documents are much stronger for
the Andes.
The lack of due diligence on the claim that Medina invented amalgamation of silver ores, and the uncritical
repetition of the claim in the historiography, raises the question whether a similar laxity would be shown by
historians on a claim of similar importance in the history of technology in Europe. The Spanish historian who first
brought to light of what little was left by Medina wrote: ’the documents [left by Medina] … do not deal with the
discovery of Bartolome de Medina in its scientific aspect, but of its history … so, then, I will not deal with the
technical part, only the historic one’ - ‘los documentos … no tratan del descubrimiento de Bartolome de Medina
en su parte científica, sino en la historia … asi, pues, no voy a tratar la parte técnica del descubrimiento, sino de
la historica’ in Francisco Fernandez del Castillo, "Algunos documentos nuevos sobre Bartolome de Medina,"

operational details of amalgamation in New Spain is from a report published in 1591 by Juan

de Cardenas.381 For the initial period that saw the introduction of amalgamation I therefore turn

first to the description by Montesinos of Fernando de Velasco’s pioneering attempts to use

amalgamation in Peru:

‘sometimes he added the rocks with metal to the mercury, sometimes he broke them down in
pieces, and still in neither manner would the metal take the mercury, until tired of these trials
he broke the rocks into smaller pieces and leaving them in mercury forgot about them for many
days and went back to his smelting operations ... [after a few days he] separated the mercury
... squeezed it through a cloth and saw a bit of pella ... if the metal were to be more finely
ground, the mercury would act more quickly’.382

The simplicity of the method mirrors the amalgamation of gold as practised in the Western

Sudan in the twelfth century: ‘garnering their fragments of gold (quartz), mixing them with

mercury and mixing the whole over a charcoal fire so that the mercury evaporated leaving a

mass of founded pure gold’.383

In 1585 Luis Capoche published his first-hand account of how amalgamation was

carried out in Potosí during the period that had seen a nine-fold increase in silver refined, over

eighty amalgamation units built, and seven of the system of lakes that would guarantee a

Memorias de la Sociedad Alzate 47(1927): 231-251. In the absence of any technical document, the claim in favour
of Medina rests on two facts: that he was awarded a merced (a royal grant) that allowed him to receive payments
from any refiner applying his amalgamation process, and that refiners using his method were failing to pay him.
A merced by itself is not proof of a technical innovation that truly works, and during the same period a merced
was also awarded to the use of solimán, mercuric chloride, a useless recipe that was soon dropped. A joint merced
for amalgamation of silver ores was awarded both to Medina and Lohman, in 1557 leaving open the equally valid
interpretation that both of them were adapting a known process to the silver ores of New Spain, not inventing one.
For an example of a recent hagiography on Medina that includes all these facts, including the use of mercury
amalgamation of silver ores in Venice prior to Medina, yet manages to exclude them from its overall conclusions,
see Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina. For a fictionalized reconstructions of events in Pachuca see Probert,
"Bartolome de Medina: the Patio Process and the Sixteenth Century Silver Crisis."
Cárdenas, Primera parte de los problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias 156-65.
As quoted in Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 136.
As quoted from al-Idrisi in Blanchard, Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages, 3 1157.

constant supply of water power to drive the stamp mills.384 According to Capoche : ‘having

ground the ore … to a fine flour ... the Indians place it in …boxes … where they mortify it

with brine ... and ... add mercury ... there is sufficient brine for the ore to make a slurry’.385 This

implies that up to 1585 the main ores being refined at Potosí were still mainly native silver and

silver chloride, the only two sources of silver that would amalgamate under such a simple recipe

that only required water, salt and mercury.386 Silver sulphides would not have responded to the

recipe described by Capoche, except under the spurious presence of soluble copper salts in

certain batches of ore.

The huge amounts of weathered silver ore discarded by the initial wave of ignorant

refiners were the source material for the simple amalgamation recipe initially tried out in New

Spain. The chemical impotence of this primitive recipe derived from gold workings became

evident once these weathered ores containing silver chloride and native silver run out, and

refiners were faced with increasing amounts of silver sulphide ores (the negrillos). This in turn

triggered in the following twenty years a burst of innovation that would not be repeated in the

history of amalgamation in the New World. It would lead to the birth of an amalgamation

process tailored specifically to silver ores, capable of refining not only native silver and silver

halides but also the more abundant silver sulphides as well. It is very well documented thanks

to the Spanish Viceroy of Peru, Don Fernando de Torres y Portugal, who in 1588 sent Juan

Ortiz de Zárate to investigate the state of technical innovation in Potosí. He was not driven by

Capoche, "Villa Imperial de Potosi," 117. Arzans writing in the 1700s states that already by March 1577 a total
of 10 million ‘reales a ocho’ had been invested in building some 100 ‘cabezas de Ingenio’, mill heads, in Potosí.
Arzáns de Orsúa y Vela, Villa imperial de Potosí, 169.
‘molido el metal ... hacen la harina … delgada … la pasan los indios a los cajones …, donde la mortifican con
salmuera … y … echan el azogue … echándole tanta salmuera que se hace el metal un barro ’ Capoche, "Villa
Imperial de Potosi," 123-24.
It is important to note that Henry Wagner, one of the few modern authors who had also been a miner in the
field, made a similar point when he drew attention to the fact that mercury and salt only work on the weathered
section of silver deposits. Wagner, "Early Silver Mining in New Spain," 64.

scientific interest but by the troubling rumours that more efficient recipes were being applied

that would reduce the revenues from the sale of mercury by the Crown. Ortiz was instructed

‘to find out with great care and diligence which new invention or inventions have been
proposed or are being proposed to refine those ores and who began first and in which manner
and who has continued them and wishes to continue in the future and which trials have been
made on a small or large scale and which have been positive and which not’.387

The wide scope of the instructions resulted in a detailed technical snapshot of the state

of amalgamation in Potosí precisely during the period when the refining community was

empirically finding its own solution to the challenge of refining silver sulphide ores. Two

innovations would persist until the end of amalgamation in the nineteenth century. First, finely

ground iron was included in the recipe, which reduced the consumption of mercury. 388 The

second innovation was the result of developments that are best seen as a weave of two

synergistic and concurrent improvements rather than a planned sequence of events. The nature

of the ores was changing: more and more silver sulphides (negrillos) were coming to the

surface but were not responding to the simple amalgamation recipe. That the silver sulphides

represented the major challenge to the amalgamation recipe being used at the end of the

sixteenth century in Peru is confirmed by a letter from 1600 that requests the Spanish Crown

‘que con particular cuidado y diligencia sepa y averigue que invencion nueva o invenciones se han pretendido
y pretenden hacer para el beneficio de los dichos metales y quien las comenzó primero y de que manera y quien
las ha proseguido e quiere proseguir e que experiencias se han hecho por menor y por mayor e cuales han salido
ciertas o inciertas’ as quoted in Jimenez de la Espada, Relaciones Geograficas de Indias - Peru II, 184, 121.
For the trials that led to the use of iron, see ibid., 124-28. It was clear in the 1600s that iron only decreased the
amount of mercury consumed, but did not increase the amount of silver extracted: ‘even though iron helped to
avoid loss of mercury, the silver extracted was so little that it was of little profit’- ‘aunque el hierro ayudaba para
que no se perdiese el azogue, era tan poca la plata que se sacaba que no era de ningun aprovechamiento’, in the
anonymous document titled Descripción de la Villa y Minas de Potosí, Año 1603, as reproduced in Anonymous,
"Descripción de la Villa y Minas de Potosí, año de 1603 " in Relaciones Geográficas de Indias - Perú I ed. José
Urbano Martínez Carrera Biblioteca de Autores Españoles (Madrid: Atlas, 1965 (1588)), 375.

to send German silver refiners to Potosí to assist in finding the right refining method for the


Two new approaches were therefore adopted. The deeper and more abundant negrillo

ores started to be roasted with salt prior to being mixed with the weathered surface ores (pacos)

and then amalgamated.390 This increased the pool of silver chlorides in the ore that would be

reduced either by iron filings or mercury, leading to more silver extracted by amalgamation.

At some point it was decided to use a mineral mix using copper rich mineral instead of the

more expensive roasted negrillos to mix with the pacos, with even better results.391 The idea

may have come from the use of copapiri, a blue stone from Lipes (a location in the surroundings

of Potosí), that was added to the amalgamation recipe, as proposed by Juan Fernandez Montaño

around 1588. Copapiri was a mineral rich in copper sulphates, the first step to the critical

incorporation of copper ions to the recipe.392 The use of roasted copper pyrites would displace

the use of copapiri. The success achieved by employing all available materials at hand

underscores Eissler’s dictum that isolated refiners in primitive settings need to adapt to the

circumstances of their surroundings.393

The last major innovation to the amalgamation recipe would be introduced by Alonso

Barba in the early 1600s. By heating the amalgamation recipe in copper pots, the copper surface

Copy of a letter from the Audiencia of Charcas to the King of Spain, dated 6th march 1600, as quoted in Jimenez
de la Espada, Relaciones Geograficas de Indias - Peru II, 184, 132.
‘el pueblo esta contentísimo, porque es el beneficio que han menester, y de mayor importancia que beneficiar
los metales negrillos de por si, que por ser pocos, se acabarían en buen tiempo, y ayudando a los pacos duraran’
excerpt from a letter written by Don Pedro de Cordoba Messia to the Viceroy of Peru, 1st novermber 1602, as
quoted in ibid.
The greater cost of roasted negrillos is claimed to be due to deeper and flooded mines, plus the treatment of
the negrillos. See ibid., 375.
Ibid., 122, 128.
The quotation from Eissler at the beginning of the chapter, where he refers to metallurgists working in the
wilderness, in fact referred to conditions in Nevada, U.S.A, in mid nineteenth century, which makes the
innovations in the Andes of the late sixteenth century even more remarkable. Eissler, The Metallurgy of
Argentiferous Lead, vi.

would serve (inadvertently) as a reducing agent to the silver chloride present, thus decreasing

substantially the amount of mercury transformed into calomel.394 Barba’s process was never

applied on a similar scale as the other amalgamation processes, since it suffered from the same

problems that it passed on to its progeny, the barrel process promoted by Baron Born at the end

of the eighteenth century. Namely, it only worked on ores rich in native silver and silver

halides, such as those mined in Catorce (San Luis Potosi) towards the end of the eighteenth

century.395 For other types of silver ores it was necessary to roast them prior to amalgamation,

in order to increase their content of silver chloride. Since the cazos and barrels were also heated,

this led to very high consumption rates of fuel, as will be seen in Chapter 5.396 The advantages

of the cazo and barrel techniques was an important reduction in the reaction time to a matter of

hours, not weeks, and a significant decrease in the consumption of mercury.

The azogueros of Potosí would remember in 1617 the despair and joy that led to each

of the main recipe stages described in the previous paragraphs:

‘it seems convenient to remember that the metals initially found in Potosí ... were so rich that
they were refined by smelting and this lasted some twenty years until as they run out and
became less rich ... in time it was necessary to introduce amalgamation ... however ... due to
the great losses of mercury that occurred ... due to not having found the best way to amalgamate
them ... when they [the refiners] were starting to weaken in their resolve, amalgamation adding
iron appeared ... and some twelve years ago [1605] amalgamation with added copper, that was
such that it caused a redemption of that city [Potosí]’.397

Barba, Arte de los metales, 105-29.
For a nineteenth century description of the cazo process see Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 144, 284.;
on ores for the cazo process, Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 130.
The best source for the barrel process is the work by its promoter, in Born, Born's New Process of
Amalgamation.; on the presentation of the Born process to his refining peers in Europe see Teich, "Born's
amalgamation process," 320-329.; Francisco Omar. Escamilla Gonzalez, "Ilustración alemana y ciencia
novohispana: la biblioteca de Fausto de Elhuyar," in Alemania y México: Percepciones mutuas en impresos, siglos
XVI-XVIII, ed. Horst Pietschmann, et al.(Ciudad de Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2005), 403-406.; on the
historical timing of the Born proposal see Arthur P. Whitaker, "The Elhuyar Mining Missions and the
Enlightenment," The Hispanic American Historical Review 31, no. 4 (1951): 578-579. Towards the end of the
nineteenth century a pan amalgamation process was implemented in the silver refining mills of the United States
of America, where it is claimed there was resistance to adopting the barrel process. Again the changes were in the
physical infrastructure of the process, not in its fundamental chemistry. See Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver,
348.; Eissler, The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead, 34-40.
‘parece conveniente traer a la memoria, que los metales que dio el cerro de Potosí a los principios .. fueron
tan ricos que se beneficiaron por fundición, y esto duro cerca de veinte años hasta que por irse acabando y

The semblance of a chronological succession of three amalgamation recipes should not

mislead the reader. The use of iron filings accomplished a completely different result from the

effect of roasting or adding copper sulphate. Iron (or a copper surface) decreased the

consumption of mercury, while roasting and the addition of copper sulphate converted the

silver sulphides into silver chloride, which could then be reduced either with iron, copper or


The evolution that took place in the amalgamation process is a very good example of

how to be right for all the wrong reasons. The use of salt in the recipe was justified at the time

by the need to remove any physical impediment between the mercury and the silver metal

particles believed to be embedded in the ores: ‘to clean (castrate or peel away from) silver of

the films or coverings within which it is found’.398 Acosta states that the ore was ‘mortified

with a concentrated salt solution … and this is done so that the salt can degrease the ground

metal, from the mud or inert content, so that mercury can receive better the silver’.399 The use

of the term ‘mortified’ is one of the signs of the alchemical context of the process: ‘nothing

can be Animated and born again, unless it first suffer Mortification … by which dissolution …

a most secret and noble change is brought about’.400 Mercury was thought to be consumed

because it tended to split up into tiny drops (lis) when subject to mechanical agitation. Lis

would then be lost in the interstices of the locations where amalgamation was carried out, or

teniendo ya menos riqueza...obligo el tiempo a que se introdujese el beneficio de los azogues… sin embargo …
por las grandes pérdidas que tuvieron de azogue … por no haber dado en el punto de su beneficio… cuando ya
comenzaban a enflaquecer, se dio el beneficio del hierro… y habrá doce años que se dio en el beneficio del cobre,
que fue tal que causo una redempcion de aquella villa’ Juan de Ibarra, "Suma de lo que el licenciado J de Ybarra
como procurador general de la villa de Potosi pide [14 Agosto 1617],"(Madrid, 1617), BL General Reference
Collection C.62.i.18.(37).
‘aplicar la sal para que limpie (castre o desenzurrone) la plata de las telillas o capuzes con que se halla’.
Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 180.
‘Mortifican el metal con salmuera … y esto se hace para que la sal desengrase la harina de metal, del barro
o lama que tiene, con lo cual el azogue recibe mejor la plata.’ In the same alchemical-religious vein Acosta would
claim that the torment and purges suffered by silver metal were akin to those suffered by souls in their path to
God. Acosta, Historia de las Indias, 113-14.
S.J. Linden, "Alchemy and Eschatology in Seventeenth-Century Poetry," Ambix 31, no. 3 (1984): 119.

washed away with the water. Iron filings were claimed to help coalesce the lis into larger

particles that were easier to recover.401 Barba argued that his process avoided mercury losses


‘the loss of mercury ... that is caused by its diminution and division into very small parts with
each mixing, due to which it is entrained by water and in the lamas [fine silt]. This
inconvenience does not happen in this [Barba’s] refining process, because mercury lies as a
whole on the bottom ... without any movement that will break it down, and so no lis is ever
seen in this process’.402

Roasting an ore was seen to disaggregate the particles of an ore, to eliminate malezas

(weeds, in the sense of an unproductive and interfering component) as well as unwanted

sulphur, and thus paved the way for a more intimate mix with mercury. Adding roasted copper

pyrites gave heat to mercury and so hastened its embrace of silver, while lime was added to

cool down an overheated process.403

For lack of primary sources it is impossible at this time to reconstruct in a similar

manner the evolution of the amalgamation recipe in New Spain. If the recipe applied by

Medina, Lohman and others in New Spain from the start had been taken from Biringuccio’s

work, it would have included not only salt but also verdigris.404 The Viceroy of New Spain

mentions in a letter addressed to the King dated 20th November 1554 that Medina has added ‘a

certain’ magistral as part of his amalgamation recipe.405 The term magistral in the context of

Garcia de Llanos, Diccionario, 39.
‘la perdida del Azogue ... que se causa por subtilizarse, y dividirse en pequeñísimas partes con los repasos, a
cuya causa se sale con el agua, y con las lamas. Inconveniente, que en todo cesa en este modo de beneficiar;
porque se esta en el fondo el Azogue unido ... sin movimiento que lo desmenuce, y assi nunca se ve lis en este
beneficio’. Barba, Arte de los metales, 117.
Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 96. A good guide to how
historical observations on the amalgamation process can be interpreted with modern chemical theory can be found
in Johnson and Whittle, "The Chemistry of the Hispanic-American Amalgamation Process," 4242.
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 384. Verdigris is a complex mixture of copper salts, some of them soluble in
water, and thus a potential source of copper (II) ions for the conversion of silver sulphide to silver chloride.
Berthe, "Le mercure et l'industrie mexicaine au XVIéme siècle," 142.

New World silver has become synonymous in much of the historiography with a copper

sulphate additive, but to interpret the Viceroy’s letter it is necessary to place the word

‘magistral’ in the alchemical context of the period. The alchemical art was known in Spanish

as the Magisterio, and magistral referred to any powdered substance used to assist in

transformations.406 It is not possible to conclude therefore from one isolated reference whether

Medina used copper sulphate as early as 1554. We do not even know if he actually made the

comment to the Viceroy, since the term magistral does not appear in the few extant papers

from Medina. It could well have been the Viceroy giving an alchemical turn to his report to a

King known to be steeped in alchemical lore.

The sparse reports on amalgamation in New Spain prior to the seventeenth century do

not mention the addition of a copper salt to the recipe. The reports on expenses incurred in

materials required for amalgamation of ores from Taxco in New Spain in an amalgamation

hacienda from 1562 to 1564 do not include any copper additive. 407 Neither Gomez de

Cervantes nor Juan Cardenas mention copper magistral in their descriptions of amalgamation

in New Spain dating from the last decade of the sixteenth century. The earliest mention of

magistral in New Spain is from 1602, when the Bishop Alonso y Mota does refer specifically

to the need to add it in order to be able to refine negrillos.408 If the need for copper magistral

‘“Magisterium” is a word which even in classical times had developed the meaning of “method”, and the
alchemists often use it of their processes ... from this sense the word slipped over rather easily into a designation
of the effective agent ... i.e. “salt alemboch is the magistery of all magisteries ... of itself it congeals and holds
mercury, and converts silver into purest gold” ... here magistery is a substance’ in Wilson, "An Alchemical
Manuscript by Arnaldus de Bruxella," 303-304. It is in this general context that for example the term magistral
was applied to solimán, mercuric chloride, as stated in Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 210.
García Mendoza, "Minas de plata en Taxco," 54.
Gómez de Cervantes, Nueva España siglo XVI, 143-153.; Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 125-27.;
Brading and Cross, "Colonial Silver Mining: Mexico and Peru," 553.

to complete the amalgamation recipe was not established by trial and error in Peru until the

1590s, it is most probable that it only became known in New Spain until after that date.409

To argue otherwise would open the door to a very intriguing scenario whereby the Vice-

Royalty of New Spain held back for nearly 50 years critical information from the main producer

of silver at the time, to the detriment of the Spanish Treasury. Since the authorities of New

Spain had awarded at least two mercedes on amalgamation they could not have pled ignorance

as to the technical details of the processes involved.410 Taking into account the surprising level

of technical interest shown from Madrid into developments taking place with mercury and

silver in the Americas during this period, this is a scenario hard to justify.411 If the refiners of

Peru were the first to identify the usefulness of copper magistral it remains to be seen how this

Even in Spain the use of a copper salt magistral does not figure in the recipe for amalgamation ‘as applied in
New Spain’ for the ores of Guadalcanal as of the 1560s. González, Noticia histórica minas de Guadalcanal, II
408-12. The majority report in the historiography is that a copper salt magistral was introduced in New Spain
only towards the turn of the sixteenth century. See for example Bargalló, La química inorgánica 90.; Wagner,
"Early Silver Mining in New Spain," 66.; Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 203.;Pérez Sáenz de Urturi, "La
minería colonial americana bajo la dominación española," 67.
Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 115-19.
The chronology of events shows a central bureaucracy moving at colonial light speed. We have seen how
Viceroy Velasco kept Charles V informed on Medina’s testing of amalgamation during 1554. The Viceroy states
he urged Medina to send for the German (identified in the July letter as Lorenzo) in view of the importance of this
process for the Spanish Treasury (Berthe, "Le mercure et l'industrie mexicaine au XVIéme siècle," 142-43.). The
King had also received from another channel the report of the arrival of Medina and of his claims to be able to
refine silver ores with mercury. The report suggests his German advisor be allowed to travel to New Spain and to
bring major amounts of mercury with him (Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 86.) In early September 1555
the Crown is already instructing Viceroy Luis de Velasco to start searching for mercury mines. On the 29
December 1555 Medina set down on paper in Xilotepec, New Spain, how he managed to refine silver ores with
mercury, though managing to leave out all practical information on the process itself (Fernandez del Castillo,
"Algunos documentos nuevos sobre Bartolome de Medina," 231.). On the 31 December 1555 the Princess Regent
of Spain would request the administrator of the Guadalcanal mines to check with the German Johann Schürren,
the delegate from the Fuggers in charge of mining affairs in Spain, to determine if they had used mercury to refine
silver ores, in view of the news coming out from New Spain (Sánchez Gómez, Minería no férrica en el Reino de
Castilla, 325.). The ores of Guadalcanal were mainly argentiferous galena, so I would expect the Germans to have
shrugged their shoulders in genuine ignorance of this application of mercury to silver and not gold. It is the
chemical nature of the silver ores in Guadalcanal that explains the lack of success of the amalgamation trials in
1557 by Rivas, then by Mosen Boteller in 1562, and not any technical ignorance on the part of the frustrated
amalgamators as has been suggested in the historiography (Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 121-24.;
Manuel Castillo Martos, "Introduccion," in Minería y metalurgia: intercambio tecnológico y cultural entre
América y Europa durante el período colonial español, ed. Manuel Castillo Martos (Sevilla, Bogota: Muñoz
Montoya y Montraveta Editores, 1994), 383.). By 1559 Spain restricts the supply and sale of mercury to the
monopoly of the Crown (Bartolomé de Medina, 141.)

information was transmitted back to New Spain. It also implies that as in Peru, New Spain

would be refining mainly native silver and silver chlorides until the turn of the century.

A timeline of the main events in the implementation of amalgamation of silver ores in

the New World is provided in Figure 3.1.

gold ores
gold ores
start of gold
Hispaniola major production of gold
use of
patent for
Venice method to
refine silver

smelting continues to be practised (ie main refining method San Luis Potosí starting 17c)

start of German Medina/ Lohman
New Spain silver ore smelters granted Definite
mining for silver mercedes on amalgamation
ores simple ? recipe with
amalgamation magistral
method (mercury, implemented
salt, water)
copper salt
(magistral )
added to
method Barba
start of iron added to what
transferred implements
major recipe becomes
Vice-Royalty from New cazo process
silver ore smelting Spain and
Peru amalgamation
mining implemented
(Potosí) recipe

smelting continues to be practised

dates 12c 13-14c ? ca 1494 1507 ca 1532 1545 1556-1557 ca 1570 ca 1585 by 1600

Figure 3-1. Timeline of main stages in the implementation of amalgamation in the New

3.6 The infrastructure of amalgamation in New Spain

Once the critical breakthrough was made on the amalgamation recipe to allow its use

on silver sulphides, it would remain to all practical purposes unaltered in its chemical principles

until its substitution at the end of the nineteenth century by another chemical process based on

cyanide. Amalgamation has been described at length in the historiography, and in the case of

New Spain it is referred to in the later historiography as the patio process, since the

amalgamation slurry was spread out in tortas (cakes) placed in a courtyard (patio).412 The best

sources to consult are those written by first-hand observers from the nineteenth century, who

present a better picture of the tight mosaic of multiple concatenated operations that is

sometimes lost in the more summarized versions in the modern historiography. 413 Figure 3-2

is the basic outline of the operation, once the silver ores have been sorted either for

amalgamation or smelting. Its virtual immutability means that data from the nineteenth century,

including a pool of technical drawings and even photographs, provide a much needed depth to

the sequence set out in Figure 3-2, as detailed in the following sections.

3.6.1 Milling the ore

If the number of smelting furnaces was the defining feature in the legal description of

smelting haciendas in San Luis Potosí, it is the number and nature of the milling equipment

that is the heart of the description of ‘haciendas de minas del beneficio de sacar plata por

azogue’ in legal documents of two of the main mining districts of the period, Zacatecas and

Guanajuato.414 Detailed descriptions of the various components of morteros (stamp mills) and

molinos (Chilean mills) figure prominently in seventeenth century documents for Zacatecas.415

It has been suggested that the term patio amalgamation was only applied in New Spain as of the eighteenth
century. Bartolomé de Medina, 185-86.
The following accounts are good guides to the historical process: Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de
la amalgamación de Nueva España, 38-47.; Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 86-120.; Laur, "De la
metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 137-215.; Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 192-242.; Collins,
Metallurgy of Lead & Silver, 34-62.; Amador, Tratado práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 65-91.
For Zacatecas I have only found the term ‘Hacienda de Patio’ in a document dating from the late eighteenth
century, an incomplete valuation of inventory of an ‘Haz. de Patio’, 2 July 1788, AHEZ, Poder Judicial Civil,
C45-E18. It is also the only document of Zacatecas in which I found the term taona.
For Zacatecas, seventeenth century: Rental agreement, inventory of Hacienda Santa Catalina Mártir, 7 June
1651, AHEZ, Notarías/Colonia, Number 4 (Manuel Rodriguez), 73r to 74r; inventory hacienda of Doña Isabel
Saldivar Mendoza, 28 July 1659, AHEZ, Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680),
expediente 3, 142 r to 143 r; rental agreement by the Jesuits for an hacienda, 20 December 1664, AHEZ,
Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680), expediente 4, 141 r 141 v; sale agreement by
Captain Joseph de Monrreal, 7 December 1671, AHEZ, Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 -
1680), expediente 5, 199r to 200v; inventory of the Hacienda de La Sienaguilla, 9 May 1673, AHEZ

silver ore

molino, mortero, roasting + salt

copper roasting copper

salt + water amalgamation sulphate pyrites
+ mercury slurry metal iron

entrained amalgam
excess mercury amalgam and mercury
removed from separated in captured in
amalgam in manga washing vats planillas and
recycled to process

mercury recycled waste fine mineral silt

from amalgam calomel
by heating in mercury and silver loss
capellina other additives

Figure 3-2. The main stages of the patio amalgamation process as practised in New Spain /
Mexico. Dashed lines indicate optional stages.

Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680), expediente 6, 46 v to 48v; rental agreement by
Doña Cathelina, Doña Maria and Doña Agustina Hurtado (?), 9 October 1673, AHEZ Notarías/Colonia, Number
5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680), expediente 6, 125v to 127r; rental agreement by the Jesuits, 4 June 1674,
AHEZ Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680), expediente 7, 50r to 52r; rental agreement
by Ramón Guerero, 27 June 1674, AHEZ Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680),
expediente 7, 59v to 61r; rental agreement by Don Fernando de Aranda , 9 July 1674, AHEZ Notarías/Colonia,
Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680), expediente 7, 72r, 72v; rental agreement by the Jesuits , 1678?,
AHEZ Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680), expediente 8, 3r to 4r; rental agreement by
Doña Elvira Perez de Bocanegra , 30 June 1678, AHEZ Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 -
1680), expediente 8, 93r to 94r; rental agreement by Doña Magdalena Guerrero, 8 April 1690, AHEZ
Notarías/Colonia, Number 11 (Lucas Fernandez Pardo 1690-1700), expediente 2, 86v to 88v; lawsuit between
Ramón de Mendoza y Juan Miguel de Bouzo (?), 21 September 1696, AHEZ Notarías/Colonia, Number 11
(Lucas Fernandez Pardo 1690-1700), expediente 2, 168r to 172r; rental agreement by Francisco de Aragón, 29
September 1694, AHEZ Notarías/Colonia, Number 11 (Lucas Fernandez Pardo 1690-1700), expediente 5, 201r
to 203r. A very useful guide to colonial stamp-mills using the data from Potosí is Peter J. Bakewell, "The First
Refining Mills in Potosi: Design and Construction.," in In Quest of Mineral Wealth: Aboriginal and Colonial
Mining and Metallurgy in Spanish America., ed. Alan K. Craig and Robert C. West (Baton Rouge: Geoscience
Publishers, 1994).

According to Rankine the molino was first introduced in Zacatecas, and only later in

Guanajuato, as a better option than the morteros, processing up to seven times more ore and

milling it to a finer size.416

The importance of the mills to the success of the process is reflected in the Christian

names given to each mill within the hacienda: Jesus, Santa Ana, San Pedro, San Pablo, San

Jose, Santa Isabel, among others.417 A photograph of a molino at work at the end of the

nineteenth century in Mexico is shown in Figure 3-3a, and its date does not detract from the

fact this was the same ingenio [machinery] that had been used since the seventeenth century

throughout New Spain.418

The key to amalgamation lay in achieving the maximum surface area of ore in contact

with the chemicals of the recipe.419 The finest mesh sizes were only achieved using arrastres,

also called tahonas, after first passing the raw ore through a mortero or molino.420 Such was

the attrition suffered by the arrastre/tahona stones (voladoras) that they could add up to 10%

of the weight of the material obtained after grinding (Figure 3-3 b and c).421 Humboldt declared

Margaret E Rankine, "The Mexican Mining Industry in the Nineteenth Century with Special Reference to
Guanajuato," Bulletin of Latin American Research (1992): 43.
Inventory of an hacienda owned by the Conde de Santa Rosa, 22 June 1706, AHEZ Poder Judicial-Civil C05-
E17, 9r,v; auction of the inventory of the Hacienda San Jose de las Perlas, 9 November 1761, AHEZ Serie Civil
C38-E02, 18r.
T. A. Rickard, Journeys of Observation (San Francisco: Dewey Pub. Co., 1907), 123 (facing).
The importance of milling for the success of amalgamation is so high that it has been argued that amalgamation
began in Sultepec because that is the location of the first water-powered stamp mills in New Spain built by
Germans. West, The Parral Mining District, 16. Not all mining districts aimed for the same mesh size, and in the
nineteenth century it was Guanajuato who claimed the finest milled ores, according to Duport, Métaux précieux
au Mexique, 250.
The drawing of an arrastre has been taken from Bernard MacDonald, "Old Mexican Methods " Mining and
Scientific Press (1907): 125. For the equivalence of the terms tahona and arrastre see Hermosa, Manual de
Laboreo de Minas, 196. The word taona or tahona does not figure in the documents of Zacatecas reviewed for
this chapter of the seventeenth century. The term arrastre appears in documents of the eighteenth century of
Guanajuato, for example in the sale of the Hacienda San Pedro, 7 December 1739, AHUG, Protocolo de Minas
libro 1732-1739, 315v; rental agreement for the Hacienda San Gerónimo (de Capetillo), 10 May 1747, AHUG,
Protocolo de Minas libro 1744-1747, 220r to 221r; rental agreement for the Hacienda de Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe, 22 Octubre 1760, AHUG, Protocolo de Minas libro 1757-1761, 43r,to 44v.
Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 279.





Figure 3-3. a) a horse-powered Molino in Mexico, late nineteenth century reproduced from
footnote 418 b) example of the pit of a molino, from where the finer grains that have been
shovelled through the mesh in a) are withdrawn via the arched tunnel and taken to the
tahonas/arrastres. Photo taken in the ruins of the Hacienda San Juan Nepomuceno, Marfil,
Guanajuato c) drawing of a tahona /arrastre, showing its four voladoras, reproduced from
MacDonald, footnote 420 d) photo of a wasted voladora stone, over 1.6 m in length, taken at
the home of the Morrill family, previously the Hacienda Bustos, Guanajuato.

he had never seen in Europe silver ores ground so fine as those he observed in an hacienda of

Guanajuato in New Spain.422 Power was supplied by water or animals.

3.6.2 The amalgamation reactor, or patio.

This was the operational area of greatest extension in an amalgamation hacienda of

New Spain. It was a courtyard (patio) covered in tightly fitting planks of wood or paving stones

to minimize loss of reagents through seepage to the soil (Figure 3-4a).423 Humboldt suggested

that the patio floor should be lined instead with iron or copper, an idea that was never taken up

but that represented a unique opportunity to have introduced the first major change in the

process since Barba.424 His idea would have decreased substantially the consumption of

mercury during the process, both on chemical grounds and by interposing a better barrier to

seepage to the soil. According to local weather or custom it would have a roof or remain open

to the elements. It comes as a surprise to observe that at least in the nineteenth century the

amalgamation slurries were not necessarily laid out in arrays of neat circular tortas (cakes), but

could be set out in square areas or simply take up all the available space in the patio (Figure 3-

b and c).425 The use of animals instead of workers to tread over the slurries reduced but did not

eliminate the human exposure to the chemicals in the slurry.426 The primitive nature of the

scenes in Figure 3-4 should not obscure the fact that the patio was an open-air industrial

Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 57.
Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 207. The paving stones can be observed in the photo of a patio área
that appears in Francisco Antúnez Echegaray, Monografía histórica y minera sobre el Distrito de Guanajuato
(Mexico: Consejo de Recursos Naturales No-Renovables, 1964), 389. The paving stones are also clearly depicted
in Piedro Gualdi’s painting (1846) of the patio reactor of the Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillo.
Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 82.
Berenice Pardo Hernández and Oscar Sánchez Rangel, Mineral de la Luz. La obra fotográfica de John Horgan
Jr. en México (Guanajuato: Editorial La Rana, 2010), 210.; Rickard, Journeys of Observation, 145.
Horses are said to have been introduced in Guanajuato haciendas by 1770. Ada Marina Lara Meza, Haciendas
de beneficio de Guanajuato. Tecnología y usos del suelo 1770-1780 (Guanajuato: Presidencia Municipal de
Guanajuato; Dirección de Cultura y Educación, 2001), 82. Their legs had to be carefully washed to avoid the
generation of cracks in the skin due to the corrosive action of the amalgamation chemicals. No mention is made
on the fate of the workers feet. Amador, Tratado práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 71. It is reported that

Figure 3-4 a) patio of the Hacienda de San Xavier, Guanajuato, photo reproduced from
Antúnez Echegaray, footnote 423 b) patio of the Hacienda de La Luz, Guanajuato, photo
reproduced from Hernandez and Rangel, footnote 425 c) patio of unidentified hacienda in
Guanajuato, photo reproduced from Rickard, footnote 426.

amalgam was recovered from the stomach of these horses. Horse manure was used as joint sealer within the patio
area. Rickard, Journeys of Observation, 136-37. What has not yet been studied is the effect of horse manure and
urine on the chemistry of amalgamation.

Figure 3-5. Amalgamation in ‘fixed casks’, Born’s variation on Barba’s cazo process.
Illustration reproduced from footnote 427.

chemical reactor of uncommon flexibility. In an amalgamation hacienda the operator enjoyed

great freedom in fixing the size of his batches, thus eliminating the usual handicap faced by

modern batch industrial processes based on a fixed reactor size. While Figure 3-4 does not

relay the same impression of scientific progress as the ordered sets of barrels driven by gears

depicted in Born’s work (Figure 3-5), the real contrast lies between the simplicity and

flexibility of the former compared to the rigidity and complexity of the latter, a complexity that

needs to justify itself on costs and efficiency and not simply on the basis it visually indicates

change, which can be confused with progress.427 The range of operational flexibility offered

by a patio reactor at a minimal capital and maintenance cost can only be underestimated at the

cost of altogether missing the point of the industrial process that took place for over three

hundred years in New Spain / Mexico.

Plate XXI, Born, Born's New Process of Amalgamation, following 178.

With regards to the amalgamation recipes, water, salt, mercury, a soluble copper

additive, iron or copper, and lime make up the usual list of ingredients. Exact quantities vary

with location and period and are well reported in the historiography on amalgamation. In

Chapter 4 I will be addressing a case study with details on the ingredients and quantities

employed. I will only point out that little if any assaying of ores took place, so that reagents

were added on the basis of the total amount of ore in a torta, and not on its silver content, and

even the size of the tortas varied according to each mining district. While mercury is always

added on the basis of a ratio to the silver in the ore, the absence of assaying made this an

exercise either in guesswork or an example of very uniform silver content in most ores for

amalgamation. Salt was usually added in excess, while copper sulphates were not, and water

was always present to avoid the cakes drying out.428

3.6.3 The handling of mercury within the hacienda.

There is one reference to mercury stored in barrels in the mercury room (aposento de

azogue or azoguería) in a Zacatecas hacienda.429 By the nineteenth century iron flasks became

the norm, so in transit and storage losses would have been reduced substantially. 430 There

remained two major steps that required direct contact with mercury by the workers. The first

was the manual addition of mercury to each amalgamation torta. This was done by squeezing

mercury carried in a leather or cloth pouch, weighing between 5 to 9 kg. 431 The second direct

manipulation of mercury took place whilst the amalgam was being separated from the mineral

Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 30-32.; Amador, Tratado
práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 73-75.; Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 209-29.
Rental agreement by Antonio de Larrinilla, 13 December 1682, AHEZ, Notarías/Colonia, Number 8 (Blas
Nunez Hurtado 1682 - 1683), 5r to 8r.
A document from Zacatecas dated 17 July 1807 refers to 104 iron flasks storing 78 quintales of mercury, as
cited in Suarez Arguello and Von Mentz, Epistolas y cuentas Vetagrande, 606.
Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 24.; Egleston, The Metallurgy
of Silver, 286.

slurry, washed, and then placed within a cylindrical cloth (the manga) where it was left to stand,

then squeezed or hit with paddles until gravity and brute force had forced the excess of mercury

out of the amalgam.432 The white, twisted cylinder observed to the right in the background of

Figure 3-6 is the cloth manga used to strain mercury from the amalgam.

Note also the presence of the scale, a vital piece of equipment that figures in every

historical itemized description of an amalgamation hacienda, an indication of the careful

accounting of mercury throughout every stage.433 A typical description from the seventeenth

to early eighteenth century in Zacatecas would read thus: ‘a room for mercury and within it

seven quintales of liquid mercury = a large table = weighing scales [various sizes of bronze

and iron weights] = a wooden pine box with keys to store mercury = a manga to separate

mercury with its iron hoop, [support?] and cloth’.434 Two hundred years or more separate

similar descriptions from the view in Figure 3-6, but apart from the iron flasks now used to

store mercury lining the floor of the azoguería, the infrastructure remains the same.435

Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 235-37.
According to West, refiners had to keep books with mass balances of mercury being used that were checked
by officials. West, The Parral Mining District, 113.
‘un aposento que sirve de azogue y en el siete quintales de azogue en caldo = una mesa grande = un peso de
cruz con sus balanzas [pesas varias de hierro y bronce] = una caxa de pino con su llave que sirve para guardar
azogue … una manga para desazogar con su aro de fiero, contramanga y paño de azogue’ in the inventory of an
hacienda owned by the Conde de Santa Rosa, 22 June 1706, AHEZ Poder Judicial-Civil C05-E17, 10v to 11r.
Plate 11, Percy F. Martin, Mexico's Treasure House (Guanajuato) (New York: The Cheltenham Press, 1906),

Figure 3-6. Photo of an azoguería (mercury room), showing mercury flasks, scales and
vertical white manga held by chains from a beam to the right of the background. Original photo
from footnote 435.

3.6.4 Planillas

Once the amalgamation process within a torta was deemed by the master amalgamator

(azoguero) to have run its course, the next stage in the process required separating the heavier

amalgam from the lighter fraction of the mineral matrix (gangue) in the slurry, minimizing the

potential collateral loss of amalgam, excess mercury and unreacted silver ore. All these

valuable components in the slurry of the torta could be entrained with the water used to wash

away the mineral matrix that made up over 99.6 % of the solid content of the slurry. The

historiography describes in detail the vats and stirring paddles used to wash away the mineral

matrix (gangue) of the slurry.436 The description of the labadero is also given in great detail in

Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 229-35.

legal documents that describe the infrastructure of amalgamation haciendas.437 The washings

were voided into a canal (cárcamo) that run through the hacienda until it voided into a nearby

stream. Along the way a sediment was deposited within this cárcamo which was regularly

scooped out and washed in the planillas, an inclined plane on which the planilleros, women

and men, patiently spooned water and sediment over the planillas (Figure 3-7).438 The aim was

to separate by gravity the heavier fraction of mercury, amalgam and silver ore entrained in the

washing water, allowing the finer silt to be washed away.439 The visual evidence of the physical

reality of the process is important for the later discussion on the stages of the amalgamation

process where physical losses of mercury were most likely to occur.

3.6.5 Desazogaderas or capellinas and the recycling of mercury.

The description and understanding of the recovery of mercury from the amalgam is

critical for the analysis of the historical environmental impact of silver refining by

amalgamation. The previous sections have shown via photographs the conditions under which

mercury was handled in the patio area. After days or weeks of treading and shovelling a slurry

made up of over 99.6 % of waste material, the process had now separated the two most valuable

components, mercury and silver. The equal importance of both to the refiner is reflected in

inventories of haciendas that single out the wooden chests with locks where both were stored,

side by side.440 The first time that mercury is again handled in a closed environment is within

See documents in footnote 416.
See photograph in Bordeaux, Mexique mines d'argent, facing p. 160.
Amador, Tratado práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 82-84, 89-91. For a drawing of a cross-section of a
planilla see Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique." Plate II, Figures 5 and 6.
For example, ‘dos caxas grandes con sus llaves una en que se guarda el azogue otra en que se guarda la plata’
in the rental agreement by the Jesuits for an hacienda, 20 December 1664, AHEZ, Notarías/Colonia, Number 5
(Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680), expediente 4, 141 r, v; similar mention in the rental agreement by Mateo de
Herrera, 15 July 1645, AHEZ Poder Judicial-Civil C01-E40.



Figure 3-7. a) cross section of a planilla, reproduced from Laur, footnote 439 b) photo of
planilleros at work, showing the cárcamo running with the waste water from the washings, the
inclined planillas and the scoop made from a bull’s horn in their right hand. Reproduction of
illustration in footnote 438. It seems to correspond to a larger image from where a more reduced
area has been reproduced in a photograph by Charles Waite titled ‘Washing the Tailings,
Guanajuato’, 1907, number 16 in the series Tema y Tecnología (CIG-AGN).

the azoguería (mercury room), and a comparison between Figures 3-6 and 3-7 indicates the

quantum leap regarding the degree of control over operational losses. Now the amalgam,

having been carefully washed free of any remaining sediment, is strained through a manga so

as to separate as much as possible the excess of liquid mercury. In New Spain the pliable

amalgam was removed from the manga and moulded into flat disks or small spheres that could

be stacked, separated by layers of ashes, for the most important step of separating mercury

from silver, the heating of the amalgam and the recovery of mercury.

The amalgam was never heated over an open fire, contrary to what is observed in

modern artisanal gold amalgamation practice. The recycling of mercury always took place

under controlled conditions within a closed recipient whose only outlet was to a water trap that

cooled and condensed the mercury vapour. The twentieth-century historiography has employed

very loose terminology in describing this critical stage. For example, even though there is never

a direct contact between flame and mercury, the stage has been described as ‘burning’ of

amalgam.441 The efficiency of the method to recycle mercury is questioned without providing

any evidence, as for example: ‘to distill off the mercury ... which could in part be recovered’

(emphasis added).442 A claim has been made that ‘the resulting pina [amalgam] … was then

smelted to vaporize any remaining quicksilver. It was at this point in the production process

that tons of mercury were released in … Potosí and breathed in by its inhabitants each year’.443

It is not only a question that refining terms are being employed incorrectly (it is incorrect to

state that the amalgam was smelted), but an operational stage is being misrepresented in the

modern historiography and major conclusions on the environmental history of silver refining

are derived from the unproven assumption that the major mercury loss vector was volatilized


Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 138.
Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 22.
Robins, Mercury, Mining and Empire, 11.

To understand the care taken to operate an efficient recovery of volatile mercury from

the amalgam it is necessary to review in detail the four types of heating/condensing assemblies

as described in the historiography up to the nineteenth century:

Caperuzas: the early versions of the recycling apparatus used to recover mercury from

the amalgam was described and illustrated by Barba (Figure 3-8). The lower part was an iron

vessel in which the amalgams, called a piña due to their cone shape, were placed on an iron

tray. The upper part was a caperuza or lid resembling a Venetian plague mask, whose nozzle

ended in the water trap. Both parts had to fit snugly to avoid losses of mercury vapour, and the

joint was sealed with a mixture of ash and other components. The assembly was placed on top

of a furnace, much like a kettle on a wood-fired stove. Barba complained that caperuzas made

from ordinary clay in the late sixteenth century were too porous, and that ideally either a special

clay as for crucibles, or better still iron or copper should be used instead in order to lessen the

loss of mercury in this stage.444

Desazogadera: in New Spain it appears that this term was more common than caperuza,

and the use of metal ones appear cited as early as the 1600s. 445. In a non-exhaustive survey of

contracts drawn up in Zacatecas during the seventeenth century, desazogaderas (literally

removers of mercury) or as equipment for desazogar are the terms utilized, as for example:

‘and a room that is used to remove mercury … an iron tray and small plate to remove

Barba, Arte de los metales, 99-104, 169-70. The dictionary on mining and refining terms compiled in Potosí in
1609 by Garcia de Llanos also mentions the use of caperuzas made from fired clay. Garcia de Llanos, Diccionario,
38. The complaint by Barba that mercury vapour could traverse these primitive and porous desazogaderas may
be the source of a similar claim made by Robins to justify his proposal that 85% of mercury was lost as volatile
mercury during the historical heating of amalgams. Otherwise Robins does not state the experimental or
historiographical basis for his proposal that: ‘the porous nature of the clay facilitated the escape of mercury, as
did the generally inefficient and artisanal nature of the entire process’ Robins, Mercury, Mining and Empire, 88.
‘the apparatus to remove mercury of metal, copper or bronze’- ‘desazogadera de metal, de cobre o bronce’
Gómez de Cervantes, Nueva España siglo XVI, 153.

Figure 3-8. Barba’s illustration of the apparatus used at the end of the sixteenth century to
recycle mercury from the amalgam. A is the iron vessel where the amalgam is placed, B is the
caperuza (clay or metal) that fits on top of A, with a nozzle (C) that ends below the surface of
the water placed in tank E. The whole assembly sits on the ring D on top of the brick furnace.
Figure from Barba, reproduced from footnote 444.

mercury’.446 The number of desazogaderas could reach four or more, and some are described

as embedded in the ground.447 The latter implies a heating arrangement as applied to capellinas

(see below). The fact they do not figure in every inventory of the seventeenth century in

Zacatecas, or are listed as incomplete, especially of those haciendas that have not been

‘y un aposento que sirve de desogadera … yten un candelero de fiero para desazogar y un platillo’ Rental
agreement by Mateo de Herrera, 15 July 1645, AHEZ Poder Judicial-Civil C01-E40. Also in the, inventory of
Hacienda Santa Catalina Mártir, 7 June 1651, AHEZ, Notarias/Colonia, Number 4 (Manuel Rodriguez), 73r to
‘el aposento de desazogar que sigue al dicho de azogue con quatro desazogaderas’ in the inventory of an
hacienda owned by the Conde de Santa Rosa, 22 June 1706, AHEZ Poder Judicial-Civil C05-E17, 10v to 11r;
‘Dicho aposento … de desazogadera … con su puerta y un candado grande con llave … y en el dicho aposento
dos ollas enterradas para desazogar’ in Rental agreement by Antonio de Larrinilla, 13 December 1682, AHEZ,
Notarías/Colonia, Number 8 (Blas Nunez Hurtado 1682 - 1683), 5r to 8r.

operating, is unexpected due to their important role in the process.448 Either they were

inexpensive to make (for example if they were made of clay) and so did not merit a special

mention as a capital asset and/or when made from metal they were readily pilfered from

abandoned haciendas.

Capellina: in New Spain the term capellina appears regularly in documents from the

eighteenth century of Zacatecas and Guanajuato. It is made up of two halves, a lower vessel

with a rounded base made of metal, in which is placed an iron tray that will hold the stack of

flat amalgams separated by layers of ashes. A metal bell (hence the name capellina) fits snugly

onto this base, with the joint sealed by a combination of ashes and the weight of the

capellina.449 A tube channelled the mercury vapours through the bottom of the assembly onto

a water trap where mercury condensed and could be recovered. Copper, bronze and iron

capellinas figure prominently in the inventories of amalgamation haciendas in Zacatecas and

Guanajuato at least as early as the 1720s.450 By the nineteenth centuries large capellinas appear,

weighing as much as 500 kg or more, requiring a pulley to be manoeuvred into place.451 Thus

A good example of incomplete equipment listed in an inventory is the following: ‘the equipment to remove
mercury with two vats and without the receivers’ - ‘la desazogadera con dos piletas y sin recividoras’ in the
auction of the inventory of the Hacienda San Jose de las Perlas, 9 November 1761, AHEZ Serie Civil C38-E02,
According to Hermosa, 23 to 34 amalgam disks (marquetas), weighing 1 arroba each (11.5 kg) were placed in
rows of six under a capellina. Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 238-39.
‘una desazogadera de cobre’ in rental agreement for the Hacienda San Antonio, 1 January 1726, AHUG,
Protocolo Cabildo 1726, Libro 30, 331r; ‘una desazogadera de cobre’, inventory of Hacienda San Antonio, 15
March 1737, AHUG, Protocolo de Minas libro 1732-1739, 200r; ‘una dessasogadera de cobre’ in inventory
(Memoria de los apegos) attached to rental agreement for the Hacienda San Antonio, 17 March 1741, AHUG,
Protocolo de Minas libro 1740-1741, 83r; ‘una desasogadera de cobre’ in the rental agreement for the Hacienda
San Antonio, 5 Junio 1755, AHUG, Protocolo de Minas libro 1754-1756, 152r; ‘the cavity for two capellinas with
their corresponding vat’-‘el hueco de dos capellinas con su pila correspondiente’ in the inventory for the Hacienda
la Sangre de Christo, 4 October 1784, AHUG, Minería, Caja 15 expediente 547; ‘3 copper capellinas with 938
lbs [of copper]’- ‘3 capellinas de cobre con 938 libras’ in the valuation of inventory of an hacienda (incomplete),
2 July 1788,AHEZ, Poder Judicial Civil, C45-E18. Other examples of metal capellinas are given in Table I.
500 kg in Fresnillo, according to Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 269. Over one ton in Regla, Chapter
Four; ‘Capellinas: 1 iron bell weighing 900 lbs [approx. 400 kg]’ –‘Capellinas: 1 campana de fierro con peso de
900 lb’ in inventory of the Hacienda de Dolores de Granadita, Primer semestre de 1884, Protocolo de Minas,
Tomo 1884, 157r. For a detailed description of how the stack is set up within a capellina see Amador, Tratado
práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 84-88.

metal capellinas are in use during the two centuries that produced nearly 90% of the total silver

coming from New Spain / Mexico from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Figure 3-9a is

a cross-section of a capellina assembly from the nineteenth century.452 Heating was always

indirect, piling hot embers around the side of the capellina, and according to one account the

cycle was monitored by the sounds emanating from within or by the quantity of mercury

recovered.453 After up to 30 hours, depending on the size of the amalgam stack, the recovery

of mercury was complete.454

In Guanajuato capellina was the name also given to a two-storey building that housed

the capellina assembly in its upper part, and a tube for the condensing mercury vapours reached

to the lower part of the structure where it was cooled by water and mercury collected. The

lower floor could be either below or above ground level (Figure 3-10).455

Finally, Collins describes at the end of the nineteenth century a very simple

arrangement used by small refiners in Mexico and South America, based on clay water bottles,

though empty metal mercury flasks fitted with a screwed-on pipe were used as well (Figure 3-

11).456 The amalgam is rammed into the bottom of each bottle, up to 35 lb at a time, and the

bottle inverted so that the open end now lies below the water level in the tank below. Heating

is applied indirectly through hot embers heaped around the inverted bottles.

Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," Plate II, Fig. 11.; MacDonald, "Old Mexican Methods," 126.
The drawings that appear in MacDonald’s article are reproduced from a report drawn up in 1886 by E. Tillmann,
Royal Commissioner of Mines in Prussia, who visited Guanajuato. I have not been able to locate the original
report which would provide very valuable lithographs on the patio process as practised in the late nineteenth
century. The same drawings are reproduced in Rickard, Journeys of Observation.
Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 238-39.
Descriptions of the capellina and the recycling of mercury can be found in Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga,
Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 49-51.; Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 237-39. Amador,
Tratado práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 84-89.; Percy, Metallurgy, I 627.; Kerl, Crookes, and Röhrig, Prof.
Kerl's Metallurgy, 327.
For a detailed cross-section of a two-story structure for a capellina see Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 328.
Collins, Metallurgy of Lead & Silver, Vol. II, 136-38.





Figure 3-9. a) Cross-section of capellina used by nineteenth century in Mexico. The stack
of amalgam disks (A) is covered by the capellina. A temporary wall made of bricks (B)
surrounds the capellina, and embers are placed in the space between the two. Mercury
condenses in the water basin below the capellina assembly (V) and is collected via the main
water channel (C). Adapted from illustration in Laur, footnote 452 b) indirect heating of
capellina and use of pulleys to manoeuvre capellina into place, original lithographs by
Tillmann, as reproduced in Macdonald, footnote 452.

Whether the pioneer retort described by Barba, the humble assembly mentioned by

Collins or the elaborate capellina illustrated by Laur, every one indicates the care taken to

constrain the mercury vapour produced by an indirect heating of the amalgam within an

enclosed space, so that it would only condense on contact with water. Of all the stages in the

process, this was the most easy to control with regards to losses of mercury. The simplicity of

an arrangement that requires no special furnace, no direct contact of the flame with the

amalgam, and minimal operational oversight within an isolated working area, made this stage

extremely efficient with regard to the recovery of mercury from the amalgam at a minimal loss

during normal operational practice (see section 3.10 below).

Ground level,
option 2

(b) (c)

Ground level,
option 1

(d) (e)

Figure 3-10. a) schematic cross section of a capellina building in Guanajuato, original

illustration from footnote 455 with annotations added b) and c) capellina building, option 2,
within the historic Hacienda La Escalera, Guanajuato, at present part of a private dwelling,
used as a storage shed d) capellina building, option 2, renovated by the Morrill family and
converted into a studio, previously the Hacienda Bustos, Guanajuato e) reconstruction of a
capellina building, option 1, at a museum on mining on the grounds of the Real de Minas hotel,
Guanajuato. The museum was not functioning as of February 2013.

indirect heating via inverted clay water

embers placed around bottle or metal
inverted bottles mercury flask with
screwed-n pipe
water tank

Figure 3-11. Simple recycling assembly of mercury from amalgam, based on inverted clay
water bottles. Original illustration from footnote 456, with labels added.

3.7 Amalgamation: the human factor

The patio amalgamation process presented the advantage of hiding the complexity of

its chemical reactions behind an easy-to-follow operation carried out for the most part at

ambient temperature. The labour was either chokingly dusty or cloggingly wet, always back-

breaking, and for the planilleros as mind-numbing as for a modern factory worker staring at a

never ending stream of parts on a conveyor belt.457 The heating stages (roasting of ores in some

locations, heating of the capellinas and the final casting of silver bars) were very simple

compared to the requirements of smelting. The responsibility for the operation lay in the hands

of the azoguero, literally the mercury man, who in the absence of assaying controlled the

amalgamation process using organoleptic triggers.458 All the rest was the repetitive application

of a well-known recipe that had the seal of approval of centuries of production, ‘neither does

‘planilleras, that is how we call those that wash the fine silt, since only women, with their patience and capacity
for waiting, can do such distressing work’ - ‘planilleras, que asi llamamos a las que lavan los polvillos, porque
solo las mujeres, con su paciencia y espera, pueden hacer trabajo tan penoso’ in Juan Moreno y Castro, Arte o
nuevo modo de beneficiar los metales de oro y plata (Mexico: Imprenta Biblioteca Mexicana, 1758), 24.
Azoguero has a more technical, operational, connotation in New Spain compared to Peru, where it was also
applied to the rich entrepreneurs involved in the silver mining and refining business.

it require … trained and experienced workers; they can be easily and readily trained in all that

is necessary’.459

Little is known of the azogueros of New Spain, the human lynchpin for the patio

amalgamation process, if they were only Spaniards, or if they could also be indigenous artisans

or even African slaves entrusted with the operation.460 Subject to the size of the hacienda there

could be more than one azoguero in charge of the patio operations. As all pragmatic artisans,

they were wary of novelty:

‘those that call themselves Azogueros … are men … so ordinary as their common birth and
customs since they never know how to discourse, nor wish to treat any important subject …
[the] Owners continue to use this same method … telling us : Sir. Here have come many Artists
with great enthusiasm, but useless’.461

Barba’s desire that an exam filter out the least trained of refiners had still not

materialized by the early nineteenth century, though not all azogueros could be as flawed as

this one:

‘Vetagrande [Zacatecas], September 12 of [18]06, Señor Don Antonio de Bassoco. My dear

sir: In the hacienda del Buen Sincero the administrator and azoguero is Don Lorenzo de Ovalle,
who not only does not have the capacity and skill required to carry out both jobs, but also has
the vice of an incurable gambler’.462

‘tampoco exige … peones prácticos y enseñados; pues en un instante se adiestran para todo lo necesario, con
facilidad’. in Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 92.
Salazar Soler states that the azoguero was either a Spaniard or a mestizo, of inter-racial heritage, but does not
furnish further background information on this issue. Salazar-Soler, "Innovaciones técnicas, mestizajes y formas
de trabajo en Potosí de los siglos XVI y XVII," 147. They were housed within the hacienda compound, for
example ‘vivienda para el azoguero’ in the auction of the inventory of the Hacienda San Jose de las Perlas, 9
November 1761, AHEZ Serie Civil C38-E02, 17v. I have found no mention of slaves or indigenous workers as
‘los que se llaman Azogueros … son unos hombres …tan ordinaria, como la plebeya de su nacimiento y
costumbres pues nunca saben discurrir, ni quieren materia alguna importante… [los] Duenos siguen este mismo
método … diciendo como nos han dicho: Senor, Aquí han venido varios Artistas con muchos entuciasmos, que
de nada sirven’ in Dominguez de la Fuente, Leal Informe Politico-Legal, 133. See also Mendizábal, La mineria
mexicana, 306.
‘Vetagrande, septiembre 12 del [18]06, Señor Don Antonio de Bassoco. Muy señor nuestro: En la hacienda
del Buen Sincero se halla de administrador y azoguero Don Lorenzo de Ovalle, quien además de no tener la
extensión y habilidad necesaria para cumplir con ambos empleos, tiene el vicio de tahúr irremediable’ as quoted
in Suarez Arguello and Von Mentz, Epistolas y cuentas Vetagrande, 530.

The role of the human actors of patio amalgamation is still virgin territory in the

historiography. The learning curve for each type of amalgamation recipe seems to have been

fairly brief, though the modes of propagation of the amalgamation recipe are as yet

undetermined. How the technical recipe spread remains to be studied. Secrecy had marked the

initial development of refining techniques in Europe: ‘there are no written accounts of the

technique [of assaying] before 1500, probably as a consequence of the traditions of secrecy

operating in medieval metal production’.463 Why refiners in the New World were able to obtain

relatively quickly details of innovations that represented huge market advantages is still an

open question. Did the Spanish authorities play any role in guaranteeing the spread of skills in

the use of mercury, or was this left to private enterprise that by nature would be reticent to

sharing any knowledge that would help the competition? The role of the indigenous workers

in this transmission process needs clarification, and the absence of written instructions would

have made even more attractive a process with easy to follow manual steps, to avoid aggregate

errors of interpretation of an orally transmitted technology.

Amalgamation also revealed the ethical context of the silver refining industry in the

New World. Bribery up to the highest levels was a normal part of the process of procuring

sufficient mercury quotas from the monopoly exercised by the Crown authorities, but even

goodwill payments could not guarantee its supply.464

‘the royal officials were given a gift of 1000 pesos each one for the assignment we were given
of 600 quintales of mercury; and maybe we will be favourably served in other instances in
relation to the last distribution of the remaining ingredient. It is our impression that they have
remained grateful’465

Bartels, "Production of Silver in Harz Mountains," 87-89. The spread of the new copper liquation process was
hampered initially because it was treated as an entrepreneurial secret by Thurzo Fugger, according to Kellenbenz,
"Final Remarks Silver Production," 310.
Bribery of the Viceroy to obtain mercury supplies is mentioned in Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 141.
Extract from letter dated 3 October 1806 sent by Isidoro Sarachaga and Manuel de Libron to Don Antonio de
Bassoco, one of the rich and powerful mine and hacienda owners of Zacatecas though he lived in Mexico City:
‘los señores oficiales reales quedaron obsequiados de 1000 pesos cada uno por la asignación que nos hicieron

The glimpse offered by this correspondence extends beyond mercury supply into the

overall problem of mercury and silver contraband which in turn places a healthy measure of

doubt on the reliability of official silver and mercury data for the whole colonial period. I will

return to this issue in Chapter 6, when I present an overall balance of minimum levels of

chemicals issued to the environment, a base line that in reality would have been higher than

that which is projected from the official statistics.

3.8 The architecture of patio amalgamation

Three architectural features stand out when visiting the amalgamation haciendas that

still survive in Mexico: the imposing height of their perimeter walls, the industrial magnitude

of some of these haciendas, and their clinging like limpets to the banks of streams. The first is

the consequence of pioneer mining characterized by ‘isolation and insecurity … for many years

and even centuries at the mercy of warrior hordes’.466 The imposing outer shell of the haciendas

have been ascribed to the fortress mentality of the ‘arquitectura del temor’, the ‘architecture

of fear’, the legacy of mining and refining carried out within a ‘territorio de Guerra’, the

frontier lands where indigenous groups still battled the Spanish conquerors, even as late as the

nineteenth century.467

de 600 quintales de azogue; y acaso nos sirvan gustosos en las demás ocurrencias relativas a el ultimo
repartimiento que hagan de dicho ingredient que existe y demás. Nos parece han quedado agradecidos’, quoted
in Suarez Arguello and Von Mentz, Epistolas y cuentas Vetagrande, 535. They were wrong, in February of 1807
no mercury was allocated to them, which forced them to offer up to 12 pesos more than the official price if 600
quintales were available. Ibid., 571-72.
‘aislamiento e inseguridad …estuvieron por muchos años y aun siglos a merced de las hordas guerreras’, in
Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 45.
Aurelio de los Reyes, Los caminos de la plata (Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana, 1991), 13. In the north
‘the Spanish miner continually on guard against attack … the reales de minas … were virtual military garrisons’
in West, The Parral Mining District, 4-7. ‘in general all the advanced [mines] in territories still held by non-
conquered tribes … were protected by small forts or reales; from which the generic name Real de Minas’- ‘en
general todas las de avanzada en territorio poblado por tribus no sometidas … eran protegidas por fortines o
reales; de donde tomaron el nombre genérico de Real de Minas’ in Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 63.
For an overview of the Chichimeca wars and mining see Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 4-40. ‘Incursiones
bárbaras’, barbaric incursions, are still cited as taking place in the nineteenth century, cited in Cuahtemoc Velasco
Avila et al., Estado y minería en México (1767-1910) (Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988), 234.

‘the dearth of towns made the haciendas into tiny human centres scattered within the boundless
countryside, requiring protection against the sudden attacks not only by chichimecas, but also
by bandits and guerrilleros .. a state of permanent insecurity is reflected in the old hulks of the

Protection from those without and protection for the wealth within that provided the

resources to push up stone over stone well beyond five metres in height, massive bastions at

times crenelated like the walls of castles (Figure 3-12). The region around Pachuca was rife

with brigands even in the late nineteenth century, as is clear from any of the travel diaries cited

in Chapter 4. Not only travellers but refining haciendas were constantly under threat: ‘Attached

to these works [Hacienda Velasco] is a handsome house, deserted. No officer dare live in it.

Not long since its walls were scaled by a robber band, though they could find but little booty.’469

The height of these walls not only isolated the hacienda from a hostile exterior, in some cases

they also helped to encapsulate some of the environmental impact vectors within the confines

of each hacienda.

With regard to the scale of production of amalgamation haciendas, I will use as a guide

the case of Guanajuato at the end of the eighteenth century. Guanajuato was the region of New

Spain that by the nineteenth century was most renowned for the quality of its amalgamation

process.470 Its refining units have been divided by historians into zangarros or haciendas, the

former defined as a smaller and less permanent production unit than the hacienda.471 The

Mexican historians Martin Torres and Lara Meza have analysed the nature and location of these

‘la escasez de villas hacía de las haciendas diminutos núcleos humanos esparcidos en la inmensidad del
paisaje, necesitadas de protección contra los ataques relámpagos no solo de los chichimecas, sino de los bandidos
y de los guerrilleros … inseguridad perenne reflejan los viejos cascos de las haciendas’ in Reyes, Los caminos
de la plata, 19.
Gilbert Haven, Our Next-Door Neighbor: a Winter in Mexico (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1875), 150.
For example see Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 263.
According to Salazar González zangarros was a term also applied to small sugar refining units. Salazar
González, Las haciendas de San Luis Potosí, 83.

units in and around Guanajuato and Marfil, including an extensive review of ownership, sale

and rental values, and the web of interrelated business dealings and circulation of capital that

fuelled the sector in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The average size of each class of

refining unit is not established, though they make clear that the term hacienda encompasses a

very wide range of production capacities.472

There are two documents in the historical archives of Guanajuato that shed more

quantitative data on this general classification. The first is a list of haciendas and zangarros

that had been supplied (aviado) by the Hacienda La Escalera in Guanajuato, and now had to

prove they had the assets with which to repay a considerable aggregate debt of 556,349 pesos

up to the 31st October 1788.473 The documents first of all highlight the existing hierarchy within

the business model of refining haciendas in Guanajuato, with La Escalera serving as

distribution and credit centre to a constellation of third-party refining units held together by a

relationship of supply and credit dependency.474 In each deposition the debtors under oath set

out a list of assets to demonstrate their capacity to repay their portion of the debt, but without

validation by an independent evaluator. It is not an inventory of each refining unit, but a

selection of assets made by each owner. Some items (silver content of ores, silver in patio) are

prone to over-estimations, while the inventory of mercury, number of amalgamation tortas

(cakes) in a patio, number of arrastres or mules are more difficult to manipulate. I have listed

Lara Meza, Haciendas de beneficio de Guanajuato, 53-104.; Martín Torres, El beneficio en Guanajuato. The
pioneering study on the ownership and business structure of the colonial refining sector in Guanajuato is reported
in Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 261-302.
AHUG, Bienes Difuntos, Caja 8, Expediente 57, dated 18 mayo 1791 to 7 julio 1791, 6r to 29v. I have only
excluded from Table 3-I the data for the Hacienda Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe that appear in 23r,v since the
owner declares he will extract from 80 montones more than 4,000 marks of silver, which would imply an ore with
50 marks per montón, five times higher than the average of the other haciendas in the document.
The full name is the Hacienda de San Antonio de Escalera, situated within the city of Guanajuato, a photo of
its impressive perimeter walls appears Figures 3-11 a) and a surviving capellina house in Figure 3-9 d). The
grounds of La Escalera belong at present to a private housing condominium.

in Table 3-I some of the assets as reported, though the significance of a missing item may only

mean the owner decided not to include it as proof of collateral.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Figure 3-12. Perimeter walls a) Hacienda La Escalera, Guanajuato, scale bar 1.6 m b)
Hacienda San Juan Nepomuceno, Marfil, scale bar 1.6 m c) Hacienda Santa Ana, Marfil, scale
bar 1.6 m d) Hacienda Las Mercedes, Zacatecas, scale bar 1.7 m e) Hacienda, name unknown,
Pacumo, Zacatecas, scale bars 1.7 m.

From the data in Table 3-I, I conclude that as a rule of thumb zangarros on average

handled in their reactor patio 20 montones of 10 cargas each, less than 30 t of ore, about one

third smaller than the average of the units listed as haciendas in the table.475 The haciendas

being supplied by La Escalera had on average in their patios around 650 marks of silver value

(approx.. 150 kg silver), in just three tortas of 20 montones each, for a total of 600 cargas of

ore, or approximately 83 t. The data on mercury incorporated into each patio, around 800 kg

on average, is indicative of the amount of liquid mercury to which the skin of the indigenous

workers was exposed every month, starting with the initial addition of mercury to the tortas.

The information on the number of molinos and arrastres is more limited, but an average of 12

arrastres and one molino is given by the data in Table 3-I. If these haciendas worked on the

basis of a four week amalgamation period, the annual revenues would be in the range of 60,000

pesos, and the annual throughput of ore around 1,000 t, based on a silver content of not more

than 0.2%.476

With respect to La Escalera there is a second document that places it among the

industrial-size haciendas of New Spain of this period. It is a short accounting book that has

registered the monthly amounts of silver produced at four haciendas in Guanajuato, between

May 1791 and March 1792.477 Figure 3-13 tracks the monthly amounts in marks of silver,

resulting in an average monthly production of 4,039 marks (929 kg) of silver for La Escalera.

This is a scale of production approximately half of that by Regla (Chapter 4) and one fifth of

the Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillo (Zacatecas) in the nineteenth century (see below). Two other

haciendas show a level of silver production higher than those of Table 3-I: Hacienda San

Antonio, with a monthly average of 1447 marks of silver (333 kg) and La Purísima with 1218

This would make a zangarro more formal than the ‘occasional sheds’ described by Brading. He estimates
between 200 to 300 zangarros and 50 to 75 haciendas in the Guanajuato/Marfil area in the period from 1780 to
1803. Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 282. Martin also treats zangarros as very primitive and non-permanent
units, but he does not go further into their analysis. He provides a list of 64 haciendas in the Guanajuato area that
existed between 1686 and 1740. Martín Torres, El beneficio en Guanajuato, XII-XIII, 154.
Lara Meza, Haciendas de beneficio de Guanajuato.; Martín Torres, El beneficio en Guanajuato.
AHUG, Minería, Caja 15, Doc 551, 1r to 5v, initial date 7 May 1791.

marks of silver (280 kg). Finally the Hacienda San Juan Nepomuceno presents a monthly

average within the range of Table 3-I, with 544 marks of silver (125 kg). It is interesting that

silver content inventory

montones tortas mercury in value of silver in capellinas
Hacienda marks / mercury, arrastres mill mules
in patio (cakes) patio , lbs patio , marks number, weight
monton quintales
Santísima Trinidad 66 3 2,000 10 660 35 2 96
Nuestra Señora de los
42 3 1,218 8 336 7 6 150
Dolores del Presidio
San Juan 78 2,028 9 702 17 1, 380 kg 15 1 113
San José 67 1,004 10 670 12 1 63
Nuestra Señora de
45 1,904 405 32 2, cost 500 pesos 72
Guadalupe de Rocha
3, copper, 506 kg,
de Cuevas 2,500 800 15 265
288 kg and 161 kg
San Nicolás 48 15 720 36 1, copper, 357 kg 65
Nuestra Señora de
46 1,100 15 690 19 32
San Antonio 3 600
San Ignacio 15 3 2,400 800 36 124
San José 120 1,100 30 14 1 124
de Mota 110 1,100 550 30 65
Durán 50 7 350 40
average 62 3 1,695 11 645 27 12 1 106
silver content inventory
montones tortas mercury in value of silver in
Zángarro marks / mercury, capellinas arrastres mill mules
in patio (cakes) patio , lbs patio , marks
monton quintales
San Buenaventura 16 432 1, copper, 276 kg 24
San Miguel 50 10 500 6 1, copper, 288 kg 8 1 60
El Cantador 5 200 80
San José 9 16 144 4 12
Nuestra Señora de
21 500 220 6 20
Señora de los Dolores 12 4 12
average 20 377 13 236 7 6 1 26

Table 3-I. List of debtors on supplies provided by the Hacienda La Escalera, Guanajuato,
with their estimate of selected assets offered as collateral to the debt, as of 1791. Raw data from
footnote 473. Numbers in italic have been calculated by author from original data.

the accounting of silver states the amount in marks but also in number of pinas, and in one case

for La Escalera in number of capellinas (2 capellinas producing 551 marks, or approximately

64 kg of silver per capellina).


What would have been the architectural footprint of an average amalgamation hacienda

such as in Table 3- I? The number of historical plans of amalgamation haciendas of New Spain

is nil, as far as I have found.478 In the case of Guanajuato Lara Meza confirms there are no



marks silver






May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
1791 1792

San Antonio San Juan Nepomuceno La Purísima La Escalera

Figure 3-13. Monthly silver production for four amalgamation haciendas in Guanajuato,
calculated from data in footnote 477.

extant plans dating from the eighteenth century.479 For the nineteenth century I have found only

four historical plans of amalgamation haciendas, two of which were located in Guanajuato and

two in Zacatecas. The first is a drawing in ink on paper dated 19th May 1885 of the Hacienda

Casas Blancas situated in Marfil, close to Guanajuato, where many refining haciendas were

located on the banks of the stream named the Quebrada de Marfil (Figure 3-14; the plan has

been redrawn in Figure 3-15 to aid its interpretation). The plan was drawn up by José M. Lira,

The earliest detailed plans of the complete layout of an amalgamation hacienda dates from Arzans’ description
of life in Potosí around mid seventeenth century. His drawings correspond to amalgamation carried out in
buitrones (rectangular vats) and provide a very useful guide to operating conditions (some of the Spanish overseers
seem to be carrying whips) and spatial distribution of the process stages, even though they are not drawn to scale.
See for example Arzáns de Orsúa y Vela, Villa imperial de Potosí, 91.
Lara Meza, Haciendas de beneficio de Guanajuato, 124. She presents in her work a reconstruction of the
Hacienda de Salgado as of 1775. A generic version of a plan for an amalgamation hacienda in Mexico was
published in the nineteenth century in Amador, Tratado práctico de haciendas de beneficio, no page number.

Civil Engineer, and identifies the work spaces together with their main dimensions.480 Even

though it indicates smelting areas, it is an amalgamation hacienda and these may correspond

to the casting of silver bars or an occasional smelting run. I have no information on the

background to this hacienda, and a visit to the existing structure, which cannot be accessed,

did not add to the information in the plan.

Figure 3-14. Plan of the Hacienda Casas Blancas, Marfil, 1885, AHUG, Mapoteca, Hda.
Casas Blancas, 5p3. Digital image supplied by AHUG.

The second is a reproduction of the 1866 lithograph depicting the layout of the

Hacienda de Rocha that occupied the grounds of what is at present the Hotel Reales de Minas

AHUG, Mapoteca, Hda. Casas Blancas, 5p3.

in Guanajuato (Figure 3-16). The original lithograph was part of a technical report on

amalgamation haciendas in Guanajuato by the German mining expert E. Tilmann.481 In 1850

the Hacienda de Rocha was purchased by a Scot, Alexander Cumming Langton, whose son

Carlos Ignacio Cumming would establish Cummings y Jimenez, a long-running partnership

that in addition to the Hacienda de Rocha would be involved in other mining projects. The

hacienda is described as ‘the best equipped of its time’.482 The perimeter walls depicted in the

inset are as usual imposing. For the sake of clarity I schematize the main process areas in

Figure 3-17.

W patio reactor s

s arrastres

? AP
mill e AP : animal power
AP W : water well
AP s : smelting
D : dwellings
e : assay room

Figure 3-15. Main process areas identified in Figure 3-14.

The plan of the Hacienda de Rocha is reproduced in MacDonald, "Old Mexican Methods," 123. The original
report by Tilman, titled Der Bergbau und das amalgamations. Distrikte von Guanajuato in Mexico, was printed
in 1866 and commissioned by Guillermo Brockmann as part of a fund-raising effort in Germany to interest
investors in the refining industry in Guanajuato, which ultimately failed, as cited in Rankine, "The Mexican
Mining Industry in the Nineteenth Century with Special Reference to Guanajuato," 40.
Amor Mildred Escalante, "Redes familiares empresariales en la ciudad de Guanajuato, México, 1877-1911,"
in XXI Jornadas de Historia Económica (Caseros, Argentina: Asociación Argentina de Historia Económica,


Figure 3-16. Historical plan of the Hacienda de Rocha, Guanajuato, reproduction in

MacDonald, footnote 481, from an original lithograph in a report by E. Tillmann of 1866.

The third example is the plan of the Hacienda de Las Mercedes, on the outskirts of

Zacatecas, from the mid nineteenth century.483 The hacienda was to be sold by auction in 1850,

I found the original drawing in the AHEZ, Fondo Mapas e Ilustraciones, Serie V: Planos Siglos XVIII al XX,
number 16, 3 July 1850. The drawing was originally part of the report on the evaluation of the assets of the
Hacienda that is located under Notarias: Fernandez y Ferniza, Juan; 6 January 1850 to 22 December 1850, foja
158. I afterwards learnt that the existence of the plan had been made public by a Mexican historian, Antonio
Ramirez Ramos, during the V Reunion de Historiadores de la Minería Latinoamericana, held in San Luis Potosí
in 1997. His presentation was titled ‘Aplicación y vigencia del procedimiento de amalgamación en la ciudad de
Nuestra Señora de Zacatecas’. Since I have not been able to access his presentation paper I have opted to carry
out my own analysis. According to Lara Meza he described the plan and the activities carried out at the hacienda.
See Lara Meza, Haciendas de beneficio de Guanajuato, 47.


50 m

AP AP treatment of fines
azoguería mill

AP patio reactor
casting furnace

water tank

Figure 3-17. Main process areas of the hacienda de Rocha, according to Figure 3-16.

so a survey of its value was carried out, including the drawing of its architectural footprint,

together with dimensions and the identification of its functional areas. It is a unique document

in the historiography since it contains more detailed information (dimensions, building

materials, equipment, values) than the previous plans. Figure 3-18 is a digital image of the

original map, which I have re-drawn in more schematic form in Figure 3-19. The three areas

where mercury and silver are being isolated and refined (see grey circles in Figure 3-19) are

close to each other, as expected from Amador’s dictum that these areas should always be placed

Figure 3-18. Digital image of the original hand drawn plan, ink on paper, of the Hacienda
Las Mercedes, AHEZ, Fondo Mapas e Ilustraciones, Serie V: Planos Siglos XVIII al XX,
number 16, 3 July 1850.

point of entry T T M


M stamp-mill
W amalgam
P T tahona
ore mercury
O M room with
P reactor capellina
G magistral

A animal power

50 varas

Figure 3-19. Schematic plan of the main process-related areas of the Hacienda Las
Mercedes, adapted from Figure 3-18.

so as to facilitate their vigilance by the hacienda overseers.484 These three areas, separation of

the amalgam from the slurry (W), mercury room where the excess mercury is squeezed in the

manga (M) and the space where the capellinas are heated (C) require just 3% of the total area

of the hacienda. The space required just by the capellinas is only 0.5% of the total area. No

mention is made of a furnace to cast the final silver bars, or of any chimney structure for the

heating area of the capellinas. The valuation report rendered by Felipe Semeria arrives at a

Amador, Tratado práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 70.

total value of just under 6,800 pesos for the hacienda proper (which at the time was not active),

plus another 700 pesos for nearby dwellings and orchard.

The largest of these industrial amalgamation haciendas of the nineteenth century is the

Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillo, Zacatecas, whose plan is the only one more readily available in

the historiography (Figure 3-20), built to process the ores from the nearby mines of Proaño.

The plan printed by the Escuela Práctica del Colegio de Minería in the mid-nineteenth century

shows a geometrical array of spaces and equipment reminiscent of the colonnades of a Greek

or Roman temple.485 Even without the benefit of a scale it is evident that the three areas

dedicated for the capellinas and the one area for the smelting of silver bars are a minor fraction

of the total operational area of the hacienda.

The capital cost of the Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillo, including steam engines, by 1844

was just over one million pesos.486 This flagship of amalgamation haciendas in Mexico could

accommodate 64 tortas in its patio, each one of 120,000 lb, for a total of 3.5 t of ore at any one

time. This is approximately 40 times the average capacity of the haciendas in Table I. Duport

states there were 314 arrastres (tahonas in the plan by the Escuela de Minería), though only

200 were in use at any time. The hacienda also had 12 molinos. Animal power was furnished

by 1,500 horses and mules. The diameter of the tortas was approximately 15 m, with a height

There are two sources for the plan of the Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillos. One is the plan drawn by Luis Pozos
Rosas Fito, Escuela Práctica del Colegio de Ingeniería, 1857 (MMOB, Colección General, Estado de Zacatecas,
Varilla CGZAC03, Numero de control 12780-CGE-7241) and printed by Litografía Salazar, prepared for the
Escuela Práctica del Colegio de Minería. On the top right hand corner it states ‘Lam. [Lámina] 9’, which implies
it is one of series, but there is no other information on the content of the other engravings. There is another
reference to a plan of the Hacienda Nueva in the plates at the end of Duport’s book on silver refining in Mexico,
but unfortunately the plates have been removed from the copies of Duport’s work available for consultation.
According to Duport he obtained his copy of the plans from a French engineer, M. Doy, who worked at the
hacienda. Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 261. Silliman reproduces the plan published by Duport, in
Benjamin Silliman, Sketch of the Great Historic Mines of the Cerro de Proaño at Fresnillo, State of Zacatecas
(New Haven, Conn.: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1883), 33. The Escuela Práctica of the Colegio de Minas to be
situated in Fresnillo was created by decree in 1853, according to
recorrido/dir_jose_maria_tornel.htm. Thus it is most probable the plan in Duport’s book is the original version.
Great Historic Mines of the Cerro de Proaño, xvii.

of 28 cm. The copper capellinas measured approximately 90 cm high and 45 cm in diameter,

and weighed 500 kg. In 1841 approximately 32,500 t of ore were amalgamated, producing over

51 t of silver.487 It indicates a refined silver content with an average over 0.16%. Figure 3-21

shows an internal view in perspective of the patio reactors, an interesting mix of traditional

technology together with nineteenth-century innovations, such as steam powered tahonas and

furnaces to
prepare planillas


separation of
from slurry capellinas
P : patio
storage area
reactor areas P P

smelting of
P silver bars


Figure 3-20. Plan of the Hacienda de Proaños, Fresnillo, Zacatecas, annotations added to the
digital image supplied by MMOB, Colección General, Estado de Zacatecas, Varilla CGZAC03,
Numero de control 12780-CGE-7241. No scale is supplied in the drawing.

Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 260-83.

railtracks and canals acting as conveyor belts for the fines. Though all these additions to the

traditional process would have eased some of the back-breaking manual and animal labour, the

heart of the operation remained the patio reactor.

separation amalgam from

steam boilers

railtracks for steam-powered
milled ore tahonas

canal to transport fines

Figure 3-21. A perspective of the Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillo, annotations added to the
digital image supplied by MMOB, Colección General, Estado de Zacatecas, Varilla CGZAC03,
Numero de control 12780-CGE-7241.

To compare the main features of these four haciendas I have placed in Table 3-II the

main spatial and operational characteristics that can be measured from the plans, together with

additional information on processing capacity or infrastructure reported in the historiography

or in the primary sources. I have complemented this information with my estimate of their

production capacity (when not provided by other sources), using a formula based on their

reactor patio area (see Section 4.4.3 of the next chapter). Of the four, the Hacienda Las

Mercedes is closest to the haciendas listed in Table 3-I, which probably represent the average

amalgamation hacienda of the colonial period, though not enough data has been reported to

establish this for certain. At the other extreme the Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillo represents a

scale of industrial silver refining output that I have not found matched elsewhere in Mexico up

to the mid-nineteenth century.488 The disproportion in operational areas required at both

extremes of the process (patio and milling vs the tiny area reserved for the capellinas) is

indicative of the extremely reductive nature of the whole refining process in terms of volume

and mass, a characteristic that will become more apparent in the next chapter which analyzes

in detail the Hacienda de Regla, of a magnitude similar to that of Rocha.

Approximate Ore Silver Approximate distribution of operational areas
mills arrastres patio reactor
area processed production (% of total)
patio mills, animal
m2 number number m2 t/m t/m storage capellinas
reactor arrastres power

Casas Blancas 10,500 1 to 2 37 1,900 < 300 0.3 to 0.6 18 16 10 ~ 0.2

Rocha 23,000 2 84 7,000 <1,000 1 to 2 30 18 19 9 ~ 0.1

0.15 to
Las Mercedes 2,700 1 8 1,000 < 150 36 29 11 6 ~ 0.5

Nueva de Fresnillo 12 314 2,700 4.3 no scale in plan

Table 3-II. A comparison of some of the main spatial and operational features of
amalgamation haciendas in Mexico, nineteenth century. Data in italics have been estimated,
other data are derived from plans or from sources in text.

The recognition that amalgamation haciendas in general were industrial units has been made in the
historiography: for example, West, The Parral Mining District, 26.; Lara Meza, Haciendas de beneficio de
Guanajuato, 31. Other examples of industrial amalgamation haciendas are: at Sombrerete the Fanoaga family mill
had 84 arrastres and 14 furnaces, according to Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 140.; at Sauceda, Zacatecas, in
the 1770s, 3000 quintales of ore per week (approx.. 600 t per month) were processed in the Hacienda La Sagrada
Familia, built by Jose de la Borda, with 70 arrastres and 10 stamp mills, as reported in Brading, "Mexican Silver
Mining," 672-73. In the 1780s the haciendas (number unknown) of the Marques de Valle Ameno refined 3200
quintales of ore every two weeks, approximately 300 t per month. Moreno y Castro, Arte de beneficiar los metales,

From an environmental point of view the economy of scale in the largest industrial

haciendas did not translate into an economy of waste. Regardless of size, from the zangarro to

the Hacienda Nueva de Fresnillo, over 99.6% of all the solids that entered each unit were

eliminated as waste via the nearest available stream. Whatever efficiency was translated into a

lower consumption of reagents per kg of silver produced paled in comparison to the magnitude

of the mineral matrix, the gangue, that held no economic interest for the refiner. In contrast to

the case of smelting haciendas, this waste from the process did not form a belt of lunar

landscape around them but was flushed constantly downstream, converting the streams that

nurtured these haciendas into their waste-disposal unit. If natural water streams were not

available or sufficient, water pumped from mine shafts was diverted to these haciendas, at

times even through other haciendas without permission, via aqueducts whose remains in the

more arid Zacatecas dot the hills like dismembered vertebrae of ancient monsters.489 Water

played a vital role in keeping the surrounding areas of the amalgamation haciendas free of

mounds of debris, so that as well as providing power to the mills, keeping the slurries wet so

the chemical reactions could take place, washing the ore slurries, slaking the thirst of the

animals that ploughed blindfolded through the tortas, and for the workers as well, it was water

that washed away the mounds of silt and the calomel, mercury and excess salt and other

chemicals generated by these industrial units.

3.9 The mass balance of amalgamation: the role of the correspondencia

There is one mathematical constant to the history of amalgamation in the New World.

Barely five years after this process was being applied in New Spain, it became an established

Lawsuit brought by the Hacienda San Tadeo against the Hacienda La Sauceda for constructing an aqueduct
without permission across their land to bring water from the mines in Vetagrande (Zacatecas) to the Hacienda La
Sauceda, 11 February 1808, EHEZ, Poder Judicial Civil C56-E07.

rule of thumb that two weights of mercury were consumed for every weight of silver

extracted.490 What is remarkable is that Duport in the mid nineteenth century commented that

the ‘loss’ of mercury per mark of silver reported from 1570 to 1585 was the same he observed

on average in Mexico some three hundred years later.491 The authorities quickly took advantage

of this inherent ratio of the process and used it as the benchmark in their apportioning of

mercury to the refiners, to attempt to control the production of contraband silver. This

benchmark was called the correspondencia and it is usually expressed as marks of silver

produced per quintal of mercury consumed. The rule of thumb value for the correspondencia

was usually 100 marks of silver to one quintal of mercury, a weight ratio of 2:1 (mercury to

silver), but in practice it varied according to location. This consumption of mercury was broken

down in amalgamation lore into one part of mercury consumed for one part of silver produced,

and the remainder was deemed to be the physical loss of the process. ‘The principle that the

loss of mercury was at least equal to the weight of silver obtained, is a prejudice so embedded

in most of the azogueros, that it is a waste of time to discuss with them on this issue’.492 The

‘with a quintal of mercury they only extract half [a quintal] of silver’ - ‘con un quintal de azogue no sacan mas
que medio de plata’, letter from the Viceroy of New Spain to the King, 30 July 1561, as quoted in Castillo Martos,
Bartolomé de Medina, 145. In the discussion that follows the point of reference is patio amalgamation. Barba’s
cazo process shows very low levels of mercury consumption because the underlying chemistry during refining is
completely different.
12 oz of mercury per mark of silver. Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 144. At the close of the eighteenth
century Garcés y Eguía had already commented upon the theoretical implications of a common value of mercury
consumption in relation to the aleatory nature of human operational skills: ‘the particular luck or misfortune of
this or that miner [refiner] cannot question the result of calculations, since these arise from a standard behaviour
of all the body [of refiners]; so that the consumption of mercury does not depend on this or that individual, but on
all together … unless it can be proved that there is a problem common to all the body’ – ‘la fortuna o desgracia
particular de uno o de otro Minero, no puede hacer falible el resultado de los cálculos, porque estos proceden
según la regularidad de todo el cuerpo; al modo que los del consumo de azogue no penden de este o aquel
individuo, sino de todos juntos … mientras no se verifique un mal que comprehenda a todo el cuerpo’, in Garcés
y Eguía, Nueva teórica del beneficio de plata, 3. What in fact was common to all the body was the chemical
underpinning to the correspondencia.
‘Le principe d’une perte de mercure égale au moins au poids de l’argent obtenu, est un préjugé tellement
enraciné chez la plupart des azogueros, que c’est peine perdue de discuter avec eux sur ce point’. Duport, Métaux
précieux au Mexique, 119.

obstinacy of this myth of a one to one conversion betrays its alchemical roots in the assumption

that mercury is transmuted into silver during amalgamation.

For the majority of silver ores refined in the New World the need to constantly replenish

mercury stocks destined for the amalgamation process was mainly due to the chemical reaction

that transformed it into calomel, the chemistry of which was indicated in Section 3.4 above. By

the nineteenth century chemical knowledge had matured to the point it became possible to

quantify this chemical consumption of mercury. In 1872 Manuel Maria Contreras calculated

the weight of mercury transformed into calomel as 1.85 times the amount of silver recovered,

and conditioned this ratio to the absence of competing reduction routes for silver chloride.

Though the author recognized that the physical losses during washing would alter this value,

he did not proceed further into the consequences of his quantitative analysis.493 The more recent

historiography has not echoed his analysis, and has treated the correspondencia as a useful

number to estimate silver production by amalgamation, for the lack of a better alternative. 494

And yet the correspondencia factor is not just a number whose only discernible connection to

Manuel Maria Contreras, "Empleo de los ensayes de pella y de residuos para determinar los adelantos y fin de
la amalgamacion de la plata en el beneficio de patio.," in Historia de la ciencia en México: Estudios y textos., ed.
Elias Trabulse (Mexico: Conacyt y Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2003), 721-38. The original paper was published
in Anales del Ministerio de Fomento de la Republica Mexicana, Imprenta de Francisco Diaz de Leon, tomo X,
México, D.F., 1872. Contreras fought against the North American invasion of Mexico when he was 14, then
graduated as a mining engineer, was named assayer of the Casa de la Moneda, became a politician (member of
Congress and Senator), a noted mathematician and author of textbooks on mathematics and geometry. There is a
small town in Mexico named after him, in the State of Veracruz, and also a street in Ciudad de Mexico. contreras_manuel.htm. At the turn of the century
Humboldt had written that ‘if, in the patio process, all the silver extracted was due to a decomposition of silver
chloride by mercury, the ratio of mercury lost to that of silver in the chloride would be approximately 4:7,6, since
that is the respective oxidation [value] of the two metals’ - ‘Si, dans le procédé por patio, tout l’argent retiré étoit
dù à une décomposition de muriate d’argent par le mercure, il se perdroit une quantité de mercure que seroit à
celle de l’argent dans le muriate, à peu près comme 4 :7,6, car cette proportion est celle des oxidation respectives
des deux métaux.’. Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 80-81. Humboldt was therefore the pioneer in this correct
chemical approach to the problem of mercury consumption during amalgamation, but reverses the weight ratio so
that it stands at 1 to 1.9, mercury to silver. In another part of his work he states that the mercury loss was between
1.4 to 1.7 per kg silver in patio, and around 0.2 in the barrel process. Ibid., Tome IV, 68. Whether the inversion
in the first ratio was an editing mistake, an ambiguous reading of the original in German or an error in the
‘oxidation’ values he adopts for silver and mercury is not clear, but Humboldt may have predicted the theoretical
basis for the mercury to silver weight ratio as early as the 1800s.
One of the most recent examples is in Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 204.

the amalgamation process is a spurious stability in value throughout three centuries of refining

history in the New World. On the contrary, it is a number with a sound theoretical base, the

mathematical consequence of the chemical correlations inherent to the amalgamation process,

and of the physical losses of mercury incurred, as I will argue in the following paragraphs.495

The observation that a relatively constant weight ratio applied to the consumption of

mercury per kg of silver refined is strongly indicative that the underlying reason is the

stoichiometry of the chemical reaction that involves both mercury and silver.496 Returning to

the sequence of reactions specified in Section 3.4, the two steps of the basic amalgamation

reaction, once the silver sulphides present in the ore have been converted into silver chloride,

can be condensed into the following equation:

(n + 2)Hg(l) + 2AgCl(s)  Ag2Hgn(l) + Hg2Cl2(s) Reaction 4

This chemical equation tells us that in the absence of native silver in the ore, of iron or

copper metal, and excluding other side reactions of mercury or physical losses, for every mole

of silver (107.87 g) refined by amalgamation, one mole of mercury (200.59 g) will be consumed

in its transformation into solid calomel.497 In this scenario, the theoretical weight ratio of

mercury consumed to silver produced using amalgamation would be 1.86. This is equivalent

to a correspondencia of just over 110 marks of silver per quintal of mercury under the

conditions cited above. A selection of historical correspondencia values reported for Peru and

The main results presented in this section have been published in Saúl Guerrero, "Chemistry as a Tool for
Historical Research: Identifying Paths of Historical Mercury Pollution in the Hispanic New World," Bulletin for
the History of Chemistry 37, no. 2 (2012).
Stoichiometry: in chemistry, the determination of the proportions in which elements or compounds react with
one another. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed.(Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1992), Micropaedia,
11, 279.
The presence of native silver, which does not react chemically with mercury, will reduce the consumption of
mercury. This fact is remarked upon by Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 307.

New Spain during the period of interest is summarized in Table 3- III.498 The mercury to silver

weight ratios have been calculated for each correspondencia value, and have all been given

equal weight to arrive at an average value of 1.8 ± 0.3. This historical average is very close to

the theoretical value of 1.86 calculated above, taking into account that an additional physical

loss of mercury was also taking place.

To incorporate the effect of physical losses on the correspondencia value I start with a

very simple mass balance for an ore that contains no native silver and where no physical losses

are involved (Figure 3-22). Mercury was added to the ore in a range between 5 to 10 times the

deemed amount of silver estimated to be extracted in the ore. I will use as a starting point a

proportion of seven to one in weight.499 Thus if I begin my amalgamation cycle using 100kg

of mercury, that means I am treating a total quantity of ore that holds 14 kg (to the nearest

integer) of silver in the form of chlorides or sulphides. It is not necessary to know the total

quantity of ore treated or the exact proportion of either silver compound. According to Reaction

4, for each kilogram of silver extracted, the amalgamation reaction converts 1.86 kg of mercury

into calomel. It is irrelevant for this exercise whether the silver chloride that is reduced by

mercury was present originally in the ore or is the result of the conversion of silver sulphides

The sources for the data in Table 3-III are the following: a) G. Cubillo Moreno, "Los dominios de la plata: el
precio del auge, el peso del poder. Empresarios y trabajadores en las minas de Pachuca y Zimapán, 1552-
1620,"(Col. Divulgación, Serie Historia, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia/Consejo Nacional para la
Cultura y las Artes, México, 1991). b) Gómez de Cervantes, Nueva España siglo XVI. c) Peter J. Bakewell, "Notes
on the Mexican Silver Mining Industry in the 1590's," in Mines of Silver and Gold in the Americas, ed. Peter J.
Bakewell (Aldershot (GB); Brookfield (Vt.): Variorum, 1996). d) "Registered Silver Production in the Potosi
District 1550-1735," Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas 12 (1975). e) complaint by miners on the price of
mercury, 26 April 1679, AHEZ Notarías/Colonia, Number 5 (Felipe de Espinosa 1653 - 1680), expediente 9. f)
lawsuit against the Count of Santa Rosa, for mercury debt to the Royal Treasury, 6 December 1692, AHEZ, Real
Hacienda- Judicial 1690. g) Silver and Entrepeneurship in Seventeenth-Century Potosí. The Life and Times of
Antonio López de Quiroga (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1995). h) Newson, "Silver Mining
Honduras." i) Brading and Cross, "Colonial Silver Mining: Mexico and Peru." j) Arduz Eguía, Minería
altoperuana. k) Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana. l) Burkart, "Mines de Veta-Grande." m) Duport, Métaux
précieux au Mexique.
Five to six parts of mercury to one of deemed silver content according to Amador, Tratado práctico de
haciendas de beneficio, 75. ; Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 216.; ten parts of mercury to one of silver
in Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 269.

according to Reaction 3. The critical assumption is that only mercury reduces the silver chloride

to elemental silver.

Mercury Silver Location Period Hg/Ag Source

1 quintal 100 mark Pachuca, New Spain 16 c 2.1 a, 165

1 quintal 115 mark Pachuca, New Spain end 16 c 1.8 a, 184

1 lb l mark New Spain 1580s 2 b, 154-155
1 quintal 115 mark New Spain 1590s 1.8 c, 175

1 quintal 150 mark Potosí, Peru 1588 1.4

d, 82
1 quintal 160 mark Potosí, Peru 1635 1.3

300 quintales 36,000 marks Zacatecas, New Spain 1679 1.7 e, 63r

165 quintales 16,500 marks Zacatecas, New Spain 1690 2 f, 33r

13,000 lb 7800 lb Potosí, Peru 1.7 g, 59-60
1 quintal 80 mark New Spain 2.6
c, 175
1 quintal 140 mark New Spain 1.5
1 lb 1 mark Honduras 2 h, 53
1 quintal 100 mark New World best practice colonial era 2.1

1 quintal 85 mark Bolaños, New Spain 2.4

i, 556
1 quintal 125 mark Guanajuato, New Spain 1.6

1 quintal 112-126 mark Zacatecas, New Spain 1.6-1.8

Potosí, Peru 1750s 1.5 j, 105

1 quintal 120 mark New Spain 1.7

1 quintal 80 mark San Luis Potosí, Sultepec, others, New Spain 1770s 2.6 k, 75

1 quintal 125 mark Guanajuato, New Spain 1.6

Zacatecas, New Spain 1835 1.5 l, 80

12 oz 8 oz Guanajuato, New Spain 1.5 m, 118

mid 19 c
10-24 oz 8 oz Guanajuato, New Spain 1.2-3 m, 119

1 lb 1 mark New Spain 1836 2 m, 134

12 oz 8 oz Catorce, New Spain 1.5 m, 143

15 oz 8 oz Zacatecas, New Spain 1.9 m, 251

mid 19 c
12-14 oz 8 oz Fresnillo, New Spain 1.5-1.8 m, 275, 279

8-13 oz 8 oz Guadalupe, New Spain 1-1.6 m, 319, 328

Table 3-III. Historical values of Hg/Ag weight ratios calculated from values of
correspondencia reported in the historiography. Sources from footnote 498.

14 kg Ag in ore 100 kg Hg

loss of Hg as solid
calomel (Hg 2Cl2)
during washing
with water 4 kg of Hg

26 kg of Hg
Liquid excess Hg squeezed
lost as solid
from amalgam
70 kg of Hg recovered
by condensing of
vapours during firing
Solid amalgam (pella) of pella
containing 70 kg Hg
and 14 kg Ag

liquid 14 kg refined as Ag

Figure 3-22. Simplified mass balance of amalgamation process

I further assume that in a single cycle I extract the totality of the 14kg of silver, which

then implies a total chemical conversion of 26 kg of mercury into calomel. All throughout this

exercise I only refer to the weight of mercury lost as calomel, not to a weight of calomel

produced. The composition of the amalgam after the excess mercury was extracted was

approximately 5 parts mercury to one part silver.500 The amalgam is assumed to contain 14 kg

of silver and 70 kg of mercury, while 4 kg of mercury were extracted in the manga.

This is an average proportion, that is found at both ends of the historical period under study. For example see
Capoche, "Villa Imperial de Potosi," 124.; Amador, Tratado práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 75.

In summary, this simple mass balance shows that after extracting 14 kg of silver there

are 74 kg of mercury recovered in two different batches, one by a simple operation of squeezing

a liquid amalgam through a cloth, and the remainder by heating the amalgam in the mercury

recycling assemblage (caperuza, desazogadera, capellina) and condensing the mercury

vapours. In addition 26 kg of mercury are converted to solid calomel. I will now designate by

fa the fraction of silver present as silver chloride or silver sulphide in the ore, with values

between 0 and 1. It is important to underline that the variable fa is not the silver content in the

ore. In fact, the same fa value can apply to two silver ores with quite different silver content.

Thus the weight ratio of mercury lost as calomel to silver refined for ores containing native

silver as well as silver chlorides and sulphides can be expressed in the following manner:

[Hg/Ag]calomel loss = 1.86 fa

If the silver content in the ore is made up of pure native silver, fa is equal to zero and no mercury

is lost as calomel. If the silver content is made up only of silver chloride and sulphide, then the

weight ratio of mercury lost to silver extracted will be 1.86. I am ignoring further chemical

losses in the form of secondary reactions between mercury and excess copper magistral that

can produce calomel or mercury with sulphur to produce cinnabar, but they could be factored

into the equation in an analogous manner.

The most simple way to include the effect of physical losses on the weight ratio is to

assume a single physical loss factor (fb) between zero and unity that encompasses both mercury

lost through volatilization and mercury lost through washings and spills. By taking this

approach the exact amount of mercury remaining in the amalgam does not need to be known.

Based on the amalgamation recipe of seven parts mercury to one part extracted silver from the

ore, the weight ratio of mercury to silver due to physical losses of mercury will then be:

[Hg/Ag]physical losses = [ 7 – 1.86 fa] fb


The term between brackets on the right-hand side of the equation corresponds to the

weight ratio after eliminating the chemical loss. It would be possible to separate ‘cold’ losses

of mercury (spills, washings) from ‘hot’ losses (volatilization) but for the purpose of this

exercise I will continue using a single loss factor, fb.

The total weight ratio, taking into account both chemical and physical losses, can now

be expressed as:

Hg/Ag = 1.86 fa + [ 7 – 1.86 fa] fb


Hg/Ag = weight ratio of mercury lost to silver extracted

fa : weight fraction of silver chloride and sulphide in the silver present in the ore,

between 0 and 1

fb : total physical loss of mercury during amalgamation, expressed as a weight fraction

between 0 and 1

The ratio Hg/Ag, as well as the correspondencia, is independent of the total silver

content of an ore.

The relevance of the equation is that it demonstrates that the values of the Hg/Ag ratio

(as representing the correspondencia), silver content (as chloride and sulphide) and physical

losses are not three independent variables. Thus each of the three constrains the values the other

two can adopt. It is easier to visualize this interdependence in Figure 3-23. Each value of the

Hg/Ag ratio can be calculated from different pairings of fa and fb values. Three values of this

ratio are plotted as curves in Figure 3-23: 1.5 (lower limit of standard deviation of historical

average), 1.8 (historical average) and 2.1 (upper limit of standard deviation of historical

average) respectively. The only pairings of fa and fb values that are relevant to the present

discussion are those that fall between the bottom and top curves representing the two extremes

of the historical Hg/Ag ratio. In addition, the silver ores treated by amalgamation were the

negrillo ores, rich in silver sulphide and low in native silver, which would therefore have fa

values that tend to unity. I will assume as a working figure that the most likely range of f a for

these ores lies between 0.75 and 1. As can be seen in Figure 3-23, this in turn would limit the

values of fb to below 0.15. The rectangle in grey visualizes the ‘boxing in’ of fb imposed by the

value of fa and the range of observed Hg/Ag ratios.

Figure 3-23. Sensitivity of Hg/Ag weight ratio to the fraction of silver chloride and sulphide
of the total silver present in the ore (fa) and on the fraction of physical loss (fb). Reproduced
from footnote 495.

If for the treatment of negrillos (assumed range of fa values between 0.75 and 1) higher

physical losses are assumed, i.e. values of fb well over 0.15, the mercury to silver weight ratio

would quickly reach values much greater than 3, well above the historical range reported in

Table 3-II. This is illustrated by the plots in Figure 3-24, where the grey area denotes the

average range of observed Hg/Ag ratios. Only ores very rich in native silver (low to zero fa

values, not shown) would mathematically allow a high physical loss of mercury, but since these

were smelted rather than amalgamated, they do not represent a historically representative case.

Hg/Ag weight ratio


average range of historical values

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4


Figure 3-24. Sensitivity of the Hg/Ag weight ratio to fb values, for the range of fa values
expected from ores refined by amalgamation. Reproduced from footnote 495.

To calculate the breakdown between mercury consumed in its transformation to

calomel and mercury lost through physical causes the following equations apply:

1.86 𝑓𝑎
% Hg consumed as calomel = (1.86 𝑓𝑎+(7−1.86 𝑓𝑎)𝑓𝑏 x 100%

(7− 1.86 𝑓𝑎)𝑓𝑏

% Hg physical loss = (1.86 𝑓𝑎+(7−1.86 𝑓𝑎)𝑓𝑏 x 100%

The expected range for total physical losses of mercury during amalgamation is

calculated using these equations from approximately 10 to 30%, subject to the value of the

correspondencia (Table 3-III). The values in Table 3-IV have been obtained by fixing the value

of the mercury to silver weight ratio, and choosing a range for fa consistent with the historical

reality that it was negrillo ores (silver sulphide) which were destined primarily for


fa 0.75 0.75 0.85

fb 0.13 0.02 0.05

Hg/Ag 2.1 1.5 1.86

% mercury converted to
69% 91% 85%

% mercury physical loss 32% 10% 15%

Table 3-IV. Percentage breakdown of mercury losses to the environment as a result of the
refining of silver ores with mercury.

Since the values of correspondencia are not the result of an aggregate of contingent

human errors of operation but are dictated mainly by the chemistry of the reactions during

amalgamation and the nature of the ore, it converts this index from a passive mirror of

operational empiricism into a theoretically solid tool of historical analysis.

3.10 The environmental impact vectors of amalgamation

Of all the components of an amalgamation recipe applied to silver ores, the usual

environmental suspect that springs to the forefront for a modern reader is mercury. The

historiography of the period also focused most of its attention on the consumption of mercury,

but for other reasons. Within the lore of amalgamation it was accepted that there was a fixed

one to one ratio between the weight of mercury ‘destroyed’ during the process and the weight

of silver refined. This was called ‘el consumido’, or the consumption of mercury. Any

additional need for mercury was due to operational losses (‘el perdido’) during the process.501

Thus from the very beginning the total consumption of mercury was interpreted as the sum of

two processes, one chemical (the consumption as a transformation of matter), and one physical

(the loss of liquid mercury due to mechanical causes).

The historiography was also well aware of the dangers posed by mercury to the workers

exposed to its vapours, and Chapter Six will review the historiography on the risk to the health

of workers posed by mercury during this historical period. Barba criticizes the careless use of

equipment to heat the amalgam, so that if joints are not properly sealed and a poor quality clay

is used to make the recipients there is a danger of volatile mercury escaping to the

environment.502 Barba also goes on to strongly suggest the use of iron or beaten copper

recipients as the most secure means to recover the mercury from the amalgam.503 The warning

on the accidental exposure of amalgamation workers to heated and volatile mercury continues

throughout the period in question.504 It was not only the health of the workers that spurred this

concern. As Gomez de Cervantes recognized very early, the economic importance for a careful

husbandry of mercury stocks from the point of view of the refiner merited a strict supervision

of the efficiency of the recycling stage:

Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 163.
Barba, Arte de los metales, 100.
Ibid., 101.
‘In all these works he who is present should always place himself upwind of the furnaces, so that if a vessel
should break... the smoke of the mercury will not cause harm ... which is very great.’-‘En todas estas obras se
ponga siempre, el que a ellas asistiere, a barlovento de los hornos, por el riesgo de que quebrandose algun vaso
... no cause el humo del açogue los daños ... que son muy grandes’ in ibid., 170. According to Sonneschmidt the
older type of clay vessels could break easily, so that workers who came to dampen the embers were at risk of
mercury poisoning: ‘I have found various individuals that in such circumstances have been poisoned by mercury,
and fell to the floor senseless’ -‘He encontrado a varios sugetos que en tales circunstancias se han azogado, y
cayeron en el suelo privados de sentidos’. Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva
España, 51.

‘If mercury is lost and the loss cannot be remedied … this is the greatest loss that can be had,
and it can happen to a miner during the refining process; and when it happens, not even the
value of the silver [refined] can match the value of the mercury that is lost’.505

The successful control of the loss of volatile mercury during the heating stage of the

amalgam is amply commented upon in the technical descriptions that are available for New

Spain. Thus Born states that by the end of the eighteenth century iron vessels [capellinas] were

used to recycle mercury using a water channel such that ‘all the quicksilver is recovered without

loss’.506 Humboldt does not even mention volatile losses of mercury during the heating stage

of the amalgam in his analysis of the possible causes of the physical losses of mercury. 507

Sonneschmidt states that when carried out correctly the losses during the capellina stage are

minimal.508 Duport cites total mercury losses during the recycling stage of mercury of just

0.06%.509 According to Laur ‘except in case of accidents, or negligence, the losses of mercury

caused by the operation [the capellina stage] are of little importance [around 0.001%]’.510

Losses of volatile mercury could occur through accidents, but the available historiography up

to the end of the nineteenth century concurs that normal practice did not incur a regular loss of

volatile mercury to the air of any relevant magnitude.

If mercury was not lost to the air, how did contemporary observers interpret the fate of

the consumido and the perdido? For the former, I have conjectured on the alchemical roots for

the notion of an equivalent weight of mercury required to be transmuted into silver. However,

beyond the lore of the azogueros that exasperated Duport, by the nineteenth century it was

‘Si se pierde el azogue y no se puede remediar ... es la mayor pérdida que puede haber y sucede al minero en
el dicho beneficio; y cuando sucede, no llega el valor de la plata al azogue que se pierde.’ Quoted from Gomez
de Cervantes (1599) in Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 245-46.
Born, Born's New Process of Amalgamation, xxi, 133.
Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 80-81.
Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 53.
One ounce (28 g) per quintal (46 kg), in Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 117.
‘a moins d’accidents, d’ailleurs fort rares, ou de négligence, les pertes de mercure causes par l’opération sont
peu importantes … [1.3 to 1.75 per thousand]’ in Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 176.

clear that the formation of a salt of mercury was responsible for the chemical consumption of

mercury, as I reviewed in Section 3.9 above. As to the perdido, its ultimate fate was the

waterways and the soil, according to the historiography up to the nineteenth century. The

physical loss that was caused by entrainment in the water used to wash the slurries or ore in

order to separate the amalgam extended also to unextracted silver and amalgam. On the heels

of the implementation of amalgamation, the observation was made in 1571 on ‘the loss or at

least the greater part of quintales of mercury and silver that is taken by the river … in this New

Spain’.511 In the 1740s Dominguez de la Fuente would write:

‘the drawbacks of the present refining process [patio amalgamation] run manifesting
themselves in the creeks and streams close to the haciendas, from where the women regularly
extract silver, and who are known by the title of ‘Plomilleras’ … the first is from the same
silver that comes from the washing vats of the haciendas, the second is potential silver … that
dust … from which these women extract it [silver] by fire’.512

In 1802, the same concern persists in New Spain, where Jose Antonio de Ortega

proposes to use ‘buzos’ (divers) or dams to collect the sediment and recover the silver lost in

this manner :

‘[I] denounce to Your Excellency the Gold, and Silver, that incorporated in Mercury, exists, in
the depths and natural deposits, exists, in the Rivers, of this Kingdom [New Spain], and in that
of Peru, proceeding from the washing vats of the refining of said Metals in Haciendas that
existed and exist’.513

‘la perdida o alomenos gran parte de los quintales de azogue y plata que se lleva el rrio … en esta Nueva
España’, extract from a merced awarded in New Spain in 1571 by the Viceroy of New Spain to Fernando de
Portugal y Leonardo Fragoso for their method to increase the efficiency of recovering silver and mercury from
the washings, AHSLP, Colección Powell, catálogo p. 94, Patronato 18 2 ramo 42, rollo 166-7-50 21; AGN,
Instituciones Coloniales, Mineria, 28304, Volumen 17.
‘la insuficiencia del presente beneficio, corre manifestándose por las canadas y Arroyos, vecinos de las
Haziendas, de donde sacan regularmente las Mujeres plata, que se conocen por el titulo de Plomilleras … la
primera es de la misma plata que arrojan de los lavaderos de las Haziendas, la segunda, es de la plata potencial
… aquel polvillo ..[que] estas mujeres la sacan de el, por fuego’ in Dominguez de la Fuente, Leal Informe Politico-
Legal, 136.
‘denuncio a la Superioridad de Vuestra Excelencia el Oro, y Plata, que incorporado en Azogue, existe, en las
profundidades y depositos naturales , existe, en los Rios, de este Reyno, y en el de Peru, procedentes de los
labaderos de veneficio de dichos Metales de la Haciendas que existieron y existen’, AGN, Instituciones
Coloniales, Minería, 28304, Volumen 17. Ortega was a member of the Royal Basque Society and collector of

Humboldt concluded that the consumption of mercury during amalgamation was due

in greatest part to its entrainment in solids carried away in the water washings. 514 Laur sums

up the views held by the end of the nineteenth century that the causes of the consumption of

mercury are two, chemical reactions inherent to amalgamation and mechanical losses during

the washing of the slurry due to the extreme fineness of the particles of ore.515

With respect to losses of liquid mercury to the soil, there are references to the soil of

abandoned amalgamation haciendas being excavated in the 1670s to recover the mercury

contained within them:

‘Nicolas de Villareal, of this city [Zacatecas] stated that when digging into the foundations of
the old houses that belonged to General Agustin de Zavala … within the soil that he dug from
the place where the hacienda of the General used to be, he found samples of mercury and
because if he washes more soil he may recover more quantity of said substance … [he requests]
that your lordships decide how best to serve [the interests] of His Majesty’.516

Hermosa, another first-hand observer of the process, proposes that the main routes for

the physical loss of mercury is seepage to the soil and entrainment in the water washings. 517

Referring to amalgamation mills in the United States of America of the nineteenth century,

Egleston writes: ‘By far the greater loss [of mercury] is mechanical. The ground under some

of the old-fashioned [silver refining] mills was richer in mercury than a quicksilver mine’.518

Sonneschmidt is one of the few in the historiography to doubt that much mercury was lost in

taxes in Oaxaca, ‘socio Benemerito de la Real Sociedad Bascongada, Administrador de las Reales Rentas del
Partido de Villa Alta, Oaxaca’.
Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 81.
Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 163.
‘Nicolas de Villareal vzo de esta ciudad dijo que abriendo unos cimientos en las cassas viejas que fureon del
Gral Agn de Zavala … entre la ttierra que se a sacado de ellas en el cittio donde hera la hazienda que el dicho
Gral tuvo parece apinttado algunas muestras de azogue y porque puede ser que lavando otras tierras se recoga
alguna canttida de dicho genero … vms dispongan lo que mas sea del servicio de su Magestad’, dated 29 March
1673, AHEZ, Real Hacienda 1673, document with lower right hand corner missing.
Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 239.
Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 398.

this manner, stating that on lifting the lining of the patio he could not find evidence of mercury

droplets, though he does not state how deep in the soil he searched.519

The mention of mercury losses in the historiography up to the nineteenth century does

not mean there was an interest on the impact these losses would have on the communities or

on nature around the amalgamation haciendas. As a case in point, Duport’s excellent review

of silver refining in Mexico does not address any environmental issue. Though the main

historical concern was to explain the disappearance (or waste for some observers) of an

expensive and limited reagent critical to refine silver, some degree of care for strict operational

guidelines that would lower the risk of inhaling mercury vapours is also evidenced. The other

component of the amalgamation recipe that received attention was the amount of solids voided

into the waterways. In the case of Guanajuato, where the amalgamation haciendas were

clustered close to the town and around the main waterway that ran through it, the consequences

of dumping the fine mineral silt from the constant washing of the amalgamation tortas caused

problems that had to be addressed on a yearly basis:

‘the water from the river that run through the city was used by the refining haciendas … a city
whose mining activity regulated the economic life of its inhabitants generated waste inherent
to the refining process, these were thrown into the river causing it to flood’.520

These wastes would be dug out of the river bed and sent to landfills around the city, as

is clear from the instructions sent by the Viceroy of New Spain to the Cabildo of Guanajuato

requiring it to estimate a budget and plan for:

‘the cleaning of the River … the solid fill and filth that will have to be removed … the land
where they are to be deposited, without affecting the public, as well as the retaining walls that

Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 128.
‘el agua del río que atravesaba la ciudad era utilizada por las haciendas de beneficio de metales … una ciudad
cuya actividad minera regía la vida económica de la población generaba desperdicios propios del beneficio de
metales, estos eran arrojados al río causando su desbordamiento’ in Alma Linda Reza, Guanajuato y sus
miasmas. Higiene urbana y salud pública, 1792-1804 (Guanajuato: Presidencia Municipal de Guanajuato, 2001),

will be required to contain the landfills so that they do not cause harm to the city or return to
the causeway of the River’.521

The historiography of the twentieth century introduced a major change in the portrayal

and analysis of the environmental legacy of historical silver refining in the New World. 522 It

was the field of environmental science that provided the first novel interpretation of the

consumption of mercury during the historical amalgamation process practised in the Americas.

Nriagu’s landmark one-page note to the journal Nature in 1993 based its analysis on the

premise that all the consumption of mercury during the period of historical silver refining by

amalgamation was due to a 100% physical loss of mercury, of which 60 to 65% were deemed

to be due specifically to volatile losses of mercury. No mention was made of calomel. In the

same note Nriagu mentions that the consumption of mercury in the colonial amalgamation of

silver is very similar to that observed for the modern amalgamation of gold in the Brazilian

Amazon region. Further, he states that the fraction of mercury lost to the air during colonial

refining of silver ores is comparable to the 65 to 83% range of mercury losses during gold

amalgamation measured in modern times in the Amazon.523 The mainstream historiography

has followed Nriagu’s paper to propose similar ranges of loss for volatile mercury, up to 85%

‘en la limpia del Rio … los atierres e immundizias que habran de extraerse … los parajes en que harán de
depositarse, sin perjuicio del publico, como también los pretiles o calicantos que a caso sea necesario hacer para
contener los citados atierres que no hagan daño a la ciudad ni vuelvan a la Caja de dicho Rio ’ in AHUG, Actas
de Cabildo, 5 December 1782, 153v to 156r.
One of first modern works to bring attention to the harm caused by mercury to the indigenous communities as
a consequence of mining and refining of silver was Eduardo Galeano, Las venas abiertas de América Latina
(Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno, 1982), 62. The value of this work as an objective appraisal of historical events
should be judged in the light of the author’s recent comments during the II Bienal del Libro in Brasilia, Brasil,
held in April 2014. Galeano confessed that ‘I would not be able to read the book again. That traditional left-wing
prose is too boring … I did not have the necessary knowledge [to write it]. I do not repent having written it, but it
was a stage that, for me, has long been over.’ - ‘yo no seria capaz de leer el libro de nuevo. Para mi esa prosa
de izquierda tradicional es pesadísima … yo no tenia la formación necesaria. No estoy arrepentido de haberlo
escrito pero fue una etapa que, para mi, fue superada’ as reported in
Nriagu, "Legacy of Mercury Pollution," 589.

in the latest proposal by Hagan et al and Robins in 2011.524 The formation of calomel continued

to be excluded from these analyses. Though mercury salts as by-products of amalgamation are

mentioned in some modern historical texts on silver refining in the New World, the majority

view is that overall it was volatile mercury that constituted the main cause for the consumption

of mercury in the New World.525

The omission of calomel as a principal factor in the consumption of mercury not only

ignored the chemistry of the process and the historical texts of the nineteenth century, but it

implied a magnitude of historical air deposition of mercury around refining sites that could not

be corroborated by new results from research on historical mercury depositions from the

atmosphere. In 2011 Cooke, Balcom, Kerfoot, Abbott and Wolfe published the levels of

mercury deposited in the sediment of Laguna Lobato, some 6 km west of Cerro Potosí, from

600 to 2000 CE. High initial levels of mercury up to ca. 1300 CE are explained as coming from

pre-Columbine smelting of native silver found on the surface of the Cerro Potosí. From that

date to the present the levels of airborne mercury deposits decrease continuously throughout

the historical period that saw amalgamation used on a massive scale in Potosí and surrounding

areas. In contrast, levels of airborne lead are seen to spike around the period large-scale

smelting was introduced by Spain in Potosí.526 This result contradicted the assumption that

major losses of airborne mercury took place in Potosí as a consequence of amalgamation. In

Julio A. Camargo, "Contribution of Spanish–American Silver Mines (1570–1820) to the Present High Mercury
Concentrations in the Global Environment : A Review," Chemosphere 48(2002).; S. Strode, L. Jaeglé, and N.E.
Selin, "Impact of mercury emissions from historic gold and silver mining: Global modeling," Atmospheric
Environment 43, no. 12 (2009).; Nicole Hagan et al., "Estimating historical atmospheric mercury concentrations
from silver mining and their legacies in present-day surface soil in Potosí, Bolivia," ibid.45, no. 40 (2011).;
Robins, Mercury, Mining and Empire.
An example is the following discussion on historical mercury losses from amalgamation: ‘other losses resulted
from binding of mercury in insoluble compounds to sulfides, chloride or other salts in the ore. Some, perhaps
most, of the losses occurred in vaporization of mercury’, from Richards, The Unending Frontier: An
Environmental History of the Early Modern World 370.
Cooke et al., "Pre-Colombian Mercury Pollution Associated with the Smelting of Argentiferous Ores in the
Bolivian Andes."

2012 I published the results presented above in Section 3.9.527 In 2014, a review paper by

Engstrom et al. argued that the evidence from a world-wide survey of historical mercury

airborne depositions is not consistent with the assumption of large scale volatile mercury losses

from historical periods of silver refining by amalgamation, and they proposed a shift in the

paradigm applied to the interpretation of historical mercury emissions, in line with the

mathematical results of the model I proposed based on calomel (Section 3.9).528

With regard to the amount of liquid mercury that seeped into the soil as a result of

historical silver refining, the research is still at an early stage. In present day Potosí, disturbing

the topsoil by excavating down to 50 cm in locations where amalgamation units used to located

will liberate very significant amounts of mercury to the air. In contrast, undisturbed sites show

very low levels of mercury in the air. The authors propose that this is due to mercury being

present in different chemical forms according to depth, thus making it less susceptible to be

airborne when in the topsoil.529 The oral history of San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas and Guanajuato

confirms in a qualitative way the presence of mercury in the soil. The Director of the Historical

Archive in San Luis Potosi, Don Rafael Morales Bocardo, recounted to me that when

excavations were being carried out on the floor of the assaying room of the Casa de la Moneda,

he saw the newly exposed soil weeping globules of mercury. Mrs. Maria del Socorro Cardoso

Girón, the local Historiadora [designated resident historian by the provincial government] of

the village of Pánuco, close to Zacatecas, told me that many of the historical haciendas lay in

ruins, with only remnants of some perimeter walls standing, because in the past these haciendas

Guerrero, "Historical Mercury Pollution in the Hispanic New World."
Daniel R. Engstrom et al., "Atmospheric Hg Emissions from Preindustrial Gold and Silver Extraction in the
Americas: A Reevaluation from Lake-Sediment Archives," Environmental Science & Technology 48, no. 12
P. Higueras et al., "Mercury vapor emissions from the Ingenios in Potosí (Bolivia)," Journal of Geochemical
Exploration 116(2012): 6.; P. Higueras et al., "Multielemental pollution of soils at the Ingenios, decommissioned
mineralurgical sites in Potosí (Bolivia)," (2010).

had been bought just for the value of the mercury in the soil. Once all the impregnated soil had

been scraped from the grounds of the hacienda, and carted off to be processed elsewhere, it

was left as an empty shell. Finally in Guanajuato, both Mr. Morrill, owner of one of the few

standing capellina buildings which he has now converted to a studio, and Doctor Virgilio

Fernandez del Real, the venerable Spanish owner of the Hacienda Santa Ana in Marfil,

currently the Museo Gene Byron, gave me independent reports of trees that grow normally

until one day their roots strike what they believe to be a mercury rich section of the earth under

the patios and suddenly wither away and die.

The fate of calomel washed away together with the mineral silt from the washed tortas

awaits future research. In the case of Guanajuato the modern city retains physical evidence of

historical landfills from the waste dredged from its waterways where both mercury and calomel

may reside. Figure 3-25 shows the Observatorio Metereológico, of the Comisión Nacional del

Agua and University of Guanajuato, built on a hill made up from a landfill of the waste

recovered from the river.530 How much of the total waste voided initially into rivers was

returned as landfill to the land remains to be established. In other locations such waste would

have been deposited along the bed of each river, to an extent that remains to be studied.

Personal communication, Lic. Silvano Pozos Suarez, in charge of the Observatory. The hill of mineral waste
on which the Observatory was built lies over the road in front of the grounds of the historic Hacienda de Rocha. I
have not been able to determine if the present road was built over the historic trace of the stream that run along
the hacienda.


Figure 3-25. The Observatorio Metereológico of Guanajuato (Conagua and Universidad de

Guanajuato), sited on a landfill of waste from refining haciendas. Photo taken from the grounds
of the historic Hacienda de Rocha (at present the Hotel Reales de Minas).

In summary, the relevant environmental impact vectors for patio amalgamation can be

grouped into four sets: calomel and mercury, the water-soluble reagents (salt and copper

magistral), the waste solids from the ore and finally fuel. Waterways, not air, are the main

conduit of the environmental impact vectors for patio amalgamation. Within the hacienda,

mercury was consumed and transformed into calomel during the patio amalgamation process,

and the solid and insoluble calomel was washed away into the adjoining waterways together

with the portion of the mineral ore that had no economic value to the refiner. In this waste water

were present the excess salt, iron and copper compounds used in the recipe. A huge amount of

solid waste, over 99.6% of all the ore that was processed in each hacienda, was suspended in

the washing water voided into the streams.531 Soil was the second major conduit for the

For the haciendas producing 600 marks of silver per month this represents approx. 75,000 kg of solids voided
per month into a waterway. For an hacienda of the size of La Escalera, it would have reached approximately
450,000 kg in the 1790s.

physical loss of mercury and water-soluble components of the amalgamation recipe, whether

from spills during transport or storage, or more important from seepage during the wet slurry

phase of amalgamation.

The only stage of the amalgamation process where air-borne particles of any nature

would have been a daily significant environmental issue would have been close to the molinos

and tahonas / arrastres. This area would have been the source of very high background levels

of dust and noise, with a direct impact on the workers handling the ore. 532 As to losses of

volatile mercury, it is only during the casting of silver bars that any residual mercury not

recycled during the capellina stage would have been issued to the air.533 A loss of one percent

of the total weight of silver cast into bars was judged to be a standard of good practice, and the

figure is validated by the operational accounting data I present in the next chapter.534 Losses of

mercury by direct volatilization from the tortas are in theory possible but in practice would

have been negligible.535 Any losses of volatile mercury during the heating of the amalgam

would be the result of accidents and not a consequence of normal operating conditions. Even

in such a case, the mercury that escaped would quickly deposit itself on any surface in the

immediate area, as can be deduced from the following description of artisanal gold refining

practices in the Amazon:

According to Egleston the use of stamp mills imparted a radial, upward movement to the particles of crushed
ore. Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 176.
30 kg silver bars have been described as cast from moulds the Hacienda de Loreto (Pachuca) into which melted
silver has been poured using an iron ladle which was dipped into a vessel full of molten silver. Collins, Metallurgy
of Lead & Silver, 141.
Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 180.
A very approximate idea can be gained using the results published by Winter on the loss in mass of a 0.2 g
spherical drop of mercury exposed to a ventilated room, away from direct sunlight and winds, at an ambient
temperature around 20⁰ C. He measured a maximum weight loss of 7 µg per hour. For the sake of argument, if 6
million such drops could be assumed to exist within an average torta, it would lose 14 kg of mercury in two weeks.
Since only a minority of mercury droplets would be exposed to sun and wind, I will assume that 5% of this
theoretical total was the effective loss, less than 1 kg per month per torta. Thomas G. Winter, "The Evaporation
of a Drop of Mercury," American Journal of Physics 71 (2003).

‘the hot flame would burn off the mercury. It would dissolve and rise as a vapor – looking
indeed like white water vapor- to a height of about two to three metres, before condensing
again and settling back down. In this process of first rising as vapor and then settling as
droplets, the mercury would settle on any object at hand- including on men’s eyebrows, and
the hair on their heads, their moustaches, even on their forearms, as a form of eery looking
white mist.’536

A more important area of constant human contact with mercury would be during the

addition of liquid mercury to the tortas, since the workers did not use any gloves or other

implements to avoid prolonged mercury to skin contact. The same applies to the treading of

the slurry with or without the aid of horses and mules.

Figure 3-26 represents a schematic pathway for the main losses of calomel and mercury.

In the absence of iron or copper, and with a correspondencia of 1.8, the transformation of

mercury into calomel would have accounted for around 85% of the total consumption of

mercury during the patio amalgamation. The majority of the remaining 15 % would have been

physically entrained by water or seeped to the soil. A minor amount, not exceeding 1 %, would

have been lost as volatile mercury, in a regular manner each time silver bars were cast, or in

isolated accidents during the heating of the capellinas. The addition of iron to the recipe could

lower the correspondencia to 1.3, but the percentage breakdown of the consumption of mercury

remains similar. In Chapter 4 I will be analysing in greater detail the specific mass balance of

the process as carried out in a major amalgamation hacienda, including the directionality of all

these vectors.

Helmut Waszkis, Mining in the Americas: Stories and History (Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Limited,
1993), 202-203.

make-up of and recycling Mercury in air
Mercury in air
of mercury emissions
mercury loss emissions

Storage & Amalgamation Washing and Heating of Casting of silver

handling of torta separation of amalgam in bars
mercury amalgam capellina

Liquid mercury Liquid mercury Calomel Liquid Liquid mercury

loss loss mercury loss silver
entrained loss
in water

Figure 3-26. Main loss vectors of calomel and mercury

3.11 Final remarks

I have argued in this chapter that the chemical reactions that are an inherent part of the

amalgamation process of silver ores lead to the formation of calomel in the majority of

historical scenarios, as was pointed out by all nineteenth century sources. Thus the

environmental legacy of the patio amalgamation process in New Spain / Mexico lies dispersed

and deposited along the riverbeds and water basins where millions of tons of waste solids from

the washings of the amalgamation haciendas were voided, or in any landfills that were formed

from these wastes. It was the chemistry of amalgamation, and not its physical facet, that

consumed the greater fraction of the mercury required by the process, converting liquid

mercury into solid and insoluble calomel. Much less important was the physical loss of

mercury, a lower fraction lost in the washings or seeped into the soil where it lies dormant until

disturbed, within the high walls that still contain the spoor of past chemical processes. The

minor part that was volatilized was lost mainly during the final casting of the silver bars, while

the loss during the heating of the amalgam was negligible under normal conditions. The best

evidence for the control over the consumption of mercury during the process is the impressive

immutability of the correspondencia ratio over 300 years. The total consumption of mercury

did not simply depend on the skill and experience of each azoguero but was determined to a

great extent by a chemical reaction common to all amalgamation locations and historical

periods, together with the extreme care taken in conserving the scarce and expensive mercury.

I have complemented the chemical and mathematical analysis of the amalgamation

process with a much-needed visual reminder of the conditions under which amalgamation was

carried out. Patio amalgamation was for most of the time a large-scale wet and messy process

where it would have been impossible to completely control a small but constant physical loss

of mercury and other components of the amalgamation recipe by seepage to the ground or

entrainment in the waste water. No amount of planilleros or paving stones could control the

inherent leakage of this watery matrix, though minimize it they did. Each photo of a patio

conjures up the sucking and slurping noises of an ever-present mud tugging at the feet of men

and animals, a watery medium constantly seeking cracks or trickling into waste channels, its

puddles ever-present in paintings and photographs. The only stages of the whole process where

the operators could exercise the highest control over physical losses took place outside the

patio, once all the water had been separated and they could work with kilograms and not tons

of material. The careful handling of mercury and silver took place in the controlled

environment of the mercury room that housed the manga for squeezing dry the amalgam,

during the heating of the desazogueras or capellina ensembles that could be as heavy and solid

as a compact car, and finally in the casting of the silver bars. To propose that up to 85% of the

consumption of mercury took place during the heating cycle of a capellina , as do Hagan and

Collins, is to ignore the reality of the nature and conditions under which patio amalgamation

took place.

Any photo of an amalgamation patio is also a Rorschach test for the biases of the

viewer. For many it represented a long and primitive process that did not evolve over centuries,

proper to a country and people untouched by progress. On the other hand Humboldt grasped

the true nature of this space when he suggested covering its floor with iron or copper. An

amalgamation patio is no less than an open-air chemical reactor, symbol of an impressive

solution to the challenge of refining silver sulphide ores that were poor in lead, a unique

example of a batch industrial process carried out in a reactor that could extended laterally or

contract as needed, a pioneer vision of industry perfectly suited to the available level of human

skills and materials. It is a sign of strength, not of weakness, that the chemical maturity of the

process was reached by the end of the sixteenth century, and that it lasted for three hundred

years until a new chemical process based on cyanide displaced it.

Amalgamation required from the start a careful planning of inventory of reagents,

starting with salt and mercury, the two chemical linchpins of the process. Even copper sulphate

could have been supplanted if necessary by roasting the sulphides with salt prior to

amalgamation. The amalgamation haciendas came in a wide range of sizes, from the small

zangarros of Guanajuato to the industrial behemoth at Fresnillo, but their capacity to pollute

the environment did not offer an economy of scale. The bigger haciendas may have been more

efficient in some aspects of the operation, but both they and their smaller brethren voided into

streams over 99.6% of all the solid ore they received, accompanied by smaller fractions of

calomel, salt and copper compounds. The imbalance of these different components of the

amalgamation process is reflected in their architectural footprint, the patio and milling areas

greedy for space, while the final stages of the separation of the amalgam, mercury and silver

appear huddled together to control pilfering, until the areas of the capellinas are all but

forgotten spaces, dwarfed by the other spatial needs of the process. Dry ore and water, not fire,

set the tone for the arrangement of working areas. Where furnaces merit a mention in the legal

documents it is in the context of preparing magistral amd roasting rebellious ores, never in the

context of recycling mercury.

The narrative of this chapter has paid significant attention to clearing up issues that may

not appear relevant to the environmental history of amalgamation of silver ores. Apart from a

desire to tie up evident loose threads, how critical is it to seek the roots of amalgamation in

European alchemy or to question the credibility of a fully-fledged amalgamation recipe

sprouting from the metallurgical virgin forehead of Medina? The reason lies in human choice,

or its absence. If amalgamation had no roots in previous alchemical or refining experience in

Europe, then it would be possible to argue that neither the Crown nor the refiners knew a priori

what its effects on the workers and their communities would be if applied on a major scale.

Furthermore, if 1555 is anointed as the annus mirabilis of amalgamation in the New World,

after which little of technical importance took place, it casts a shadow of inevitability over the

whole history of amalgamation. If amalgamation was indeed the only technical key to unlock

silver from its New World ores, then there is little point in searching for the role of human

agency in the charting of its historical course.

The alternative is to reconstruct the roots of amalgamation via alchemy and European

metallurgy, two areas that overlapped with pragmatic ease in the sixteenth century. What was

good for gold was equally good to extract silver, and though the chemistry of the two processes

is totally different, the simple amalgamation formula happened to work on the mounds of

discarded ore left by the first waves of ignorant miners. The same geological luck of the draw

that allowed ignorant conquerors to easily smelt ores rich in native silver and silver chloride,

also allowed a simple gold amalgamation recipe of water, salt and mercury to extract silver

from the huge stockpiles of a similar type of ore that had been discarded by the impatience

born of that same ignorance. The success of the group of refiners of the Andes in the 1580s in

creating an amalgamation recipe specifically tailored for silver sulphides is in fact the real

starting point of the history of amalgamation in the New World. As to the contention that

without mercury there would have been no silver from the New World, the evidence so far

presented is that from a technical point of view smelting with added lead would have been able

to refine the type of ore found in New Spain. In Chapters 5 and 6 it will be argued that even

though the choice of refining method was first and foremost determined by the chemical nature

of the ores, under certain historical scenarios both refining processes would have offered the

same economic incentive to refiners.

One of the major challenges facing any historian in attempting to reconstruct the

historical environmental impact of silver refining in the New World is the dearth of hard data.

If the original architectural plans are not available (and I have set out the very limited selection

of historic plans that can be found for now, of which none correspond to smelting haciendas),

then the ruins of the existing haciendas are too dilapidated or altered by modern conversions

to be of much assistance. Similarly, as yet no surviving account books have been found from

New Spain to establish the mass flow within the haciendas with an existing architectural plan,

without which it is impossible to project the environmental impact of their operations. In the

following chapter I will present an important exception to this state of affairs. These are the

very detailed accounting records of the commercial operations carried out in the Hacienda

Santa Maria de Regla, which practised in parallel both smelting and amalgamation. Though

again no historical plan has been found for this hacienda, its imposing historical remains allow

for a straightforward reconstruction of its operational areas. The wealth of quantitative

information for this hacienda will provide in the next two chapters a much needed window into

the detailed operational and economic structure of a silver refining hacienda, and its impact on

the environment.

4 Hacienda Santa María de Regla.

‘Over there – one argued to oneself – was Chichen Itza and Mitla and Palenque, the enormous
tombstones of history, the archaeologist’s Mexico ... and for the businessman the silver mines
of Pachuca ... for the priest prison, and for the politician a bullet’. Graham Greene, The Lawless
Roads (1939)

‘One should view it as we did, in a thunderstorm, for it has an air of vastness and desolation,
and at the same time of grandeur ... down in a steep barranca, encircled by basaltic cliffs, it
lies : a mighty pile of building ... all is on a gigantic scale: the immense vaulted storehouses for
the silver ore; the great smelting furnaces and covered buildings where we saw the process of
amalgamation going on; the water wheels- in short, all the necessary machinery for the smelting
and amalgamation of the metal’. Fanny Calderón de la Barca, Life in Mexico (1843)

4.1 Introduction

The chemistry of the refining of silver ores remained constant from the sixteenth to the

end of the nineteenth century, when amalgamation with mercury is replaced by the use of

cyanide to extract silver from ores using a wet process. Though the chemical recipes did not

change, the physical trappings of each process did evolve with time, as seen in the substitution

of clay by metal desazogueras or capellinas, or the increasing height of smelting chimneys,

and the switch from hornos castellanos to more efficient blast furnaces. What did change

substantially was the amount of silver produced in each of the centuries that span this period.

Though the environmental history of silver refining by amalgamation and smelting in the

Americas covers nearly four centuries of continuous production, the greater part would take

place in the nineteenth century when Mexico had already become a republic.

Mexico began its struggle for independence from Spain in 1810, the year that as the

Vice-Royalty of New Spain, it was providing ‘three-quarters of all profits from Spanish

American holdings’.537 Eleven years of fighting would pass before the first Republic, the

Estados Unidos Mexicanos was created in 1821. It would survive an invasion by Spain in 1829

after which ‘Mexican history teetered between simple chaos and unmitigated anarchy’.538

Between 1821 and 1876 seventy five different Presidents would hold that office in Mexico. In

the north, the other Estados Unidos would annex half the territory of Mexico by 1848 (present

day Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, among others) and in the process access the

remaining subduction deposits of silver and gold in the American Cordillera. This would

catapult the U.S.A. from being a nonentity in silver production to being the leading producer

of silver in the world by 1872.539 Faced with a dwindling treasury, Mexico would declare a

moratorium on all repayments of foreign debt in 1861, leading to a blockade of Mexican ports

by France, Great Britain and Spain. France would then proceed to invade Mexico and install

an Emperor, Maximillian Joseph. The Republic would be restored by 1867, and the French-

backed Emperor shot by a firing squad. The toll on Mexico’s development of such a long period

of unrest, violence and foreign intervention is obvious. In 1860 Mexico had only 150 miles of

laid railway track, compared to over 30,000 miles in the U.S.A. When Porfirio Diaz embarked

on his drive to modernize Mexico (a period known as the Porfiriato), ‘in 1876, except in a few

of the larger cities, the country had scarcely been touched by the scientific, technological and

industrial revolution, or the material conquests of the nineteenth century’.540

The impact of these events in the maintenance of mines and refining haciendas has

been commented upon in the historiography, highlighted by the fact that many of the main

mining districts to the north of Mexico (San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas, Guanajuato) figure

Michael C. Sherman William L. Meyer, The Course of Mexican History (New York: Oxford University Press,
1979), 196.
ibid., 205-49.
Merrill, Summarized Data of Silver Production 7.
Meyer, Mexican History, 262-323.

prominently in the struggle for Independence and in the political turmoil of the nineteenth

century.541 And yet the overall data as reported in Figure 4-1 shows a remarkable resilience of

silver production in the midst of a society being violently uprooted every few years during this

century. Wars did not end with the declaration of independence or when the invading army of

the United States of America left Ciudad de México. The Hacienda de Regla whose data

sustains this chapter continued to produce silver even during the French occupation of Mexico

in the 1860s, during which it was forced to loan money to the invading French army quartered

in the region.542 This is a significant measure of the sturdy nature of the refining processes

involved. A silver refiner of the seventeenth century transported to the year 1870 could not

have understood the political reality around him. The expulsion of the Spaniards from Mexico,

an Emperor imposed by France and shot by a Mexican government firing squad, a member of

the Zapotec indigenous group elected as President of the Republic, a Catholic Church with

much reduced power, Mexican miners taking industrial action, all these issues involved

concepts that were not conceivable or did not even exist in the age where he came from.

In sharp contrast, this same individual would have had no problem putting his technical

skills to good use at any of the silver refining haciendas of Mexico in 1870. The amalgamation

process had remained virtually unaltered, and did not require imported machinery or foreign

know-how to process the silver ores. Production would not otherwise have survived the

sequence of foreign intervention into Mexico or the negative balance of payments that

characterize most of this century. Even the loss of Spanish subsidized mercury did not strangle

ibid., 252-62.
The period in question is 1863 to 1866, and loans were repaid. Fighting did not end with the retreat of the
French, between 1876 and 1877 the revolution of Tuxtepec took place. Rocio Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa
de Minas del Real del Monte (1849 - 1906)" (Colegio de Mexico, 1995), 200-201, 231.

production. The major boom in silver production observed all over North America (Mexico

and U.S.A.) in the nineteenth century up to the 1900s, was based on the same chemical

reactions stumbled upon by trial and error in the South American Andes in the 1590s.


second half
first half
metric tons silver

complete period




1493-1600 1601-1700 1701-1800 1801-1900

Figure 4-1. Production of silver in metric tons, from 1493 to 1900, adapted from footnote

The curve of silver production in Mexico for the nineteenth century reflects the short-

term influence of the political turbulence. The entry of foreign capital into the mining sector

took place from the mid-1820s, while by the 1850s many of these ventures had collapsed.

Overall Mexico would produce in the nineteenth century more silver (1.9 x 109 fine ounces,

nearly 58,000 t) than the sum total produced in the three previous centuries by the Vice-Royalty

of New Spain (1.4 x 109 fine ounces, nearly 45,000 t). Nearly two thirds of this production

took place in the second half of the nineteenth century, making the period of 1850 to 1900

nearly as productive in silver as the whole colonial period.543

The arguments presented in the previous paragraphs lead to the two propositions that

sustain the analyses made both in this and the following chapter. First, the immutability of the

amalgamation and smelting processes from a chemical point of view makes it possible to profit

from the wealth of operational and accounting data of a major silver refining hacienda

operating in the late nineteenth century.544 Since the chemistry did not change, then the period

of time between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries would only have increased the

efficiency of the various operational steps, thus decreasing the quantity but not the nature of

the chemicals generated per kg of refined silver that had an impact on the environment.

Therefore the nineteenth century values can be interpreted as a historical minimum, a baseline

with regards to emissions per unit of silver produced and other operational variables. Second,

the environmental impact of silver refining in Mexico from 1850 to 1900 would have been

more intense on a yearly basis than at any other period since the arrival of the Spanish silver

refiners. The total emissions from silver refining from the last fifty years of the nineteenth

century would have been chemically identical and quantitatively close to the total emissions

from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.

Merrill, Summarized Data of Silver Production 8, 10. Merrill’s data gives a total from 1493 to 1799 of 1,441
million fine ounces, 44,833 t, which correlates well with the total of 44,211 t for an equivalent period reported by
TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 113. For the purposes of this chapter Merrill has the advantage of reporting
production for the nineteenth century which coincides with other data sets in the historiography, as reviewed in
Chapter 6, section 6.3.14. He reports the data for the first and second half of the nineteenth century, which
therefore smooths out over 50 years both the fall in silver production during Independence and the boom of the
latter part of the century.
The realm of chemistry follows Einstein’s observation that ‘the distinction between past, present, and future is
only an illusion, however persistent’. The quote is from a letter of condolence sent to the family of a friend,
Michele Basso, recently deceased, dated 15th March 1955. Einstein would die just over one month later, on the
18th April 1955. As cited in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press,

Any conclusion on the environmental impact from silver refining as a whole in New

Spain / Mexico obtained from a case study from the latter half of the nineteenth century is as

relevant as any other example within the whole 350 year period. This chapter will therefore

reconstruct the material balances for amalgamation and smelting as practised in the second half

of the nineteenth century at the Hacienda de Regla, situated near Pachuca in the modern state

of Hidalgo. The mass balance of these processes is a very powerful tool to estimate the

emissions of heavy metals and other substances to the environment as a result of the refining

of silver. In modern environmental impact studies it is possible to measure in-situ and in real

time the amounts of chemicals voided into the environment, but this option is obviously not

possible in the study of historical industrial pollution sites. The existence of detailed accounting

books that track the consumption of all materials including energy, concurrently with the

production of silver, provide the only option to arrive at an order of magnitude of historical

emissions to the environment that can be calculated with great precision down to the daily,

weekly or monthly level at any time from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, if the extant

records can be found. This level of detail of specific historical periods is impossible to achieve

with current methods that determine the historical deposition of elements in the soil through

the dating and analysis of cores of soil samples.545

The method is based on the principle of the conservation of matter: the weight of all

materials consumed in the hacienda is equal to the weight of all materials produced at the

hacienda, silver and waste products. Though none of the historic accounting books used in this

chapter track waste produced (in modern industry all waste has to be accounted for and

monitored), they do register in detail all materials consumed and the silver produced, which

For a very technical discussion on the advantages and limitations of the current methods of dating samples see
for example Merritt R. Turetsky, Sturt W. Manning, and R. Kelman Wieder, "Dating Recent Peat Deposits,"
Wetlands 24, no. 2 (2004).

leaves a simple subtraction to arrive at figures on waste. It is of critical importance to correctly

identify the chemical reactions taking place and the physical causes of loss, which explains the

role of the previous two chapters in the development of my argument, so as to be able to allocate

with confidence the weight of waste according to each chemical species voided to the


In addition, the detailed knowledge of mass balances provide a quantitative fleshing out

of the physical structures observed in the architectural remains of silver refining haciendas.

The data give credibility to spaces designated as storage areas, establish the importance of clear

transit corridors, and connect milling infrastructure with required monthly throughput

capacities. In aggregate they allow a more informed analysis of the internal distribution of areas

as observed in the plans of the previous chapter and of the reconstruction carried out in this

chapter for Regla. Correlations can be established between the areas of amalgamation patios

and the refining output of an hacienda, a very valuable indicator since patio areas are usually

the only remaining physical evidence of these historical production units. The accounting

information will also provide needed insights on the average silver content of the ores, the

composition of amalgamation tortas and the technical reasons for the amalgamation periods

adopted. Finally, the following sections leave no doubt as to the efficiency of the workforce

and managers without which these historical units would not have been capable of producing

such major amounts of silver on a continuous basis for over three centuries.

I have not come across a similar study for other historical polluting industries based on accounting records, but
I cannot affirm this is the first example of the method.

4.2 The Adventurers in the Mines of Real del Monte

At first reading it is not evident why Graham Greene would have chosen to single out

the silver mines in Pachuca in his book on travels in early twentieth-century Mexico.547

Guanajuato would have been a better example from a business point of view. 548 It seems that

like the Cornish-inspired pasties that are now staple fare for Mexicans in Pachuca, a snippet of

its past held on and managed to flourish in Greene’s mind, whispers of ‘that second South Sea

delusion, the Anglo-Spanish American mining fever’ that some one hundred years earlier had

surged, then burst, among mining investors in England.549 After all, the mines of Pachuca

would have lost their English investors some $5 million by mid-nineteenth century.550

Unfortunately for those caught up in the investment fever, the munificence of the Pachuca

mines occurred both before the English arrived with their steam engines, Cornish miners, and

substantial overhead costs, and after they left all the infrastructure to the gain of the Mexican

owners who took over.

The impressions set down by previous English travellers to the Hacienda de Santa

Maria de Regla, with its imposing walls and vaults reflecting roots of great opulence, may also

have left their imprint on the mind of the writer. The proximity to the Mexican capital (Figure

4-2) and the lure of silver mining were by themselves sufficient reason to attract foreigners

Graham Greene, The Lawless Roads (London: Longmans, 1939), 23.
‘The two greatest British concerns had their offices in Guanajuato-the Anglo-Mexican Company and the United
Mexican Company’ in Percy F. Martin, Mexico's Treasure House (Guanajuato) An Illustrated and Descriptive
Account of the Mines and their Operations in 1906 (New York: The Cheltenham press, 1906), 211.
Robert Anderson Wilson, Mexico and Its Religion; with Incidents of Travel in that Country During Parts of
Years 1851-52-53-54 (New York: Harper & Bros., 1855), 354. Cornwall and Pachuca would cross paths because
the General Manager of the English Company that would invest in Real del Monte believed firmly in the
advantages of dressing an ore prior to refining, and in his opinion the experts in dressing ores in England were
only found amongst the tin miners of Cornwall. John Taylor, Selections from the Works of the Baron de Humboldt,
Relating to the Climate, Inhabitants, Productions, and Mines of Mexico with Notes by John Taylor (London:
Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1824), xxv.
John H. Buchan, Report of the Real del Monte Company, Mexico (London: Taylor, Printer, 1855), 2. For a
history of the English investment in the Real del Monte Company see Robert W. Randall, Real del Monte: a
British Mining Venture in Mexico (Austin: The University of Texas Press, 1972).

travelling in Mexico to visit the Pachuca area.551 The unique architecture of the hacienda built

by the first Conde de Regla in the latter half of the eighteenth century, nestled amongst unique

scenery, left its mark not only in the diary of Fanny Calderón de la Barca: 552

‘the Hacienda de Regla ... forms the most extraordinary mass of buildings I ever saw in my life
... the prison-like castle, with its mining works – a gigantic, strong, irregular pile of household
building, over dungeons, vaults, and tunnels, with magazines, spires or turrets, courts, back
yards, furnaces, smelting and amalgamation works’.553

‘nothing can exceed the fairy-like vision which the situation of this place presents. It is entirely
surrounded, except at its entrance, by the most superb amphitheatre of perpendicular basaltic
columns that I ever beheld; far superior to anything that I saw two years ago at the Giant’s
Causeway in Ireland ’554

‘on the following morning we rode to Regla ... it is now an immense ruin, crowded with
monstrous arches of masonry, which appear as if they had been constructed as if to support the
world... preparations of a more useful nature were now in forwardness amongst the mighty
ruins but nothing could relieve the air of desolation, which gave the Hacienda the appearance
of a battered fortress. It lies deep in a precipitous Barranca, fenced in by fine basaltic cliffs, of
which so much has been said; and close above it is the celebrated Fall of Regla [El Salto] ...
the ravine is one of the most beautiful and perfect basins of basalt in the world’ 555

The massive walls and arches of the Hacienda de Regla that so impressed the visitors

of the nineteenth century had in fact been built at the end of the eighteenth century by Pedro

de Terreros, first Conde de Regla.556 It was named after the Virgen de Regla, the ‘sanctuary

Charles Bunker Dahlgren, Historic Mines of Mexico. A Review of the Mines of that Republic for the Past Three
Centuries (New York: Printed for the author, 1883), 184.
Fanny Calderón de la Barca, ed. Life in Mexico; the Letters of Fanny Calderón de la Barca, with New Material
from the Author's Private Journals (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1966), 240-41.
William Parish Robertson, A Visit to Mexico, by the West India Islands, Yucatan and United States, with
Observations and Adventures on the Way vol. II (London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1853), 221.
Henry Tudor, Narrative of a Tour in North America Comprising Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, the
United States, and the British Colonies : with an Excursion to the Island of Cuba : in a Series of Letters, Written
in the Years 1831-2 (London: J. Duncan, 1834), 309-10.
Capt. Lyon visited Regla in 1826 when English investment was rehabilitating its processing infrastructure, G.
F. Lyon, Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Republic of Mexico in the Year 1826 with Some Account of the
Mines of that Country (London: J. Murray, 1828), 153-55. For other glowing descriptions of Regla see Wilson,
Mexico and Its Religion.p. 363.; Thomas Unett Brocklehurst, Mexico To-day: a Country with a Great Future, and
a Glance at the Prehistoric Remains and Antiquities of the Montezumas (London: J. Murray, 1883), 144-45.
Two biographies of the first Conde de Regla are: Francisco Canterla y Martín de Tovar, Vida y obra del primer
Conde de Regla (Sevilla: Escuela de estudios hispano-americanos, 1975).; Edith Boorstein Couturier, The Silver
King : the Remarkable Life of the Count of Regla in Colonial Mexico (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Press, 2003). By coincidence terreros was the mining term for tailings in Spain.

...[that] was located on the last spit of land visible to ships leaving Cadiz towards America’.557

Having placed his destiny in the hands of the Virgin on leaving Spain, he made up for the many

favours received by erecting in her honour a massive temple of stone to refine his ores. Peak

production was reached towards 1770, using ores from the mines at Real del Monte, and also

lead-rich ores fit for smelting from the mines at Zimapán.558

Atotonilco el Grande

Atotonilco el Chico Santa María
~ 30 km de Regla

Real del Monte


to Ciudad de México, ~ 100 km

Figure 4-2. The Hacienda de Regla in relation to Real del Monte, Pachuca and Ciudad de
México. Map adapted from footnote 551.

From Canterla’s data it is possible to calculate that from 1761 to 1768 the annual

average reached 22 t of silver while from 1776 to 1781 it decreased to 12 t/y. In both periods

85% was obtained by amalgamation and 15% by smelting. Couturier’s figures give a yearly

average of 14 t and a peak production in 1770 of 30 t of silver.559 Either set of data place Regla

among the major silver refining haciendas of the whole period (see Chapter 3, Section 3.8). By

The Silver King, 20.
On the silver-rich lead ores of Zimapan see Miguel Othon Mendizábal, "Los minerales de Pachuca y Real del
Monte en la época colonial," El Trimestre Económico, no. 2 (1941): 263.
Canterla y Martín de Tovar, Vida y obra del primer Conde de Regla 41.; Couturier, The Silver King, 157.

the time the first English group arrived at Pachuca in the mid-1820s to rehabilitate the mines

and haciendas, this first stage of silver bonanza had long been over.

This functionally unwarranted but visually impressive pile of buildings, surrounded by

the most beautiful of natural settings one can choose for any industrial production site, would

be rehabilitated by the Adventurers in the Mines of Real del Monte as of 1824. By the early

nineteenth century both water and political turmoil had taken their toll on the infrastructure that

had proved so profitable to the first Conde de Regla. The mines had become flooded and the

refining haciendas stripped of contents and in ruin, so that production of silver had plummeted.

The new republic made it possible for foreign investors to enter the mining industry in Mexico,

and the allure of this historically lucrative sector attracted English capital that until then had

been barred from the Spanish colonial empire in the New World.560

The English investment would not be profitable, with revenues of $10.5 million against

expenditures spiralling to $15.4 million up to 1847.561 The new Mexican owners took

possession of the existing assets of the failed English Adventurers for less than 1% of the total

expenditures incurred by the Adventurers.562 They named as General Manager the same

Taylor, Selections from Humboldt, i-iv.; H. G. Ward, Mexico, vol. I (London: H. Colburn, 1829), 418.; Henry
English, A General Guide to the Companies Formed for Working Foreign Mines with their Prospectuses, Amount
of Capital, Number of Shares, Names of Directors, &c (London: Boosey & Sons, 1825), 55.; Wilson, Mexico and
Its Religion, 355.; Randall, Real del Monte, 34.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 41. An anonymous letter signed ‘Visitor’ printed in England and translated in
Mexico placed the blame of the losses on the ‘notorious extravagance … incapacity and madness of the persons
on which trust was placed, and not on any fault of the deposits [of silver]’- ‘a la notoria … extravagancia,
incapacidad y locura de las personas a quienes fueron confiados sus intereses, y no a la falta de mérito y bondad
de los Criaderos en cuestión’. According to the writer the fault lay on the very costly and bad management in
London, bad choice of employees, bad agents sent to Mexico, and even on their lack of Spanish. Viajero, "Las
Minas de Mexico," Revista de Minas Tomo I (1861): 177. All these faults apply equally well to modern
transnationals and the high costs incurred by expatriates who at times rarely speak or integrate themselves into
the local communities.
Buchan states in his report that the new capital invested by the year 1854, six years after the Adventurers had
dissolved their company, comes to $538,484, but does not include payments for transfer of rights or liquidation
of debts previously incurred. According to Robertson, the Adventurer’s Company was liquidated for just
$130,000, of which three-quarters were used to liquidate existing debts. Thus the shareholders in London would
receive approximately $30,000 in cash, and the new investors a very significant plant infrastructure in mines and

Englishman who as representative of the Adventurers had been responsible for obtaining the

best price for their assets in Mexico, John H. Buchan.563 Buchan’s penchant for accounting set

a precedent within the new Company that has made the present chapter possible:

‘I commenced by arranging the entire system of accounts on such a plan, that every week’s
result, in each mine and reduction-work, might be clearly shown, and the economy of the
different departments thus fairly compared against each other’.564

Thanks to Buchan the Hacienda Santa María de Regla, or simply Regla as it is referred

to in the accounting books, offers unique advantages to a historian reconstructing the

environmental history of historical silver refining. Without a detailed operational mass balance

of the amalgamation and smelting process it is impossible to arrive at a quantitative impact of

haciendas for just $130,000. Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 32,42.; Robertson, A Visit to Mexico, II 172. For a
more detailed breakdown, see Randall, Real del Monte, 200-209.
The conflict of interest for Buchan in selling the English assets of the Company he represented at such a low
price to a new Company where he held an evident interest is just one part of a chapter that may be more complex
than a straightforward change of ownership. Velasco Avila et al have been very critical of the business practices
of the new Mexican owners of the Compañia de Real del Monte in the 1850s. The new owners, amongst which
figured Nicanor Beistegui, Alejandro Bellange and Manuel Escandon, were also at the time leasing the Casa de
la Moneda (Minting House) in Ciudad de México and the monopoly on tobacco sales (Estanco del Tabaco). Their
speculative business practices, which included buying but leaving idle mines that did not immediately provide a
bonanza, and their strategy of expanding upstream (agriculture, salt mines, water sources, real estate) so as to
control the prices of consumables in the refining process, together with a constant pressure on the government to
provide them with special exceptions, have led Velasco et al to brand them ‘vampires of the Treasury’. Velasco
Avila et al., Estado y minería en México, 48, 141-143,246- 248. The new owners were very successful even under
conditions that included the French invasion of Mexico. Though they would soon lose the lease to the Casa de la
Moneda in Ciudad de México, which had given them the advantage of faster cash flows on silver remitted, the
Compañia Real del Monte would produce between 30 to 60% of all silver rendered to the Casa de la Moneda in
Ciudad de México. The Company is said to have produced around 8% of all the silver in Mexico between 1849
and 1861. The combination of business practices, government contacts, the bonanza of the Rosario mine and the
decrease in mercury prices (see Chapter 5) made the Compañia Real del Monte one of the leaders of the Mexican
silver refining industry. Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa de Minas del Real del Monte," 3, 14, 37, 73-77, 284-85.;
Elvira Eva Saavedra Silva and María Teresa Sánchez Salazar, "Minería y espacio en el distrito minero Pachuca-
Real del Monte en el siglo XIX.," Investigaciones Geográficas, Boletín del Instituto de Geografía, no. 65 (2008):
91-92.;Velasco Avila et al., Estado y minería en México, 49.;José Alfredo Uribe Salas and Rubén Darío Nuñez
Altamirano, "Depreciación de la plata, políticas públicas y desarrollo empresarial. Las pequeñas y medianas
empresas mineras mexicanas de Pachuca y Real del Monte," Revista de Indias LXXI (2011): 463.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 43. John Buchan states he was sent to Pachuca in 1848 to wind up the affairs
of the Adventurers. Robertson and Randall associate Buchan with the Adventurer’s Company as of 1825.
Robertson speaks highly of Buchan, explaining he was came from a ‘good Scotch family but an Englishman by
birth and education’. Buchan was accompanied by his wife, ‘a lady of beauty and animation .. lively disposition
... warm heart .. good sense ... cultivated mind’. His brother-in-law Thomas R Auld will appear in managing
positions of the Mexican company in the following sections. Ibid., 39.; Robertson, A Visit to Mexico, II 163-65.;
Randall, Real del Monte, 201.

each process on the environment. Regla provides a rich source of accounting data for the period

from mid-1872 to mid-1888 which allows very detailed mass and energy balances to be

established on a weekly and monthly level for most of this period, both for patio amalgamation

and for smelting. The fact that the same Company and hacienda carried out in parallel both

processes in the same location establishes a level playing field when comparing the process

variables of both refining processes. The long time series available for the data even out

spurious correlations and eliminates the risk present when single years are chosen to determine

the long-term mass and energy balance of a process.

Hacienda Santa Maria de Regla

Amalgamation using patio process
Smelting of silver ores.
It is at present a hotel open to the public,
but has conserved most of its historical

El Salto
Hacienda San Antonio
Amalgamation using barrels
Roasting with salt of silver ores
It now lies submerged by a water
reservoir .

Hacienda San Miguel de Regla

Amalgamation using barrels
Roasting with salt of silver ores
It is at present a hotel with man-made
lakes stocked for trout that partly
submerges some of the historical

1000 m

Figure 4-3. The locations of three of the historical silver refining haciendas operated by the
Compañia Real del Monte in the second half of the nineteenth century, on the outskirts of
present day Huasca de Ocampo, Hidalgo State, Mexico. Adapted from Google Earth © 2013
DigitalGlobe, reservoir location 20° 13’ 36” N 98° 33’ 46” W.

While the neighbouring Hacienda San Antonio de Regla now lies beneath a man-made

reservoir lake with only a chimney stack signalling its presence beneath very murky waters,

and San Miguel has many of its historic buildings knee-deep in a new recreational lake (Figure

4-3), Regla can be visited, measured and reconstructed on paper, thanks to the solid pile of

buildings left by the first Conde de Regla.

4.3 The Hacienda de Regla.

Regla stands at an elevation around 2000m, some 20 km from the present town of

Huasca de Ocampo, in the modern state of Hidalgo. The first refining hacienda to be built in

the basalt-lined gorge was called “El Salto”, and was bought by Terreros in 1753 ‘from the son

of another local miner, Isidro Escorcia’.565 The location was assured of an ample supply of

water from an Ojo de Agua (water spring) that compensated for the transport of silver ores

some 30 km by mule trains over rough tracks from Real del Monte. As amply commented upon

by travellers, it is situated in a barranca (gorge), in whose southernmost point a waterfall (El

Salto) provides the water required by the hacienda. The construction of the modern reservoir

makes it impossible to judge what the original volume of water cascading down El Salto may

have been. Three haciendas were fed by the Ojo de Agua in the second half of the nineteenth

century: San Miguel de Regla, San Antonio and Regla (Figure 4-4). The gorge of Regla pales

in comparison with the cleft in the landscape that nestles the town of San Sebastián.566

Couturier, The Silver King, 67.
The reproduction of the lithograph of the terrain and haciendas in the area of Pachuca and Real Monte from
which I have reproduced the section in Figure 4-4 was provided in digital form by the MMOB where it is classified
under: ‘Colección Orozco y Berra, Hidalgo, Varilla OYBHG001, Numero Clasificador:1233-OYB-7246-A-002,
Litografía a Color, Perfiles 1 y 2 de Pachuca a Real del Monte (sobre las vetas del Xacal y Vizcaina, y por la
Cañada, del Real del Monte hacia Omitlan y la Hacienda de Regla, Autor desconocido, Ano: 1700, Escala: en
varas, medidas: 24x126 cm’. The year indicated (1700) is wrong for three reasons: there was no Compañia Real
del Monte in 1700, the refining haciendas that appear did not exist, and the artist, Hesiquio Iriarte, was signing
his work as Litografia de Iriarte y Compañia as of the 1850s as reported in Manuel Toussaint, La litografía en
México en el siglo XIX : sesenta y ocho reproducciones en facsímil (México: Estudios Neolitho, 1934), 8. This
lithograph accompanies the text of Burkart, "Memoria Real del Monte."

Ojo de Agua San Miguel San Antonio Regla

Town of San Sebastián

Figure 4-4. Section of the lithograph that shows the location of the three refining haciendas
(San Miguel, San Antonio and Regla) with respect to the Ojo de Agua that provided the
guaranteed water supply for their processes. Reproduced and adapted from footnote 566.

Regla had been constructed in the late eighteenth century to refine ores both by patio

amalgamation and by smelting, and this dual functionality would persist under its new English

and then Mexican owners. In fact it would be singled out as the only hacienda of the Company

Real del Monte to refine ores by smelting. It does not surprise then that the Englishman in

charge of Regla in 1851 was the chief smelter of the Company, a Mr. Bell of Durham. 567 The

extravagance of the first Conde de Regla and the relative isolation of the site has made it

possible for most of the Hacienda de Regla to have withstood the erosion of time, in contrast

to the case of most historical haciendas in San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas or Guanajuato. Since no

historical or modern architectural plan could be found of Regla, it has been necessary to

reconstruct the various operational areas within the hacienda. I have used as my initial guide

Robertson, A Visit to Mexico, II 223. In 1828 the chief smelter at Regla was of German nationality. Letter from
Charles Tindal to Wllima Dollar, dated 4th October 1828. AHCRMyP, Sección: Correspondencia, Subserie:
Correspondencia General, 12-2: 20 Julio 1827- 6 Julio 1832

both the nature of the processes, the extant visual evidence (paintings, watercolours,

engravings, on-site photographs, historical photographs and satellite images), on site

measurements and travellers’ accounts.

Figure 4-5 is a Google Earth satellite image of the grounds of Regla, as they stood in

the year 2004. The outline of the hacienda resembles the shape of a Space Shuttle, and the

distance between the nose cone on the right and the top of the tail on the left is around 300 m.

At its widest point the Hacienda spans approximately 75 m. Figure 4-6 is the general

assignment of main process areas of Regla, which are given in greater detail in the plan of

Figure 4-7. The main operational areas are straightforward to identify when they retain furnaces

or circular milling areas. The spaces identified for storage comply with three conditions:

proximity to the process area where the stored materials will be used, a degree of protection

commensurate with the nature of the material, and the area assigned must suffice to store the

levels of inventory carried at Regla.568

The first impression of Regla on one of the first English members of the group sent by

the Adventurers to visit the haciendas of Regla, San Antonio and San Miguel, in June 1824

was not flattering. ‘The buildings upon them must have cost great sums, but they are now in a

state of decay. They are ill planned, and appear placed at random. The architect, whoever he

was, was a sworn enemy of right lines and angles’.569 This was a most sweeping and dismissive

indictment that came from an observer who was looking at his first industrial site designed

expressly for a joint patio amalgamation / smelting process. The unknown artificer-architect of

The detailed calculations are set out in Appendix C.
Anonymous, "Journal Descriptive of the Route from New York to Real del Monte by Way of Tampico," The
London Magazine 1826, 167.

Figure 4-5. Satellite image of Regla. The lake is the most evident of modern additions. The
photograph is aligned on a South to North axis from left to right. Google Earth © 2013
DigitalGlobe, 20° 14’ 15” N 98° 33’ 42” W.

67 m

Perimeter walls Patio amalgamation Furnace areas Approximate stream bed

area A and B
Wet area:
arrastres, washing Other buildings

Figure 4-6. Assignment of general process areas of Regla. Satellite image from Google
Earth © 2013 DigitalGlobe.
Figure 4-7.
Figure 4.7 Reconstruction of main functional areas in the Hacienda de Regla.

Perimeter walls Main Gate

SA1 S2
aqueduct Guest quarters

SA2 B1 FB1

67 m
Approximate river bed

Amalgamation area Smelting area Other
FB: Furnace Area B Turret structures,
SM: Stamp mill P: Patio (Blast furnaces, FB1 and function unkown
S2: Storage ground ores W: Washing tank cupellation , FB2). Church
Arr : Arrastres CBI: Courtyard I
FA : Furnace Area A, capellinas, casting silver bars CBII: Courtyard II S1 : Raw ore storage B: Buildings

Reconstruction of main functional areas at Regla (see text for details).

SA1 and SA2: Storage and working areas B1: Storage ST: Animal pens, fodder

Regla had managed to snuggle his massive walls and buildings between the basalt prisms and

the waterway, as close to the waterfall as possible in order to retain the full potential of its

hydraulic power.570 The merits of his scheme will become apparent as I analyze each of the

process areas in detail.

4.3.1 Ore reception and stamp mill

There was only one main entrance to Regla though which entered all the raw ore,

reagents and fuel required for the refining of the silver ores. Raw ore, both for amalgamation

and for smelting, would have been stored close to the main gate (S1: all abbreviations refer to

Figure 4.7). This would isolate the transit corridor for 600 mules (or the requisite number of

carts) periodically delivering raw ore, from the internal workings of the hacienda. From this

common storage area the flow of materials would separate into two distinct transit and work

corridors. Materials and silver ores for amalgamation would have been transported through the

arches straight ahead from the Main Gate to the amalgamation work areas, including Furnace

Area A. Materials and ores for smelting from the mid 1830s would have been sent to be

processed at Furnace Area B. The painting by Johan Moritz Rugendas shown in Figure 4-8

gives the artist’s impression of the scene on entering by the Main Gate in the year 1832. The

tall building observed on the right with the prominent corridor houses the accommodation

quarters for guests. The loaded mules are being taken though the massive arches to the

amalgamation areas in the southern part of the Hacienda.571 Blueish smoke eddies from the

hidden chimney stacks of Furnace Area A still in use in the background of the scene.

According to Couturier ‘contemporaries asserted that Pedro Terreros himself had planned this great hacienda’
but provides no primary source. Couturier, The Silver King, 69.
The use of the word trapiche for the title of the painting is an aid to identifying the work spaces. ‘Entrada a
los trapiches’ in the plural signals the entrance to an area of mills, in the plural. The trapiche in a sugar refining
hacienda is the place where the sugar cane is crushed Another painting by Rugendas titled ‘Trapiche del ingenio
de Tuzamapa’ shows the grinding of sugar cane in a crusher powered by the circular motion of horses. Renate

With regards to the mills, in 1771, due to the workers strike, it is claimed that ‘the five

magnificent waterwheels at Regla had nothing to grind’.572 An inventory from 1824 states:

‘Grinding establishment.- One wheel in working order. Five stamp heads’.573 One year later

the British Chargé d’Affaires in Mexico, H.G. Ward, would observe that:

‘the whole [Regla] is in a tolerable state of repair, with the exception of the stampers, for
braying the ore, which are now in ruins. These are to be replaced by a water-wheel constructed
by the Company, which is thirty–six feet in diameter, and is to put in motion forty-eight

Figure 4-8. ‘Entrada a los trapiches de la hacienda Santa Maria de Regla’, by Johan Moritz
Rugendas, oil on cardboard, 24 August 1832. Image reproduced with permission from the web
portal of the Universidad de las Artes, Aguascalientes, Mexico: temas/cultura/ webua/catalogo/ johanmoritz.html
(accessed 9 May 2013).

Moyssén Löschner, Xavier Echeverría, and Mario de la Torre, El México luminoso de Rugendas (Mexico City:
Cartón y Papel de México, 1985), 49. Trapiche has also been used to refer to the molino. Egleston, The Metallurgy
of Silver, 269.
Doris M. Ladd, The Making of a Strike : Mexican Silver Workers' Struggles in Real del Monte, 1766-1775
(Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1988), 147.
Randall, Real del Monte, 218.
H. G. Ward, Mexico vol. II (London: H. Colburn, 1829), 140.

By 1855 the stamping equipment has again changed. Buchan reports that the new

Mexican company has installed two water-wheels (of unknown dimension) providing power

to thirty stamps (of unknown size).575 The logistics of an efficient amalgamation process

requires that the stamping mill should be located as close as possible to the arrastres (area

marked Arr), powered by water supplied by the internal system of water channels. There is at

present a rectangular structure in the area designated SM that would have accommodated one

large vertical waterwheel. The proximity of the proposed stamping area SM to the living

quarters may explain the following extracts: ‘a poor woman [the wife of the English manager

at Regla], living all alone ... with no other sound in her ears from morning till night but the roar

of thunder or the clang of machinery’.576

Or as expressed more explicitly:

‘The works are on the patio system ... the noisy stamping-mills working night and day. To me
they had a peculiarly musical charm. It happened that in the middle of the night two or three of
the nearest stamping-mills stopped on account of something being wrong with the water-
wheels, and Bishop and I, who slept in adjoining rooms, both awoke and called to each other,
wondering what had happened’.577

No mention is made of clouds of dust emanating from the stamping operation, which

may imply that water was added during stamping in the 1880s.578

4.3.2 Arrastres and water power in the Hacienda

The circular vats in Figure 4-9 correspond to where the arrastres used to be located at

Regla, a total of sixteen units arrayed in two sections of eight each. Another two circular vats

Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 13.
Calderón de la Barca, Life in Mexico, 243.
Brocklehurst, Mexico To-day, 145.
Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 196.

are observed in the topmost terrace which correspond to the traces of two molinos. The

arrastres were powered by water-wheels, possibly two arrastres to one water-wheel. The

diameter of the well of each arrastre at present is approximately 3 m.

Figure 4-9. View of the sixteen circular vats of the arrastres. The remains of two molino
tracks are hidden by the cactus leaves on the lower right-hand corner.

Figure 4-10 is a photograph of a water-powered arrastre from an unnamed hacienda in

Mexico in the nineteenth century.579 Fanny de Calderon may have been referring to all these

water-wheels in her description of the Hacienda (see quote at the beginning of the chapter).

Ward mentions that ‘eight of the old arrastres, (worked by water) had been repaired’ and also

states that in the mid-1820s there were ‘twenty-four Arrastres, worked by horizontal water-

wheels’.580 That only eight required repair after a decade of neglect prior to the 1820s implies

Rickard, Journeys of Observation, 242.
Ward, Mexico, I 424.;Mexico, II 140. Humboldt makes the unexpected commentary that arrastres were
unknown at Regla, where ores were ground by stamp mills only. ‘Dans quelques grandes usines de la Nouvelle-
Espagne, par exemple a Regla, on ne connoit point encore les arastras’. Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV,
59. Castelazo’s account of the mining around Real del Monte, first published in 1820, states that the second Conde

a robustness of structure for these wet grinding units. The upper terrace in Figure 4-9 which at

present holds two rectangular tanks may have originally contained another eight circular vats.

Figure 4-10. Photograph of water-driven arrastre, from unnamed hacienda in Mexico,

photograph reproduced from footnote 579.

According to Randall, an inventory from 1849 includes ‘forty water-powered arrastres

capable of reducing 120 tons per week’.581 The grinding capacity is consistent with the

de Regla built masonry arrastres of Regla at a cost of more than 100,000 pesos, but does not provide a date. Mining
and refining in the area would progressively halt after the death of the second Conde in 1809. ‘el Segundo Conde
... en atención a la necesidad que tenia de habilitar las haciendas para beneficiar los metales que produjeran,
juzgando suficiente las de S. Antonio, S. Miguel y Regla, determinó repararlas … construyendo en ellas nuevas y
costosas oficinas, particularmente en la primera y última, cuyos arrastres de solida mampostería le tuvieron de
costo mas de cien mil pesos’. Jose Rodrigo Castelazo, Manifiesto de las riquezas que han producido y actualmente
contienen las celebradas minas de las vetas Vizcaina y Santa Brigida ubicadas en el Real del Monte, jurisdicción
de Pachuca, de las grandes obras que en ellas se hicieron y del estado en que actualmente se hallan (Mexico:
Imprenta de D. Mariano Ontiveros, 1823), 15. The third Conde visited Regla, whom he referred to as ‘Babylonia’,
the 31st January 1810. According to his journal for that day, ‘[it] is the only one still functioning, even if partially,
since only three [stamp] mills are working, eight smelting furnaces, twelve of the twenty four [ar]rastras that it
possesses’ ‘[es] la única que esta en ejercicio, aunque incompleto, porque solo andan tres morteros, ocho hornos
de fundición, doce rastras de las veinte y cuatro que tiene’. Manuel Romero de Terreros, "El condado de Regla
en 1810," Historia Mexicana 4, no. 1 (1954): 110. If Humboldt was not mistaken this would confirm that arrastres
are not installed in many haciendas of the late eighteenth century.
Randall, Real del Monte, 219.

amalgamation activity at Regla, but it is not evident where the additional arrastres according

to Randall would have been located within the compound. By 1855 there are only 16 arrastres

included in the description by Buchan of the infrastructure at Regla, plus one molino, which

corresponds well to the modern image in Figure 4-8.

The guarantee of a constant large flow of water was necessary to provide power, both

to the stamp mill and to the arrastres. The main aqueduct enters the Hacienda on the south

side (Figure 4-11), fed by water retained in a small pool at the bottom of the waterfall (Figure


Water-wheel / stamping mill


Figure 4-11. Water distribution channels and overflow outlet in the southern area of the
Hacienda. The four pillars on the grassy area may be the remnants of the structure that
sustained a roof over the patio area.

The presence of this reservoir would have cushioned the Hacienda from an irregular

flow from the spring. The opening in the perimeter wall pointed out in Figure 4-11 acts as an

overflow outlet to regulate the total volume of water supplied to the various process areas of

the Hacienda. Large quantities of water would also be required to prepare the amalgamation

slurry, to replenish the water lost by evaporation from the tortas, to wash away the mineral

matrix of the slurry and separate the amalgam and for the consumption of the workers and

animals (from 100 to 300 mules and horses kept within the Hacienda towards the latter part of

the nineteenth century, see below).

Figure 4-12. The pool at the foot of ‘El Salto’.


4.3.3 The patio reactor.

The ore, now milled to a very fine powder in the arrastres, could have been transported

in barrels or discharged directly from the arrastres to the patio reactor.582 The patio reactor at

Regla went through two quite distinct stages. Initially the inventory from 1824 describes a

‘Patio for quicksilver reduction, with forty-five masonry arches to support roofs, now in ruin.

Wooden floor partly serviceable, partly in ruin. Pillars supporting arches partially worn away

at base, due to salt’.583 The English Company opted to retain the roof, since by 1829 Ward

mentions ‘two covered Patios, each about 200 feet in length, in which the process of

amalgamation is carried on’.584 Figure 4.11 shows four pillars still standing at present, which

may correspond to the type of column mentioned in the 1824 inventory. However, neither of

the paintings shown below include these pillars. The practice of using wooden planks to floor

the patio area has been mentioned in Chapter 3. By 1835, according to Randall, Commissioner

John Rule decided to adopt the “Guanajuato” method, and decided to keep the patio area

uncovered and unheated except by the sun.585 By 1855 Regla has an open patio ‘all carefully

floored in beams’, and the area available for amalgamation is claimed to cover one and a half

acres (approx. 6,000 m2).586 The impact of rain on a patio reactor without a roof is well

illustrated in a letter from R. Bell at Regla to Mr. Auld, General Manager of the Real del Monte

Company, dated September 30th 1865, reporting that:

It is claimed that transport in barrels was more efficient than discharging each arrastre through an outlet, with
two workers discharging via shovelling into barrels the contents of 4 arrastres in half an hour. Hermosa, Manual
de Laboreo de Minas, 207-208.
Randall, Real del Monte, 218.
Ward, Mexico, II 140.
A technical report drawn up for the Directors of the Company in London refers to the amalgamation process
carried out in Guanajuato as reaching “the highest state of perfection”. Randall, Real del Monte, 115-16.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 9. The patio reactor area in Figure 4.7 corresponds to over 5,000 m2.

‘the weather is dreadfull here, it began raining on Wednesday night & it has rained incessantly
ever since, our Patio is a complete lake, we cannot work it. The salt and sulphate must be all
washed out by this time, & I have not a grain of salt about the place to replace the loss’.587

It is this new open patio area that is prominent in two paintings of the Hacienda de

Regla. The collection at the Soumaya Museum in Mexico City houses a painting by Eugenio

Landesia that depicts the Hacienda in almost photographic detail (Figure 4-13). It was

commissioned to be painted from the location of the arrastres when Thomas R. Auld was

managing Regla in 1854.588 It is a view to the north of the hacienda, showing some fifteen

circular tortas being trod upon by teams of horses and men. ‘[the mixture] is ... pounded and

trampled upon, by both bipeds and quadrupeds ... men and mules are seen, in most singular

combination, performing this dirty but essential operation’.589 Some of the tortas are depicted

as being fenced in using provisional planks to the sides. What can only be appreciated in the

original painting are the small mounds of copper sulphate with their tell-tale intense blue

colour, waiting to be added to each torta.

There is also an anonymous, unidentified and undated painting reproduced in black and

white, in the textbook on the history of Mexico by Meyer, Sherman and Deeds.590 It is again a

view facing north, but takes in the whole Hacienda, having been painted presumably from the

heights of the barranca. The uncovered patio area places the date after the mid-1830s. As can

be seen in Figure 4-14 the arrastres appear covered with small roofs and some ten tortas are

AHCRMyP, Sección: Correspondencia, not classified, 1865. Auld was the family name of the wife of John
Buchan, the first General Manager under the new Mexican-owned company established in 1848.
Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez, Benito Navarrete Prieto, and Gustavo Curiel, Tesoros del Museo Soumaya de
México : siglos XV-XIX (Madrid: BBVA, 2004), 213-15.
Tudor, Narrative of a Tour, 298.
Meyer, Mexican History, 150.

Figure 4-13. ‘Patio de la Hacienda de Regla’ by Eugenio Landesia, 1857, oil on canvas, 46
by 64 cm. Image reproduced from footnote 588.

Figure 4-14. The Hacienda de Regla, from an unidentified illustration in footnote 590.

being worked on the patio. The only smoke seen in the painting is coming from Furnace Area

A, in the most southern area of the Hacienda. Should any doubt remain as to the identity of

this Hacienda, the facade of the Church and the rendering of the basaltic prisms in the cliffs of

the background complete its identification. The width of the stream indicates a significant

volume of water at the time of the painting.

4.3.4 Furnace Area A: Capellinas and the recycling of mercury

Furnace Area A is currently designated as the site of the ‘Spanish Furnaces’, where the

original smelting furnaces built in the eighteenth century were located. Though the English

investors built the new blast furnaces to the north of the hacienda (Furnace Area B), Furnace

Area A remained the location where approximately 85% of all the silver of Regla was finally

separated from the amalgam. The initial separation of the mercury amalgam from the ore slurry

in the washing tanks (WT) was a milestone in the process. For the first time a product with a

very high tangible monetary value per unit weight has now been isolated into a relatively small

mass of mercury and silver. From this moment on, each stage of the process would require an

increasing amount of vigilance and control.591 Away from the open patio area there are three

process areas I have designated in Figure 4-15 as SA1, SA2 and FA (Furnace Area A). SA1 I

have assigned to a covered work and bulk storage area for two water-soluble high bulk

additives, salt and copper sulphate. SA2 I assign to a secure storage area for premium materials

such as the amalgam, mercury and intermediate storage of spongy silver from the capellinas.

‘in the [washing] vat the men handle the pella [amalgam] just a short time, at the most two hours; during this
time the guards are overseeing [them], and yet many thefts are detected … those who know of the tendency to
steal by the workers in mines and haciendas, will be able to appreciate this reasoning’ - ‘en la tina los hombres
manejan la pella un corto rato, que quando mucho llega a dos horas; en este tiempo están los Mandones de
guardas de vista, y sin embargo se averiguan muchos robos … quienes tengan conocimiento de lo propensas que
son al robo las gentes operarias de minas y haciendas, sabrá graduar el peso de esta razón’ in Garcés y Eguía,
Nueva teórica del beneficio de plata, 137. The overall level of tension between the workforce in the mines and
haciendas, their overseers and the first Conde de Regla is the subject of Ladd, The Making of a Strike.

It would also include the azoguería, the mercury room with manga and scales such as depicted

in Chapter 3.

From the 1830s, in Furnace Area A at least two heating operations took place: the

separation of mercury from silver in the capellina, and the casting of silver bars. Buchan

includes one distilling furnace (capellina) and one bar casting furnace in his description of the

amalgamation infrastructure at Regla in the year 1855.592 I have tentatively assigned the

circular bed observed in Figure 4.16 as housing the lower part of a capellina, with its channel

for cooling water that runs to the back wall. It was not possible to measure directly the diameter

of the bed since the area is at present off-limits to the public.

SA1 : covered working and SA2 : secure working and

storage areas for salt and copper storage areas for mercury,
sulphate amalgam and silver

FA : furnace area A

Figure 4-15. Proposed assignment of dry process areas related to the amalgamation process
in the southern part of Regla.

Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 9.

Figure 4-16. Tentative location for a capellina, showing the channel for cooling water. This
picture was taken in March 2013. Further excavation around this location has been carried out
by November 2014.

I estimate a diameter well over 1 m. The external diameter of the capellinas used at

Regla in the second half of the nineteenth century was 0.61 m, according to engineering

drawings of the Compañia Real del Monte from this period (Figure 4-17).593 This dimension

would be sufficient to fit the rounded base of an assembled capellina and leave space for the

fuel used for heating. Once assembled, the capellina loaded with stacked amalgam pellas inside

At the beginning of the nineteenth century the most common copper capellinas measured approximately 40
cm (half a vara) in width and up to 80 cm (one vara) in height, according to Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga,
Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 48.

Figure 4-17. a) Drawing with the engineering specifications for the construction of iron
capellinas in the workshop of the Compañia de Real del Monte (date unknown). The left-hand
capellina has a height of ‘5 pies 6 pulgadas ynglesas’, 5 feet 6 english inches, an internal
diameter of 21 inches and an external diameter of 24 inches. The capellina on the right has the
same width but a height of 4 feet and 6 ½ inches. Digital image of undated drawing courtesy
of AHCRMyP, Sección: Administración Interna, Serie: Departamento de Ingenieros, Subserie:
Croquis y Planos, Vol 204 Carpeta 1. b) Photo of capellina in the entrance to the Hacienda
Santa María de Regla, photo courtesy of Mr. Josue Soto Samperio, November 2014. Original
height impossible to ascertain since capellina has been embedded, but at least over 1 m.

would have weighed approximately two tons. I arrive at this figure because just the weight of

the iron hood, based on the smaller model in Figure 4-17 a, would be approximately 700kg.594

As to the contents, I have used as a guide the fact that in the four weeks ending May 26th 1878,

a total of 11 capellina runs were carried out and 66 silver bars cast, equivalent to approximately

7 bars cast from the silver refined from each capellina run.595 This means that at least 210 kg

of silver and 840 kg of mercury (both contained in the amalgam) were loaded into each

capellina, making a total weight approaching two tons.596

Since the capellina cycle took approximately one day, a single capellina installation

would have been enough, as also observed in the plan of the hacienda de Rocha in Chapter 3.

From an architectural point of view the method required sufficient overhead space to allow the

capellinas to be lifted by pulley and manoeuvred into place, and the channelling of a guaranteed

flow of cold water at floor height. The water channels that supplied the constant stream of cold

water required to condense the mercury vapours during the heating of the amalgam can also be

clearly identified running the length of the roof of this area in Figure 4-18.

The placing of religious inscriptions over the original placing of these furnaces conform

to their deemed Spanish roots: Las ordenes de Christo, The Orders of Christ (Figure 4-19 a)

and Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, Our Lady of the Sorrows (Figure 4-19 b). At least one

other placement for a furnace can be observed at the end of the corridor of Furnace Area A

Based on estimating the volume of iron used for the hood (diameter, length and thickness as given in Figure
4.16) and using the density of iron to calculate the weight.
AHMP, Memorias No. 19 - 21 de los Gastos de la Hcda de Regla.
A 4:1 mercury to silver weight ratio in the amalgam after straining in the manga is indicated in Hermosa,
Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 236. My calculation for Regla coincides with the following generic description:
‘bricks of amalgam ... were pressed together ... one ton of these was piled on iron supports, over a stone tank
filled with water to nearly the top of a copper or iron bell, capellina, which is 0.90 m high and 0.45 m diameter ...
the yield of silver was about 200 kilos., and the charcoal used about 250 kilos. per charge.’ Egleston, The
Metallurgy of Silver, 304. The capellina run of 1761 cited in Chapter 3, Section 3.8, corresponded to a silver
content of around 60 kg, which confirms the increase in the size of the capellinas from the eighteenth to the
nineteenth century.

(Figure 4-19 c), to the right of which lie a succession of vaulted chambers which I have assigned

tentatively to the storage of salt and copper sulphate, both of which needed protection from the

rain. It is significant that the anonymous painting of Regla (Figure 4-14) shows at least four

heavily smoking chimneys in this area, three with pyramidal stacks and one with a rectangular

stack. At present one pyramidal and one rectangular stack can still be observed (Figure 4-20).

Other chimney flues can be found in this area, where reverberatory furnaces used to cast silver

bars may have been located:597

‘The retort silver [from the capellina], plata pasta, is refined in a small reverberatory furnace
built of adobes, and heated with wood, which receives a charge of 300 kilos. of the crude
bullion. This charge is refined for four hours. A little litharge and lead are added to remove the

Figure 4-18. Stone water channels (just to the right of the pyramidal chimney stack) on the
roof of the Furnace Area A corridor, that distribute water supplied by the external aqueduct for
the condensation of mercury. The shrubs in the foreground hide the connection to the furnace
topped by the rectangular chimney stack.

‘reverberatory furnaces to cast silver into bars’-‘hornos de reverbero para fundir plata en barras’. Hermosa,
Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 250.
Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 306.

a b

passage to
capellina bay

Figure 4-19. a) Ordenes de Christo b) Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, inscriptions over
arches where hornos castellanos are deemed to have been located to the left of c) Furnace Area
A corridor, to the right of which d) the vaults of the proposed storage areas for salt and copper
sulphate. Photos 4-19 a) and b) courtesy Mr. Josue Soto Samperio.

Figure 4-20. Extant chimney stacks, date unknown, but similar in location and shape to two
of the five depicted in Figure 4-14.

I have also found engineering drawings for kettles used at Regla and designated as

‘ollas para dissolver la plata’, kettles to dissolve silver, dated the year 1880. These would have

been used to melt the spongy silver and then to ladle it into moulds.

I have not found a detailed description of areas FA, SA1 and SA2 from a visitor to

Regla. In particular, area SA2 would have stored or manipulated much of the wealth generated

at Regla, in the shape of mercury, silver amalgams and silver from the capellinas, so it may

have been off-limits in any case to the visits by the tourists of the nineteenth century.

4.3.5 Furnace Area B

Smelting of lead-rich silver ores from Zimapán had been carried out since the 1770s at

Regla, most probably using hornos castellanos in the location described in the previous section,

Furnace Area A. The third Conde de Regla stated in the journal entry for his visit in 1810 that

at the time there were eight smelting furnaces still in place, though unfortunately he does not

state where.599 This is important to point out, to avoid the impression that smelting was

introduced at Regla by the English investors in the 1820s. By the time they arrived in the area

in 1824 ‘all the machinery in the large reduction works, formerly employed for extracting silver

from its ores, was gone’.600 It is also true that the Europeans came with smelting firmly in their

plans. By 1826, when Ward visited Regla, he was able to report ‘a number of furnaces for

smelting’ already functioning, though it is a pity he was not more specific on the technicalities

of the same.601 In the notes written in 1824 by the person who would be the General Manager

of the Adventurers in the Mines of Real del Monte until its dissolution, John Taylor, he lays

out his ideas regarding the furnaces to be used in Mexico for smelting: ‘by a better application

of fuel either in good reverberatory furnaces, or in the blast hearths used in the north of

England, the silver ores may be smelted with a certain quantity of lead’.602 I have not been able

to establish the exact year of installation of the blast furnaces in Furnace Area B. Events on the

ground soon changed the plans of the Company, for which I quote at length from Randall:

‘Once it was clear ... they could not make a rapid and dramatic change from amalgamation to
smelting as the sole method for ore reduction at Real del Monte ... [the company decided to]
operate patio amalgamation plants at both the Regla and Sanchez haciendas ... [and] pressed
ahead with efforts to construct a superior smelting establishment at the Regla mill ... John
Taylor ... reporting to the June 1831 stockholder’s meeting : “I believe that this important
branch of economy is more advanced [at the Regla mill] than in any other part of Mexico” ...
accordingly, blast machinery, intended to put more smelting furnaces into operation at the
Regla mill, were purchased in England and dispatched [to Mexico in 1833, 1834]’.603

Terreros, "El condado de Regla en 1810," 110.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 38.
Ward, Mexico, II 140.
Taylor, Selections from Humboldt, xiv.
Randall, Real del Monte, 111-12. The text quoted from Randall correlates well with a letter dated 21 st March
1834 where R. Mackenzie at the headquarters of the company in Real del Monte, after consultation with John
Rule, disregards the doubts raised by A. Mackintosh at Regla on the wisdom of extending the smelting facilities
at Regla, since equipment had already been purchased and labour force assigned. AHCRMyP, Sección:
Correspondencia, Serie: Compañía a Varios, Subserie: Correspondencia General, 33-11: 20 Marzo 1834 – 20
Abril 1835.

Just one year later, in 1835, Commissioner John Rule would begin the change in

strategy from smelting to amalgamation, arguing for a rehabilitation of the San Antonio

hacienda in order to achieve sufficient refining capacity, or “hacienda power”. ‘Smelting

would not again be considered the technical key to success for the Real del Monte Company’.604

According to the 1849 inventory, at the time Regla was returning to Mexican

ownership, the contents included a ‘foundry with ten furnaces, iron-cylinder blast powered by

water; capable of smelting from 27 to 30 t per week ... [and a] four-cylinder engine to provide

blast for furnaces’.605 It would seem that both water and steam engines had been used to provide

the blast for the furnaces. By 1851 Regla was running its own Mexican version of the dark

satanic mills of the English Industrial Revolution:

‘Mr. Bell conducted us to the great smelting works of Regla, which were at the time in actual
operation. The vault or cavity into which a row of huge furnaces disgorged their contents, was
about two hundred feet in length, and eighty to a hundred in width, smoke-dried, black and
rough. The scoria from the ores came out of the furnaces, in soft, ductile cakes; and as they
gradually cooled, they were thrown on heaps of now vitrified masses, misshapen and strange
in their conformations. To look into the heated furnaces, would have been something terrific
to such as had not visited our own manufacturing districts, more particularly those of
Staffordshire.; and, adding the blackened visages of the workmen, with their long iron
implements for handling the glowing materials of their Vulcan-like home; the scene was one
of almost satanic grandeur’.606

In the 1855 report by Buchan, he makes reference to ‘the smelting works of Regla, with

a powerful cylinder blast, and eight high furnaces’. In a table he adds to these eight furnaces

another two refining furnaces in the list of infrastructure for smelting.607 At present only six

Ibid., 112-14.
Ibid., 219.
Robertson, A Visit to Mexico, II 224-225. The dimensions correspond to the areas designated as FB and CBII
in Fig. 4.7.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 9, 13.
SMELTING FURNACES (B1 to B6) open courtyards bounded by very
high walls (6 to 9 m height)

Stairs to roof

Tunnel passage
L= 9m (laser)
height vault 6.5 m (laser)

Courtyard B-I w1= 11m (laser)

Entry to inner furnace

h vault 4 m
h= 6m (laser)

B3 height vault 6.5 m

L= 34m (laser)


w2 = 15m (laser)
h vault 4 m
Courtyard B-II

Area for water-

driven bellows
Stairs to inner chambers

height vault 6.5 m

Figure 4-21. Plan of Furnace Area B, floor level including courtyards.

B1 h= 9m h= 7.5 m
(photo) (photo)
Tunnel passage

approx. 18 m (laser)

Figure 4-22.
Chimney vent Air vent
Chimney vent
L= 11m
(closed) Chimney vent
(closed) There are other air
circulation openings
giving on to the roof
(open arcs) not shown
Chimney stack, in this diagram

base built < 1857

Air vent

Chimney stack The roof has different

base built in 1854 levels, the chimneys
are all at the lowest L= 15m

Chimney vent closed at present, but

chimney stack base existed from 1850s to
at least 1962.

approx. 18 m

Plan of loading floor of Furnace Area B, at present without a roof.


remains of high furnaces are found in the area I have designated as Furnace Area B.608 At

present this area is designated by the term ‘hornos ingleses’, English Furnaces, but the

documents detailing the reasons for installing the new blast furnaces at this location in the

hacienda have not yet come to light. Figure 4-21 and 4-22 are a plan of Furnace Area B, floor

level and loading floor level, as measured by the author on-site.609 It comprises a lower level

vaulted area where the furnaces, cylinder air blasting equipment and storage rooms would have

been located. In contrast to the other five, furnace B6 lies within a closed internal chamber, its

dimensions as yet undetermined.610 The other five furnaces (B1 to B5) give onto walled-in

open courtyards, and are all covered by a roof that served as an upper-level loading area as well

as providing an outlet for air vents and skylights. Since the present roof was the loading floor

for the charge on each furnace, it is very probable there was originally a provisional roof

structure over the load floor to provide a round-the-clock working environment.

The spacing of the furnaces complies with the observation by Iles that blast furnaces

should be set not less than 1 m apart to avoid crowding the operations around them.611 The five

accessible furnaces present extensive damage to the lower portion of their structure, most

probably due to the extraction of all components made from iron once Regla was taken out of

commission in the early twentieth century.612 Furnaces B1 to B3 were fitted under the new

The possible location of the two other blast furnaces mentioned by Buchan is unknown.
Measurements were carried out wherever possible using a Bosch Laser GLR225. Where sunlight made this
impossible, photographs were taken and a notebook used as scale. If none of these options was available,
approximate measurements have been used either using Google Earth images or by visual evaluation of relative
heights in photographs.
The inner chamber where furnace B6 is located is unlit and no measurements could be taken. A photograph
taken with the aid of a flash shows a furnace hearth very different from the other five.
Malvern Wells Iles, Lead-Smelting The Construction, Equipment, and Operation of Lead Blast-Furnaces, and
Observations on the Influence of Metallic Elements on Slags and the Scientific Handling of Smoke (New York;
London: J. Wiley & Sons; Chapman & Hall, 1904), 80.
According to the description by Iles of nineteenth century blast furnaces, iron plates or jackets covered a major
portion of the lower surfaces of blast furnaces, in the form of water jackets that reached up to nearly 2 m in height,
crucible plates, iron floor plates around the outside of the furnaces and cast iron binding rods. Ibid., 39, 54-55, 60,
80. Residual silver may also have been sought in the materials extracted from the furnaces.

Mexican ownership with a pyramidal chimney stack and loading aperture. These brick chimney

stacks for furnaces B2 and B3 still stand at present, though it is unknown if their height was

adjusted during the second half of the nineteenth century (Figure 4-22). I can state that furnace

B1 had a similar configuration as B2 and B3 because the visual evidence supports the presence

of a third stack as early as mid 1850s and still existing in 1962.613 From Landesia’s painting it

is clear that the Mexican company did not install similar stacks for furnaces B4, B5 and B6.614

This may reflect a decision not to invest in such structures if the level of smelting output after

the 1850s did not justify it. I have seen no evidence for flue-ducts to capture the lead fumes

coming from the smelters, as was already the custom in England since the eighteenth century,

or of bag-houses as were installed in similar smelting facilities in the U.S. by late nineteenth

century.615 Finally, close to Furnace Area B there should be an area reserved for the waterwheel

that drove the blast iron cylinders, but this space I have not been able to identify.

The second major furnace operation carried out at Regla was the cupelling of the silver-

rich lead obtained from the blast furnaces. The observations from a visitor to Regla in the 1850s

confirms the use of a reverberatory furnace for this stage:

‘The mass of molten lead and silver is drawn off, and placed in a large oven with a rotary
bottom, into which tongues of flame are continually driven until the lead in the compound has
become once more oxydized, forming litharge, and the silver is left in a pure state. A little
beyond the furnace is a series of tubs, built of blocks from broken columns of basalt [the

A photograph of Regla taken in 1962 shows the third stack, Calderón de la Barca, Life in Mexico, 578.
This assumes the date 1854 refers to a completely new structure, and not the rebuilding of stacks built by the
As discussed in Chapter 2, the presence of lead in the fumes was well known in England in the nineteenth
century, and flue systems attached to lead smelting furnaces existed in Derbyshire as of the late eighteenth century,
as reported in Willies, "Derbyshire Lead Smelting," 13-14.
Wilson, Mexico and Its Religion, 366.

c d

Figure 4-23. a) Blast furnaces B2 and B3, h = 4m and w = 6m; distance from hearth front to
front furnace wall: ~2 m, distance to exposed back furnace wall: ~2.7 m. b) trough in front of
furnaces, possibly for water. The photo was taken in March 2013. By November 2014 this
trough had been demolished as part of alterations underway in this area by the hotel c) furnace
stacks, with opening to charge the furnace; the left stack is taller, notebook in lower corner
served as scale for photo measurements, strong sunlight precluded laser measurements d) right
hand stack was built in 1854.

This would be the cupelling furnace for afinación, distinct from the blast furnaces,

mentioned by Buchan in his listing of 1855. The statement that ‘a little beyond the furnace’ lie

the arrastres can be interpreted in two ways: either the cupelling furnace for the silver-rich

smelted lead was situated in Furnace Area A, or it was placed within the building with a

smoking chimney to the east of the Church as shown in Landesia’s painting (Figure 4-24). It

communicates with the area of the blast furnaces through indoor passages and is isolated from

the open patio area by a high wall. The high lintels would indicate either increased air

circulation or the manipulation of equipment requiring a high overhead clearance. Finally, the

fact that ‘poor’ lead is mentioned as being sold at Regla during the period when smelting was

carried out raises the question as to how, and where, this silver-poor lead was produced. The

Pattinson process had been introduced in England in the 1830s as a means to enrich the lead

from the smelter prior to cupellation, while at the same time producing a ‘poor’ lead that could

be sold.617 If the Pattinson process was not used, then silver-poor litharge had to be reduced in

a reverberatory furnace. The English historian David Cranstone makes the distinction in the

refining of silver in England between ‘a cupellation furnace [and] the more sophisticated

processes such as Pattinson’s or Parkes’, which would surely be used in any new mid 19 th

century silver refinery’.618 The exact location for either of these two processes within Regla

remains to be established.

To the north of the row of blast furnaces of Furnace Area B were located two

courtyards, one small and enclosed, B-I, the second one much larger and on two levels, B-II.

Both were surrounded by walls that measured up to 9 m in height (see Figure 4-25). The height

For details on the process, see Percy, Metallurgy of Lead, 121-148.
David Cranstone, "Excavations at Old Gang Smeltmills: an Interim Report," in Boles and Smeltmills: Report
of a seminar on the History and Archaeology of Lead Smelting, ed. Lynn Willies and David Cranstone(Reeth,
Yorkshire: Historical Metallurgical Society, 1992), 29. Since none of the account books mention the purchase of
zinc, I have ruled out the option that Parke’s process was used at Regla.

Figure 4-24. a) Detail of Landesia’s painting of the Hacienda de Regla in 1857, showing the
presence of three stacks in Furnace Area B. The single chimney in the foreground is assigned
to reverberatory furnaces b) probable location of same chimney stack in modern Regla.

of these walls means that fugitive emissions of lead in this area would tend to be trapped in

these courtyards. The apparent defensive nature of these walls may reflect that the ore with the

highest silver content was kept in this area. Between courtyard B-II and the outer perimeter

wall lies an area that I have very tentatively assigned to animal pens or to store fodder and other

general materials in use at Regla (see Figure 4-7). By November 2014 the space corresponding

to Courtyard B-II had been transformed into modern bathing pools and toilets, and the

crenelated wall measuring 6 m in height shown in Figure 4-25 had been half demolished, in a

process of further adaptation of this historic hacienda into a hotel.

7.5 m


Figure 4-25. a) Courtyard B-I. This photo was taken in March 2013. By November 2014 this
crenelated wall no longer exists, having been half demolished in alterations being carried out
by the hotel b) Original view in March 2013 of Courtyard B-II. By November 2014 the area
has been converted to a set of pools and toilets c) View of courtyard B-II from vaulted furnace
area. Photo taken in March 2013. In November 2014 this arch was being filled in using stones
from the demolished interior walls

4.3.6 Final comments on the architectural layout of the Hacienda de Regla

The Church at Regla remains one of its iconic features, its buttressed facade hopefully

having provided some blessing to the hard labour of the workforce. Just to the west of the

Church the housing of guests took place in the tall building with a corridor (see painting by

Rugendas, Figure 4-8). The height at which the living quarters are perched gives it a modern

look. The corridor facing the rooms provided an excellent viewpoint from which to oversee the

operations in the patio area:

‘We lean over the balcony of our hospitable quarters, awaiting breakfast, and see the horses
tread out the silver. A yard eighty rods square, poco mas y menos, is laid down to this work ...
beds of black mud are located over it ... two hundred horses are engaged in tramping out the
silver. Their tails are shaven, the mud has splashed up to their heads and backs ... they look ...
as if their labor were degrading ... eighty of these march round one circle, five abreast ... over
three hundred and fifty are owned by the company, and sometimes all of them are put into
service at once’.619

If the work was deemed degrading for the horses, no similar sentiment is expressed as

regards the local workforce. According to Ward the English investment of the 1820s in Regla

covered ‘stabling completed for 500 mules and horses’.620 By the late nineteenth century the

number of horses and mules dropped to around one hundred, with a monthly mortality rate of

around 5%.621 Animals, fodder and secondary materials would all be kept within the perimeter

of the hacienda, as well as areas for iron-working and carpenters, but their exact locations have

not been identified. It is possible that orchards also occupy some internal spaces, judging from

the anonymous painting in Figure 4-14. A fresh-water source, uncontaminated by the

Haven, Winter in Mexico, 155.
Ward, Mexico, I 424.
Informe Mensual Regla, 29 Jun 1872 – 27 Oct 1888.

operations of the Hacienda, would also have been required. The cluster observed at the most

northern tip of the hacienda comprises at least five circular structures capped by cupolas, but

their function and date of construction have not been identified.

4.4 The mass balance of the amalgamation process at Regla, 1872 to 1888

The main archival source for the data on consumption of materials and production of

silver at Regla for this chapter is the single tome accounting ledger that registers the mass

consumption of materials and production of silver by month, the Informe Mensual Hda. Regla,

29 Jun 1872 – 27 Oct 1888 (hereon referred to as Informe Mensual). The ledger identifies each

torta with a number, states the origin of the silver ore according to the mine it was extracted

from, registers the quantity of each type of ore that is treated in each torta, the initial silver

content of the ore that makes up each torta, the amount of silver extracted from each torta or

from each of the ore components of the torta, the corresponding percentage loss of silver, and

the consumption of mercury per torta or per ore component of the torta, and at times the

consumption of copper sulphate. The amount of data cover a fifteen year interval, though the

year 1874 was found to have been subject to major interruptions in production, to the point of

making it non-representative of the period.622 In total this represents a sample of 180 monthly

data sets from which a representative average can be derived for the most critical parameters

of the amalgamation process. I have not come across any similar set of published results in the

historiography of silver refining in Mexico or Peru up to the nineteenth century.

The raw accounting data, once checked for evident mathematical errors at source

wherever possible, are used to construe a mass transit profile on a monthly timeline for the

amalgamation process, both on an absolute and a relative basis using as common denominator

see Appendix B. The reasons for the atypical behaviour in 1874 is discussed in Chapter 5.

the production of one kilogram of silver. This profile is required to estimate the environmental

impact of the process as a consequence of solid, liquid and air emissions.

The time series on the inventory carried by Regla of the main materials required for the

process are reported in Appendix C, together with the assignment of spaces based on inventory

levels. The way the inventory was handled also provides insights on how the operational

management coped with the challenges of supply and forward planning of operations. The

numbers in the following sections define a very busy hive of physical activity, sounds and

emanations, day and night, converting mountains of ore into small silver bars whose final

volume paled into insignificance in the light of the tonnage of waste that every month was

dispersed into the environment.

4.4.1 Silver ore received for amalgamation.

The most important solids handling operation at Regla revolved around the

amalgamation process. Figure 4-26 shows the monthly amounts of ore received at Regla from

the mines in the Real del Monte area and earmarked for amalgamation. It is virtually identical

to the total sum of ores received at Regla. Among the mines that supplied silver ore to Regla

during this period were Guatimaztin, Dificultad, Aguichote, Jesus Maria, Moran, Rosario,

Porvenir, Sta. Ines, Sta. Brigida, Viscaina, Perro, San Genaro and Milanesa.623 Most of the ore

came from mines owned by the Compañia Real del Monte, though at times silver ore was

classified as ‘ajeno’ [belonging to another], indicating that tolling was carried out. Ores from

the same mine show a wide range of silver content. No information is provided in the

accounting ledger as to the nature of the silver minerals in the ore.

No attempt has been made in this analysis to calculate the amount and quality provided by each mine, and the
silver produced, though this information can be gleaned from the data in the ledger and from other primary sources

The average supply of total ore to Regla in this period was of 7,304 cargas per month

(1,008 t/m), of which an average 7,175 cargas per month (990 t/m) were milled for

amalgamation. The profile of deliveries over time shows a marked negative correlation in the

time series, a reflection of the contingent nature of a total mine production distributed over

different refining haciendas at the discretion of a central management.624 This average and the

whole time series in Figure 4.26 lies below the level indicated by Ward for Regla at the end of

the eighteenth century, when he claims ‘in 1795 five thousand cargoes of ore were received

there weekly’, though it is probable that he may have just been repeating an exaggerated

claim.625 The average inventory of raw ore for the period is 5,091 cargas (703 t) per month.

total incoming ore
for amalgamation
for smelting






Figure 4-26. Monthly deliveries of raw ore to Regla. Data adapted from Informe Mensual.

Negative correlation is the term applied to a sequence of high and low consecutive values within a time series,
or in more colloquial terms, the spikiness of a plot.
Ward, Mexico, II 140-41. Average silver production from Regla was higher over 1872 to 1888 than the average
amount of silver registered by the first Conde de Regla prior to 1795.

4.4.2 Milling of silver ore destined for amalgamation.

The raw silver ore destined for amalgamation was processed through the stamp mill

and the arrastres at an average monthly rate during this period of 7,239 cargas (999 t), as

reported in Table 4-I.626 In an era without electric power it is interesting to determine if water

supply was assured year-round or if the dry season (November to February) had an operational

impact on Regla, which did not use animal power to drive its arrastres.627 ‘Water in all new

mining countries is an exceedingly uncertain reliance, and a mill depending on it alone will

generally lie idle from a quarter to half a year’.628 This was not the case at Regla. There is no

evident correlation between monthly grinding output and the month of the year over the period

under analysis, as seen in Figure 4-27. The data show that the location of Regla was well

justified by offering a reliable source of hydraulic energy year round. The data in Table 4-I also

underline the operational flexibility shown by the milling units, since the values range from a

minimum of 1,714 cargas (237 t) in June 1875 to a maximum of 11,650 cargas (1,608 t)

registered in November 1872. In modern industrial terms, a turn-down capacity of one seventh

the maximum output for a batch processing plant is not common and represents a great

operational advantage to any production unit.

11% is the additional solids content from the erosion of the voladora stones in the arrastres of Regla according
to Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 112. I have not made any corrections to the accounting data
since it does not include information on the erosion rate of the stones with which to cross-check Laur’s figure. An
error of at least plus or minus 5% should be assumed for all mass data.
The impact of climate on monthly production of silver in New Spain is also explored in Bernd Hausberger, La
Nueva España y sus metales preciosos (Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert, 1997), 113-25. Since his analysis is centred
on the amounts of silver registered at the regional Cajas (Treasuries), where factors such as distance from refining
centres, travel conditions, working hours of the Caja and other factors come into play, there is no direct
comparison between his data and the behaviour presented in this section for Regla. It is significant that in his
opinion ‘for our purposes it would be more useful to have analyzed the accounts of a refining hacienda.
Unfortunately I do not have at hand such an account’ - ‘para nuestro propósito seria de mayor utilidad el análisis
de las cuentas de una hacienda de beneficio. Desafortunadamente una cuenta de ese tipo no tengo a mi
disposición’. Ibid., 135.
Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 442.

1872 1873 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888
Jan 10,228 6,546 5,482 5,214 7,388 7,096 9,039 7,759 6,552 7,916 8,000 7,157 8,715 6,117
Feb 6,751 4,971 5,780 6,616 7,579 7,392 8,315 7,409 4,529 6,755 5,755 6,582 6,033
Mar 6,990 6,292 6,583 8,749 9,253 4,439 7,179 8,387 9,355 5,882 7,626 8,032 6,907 7,633
Apr 4,919 3,276 6,160 7,713 7,486 6,468 9,970 10,295 8,094 4,556 7,627 9,012 8,410 6,265
May 7,664 4,440 5,602 8,076 7,348 10,061 8,417 7,915 7,872 8,196 9,225 9,538 9,445 6,108 4,922
Jun 8,244 6,862 1,714 6,238 10,265 8,950 7,327 6,400 7,918 7,705 10,027 6,842 7,569 7,365 6,256 5,934
Jul 5,129 2,739 3,123 6,432 7,115 7,202 7,483 8,331 8,753 10,036 7,894 6,695 7,880 9,382 7,905 4,114
Aug 7,337 4,860 4,234 6,700 7,587 9,960 8,507 6,885 5,269 8,022 6,647 8,820 9,570 7,741 6,286 3,830
Sep 8,241 6,022 3,734 7,681 8,283 5,599 6,508 6,640 6,942 9,102 9,599 6,234 7,907 7,421 6,330
Oct 8,438 6,493 6,390 6,554 7,577 5,162 7,325 7,677 10,085 6,977 6,919 5,957 8,921 9,082 7,935
Nov 11,650 8,020 5,040 5,579 7,023 10,049 9,017 6,236 7,759 5,535 7,672 6,028 7,014 7,154 6,273
Dec 9,631 2,643 4,463 7,566 7,712 6,752 6,295 6,639 9,940 9,698 9,633 5,927 7,156 6,809 7,553
max 11,650 10,228 6,390 7,681 10,265 10,049 10,061 8,417 10,085 10,295 10,027 9,225 9,570 9,445 8,715 7,633
min 5,129 2,643 1,714 4,971 5,482 5,162 6,295 4,439 5,269 5,535 6,552 4,529 6,755 5,755 6,108 3,830
monthly average over period = 7,190 cargas

Table 4-I. Monthly amounts, in cargas, of ore ground for amalgamation. Raw data from
Informe Mensual.







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 4-27. Average monthly values and standard deviation of ground silver ore destined
for amalgamation, in the period mid 1872 to mid 1888. Data calculated from Table 4-I.

Once the raw silver ore was ground in the stamp mill and in the arrastres, the average

monthly inventory over the whole period was 6,405 cargas (884 t) of ground ore. There is no

indication of major interruptions after 1874 up to 1888, and overall it shows a regular operation.

The level of inventory covers nearly one month’s milling production (see Table 4.I), which

would cover for short-term maintenance shut-downs or interruptions in the reception of raw


What do these levels of output say about the stamping capacity at Regla? The daily

milling capacity per stamp at a stamp-mill in the U.S. in the nineteenth century is said to

‘generally be from one to four tons per stamp in twenty-four hours, depending upon the

character of the rock and the weight and velocity of the stamp [and whether it is dry or wet

stamping]’.629 Assuming that the same 30 stamps reported in 1855 were still the number

operating in the 1870s (a major assumption), they would have needed to process over one ton

per stamp per day. Taking into account maintenance down times, an installed capacity of 2 t/d

would have allowed them to work at around 60% of total installed capacity, which seems a

more viable level. Based on these figures, each arrastre at Regla would have needed to process

a daily average of up to 10 cargas of ground ore (1.34 t) discharged from the stamp-mills. This

is a higher output from arrastres than the generic 9 quintales per day (0.4 t) mentioned by

Hermosa, but it is difficult to compare without knowing the mesh size of the ore being fed to

the arrastres, the hydraulic energy employed and the weight and nature of the voladora stones

employed.630 Arrastres with a 10 ft diameter (~ 3m) as in Regla were said to be able to grind 1

t/d if operated on a continuous 24 h basis.631

Ibid., 184, 185, 187.
Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 199. 1.5 to 3 m is the diameter given in Laur, "De la metallurgie de
l'argent au Mexique," 111. Hermosa’s output coincides with that of Humboldt, who in addition states that
arrastres had a diameter between 9 to 12 m, though his dimensions for arrastres do not match most other sources.
Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 58. A discussion on milling equipment in use at the end of the nineteenth
century for silver refining in Nevada can be found in Donald L. Hardesty, Mining Archaeology in the American
West: A View from the Silver State (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2010), 64-69. It focuses on how the
colder weather of Nevada required heating of the amalgam in pans, and shows how the physical structures of
milling and amalgamation had evolved prior to the introduction of the new cyanide process.
Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 24.

4.4.3 The amalgamation tortas (cakes).

Once milled in the arrastres, the next step was the preparation of the tortas, the cakes

which required the mixing of the ground silver ore with water to make a slurry, together with

added salt, copper sulphate and mercury. Figure 4-28 indicates a very coordinated process, with

a match within 1% between the monthly amounts of ore ground for amalgamation, and the

amount processed by amalgamation each month. The monthly average for the period is 7,166

cargas (989 t) processed by amalgamation.

With the exception of the year 1874, when production was seriously interrupted for

much of the year, it shows from 1877 to 1887 a period of relatively steady throughput during

production, the exceptions being the periods at both extremes. In 1855 the newly formed

Mexican company was aiming for an amalgamation capacity at Regla capable of processing

50,000 cargas in a year.632 By the 1880s the company was amalgamating over 60% more than

that initial target. If the size of the patio area did not change, nor the quality of the ore, what

can explain this major jump in output?






ground ore
amalgamated ore

Figure 4-28. The monthly amounts of silver ore ground for and processed by amalgamation.
Data from Table 4-I and the Informe Mensual.

Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 9.

The output in silver of the hacienda is a function not only of its milling capacity but of

the time it took to complete an amalgamation run for each torta on its patio reactor so as to

free space for the next batch. It is fortunate that the accounting data from October 1872 to

December 1873 also included the amalgamation period for each torta.633 Figure 4-29 is a

histogram of the days it took to complete the amalgamation runs during this period. On average

it required 13 days, with some runs as short as eight days and the longest at 18 days.634

number of amalgamation runs

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
number of days

Figure 4-29. Histogram of the days required for amalgamation, as recorded over the period
October 1872 to December 1873. The average amalgamation run lasted 13 days. Raw data from
Informe Mensual.

Thanks to the accounting data it is also possible to follow the extraction of silver as a

function of the time allowed for amalgamation. According to Figure 4-30 on average

From 1874 to 1888 no further data are registered regarding the amalgamation days required for each torta.
One run was recorded at 24 days in December 1873, but I have not included it in the data set, one datum point
out of a total set of 118 data points.

approximately 93% of silver had been extracted after two weeks. I have plotted the raw data as

a scatter graph and also as averages. The linear regression analysis gives nearly identical results


% silver extracted




y = 0.437x + 87.379
88 R² = 0.2743

5 10 15 20
amalgamation days


% silver extracted




y = 0.4384x + 87.456
88 R² = 0.8396

5 10 15 20
amalgamation days

Figure 4-30. Scatter graph and plot of averages as measured at various amalgamation periods
that show an evident correlation between the percentage of silver extracted and the number of
days for an amalgamation run. Raw data from Informe Mensual.

in both cases, though the plot of averages makes it easier to visualize the correlation. If I assume

that the extraction process was linear, 100% extraction of silver would occur on average after

an amalgamation period of 30 days. For the moment I will ignore the real possibility that the

amalgamation process is not linear throughout but becomes asymptotic towards its final

stage.635 The question is whether it made business sense to aim at 100% extraction of of silver

by waiting another two weeks, or to optimize the use of the patio reactor by amalgamating two

batches of ore within the same period of time. 93% of the silver of two batches of ore is better

than 100% of silver from just one batch. The law of diminishing returns applied after a two

week amalgamation period. Under a scenario of sufficient and continuous ore supply, there

was little incentive to carry out the amalgamation reaction to its final conclusion.

The profile of the histogram in Figure 4-29 is a reflection of this operating strategy as

carried out in the 1870s, but it was not always the case at Regla. In 1855 Buchan reported that

‘amalgamation lasts from thirty to fifty days’.636 At some point in the intervening years the

operators at Regla had realized it made little economic sense to wait beyond the two week

period, and this explains the increase of over 60% in the amount of monthly amalgamated ore,

assuming all other operating variables were kept equal.637

Among the advantages of the patio process was that instead of using a batch reactor of

fixed capacity, like a barrel, the slurry was spread out into one or more tortas of whatever size

was needed. The amount of silver ore processed in each torta thus varied widely, and

constituted the operational flexibility of this process. Figure 4-31 shows the histogram of the

Data already reported in the nineteenth century point to an asymptotic extraction rate for silver during patio
amalgamation, see Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 157-58.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 9. The patio process has been critiziced both by its contemporaries and by
later historians for the long periods required to complete the extraction of silver from the ore. The data from first-
hand observers indicate a process taking weeks, in some special cases up to two months, and then only subject to
the difficulty of the ore to be amalgamated. For example, 8 days to more than 2 months, in Dominguez de la
Fuente, Leal Informe Politico-Legal, 93.; 8 days to 2 months, Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la
amalgamación de Nueva España, 32.;18 to 60 days in Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 267.;10 to 25 days,
according to the nature of the ore, ambient temperature and degree of mixing during amalgamation, in Hermosa,
Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 233. Periods longer than 2 months cited in the secondary literature should be treated
with caution, such as the five months cited in Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 66.
Ruiz states that the frequency of mixing each torta at Regla was increased, which led to a shorter amalgamation
period. There is not enough information to determine the order of factors that led to the use of a shorter turn-
around time for the tortas in the patio reactor. Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa de Minas del Real del Monte,"

size of tortas according to their charge of silver ore. The minimum number of cargas per torta

in this period was 18 (2.5 t of silver ore), the maximum 2,059 (284 t), with an average of 753

cargas (104 t) per torta.

How many tortas on average could be amalgamated at Regla during one month? It

ranged from one to sixteen, of different sizes, with an average of 9.4 tortas, indicating this patio

reactor had an average capacity of one thousand tons of ore at any one time. The different

amalgamation periods dictated by the azoguero in charge of the process, even within the limits

observed in the histogram of Figure 4.28, would in time introduce a natural and unpredictable

staggering of the runs.

number of tortas



number of cargas per torta

Figure 4-31. Histogram of the number of cargas per torta as practised at Regla (1872 to
1888). Source data from Informe Mensual.

Is it possible to relate the area of the patio reactor to the refining capacity of an

amalgamation hacienda? The majority of the surviving silver refining haciendas in Mexico are

reduced to ruins, with no or limited extant written records to provide a clue to their production.

What does sometime survive to the extent of being measureable is the area of the patio reactor,

or a close approximation to the original space. A rule of thumb can be established using the

data from Regla. Taking Buchan’s figure of the area of the patio reactor at Regla of 6,000 m2,

we have seen it process on average 1000 t of ground ore per month. Thus the processing of one

ton required a patio reactor area of 6 m2. Assuming a 93% extraction rate for silver in two

weeks, total production can be estimated from the area of a patio reactor according to the

following equation:

Monthly production silver in tons = 0.93 × (area of patio reactor in m2 ÷ 6) × (% silver

in ore by weight) × (0.5 ÷ average amalgamation period in months)

4.4.4 The silver content of ores used for amalgamation.

The accounts provide two sources for the silver content of the ores processed by

amalgamation. As an example, Table 4-II is a transcription of the raw data as reported for the

five weeks ending the 28th November 1885.638 Over the whole period from 1875 to 1888 the

silver content per monton of incoming ore can be used to prepare a histogram such as Figure

4-32, which indicates a bimodal distribution due to the overlap of two different distribution

curves over the period. The average of 11.2 marks per monton of 10 cargas corresponds to 0.19

% of silver by weight.639 The other value of interest is provided by dividing the total silver

refined during these years (303,334 kg) by the total weight of ore processed by amalgamation

(178,287,306 kg), in which case an average value of 0.17% is obtained. The difference

Monthly runs were accounted for in periods of either four or five weeks, and the date registered in the ledger
is the last day of any such period.
According to Humboldt, the silver content of the lowest quality ore from the Vizcayna vein at the start of the
nineteenth century had been 4 marks per monton, just 0.06% silver by weight. The data from Regla place the ore
quality for amalgamation in the latter part of the century above what Humboldt had classified as the second tier
silver ores (0.16%): ‘dans le district des mines de Pachuca ...les minerais de la seconde classe, 7 a 10 marks …
les plus pauvres, qui forment la troisième classe, ne sont évaluées qu’a 4 marks d’argent par monton.’ Humboldt,
Essai politique, Tome III, 370. In 1882, silver ores with less silver content were being amalgamated in the United
States. For example, ores with 41 ounces of silver to the ton (0.12%) were refined with mercury at Tombstone
Mill, in Arizona. Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 422.

corresponds to the amount of silver left unextracted (approximately 10%), if the values for the

raw ore can be trusted (see Section 4.5.3). Furthermore, if these values of refined silver are

now plotted by month over the same period, it can be observed that the percentage of refined

silver decreased over the period, as seen in Figure 4-33, pointing to a lowering of the quality

of the ore over time. Table 4-II also shows how varied was the mix of ores used to constitute

an amalgamation torta, with silver contents per monton of some of the constituent ores reaching

up to 61 marks (1 % silver by weight) in this example.

weighted average ley
for amalgamation 11.2 marks / monton






4-6 6-8 8-10 10-12 12-14 14-16 16-18 18-20
marks per monton

Figure 4-32. Histogram of ore quality refined by amalgamation. Raw data from Informe


% silver recovered




6-72 6-73 9-75 9-76 9-77 9-78 9-79 9-80 9-81 9-82 9-83 9-84 9-85 9-86 9-87

June 1872 to June 1888

Figure 4-33. Decrease in percentage of refined silver from the ores processed by
amalgamation. Percentage calculated from raw data in Informe Mensual.

4.4.5 Interlude: pizzas or juggling acts.

As discussed in Chapter 3, a torta once formed from all its ingredients would be

expected to be a whole entity, an amorphous slurry subject to the constant mixing of its

components thanks to the tread of humans or animals. Thus, once the seven different silver

ores that comprise torta number 3397 in Table 4-II have been mixed with the ingredients of

the amalgamation recipe, it seems an impossible task to be able to measure the specific amount

of silver recovered from each ore fraction, or the specific amount of mercury losses that can be

assigned to each type of ore present in the torta.640 To argue otherwise would require the

concept that not all tortas were equal, that some tortas could somehow be sectioned like a pizza

into different ore flavours, each slice kept meticulously apart during the whole process, from

wet area to refined silver, and its consumption and production data carefully accounted for at

The same statement applies to detailed accounting of salt and copper sulphate consumption according to ore
type in hybrid tortas.

Account of refined ores [Cuenta de metales beneficiados ]


[METALES BENEFICIADOS ] Crude ore Total Per Monton Of silver Of mercury
[Metal crudo ] [Total ] [Por Monton ] [De plata ] [De azogue ]
Marks [Marcos ] Marks [Marcos ] Marks [Marcos ] Percent [Por ciento ] Total [Total ] Per mark [Por marco ]

3397 Jesus Maria 149 8 52 117 7 85 7 87 90 14 31

San Miguel 44 7 5 28 6 34 9 68 21 12 -
Sta Brigida 76 31 97 223 29 34 8 23 170 12 20
Corteza 13 10 77 13 10 - 7 14 101 12 31
Aviadero 20 40 - 73 36 50 8 75 56 12 27
S. Pedro y S. Pablo 16 61 87 91 56 88 8 8 70 12 31
S. Antonio 1 50 - 5 50 - - - 4 12 80
3398 Dificultad 480 11 75 790 11 62 1 13 497 10 7
3399 id 827 8 - 674 8 15 1 81 437 10 37
3400 Aguichoto 730 12 25 840 11 50 4 4 569 10 84
1 Dificultad 1185 11 - 1180 9 96 9 51 821 11 13
2 Rosario 463 17 25 1018 15 35 11 11 656 10 31
3403 Guatemozin 701 15 50 1050 14 98 3 40 739 11 26
3405 Dificultad 118 10 - 122 10 34 3 39 95 12 46
Aguichoto 41 10 - 42 10 24 2 44 33 12 37
Guatemozin 17 10 - 17 10 - - - 13 12 23
San Gregorio 5 10 - 5 10 - - - 4 12 80
3407 Id id 449 7 25 200 8 3 10 50 149 11 92
5535 12 38 6488 11 72 5 30 4434 10 93
[Fundicion ]

Dificultad 86 112 33 959 111 51 0 72

Aguichoto 48 112 29 535 111 46 0 74
Perro 16 137 50 219 134 88 0 45
Jesus Maria 4 85 - 34 85 - 0 0
San Antonio 6 100 - 40 100 - 0 0
Rosario 6 131 67 78 130 - 1 27
Guatemozin 3 123 33 37 123 33 0 0
Jacal 3 110 - 33 110 - 0 0
Porvenir 2 85 - 17 85 - 0 0
174 114 8 1972 113 33 0 65

Table 4-II. Partial transcription of data that appear for the five weeks ending on November
28th, 1885, as registered in the Informe Mensual. Numbers in italics represent numbers shown
in red in original document. The units of silver content are registered in marks and hundredths
of a mark.

every stage according to ore components. Either this represents a degree of operational

complexity unsuspected in the historiography, or a degree of accounting creativity of the data.

I have placed a grey background on the data in Table 4-II where there is no question it

would be obtained from direct measurements: the silver content of each component ore, the

amount of each ore weighed and added to the torta, and the total amount of silver refined from

the whole torta. This last quantity is reported in Table 4-II as a segregated quantity according

to ore type for the hybrid tortas, but it could have been calculated by the accountants.641 Other

notations are more difficult to justify. The ore fraction of torta 3397 with a silver content of 50

marks per monton is reported as not incurring any silver loss during refining, while the values

of silver loss for each of the other ore fractions is different and reported to a high degree of

precision, for an average of 8.17%.642 The data on mercury losses defie a similar calculation to

arrive at individual values for each ore fraction. One probable explanation is that for those cases

where hybrid tortas are registered, an accounting juggling act took place whereby certain boxes

were filled with creativity just to arrive at a known average value.643 The hybrid torta of Table

4-II is the occasional exception, since the great majority of tortas reported in the Informe

Mensual Regla are made from a single type of ore.

4.4.6 The mass balance for salt.

After the ore, salt was the major solid being stored and used at Regla. Figure 4-34 plots

the monthly consumption of salt required to produce 1 kg of silver, giving an average of 29.9

kg of salt per kg of silver. The sudden increase in salt consumption that is evident at the tail

end of this period shows a departure from what had been until then a relatively stable pattern.

The cause is not known, and is not repeated for the other components of the recipe. Since the

quality of the salt is not registered, I can only surmise that a poorer salt may have been used at

In the case of torta 3405 there is in fact no loss, but a gain in silver after refining. This type of result figures
predominantly in the ledger, and is due to errors in determining the average silver content of tons of ore from a
very small assaying sample of the ore.
A range of silver losses during patio amalgamation between 12% and 36% is given in Laur, "De la metallurgie
de l'argent au Mexique," 186-87.
It also challenges the reader as to why the ore fraction from Corteza should show such an abnormal
consumption of mercury registered in pounds, while the corresponding value of consumption of mercury per mark
of silver for this ore is clearly wrong. See footnote 125 on Laur’s mistrust of nineteenth century accounting
practices in haciendas.

the end. On a monthly basis an average of 4,310 arrobas (49.6 t) of salt was consumed during

the amalgamation process, approximately 5 t per average torta. Overall the ratio at Regla is

within the range of 2 to 5 % per torta suggested in a Mexican operations manual dated 1857.644

The average inventory value in this period was 18,459 arrobas (212 t).







Jun-72 Jun-73 Jun-74 Jun-75 Jun-76 Jun-77 Jun-78 Jun-79 Jun-80 Jun-81 Jun-82 Jun-83 Jun-84 Jun-85 Jun-86 Jun-87 Jun-88

Figure 4-34. Consumption of salt per kg of silver refined by amalgamation (1872-1888). Raw
data from Informe Mensual.

Based on the chemical reactions set out in Chapter 3, if all the silver refined was present

originally as silver sulphide (Ag2S), then the stoichiometric requirement of salt per kg of silver

refined is 2.2 kg.645 Thus on average over 10 times more salt was being added than was required

by the basic chemistry of the conversion of silver sulphide to silver chloride. Since the purity

of the salt used at Regla would have been consistently under 100%, this explains in part the

higher ratio used. The excess of salt also covers the amount of salt lost as the saline water of

the slurry seeped into the soil during the amalgamation period, when water was being

constantly added to avoid the drying-out of the cakes.

Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 215.
According to Reaction 3 in Section 3.4, 2 moles of silver chloride are produced from the reaction of 8 moles
of sodium chloride with 1 mole of silver sulphide. Thus 2 moles of silver (215.72 g) require 8 moles of sodium
chloride (467.6 g), a weight ratio of 2.2 kg pure salt to 1 kg of silver.

4.4.7 The mass balance for copper sulphate.

The next major additive, as measured in quantity used and stored, was copper sulphate.

Figure 4-35 shows the profile of its monthly consumption per kg of silver refined by

amalgamation. On average 9,774 lbs (4.4 t) of copper sulphate were used per month, for an

average ratio of 2.6 kg of copper sulphate per kg of silver refined. In contrast to the use of salt,

it is not only the purity of the copper sulphate that can influence the amount used. Copper

sulphate or copper magistral was added according to the subjective judgement of the azoguero

in charge of the amalgamation process. Recommended ranges went from 0.2 to 8 %, reflecting

the variety of criteria in its use.646 At Regla an average of 0.4% was added, based on the weight

of the ground ore.








Jun-72 Jun-73 Jun-74 Jun-75 Jun-76 Jun-77 Jun-78 Jun-79 Jun-80 Jun-81 Jun-82 Jun-83 Jun-84 Jun-85 Jun-86 Jun-87 Jun-88

Figure 4-35. Consumption of copper sulphate per kg of silver refined by amalgamation

(1872-1888). Raw data from Informe Mensual.

If all the silver refined was present originally as silver sulphide (Ag2S), then the

stoichiometric requirement of copper sulphate per kg of silver refined is 2.1 kg.647 In contrast

to salt, operators at Regla were using quantities much closer to the theoretical requirement,

Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 216.
According to Chapter 3, 2 moles of silver chloride are produced from the reaction of 2 moles of copper ions
with 1 mole of silver sulphide. Thus 2 moles of silver (215.72) require 2 moles of copper sulphate (446.32), a
weight ratio of 2.07 kg pure copper sulphate to 1 kg of silver.

taking into account the expected variations in its purity and the losses through seepage to the

soil. The presence of native silver or silver chloride in the ore would have lowered the need for

copper sulphate, and so may have provided some respite to their recipe. Approximately 0.5 t

would have been added to every average torta of 700 cargas.648 The level of monthly inventory

over this period was 15,109 lbs (6.9 t),

4.4.8 The mass balance for mercury used during amalgamation

The monthly ledger for this period did not register the amounts of mercury added to

each torta, only the amounts consumed, so they do not provide the total amount of mercury in

circulation on a monthly basis at Regla. Buchan stated that 18,000 lbs (8.2 t) of mercury were

in use on a monthly basis in 1855.649 This corresponds to a weight ratio of five parts of added

mercury per one part of assumed silver content in the ore.650 It also indicates the monthly

amount squeezed through the fingers of the workers at Regla. The profile of its monthly

inventory level provides an insight into how an amalgamation operation was run. Throughout

this whole period Regla maintained an average monthly inventory level of mercury of 29,830

lbs (13.6 t). This represents an inventory equivalent to 6.8 months of average mercury

consumption at Regla. John Taylor, the General Manager of the Real del Monte Company, was

prescient enough to write in 1824 from London:

‘I know that it will be necessary for each establishment to keep at all times a large stock of
this article [mercury] at the mines; and that thus, besides the risk of plunder and waste, a greater

Humboldt states that 1 to 7 pounds of magistral were added for every pound of mercury. In Regla this ratio
was just over 2 during the period. Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 64-65.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 9.
Assuming an average production of 1.6 t of silver produced by amalgamation per month and a recipe of 5 to 6
parts mercury to one part silver in the ore, then approximately 8 to 10 t of mercury would have been added on a
monthly basis to the ores under amalgamation. For an average torta of 740 cargas, this requires adding near 1 t of
mercury during amalgamation. This is the amount of mercury squeezed through the fingers of the workers for
each torta in the patio. Approximately 80 one-litre flasks of mercury would have been required per torta. For the
proportion of mercury to silver in the ore, see Hermosa, Manual de Laboreo de Minas, 216. Humboldt reports
that the weight of mercury added was six times the deemed content of silver in the torta. Humboldt, Essai
politique, Tome IV, 64.

capital than would otherwise be required must be provided and locked up in a distant

Whether by coincidence or intent, Regla always had enough reserves of mercury to

jump-start the process if necessary from scratch.

4.4.9 The mass balance for silver.

The only commercial end product at Regla was silver.652 The average monthly

production of silver at Regla during this period via amalgamation was of 7,327 marks (1.7 t).

As observed in Figure 4-36, Regla managed a steady production rate from mid 1876 to mid

1887, with just one singular peak in production in early 1882. Regla would cast silver bars

from both amalgamation and smelting at an average rate of 64 bars per month, with most bars

registering a weight of 140 marks (30 kg). This reflects the account given by Countess

Kollonitz in 1864 : ‘[silver] is cast in very heavy bars ... every fifteen days 28 bars of silver are

produced ... twice per month the company guards escort the silver bars to the sea ports, from

where they are sent mainly to England’.653

How efficient was the patio amalgamation process at Regla, how much silver would

have been left in these ores irrespective of the amalgamation period adopted? There is no

straightforward answer to this question. First of all, the chemical nature of the batches of ore

amalgamated at Regla is not reported in the account books and is expected to have changed

Taylor, Selections from Humboldt, xxii.
Very minor amounts of lead were sold occasionally, as well as materials drawn from the storehouse, but none
represent amounts of note.
‘se funde en pesadísimas barras … cada quince días salen 28 barras de plata … dos veces al mes la guardia
de la compañía escolta los lingotes de plata hasta los puertos de mar, de donde son enviados principalmente a
Inglaterra’ in Paula Kollonitz, Un viaje a México en 1864 (México: Secretaría de Educación Pública, 1976), 146.
Silver bars weighed 31.3 to 35 kg according to Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 117.; Amador, Tratado
práctico de haciendas de beneficio, 88.

from batch to batch.654 Second, by curtailing the amalgamation period to approximately two

weeks, a sacrifice of at least 5% is made on the maximum operational level of extraction of

silver. Third, even though the silver content of the raw ore was measured and registered in the

accounts, in many cases it is obviously incorrect, since it is registered as lower than the final









Jun-72 Jun-73 Jun-74 Jun-75 Jun-76 Jun-77 Jun-78 Jun-79 Jun-80 Jun-81 Jun-82 Jun-83 Jun-84 Jun-85 Jun-86 Jun-87 Jun-88

Figure 4-36. Monthly production in kg of silver by amalgamation (1872-1888). Raw data

from Informe Mensual.

percentage of silver extracted from the ore. The operational challenge of sampling tons of ore

so as to obtain a small representative amount that can be analyzed in a cupel for silver content

is obvious, and it seems it was not overcome at Regla until the end of the period in question.

The ledger for Regla is full of data on silver ‘loss’ inked in red to indicate this negative territory

where more silver is registered as extracted than was measured in the raw ore.655 When the

non-negative values for the loss of silver are plotted, the average ‘loss’ of silver during patio

amalgamation at Regla is just 5.1% with a standard deviation of 2.8%, a reflection on the large

The silver ores of Real del Monte containing manganese, antimony and lead were known to be difficult to
amalgamate using the patio process, according to Phillips, Metallurgy Silver, 327.
Laur argues that the issue of silver refined by amalgamation being greater than expected from the range of
silver assayed in the ores is a result of large-scale manipulation of accounts by the administrators of haciendas to
cover for inefficiencies in their operation, including pilfering. Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique,"

variations observed in the data. The large gaps in data from 1875 to 1881 in Figure 4-37

correspond mainly to negative values that have been ignored, not to a lack of diligence on the

part of the assayers. The average corresponds well to what was expected from an amalgamation


Finally I have already pointed out the fact that the total amount of extracted silver is

approximately 10% less than would be expected from the average silver content of the ore

being amalgamated. Of this shortfall, around 5% corresponds to the curtailed amalgamation

process, and the remainder could well be the dilution of the ground ore with inert solids from

the wear of the voladora stones. Overall there is a good match between the data, and any

pilfering that took place was hidden within the range of error of the measurements taking place

and/or the registers in the accounts.656


Unextracted silver






6/72 6/73 6/74 6/75 6/76 6/77 6/78 6/79 6/80 6/81 6/82 6/83 6/84 6/85 6/86 6/87

Figure 4-37. Losses of silver, expressed as percentage, during amalgamation (1872-1888),

calculated from raw data in the Informe Mensual. All negative values reported in the ledger
have been excluded.

‘criminals against the industry’ were thieves of mercury, silver or tools, ‘who could be punished on the spot’.
Ladd, The Making of a Strike, 69.

4.4.10 The mass balance for mercury consumed

The ledger registers the amount of mercury consumed during the amalgamation

process. This detailed bookkeeping requires keeping track of any mercury recovered a) during

the separation and washing of the amalgam from the rest of the torta b) during the mechanical

extraction of mercury from the amalgam in the manga and c) during the recovery of the

mercury from the capellinas. The average monthly consumption of mercury at Regla was 4,638

lbs (2.1 t). When plotted as a function of kg mercury consumed per kg of silver refined, the

plot shown in Figure 4-38 shows two distinct sections. The first, at approximately 1.1-1.2 kg

of mercury for every kg of silver, is from 1875 to 1878 and at times is surprisingly smooth, not

only compared to the other plots of consumption of reagents, but also compared to the time

series on either side.657 After 1878 the plot averages around 1.4 kg of mercury per kg of silver.

The average value for this ratio from 1872 to 1888 at Regla comes to 1.25.658 I have commented

upon the fact that lower ranges are a sign of a) ores rich in native silver or b) the presence of

iron or copper in the recipe, which are reducing agents of silver chloride that lower the

consumption of mercury. The historiography confirms both factors are at work here.

Humboldt mentions that at the beginning of the nineteenth century the ores from the

Vizcayna vein of Real del Monte contained silver sulphides mixed with native silver.659 In his

review of historic mines of Mexico, published in 1883, Dahlgren states that as to the ores of

Real del Monte mines :

It is tempting to consider some accounting sleight of hand to explain the smoothness of data that one expects
by nature to be more erratic in behaviour. Some data could have been extrapolated, based on the expected values
of the ratio together with some coordinated adjustments to inventory and purchase orders. This would only be
explained if they were making up for non-existent field measurements.
The amalgamation recipe used in Potosí in 1603 shows a mercury to silver ratio of 1.3 with iron included as
an important part of the recipe. Anonymous, "Relaciones Geograficas de Indias - Peru I," 376.
‘Le filon de la Biscaina renferme ….de l’argent sulfuré mêlé d’argent natif’. Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome
IV, 16.

‘near the surface the usual “Colorados” appeared while as depth was attained Silver Sulphides,
native Silver (in quantities which have made this district famous), Dark Ruby and Prismatic
black Silver (the “Negros”) took the place of the “Colorados”. There was some Galena.’660

A modern treatise on this mining district also draws attention to earlier ores such that

‘native silver … in previous times was very frequent’.661

mercury to silver weight ratio






Jun-72 Jun-73 Jun-74 Jun-75 Jun-76 Jun-77 Jun-78 Jun-79 Jun-80 Jun-81 Jun-82 Jun-83 Jun-84 Jun-85 Jun-86 Jun-87 Jun-88

Figure 4-38. Weight ratio of mercury consumed to silver refined by amalgamation (1872-
1888). Raw data from Informe Mensual.

As to iron, the other haciendas of the Compañia Real del Monte were routinely adding

it to the amalgamation recipe so as to decrease mercury consumption during the barrel

process.662 Iron appears among the materials consumed at Regla, though it is not possible to

discriminate in the accounts the amounts destined for amalgamation, as an additive in smelting

and iron for general use in the hacienda (Table 4-III).663 However the very high wear and

Dahlgren, Historic Mines of Mexico, 196.
‘la plata nativa … en épocas anteriores fue bastante frecuente’ Galindo y R, Distrito Pachuca-Real del Monte,
Iron was a standard additive in the recipe for the barrel process used in Mexico in the nineteenth century. Laur,
"De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 98.
Table V is an extract from the Memoria No. 19 to Memoria No. 21 de los Gastos de la Hcda de Regla, ,
corresponding to the four weeks ending on the 26 th May 1877. It shows that in addition to salt, copper sulphate
and mercury, the following reagents were also consumed: tequezquite (also spelt tequesquite), a naturally
occurring salt used as flux for the smelting process; lime, used to control the amalgamation process if the azoguero
deemed he had added too much magistral, and different types of iron. It is widely reported that iron was a

consumption of horseshoes made of iron at Regla raises the possibility that part of the iron that

reduced the silver chloride in the slurry came from horseshoes, as the following calculation

shows. The number of horseshoes replaced during the period covered in Table 4-III is

equivalent to up to 600kg of iron, at 2 kg per heavy duty shoe. The wear on the horseshoes

would have been an unwitting but extremely effective source of iron for the reduction of silver

chloride. The constant erosion of its surface on a very abrasive ore slurry would have spread

finely ground iron into the slurry every time each horse or mule tread his circular path through

a torta. Even if only 50% of the mass of each horseshoe found its way into the amalgamation

slurry, it would have been a very useful if unintended contribution to the observed lower

mercury to silver weight ratio. Whole mule and horse shoes were added to the barrel

amalgamation recipe mix in the United States in the nineteenth century.664

year 1877, tequezquite lime iron slag english iron mixed iron horseshoes
week ending
cargas cargas cargas lbs lbs number

05-May 2.3 0 43.5 0 0 114

12-May 2.8 4 27.8 0 0 43

19-May 3.0 0 27.3 993 0 87

26-May 2.8 0 0 0 1,053 78

total 10.8 4 98.5 993 1,053 322

Table 4-III. Additional consumables at Regla, from Memorias de Gastos for the four weeks
ending on May 26th 1877.

necessary component in the smelting of silver ores, for example Pique, A Practical Treatise on Silver, 69.; Phillips,
Metallurgy Silver, 433.; Willies, "Derbyshire Lead Smelting," 3.
Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 38. In Potosí in 1603 iron was added in a proportion of 0.5 to 1 with respect
to the silver refined, and this was enough to bring down the mercury to silver ratio to 1.3. This would require
adding approximately between 1 to 2 t of iron per average torta at Regla. At the lower ratio horsehoes could have
added inadvertently around 30% of the required iron additive to the recipe.

4.4.11 The overall mass balance for the amalgamation process at Regla

Table 4-IV summarizes the magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors from

the amalgamation process as carried out at Regla within the period covered by the accounting

ledger. Based on the analysis presented in Chapter 3, Section 3.10, I propose that on average

85% of the total mercury consumption was in the form of solid calomel washed away after

amalgamation, and the remaining 15% corresponded to a physical loss of mercury. The

chemical transformation of mercury into calomel would consume on average 1.8 t/m of

mercury into an insoluble solid that was entrained in the water used to wash the tortas, and

deposited over an undetermined area in the water basins downstream from Regla. A total of

0.3 t/m of mercury was lost due to physical losses, of which the largest share would be by

entrainment in water used for washing tortas or in the condensation channel underneath the

capellina, together with seepage into the soil in the patio reactor area, for a total estimated

average of 0.28 t/m. Air emissions of residual mercury in silver being cast into bars, 1% of the

total weight of silver, represented an average of 0.02 t/m. A loss via evaporation from the tortas

that will not be taken into consideration (estimated as 0.002 t/m).665

According to this scenario, for every kg of silver refined by amalgamation at Regla,

approximately 1.1 kg of mercury was lost as calomel, 0.2 kg was lost as liquid mercury in the

waste water or by seepage to the soil at Regla, and just over 10 g were lost as volatile mercury

from the casting of silver bars. In terms of mass these losses pale in comparison to the 620 kg

of solid mineral waste and salts in solution that were washed downstream from Regla for every

kg of silver refined by amalgamation.

If all the mercury was exposed to sun and wind the deemed loss via evaporation would amount to 14 kg of
mercury per torta in two weeks, or a total of 250 kg for 9 tortas every month. Since only a minority of mercury
droplets would be exposed to sun and wind, I will assume that 1% of this theoretical total was the effective loss,
2 kg per month. Calculations based on Winter, "The Evaporation of a Drop of Mercury."

The yearly average amounts to approximately 12,000 t of mineral waste and salts, 20t

of mercury in the form of calomel, 4 t as losses of liquid mercury and 0.2 t of mercury via air



raw ore salt net mercury to be consumed total
average sulphate
t/m 989 49 4 2.1 1,045

chemical loss physical loss

ground and water air emissions

average silver waste ore waste additives
output mercury loss mercury loss as
mercury from casting silver bars
as calomel liquid mercury

t/m 1.7 987 53 1.8 0.28 0.02 1,045

average input copper

raw ore salt net mercury consumed
(kg) per kg sulphate
refined silver 587 30.0 2.6 1.3 621

waste additives and

average output mercury loss mercury loss as
silver waste ore byproduct salts mercury from casting silver bars
(kg) per kg as calomel liquid mercury
(except calomel)
refined silver
1 587 32 1.1 0.2 0.01 621

Table 4-IV. Overall mass balance for the amalgamation of silver ores as practised at Regla
between 1872 and 1888. Data compounded from different sections of this chapter. The numbers
in italic denotes a calculated number, not directly derived from the monthly accounting ledger.

4.4.12 The energy balance of the amalgamation process

Patio amalgamation as practised at Regla in this period was not a major consumer of

fuel. The only main process requirements for heat came from the capellinas and from the

casting of silver bars. A guide to the consumption of fuel is provided in the Memorias de Gastos

of weekly consumption of wood and charcoal used at Regla (process, cooking, heating), and

one example is reproduced in Table 4-V. These Memorias de Gastos register both consumption

and purchases to re-stock the central warehouse (data in italics), and covers both amalgamation

and smelting. Firewood in some Memorias de Gastos is explicitly designated as ‘leña para

afinaciones’, firewood for refining by cupellation. To arrive at a ratio of wood and charcoal

per kg of silver refined by amalgamation, the first column in Table 4-V is assigned as fuel for

the cupellation stage of the smelting process, while the second I will tentatively assign for the

heating of capellinas. The charcoal from ocote I assign to the casting of silver bars. The final

column of charcoal corresponds to the smelting of silver ore. In these four weeks 1,999 kg of

silver were produced by amalgamation.666 It should be noted that cooking and other domestic

requirements for fuel would have also been included within these figures, but I have ignored

these cosnumptions for want of information.

consumed or purchased (re-stocked) , central warehouse

year 1877, charcoal
firewood ocote charcoal
week ending (ocote)
cargas arrobas cargas cargas

05-May 366.5 206 27 189.5

12-May 146 24.5 150.5
19-May 118 18.5 209
49 850
26-May 164 19.5
993 187.5

total 515.5 634 89.5 850

Table 4-V. Total consumption of firewood and charcoal registered on a weekly basis at
Regla, according to Memorias No. 19 - 21 de los Gastos de la Hcda de Regla, for the four
weeks ending on May 26th 1877. Data in italics correspond to inventory make-up.

Informe Mensual Regla.

My working figures thus err on the high side for the fuel required for amalgamation.

According to my assignments, the total energy requirement for amalgamation during the month

of May 1877 was 634 arrobas (7,291 kg) of ocote and up to 89.5 cargas (12,351 kg) of charcoal

(ocote). To arrive at a ratio based on the energy content of charcoal, using a 10% conversion

rate of wood to charcoal (see Chapter 2), a maximum of 7 kg of charcoal was required for 1 kg

silver produced by amalgamation.

4.5 The mass balance of the smelting process at Regla, 1875 to 1886.

Compared to amalgamation, the solids handling logistics required for the smelting

operations at Regla were on a much more modest scale. Ore, greta and charcoal sum up the

input, while silver, slag and ‘plomo pobre’ [desilverized lead] comprise the output. Though

Regla was the only designated site to carry out smelting of silver ores for the Compañia Real

del Monte, for many periods no smelting was carried out. Thus the smelting data that are

analysed in the following sections start at June 1875 and end by January 1886, which still

represents approximately one decade of nearly continuous operating data registered on a

monthly basis. I follow the same method as for the amalgamation process.

4.5.1 The mass balance for ore

The average quantity of ore received at Regla destined for smelting was 172 cargas per

month (23.7 t) during this decade. As seen in Figure 4-39 there was a peak reception period,

mostly from the Rosario mine, around mid-1877. The gaps in the data reflect the lack of

sufficient information in the monthly account to separate ore for smelting from ore for

amalgamation. On average a monthly inventory of 216 cargas (29.8 t) was carried at Regla,

just over one month of smelting throughput.




Figure 4-39. Monthly deliveries of ore for smelting to Regla (1875-1886). Raw data from the
Informe Mensual.

The close correspondence between the monthly amounts of milled ore and then smelted,

as shown in Figure 4-40, indicates that once it was ground, the over-design of the blast furnaces

would have guaranteed a fast smelting operation.667 The average throughput for grinding and

smelting in both cases is approximately 179 cargas (24.7 t) per month.

The ore smelted at Regla had on average a silver content of 116.6 marks per monton

(1.9% silver) (Figure 4-41). The highest values are of the order of 3.6 % silver. In contrast to

the data presented for amalgamation, the average of silver extracted by smelting as calculated

from the accounting data (net of silver extracted from recycled slags) is also 1.9%. Losses of

silver during refining from the scarce data available are found to be roughly equivalent for

amalgamation and smelting (Section 4.5.3 below). One possible explanation is the diluting

effect of the erosion of the voladora stones for the ore milled prior to amalgamation.

The smelting capacity of Regla in mid nineteenth century was up to 30 t of ore per week, which implies that
the whole Furnace Area B was working in the 1870s and 1880s at one fourth of its capacity. As a comparison, in
the roughly same period as analyzed at Regla (1877 to 1891), the Newland blast furnaces in Cumbria (England)
run iron ore smelting campaigns from four to twenty-eight months, at the end of which the furnace was ‘blown
out’, as reported in Bowden, Furness Iron, 50. In the case of Regla the weekly accounts indicate much shorter
runs of days, not months.

800 Ground ore
700 Smelted ore

2/76 2/77 2/78 2/79 2/80 2/81 2/82 2/83 2/84 2/85

Figure 4-40. Monthly values (1875-1886) of silver ore ground prior to smelting, and the
quantities of ore smelted. Raw data from the Informe Mensual.


Weighted average ley
5,000 for smelting 116.6




60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
ley (marks per monton)

Figure 4-41. Histogram of the silver content of ores destined for smelting at Regla. Raw data
from the Informe Mensual.

4.5.2 The mass balance for litharge as input

The ores sent to Regla for smelting did not contain sufficient lead to be smelted on their

own, so litharge had to be added.668 Exactly how much litharge was added per smelting batch

is not reported in the monthly accounting ledger. One visitor to Regla noted that ‘[the ore] is

mixed up [with] a quantity of lead, bearing an almost equal proportion to the other, and a certain

admixture of what is called slag’, where the lead is probably litharge, and the slag he refers to

may have been grasas, or lead slag that still contained silver.669 As in the case of mercury, what

is registered in the ledger is the amount of litharge lost per month.

Regla did not produce lead as a regular commercial product, though it did sell

occasionally what the weekly accounts of the Memorias term ‘poor’ lead, de-silverized lead.

However it did have an incentive to control as much as possible its losses of litharge, which

had to be purchased.670 After the first major charge to start a smelting cycle, new purchases of

litharge would only be required to compensate for losses during the process. The operator

would be expected to control losses of lead in the slag, since it would entrain losses of silver

as well. In case too much silver and lead was retained in the slag, it was re-smelted occasionally

as grasas.

4.5.3 The mass balance for silver: output

In the period June 1875 to January 1886, Regla produced on average 1,717 marks (395

kg) of silver by smelting on a monthly basis. When both types of process were being operated

According to Dahlgren, in 1883 the Real del Monte Co. was the owner of lead and iron mines in Zimapan.
Dahlgren, Historic Mines of Mexico, 20. According to Laur they supplied the litharge. Laur, "De la metallurgie
de l'argent au Mexique," 253. Zimapan does not figure as source of the silver ores in the monthly ledger for the
period 1872 to 1888.
Tudor, Narrative of a Tour, 298.
Even if the Company owned the source of litharge (for example from Zimapan), it still needed to account for
litharge as an expense. In modern terminology the Company was treating each operation as a stand-alone profit

in parallel, smelting would account for 18% of the total average silver production from Regla.

When the whole period from 1872 to 1888 is considered, smelting accounted for approximately

14% of total silver production. Compared to the steadier profile of amalgamation refining, the

smelting output reflects the uneven sourcing of ore for smelting over the period, as can be seen

in Figure 4-42.

















Figure 4-42. Monthly production of silver by smelting (1875-1886). Raw data from the
Informe Mensual.

The fact that Regla oversaw both amalgamation and smelting provides a singular

opportunity to compare the efficiency of each method to extract silver under the operating

conditions of a commercial hacienda. Figure 4-43 compares on the same graph the data on

silver loss from smelting and amalgamation as registered in the monthly ledger at Regla. As

was the case for amalgamation, many silver losses for smelted ores appear in red in the monthly

ledger, indicating the same lack of sufficient skill to sample and assay correctly some of these

ores. Smelting shows a degree of silver losses of 4.7 ± 3.1 %, commensurate with the result for

amalgamation already indicated above, of 5.1 ± 2.8 %. The production data from Regla does

not indicate that patio amalgamation was more efficient than smelting in extracting silver from

its ores, for the type of silver ore processed.671


Unextracted silver







Figure 4-43. Comparison of silver losses incurred during smelting and amalgamation (1872-
1888). Raw data from the Informe Mensual.

4.5.4 The mass balance for litharge: output

The monthly average consumption of litharge from June 1875 to January 1886 was of

5.4 t (the ledger reports the data for this period first in pounds and then in arrobas, so I have

converted both to tons). An average of 13.7 kg of litharge was therefore lost for every kilogram

of silver obtained by smelting (Figure 4-44).


May-75 May-76 May-77 May-78 May-79 May-80 May-81 May-82 May-83 May-84 May-85

Figure 4-44. Weight of litharge lost per 1 kg of silver smelted (1875-1886). Raw data from
the Informe Mensual.

In the historiography the contrary is affirmed, as for example: ‘amalgamation was a more efficient method of
separation than smelting’ in Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 156. Since no production data are used to sustain
this conclusion, which in any case depends on the nature of the ore, such generic statements should be treated
with caution.

4.5.5 The mass balance for smelting at Regla

The average monthly mass balance for lead can be expressed as:

Lead in silver ore + lead in litharge consumed = total lead in air emissions (la) + lead in

slag (ls) + poor lead sold (p),

Where l denotes lead, subscript a indicates emissions to the atmosphere, subscript s

indicates solid slag and p is poor lead.

The amount of historical lead lost as fugitive losses cannot be quantified so I have

excluded it from the right hand side of the equation. The weight of lead in pure litharge is

92.8%, so if 5.4 t/m of litharge are consumed on average, this amounts to approximately 5 t/m

of lead contributed by litharge. As a working figure I assume that the occasional sales of poor

lead were of the order of 340 lb/m (150 kg/m).672. The equation can now be expressed in t/m


[24.7 × % (lead in silver ore)] + 5 = la + ls + 0.15

la = [24.7 × % (lead in silver ore)] - ls + 4.85

The lead content of the silver ores is not reported in the monthly ledger accounts, nor

the lead content in the slags. I will therefore deduce a working value for these two variables

from a) the amount of non-lead and non-silver content in the ore that I will assume was totally

eliminated in the form of slags and b) ranges of lead content reported for historical slags from

smelting operations of lead ores. This will allow me to establish a first approximation to the

The weekly Memorias de Gastos provide two values for the production of poor lead, 280 lbs (127 kg) for the
monthly period that ended the 26th May 1877, and 400 lbs (182 kg) for the monthly period that ended 30 th March

range of monthly losses of lead in air emissions at Regla during the years when smelting was

carried out.

A working figure for the average content of lead in historical slag was deemed to be

3% (Chapter 2, Section 2.6.1). The remaining, non-lead, content of the slag can be

approximated by calculating the monthly amount of mineral in the ore that was not silver,

assuming no lead was present. This is equivalent to:

24.7 t/m of ore x 0.981 = 24.2 t/m

Ignoring losses of the non-lead fraction via volatilization, then the estimated value for

ls is:

ls = 0.03 × 24.2 t/m = 0.7 t/m

This calculation ignores, for want of data, the amount of iron used in the smelting

charge, and it includes by default the unknown amount of lead lost via fugitive losses. 673 The

average monthly loss of lead in air, for ores with no lead content, is given by the following

mass balance:

la = net lead in litharge consumed - deemed loss of lead in slag – sale of poor lead =

4.1 t/m

which corresponds to a 10 to 1 ratio with respect to the average monthly production

rate of silver by smelting of 0.4 t/m. This correlates with the upper level of the range deduced

At Regla the source of fugitive emissions would be particulates blown from the inventory piles of litharge and
from work areas around the furnaces. The high walls around the courtyards of Furnace Area B (CB-I and CB-II)
would serve to contain and concentrate these fugitive emissions over time. These fugitive losses would add to the
monthly consumption of litharge registered at Regla. They would reduce both the level of lead lost as slag and the
loss of lead and lead compounds to the atmosphere, but to an extent I cannot at this moment estimate.

in Chapter 2, Section 2.6.1, for the ratio of losses of lead and lead compounds to the atmosphere

for every kg of silver refined by smelting.

On this basis Table 4-VI summarizes the overall mass balance for smelting as practised

at Regla from early 1875 to early 1886. For every kg of silver, 59 kg of solid waste would be

generated, which for my simplified analysis I have converted all to waste slag with a deemed

average lead content of 3%. Under this scenario, an ore with zero lead content would produce

a loss of lead and lead compounds in the fumes of 10 kg of total lead per kg of silver refined

by smelting. Any additional lead in the ore (which in Table 4-VI is set as zero) or any loss of

waste ore by volatilization in the blast furnace instead of as slag would increase this baseline

level. On a yearly average, at Regla some 50 t of lead would have been issued to the atmosphere

during this period, and some 300 t of solid waste in the form of slags.

raw ore net lead in litharge consumed lead in ore total
average input
t/m 24.7 5.0 0 29.7

ground and water air emissions

waste ore as
silver sale of poor lead
slag lead in slag and fugitive
average output lead in fumes

t/m 0.4 24.3 0.7 4.1 0.15 29.7

raw ore net lead in litharge consumed lead in ore

average input (kg) per kg
refined silver
59 11.8 0 70.4

waste ore as lead in slag and fugitive

average output (kg) per kg silver lead in fumes sale of poor lead
slag emissions
refined silver
1 57.5 1.7 9.8 0.4 70.4

Table 4-VI. Overall mass balance for the smelting of silver ores as practised at Regla
between June 1875 and January 1886. Data was compounded from the sections on smelting of
this chapter. The numbers in italic were calculated and not obtained directly from the
accounting data.

The numbers from Regla can be used to derive a factor whereby the existing mounds

of the fields of grasas around a smelting hacienda, which in theory have a mass that can be

estimated, become an indirect guide to the amount of historic amounts of lead and lead

compounds that was issued to the air. According to the numbers in Table 4-VI, an order of

magnitude of the total mass of lead issued from the refining of silver ores can be approximated

by multiplying by a factor of six the estimated weight of extant grasas around the ruins of a

smelting hacienda.

4.5.6 The energy balance of the smelting process at Regla

According to notations made in some Memorias de Gastos, the charcoal employed is

made from encino [oak], the wood of choice both for charcoal and for timbers for the mines.

Ocote is a Mexican pine tree, used both for firewood and to make charcoal. It is important to

note that charcoal for blast furnaces requires certain strength to maintain the physical integrity

of a load of ore and charcoal during smelting. Thus charcoal for a reverberatory furnace need

not have the same strength as charcoal for a blast furnace, and both could come from different

types of wood.

The average ratio over this decade was 204 kg of charcoal per kg of silver (Figure 4-45). A

minor amount of additional fuel would be required to cast the smelted silver into bars, but I

will consider this included in the discussion on amalgamation fuel requirements. This ratio is

one fifth the ratio of approximately 1,000 kg of charcoal per kg of silver reported in the

historiography (see Chapter 2).674

A very low ratio of one arroba (11.5 kg) of wood to smelt one quintal (46 kg) of ore is reported for silver
refining in Honduras, but it requires validation. See Newson, "Silver Mining Honduras," 51.







Jun-75 Jun-76 Jun-77 Jun-78 Jun-79 Jun-80 Jun-81 Jun-82 Jun-83 Jun-84 Jun-85

Figure 4-45. Weight of charcoal required to produce on average 1 kg of silver by smelting

(1875-1876). Raw data from the Informe Mensual.

4.6 The environmental loss vectors in the period 1872 to 1888.

Regla merged the requirements of two completely different silver refining operations

into an integrated whole. The challenge faced by whoever designed the Hacienda de Regla is

illustrated by the mass transit corridors needed to service the two parallel organizations shown

in Figure 4-46. These two completely different refining operations shared a somewhat

constrained physical location, between a stream and the sheer basalt sides of the gorge. There

were no conveyor belts, automatic hoppers or rotary mixers run on steam engines at Regla.

Man, horse and mule power received their only help from the endless supply of water coursing

through the stone channels, but it was still back-breaking work.675

On average every day at Regla over 35 t of materials were entering the compound

through a single gate, and another 35 t were in constant motion between the various process

areas of the Hacienda, some along transit corridors that had to handle two-way traffic. Since

both amalgamation and smelting were batch processes, the monthly averages do not fully

Any reader who has had to mix with a shovel just one bag of cement (50 kg) with sand and water will appreciate
the severity of the workload at Regla in preparing and handling one average torta without the aid of a cement

convey the peaks of internal mass transport or the intense physical activity whenever a torta

was prepared or broken up for washing. The constant backdrop to these bursts of activity was

the periodic arrival and storage of raw ore and materials, and the continuous feeding of ore to

the stamps and arrastres, the jaws of this industrial organism. This animal however had a most

wasteful metabolism, expelling as useless to its well-being over 99.6 % of what it consumed.

~ 1,000 t raw ore

~ 150 t salt, copper sulphate,
mercury, litharge, charcoal, wood

1.7 t silver ~ 1,000 t ore milled

processed in 24 t ore for
for amalgamation smelting
capellinas and smelting

0.4 t silver 5 t litharge

by smelting 80 t charcoal
989 t ore for
2 to 3 tortas,
>200 t, washed 9.4 tortas of
each week ~ 100 t each

direction of flow

Figure 4-46. Main mass transit corridors at Regla, average monthly quantities in the period
1872/73 and 1875/88 (amalgamation) and Jun 1875 to Jan 1886 (smelting).

The mass balances presented in Tables 4-IV and 4-VI are visually summarized in Figure

4-47. Four areas of the environment were impacted by the refining activities at Regla:

a. The stream flowing past the south and eastern perimeter walls of Regla.

The stream to the side of Regla becomes a tributary of the Rio Metztitlán, which in turn

flows until it reaches the natural dam of the Laguna de Metztitlán, approximately 60 km

downstream from Regla (Figure 4-48). The mean annual run-off of the river into the lake in

the twentieth century is estimated at 1.6 × 108 m3. Drainage from the bottom of the lake exits

to form the Almolón River, at a level 250m below the lake.676 In terms of mass, the majority

of the waste from Regla would be discharged into this stream. In terms of heavy metals, it

would be the conduit to dispose of around 90% of all mercury losses, mainly in the form of

calomel. The loss of lead via the stream would be minor since there is no textual evidence for

the dressing of ores at Regla.

volatile loss of mercury

from casting of silver
bars : 0.02 t direction of prevailing winds undetermined loss of lead and lead
compounds to the
atmosphere from
smelting : 4 t

Lead in slag and

fugitive emissions: 0.7 t
liquid mercury in
soil and entrained
in wash water: 0.3 t

waste slag, to landfill or

waterways: 24 t
mercury as calomel: 1.8 t
salt, copper compounds: 53 t
direction of flow
mineral silt: 987 t

Figure 4-47. Main loss vectors of waste material, monthly average at Regla in the period
1872/73 and 1875/88 (amalgamation) and Jun 1875 to Jan 1886 (smelting).

Max Suter, "A neotectonic-geomorphologic investigation of the prehistoric rock avalanche damming Laguna
de Metztitlán (Hidalgo State, east-central Mexico)," Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 21, no. 3 (2004):

Figure 4-48. The Valley of the Metztitlan River, Hidalgo State, Mexico. Satellite image from
Google Earth Image Landsat. The Lago de Metztitlan is situated at 20° 41’ 04” N 98° 51’ 01”
W. The depth of the valley floor relative to Regla is best appreciated in Figure 4-4.

Every year some 12,000 t of solids would be discharged into the stream, to join the

waste generated by the haciendas upstream of Regla (San Antonio and San Miguel). This was

enough material to have covered to a height of 2.5 m the whole patio area at Regla. In terms of

concentration, just the mercury in the calomel from Regla would represent 0.17% of mercury

(1700 ppm) encapsulated within the fine solid mineral silt from the milled ore. Taking into

account that the river Metztitlán discharges 160 million tons of water into the Laguna

Metztitlán every year, the impact of all these loss vectors would be dissipated as the flow of

water approached the lake. For example, even if all the mercury in calomel reached the lake

(an improbable scenario), it would be present as 0.1 ppm of the yearly flow of water into the

lake.677 Accumulated quantities over an 80 year production span in the nineteenth century

Modern studies on the presence of mercury downstream from artisanal centres of gold extraction using
mercury are detecting it as far away as 600 km from the site of mining. Sarah Diringer et al., "Mercury
Biogeochemistry and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Madre de Dios, Peru,"(Poster, 11th International
Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Edinburgh 2013).

would obviously be more significant, but I have not found any studies to date of core samples

either from the river beds or the lake sediments in this area.

b. The soil within the perimeter walls of Regla.

The soil of the patio area, and of the storage and handling areas for mercury would have

been impregnated with mercury that percolated through the tortas and through the wood slabs

that covered the patio. In contrast to the waste continually removed from Regla by the stream,

the soil within Regla would become a depository of accumulated liquid mercury, down to an

unknown depth. How much of this mercury would have been entrained in the skin and clothes

of the workforce and transported to their homes and families is unknown.

Fugitive losses of lead and litharge took place and would also have accumulated within

the perimeter of Regla, but I am not able to quantify this amount.

c. Airborne emissions and deposition of airborne particles in and around Regla.

Air was the domain of lead emissions, not of mercury. Up to 170 times more lead (as

lead and lead compounds) was issued to the air than mercury during the whole period covered

by this chapter. Taking into account that smelting was not carried out during certain years, or

that smelted silver only corresponds to 14% of all the silver produced during the period, this is

a significant ratio.678 From the point of view of the workers, lead fume posed a much more

concentrated threat in time than the constant but much lower level of mercury emissions.

A total of 301 t of silver was produced at Regla between 1872 and 1888 by amalgamation and 50 t by smelting.
According to my calculations set out in Tables 4-IV and 4-VI, for every 1 kg of silver refined by amalgamation,
10 g of mercury is lost as volatile matter, while for every kg of silver refined by smelting, a conservative estimate
is that 10 kg of total lead in lead fume is lost to the atmosphere. Over the whole period I project that approximately
3 t of mercury and 500 t of lead were lost as emissions to the atmosphere during the process.

Within Regla, high ambient levels of lead and lead compounds would permeate the

areas around the hearths of the blast furnaces and in the load floor during the charging of the

stack. Other areas within and without Regla would be subject to airborne diffusion of lead and

lead compounds in particles, and to the deposition of these airborne particles from the furnace

stacks. The exact footprint of these lead depositions can only be established on the basis of the

prevailing wind direction in the gorge. The isolation of the site and its location within a gorge

would have concentrated the impact of its air emissions to the workforce and local dwellings,

while minimizing it on the surrounding area.

d. Loss of woodland

Smelting was a much greater cause of deforestation than patio amalgamation at Regla.

Even with much more efficient blast furnaces at the end of the nineteenth century, charcoal

consumption was still thirty times greater for smelting than for patio amalgamation, based on

the heating energy requirements to produce 1 kg of silver.679 If the whole period is taken into

account, amalgamation at Regla would have required a total of just over 2,000 t of charcoal,

compared to approximately 10,000 t for smelting. In Chapter 2 I calculated that approximately

0.04 to 0.08 hectares of woodland could supply 200 kg of an average quality charcoal. The

total amount of woodland that would have been deforested in this period in order to supply the

heating requirements for Regla would have been in the range of 2,500 to 5,000 hectares, of

which more than 80% was due to the smelting process.

In 1855 Buchan reported on the woodlands available to the Company at that time:

Barrel amalgamation as practised at Regla was much more energy intensive than patio amalgamation, and the
conclusions drawn in this paragraph do not apply to it (see Chapter 5). For patio amalgamation I have calculated
7 kg of charcoal equivalent for every kg of silver refined. In the case of smelting it is approximately 200 kg of
charcoal per kg of silver refined.

‘our consumption of wood is not less than 60,000 tons ... per annum ... for the supply of this
fuel we hold ... some 25,000 acres, for the most part forest ... the nearest of these woods have
already, during the last twenty-five years, been much diminished; but we have lately acquired
others ... and with due care of the young trees which are reproducing in those portions already
many years cut, even our nearest forests are not likely soon to fail; while from a distance ... the
supply is inexhaustible’.680

Buchan was referring to the total requirement for timber and wood for charcoal for all

the operations of the Company, and steam engines and barrel amalgamation were major

consumers of energy. Even a deforestation at the lower estimate of 6,000 acres in total over

this period just to supply the needs of Regla represents an important fraction of the total forest

holdings owned by the company in 1855, even assuming reforestation over 20 year cycles.

4.7 Concluding remarks

Regla must have smelled not of riches but of rich animal manure and the sweat of

overworked men and animals, overlaid with the earthy overtones of the dark mud of the silver

ore slurry spread out over the patio. The smelting runs punctuated with their acrid sulphur the

softer background levels of wood smoke from the reverberatory furnaces. Gritty dust must have

coated all surfaces, dust from the stamp mills, from the piles of ore and charcoal and litharge,

dust whirling impotently, imprisoned within those imposing perimeter walls. The basalt

columns of the gorge resonated with the cacophony from the daily pounding of the stamps, the

whirring and scraping of the arrastres, the braying from the mule-trains, the neighing of the

horses and the shouts of the workmen. In the background water gurgled continuously through

channels, splashed from spouts, shoved against water-wheels, lubricated the ground ore, held

together slurries and wetted the tortas, washed away mountains of unwanted waste, out of sight

and out of mind, leaving the grounds of the Hacienda free from the eye-sore of hills of slag or

Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 19.

useless ore. It is no surprise that the first Conde de Regla chose the less intense Hacienda de

San Miguel as his residence, instead of the fortress at Regla. Over this ‘Babylonia’ of back-

breaking hard labour hung the mistrust and eternal vigilance of its management, overseeing the

production of the small but heavy silver bars with the same obsessive attention to detail that a

miser pays to his hoard. A cat and mouse game of accounting and production versus pilferage

of ore, mercury, amalgam and silver, played every day of the year under the gaze of guards and

overseers, regardless of barred gates and underground storage chambers.

‘Reduction power’ or ‘hacienda power’ are two powerful phrases from the English

business jargon of the mid-nineteenth century that explain the appetite of this industrial beast.

To increase the reduction power of the company was to ramp up the capacity to refine the

greatest quantity of the type of ore that could be produced by the mines. Since the ore came

with so little lead the original intention to rely on smelting became impractical once the plan

to dress the ores was discarded. The only remaining option was to increase the role of

amalgamation, either by the traditional patio process or by importing the Freiberg barrel

process to attempt to process the more difficult ores. The economy of scale behind ‘hacienda

power’ is the reason Regla was operated to its limits throughout the 1872 to 1888 period, with

a brief hiatus in 1874. The environmental impact of this ‘hacienda power’ at Regla can be

quantified thanks to the detailed accounting records that span over ten years continuous

production at the end of the nineteenth century.

The mercury legacy of silver refining at Regla lies dormant underground, as calomel

entombed along river beds or as mercury impregnating the soil within the hacienda, but only a

minor fraction as mercury dispersed long ago in the air. The air at Regla was the domain of

dust from the morteros or the lead fume from the Satanic furnaces. The first would tend to be

confined within the compound of the hacienda, the second would heavily contaminate the work

areas adjacent to the furnaces, or come to ground after having been spewed from chimneys

with no long flues or bag houses to protect their immediate surroundings. The English

managers and workers had brought pasties and football from England to Pachuca, but there is

no evidence of an attempt to collect the lead set free in the furnaces. The history of the English

investment in the mining and refining of silver at Pachuca is marked by the omission of the

techniques known at the time to control the loss of lead fumes to the environment.

In terms of sheer weight, it was the volume of solid waste that would have had a major

impact on the environment had it not been washed downstream, away from Regla. The impact

of large amounts of fine mineral silt, calomel and increased salt and copper levels in the water

used by other communities far from the three refining haciendas polluting this stream of water

remains to be studied and quantified. As to the impact on woodlands, all metallurgical activity

created the need for firewood and charcoal. The data from the end of the nineteenth century

show that improvements in furnace efficiency had brought down the consumption of charcoal

for smelting to five times less than the level reported for Pachuca one hundred years earlier.

Even then the forests around the haciendas were being cleared for wood, at a rate that would

have become a major obstacle had more ores been destined for smelting.

How representative is Regla of the overall environmental impact of silver refining in

Mexico? Regla produced a mix of silver from amalgamation and smelting that mirrors the

nineteenth century more than the colonial period, when smelting was more prevalent in New

Spain (Chapter 6). On average the quality of the ore amalgamated was 0.19% silver by weight,

and 1.9% silver by weight for smelting, if anything within the higher range of silver ores in

Mexico. The ores sent for patio amalgamation at Regla were mainly silver sulphide ores, as

were most of the ores of Mexico, with the presence of native silver. There was no help from

silver chlorides in these ores. The consumption of mercury, salt and copper sulphate at Regla

lies on the lower range of the historical scale, but not outside the expected parameters. The

total silver output from Regla during the period covered in this chapter reached a total of 350

t, which represents 0.7 % of all the silver refined in New Spain from the sixteenth to the end of

the eighteenth century. The operations at Regla at the end of the nineteenth century were as

chemically representative as any other from the end of the sixteenth century. Even iron, the

additive that first appears in the Vice-Royalty of Peru in the late sixteenth century, continues

to make its presence felt at Regla. Only the efficiency of the process could have improved

during this whole period, as shown by the marked reduction in the use of charcoal for smelting,

or the late switch to faster turn-around times for the tortas in the patio area, but not its chemical


Regla is thus a microcosm that faithfully embodies the practices of historical silver

refining in the New World. This whole thesis is predicated on ignoring the distracting

multiplicity of what is undoubtedly a complex historical scenario, while trying to use basic

chemistry and physics to focus on the metaphorical forest instead of so many trees. Wind

patterns are site-specific, the architecture will change the relative height differential between

chimneys and the perimeter walls, the efficiency of the processes will improve with experience

and design, refining haciendas will be isolated units in the countryside or embedded within

city limits, silver ores come in one hundred different flavours, but the picture that emerges from

Regla transcends these inevitable accidents of time and location. Lead in the lead fume was the

only heavy metal that was discharged to the air in great quantities as a consequence of the

totality of historical silver refining activities in New Spain / Mexico, right up to the end of the

nineteenth century. Calomel, the solid and insoluble chlorine salt of mercury (I), trapped nearly

all the consumption of mercury and was washed downstream from all the amalgamation

haciendas. The immediate danger of mercury lay in its constant contact with the skin, and in

the accumulation of liquid mercury in the soil within the perimeter walls or entrained during

the washing of the slurries.


The value of the account books kept for Regla and the other refining haciendas of the

Compañia Real del Monte is not limited to the insights on the mass balance and environmental

impact of the operations. By providing information on the economies of each refining process

they also become the key to understanding the choices open to the refiners of silver in the New

World, choices determined not only by the chemistry but also by the production cost of each

process, the subject of the next chapter.


5 The economies of refining silver.

‘nor, unfortunately, is it possible to calculate the costs of amalgamation as against those of

smelting. Even the price of labour is unknowable … costs of upkeep of plant, raw materials …
are similarly an unknown quantity … it is at this point … that lack of knowledge of the costs
of mining becomes a true hindrance to explanation’ Peter J. Bakewell, Silver Mining and
Society in Colonial Mexico: Zacatecas, 1546-1700 (1971)

‘unfortunately at present we possess little information as to the price trends of such

commodities as salt, lead, firewood and copper pyrites …in the last resort until long-term
account books are discovered and studied, any explanation must remain at best, hypothetical’
D. A. Brading, Miners and Merchants in Bourbon Mexico 1763-1810 (1971)

‘precise cost figures rarely show up in archival documents because producers did not keep
accounts that showed all capital and operational costs’ Richard L. Garner and Spiro E.
Stefanou, Economic Growth and Change in Bourbon Mexico (1990)

‘our degree of concrete knowledge on the costs of production is still very limited, since of all
the necessary items required by mines and silver refining haciendas, only mercury has been
the subject of detailed study … for the time being one can only tackle this topic from an
eminently theoretical perspective, devoid of sufficient quantitative fundamentals and extract
just a few provisional conclusions that may serve … as a guide to future research to be realized
from sources that are still virtually unexplored’ Jaime J. Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey y
de sus vasallos : minería y metalurgia en México (Siglos XVI Y XVII) (2010)681

5.1 The most valuable jewel of the Crown

The environmental history of silver refining in New Spain was not only defined by the

chemical nature of its ores, but also by the search for profits by the two groups of human actors

that exercised a choice between amalgamation and smelting. At ground level lay the private

sector involved in mining and refining, driven by the search for short-term substantial profits

to offset the high level of risk of their business. On a higher supervisory and legislative plane

‘en cualquier caso, nuestro nivel de conocimientos concretos sobre los costos de explotación es todavía muy
limitado, pues de todos los insumos necesarios para las minas y haciendas de beneficio, solo el mercurio ha sido
objeto de estudio detallado … por el momento solo es posible afrontar el tema desde una perspectiva
eminentemente teórica, desprovista de los suficientes fundamentos cuantitativos y extraer tan solo algunas
conclusiones provisionales que puedan ser … guía para futuras investigaciones realizadas a partir de fuentes
prácticamente inexploradas’

lay the Crown officials, having to respond to the pressure of providing cash flows to the Royal

Treasury by seeking to maximize the total fiscal rent from all activities related to silver refining

in New Spain. As a result, macroeconomic fiscal imperatives and microeconomic refining

production costs have to be analysed together with the chemical profile of the silver ores, so as

to understand how the final balance between amalgamation and smelting was arrived at, which

in turn determined the net environmental impact of silver refining in New Spain.

The role of the private sector in the production of silver in the New World is certainly

worthy of note, and is a reflection of the agency they exercised in the final choice between the

two refining options. When the first Conde de Regla died on the 27th November 1781, he left

what has been termed as ‘probably the largest estate of any noble in the colony [New Spain]’,

a sum that may have reached up to 5 million pesos. This included a hoard of 200,000 pesos in

silver coins and bars, an order of magnitude more typically associated with the content of the

royal treasury of New Spain.682 Though the Spanish Crown was the owner of all the minerals

to be found in its territories, it was private individuals who would retain around 80 percent of

the value of all the silver extracted and refined within the Spanish Empire as of the sixteenth

century, a very significant proportion by any standard.683 For nearly 300 years Spain placed the

whole financial risk of refining the silver ores of New Spain (and elsewhere in the New World)

on the pockets of private individuals. This primary risk was not attenuated in a major way by

any secondary support the Crown may have offered, as reflected in the survival rate within the

Couturier, The Silver King, 172.
Humboldt estimated that 13 to 19% of the value of silver was retained by the Crown. Humboldt, Essai politique,
Tome IV, 144-46.; 78.8% remained to the private silver refiner, according to Brown, History of Mining, 23.;
‘silver taxes accounted for at least 12 percent and mintage fees for another 6 percent of silver’s total value …
transportation and miscellaneous expenses another 3 to 4 percent’ in Garner and Stefanou, Economic Growth
Bourbon Mexico, 115. This large share of revenues left in the private sector is cited as one of the characteristics
of a ‘pro-business institutional framework’ in Rafael Dobado and Gustavo A. Marrero, "The Role of the Spanish
Imperial State in the Mining-led Growth of Bourbon Mexico's Economy," The Economic History Review 64, no.
3 (2011): 862.

mining and refining business. The first Conde de Regla was part of the very small group of

hugely successful investors and entrepreneurs who profited from this scheme. A far greater

anonymous mass of Spanish mineros and hacendados participated in the silver lottery of the

New World, where failure and bankruptcy was more common.684 Whatever their size or

success, the mining and refining operations created a novel and dangerous workplace context

for the indigenous workers, their communities and their environment. The extent of this

outstanding social and cultural debt on which the ultimate profitability of the Spanish silver

extraction industry was built remains invisible in the accounts to be analyzed in this chapter.

The Spanish Crown made one significant exception to its policy of allowing the

usufruct of its minerals in return for the payment of a royalty. The mercury mine in Spain at

Almadén would be operated by private parties until the mid-seventeenth century under lease to

the Crown, but throughout the colonial period the Crown retained a strict monopoly (estanco)

on the distribution and sale of mercury in the New World.685 No other raw material required

by the refining processes was subject to this attempt by Spain at a rigid control of both supply

and price, not even the silver ore itself. Why did mercury merit this singular attention? Mercury

was never simply another reagent, on par with salt or lead. Even before it was used to

amalgamate silver ores, the Reyes Católicos had considered the mines of Almadén to be the

In the Zacatecas of 1626, after 15 years of ‘unprecedented amounts of silver’, only 4 out of 95 owners of
haciendas and mines were truly rich, according to Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 207. See also "Colonial
Mining," 131. According to Brading, 8 out of 10 miners lost their money. Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 169-
The main reference work on Almadén are the two volumes by Antonio Matilla Tascón, Historia de las minas
de Almadén, 1 (desde la época romana hasta el año 1645) (Madrid: Gráficas Osca, 1958).; Historia de las minas
de Almadén, 2 (desde 1646 a 1709) (Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1987). The other world-scale mercury
mine that belonged to Spain during colonial times was Huancavelica, in the Vice-Royalty of Peru. Huancavelica
would be operated directly by the Crown, but since it supplied a minor fraction of the mercury consumed in New
Spain it will not be included in this chapter. One of the standard works on Huancavelica is by Guillermo Lohmann
Villena, Las minas de Huancavelica en los siglos XVI y XVII (Sevilla: Impr. de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-
Americanos, 1949). The mine at Idria (see Chapter 1) would also supply mercury to New Spain, mainly in the
eighteenth century. For studies on the mercury monopoly in New Spain see M.F. Lang, El monopolio estatal del
mercurio en el México colonial (1550-1710) trans. R.C. Gómez (Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1977).

jewel in their crown.686 In 1609 the Viceroy of New Spain, Luis de Velasco, claimed that ‘the

most important business that exists today in the Indies is the trade in mercury, because it is its

main pillar’, evidence of its major role for the trade in silver.687 The concern for mercury

throughout the colonial period was twofold. It was evidently the technical lynchpin of the

amalgamation process, but it was also in its own right a source of additional revenues to the

Treasury, so that its role in the refining of silver had to be protected.

There is some evidence that the Spanish Crown consciously sought to obtain the highest

possible price for mercury that the refiners in New Spain could bear, a kind of pragmatic

sounding out of the elasticity of this novel market. Still, it is difficult to ascertain how the initial

price levels were arrived at. There is an instruction from Joanna of Austria, the Princess

Governess of Spain during the temporal absence of Philip II, who around 1559 issued a Royal

Decree (Real Cédula) stating that ‘we would benefit [on the sale of mercury in the New World]

by earning double of what it costs over here [production cost at Almadén]’.688 Whether this

was simply a rule-of-thumb commercial advice of a timeless nature or an informed decision

thanks to unknown advisors is not clear. The initial pricing levels per quintal in New Spain

were certainly more than a doubling of the cost of production: 215 pesos in 1560, 310 pesos

in 1565 and 1568, dropping to 180 pesos between 1572 and 1591, then to 165 pesos in 1591,

110 pesos in in 1597 until finally settling in for some 150 years at 82 pesos from 1617


‘los Reyes Católicos estimaban estas minas [Almadén] “como la joya mas apreciable de la monarquía”’.
Alfredo Menéndez Navarro, Un mundo sin sol, Biblioteca Chronica Nova de Estudios Historicos (Granada:
Universidad de Granada / Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha, 1996), 158.
‘el negocio mas importante que existe hoy en las Indias es el comercio del azogue, porque es su principal
sustento’, as quoted in Castillo Martos and Lang, Metales preciosos - union de dos mundos, 139.
‘Nos seriamos muy aprovechados y en dicho azogue se ganaría el doble de lo que acá costase’ in Castillo
Martos, "Primeros beneficios amalgamacion," 378. It is not clear if she is referring to a sale price or net profit
equal to double the production cost.
There are many sources of mercury prices in New Spain during the colonial period in the historiography. I
have chosen the values reported in Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 172.

The highest prices for mercury are registered during the initial years of the introduction

of the amalgamation method to the New World. Comparing the level of New World prices to

the known data sets of production costs incurred at Almadén (Figure 5-1), there is a comfortable

margin between production costs (dots) and the price of mercury (solid black line) in New

Spain until at least 1767, when the first decrease in price from 82 to 61 pesos is implemented,

with the final decrease to 41 pesos decreed in 1776.690 This conclusion remains valid even

taking into account freight costs to the New World (2 to 3 pesos per quintal between 1568 and

1620s) and packing (under 3 pesos per quintal in 1619).691 Prior to the second half of the

eighteenth century, it was only around the 1660s that the margin had shrunk to levels that might

reflect some financial sacrifice on the part of the supplier. Garner considers that the profit on

mercury gained by the Spanish Crown ranged from 100 to 300 %.692 Only in the last 30 years

of this 300 year period could it be argued that mercury was by State design sold at or below its

production cost at Almadén.693

Production costs at Huancavelica were much higher, in the 58 to 73 pesos per quintal range. Brown, History
of Mining, 32. However, mercury at Potosi was priced only slightly higher than in New Spain, as shown by the
following values per quintal: 105 pesos in the sixteenth century, 97 pesos in 1645, 79 pesos in 1779, 71 pesos in
1787 and 50 pesos in 1809. Bakewell, "Colonial Mining," 122.
Matilla Tascón, Minas de Almadén (to 1645), 98, 221-222. Inland freight in New Spain was 3-4 pesos per
quintal in the 1620s. Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 171. I have not found longer time series for these
Garner and Stefanou, Economic Growth Bourbon Mexico, 138.
Matilla Tascón, Minas de Almadén (to 1645), 37-183.; Minas de Almadén (1646-1709), 97-113.
Complimentary information from Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 172.; Lang, Monopolio Estatal, 50, 64.
The end of the eighteenth century also saw the import of mercury from Idria, the ‘German mercury’ that appears
in the accounts of the various Cajas Reales of New Spain, which was priced at the higher level of 62 pesos per
quintal. Garner and Stefanou, Economic Growth Bourbon Mexico, 139. According to Humboldt, Idria mercury
was priced at 52 pesos per quintal in 1784, but still provided a profit of 23% to the Spanish Crown. Humboldt,
Essai politique, Tome IV, 87, 89. This change in Crown policy is one of the consequences of ‘early Bourbon
reformism’ and signalled a decisive change from mercantilist policies on mercury to the proactive fostering of
silver production, according to Dobado and Marrero, "The Role of the Spanish Imperial State in the Mining-led
Growth of Bourbon Mexico's Economy," 869.

production cost
price New Spain
pesos per quintal

1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800

Figure 5-1. Production cost and price of mercury in New Spain, plotted from data in footnote

Direct revenues from the sale of mercury were as prized by the Spanish Treasury as

those from taxes on silver: According to Herbert Klein ‘there is little doubt that mercury sales

were the single largest generator of income [from monopoly taxes] in ... Mexico’.694 The level

of that net income, once production costs at Almadén or payments for mercury from Idria have

been accounted for, has not been calculated, but the gross figures are impressive. From 1680

to 1809, the gross revenue from the mercury monopoly in New Spain was approximately 30%

of the total revenues obtained by the Crown from mining activities.695 A similar breakdown is

Herbert S. Klein, The American Finances of the Spanish Empire : Royal Income and Expenditures in Colonial
Mexico, Peru, and Bolivia, 1680-1809 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1998), 18.
Based on the data in Table 5.2 (Estimated Average Annual Income from Mining Taxes, Vice-Royalty of New
Spain, 1680-1809) and Table 5.3 (Estimated Average Annual Monopoly Tax Incomes, Vice-Royalty of New
Spain, 1680-1809), assuming 30% of the average values in table 5.3 correspond to the sale of mercury (the
percentage of total monopoly revenues corresponding to mercury related revenues is provided by Klein). Ibid.,
19, 80, 86. It is not clear if Klein derives his estimate of 30% from primary sources. An estimate based on an
average price of mercury at 72 pesos during this period, and government duties at 20% on silver indicates that
mercury revenues should have been at least 40% of silver revenues. The difference with Klein’s estimate may be
due to a combination of incomplete records. It has been estimated that even at the peak periods of silver
production, tax revenues from silver of the New World contributed one third of the revenues of the Spanish
Treasury. Mauricio Drelichman and Hans-Joachim Voth, "Institutions and the Resource Curse in Early Modern
Spain," in Institutions and Economic Performance ed. Elhanan Helpman (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University

observed in the data reported by Mendizábal for Pachuca in the early seventeenth century, with

50,000 pesos in revenues from silver taxes, and 30.000 pesos from the sale of mercury.696 Even

if adjusted by half to take into account production costs and freight to New Spain (inland freight

was charged and accounted for separately within New Spain), the data confirm that mercury

was an important source of revenue to the Crown in its own right.

In the light of the above, what can be deduced on the policy of the Spanish Crown in

setting the prices for mercury in New Spain? The question is most pertinent since mercury is

the economic parameter that has attracted the most attention in the historiography on

production costs of amalgamation (see Section 5.2 below). As argued above, there is no

evidence of mercury being sold consistently below its production cost before the third quarter

of the eighteenth century. On pricing alone, the Crown was able to maintain a positive and

substantial level of revenue thanks to its monopoly on mercury. This took place against two

different operating models at Almadén. During the first century of amalgamation in New Spain

the mercury mines of Almadén mines were leased to private concerns, with production targets

and price set by the Crown in a public tender. After 1646 the mines would be run directly under

the management of the Crown. The following two sections will explore how the Crown

exploited its mercury from Almadén under each regime.

5.1.1 The Spanish Crown ‘ganando indulgencias con escapulario ajeno’.697

Jakob Fugger, the founder of the banking dynasty, had managed to translate the very

risky business of lending money to powerful, unpredictable and profligate royal debtors into a

Press, 2008), 137. This would have made mercury sales the contributor of up to 10% of total revenues for the
Treasury in Spain.
Mendizábal, "Minerales de Pachuca," 274. His data are more in line with the expected ratio.
‘earning indulgences with another’s scapular’. A Spanish saying with strong Catholic overtones, it refers to
gaining credit (religious indulgence) thanks to the sacrifices made by someone else (i.e. the symbolic commitment
of having to wear a scapular under one’s clothing).

huge personal fortune by claiming as collateral two valuable royal assets: land and minerals.

Well before the first Conde de Regla bought his entry to Spanish nobility thanks to the refining

of silver, Jakob Fugger had made a personal fortune from the mining and refining of silver and

copper in Mitteleuropa. Columbus had not yet sailed to the New World when it was already an

accepted practice of the Hapsburgs to raise loans by allowing the lender to take over the mining

and refining of whatever commercial minerals happened to lie within their lands. Unpaid loans

to the Crown came to be considered by the Fuggers as strategic sunk costs in return for net

overall gains, whether as interest payments, minting rights or royal patronage in turbulent times

of defaults by the Crown. As Charles V and then his son Phillip II managed to extract even

greater sums from the heirs of Jakob Fugger, so was the Fugger family drawn into the sphere

of royal assets in Spain, claiming as collateral the revenues from the Maestrazgos and

ultimately the running of the silver mine at Guadalcanal. One of the prime assets of the

Maestrazgos was the mercury mine of Almadén. The Fugger banking house would manage the

mine in a series of periods that started in 1525 and would continue, with some lapses, until

1645, by which time the financially depleted banking family had ceded the production contract

of Almadén back to the Crown.698

Matilla Tascón comments that the first contract to operate Almadén was offered as early

as 1525 ‘in order to compensate him [Anton Fugger], according to what is said, for all that was

owed to him by Charles V’.699 The trail of debts owed by the Spanish sovereigns to the Fuggers

up to mid seventeenth century as reported in the historiography does not differentiate what was

owed due to mercury supplied from Almadén and what corresponded to unpaid capital and

accrued interest. The following snapshots however provide enough information to suggest a

Matilla Tascón, Minas de Almadén (to 1645), 37-326.
‘a fin de compensarle, según se afirma, de lo mucho que Carlos V le adeudaba’ ibid., 37.

financial crash in slow motion. By 1560 the total debt owed to them by the Spanish Crown

reached the sum of 2,975,797 ducats of 375 maravedies (over 4 million pesos).700 In 1582 the

Fuggers failed to produce mercury, and Matilla Tascón conjectures that this may have been

linked to the fact that the Crown could not be trusted to pay them on time. By the end of 1633

the Spanish Crown’s debts to the Fuggers reached over 4.7 million pesos. The representative

of the Fuggers at Almadén complained to the Crown officials that no payments had been

received for shipments of mercury from 1631 to 1633, and only partial ones had been made for

1630. In at least 1639 and 1645 remittances from New Spain derived from the sale of mercury

were diverted to pay pressing obligations of the Crown, not to pay outstanding obligations on

mercury to the Fuggers.701 In the end, the Fuggers could not meet the delivery targets of the

contract that run from 1636 to 1645.702

The leasing of Almadén to the Fuggers by the Crown took place well before silver

changed the order of magnitude of the market for mercury, yet I suggest it would lead to a

singular solution for its needs.703 On the one hand Almadén would serve as a collateral whose

value grew apace both with the need for mercury in the New World and with the increasing

amount of debt owed to the Fuggers. At the same time, part or all of the debt outstanding to the

Fuggers could be considered by the Crown as accounts receivable of the Fuggers, to be borne

in increasing amounts by Almadén, repayable by the Crown at some point in the indeterminate

future. By 1633 the total debt owed by the Crown to the Fuggers was equivalent to roughly

50,000 quintales of mercury at market price, capable of producing 5 million marks (1.2 million

kg) of silver by amalgamation at a correspondencia of 100 marks per quintal. From 1560 to

Ibid., 87.
Lang, Monopolio Estatal, 79.
Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 166-167.
There is no similar reading in the historiography nor a reference to documents of the period stating an explicit
policy of the Crown along the lines of my interpretation.

1639 a total of approximately 8 million kg of silver were refined by both amalgamation and

smelting in New Spain.704 Assuming that at least one quarter of this total was smelted in this

period, this means that up to 20% of the total silver produced by amalgamation in New Spain

by 1640 could have been due to mercury seemingly gifted by the Crown but ultimately paid

for (as irrecoverable debt) by the Fuggers.705 Since the values of mercury debt reported in the

historiography for New Spain do not reach the level of 4 million pesos, it is probable the Crown

did not even pass on the benefit of the total Fugger debt to the refiners in New Spain.706

The role of the Fuggers throughout this period raises at least two questions: why did

they persevere until they went bankrupt, and why did they not reap the benefit from a textbook

example of a new technology opening up a completely new market for a product only produced

by them under licence from the Crown? To the first there is an article by the German historian

of the Fuggers, Hermann Kellenbenz, which asks through its title whether the rent of the

Based on a total of approximately 8 million kg of silver produced in New Spain from 1560 to 1639, according
to Table 3-1 in TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 112.
Almadén was the sole source of mercury in New Spain during most of the colonial period.
According to Lang, the debt run up on mercury by silver refiners in New Spain had already reached 1,080,000
pesos as early as 1580. Lang, Monopolio Estatal, 361. According to Bakewell the debt in New Spain by 1590 had
increased to 1,828,787 pesos, and would still remain at 1.1 million pesos by 1597. To place these sums in
perspective, new sales of mercury to the provinces of New Spain and Pachuca-Pánuco from 1590 to 1597 totaled
some 2,500,000 pesos. Bakewell, "Notes Mexican Mining," 175-177. By the end of the sixteenth century a
significant portion of the mercury that had been supplied had not been paid for. ‘another of the correct appraisals
by Calderon was to recognize that the [mercury] debt of the miners was irreversible’ – ‘otro de los aciertos de
Calderon fue reparar que la deuda de los mineros era irreversible’, cited from a report from Alfonso Calderon
to the Concejo de Indias, 15 April 1582 as quoted in Cubillo Moreno, "Dominios de la plata," 166. While there is
no study of the average longevity of a mining-refining venture in New Spain during the last decades of the
sixteenth century, it seems probable that not many of the original debtors were still in operation after seven years
or more even if the Crown had decided to forcefully claim the sums owed on mercury: ‘in Mexico, a mining
success or bonanza rarely lasted more than a decade without the need arising for major capital investment’.
Brading, "Mexican Silver Mining," 674. For mining/refining in the absence of bonanzas this period would be
expected to be shortened. Bakewell and Lang report a persistent debt on mercury throughout New Spain during
all the seventeenth century, with. Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 207.; Lang, Monopolio Estatal, 361.
Castillo Martos states that the debt continued to be rolled over, never repaid, and a century later, in 1763, was
approximately 1.12 million pesos for New Spain. Castillo Martos and Lang, Metales preciosos - union de dos
mundos, 54, 145. A similar situation was also observed in the Vice-Royalty of Peru, with a mercury debt of 2.5
million pesos run up in Potosí as reported for the year 1608. Brading, "Mexican Silver Mining," 48. Nearly a
century later the rolling debt remained high: ‘some azogueros never paid for the mercury advanced to them,
creating huge fiscal deficits. In the late seventeenth century, the Potosí refiners owed the treasury more than a
million pesos in mercury debts, most of which the Crown never collected’ in Brown, History of Mining, 23.

Maestrazgos was good business for the Fuggers in Spain after 1562. His short answer is yes,

due to payments of interest rates that offered a way of slowly amortizing the outstanding debt

and from collateral business opportunities, such as profits from arbitrage with Spanish silver

minted at Hall (Tyrol) and Venice. Events not analyzed by Hellenbenz however indicate that

ultimately by the mid-1640s the inclusion of Almadén had only aggravated their problem

instead of solving it. The Fuggers had tried to extract themselves from the Spanish Monarchy’s

version of a Ponzi scheme as early as the 1550s. However the lure of fresh future cash flows

offered as bait on each new demand for loans extended their line of credit to the breaking

point.707 As to the brave new world for mercury opened up by amalgamation, there is a certain

irony in the fact that by inadvertently financing the introduction of amalgamation, the Fuggers

became too weak to benefit from it.

5.1.2 The financing of Almadén and the price of mercury in New Spain.

The mercury debt owed by refiners to the Crown from the introduction of amalgamation

in New Spain had been continually rolled over by successive Viceroys until Madrid issued

instructions in 1634 to demand prompt payment from refiners for any new supplies of silver.

This in turn has been interpreted as a watershed in the history of refining in New Spain, since

the new and tougher attitude of the Crown with respect to mercury sales is claimed to have

triggered a major switch from amalgamation to smelting after the 1650s.708 This in turn

introduced a major change in the profile of the environmental footprint left by the refining of

silver. Lacueva places the context of this decision in 1634 to the new financial strategy of the

Duque de Olivares, who since the ascension to the throne of the young King Philip IV in 1621

Hermann Kellenbenz, "Los Fugger en España en la época de Felipe II Fue un buen negocio el arrendamiento
de los Maestrazgos después de 1562?," in Dinero y crédito (Siglos XVI al XIX), ed. Alfonso Otazu(Madrid-
Villalba-Segovia: Banco Urquijo 1977), 19-36.
Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 84.

had been implementing new ways to strengthen the collection of royal revenues. 709 However,

the evidence presented in the previous section could also point to the realization by the Crown

that the loans by the Fuggers, that had kept the mercury debt of New Spain rolling over for

nearly one hundred years, were coming to an end.

The return of the mines to the direct control of the Crown did not offer any stability

with regards their operational budget:

‘[in the seventeenth century] the revenues from mercury sales to the Royal Treasuries … were
diverted repeatedly to satisfying urgent needs of the Crown … deprived of a stable budget,
Almadén and Huancavelica survived thanks to financial improvisations’.710

Matilla Tascon’s detailed history of this period highlights persistent problems meeting

the wages of its workforce or new capital investment in infrastructure, and a Royal Treasury

using alternate regional taxes to fund Almadén. Even if the Crown had intended to manage the

mines on the basis of their revenues from New Spain, this revenue never reached them in full

or in a regular manner.711 Variations in this eclectic manner of financing Almadén continue

until 1708, when the oversight of the mine passes from the Real Hacienda to a Junta de

Ibid., 79-87.
‘[en el siglo 17] los ingresos a las Cajas Reales por la venta de azogue … se desviaron repetidamente hacia
compromisos urgentes de la Corona … privados de su dotación estable, Almadén y Huancavelica sobrevivían
gracias a la improvisación financiera’ Castillo Martos and Lang, Metales preciosos - union de dos mundos, 146.
In 1648 its workforce had not received their wages in nearly two years, the total labour debt at the time reaching
21.3 million maravedises (approximately 78,000 pesos). There was no money either to pay for the costs of new
furnaces. The solution was to offer at least food to the workers (wheat, barley, oil) and to request the transfer of
funds from revenues to the Crown (servicio de millones) due from surrounding towns (Alcázar, Villanueva de los
Infantes, Ciudad Real). Ten years later the Kin g was still instructing the Viceroy in New Spain, the Conde de
Alba de Aliste, to send to Spain as a separate remittance the revenues accrued from the sale of mercury in New
Spain, the sum of 25 million maravedies, to cover investment in the mines. From 1650 to 1657, 3,165,814 pesos
worth of mercury was delivered to Veracruz in New Spain, but only 678,887 pesos were remitted to Spain. It
cannot be a surprise that from May 1658 to May 1659 production ceased at Almadén for lack of funds. By 1669
New Spain had still not sent to Spain the sum of 2,265,093 pesos still owed for mercury supplied in previous
years. The consistent failure of this type of instructions, which according to Matilla Tascón were obeyed but never
executed in the time honoured tradition of the authorities of the Hispanic New World, led the president of the Real
Hacienda in Madrid in 1672 to assign specific amounts to be destined to the mines of Almadén from the revenues
owed from the towns and regions of Córdoba, Villanueva de la Serena, Extremadura, Llerena and Trujillo. Matilla
Tascón, Minas de Almadén (1646-1709), 37-39, 117, 121.; Lang, Monopolio Estatal, 80-81.

Azogues, which is described by Matilla Tascón as giving ‘palos de ciego’ (‘swings by a blind

man with a stick’, a Spanish phrase that denotes any action taken in desperate ignorance of

what is going on), as they tried to resolve the financing of operations at Almadén. The mine

accounts had been inexistent for the past 5 years.712

The administrators of the operations at Almadén had no direct access to the sales

revenues obtained from its ultimate customers in New Spain. In contrast, the monopoly sales

from tobacco in New Spain were treated as a separate revenue channel that was sent directly

back to Spain, bypassing the option for the local Vice-Royalty to spend it.713 If the budget

destined to maintain Almadén in operation was not sourced from the revenues obtained from

its sales in New Spain, then the pricing of mercury was not determined by the normal sequence

of production costs, capital investment, financing costs, expected return on capital and market

reality (or elasticity). In such circumstances the application of any price level of mercury to its

main market in the New World becomes more a question of maintaining traditional levels

known to be acceptable, both as gross revenue streams to the Royal Treasury and by the needs

of the refiners, to be adjusted only by the inspiration from the authority in place. The previous

sections have underlined the discretionary nature of the price level of mercury for

amalgamation, for which no historical evidence has been found that it was an informed decision

based on the concatenated economies on the supply and production side of the silver refining


Matilla Tascón, Minas de Almadén (1646-1709), 125. Lang argues that the fortunes of Almadén prospered
during the eighteenth century once the Junta de Azogues could follow the interests of the Consejo de Indias and
not of the Royal Treasury. Lang, Monopolio Estatal, 63-96.
Klein, American Finances of the Spanish Empire, 85, 94.

5.1.3 The environmental impact of the Crown monopoly on mercury.

A geological quirk of fate had placed the world’s major source of mercury within the

mainland of Spain, with enough capacity to supply nearly all the needs of New Spain. The

Spanish Crown always regarded its Almadén mine as a special asset, and industrial scale

amalgamation applied to the huge deposits of silver ore in New Spain raised its role as a

revenue source to the Royal Treasury to unexpected levels. Since the mercury consumed in

New Spain was to all practical purposes only sourced from Almadén, the strict control that

resulted from the Crown monopoly of sales of mercury in New Spain also added the attraction

of attenuating the production of contraband silver. Thanks to the correspondencia benchmark,

the Crown officials could apportion mercury based on the production levels of silver, and not

simply on the word of the refiner. The combination of a centralized source and an easy to apply

operational benchmark made mercury a better option than lead or salt to keep track of the

official production of silver and the corresponding payment of taxes.714

The question is therefore whether its obvious value as a revenue stream to the Treasury

influenced the use of amalgamation in New Spain, and thus altered the course of its

environmental history. Did the Crown take the conscious decision to manipulate the price of

mercury so as to tilt the balance in favour of amalgamation versus smelting, thus guaranteeing

an additional stream of revenues from its monopoly on mercury? The question recognizes that

Smelting was a refining operation on the household scale which for certain ores would not even have required
a lead flux, so its control would be limited during colonial times. It could be argued that a rigid State control of
salt would have been easier to implement, simply because its high bulk density would have made it much harder
to traffic by contraband the large amounts required. The Spanish Crown only established a royalty on the
production of salt from the major salt deposits in New Spain. The policy of the Crown in relation to salt in New
Spain is similar to its policy on the usufruct of silver ores: ‘it became obvious the Crown was avoiding all
expenditure, even when, by so doing, some larger income was foregone’. The sources of salt in New Spain were
multiple and ‘on the periphery [where] it proved difficult to impose any strict control’. Local indigenous
production was allowed in certain locations, as well as the farming out of production contracts to Spaniards.
Ewald, Mexican Salt Industry, 19,21. As of the eighteenth century it established the Royal Monopoly of Salt Pans
(Real Monopolio de Salinas). Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 79-81.

other important factors came into play in determining the balance between amalgamation and

smelting, such as the chemical nature of the ore and the limits on the availability of all the

resources required for each process.715 Even so, the Crown could still have a deciding role, by

actions such as withholding incentives in the search for lead deposits in New Spain, or

guaranteeing the supply of cheaper mercury rather than cheaper charcoal. With no restrictions

on raw materials and attractive pricing, smelting could have processed the widest range of

silver ores in New Spain. The same could not be said of amalgamation.

Two parallel lines relevant to this question run through the primary sources of New

Spain. One is the constant attempt throughout the colonial period in the New World to

safeguard the level of mercury revenues to the Crown.716 The other is the express intention of

high officials to ‘succour’ the refiners, recognizing that without the production of silver there

was no major source of mercury revenues for the Crown.717 The tension between these two

opposing drivers is evident: how far was the Crown willing to sacrifice its mercury revenues

in order to assist refiners? The texts of the eighteenth century (Section 5.3) explicitly state the

choice in mathematical terms, balancing the expected increase in silver taxes to the Crown

against the expected loss of mercury revenues incurred by decreasing its price.

Chapter 6 will analyze the historical breakdown between smelting and amalgamation in New Spain and the
influence of these factors.
In Chapter 3, Section 3.5, reference was made to the zeal in prosecuting innovators in Potosí who in the late
sixteenth century were searching for a more efficient use of mercury, which was feared to lower the volume of
mercury revenues to the Crown. During the period of the Bourbon revision of mining and refining practices there
was relief that smelting would never come to displace amalgamation, as examined in Francisco Pelayo López,
"Las actividades mineras de J.C. Mutis y Juan José Elhuyar en Nueva Granada," Revista de Indias 50, no. 189
(1990): 462..
‘[it] succours the whole body of miners with the necessary mercury, taking note of those who need it and
practising the due diligence to maintain the integrity of this activity’ - ‘se socorre el cuerpo todo de la minería
con el azogue necesario, tomando cuenta a los que deben darla, y practicando las diligencias convenientes al
seguro del ramo’. This is a description of the role of the General Accountant for the Royal Mercury as quoted in
Alejandro Espinosa Pitman, José Antonio de Villaseñor y Sánchez, 1703-1759 (San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., México:
Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, 2003), 56.

Modern historiography has interpreted the pricing policy on mercury by the Spanish

Crown as a subsidy from the sixteenth century onwards. Herbert Klein is one of the several

authors who insists in the importance of the Crown subsidy to mercury. As he phrases it: ‘on

the question of subsidized mercury prices … the role of the crown [was] a major influence in

mine production’.718 Lacueva refers the decision by the Crown to demand prompt payment of

mercury supplied to refiners in New Spain as a key event that ‘signalled the end … of the

indiscriminate subsidy by the Crown … it became necessary to seek in the private sector the

capital required to maintain afloat this sector’.719

It is not clear what is meant by the above use of the term subsidy, a word and concept

that I have not come across in the documents of the period. The historical term subsidy in

England in the seventeenth century meant ‘a tax levied at a given rate (specified in the statute)

on the value of an individual’s movable goods or their income from land (whichever

greater)’.720 This is obviously not the case in New Spain, where the Crown ‘succoured’ the

miners via the supply of mercury at a set price or through the pardoning of outstanding loans.

In its modern economic sense, subsidy is an informed decision, based on a detailed knowledge

of the impact on the production cost structure of the process to be favoured by the subsidy. In

principle some greater national good (strategic, financial) must justify the channelling of

resources to compensate what by itself would be a loss-making or non-competitive business.

‘A subsidy is a form of government support extended to an economic sector … with the aim of

promoting an activity that the government considers beneficial to the economy overall and to

Klein, American Finances of the Spanish Empire, 82.
‘supuso el fin … de la subvención indiscriminada de la Corona … fue necesario acudir a la iniciativa privada
con el fin de allegar el capital necesario para mantener a flote el sector’. Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 84.

society at large’.721 It is therefore not evident how the policy of the Spanish Crown with respect

to mercury supplied to its colonial silver refiners meets the modern definition of a subsidy.

First of all, according to the history of mercury prices in New Spain (Figure 5-1), the

highest values of all its market history are registered precisely in the first decades when the

amalgamation process was being implemented in New Spain. This is the stage one expects a

subsidy to be applied, to assist the new technology in gaining a foothold against the much more

traditional process of smelting. Once amalgamation had taken hold, a major incentive to

sacrifice revenues to the Crown from mercury sales disappeared.

Second, as a consequence of its policy of allowing the usufruct of its silver ores, the

Spanish State had no first-hand experience during this period on the day-to-day running of a

silver refining industry by amalgamation. It had not even been able to administer directly the

Guadalcanal silver mine discovered in 1555, transferring its operation to the German financing

family of the Fuggers. Even if it had, the ore produced was fit for smelting, not amalgamation.

Amalgamation processes would only be implemented in Spain during the nineteenth century,

at the silver mine of Hiendelaencina, and even then under the instance of English investors.722

Its knowledge on the economic needs of the amalgamation process was at best second-hand,

based on information supplied by the parties most interested in obtaining cheap

consumables.723 The empirical fact that even at the high end of mercury prices the volume of

Norman Kent Jennifer Myers, Perverse Subsidies : How Tax Dollars Can Undercut the Environment and the
Economy (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2000), 5-8. Current definitions of a subsidy can be as varied and
complex as a reader may wish, since modern international trade and tax systems have now made subsidies a
complex legal battleground.
In his obituary, a John Taylor born at Holwell, near Tavistock, Cornwall in 1808, son of a Mr. John Taylor, is
mentioned as having been involved in the setting up of the Bella Raquel mining company that used the Freiberg
barrel amalgamation process to process the silver ores from the Hiendelaencina mines. It is most probable the
experience of John Taylor, father, at Real del Monte was being recycled now in Spain. Anonymous, "Memoirs of
members deceased in 1881," Proceedings - Institution of Mechanical Engineers 36 (1882): 14.
‘The Crown …did not intervene … in the day to day technical decisions of production, nor in their financing’
-‘La Corona … no intervino … en las decisiones técnicas que marcaban el día a día de la explotación, ni en su
financiación’. Julio Sánchez Gómez and Guillermo Mira Delli-Zotti, "Minería americana y minería europea,

New World silver flooded over world markets, overwhelming at the beginning the European

silver industry, gave the pragmatic answer to the Spanish officials that the mercury price being

applied was enough to insure continued production of silver, an argument that would hold until

the middle of the eighteenth century. The only quantitative production parameter that can be

claimed on historical evidence to have been available from the sixteenth century to the Spanish

authorities was the correspondencia. At a price of around 120 pesos per quintal of mercury in

the late sixteenth century, the cost of mercury would correspond initially to approximately 15%

of the value of silver produced by amalgamation.724 Had a subsidy been intended, a much lower

pricing range for mercury would have been adopted.

Third, accepting the premise that a flexible interpretation of subsidy would include not

only a price drop but also the non-payment of outstanding loans on supply, up to 1646 events

have revealed that if on the one hand the Crown in Spain was not receiving all the revenue

from the sale of mercury, neither was the Crown paying the Fuggers for all the mercury that

was being distributed in New Spain. German private capital had provided what Lacueva termed

as the ‘indiscriminate subsidy’ up to 1646. A forced largesse of this nature cannot be interpreted

as a subsidy to the refiners by the Spanish Crown, but rather the result of an opportunistic

financial play that evolved in time, contingent on unfolding events on either side of the


1750-1820: una perspectiva comparada," in Mundialización de la ciencia y cultura nacional: Actas del Congreso
Internacional "Ciencia, Descubrimiento y Mundo Colonial", ed. A. Lafuente, et al.(Aranjuez (Madrid): Doce
Calles, 1993), 107.
One kg of silver is equivalent to 4.4 marks, or approximately 35 pesos in value. Two kg of mercury are 0.043
quintales, which at 120 pesos per quintal represent 5 pesos in value. This represents some 15% of the total value
of silver refined. As the price of mercury dropped to 82 pesos, the cost of mercury as a percentage of the value of
silver refined would decrease to around 10%.
The Spanish Crown did offer its indirect support to miners and refiners in the New World, though the local
elites would have been expected to reap the most from this assistance (preferential supply of mercury to major
refining concerns, dispensations from the payment of royalties, and other major tweaks to the system). The fact
that the English investors in the region around Pachuca as late as the nineteenth century had to invest major
capital simply building roads is an indication of the limited extent of the Crown’s involvement in the general

Fourth, it is only after 1776 that the price of mercury in New Spain is seen to drop to

the level of its production cost, or even below, the first clear sign that one of the conditions of

a subsidy has been met. After 1776 the sacrifice of mercury revenues to the Crown had to be

justified not only by a significant increase in silver production but also by an efficient use of

the cheaper mercury, the latter a condition that will be further explored in Chapter 6.

Underlying the question as to whether a subsidy ever existed with regards to mercury

pricing set by the Crown in New Spain are two more fundamental issues. First, a subsidy is

applied by decreasing the cost to the producer of the input that has the greater impact in

determining the final price of the product, in order to allow it to compete in the market. The

price of silver in the period of interest was independent of the price of mercury, or of any of its

manufacturing inputs by either process, since it had remained fixed over centuries by other

economic conventions (Section 5.4). A decrease in the price of mercury by the Crown sought

completely different objectives. It increased the incentives for private individuals to assume

the business risk of producing silver, it increased the production of silver by increasing the

amount of ores that could now be profitable to refine by amalgamation, and it affected the

overall balance between amalgamation and smelting so as to keep the former in the

infrastructure required by its silver industry. The extent to which the ordinary miner-refiner benefitted from the
assistance of the Spanish Crown can be better judged in relation to what the German miners still received from
their King in the region of the High Harz at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The King had the right to
retain one tenth of the value of the minerals extracted (silver, lead, copper); to have a share in each mine, around
3%; to build all the common infrastructure required by mining and refining (water reservoirs, galleries to discharge
water from mines, for crushing the ore, and smelters) and to operate the washing and smelting of ores exclusively,
all for a fee payable by each mine. Finally, the Crown bought exclusively the lead and copper at a price lower
than market prices, and profited from the difference (silver was coined at the official rate). On the other hand, the
King had the obligation to provide all the wood required by mining and refining at no cost except that of cutting
and freight; all other industrial consumables were sold at a regulated price, at times below market; the chief
officials for mining, smelting and forests were paid by the Crown, all other wages by each mine; the Crown would
provide a fixed amount of cereal (rye) at a low price to each worker; the Crown would partially compensate the
mine for unexpected increases in certain materials if it could prove unable to meet the new prices; it would also
compensate for certain increases in the price of oats required for the animals used in mining; injured or sick
workers were cared for, and a fund established for widows. There is a major difference between the above and
providing a legal framework for the claims of mines, selling mercury above its cost of production, and providing
escorts for the shipments of silver. Héron de Villefosse, De la richesse minérale du Royaume de Westphalie, 89-

ascendancy.726 Had the Crown decided to supply lead or charcoal below their production costs,

the balance would have tilted towards smelting.727 At the same time, the only reason that could

convince the Crown to sacrifice its revenues on mercury was to compensate with an increase

in the royalties it received from silver production and the concurrent increase in the monopoly

sale of mercury.

It has been an implicit assumption in all the previous discussion in the historiography

that the price of mercury was the defining economic factor that determined the competition

between smelting and amalgamation, or even the final production levels of silver in New Spain.

However, there is a dearth of hard economic data on production costs for amalgamation and

smelting in the historiography to sustain this assumption, as will be made evident by the review

presented in the following section.

5.2 The historiography on the economies of refining.

The historians of silver refining in the New World have been in the same quandary as

the Spanish Crown. They know how much silver was registered, how much mercury was sold

and at what price, but are quite in the dark as to the exact production costs involved in the

amalgamation or smelting of silver ores in the New World. Even mercury, the most studied of

all consumables of this period, was left at the end of the previous section with major questions

pending regarding its exact economic impact on the production costs of amalgamation and its

role in determining production levels of silver in New Spain. The quotations cited at the

beginning of this chapter show how the foremost English and Spanish historians of colonial

Dobado and Marrero argue that ‘it was in the interest of the Crown that amalgamation should be the preferred
technique for silver refining’, in Dobado and Marrero, "The Role of the Spanish Imperial State in the Mining-led
Growth of Bourbon Mexico's Economy," 866.
The balance in refining processes will be treated in Chapter 6. See also the analysis of the shifting balance
between amalgamation and smelting and the influence of mercury and lead costs and availability in Blanchard,
Russia's "Age of Silver". Precious-metal Production and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century 3-31.

silver refining have found a landscape quite devoid of hard economic data on the production

of silver from ores in the New World.728

The first historical attempt at an economic analysis of the production costs of

amalgamation for New Spain was written in the mid-eighteenth century.729 It is a discussion in

print between the Accountant General of the Royal Mercury (Contador General de los Reales

Azogues) José Antonio de Villaseñor y Sanchez and the Overseer of the Royal Mint

(Guardavista de la Casa de la Moneda), Jose Antonio Fabry.730 It takes place between 1741

and 1743, and contains as its central theme the two main arguments used at this time in favour

and against a decrease in the rice of mercury, which had been held at 82 pesos per quintal for

nearly 150 years. Villaseñor is defending the revenues to the Crown from the sale of mercury.

He grounds his analysis on the fact that it costs the same to amalgamate an ore irrespective of

its content of silver, except for the variable cost of mercury. On this basis he argues that even

at the price of 82 pesos per quintal, the refiner could still make a profit with ores of 2 oz of

silver per quintal (0.13% silver content by weight). Since the expense for mercury is

Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 187, 207.; Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 154, 158.; Garner and
Stefanou, Economic Growth Bourbon Mexico, 118.; Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 58. Other historians have
voiced similar concern over the dearth of hard economic data on refining by amalgamation or smelting in the New
World: ‘only minimal documentary evidence has been found’ - ‘no se han encontrado mas que minimas
referencias documentales’ Cubillo Moreno, "Dominios de la plata," 30.; ‘the documents on haciendas do not
mention the workforce they employed … and it seems the account books of these production units have
disappeared … no account books or other documents are known that registered specifically the levels of
production’ - ‘los documentos sobre haciendas no hablan de la mano de obra empleada en las mismas … y al
parecer los libros de cuentas de estas unidades de producción han desaparecido … no se conocen libros de cuenta
u otros documentos que anoten específicamente los niveles de producción.’. Lara Meza, Haciendas de beneficio
de Guanajuato, 102, 105. I have not found in my own more modest searches within the archives of San Luis
Potosí, Zacatecas or Guanajuato any account books that allow a reconstruction of production costs over time. The
snippet of data available do not match the amount of detailed quantitative information on prices, consumption,
costs, labour and ore quality as I have found for Regla in the second half of the nineteenth century.
In Chapter Three I have made reference to the anonymous document that includes annual costs incurred for
amalgamation in Potosí in 1601, but there is no comparable source at present for New Spain during the first two
hundred years.
Fabry, Impugnacion a reflexiones de Villaseñor. Jose Antonio de Villaseñor y Sanchez (1703-1759) is much
better known as the author of a detailed description of the main cities and provinces of New Spain, published in
two volumes as the Teatro Americano. For a biography see Espinosa Pitman, Villaseñor y Sánchez. He was the
senior official in New Spain in charge of accounting for the distribution of mercury under the Crown monopoly.

proportional to the silver content, ores with lower silver content would only incur a small cost

for mercury, and yet have to meet the much greater relative cost of all other expenses out of an

increasingly smaller monetary value of silver content. He concludes it would not make sense

to refine these ores even if mercury was given away for free. In case the cost of extraction could

be circumvented by using ores found discarded in tailings, he calculates that even at 82 pesos

for mercury the refiner could make a profit working with ores that had as low as 0.06% silver

content (see Table 5-I). By placing the emphasis on the influence of the extraction cost of the

ore on the final profit level of the refiner, he makes an extremely pertinent observation:

‘what makes mines [and refining] unprofitable is the labour-intensive drainage, the tough
nature of the ore wall, the timbering of the supports, the cutting and removal of the ores, the
wages of the workers, the need of food, forage for the animals powering the drainage … even
if they gave away lakes of mercury, these costs would never be met [for the low silver ores] …
what limits silver mining is the lack of this ingredient [mercury] not its price’.731

What is impressive about Villaseñor’s line of argument is not so much its mathematical

conclusions, which as always depend on the validity of the starting values, but because he

applies an elegant and concise method for analysing the sensitivity of refining production costs

to the silver content of the ore. He freezes as a virtual fixed cost all the variable costs of

production so they remain at the same level irrespective of the silver content of the ore. The

only exception is the cost of mercury, which he varies as a function of silver content (see Table

5-I). He includes the extraction cost of the ore in order to calculate the level of profit for the

refiner, an approach rarely seen in later exercises probably for lack of data. He applies the same

extraction costs regardless of the richness of the ore, which is correct for the range of ores he

includes in his working examples. He differentiates the ores from tailings by assuming the

‘lo que hace incosteable las Minas son los laboriosos desagües, la dureza de sus frontones, el echado de sus
respaldos, corta-saca de sus metales, carestía de operarios, necesidad de alimentos, y pastos para las bestias de
los desagües … aunque se diera en lagos el Azogue, nunca se costearían … hace escasa la minería de plata la
falta de ingrediente, no su precio’. Fabry, Impugnacion a reflexiones de Villaseñor, 5.

extraction cost of the latter is by now a sunk cost, thus nil. He recognizes that the higher expense

of mercury for ores with higher silver content is compensated by the increase in value of the

silver refined. All that is missing from a perfect score is the fixed capital cost to the refiner and

its impact on the break-even pricing for mercury.732

ore source mine tailings (terreros)

% silver (weight) % (weight) 0.5% 0.25% 0.13% 0.06% 0.06%

silver content per quintal oz / quintal 8 4 2 1 1

amount of silver in 100

marks 100 50 25 13 13

value of silver in 100

quintales @ 8 pesos 6 pesos 873 437 218 109 109
tomines per mark

mercury consumed pesos 82 41 21 10 10

other production costs,

including extraction, @ 1.5 pesos 150 150 150 150
pesos / quintal

only other amalgamation

costs @ 0.5 pesos per pesos 50

total variable production

pesos 232 191 171 160 60

profit pesos 641 246 48 -51 49

Table 5-I. Interpretation of Villaseñor’s working examples and method that sustained his
argument against decreasing the price of mercury. Data adapted from footnote 730.

Fabry countered by arguing that in reality a greater portion of ores lie below the

breakeven point calculated by Villaseñor at a mercury price of 82 pesos per quintal. By

questioning the values adopted by Villaseñor he concludes that at 41 pesos per quintal it would

be possible to make profitable to the refiners the amalgamation of the abundant ores with a low

He also provides the historian with a guide as to an order of magnitude of extraction costs in mid eighteenth
century (1 peso per quintal), as well as that of amalgamation costs net of mercury (0.5 pesos per quintal). Ibid., 1-

silver content. He then calculates that the increase in tax revenues from the additional

production of silver would more than compensate the Crown for the decrease in the revenues

from mercury. Fabry’s line of reasoning highlights the distinction made at the end of Section

5.1.3 that the aim of reducing the price of mercury was not to reduce the price of silver but to

increase its total output so as to compensate for the loss of mercury revenues.733

A very similar argument to that of Fabry is used in a 1774 report addressed to the

Spanish King, Charles IV, by the Guanajuato medical doctor and miner Manuel Jose

Dominguez de la Fuente. The reduction in the pricing of mercury from 82 to 62 pesos per

quintal had not pacified the miners and refiners, who sensed that the Bourbon King was willing

to decrease the price even further, since he was asking for their official view on what should

be the ultimate lowest price of mercury. It is in this light that any economic breakdown

provided by Dominguez de la Fuente should be read: it is an exercise in lobbying the Crown in

favour of lower mercury prices, not an accounting book.734 He argues for a lower price for

mercury since this would allow miners to market the majority of the ore extracted, that at the

time was being rejected as unprofitable by the refiners.735 Villaseñor would have countered that

Fabry questions both the monetary value of one mark silver (8 pesos 6 tomines instead of 7 pesos 5 tomines )
and the cost of extraction employed by Villaseñor. Ibid., 6-36.
As a miner of modest means he faced the separation implemented in the mining/refining model by the
eighteenth century, whereby those who only refined the ore by tolling (maquila) in haciendas took most of the
profit and left the risk to those who only extracted the ore: ‘the Miner is he who works; and the Refiner he who
benefits’ - ‘el Minero es el de el trabajo; y el Haziendero el beneficiado’,a pun on the refining (beneficio) of ores.
He claimed that the owners of refining haciendas purchased the ores from miners ‘under very questionable
assumptions [as to deemed silver content, in the absence of assaying] … the Miner leaves with his doubt and
mistrust and the Buyer keeps his reserve [the level of underestimation of the silver content] and his cautious
[approach]’- ‘bajo de mui falibles conjeturas … el Minero se va con su duda y desconfianza, y el Comprador
queda con su Reserva y cautela’. The value of silver extracted was paid after two and a half months in Guanajuato,
and the cost of the maquila was considered ‘very burdensome and because of that very disheartening’ - ‘mui
gravosissima y por esso de grande desconzuelo’. Since the refiners could only pass on to the miners the official
cost of mercury as part of the toll charge, the benefits in the decrease in price would reach them in two ways, by
increasing the amount of ore they could sell and by decreasing the cost of maquila. It is not known if it ever
reached the Royal Court. The paleography of the original manuscript by Dominguez de la Fuente was carried out
by its present owner, Salvador Covarrubias Alcocer, and published as Dominguez de la Fuente, Leal Informe
Politico-Legal, 102, 104, 199.
According to the author the most common ores had a silver content of 3 to 5 marks per montón of 32 quintales
I have inferred he refers to marks per monton, since marks per carga would indicate too rich an ore not to be

the price of ore proposed by Dominguez de la Fuente at 4 pesos per montón does not reflect

his real extraction cost estimated at 32 pesos per montón, in which case it still remained a

question of throwing good money after bad. Dominguez de la Fuente could have replied that

the lower quality ore was part of the normal output of a mine, so any price for his ore of 4

marks per montón silver content was better than throwing it away to the tailings heap, and the

Crown would still compensate the drop in mercury price by selling more mercury to

amalgamate the new quantities of ore coming to the refiners instead of being discarded.736

The next group of extracts from the historiography of the late eighteenth and early

nineteenth century correspond to the period of the lowest historical prices for mercury in New

Spain, thus the texts no longer discuss the issue of mercury revenues vs price. Production costs

are reported but with no details on how they are calculated. I have summarized the main

purchased. At the time refiners in Guanajuato were not buying ores for amalgamation with less than 5 marks of
silver (0.083%) per montón. According to his data the custom of refiners was to purchase ore (recibir de los
Mineros a la Ley) at a price of 11.6 pesos per kg of silver content. He proposes that refining centres (Haziendas
Refaccionarias) be set up to work expressly with the large amounts of ore available with just 4 marks per
Guanajuato montón (0.06 % silver), to be sold at a price from 3 to 8 reales per carga. The refiner would still
obtain a profit, since the lower price of mercury would compensate for the purchase of the ore with a lower silver
content His quantitative argument is not easy to follow, and the following interpretation is tentative: he uses
virtually the same variable cost of amalgamation (without mercury) as Villaseñor, at 16 pesos 1 real per monton;
he proposes that refiners can purchase ore at 3 reales per carga with a silver content of 4 marks per monton, or 4
pesos per monton. This adds up to 20 pesos for the cost of amalgamation of 1 monton, without mercury. He then
arrives at a total cost of 22 pesos 2 reales per monton, from which I deduce he is using a cost of 2 pesos 2 reales
for the cost of mercury consumed, which at a correspondencia (not given) of 100 marks per quintal of mercury,
implies a new lower price for mercury of approximately 53 pesos per quintal. Ibid., 90-91.
The compensation in direct revenues to the Crown comes from the opportunity cost of both additional silver
production and mercury sales that would not otherwise have been possible at the higher price for mercury, if
Villaseñor’s arguments are discounted for now. Thus assuming a correspondencia of 100 marks per quintal, a
deemed value of 8 pesos per mark of silver and direct government revenues of 20% of the silver produced, a drop
from 62 pesos to 41 pesos per quintal requires that total revenues of 222 pesos be maintained from a new level of
(1+x) quintales of mercury at 41 pesos per quintal and 0.2*100(1+x) marks of silver at 8 pesos per mark, which
gives a value of x of 0.1. This means that at least a 10% increase in mercury sales was required just for the Crown
to breakeven in direct revenues. Based on an ore with 4 marks per monton, this would require amalgamating 2.5
new montones for every 10 montones of ore previously amalgamated (assuming an average of 10 marks of silver
per monton, 0.16%), approximately a 25% increase in ore purchased by the refining haciendas, an obvious
windfall for miners. Since the alternative was to increase the amount of value-less tailings, from the view-point
of an opportunity cost Dominguez de la Fuente had a very valid point, finding the weakness in Villaseñor’s

economic data that can be abstracted from all the texts included in this section in Table 5-II.737

The background of each source is relevant. Garcés y Eguía is promoting his smelting recipe

based on the claimed benefits of adding tequesquite, a naturally occurring sodium carbonate

salt.738 Humboldt provides one table on ore extraction cost, sundry information on mercury

prices, and no details on production costs.739 An unexpected ratio comes out of his figures on

labour for these mines. On the basis of the number of workers employed underground in the

mines, at Valenciana the ratio is 400 quintales of ore extracted, 200 marcs of silver produced

per worker, while in Germany it is 25 quintales of ore extracted, 18 marcs of silver per worker.

The German mine is less deep than the Valenciana mine (330 m to 514 m according to

Humboldt) and its ore nearly twice as rich in silver, yet Humboldt does not comment on the

disparity in the production output per underground worker between these two mines. It

indicates a manpower efficiency an order of magnitude greater in Guanajuato than for a mine

chosen from the most traditional mining area of the Erzgebirge in Europe.740

a) Fabry, Impugnacion a reflexiones de Villaseñor.b) Dominguez de la Fuente, Leal Informe Politico-Legal.
c) de Sarria, Ensayo de metalurgia. d) Garcés y Eguía, Nueva teórica del beneficio de plata. e) Humboldt, Essai
politique. f) Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España. g) Duport, Métaux
précieux au Mexique. h) Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique." i) Collins, Metallurgy of Lead & Silver.
In his examples he works on the premise that it is possible to partition by washing on the planillones 100
quintales of an ore mixture with an average silver content of 0.25% into 90 quintales with a silver content of
0.14% (my calculation) that is treated by amalgamation, and 10 quintales with a silver content of 2.7% that is
smelted. It is on this unexpected premise that he argues for the benefits of his smelting process in saving expenses
on mercury, to the deemed benefit of the refiner. The higher the silver content prior to partition, the greater the
saving on mercury, the higher the benefit to the refiner. Garcés y Eguía, Nueva teórica del beneficio de plata, 144-
146. Sodium carbonate was a known agent of flux for smelting much prior to this publication, for example the
use of soda as a flux in Agricola, De re metallica. Footnote pages 233, 558. His offhand reference to Sarria’s
earlier text which already mentions the use of tequesquite may be an effort to distract attention from the fact this
additive was already known. Garcés y Eguía, Nueva teórica del beneficio de plata, 81. At Regla tequesquite would
be tried for a few months and then discarded.
Humboldt compared the extraction costs for the mines of Valenciana (Guanajuato) and Himmelfürst (near
Freiberg, Germany) in an average year at the end of the eighteenth century. At Valenciana his data leads to an
extraction cost of 6.9 livres tournois (1.3 pesos) per quintal, or 60.4 livres tournois (11.5 pesos) per kg of silver
refined. For the European mine, it comes to an extraction cost of 17.1 livres tournois (3.3 pesos) per quintal of
ore, 104.3 livres tournois (19.9 pesos) per kg of silver refined. Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome III, 413.
For Valenciana he reports an ore that had on average 4 oz (0.5 marks) of silver per quintal, so that 720,000
quintales of ore from said mine produced 360,000 marks of silver by smelting or amalgamation; for Freiberg the
ore has an average of 6 to 7 oz per quintal of silver, and from a production of 14,000 quintales a total of 10,000
marks of silver are refined. Ibid. The exchange rate of pesos (piastres) per livre tournois is calculated from
Humboldt’s assertion that 805 million livre tournois are equal to 153,333,000 piastres. Ibid., Tome IV, 255.

amalgamation costs smelting costs

silver content
location cost period
excluding cost of mercury,
including mercury, excluding
excluding cost of
cost of extraction of ore, extraction of ore,
extraction cost of ore
capital cost capital costs

peso /quintal
pesos / quintal ore pesos / mark silver pesos / quintal ore %

generic 1 mid 18c 0.5 0.125 to 0.5 a, 1-4

Guanajuato ? 0.5 0.08 - 0.13 b, 90-91
generic ? 0.5 - 0.6 3-5 ? c, 131
generic ? 0.625 0.25
d, 144-146
generic ? end 18c 4 2.7
Valenciana mine,
1.3 0.25 e, 255

generic ? 0.5 - 0.75 low to medium f, 92

Zacatecas ? 5.3 - 6.7 'rich minerals' g, 83-84
Sombrerete ? 2.7 - 3.3 'rich minerals' g, 85

Nieves ? 1.3 - 2.7 ? g, 85

Zacualpan ? 5 ? g, 86

? 0.63 ? g, 232

? 2.15 (maquila ) 0.23 g, 233

? 3.3 (maquila ) 0.19 g, 233-234

? 4.8 (maquila ) 0.08 g, 235

4.1 2.55 (maquila ) 0.46 g, 252

Zacatecas mid 19c
? 3.7 (maquila ) 0.14 g, 275

Tasco 1.08 3.3 (maquila ) 0.15 g, 340-341

generic < 1.68 2.3 (maquila ) 0.2 g, 370-374

Cerro San Pedro,

? 1 up to 0.3 (35% lead) h, 246-248
San Luis Potosi
up to 1.75, medium to
Sombrerete ? 2.4 h, 248-250
low lead
0.15 to 0.9; max 10%
Catorce ? 7 h, 251-252

Regla ? 6.1 1.7; poor in lead h, 253

Durango ? 0.90 1.15 0.18 i, 60

Zacatecas ? 0.32 0.39 0.07 i, 60

Zacatecas ? 0.33 0.39 0.05 i, 61

end 19c
Fresnillo ? 0.46 0.51 0.06 i, 61

Tasco ? 0.41 0.72 0.32 i, 61

Pachuca ? 0.41 0.73 0.30 i, 61

Table 5-II. Summary of amalgamation and smelting costs in New Spain/Mexico from the
historiography up to the nineteenth century. Figures in italics are calculated from source data.
Sources are indicated in footnote 737.

Sonneschmidt’s monograph was published late, in 1825, though he should be assigned

to the group of authors publishing around the turn of the century. He became an avowed

disciple of the Mexican patio amalgamation method, but provides no support to his estimates:

‘the amalgamation of New Spain … will subsist as long as the world subsists … the greatest
advantage [to amalgamation] … is its low cost … ores with low or medium silver content, can
be refined at the moderate cost of four to six reales per quintal … there is no cheaper refining
cost even in Europe’.741

He considers production costs to be the major obstacle for smelting to compete with

amalgamation, an important if qualitative conclusion from a first-hand observer and

practitioner of refining in New Spain. He also recognizes the critical distinction between total

mercury cost and the cost of mercury per unit of silver extracted: ‘only in the refining [by

amalgamation] of rich minerals does the cost rise, due to the greater consumption and loss of

mercury, which is always proportional to the amount of silver extracted’.742

Finally, to complement the authors of the turn of the century, there is a primary

document from 1802 that due to the scarcity of sources of this nature I have reproduced in full

in Appendix D.743 It is a narrative that throws further light into the world of Dominguez de la

Fuente. Middlemen now appear who made a living without necessarily investing in fixed

capital: the rescatadores who bought the ores at the mine mouth, refined it themselves and/or

‘la amalgamación de Nueva España subsistirá mientras que subsista el mundo … la major ventaja … es el
poco costo … minerales pobres y de mediana ley, se benefician con los moderados costos de cuatro o seis reales
por cada un quintal … beneficio más barato no lo hay ni en Europa’. Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de
la amalgamación de Nueva España, 92.
‘solo en el beneficio de minerales ricos suben los costos, por motivo del mayor consumo y perdida de azogue,
que esta siempre proporcionada con la ley de plata que se extrae’, ibid.
It is preceded in the archive by a letter dated 21 April 1802 from a delegation of Mining Deputies from Catorce
(San Luis Potosí) informing that they have carried out the request by the Viceroy of New Spain dated 31 March
1802 to carry out a trial comparing the production costs of refining via the cazo process with smelting, using the
same quality of ore for each process. Since the results reported in the letter do not correspond to the details in the
report dated 21 April 1802 in Appendix D, with different signatories to each document, it would seem at least
two trials were carried out, of which only one set of detailed results has survived in the archival records.

by maquila, and sold the refined silver at a discount to the aviadores (suppliers of goods on

credit, also applies to the leasing of mines). The document is not an account book and its data

are limited to single trial runs on small quantities. Even with these limitations it still reveals

the nuances that apply to silver refining in New Spain. For example, even though amalgamated

silver is said to achieve a higher price than smelted silver (Chapter 2), in this report it is the

other way around. As to the processes involved, the document reveals the reality of the cazo

process as practised in Catorce in the 1800s. Since the cazo process only extracted two-thirds

of the silver content, in order to make it more profitable it was then necessary to treat the fine

silt that came out of the vessels (lamas cocidas) by the conventional patio amalgamation to

complete the extraction of the other third of silver.744

In this document the distribution of production costs for smelting is skewed by the very

high cost of the ore at the plant gate and the need to lease the smelting facilities (Table 5-III).

Both these factors would only apply to the case of middlemen involved in the refining of silver

at Catorce. Smelting is shown to be unprofitable for these ores with 3 marks of silver per carga

(0.5%) at a price of 12 pesos 4 reales per carga delivered to the refining unit. However, the

authors point out that ores with 10 marks of silver per carga (1.7 %) can be smelted at a profit,

subject to the pricing established by the mine owners.

From the mid-1820s to the end of the century much more information on refining

comes out of the new independent Mexico, concurrent with the opening up of the silver mines

to foreign investment and involvement. The most detailed economic data on amalgamation and

smelting in Mexico during the nineteenth century come from three sources, St Clair Duport

(1842), Buchan (1856) and Laur (1871). These authors provide an oasis of detailed information

I do not know if this two stage refining process applied to all the ores refined at Catorce.

cost for 3 pesos/kg

production variables summary pesos
cargas, in pesos silver
ore+freight 37.5 37.5 % of
miller 0.4 subtotal 1
tahonas workers 0.6
cazo workers 1.5
salaries 0.5 labour 2.9 33%
impure salt 1.0 impure salt 1.0 11%
cazo mercury 1.0 mercury 1.0 11%
palma 1.5 others 3.9 44%
straw for mules 1.3
tahona 0.4
deposits 0.4
heating and refining 0.4
subtotal 1 for 6 marks silver 8.9 6.4
mixing 1.5 % subtotal
washing vats and labour 0.3 2
amalgamator 0.4 labour 2.2 43%
impure salt 1.1 impure salt 1.1 22%
mercury 1.6 mercury 1.6 32%
magistral and lime 0.2 others 0.2 4%
subtotal 2 for 3 marks silver 5.1 7.4
total exc. ore for 9 marks silver 14.0 6.8
total inc. ore for 9 marks silver 51.5 24.9
value of silver at 7
pesos per mark
profit (loss) 11.5
miller 1.6 % total inc.
mixer 0.8 ore
fluxing ore 1.9 labour 2.3 3%
litharge 22.5 litharge 24.4 30%
charcoal 7.3 fuel 7.3 9%
lease smelting furnace 9.0 others 10.8 13%
cupell 1.3
palma 0.5
total exc. ore 44.8
total inc. ore for 7.5 marks silver 82.3 47.7
value of silver at 7.5
pesos per mark
profit (loss) -26.0

Table 5-III. Production costs as reported in 1802 for the cazo, patio and smelting refining
processes carried out at Catorce (San Luis Potosí), adapted from data in footnote 743 and
Appendix D.

on production costs and practices based on a wide selection of Mexican refining operations,

within an otherwise barren landscape on either side of the nineteenth century. Duport’s

monograph on Mexican silver production is a work that well merits the recognition given by

his peers of the time.745 Based on his extensive experience in Mexico he was another staunch

European supporter of the patio amalgamation process. His breakdown of its production costs,

excluding the cost of ore, before steam engines were installed at the amalgamation hacienda in

Fresnillo is very perceptive. Instead of using the usual process stages such as milling, patio and

washing, he apportions the cost according to the following headings: animal power 12%, labour

22%, fuel 1%, mercury 34%, salt 17%, magistral 9%, maintenance and others, 5%. He thus

captures in a single set of numbers the essence of the colonial patio amalgamation process:

pure animal and human energy mixed with chemical reagents, with no delicate machinery in-

between.746 In the case of amalgamation he considers the lack of power options to lower the

cost of milling the ore a major challenge, since this stage absorbs more than half the total

production cost and around 19% of the final value of silver.747 Duport includes the variant of

roasting the ores prior to patio amalgamation, as practised in Tasco, where the threshold for

amalgamation to be profitable was a silver content of 0.125%.748

The treatise by St. Clair Duport was judged by Percy, himself a major figure in the nineteenth century on
metallurgy, to be ‘one of the best on the subject’ Percy also mentions that he could not add the details on operations
at Pachuca because a Mr. Buchan of the Real del Monte Company died suddenly a few days after promising to
add to the text to be published on patio amalgamation. Percy, Metallurgy, I 576. Randall has pointed out that
Duport did not include the major operations at Real del Monte and Regla, apparently due to conflicting
commercial interests. Randall, Real del Monte, 236.
His data from the Hacienda of Fresnillo (Zacatecas) is a very useful reference point for future sections of this
chapter, due to the industrial magnitude of its operations and the fact it did not possess sources of hydraulic power
or inexpensive sources of fuel. From 1st February 1838 to 31st January 1839, it processed 28,407 montones (of
920 kg) of an ore with an average 0.2% silver content, producing 229,035 marks of silver at a total cost of 645,370
pesos. Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 279-80.
Ibid., 400.
Roasting according to Duport consumes 2% of the final refining cost of 2.08 pesos per quintal of an ore with
0.15% silver content. The extraction cost of ore accounts for 52%, at 1.08 pesos per quintal, 19% to mercury, 6%
to salt and 4% to magistral. The cost translates to 30.1 pesos per kg of refined silver, which is getting close to the
deemed silver value within the ore, but it already includes a 3.5% margin for the operator of the refining hacienda.
According to Duport, under these conditions (mercury at 130 pesos per quintal, salt at 3 pesos per quintal and
magistral at 3.5 pesos per quintal) the operator will not be able to refine at a profit ores with less than 0.125%

Based on his data set that covers most of the main mining districts of Mexico, Duport

is the first to propose a detailed profile for the generic production costs of patio amalgamation

in Mexico, based on an ore with 0.2% silver content [average], mercury at a price of 130 pesos

per quintal [high], and a consumption of mercury of 13 oz per mark of refined silver [average].

He takes as a reference point the costs of placing one kg of silver on board a vessel for export

from Mexico [free on board], expressing the costs in their equivalent in silver value, so as to

drive home the point that costs have to be lower than the value of silver in the ore. Table 5-IV

reproduces his estimates. The cash-in-hand margin available to the refiner to meet extraction

costs and profit places a ceiling on extraction costs of 5.04 pesos per carga of ore of 0.2%

silver content.749

He considered smelting as practised in Mexico up to the early 1840s to be inefficient

as to fuel consumption, with no effort made to improve furnaces or the fluxes used, losing 15%

of silver in the process. For Duport there was not sufficient incentive to improve current

practices since he considered it was not an option to treat the majority of ores with a silver

content between 0.15 and 0.2 % of silver.750 He stated that it was ‘impossible to establish the

separate production cost items … for smelting’ (Table 5-II).751

silver content, since already at this level the cost of production rises to 8 pesos per mark of silver (35 pesos per
kg of silver). Ibid., 340-41. The cut-off value corresponds to Villaseñor’s limit for amalgamation at 2 oz of silver
per quintal of ore.
Ibid., 370-374. The reasoning employed by Duport to treat export costs as discretionary implies the refiner
could sell with equal opportunity to the domestic market if he manages to meet the cash costs of extraction,
refining and government duties. It seems to ignore that since the majority of silver was exported as coin, these
costs would ultimately have to be factored back in by any party purchasing silver in Mexico for export.
Ibid., 398.
‘impossible d’établir des prix séparés pour les parties de la production … de la fonte’. Ibid., x, 83, 85, 351.

g fine silver
Government duties
export 35
entry to port 20 145
coinage 45
casting bars 45
Essay costs, smelting coinage
Freight to port 25
Mercury 112
Patio costs
rent 17.1
general administration 20.52
other reagents 61.56 342
labour 47.88
milling 171
other costs 23.94
total 634
margin to cover extraction
cost and profit
margin without costs of export

Table 5-IV. Generic profile of patio amalgamation costs (excluding ore cost) in Mexico as
practised around 1840, expressed in terms of g of fine silver. Specific export costs are
highlighted in bold and italics. Data from footnote 749.

In 1855 John Buchan made public his report to the Directors of the Real del Monte

Company on the workings of the mines and the refining of silver in their haciendas, including

Regla. It is a source of generous information on the cost structure of a working commercial

concern, rare for the degree of detail provided to the public. 752 Due to the relevance of its

information to this chapter, I will address its content within the context of my own analysis of

the accounting data from Regla in the following sections. There is an additional source of

production economic data from the previous Adventurers Company of Real del Monte: ‘John

Buchan, Report Real del Monte. I am not clear what the intention was at the time to share with the public the
production costs of the company in such detail.

Phillips found that for the year 1840 the cost of smelting was only 34 per cent of the value of

silver produced, while that of patio amalgamation was 46.25 per cent’.753

The third author of note is Laur. He estimates that the range of silver content of the

majority of ores in Mexico lies between 0.1 and 0.27%, which in his view are sufficient to

cover the variable mining and amalgamation costs of the ore.754 In the case of smelting, he

reports that in general its costs are very high due to a lack of fuel, unless the ore is rich in lead

(around 25 %). For lead-poor silver ores he states that the threshold silver content for smelting

to be profitable in Mexico is 0.5 %. Of the partial variable cost, excluding the extraction cost

of the ore, labour can make up from 19 to 55%, fuel 25 to 41%, and litharge when required up

to 33%.755

By the end of the nineteenth century all major metallurgical texts included technical

details on the Mexican patio amalgamation process. I will single out Collins who provides an

interesting table of comparative costs for different amalgamation haciendas in Mexico that is

not derived from the previous three authors. His values of production costs without including

mercury are within the range of the other values in Table 5-II. Collins’ data include the sourcing

Quoted from a report to the Directors dated 29 June 1841, Real del Monte Proceedings, in Randall, Real del
Monte, 114. Burkart’s lengthy essay on Real del Monte, translated by Miguel Velazquez de Leon and published
in 1861, draws too much on Phillip’s statement of 1840 and Buchan’s report of 1855 to be considered a source of
new data for Mexican refining operations. Burkart, "Memoria Real del Monte."
By choosing a silver content of 100g per 100 kg of ore as the threshold value (0.1%), he is assuming that the
value contained in around 70 g of silver per 100kg of ore is enough to cover all costs and leave sufficient profit
for the refiner. In addition to the economic data on refining costs, Laur offers an interesting focus on the issue of
the sourcing of power, since steam and animal sources incur costs, while water was nominally free. In the case of
animal power it was subject to oscillations in the pricing of animal feed, and he cites the example of a major
refining hacienda in Fresnillo that switched to steam engines around 1850 after the yearly expenditure on animal
feed rose from 468,000 francs to 2,464,000 francs. He argues that silver production in Guanajuato decreased as
the price of maize increased from 1862 to 1864. He employs two examples of what he terms average refining
haciendas that use amalgamation to refine suitable ores, where the variable production cost (without including the
cost of the ore or fixed capital costs) for ores between 0.09 and 0.2% silver content lies in the range of 30 to 42 g
of fine silver per 100 kg of ore. Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 51-62, 198-201.
He mentions a range between 165 francs (15 pesos) per ton of ore to 800 francs per ton (72 pesos). The peso
to franc conversion is based on Laur’s equivalence of 13 pesos per carga to 50 francs per quintal, 0.09 pesos to 1
franc. For ores with more than 20% lead he provides data on the basis of an implicit value of 1 kg silver at 39.1
pesos. Ibid., 106, 243- 254.

of power for each hacienda, though it is the cost of the inputs that determines the major

differences in his range of production costs.756

In the historiography since the 1970s I have only found three new examples of primary

sources on production economics.757 Brading in 1971 reproduces the data from one weekly

account for an unnamed hacienda in the region of Zacatecas in 1801. My calculation of his

breakdown of variable operational costs, net of the cost of ore, yields 17% for labour, 25% for

raw materials, 26% for mercury and 33% for others, for an ore with an average of 0.19% of

silver. The extraction cost of ore is 1.9 pesos per mark of silver.758 He concurs with Villaseñor

that ‘refining profits depended upon what must remain, for the historian, an unknown factor –

the price paid for the mineral in the auctions held at the pit-head’.759 Where he differs from

Villaseñor and Duport is in his view that with increasing silver content the expenditure on

mercury was also higher, so that he concludes ‘a point was then soon reached when it became

more profitable to smelt than to amalgamate’.760 He is not alone in the historiography in

focusing on the total cost of mercury incurred instead of on the cost per kg of silver obtained.

Collins, Metallurgy of Lead & Silver, 60-61.
The Mexican historian Rina Ortiz Peralta published two works on the Compañia Real del Monte. Rina Ortiz
Peralta, "El beneficio de minerales en el siglo XIX: el caso de la Compañía Real del Monte y Pachuca," Historias
30(1993).;"Algunos aspectos del beneficio de minerales en el siglo XIX: el caso de la Compañia de Real del
Monte y Pachuca," in Hombres, Tecnica, Plata. Minería y Sociedad en Europa y América, Siglos XVI - XIX., ed.
Julio Sánchez Gómez and Guillermo Mira Delli-Zotti (Sevilla: Aconcagua Libros, S.L., 2000). In the more recent
work she includes a table with production costs for the barrel and patio amalgamation processes, but based on
data from secondary sources already commented upon in this section (Burkart and Collins). Since she does not
add new primary sources to the discussion I do not include her in my selection.
His data includes a heading of a minor cost item under ‘consumption of lead and litharge in arrastre’, which
may imply that smelting was carried out on a fraction of ore with higher silver content separated during milling.
Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 153-154. Table 10.
Ibid., 155.
Brading uses the following example: 1.875 pesos is the cost of mercury consumed in refining one montón (30
cargas) of an ore with 1 oz of silver, and 4.5 pesos for the mercury consumed refining the same amount of an ore
with 2.5 oz of silver. Ibid. Table 11. The latter corresponds to 1.8 pesos of mercury per oz of silver, a 4% decrease
in the mercury ratio for a 150% increase in silver amalgamated, in other words the mercury to silver ratio can be
considered constant, and it is the margin of profit that is important, not the absolute amount spent on mercury per

In 2008 Garcia Mendoza published his study of total mining and refining costs in two

refining haciendas of Tasco, as registered in the period from the 2nd August 1562 to the 26th

June 1564. This is an exciting time of innovation within the refining community of New Spain,

barely eight years after the first use of mercury to process silver ores, when smelting had to be

challenged successfully on costs and efficiency by this upstart technology if it was to be

displaced. Unfortunately his attempt to determine how much silver was produced by either

process is seriously flawed by his interpretation of the raw data.761 The document provides

useful information on the costs of consumables and labour in this early period, though not the

amount of ore processed, the silver content of the same, or other important production

parameters.762 The analysis does not answer the question as to why amalgamation displaced

smelting in New Spain.

In the same year Suarez Arguello and von Mentz published a compilation of

correspondence and an extensive transcription of weekly summaries of partial production data

of the mines and refining of silver carried out at Vetagrande on the outskirts of the city of

Zacatecas, for two time series at the turn of the eighteenth century (1791-94, 1806-09). The

quantitative information, such as the amount of ore treated and silver refined, debts, and other

sundry cost items are not analyzed from an accounting point of view and by their limited nature

When any archival document of the period states that ‘the yield for each quintal of lead was between two and
three marks of silver’- ‘el rendimiento por cada quintal de plomo era entre dos y tres marcos de plata’ it is
referring to the yield from silver-rich lead ores, not to the amount of lead flux (greta) required to refine a quantity
of silver. This misinterpretation invalidates his estimations of silver refined by smelting. In the case of mercury,
he uses a mercury to silver weight ratio of 6.83, the number of significant figures belying the fundamental error
of his value. This is an incorrect ratio, totally at odds with the chemistry and all the historical data on mercury to
silver ratios reported in Chapter Three. His estimate for silver obtained by amalgamation is also wrong. The author
then proceeds not to use his flawed breakdown between smelting and amalgamation, and analyzes costs (including
labour) based on the combined activities of mining and total refining. García Mendoza, "Minas de plata en Taxco,"
48-49. See also Table 2, p. 54.
It is very significant that his primary sources do not include magistral or copper sulphate amongst the expenses
incurred during amalgamation, which confirms the line of thought that the use of magistral originates first in Peru
and then is incorporated in New Spain as of the early seventeenth century (Chapter Three).

cannot be used to establish production costs.763 In one of the letters transcribed in their work

there is an interesting comment regarding the guidelines applied at Vetagrande (Zacatecas) to

decide on the refining option according to the content of silver in the ore:

‘in our smelting furnaces at Sauceda … we refine by fire … and as long as their silver content
is 20 ounces per carga [0.42%], they offer profit to whoever has their own smelting facility,
for the only other option is to throw them out together with the tailings, because using
amalgamation would only mean wasting money on them’.764

The last sentence is intriguing, since one interpretation is that he has fallen into the trap

of thinking that ores with a high silver content are more expensive to amalgamate since they

consume more mercury. Otherwise his conclusion is a negation of all that has been reviewed

so far.

The remainder of the historiography since the 1970s to the present is best grouped

according to three strands of narrative since no new primary sources are added to what has

been presented in the preceding paragraphs:

Amalgamation is the lowest cost option to refine ores with ‘low’ silver content. Subject

to the price of mercury, the lower limit of profitability is set at 1.5 to 2.5 oz of silver per quintal

of ore, 0.09 to 0.15% silver by weight.765 Mercury is considered ‘the single most expensive

item in the refining operations [by amalgamation]’.766 It is proposed that mercury constituted

18 to 41% of the total cost of refining in minerals with 2 to 4 oz of silver per quintal (0.13 to

Suarez Arguello and Von Mentz, Epistolas y cuentas Vetagrande.
‘en los hornos de fundición que tenemos en Sauceda … se les saca por fuego la que tienen, y como no baje su
ley de 20 onzas por carga, ofrece utilidad a quien tiene fundición propia, pues de lo contrario sería necesario
tirarlos al terrero, porque por el beneficio de azogue se perdería dinero en ellos'. Extract from a letter sent to
Don Antonio de Bassoco, on the 8th July 1808, as transcribed in ibid., 699.
Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 138.; Castillo Martos and Lang, Metales preciosos - union de dos
mundos, 147.; Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 120-121.; Garner, "Long-Term Silver Mining," 242.
"Long-Term Silver Mining," 249.; Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 72.

0.26%).767 It is also proposed that refining costs ranged from 18 to 24 percent of the value of

silver produced.768 No detailed breakdown of production costs is submitted to support these


Smelting is the lowest cost option to refine ores with ‘high’ silver content, which would

otherwise incur a high cost of mercury. Lang does point out that this conclusion is only valid

if the cost for both processes is compared based on a montón of ore.769 The threshold cited to

pass from amalgamation to smelting is given between 4 and 8 oz of silver per quintal of ore,

0.26 to 0.52%.770 No detailed breakdown of production costs is submitted to support this range.

Smelting is the lowest cost option to refine silver ores in general. ‘The smelting process

was simpler, shorter and less costly than amalgamation’. This is certainly a minority opinion,

but has been stated forcefully by Lacueva in one of the most recent books on colonial refining

of silver in New Spain. In the absence of hard data on production costs, of which he is explicitly

conscious, he bases his arguments on indirect indicators such as number of process stages.771

It also seems to mirror John Phillips’ assessment in his report to the Directors of the

Adventurers Company of Real del Monte cited above.

Production choices over three centuries were made by a motley crew of refiners guided

only by the amount of money in their pocket at the end of the day, and this in turn influenced

the environmental history of silver refining in the New World. Amalgamation has

Brading, "Mexican Silver Mining," 668, 673.; Castillo Martos and Lang, Metales preciosos - union de dos
mundos, 140.
Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 153.; Garner and Stefanou, Economic Growth Bourbon Mexico, 119.
Lang, Monopolio Estatal, 50-51.
4 oz in Castillo Martos and Lang, Metales preciosos - union de dos mundos, 140.; 8 oz in Lang, Monopolio
Estatal, 50-51.; 4 to 8 oz as a grey zone in Lang, "Silver Refining Technology in Spanish America (patio y
fundición) " 141.
‘el proceso de fundición era mucho más simple, más corto y menos costoso que el de amalgamación’ in
Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 89. It is the basis for his argument that amalgamation had been imposed by the
sources of capital on the refiners, since thanks to its inherent drawbacks it provided a greater degree of
subordination of the production factors to the owners of capital.

overshadowed much of the discussion, and it is common to find sweeping but unsupported

statements such as ‘mercury was essential to colonial silver mining because without it most of

the silver ore could not be profitably refined’.772 Dissenting voices have started to question the

monothematic insistence on mercury:

‘the frequent correlation that is proposed between the lack of mercury with the mining crises
[in New Spain], underestimates how the miners could compensate using smelting according to
the silver content of the ores being extracted … it is necessary to investigate the regional
differences to establish the vulnerability of the economy to any restriction in the supply of

Back in 1943, the Mexican historian Mendizabal had already proposed factors totally

unrelated to mercury to explain the unexpected increase in silver production registered in the

district of Rosario at the end of the eighteenth century.774 A necessary starting point, though

not as interesting as repressed sexual drives, is the quantitative analysis of the cost of refining

silver. Bakewell’s common sense dictum that ‘mining would obviously not have survived for

long unless someone were making a profit from it’ was correct in stating the obvious: if both

amalgamation and smelting had prevailed over centuries, and made some people very rich, it

Garner and Stefanou, Economic Growth Bourbon Mexico, 132.
‘la relación frecuente que se hace de la falta de azogue con las crisis mineras, menosprecia el complemento
que los mineros podían tener con el proceso de fundición de acuerdo a la ley del mineral que se estaba extrayendo
… hay que investigar las diferencias regionales para saber la vulnerabilidad de la economía ante la limitación
en el abasto de azogue’ in Rosa Alicia Pérez Luque and Rafael Tovar Rangel, La contabilidad de la Caja Real de
Guanajuato. Una aproximacion a su historia economica 1665-1816 (Guanajuato, Mexico: Universidad de
Guanajuato, 2006), 88-89.
The rich and various levels at which explanations can be found to account for variations in silver output in
each mining region is well illustrated by the case of silver, Rosario and sex. In order to explain why the mining
district of Rosario, in the period 1785 to 1789, contributed greater silver revenues than the more renowned Cajas
of Guadalajara, Pachuca, Bolaños and Zimapan, Mendizabal proposed that this was due to the proletarianization
of the indigenous workforce following the expulsion of the Jesuits from New Spain. As soon as the indigenous
males of Rosario were freed from the Jesuit restrictions of working in mining, an occupation that was held to
expose them to alcohol consumption, gambling and sexual relations, they flocked to the mines and haciendas of
Rosario to make up for lost time, and thus created the peak in silver production. Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana,

obviously made economic sense to have used them.775 The rest of this chapter will attempt

however to arrive at a more quantitative solution to the following questions:

Was mercury the major variable production cost in the amalgamation of silver or is the

prominence of mercury costs in the historiography to a large extent the consequence of a lack

of information on other cost items? Villaseñor and Duport have provided enough information

in the historiography to render this narrative suspect. It is necessary to evaluate the influence

of the total cost structure for amalgamation, such as salt, labour, the source of power for milling

and the extraction cost of the ore in determining the final profit.

Under what conditions can the economies of smelting and amalgamation be compared

in a meaningful way? The indications are already present in the historiography up to the

nineteenth century that this comparison cannot be attempted by simply stating production costs

divorced from the silver content of the ore they refer to. The sensitivity of such costs to the

silver content of the ore was pointed out by Villaseñor over 250 years ago and yet remains to

be fully reflected in the discussion. A more quantitative analysis is required on the boundary

conditions as to silver content that would have determined the viability of one process over the

other. In particular it is necessary to revise the long-repeated notion that a higher consumption

of mercury made unprofitable the amalgamation of ores with a high silver content.

Why could smelting compete with amalgamation? As Chapter 6 will make evident,

smelting accounted for around 40% of all the silver refined in New Spain, which implies it

consistently provided profits to refiners throughout the colonial period. Could it be that,

contrary to a narrative along Orwellian lines of ‘amalgamation good, smelting bad’, either

process was profitable under certain conditions?

Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 187.

To reach an answer to these questions it is necessary to have access to a historical

accounting data base that does not incorporate anachronistic elements such as steam or

electricity, obtained from a commercially functioning industrial patio amalgamation and

smelting operation, from which the cost structure of production can be calculated. There is no

substitute for long time series of prices of consumables for each process, an operational

accounting of their consumption, a detailed breakdown of labour costs and structure, and the

amount and price of the product. The accounting books of Regla offer this resource to the


5.3 The accounting records for Regla

The account books of Regla and other haciendas of the Compañia Real del Monte

report in great detail the production costs for both amalgamation and smelting over the course

of the second half of the nineteenth century, and their analysis will take up the rest of this

chapter. 776 The value of the accounting records of production costs kept by the Compañia Real

del Monte lies not only in their detail over decades, but also because this company was one of

the very few mining and refining conglomerates in Mexico that ran three distinct refining

methods concurrently on an industrial scale (patio amalgamation, barrel amalgamation and

smelting). In the period 1853 to 1888, the Compañia de Real del Monte had spread its refining

activity of silver ores from the mines of Real del Monte over five different refining haciendas,

each with a specific remit as to the refining process it used to produce silver. Thus Regla applied

patio amalgamation and was the only refining unit to smelt ores; Sanchez, Velasco and San

Miguel only processed ores using amalgamation in toneles (barrels), along the lines of the

Initially the new Mexican owners of the company decided that its accounting should be carried out by the
Treasury of the Casa de la Moneda, and then by the Compañia de Tabaco, both enterprises that the owners also
managed during this period. It is thanks to the insistence of one of the owners, Nicanor Beistegui, that the company
was allowed to keep its own accounts as of 1852, which in turn made possible the contents that have served so
well this chapter. Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa de Minas del Real del Monte," 76, 81, 83.

Barba/Born/Freiburg process pointed out in Chapter 3; Loreto used mainly patio amalgamation

though in at least one year it is listed as also applying amalgamation in toneles.777 The

production costs for each refining unit were also compared to each other, in the way modern

business compares the profitability of discrete production units within an overall corporate cost


The analytical structure of the following sections is as follows. First I proceed to

establish the macroeconomic scenario of the nineteenth century, its impact on operating costs

and the viability of extrapolating economic data to the previous centuries. I then calculate the

production cost of both processes as practised at Regla in the third quarter of the nineteenth

century, averaged over at least a decade.779 I determine for each process the input economic

variables with greater impact on the final production cost, as well as a general breakdown of

production costs by main areas. Finally, based on the cost structure for each process, I evaluate

sensitivity scenarios to estimate how economic and technical conditions prevalent in the

previous centuries would have impacted the relative production costs of both processes.

5.4 The macroeconomic context in the nineteenth century.

In the following sections I will be calculating and comparing costs across many decades

without deflacting them. I will therefore briefly discuss the general economic context of these

periods, both with regards to the pricing of silver and to inflation, and whether there was any

impact from these factors on the time series of pricing for the main consumables at Regla.

The fame of Regla as a smelting centre transcended Real del Monte: ‘the most important factory in Mexico for
the refining of mineral ores by smelting is Regla’ - ‘L’usine la plus importante du Mexique, pour le traitement
des minerais par la fonte, est celle de Regla’. Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 252.
In Appendix B, I present the structure of the accounting books and explain how their information at times
overlap or complement each other.
According to Laur accounting records from Mexican refining haciendas may be subject to an under-accounting
of received ores, so as to hide losses or pilfering or to compensate for inefficiencies of the refining processes. In
the case of Regla I am analyzing the data at face value. Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 91.

5.4.1 Silver

The difference in the valuation of silver with respect to gold in Europe and China, and

the resulting effects of arbitrage on the world economy since the mid-sixteenth century have

been amply commented upon in the historiography.780 From a ratio of around 12 to 1 with

respect to gold, the value of silver depreciated over the centuries in Europe to reach the 15 to

1 range by the mid nineteenth century, a devaluation of just 25% over 300 years. 781 When the

Mexican investors stepped into the shoes of the Real del Monte Company they could have been







1690 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900

Figure 5-2. The evolution of the gold to silver ratio from 1690 to 1900. Data from footnote

For example see Flynn and Giraldez, "Cycles of Silver: Global Economic Unity through the Mid-Eighteenth
Century.";Dennis O. Flynn and Arturo Giraldez, "Arbitrage, China, and World Trade in the early modern period,"
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 38(1995).
‘Average commercial ratio of silver to gold each calendar year since 1687’ in the Report of the Director of the
Mint contained within the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances for the
Fiscal Year ended June 30 1921, p. 654.



pence per ounce of fine silver









Figure 5-3. The evolution of the price of silver in the London market. Data from footnote

forgiven for thinking that past performance of silver pricing was a very good guarantee to

project future results. For nearly two hundred years the gold to silver ratio had been remarkably

stable (Figure 5-2).782 For any capital investor, the degree of confidence on future revenue

streams is a major element in determining the expected economic viability of an industrial

project. In the late 1840s the future price of silver was not a factor of concern to the silver

refiners of Mexico, judging by the most recent stability of its international price at around 60

pence per ounce of fine silver in the London market (Figure 5-3). And yet Duport ends his

extensive monograph on silver in Mexico published in 1846 with a phrase that captured both

its technical longevity and an intimation of its mortality: ‘a time will come, give or take a

The same cannot be said of the silver content in the coinage minted by the Crown. The initial silver content
was set at a value of 11 deniers 4 grains for 1 mark, which was made equal to 65 reales (8 pesos and 1 real). Then
came a succession of devaluations via the reduction of deniers to a mark, or reales to a mark, reaching a cumulative
18% from colonial times to 1826. Joaquin D. Casasus, La Question de l'argent au Mexique (Paris: impr. de Chaix,
1892), 28-30.

century, when the only limit to the production of silver will be imposed by the accelerated

decrease of its value’.783

As of the 1870s the floor shifted in a major way from under the silver market.784 By

1902 the price of silver in London, the benchmark for silver sales in the world and the

destination for much of the silver exported from Mexico in the nineteenth century, had

plummeted to less than half its 1870 value, a near mirror-image of the devaluation of silver

with respect to gold.785 In 1873 H.R. Linderman, the Director of the U.S. Mint, included in his

annual report an analysis of the developing weakness in the value of silver and its impact on

the main Western economies. His commentary on the world-wide concatenation of events and

on the self-fulfilling prophesy of the drop in the value of silver merits an extended quote:

‘the steady value of the money-unit [national currency] can only be maintained by making one
of the precious metals the standard or measure of value and assigning a subordinate position as
to coinage for the other.. gold, being less variable than silver, and of superior value, has been
adopted by ... Japan, Germany, the United States of America, Denmark, Sweden and Norway
[Great Britain in 1816] ... this system [single standard]... enhances the value of the one, and
depreciates that of the other ... large quantities of silver hitherto in circulation as standard
money ... will... be thrown on the market as bullion, and aid in its further depreciation ...India
has for many years past been the principal market for silver ... the decline [in demand is] due

- ‘le temps viendra, un siècle plutôt, un siècle plus tard, ou la production de l’argent n’aura d’autres limites
que celles qui lui seront imposées par la baisse toujours croissante de sa valeur’. Duport, Métaux précieux au
Mexique, 426.
This is the period when the major silver mines of the United States of America came into the market. Viollet
links the new production from the U.S.A. to the upheavals (‘bouleversements’) of the silver market. Eugène
Viollet, "Le problème de l’Argent et l’Etalon d’Or au Mexique" (Université de Paris, 1907), 6. It leads to the
question not analyzed in this thesis as to the comparative production costs of pan amalgamation, patio
amalgamation, barrel amalgamation and smelting between the new North American works, the Mexican ones and
the traditional European production sites, and the impact on silver pricing of new volumes coming to the market
under a new set of production costs.
‘Highest, lowest and average price of bar silver in London, per ounce British standard (0.925), since 1833; and
the equivalent in United States gold coin, of an ounce 1.000 fine, taken at the average price and par of exchange’
in the Report of the Director if the Mint contained within the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on
the State of the Finances for the Fiscal Year ended June 30 1921, p. 653. Part of this Mexican silver was
re-exported to Asia. For data on the amounts of Mexican silver sent from London to China and the Federated
Malay States Silver from 1864 to 1902 see Eduardo Flores Clair, Cuauhtémoc Velasco Avila, and Elia Ramírez
Bautista, Estadísticas mineras de México en el siglo XIX, vol. II(México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e
Historia, 1985), 140-141.

principally to the fall in the price of cotton, soon after the close of the Civil War in this

In spite of these major changes in the international valuation of silver, Mexican silver

production increased rather than decreased. The reasons that have been given state that most

production costs were paid in local currency and local inflation did not react in proportion to

the international decrease in the value of silver. In addition the Mexican State took specific

actions to protect its most valued industry, such as keeping the dual standard until 1905, so

refiners could exchange silver for gold at an attractive rate, and allowing the export of silver in

bullion, foregoing the previous restriction of only allowing the export of coin after payment for

coinage. Finally, the industry responded in the time honoured manner of compensating lower

prices with a higher output that included the sale of other metals, such as lead.787

5.4.2 Maize

With regards to the data from the accounting books of Regla, for the period between

1853 and 1873 the macroeconomic scenario is stable with regards to the value of silver and the

foreign exchange rate. The more critical period is from 1873 and 1888, when both the price of

silver and the exchange rate of the Mexican peso to the U.S. dollar had continuously decreased

by up to 25% with respect to their previous levels.788 Is there an impact in this period on the

H.R. Linderman, ‘Report of the Director of the Mint, November 1 st 1873’ in the Annual Report of the State of
the Finances to the Forty-third Congress, First Session, December 1, 1873, Washington, Government Printing
Office, 1873, pp. 476-477.
Velasco Avila et al., Estado y minería en México, 271-275.
Uribe Salas and Nuñez Altamirano have published a study focused on how the local small and medium mining
enterprises of Real del Monte and Pachuca responded to the drastic decrease in the value of silver, and provides
a detailed picture of how the Government of Mexico moved rapidly to shield its foremost industry. The authors
argue that the smaller enterprises in fact profited after 1873 and that the overall increase in silver production was
in fact due to this segment of the silver industry. Because the paper centres on the strategies of enterprises usually
overshadowed by the Compañia Real del Monte (the authors note wryly that all local enterprises other than that
company were by default medium to small), it does not include data on inflation or production costs. Uribe Salas
and Nuñez Altamirano, "Depreciacion de la plata.."

microeconomics of the production process at Regla that needs to be identified and isolated

from other factors that influence my comparative production cost analysis? The majority of

production costs are for domestic expenses charged in Mexican pesos, as will be demonstrated

in the following sections. An idea of the local inflation can be obtained from the long time

series of maize prices at Regla for the period 1872 to 1888. Expenses on maize were not a

major factor in determining the final production cost at Regla, since it was water and not animal

power that drove the machinery, but they are useful as secondary indicators of local inflation

around Regla. I will ignore the possibility that since maize at Regla was destined for animal

feed, it responded to market pricing and dynamics different from those that acted on maize sold

for human consumption.

The plot of monthly costs for maize purchased at Regla (in pesos per cargas) as

calculated from the data in the Contabilidad Mensual is presented in Figure 5-4.789 The overall

profile corresponds to long trends of values between 4 and 5 pesos per carga, with no clear

indication of any long-term increase in the same. Garner reports an average price of maize, for

the valley of Mexico from 1700 to 1800 as 13.2 reales per fanega, 3.3 pesos per carga.790 This

average correlates with the first plateau of values in Figure 5-4. Overall there is no clear

indication that the macroeconomic context influenced in a major way over this period the local

inflation rate at Regla.791

The raw data indicate the total monthly expenditure on maize at Regla, expressed in pesos, and total amount
in cargas of maize purchased. These data are then used to calculate the cost of maize in pesos per carga.
Richard L Garner, "Price trends in eighteenth-century Mexico," The Hispanic American Historical Review 65,
no. 2 (1985). p. 290. Fanegas have been used as units of volume, area and mass in nineteenth century Mexico. A
carga is equal to 2 fanegas. Manuel Carrera Stampa, "The Evolution of Weights and Measures in New Spain,"
ibid.29, no. 1 (1949): 15.
Garner’s extensive study on maize prices does not indicate any regulation on maize prices that would condition
any conclusion derived from their long term moverments.

pesos per carga 6

6/72 6/73 6/74 6/75 6/76 6/77 6/78 6/79 6/80 6/81 6/82 6/83 6/84 6/85 6/86 6/87 6/88

Figure 5-4. Time series for the expenditure on maize as fodder for animals at Regla (1872-
1888). The source data used to calculate the values of monthly unit costs of maize in pesos per
carga are from Contabilidad Mensual.

5.4.3 Salt

During the period of silver devaluation, salt prices show a step decrease between 1873

and 1875, then a very stable profile between 1875 and 1881, followed by a period of instability

that combines an initial raise in prices followed by a long term decrease (Figure 5-5). The

average over this period was 0.72 pesos per arroba.



pesos per arroba





6/72 6/73 6/74 6/75 6/76 6/77 6/78 6/79 6/80 6/81 6/82 6/83 6/84 6/85 6/86 6/87 6/88

Figure 5-5. Monthly expenses of salt consumed at Regla (1872-1888), in pesos per arroba.
Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual.

The overall downward trend in prices is more evident on a much longer horizon, from

1852 to 1888 (Figure 5-6). The cost of freight played a major role in determining the cost of

salt at the plant gate. In 1855 freight cost 42 dollars per ton to bring it ‘from the State of San

Luis, being a distance of some 300 miles’.792 This would be equivalent to approximately 0.48

pesos per arroba, or around half the cost of salt at the plant gate. In the case of salt other factors

more critical than the macro-economy were at play during the whole period.793 In his report to

the Directors of the Compañia de Real del Monte in 1855, Buchan explained:

‘Amongst the materials required for the reduction of the ores, Salt is one of the most costly and
difficult to obtain ... to secure the supply ... and also with the hope of reducing its cost, we have
commenced .. the formation of large salt-works on the Lake of Tezcoco ... and we hope in time
to render them adequate to all our needs’.794


pesos per arroba of salt



0.4 Estados Comparativos

0.2 Contabilidad Mensual

Figure 5-6. Yearly average expense on salt, in pesos per arroba (1853-1888). Values
calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual correspond to salt prices for Regla. Values
calculated from data in Estados Comparativos correspond to the average price of salt registered
for all the haciendas of the Compañia Real del Monte carrying out amalgamation in any given

Salt was also brought in from salt pans in Campeche, using the ports of Tampico and Tuspan. Buchan, Report
Real del Monte, 18-19.
In the absence of information on the sodium chloride content in the salt being purchased over these decades, I
can only speculate that another factor to decrease cost is a worsening quality, since the consumption of salt per kg
of silver amalgamated increases substantially for the last years of this period (Chapter Four).
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 19. Lake Tezcoco was situated less than 100 km from Regla, so freight costs
would have decreased substantially. It is not known if the project succeeded. At the present time all the lakes of
this area have virtually dried up due to human agency.

5.4.4 Copper sulphate

Copper sulphate is reported as having been one of the items imported by the company,

though it is not stated if all or part, and whether this was a regular practice or not. 795 If so, it

shows a remarkable resiliency to macroeconomic events in the 1873 to 1888 timeline, as

evidenced in the nearly flat array of data points in Figure 5-7, showing a large step decrease in

1875 and a minor one in 1878, and then a constant price to the end of the period.796 The average

cost over the period was 0.13 pesos per lb.

pesos per pound

6/72 6/73 6/74 6/75 6/76 6/77 6/78 6/79 6/80 6/81 6/82 6/83 6/84 6/85 6/86 6/87 6/88

Figure 5-7. Monthly expenses of copper sulphate consumed at Regla, in pesos per pound.
Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual.

5.4.5 Mercury

The behaviour of mercury prices is also unexpected at first sight, being the one major

reagent that had to be imported in its totality and thus most subject to the impact of the

Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa de Minas del Real del Monte," 293.
The Estados Comparativos report both the amount and expense of the purchases of copper sulphate and the
cheaper magistral, but do not add to the present discussion except to indicate that copper sulphate was also added
to amalgamation in barrels, not only to patio amalgamation. I have no information as to whether long-term
contracts would be responsible for the profile in Figure 5-7.

devaluation of the peso that begins around 1873. Figure 5-8 shows a sudden eruption of prices

around the year 1874, precisely the year during which refining operations at Regla became very

erratic. Once the aftershocks of the explosion subside, mercury prices are unexpectedly stable,

and in fact slowly decrease, from 1879 onwards, as the depreciation of the Mexican peso was

gathering steam, only picking up again after 1887. The average price from 1878 to 1888 was

0.6 pesos per lb, 60 pesos per quintal.

pesos per pound mercury

6/72 6/73 6/74 6/75 6/76 6/77 6/78 6/79 6/80 6/81 6/82 6/83 6/84 6/85 6/86 6/87 6/88

Figure 5-8. Monthly expenses of mercury consumed at Regla, in pesos per pound. Values
calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual.

The uniqueness of the peak in mercury pricing observed around 1874 becomes more

evident when the average yearly cost for mercury per pound calculated from the Estados

Comparativos completes the landscape of prices in the period prior to 1874, as observed in

Figure 5-9. Not since the late sixteenth century had prices of mercury reached over 1.6 pesos

per pound (160 pesos per quintal) in the New World. Contrary to salt, the control of mercury

prices lay outside the scope of the management of the Compañia Real del Monte. In a scenario

that seems very familiar, the Spanish authorities in the nineteenth century in their search for

revenues, entered into negotiations with the Rothschild family that would lead the banking

concern to provide a series of loans of increasing uncertainty regarding payback, in return for

the concession of the mercury mine at Almadén. The Rothschilds then proceeded to profit from

their near monopoly on mercury after 1832 by increasing the price of mercury to more than

twice its previous level.797


Estados Comparativos
Contabilidad Mensual
pesos per pound





Figure 5-9. Yearly average expense on mercury, in pesos per pound. Values calculated from
data in Contabilidad Mensual correspond to mercury cost at Regla. Values calculated from
data in Estados Comparativos correspond to the average cost of mercury registered for all the
haciendas of the Compañia Real del Monte carrying out amalgamation in any given year.

This would be followed from 1846 by the production of mercury from New Almaden

and others in the western cordillera of the United States that would provide a new source of

mercury in competition to Almadén and Idria (see Chapter 1). The demand for mercury created

by the California Gold rush, the initial play for a monopoly position by the Rothschilds in the

period 1830 to mid-1850s, and then the entry of unexpected new major sources in the Americas

and the resulting glut of mercury in the market created the major pricing oscillations of the

An analysis of the involvement of the Rothschilds in the mercury market of the nineteenth century is given in
Miguel A. Lopez Morell and Jose M. O'Kean, "Seeking out and building monopolies, Rothschild strategies in non
ferrous metals international markets (1830-1940)," in 14th Conference of the European Business History
Association (Glasgow2010).

nineteenth century that were reflected in all mercury markets. In its final paroxysm it would

create the price spike that for a time must have contributed to derailing amalgamation

operations at Regla in 1874. The resulting overproduction of mercury starting in 1874 and

lasting to 1884 led to mercury prices from New Almaden dropping ‘from $126.22 per flask [of

76 lbs] in 1874 to $49.75 in 1875, and thereafter until 1883 the average price per flask was

about $30.00 and, for a time, $25.00’.798 The roller coaster pricing over the nineteenth century

can be seen in Figure 5-10, where I have used the data reported by Schmitz on the historical

pricing of mercury from three sources in the nineteenth century: Italy (Idria), London (mainly

Almadén) and U.S. (mainly U.S. mines).799

Assuming that prior to 1850 the Idria prices remain a faithful reflection of world

mercury market prices, the business fortunes of both the English Adventurers and their

Mexican successors in the Compañia Real del Monte need to be judged within the context of

the oscillations of this mercury market. The former were hit with a near tripling of mercury

prices after 1836 that lasted to the end of their business venture in Mexico.

‘Phillips estimated that the increase in the price of mercury between 1827 and 1840 had been
so drastic that the cost of amalgamation in the company’s mills was some $40,000 higher in
1840 than it would have been had the price of mercury remained at the 1827 level’.800

Herrera Canales has proposed that for Mexican silver refiners in the nineteenth century

it was more critical to guarantee mercury supply than to worry about mercury pricing, since

mercury ‘only had affected moderately their costs and profit’.801 The scenario as described

Henry Winfred Splitter, "Quicksilver at New Almaden," Pacific Historical Review 26, no. 1 (1957). p. 36.
Christopher Schmitz, World Non-ferrous Metal Production and Prices, 1700-1976 (London; Totowa, N.J.:
Cass ; Biblio Distribution Centre, 1979), 282-84.
Randall, Real del Monte, 116-117.
Inés Herrera Canales, "Mercurio para refinar la plata mexicana en el siglo XIX," Historia Mexicana 40, no. 1
(1990): 27-29.

above did affect major refiners such as Regla, and not only small producers. The new Mexican

owners of Regla were blessed at the beginning of their venture when mercury prices dropped

nearly to a level of the early 1820s. They would enjoy during the first critical years of

production, when capital investment needs to be repaid as promptly as possible, a certain

stability of mercury prices. When the new pricing hikes hit them in the early 1870s, it coincides

with a period of financial crisis of the company. The drastic increase in the pricing of mercury

alone could explain the fact that from May to July, and December 1874 no amalgamation was

carried out at Regla, while from January to March 1875 the amounts amalgamated were close

to nil or irrelevant. During these periods the only production of silver came from the smelting

of slags (grasas), approximately 100 to 200 kg per month.802 The combination of a low

production of suitable ores and the spike in mercury prices knocked operations at Regla in 1874

and the first trimester of 1875 out of kilter.

12,000 3500
Italy (marks/t)
10,000 US ($/t) 3000

UK (£/t) 2500

2,000 500

0 0
1801 1806 1811 1816 1821 1826 1831 1836 1841 1846 1851 1856 1861 1866 1871 1876 1881 1886 1891 1896 1901

Figure 5-10. Nineteenth century mercury prices from footnote 799. The scale on the right
applies to US and London prices, the scale on the left to prices from Italy.

Data for 1874 and 1875 from Informe Mensual Regla.

The sole purpose of this chapter is to calculate the production costs at Regla for

amalgamation and smelting, not the study of the finances of the whole Compañia Real del

Monte or the effects of the macroeconomic context on its profitability to shareholders, but some

background information is in order. The Company went through an initial very profitable

period, when it was buoyed by a bonanza from the 1850s to 1860s, then suffered a financial

crisis from 1873 to 1875 that began when it failed to report profits in 1872. The Company

nearly went bankrupt and a cash injection of 1.5 million pesos was required by 1875. This was

eventually repaid between 1877 and 1884. The explanation proposed for the origin of the crisis

is the lack of investment to find new deposits leading to a drop in ore supply to its refining

haciendas.803 Other authors cite as the cause for the financial crisis the decrease of silver prices

in the international market. It is also stated that the level of profits descended but remained

steady in the period 1876 to 1892, which is the period whose operations are covered in this

chapter. The Mexican Company was sold to United Smelting, Refining and Mining Company,

a U.S. consortium, in 1906, by which time all the refining haciendas except Loreto had been

closed down, and the cyanide process had displaced amalgamation with mercury. 804 No

mention is made in either work of the spike in mercury prices precisely in the period of the

greatest financial crisis of the Mexican-owned company, and its impact on production costs for


5.4.6 Charcoal

In the case of charcoal (Figure 5-11) the pricing profile shows very stable pricing until

1881, after which there is an approximate 40% increase in cost, which could be explained by

Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa de Minas del Real del Monte," 110, 132-135.
Ines Herrera Canales, Cuahtemoc Velasco Avila, and Eduardo Flores Clair, Etnia y clase, los trabajadores
ingleses de la Compañia del Monte y Pachuca, 1824-1906 (Mexico: INAH, 1981), 3-4.

fuel demands finally outstripping supply in this period of continuous smelting, coupled with

the high demand for fuel from amalgamation in barrels, or by a change in sourcing. 805 The

average over the whole period is 1.3 pesos per carga of charcoal.



pesos per carga




6/75 12/75 6/76 12/76 6/77 12/77 6/78 12/78 6/79 12/79 6/80 12/80 6/81 12/81 6/82 12/82 6/83 12/83 6/84 12/84 6/85 12/85

Figure 5-11. Monthly expenses on charcoal for smelting consumed at Regla (1875-1886), in
pesos per carga. Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual.

5.4.7 Litharge

In the opposite direction, the historic pricing of litharge (Figure 5-12) shows step

decreases punctuating periods of stable pricing, with an average of 0.08 pesos per kg.806 There

is no evident influence of the macroeconomic scenarios on this profile.

There is one reference in the literature to charcoal being imported from England and Germany in the nineteenth
century, and brought to the Compañia Real del Monte by rail from the port of Veracruz. Saavedra Silva and
Sánchez Salazar, "Espacio Pachuca-Real del Monte," 93. It does not specify either period, quantities or pricing,
and I have no other source to confirm this. A switch to imported charcoal could explain the increase in price.
As explained in Chapter 4, litharge accounts are reported both in pounds and arrobas, so to avoid confusion I
have converted all to kg.



pesos per kg 0.08




6/75 12/75 6/76 12/76 6/77 12/77 6/78 12/78 6/79 12/79 6/80 12/80 6/81 12/81 6/82 12/82 6/83 12/83 6/84 12/84 6/85 12/85

Figure 5-12. Monthly expenses on litharge consumed at Regla (1875-1886), in pesos per kg.
Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual.

In general it can be concluded that prices of consumables for Regla were not seriously

affected by the macroeconomic scenario, a valid reflection of Mexico as a whole.807 This lack

of impact between the macroeconomic scenario and the input costs of production at Regla in

the nineteenth century, and the stability of the silver to gold ratio from the 1870s to at least the

1700s, will provide a relatively stable context within which I can compare and project

production costs without having to deflate my data. Prior to the eighteenth century a more exact

exercise would require deflation, but for the purposes of comparative analysis set out in the

following sections, the same margin of error for ignoring inflation applies to both sets of mixed

data from various centuries, and the conclusions on relative behaviour are compromised, if at

all, equally for both processes.

5.5 The partial variable production costs of amalgamation at Regla, 1872-1888.

In Figure 5-13 I have plotted the monthly variable amalgamation production costs as

calculated for Regla, except for the cost of extracting the ore. From mid 1872 to early 1875 the

variable amalgamation cost reflects the sudden increase and then decrease of mercury prices

Casasus, La Question de l'argent, 11.

around the 1874 peak (Figure 5-9). Because of the monthly interruptions of amalgamation

observed in the monthly accounts for 1874 I prefer to work with the data from mid 1875 to mid

1888 as being much more representative of average operating conditions. The average variable

cost for amalgamation, excluding the cost of ore, during this period is 7.8 pesos per kg of

refined silver.



pesos per kg silver


6/72 6/73 6/74 6/75 6/76 6/77 6/78 6/79 6/80 6/81 6/82 6/83 6/84 6/85 6/86 6/87 6/88

Figure 5-13. Monthly production costs of silver refined by amalgamation at Regla (1872-
1888). Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual.

The annual percentage breakdown of these amalgamation costs into their main

components over the period is shown in Table 5-V. The details on how the accounting data are

grouped into these headings is provided in Appendix B. The main reagents make up on average

56% of the partial variable amalgamation cost, of which the share of mercury costs (24%) is

very similar to that of salt (23%). Labour contributes 17%, while the remaining 27%

corresponds to other expenses, as detailed in Appendix B. The cost of fuel is hidden within the

overall heading of ‘other’ since the Contabilidad Mensual does not provide a more detailed

picture. It is however possible to arrive at an approximate estimation using the information

both in the Memorias and in the Estados Comparativos. For the four weeks ending on May 29th

1877, this totalled 515.5 cargas of firewood, 634 arrobas of ocote and 89.5 cargas of charcoal

from ocote. According to the same Memorias No. 19 - 21 that served as the source for this

information, the total cost of this fuel came to 373.24 pesos, which represents 2.5% of the total

for that month. This order of magnitude for fuel required by amalgamation is confirmed by

using the accounting data in the Estados Comparativos for the years 1872 and 1873, the only

period during which there is an overlap in the available information. The fuel component in the

total cost of amalgamation in this period is 2.4%, as obtained from the data summarized in

Table 5-VI. The value as calculated errs on the high side, since it also includes fuel for cooking

and domestic heating. As a working figure I assume this range also applies over the period


Combining the data from Tables 5-V and 5-VI, I obtain the average percentage

distribution of variable amalgamation costs at Regla in the period 1875 to 1888, set out in a pie

chart in Figure 5-14. The only variable cost not present in this calculation is the cost assigned

to the silver ore as delivered to the plant gate. The pie chart of Fig. 5-14 and the data in Table

5-V illustrate the major impact of salt on production costs. When consulting the source data I

was struck by the fact that in many months more money was spent on salt at Regla than on

mercury, and this can be observed at a yearly level in Table 5-V. It is understood that the period

from 1876 to 1888 corresponds to low levels of mercury pricing, but a similar context would

have arisen in colonial times after the price of mercury was lowered to 62 pesos a quintal in

mid-eighteenth century. Much emphasis is rightly placed in the historiography on the influence

of the cost of mercury within amalgamation, but the equivalent order of magnitude of the

expenditure on salt needs also to be taken into account. Salt was a major consumable in the

year labour mercury salt copper sulphate other total
mid 1872 24% 24% 24% 7% 21% 100%
1873 23% 27% 20% 7% 25% 100%
mid 1875 15% 43% 14% 7% 21% 100%
1876 15% 36% 23% 7% 19% 100%
1877 17% 28% 25% 11% 20% 100%
1878 16% 23% 24% 13% 23% 100%
1879 18% 19% 24% 16% 23% 100%
1880 19% 19% 22% 13% 27% 100%
1881 16% 21% 23% 11% 29% 100%
1882 16% 22% 24% 10% 28% 100%
1883 14% 22% 23% 11% 29% 100%
1884 15% 20% 27% 9% 29% 100%
1885 16% 22% 24% 7% 31% 100%
1886 18% 23% 23% 5% 32% 100%
1887 18% 24% 20% 5% 33% 100%
mid 1888 19% 21% 22% 4% 34% 100%
whole period 17% 25% 23% 9% 26% 100%
1875-1888 17% 24% 23% 9% 27% 100%

Table 5-V. The percentage breakdown of the main variable amalgamation costs at Regla,
excluding the cost of ore at the plant gate. The percentage values were calculated from the
individual headings within the monthly account data, and then averaged for the year. A total of
153 data sets are represented in the table. Source data from Contabilidad Mensual.

June 1872 -
December 1872
firewood (leña) 1,615.04 939.97
charcoal and wood
2,224.52 3,758.13
(from ocote )
total fuel costs 3,839.56 4,698.10
total amalgamation
159,410.60 196,719.61
% fuel costs 2.4% 2.4%

Table 5-VI. The percentage contribution to the total variable amalgamation refining cost of
the total fuel required by the amalgamation process. Source data from Estados Comparativos.

other 17%

copper sulphate 24%


Figure 5-14. Percentage breakdown of the amalgamation cost of silver at Regla in the period
1872 to 1888, excluding the cost of silver ore at the plant gate.

process, and its impact on the economies of the process were as important as those of

mercury.808 Fortunately for amalgamation, salt was a domestic product, both in New Spain /

Mexico and Peru, and as shown by the management at Regla, steps could be taken to minimize

its cost.

5.6 The cost of ore: the missing link in variable costs at Regla

The accounting books do not include the cost of ore delivered to Regla. I have

calculated an approximate value in Table 5-VII based on data published by Buchan on the costs

for the ore produced in the period May 1849 to December 1852, and the years 1853 and 1854.809

‘the amount of salt needed for nutrition … and various other industries [in New Spain] appear to be of trifling
significance compared with the demands of the silver industry … the price of salt was of considerable importance
to the silver-ore processing plants’. Ewald, Mexican Salt Industry, 12, 211.; the fact that expenses on salt were
greater than expenses on mercury at Real del Monte has already been commented upon by Ortiz Peralta,
"Beneficio Minerales Real del Monte," 55.; "La Compañia de Real del Monte y Pachuca," 206. In the latter work
she analyzes what she considers to be the novel incursion of a mining and refining concern into the business of
salt production.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 26-31.

The unit cost per carga of mined ore, including freight to the refining haciendas, shows a

marked decrease over this short period. I use as a working figure the average of the years 1853

and 1854, at 2.6 pesos per carga of ore at the plant gate. I will assume as a working number

that this average cost remained the same over the second half of the nineteenth century.810 The

average percentage of silver extracted from the ores processed by amalgamation at Regla was

0.17% by weight (Chapter 4), so the average extraction cost for the ore was 11.1 pesos per kg

amalgamated silver.811

May 1849 to
1853 1854
December 1852
General expense [overheads] 92,456 30,152 36,410
Drainage of mines 215,541 69,334 83,707
Extraction cost 758,906 294,874 322,812
Freight to refining haciendas 105,283 63,768 82,640
total 1,172,186 458,128 525,569
cargas of ore 311,765 181,151 192,982
production cost per carga 3.76 2.53 2.72
all costs in dollars (equivalent to pesos )

Table 5-VII. Mining and other costs for Real del Monte mines in the period 1849 to 1854,
raw data adapted from footnote 809.

This is a major assumption, induced by the need to have a working figure on ore costs at Regla. Though labour
was responsible for a major part of mining costs, other factors such as flooding, depletion of the ore deposit, cost
of wood for timbers, investment in machinery could have created major variations in this cost in the second half
of the nineteenth century. On the other hand the strategy of this Company was to lease many mine holdings so as
to switch from one source of ore rapidly to another. This would have kept mining costs down if an alternative
deposit to a deeper or depleting mine could be found. Mendizabal pointed out that it was economic, not technical
causes that led to mines being abandoned. Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 26.
At a silver extraction rate of 0.17%, 0.23 kg of silver are refined from 138 kg (1 carga) of ore, so that at 2.6
pesos per carga it is equivalent to 11.1 pesos per kg refined silver.

This introduces a major new component in the breakdown of variable costs, a single

input greater in cost than the sum of mercury, salt and copper sulphate. The total average

amalgamation variable cost is now 18.9 pesos per 1 kg of refined silver. The pie chart of

variable production costs now changes to the breakdown shown in Figure 5-15. The cost of

extracting ores was the major influence on the total variable cost of amalgamating silver ores,

and not mercury, as pointed out by Villaseñor in 1741.

The pie chart of Figure 5-15 mirrors well the distribution of silver production costs

between mining and amalgamation for the Compañia de Real del Monte, which assigned to

refining 40% of the total costs of the company. 812 The chart as presented in a standard

breakdown of major production cost headings camouflages however a very significant statistic.

It has been estimated that labour costs made up 85% of the total extraction cost of mining ores

in Mexico in the nineteenth century.813 If this estimate is correct, then 55% of the cost of

amalgamating silver at Regla was due to the cost of labour in mining and refining, with up to

an additional 10% in cost of local labour hidden under the headings of salt, fuel and others.

Ortiz Peralta, "La Compañia de Real del Monte y Pachuca," 202.
Viollet, "Le problème de l’Argent," 121.

1% salt

copper sulphate
ore 7%


Figure 5-15. Percentage breakdown of the total variable cost of production by amalgamation
at Regla, based on the production cost of ore from the mines of Real del Monte in 1853-1854.
Other data as in Figure 5-14.

5.7 The capital cost of amalgamation at Regla.

The total cost of production by amalgamation at Regla would need to incorporate as

well the fixed capital cost due to the investment in infrastructure. Since in 1846 most of the

infrastructure at Regla was bought at a pittance from its previous English owners, from an

accounting point of view the servicing of this fixed capital cost is not representative of an

amalgamation hacienda built from scratch. The report by John Buchan includes a listing for

‘reforming and enlarging reduction works at Regla’ of $20,000, compared to the capital cost

of ‘erecting the new reduction work of Velasco’ at $209,750, based on the barrel process.814

The original cost of construction of Regla in the late eighteenth century has been reported at

Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 26. Another reference point is the cost of construction of the major
amalgamation facility of Proaño in Fresnillos, Zacatecas, with a larger amalgamation processing capacity than
Regla (see Chapter Three). It is reported as having cost 300,000 pesos in the first half of the nineteenth century,
before steam engines were installed. The fixed annual cost of servicing that investment is set at 5%. Since
depreciation for tax purposes was probably not an established accounting practice at this time, its fixed capital
cost is probably treated as a nominal interest rate on a loan. Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 262-63, 278.

levels over $500,000, but there are strong reasons not to take even the original investment as a


Visitors to Regla wondered ‘why his walls were built so thick, or why so many massive

arches should have been constructed, is an enigma to the present generation, as they could by

no means have been intended for a fortress down in a barranca’.816 As Humboldt pointed out,

one of the advantages of the amalgamation process was precisely its low capital expenditure in

plant infrastructure.817 Regla was overdesigned for the needs of both processes, so its capital

cost is not a guide to an average cost in the silver refining business.

According to Duport the rental in Guanajuato of an amalgamation hacienda would

amount to 50 pesos per year per arrastre.818 If this benchmark were applied to Regla, with 24

arrastres, it would have induced a rent of 1,200 pesos per year. With an average production of

nearly 20,000 kg of silver by amalgamation during this period at Regla, even a ten-fold increase

in this level of rent would only correspond to half a peso for every kg of silver produced. In the

light of all these considerations, I will therefore ignore the fixed cost of capital for

amalgamation at Regla and focus only on the total variable cost. Since I will require an estimate

on a generic fixed capital cost of amalgamation for my sensitivity runs later on in this chapter,

I will use Duport’s information that the rental cost of an amalgamation hacienda in the State

According to Terrero 2 million pesos were spent to construct the haciendas of Regla, San Francisco Javier,
San Miguel and San Antonio. Manuel Romero de Terreros, Antiguas haciendas de México (Editorial Patria, 1956),
300. Other figures are 425,708 pesos in Ladd, The Making of a Strike, 144.; £1 million in H. G. Ward, Mexico,
Second ed.(London: H. Colburn, 1829), 140., and £500,000 in Lyon, Tour of Mexico, 153.
Wilson, Mexico and Its Religion, 366.
Humboldt, Essai politique, 84.
‘The rent of an hacienda de beneficio is fixed according to the number of arrastras, at a rate of 50 piastres per
year’ - ‘Le loyer d’un hacienda de beneficio se règle d’après le nombre d’arrastras, a raison de 50 piastres par
an’. Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 237. The wording is ambiguous, but a rental of just 50 pesos per year
for the hacienda would be trivial and it does not correlate with his breakdown of costs in page 232 of his book,
where rental came out to nearly 60 pesos for each arrastre.

of Guanajuato capable of processing 2,565 montones of ore a year represents 4 - 5% of the

variable refining cost of silver.819

5.8 The partial variable production cost of amalgamation as a function of silver content
of the ore.

The cost of refining is a function of the silver content of an ore, and without a

knowledge of this function it is not possible to compare the economies of amalgamation with

smelting. Table 5-VIII summarizes the method I have applied that allows me to calculate the

total variable production cost as a function of the silver content in the ore, and to establish the

breakeven point between silver value and amalgamation costs.820 The key column that

functions as the fixed axis of the matrix is shaded in grey. It corresponds to an ore with an

average silver content of 0.19% by weight, to which all costs reported so far refer to. From top

to bottom the first two values indicate the amount of silver in a montón (assuming a total

extraction rate of silver of 90%), then the deemed value of the refined silver in pesos (adopting

an equivalence of 38 pesos per kg of silver).821 The second tranche of values correspond to the

average variable costs calculated in Sections 5.5 and 5.6 adjusted to the total amount of silver

in a montón. The matrix is then assembled from this column, by choosing different silver

contents and adjusting the cost of mercury (at a mercury to silver weight ratio of 1.3) and fuel,

maintaining constant all the other values. The fuel costs vary as they reflect the amount of

amalgam fired in a capellina and the bars cast. The cost of salt and copper sulphate do not

vary with silver content since they were added proportional to the size of the montón, not to its

silver content. Labour and other costs are deemed constant throughout the range.

Ibid., 232.
A similar result would be obtained applying Villaseñor’s matrix based only on costs per montón. I developed
my method before coming across the work by Villaseñor, which helped me to understand his approach.
The value of 38 pesos per kg of silver is calculated from the data from 1849 to 1854 in Buchan, Report Real
del Monte, 26-31.

Before I plot the function I draw attention to the fact that the cost of mercury consumed

during patio amalgamation at Regla increases with the silver content of the ore only when

calculated on the basis of a montón. On the basis of variable production costs the whole

operation decreases in cost at higher silver content when calculated on the basis of one kg of

silver refined. The data point to the fallacy of judging the viability of amalgamating ores with

high silver content only on the increase in cost of the total amount of mercury consumed.

Based on the matrix in Table 5-VIII, the function of variable costs versus silver content

in Figure 5-16 indicates that it would not have been profitable to amalgamate ores at Regla

with a gross (unextracted) silver content below 0.09%. This correlates well with the histogram

in Figure 4.32, where the lowest tranche registered in the accounts of Regla corresponds to ores

with 0.7 to 0.10% silver content. Obviously a greater refinement is possible, since this simple

calculation does not include the fixed costs, yet it still remains a valid indicator of the limits to

amalgamation at Regla based on the quality of the ore. By processing ores of an average 0.19%

silver content, the total variable costs corresponded to approximately 50% of the silver value

in the ore, thus providing a healthy margin for the operators of Regla from which to retain a

profit from the operation.

With respect to the second parameter, the cost of amalgamation per kg of silver as a

function of silver content in the ore, Figure 5-17 shows the expected decrease in unit cost as

the silver content increases. I have chosen as a cut-off point all production costs over 50 pesos,

since by this time the cost of production will have exceeded the value of the silver being

produced. To emphasize that only one point of the curve has been calculated from the actual

% silver in ore 0.00% 0.02% 0.04% 0.06% 0.08% 0.12% 0.19% 0.60% 1.00% 1.90% 3.00%

kg of silver in
Amalgamation 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.99 1.49 2.36 7.45 12.42 23.60 37.26

value silver
0 9 19 28 38 57 90 283 472 897 1416

production cost
pesos per kg
variable production costs in pesos per monton

Fuel 0.19 0.00 0.05 0.09 0.14 0.19 0.28 0.44 1.40 2.33 4.43 7.00
Mercury 1.91 0.00 0.48 0.95 1.43 1.90 2.85 4.52 14.27 23.78 45.18 71.33
Salt 1.78 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21
Copper Sulphate 0.72 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69
Labour 1.30 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07 3.07
others 1.93 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54
ore 11.1 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2 26.2

total 18.93 39.71 40.23 40.75 41.27 41.80 42.84 44.67 55.37 65.82 89.32 118.04

production cost
161.96 82.03 55.39 42.07 28.74 18.93 7.43 5.30 3.78 3.17
pesos per kg

Table 5-VIII. Matrix to determine the variation of total production cost by patio
amalgamation at Regla as a function of silver content in the ore. All data derived from the
accounting books of Regla, except for the cost of ore which has been derived from Section 5.6.

production cost
silver value
pesos per monton




0.00% 0.05% 0.10% 0.15% 0.20%
gross silver content in ore

Figure 5-16. Cross-over point between the average variable cost of processing one montón
by patio amalgamation at Regla, and a deemed maximum value for the silver extracted from
the ore. Data sourced from Table 5-VIII.

accounting records of the period, I have used a large circular marker for the sole accounting

value, with all the other points in the curve projected according to the methodology set out in

Table 5-VIII. The profile of the curve begs the question why patio amalgamation is never

indicated as being suitable for refining ores with a high silver content since after all, the richer

the ore, the lower the production cost. I have already commented in Chapter 4 that the

accounting records show amalgamation tortas being prepared with mixtures that included ores

of a silver content usually associated with smelting, though they never represented the majority

content of a torta. Three practical issues may have constrained the use of amalgamation for

ores with a high content of silver. First is the possibility that ores with a higher content of silver

also contained lead, which would make them unsuitable on chemical grounds for

amalgamation. Second, a greater use of mercury would have required purchasing and

maintaining an increased inventory. Over the whole historical period of amalgamation market

availability of mercury and cash flow constraints on working capital may have limited this

option. Third, there could be operational problems in the milling to a very fine powder the ores

with a high content of native silver. Native silver is not easy to amalgamate when present in

large sizes within an ore.822 What is important to point out is that on the basis of these graphs

there is nothing per se in the economies of amalgamation that would limit the application of

the process to ores with a high silver content.

Sarria and Sonneschmidt comment on the operational problems encountered milling and amalgamating ores
with a high content of native silver. de Sarria, Ensayo de metalurgia, 146.; Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado
de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 54, 56. In Peru in the sixteenth and seventeenth century they employed the
tintin method for very rich silver ores, which required pounding the rich silver mass in an ore immersed in mercury
repeatedly with an iron bar. ‘the ore in which pure Silver can be observed, mixed with stone … cannot be ground
well, nor is Mercury able to embrace such large [pieces of] Silver’ – ‘el metal en que se ven en su forma [la] Plata
puros, mezclados con la piedra … ni puede molerse bien, ni el Azogue abrazar [la] Plata tan gruessa’. For a
description of the tintin process see Barba, Arte de los metales, 127-29.



projected production cost

value from accounts
pesos per kg silver




0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%

gross silver content of ore

Figure 5-17. The projected cost of production using patio amalgamation at Regla (1875-
1888) as a function of the gross silver content of the ore. Data from Table 5-VIII.

5.9 The partial variable production costs of smelting at Regla, 1872-1888

The variable production cost per kg of refined silver obtained via smelting at Regla

averaged 5.2 pesos in the period June 1875 to January 1886, excluding the extraction cost of

the ore (Figure 5-18). To better illustrate the grouping of values in spite of outlying data points

I have opted to represent the scatter of the data. The percentage breakdown of the variable

refining costs of smelting, without the variable cost of the ore, is shown in Table 5-IX. The

deemed production cost of ore for smelting has been assumed to be exactly the same as that for

amalgamation, 2.6 pesos per carga or 1.04 pesos per kg of silver.823

At 2.6 pesos per carga production cost (1853-1854), for an ore with 1.9% silver this is equivalent to a cost of
ore of 1 peso per kg of silver refined by smelting. From another context Duport states : ‘one would need to be
able to separate the costs of extracting the ore for smelting from those of the ore for amalgamation, and this is
impossible; since, in all mines the selection is made on the mass of mineral that comes out of the mine, from
where the richest ore is selected for smelting’ - ‘il faudrait pouvoir séparer les frais d’extraction du minéral fondu
de celui destiné à l’amalgamation, et c’est une chose impossible ; car, dans toutes les exploitations on choisit sur



pesos per kg silver 12


6/72 6/73 6/74 6/75 6/76 6/77 6/78 6/79 6/80 6/81 6/82 6/83 6/84 6/85 6/86 6/87 6/88

Figure 5-18. Monthly production costs of silver refined by smelting at Regla (1875-1886).
Values calculated from data in Contabilidad Mensual.

year labour litharge charcoal others total
mid 1875 27% 26% 35% 12% 100%
1876 33% 20% 34% 14% 100%
1877 26% 24% 34% 16% 100%
1878 27% 26% 32% 15% 100%
1879 21% 21% 32% 25% 100%
1880 21% 21% 34% 25% 100%
1881 26% 14% 37% 23% 100%
1882 25% 19% 34% 22% 100%
1883 26% 12% 50% 12% 100%
1884 29% 20% 45% 6% 100%
1885 23% 21% 46% 10% 100%
average 26% 20% 38% 16% 100%

Table 5-IX. The percentage contribution to the partial variable refining cost of the main cost
elements of the process. The percentage values were calculated on a monthly basis, and then
averaged for the year. A total of 103 data sets are represented in the table. Source data from
Contabilidad Mensual.

la masse du minerai, tel qu’il sort de la mine les parties riches qu’on destine a la fonte’. Duport, Métaux précieux
au Mexique, 369. It could also be assumed to be zero, since the proportion of ores for smelting to ores for
amalgamation at Regla was 2:100 (Chapter 4), and it could be argued that the mining business was structured
around amalgamation, with rich ores being only a windfall profit. I do not adopt a zero value because I wish to
extrapolate my projections to cases where the ore for smelting was mined for its own sake.

Figure 5-19 shows how the inclusion of the deemed variable cost of the ore changes the

percentage profile, though to a much lesser extent than was observed for the case of

amalgamation. Fuel (31%), then labour (21%), are the main cost components of the process.

The influence of the cost of ore and litharge on the final production cost of smelting are equal

(17%). The cost of labour in mining and refining would amount to around 35% of the final

production cost by smelting, but the local labour fraction of fuel costs and others would

probably add another 15%. Though less than the 65% contribution of labour costs to the total

estimated for amalgamation, it still represents half the total variable cost for smelting at Regla

in this period.

5.10 The variable production cost of smelting as a function of the silver content of the

As in the case of amalgamation I will construe a matrix that will allow the calculation

of the function of the variable cost of smelting function with respect to the silver content present

in the ore. The column in grey in Table 5-X is the reference column for the subsequent

calculations. This column represents the average costs registered at Regla to smelt ores with an

average silver content of 1.9% (Chapter 4), plus the deemed extraction cost at 1.04 pesos per

kg of silver refined, for a total of 6.2 pesos per kg of silver refined, or 14.65 pesos per carga

of ore smelted.824 The account books list side by side costs in pesos per monton for

amalgamation runs and pesos per carga for smelting runs, so care must be taken in comparing

values. Table 5-X shows this set of values derived from the accounting registers as my

reference point in the column highlighted in grey. I then generate in the rest of Table 5-X the

In contrast to ores for amalgamation, I pointed out in Section 4.5.1 that the gross silver content calculated from
the accounts in ores for smelting is found to be equal to the silver extracted by smelting, within the error of the

other greta
16% 20%



other ore
14% 17%




Figure 5-19. Percentage breakdown of variable smelting costs at Regla (1875-1886), (a)
without and (b) with the deemed variable cost of the ore.

variation in production cost per carga of ore and per kg of silver as a function of the silver

content. I assume that the only cost that varies in a manner directly proportional to the silver

content of the ore is the cost of litharge, and that all the other costs remain at the level that

corresponds to the smelting of the 1.9% ore. Since the whole mass of ore is heated, the cost of

charcoal will not vary with silver content; if it had, then results would have been more

favourable to smelting. Figure 5-20 shows that smelting at Regla during this period was not

an economic option for ores that had a silver content lower than 0.3%. According to the

histogram in Figure 4.41, the lowest tranche of silver ores refined by smelting had a silver

content of 1%.

With regards to the cost of production as a function of silver content, Figure 5-21 shows

both the single value derived directly from the accounting registers (large circular marker) and

the other data points projected according to the method set out in Table 5-X. Even at a silver

content of around 2% the costs of amalgamation at Regla (3.7 pesos per kg silver) are

significantly lower than those for smelting (5.9 pesos per kg silver). Even if the cost of ore for

smelting was set at zero, assuming that it was a windfall product from the normal extraction of

ores for amalgamation, the same advantage for amalgamation applies. This reinforces my

assumption that it was operational reasons, and not economic ones, that limited the use of

amalgamation at high silver contents at Regla.

% silver in ore 0.0% 0.04% 0.06% 0.08% 0.10% 0.12% 0.16% 0.19% 0.40% 0.60% 1.00% 1.90% 3.00%

Smelting kg of silver in a carga 0.00 0.0497 0.075 0.099 0.124 0.149 0.199 0.236 0.497 0.745 1.242 2.360 3.726

value of silver, pesos 0 2 3 4 5 6 7.6 9 19 28 47 90 142

variable production
variable production cost in pesos per carga
cost pesos per kg silver

Fuel 1.94 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58

Litharge 1.05 0.00 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.21 0.25 0.52 0.79 1.31 2.49 3.93

Labour 1.32 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13
others 0.85 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
ore 1.04 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45
total 6.21 12.16 12.21 12.24 12.26 12.29 12.32 12.37 12.41 12.68 12.94 13.47 14.65 16.09

variable production
n/a 245.78 164.20 123.42 98.94 82.63 62.24 52.58 25.53 17.37 10.84 6.21 4.32
cost pesos per kg silver

Table 5-X. The derivation of the total cost of smelting per carga and of the variable
production cost per kg of silver as a function of silver content in the ore. For source of data see


100 production cost

80 silver value
pesos per monton




0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%
silver content in ore

Figure 5-20. Cross-over point between the average variable cost of processing one carga by
smelting and the value of silver extracted from the ore. Data from Table 5-X.



projected production cost

value from accounts
pesos per kg silver




0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%

silver content of ore

Figure 5-21. The variable production cost by smelting at Regla as a function of the silver
content of the ore. Data from Table 5-X.

5.11 Patio amalgamation vs smelting at Regla

The results of the exercise shown in Tables 5-VIII and 5-X highlight the care that must

be taken in comparing the production cost of amalgamation versus smelting. At first sight the

results seem to correlate with the report that ‘John Phillips found that for the year 1840 the cost

of smelting was only 34% of the value of silver produced, while that of patio amalgamation

was 46.25 percent’.825 According to my calculations the corresponding values for the third

quarter of the nineteenth century are 16% and 49% respectively, but in any case both sets of

values as reported by Phillips give the impression that smelting is a better option than

amalgamation. However my set of figures (and I strongly suspect the same applies to those

stated by Phillips) have to be provided with the caveat that they are comparing apples and pears,

since they apply to an ore with 1.9 % silver in the case of smelting and to an ore with 0.19%

silver in the case of amalgamation.826

There is little point in stating a refining cost for a silver ore without indicating the silver

content it applies to. A meaningful comparison between the refining costs of amalgamation

and smelting can only be carried out at the same level of silver content of the ore being refined.

This is the academic equivalent of what a refiner in the field holding a piece of ore in his hand

will ask himself, which of the two processes shall I apply to this rock? Smelting could not

have been applied at Regla in the third quarter of the nineteenth century for an ore with just

0.19% of silver content, since the variable costs for smelting exceeded the value of silver that

could be extracted from it. In contrast, amalgamation could have been applied in theory at a

Quoted from a report to the Directors dated 29 June 1841, Real del Monte Proceedings, in Randall, Real del
Monte, 114.
Phillips, as many of the English managers of the company of the period, was strongly in favour of replacing
the Mexican patio amalgamation process with the English tradition of smelting, and offered his data as support to
his argument. Whether he was being disingenuous at the time or believed he was comparing costs on the same
basis is open to question.

lower production cost to ores with 1.9 % silver. The fact it wasn’t applied means that other

constraints (technical, supply) came into play, but not the theoretical margin of profit. It is

worthwhile at this point of the analysis to bear in mind the following advice from a nineteenth

century textbook on the metallurgy of silver ores:

‘the question as to the most economical treatment of an ore will be determined .. [by] all
conditions … the cost of the same … being only one of many … and it may happen that a
wasteful process is the best, or that a costly process is the cheapest … the proper treatment [is
that] which, however wasteful, costly, or even unscientific, enables the owner to make the most
money out of his ore’827

The results for Regla in the second half of the nineteenth century are unequivocal:

amalgamation was a more cost effective refining process than smelting for ores with a silver

content of 0.19%, and could break-even on ores with 0.09% silver. None of these ranges of ore

could be smelted at a profit, under the set of conditions prevalent at Regla in this period.

Smelting would be used until 1882 on ores that averaged 1.9% silver, and the minimum silver

content in the ore needed to be above 0.3%. Nevertheless the economic data point to a

production cost above that of amalgamation even for the ores with a higher content of silver. It

does not come as a surprise that as of the late nineteenth century the Company decided to export

the ores with a higher silver content to be smelted in England.828

One other important caveat applies to the comparison of production costs. In 1855

Buchan reported that: ‘As far, however, as I have been able to judge by a constant attention to

all these circumstances, the silver left unextracted by the several processes employed is nearly

as follows: by smelting 6 per cent; by patio amalgamation 15 percent.’829 In Section 4.5.3 the

data for Regla after 1874 do not show any major difference in the percentage of unextracted

Eissler, The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead, 349.
Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa de Minas del Real del Monte," 285, 298.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 18.

silver between the two processes, admittedly within a range of limited values showing a very

high average deviation. I have therefore preferred to apply in my calculations a correction of

10% between the gross and the extracted silver content in ores for amalgamation, while no

correction was applied for the ores destined for smelting.

How do the data from Regla compare with the conclusions stated in the historiography

(Section 5.2)? On the minimum content of silver required by each process to compensate

extraction cost with the value of silver in the ore the correlation is good. Only 3 out of 17

examples in Table 5-II show ores below 0.09% silver content being amalgamated, and only

one example of smelting applied to ores below 0.3% silver. On generic statements the

divergence is notable. Smelting is not automatically the best choice on economic grounds for

ores with higher silver content, unless lead content or restrictions on working capital and supply

are at play. Mercury does not represent the highest production cost fraction in amalgamation,

it is the cost of ore (only Villaseñor and Brading have pointed this out). Salt could be as

important a cost factor as mercury. At Regla in the third quarter of the nineteenth century,

smelting was not a process with a lower cost than amalgamation. The next section will address

the question whether during the whole course of silver refining in New Spain / Mexico,

smelting ever came to be able to compete with patio amalgamation on production costs.

5.12 Extrapolating the results from Regla to other historical scenarios

Production costs are location and time specific. The former because the costs of

extracting ore, labour, fuel, other consumables, inland freight, availability of hydraulic power,

the degree of ingratiation with local authorities to obtain exemptions of duties, mercury at cost

or even a sufficient mercury quota at the official price in colonial times, all varied according to

the region. The latter because the pricing and availability of mercury and charcoal, the nature

and demands of the labour force, the fuel efficiency of the smelting furnaces, the degree of skill

of the smelters and the depth of the mines depend to a high degree on the period being studied.

Therefore instead of trying to cover all these eventualities, I will reproduce conditions that

would have been found during two important historical periods that can complement the picture

provided by Regla: the pioneering stage of the sixteenth century and the shifting sands of the

seventeenth to eighteenth centuries. In order to reconstruct the production costs for the

historical periods I first establish the spread of historical values of the main cost factors of

refining silver in Table 5-XI as can be found in the historiography.830 Table 5-XII then indicates

that the values registered at Regla do not all correspond to the same position in all the historical

ranges. This gives a strong indication that the relation between production costs of

amalgamation and smelting was not fixed but could show significant variations in different

historical periods from the results observed in the previous section.

Of the two periods that served as bookends to the history of silver refining with mercury

in the New World, Regla is the example that helps to explain the success of amalgamation in

Mexico towards the end of the nineteenth century. Figure 5-22 is a powerful advertisement for

the patio process, showing that at Regla it could even undercut the economies of smelting of

ores with a high silver content. These results confirm that Regla was well configured for

amalgamation. Its ore shows low to medium extraction costs, the hacienda had an extremely

low fixed capital cost, it enjoyed free and constant hydraulic power, medium to low cost for

mercury after 1875, employed one of the lowest ratios of mercury to silver for patio

amalgamation, and during the period 1876 to 1888 its patio reactor operated at full capacity,

thus optimizing labour costs. The same cannot be said of smelting, where the smelting capacity

a) García Mendoza, "Minas de plata en Taxco."; b) Menegus Borneman, "Las comunidades productoras de sal
y los mercados mineros: los casos de Taxco y Temascaltepec."; c) Fabry, Impugnacion a reflexiones de
Villaseñor.; d) Dominguez de la Fuente, Leal Informe Politico-Legal.; e) Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico.; f)
Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique.; g) Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique." ; h) West, The Parral
Mining District.

location period cost unit reported notes calculated to a common unit source, page
Mercury generic 16c to 19c 30 - 190 pesos /quintal this chapter; a, 54
Tasco 16c 1.16 pesos /fanega 0.1 a, 54
New Spain 1717 18 to 20 real /fanega plus freight >0.3 b, 82
Pachuca 1743 20-22 pesos /carga 1.7-1.8 c
Guanajuato 1763 3 pesos /fanega 0.4 d, 207-212
New Spain late 18c 1 pesos /fanega 0.1 e, 153-154
Salt Regla 1801 3.75 pesos/ 75 lbs 1.3 pesos /arroba e, 155
Mexico mid 19c 2 to 12 pesos /carga 0.2 to 1 f, 87
Fresnillo mid 19c 11 to 26 real /fanega fanega of 200 lbs 0.2 to 0.4 f, 278

Mexico 1860s 5 pesos /carga 0.40 g, 63

Mexico second half 19c 4 to 12 pesos /carga 0.3 to 1 g, 65-66
Zacatecas late 18c 1.66 pesos /arroba 0.07 e, 153-154
Copper sulphate Mexico mid 19c 3 to 5 pesos /carga 0.12 to 0.2 pesos /pound f, 98
Fresnillo mid 19c 3.5 to 5.75 pesos /carga 0.14 to 0.23 f, 278
Tasco 16c 2.70 pesos /quintal 0.06 a, 54
pesos /2
Guanajuato 1760s to 1774 1.25 0.01 d,270
Litharge (greta ) pesos /kg
Mexico mid 19c 2.5 to 4 pesos /quintal 0.05 to 0.09 f, 75
Mexico second half 19c 0.07 pesos /arroba 0.01 g, 83
Catorce 1870 12 pesos /carga 0.09 g, 251-252
Tasco 16c 0.3 pesos /carga 0.3 a, 54
Fresnillo mid 19c 1.5 reales /arroba 2.3 f, 278
Charcoal Fresnillo second half 19c 0.19 pesos /arroba 2.3 pesos /carga g, 83
Zacatecas second half 19c 0.19 pesos /arroba 2.3 g, 83
Guanajuato second half 19c 0.21 pesos /arroba 2.5 g, 83
generic all nil tailings 0 f, 375
Parral 1649 0.25 to 0.3 pesos /quintal check 0.7 to 0.9 h, 96
Regla 1801 0.3 pesos /quintal 1 oz/qtal silver 0.9 e, 155
Regla 1801 0.8 pesos /quintal 2.5 oz/qtal silver 2.4 e, 155
pesos /14
Zacatecas 1839-1840 8.33 0.20% 7.1 f, 223
pesos /14
buscones 1840s 8.1 ? 6.9 f, 223
ores arrobas pesos /carga
Zacatecas mid 19c 5.5 pesos /carga 0.17 to 0.25% 5.5 f, 246
pesos /mark
Zacatecas mid 19c 4.39 0.46% f, 252
3.43 to
Fresnillo mid 19c pesos /carga 0.20% 3.4 to 3.8 f, 259
Guadalupe y
mid 19c 5.25 pesos /carga 0.25 to 0.3% 5.3 f, 308
16c to 18c 1000
Furnace efficiency generic kg/kg silver this chapter
second half 19c 200
small scale
smelting works
Fixed capital cost generic all
5% of large
variable amalgamation f, 279-280
cost works
nil water power
Source of power generic all 12% of
variable animal power f, 279-280

Table 5-XI. Selection of historical costs from the sixteenth to nineteenth century of the main
factors that determine the production cost of amalgamation and smelting. Sources in footnote

% variable costs at Regla

Regla historical values
amalgamation smelting
cost of ore pesos /carga 2.6 0 to 7.1 58 16
cost of power for approx. 12% of
free 0
mills, furnaces variable costs

approx. 5% of assumed assumed

fixed capital cost very low
variable costs negligible negligible

mercury to silver
1.3 1.3 to 2.1
ratio 10
mercury pesos /quintal 60 30 to 190

salt pesos /arroba 0.7 0.1 to 1.8 9

copper sulphate pesos /pound 0.13 0.07 to 0.23 4

efficiency furnaces 200 kg fuel/ kg silver 1000 kg fuel/kg silver

charcoal pesos /carga 1.3 0.3 to 2.5

litharge pesos /kg 0.08 0 to 0.9 17

labour high indirect; low to high 7 22

Table 5-XII. The profile of costs registered at Regla in the third quarter of the nineteenth
century within the historical context of New Spain / Mexico. For sources see Table 5-XI and
Sections 5.8 and 5.11.


pesos / kg silver

40 smelting




0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%
silver content

Figure 5-22. Total variable refining cost at Regla (1875-1888), as a function of the silver
content of the ore. Data from Tables 5-VIII and 5-X.

had been over-designed (six blast furnaces had been built, exceeding by far the amount of

available ore for smelting), labour for smelting had therefore become a fixed cost as it was

underutilized yet had to be retained due to its specialist skills, and the ore was poor in lead,

requiring the purchase of litharge. The one redeeming feature for smelting at Regla was the

very high fuel efficiency of its blast furnaces.

At the other bookend to this history, the second half of the sixteenth century, when

refiners were still grappling with smelting and amalgamation was beginning to offer some of

them solace, the context was completely different. For smelting it was characterized by

inexpensive infrastructure, negligible extraction costs for the initial rich surface deposits,

abundant and nearby fuel sources, inefficient furnaces and ores rich in lead in some locations.

As to amalgamation, it was initially applied to ores obtained from tailings, thus with zero

extraction cost, mercury was sold at the highest levels of historical prices, the novelty of the

process resulted in some very high mercury to silver ratios, investment in new stamp mills was

the major capital cost involved, and water was not always available to drive them. This new

context can be translated into numbers that will allow me to calculate a new set of comparative

refining costs for both processes. The aim is not to arrive at absolute production economic data

but to estimate changes in the relative efficiency of both processes to refine at a profit ores with

different levels of silver content. The method is analogous to that applied in Tables 5-VIII and

5-X, except that now I will change certain key values as set out in Table 5-XIII. Once the new

values are substituted in a calculation matrix (reproduced in Appendix E), a new plot of

comparative production costs as a function of silver content is generated (Figure 5-23).

Smelting is now the clear choice, on the basis of cost, for ores with a silver content above 0.5%,

while amalgamation remains the process of choice for ores with a silver content below this


original Regla projected value for

data 16c context
pesos per kg of silver

mercury 1.94 9.93 a factor of 5.12 = (180/60)*(2.1/1.3)
labour 1.31 0.13 10% of 19c value
ore 11.1 0 tailings
fuel 0.19 0.04 (0.3/1.3)
power 0 1.2 approx. 12% variable cost
fixed capital 0 0.5 approx. 5% variable cost
fuel 1.94 2.23 a factor of 1.15 =(1000/200)*(0.3/1.3)
litharge 1.02 0 lead rich ores
labour 1.33 0.13 10% of 19c value
ore 1.00 0 rich surface deposits
power 0 0 low cost

fixed capital 0 0 inexpensive infrastructure

Table 5-XIII. Sensitivity values for a cost approximation to the context of refining of silver in
the second half of the sixteenth century.



40 smelting
pesos / kg silver




0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%
silver content

Figure 5-23. Comparative production costs of amalgamation and smelting in the context of
the second half of the sixteenth century as a function of the silver content of the ore. See
Appendix E for source data.

The period between the bookends is too complex to reduce to a single graph. The

decades from mid seventeenth century to the end of the eighteenth century were a period of

alternating fortunes for amalgamation and smelting. Infrastructure costs become important as

major industrial concerns develop that cover mining and refining of their own ores as well as

the ores from smaller miners via the lucrative maquila, the toll charged for refining ores.831 In

contrast, smelting continued to require a much lower capital fixed cost, and could always be

carried out at a much smaller scale. Mercury prices would drop to their lowest historical levels

at the end of this period, though mercury to silver ratios would remain high except where iron

was used as an additive or the nature of the ore dictated otherwise. Furnace efficiency remained


Two comments in the historiography point to a fine economic balancing act during this

period between amalgamation and smelting. The appraisal by Humboldt that ‘usually it is only

the abundance of mercury and the ease of procuring it that determine the choice of the miner

[refiner] on the [refining] method he will choose’, by its silence on refining costs is pregnant

with the implicit assumption that smelting was only displaced by an opportunistic supply of

mercury, not by an inherent economic shackling of its feet.832 Garner comments that in the

years between 1798 and 1803 in Zacatecas, cutting the diezmo to one half triggered an increase

The view from the other side was quite stark. Small miners bore all the risk of mining and had to sell their ores
at the mercy of big refining haciendas who never informed the miner of the real silver content of their product,
but simply returned to him an amount of silver corresponding to its deemed content on which the tolling charge
was calculated, with the refiner doing all the deeming. An extensive litany of complaints can be found in
Dominguez de la Fuente, Leal Informe Politico-Legal. The potential for fraud was ever present, regardless of the
legal context that developed around the maquila. The law recognized that refining was a legitimate activity
separate from mining. Haciendas by law had to publish their toll charges, such that the cost of mercury was at the
same price it was sold to refiners, while a 12% premium could be applied to other consumables. Mining judges
could revise the charges applied by the tolling haciendas. In principle the owner of ore could assist and intervene
during process. Federico Kunz, "Evolucion historica del regimen legal del beneficio de minerales en Mexico " in
Mineria Regional Mexicana. Primera reunion de historiadores de la mineria latinoamericana, ed. Dolores Avila
Herrera and Rina Ortiz (Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, 1994), 65-77.
‘souvent ce n’est que l’abondance du mercure et la facilite de s’en procurer qui decident le mineur dans le
choix de la methode qu’il emploie’. Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 56.

of 2.5 times the previous amount of silver smelted, which again is mostly (but not all) lost in

1803 when on re-establishing the previous diezmo production of silver decreases by one

third.833 The decrease in the diezmo is equivalent to approximately 2 pesos in the value of one

kg of silver, just 5% of the value of the silver being refined. It was a very fine line that at times

kept smelting and refiners apart.

The method applied to the sixteenth century can be used to determine whether

conditions could have existed in parts of New Spain in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

that would cause the two functions of production costs versus silver content to overlap

substantially onto a single curve. This would have the practical consequence that a refiner could

apply either amalgamation to smelting, subject to the nature of the ore, without unduly

sacrificing his profit margin. Table 5-XIV and Figure 5-24 have been drawn up in this light.

They do not attempt to represent specific locations or years within this very complex period,

they only represent a context that is feasible in the light of what is known at the present time.

The plots that correspond to this new data set prove that it is possible to find a historical context

where the curves of production cost versus silver content in the ore for amalgamation and

smelting are superimposed on each other, as seen in Figure 5-25. It provides the first

quantitative explanation to the empirical observation in the historiography that after mid

seventeenth century major shifts are observed within silver refining in New Spain, with

smelting increasing its presence with respect to amalgamation (see Chapter 6). It proves that

under a certain set of conditions, refiners of this period could have been able to choose

amalgamation or smelting without having to sacrifice their profit levels.

Garner and Stefanou, Economic Growth Bourbon Mexico, 135. The diezmo was the royalty of 10% imposed
by the Crown on silver produced.

original Regla projected value for

data 17-18c context explanation
pesos per kg of silver
mercury 1.94 2.7 a factor of 1.4 = (60/60)*(1.8/1.3)

labour 1.31 0.7 50% of 19c value

ore 11.1 16.7 a factor of 1.5, less efficient deep mining

fuel 0.19 0.04 (0.3/1.3)

salt 1.83 3.7 a factor of 2, salt sources not optimized

power 0 2.8 12% variable cost

fixed capital 0 1.3 5% variable cost

fuel 1.94 2.2 a factor of 1.15 =(1000/200)*(0.3/1.3)

litharge 1.02 0 lead rich ores

labour 1.33 0.7 50% of 19c value
ore 1.00 0 cost borne by ore for amalgamation
power 0 0 low cost
fixed capital 0 0 inexpensive infrastructure

Table 5-XIV. A theoretical context of production costs viable for the period 17c to 18c, and
within the limits of data provided in Table 5-XII.

Charcoal would have been needed at low prices to offset the inefficient furnaces, and

lead fluxes not required or available at a very low price. The extraction cost of ores for smelting

would have had to be low, either in practice or at an accounting level.834 Salt needs to be

expensive, water power absent from the amalgamation hacienda, capital cost of infrastructure

ores with as little as 0.0125% (4 oz per ton) silver broke even on production costs if the ore was priced at zero
value at the smelting work in Konigsberg, Norway, in the nineteenth century. Percy, Metallurgy, I 513. However
see Appendix F for the context to European production costs and threshold silver values in the ores.

and inefficient mining costs high.835 None of these conditions can be described as unrealistic

for the period.



40 smelting
pesos / kg silver




0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0%
silver content

Figure 5-24. Total production cost as a function of the silver content of the ore, within the
context of the period from the mid-seventeenth to mid-eighteenth century. See text for details
on the generation of the values plotted.

There are still too many gaps in the historiography on economic data of refining for this

period to take this analysis any further, but it has demonstrated that the production costs of

smelting could have been equivalent to those of amalgamation for some refiners in New Spain.

‘already by the late eighteenth century …. mining had reached very deep levels’ - ‘ya desde las postrimerías
del siglo XVIII … las explotaciones habían alcanzado gran profundidad’. Ortiz Peralta, "La Compañia de Real
del Monte y Pachuca," 201.

This is very important since it means that refiners could choose between amalgamation and

smelting, subject to the nature of the ores, without sacrificing the margin of profit.836

5.13 The structure of labour costs at Regla.

Smelting has been reported in the historiography as requiring major amounts of labour.

Medina promoted the amalgamation process by drawing attention to the many stages of labour

required by the smelting process as being applied in his time.837 The deemed intensive need for

labour in New Spain during the initial period when only smelting was used has been set against

the ravages caused by epidemics within the indigenous labour pool to indicate a deficiency of

manpower that contributed to the introduction of amalgamation.838 On the other hand, a recent

compilation of the various classes of labour required in an amalgamation hacienda has

concluded that amalgamation required more labour than smelting.839 There is no equivalent

work on the structure of the labour force of a refining hacienda comparable to the study of the

Zacatecas mining community of the nineteenth century.840 In the case of Regla two studies

appear in the historiography, one related to the English component of the workforce, and the

In Chapter 6 I will come back to the problem of explaining the changes observed in the balance between
amalgamation and smelting in most of the Cajas (Regional Treasuries) throughout the colonial period.
‘Y así he visto como se benefician los dichos metales en muchas partes con greta y cendrada y la muy grande
costa de los dueños de las minas … de indios como de negros, porque un ingenio de caballos que trae un horno
andando bueno … así que … ha menester cuatro fundidores y cuatro cargadores y dos españoles que se muden
por sus cuartos, y por personas que anden con los caballos del ingenio por sus cuartos, y más dos afinadores, y
para moler la greta y cendrada otras dos personas, y para hacer los hornos y labrar las piedras otras dos, y para
hollar las cendradas cada una que afinan, son menester seis personas, porque al final de dos días a la semana
que vendrán a ser dos personas cada día y de noche doce negros, y más para cubrir y sacar dicho carbón’ in
Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de Medina, 112.
Berthe, "Le mercure et l'industrie mexicaine au XVIéme siècle," 145-46.
Lara Meza, Haciendas de beneficio de Guanajuato, 101.
Guadalupe Navas, "Zacatecas a fin del siglo XIX," in Mineria Regional Mexicana. Primera reunion de
historiadores de la mineria latinoamericana. , ed. Dolores Avila Herrera and Rina Ortiz (Mexico: Instituto
Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, 1994). It should be pointed out that prisoners housed in a Presidio (jail) were
part of the general labour used by the Compañia Real del Monte until the end of 1874, but only worked in the
mines. The Presidio was built in 1850. Inés Herrera Canales and Rina Ortiz Peralta, "Mexican Mining Heritage-
The Real Del Monte Site," CRM (Washington) 21, no. 7 (1998): 20.

other states there were eighteen different labour functions within Regla but does not include

any economic data.841

The degree of detail on labour included in some of the Regla account books shed further

light into the structure of labour costs in both processes. The Memorias Semanales provide a

very detailed breakdown of the labour structure and costs at Regla. Table 5-XV summarizes

one such example using the Memorias Number 18 to 21, accounting records that cover the four

weeks beginning the 5th May 1877 to the week starting the 26th May 1877, that spell out the

itemized labour costs incurred by both patio amalgamation and smelting at Regla.842 An initial

overview brings to light some interesting facets on the labour structure at Regla in the later part

of the nineteenth century.

a. Not all the workforce is on the payroll as full time employees of Regla. Those on

part-time wages are mostly craftsmen involved in the ongoing repairs and maintenance

required by the hacienda. Unskilled manual workers (peones) are paid according to different

wage scales on a per diem basis, but there is no guide to determine the reason for the pay

differentials. Part of the work is outsourced: the stamp mill is run by two work teams, which

are paid on the basis of cargas of ore processed per week; the cupellation of silver and its

casting into silver bars is also carried out by work teams and the cost charged per bars cast.

Herrera Canales, Velasco Avila and Flores Clair have focused their detailed analysis on the fortunes of the
English workforce at the Compañia de Real del Monte under its new Mexican ownership. They detect that
Englishmen were kept in key management posts (‘puestos de confianza’) for some twenty years after the Company
was bought from its original English owners. Part of their duties were those of supervision over manual labourers.
The post of Director from 1848 to 1868 was held by just one extended English family: John Buchan (1848 to
1856), followed by his brother-in-law Thomas R. Auld (until 1862) and then by his brother-in-law’s brother,
Edward Auld (until 1868). Cornish miners emigrated to Real del Monte and other parts of Mexico during the
nineteenth century, leaving evidence of their Cornish culture transplanted to Real del Monte. Two Mexicans were
responsible as Directors during the period of interest in this chapter, Jose Maria Camargo from 1872 to 1873, and
Jose de Landero, until 1899. Herrera Canales, Velasco Avila, and Flores Clair, Etnia y clase, 2, 7, 9-27, 47-64.
On the different labour functions within Regla see Ladd, The Making of a Strike, 7.
The wages at Regla were slightly below those reported by Laur for Fresnillo, which had a larger workforce
(415) and throughput (48,000 tons) than Regla. Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 85-86.

by day or wage cost of labour

by task total man-days
week pesos pesos
Stamp mill
Epitacio Flores & team unknown
per cargas of ore 623 a
Geronimo Marquez & team unknown
subtotal 1 623 324
Vicente Osorio Captain (Capitan ) 1 7 / wk 24 b
Ysidro Rios Captain 1 7 / wk 24 b
Jesus Osorio Overseer (Velador ) 1 4 / wk 24 b
Workers (Peones ) 20 0.38, 0.44 / d 551 c
subtotal 2 23 623 274
Patio Amalgamation
Cayetano Ortiz Captain 1 9 / wk 24 b
Rafael Perez Captain 1 7 / wk 24 b
Luz Acevedo Assistant (Ayudante ) 1 6 / wk 24 b
Nestor Hernandez Assistant 1 6 / wk 24 b
Workers (Peones ) 44 0.19;0.38;0.5 / d 978 c
subtotal 3 48 1074 688
Capellina & casting of silver bars
Mauro Vargas for minding capellinas 1 1 per capellina unknown
Jesus Hernandez & team for casting 26 silver bars unknown 0.25 per bar cast unknown
subtotal 4 28
General Administration
Juan Cuataparo Administrator 1 40 / wk 24 b
Jose Adrian Palomo Paymaster ore (Rayador) 1 18 / wk 24 b
Jesus Guerrero Stock person (Recibidor) 1 12 / wk 24 b
Eduardo Fuentes Assistant 1 7 / wk 24 b
Jorge Castro Assistant 1 7 / wk 24 b
Jose Salazar Overseer 1 7 / wk 24 b
Ramon Hurtado Gatekeeper 1 7 / wk 24 b
Lauro Perez Gatekeeper 1 7 / wk 24 b
Justo Yslas Gatekeeper 1 4 / wk 24 b
subtotal 4 9 216 436
Bricklayer 4 0.75 / d 90 c
Workers (Peones ) 21 0.38 / d 474 c
Master Carpenter 1 10 / wk 24 b
Carpenters 6 1;0.75;0.63 /d 135 c
Carpenters 3 1.5 / wk 72 b
Master Smith 1 8 / wk 24 b
Smiths 4 0.75;0.5;0,38/d 93.3 c
Sonadores? 2 0.19/d 46 c
Roofers 2 0.75;0.38/d 34 c
Leathersmith 1 0.75/d 14 c
subtotal 5 45 1007 625
Recovering amalgam from fine ore residue
Rafael Romero Captain 1 7 / wk 24 b
Ignacio Castillo Assistant 1 4 / wk 24 b
33 0.25;0.19;0.12 / d 695 c
subtotal 6 35 743 161
Joaquin Perez Head of stable 1 7 / wk 24 b
Workers (Peones ) 4 0.38 / d 112 c
subtotal 7 5 136 70
Antioco Perez Captain 1 14 / wk 24 b
Panfilo Perez Captain 1 7 / wk 24 b
Lucas Guzman Assistant 1 5 / wk 24 b
Jose Mugica Assistant 1 5 / wk 24 b
Furnacemen 8 0.62 / d 222 c
Carriers 8 0.5 / d 221 c
Charcoal-loaders 8 0.25 / d 221 c
Workers (Peones ) 24 0.38;0.25;0.12 / d 356 c
Jesus Hernandez & team refining unknown per cupellation unknown
Pasenal Palacios various 1 per shift unknown
Eduardo Lopez Assistant 1 per task unknown
Ventilation team 1 per task unknown
subtotal 8 52 3 1116 550
Extraordinary expenses
Andres Yenteno Medical doctor 1 8 / wk 24 d
help with capellinas unknown
subtotal 9 1 24 40

notes: a. deemed equivalent to arrastres b. based on 6 day week c. as reported in days in Memorias. Miscellaneous work paid by
unit or varas such as horseshoe fitting, stone laying and wood sawing has not been included since no information is provided except total
cost of labour, and it represents a minor fraction of the total wage cost..

Table 5-XV. Breakdown of labour man-days and costs for the various refining stages carried
out at at Regla based on data for the four week period ending on May 29th 1877 (Memorias
Numero 18 - 22).

b. There is no designation of an azoguero by such name in the accounts. Most probably

the captains that are accounted for under patio amalgamation are the equivalent of an


c. As expected, the work of minding the separation of mercury from silver in a capellina

is so simple that the minder of the capellina was paid just 1 peso per capellina run. The actual

man-handling of the capellina is done as a side activity by peones who are given a tip

(gratificacion) between that is registered under Various Expenses. The tip is equivalent in

value to the payment for minding a capellina.

d. The group of skilled workers (bricklayers, carpenters, etc) in charge of repairs and

maintenance are not named, not even the master carpenter or the master smith, both of which

had weekly wages equivalent to those of named captains or assistants. The peones are not listed

by individual names either. Thus it is not possible to confirm the large presence of women

expected within the planillero squads. On the other hand the junior gatekeeper merits being

identified as Justo Yslas earning 4 pesos a week, less than what a peon made.

e. The senior captain in charge of smelting earns double the wage of the captains in

charge of amalgamation, an indication of the greater skill required for the smelting process.

The wage structure of the smelting section indicates that the group of very skilled workers and

their assistants was kept on the weekly payroll irrespective of whether smelting was carried out

during the week.

f. There is no job description that can be readily identified for custodians of the integrity

of the refined silver or of the mercury inventory. This would place primary responsibility on

According to Duport the azogueros in the main haciendas of Guanajuato in the 1840s were earning 25 pesos
per week. This is considerably more than the 7 to 9 pesos being paid to the captains in charge of amalgamation at
Regla. Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 237.

avoiding pilfering of materials or of silver on the captains of each work team, with central staff

completing the oversight. Just three gatekeepers covering a weekly 24 hour supervision of the

gate traffic seems a bare minimum for an hacienda the size of Regla. In general it seems a very

lean operation for providing oversight over each stage of the process.

There is sufficient information in Table 5-XV to carry out a quantitative analysis of the

manpower requirements of each process, though the following assumptions are still required:

i) Data on total man-days and man-weeks, and the cost of wages and labour by day or

task, while ample are not complete. Man-days spent on the stamp mills are not specified,

though the total cost is accounted for. Since this cost is higher than the total cost of labour for

the arrastres, I have assumed that the man-days spent on the stamp-mills are at least as high as

those spent on the arrastres.

ii) The length of a shift in a working day is unknown. According to Duport, commenting

upon labour in the haciendas of Guanajuato in the 1840s:

‘The wages of the workers are 0.50 piastres [pesos] per day. They come to work on Sunday
evening, and do not leave until the next Sunday in the morning, or at the earliest on the Saturday
evening. There is no shift of workers for the day and night [work]’.844

His report coincides with the continuity in the monthly and weekly accounts that

indicate that Regla functioned year round. According to Mendizabal, the work-day of a peon

earning 0.5 pesos a day was 12 hours.845 The accounting figures in the Memorias are provided

as either man-weeks or man-days. I have decided to convert where necessary the figures to

‘Le salaire des ouvriers est de piastres 0.5 par jour. Ils entrent le dimanche á la nuit, et ne sortent plus jusqu’au
dimanche matin, ou au plus tôt le samedi soir. Il n’y a pas de relais d’ouvriers pour le jour et la nuit’. Ibid.
Mendizábal, "Minerales de Pachuca," 295. See also Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 153-154.

man-days by assuming a six day week. I did not use man-hours since I have no information on

the length of the working day for manual and non-manual labour at Regla.

I partition the known costs and man-days according to the nature of each refining

process. In those cases where both processes would have shared the same activity, I apply a

factor based on the percentage of silver refined by each process during the month of May 1877

(see Chapter 4). Common units such as General Administration would have had a higher wage

bill if Regla had functioned solely as either a smelting or a patio amalgamation hacienda, than

that shown by the breakdown method I have adopted. The approximation is however sufficient

for the purpose of the exercise.

Tables 5-XVI to 5-XVIII show the labour structure (cost, man-days and total number

of workers, respectively) for Regla as a whole and then for each refining process according to

the method detailed above.

patio amalgamation smelting

Regla as a whole
(77% of silver refined) (23% of silver refined)
pesos pesos pesos
Stamp mill 324 10% 249 11% 75 8%
Arrastres 274 9% 274 12%
Patio Amalgamation 688 22% 688 30%
Capellina & casting of silver bars 28 1% 28 1%
General Administration 436 14% 335 15% 101 11%
Maintenance 625 20% 480 21% 145 16%
Planilleros / recovery amalgam 161 5% 161 7%
Stables 70 2% 54 2% 16 2%
Smelting 550 17% 550 61%
Extraordinary expenses 40 1% 30 1% 9 1%

total 3,195 100% 2,298 100% 898 100%

Table 5-XVI. Labour costs at Regla, according to the Memorias 18 – 22, and the deemed
distribution of labour costs between patio amalgamation and smelting.

patio amalgamation smelting

Regla as a whole
(77% of silver refined) (23% of silver refined)
man-days man-days man-days
Stamp mill 623 11% 478 12% 145 9%
Arrastres 623 11% 623 16%
Patio Amalgamation 1074 19% 1074 27%
Capellina & casting of silver bars unknown unknown
General Administration 216 4% 166 4% 50 3%
Maintenance 1007 18% 773 19% 234 15%
Planilleros / recovery amalgam 743 13% 743 19%
Stables 136 2% 104 3% 32 2%
Smelting 1116 20% 1116 71%
Extraordinary expenses 24 0% 18 0% 6 0%

total 5561 100% 3980 100% 1582 100%

Table 5-XVII. Labour man-days at Regla, based on data from the Memorias 18 – 22, and the
deemed distribution of man-days (manual and non-manual labour) between patio
amalgamation and smelting.

patio amalgamation smelting

Regla as a whole
(77% of silver refined) (23% of silver refined)
total workers total workers total workers
Stamp mill unknown unknown unknown
Arrastres 23 11% 18 12% 5 8%
Patio Amalgamation 48 22% 48 33%
Capellina & casting of silver bars unknown unknown
General Administration 9 4% 7 5% 2 3%
Maintenance 45 21% 35 24% 10 15%
Planilleros / recovery amalgam 34 16% 34 23%
Stables 5 2% 4 3% 1 2%
Smelting 52 24% 0 0% 52 73%
Extraordinary expenses 1 0% 1 1%

total 217 100% 146 100% 71 100%

Table 5-XVIII. Labour force at Regla, based on the Memorias 18 – 22, and the deemed
distribution of the workforce (manual and non-manual labour) between patio amalgamation
and smelting.

The main conclusions derived from these tables are:

1. Repairs make up 20% of total labour costs, an important amount second only to patio

amalgamation, and above the combined cost of milling and arrastres, or the labour cost for the

smelting section. Though the machinery at Regla was not complex, it involved many moving

parts, which explains the high labour cost of maintenance.

2. The labour cost of the planilleros belies the amount of man-days and personnel

expended in the search for amalgam and mercury that was entrained in the slurry from the

washing of the tortas. Nearly one fifth of the total man-days required for the patio

amalgamation was used in this recovery process. In number of workers it matched the

workforce on maintenance duties and visually it would have represented a group of people

three-quarters the size of the whole patio amalgamation work-force. This underlines the

thoroughness applied to the recovery cycle of amalgam and mercury lost into the water streams.

3. In the smelting process, the labour related to the furnace smelting of the ores

represent 60% of costs, and around 70% of man-days and workforce. There is no equivalent

stage in the patio amalgamation that absorbs so much labour power. Regla may be an anomaly

in this respect, since it possessed six blast furnaces at one time, and was clearly overdesigned

for the amount of ore it received for smelting. In addition, the need to maintain a trained group

of smelting craftsmen and support workers regardless of the actual amount of ore being

delivered converted their wages into a virtual fixed cost. 846 For this reason the value of 2.7

man-days per kg of smelted silver at Regla (1,582 man-days / 590 kg silver) is higher than the

value of 2 .0 man-days per kg of amalgamated silver (3980 man-days / 1947 kg silver).847 These

values must be treated as applicable only to Regla during the late 1870s.

Since during the late 1870s Regla was operating its patio amalgamation process to its fullest extent, the same
consideration did not apply to the workforce assigned to amalgamation.
Laur states that an average of 4.5 man-days per ton of ore (average silver content of 0.11%) are required for
the amalgamation process practised in Mexico by the second half of the nineteenth century, based on his analysis
of two one-year accounts for two refining haciendas (Zacatecas and Guanajuato). Laur, "De la metallurgie de
l'argent au Mexique," 202. This is approximately twice the value I have estimated to apply at Regla, and the
average days of the amalgamation runs may account for this.

4. Labour constituted a higher percentage of variable costs in smelting (22 to 26%) than

in amalgamation (7 to 17%). The difference in labour cost per kg of silver produced is a

reflection of the fact that the skills of a smelting crew converted it into a fixed cost, so that in

scenarios of irregular or limited smelting runs it would have been a drawback compared to

amalgamation. Can the introduction of amalgamation be in part explained as a result of labour

shortages? The results from Regla do not reflect a smelting operation run at the optimal level,

so do not provide a clear-cut answer to this hypothesis.

5.14 Patio vs Barrel Amalgamation

Barrel amalgamation was the adaptation of Barba’s cazo process carried out by Baron

Borg in Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. At the time it was implemented it led to

strong but very contrasting opinions on the utility of the process in New Spain. Humboldt was

one of the earliest supporters of this ‘Freiberg’ process, but pointed out that the sheer scale of

the ores waiting to be refined in New Spain dwarfed the extent of its application in Europe.848

Sonneschmidt on the other hand concluded that after ten years of trials in New Spain it had

failed to convince its users since it was more costly, extracted less silver than the patio process,

consumed more mercury [in contrast to the original cazo process on which it was based] and

produced impure silver.849 It was firmly in the mind of the English managers of the Adventurers

Company of Real del Monte from the very beginning of their project implementation stage, as

evidenced in the following extract from a letter dated 23rd August 1825 to Roger Morgan, Esq.,

at Regla from James Vetch at Mineral del Monte (Real del Monte): ‘proceed to state the plan

we have agreed upon for applying the Freyberg method to existing circumstances’. 850 Not all

According to Humboldt 60 thousand quintales were refined using barrel amalgamation in Europe, while in
New Spain 10 million quintales would have been the required quantity. Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 85.
Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, iii, x.
AHCRMyP, Fondo Siglo XIX, Sección: Correspondencia, Serie: Compañía a Varios, Subserie:
Correspondencia General, 8-1: 20 Abril 1825 – 1 Noviembre 1825. According to Duport, the barrel process had

the English managers would feel it represented a better process. In a letter from Rule to London

in 1842 he admits that none of the attempts to improve on the traditional patio process had

worked better than the original process itself when properly executed.851 Nevertheless John

Buchan proceeded to convince the new Mexican owners to implement it on a much greater

scale.852 The results reported were not positive. In the initial years the barrel process only

extracted 80% of silver in the ores.853 Prior roasting of the ore had to be applied, at least until

the 1860s.854

Though it never threatened to displace the patio process, its appearance at the time of

the Bourbon initiatives adopted to increase the production of silver, and then during the phase

of foreign capital investment in Mexico, has made it an obligatory reference in discussions on

the technical relevance of both historical events.855 The historiography does not include a

been tried out in Oaxaca and Bolaños prior to the 1840s. Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 51. According to
Laur the Real del Monte Company was the first to apply in any major scale the barrel process in Mexico. Laur,
"De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 225. It was only applied in Oaxaca, Bolaños and Real del Monte,
according to John Phillips, Descriptive Notice of the Silver Mines and Amalgamation Process of Mexico.
Extracted from the Railway Register (London: Pelham Richardson, 1846), 16.
Randall, Real del Monte, 115-118.
Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa de Minas del Real del Monte," 113.
Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 18.
Ruiz de la Barrera, "La Empresa de Minas del Real del Monte," 309.
From 1877 to 1892 barrel amalgamation contributed just 4% of total silver refined in Mexico. Flores Clair,
Velasco Avila, and Ramírez Bautista, Estadísticas mineras, II, 161-62. For a positive review of the Freiberg
process as a more modern alternative to the patio process see Sempat Assadourian, "Base técnica y relaciones de
producción," 429. For the view that the more effective Bourbon reforms were administrative rather than technical,
see Castillo Martos and Lang, Metales preciosos - union de dos mundos, 157, 183. In the case of foreign capital
investment in the nineteenth century, Velasco et al conclude that: [as a consequence of English investment] there
was no fundamental change … the introduction of the steam engine to pump water from the mines and many
attempts to substitute the patio amalgamation process that resulted in minor modifications in the methods to
reduce ores’. They add: ‘in the relations of production very few fundamental modifications took place … in the
refining processes … no notable change was implemented in the form of organization of the labour process’ - ‘no
hubo un cambio fundamental … la introducción de la maquina de vapor para el desague y muchos intentos por
sustituir el beneficio de amalgamación en patio que redundaron en modificaciones menores de los métodos de
reducción de minerales’ and ‘en las relaciones de producción, hubo muy pocas modificaciones fundamentales …
en los procesos de beneficio … no hubo un cambio notable en la forma de organización del proceso de trabajo’.
Velasco Avila et al., Estado y minería en México, 106-107, 250-251.

detailed economic comparison between the production costs of barrel amalgamation and the

traditional patio process, so the reasons for the failure of the barrel method to displace patio

amalgamation have not been quantified from an economic point of view.

An understanding of the economic basis to the permanence of the patio process against

the forces of change is needed to understand the course taken by the environmental history of

Mexico in the nineteenth century. I will quote at length from Randall, though at times it is

difficult to untangle views reported from views endorsed by this historian of the Adventurers

Company of Real del Monte:

‘those of them who knew anything at all about silver reduction methods, and in particular John
Taylor, were aware that the traditional patio amalgamation process of Mexico was woefully
inefficient and should be improved … they continued to believe that they could devise a
method of reducing silver ore better than the one employed for centuries at Real del Monte and
throughout colonial Mexico. They were right in both instances, but the company went under
…those company officials who had to cope with the larger problem of extracting silver from
ore in an economical manner were never comfortable with the patio process. They found it to
be slow and increasingly expensive (owing largely to the rising cost of quicksilver) when
dealing with common types of low-grade ore – and almost entirely useless when dealing with
those types that were called “rebellious” ... in a sense the English expended huge amounts of
time, energy and money in a fruitless effort to learn a Mexican trick they did not even like
[emphasis added]’856

It is difficult to know how much on silver refining was really known by these English

managers. John Taylor never set foot in Mexico, and England by 1854 was producing a paltry

70,000 pounds troy of smelted silver compared to Mexico’s output of 1,750,000 pounds troy

coming mainly from patio amalgamation.857. He became the editor of a journal that lasted all

of one volume, in which he published his new design for retorts to separate more efficiently

mercury from the silver amalgam at the haciendas of the company in Mexico, so as to replace

Randall, Real del Monte, 86-87, 115.
Production data from J. D. Whitney, The metallic wealth of the United States, described and compared with
that of other countries (Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854), 506.

the capellinas then in use. The phrasing of the results of trials of the retort at Regla encapsulates

the stubborn bias against all local skills: ‘although … the loss of mercury was rather greater

than by the usual method of the country, yet … they may be rendered perfect’.858 The

capellinas were never replaced at Regla, or anywhere else in Mexico, for the retorts designed

by Taylor. A Mexican viewpoint on the level of English expertise is given in the following

extract: ‘the recently arrived English miners … in general do not know any other minerals than

copper, tin, iron and coal , and they are completely ignorant of the patio refining process which

is so important [in Mexico]’.859

Randall does not back up with facts his modern assessment that ‘they were right’ in

branding the patio process as ‘woefully inefficient’ and that the new English technicians were

predestined to devise a better refining alternative to the patio process. It is fortunate therefore

that the Estados Comparativos kept by the Compañia Real del Monte compare over a period

that spans twenty years, though with significant gaps in the currently available time series, the

variable production cost profile for the two types of amalgamation process with which the

silver ores from the Real del Monte mines were refined. The patio amalgamation process was

John Taylor, "Description of Retorts for the Distillation of the Mercury from Amalgamated Metals " Records
of mining I(1829): 142.
‘los mineros ingleses recién llegados … por lo regular no conocen otros minerales que los de cobre, estaño,
fierro y carbón, y que ignoran por completo el beneficio de patio que es tan importante’ in Viajero, "Las Minas
de Mexico," 182. An anonymous Englishman returning from Mexico published in England in 1856, under the
pseudonym ‘Traveller’ (Viajero), a scathing criticism of the way English capital had been extravagantly wasted
on Mexican mining ventures. In a footnote, the Mexican translator appended his opinion on the skills of English
miners. A modern Mexican historian writes: ‘the arrogant English investors and administrators … believed they
possessed a vast knowledge …. much greater than the aggregate practical experience of the Spanish and Criollo
owners [of refining haciendas] in Mexico. The economic failure of the English company can be explained to a
large degree on the blind faith placed on that assumption.’ - ‘los altivos inversionistas y administradores ingleses
… creían poseer un vasto conocimiento … mucho mayor del que habían acumulado en la práctica los propietarios
españoles y criollos en México. El fracaso económico de la sociedad inglesa se explica en gran parte por la fe
ciega en tales principios’. Herrera Canales, Velasco Avila, and Flores Clair, Etnia y clase, 7.

applied at Regla and Loreto, and Sanchez, Velasco and San Miguel were based exclusively on

the barrel (toneles) process.

The relative importance of each hacienda in the whole scheme of production for the

company during the period can be judged from Figure 5-25. Velasco is the main refining unit

for the silver ores of Real del Monte in the first years of operation of the newly revived

company under Mexican ownership. Velasco came to process using barrel amalgamation over

twice the amount of ore than any other of the refining haciendas. However, by the early 1870s

it suffers a marked decrease in the amount of ore processed. As seen in the previous chapter,

Regla would maintain an average of around 84,000 cargas per year until 1888.860


cargas of silver ore

Velasco (B)
Regla (P)
Sanchez (B)
40,000 San Miguel
Loreto (P)




Figure 5-25. Annual average of cargas of silver ore processed at the refining haciendas of
the Compañia Real del Monte in the period 1853 to 1873. Source data from Estados

It has been reported that 80% of all ores at Real del Monte were processed using barrel amalgamation between
1849 and 1862, but by 1877 this fraction had decreased to just 24%. It is claimed to increase again to around half
by the end of the century, mainly on the back of tolling of third party ores. In her first article Ortiz Peralta includes
a table that assigns quantities to the different refining haciendas, but it incorrectly classifies the production at
Regla as under toneles, barrels. This places some doubt on her percentages. Rina Ortiz Peralta, "El beneficio de
minerales en el siglo XIX: El caso de la Compañia Real del Monte," Tzintzun : Revista de Estudios Historicos 14,
no. Julio-Diciembre (1991): 77-79. In a second article that is basically a slightly edited version of the first, she
omits the suspect table but maintains the percentages. "Beneficio Minerales Real del Monte," 54.

What made both Velasco and the barrel process the main refining venue for the

company? The variable production cost for the barrel process averages from 10 to 13 pesos per

kg of refined silver during this period, as shown in Table 5-XIX. Velasco is the leaner of the

barrel operations, while San Miguel shows the highest unit costs. All require more pesos to

refine silver than the average registered at Regla using the traditional patio method. The lower

values observed for smelting correspond to ores with a higher silver content than those refined

by amalgamation, so they are not directly comparable to the others in the table. Otherwise, in

the case of patio and barrel amalgamation the comparison is being made on the basis of very

similar ranges of silver content in the raw ore during this period, as shown in Table 5- XX.

Sanchez (B) Velasco (B) San Miguel (B) Regla (P) Regla (S) Loreto (B) Loreto (P)
1853 11.53 11.34 15.75 12.52 8.03
1854 10.84 9.36 12.73 9.91 9.60
1855 11.34 9.36 11.93 8.20
1859 11.51 9.27 11.92 9.56 5.91
1860 7.58 8.25 10.76 9.06 8.50
1861 8.16 9.04 7.93 9.41 7.96
1862 6.82 9.56 11.34 8.56 9.34 10.90 6.99
1863 9.20 11.53 14.02 8.91 8.91 15.25
1864 10.81 10.57 12.43 8.70 8.97 11.29
1865 10.76 10.81 15.28 9.25 11.15 11.85
1869 9.40 8.86 14.59 10.76 14.48
1870 6.97 10.75 9.23 8.42
1871 12.41 7.81 14.19 9.35 7.77
1872 12.84 11.73 19.14 10.12 11.84
1873 17.10 11.25 15.26
average 10.25 10.10 13.06 9.65 8.71 10.90 11.46

Table 5-XIX. Variable production costs in pesos per kg of refined silver for the various
refining haciendas of the Compañia Real del Monte, in the period 1853 to 1873. The gaps in
grey indicate the haciendas were not in use at the time. The gaps in white indicate a lack of
primary sources for the period. Source data from Estados Comparativos.

Sanchez (B) Velasco (B) San Miguel (B) Regla (P) Loreto (P)
1853 0.20% 0.16% 0.15% 0.14%
1854 0.26% 0.24% 0.17% 0.15%
1855 0.27% 0.24% 0.19% 0.21%

1859 0.29% 0.28% 0.19% 0.22%

1860 0.36% 0.32% 0.19% 0.24%
1861 0.34% 0.26% 0.27% 0.23%
1862 0.28% 0.24% 0.22% 0.24% 0.38%
1863 0.25% 0.22% 0.17% 0.22% 0.19%
1864 0.22% 0.21% 0.21% 0.23% 0.26%
1865 0.23% 0.21% 0.18% 0.25% 0.26%

1869 0.13% 0.25% 0.14% 0.16% 0.17%

1870 0.34% 0.19% 0.19% 0.28%
1871 0.17% 0.33% 0.16% 0.29% 0.36%
1872 0.17% 0.21% 0.09% 0.24% 0.24%
1873 0.13% 0.18% 0.18%
average 0.24% 0.24% 0.18% 0.21% 0.26%

Table 5-XX. Silver content of ore before processing. Raw data from Estados Comparativos.

If we now compare the losses of silver incurred by each hacienda, the amount of silver

left unextracted in the processed ore, they confirm the initial judgment made in 1854 by John

Buchan that barrel amalgamation was the least efficient of the refining processes in extracting

silver from the ore. As the data in Table 5-XX indicate, during the first three years of operation,

on average up to one quarter of the silver could be left unextracted in the ores processed at

Sanchez and San Miguel, and only slightly lower at Velasco. Velasco, the more efficient of the

barrel process haciendas, still lost 40% more silver than at Regla using the patio process, and

double the silver losses via smelting at Regla.

Where did the advantage of the barrel amalgamation process lie with respect to the

traditional patio method? First of all, it is the claimed lower consumption of mercury, due to

the fact other reagents (copper, iron) reduce the silver chloride in the ore to silver. The

operational data from the haciendas both confirm and question this assumption. The average

values of the Hg to Ag weight ratio reported in Table 5-XXI show that barrel amalgamation on

the whole consumed about half the amount of mercury with respect to the traditional patio

process. However, the yearly data for the latter part of this period, when Velasco loses its

predominance as the refining flagship of the company, show mercury to silver ratios

commensurate with those registered for the patio process. Ortiz assigns this fact to the

elimination of the prior roasting of the ore implemented between 1868 and 1872.861 But this

begs the question whether in monetary terms the magic had ever existed, since we have seen

that variable unit production costs for barrel amalgamation were always higher than for patio

amalgamation. In principle there was a saving to be made in mercury in certain years (though

evidently not in all), but the saving had been lost through additional costs incurred by the


A more detailed breakdown of the variable production costs for each hacienda during

this period shows what happened. In the case of the barrel process, the savings on mercury

were overshadowed by the greater spending on the fuel required to roast the silver ores with

salt, and then to heat the barrels. Thus the column in Table 5-XXII indicating the total pesos

spent on both mercury and fuel to produce 1 kg of silver is higher for the barrel process than

for the traditional patio process. Since the cost of salt is roughly equivalent for both processes,

it turns out that the barrel process offered no net advantages on cost even when it has saved at

times on mercury consumption. Why then was the barrel process ever implemented by the

Compañia de Real del Monte?

"Beneficio Minerales Real del Monte," 55.

Sanchez (B) Velasco (B) San Miguel (B) Regla (P) Regla (S) Loreto (B) Loreto (P)
1853 19.3 18.6 23.3 11.8 9.9
1854 24.8 17.0 25.2 11.3 7.0
1855 24.8 19.1 26.5 10.8
1859 20.4 15.3 19.4 12.9 6.5
1860 19.6 16.0 16.8 13.9 8.0
1861 19.5 15.6 13.1 12.2 5.8
1862 20.8 12.1 19.4 11.4 5.6 5.8 3.1
1863 19.9 10.7 14.4 3.7 6.8 10.2
1864 12.1 13.7 24.4 4.7 4.9 0.0 8.1
1865 12.5 9.6 21.9 7.6 2.6 0.0 1.4
1869 9.1 9.1 12.6 6.0
1870 11.5 13.7 6.2 11.5
1871 12.4 12.8 12.0 10.0 7.2
1872 7.2 11.3 12.0 11.9 8.9
1873 13.4 7.0 6.5
average 16.7 14.0 17.6 9.9 6.9 5.2 6.1

Table 5-XXI. Losses of silver, expressed as weight percentage, registered at the refining
haciendas of the Compania Real del Monte, in the period 1853 to 1873. The gaps in grey
indicate the haciendas were not in use at the time. The gaps in white indicate a lack of primary
sources for the period. Source data from Estados Comparativos.

Sanchez (B) Velasco (B) San Miguel (B) Regla (P) Loreto (P)
1853 0.71 0.72 0.59 1.89
1854 0.61 0.63 0.67 1.61
1855 0.88 0.70 0.95 1.57
1859 0.83 0.66 0.37 1.69
1860 0.51 0.57 0.56 1.65
1861 0.58 0.62 1.01 1.83
1862 0.61 0.62 0.40 1.74 1.16
1863 0.58 0.62 0.73 1.72 1.56
1864 0.71 0.62 0.63 1.42 1.53
1865 0.63 0.88 0.45 1.44 1.42
1869 0.26 1.21 1.15 1.50 1.81
1870 1.48 0.83 1.40 1.33
1871 1.52 1.47 1.46 1.61 1.83
1872 1.52 1.52 1.26 1.49 1.79
1873 0.67 1.38 1.63
average 0.77 0.87 0.79 1.59 1.56

Table 5-XXII. Mercury to silver weight ratio registered at the refining haciendas of the
Compania Real del Monte, in the period 1853 to 1873. The gaps in grey indicate the haciendas
were not in use at the time. The gaps in white indicate a lack of primary sources for the period.
Source data from Estados Comparativos.

pesos spent to produce 1 kg silver by amalgamation

mercury salt copper sulphate fuel others+labour total mercury+ fuel

Sanchez 1.0 2.0 0.0 2.7 4.5 10.25 3.7

Velasco 1.4 2.2 0.0 2.4 4.1 10.10 3.9

San Miguel 1.2 3.2 0.0 2.7 6.0 13.06 3.9

Regla 2.5 2.2 0.9 0.2 3.8 9.65 2.7

Loreto 2.8 2.3 0.8 0.2 5.3 11.46 3.0

Table 5-XXIII. The average amount of pesos required to refine 1 kg of silver using the
two amalgamation processes. The haciendas in italics used the barrel process, and the
haciendas in normal script used the traditional patio amalgamation. The data has been
calculated for the period 1853 to 1873 using as source the Estados Comparativos.

Buchan justified the choice not on economic grounds but by assuming it was the only

way to treat major amounts of the recalcitrant silver ores being produced by the mines at Real

del Monte, in spite of the evident economic drawbacks that are clearly spelt out in his report of

1854.862 This is a more realistic appraisal of a necessary evil than an endorsement of the barrel

process. In addition, by cutting down on the amalgamation period it could compensate its low

rate of extraction with a higher output of silver. It may be significant that Velasco retained its

pre-eminence when it was able to process 2.5 times the amount of ore compared to Regla. Once

their throughput became very similar, for example towards the end of the 1853-1873 period,

Regla would have been a much better economic choice to process ores, under equal chemical


Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 16-18.pp. The table with the comparative costs of production appears on page
17 of his report. Prior roasting followed by patio amalgamation may have been another option. According to
Duport, the silver ores that did not respond well to patio amalgamation in Zacatecas were the black or red sulphides
of antimony and silver, which could retain up to 40% of their silver after amalgamation. Duport, Métaux précieux
au Mexique, 246.

I would seriously question that it was ‘the most important innovation left by the English

who exploited the mines of Pachuca and Real del Monte’.863 I would argue that the reduction

of fuel requirements by a factor of five in the smelting furnaces merits that distinction. I

question even more strongly Randall's conclusion that ‘the firm succeeded in making lasting

technical advances … in the treatment of low-grade silver ore’ and that ‘it definitely improved

on Mexico’s traditional ore-reduction method … to supplant altogether the traditional Mexican

method of treating silver ore ... from the patio ... to barrels, where it was quick and less

destructive of that costly commodity [mercury]’, when the accounts of Regla offer such a clear


The barrel process as practised at Regla did not always reduce the consumption of

mercury, it never decreased the amount of unextracted silver left in the ore after treatment

(quite the contrary) and did not provide an ample margin of profit based on its variable

production cost, as has been claimed.865 Its capacity to treat difficult ores owed more to the

prior roasting with salt than to the barrel amalgamation itself. 866 It definitely never displaced

patio amalgamation as the most cost-effective option to refine the majority of Mexico’s silver

ores.867 The irony remains that even some who have recognized its failure still appeal to the

‘timelessness’ of the Mexican scenario. ‘In Europe where speed was important and labour

‘fue la innovación mas importante legada por los ingleses que explotaron los distritos mineros de Pachuca y
Real del Monte’ Ortiz Peralta, "Beneficio Minerales Real del Monte," 52-53.
Randall, Real del Monte, 87, 109, 118.
Ortiz Peralta, "Beneficio Minerales Real del Monte," 53.
Barba had recognized nearly three centuries before that the Cazo process (on which the barrel process is based)
worked better with ores high in silver content, either elemental silver or silver halides, as was the case in Catorce
at the end of the eighteenth century. Barba, Arte de los metales, 111-12. Roasting with salt converts silver
compounds in the ore to silver chloride (a silver halide), as indicated in Chapter 3.
It never achieved a major penetration of the refining market in Europe. In Spain ‘the most extensive
amalgamation (60 barrels) at La Bella Raquel, span ores from Hiendelaencina [Guadalajara]’.Kerl, Crookes, and
Röhrig, Prof. Kerl's Metallurgy, 331.

expensive, the much faster … more wasteful Born process was preferable’ while in Mexico

‘time was not important and labour cheap … [so that] it was more profitable to use the slower,

less wasteful patio process’.868 The barrel process did not fail because ‘time was not important’

in Mexico. It failed for the simple reason the patio amalgamation process was never a ‘Mexican

trick’ but an industrial process whose production costs per kg of silver refined from the typical

ores of Mexico were lower than those of the European barrel process. It is fitting that John

Phillips in 1846 acknowledged that ‘with respect to the loss sustained by English Companies

in the prosecution of mining undertakings in Mexico, that much of it has arisen from the

circumstance of their not having given due credit to the Mexicans for skill in the application of

the means they possessed’.869 In general the comparison of production costs on both sides of

the Atlantic needs to take into account that the refining processes in New Spain / Mexico had

to overcome the challenge that only the value of silver could cover the production costs, without

the additional revenues from lead or copper as in Europe (see Appendix F). The important

exception was in those cases where additional revenues from gold found together with the

silver aided substantially the refiner in covering his costs (see example in Section 2.5).

5.15 Concluding remarks

This chapter has been a search for a long overdue quantitative answer to the question

as to whether economic drivers determined a clear choice between amalgamation and smelting

in the New World. The environmental impact from each is so different that one would expect

that the answer can explain to a great extent the direction taken by the environmental history

of silver refining in the Americas. Thanks to the detailed accounting records kept at Regla it is

Clement G. Motten, Mexican silver and the enlightenment (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
1950), 53. The stereotype on time and Mexico is repeated by other authors: ‘[amalgamation] costs little … can be
worked on a larger scale as well as a small one… cheapness of plant compensates for the time … in Mexico …
time has no value’. Egleston, The Metallurgy of Silver, 311.
Phillips, Descriptive Notice, 20.

now possible for the first time to base an answer on a very long time series of operational data

corresponding both to patio amalgamation and smelting, as practised in one of the largest

refining haciendas in Mexico of the second half of the nineteenth century. I had no choice on

the span of years covered by the extant documentation, but was fortunate to find it included not

only a sudden break in operations that forced a smelting of discarded slags, but also a span of

more than ten years of the hacienda operating at full capacity as far as amalgamation was

concerned. In addition, from 1872 to 1888 the mercury market seemed to parody the whole

span of Spain’s pricing during the estanco, in a manner showing that in colonial New Spain

prices were not so different from what market drivers could determine in the nineteenth

century. With regards to smelting, Regla was the pièce de résistance of the whole stable of

refining haciendas, the only one designated to receive ores fit for smelting. The most important

technological innovation of the English investment and know-how in refining was the

installation of blast furnaces run with such efficiency they cut the consumption of charcoal by

a factor of five.

In the previous chapter I argued that in its operating essence, the nineteenth century

hacienda at Regla is a twin sister to any other hacienda of the previous 300 years, and not a

distant and unrecognizable relative. Thus the diagnostic carried out on its profile of production

costs could be used to recreate the competition over the centuries of amalgamation and

smelting. Thanks to the initial stability over two centuries of the silver to gold ratio, and the

immutability up to 1888 of production costs to the collapse of silver prices, I was able to ignore

deflaction over three centuries without jeopardizing the comparisons. During this extended

period amalgamation and smelting jostled to win not the hearts but the pockets of the mixed

patchwork of miners and refiners of New Spain, a technical jousting unique in its longevity to

the history of technology. For some 350 years neither technology (the traditional smelting and

the newcomer amalgamation) changed in a substantive manner, and neither managed to


displace the other. The balance observed between the two refining processes up to the

nineteenth century (Chapter 6) was a clear indication that many times these hard-headed, self-

made but very pragmatic individuals had found little to choose between them, at least on

economic terms.

The answer that the accounts from Regla have provided will bolster the argument to be

rounded off in the next chapter that the relation between amalgamation and smelting was not a

one-dimensional, zero-sum game. In other words, increases in production by amalgamation did

not come necessarily at the expense of smelting, or vice versa. For much of the time and in

many locations, amalgamation did offer the best cost alternative to extract silver from ores with

a minimum silver content in the range of 0.1 to 0.2%. The only period mercury was the major

influence on the costs of amalgamation in New Spain was in the second half of the sixteenth

century, when tailings were being raided and the Crown sold mercury for the highest price it

could get, without even having to pay for part of it. For the next three hundred years it was the

extraction cost of the ore that determined the profit margin of a refiner, as had been pointed out

by Villaseñor. This remains a valid statement even if the implementation of the tolling business

allowed refiners to divorce part of their profits from the mining cost involved. Reducing the

price of mercury increased the impact of salt prices on the total cost structure until they became

equal in importance, around 10% of total cost each at Regla, and yet salt was never the intense

focus of the lobby by refiners as was mercury. The cost of power for amalgamation haciendas

completes the trilogy of production costs that most influenced the margin of profit, yet it is

even more absent than the cost of salt from many a modern analysis. Copper sulphate, or its

less refined variety by the name of magistral, was the most cost effective of all ingredients for

the process. Fuel was a very minor contributor to the cost of amalgamation, thus isolating the

process from the vicissitudes of searching for sufficient woodland resources, as well as making

its impact on wood resources negligible. As to the fixed cost of capital, it would seem that once

the major hurdle of raising capital was cleared, its service was not a major burden on production

costs. As always, regardless of the breakdown of production costs, the need to continuously

provide working capital can make or break a business, thus the importance given in the

historiography to the allocation and sources of capital in the history of silver refining in the

New World.

Smelting remained throughout a viable option, first of all for the obvious reason that

for some ores rich in lead it was the only effective way to refine them. The minimum silver

content that made smelting profitable lay in the range of 0.3 to 0.5%, though in practice at

Regla no ores below 1% silver were smelted. The next chapter will underline the important

role played by smelting in New Spain, a fact that gives credibility to the proximity of

production costs for both processes proposed in the calculations of this chapter. Thanks to the

data from Regla I have been able to show quantitatively that the amalgamation and smelting

cost curves, as a function of silver content of the ore, virtually merge into each other under

certain conditions approximating those likely to have occurred in the period between the

seventeenth to eighteenth centuries. The capacity to scale down smelting operations and labour

requirements, compared to the more ponderous nature of amalgamation, made smelting a very

versatile option, subject mostly to the ability to access cheap and sufficient fuel.

More data on other haciendas are necessary to establish whether Regla was an isolated

case of a very efficient patio amalgamation operation, or whether patio amalgamation was a

more potent refining process than has been credited. Taylor had identified back in the 1820s

the two major challenges the English faced at Regla in order to implant smelting as the

preferred option: dressing the ore to increase its silver content, and finding enough fuel to feed

the blast furnaces. Smelting of silver ores made sense in the England of the Cornishmen and

the Erzgebirge of the Germans because the sale of lead and copper made profitable their

economies of production. In New Spain / Mexico the whole weight of meeting the costs of

smelting fell only on silver and whatever gold was present in the ore. This was the challenge

faced by smelting, not the scale of available ore that loomed so large an obstacle in the

imagination of Humboldt. Argentiferous copper was never a major component of Mexico’s

silver ore deposits, in contrast to the European scenario, so the production of copper was not

an option to defray the costs of refining silver in New Spain or Mexico. The production of lead

for the market would only become important in the twentieth century.

I cannot find any other example of a commodity that from the sixteenth century was

produced both in Europe and the New World, under an industrial context where the market

price was fixed at basically the same level for all producers on both sides of the Atlantic during

three hundred years. During this time refiners had to fit their local variations in wages, fuel,

reagents, infrastructure costs and government duties into a box of just one size, the valuation

of silver that had remained nearly unchanged for over twelve generations of refiners. Under

these conditions it makes no sense to analyse the historical scenario of the cost of production

from the point of view of the price elasticity of silver in the market, and this reality certainly

tied the hands of producers on both sides of the Atlantic. It would take the appearance of a huge

wave of silver suddenly coming to the market from the refining mills of Nevada in the 1870s

to shake the whole silver price structure to its roots.

At any given time the volume of silver in the market depends on what percentage in

known deposits can be profitably mined and refined given the production costs and efficiency

of the available technology. The production cost of smelted silver prior to the sixteenth century,

the technical limits to the smelting process applied, and the market for lead and copper played

a major role in fixing the volume of silver historically available to Europe, and thus of the final

silver to gold ratio. Amalgamation was not the process that historically set the price of silver.

It never progressed beyond a fringe operation in Europe as of the end of the eighteenth century,

and smelting was always the preferred choice.


It would be logical to argue that a lower wage scale in the New World compared to

Europe would have been a significant help to keep competitive the variable costs of

amalgamation, of which around two thirds are direct labour costs, or of smelting, at one half.

This fact should not overshadow recognition of the efficiency of the mining workforce in the

New World, clearly quantified in Humboldt’s data at being some ten times more efficient than

their German counterparts, though this factor was silenced in his commentary. It turns out that

time was just as important in Mexico as in Europe. To their efficiency must be added their

attrition, and those of their communities, in human lives, occupational diseases and

environmental damage from mining and refining, a hidden but very real contribution to

maintaining a competitive production cost of silver.

By the nineteenth century European silver production had recovered, and now even

offered better smelting economies for ores imported from the Mexican mines. In the tradition

of the hare and the tortoise, smelting would outlive the amalgamation of silver in New Spain.

Looking back, it is tempting to conclude that the environmental history of the New World

veered in a totally new direction as soon as some of the first miners of New Spain found they

were left with more coin at the end of the day if they used cold mercury instead of a hot and

fussy furnace. In this case, however, chemistry trumps economics. Lead would continue to be

the main environmental hazard for silver refiners, a heavy metal issued to the air in New Spain

in greater quantities than any volatile emissions of mercury. How much, when and where is the

subject of the next and final chapter.


6 The environmental impact of silver refining: a shift of paradigm.

‘There’s the story, then there’s the real story, then there’s the story of how the story came to
be told. Then there’s what you leave out of the story. Which is part of the story too’. Margaret
Atwood, MaddAddam (2013)

6.1 The magnitude of the impact: the method employed

Of all the chemical substances that shape the environmental history of silver refining in

in New Spain, only the production of silver and the consumption of mercury constitute a fairly

continuous data set in the official tax records. Both data sets can be used to reconstruct the

quantities of other chemicals and matter voided into the environment, using the ratios built up

in the preceding chapters and the theoretical base of the correspondencia. The more

fundamental problem lies in that the whole framework within which silver production and

mercury sales were registered was tinged with corruption:

‘The Royal Treasury in New Spain was a very efficient organization, carefully controlled and
with very precise working guidelines, but at the same time it was a centre of corruption and
traffic of influences. Then as now, these two aspects coexisted without interfering with each
other, so that as long as the accounting figures matched precisely, other parallel practices were
accepted so as to privilege certain miners in the distribution of mercury or in the evasion of

Rampant corruption and contraband have been pointed out in the historiography as

distorting the historical production data, so that up to an estimated two thirds of the total silver

‘La Real Hacienda en Nueva España era una organización eficiente, controlada cuidadosamente y con normas
de trabajo muy precisas, pero al mismo tiempo era foco de corrupción y tráfico de influencias. Entonces como
ahora, estos dos aspectos coexistían sin estorbar el uno al otro, así que mientras los datos contables cuadraban
en forma precisa, por otro lado se aceptaban cohechos para privilegios a algunos mineros en el reparto de
azogues o para evadir impuestos’ in Pérez Luque and Tovar Rangel, Caja Real Guanajuato, 13. The phrase ‘then
as now’ is a warning that accounting coherence on paper does not have the same implications even at present in
different parts of the world.

registered has been deemed to have been excluded from the official record of New Spain.871 I

have proposed in a separate paper that any major disparity between the installed refining

capacity and official registered silver production can be used to estimate a probable degree of

contraband silver, since private capital, contrary to State finances, cannot sustain a fixed capital

investment frozen into an unproductive facility. In the case of Potosí, I estimated the installed

production capacity could have produced twice the official registered figure in the period 1576

to 1650.872 I have no such option to cover the whole period of silver refining in New Spain /

Mexico. I have therefore relied on the official registers for silver production available in the

historiography. These values should be interpreted as the base line, with real levels expected

to have been higher, so that the absolute magnitude of the environmental impact vectors could

have been substantially greater than any estimates to be calculated in this chapter. The relative

magnitudes of these vectors to one another however remain a valid guide to their relative

impact on the environment.

TePaske authored one of the most complete reviews of published data sets and provided

a compilation of the production of silver in New Spain by Caja (regional Treasury, usually but

not always a mining district), from the sixteenth century up to independence. 873 Refining

haciendas sent their silver to be taxed and stamped at the Cajas. Between 1521 and 1810 the

Cajas of interest are, in descending order, Zacatecas (20.6% of total colonial silver production),

Guanajuato and Mexico (17.3% each), Durango (12.1%), San Luis Potosí (8.8%), Guadalajara

Flynn and Giraldez, "Cycles of Silver: Global Economic Unity through the Mid-Eighteenth Century," 435.;
Hausberger, Metales preciosos, 41-44.; Bakewell, "Registered Silver Production in the Potosi District 1550-
1735," 80.
Guerrero, "Contraband of Silver from Potosí and Oruro," 76-77.
TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 82, 115-16. Care must be taken with the pie chart of Figure 3.5 in
TePaske’s work that breaks down the total silver production expressed in kg for all the main Cajas of New Spain,
since for the Caja of Mexico the figure used is 3,703 thousand kg, which does not correspond to the total silver
production according to Table 3-4 (8,703 thousand kg). It is most probable the 8 became a 3 at some point of the
posthumous editing process. This skews all the percentages values reported in the pie chart. The data in his Table
3-4 should be used instead.

(7.8%), Pachuca (5.4%), Sombrerete (3.7%), Bolaños and Rosario (2.3 and 2.2 % respectively),

Zimapán (1.7%) and Chihuahua (0.5%). The Cajas however were not fiscal districts set in

stone. Their hierarchy and the extent of the regional spheres of each Caja changed over time,

as the Reales de Minas even within a region.

The environmental history of silver refining in New Spain / Mexico is thus a fluid

mosaic, where the content and nature of each element constantly change over time, reflecting

the temporal idiosyncrasy of each mining district reporting to the Cajas. Hausberger, from

whose work I have adapted the map shown in Figure 6-1, anchored his analysis of the silver

industry in New Spain using a comparative regional analysis of the data, an approach that will

also be adapted in this chapter.874 Figure 6-1 shows very clearly the disparate nature of these

regional environmental pressure points. For example, the magnitude of the impact vectors to

be calculated from the data in the Cajas of Guanajuato and Pachuca impacted a much more

reduced geographical area than the case of Durango and Guadalajara. Furthermore, while the

haciendas reporting to the Caja of Guanajuato were within or close to the city of Guanajuato,

in the case of Pachuca only the Hacienda de Loreto was within the city limits, and all the other

refining activity was well away from the main urban centres. To this geographical diversity

must be added a technical diversity, since amalgamation and smelting were not applied

uniformly across all the regional Cajas, or even within the historical period of interest for a

single Caja. This temporal diversity will become evident in the following sections.

The data on silver production in the nineteenth century are not as detailed as the data

for the colonial period. Its records suffered on par with the political situation in Mexico, and

the most detailed statistics are found only for the latter part of the century. I have set out in

Hausberger, Metales preciosos, 64, 82-87.

Table 6-I the main sources in the historiography on the production of silver in this period. The

figures calculated by Soetbeer up to 1875 are the source quoted for other estimates published

up to this year.875 For 1876 up to 1899 I include the data from Gonzalez Reyna and from Flores

Clair, Velasco Avila and Ramirez Bautista.876 I have not found an equivalent breakdown of

data by region as is available for New Spain, so only a gross national approximation can be

attempted on the basis of the total silver production from 1820 to 1899.



I Bolaños
II Durango III VI
III Guadalajara
IV Guanajuato V
V Mexico
VI Pachuca
VII San Luis Potosí
VIII Sombrerete
IX Zacatecas
X Zimapan

Figure 6-1. Map of regional Cajas of main mining districts in New Spain, snapshot of the
1760s, adapted from original map in footnote 874.

Adolf Soetbeer, Edelmetall-produktion und werthverhältniss zwischen gold und silber seit der entdeckung
Amerika's bis zur gegenwart (Gotha J. Perthes, 1879), 49-60. The other works that rely on Soetbeer’s data are
Merrill, Summarized Data of Silver Production ; Jenaro González Reyna, Minería y Riqueza de México,
Monografías Industriales (México: Banco de México, 1944).; Flores Clair, Velasco Avila, and Ramírez Bautista,
Estadísticas mineras, II.
González Reyna, Minería y Riqueza de México.; Flores Clair, Velasco Avila, and Ramírez Bautista,
Estadísticas mineras, II.. The data from the latter are presented also in Velasco Avila et al., Estado y minería en

silver production (kg)

Period González Flores Clair
Reyna et al
1801 - 1810 5,538,000
1811 - 1820 3,120,000
1821 - 1830 2,648,400
1831 - 1840 3,309,900

1841 - 1850 4,203,100

1851 - 1855 2,330,500

1856 - 1860 2,239,000
1861 - 1865 2,365,000
1866 - 1870 2,604,500
1871 - 1875 3,009,000
1821-1875 22,709,400
1876 546,410 570,000
1877 588,518 635,572
1878 610,683 641,502
1879 643,907 704,783
1880 694,000 756,505
1881 714,573 743,372
1882 718,658 756,345
1883 748,681 810,448
1884 793,377 849,579
1885 824,079 873,996
1886 876,724 959,215
1887 939,779 1,005,080
1888 986,382 1,051,995
1889 983,799 998,742
1890 990,237 1,068,088
1891-1899 13,250,485 13,796,861
1876 - 1899 24,910,292 26,222,083
1821-1899 48,931,483

Table 6-I. Silver production in Mexico, nineteenth century. Sources from footnotes 875
and 876. The data after 1875 corresponds to fiscal years beginning in the year indicated.

Partial breakdowns are available in the historiography that separate production as a

function of amalgamation or smelting, but none that spans the whole colonial period and all

the Cajas. The following sections present an estimate of the silver produced by each refining

process based on the raw primary tax and mercury sale data of each Caja as has been gathered

and transcribed by Tepaske, Klein and other collaborators in Mexico and Spain.877 Their data

set (to which I will refer henceforth as the TK set) includes the duties and senoreaje (duty on

coinage) identified as coming from silver refined by amalgamation (plata de azogue) and those

coming from smelted silver (plata de fuego). It does not distinguish between patio

amalgamation and amalgamation using the cazo process (as in Catorce, Caja of San Luis

Potosí). In addition, the records also show the amount of revenues from the sale of mercury by

each Caja. These can be converted into an approximate weight of mercury using the reported

price ranges for mercury for each period in question.878 Freight does not have to be subtracted

from these values since this was a separate cost and included as such in the accounts of the

Caja.879 The fact that silver taxes and mercury sales are registered for a same period does not

guarantee these amounts are correlated, due to credits, late payments by refiners, inventory

build-ups, or even contraband of mercury. By aggregating the mercury data into a decade

whenever possible, the potential for mismatches will tend to be minimized but not eliminated.

With this limitation in mind I report approximate mercury to silver ratios in the following


Prof. Herbert S. Klein of Columbia University very kindly sent me his Excel files with the raw information
collated from primary sources on tax revenues and mercury revenues during the colonial period for the provincial
Cajas. Any error in the sorting and calculations based on the raw data transcribed in his files is solely this author’s
For the calculation of the total weight of mercury I have used the Almadén price even for the small amounts
of mercury brought from Idria and Peru.
‘when selling to miners mercury and freight were charged separately’ – ‘al vender a mineros se cobra aparte
azogue y fletes’ in Pérez Luque and Tovar Rangel, Caja Real Guanajuato, 37.

The separation of silver royalties based on refining process starts to be reported in the

late seventeenth century. For the earlier periods where no such distinction was made in the

Cajas, I project where necessary a probable split using the information available on sales of

mercury or extrapolating from known ranges of the mercury to silver ratio. Once I have

estimated the periodic regional production of silver by amalgamation and smelting, I proceed

to estimate the magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors based on the ratios per kg

of refined silver calculated in the previous chapters.

The interpretation given to the historical split between amalgamation and smelting

observed for each Caja will first take into account the nature of the silver ores (rich in lead or

dry). Changes over time in the nature of the ore, or the introduction of lead fluxes from another

region, can be a leading cause for a change in the balance between refining processes.880 The

change of registry of the output of mines from one Caja to another will also impact the

amalgamation/smelting split by changing the nature of the ores being processed.

The impact of the pricing of mercury is easier to determine as the main cause of the

observed refining split in those Cajas where amalgamation historically predominated, since the

nature of the ores is seen historically to be amenable to amalgamation and the infrastructure

was already in place to immediately take advantage of the lower prices. 881 In general mercury

pricing was not the only factor nor was smelting the second-best option for refiners of the silver

For example, refiners in Zacatecas used lead flux sourced from Zimapán, as cited in Mendizábal, La mineria
mexicana, 72.
More aggresive aid than a simple general price decrease could keep amalgamation as the refining option over
smelting. In the late 1760s Jose de la Borda in Zacatecas was granted mercury at 30 pesos / quintal, no silver tax
was levied during renovation work on his mines, and the silver tax on his production was decreased by 50% for
20 years. Brading, "Mexican Silver Mining," 671. Even as the price of mercury was being decreased policy
makers were still debating whether to implement a complete switch from amalgamation to smelting in New Spain,
though problems in the supply of mercury may have been the real issue. Arthur P. Whitaker, "The Elhuyar Mining
Missions and the Enlightenment," ibid.31(1951): 573-576.

ores of New Spain or Mexico.882 The production cost curves derived in Chapter 5 show a

sufficiently fine line between amalgamation and smelting to allow them to compete on profit-

margins subject to location and time-specific costs, availability of ores and reagents. Major

capital requirements would not be required if there was no actual switch from one refining

process to the other, if only the quantities being processed by each type of hacienda varied with


6.1.1 Caja of Zacatecas

The tax revenues on silver produced are reported in pesos in the TK set for the Caja of

Zacatecas under ‘1% y Diezmos de Plata de Azogue’ and ‘1% y Diezmos de Plata de Fuego’.

The fraction of silver refined by amalgamation and smelting is thus calculated directly from

the peso amounts registered under each heading in the same time period. These appear in Figure

6-2 and all subsequent plots of the following Cajas as the data points under the heading ‘duties’.

In addition, in certain periods a tax on the minting of coins (señoreage or señoreaje) is included

under the same rubric, as ‘1% Diezmos Señoreage Plata de Azogue’ or ‘1% Diezmos Señoreage

Plata de Fuego’.883 On the assumption that these amounts have not distorted the original split

of production between amalgamation and smelting, these data points are plotted under ‘duties

& coin’ in Figure 6-2 and subsequent plots of this nature. The smooth merging observed

between both sources of data confirms empirically my assumption. For the case of Zacatecas I

have also included the data reported by Lacueva, who has recently published annual data sets

of silver production in Zacatecas, since it covers a period prior to 1700 when the time periods

As an example, at the end of the nineteenth century the switch to smelting with coal as of 1893 increased in a
few years silver production from 39 to 74 million kg, according to Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 106.
‘señoreage : a tax on the minting of coins by private individuals’ - ‘señoreage : impuesto sobre la acuñación
de monedas por particulares’ in Pérez Luque and Tovar Rangel, Caja Real Guanajuato, 61. Also defined as a
mintage tax in Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 245.

for the TK set do not always correspond exactly to twelve month intervals.884 There is no

evident misfit between all sources of data for this period.885

amalgamation fraction

1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1800 1820

duties duties & mintage lacueva

Figure 6-2. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation in Zacatecas in the period
1670 to 1820. Prior to 1700 the time intervals are exactly one year only for the Lacueva data.
Fractions calculated by the author on the basis of the raw data from TK set and footnote 894.

The profile of Figure 6-2 indicates a predominance of smelting in the second half of the

seventeenth century shifting to a complete reversal between smelting and amalgamation by the

end of the eighteenth century. The interpretation of the alternations between amalgamation and

smelting in Zacatecas based on mercury alone has been questioned already. 886 The reason for

Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 391.
Bakewell published a table with percentage values of silver produced by smelting for some of the main Cajas.
He does not provide the source of the two values he provides for each Caja, for the 1720s or 1730s and for the
1760s of 1770s. I will be citing his values in the footnotes of the following sections, and overall they confirm my
own findings. The data presented in these sections span a much wider period than Bakewell’s data, which allows
a more general picture to emerge. For Zacatecas he states that smelting produced around 30% of its silver both in
the 1720s and 1760s. Bakewell, "Colonial Mining," 145.
Lacueva has argued that Bakewell, the leading proponent of the mercury argument, ignored the contribution
of smelting per se in Zacatecas irrespective of the supply of mercury. See Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 187-
210. For other proponents of the mercury argument see Brading and Cross, "Colonial Silver Mining: Mexico and
Peru," 573-78. ‘It is not a surprise then that in the eighteenth century, when production in New Spain reached its
highest ever historical levels, the two processes had been working side by side, and the switch between one and
the other subject mostly to the price of mercury.’ In Blanchard, Russia's "Age of Silver". Precious-metal
Production and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century 3-31.

the change in refining process is quite straightforward. As of the 1680s the lead rich ores of

Sombrerete were no longer registered at the Zacatecas Caja, and the effect of this reaasignment

after 1680 of ores that had until then been smelted and registered at Zacatecas is evident in

Figure 6.3. Amalgamation is seen to peak in the 1730s and then responds to the price decrease

of mercury in the 1780s. There is no evidence to suggest a zero sum game, where refiners

switched from smelting to amalgamation when mercury prices dropped, at the expense of the

amount of ore smelted. The nature of the ore prevailed: ores that could be smelted continued

to be smelted, and a lower mercury price made it profitable to process more of the ore that

could be amalgamated. On average over this period amalgamation accounted for two thirds

and smelting for one third of total silver produced, but during the time the ores from Sombrerete

were included in this Caja, the fraction of smelted silver registered in the Caja represented

over half the total of silver produced.



kg silver




smelting amalgamation

Figure 6-3. Registry of silver at the Caja of Zacatecas according to refining process. Data
from Table 6-II.

In order to correlate the production of silver with the available data on mercury sales

broken down by period, I have repeated with the TK set one of the classical calculations carried

out in the historiography of silver refining, the conversion of silver tax revenues into a weight

of silver production.887 In parallel I have estimated the weight of mercury (in kg) consumed in

the amalgamation of silver ores by dividing each registered sale revenue by the price of a

quintal of mercury.

Table 6-II is the first example of how all these projections are combined. The data

plotted in Figure 6-2 are used to generate average values of the mercury to silver weight

according to each time period. The average of this ratio for the period 1670 to 1810 is 2.05,

and this value is extrapolated for the period prior to 1670.888 The weight of silver produced by

amalgamation is calculated using this ratio and the amount of mercury calculated from the sale

figures. The balance from the total silver produced according to the tax registries provides the

weight of silver obtained by smelting. Prior to 1651, the TK set does not segregate data on

silver according to refining process. For the period 1611 to 1650, I make use of two sets of data

in the historiography: total silver produced as reported by TePaske, and the amount of mercury

distributed to Zacatecas from late 1608 to 1649, as reported by Bakewell (these figures are in

bold in Table 6-II).889 For the first period from 1590 to 1610, for which I have no information

on mercury sales or distribution, I assume the same amalgamation fraction of 0.7 applies, and

I have followed Bakewell’s path in applying factors of 10.9 and 20.8 to reverse calculate from the tax data
under 1% and diezmos and quintos the value of silver produced in pesos (of 272 maravedies). I have used his
value of 8 pesos 1 real for a mark of silver up to the year 1700, and 8 pesos 6 reales after that date. Bakewell,
Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 245.
Brading assumed that prior to 1632 an average correspondencia value was 100, equivalent to a weight ratio of
2. Brading, Miners Bourbon Mexico, 11.
At least three sets of silver production data for this period have been published for the Caja of Zacatecas.
Bakewell published his production data in marks, TePaske in pesos (of 272 maravedies) and kg of fine silver and
Lacueva likewise in pesos. Their totals for this period differ slightly, according to my calculations based on their
data: 3,218,152 kg for Bakewell, 3,153,180 kg for TePaske and 3,336,221 kg for Lacueva, a spread of not more
than 6% over the lowest value. Bakewell, Silver Mining in Zacatecas, 242-46.; TePaske and Brown, Gold and
Silver, 115-16.; Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 388-90. For the data on mercury see Bakewell, Silver Mining
in Zacatecas, 251.

from TePaske’s figure on silver production (in bold in Table 6-II) I work back to calculate the

deemed amount of mercury consumed.

breakdown (kg)
total silver mercury

mercury to
period silver amalgamated produced consumed
silver silver ratio
kg kg kg
as liquid as volatilized
as calomel
mercury mercury

A 1,050,000 2,152,500 1,829,625 301,350 21,525 2.05

1591-1610 1,500,000 0.7
S 450,000
A 1,185,402 2,430,075 2,065,564 340,211 24,301 2.05
1611-1650 1,650,000 0.7
S 464,598
A 144,558 296,345 251,893 41,488 2,963 2.05
2/1651 - 4/1661 315,388 0.5
S 170,829
5/1661 - 4/1663, A 68,658 140,750 119,637 19,705 1,407 2.05
5/1664 - 6/1670
242,674 0.3
S 174,015
A 268,230 468,508 398,232 65,591 4,685 1.7
7/1670 to 6/1681 670,575 0.4
S 402,345
A 120,259 218,731 185,921 30,622 2,187 1.8
1/1686 to 2/1692 200,432 0.6
S 80,173
A 125,105 281,986 239,688 39,478 2,820 2.3
3/1692 to 12/1700 250,211 0.5
S 125,105
A 158,044 310,918 264,280 43,529 3,109 2.0
1/1701 to 12/1710 316,089 0.5
S 158,044
A 322,025 649,013 551,661 90,862 6,490 2.0
1/1711 to 12/1720 536,709 0.6
S 214,683
A 435,909 742,401 631,041 103,936 7,424 1.7
1/1721 to 12/1730 544,886 0.8
S 108,977
A 290,728 616,362 523,908 86,291 6,164 2.1
1/1731 to 12/1740 415,326 0.7
S 124,598
1/1741 to 12/1750, A 279,839 620,106 527,090 86,815 6,201 2.2
exc 1749
349,798 0.8
S 69,960
A 188,148 490,145 349,955 135,288 4,901 2.6
1/1751 to 12/1760 313,580 0.6
S 125,432
A 144,790 290,293 246,749 40,641 2,903 2.0
1/1761 to 12/1770 241,316 0.6
S 96,526
A 346,139 587,454 499,336 82,244 5,875 1.7
1/1771 to 12/1780 494,484 0.7
S 148,345
A 447,820 1,185,986 832,945 341,182 11,860 2.6
1/1781 to 12/1790 559,775 0.8
S 111,955
A 485,298 790,299 671,754 110,642 7,903 1.6
1/1791 to 12/1800 606,623 0.8
S 121,325
1/1801 to 12/1810 ex A 460,578 1,287,572 856,675 418,021 12,876 2.8
575,722 0.8
S 115,144
total 9,783,589 13,559,445 11,045,956 2,377,895 135,594

Table 6-II. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid mercury and
volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the
Caja of Zacatecas. In this and following tables A: Amalgamation, S: Smelting, For the method
and sources see text.

The estimated breakdown in production by refining process is then used to project a

base-line scenario of the magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors that correspond

to the refined silver registered at the Caja of Zacatecas from 1590 to 1820. For amalgamation

the main vectors are calomel washed away in water streams, liquid mercury in the soil or in the

water, and volatilized mercury during the casting of the silver bars, as shown in Table 6-II,

using the breakdown established in Chapter 3 (85%, 14% and 1%, respectively, of the total

amount of mercury consumed). The amount of calomel cannot be greater than 1.86 times the

amount of silver refined, so when the mercury to silver ratio is above 2.3 for any period, the

ceiling value of calomel loss is applied and the liquid mercury loss is adjusted accordingly

(values in bold italics). The magnitudes for salt and copper sulphate consumed and washed

away from the treated ore, of solid waste washed away in waterways and woodland required

for firewood as a result of amalgamation are reported in Table 6-III, according to the ratios per

kg of silver calculated in Chapter 4 at Regla.

For smelting the vectors correspond to lead and lead compounds lost in flue gases,

woodland required to produce charcoal and solid waste as slag, and their magnitude established

according to the ratios reported in Chapters 2 and 4 per kg of silver smelted. I have chosen to

report for lead and lead in compounds issued to the atmosphere a range of 5 to 10 kg per kg of

smelted silver, rather than a single ratio. The values for woodland consumed in both Tables are

overestimated, since I have not factored in the natural cycle of regeneration, which would

reduce the projections by at least 50%. The results are reported in Table 6-IV. All figures in

Tables 6-III and 6-IV have been rounded off to the nearest significant number, to reflect the

copper equivalent
total silver by salt woodland
sulphate charcoal mineral waste
produced amalgamation consumed consumed
consumed consumed
1591 to 1810
thousand t thousand ha

10 7 200 17 50 4,000 20

Table 6-III. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Zacatecas.

total silver volatile charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced lead loss consumed consumed
1591 to 1810
thousand t thousand ha

10 3 15 to 30 160 3,300 1,300

Table 6-IV. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Zacatecas.

limitations of the exercise. Finally, to check on my calculations on silver production, I compare

my results with the totals reported by Tepaske.890

6.1.2 Caja of Guanajuato

Prior to 1650 refiners of the Guanajuato area registered their silver in the Caja of

Mexico (Ciudad de México). After that date the level of silver ore extracted in the mines around

the city of Guanajuato made it necessary to set up a separate Caja. According to TePaske the

majority of the silver registered at the Caja of Guanajuato came from the ore extracted from

the mines in its near vicinity, in other words from refining haciendas close to Guanajuato.891

Figure 6-4 shows how the fraction of amalgamated silver varied over the period 1679 to 1816.

The impact of lower mercury pricing as of the 1780s is reflected in the steady increase of the

fraction of amalgamation that already dominated production of silver in this area, starting from

a market share of approximately 0.65.892 Again, the decrease in mercury pricing altered the

In Table 6-II the total is 9.8 million kg, compared to 10.1 million kg reported in TePaske and Brown, Gold and
Silver, 121-23.
Ibid., 95.
Bakewell reported 35% for smelting in the 1730s and 27% in the 1770s. Bakewell, "Colonial Mining," 145.

1665 1685 1705 1725 1745 1765 1785 1805 1825

duties duties & mintage

Figure 6-4. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Guanajuato in the period 1679 to 1816. Prior to 1720 the time intervals of the raw data in the
TK data have been approximated to the calendar years.



kg silver




smelting amalgamation

Figure 6-5. Registry of silver at the Caja of Guanajuato according to refining process. Data
from Table 6-V.

breakdown (kg)
fraction mercury

silver produced mercury as
period total silver kg amalgamated as liquid to silver
kg consumed kg as calomel volatilized
silver mercury ratio
5/1665 to A 42,609 96,080 81,668 13,451 961 2.3
60,870 0.70
2/1671 S 18,261
3/1671 to A 117,859 191,991 163,192 26,879 1,920 1.6
168,370 0.70
3/1681 S 50,511
4/1681 to A 36,477 44,231 37,596 6,192 442 1.2
49,969 0.73
S 13,492
6/1690 to A 138,010 171,413 145,701 23,998 1,714 1.2
212,323 0.65
S 74,313
2/1701 to A 141,095 177,727 151,068 24,882 1,777 1.3
217,069 0.65
2/1710 S 75,974
3/1711 to A 155,588 270,894 230,260 37,925 2,709 1.7
263,708 0.59
12/1720 S 108,120
1/1721 to A 270,254 448,296 381,051 62,761 4,483 1.7
422,272 0.64
12/1730 S 152,018
1/1731 to A 361,802 530,439 450,873 74,261 5,304 1.5
565,316 0.64
12/1740 S 203,514
1/1741 to A 459,422 830,679 706,077 116,295 8,307 1.8
792,108 0.58
12/1750 S 332,685
1/1751 to A 409,902 647,787 550,619 90,690 6,478 1.6
650,639 0.63
12/1760 S 240,736
1/1761 to A 439,844 828,293 704,049 115,961 8,283 1.9
637,455 0.69
12/1770 S 197,611
1/1771 to A 772,686 1,414,740 1,202,529 198,064 14,147 1.8
1,058,474 0.73
12/1780 S 285,788
1/1781 to A 726,541 1,610,538 1,368,957 225,475 16,105 2.2
931,462 0.78
12/1790 S 204,922
1/1791 to A 1,138,029 1,588,932 1,350,592 222,450 15,889 1.4
1,371,119 0.83
12/1800 S 233,090
1/1801 to A 685,135 1,493,699 1,269,644 209,118 14,937 2.2
815,637 0.84
12/1806 S 130,502
total 8,216,791 10,345,738 8,793,877 1,448,403 103,457

Table 6-V. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid mercury and
volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the
Caja of Guanajuato.

balance between amalgamation and smelting, but the baseline of smelting had been reached

before the first of the decreases in mercury pricing, as shown in Figure 6-5, so the increase in

amalgamation after the 1770s cannot be due from a poaching of ores that would otherwise have

been smelted. Though Guanajuato is a Caja where amalgamation always dominated, with an

average over the whole period based on total silver produced of 71%, the two refining processes

were more evenly balanced for nearly a century, before the price of mercury was cut by 50%.

Between 1690 and 1710 no distinction was made between amalgamated and smelted

silver. For lack of sufficient data I have extrapolated the value of the amalgamation fraction for

the period 1665 to 1681, and interpolated it for the period 1690 to 1710.893 Tables 6-V, 6-VI

and 6-VII provide the projections on the magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

from 1665 to 1806.

copper equivalent
total silver by woodland
salt consumed sulphate charcoal mineral waste
produced amalgamation consumed
consumed consumed
1665 to 1806
thousand t thousand ha

8 6 170 15 40 3,600 17

Table 6-VI. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Guanajuato.

The total of 8.2 million kg of silver I have calculated as produced in this period corresponds well with TePaske’s
figure of 8.5 million kg in TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 130-31. The information in the TK data set for
Guanajuato has also been published in detail in Pérez Luque and Tovar Rangel, Caja Real Guanajuato, 99-246.

total silver charcoal woodland

by smelting volatile lead loss slag waste
produced consumed consumed
1665 to 1806 thousand t thousand ha

8 2 12 to 24 140 2,300 900

Table 6-VII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Guanajuato.

6.1.3 Caja of Mexico

The Caja at México was the first established by Spain to channel the silver product

refined in New Spain. As production grew other regional Cajas sprung up, which means that

the tax and revenue records in the Mexico Caja not only reflect the refining activity in the

vicinity of Ciudad de México (58 Reales de Minas by mid 1760s, including the major

production centre at Taxco) but at different times have also included the silver and mercury

that were later reported by the new Cajas of Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Zimapán and

Pachuca.894 This creates major problems for the analysis of the TK set for this Caja. First of

all, the distinction between amalgamated and smelted silver only appears very late in the

records, as can be seen in the very limited results reported in Figure 6-6. Second, even though

the silver tax records are identified for other regions, which helps to avoid double accounting

of their totals, mercury revenues are reported as an aggregate, with no such distinction. I have

therefore opted to use Tepaske’s data on silver production for the Caja during the period 1521

to 1810, and have assumed an amalgamation fraction of 0.8, based on Figure 6-4, and a mercury

to silver ratio of 1.8 to apply over the whole period.

TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 84-87. Mexicans refer to Ciudad de México simply as México, so the
Caja de México does not refer to the whole country, but to the Caja situated in its capital, Ciudad de México.

1780 1785 1790 1795 1800 1805 1810 1815 1820


Figure 6-6. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
México in the period 1786 to 1816. The raw data are from the TK data set.

breakdown (kg)
fraction silver mercury

total silver as
period amalgamated produced consumed as liquid
kg as calomel volatilized
silver kg kg mercury

1521 to A 0 0 0 0 0
770,410 0.00
1560 S 770,410

1561 to A 1,801,032 3,241,858 2,755,579 453,860 32,419

2,251,290 0.80
1600 S 450,258

1601 to A 2,227,072 4,008,730 3,407,420 561,222 40,087

2,783,840 0.80
1700 S 556,768

1701 to A 2,318,016 4,172,429 3,546,564 584,140 41,724

2,897,520 0.80
1810 S 579,504

total 8,703,060 11,423,016 9,709,564 1,599,222 114,230

Table 6-VIII. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid mercury and
volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the
Caja of México. Values in bold from footnote 894.

The analysis for the Caja of Mexico is therefore less detailed and subject to a much

greater uncertainty than for all the other Cajas. It is also biased in favour of amalgamation.

Tables 6-VIII, 6-IX and 6-X present the projections of the relevant magnitudes of the main

environmental impact vectors.

copper equivalent
total silver by salt woodland
sulphate charcoal mineral waste
produced amalgamation consumed consumed
consumed consumed
1521 to 1810 thousand t thousand ha

9 6 190 16 40 3,900 19

Table 6-IX. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of México.

total silver volatile lead charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced loss consumed consumed

1521 to 1810 thousand t thousand ha

9 2 12 to 24 140 2,400 950

Table 6-X. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of México.

6.1.4 Caja of Durango

Established in 1599, the Caja of Durango represents the production of refining sites (42

Reales de Minas in 1761-1767) around the capital of the colonial province of Nueva Vizcaya,

some two hundred miles to the northwest of Zacatecas. Among the contributors were Parral

and Chihuahua, the latter becoming a Caja in its own right as of 1785.895 Figure 6-7 shows

how the fraction of amalgamated silver varied over the period 1679 to 1816. The registries of

tax for the two decades between 1740 and 1760 do not discriminate revenues according to

refining process. but the data on mercury sales in the TK set for this hidden period indicate an

increasing use of amalgamation.

1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1800 1820

duties duties & mintage

Figure 6-7. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Durango in the period 1696 to 1813. Between 1737 and 1765 no distinction was made between
amalgamated and smelted silver in the tax register. Prior to 1713 I have approximated the
irregular time series of the raw data in the TK data to their nearest calendar years.

The price decrease of mercury coincides with a tilt towards amalgamation after the

1780s, together with a concurrent drop in the amount of ore being smelted, as seen in Figure

6-8. . This profile is an exception to that which was observed for the previous Cajas. It can

reflect either a poaching of ores by cheaper mercury from smelting to amalgamation or simply

the exhaustion of lead rich silver ores in the mines of the region. A historic import of lead flux

from other regions to smelt dry ores prior to the 1770s would favour rhe former explanation,

Ibid., 91-93, 119.

otherwise the technical difficulties of amalgamating lead rich ores would discount it. On

average smelting accounted for 61% of the total silver registered at the Caja of Durango.

kg silver

to 1600
to 1610
to 1620

to 1810
to 1590

to 1630
to 1640
to 1650
to 1660
to 1670
to 1680
to 1690
to 1700
to 1710
to 1720
to 1730
to 1740
to 1750
to 1760
to 1770
to 1780
to 1790
to 1800
smelting amalgamation

Figure 6-8. Registry of silver at the Caja of Durango according to refining process. Data
from Table 6-XI.

In Table 6-XI, from 1622 to 1696 the average historical mercury to silver ratio

calculated for Durango (2.1) is applied to the TK data on mercury so as to project how much

silver would have been refined by amalgamation during this period, and from that projected

value I calculate the fraction of amalgamated silver. For the period prior to 1622, I complement

the data on silver production from the TK set with Lacueva’s data for the years 1578 to 1598.896

I then apply the amalgamation ratio projected for 1622 (0.97) to all this period, at the risk of

overestimating the use of amalgamation. The deemed amounts of silver obtained by

amalgamation allow me to estimate the amount of mercury consumed, again based on a ratio

of 2.1. The results are given in Tables 6-XI, 6-XII and 6-XIII.897

Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 397.
The total for silver produced and registered at Durango in the table from 1599 onwards corresponds nearly
exactly with the figure of 5.9 million kg in TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 125-27.

breakdown (kg)
fraction silver mercury

total as mercury to
period amalgamated produced consumed as liquid
silver kg as calomel volatilized silver ratio
silver kg kg mercury
A 106,231 223,085 189,622 31,232 2,231 2.1
1578-1598 109,516 0.97
S 3,285
1/1599 to A 102,739 215,752 183,389 30,205 2,158 2.1
105,916 0.97
6/1611 S 3,177
7/1611 to A 36,299 76,228 64,794 10,672 762 2.1
37,422 0.97
4/1615 S 1,123
5/1622 to A 28,845 60,574 51,488 8,480 606 2.1
29,828 0.97
4/1625 S 984
6/1632 to A 80,938 169,969 144,474 23,796 1,700 2.1
223,591 0.36
6/1641 S 142,653
7/1641 to A 69,274 145,476 123,655 20,367 1,455 2.1
234,813 0.30
12/1650 S 165,539
1/1651 to A 70,368 147,773 125,607 20,688 1,478 2.1
12/1659 171,920 0.41
exc 1654 S 101,552
1/1664 to A 73,541 154,437 131,272 21,621 1,544 2.1
204,639 0.36
5/1673 S 131,097
6/1673 to A 18,221 38,265 32,525 5,357 383 2.1
100,278 0.18
7/1677 S 82,056
1/1685 to A 33,010 69,321 58,923 9,705 693 2.1
75,456 0.44
12/1688 S 42,445
1/1689 to A 26,970 91,629 50,165 40,548 916 3.4
168,564 0.16
6/1700 S 141,593
7/1700 to A 42,704 97,567 82,932 13,659 976 2.3
203,352 0.21
6/1711 S 160,648
7/1711 to A 81,699 107,857 91,679 15,100 1,079 1.3
355,211 0.23
12/1720 S 273,513
1/1721 to A 44,461 51,731 43,972 7,242 517 1.2
404,195 0.11
12/1730 S 359,734
1/1731 to A 41,598 44,639 37,943 6,249 446 1.1
12/1740 415,980 0.1
exc. 1734 S 374,382

1/1741 to A 106,536 85,549 72,717 11,977 855 0.8

532,680 0.2
12/1750 S 426,144
1/1752 to A 128,477 159,861 135,882 22,381 1,599 1.2
428,258 0.3
12/1760 S 299,780
1/1761 to A 212,440 410,587 348,999 57,482 4,106 1.9
518,147 0.41
12/1770 S 305,707
1/1771 to A 253,483 677,749 471,478 199,493 6,777 2.7
478,270 0.53
12/1780 S 224,787
1/1781 to A 208,696 509,953 388,174 116,680 5,100 2.4
12/1790 342,124 0.61
exc 1787 S 133,428

1/1791 to A 313,419 735,234 624,949 102,933 7,352 2.3

474,878 0.66
12/1800 S 161,458
1/1801 to A 302,346 705,805 599,934 98,813 7,058 2.3
12/1810 444,626 0.68
exc 1806 S 142,280
total 6,059,664 4,979,042 4,054,571 874,681 49,790

Table 6-XI. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid mercury and
volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the
Caja of Durango. Silver production figure in bold from footnote 896, ceiling for calomel
estimates indicated in bold italic figures.

copper equivalent
total silver by salt mineral woodland
sulphate charcoal
produced amalgamation consumed waste consumed
consumed consumed
1578 to 1810
thousand t thousand ha

6 2 70 6 17 1,500 7

Table 6-XII. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Durango.

total silver volatile charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced lead loss consumed consumed
1578 to 1810 thousand t thousand ha

6 4 18 to 36 220 3,700 1,500

Table 6-XIII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Durango.

6.1.5 Caja of San Luis Potosí

The split between smelting and amalgamation reflected in the tax records of the Caja

of San Luis Potosí is the best example why these curves must be interpreted first of all based

on the nature of the ore being processed. At a first reading of Figure 6.9 the change from

smelting to amalgamation coincides so well with the decrease in the price of mercury in the

1770s that a causal link seems the explanation. However it is the change of the type of ore, and

not the price of mercury, that determines the profile in Figure 6.9. The initial period

corresponds predominantly to the smelting of lead rich ores, first found in the mines of the

Cerro San Pedro on the hills that surround the town, and then from other locations such as

Charcas and Guadalcazar. In the early eighteenth century when mention of amalgamation

1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1800 1820

duties duties & mintage

Figure 6-9. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
San Luis Potosí in the period 1713 to 1806. Source of raw data is the TK set.

haciendas start to appear in archival records.898 In the 1770s silver was discovered at Catorce,

250 km to the north of the town of San Luis Potosí.899 The ore, rich in native silver and silver

halides, was refined using Barba’s cazo amalgamation process and complemented by an

extraction using the patio process (Chapter 5).900 It is the production from Catorce that explains

the predominance of amalgamation in the production of silver registered at San Luis Potosí as

of the 1780s observed in Figure 6-9, not the decrease in the price of mercury. The impact of

During this period Bakewell reports 86% of silver produced by smelting in the 1730s dropping to 54% by the
1760s. Bakewell, "Colonial Mining," 145. Smelting is reported as accounting for 92% of production in 1718, and
then decreasing to 48.6% in 1761-1767 and then virtually disappearing at 1.6% by 1785-89 and later years, in Inés
Herrera Canales, "El método de refinación con azogue en la minería potosina colonial: del fuego al cazo " in La
plata en Iberoamérica: Siglos XVI al XIX, ed. Jesus Paniagua Pérez and Nuria Salazar Simarro (Leon: Universidad
de León, 2008), 68.
Ines Herrera Canales, "El auge de la plateria potosina en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, al argento vivo," in
Ophir en las Indias. Estudios sobre la plata americana. Siglos XVI-XIX, ed. Jesus Paniagua Perez and Nuria
Salazar Simarro (Leon: Universidad de Leon, 2010), 115-21.
The average mercury to silver weight ratio calculated from the TK data set for San Luis Potosí averages 1.7
between 1710 and 1780, and 0.9 from 1781 to 1806. The use of the cazo method cut average mercury consumption
by half, though this decrease is very dependent on the nature of the ore.

the mines of Catorce is reflected in the profile of the register of silver for this Caja (Figure 6-

10). It is interesting to observe that the baseline of smelting remained fairly constant over the

whole period covered in Figure 6-10, only decreasing substantially as of the 1790s.

kg silver

to 1630
to 1640
to 1650
to 1660
to 1670
to 1680
to 1690
to 1700
to 1710
to 1720
to 1730
to 1740
to 1750
to 1760
to 1770
to 1780
to 1790
to 1800
smelting amalgamation

Figure 6-10. Registry of silver at the Caja of San Luis Potosí according to refining process.
Data from Table 6-XIV.

The hard data on the ratio of amalgamation to smelting begin to be recorded in the TK

set as of 1712. Prior to that date, the TK set for San Luis Potosí contains data on taxes paid on

silver, beginning with a figure said to correspond with the taxes paid from March 1528 to

March 1629. Since mining and refining only started in earnest at the end of the sixteenth

century, I have preferred to report that initial value converted into kg in Table 6-XIV as ‘up to

March 1629’. Revenues from mercury sales only appear from 1672 onwards, and I am

assuming smelting completely dominated production in the early years (see Chapter 3). From

1672 to 1710 I divide the weight of mercury sold by 1.7 (the average mercury to silver ratio

from 1710 to 1770 according to the TK data that does not involve the cazo process) so as to

arrive at a deemed weight of silver obtained by amalgamation, and from there I project an

amalgamation fraction for each period.901

Because of the geographical split between Catorce and the rest of the haciendas

registering their silver at the Caja of San Luis Potosí, it is prudent to divide the percentage of

silver refined by each process into two historical periods. The first, from the early 1600s to

1780, assigns 82% of all silver produced to smelting. The second, as of 1780, assigns 96% of

the silver produced to amalgamation, most of which was produced at the mines of Catorce. The

environmental impact of silver refining for this Caja is thus also divided along geographical

lines. Smelting would impact the region around and within the town of San Luis Potosí for

some 160 years, while the more isolated area around the mines of Catorce would be spared the

consequences of smelting. The results in Tables 6-XIV to 6-XVI must be interpreted bearing

this division in mind.

The area of Catorce would see in just 30 years most of the impact from amalgamation:

1,400,000 t of mineral waste, subject to the silver content of the Catorce ores, while a level of

2,000 t of calomel is consistent with the level of mercury consumed. No copper sulphate

consumption is reported because the cazo process did not use this reagent. The estimate of

woodland consumed for amalgamation is below the level expected to have occurred, since the

cazo process requires more fuel than the patio process.

The total amount of silver registered at the Caja according to Table 6-XIV is 3.9 million kg. The total reported

byTepaske up to the end of 1806 is just over 4 million kg. TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 127-29.

breakdown (kg)
fraction silver mercury

total silver as mercury to
period amalgamated produced consumed as liquid
kg as calomel volatilized silver ratio
silver kg kg mercury
A 0 0 0 0 0
up to 3/1629 27,519 0
S 27,519
A 0 0 0 0 0
2/1630 to 4/1640 172,664 0
S 172,664
A 0 0 0 0 0
12/1640 to 2/1651 155,489 0
S 155,489
A 0 0 0 0 0
12/1653 to 6/1661 82,141 0
S 82,141
A 0 0 0 0 0
7/1661 to 10/1671 112,388 0
S 112,388
A 3,396 5,774 4,908 808 58 1.7
12/1672 to 2/1675,
75,525 0.04
11/1677 to 4/1681
S 72,129

5/1681 to 7/1684,
A 6,844 11,635 9,890 1,629 116 1.7
70,374 0.10
3/1686 to 3/1688 S 63,529
A 4,800 8,159 6,935 1,142 82 1.7
1/1690 to 4/1701 128,682 0.04
S 123,882
A 1,235 2,099 1,784 294 21 1.7
1/1706 to 12/1710 41,832 0.03
S 40,597
A 5,451 8,165 6,940 1,143 82 1.5
1/1712 to 12/1720 68,138 0.08
S 62,687
A 6,373 7,250 6,163 1,015 73 1.1
1/1721 to 12/1730 91,046 0.07
S 84,673
A 15,472 34,540 29,359 4,836 345 2.2
1/1731 to 12/1740 110,512 0.14
S 95,040
A 5,751 11,788 10,020 1,650 118 2.0
1/1741 to 12/1748 71,885 0.08
S 66,134
A 93,576 188,859 160,530 26,440 1,889 2.0
1/1752 to 12/1760 252,907 0.37
S 159,332
1/1761 to 12/1770 A 85,937 133,103 113,138 18,634 1,331 1.5
186,820 0.46
exc 1765 S 100,883
A 124,271 138,863 118,033 19,441 1,389 1.1
1/1771 to 12/1780 318,643 0.39
S 194,372
A 679,743 659,313 560,416 92,304 6,593 1.0
1/1781 to 12/1790 738,851 0.92
S 59,108
A 791,417 571,467 485,747 80,005 5,715 0.7
1/1791 to 12/1800 815,894 0.97
S 24,477
A 424,969 406,692 345,688 56,937 4,067 1.0
1/1801 to 12/1806 424,969 1
S 0
total 3,946,278 2,187,709 1,859,553 306,279 21,877

Table 6-XIV. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid mercury and
volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the
Caja of San Luis Potosí.

copper equivalent
total silver by salt mineral woodland
sulphate charcoal
produced amalgamation consumed waste consumed
consumed consumed
1600s to 1806
thousand t thousand ha

4 2 70 - 16 1,400 7

Table 6-XV. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of San Luis Potosí.

total silver volatile lead charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced loss consumed consumed
1600s to 1806
thousand t thousand ha

4 2 8 to 16 100 1,700 700

Table 6-XVI. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of San Luis Potosí.

6.1.6 Caja of Guadalajara

The silver registered at the Caja of Guadalajara came from multiple small and medium

refiners, with 46 Reales de Minas operating in the mid-1760s.902 Figure 6-11 shows how the

fraction of amalgamated silver varied over the period 1679 to 1816. Amalgamation was the

main refining process used, and the tendency to increase its share from approximately 60 %

until it became the predominant route to silver is observed even before the price reduction of

Ibid., 90-91.

mercury in the 1770s.903 The evidence that the price of mercury was not the only factor that

influenced the split between amalgamation and smelting also comes from Figure 6-12.

1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1800 1820

duties duties & mintage

Figure 6-11. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Guadalajara in the period 1691 to 1804. Prior to 1699 I have approximated the irregular time
series of the raw data in the TK set to their nearest calendar years.



kg silver




to 1590
to 1600
to 1610

to 1800

to 1620
to 1630
to 1640
to 1650
to 1660
to 1670
to 1680
to 1690
to 1700
to 1710
to 1720
to 1730
to 1740
to 1750
to 1760
to 1770
to 1780
to 1790

smelting amalgamation

Figure 6-12. Registry of silver at the Caja of Guadalajara according to refining process. Data
from Table 6-XVII.

Bakewell reported 26% smelting in the 1730s dropping to 8% by the 1770s. Bakewell, "Colonial Mining," 145.

Prior to the 1760s the balance between the processes had shifted from a close pairing

to an evident dominace of amalgamation. This shift was accentuated once inexpensive mercury

became available, but as Villaseñor had pointed out, not even free mercury could work

miracles. Amalgamation returned to the level it would have reached even without the decrease

in the price of mercury. The Caja of Guadalajara registered in total 73% of amalgamated silver

and 27% of smelted silver.904

The amalgamation fraction is calculated directly from the TK data set from 1690

onwards. The average ratio of mercury to silver calculated for this period is 2.1, as shown in

Table 6-XVII. To estimate the amalgamation fraction for the earlier periods I apply this ratio

to the data from the TK set on sales of mercury from 1611 to 1690. The average projected

amalgamation fraction for this period is 0.7. I then apply this fraction to the period where I

have no data on mercury sales, 1568 to 1611, to estimate a total amount of silver refined by

amalgamation, from where I obtain the deemed quantities of mercury consumed using the

average mercury to silver ratio of 2.1.

The total for silver produced and registered at the Caja of Guadalajara according to Table 6-XVI is 3.7 million
kg, similar to the total of 3.8 million kg in TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 116.

breakdown (kg)
fraction mercury

total silver silver as mercury to
period amalgamated consumed as liquid
kg produced kg as calomel volatilized silver ratio
silver kg mercury
A 40,353 84,390 71,731 11,815 844 2.1
1568, 1578,1579 57,647 0.7
S 17,294
1/1581 to 12/1590, A 25,970 54,311 46,165 7,604 543 2.1
exc. 1585, 1588, 37,100 0.7
1589 S 11,130
A 49,320 103,143 87,671 14,440 1,031 2.1
1/1591 to 3/1601 70,457 0.7
S 21,137
4/1601 to 3/1611, A 45,508 95,171 80,895 13,324 952 2.1
65,012 0.7
exc. 1605 S 19,504
A 55,468 115,999 98,599 16,240 1,160 2.1
4/1611 to 3/1621 80,698 0.7
S 25,231
A 72,329 151,261 128,572 21,177 1,513 2.1
4/1621 to 4/1631 114,861 0.6
S 42,532
A 77,670 162,430 138,066 22,740 1,624 2.1
5/1631 to 4/1641 88,119 0.9
S 10,450
A 49,962 104,486 88,813 14,628 1,045 2.1
5/1641 to 5/1651 85,969 0.6
S 36,006
A 102,294 213,927 181,838 29,950 2,139 2.1
6/1651 to 12/1660 136,504 0.7
S 34,209
A 78,208 163,555 139,022 22,898 1,636 2.1
1/1661 to 2/1671 175,092 0.4
S 96,885
A 106,923 223,607 190,066 31,305 2,236 2.1
3/1671 to 3/1681 187,842 0.6
S 80,919
A 120,816 252,662 214,762 35,373 2,527 2.1
4/1681 to 6/1690 181,195 0.7
S 60,379
7/1690 to 6/1701 ex A 76,919 144,062 122,453 20,169 1,441 1.9
mid 1693 to mid 146,283 0.53
1696 S 69,364
A 101,471 177,326 150,727 24,826 1,773 1.7
1/1701 to 12/1710 154,299 0.66
S 52,828
A 99,955 195,663 166,313 27,393 1,957 2.0
1/1711 to 12/1720 170,740 0.59
S 70,785
A 111,278 249,515 212,087 34,932 2,495 2.2
1/1721 to 12/1730 172,303 0.65
S 61,025
A 150,680 298,825 254,001 41,835 2,988 2.0
1/1731 to 12/1740 199,184 0.76
S 48,504
A 159,427 307,543 261,412 43,056 3,075 1.9
1/1741 to 12/1750 204,671 0.78
S 45,244
A 147,564 356,895 274,469 78,857 3,569 2.4
1/1751 to 12/1760 184,246 0.80
S 36,682
A 279,318 572,694 486,790 80,177 5,727 2.1
1/1761 to 12/1770 296,484 0.94
S 17,166
A 268,537 527,232 448,147 73,812 5,272 2.0
1/1771 to 12/1780 304,919 0.88
S 36,382
A 186,589 483,742 347,055 131,850 4,837 2.6
1/1781 to 12/1790 252,230 0.74
S 65,641
A 183,414 330,124 280,606 46,217 3,301 1.8
1/1791 to 12/1800 215,008 0.85
S 31,594
A 66,009 167,555 122,777 43,103 1,676 2.5
1801 to 1804 78,527 0.84
S 12,518
total 3,659,392 5,536,120 4,593,040 887,719 55,361

Table 6-XVII. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid mercury and
volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the
Caja of Guadalajara.

copper equivalent
total silver by salt mineral woodland
sulphate charcoal
produced amalgamation consumed waste consumed
consumed consumed
1568 to 1804 thousand t thousand ha

4 3 80 7 20 1,600 8

Table 6-XVIII. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of

total silver volatile lead charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced loss consumed consumed
1568 to 1804 thousand t thousand ha

4 1 5 to 10 60 1,000 400

Table 6-XIX. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Guadalajara.

6.1.7 Caja of Pachuca

From the start of mining in the region of Pachuca in 1552 until 1667, all its silver

production was registered at the nearby Caja de Mexico. Its registry corresponds to refining

activities concentrated around two main sites, Pachuca and Real del Monte.905 Figure 6-13

Ibid., 96-98.

shows the evolution in the fraction of amalgamated silver over the period 1679 to 1816. At first

sight it indicates an unexpected change to smelting after the price of mercury had decreased.906

1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1800 1820

duties duties & mintage mintage

Figure 6-13. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Pachuca in the period 1667 to 1820. Prior to 1706 I have approximated the irregular time series
of the raw data in the TK set to their nearest calendar years.

The interpretation however is not quite straightforward. As the fraction of amalgamated

silver decreases towards the end of the eighteenth century, so did the level of silver production

overall (Figure 6-14). In Chapter 4 I mentioned that lead-rich ores were supplied to the first

Count of Regla from the mines of Zimapán. One interpretation for Figure 6-13 is that the

smelting fraction increased as the availability of the ores for amalgamation decreased, while

the overall production of silver declined. This is another example of how the nature of the

available ore is more important than the price of mercury. In spite of the impression given by

Figure 6-13, the haciendas that registered their silver at the Caja of Pachuca were mainly

Bakewell reports 27% by of silver produced by smelting in the 1720s, decreasing slightly to 23% by the 1760s.
Bakewell, "Colonial Mining," 145. The migration of lead rich ores to the new Caja of Zimapan as of the 1730s
(see below) may have contributed to the low spike in the amalgamation fraction observed around the 1760s.

amalgamation haciendas, supplying 73% of the total silver produced. Smelting would

contribute with 27% of the production.



kg silver





smelting amalgamation total

Figure 6-14. Silver registered at the Caja of Pachuca. Data from Table 6-XX.

Tables 6-XX to 6-XXII summarize the data and results for the Caja of Pachuca. The

mercury to silver ratio for the period 1667 to 1806 is 2.907

The total of 2.5 million kg of silver produced from 1667 to 1806 corresponds well with the figure of 2.6 million
kg in TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 132-33.

breakdown (kg)
fraction mercury

total silver as mercury to
period amalgamated consumed as liquid
silver kg produced kg as calomel volatilized silver ratio
silver kg mercury
9/1667 to A 30,553 52,305 44,460 7,323 523 1.7
34,341 0.89
2/1671 S 3,788
3/1671 to A 77,996 154,706 131,500 21,659 1,547 2.0
87,016 0.90
1/1680 S 9,020
11/1680 to A 165,695 376,266 319,826 52,677 3,763 2.3
184,106 0.90
S 18,411
1/1706 to A 52,859 85,314 72,517 11,944 853 1.6
60,077 0.88
12/1710 S 7,218
1/1711 to A 128,283 255,624 217,281 35,787 2,556 2.0
189,289 0.68
12/1720 S 61,007
1/1721 to A 236,640 479,629 407,685 67,148 4,796 2.0
327,528 0.72
12/1730 S 90,888
1/1731 to A 152,517 295,395 251,086 41,355 2,954 1.9
191,368 0.80
S 38,851
1/1741 to A 101,799 209,256 177,868 29,296 2,093 2.1
134,187 0.76
S 32,388
1/1751 to A 210,418 341,768 290,503 47,847 3,418 1.6
253,687 0.83
S 43,269
1/1761 to A 223,331 341,426 290,212 47,800 3,414 1.5
299,372 0.75
S 76,040
1/1771 to A 158,277 299,692 254,738 41,957 2,997 1.9
228,999 0.69
S 70,722
1/1781 to A 82,008 279,349 152,535 124,021 2,793 3.4
153,629 0.53
S 71,621
1/1791 to A 108,221 246,137 209,217 34,459 2,461 2.3
193,246 0.56
S 85,025
1801 to 1804, A 52,269 171,709 97,221 72,771 1,717 3.3
111,808 0.47
S 59,539
total 2,448,652 3,588,578 2,916,647 636,045 35,886

Table 6-XX. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid mercury and
volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the
Caja of Pachuca.

copper equivalent
total silver by salt woodland
sulphate charcoal mineral waste
produced amalgamation consumed consumed
consumed consumed
1667 to 1806
thousand t thousand ha

2 2 50 5 12 1,100 5

Table 6-XXI. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Pachuca.

total silver volatile lead charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced loss consumed consumed

1667 to 1806
thousand t thousand ha

2 1 3 to 6 40 700 270

Table 6-XXII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Pachuca.

6.1.8 Caja of Sombrerete

The Caja at Sombrerete was established in 1683, and the silver from its ores had been

registered until then at the Caja of Zacatecas. The bell-shaped profile of the plot in Figure 6-

11 of the fraction of silver amalgamated shows an impressive back and forth between smelting

and amalgamation.908 It is reported that from the 1760s more than 90 % of the registered silver

came from local mines of Sombrerete, and most from ‘the rich vein of El Pabellón … [which

had] a high lead content’.909 A high lead content in ores rules out amalgamation as the refining

method of choice, so it explains the return of smelting after the 1760s irrespective of the price

of mercury.

Bakewell reported 68% for silver by smelting in the 1720s, decreasing to 33% by the 1760s, but he did not
extend his data to the end of the century and so could not remark on the increase again in smelting fraction.
Bakewell, "Colonial Mining," 145. Lacueva indicates that at the end of the seventeenth century smelting was used
in the new mines of Sombrerete, where in the period from 1688 to 1699 up to 88% of silver would be produced
by smelting of ores. Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 401.
TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 98-99.

1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1800 1820

duties duties & mintage

Figure 6-15. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Sombrerete in the period 1680 to 1820. Prior to 1760 I have approximated the irregular time
series of the raw data in the TK set to their nearest calendar years.

kg silver


smelting amalgamation

Figure 6-16. Silver registered at the Caja of Sombrerete. Data from Table 6-XXIII.

The peak in the amalgamation fraction is observed before the decrease in mercury

prices is implemented. The level of smelting on either side is fairly constant (Figure 6-16), so

no poaching of ores is taking place. It coincides with a peak in production as well so new ores

fit for amalgamation were being fed to the haciendas. Existing amalgamation haciendas would

have profited the most, since no new capital expenditures would have been required. By the

end of the eighteenth century production peaked again, but this time on the back of lead-rich

ores. TePaske proposed that refiners at Sombrerete switched from amalgamation to smelting

when mercury became scarce ‘due to disruptions in trans-Atlantic shipping’.910 It would not

have been profitable to attempt to amalgamate ores with a high lead content, even less before

the decrease in mercury prices, so I prefer to argue that the bell-shaped profile in Figure 6-11

is caused by major changes in the nature of the ore being refined.

The breakdown of my calculations based on the data in the TK set is presented in Table

6-XXIII.911 The mercury to silver ratio during this period shows an interesting behaviour. On

average it has a value of 2.1, which falls within the expected historical range. However, when

calculated by decade it shows an abnormal range after 1780, reaching the value of 9.2 from

1791 to 1800. The average from 1683 to 1780 is 1.6, but from 1781 to 1816 it increases to 4.8,

at the same time the amount of silver produced by amalgamation reaches a minimum. This

can be interpreted as very inexpensive mercury being used in an inefficient manner to

amalgamate lead-rich ores, thus leading to its waste in a non-productive manner from 1780 to

1810. By requiring on average twice the amount of mercury at half the traditional price to

produce the same amount of silver, it undercuts the argument that the decrease in mercury

prices was beneficial to the Crown revenues as a whole, at least for the Caja of Sombrerete

during this period.912 In addition came a concurrent environmental impact, with more liquid

mercury being lost while calomel amounts reach their chemical ceiling value (figures in bold).

Ibid., 99.
The aggregate total of silver produced (1.8 million kg) corresponds well to the total of 1.6 million kg in ibid.,
It could also be argued that an abnormally high mercury to silver ratio indicates a combination of bad practice
and contraband of mercury. Why refiners would suddenly become bad operators after the experience shown in

The Caja of Sombrerete was in smelting territory. 68% of the total silver registered at

the Caja came from smelting haciendas, 32% from amalgamation. The magnitudes of the main

environmental impact vectors are estimated in Tables XXIII to XXV.

breakdown (kg)

total silver fraction mercury as mercury to
period produced as liquid
kg amalgamated silver consumed kg as calomel volatilized silver ratio
kg mercury
5/1683 to 5/1690, A 23,823 32,071 27,261 4,490 321 1.3
exc mid 1684 -mid 119,115 0.2
1688 S 95,292
A 35,916 74,296 63,151 10,401 743 2.1
5/1690 to 5/1701 189,032 0.19
S 153,116
A 20,641 26,411 22,450 3,698 264 1.3
6/1701 to 3/1711 66,583 0.31
S 45,942
A 11,841 23,069 19,609 3,230 231 1.9
4/1711 to 12/1720 40,832 0.29
S 28,991
A 11,885 21,349 18,147 2,989 213 1.8
1/1721 to 12/1730 32,122 0.37
S 20,237
A 83,579 130,547 110,965 18,277 1,305 1.6
1/1731 to 12/1740 128,583 0.65
S 45,004
1/1741 to 12/1750 A 118,915 184,837 157,111 25,877 1,848 1.6
exc 1747,1748
152,455 0.78
S 33,540
A 30,868 65,535 55,705 9,175 655 2.1
1/1753 to 12/1760 40,616 0.76
S 9,748
A 32,464 33,103 28,137 4,634 331 1.0
1/1761 to 12/1770 45,723 0.71
S 13,260
A 68,647 61,405 52,194 8,597 614 0.9
1/1771 to 12/1780 118,356 0.58
S 49,710
A 42,052 158,534 78,217 78,731 1,585 3.8
1/1781 to 12/1790 107,826 0.39
S 65,774
A 16,524 151,716 30,735 119,463 1,517 9.2
1/1791 to 12/1800 183,605 0.09
S 167,081
1/1801 to 12/1809 A 33,926 133,794 63,103 69,354 1,338 3.9
exc 1807
339,262 0.10
S 305,336
A 5,226 12,567 10,682 1,759 126 2.4
1/1811 to 12/1816 87,100 0.06
S 81,874
total 1,651,212 1,109,234 737,467 360,675 11,092

Table 6-XXIII. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid
mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and
registered in the Caja of Sombrerete.

the 1760s with mercury to silver ratios well below 2, or why the least expensive mercury in the history of New
Spain would make sense to contraband weaken these alternative explanations.

copper equivalent
total silver by salt woodland
sulphate charcoal mineral waste
produced amalgamation consumed consumed
consumed consumed
1683 to 1816
thousand t thousand ha

2 1 16 1 4 330 2

Table 6-XXIV. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Sombrerete.

total silver volatile lead charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced loss consumed consumed
1683 to 1816
thousand t thousand ha

2 1 6 to 12 70 1,100 450

Table 6-XXV. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Sombrerete.

6.1.9 Caja of Bolaños

Major mining in the region around Bolaños started in 1747, and the Caja was

established some six years later. Records are affected by a fifteen year tax exemption on the

diezmo granted to one of the principal miners of this region as of 1789. 913 The data from the

TK sets as plotted in Figure 6-18 show that Bolaños was amalgamation territory even before

the price decrease of mercury in the 1760s. Over 94% of all the silver registered in this Caja

came from amalgamation (Table 6-XXVI). The mercury to silver ratio again shows a step

increase that coincides with the decrease in the price of mercury, from 1.9 prior to 1760 to an

average of 3.2 from 1761 to 1804, reaching a value of 5.2 in the following decade. A non-

TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 101.

1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810

duties duties & mintage

Figure 6-17. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Bolaños in the period 1753 to 1804. Raw data from TK set.

breakdown (kg)
fraction mercury

total silver mercury as

period amalgamated as liquid to silver
silver kg produced kg consumed kg as calomel volatilized
silver mercury ratio
1/1753 to A 455,770 864,622 734,929 121,047 8,646 1.9
460,551 0.99
12/1760 S 4,781
1/1761 to A 155,080 376,216 288,449 84,005 3,762 2.4
166,019 0.93
12/1770 S 10,939
1/1771 to A 190,762 478,827 354,817 119,222 4,788 2.5
214,718 0.89
12/1780 S 23,957
1/1781 to A 201,123 637,264 374,089 256,802 6,373 3.2
218,996 0.92
12/1790 S 17,873
1/1791 to A 100,453 519,384 186,843 327,347 5,194 5.2
108,061 0.93
12/1800 S 7,607
1/1801 to A 8,598 23,103 15,993 6,879 231 2.7
10,479 0.82
12/1804 S 1,880
total 1,178,824 2,899,416 1,955,120 915,302 28,994

Table 6-XXVI. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid
mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and
registered in the Caja of Bolaños.

efficient use of inexpensive mercury again implicates a change in the environmental impact of

amalgamation (figures in bold).914

copper equivalent
total silver by woodland
salt consumed sulphate charcoal mineral waste
produced amalgamation consumed
consumed consumed
1753 to 1804
thousand t thousand ha

1 1 30 3 8 700 3

Table 6-XXVII. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Bolaños.

total silver volatile lead charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced loss consumed consumed
1753 to 1804 thousand t thousand ha

1 0.1 0.5 to 1 4 70 30

Table 6-XXVIII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Bolaños.

6.1.10 Caja of Rosario

According to Tepaske the Caja of Rosario was set up in 1770, moved to Alamos in

1783 and then to Cosalá around 1807.915 The records of the TK set are simply identified as

Rosario. Figure 6-19 shows smelting maintaining a relatively constant fraction under one third

even after the decrease in mercury pricing. Of the total silver registered in this Caja, 71%

corresponds to amalgamation and 29% to smelting (Table 6-XXIX).916 Again the mercury to

The total of 1.2 million kg of silver produced from 1753 to 1804, corresponds well with the figure of 1.1 million
kg in ibid., 135-36.
Ibid., 103.
The total of 1.1 million kg of silver registered from 1770 to 1809, is virtually the same as the total reported in
ibid., 135-36.

silver ratio is higher than the historical range for New Spain in the first two decades just after

the price decrease of mercury, but not to the extent of potential waste observed in the previous

two Cajas. The calomel projection is fixed at its ceiling value (figures in bold) during these


1770 1775 1780 1785 1790 1795 1800 1805 1810 1815

duties duties & mintage

Figure 6-18. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Rosario in the period 1770 to 1813. Raw data from TK set.

mercury losses
fraction mercury to

total silver silver mercury as

period amalgamated as liquid silver weight
kg produced kg consumed kg as calomel volatilized
silver mercury ratio
A 57,654 149,415 107,236 40,685 1,494 2.6
1/1770 to 12/1780 87,354 0.66
S 29,700
A 196,231 559,577 364,990 188,991 5,596 2.9
1/1781 to 12/1790 268,810 0.73
S 72,579
1/1791 to 12/1800 exc A 291,119 585,950 498,057 82,033 5,859 2.0
373,230 0.78
S 82,111
1/1801 to 12/1809 A 231,756 490,704 417,099 68,699 4,907 2.1
360,896 0.64
exc 1806 S 129,141
total 1,090,290 1,785,646 1,387,382 380,408 17,856

Table 6-XXIX. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid
mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and
registered in the Caja of Rosario.

copper equivalent
total silver by salt woodland
sulphate charcoal mineral waste
produced amalgamation consumed consumed
consumed consumed
1770 to 1809
thousand t thousand ha

1 1 25 2 5 500 2

Table 6-XXX. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors corresponding
to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Rosario.

total silver volatile charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced lead loss consumed consumed
1770 to 1809
thousand t thousand ha

1 0.3 2 to 4 20 300 130

Table 6-XXXI. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Bolaños.

Tables 6-XXX and 6-XXXI provide the ranges of magnitude of the remaining

environmental vectors for this Caja, reflecting the joint importance of both amalgamation and


6.1.11 Caja of Zimapán.

The silver from Zimapán was initially registered as of the sixteenth century first in the

Caja of México and then after 1667 in the Caja of Pachuca, but in 1729 it was awarded its own

Caja. Though various mines produced its registered silver, by the 1760 Zimapán contributed

86% of the total with an ore rich in lead.917 It is the nature of the ore that determines the profile

seen in Figure 6-20, a near total absence of amalgamation in the refining of silver at Zimapán.918

1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800 1810


Figure 6-19. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Zimapán in the period 1729 to 1806. Raw data from TK set.

For all practical purposes the total production of silver came from smelting (Table 6-

XXXII).919 The only environmental impact vectors correspond to smelting, and their

magnitudes are projected in Table 6-XXXIII.

Ibid., 100. There were more than 100 smelting furnaces in Zimapán in 1795 according to Sonneschmidt and
de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de Nueva España, 62.
Bakewell reported that smelting reached 90+% in the 1720s and 94% in the 1760s. Bakewell, "Colonial
Mining," 145.
The total of 0.8 million kg of silver produced from 1729 to 1806, corresponds well with TePaske’s figure of
0.9 million kg. TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 134-35.


total silver silver
period amalgamated
kg produced kg

A 0
1/1729 to 12/1740 67,661 0
S 67,661
A 0
1/1741 to 12/1748 60,545 0
S 60,545
A 0
1/1752 to 12/1759 71,005 0
S 71,005
A 0
1/1761 to 12/1770 106,210 0
S 106,210
A 0
1/1771 to 12/1780 150,355 0
S 150,355
A 0
1/1781 to 12/1790 125,489 0
S 125,489
A 0
1/1791 to 12/1800 143,017 0
S 143,017
A 1,498
1/1801 to 12/1806 74,912 0.02
S 73,413
total 799,194

Table 6-XXXII. Production of silver by smelting as registered in the Caja of Zimapán.

total silver volatile lead charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced loss consumed consumed
1729 to 1806
thousand t thousand ha

0.8 0.8 4 to 8 50 800 320

Table 6-XXXIII. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Zimapán.

6.1.12 Caja of Chihuahua.

According to TePaske this was the ‘last mining Caja created in New Spain’.920 The split

between smelting and amalgamation seems impervious to the decrease in mercury prices, most

probably due to the lead content of the ores. Santa Eulalia and Santa Barbara, the principal

mines feeding the refining haciendas that reported to the Caja in Chihuahua, are linked to the

few known lead bearing deposits of New Spain.921 It was only in the nineteenth century that

the amalgamation fraction increased (Figure 6-21). Overall smelting provide 60% of the silver

registered at this Caja, and amalgamation the remaining 40% (Table 6-XXXIV).922 The

abnormal range of mercury to silver ratios up to the end of the eighteenth century would

indicate a waste of inexpensive mercury due to amalgamating lead-rich ores.923 As commented

for other Cajas showing similar ranges, this would have an environmental impact, increasing

the amount of mercury physically lost to the environment (numbers in bold).

Tables 6-XXXV and 6-XXXVI complete the estimate of the magnitudes of the main

environmental impact vectors derived from the colonial refining activities of silver ores.

Ibid., 104.
Rice, "Silver-Lead Mines Santa Barbara," 208-209.
There is a gap in the TK set on silver production from 1791 to 1796 which I fill in Table 6-XXXIIV with
TePaske’s figure of 55,029 kg (figure in italic bold). Including this number, the total for silver in the table is
virtually the same as TePaske’s total for Chihuahua of 0.24 million kg. TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 137.
The data in the TK set have an entry for the calendar year 1790 that indicates the purchase of 114,000 pesos of
mercury, approximately 128,000 kg of mercury. This amount of mercury does not correlate with the production
level of silver in the previous years, so I have placed it as mercury consumed in the following period.

1785 1790 1795 1800 1805 1810 1815


Figure 6-20. The fraction of total silver refined by amalgamation as registered in the Caja of
Chihuahua in the period 1788 to 1813. Raw data from TK set.

breakdown (kg)

total silver silver mercury mercury to

period amalgamated as liquid as volatilized
kg produced kg consumed kg as calomel silver ratio
silver mercury mercury

1/1785 to 12/1790 A 11,837 76,709 22,018 53,925 767 6.5

exc 1787
32,882 0.36
S 21,044
A 18,710 114,000 34,800 78,060 1,140 6.1
1/1791 to 12/1796 55,029 0.34
S 36,319
A 12,639 34,084 23,508 10,235 341 2.7
1/1797 to 12/1800 39,496 0.32
S 26,857
A 40,926 129,563 76,122 52,145 1,296 3.2
1/1801 to 12/1810 93,014 0.44
S 52,088
A 12,762 20,599 17,509 2,884 206 1.6
1/1811 to 12/1814 25,023 0.51
S 12,261
total 245,443 374,955 173,957 197,248 3,750

Table 6-XXXIV. Magnitude of the environmental impact vectors for calomel, liquid
mercury and volatile mercury, corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and
registered in the Caja of Chihuaha.

copper equivalent
total silver by salt woodland
sulphate charcoal mineral waste
produced amalgamation consumed consumed
consumed consumed
1785 to 1814
thousand t thousand ha

0.2 0.10 3 0 1 60 0

Table 6-XXXV. Projected magnitude of other main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by amalgamation and registered in the Caja of Chihuahua.

total silver volatile lead charcoal woodland

by smelting slag waste
produced loss consumed consumed
1785 to 1814 thousand t thousand ha

0.2 0.15 1 to 2 10 150 60

Table 6-XXXVI. Projected magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors

corresponding to the silver obtained by smelting and registered in the Caja of Chihuahua.

6.1.13 Aggregate totals for New Spain

Table 6-XXXVII gives a summary of all the magnitudes calculated for the Cajas of

New Spain analyzed in the previous sections. The first important conclusion is that

amalgamation accounted for approximately 64% of the silver produced in New Spain, and

smelting 36%. It coincides with the report in the historiography that in 1777 the Administrador

General de Minas reported that 40% of all production was by smelting.924 It also shows a much

As quoted in Mervyn F. Lang, "Amalgamacion y fundicion en la mineria americana.," in Estudios de historia
de las técnicas, la arqueología industrial y las Ciencias, ed. Juan Luis García Hourcade, Juan M. Moreno Yuste,
and Gloria Ruiz Hernández(Salamanca: Juanta de Castilla y Leon, 1998), 674. Up to the eighteenth century at
least half of the silver ores mined in Honduras were smelted. Newson, "Silver Mining Honduras," 52.

more balanced distribution between amalgamation and smelting output than what at times has

been reported in the

total total total

total silver total liquid total volatile total total volatile total slag total
total calomel total salt copper mineral silver
amalgamation mercury mercury woodland lead waste woodland
sulphate waste smelted

Zacatecas 7 11 2 0.1 200 17 20 4,000 3 15 to 30 160 1,300

Guanajuato 6 9 1 0.1 170 15 17 3,600 2 12 to 24 140 900

Mexico 6 10 2 0.1 190 16 19 3,900 2 12 to 24 140 950

Durango 2 4 1 0.05 70 6 7 1,500 4 18 to 36 220 1,500

San Luis Potosí 2 2 0.3 0.02 70 - 7 1,400 2 8 to 16 100 700

Guadalajara 3 5 1 0.06 80 7 8 1,600 1 5 to 10 60 400

Pachuca 2 3 1 0.04 50 5 5 1,100 1 3 to 6 40 270

Sombrerete 0.5 1 0.4 0.01 16 1 2 330 1 6 to 12 70 450

Bolaños 1 2 1 0.03 30 3 3 700 0.1 0.5 to 1 4 30

Rosario 1 1 0.4 0.02 25 2 2 500 0.3 2 to 4 20 130

Zimapán 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 4 to 8 50 320

Chihuahua 0.1 0.2 0.2 0 3 0 0 60 0.1 1 to 2 10 60

total New Spain 31 47 10 1 904 72 90 18,690 17 90 to 180 1,014 7,010

Table 6-XXXVII. Summary of main magnitudes projected for each of the main mining
Cajas of New Spain. Woodland figures expressed in units of a thousand ha, all the others in
units of a thousand t.

historiography.925 Three stages can be discerned in Figure 6-21. The data for the initial period

up to the 1640s are the one most subject to extrapolations of all, and probably overestimates

the importance of amalgamation (see discussion for each Caja above). In any case it was

An extreme case is the claim that 95% of all silver was produced by amalgamation. Castillo Martos, "Alquimia
en la metalurgia de plata y oro en Europa y America " xxiv. Humboldt estimated that the overall ratio of
amalgamated silver to smelted silver was 3.5 to 1. In the period around the beginning of the nineteenth century,
he estimated that smelting produced 10% of the total silver, and amalgamation (patio, cazo and barrel) the
remaining 90%. Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome IV, 49-50, 106. Modern historians have based their estimate of
the split between amalgamation and smelting on calculations using a deemed correspondencia value and the total
amount of mercury imported into New Spain. Brading and Cross used a correspondencia value of 110 marks per
quintal to arrive at a range between 70% and 87% for amalgamation. Brading and Cross, "Colonial Silver Mining:
Mexico and Peru," 570, 579. Garner estimated a range between 80% to 90 % amalgamation, based on a
correspondencia of 100 marks per quintal. Garner, "Long-Term Silver Mining," 918. Mendizabal proposed that
amalgamation accounted for 75% of all the silver produced in New Spain, without specifying his source.
Mendizábal, La mineria mexicana, 71-73.

characterized by a very lenient policy on the payment of mercury supplied to the refiners,

together with a source of tailings with a sunken cost that could be amalgamated. Both factors

can explain the peak in the amalgamated fraction of total silver production. From mid

seventeenth to mid eighteenth century the stricter policy on the supply of mercury levels the

playing field between amalgamation and smelting to the point both share equally the production

of silver in New Spain. It reflects the more natural balance between the two refining processes

based on the nature of ores available, with the bias on the part of the Crown towards

amalgamation somewhat muted. During this period ores with a silver content below 0.08%

continue to be discarded but make up an important part of the ore extracted from the mines (see

discussion in section 5.2, above). Starting in the 1740s according to Dobado and Marrero the

supply of mercury from Almadén increases, which would allow refiners to process an increase

in the ore being extracted.926

Amalgamation now shows a tendency to account for more than half of silver

production, a divergence of curves that becomes more significant once the step decreases in

the price of mercury are implemented in 1767 and 1776. The steep rise in silver production by

amalgamation in the latter part of the eighteenth century brings to mind the same drastic

increase seen in Potosí in the 1570s, and one possible cause is not only a sudden increase in

ore extraction but also the incorporation of tailings that could now be refined at a profit, due to

the low price of mercury and because their sunken cost of extraction was now nil, cutting their

amalgamation cost by more than half. Under these conditions it would have been impossible

for smelting to compete for the refining of these ores.

Dobado and Marrero, "The Role of the Spanish Imperial State in the Mining-led Growth of Bourbon Mexico's
Economy," 867. There is an element of chicken and egg in the arguments presented. Supply volume of mercury
by itself without a decrease in price does not induce an increase in silver production unless an increase has also
taken place in the amount of ore suitable for amalgamation at the prevalent pricing of mercury.

The downward price movements of mercury influenced the slope of the amalgamation

profile but not that of smelting. This reinforces the argument that it was the nature of the ore,

and not the price of mercury, that determined the choice of refining method. The reduction in

price of mercury did increase the amount of ore that could be processed at a profit in an

amalgamation hacienda, thus the increase observed after the 1760s. Thus each refining process

continued to be profitable with the ores available, and only the quantity available to each

process varied. No switching of ores or infrastructure is involved in a major way. There are

signs though that cheaper mercury was wasted in refining lead-rich ores in some Cajas.


kg silver




to 1620

to 1660

to 1700

to 1740

to 1780
to 1590
to 1600
to 1610

to 1630
to 1640
to 1650

to 1670
to 1680
to 1690

to 1710
to 1720
to 1730

to 1750
to 1760
to 1770

to 1790
to 1800
to 1810

smelting amalgamation

Figure 6-21. Registry of silver by process, as projected for New Spain.

With regard to the magnitude of the main environmental impact vectors, I will report

total amounts over the colonial period rather than a single yearly average, since as seen for

each Caja, silver production is irregular and weighed towards the last 100 years of the colonial

period. Because the amalgamation/smelting split also varied with time the total amount cannot

be pro-rated according to the silver production by century. The total mineral waste voided into

waterways is the dominant value, with nearly 19 million t. In terms of weight, the major

chemical that was washed into waterways was salt, with an order of magnitude of 1 million t.

The remaining environmental impact vectors on water basins are an order of magnitude

smaller. The copper sulphate consumed, which would be washed away as copper ions or copper

salts, is projected as being greater (72 thousand t) than the water-insoluble calomel (47

thousand t). Liquid mercury, whether in the soil or washed away, is projected at 10 thousand t.

In the air it is lead as metallic lead or in lead compounds that dominates, with a range

between 90 and 180 thousand t. Volatile mercury would have accounted for around one

thousand tons over this whole period. Finally the impact on woodland is greatest for smelting,

with a maximum of 7 million ha of woodland consumed if no natural regeneration is factored

in, some 80 times greater than the requirements for amalgamation during the same period.

In Table 6-XXXVIII I present the amalgamation / smelting breakdown based on silver

produced for each Caja.927 Since the haciendas reporting to each Caja varied with time this is

only a snapshot of the average over the whole period, with overlap of regions over the whole

colonial period as new Cajas were hived off from existing ones. In order to visualize the

geographical distribution of the two refining processes I adopt Figure 6-1 as an approximation

to the whole colonial period and have shaded in Figure 6-22 the different territories of the Cajas

according to which refining process dominated their production: black for smelting (San Luis

Potosí (except for Catorce), Durango, Sombrerete and Zimapán, and Chihuahua is not shown

in the map), and grey where amalgamation predominated (Zacatecas, Guanjuato, Mexico,

Pachuca, Guadalajara, Bolaños and the district of Catorce in San Luis Potosi). The magnitude

of the environmental impact vectors due to smelting could however be greater even in regions

As a crosscheck, the total in Table XXXVII is rounded off to 48 thousand t, compared to 49.1 thousand t
reported in TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 116.

nominally dominated by amalgamation, subject to the total amount of silver being produced by

both methods.

silver by silver by
Caja amalgamation smelting
% smelting
t t
Zacatecas 6,522 3,262 67% 33%

Guanajuato 5,895 2,322 72% 28%

Mexico 6,346 2,357 73% 27%

Durango 2,382 3,677 39% 61%

San Luis Potosí 2,249 1,697 57% 43%

Guadalajara 2,656 1,003 73% 27%

Pachuca 1,781 668 73% 27%

Sombrerete 536 1,115 32% 68%

Bolaños 1,112 67 94% 6%

Rosario 777 314 71% 29%

Zimapán 0 799 0% 100%

Chihuahua 97 149 39% 61%

total New Spain 30,353 17,429 64% 36%

Table 6-XXXVIII. Amalgamation and smelting by Caja over the whole colonial period in
New Spain. Source data from Table 6-XXXVII.

This is clear in the series shown in Figures 6-23 and 6-24 where I plot the magnitude

of the environmental impact vectors corresponding to smelting. While Durango remains the

area that would have been most affected by the environmental impact of smelting, it is closely

followed by areas where amalgamation predominated, such as Zacatecas, Mexico and

Guanajuato. With regard to the impact of amalgamation by region, it follows more closely the

ranking of Cajas where amalgamation dominated, as illustrated in Figures 6-25 to 6-28. All

these are average representations over the whole period, and according to the Caja could have

changed substantially during smaller historical spans.



I Bolaños
II Durango III VI
III Guadalajara
IV Guanajuato V
V Mexico
VI Pachuca
VII San Luis Potosí
VIII Sombrerete
IX Zacatecas
X Zimapan

Figure 6-22. Approximate geographical distribution of main refining processes applied in the
Cajas of New Spain. Black: smelting, Grey: amalgamation. Adapted from Figure 6.1.

To carry the regional environmental analysis forward on a more detailed basis will

require incorporating data on waterways and water basins, historical landfills, wind roses and

geographical contours, relative distribution of refining haciendas by location, size and refining

process, population centres, agricultural centres and cattle rearing, woodlands used to source

fuel, regeneration rates for the local woodland, transit routes to and within each region. In

addition a detailed knowledge on the changes in the architectural details of the refining

haciendas of each region over time is required, so as to be able to model the deposition of lead

around each establishment.928

San Luis Potosí
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
range magnitude volatile lead vector (thousand t)

higher range lower range

Figure 6-23. Listing of Cajas by the magnitude of the vector corresponding to lead and lead
compounds. Data from table 6-XXXVIII

In chapter 2 I made reference to the regional studies identifying primary economic functions carried out by
Prof. Salazar in the region around the town of San Luis Potosí. Another study has centred on determining the role
of ‘mining as a creator of economic spaces due to its great organizing power’ - ‘mineria como creador de espacios
económicos por su gran poder organizador’. The authors draw up maps of geographical networks that grew
around the mining and refining activities in Pachuca and Real del Monte in the nineteenth century. Saavedra Silva
and Sánchez Salazar, "Espacio Pachuca-Real del Monte," 83-97. Each cluster of refining haciendas creates by
their sole presence a source of an economic force field, attracting by its needs the other economic activities that
grew out of refining. Overlaid on this economic ‘gravitational’ contour map would lie the vectors of environmental
impact due initially to the original refining of silver and then to the growth of other economic activity.

San Luis Potosí
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600
thousand ha

Figure 6-24. Woodland consumed by smelting and amalgamation according to Caja. Data
from Table 6- XXXVIII.

San Luis Potosí
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500
thousand t

Figure 6-25. Ranking of Cajas according to the magnitude of the environmental impact
vector of mineral waste voided into waterways. Data from Table 6-XXXVIII.

San Luis Potosí
0 50 100 150 200 250
thousand t

Figure 6-26. Ranking of Cajas according to the magnitude of the environmental impact
vector of salt voided into waterways. Data from Table 6-XXXVIII.

San Luis Potosí
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
thousand t

Figure 6-27. Ranking of Cajas according to the magnitude of the environmental impact
vector of copper sulphate consumed and voided into waterways. Data from Table 6-XXXVIII.

San Luis Potosí
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
thousand t

Figure 6-28. Ranking of Cajas according to the magnitude of the environmental impact
vector of calomel voided into waterways. Data from Table 6-XXXVIII.

6.1.14 Aggregate totals for Mexico, 1820 to 1900

Unfortunately the data that quantify silver production according to refining process is

limited in the period it covers (fiscal years beginning 1877 to 1896), contains evident errors in

its figures for smelting as of 1893, and the yearly totals calculated from its data are between

20% to 40% less than the yearly data in Table 6-XXXIX. Bearing this in mind, Figure 6-29

plots the percentage of amalgamation and smelting registered for a period when barrel

amalgamation and leaching (lixiviación) were also being applied.929 The latter reaches a peak

fraction of 0.18 in the fiscal years 1891 and 1892, but by 1896 the total silver registered has

decreased to 36,995 kg from its peak at 203,932 kg. The average fraction of silver produced by

barrel amalgamation in this period is 0.04.930

The leaching process mentioned in the statistics does not refer to cyanide leaching but to the earlier processes,
such as the hyposulphite process included in Collins, Metallurgy of Lead & Silver, 186-241.
Flores Clair, Velasco Avila, and Ramírez Bautista, Estadísticas mineras, II, 161-62. Laur and Duport estimated
that smelting produced 10% of silver in Mexico, though Laur cautioned that ‘it is however not possible to establish

1876 1878 1880 1882 1884 1886 1888 1890 1892 1894

amalgamation smelting

Figure 6-29. Amalgamation and smelting fraction of silver presented at the Mexican mints,
1876 to 1892. Raw data from footnote 900.

In Table XXXIV I present a projection of the magnitudes of the main environmental

impact vectors for the whole of Mexico during the nineteenth century, subject to the limitations

in each of the data sets signalled in the previous paragraphs. In the absence of mercury

consumption data I have assumed an average mercury to silver ratio of 1.8. The other ratios

per kg of silver are the same as applied to colonial New Spain. I present the data in such a

manner the projected breakdown of the magnitudes of the environmental impact vectors can

be adjusted in the future as better figures comes to light on a regional basis.

with certitude their relative importance’ - ‘il n’est cependant pas possible d’établir, avec certitude, leur
importance relative’.Laur, "De la metallurgie de l'argent au Mexique," 106. ; Duport, Métaux précieux au
Mexique, 86.

mercury liquid volatile copper mineral

amalgamation calomel salt woodland
total silver consumed mercury mercury sulphate waste
fraction kg thousand t thousand ha
1821 - 1830 2,648,400 0.75 1,986,300
1831 - 1840 3,309,900 0.75 2,482,425
1841 - 1850 4,203,100 0.75 3,152,325
1851 - 1860 4,569,500 0.75 3,427,125
1861 - 1870 4,969,500 0.75 3,727,125
1871 - 1880 6,317,362 0.75 4,738,022
1881 - 1890 9,116,860 0.7 6,381,802
1891 - 1899 13,796,861 0.7 9,657,803
1821-1899 35,552,926 64 30 5 0.4 1,100 90 22,000 100

smelting volatile lead slag woodland

total silver
period thousand
produced fraction kg thousand t
1821 - 1830 2,648,400 0.25 662,100
1831 - 1840 3,309,900 0.25 827,475
1841 - 1850 4,203,100 0.25 1,050,775
1851 - 1860 4,569,500 0.25 1,142,375
1861 - 1870 4,969,500 0.25 1,242,375
1871 - 1880 6,317,362 0.2 1,263,472
1881 - 1890 9,116,860 0.2 1,823,372
1891 - 1899 13,796,861 0.2 2,759,372

1821 - 1899 10,771,317 50 to 100 700 4,300

Table 6-XXXIX. Projected magnitudes of main environmental impact vectors for

amalgamation and smelting in Mexico, 1821 to 1899.

6.1.15 Environmental impact vectors, sixteenth to nineteenth century: conclusions.

Since at present there is no regional breakdown for the data corresponding to republican

Mexico in the nineteenth century I will limit the following discussion to a comparison of the

projected aggregate totals for this period compared to those for New Spain (Table 6-XL). The

amount of silver produced in Mexico during the nineteenth century was approximately equal

to all the silver produced in the colonial period, and most of this production took place between

1850 and 1900. Thus the yearly environmental impact imposed upon the refining regions in

Mexico from amalgamation and smelting processes was mostly compressed into a period of

total total total total total total

total silver total total mineral total slag total
mercury in liquid volatile total salt copper silver volatile
amalgamation woodland waste waste woodland
calomel mercury mercury sulphate smelted lead

New Spain 31 47 10 1 900 70 90 19,000 20 90 to 180 1,000 7,000

Mexico 36 54 9 1 1,000 90 100 22,000 11 50 to 100 700 4,300

Table 6-XL. Total magnitude of environmental impact vectors from amalgamation and
smelting as projected for New Spain and Mexico. All numbers have been rounded off, and
expressed in thousand t except for woodland which is in thousand ha.

approximately 50 years. In the case of New Spain the span is greater on average but can vary

substantially with each Caja since production was never homogeneous over time nor, as

discussed, limited to one major process during the whole period. Bearing these conditions in

mind, the following observations can be made:

a, Due to the lower incidence of smelting and an increased efficiency of the furnaces,

60% less woodland was consumed as a result of smelting and about half the levels of emissions

of lead and lead compounds are projected to have been reached in the nineteenth century

compared to the whole colonial period, even though the total silver production levels in both

cases were similar. These lower levels of emissions would have counterbalanced in part the

effect of the shorter time period in which they took place, to produce lower yearly quantities

than expected had the same context persisted from the colonial era.

b. The levels of salt, copper sulphate, calomel, liquid mercury, waste minerals voided

into the waterways and woodland consumed for amalgamation are higher for Mexico than New

Spain, reflecting the higher level of amalgamated silver. The stress on the environment of

Mexico from these vectors during the nineteenth century would have been on average up to

five times greater than in colonial New Spain.


c. Lead (and its compounds) is projected as having been the main heavy metal issued

to the air as a result of the refining of silver in both periods, with a ratio of lead to volatilized

mercury estimated at an average of approximately 100 to 1. Even if all the consumption of

mercury had been by the short-term physical loss to the air (an assumption negated by the

arguments presented in previous sections), lead would still have been as important as mercury

in any analysis of the environmental impact of heavy metals as a result of historical silver

refining. Since calomel is the main cause for the consumption of mercury during patio

amalgamation, emissions to the atmosphere of lead and its compounds constitute the main

source of heavy metals issued to the air during the historical refining of silver ores in New

Spain. This conclusion holds valid even if amalgamation were to have produced 90% of all the

silver of the colonial period, a percentage negated by the data from the individual Cajas.

d. To what extent the losses of calomel and liquid mercury would ultimately end up

contributing to air emissions of mercury over decades and centuries remains to be determined.

Until the whole life cycle of calomel in waterways, river beds and landfills is established, its

effect as mercury source to the environment in the long term is unknown.931

e. Overall, smelting created a much higher level of pressure on the human communities

of New Spain than amalgamation, due to woodland depletion and to the large amount of heavy

metal (lead and its compounds) deposited in the areas around each smelting hacienda. To this

should be added the pollution due to the dressing of the ores using water, and the fact that its

potential as a household industry would have been a major source of toxic fumes to the local

community. Amalgamation on the other hand shows a more attenuated environmental impact

Calomel is a mercury compound that has not been studied regarding its life-cycle in aquatic environments, or
its impact on organisms at different levels of concentration. What is reported in the historiography on calomel is
very limited: it has been used as a diuretic, a laxative, a means to increase the rosiness of the cheeks of babies and
as a topical disinfectant.

profile. Calomel in the short term would have trapped most of the mercury consumed into a

non-soluble solid entombed within tons of fine mineral silt. In the long-term no conclusion can

be made as yet. The remaining 15% lost as liquid mercury to the ground and water is still an

important fraction, but in absolute terms it was lower than the loss of lead as metallic lead or

in lead compounds for the same amount of silver refined. Amalgamation required much less

fuel (except for the minority barrel or cazo processes) than smelting, and its impact on

woodland some 60 times lower per kg of silver produced. Fine mineral silt was its main waste

in terms of weight to the environment, then salt, both intrusions on the environment but of

another class to losses of lead and lead compounds or to the decimation of woodlands.

Amalgamation was the lesser of the two evils.

In relative terms, was the overall level of environmental impact similar to other

historical industrial processes up to the eighteenth century? There is no historic benchmark for

amalgamation, since it was only used at an industrial scale in the New World. In the case of

lead from smelting the most relevant comparison is with the level of lead emissions estimated

to have taken place during Roman times, when the lead industry reached levels not to be seen

again until the modern industrial era. It has been estimated that 5 to 10,000 t/y of lead were lost

as air emissions at the peak of its use during Roman times, 10 to 20% of the total peak

production of 50,000 t/y.932 In the case of my projection for New Spain, a conservative range

of 90 to 180,000 t of lead has been proposed as being lost over the whole colonial period as air

emissions, approximately 5 to 10% of the total lead required for smelting silver ores of 2%

silver content (Chapter 2).

Nriagu, "Tales Told in Lead," 1622-23.

Over the whole of New Spain this would correspond to a range up to 900 t/y of lead.

The Cajas whose refiners would have exhibited the highest peaks in yearly averages of lead

emissions are Durango (1750s) and Zacatecas (1680s) with over 400 t/y, then Guanajuato

(1750s) and Sombrerete (1800s) with over 300 t/y, followed by San Luis Potosi with under 200

t/y (1650s and 1790s). For nineteenth-century Mexico it is not possible with the data available

to calculate regional peaks. Overall, an average of at least 1,200 t/y of lead would have been

reached in republican Mexico, especially towards the end of the nineteenth century. These

levels have two important implications. First, taking into account the disproportion between

the levels of Roman lead production and the production of silver in New Spain, the levels of

historical lead emissions associated with silver smelting in New Spain and Mexico reveal a

strongly polluting industry per kg of silver obtained.

Second, studies on historic levels of lead deposition in Europe detect the spike in

ambient levels of lead that correspond to the Roman period and to silver refining in Germany.933

Now the average production of silver by smelting and amalgamation was approximately 190

t/y in New Spain and 580 t/y in nineteenth century Mexico. During the colonial period these

are production levels over a continuous period of some 250 years that were not matched

elsewhere in the world. China produced on average 7 t/y between 1401 and 1440, then on

average less than 2 t/y between 1441 and 1520, but by 1636, bullion production in China was

negligible.934 Japan between the sixteenth and seventeenth century is cited as exporting up to

200 t/y to China but was unable to maintain this level of production beyond a few decades.935

For example Martinez Cortiza A et al., "Atmospheric Pb Deposition in Spain During the Last 4600 Years
Recorded by Two Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs and Implications for the Use of Peat as Archive," The Science of the
Total Environment 292(2002).; Ingemar Renberg, Richard Bindler, and Maja-Lena Brännvall, "Using the
Historical Atmospheric Lead-Deposition Record as a Chronological Marker in Sediment Deposits in Europe,"
The Holocene 11, no. 5 (2001).
Atwell, "International Bullion Flows," 76,78.
Atsushi Kobata, "The Production and Uses of Gold and Silver in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Japan,"
The Economic History Review 18, no. 2 (1965): 248.

Africa and the sub-continent of India do not figure as historical global sources of silver. Europe

was the only alternate source for silver to the Hispanic New World until mid-nineteenth

century, but the production figures are an order of magnitude lower with respect to the New

World. The peak figure available for the mines of Freiberg indicate nearly 12 t/y by the end of

the eighteenth century, while at nearby Hartz the highest annual average between 1718 and

1724 was 14 t/y. The mines at Konigsberg, Norway, produced on average 3 t/y between 1624

and 1805.936 According to Humboldt just the silver sulphide in the ore from Valenciana

(Guanajuato) produced in one month 7 t of silver, half of what all the mines of Saxony were

producing in one year.937 In the case of the Slovakian mines, the highest peak of production

was reached at around 25 t/y.938 This comparative review of silver production levels indicates

that it should be possible to detect pre-twentieth century spikes in deposited lead in those

provinces of New Spain / Mexico where smelting of silver ores was the main historic refining


With respect to the level of woodland depletion, a high ratio of 1,000 to 1 of charcoal

to silver was observed both in Europe and New Spain up to the end of the eighteenth century.

A total of 7 million ha of woodland in New Spain are projected to have been required for

refining of silver, ignoring natural cycles of regeneration. Had Western Europe been forced to

supply an equivalent amount of silver from hypothetical silver deposits within its territory, its

forest cover would have been depleted by this amount up to the year 1800. This is another

instance of the concept of ‘ghost acreage’, now applied to silver refining. 939 What would have

Burkart, "Memoria Real del Monte," 97, 98, 100.
Humboldt, Essai politique, Tome III, 363.
Teich, "Born's amalgamation process," 310.
The concept of ‘ghost acreage … the computed, non-visible acreage which a country would require as a
supplement to its visible agricultural acreage … in order to be able to feed itself’ was first introduced by Georg
Borgstrom in 1965 to denote how trade or fishing allowed a country a virtual expansion of its food production
capacity without having to sacrifice its own land. Georg Borgstrom, The Hungry Planet; the Modern World at the
Edge of Famine (New York: Macmillan, 1965), 71. The same concept can be applied to silver refining, substituting

been the impact on European economies from this additional depletion of their woodlands? It

is not easy to find an estimate of residual woodlands for Europe in the Early Modern Period,

since even the definition of the historical term for forests is under scrutiny. The latest estimation

by Kaplan et al, which in the words of the authors is the lowest of recent research, concludes

that the forest cover in the area defined as Western and Central Europe dropped from 24.9% in

the year 1400 to 5.8% by 1850.940 Using the modern land areas for the countries in their table,

I arrive at a decrease of 47 million ha in this period, leaving this part of Europe by 1850 with

just 14 million ha of woodlands. Another estimate is by Williams, who proposed that between

18 and 25 million ha of land were cleared for agriculture in Europe between 1650 and 1749.941

Under both scenarios, had another 7 million ha of woodland been cleared during this period to

refine silver, the economic impact on Europe would have been major.

How would this level of forest depletion have impacted the forest cover of colonial

New Spain or Mexico in the nineteenth century? In the absence of data on forest cover in the

region during the historical periods of interest, I will use data from the present century. The

forest cover of Mexico in the year 2010 was 65 million ha. The forest depletion rate between

2005 and 2010 was measured at 0.24% per year.942 A loss of 7 million ha represents 10% over

250 years, without the attenuation of natural recovery or forest husbandry. It could be argued

that modern population pressures on these natural resources are greater than what would have

been the pressure from the colonial silver refining processes.

food for the amount of silver imported and the agricultural acres for the amount of woodland required to produce
the fuel for refining. Analogous calculations can be made on the basis of ‘ghost emissions’ of lead, calomel,
mercury, salt and copper salts. It can be extended to the effects on health of workers and communities if the
appropriate quantitative factors can be estimated.
Jed O. Kaplan, Kristen M. Krumhardt, and Niklaus Zimmermann, "The prehistoric and preindustrial
deforestation of Europe," Quaternary Science Reviews 28, no. 27–28 (2009): 3023.
Michael Williams, Deforesting the Earth from Prehistory to Global Crisis : an Abridgment (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2006), 172.
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010, 228, 233.

The environmental impact from smelting, plus the historically unprecedented

anthropogenic loss of liquid mercury to the rivers and soil at an average of 40 t/y continuously

over 250 years of the colonial period (over 100 t/y in Mexico during the nineteenth century),

is high considering the modest level of metallurgical activity in New Spain compared to

metallurgical output in England during a similar period. In New Spain the refining of metals

was basically limited to silver, and went from an average annual production of approximately

120 t in the decade 1601-1610 to an annual average of 480 t in the decade 1791-1800.943 In

England annual production from 1600 to 1800 via smelting went from 4,000 to 50,000 t of

lead, 600 to 2,000 t of tin, 50 to 6,000 t of copper and from around 15,000 to 25,000 t of bar

iron.944 These amounts exceed by far in raw ore processed and final metal refined the statistics

for the silver industry of New Spain. The problem lies in how to judge the relative

environmental impact of both activities (silver refining and the effects of the metallurgical

activity in England) in terms of the net economic benefit that ultimately derived to the various

players involved: the local economy of New Spain, the economies of Spain and of England.

The main challenge is that silver did not remain within the country that produced it

(Spain or Mexico) and that its production ultimately benefited a global economy reaching from

Europe to India and China. Thus the ultimate benefactors of the ‘refining ghost acreage’ (and

lead and mercury ‘ghost emissions’) are many, not all at the core of European based empires,

some at the non-European periphery, and even a residual value benefited the single region that

bore the environmental consequences. Defining the total distribution of benefits and

quantifying the environmental cost of a process that impacted in unknown ways the health and

TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 115-16.
Roger Burt, "The Transformation of the Non-Ferrous Metals Industries in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries," The Economic History Review 48, no. 1 (1995): 28.; Peter King, "The Production and Consumption
of Bar Iron in Early Modern England and Wales," ibid.58 (2005): 6.

culture of the local communities is not an evident task, both as a unique historical event or in

comparison to other non-European industrial processes that have been game-changers in the

world economy, i.e. the porcelain industry of China or the textile industry of India.

6.2 A change of paradigm.

The problem that has been faced in each of the chapters of this thesis is identifying what

exactly is the current paradigm that guides the discussion on the environmental history of silver

refining in the New World. As Kuhn argued, ‘in the absence of paradigms all the facts that

could possibly pertain to a development … are likely to seem equally relevant’.945 This would

explain the constant contradiction in views that introduce each chapter: silver ores in the New

World are poor/rich in silver; smelting is more complex / more simple than amalgamation;

volatile mercury / calomel are the main reason for the consumption of mercury during

amalgamation; lead is / is not a major factor in air pollution from silver refining; the same /

more woodland was consumed for smelting than for amalgamation; mercury was subsidized

by the Spanish Crown / by the Fuggers; the production cost of amalgamation is less / more than

smelting; mercury was the only / just another option for Spain to extract silver from the New

World. Each of these dichotomies, which are definitely not incommensurable, have to be

resolved in order to understand the human actions behind the historical events. Again citing

Kuhn, the advantages of an explicitly accepted paradigm that can be verified by hard data is

that it is ‘not necessary to build a field anew once a paradigm is taken for granted’.946 Many of

the branches in the path of this dissertation have been the result of an absence of a clear

paradigm that applies to the quantitative facets of this history.

Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965), 15.
Ibid., 19.

Environmental history is a prime example of interdisciplinary research, since it is based

on the interpretation of historical texts and architectural studies, and on the disciplines of

chemistry, physics and economics. It certainly seems feasible to establish a model for the

interpretation of historical events based on quantitative data.947 In Kuhn’s terminology, the

paradigm under whose temporal aegis the quantitative study of the environmental history of

silver refining in the New World is carried out should be clearly identified and its evidence laid

out for critical analysis by all parties of the relevant community. The transparency of the

method becomes paramount over the numerical data itself, since the latter is always open to

new sources of better data. I have used as a guide two of the most intuitive definitions of

paradigm used by Kuhn: the map agreed upon or the set of rules to guide the activity of the

interested community in their common field of research.948

The only explicit paradigm that has guided most of the recent research in various fields

on the environmental legacy of historic silver refining is based on the assumption that all the

mercury consumed during amalgamation was in the form of physical losses, of which the

majority (65 to 85%) is posited as having taken place during the heating stage of the amalgam.

This paradigm was initially adopted in order to estimate projections of global deposition of

mercury over time. The origins of this paradigm were not experimental, born from field trials

of clay caperuzas or metal capellinas under controlled conditions to measure the escape of

mercury vapour and the ambient concentrations in the workplace. The only research carried

As Thommen has stated in his studies on the environmental legacy of ancient Greece and Rome: ‘for a more
adequate reconstruction of ancient environmental conditions, [an attempt is made] to include research from other
disciplines, even if no comprehensive interdisciplinary approach can as yet be realized’. Lukas Thommen, An
Environmental History of Ancient Greece and Rome (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012),
A more formal definition given by Kuhn is that paradigms are ‘achievements that are sufficiently
unprecedented to attract an enduring group of adherents away from competing modes of scientific activity’ and
‘also sufficiently open-ended for the refined group to continue’ working in the area so as to resolve further issues
in the field of the paradigm. Groups ‘whose research is based on shared paradigms are committed to the same
rules and standards’, in Kuhn, Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 10, 11, 90.

out in a laboratory at the end of the twentieth century was the paper published by Johnson and

Whittle which confirmed the formation of calomel during amalgamation, but it was ignored.949

The current paradigm also ignored the observations made in the historical texts up to the

nineteenth century and only retained the gross figures of mercury consumed as recorded by

historians.950 I can conjecture that the track record of modern artisanal gold amalgamation

determined this paradigm, but I cannot explain why calomel disappeared from every model on

global deposition of mercury, in spite of the wealth of data in the historiography of the

nineteenth century.

According to Kuhn a paradigm begins to be questioned when it is unable to explain

anomalies in its field.951 Three major anomalies persisted that were not be explained by the

paradigm based on 100% physical loss of mercury and no mention of lead:

a) the silence by first-hand observers of the nineteenth century on the assumed losses

of volatile mercury during the heating of the amalgam,

b) the historical silence on mercurialism, incompatible with the amounts of mercury

deemed to have been issued to the air, and

c) the absence of historic high levels of mercury deposited from the air in areas close

to amalgamation centres of silver ores, as has been evidenced by Cooke et al and Engstrom et


Johnson and Whittle, "The Chemistry of the Hispanic-American Amalgamation Process."
Nriagu, "Legacy of Mercury Pollution."; Robins, Mercury, Mining and Empire.
Kuhn defines an anomaly as an observation or issue ‘that cannot be aligned with professional expectation’
Kuhn, Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 6.
Colin A. Cooke et al., "Over three millennia of mercury pollution in the Peruvian Andes," Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences 106, no. 22 (2009).; Engstrom et al., "Atmospheric Hg Emissions from
Preindustrial Gold and Silver Extraction in the Americas: A Reevaluation from Lake-Sediment Archives."

Yet by the end of the nineteenth century all the relevant empirical facts required to

establish the road map for future research in any field related to historical silver refining had

already been reported:

 The dangers of mercurialism from accidents during the heating of the amalgam,

but not under normal operational practice

 the toxic nature of the smoke from smelting haciendas

 deforestation

 the effect of solid wastes, including mercury, on water sources

 the formation of a chloride of mercury as a by-product of amalgamation

None of these conclusions can be faulted even with the benefit of hindsight. The

absence of detailed theoretical or analytical tools and software programs to model air emissions

did not impair the empirical notations of these first-hand observers of the refining processes

being applied, even if they could not have known the structure of all the chemical compounds,

or measure their concentration in the water, soil or air. Most of these historical testimonies

became invisible in the second half of the twentieth century, victims to a scientific version of

historicity. This was not a shift of paradigm, since no paradigm had previously existed. This

was the creation of a paradigm devoid of hard data, which decided to focus solely on the one

vector of environmental impact that was considered irrelevant in the historiography of the

nineteenth century: copious emissions of volatile mercury during the heating of the amalgam.

An alternative paradigm can be proposed based on the historiography up to the end of

the nineteenth century, complemented by modern chemical and economic analysis. It is not

novel in the sense that every vector included had already been identified in the historical

sources, but I have accompanied it with an explicit quantitative base on which it can be judged

and improved. This paradigm is based on the following general scenario, defined by the

numerical ratios ratios which have been presented in the previous sections and chapters:

1. Amalgamation accounted for just over 60% of the silver produced in New Spain,

smelting just under 40%.

2. Lead (and its compounds) is the main heavy metal issued to the atmosphere as a

consequence of the refining of silver ores in New Spain / Mexico.

3. The main consumption of mercury is via the formation of calomel. The loss of liquid

mercury in the water used to separate the amalgam, or that percolated to the soil within the

haciendas, plays a secondary role. The loss of volatile mercury in the heating stage of the

amalgam was only due to accidents and overall is considered to be very low.

4. The correspondecia is not an empirical number but the reflection of the

stoichiometric relation between mercury and silver derived from the chemistry of the reactions

that take place during amalgamation.

5. Fine mineral silt washed away from haciendas into streams and landfills constituted

the main source by weight of solid waste from amalgamation haciendas.

6. Salt was the second major component in weight voided in major amounts into the

water basins downstream of the haciendas.

7. Copper compounds were voided into waterways in at least equal amounts as calomel.

8. The consumption of woodland was due primarily to smelting, with amalgamation

playing a minor role.


9. The relative costs of production between amalgamation and smelting varied

according to the historical period, and at times overlapped. Neither one nor the other was more

profitable across all regions and across all time periods.

10. It is the chemical nature of the silver ores that determined in the first instance the

choice of refining process.

6.3 The human choices.

The main conclusion of this thesis is that a paradigm based on lead and calomel

determined the material impact of the environmental history of silver refining in the New

World. The previous sections have proposed the chemistry that sustains this paradigm, and

have calculated the resulting quantitative ratios that define the mass balances of each process

and their economic consequences. This paradigm is only the initial stage for a revision of the

technical, scientific and historical narrative to date:

 on the technical side, the patio process needs to be replicated to be studied in

depth. How the very dense mercury droplets managed to interact with silver

compounds embedded within the matrix of the milled ore just some 25 cm thick

without the majority percolating by gravity through the planks or paving stones

into the soil below over a period of weeks is still an open question

 the search for calomel in river beds and landfills, and the study of its

environmental life-cycle is needed

 the mapping of historical airborne lead depositions up to the end of the

nineteenth century within the territory of Mexico will confirm or question the

paradigm proposed

 the detailed reconstruction of the architecture of the various phases of refining

haciendas is a work in progress, but is of vital importance in the modelling of

dispersion of airborne lead fume

 once detailed information on refining, agricultural and other economic activities

in relation to population centres and water basins can be expanded over all

mining and refining regions within New Spain, it will provide the framework

for a more detailed analysis on the impact of the chemicals on the health of the

workers and the communities, both at the time and their residual impact up to

modern times.

Beyond the technical issues conscious choices on policy were also made at each stage

of the process, not always guided by full knowledge of the science involved, but certainly

within a continuum of the technical know-how available in each period. I will briefly review

some of the human choices that were exercised and that also played a major role in the

environmental history of silver refining as a whole.

6.3.1 What did they know and when did they know it?

The wide use of lead during Roman times has been widely documented, as well as the

relative silence in the texts up to the nineteenth century on the effect of lead exposure on the

workers involved.953 When smelting was applied in the New World, the dangers and

precautions of working with lead were sufficiently recognized in practice, if not in medical

theory. Viceroy Toledo in Potosí specified that smelting furnaces had to have higher chimneys

than those used within amalgamation Ingenios due to the greater hazard from lead fumes:

Jerome O. Nriagu, "Occupational Exposure to Lead in Ancient Times," Science of the Total Environment 31,
no. 2 (1983).; Sven Hernberg, "Lead Poisoning in a Historical Perspective," American Journal of Industrial
Medicine 38, no. 3 (2000).

‘The danger of lead poisoning from vapors given off during the preparation of lead flux for
smelting silver, or in the recovery of lead after smelting, was recognized in Toledo’s mining
ordinances of 1574. To recover lead, refiners should use an enclosed building with chimneys
some 7 meters tall (4 estados) … the furnaces used to drive off mercury as vapor should be set
apart from the refinery itself, and equipped with chimneys some 5 meters in height (3 estados)
“so that the Indians shall not receive the smoke in any fashion”’.954

Equally, Garcilaso de la Vega’s (1539-1616) views on the responsibility of a monarch

to any of his subjects handling mercury quoted in the Introduction reflects a perfect

understanding of the risks posed by mercury. Amalgamation was much more recent than

smelting, but mercury had been known to be a poison for workers involved in its handling

many centuries before the Spaniards used it indiscriminately for silver refining in the 16c. Pliny

in Roman times had commented on its toxicity.955 Biringuccio wrote: ‘[Mercury] is numbered

among the poisons. It has the property of contracting the nerves of those workers who extract

it from ore if they are not very careful, and it makes the limbs of those who continually handle

it weak and paralyzed’.956 Martin del Rio, s.j. (1551-1608) argued against the use of

alchemically transmuted gold for medicinal purposes due to the ‘noxious qualities’ it retained

of mercury used in the alchemical process.957 The dangers of using mercury were published

throughout the period of silver refining in the New World.958

Bakewell, Miners of the Red Mountain, 150.
Pliny, The Elder Pliny's Chapters on Chemical Subjects (London: E. Arnold & Co., 1929), 111.
Biringuccio, The Pirotechnia, 81.
Quoted in M. Baldwin, "Alchemy and the Society of Jesus in the Seventeenth Century: Strange Bedfellows?,"
Ambix 40, no. 2 (1993): 44.
Rosen has listed the following authors on mercury poisoning: Gabriele Fallopius (1523-62) in his treatise De
Meteallis et Fossilibus noted the poisoning by mercury of workers at the mines and mentioned they could not
work more than three years as a result; Andrea Mattioli, a contemporary of Fallopius, comments on the chronic
mercurialism of the workers at the mercury mines at Idria (modern day Slovenia); Pieter van Foreest (1522-1597)
of Delft; Paracelsus dedicates the third book of his monograph on miners’ diseases to mercury poisoning (1567);
in 1665 Walter Pope comments with detail on the symptoms of mercury poisoning in workers; Bernard de Jusein
in 1719 presented a memoir on the situation of workers at the Almadén mercury mine in Spain to the Academy
of Sciences; some fifty years later Giovanni Scopoli described the effects of mercury poisoning on miners of Alto
Isonzo. As to the growing awareness of the age on the health concerns of miners, in 1700 Bernardo Ramazzini
published in his treatise on occupational medicine (as quoted in Rosen): ‘We must own that some arts entail no
small mischief upon the respective artisans, and that the same means by which they support life, and maintain
their families, are oftentimes the cause of grievous distempers which hurry them out of this world’. George Rosen,
The History of Miners’ Diseases. A Medical and Social Interpretation (New York: Schuman’s, 1943), 39-133. A

Even more important, Spanish workers had been producing mercury from Almadén

before the New World was conquered, making Spain one of the two places in Europe with first-

hand experience on the occupational hazard of working with large quantities of mercury. By

the 1550s the workers at Almadén had lobbied for special dispensations such as tax exemptions

since their work ‘damaged their mouths’ and led to a doctor ‘to cure the azogados [the victims

of mercurialism]… since there are no people on Earth … so subject to illness as the azogados’.

An apothecary was assigned, with free medicine supplied for the poorer workers. Such were

the perceived dangers of that workplace that in the absence of free workers first slaves, then

prisoners sent initially to the galleys, were required to help at Almadén.959 In the 1560s the

Fuggers had requested additional manpower for the mercury mines at Almadén in order to meet

the increasing demand from the New World. Some 40 convicts destined to serve their sentence

as galley-slaves were now sent to work at Almadén, a punishment that must have been deemed

not much better than the death sentence of rowing on a Mediterranean galley. In 1593 a special

judge, Mateo Alemán, drew up a report for the Spanish King on the conditions under which

these slaves and other workers were exposed to the effects of mercury while working in the

mine managed by the Fuggers. Among his detailed conclusions:

‘it is harmful to the men to assist in the vats used to cook the ores from where mercury is
obtained and to rake the ashes because they get into the eyes, mouth and nose … from that the
men are azogado [stricken with mercurialism] and become dim-witted and lose their mind and
become gravely ill’.960

useful though older review on the reporting of occupatiotanl helath isses through history is by H.E. Sigerist, "The
Wesley M. Carpenter Lecture:" Historical Background of Industrial and Occupational Diseases"," Bulletin of the
New York Academy of Medicine 12, no. 11 (1936). Articles on specific cases are: K. V. Fox, "Pedro Muñiz, Dean
of Lima, and the Indian Labor Question (1603)," The Hispanic American Historical Review 42, no. 1 (1962).;
Z.Z. SIavec, "Occupational Medicine in Idria Mercury Mine in 18th century," Vesalius IV, no. 2 (1998).; C.
Serrano, "Minería salud en el Potosí colonial; Mining health in the colonial Potosi," Arch. boliv. hist. med 11, no.
1/2 (2005).; Alfred Bogomir Kobal and Darja Kobal Grum, "Scopoli's Work in the Field of Mercurialism in Light
of Today's Knowledge: Past and Present Perspectives " American Journal of Industrial Medicine 53, no. 5 (2010).
‘se azogaban y se les “dañaban las bocas”….medico … para curar los azogados … no hay en el mundo gente
… tan sujeta a enfermedades como los azogados’ Matilla Tascón, Minas de Almadén (to 1645), 79.
‘dañoso a la salud de los hombres es el asistir en los buitrones a el cocimiento de los metales de que se saca
el azoque y el cerner las cenizas porque se les entran por los ojos y boca y narizes … dello se azogan los hombres
y quedan tontos y fuera de juyzio y uienen a enfermar grauemente’. There are more quotes on the dangers to

Alemán would then emigrate and die in New Spain ca. 1615, though little is known of

his activity in the New World.961 He represents at least one direct channel for the transmission

of knowledge on the toxicity of mercury to the authorities and mining community in New Spain

during the period that saw the introduction of major quantities of mercury to refine silver. As

far as I can ascertain, no similar study was commissioned by the Crown on the effect of mercury

on the workers in the New World that refined silver by amalgamation.

The answer to the question that heads this section is therefore straightforward. The

historiographical evidence points to the fact that the impact on worker’s health of smelting with

lead or working with mercury were well known in the sixteenth century at the highest levels of

policy makers in Spain, as they were even better known to the English investors who flocked

to Mexico in the nineteenth century. There is no evidence that this knowledge at any point in

time influenced any major decision related to the refining of silver ores in the New Spain /

Mexico up to the end of the nineteenth century. Overall the production of silver remained

unfettered by strict controls on the use of lead and mercury. To judge the mentalité of the period

on occupational health, it should be borne in mind that as late as nineteenth century Germany,

one of the important reasons to protect workers from the toxic smoke of the smelting furnaces

was because it tended to kill the best and most skilled of the smelters.962

The collateral damage on the health of the smelters or amalgamation workers caused

by both lead and mercury was judged by the norms of the period to be an acceptable cost of

each process. The fact that even in the nineteenth century the English managers and investors

health from working with mercury from interviews held by Alemán with workers at Almadén in German Bleiberg,
El Informe Secreto de Mateo Aleman sobre el trabajo forzoso en la Mina de Almaden (London: Tamesis Books
Ltd, 1985), 81.
Alemán is better known as the author of a novel, Guzman de Alfarache, that together with the now more famous
Don Quixote by Cervantes became a widely quoted example of the Spanish picaresque style. Irving A. Leonard,
"Mateo Alemán in Mexico: A Document," Hispanic Review 17, no. 4 (1949).
Schlutter, De la fonte des mines, 2 2.

at Regla did not comment on this topic indicates that it never became a major issue of concern

within its workforce.963 In the case of mercury it has been argued that its transformation into

calomel attenuated to a high degree the impact on the human environment, though a loss of

15% as elemental mercury is still a major historical health concern to all the communities

exposed to its effects. What would have been the response of refiners to a much higher level

of toxicity?

On the 7th February 1561 a petition was forwarded to the Viceroy of New Spain, Luis

de Velasco, requesting a merced for a new amalgamation recipe that included the addition of

solimán, mercuric chloride.964 To prove that its use was not injurious to health, the promoter

of the method, Pedro Martín from Tasco, swilled his mouth with the water used to wash the

ore after treatment, though the only ones forced to actually swallow the liquid were a cockerel

from Castille and a horse, to no apparent ill effect. On the 10th March 1561 the authorities in

Seville were quickly appraised of the benefits of this new recipe and requests made for new

shipments of solimán at an attractive price. By July of that year the same authorities in New

Spain would start to point out the hazard posed by the use of solimán: ‘it is dangerous for the

blacks [slaves], we give notice to Your Majesty of this fact’ (24 July 1561). By the time a year

had gone by it was clear that ‘there are great dangers to using solimán, for which reason the

miners do not make use of it’ (2 April 1562).965 Such was the risk involved, and its lack of

In the case of amalgamation Sonneschmidt takes the trouble of addressing this issue in a separate section of
his work to conclude that in spite of negative reports in Europe on the effects of amalgamation on the workforce,
he had met in his visits to Reales de Minas amalgamation workers with up to 40 years working in amalgamation
haciendas who did not show any health problems as a result. Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la
amalgamación de Nueva España, 94-95.
Almadén converted part of its mercury production into solimán. Sánchez Gómez, Minería no férrica en el
Reino de Castilla. pp. 275-276 check. What a difference a state of oxidation makes in life. Solimán and calomel
are both chloride salts of mercury, the former a mercuric salt (Hg+2), the latter a mercurous salt (Hg+1). Solimán
is an extremely toxic mercury compound, while calomel is not.
‘es peligroso para los negros, damos a vuestra majestad noticia de ello’; ‘hay grandes peligros de beneficiarse
con soliman, de cuya causa los mineros no se aprovechan de ello’ as quoted in Castillo Martos, Bartolomé de
Medina, 210-13.

technical success, that it soon disappeared from the repertoire of refining methods in New


The toxicity of mercuric chloride, which is soluble in water, is much higher than that

of mercurous chloride (calomel), which is not.966 Its effects on the human body are much more

immediate and evident than the longer term and more insidious effects of either mercury or

lead poisoning. Retention of urine, vomiting and bloody diarrhea leads to death unless

treated.967 Even if solimán had been an effective amalgamation reagent, the very high level of

toxicity would have precluded its widespread use in the New World. Even if the tolerance to

occupational risks remained high until the twentieth century, the natural reticence of humans

to work with evident poisons was the ultimate threshold. Had the short-term toxicity of mercury

been equivalent to that of solimán, amalgamation would not have been used to refine silver


6.3.2 Historicity and the reality of the refining process

One of the anomalies to the paradigm based on copious emissions of volatile mercury

to the air from the heating of the amalgams is the silence in the historiography on widespread

mercurialism, more so in historical accounts of large population centres such as Potosí in the

immediate vicinity of a major concentration of amalgamation units.968 More mercury was

Solubility in water is critical in aiding the diffusion of any chemical into the body via skin absorption, through
the digestive system or even via the respiratory tract, thus hastening its presence in the blood stream and tissues.
This in turn will aid in promoting any toxicity inherent to the chemical. For an example of pathways into the
human body see Jaroslava Svarc-Gajic, General Toxicology (New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009), 17-47.
See for example Laszlo Magos and Thomas W. Clarkson, "Overview of the Clinical Toxicity of Mercury,"
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 43(2006).
New Spain did not have a similar example, since its silver production via amalgamation was more widely
disseminated. Guanajuato was one of the few cases of major amalgamation haciendas clustered close to the town.

handled by workers at these haciendas than was used by hat makers in England, yet no Mad

Amalgamator appeared to displace the better known Mad Hatter of the literature.969

The silence on any sign of widespread mercurialism extends to all textual sources.

There is no mention in the selections of letters that have been published from Spanish

immigrants to New Spain to their families in Spain.970 The more militant and vocal workers of

the eighteenth century, when the yearly average of mercury consumption would have reached

its peak in New Spain, did not include mercurialism among their list of workplace

grievances.971 I have not come across any reports on mercurialism from the English expatriates

supervising the refining of silver in the haciendas of the Real del Monte Company.972 Nor have

I come across reports of complaints against toxic smoke from amalgamation haciendas. The

The only exception being the the strange story of Fulgencio Orozco, recounted at the end of Chapter 6 in
Timothy Brooks, Vermeer’s Hat (London: Profile, 2008), 181-84. Brooks however does not make an explicit
connection between mercury and the derangement of the Spaniard who worked in the amalgamation Ingenio. De
Gamboa makes one of the few extant comments on the poisonous nature of amalgamation haciendas in de
Gamboa, Comentarios Ordenanzas de Minas, 462.
Enrique Otte and Guadalupe Albi Romero, Cartas privadas de emigrantes a Indias, 1540-1616 (México: Fondo
de Cultura Económica, 1993).; Marta Fernández Alcaide, Cartas de particulares en Indias del siglo XVI : edición
y estudio discursivo (Madrid; Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana ; Vervuert, 2009).
Ladd, The Making of a Strike, 19 ff.
In 1825 a very graphic portrayal of the deemed toxicity of the amalgamation process was published in England:
‘the men employed barefooted [in mixing the amalgamation tortas] soon became salivated and paralytic, by the
absorption of the mercury, and ultimately died the most painful deaths’, from Rawson, "The Present Operations
and Future Prospects of the Mexican Mine Associations Analysed, by the Evidence of Official Documents,
English and Mexican, and the National Advantages Expected from Joint Stock Companies, Considered, in a Letter
to the Right Hon. George Canning," 19. The text is very relevant, not for the improbable scenario it depicts, but
for being an early example of a strand of thought that still survives in the modern historiography, that has judged
the indigenous workforce as being incapable of running an efficient operation with regards to the recovery of
mercury and of a supine docility in the face of such claimed immediate mortal dangers. Indigenous workers
suffered great hardships in the mining and refining industries of New Spain and Mexico in order to feed their
families, but there is no evidence they were a completely inefficient and passive workforce. Not even an industry
based on a slave workforce could bear the economic impact of workers sickening and dropping like flies soon
after trampling amalgamation tortas. The gist of the first part of the letter is that English know-how will allow the
wealth of the silver mines in Mexico to be properly extracted. It was written before operations at Regla under its
new English investors were underway. There is no evidence that Sir William Rawson ever travelled to Mexico,
his source is not identified, and by providing a lurid caricature of events he diverts attention from the real problems
of historical refining of silver ores. His letter seems to be a later version of the type of negative European reports
mentioned by Sonneschmidt, see footnote 963.

only reports of mercurialism come from accidents during the heating stage of the capellinas,

as for example:

‘it is not too many years since capellinas have begun to be used, previously having used in
general clay pots. These broke frequently with greater risk to those who approached to quench
the fire. I have found various individuals that in such circumstances were poisoned by mercury,
and they fell to the floor senseless, and in spite of this they recovered nearly completely, only
left with a minor tremor of limbs that is triggered after much exercise.’973

Was historicity at work, with the Spanish and English sources hiding the truth on the

ravages of mercurialism behind the nested stories within a story so aptly described by Atwood

at the beginning of this chapter?974 The initial answer is that there was no mention of

widespread mercurialism either in Peru, New Spain or Mexico simply because the aggregate

amounts of volatile mercury issued to the air over time were the results of isolated accidents,

not part of standard amalgamation practice, and were confined to the immediate surroundings

of the heating area of the capellinas.975 When volatile mercury did escape, there is no doubt its

effects on the workers was immediate and toxic, but it was never a case of major losses of

volatile mercury affecting both the hacienda and the surrounding communities.976 It was solid,

‘no hace muchos años que las capellinas están en uso, habiéndose servido antes casi generalmente de ollas
de barro. Estas se reventaban con freceuencia en el mayor riesgo a los que acudieron para apagar la lumbre. He
encontrado a varios sujectos que en tales circunstancias se han azogado, y cayeron en el suelo privados de
sentidos, y sin embargo de esto se restablecieron casi enteramente, restándoles solo un leve temblor de miembros
que les acomete después de mucho ejercicio’ in Sonneschmidt and de Fagoaga, Tratado de la amalgamación de
Nueva España, 51. An exaggerated version of the immediate effect of mercury fumes upon life is provided in the
accounts of a visit to the refining hacienda of Fresnillo in Albert M Gilliam, Travels Over the Table Lands and
Cordilleras of Mexico, During the Years 1843 and 44 (Philadelphia: John W Moore, 1846), 260. As argued in
Chapter Three, metal capellinas were widely used in the eighteenth century, and Barba suggested strongly the use
of metal caperuzas as of the 1600s, to avoid the operational problems mentioned by Sonneschmidt.
Margaret Atwood, MaddAddam : a Novel (New York: Doubleday, 2013), 56.
Robins provides historical texts on the dangers of processing cinnabar at Huancavelica and from the mills
crushing ores, but no historical quotes on wide-spread mercurialism either in the refining workforce or among the
inhabitants of Potosí. Robins, Mercury, Mining and Empire.
This conclusion only applies to amalgamation refining haciendas. The issue of mercurialism was very much
present in the mercury mines of Huancavelica and Almadén. For a historical analysis of the hazards of mercury
at Huancavelica see Brown, "Workers Health and Colonial Mercury Mining at Huancavelica, Peru."

water-insoluble calomel and liquid mercury that were handled and spread in major amounts

during the amalgamation process.

The only problem with this answer is that while mercury is the usual suspect in any

environmental issue related to historical silver refining, so too should be lead. This was a heavy

metal that together with lead compounds was issued to the atmosphere in major amounts within

and around each smelting hacienda, under workplace concentrations that exceeded any modern

guideline. The greatest harm would fall on the smelting teams closest to the furnaces and then

on the rest of the workforce within the smelting hacienda, but as reported in Chapter 2 even

the communities around smelters were aware of the toxic nature of the smoke from the smelting

furnaces. The visual evidence from historical photographs and drawings leave no doubt as to

the degree of air pollution from these smelting haciendas. Yet again specific references in the

historiography to lead poisoning as a consequence of the smelting of silver ores are few and

far between.977

The general silence on occupational hazards began at home, with the way Spain ignored

its own workers at Almadén: ‘During the firing of the ores, the vapours from the furnaces

...extend over the town [of Almadén] so that its inhabitants are under the pernicious effect of a

mercurial atmosphere’.978 It would be hard to argue that the Spanish Crown would take greater

care of its new subjects in the New World than it took of its old ones in Spain. The prejudiced

view on the inhabitants of the New World and their role in relation to the wealth of silver and

gold is well described by the contents of the Parecer de Yucay. This was an anonymous

One of the few exceptions is the following observation ‘poisonous are the Smelters and amalgamation
haciendas’ - ‘venenosas las Fundiciones y las Azoguerias’, in de Gamboa, Comentarios Ordenanzas de Minas,
‘en la época de fundición, los vapores de los hornos ... se extienden por el pueblo [de Almadén] con lo que
todos sus moradores quedan sometidos a la perniciosa influencia de una atmosfera mercurial’ José María Pontes
y Fernández, Historia de la antigua ciudad de Sisapón, hoy Almadén del Azogue (Madrid: Enrique Rojas, 1900),

pamphlet against the arguments put forward by La Casas in defence of the inhabitants of the

New World and published in 1571, the same year the ViceRoy Toledo implemented the mita

to provide indigenous labour by forced mass migrations to the silver industry of Peru. Its

authorship has been attributed to a Dominican author, fray Garcia de Toledo. It also contains

an appendix on mining that has been fiercely criticized by the Spanish historian Isacio Perez

Fernandez, O.P. (Dominican Order), who has termed it ‘cheap theology … an irritating literary

sanctimoniousness, an insipid, boring and cheap theological focus’, assumed to be authored by

Polo de Ondegardo.979 The appendix merits quoting at length, since even as a caricature of a

theological tract it still serves as a guide to the manner in which some in Spain regarded their

right to the treasures of the New World and their views on the indigenous population. It begins

by stating that the Indies were the prize given by God to the Spanish Crown for the reconquest

of Spain from the enemies of Christianity. The author then goes on to criticize the stand taken

by Bartolomé de Las Casa in favour of the indigenous inhabitants of the New World, by way

of the following argument:

‘what was meant when God placed these indians with such miserable souls and so bereft of
God, brutes so lacking in skills … in kingdoms … so full … of gold and silver … what does
this mean except that God found himself, with these miserable people and with us, like a father
that has two daughters, one very white, very discreet and graceful … the other very ugly,
bleary-eyed, stupid and bestial? If he is to marry … the ugly, clumsy, stupid, wretched one [he
will have to] provide a large dowry: many jewels, rich clothes … it is with all this that God
comes to aid’.980

‘teología barata … una gazmoñería literaria irritante, un enfoque teológico insulso, ñoño y barato’. Isacio
Pérez Fernández, El anónimo de Yucay frente a Bartolomé de Las Casas : estudio y edición crítica del Parecer
de Yucay, anónimo (Valle de Yucay, 16 de marzo de 1571) (Cuzco, Perú: Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos
"Bartolomé de Las Casas," 1995), 10, 103.
‘que quiere decir el haber puesto Dios a estos indios tan miserables en las almas y tan desamparados de Dios,
tan inhábiles y bestias .. en unos reinos … tan llenas .. de oro y plata .. que significa esto sino que se hubo Dios
con estos gentiles miserables y con nosotros, como sea un padre que tiene dos hijas, una muy blanca, muy discreta
y llena de gracias .. la otra, muy fea, laganosa, tonta y bestial? Si ha de casar ... a la fea, torpe, necia, desgraciada
[habrá que] darle gran dote: muchas joyas, ropas ricas … con todo esto Dios y ayuda’ excerpt from the Appendix
titled ‘On the working of the mines’ - ‘Sobre el beneficio de las minas’ in the Parecer de Yucay, as reproduced in
ibid., 157-62.

The analogy becomes clearer when the author argues that Europeans were so graceful

it was easy to be saved (married, without the need of an expensive dowry) by the Christian

religion, while for the brutish and ugly inhabitants of the New World their only path to salvation

lay in the size of their dowry as given by God, in the wealth of the mines that attracted both

soldiers and the spread of the Catholic faith, since ‘in the lands where there is no dowry of gold

and silver, there is no soldier or captain that wants to go, not even an evangelizing

missionary’.981 To oppose mining as Las Casas was doing was to take sides with the Devil, the

same Satan who convinced the locals to hide the location of mines from the Spaniards. In the

end, ‘the mines, from a moral point of view, are as necessary as the King himself, since without

them it will not be possible to conserve … the Gospel. Therefore, saintly and good they are,

and blind are the men who deny this, a sign of evil from the devil and his work’.982 Under this

line of reasoning any negative consequences from the use of mercury or lead on the health of

the local communities was no greater than the risks already borne in Europe, and were all for

the greater good carried out by the Crown.983

Rosen in another context has argued that while mining was the activity of slaves and

criminals it impeded any interest in documenting systematically their diseases, and that only

the appearance of free men as miners, with an intrinsic value now placed on their welfare and

the need to safeguard their increased technical knowledge, transformed them into capital assets

that justified the creation of a corpus of detailed medical literature related to their occupational

‘a tierra donde no hay este dote de oro y plata, ni hay soldado ni capitan que quiera ir, ni aun Ministro del
Evangelio’, in ibid., 160.
‘las minas, moralmente, tan necesarias son como es haber rey, pues sin ellas no se conservara … el Evangelio.
Luego, santas y buenas son, y gran ceguedad en los hombres negarlo, y malicia en el demonio, y obra suya’.Ibid.,
This disdain of the local workforce is not a phenomenon restrained to the Spanish Crown, authorities and
miners of the sixteenth century. The silence of the English managers, investors and technical staff on mercurialism
can be explained by calomel, but the absence of measures to control the lead in the smoke from the smelting
furnaces signals that the workforce in the Mexico of the nineteenth century may not have yet been considered an
asset in the eyes of the English investors or their Mexican successors.

diseases.984 To complement Rosen it can also be argued that in the context of the perils of

mining and in the light of the immediate harm caused by silicosis due to the fine milling of ores

or the incidence of hernias on the workforce, or mortal accidents within the mines, long-term

lead poisoning or mercurialism was the least of the worries in the minds of the miners and

refiners.985 It is thus much more common to find references to the hazards of mining or of

milling than to the perceived hazards of lead and mercury within the labour-force. This normal

response to the clearest and most present dangers lowered the visibility of the potent but longer

term threat of lead emissions in those areas where smelting was carried out, though it did not

quite erase it from the historiography.

Was there a conscious decision to downplay the occupational, safety and health aspects

of the refining haciendas up to the end of the nineteenth century? Smelting would have created

more problems among the workers and surrounding communities than amalgamation, since

mercury in calomel would have posed a negligible short-term health hazard compared to lead

fume. The fact it did not receive any major attention in the historical texts points to a more

complex answer to this question. Mining and refining drove the economy of New Spain and

Mexico during the period of interest. The overriding interest of the Crown to maximize the

extraction of silver, the merging of refining and farming interests in the hands of strong owners

of capital within New Spain, and finally the entry of overseas investment allied to newly

emerging capital and industrial Mexican groups, created overall a very strong reason to accept

and downplay the negative effects of refining within official texts, accepting them as a

necessary consequence of capital and industrial growth. In private letters or journals written by

Rosen, History of Miners’ Diseases, 8-38.
During a panel discussion on modern artisanal gold mining at the 11 th International conference on Mercury as
a Global Pollutant (Edinburgh, 2013), members of the audience pointed out that the concerns of researchers did
not necessarily match the concerns of the artisanal refiners on the subject of workplace safety, for whom the
dangers of inhaling mercury fumes were the least of their daily problems.

Europeans I would argue that the paradox of Father Brown’s postman was also at work, in the

sense that the social biases of observers can render certain groups of people mentally invisible

to them.986 The indigenous population of refining workers was for the most part invisible to

most European observers of the nineteenth century, where they barely figure in the

commentaries. Whatever their illnesses may have been, they were not part of the mental

landscape covered by these texts. I have already cited the observation on the toxicity of copper

sulphate on patio horses that avoids any mention of its toxicity on the local workers. 987 The

environmental history of silver refining through the eyes and words of the indigenous workers

of the New World remains to be written.

6.3.3 The option of smelting all the ores in New Spain

In sharp contrast with later events in Peru, the statistics on silver production show no

sign of a silver crisis in New Spain at the time amalgamation was being implemented for the

first time. The first dip in production is only observed in the decade of the 1580s, well after

amalgamation was first implemented.988 Before mercury arrived on the scene total production

levels of silver in New Spain in the decade 1541 to 1550 corresponded to a yearly average

around 27 metric tons of silver. This was a level two to three times the yearly average for the

same period of all the main German/Central European mines, the main source of silver up to

that point.989 In the longer term smelting would produce just under 40% of the total silver from

From G.K. Chesterton’s short story “The Invisible Man” in G.K. Chesterton, Father Brown, Selected Stories
(London: Oxford University Press, 1961), 74-94.
See footnote 427.
Lacueva has argued that the absence of a production crisis of silver in New Spain at the time amalgamation
was implemented, together with the level of new capital investment that was required to switch from smelting to
amalgamation, are two very strong arguments against the accepted narrative that places amalgamation as a
necessary and natural next stage for the evolution of silver production in New Spain in the second half of the
sixteenth century. He suggests amalgamation represented an opportunity for the owners of capital to subordinate
the needs of the cash-strapped class of small refiners and miners. Lacueva Muñoz, La plata del Rey, 148-167.
Data for New Spain from TePaske and Brown, Gold and Silver, 113.; for Europe from John H. Munro, "The
Monetary Origins of the'price Revolution': South German Silver Mining, Merchant Banking, and Venetian
Commerce, 1470-1540,"(Department of Economics, University of Toronto, 2003), 43. Nef cites a maximum

New Spain, even after all the assistance provided to amalgamation through the periodic

decreases in the pricing of mercury over the period. Yet Juan Suarez de Peralta, one of the

earliest voices on the history of New Spain, was one of the first of many in the historiography

to claim that without mercury there would have been no silver from the New World.990

Without recourse to Almadén and Huancavelica it is probable that Spain would have

proceeded to smelt the remaining 60% of silver in New Spain that was ultimately refined by

amalgamation. Smelting was the traditional European refining method for silver ores in the

sixteenth century. In contrast to the case of England, where by the year 1400 already only 17%

of England and Wales’ usable land was covered by forests, Spain found in the New World a

far vaster virgin resource of wood for making charcoal.991 Even nearly five hundred years later,

the modern states of Mexico, Bolivia and Peru figure among the world’s top ten countries with

the largest areas of primary forest cover in the world.992 Even so, dressing of the ore would

have been a necessary pre-requisite to smelting, otherwise the need to heat the totality of an

ore containing on average 0.2% silver would have required an estimated additional 105 million

ha of woodland for charcoal, more than twice the area of woodland existing in Mexico in the

year 2010.993 Dressing the ore to a final silver content greater than 0.6% would have brought

down the additional requirement of woodland to at least one third of the previous estimate, and

production of silver from all central European mines in the decade 1526 to 1535 of nearly 3 million ounces
(approximately 94 tons). Nef, Conquest of the Material World, 42.
As quoted in Bargalló, Minería y metalurgia colonial, 240.
Kaplan, Krumhardt, and Zimmermann, "The prehistoric and preindustrial deforestation of Europe." p. 3023.
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2010, 13.
A split of 60:40 in silver produced by amalgamation and smelting, based on an average silver content of 0.2%
for amalgamation and 2% for smelting, corresponds to a 15 to 1 ratio in the weight of ore processed by each route.
Thus if 7 million ha were required to heat all the ore used for smelting in New Spain, 15 times that amount would
be needed to heat the ore that would have otherwise been amalgamated. The data on the forest cover in Mexico
in 2010 (65 million ha) are from ibid.

at the same time offered a comfortable degree of profit to the smelters, net of dressing costs

(see Figure 5.23).994

Lead would not have been a material bottleneck either had Spain chosen to smelt all

the ore. Up to an additional 300,000 t over 250 years would have had to be sourced locally or

imported from Europe (and serving as needed ballast to the outgoing convoys from Seville) in

order to make up for losses during the smelting of the additional ore. Mexico produced over 2

million t of lead just between 1931 and 1941, so if the Spanish Crown had promoted the mining

and production of lead the local deposits would have been sufficient to sustain the requirements

of smelting.995

When the initial wave of complaint rose from the ranks of amateur refiners in New

Spain that they were running into problems refining silver, the Crown had the option of

improving the smelting skills of this population, promoting the search for lead within New

Spain or even as market leader adjusting the price of silver to compensate the need for charcoal

or imported lead flux. Smelting was the universal refining process, not limited like

amalgamation to a certain types of ore. The rapid response of the Crown to the potential use of

mercury to refine silver ores, commented upon in Chapter 3, raises the unsurprising issue that

the ownership of the Almadén mine played a critical role in the refining policy, explicit or tacit,

made by the Crown. There is no doubt that amalgamation was a technique better suited to the

majority of ignorant refiners set loose in New Spain after its conquest. However, as the history

of San Luis Potosí shows, from the late sixteenth century as refining became more technical,

I am not adopting a defence of a policy that would have decimated the forests of Mexico along European lines,
but simply pointing out that from a material point of view a policy that was acceptable at the time could have been
adopted, even more so if forest regeneration cycles operated over a 250 year span, as would be expected. The
future use of coal, local or imported, to substitute charcoal in smelters cannot be ruled out in this counterfactual
González Reyna, Minería y Riqueza de México, 3.

smelting was the natural choice when refiners were faced with silver-rich lead ores. With

sufficient lead and after dressing ores, the experience at San Luis Potosí could have been the

model for the expansion of silver production in New Spain as of the seventeenth century, and

for 100 years smelting refined silver ores on par with amalgamation in New Spain.

The use of smelting would however have posed an opportunity cost to the Crown. If

mercury was used, it opened up a revenue stream to the Treasury, in parallel to the revenues

from the royalty and other taxes on silver, as discussed in Chapter 5. This opportunity cost

could have reached some 10% of the total revenues to the Crown in the early seventeenth

century, a major sacrifice in earnings. Thus to the operational advantages of patio

amalgamation must be added the fiscal advantage over smelting it represented to the Royal

Treasury, made even more attractive during the first century of amalgamation in New Spain by

the role of the Fuggers.

I thus approach the end of my arguments by adding to the technical factors the human

choices, from the policy of the Spanish Crown to the historiography of the modern era, that

have played a decisive role in determining and then reporting the environmental history of

silver refining in New Spain and Mexico. Amalgamation was not the only technical key

available to unlock the silver from its ores in the New World, it was not the sole option to

process ores claimed to be too low in silver content for smelting. In the case of New Spain

smelting remained until the end of the colonial period a very viable and competing alternative,

as shown by its contribution of under 40% of the total silver produced even after efforts by the

Crown to sustain amalgamation. By choosing for fiscal reasons to favour the path of

amalgamation over smelting, a decision evident from the actions of the Crown and its colonial

authorities, the population and the environment of New Spain was spared a worst-case scenario

of even more lead issued to the air around each of the smelting haciendas and a wide-spread

consumption of woodland. Instead they would be subject to millions of tons of silt suspended

in water and settling along river beds, entombing mercury transformed into calomel, together

with liquid mercury entrained with dissolved salt and copper compounds. Within the haciendas

the environmental legacy would be residues of fugitive lead and soil soaked in mercury.

Finally, but significantly in terms of quantity and impact, air emissions of mercury would be

two orders of magnitude lower than lead and its compounds exiting the chimney stacks, a

devil’s alternative for the indigenous population



During 250 years Spain would control both the world’s largest reserves of silver and of

mercury, a historically unique geological and geopolitical triangulation that would make it the

master of the silver market for nearly three centuries. By conquering the western chain of

mountains from the Andes to the Cordillera of North America it conjoined its own vast reserves

of mercury at Almadén with the major deposits of silver that had been generated by a process

of subduction of tectonic plates all along the eastern Pacific Rim. Nowhere else in the world is

subduction as active, nor such a chain of silver deposits to be found, much younger and of

different geological origin than their more modest counterparts in MittelEuropa. The only

common denominator was the presence on both sides of the Atlantic of lead ores rich in silver.

In general the ore deposits of Europe were mined for copper or lead rather than silver, while

silver was the only economic reason to refine the ores of the New World. The absence of major

pre-Conquest extractive industries kept intact the composition of their weathered surface,

native silver and silver chlorides.

Due to the scavenging instincts of the initial swarm of Spanish colonists, avid for

wealth and lacking skills, they left behind generous mounds of discarded weathered ores, all

the mineral that did not immediately promise silver to their untrained eye or yield it to their

primitive smelting efforts. To the authorities they complained of decreasing silver content,

when in reality what was changing was the nature of the mineral, from weathered silver ore to

deeper and more intractable silver sulphides. The initial technical challenge was solved thanks

to imported German know-how in smelting. The environment of New Spain would feel the

first wave of volatile lead products from the smoke of smelting furnaces and of charcoal burners

smoldering their way through woodlands.


As the mountains of discarded ore grew, so did the frustration of the first generation of

self-taught refiners. In New Spain amalgamation did not arrive on the back of a sudden decrease

in silver production. It arrived from Europe as a process that was known to work with gold,

and was a much simpler method that suited untrained refiners better than smelting. Spain saw

a quadruple opportunity open up: more silver could be produced by its untrained colonists

foiled by smelting, it could gain much more revenues from its mercury mine at Almadén, it

could use the Fuggers to provide the mercury on credit as well as collateral for future loans,

and by controlling the mercury as a State monopoly it could gain a measure of control over the

contraband of silver. The hazard posed by mercury was well known, but in practice was not

seen to be worse than the toxic fumes from smelting, and certainly no greater than the burden

imposed upon its own people at Almadén.

Mercury, aided by its aura as the alchemical precursor to silver and gold, was thus

applied to the mounds of cheap discarded ores and to existing superficial deposits. These

responded well to the primitive amalgamation recipe that was known to work with gold. Had

the first generation of refiners been thorough in their triage and smelting, only lead-rich slags

would have been left behind. In such a case the primitive amalgamation recipe would not have

worked either on these or on the deeper silver sulphides or negrillos. As the mounds of

discarded but easy to amalgamate ores were run down, so did silver production suffer. Then

events in the altiplano of the Andes would radically change the industrial potential of the basic

gold amalgamation recipe. In a short burst of impressive technical creativity within the Spanish

refining haciendas of the Andean altiplano, the amalgamation recipe was converted into a

powerful chemical tool that was able to reduce the silver sulphide present in negrillos into

amalgamated metallic silver. Though an earlier incarnation had been applied previously in the

Schio mines by Venetians in the early sixteenth century, it was recreated independently through

the stubborn efforts of the self-made refiners around Potosí.


As amalgamation gained momentum, mercury was consumed in quantities never

observed before in any human industry. The workers of the amalgamation haciendas and the

population of New Spain were spared the ravages of mercurialism on a major scale both by the

safeguards adopted during the heating cycle of the amalgam and by the chemistry of the

amalgamation process that consumed mercury by converting it to solid, insoluble calomel.

Nevertheless tons of liquid mercury were squeezed through the fingers of workers onto the

slurries of ore, and liquid mercury was still washed away in water or lost by seepage to the soil.

Very little mercury escaped to the air during the regular heating cycle of the amalgams. Streams

and water basins around the clusters of amalgamation haciendas became their waste disposal

units. Salt seeped into the ground of the patios and was washed away together with copper

compounds and the millions of tons of fine mineral silt that were useless to the refiner once all

possible silver was extracted. All these materials would contaminate the water downstream

from each refining unit, and compromised its use for consumption and irrigation.

Patio amalgamation represented a technology best adapted to the medium where it was

implemented, competitive with the more traditional route of smelting. The longevity of its

recipe was never a sign of backwardness or technical stagnation, nor was the chemical

immutability of the smelting process over thousands of years. Amalgamation embodied all the

elements of a modern industrial process: planning of inventories, carefully concatenated stages

of physical treatment and chemical reactions, avoidance of operational bottlenecks to achieve

a smooth production output. The patio reactor that evolved in New Spain was the most efficient

answer to the amounts and nature of the ore that had to be treated, and to the materials at hand.

Nevertheless, the environmental history of silver refining in New Spain was determined

as much by smelting as by amalgamation. Smelting contributed with just under 40% of all the

silver produced during the colonial period, and possibly one quarter to one fifth during the most

of the nineteenth century. Lead and its compounds represented the main source of heavy metals

issued to the air from the historical silver refining in New Spain, on average two orders of

magnitude greater than the total air emissions of mercury. The historical impact of emissions

of lead and lead compounds from the smelting and refining furnaces was the aggregate of

multiple but singular depositional footprints determined by the local wind rose, furnace

efficiency, skill of the smelter, lead content of each ore, and by the architectural trace of the

hacienda and the location of its mounds of grasas. Some mining regions in New Spain would

never be exposed to much lead, others would have known no other airborne heavy metal, but

those who did live in the vicinity of smelters had no doubts on the toxicity of its smoke on

animals and humans. The other major environmental impact of smelting was on woodlands,

consuming them at a rate over 50 times higher than amalgamation would. This depredation of

woodlands was only attenuated by the increased efficiency of blast furnaces in the nineteenth

century, which decreased by an order of magnitude the rate of consumption of charcoal per kg

of silver smelted.

The environmental cost from silver refining as imposed on the indigenous communities

and the new settlers was never addressed in a significant manner in the texts of the period. The

silence is a reflection of many realities: the greater, more immediate dangers of mining silver

ore or processing cinnabar; the acceptance of occupational health risks from a workforce whose

pressing issue was to earn a living for their families within a context of limited labour options;

the cloak of social invisibility that covered most of the indigenous population in the eyes of

others. The silence encompassed both the Spanish and English contingents who came to extract

silver from New Spain and then Mexico, as well as the new local owners and operators of the

later republican period.

The silver of New Spain and Mexico could have been extracted only with smelting, had

this been necessary. Enough lead and woodland existed in its vast territory to have covered the

needs of this refining process. Without recourse to mercury, refiners would have sought a

greater efficiency from the furnaces, recovered lead from the fumes, spent more manpower in

dressing the ores and would have developed a secondary market for its smelted non-precious

metals, much as republican Mexico finally did as of the late nineteenth century. Had smelting

prevailed, the total environmental impact of its lead emissions and destruction of woodland

would have been more severe than from the historical mix of amalgamation and smelting.

Mercury as the lesser evil: this was the ultimate paradox of the environmental history of silver

refining in New Spain and Mexico.



A. Silver production in smelting haciendas

Table A-I. Account book prepared by Lopez de la Madriz, Valle de Pozos, AHSLP, Fondo
Alcaldía Mayor 1650.3, expediente 8.

year month marks pesos silver pesos gold kg silver

1660 may 307 2,540 1,205
july 648 5,354 2,334 149
august 220
september 350 2,895 1,100
october 250 2,134 1,058
november 134 1,106 654
december 308 2,446 1,169
total 2,217 16,475 7,520 510
1661 january 455 3,757 1,685
february 400 3,304 1,532
march 159 1,319 640
april 271 2,128 857
may 315 2,604 852
june 625 5,082 1,454 144
august 439 4,233 1,644
september 295 2,454 808
october 373 3,080 403
november 359 2,962 610
december 152 1,258 247
total 3,843 32,181 10,732 884

Table A-II. Weekly accounts of the Hacienda de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores,
corresponding to the year 1773, signed by Lorenzo Mata. AHSLP, Fondo Alcaldía Mayor

silver per
cargas marks % silver silver per
dates week,
ore silver in ore week, kg
12/10 to 17/10 29 4 0.07% 4.0 0.9
15/8 to 22/8 160 10.0 0.03% 10.0 2.3
30/5 to 6/6 40 8.3 0.10% 8.3 1.9
23/5 to 30/5 76 9.4 0.06% 9.4 2.2
16/5 to 23/5 60 8.6 0.07% 8.6 2.0
9/5 to 16/5 59 11.0 0.09% 11.0 2.5
3/5 to 9/5 60 8.6 0.07% 8.6 2.0
28/3 to 4/4 64 7.9 0.06% 7.9 1.8
1773 21/3 to 28/3 96 8.3 0.04% 8.3 1.9
14/3 to 21/3 11.5 11.5 2.6
8/3 to 14/3 160 13.1 0.04% 13.1 3.0
23/2 to 28/2 96 12.1 0.06% 12.1 2.8
14/2 to 21/2 270 14.8 0.03% 14.8 3.4
31/1 to 7/2 68 8.0 0.06% 8.0 1.8
24/1 to 31/1 68 12.5 0.09% 12.5 2.9
17/1 to 24/1 76 11.6 0.08% 11.6 2.7
10/1 to 17/1 165 10.5 0.03% 10.5 2.4
1772 27/12 to 3/1 14.5 14.5 3.3
average 0.06% 10.3 2.4
note: the % of silver in the ore is calculated on the assumption all the silver refined
in the week has been extracted from the total cargas of ore reported

B. The accounting books of Regla

The account books that were consulted in the Archivo Histórico de la Compañia Real

del Monte y Pachuca (AHCRMyP) as the source of the economic production data correspond

to the Fondo Siglo XIX. They comprise the following sections, series and sub-series:

1. Sección: Explotación y Beneficio, Serie: Informes de Haciendas de Beneficio,

Subserie: Informes Mensuales Hacienda de Regla Vol 225, Exp. 3: 29 Jun 1872 – 27 Oct 1888

This has been the main source of the monthly data on production and costs for Regla. I

have named this source as the Contabilidad Mensual de la Hacienda de Regla, June 1872 to

August 1888 or as Contabilidad Mensual for short. The months correspond to either four or

five week periods, and the accounts are dated according to the final day of each period. The

data only correspond to refining operations at Regla.

2. Sección: Negociaciones, Serie: Haciendas de Beneficio, Subserie: Hacienda de Regla

I, Vol 22: 1875-1878.

I have referred to this source as the Extracto de Memorias, 1875 – 1878. Each Memoria

is numbered and corresponds to a weekly account of certain expenditures (gastos) at Regla.

3. Sección: Contabilidad de la Dirección, Serie: Producción y Gastos, Subserie:

Estados Comparativos, 1853-1855, 1859-1865, 1869-1873.

This source is referred to as Estados Comparativos, a monthly and yearly comparative

summary of selected expenditures and costs per montón or carga of refined ore, for all the

refining haciendas active in any given period.

There is minimal overlap between these three sources for the period between 1853 and

1888, though the monthly and weekly accounts for Regla do coincide for at least a period of

three years (1875 to 1878). The comparative accounts for all the haciendas only coincide with

the monthly accounts for Regla in the year 1873. Even these limited overlaps have been very

useful in establishing what the accountants chose to include under any of the main headings.

By cross-checking the data from overlapping primary sources I have been able to arrive at the

following guides.

Contabilidad Mensual de la Hacienda de Regla, June 1872 to August 1888.

The Contabilidad Mensual de la Hacienda de Regla, June 1872 to August 1888

(referred to as Contabilidad Mensual) is the only source of accounting data used in this thesis

to have signatures that officially (and thus legally) validate each of the monthly accounts

presented. The office held by the signatories at times can be identified, such as the Managers

of Regla (Mr. Rule in 1872 and 1873) or the Administrator (Mr. Cuatáparo, from November

1876 to June 1877). From January 1881 until August 1888 most of the monthly accounts show

two signatures, that of Mr. Torres (who signs all the monthly accounts from March 1878 to

August 1888) and a higher ranking official of the Company, Mr. Landaro, who signals his

hierarchy by attaching a Visto Bueno (a sign of approval) to his signature. As in Chapter Four

I have decided to omit the data from January 1874 to March 1875 since this is a non-

representative period for Regla where an irregular refining of grasas (slag and tailings) and

limited amalgamation took place. Each monthly account sheet contains the following

information on the costs incurred:


1. A report on the monthly consumption by weight and total cost (in pesos) incurred of

the following major consumables, under the heading Almacén (virtual central warehouse at


Reagents: salt (sal), mercury (azogue), copper sulphate (sulfate de cobre), litharge


Fuel: charcoal (carbon); firewood is only reported in the period 1872 to 1873, and is

incomplete (see Chapter Four). A more complete and detailed breakdown of both charcoal and

firewood is provided both in the Memorias and Estados Comparativos.

Animal fodder: barley (cebada), straw (paja), corn (maiz)998

Animals: number in stock, losses by death

2. The monthly production costs (Costo de Beneficio) are reported within a separate

boxed-in area of each monthly account sheet. They are presented under some fifteen different

headings, some of which change during the 1872 to 1888 period. However it is fairly

straightforward to group these costs under the following sub-sets:

Labour costs: all the costs grouped under the following headings correspond only to

labour: stamp mills (Molienda de morteros), ore breakers (Almadaneta), Chilean mill

(Arrastre), amalgamation cake workers (Torteros), general labour (Peones), carriers

(Cargadores), fine ground ore workers (Lamadores), recovery of amalgam from the washings

I refer to it as a virtual warehouse since horses, mercury and litharge would not have been stored in a physical
central warehouse to be supplied as required, but the accountants kept track on paper of the different supplies and
purchases required by the operational needs of the hacienda.
Copper sulphate is a different material from magistral , the copper containing ore that needed roasting prior to
‘straw and corn, the consumption of which is very important to sustain an also large number of mules and
horses’ - ‘la paille et le mais, dont la consommation est fort importante pour l’entretien d’un aussi grand nombre
de de mulets et des chevaux’ Duport, Métaux précieux au Mexique, 231. I am citing Duport since the corn could
also have been destined for human consumption.

of ore residues in a planilla (Planillones), horseshoe fitters (Herradores), repairs

(Composturas), bricklayers (Albañiles), sawyers (Aserradores), carpenters (Carpinteros),

roofers (Techadores), smiths (Herreros), general tasks (Faenas), final separation of silver from

amalgam, cupellation and casting of silver bars (Capellinas, afinación y fundición de barras),

amalgamation costs (Amalgamación en patio), Stables (Caballerizas) and other office and

general staff payroll costs (Gastos Generales). Not all these headings appear together in any

given year, since changes in accounting practice took place during this period, but they all refer

exclusively to labour costs. The identification of the nature of these headings was made

possible by crosschecking the data in the monthly and weekly accounts for the four week period

ending the 29th May 1877 (see below).

During the years (mid 1875 to early 1886) that smelting was also carried out within this

period, the heading named ‘Smelting’ (Fundición) corresponds to the labour costs of the

smelting process (see below).

Mercury, Salt, Copper Sulphate, Litharge and Charcoal : I use the accounting data

of the Almacén (virtual central warehouse) section to track the monthly cost of the main

consumables for amalgamation (mercury, salt and copper sulphate) and for smelting (litharge,

charcoal) and also to calculate the variations in their unit cost over time. Unfortunately these

monthly accounts do not provide data on the consumption of fuel for amalgamation, and this

information must be derived from the other sources (see below).

Other costs : this heading covers all the remaining production costs registered in the

accounts at Regla. For the years in which both amalgamation and smelting are being carried

out I take as my starting point the total cost of smelting that is reported as a separate entry by

the accountants of Regla. To arrive at ‘other costs’ for amalgamation I then subtract the total

smelting cost from the sum of all production costs, which gives me a total monthly production

cost for amalgamation only. I then subtract the total cost of labour and the costs of the three

main consumables to arrive at ‘other costs’ for amalgamation. As shown in more detail below

these ‘other costs’ include all other consumables (from the Almacén, or the sundry items from

nails to lard listed as Otros Efectos, or even supplied by other haciendas of the group) plus

minor non-operational costs that range from weekly masses to covering the costs to receive

visitors at Regla (some of which are grouped under the dire heading of Gastos Muertos, Dead

Costs).999 I do not subtract from the total production costs contingent monthly additional

revenues such as the rent of a store or the sale of poor lead. The aim of my calculations is not

the final profitability of the company but the quantitative breakdown of production costs in

each process.

In the case of smelting, I use the accountants’ figure on total monthly smelting costs,

subtract the costs for litharge, charcoal and labour (reported as fundición), and the net amount

I register as ‘other costs’ for smelting. Table B-I summarizes my overall approach. If the total

cost of smelting is not available (missing data) it can be arrived at by subtracting from the total

cost of production in a month the product of total montones amalgamated times the reported

production cost per monton by amalgamation, including mercury.1000

The cost of the ore at the plant gate is not included, nor is the fixed capital cost.

Extracto de Memorias, 1875 – 1878.

The weekly accounts have served to establish what is included under many of the

headings used in the monthly ledger that were not self-evident in their description. For

Under modern accounting practices the inclusion of masses as a production cost may be open to fiscal
questioning, but in the nineteenth century in Mexico it would have been as necessary for the labour force as the
corn they were given.
A montón at Regla is defined as containing 30 quintales (10 cargas, 1.38 t). A carga corresponds to 138 kg
or 3 quintales or 12 arrobas.

example, does ‘Mill Grinding’, Molienda de Morteros, encountered in all three accounting

sources include all the costs expected from this stage of the process, or did it only cover labour

costs? It depends on the source. In the case of the Contabilidad Mensual, a comparison of the

numbers reported during those periods where the monthly and weekly accounts overlap

indicates clearly that the data only correspond to labour costs. The same headings when they

appear in the Estados Comparativos include both labour and other, unspecified costs (see


The Extracto de Memorias provide a wealth of detail on the labour component of the

two refining processes used at Regla: the name of the worker in most cases, hours worked per

week, wage per hour and approximate description of work carried out or skills. The other

window into the processes carried out at Regla provided in these weekly accounts concerns the

consumption of fuel for amalgamation. As already pointed out in Chapter 4, the Contabilidad

Mensual only provides the consumption of charcoal for smelting, but apart from some

incomplete records for the years 1872 and 1873 does not include any information on fuel used

during amalgamation. This can be remedied in part for the period 1875-1878 by the information

on total firewood and charcoal consumption that appears in the weekly accounts, as detailed

under the heading Varios Efectos (Miscellaneous Materials). For the earlier years, 1853-1873,

the Estados Comparativos provide more information, as set out below.


June 1872- April 1875 - November 1876 - July 1877 - December March 1878 - January 1879 - January 1881-
Monthly Ledger November 1877-
December1873 October 1876 June 1877 December 1878 December 1881 August 1888
1877 February 1878
Miguel Solorzano for
Signed by R. Rule E. Benoit N. Cuataparo R. Torres Landero, Torres
Bustamante Bustamante
headings for present
salt, mercury,copper sulphate, greta, charcoal, firewood (only 1872-1873), animal feed (cebada, paja ), corn, animals (including deaths)
Materials supplied by the Regla
warehouse (Almacen )
Amount by weight (arrobas, pounds, cargas) and total cost (pesos)

Stamp mills (molienda de morteros )

Ore breakers (almadonetas )
Chilean mills (arrastres )
Amalgamation cake workers
(torteros )
General labourers (peones )
Carriers (cargadores )
Fine ground ore workers (lamadores )
Horseshoe fitters/ironsmiths
(herradores )
Treatment of ground ore residues
(planillones )
Stables (Caballerizas ) Labour costs
Amalgamation costs (Amalgamacion amalgamation
en Patio )
Capellina, final refining and casting of
fine silver bars (Capellina, afinacion
y fundicion de barras )
Repairs (composturas )
Bricklayer (Albañil )
Sawyer (Aserradores )
Breakdown of monthly variable costs Carpenters (Carpinteros )
Roofers (Techadores )
Smiths (Herreros )
General tasks (Faenas )
General costs (gastos generales )
Materials from warehouse
(materiales consumidos del
almacen ) Copper Sulphate

Other materialscosts
Non-recurring (varios efectos )
muertos )
Other costs

Contingent costs (Gastos

Extraordinarios / Gastos Diversos )
total amalgamation
= total production cost - total smelting cost
Total amalgamation cost cost

Total smelting costs, or smelting cost

total smelting cost
per carga
Smelting (Fundicion ) labour costs smelting
Litharge (greta ) litharge
Charcoal fuel
Other costs = total smelting cost - labour costs - litharge - fuel other costs

Table B-I. Assignment of account headings in Contabilidad Mensual into subsets (labour,
mercury, salt, copper sulphate and other costs) used in the analysis of production costs at Regla.

Estados Comparativos 1853-1855, 1859-1865, 1869-1873

The comparative tables of production costs incurred at each hacienda contain the

following information reported both on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis:

Variable production costs: all production costs are listed as pesos per montón in the

case of amalgamation, and pesos per carga in the case of smelting. These are grouped under

many of the same headings encountered in the first two accounting sources, such as Molienda

de Morteros, Arrastres, Amalgamación patio, Fundición, etc. However in this case the

accountants decided to include both labour and other, unspecified, costs under these headings.

This became clear on comparing the data from the Contabilidad Mensual for the year 1873

with the data from the Estados Comparativos reported for Regla for the same year (Table B-

II). The amounts under unambiguous headings such as mercury, salt and copper sulphate only

show the very small deviations to be expected from two separate accounting sources averaged

over a year. In contrast, the amounts for grinding, capellinas and repairs are consistently and

significantly higher in the Estados Comparativos. This indicates that the accountants are

including other (unidentified) costs for each process stage apart from the labour costs already

identified for the Contabilidad Mensual. This interpretation is strengthened by the content of

the 1855 report presented by John Buchan, where in his table of comparative production costs

between all the haciendas of the company, he explains some of the accounting headings such

as stamping and grinding, by adding the words: ‘mostly labour’.1001

The case of the accounting of the costs of firewood and charcoal also shows how the

content of each heading changes from source to source. The Contabilidad Mensual to all effects

and purposes simply ignores them in the case of amalgamation, only reporting charcoal for

smelting.1002 The Memorias provide a very detailed breakdown of the weekly costs of all the

types of firewood and charcoal under the heading Varios Efectos. The Estados Comparativos

reports separately and distinctly the costs incurred for two specific but generic headings,

firewood and charcoal. In contrast to the Extractos de Memorias, it excludes them from the

accounting class of Varios Efectos.

Buchan, Report Real del Monte, 17.
This can be explained by the relative small contribution of this consumable to the total costs of amalgamation,
while it is a major cost component in smelting, as will be evident in a later section of this chapter.

selection of account headings

total production
accounting source year grinding costs (molienda cost per kg
capellina , repairs copper
de morteros, mercury salt silver
bars (reparos ) sulphate
almacenetas, arrastres )
Contabilidad Mensual 0.94 0.06 0.56 3.02 2.22 0.78 11.57
Estados Comparativos 1.64 0.12 1.19 3.2 2.25 0.76 11.25

note: all production costs in pesos per kg of refined silver, calculated from data in primary source, average for the
year indicated

Table B-II. Comparison of amounts accounted for in the Contabilidad Mensual and Estados
Comparativos for the year 1873 for production costs at Regla. See text for analysis.

Information on the ore processed at each hacienda: number of cargas; the average

total silver content (ley, expressed in marks per montón) of the ore being processed, and the

silver actually extracted, reported also as a ley; the percentage loss of silver at different stages

of the process, the total percentage loss of silver and loss of mercury expressed as ounces of

mercury per mark of silver. Some of this information also appears in the monthly accounts of

Regla within the Contabilidad Mensual.

Information on the consumption of main reagents: total weight consumed of salt,

mercury, copper sulphate, magistral (only in some years), litharge, firewood, charcoal. Total

cost of these consumables is also listed, so that the average yearly cost per unit of weight for

each consumable can be calculated.

Information on the consumption of sundry items: the same yearly average (total

weight and total expense) is reported for all the sundry materials used at the haciendas.1003

Efectos Diversos is mostly made up of : tools (herramientas), machinery (maquinarias), bricks (ladrillos),
lime (cal), planks (tablón), wood (madera), leather (cueros), lead (plomo), iron (hierro) and steel (acero),nails
(clavos), refractory stones (piedra refractaria), limestone (piedra de cal),bone ash (ceniza de hueso),stones for
arrastres (piedras voladoras), capellinas, and dead animals (animales muertos). The expense on fodder (maize,
barley, straw) is absent.

C. Inventory areas at the Hacienda de Regla

Raw ore for amalgamation: the inventory of raw ore ranged from zero to nearly

24,000 cargas (3,312 t) over the period (Figure C-1). Under conditions of guaranteed

availability, a very low inventory level lowers the amount of capital tied up in storage, and in

general up to 1885 Regla maintained low levels of raw ore awaiting amalgamation. The

mathematical average for the period is 5,091 cargas (703 t) per month of inventory, but it is

more realistic to calculate the required storage area on the basis of demands for a peak monthly

storage of 15,000 cargas (approx. 2,100 t) that repeats over the period. The ore could be stored

outdoors but with protection from pilfering behind the high perimeter walls of Regla.







Figure C-1. Inventory of raw ore destined for amalgamation. Raw data from Informe

Ground ore for amalgamation: the estimate of inventory storage requirements is

based on peak levels of 10,000 cargas (Figure C-2).








Figure C-2. Inventory levels of ground silver ore destined for amalgamation. Data from
Informe Mensual.

Salt: The inventory levels show some major oscillations but overall their median is

relatively constant compared to what I will show for other ingredients of the recipe at Regla.

The average inventory value in this period was 18,459 arrobas (212 t), but with peaks of up to

45,000 arrobas (520 t) as seen in Figure C-3. The importance of salt for the process is shown

by the fact that the average level of inventory covered four months consumption. For the

calculation of storage area I will use a peak value of 40,000 arrobas.



Figure C-3. Monthly inventory levels of salt. Raw data from Informe Mensual.

Copper sulphate: The way its inventory was managed throughout the period reflects

a reaction to uncertain supply (Figure C-4). The median shows a positive slope after 1877, up

to the moment the decision was taken to draw down the inventory after mid 1886, possibly in

anticipation of a major decrease in operations at Regla. The threat of losing revenues due to

the lack of copper sulphate was real enough, though the alternative option had they run out of

copper sulphate would have been to roast the ores with salt prior to amalgamation, a routine

operation at San Miguel de Regla and other haciendas of the company. On average, with the

caveat that the baseline of the data shows a marked positive slope with time, the level of

monthly inventory over this period was 15,109 lb (6.9 t), reaching a maximum of 45,672 lb (21

t) towards the end of the period. With an average monthly consumption of 9,774 lb (4.4 t), the

inventory represented more than 1.6 months average consumption. I will use 40,000 lb as the

peak level of inventory to estimate the storage area requirements.



Figure C-4. Monthly inventory levels of copper sulphate. Raw data from Informe Mensual.

Mercury: Throughout this whole period Regla maintained an average monthly

inventory level of mercury of 29,830 lb (13.6 t), Figure C-5. This represents an average

inventory equivalent to 6.8 months of average mercury consumption at Regla. I will use 45,000

lb to calculate peak inventory storage requirements.


6/72 6/73 9/75 9/76 9/77 9/78 9/79 9/80 9/81 9/82 9/83 9/84 9/85 9/86 9/87 9/88

Figure C-5. Monthly inventory levels of mercury. Raw data from Informe Mensual.

Raw ore for smelting: the inventory profile shows three stages during this period: first,

a period of supply overtaking the capacity of Regla to grind and smelt the ores, leaving a

median with a positive slope during the first half of the decade; then a period when smelting

output was more balanced with ore supply, leading to very rapid draw-downs of accumulated

inventory. It then reverted to the behaviour observed at the beginning, suddenly cut-off in early

1886 when smelting operations ended, most probably with no prior warning, as can be deduced

from the behaviour of the other smelting inventories discussed below (Figure C-6). On average








Figure C-6. Inventory levels of raw silver ore destined for smelting. Raw data from the
Informe Mensual Regla.

a monthly inventory of 216 cargas (29.8 t) was carried at Regla, just over one month of smelting

throughput. I will use a peak level of 600 cargas to estimate the area required for storage of


Milled ore for smelting: there were also periods when it would have been necessary

to store the milled ore that could not be smelted. It occurred more often at the beginning of the

decade, tailing off to discrete monthly peaks piercing plateaus of sustained zero inventory

(Figure C-7). This is another case where the mathematical average for the decade, 32 cargas

per month (4.4 t), says little from a storage point of view. Each peak would have required

sufficient storage area to have been available at short notice, capable of storing up to 300 cargas

(approx. 42 t) of valuable milled silver ore under secure conditions. Overall Figure C-7

reinforces the image of a smelting infrastructure capable of processing all the available silver

ore, and only running up important inventories of unsmelted ore during very few months over

the whole decade.








Feb-75 Feb-76 Feb-77 Feb-78 Feb-79 Feb-80 Feb-81 Feb-82 Feb-83 Feb-84 Feb-85

Figure C-7. Inventory of ground silver ore ready for smelting. Raw data from the Informe

Litharge: the behaviour of the inventory of litharge also shows how Regla had to plan

without having any guarantee as to how much ore for smelting was to be provided by the mines

(Figure C-8). The inventory built up at the beginning of the year 1886 reflected already a lower

expectation on the ores to be smelted, prevalent since the 1882’s, but still planned for smelting

to take place. The unexpected hiatus on smelting as of February 1886 would see the inventory

of litharge slowly erode on other uses, probably refinement by cupellation of silver obtained

by amalgamation. The final small jump in inventory belongs to the history of Regla after 1888.

Again, the mathematical average over the period of 69,100 lbs does not provide guidance on

the space requirements for litharge in this decade. Up to 200,000 lbs (approximately 100 t)

would have required storage space, at least up to the early 1880s


4/75 4/76 4/77 4/78 4/79 4/80 4/81 4/82 4/83 4/84 4/85 4/86 4/87 4/88

Figure C-8. Inventory of litharge. Raw data from the Informe Mensual.

Charcoal for smelting: the flat-lining of the inventory registered from early 1886 to

the end of the period in question shows a smelting heart that had ceased to beat (Figure B-9).

It would seem that management at Regla was caught unawares at the end of 1885 that smelting

would not continue in the months ahead. Why this charcoal was not sold or used for the heating

of capellinas or casting of silver bars is not clear, though it may indicate that it was kept for

future potential smelting runs, at least until towards the end of 1888.








Figure C-9. Inventory of charcoal for smelting. Raw data from the Informe Mensual.

Though the mathematical average of the inventory over the period is equal to 1,094

cargas (151 t) per month of charcoal, storage would have been required to cope with the peak

at 3,000 cargas (414 t) of charcoal inventory.

Estimating storage areas within Regla: The areas required for the stockpiling of

solids stored at Regla have been estimated based on the analysis of the time series of inventory

levels for the period 1872 to 1888 presented above. The calculation of a stockpile area is a

well-established procedure based on the bulk density of the solid, the angle of inclination of

the stockpile unless the solid is being constrained by walls or partitions, the height restrictions

of the area available and the shape of the stockpile. The base area of the stockpile can be

calculated via the geometry of the stockpile or the web pages of industries in the field of solids

handling can be used to obtain the total area requirements for a given quantity of solid material.

Table C-I sets out the relevant figures for the case of Regla. The source of the peak inventory

levels will be found in the detailed discussions of each process stage in the following sections

of this chapter, and this accounting data was used to calculate the required storage area. 1004

There is a good match between these calculated values and the approximate areas of the storage

spaces assigned in Figure 4.7.1005

deemed values calculated

operational data calculated approximate area
per stockpile per stockpile assigned
type of space security level space assigned
specific gravity angle of repose length width height calculated area amount Maximum inventory total area required
(m2 )
(m) (m) (m) (m2 ) (t) (t) (m2 )
raw ore for amalgamation (eq. to rock hard 38.6 10 6 5 300 1,125 2,100 560 open low S1 560
ground ore (stamp mill) for open, with protection
(eq. to rock/stone 38.6 10 6 5 300 900 1,400 467 low S2 560
amalgamation from wind and rain
salt 38.6 5 5 4 165 390 460 195 under roof medium SA1
(eq. to dry gravel)
copper sulphate 1.9 38.6 5 5 1.6 26 25 18 19 under roof medium SA1

The liquid would take

mercury 13.56 n/a n/a 20 up a volume of under under roof high SA2 140
1.5 cubic metres

charcoal for amalgamation 0.21 n/a 5 5 4 25 21 12 14 under roof medium FA 50

raw ore for smelting 2.4 38.6 5 3 2.4 75 140 80 43 open high S1 see above

ground ore (stamp mill) for

2 38.6 5 3 2.4 75 120 40 25 open high CBI or CBII
smelting 840
litharge 2 38.6 5 5 2.4 75 120 100 63 open medium CBI or CBII

charcoal for smelting 0.21 n/a 5 5 4 25 21 400 476 under roof medium B1 500

The bars would take

up a volume of
silver 10.49 n/a n/a 2 under roof very high ? n/a
approximately 0.2
cubic metres

Table 4.II Space requirements for storage of inventory within the perimeter walls of Regla.

Table C-I. Areas required by the average inventory of the main reagents, fuel and ore, as
calculated from the raw data in the Informe Mensual Regla.

I have used the calculator on the website (18 June 2013).
In extraordinary circumstances of unexpected peaks of inventory, all available spaces within Regla would
have been used to store materials.

D. Report of the costs of refining by cazo amalgamation and

smelting, 1801.

Razon de la Compra y Fletes de tres Cargas de Metal y el de su beneficio por Cazo y

Patio de ley de tres marcos cada una por ambos beneficios, dividiendo los costos para la mayor

claridad en el concepto de que en la compra del Metal no pase de diez pesos cada carga pues

de lo contrario disminuirá la utilidad del rescatador proporcionalmente de el mas o menos costo

que erogue en la compra de las dichas tres cargas de Metal … A saver

Primeramente por tres cargas de Metal a razón de diez pesos cada una ….030 [p] 0 [rs]
Por el flete de dichas tres cargas a razón de veinte reales carga 007 [p] 4 [rs]
Gastos que se erogan en el beneficio de dichas tres Cargas por el Cazo … A saber
Quebrador …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 3 [rs]
Taonero …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 4 ½ [rs]
Paja para las Mulas ………………………………………………………. 001 [p] 2 ½ [rs]
Caceadores ………………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 4 [rs]
Palma ……………………………………………………………………. 001 [p] 4 [rs]
Saltierra …………………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 0 [rs]
Taona …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 3 [rs]
Fondos …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 3 [rs]
Quema y Afinacion………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 3 [rs]
Salarios …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 4 [rs]
Perdida de azogue………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 0 [rs]
[total] 8 [p] 7 [rs]
Con las dichas tres carg lama que llamamos cocida se pone una pieza o Monton que

produzga tres Marcos de plata q.e para venderlo se erogan los gastos …….. A Saber

Saltierra …………………………………………………………………… 01 [p] 1 [rs]

Maxistral y Cal ….………………………………………………………… 00 [p] 1 ½ [rs]
Repasos …………………………………………………………………… 01 [p] 4 [rs]
Tina y peones …………………………………………………………… 00 [p] 2 ½ [rs]
Azoguero …………………………………………………………………… 00 [p] 3 [rs]
Perdida y Consumido de Azogue …………………………………………. 01 [p] 5 [rs]
[total] 5 [p] 1 [rs]
Costos 51 [p] 4 [rs]
Han producidos por ambos procesos 9 marcos de plata que entregados al Aviador a 7

ps valen ……………………………………………………………………………. 63 [p]

Resulta de utilidad al Rescatador ……………………………………… 11 [p] 4 [rs]


Para beneficiar por Fuego las dichas tres cargas de Metal han de erogar los costos … A saber
Por su compra …………………………………………………………… 030 [p] 0 [rs]
Por su flete ….………………………………………………………… 007 [p] 4 [rs]
Por quebrarlas ……………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 4½ [rs]
Plomillos para ayuda ……………………………………………………… 001 [p] 7 [rs]
Rebolturero ………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 6 [rs]
Maquila de Horno…………………………………………………………… 009 [p] 0 [rs]
De Carbon …….………………………………………………………… 007 [p] 2 ½ [rs]
Bazo …………………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 2 [rs]
Palma …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 4 [rs]
Perdida de Liga 18 @ [arrobas] a 15 p carga ………………………… 022 [p] 4 [rs]
Tienen de Costo 081 [p] 2 [rs]
Produciran de Plata por este beneficio quando bien valla siete marcos quatro onzas que a 7 p
4 valen ………………………………………………………………………… 056 [p] 2 [rs]
Resulta de perdida al Rescatadr 025 [p] 0 [rs]

Por lo que no es beneficiable esta clase de Metales por fuego que son los que abundan

en el Real de Catorce y si lo será el Metal de ley de diez marcos por carga que tenga algún jugo

porque plomoso no lo producen aquellas Minas siempre que los Duenos de ellas vendan a un

precio racional.

Resumen de los Costos de las tres cargas por beneficio de Azogue y los mismos por el

de Fuego

Ymporta el de las tres cargas por el beneficio de Azogue ………… 014 [p] 0 [rs]

Ydm las mismas por Fuego …………………………………………… 043 [p] 6 [rs]

Exceso por el de Fuego 029 [p] 6 [rs]

Se ha hecho este calculo por los infrascriptos actuales Diputados de Mineria de esta

Ciudad en presencia de los Ministros de Real Hacienda de esta Tesoreria, San Luis Potosi Abril

21 de 1801.

[fdo.] Matteo Garcia, Jose Ygnacio de Escalante

A nuestra vista y presencia


[fdo.] Cristobal Convalan? Francisco ¿ de Arce


Account of the purchase and freight of three cargas of ore and their refining by Cazo

and Patio, with a silver content of three marks each, by both processes, dividing the costs for

more clarity under the condition that the price of the ore will not exceed ten pesos per carga

otherwise the profit of the buyer will decrease proportional to the greater or lesser cost of the

purchase of said three cargas or ore. … As follows:

First for three cargas of ore at ten pesos each one ………………….. 030 [p] 0 [rs]
For the freight of said three cargas at twenty reales per carga …….. 007 [p] 4 [rs]
Costs incurred in the refining of said three cargas by cazo ………. As follows
Bulk miller of ores ……………………………………………………… 000 [p] 3 [rs]
Operator of tahona ………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 4 ½
Straw for mules ………………………………………………………. 001 [p] 2 ½
Operators of cazos ………………………………………………………… 001[p] 4 [rs]
Palma [?] ……………………………………………………………. 001 [p] 4 [rs]
Impure Salt…………………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 0 [rs]
Tahona …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 3 [rs]
Deposits …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 3 [rs]
Firing [amalgam] and refining …………………………………………… 000 [p] 3 [rs]
Salaries …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 4 [rs]
Loss of mercury ………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 0 [rs]
[total] 8 [p] 7 [rs]
With these said three cargas of silt we call cooked we prepare a monton that produces

three marks of silver so that to sell we incur the costs ……………….. As


Impure salt …………………………………………………………………… 01 [p] 1 [rs]

Magistral and lime ….………………………………………………………… 00 [p] 1 ½ [rs]
Mixing the monton…………………………………………………………… 01 [p] 4 [rs]
Washing vat and workers …………………………………………………… 00 [p] 2 ½ [rs]
Master amalgamator ………………………………………………………….. 00 [p] 3 [rs]
Loss and consumption of mercury ……………………………………… 01 [p] 5 [rs]
[total] 5 [p] 1 [rs]
Costs 51 [p] 4 [rs]

Both processes produced 9 marks of silver that sold to the Supplier at 7 pesos are worth

………………………………………………………………………………. 63 [p]

Result of profit to the Buyer [of the ore] ……………………………………… 11 [p]

4 [rs]

To refine by smelting said three cargas of ore the costs incurred are ………… As follows
For their purchase …………………………………………………………… 030 [p] 0 [rs]
For their freight ….………………………………………………………… 007 [p] 4 [rs]
For milling ……………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 4½ [rs]
Lead rich ore as flux ……………………………………………………… 001 [p] 7 [rs]
Mixer ………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 6 [rs]
Rental of furnace …………………………………………………………… 009 [p] 0 [rs]
Charcoal …….………………………………………………………… 007 [p] 2 ½ [rs]
Cupell …………………………………………………………………… 001 [p] 2 [rs]
Palma [?] …………………………………………………………………… 000 [p] 4 [rs]
Loss of lead flux 18 @ [arrobas] at 15 p carga ………………………… 022 [p] 4 [rs]
Total cost 081 [p] 2 [rs]
Will produce silver by smelting when all proceeds well seven marks four ounces that at 7 pesos
4 [reales] have a value of ………………………………………………………… 056 [p] 2
Resulting loss for the Buyer 025 [p] 0


So that this type of ore cannot be refined by smelting, those that are abundant in the

Real de Catorce and can be refined is the ore with ten marks per carga that contains some

[lead] flux because lead-rich ores are not produced by those Mines, as long as the mine owners

sell them at a reasonable price.

Summary of the costs for the three cargas refined by mercury and the same by smelting

From the costs for the refining of three cargas by mercury………..………… 014

[p] 0 [rs]

Idem for the same by smelting …………………………………………… 043

[p] 6 [rs]

Excess [costs] by smelting 029 [p] 6 [rs]

This calculation has been made by the undersigned, at present Mining Deputies of this

City, in the presence of the Ministers of the Royal Treasury, San Luis Potosi, April 21 of 1801.

[signed] Matteo Garcia, Jose Ygnacio de Escalante

Witnessed in our presence

[fdo.] Cristobal Convalan [?] Francisco --- de Arce

Source: AGN, Instituciones Coloniales / Minería / 28368 / Volumen 82, folio 86 r,v

E. Sensitivity matrix for refining costs

Table E-I. Amalgamation sixteenth century context

% silver in ore 0.00% 0.04% 0.05% 0.06% 0.08% 0.12% 0.19% 0.60% 1.00% 1.90% 3.00%

kg of silver in
0.00 0.43 0.62 0.75 0.99 1.49 2.36 7.45 12.42 23.60 37.26
Amalgamation monton

value silver pesos 0 17 24 28 38 57 90 283 472 897 1416

variable production costs

variable production costs in pesos per monton
pesos per kg silver

Fuel 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.32 0.54 1.02 1.61

Mercury 9.80 0.00 4.26 6.09 7.30 9.74 14.61 23.13 73.04 121.74 231.30 365.22

Salt 1.78 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.21

Copper Sulphate 0.72 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69

Labour 0.13 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31

others 1.93 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54

ore 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

cost power 1.20 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82

capital cost 0.50 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18

total 16.10 14.76 19.04 20.87 22.09 24.54 29.43 37.99 88.12 137.03 247.08 381.58

variable production costs in pesos per kg silver

n/a 43.79 33.61 29.65 24.70 19.75 16.10 11.83 11.03 10.47 10.24

Table E-II. Smelting sixteenth century context

% silver in ore 0.00% 0.04% 0.05% 0.06% 0.08% 0.12% 0.20% 0.60% 1.00% 0.80% 1.20% 1.90% 3.00%

Smelting kg of silver in a
0 0.0435 0.0621 0.0745 0.0994 0.149 0.2422 0.7452 1.242 0.9936 1.4904 2.3598 3.726

value of silver,
0 2 2 3 4 6 9.2 28 47 38 57 90 142
variable production cost
variable production cost in pesos per carga
pesos per kg silver

Fuel 2.23 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27

Litharge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Labour 0.13 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31

others 0.85 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

ore 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

total 3.21 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58 7.58

variable production costs in pesos per kg silver

n/a 174.33 122.03 101.69 76.27 50.85 31.29 10.17 6.10 7.63 5.08 3.21 2.03

Table E-III. Amalgamation seventeenth and eighteenth century context

% silver in ore 0.00% 0.04% 0.05% 0.06% 0.08% 0.12% 0.19% 0.60% 1.00% 1.90% 3.00%

Amalgamation kg of silver in monton 0.00 0.43 0.62 0.75 0.99 1.49 2.36 7.45 12.42 23.60 37.26

value silver pesos 0 17 24 28 38 57 90 283 472 897 1416

variable production costs pesos per

variable production costs in pesos per monton
kg silver

Fuel 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.32 0.54 1.02 1.62

Mercury 2.68 0.00 1.17 1.66 2.00 2.66 3.99 6.32 19.97 33.29 63.25 99.86

Salt 3.66 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64 8.64

Copper Sulphate 0.72 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69

Labour 0.67 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58

others 1.93 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54

ore 16.7 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3

cost power 2.84 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70

capital cost 1.32 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13

total 30.51 65.57 66.76 67.26 67.60 68.28 69.63 72.00 85.87 99.40 129.84 167.05

variable production costs in pesos per kg silver

n/a 153.57 108.31 90.71 68.72 46.72 30.51 11.52 8.00 5.50 4.48

Table E-IV. Smelting seventeenth and eighteenth century context.

% silver in ore 0.00% 0.04% 0.05% 0.06% 0.08% 0.12% 0.20% 0.60% 1.00% 0.80% 1.20% 1.90% 3.00%

Smelting kg of silver in a carga 0 0.0435 0.0621 0.0745 0.0994 0.149 0.2422 0.7452 1.242 0.9936 1.4904 2.3598 3.726

value of silver, pesos 0 2 2 3 4 6 9.2 28 47 38 57 90 142

variable production cost

variable production cost in pesos per carga
pesos per kg silver

Fuel 2.23 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27 5.27

Litharge 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Labour 0.66 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56

others 0.85 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

ore 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

total 3.74 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83 8.83

variable production costs in pesos per kg silver

n/a 203.09 142.16 118.47 88.85 59.24 36.45 11.85 7.11 8.89 5.92 3.74 2.37

F. Smelting costs in Europe.

It is stated that ‘German mines could not compete with the lower cost of American

silver and stagnated in the sixteenth century’, but there is no study that compares specific silver

production costs on both sides of the Atlantic.1006 The economics of smelting the majority of

silver ores in Europe followed a completely different tsructure than the one applied to silver

ores smelted in the New World, at least until the end of the nineteenth century. Three cases of

European smelting costs from the nineteenth century plucked from a non-exhaustive search in

the literature represent Germany, France and England. They show that it is not possible to carry

out a straightforward comparison of smelting costs on both sides of the Atlantic. In the case of

Europe it is the nature of the ores being treated and the existence of markets for non-precious

metals that determines the profitability of refining, not their silver content as in the analysis for


Under Napoleon the French oversaw silver production in the German mines of the Harz

region, and as a result Villefosse drew up a report that contains partial production costs both

for mining of lead-silver ores and for their smelting for the years around 1805. On the basis of

his data it is possible to calculate that the ores smelted at a profit had between 0.01 and 0.04%

silver content. This would not have been possible at Regla using smelting, not for technical

reasons, but simply because the value of the silver content alone could not have covered the

cost of smelting. However, what allowed the German smelters to obtain a profit was the amount

of revenues from the sale of litharge, lead and copper, which in total amounted to 75%

Brown, History of Mining, 42.

(Lautenthal), 94% (Frankenscharer), 104% (Altenau) and 45% (Andreasberg) of the smelting


From the data on the smelting of ores at Pontgibaud (France) from 1838 to 1849

reported by Rivot, it is possible to calculate that the average cost of refining 100 kg of ore with

0.1% silver was 23.45 francs. The silver content is similar to that of the ores smelted at Regla,

but approximately 200 times more lead and litharge was produced than silver, so production

costs cannot be apportioned easily to one or the other. The average value of the silver obtained

was only 24 francs, thus barely exceeding the refining costs, which approximates the scenario

at Regla where the minimum was 0.3% silver to cover costs. Again, the only reason the French

smelters were able to operate at a profit were the average additional revenues of 8.2 francs from

the sale of lead products per 100 kg of ore.1008

Rivot also refers to English smelters in Flintshire in the nineteenth century working

with ores that contain mainly lead (ca 75%) and little silver (25 to 35 gr of silver per 100 kg of

lead, less than 0.03% silver in the ore). He could not include real production data from these

works in his very extensive book on metal smelting since ‘the directors do not like to provide

strangers with details on their commercial affairs’, a sentiment that has dogged most archival

research for this topic. His case study for a generic smelter of Flintshire is based on a process

using crystallization (Patterson’s process) to enrich the lead prior to cupellation (Chapter Four).

He assumes a yearly refining of 21,000 tons of ore, producing 15,005 tons of lead and 3,740

kg of silver. Silver represents just 0.03% in weight of the metal sold from this generic plant,

but provided 10% of its sales revenues. There is little point in estimating which part of the total

Héron de Villefosse, De la richesse minérale du Royaume de Westphalie. Raw data for my calculations taken
from Table facing p. 102.
Rivot, Description des gites métallifères, 193-197.

production cost of 18.6 francs per ton of ore smelted can be apportioned to silver.1009 This

example encapsulates very well the symbiotic relationship that characterized the silver smelting

business in Europe. Lead and copper would bear most if not all of the variable production cost,

and silver would bring an important contribution to the revenue stream out of proportion to its

output in weight. It is no wonder that Percy reports that in England ‘foreign silver ores, chiefly

from South America [with a silver content upwards of 0.8%], have been largely imported and

smelted for the past 40 years … the business appears to have been highly profitable … not

more than 2s 6d was paid per oz of silver in the ore!’.1010

‘les directeurs n’aiment pas à donner aux étrangers des renseignements exacts sur leurs affaires
commerciales’ Principes généraux Vol II, 317-19, 386-88.
Percy, Metallurgy, I 524-525. If Collins is correct that 1 peso was equivalent to approximately 2s 6d in the
19c, the price being paid for the ore was around 1 peso per oz of silver, or 8 pesos per mark. I am not sure whether
the celebration in the exclamation mark comes from the seller, the buyer or both. Collins, Metallurgy of Lead &
Silver, Vol. II, 61.

Glossary of technical terms

Afinación: second stage of refining process where silver is separated from lead and litharge

(greta) is produced (cupellation)

Amalgamation: the original term refers to a physical process whereby mercury can absorb gold,

silver, lead and other metals and form a liquid or solid solution which does not alter the

chemical characteristics of either mercury or the metals. In the terminology of refining silver

ores in the New World it has been applied to represent a method of refining silver or gold using

mercury to extract silver in the form of an amalgam

Arrastre: circular grinding equipment using horizontal stones, powered by water or animal


Assay: analysis or test of an ore to determine the presence and amount of metal

Aviador: person who supplies material on credit to miners and refiners

Azogado: person intoxicated with mercury

Azogar : to intoxicate with mercury

Azogue : mercury

Azogueria: room where mercury was handled (stored, weighed, extracted by squeezing from


Azoguero : in New Spain, applied to the master in charge of the amalgamation process

Barra: bar of silver-enriched lead from first stage of smelting (see refinación)

Beneficio: term applied to refining, ie beneficio de plata por azogue meant refining of silver

ores by amalgamation, beneficio de plata por fuego, refining by smelting

Blast furnace: a more efficient furnace than the Horno Castellano, ore was loaded from the

top, a greater current of air was fed by force into the furnace and chimney height was increased

Bonanza: a very rich zone of precious metal in a deposit

Caja: regional Treasury, usually but not always a mining district

Calomel: mercurous chloride (Hg2Cl2)

Capellina: 1. Equipment to recover mercury from amalgam by heating, consisting of a metallic

top cover and base placed on water channel that condenses mercury 2. In Guanajuato, also

applied to building that houses the capellina ensemble.

Caperuza: upper part of early version (16c) of equipment to recover mercury from amalgam,

made from clay or metal

Carbón: see charcoal

Carcámo: channel to drain waste water that run through amalgamation hacienda.

Cazo: a pot or vessel, used by Barba for his cocimiento (cooking) process using mercury

Cendrada: bone ash impregnated with litharge, material used to form a cupel (vaso) that holds

the barras for the afinación

Charcoal: mainly carbon, is used both to supply heat upon combustion in a furnace and to act

as reducing agent to the metal compounds being smelted.

Chilean mill: see Molino


Correspondencia: amount of silver, in marks which could be produced by amalgamation that

consumed 100 quintales of mercury

Cupellation: see Afinación.

Deflaction : adjustment of time series of prices by the rate of inflation

Desazogadera: equipment to recover mercury from amalgam by heating, see capellina

Diezmo: tax of a tenth applied to silver registered at each local Treasury (Caja)

Dressing: concentration of silver content in ores by decantation in water.

Dry ore: silver ore with little or no lead destined for smelting

Fundición: first step of the refining of silver ores, it involves smelting of silver compounds in

the presence of lead to elemental silver. Silver is then absorbed by the molten lead. The silver-

enriched lead is then cast into barras (pigs)

Flue gas: gas generated in a furnace and channeled via a chimney to the atmosphere

Flux : additive used to facilitate the smelting of an ore

Fume: an aerosol of particles of lead and lead compounds (PbO, PbS, PbCO3, others) that are

lost to the atmosphere when lead and lead ores are heated above a threshold temperature

Fundición: smelting of silver compounds in the presence of lead to elemental silver. Silver is

then absorbed by the molten lead. The silver-enriched lead is then cast into barras (pigs)

Galena / Galena: lead sulphide (PbS), which can contain silver that can be extracted by


Gangue: the inorganic matrix with no commercial value that is extracted together with the

mineral of commercial interest from a deposit


Grasas: slag from smelting furnace

Greta: litharge, lead oxide (PbO)

Hacienda: original term referred to the creation of wealth, was then applied initially to silver

refining units in New Spain (called ingenios in Peru) and afterwards to agricultural and

livestock economic units

Horno Castellano: initially very simple smelting furnaces, in the form of a pillar with a square

or circular cross-section, built from mortar and stones and with a low chimney outlet

Ingenio: originally refers to a machine, and then in Peru was used to denote a silver refining

facility (an hacienda in New Spain).

Lavado de metales: see Dressing

Litharge: lead oxide, PbO (greta)

Maestrazgo: land and mining rents to the Spanish Crown from territories that historically were

under the control of Spanish military orders

Manga: vertical cloth filter used to squeeze excess mercury from amalgam

Maquila: business model whereby a refining hacienda accepts to process silver ores that belong

to third parties and extracts the silver for a fee that covers its operational costs plus a profit


Mark: unit of weight of silver

Metal : ore in Spanish

Metallogeny: the study of how ore deposits are created


Mole: in chemistry, is a standard weight for each chemical element. The number of moles of a

reagent or product in a reaction is determined by the chemical equation of the reaction.

Molino: circular stone set on its edge and driven by water or animal power, used to crush ore

Montón: literally mound, was a unit of measure in the amalgamation patio, thus a torta at Regla

was composed of 20 montones, and each montón represented 30 cargas (see Units of Measure).

These are not universal values and vary according to local custom.

Mortero: mill that uses stamp-heads made of stone or metal to crush ore, driven by human,

animal or water power

Negrillos: term used to denote deeper silver sulphides in a deposit

Opportunity cost: the economic consequence of choosing an investment between two

competing business options

Ore : a naturally occuring material from which a mineral can be extracted at a profit

Oxidation: in modern chemistry denotes the increase of the oxidation state of an element, due

to the loss of electrons to another element that in turn is being reduced (see Reduction)

Patio: the courtyard where amalgamation cakes (tortas) were spread out until the silver

amalgamation process was deemed completed

Pig : English term in smelting for a bar (barra) of smelted metal

Placer gold: gold found in alluvial or eluvial deposits

Planillas: inclined planes to separate entrained amalgam, mercury or silver ore from the

washings of the amalgamation torta

Planilleros: workers stationed at the planillas


Plata de azogue: silver refined by amalgamation

Plata de fuego: silver refined by smelting

Real de Minas: legally established mining interests and community recognized by the Spanish

Crown and subject to its legislation

Reduction: in modern chemistry denotes a decrease in the oxidation state of an element, by

accepting electrons from an element that in turn undergoes oxidation (see Oxidation), for

example carbon in charcoal. The ultimate aim of all refining techniques for metals is to

chemically reduce the metal from its oxidized state in the ore, for example silver sulphide or

silver chloride, down to its elemental state as pure metal

Reverberatory oven: indirect heating reflected from curved roof, fuel is not in contact with

barras in the vaso

Señoreaje : duty paid on coinage of silver

Silver chloride: AgCl, when found as a mineral is called cerargyrite or chlorargyrite

Silver halides: silver chloride, silver bromide, silver iodide

Silver sulphide: AgS, when found as a mineral is called acanthite or in older texts argentite

Slag: fused waste minerals from smelting furnace, may contain lead and lead compounds, iron

compounds, traces of arsenic

Slurry: viscous suspension of fine solids in water

Smelting: metallurgical process based on the chemical reduction of metal compounds in ores

at high temperatures (see Fundición)

Solimán: mercuric chloride (HgCl2)


Stamp mill: see Mortero

Stoichiometry: fixed quantitative relation between reactants and products in a chemical


Subduction: geological process whereby an expanding ocean floor slides under continental


Sunk cost: losses incurred in past operations that from an accounting point of view are written

off from future accounting operations involving the same product

Tahona or taona: see arrastre

Toll / tolling: see Maquila

Torta: amalgamation cake

Tuyere: element in back furnace wall with orifice to hold the nozzle (cañon) of the bellows

Vaso: term used for the ensemble of reverberatory oven and cupel used during the afinación

Weathered, weathering: as applied to ore deposits means the action of oxygen, water and

salinity over hundreds or thousands of years on the chemistry of the surface veins of the deposit

Wind rose: circular plot over 360 degrees of average speeds and direction of winds at a given


Zangarro: amalgamation unit smaller than the hacienda


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Instituciones Coloniales / Minería

Centro de Información Gráfica (CIG-AGN)
Serie Tema y Tecnología

Archivo Histórico del Estado de Zacatecas (AHEZ)

Poder Judicial-Civil
Real Hacienda
Real Hacienda- Judicial
Serie Civil
Fondo Mapas e Ilustraciones, Serie V: Planos Siglos XVIII al XX

Archivo Histórico de San Luis Potosí (AHSLP)

Fondo Alcaldía Mayor

Colección Miguel Iwadare
Colección Mapas y Planos

Archivo Histórico de la Universidad de Guanajuato (AHUG)

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