Immaculate Conception Academy South Campus: Sleep Deprivation Towards To The Academic Performances and Physical Health

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Immaculate Conception Academy

South Campus

Sleep Deprivation towards to the Academic Performances and

Physical Health



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Immaculate Conception Academy
South Campus



This research will assist the readers to fully understand the concept of the study. It holds and

analyzing specific problem investigated and describes the study.

Sleep Deprivation is an overall lack of the necessary amount of sleep. A person can be

deprived of sleep by their own body and mind, insomnia and actively deprived by another

individual. Without enough sleep your brain and body systems will not function normally. It

also dramatically lower your quality of life. Our body needs sleep just as it needs air and food to

function at its best. During sleep our body heals itself and restores its chemical balance, brain

forges new connection and helps memory retention.

The researchers will conduct this study to know the factors that affects Sleep Deprivation and

the student will be aware on how Sleep Deprivation affects their Academic Performance.

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Immaculate Conception Academy
South Campus

Background of the Study

‘Sleepy person’s brain works harder and accomplishments’(DeNoon,2000).Sleep is crucial
for optimal functioning of the human body. Without sleep, important bodily processes can be
severely impaired. Example High school life can be stressful but most memorable experience in
everyone’s life. Students suffer from sleep deprivation and stress at times when they should
achieve the grades that they want. However poor sleep quality may negatively impact for
students performances.

Morning classes are valuable if you are an early bird. but the facts morning classes are not for
everyone. Most of the students prefer to get up at noon. According to Professor Russell Foster,
head of circadian neuroscience in Oxford universe said ‘Forcing teenagers to turn up to school in
the morning could result in more errors, fewer memory, reduced motivation and depression’

The researchers will conducted a study to know the possible factors of Sleep Deprivation to
the Academic Performance as well as to Health of selected Humanities and Social Sciences in
Immaculate Conception Academy South campus in order to identify the truth behind the said

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Immaculate Conception Academy
South Campus

Statement of the Problem

1. What is Sleep Deprivation?

2. What are the factors to be considered Sleep Deprivation of Senior High school students

of Immaculate Conception Academy South campus?

3. How does Sleep Deprivation affects Senior High school students Academic


4. Why Sleep Deprivation affects the health of the students?

5. What is the basis of Sleep Deprivation among students?


H1 -. Sleep Deprivation will not affect the Academic Performance and Health of the Humanities

and Social Sciences students at all.

H0 - Sleep Deprivation will affect the Academic Performance and Health of the Humanities and

Social Sciences students at all.

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Immaculate Conception Academy
South Campus

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focuses on effects of sleep deprivation and how it affects the academic

performances and health of the Humanities and Social Sciences students of Immaculate

Conception Academy South Campus. This study is limited to identify the Factors of Sleep

Deprivation of fifty (50) students 25 boys and 25 girls.

This regards to Sleep Deprivation which is one of the major factors that affects the Academic

Performance and Health. In addition, the researchers will try to give accurate interpretation of

the information that will be gathered which is linked to the said issue and its effect to the

students health and academic performance.

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Immaculate Conception Academy
South Campus

Significance of the Study

This study is concerned about the factors of Sleep Deprivation to their Academic

Performance and Health of selected students of Senior High school of Immaculate Conception

Academy South campus. The following people will be benefited of the study.

STUDENTS - The study lead to be about the factors of having Sleep Deprivation which may

affects their Academic Performance and Health.

PARENTS – To guidance their children and to have awareness on the different effects of sleep

deprivation in health and academic performances.

TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS –To appreciate and will understand more the

Academic Performance of the students from having Sleep Deprivation and they can teach and

guide them accordingly.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS – This study will help in gathering more information and data and

to make the research better and valid source of information

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South Campus





Can lead an elevated risk of high

Difficulty in Difficulty in blood pressure and heart attack
speaking in front
comprehending to
of the class Cause a decrease in metabolic
school works to be
answered function

Our brain needs its sufficient amount

of sleep to function well, not getting
Difficulty in paying attention or to enough sleep affects both of our
concentrate lectures in the class mood and memory

Students experience lack of motivation for

school works

The students will feel lazy to go to school

and to their works

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Immaculate Conception Academy
South Campus


Review of Related Literature

Sleep is a complex biological process that is an essential component of human health and

Well-being. The way that sleep is regulated in the body is similar to the manner in which other

necessary bodily functions are controlled, such as eating and breathing. Sleep plays a vital role in

promoting physical, mental, and emotional health. Receiving adequate sleep each night ensures

proper maintenance of bodily processes. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation is becoming an

increasingly common problem in society today. (AlDabal & BaHammam, (2011) explained that

many individuals in society suffer from illnesses resulting in severe sleep loss. Many other

individuals, however, disregard the need for sleep in order to accommodate the daily activities of

life. Sleep deprivation is becoming especially prevalent as longer working hours and longer work

shifts are becoming an acceptable part of world culture.

Insufficient sleep time is particularly common in undergraduate students. Pace-Schott et al.

(2009) found that the average sleep duration among students has drastically decreased over the

last 30 years. Countless studies have been performed that indicate bodily organs and systems are

greatly affected by such sleep loss. Sleep deprivation is a common problem in society and can

have serious consequences on both physical and mental health.

(Pace-Schott et al., (2009). Sleep deprivation can be diagnosed when sleep has been

disturbed for an extended amount of time, and it begins to have a significant effect on daily

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South Campus

activity Vallido et al., (2009). Sleep deprivation can either be acute or chronic. Acute sleep

deprivation occurs when the amount of sleep an individual receives is significantly decreased for

a period of two days. Acute sleep deprivation can be associated with severe conditions that are

sudden in onset. This type of sleep deprivation can be caused by everyday stresses, such as

illness, work-related stress, or extreme temperatures. A chronic condition, on the other hand, is a

long-lasting syndrome. Chronic sleep deprivation occurs when an individual develops a routine

of decreased sleep. These individuals typically get less sleep each night than what is necessary

for ideal bodily functioning. Such long-term sleep deprivation is usually caused by factors such

as depression, chronic stress, and discomfort at night.

In modern culture, many more people are experiencing the harmful effects of sleep

deprivation than in previous years due to the recent trend toward maintaining a 24/7 lifestyle

(AlDabal & BaHammam, 2011). Cultural norms of today’s society include longer working hours

and sacrificed sleep time. As a result of this trend, sleep deprivation became a worldwide

problem. In society today, the effects of sleep deprivation on the body are often underestimated.

The negative effects of a lack of sleep can be detrimental to an individual’s health and body.

Studies show that sleep deprivation has been linked to both mental and physical complications.

A lack of sleep can negatively affect mood, performance, and overall health (Shulan, I-Chen, &

Ling-Ling, 2007). The physical damage done to the body as a result of sleep deprivation is often

the most overlooked aspect of sleep complications. Physiologically, a reduction in the amount of

sleep received each night results in damage to each of the bodily organs and systems.

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South Campus

For example, sleep deprivation can lead to an elevated risk of high blood pressure and heart

attack (Marzano et al., 2010). Individuals may not even know the damage that is being done to

these internal systems as a result of sleep deprivation.

According to AlDabal and BaHammam (2011), sleep is essential for certain bodily functions

such as learning, cellular repair, and memory processing. Without sleep, these processes do not

function properly. These studies also show that there is a strong correlation between the

immunity of the body and adequate sleep. When adequate amounts of sleep are not received, the

overall immunity of the body is significantly damaged. A weakened immune system increases

the likelihood of contracting infections, viruses, and diseases. This evidence demonstrates the

true importance of sufficient sleep. Not only is the immune system affected by sleep deprivation,

but also the metabolic and endocrine systems of the body.

(Shulan et al., (2007) stated that the endocrine system secretes hormones into the

bloodstream in order to regulate certain processes such as metabolism, growth, development, and

tissue function. Of these processes, metabolism is affected the most by sleep deprivation.

Metabolism is the process that controls the conversion of fuels from food into the energy

necessary for proper bodily function . Studies done by AlDabal and BaHammam (2011) show

that there is a relationship between obesity and sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation causes a

decrease in metabolic function, causing the metabolic rate to slow. Slower metabolic rates result

in an increased likelihood of obesity. Over recent decades, there has been a global increase in

body mass index (BMI) due to shorter sleep durations. This research also indicates that the

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South Campus

average length of sleep in the world has decreased substantially in the past decade. The average

is now less than seven hours of sleep per night. The increase in obesity due to this decrease in

average sleep time is worrisome. Obesity is strongly related to serious medical illnesses such as

diabetes mellitus and obstructive sleep apnea. Health care providers are alarmed at the increase

in such illnesses and have been taking steps in recent years to inform the public on the dangers of

sleep deprivation. Aside from the physical damage sleep deprivation causes to the body, there are

also severe mental and behavioral side effects of inadequate amounts of sleep.

According to Vallido et al. (2009), results of sleep disturbances often include irritability,

reduced vigilance, and lack of energy. Anxiety and depression are also commonly linked with

sleep deprivation, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness that last for long

periods of time. Often when an individual becomes depressed, the likelihood of sleep deprivation

is increased significantly. The fatigue that is present due to a lack of sleep results in less physical

activity and exercise. Individuals with such circumstances find themselves in a vicious cycle of

inactivity and sleep deprivation. This research also shows that individuals who are sleep deprived

are at an increased risk of suicidal behavior. Individuals, especially adolescents, who sleep less

than eight hours per night are about three times more likely to have suicide ideation than those

who receive more than eight hours per night. The knowledge that sleep deprivation can lead to

suicide ideation has provided important information for suicide prevention programs.

Although suicidal thoughts usually only occur in extreme cases of sleep deprivation, there are a

few common health risk behaviors that are associated with poor sleep quality.

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South Campus

According to studies conducted by Vail-Smith, Felts, and Becker (2009), individuals who

receive less than six hours of sleep per night are more likely to smoke and drink alcohol more

than five times in a day. These studies also indicate that college students are at an especially high

risk for the negative effects of sleep deprivation. There is a strong relationship between sleep

deprivation and student risk behaviors, such as voluntary lifestyle choices. These choices may

include unhealthy drinking patterns, drug use, and smoking addictions. Students involved in this

study also showed an increase in physical aggression. Sleep deprivation causes irritability and an

increased desire to fight. Students should be cautious about their sleeping patterns in order to

avoid these unhealthy life choices.

In society today, undergraduate students are faced with the need to manage the countless

demands of school life. It is not surprising that students often push the need for sleep aside in

order to meet the demands of school, work, and social activities. However, this is not the best

course of action Thacher (2008) stated from her study University Students and “The All Nighter”

Correlates and Patterns of Students’ Engagement in a Single Night of Total Sleep Deprivation

show that both quality and quantity of sleep are associated with academic performance of

undergraduate students. This research shows that there is a correlation between sleep loss and

decreased grades and academic achievements. Many undergraduate students experience

countless sleepless nights. This actually results in lower levels of alertness in the following days.

As a result, students experience a lack of motivation for schoolwork. Sleep loss interferes with

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South Campus

the consolidation of memory and the learning process. Therefore, sleep loss has implications on

students’ ability to process and retain information.

Due to the countless physical and mental damages that sleep deprivation can have on the

body, there are a variety of treatment options available for individuals who suffer from sleep

problems. According to Chokroverty (2010) explained that health care professionals must follow

a certain protocol when assessing patients with sleep complaints. Physicians must obtain a proper

sleep history of the patient before any treatment plans can be created. Such a report would

include details about sleep habits, a complete history of current or previous neurological or

psychiatric illnesses, and details about drug and alcohol consumption. Sleep history reports

should also include family history information to diagnose any genetic disorders that may

appear. Physicians should pay specific attention to the frequency and the time of onset of the

sleep deprivation symptoms. This can aid greatly in determining the source of the sleeping


Once the source of the problem has been identified, health care professionals can take the

proper steps to provide appropriate care to the patient. Many doctors will prescribe sleeping

medication to individuals with sleep complaints. This is not always the best solution, however,

because sleeping pills do not allow individuals to receive the proper amount of deep sleep, or

NREM sleep. Individuals who take sleeping medications often feel tired and drained of energy in

the mornings. The medication can also cause side effects that can be more troubling than the

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South Campus

actual sleep ailment. Sleeping medication can actually make the sleep condition worse by

causing a vicious cycle of constant sleepiness (Orzel-Gryglewska, 2010).

In order to avoid the use of harmful sleeping medications, some doctors will advise patients

on how to make lifestyle adjustments that aid in minimizing sleep deprivation. According to the

studies of Marzano et al. (2010), one adjustment recommended by doctors is to practice daily

relaxation techniques. One popular relaxation technique is meditation. Such techniques allow

individuals to relax both the mind and body. This is an excellent way to reduce stress and

encourage better sleeping habits. Doctors also strongly advise patients to practice healthy diet

and exercise routines. Studies show that sleep can be affected when food is consumed within two

hours before bed. Alcohol and caffeine are also substances that should be avoided before

bedtime (AlDabal & BaHammam, 2011). Along with the proper diet, 15 to 30 minutes of daily

exercise is recommended to individuals who suffer from sleep ailments.

Exercise can help release muscle and nervous tension, which can greatly reduce the side

effects of sleep deprivation (Liguori et al., 2011). These simple and useful guidelines are crucial

to the reduction in sleeping problems that many individuals experience. Although sleep

deprivation is a growing concern in the world today, it is evident that there are ways it can be

prevented if members of society stay informed. Sleep is a vital process that is required for the

optimal health and well-being of the body. Many individuals overlook the damage, both physical

and mental, that a loss of sleep can do to the body. In recent years, sleep deprivation has become

a rampant problem in the United States due to the country’s fast paced lifestyle. Many others in

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South Campus

the country unfortunately suffer from sleep disorders, which usually lead to severe sleep

deprivation. If steps are taken to raise public awareness about the dangers of sleep deprivation,

individuals in society will be more informed about the seriousness of this rapidly growing

problem. If society members are informed, individuals can understand the importance of sleep to

the body. They will then be able to take steps and make lifestyle adjustments to prevent sleep

deprivation. Also, individuals who are unable to prevent sleep deprivation, such as those who

suffer from chronic sleep disorders, will be more informed about the treatment options that are

available. By increasing public awareness throughout the world, the amount of accidents,

hospitalizations, and losses in production that result from sleep deprivation can be greatly

reduced. Once the public becomes aware of the shocking harmful effects of sleep deprivation,

individuals will be more willing to set aside proper amounts of time for sleep, which will result

in an increase in the nation’s overall health.

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South Campus




The researchers chose to use a Descriptive Research Design because the researchers want to

give information about the effect of having Sleep Deprivation to the Academic Performance and

Health of the Senior High school.


The research will be conducted at Immaculate Conception Academy, South Campus in

Governor’s Drive. Langkaan 1, City of Dasmarinas, Cavite


The researchers chose to use Purposive Sampling under Non-Probability Sampling to have

specific respondents that can answer and relate to the survey questionnaires that the researchers

conducted and for the researchers to easily gather the data.


The procedures that the researchers will do is; First, the researchers will ask permission to

their adviser or subject teacher, and also the respondents. Second, the researcher will explain

further instruction to the respondents Third, the researcher will collect the data gathered. Lastly,

the researchers will check and analyze the data gathered.

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South Campus


In this study, the researchers will use survey questionnaires, interview and observation

sheets that will be evenly distributed to the Senior High School students from Humanities and

Social Sciences strand in Immaculate Conception Academy South Campus. The researchers will

provide abundant number of survey questionnaires, interview sheets and observation sheets in

order to come up with an accurate and reliable data the questionnaire will focus on the effects of

the Sleep Deprivation to Academic Performance and Health of the Senior High School students

from Humanities and Social Sciences strand and how aware are they with the said phenomenon.


The analysis of data that the researchers used is Descriptive Analysis because the

researchers wants to further elaborate the data gathered by means of finding the median, mode,

and mean of the statistics of data.

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