Chapter - I: There Are A Lot of Investment Avenues Available Today in The Financial Market For An Investor With
Chapter - I: There Are A Lot of Investment Avenues Available Today in The Financial Market For An Investor With
Chapter - I: There Are A Lot of Investment Avenues Available Today in The Financial Market For An Investor With
There are a lot of investment avenues available today in the financial market for an investor with
an investable surplus. He can invest in Bank Deposits, Corporate Debentures, and Bonds where
there is low risk but low return. He may invest in Mutual of companies where the risk is high and
the returns are also proportionately high. The recent trends in the Mutual Market have shown that
an average retail investor always lost with periodic bearish tends. People began opting for portfolio
managers with expertise in Mutual markets who would invest on their behalf. Thus we had wealth
management services provided by many institutions. However they proved too costly for a small
investor. These investors have found a good shelter with the mutual funds.
Like most developed and developing countries the mutual fund cult has been catching on in India.
# Mutual funds make it easy and less costly for investors to satisfy their need for capital growth,
# Mutual fund brings the benefits of diversification and money management to the individual
investor, providing a Opportunity for financial success that was once available only to a select
To remove the past image of mutual fund from the mind of investors.
To give the updated information to the investors about the high return and less risk fund.
Scope of Mutual Funds has grown enormously over the years. In the first age of mutual funds,
when the investment management companies started to offer mutual funds, choices were few.
Even though people invested their money in mutual funds as these funds offered them diversified
investment option for the first time. By investing in these funds they were able to diversify their
investment in common Mutuals, preferred Mutuals, bonds and other financial securities. At the
same time they also enjoyed the advantage of liquidity. With Mutual Funds, they got the scope of
But, in today’s world, Scope of Mutual Funds has become so wide, that people sometimes take
long time to decide the mutual fund type, they are going to invest in. Several Investment
Management Companies have emerged over the years, who offer various types of Mutual Funds,
Research Methodology
1. Research Design:
only the essential element of a study, those that provide the basic guidelines for the details of the
project. It comprises a series of prior decision that taken together provide master plans for
A research design serves as a bridge between what has been established i.e., the research
objectives and what is to be done, in conduct of the study to relish those objectives. If there were
no research design, the research would have only foggy notions as about what is to be done.
quantitative type.
2. Unit of Analysis:
Characteristics of interest:
3. Sources of Data:
Primary Source:
The primary data is collected using sampling method and by survey using questionnaire.
Secondary Source:
Secondary data includes information regarding present market scenario, Information regarding
Mutual Funds and competitors are collected by internet, Magazines and Newspaper and books.
4. Sample Planning:
5. Sample design:
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the
technique or method the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample.
Questionnaire plan: I have used structured for gathering the required data through
7. Type of information:
I have collected facts, awareness, attitude, future action plan and reason using
8. Type of questions:
Data analysis is based on the data collected by way of questionnaires. The data is
Through this C can take the way that in which direction they should go for promoting
mutual fund.
Through this project (Awareness of Client towards Mutual Fund) we can know about the
securities market.
We can know that how many investors are aware about the mutual fund.
We can know that in which type of securities, people want to invest and why.
We can know that if investors don’t want to invest in mutual fund so what the reason
By this project we can know that, which fund is growing up and which fund is going
By this we can know about the co.’s that provide the mutual fund investment facilities.
We can know about the Reliance Mutual fund co. and it’s working.
We can know about the mutual fund AMC (Asset Management Company)
Mutual funds offer inexperienced and experienced investors---who may not have a lot of
money to invest---the ability to invest in more than just one investment tool without
Every person who have no more knowledge about investment and he want to invest
One of the mode to invest mutual fund that’s SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is less
Mutual fund is totally depend upon the NAV value (Net Assets Value)
By purchasing a combination of Mutuals, bonds and other securities--rather than just one
single Mutual purchase--their risk is spread out over many fields and companies, instead
of just one.
Purchasing into a mutual fund automatically provides the investor with an experienced
investment manager to oversee their investment. This is because the mutual fund is
composed of different investment securities and requires a competent professional to