Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Foundations PDF
Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Foundations PDF
Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Foundations PDF
A N D A . M . HANNA'
Depcirrltzct~rof Civil Et~girrceritrg,N o w Scorirr Tcclrtzictrl Collegc, Hrrlijirs, N . S . , Crrtlrrdcr B S J Z X 4
Received April 5, 1978
Accepted July 12, 1978
The ultimate bearing capacity of footings resting on subsoils consisting of two layers has been
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by CONCORDIA UNIV on 02/12/15
investigated for the cases of a dense or stiff layer overlying a weak deposit, and a loose or soft
layer overlying a firm deposit. The analyses of different modes of soil failure are compared with
the results of model tests on circular and strip footings on layered sand and clay soils.
La force portante des fondations reposant sur des sols bi-couches a ete etudiee pour les cas oil
une couche dense oti raide repose stir une couche molle, et ou une couche llche ou molle repose
sur un dep6t raide. Les analyses theoriques de differents schemns de rupture du sol sont
comparees aux resultats d'essais sur modeles riduits de semelles circulaires et filantes reposant
sur des sols bi-couches de sols sableux et argileux.
Can. Geotech. J.. 15,565-572 (1978)
tions are subjected to inclined loads, the influence the actual punching failure surface in the upper
of nonuniformity, including anisotropy of the soil, layer can be taken as equivalent to a total adhesion
becomes more important than under vertical load C,, and a total passive earth pressure P,, inclined
(Meyerhof 1978). The previous methods of esti- at an average angle 6 acting upwards on an
mating the bearing capacity of layered soils assumed plane which passes through the footing
under vertical load (Brown and Meyerhof 1969; edge and is inclined at an angle D to the vertical.
Meyerhof 1974) can readily be extended to cover Hence, for a strip footing of width B and depth D
inclined loading conditions. As before, two main at a distance H above the surface of the weak
cases of subsoils consisting of two layers will be deposit, the vertical component q,,,. of the ultimate
considered, namely a dense or stiff layer overlying bearing capacity q,, in the direction of the load is,
a weak deposit, and a loose or soft layer overlying approximately, given by
a firm deposit. The analyses of different modes of
soil failure will be compared with the results of
model tests on circular and strip footings on
layered sand and clay soils.
Strong Layer Overlying Weak Deposit
If a footing rests on a relatively thin strong layer
above a weak deposit, it may break through the
strong stratum into the weak soil. An approximate
theory of the ultimate bearing capacity of a footing
under a central load inclined at an angle u to the
vertical and punching through a thin layer into a
thick underlying deposit can be developed by con-
sidering the failure as an inverted uplift problem
under axial load (Meyerhof 1973). Thus, at the
ultimate load, a soil mass of roughly truncated
pyramidal shape of the upper layer (unit cohesion
'Present address: Department of Civil Engineering, FIG. 1. Failure of soil below footing under inclined load
Concordia University, Montreal, P.Q., Canada H3G 1M8. o n strong layer overlying weak deposit.
566 C A N . GEOTECH J . VOL. I S . 1978
where qI,, and q,, are vertical components of the Test Results Strip Circle
ultimate bearing capacity under inclined loads qi, Layered Sand (Fig.5 ) x o
and q, on thick beds of the lower and the upper Sand Above Clay (Fig. 6 ) * 0
soil, respectively (Meyerhof 1953) and -1, = unit Dto. (Dembicki 1973 ) A
weight of the upper soil.
Further, 1.0
[3] P,, = 0 . 5 y , H q l +2Dcoscc/H)Kp/cos6
where c,, = unit adhesion and K,, = coefficient
passive earth pressure on an k u m e d inclined
punching shear plane. In practice it is convenient
to use inclination factors i,, and i, in conjunc-
tion with the adhesion c,, and coefficient of punch-
ing shear K,, respectively, under vertical load
(Meyerhof 1974). Thus, after substitution of [2]
and 131, eq. [ I ] may be written
PI quv = q,, + 2c,ic,H/B + y, H2(1 + 2 0 cos a / H )
x K,i, tan $ , / B - y, H
For personal use only.
The punching shear coefficient K, and the in- FIG. 3. Inclination factors for punching shear resistance.
Width B = 5 0 rn
D/B = 0 Depth Inclination
D/B =1 For Legend Width Of Load
See Fig. 5 a D/B ~c
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Bearing Capacity
Ratio q2/q1 = 0.08
For personal use only.
logarithmic spiral method or for layered clay using cylindrical surface through the footing edge (Fig.
the circular arc method have shown that the ratios 1 ) . Thus [ 4 ] becomes
of the punching shear parameters increase mainly
with the bearing capacity ratio q2/ql of the layers, [5] q,, = q b v + 4 c , i ~ ; , H / B 2f y l H 2
where q l and q, are the ultimate bearing capacities x (1 + 2 0 cos w/H)Ksissstan + , / B - y , H
of strip footing under vertical load on the surfaces Cltv
of homogeneous thick beds of upper and lower
soil, respectively (Fig. 4 ) . Similar trial calculations where si, and s, = shape factors for punching shear
for a sand layer overlying a clay 2eposit have resistance on cylindrical surface. Although the
shown that the average value of the ratio S/+l in values of s;,and s, can be determined from ap-
the sand increases mainly with the bearing capacity proximate earth pressure theories and the results
ratio q2/ql of the layers and follows a relationship of the model tests given below, they may be taken
similar to that of layered sand. As a result, the as unity for preliminary estimates, especially for
corresponding values of the coefficient of punching small ratios of H / B .
shear K, for various friction angles 41 can ap- The ultimate bearing capacities ql,, and q,,. in
proximately be related to the bearing capacity [ 4 ] and 151 can be represented by (Meyerhof 1963;
ratio q2/q, of the layers, as shown in Fig. 2. Hansen 1970)
The analysis for strip footings can be extended
to circular footings by determining the passive
resistance P,, inclined at an angle 6 on an inclined
568 C A N . GEOTECH J. VOL. 15. 1978
FIG.7. Experimental punching shear coefficients for model tests on layered sand and sand overlying clay.
1 Inclination Of Load cc
For personal use only.
silica sand which was poured from different heights bearing capacity decreases rapidly with a greater
to relative densities of 0.22 (loose), 0.46 (com- inclination of the load, as had been found in tests
pact), and 0.69 (dense). The inorganic clay of on homogeneous soils (Meyerhof 1953; Muhs and
medium plasticity was made more brittle by the Weiss 1975). On the other hand, for a given load
addition of 2-3% of lime. After being packed into
large footing test boxes, the clay was allowed to cure
for about 1 week before testing. The footings were
loaded to failure within a few minutes to minimize
moisture migration. The ultimate bearing capacity WEAK SOlL
occurred generally at a settlement of 5-25% of the
footing width depending on the bearing capacity
ratio q d q , of the soil layers, and the failure settle- STRONG SOlL 82
ment decreased with an increase of the load in- 4b
clination while the corresponding horizontal footing (42 C2a+2
movement increased.
Typical test results of strip and circular footings
on layered sand (Fig. 5 ri, b ) and on a sand layer FIG.9. Failure of soil below footing under inclined load
overlying clay (Fig. 6 ) show that the ultimate o n weak layer overlying strong deposit.
570 CAN. GEOTECH I. VOL. 15. 1975
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For Legend
Width See Fig. 5 a
t Inclination
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FIG.10. Typical results of model footing tests o n loose sand overlying dense sand: (a) strip footings, ( b )
circular footings.
inclination the ultimate bearing capacity increases for strips, and the corresponding shape factor s,
rapidly with the thickness of the upper dense sand decreases somewhat with greater load inclination
layer to a maximum value for a thick upper soil and footing depth and has an average value of
deposit. In order to compare the test results with about 1.2. However, pending f~irtherinvestigations
the proposed theory, the experimental coefficients for other sand densities a shape factor of unity
of punching shear Ksisin [4] and K,i,s,in [5] have should be used.
been determined for strip and circular footings, Good agreement is found between the deduced
respectively, on upper layers of thicknesses smaller and theoretical punching friction ratios of 8/41
than the critical values. These critical thickness for strip footings on layered sand under vertical
ratios of H / B decrease as the load inclination in- load at various bearing capacity ratios of q2/q1
creases. The test results after a small correction (Fig. 4 ) . A similar analysis has been made of the
for the effect of footing settlement at failure results of the present tests and some previousIy
(Fig. 7 ) show that the deduced punching coeffi- reviewed earlier experiments and field observations
cients increase with the embedment ratio D / B of (Meyerhof 1974) on footings resting on a sand
the footing due to the shear strength of the over- layer overlying a clay deposit with various bearing
burden. The deduced punching shear coefficients capacity ratios of q,/q,. The corresponding de-
decrease rapidly with greater load inclination and duced ratios of 6/+i increase with the value of
the values of K, and is for strip footings agree fairly q J q , and conform roughly with the theoretical
well with the proposed theory (Figs. 3, 7 ) . The estimates (Fig. 4 ) . These analyses indicate that
punching coefficients for circles are greater than for preliminary bearing capacity estimates in prac-
vertical load. For foundations o n a loose or soft MEYERHOF, G. G. 1953. The bearing capacity of foundations
layer overlying a firm deposit under inclined load under eccentric and inclined loads. Proceedings, 3rd Interna-
the previous semi-empirical interaction relationship tional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation En-
gineering, Zurich, Vol. I, pp. 440-445.
can be modified by inclination factors for homo- 1955. Influence of roughness of base and ground-water
geneous soils. Theory and test results show that conditions on ultimate bearing capacity of foundations.
the influence of the upper soil layer thickness be- Geotechnique, 5, pp. 227-242.
neath the footing depends mainly on the shear 1963. Some recent research on the bearing capacity of
foundations. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1, pp. 1&26.
strength parameters and bearing capacity ratio of 1973. Uplift resistance of inclined anchors and piles.
the layers, the shape and depth of the foundation, Proceedings, 8th International Conference on Soil Mechanics
and the inclination of the load. and Foundation Engineering, Moscow, Vol. 2, Pt. 1, pp.
Acknowledgement 1974. Ultimate bearing capacity offootings on sand layer
overlying clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 11, pp.
The research at the Nova Scotia Technical Col- 223-229.
lege was carried out with the financial support of 1978. Bearing capacity of anisotropic cohesionless soils.
the National Research Council of Canada. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 15,pp. 592-595.
For personal use only.
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