Doktor-Ingenieurs (Dr.-Ing.)
genehmigten Dissertation.
Die Dissertation wurde am 2. Juni 2010 bei der Technischen Universität München
eingereicht und durch die Fakultät für Maschinenwesen am 21. Oktober 2010
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Diese Arbeit beschreibt die mechatronische Konzeption, Konstruktion und Re-
alisierung eines humanoiden Laufroboters. Der Roboter ist 180 cm groß, wiegt
zirka 60 kg und verfügt über 25 angetriebene Freiheitsgrade in einer redundanten
Konfiguration. Die mechanische Struktur ist durch den extremen Leichtbau mit
hoher effektiver Steifigkeit charakterisiert. Die hochdynamischen Gelenkantriebe
kombinieren bürstenlose Servomotoren, Untersetzungsgetriebe und Sensorik zu
kompakten Einheiten. Daneben werden die Massenträgheitsmomente der Beine
durch konstruktive Maßnahmen minimiert. Daraus resultiert ein überragendes
Beschleunigungsverhalten. Neben Winkelsensoren zur direkten Messung der Ge-
lenkwinkel verfügt der Roboter über ein hochgenaues inertiales Messsystem und
Kraftsensoren in den Füßen. Mit dem Bahnplanungs- und Regelungssystem, das
nicht Bestandteil dieser Arbeit ist, konnte bisher eine Maximalgeschwindigkeit
von 3,34 km/h erreicht werden.
This thesis summarizes my research carried out at the Institute of Applied Me-
chanics, Technische Universität München. Developing the humanoid robot Lola
almost from scratch has been a unique opportunity and certainly one of the biggest
challenges in my life so far. Many people have contributed to this thesis and I
would like to use the opportunity to express my gratitude to some of them.
First and foremost I want to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my advisor
Professor Heinz Ulbrich for the excellent research environment and giving enough
freedom for own creativity. His patience and irrefutable confidence in my skills
were beneficial for the success of this research.
I also wish to express my warm and sincere thanks to Professor Friedrich
Pfeiffer, the former head of the institute, for a lot of good advice and ideas and
many helpful discussions.
I warmly thank our academic director, Dr. Thomas Thümmel, for his support
and continuing commitment to the robotics group. Thomas managed our project
resources and largely kept us free from most administrative and formal burdens.
Starting off with only two doctoral candidates, the Lola project was divided
simply into “Software” and “Hardware.” I am particularly indebted to Thomas
Buschmann, my co-worker and good friend, who took over the “Software” part.
His theoretically accurate and thorough works on the robot simulation and con-
troller were one of the foundations for the success of the project. To me, working
together with Thomas was a stroke of luck as our ways of thinking and working
were quite similar and, where not, complemented each other.
I really need to thank Markus Schwienbacher and Valerio Favot who joined the
team in a later project phase. In his Diploma thesis Markus developed, assembled
and calibrated the force/torque sensors with enthusiasm and great attention to
detail. I appreciate his efforts in resolving Lola’s teething problems. Markus, thank
you so much for the fruitful discussions and competent suggestions! Valerio tested
the PCBs for the local controllers and wrote all the code for them. Also, special
thanks are due to Mathias Bachmayer, who developed the DSP boards for Lola’s
decentralized controllers.
The official presentation of Lola at the HANNOVER MESSE 2010 was the grand
finale before turning in this dissertation. Regarding our trade fair presence, I
thank Alexander Ewald for taking over all the organizational stuff. And my
thanks go to the developers of Lola’s visual perception system, Dr. Felix von
Hundelshausen and Gerhard Rohe from the Institute of Autonomous Systems
Technology, University of the Bundeswehr, München, for the pleasant cooperation.
During my first year at the institute I have had the pleasure to work with Dr.
Klaus Löffler, the developer of Johnnie’s balance controller. Klaus shared the office
with me and has always been a competent and excellent advisor as I took my first
tentative steps into the field of humanoid robotics. Thank you for the collaboration
x Acknowledgments
Abstract vii
Zusammenfassung vii
Acknowledgments ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Fully Actuated Biped Walking Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Balance Control of Fully Actuated Biped Robots . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.1.3 Passive Dynamic Walkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.1.4 Other Relevant Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 Contributions of this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
xii Contents
3 Mechanical Design 77
3.1 Design Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.2 General Design Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3 Design Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.3.1 Calculation of Fundamental Design Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.3.2 Dimensioning of the Drive Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.3.3 Dimensioning of Structural Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.4 Modular Joint Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.4.1 Motivation for Modularity and its Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.4.2 Revolute Joints based on Harmonic Drive Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.5 The Stereo Robotic Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.6 The Torso and Pelvis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.7 The Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.8 The Legs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3.8.1 The Hip Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3.8.2 The Knee Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.8.3 The Ankle Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
3.9 The Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
3.10 The Link Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
3.11 Parameter Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
3.11.1 Kinematic Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
3.11.2 Link Inertial Parameter Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.12 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3.12.1 Mass Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3.12.2 Analysis of Dynamic Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
3.13 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Bibliography 189
1 Introduction
In the Fifties, it was predicted that in 5 years robots
would be everywhere. In the Sixties, it was predicted
that in 10 years robots would be everywhere. In the
Seventies, it was predicted that in 20 years robots
would be everwhere. In the Eighties, it was predicted
that in 40 years robots would be everywhere . . .
—Marvin Minsky
2 1 Introduction
the question how humans solve the highly complex problem of three-dimensional
bipedal locomotion with unparalleled robustness is not well understood to this
day. Although the biomechanics of human walking and running has been investi-
gated quite well [129, 142], the mechanisms of balance control are not very well
understood. For a long time posture control during standing and walking has
been considered an automatic or reflex-controlled task. However, recent research
suggests that postural stability is also achieved by high-level neural feedback
mechanisms that primarily utilize visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory
information [143].
The traditional approach to building a walking robot combines classical control
systems engineering with a sophisticated hardware system which is characterized
by high performance and accuracy. It does not try to copy biological systems,
rather, it benefits from the advantages of well-proven technology and design
methods. The fundamental difference between technical and biological systems
brings up the question whether the hardware and control design of a versatile,
multi-purpose humanoid robot can actually benefit from the biological sciences.
From the author’s point of view, biological designs currently serve as a source
of inspiration. The aim is to collect suggestions for technical designs, test them
for transferability into technical systems, and realize them using state-of-the-art
mechatronics technology.
Research on humanoid robots is more and more focusing on complex, higher-
level scenarios such as human-robot interaction and manipulation. Regarding
the locomotion capabilities of biped robots, however, there are still numerous
unsolved problems. For example, higher speeds of locomotion and flexible motion
generation still remain challenging. Since of them do not necessarily require the
development of new hardware, the highest degree of attention and development
is often given to the control system, while almost no importance is attached to the
mechatronic hardware and its significance for control performance.
The review of current humanoid robot projects in Section 1.1 shows certain
“convergence” in the hardware design and component selection, suggesting that
the “ideal” architecture is found. However, research on reliable biped robots
with high performance and human-like walking capabilities still faces numerous
problems regarding the kinematic structure, mass distribution, actuators and drive
mechanisms, and sensor layout. Moreover, robots that effectively combine the
advantages of full actuation (Section 1.1.1) and the biologically inspired approach
of passively compliant structures (Section 1.1.3) is not in sight.
In conclusion, balance control and robot hardware must be seen as tightly
coupled parts of a highly integrated mechatronic system. The judicious and con-
current design of both parts is paramount to the realization of a high-performance
walking robot.
and mechatronic design, another concept based on the idea of passive dynamic
walking is emerging. Although humanoid robots are a comparatively new self-
contained research field, the literature is tremendous. Without attempting to
review all research projects, this section describes the ones that are considered to
be the most relevant. More specific details on the servomechanisms, sensors and
electronics are given throughout this work. Aiming for a comprehensive review,
the Springer Handbook of Robotics provides two contributions on legged [85] and
humanoid [97] robots. Gienger [46] provides interesting statistical evaluations
of relevant characteristics of current robot platforms.
and foot is independent. Especially passing over obstacles, through narrow spaces,
or climbing a ladder are expected to be simplified. Also, Wabian-2 is equipped
with a two-DoF pelvis joint and an additional two-DoF joint in the upper body
[135]. Using the pelvis joint, the upper body can be bent forward, backward and
sidewards. The refined version Wabian-2R, Figure 1.1a, is equipped with passive
toe joints that enable walking with stretched knees and heel-off gait patterns [132].
Furthermore, Wabian-2R is able to mimic various human motions and can be used
for testing rehabilitation devices. The robot can provide quantitative information
about the effectiveness of these instruments. The top speed of the Wabian robots is
currently 0.75 km/h. Sugahara et al. [176] develop the multi-purpose locomotion
system WL-16 where the legs are designed as Stewart platforms. The robot is able
to carry a heavy payload and suitable as a locomotion platform for humans.
One of the most advanced humanoid robots is being developed by Honda
Motor Corporation. To the surprise of all research groups Honda presented the
outstanding robot P2 after 10 years of secret research and several prototypes
[65] in December 1996. P2 is 1.82 m tall and weighs 210 kg. Having a total of
30 DoFs, it was the first self-contained robot that is able to walk, climb stairs
and perform simple manipulation tasks. Besides encoders for joint position
measurement, the sensor layout comprises fiber-optic gyroscopes, inclination
sensors, ground reaction force sensors and four cameras. Its successor P3 [64]
was presented in 1997 (30 DoFs, size 1.60 m, mass 130 kg). In the year 2000,
Honda presented the robot Asimo, Figure 1.1b, which was reduced in size and
mass (26 DoFs, height 1.20 m, mass 52 kg). The control system architecture called
“i-Walk” allows the robot to change its direction of movement arbitrarily and
provides greater stability against unexpected disturbance. Besides a stereo vision
system for dynamic environment detection, Asimo integrates speech recognition
and is able to detect the speaker’s location, enabling the robot to take over simple
tasks in a human environment. The current research model Asimo-R (34 DoFs,
height 1.30 m, mass 54 kg) employs additional DoFs in its arms and hands to
extend the robot’s manipulation capabilities. At the end of 2005 Honda announced
that Asimo-R can run straight on and in a slalom course at maximum speeds of
6 km/h and 5 km/h, respectively. According to publicly available data1 , the
maximum walking speed is 2.7 km/h. As its predecessors, Asimo-R relies on
a highly accurate and responsive hardware which is improved by employing
high-dynamic servo actuators with high performance and a lightweight yet rigid
leg structure. Furthermore, the balance controller is extended by bending and
twisting of the torso. In late 2009, Honda published some details on their research
on walking and running, e. g., [185]. Using a robot with similar size as Asimo, the
authors achieve running at 10 km/h. Although many details on the mechatronic
system are not yet disclosed, these impressive results can be regarded as a proof of
concept that fully actuated robots with rigid structure are capable of fast bipedal
Until Honda’s new top mark, Toyota’s running robot, Figure 1.1c, used to be
the fastest humanoid robot at a top speed of 7 km/h, but walking and running is
only feasible on flat surfaces [178]. It has a total of 15 DoFs: each leg has seven
1, accessed on 05/30/2010
1.1 Literature Review 5
DoFs including an actuated toe joint and a one-DoF pelvis joint. The robot stands
1.30 m tall and weighs 50 kg. Toyota’s research focuses on developing new forms
of mobility for elderly care and assistance robots in manufacturing and household
environments. The goal is to achieve close interaction with humans by exploiting
morphological similarities of humans and humanoids. Notably, Toyota’s running
robot is, to the author’s knowledge, the only robot that implements compliance
control for absorbing the landing impacts without force or torque measurement
in the feet and joints. Instead, controlled compliance of some joints is utilized.
The landing impacts are attenuated by adjusting the feedback gains under the
assumption of a flat ground [178].
The “Humanoid Robotics Project” (HRP) funded by the Japanese Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is definitely one of the largest humanoid
robotics projects worldwide. The HRP robot hardware is developed in cooperation
of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
and Kawada Industries. The self-contained robot HRP-2, Figure 1.2a, has a total
of 30 DoFs, including six-DoF arms, one-DoF hands, a two-DoF waist, six-DoF
legs, and a two-DoF head with stereo cameras. The robot is 1.54 m tall and weighs
58 kg [95]. The angular workspace of the joints allows the robot to lay down
on the floor and get up again. The three-DoF hip joint is a specialty within the
kinematic structure of the robot: the adduction/abduction joint2 are arranged
very close to the sagittal plane of the robot, reducing the hip joint loading due
to the small distance to the center of mass. However, the contribution of the
adduction/abduction joints to increasing the step length is limited. Moreover, the
resultant hip joint stiffness is determined by the cantilevered design with a single-
side bearing of the flexion/extension axis. The top speed of HRP-2 is 2.5 km/h
[95]. Kajita et al. [87] present an experimental study of running motion using
2 see Figure A.1 on page 176 for an explanation of the anatomical terminology
6 1 Introduction
the 12-DoF leg module HRP-2P. The maximum running speed is considerably
lower than the top speed of HRP-2. In another study on running, Kajita et al. [90]
develop spring-loaded, passive toe joints for the 12-DoF leg module HRP-2LT. The
successor model prototype HRP-3P stands 1.60 m tall and weighs 65 kg including
batteries. The most important distinctions to HRP-2 are additional DoFs in the
arms and hands, making a total of 36 DoFs, and the sealed body shell, protecting
the robot against ingress of liquid, solid foreign objects and dust [3]. Furthermore,
the on-board PC unit is complemented by several decentralized computer nodes
for motor control and sensor data processing. The computers are connected by
a proprietary real-time Ethernet protocol. HRP-2’s actual successor is shown in
Figure 1.2b. HRP-3 is 1.61 m tall, weighs 68 kg and has a total of 42 DoFs [96]:
the legs have six DoFs each, head and pelvis two DoFs each, and the arms and
hands have seven DoFs and six DoFs, respectively, improving the manipulation
capabilities. As its prototype, HRP-3 has a dust-proof outer shell. The electronics
architecture is modified: now, HRP-3 has a centralized control system for the arms
and head, while decentralized nodes are applied to the legs, pelvis and hands,
using a CAN-based communication architecture [96]. In December 2009, Kaneko
et al. [93] presented the “cybernetic human” HRP-4C. Standing 158 cm tall and
weighing 43 kg (including batteries), the robot has 43 DoFs. The underlying
technology (actuation, electronics, etc.) is basically identical to previous HRP
models, but the proportions and appearance are very human-like.
The JSK lab at the University of Tokyo is another major robotics laboratory. The
former robots H5, H6 and H7 [126] were built by Kawada Industries. The robots
were planned as experimental research platforms for autonomous locomotion and
whole-body motion [41]. The joint motion ranges are adjusted such that the robots
can kneel down and climb stairs to maximum step height of 25 cm. Using the
integrated stereo camera vision system of H7 shown in Figure 1.2c, advanced path
planning methods for locomotion in unknown environments with various fixed
and movable obstacles were developed [127]. Nishiwaki et al. [128] implement
actuated toe joints in the robots H6 und H7. Walking speed increases significantly
which is mainly due to reduced angular velocities in the knee joints. One major
focus of current activities at JSK is developing technologies for multi-purpose
household assistance robots. Using several HRP-2 robots, which were partly
developed at JSK and modified in some details, methods for whole-body motion
planning and vision-based environment recognition are evaluated experimentally.
Another focus is the development of whole-body musculoskeletal humanoids
with flexible spines. The aim of this novel and—at this time—unique approach
to designing humanoid robots is to realize human-like natural motion using a
flexible spine. The “anatomy” of these robots is based on the human skeleton
and manufactured from plastic by rapid prototyping techniques. All joints are
driven by redundant tendon-shaped actuators, each of which is composed of a
tension sensor and a spring-loaded motor-gear unit. Using the tension sensors,
joint stiffness is adjustable. The latest robot Kojiro (height 1.40 m, mass 45 kg)
has a total of 82 DoFs that are actuated by 109 spring-loaded motors [124]. Kojiro,
Figure 1.3a, employs a new spherical shoulder joint mechanism [175]. The highly
redundant actuation and sensor system of these multi-DoF robots with a highly
1.1 Literature Review 7
inertial measurement system in the upper body. The robot is again controlled by a
distributed system comprising DSP-controlled power electronics and an external
main controller which are connected by CAN bus.
Although discontinued at the end of 2002, the anthropomorphic biped robot
BIP2000 (size 1.80 m, mass 105 kg) developed at the French institute INRIA Greno-
ble is worth mentioning as it features some interesting details in its mechanical
structure. BIP2000 consists of two legs with six DoFs each and a three-DoF pelvis
joint, making a total of 15 active joints [35]. All joints are actuated by DC brush-
less motors. Five joints are driven through Harmonic Drive gears, the other ones
employ linear actuators based on planetary roller screws: the knee joint and hip
joint flexion/extension axis are actuated by slider-crank mechanisms. Two-DoF
parallel slider-crank mechanisms are applied to the ankle joint and parts of the
pelvis joint. The joint angles are measured by resolvers on the motor shafts. Three
load cells per foot allow the measurement of the vertical ground reaction force
and two lateral moments. Two-axis inclinometers are mounted on the feet to
measure their inertial orientation. The orientation of all other links including the
upper body is then calculated by inverse kinematics. BIP2000 is controlled by an
on-board computer system based on VME-bus components.
A very sophisticated anthropomorphic robot with hydraulic actuation is de-
signed by Sarcos Research Corporation for ATR Computational Neuroscience
Laboratories, Japan. The robot CB is 1.58 m in height and 92 kg in mass [23]. It has
an active head with seven DoFs, seven-DoF arms and legs, a three-DoF upper body
and six-DoF hands, making 50 DoFs in total. The sensor layout is rather complex
and includes position and velocity sensing at all joints, and torque sensors on
the main joints of the arms, legs, torso and neck. Foot force sensors measure the
ground reactions and two inertial measurement systems on the head and pelvis
provide the orientations of the head and overall system, respectively. Walking
control and force-based balance control run on an on-board computer system,
any processing requiring substantial computing power (vision processing, etc.)
are performed remotely on a cluster of PCs. The robot is supplied by an external
hydraulic pump. The succeeding model CB-i, Figure 1.3c, has a total of 51 DoFs,
measuring 1.55 m and weighing 85 kg. The joints are actuated either electrically
(cameras), pneumatically (hands), or hydraulically (all other joints).
The robot PETMAN built by Boston Dynamics is another hydraulically driven
biped robot that is aimed for testing chemical protection clothing used by the
US Army. The legs look similar to Boston Dynamics’ four-legged robot BigDog.
Despite its non-anthropomorphic leg structure with four links, PETMAN has a
human-like shape and size. According to a video on the company website5 , it is
capable of heel-to-toe walking and currently achieves a walking speed of 7.08 km/h.
Pratt and Krupp [147] present the 12-DoF 3-D walking robot M2V2. The robot
is developed by Yobotics, a spinoff from M.I.T.’s former Leg Laboratory. M2V2
has the traditional leg structure with six DoFs per leg and no actuated DoFs in
the upper body. The leg joints are powered by “Series Elastic Actuators.” These
electric linear actuators are based on ballscrews and incorporate coil springs in
series between the screw output and the load. The output force is controlled
5, accessed on 04/01/2010
10 1 Introduction
surface where the moment M due to the ground reaction force, F G = (fx , fy , fz )T ,
corresponds to the ground reaction moment, M G = (mx , my , mz )T , and is thus
identical to the center of pressure: M = M G − r ZMP × F G = (0, 0, mz )T . Note that
the condition of zero moment about the vertical axis of the contact plane, mz = 0,
is not necessary in general: this moment is compensated by the friction force as
the feet can be assumed not to slide during ground contact. The contact between
the ground and the support leg is stable if the ZMP lies within the foot support
polygon. During normal gait, it is undesirable to have the ZMP on or close to
the edges of the support polygon as an additional moment would easily cause
instability. A common interpretation of this theory is therefore to treat the distance
between ZMP and the edges of the support polygon as a measure for the reserve
of stability.
For now, a large number of approaches for balance control of biped robots have
been proposed and a number of similar ideas have been successfully implemented
on full-size biped robots. A very common approach to maintaining balance is
controlling the contact torques at the feet [89, 110]. These are usually measured
by a multi-component force/torque sensor or several load cells and controlled
via position control of the ankle joints. Another method is to accelerate the CoM
[127, 178] to create a reaction force that stabilizes the robot. Other possible
strategies utilize upper body inclination or foot positions. Reducing the landing
impacts involves the combination of passive and active mechanisms. Many robots
incorporate active control of the vertical contact forces [89, 110]. Large impacts
are avoided by using low gain joint position control in combination with gain
scheduling [127] or inverse dynamics feed forward control [178].
These control components are normally developed independently, so that un-
wanted interference is possible if they are combined. But interference can be
avoided by using an integrated control approach. Löffler [109] proposes an
integrated, model-based approach for the biped Johnnie that is based on feedback
linearization. Unfortunately, the performance of this method is limited by the
available sensor bandwidth, computational power, and model accuracy [110]. A
more fundamental issue is the fact that the computed torque method requires
joint torque control, which is difficult without joint torque sensors.
Buschmann [17, 18, 114] proposes a real-time walking control system for the
robot Lola that plans the walking trajectories on-line using a simplified robot
model. The trajectories are then modified by hybrid position/force control in task
space based on a resolved motion rate scheme. Inertial stabilization is achieved
by modifying the contact force trajectories. Comparable to most other bipeds, a
multi-layered, hierarchical control concept is implemented, with a high gain joint
position control loop on the lowest level [18].
mechanisms which are partly actuated in few joints, thus they do not have to
walk down an incline to accommodate the energetic losses. These minimally
controlled mechanisms contain passive elements like springs and dampers that
utilize inertia and collisions for legged locomotion at minimal power consumption.
Since the natural trajectories of a passive walker are basically determined by its
mechanical structure, they are less versatile and robust than fully actuated biped
robots. Moreover, most of these walkers are designed as planar mechanisms, and
some of them are physically constrained to the sagittal plane. In consequence,
stability must be considered only in the sagittal plane since falling sideward is
not possible. Due to fundamental differences between the stabilization of planar
(2-D) and free (3-D) walking, the comparison between the approaches of passive
walkers and fully actuated biped robots is limited. Nevertheless, there are some
interesting current machines that are only partly passive.
The walkers Denise [201] and Flame [69] developed at Delft University are
“semi-passive dynamic walkers” with partial actuation. Denise (size 1.50 m, mass
8 kg) is pneumatically powered and has five DoFs in the hip, knees and ankles.
The ankles and knees are completely passive, only the hip joint is actuated by
pneumatic muscles. Denise can walk with a velocity of 1.44 km/h. The latest robot
Flame (seven DoFs, mass 15 kg, size 1.30 m) is a 3-D robot with series elastically
actuated hips, knees and ankles. Cable transmissions are employed to reduce the
mass of the legs by placing all electric motors in the torso. The actuated joints
employ series elastic elements that allow joint torque control. The joint angles
are measured by incremental encoders and the inclination of the upper body is
estimated by an inertial sensor. The control loop runs on an on-board PC and
implements torque and/or position control. Flame is able to place its feet sideways.
Currently, it walks at a speed of 1.62 km/h.
At Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute, Hurst et al. [74] develop the
four-DoF planar walker BiMASC to study the role of controllable compliance in
running and control strategies that utilize the leg springs. The robot is driven
by actuators with mechanically adjustable series compliance and designed to
resemble the “Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum” (SLIP) model, a mathematical
model widely used in biomechanics. Despite structural similarities to the “Series
Elastic Actuators” used for example in the robot M2V2 (see Section 1.1.1), the
actuators of BiMASC are large enough to store the energy of a running gait,
whereas the former are primarily intended for sensitive and robust force control.
Moreover, the spring stiffness is mechanically adjustable and can be tuned for a
particular gait or ground surface.
A similar approach is investigated by Vanderborght et al. [191] at the Vrije
University Brussels. The robot Lucy (mass 30 kg, size 1.50 m) is actuated by
pneumatic muscles. Due to adjustable compliance of the pneumatic actuators, the
natural dynamics of the system can be changed according to the situation. Having
a total of six DoFs, Lucy can only walk in the sagittal plane. A guiding mechanism
prevents the robot from falling sideward.
Förg and Ulbrich [37] investigate the influence of elastic mechanisms on
technical, bipedal locomotion by the example of a 3-D multibody simulation
model of a 15-DoF robot that is equipped with rubber straps. The parameters
1.1 Literature Review 13
Figure 1.4: Integration of the sub-project “design and realization” in the overall project
critical components. The overall system is split into modular subsystems. The
design of these sub-assemblies is explained in great detail. The parameter iden-
tification through kinematic calibration and CAD-based link inertial parameter
estimation is described. Finally, the mass distribution is discussed and the dy-
namic performance of the implemented leg architecture is compared with other
The sensor system described in Chapter 4 is able to acquire the complete sys-
tem state. The joint sensors for motor control and link position sensing are
explained. Specific requirements and weight restrictions demand the develop-
ment of customized force/torque sensors for measuring the ground reactions.
They are complemented by contact sensors to disambiguate the contact state of
the feet. The orientation and angular velocities of the upper body are estimated
by a high-precision inertial measurement system.
The computer system is crucial to the performance of the robot. Although
electronics hardware development and programming are not part of this work,
Chapter 5 briefly sketches the electronics architecture and its components. The
central control unit, local DSP nodes and the real-time communication system
are presented. The chapter concludes with an overview of hardware security
The experience gathered from the design and initial operation of the robot are
analyzed in Chapter 6. Based on the lessons learned useful recommendations for
future robot developments are made.
Chapter 7 finally summarizes the results and gives an outlook on future work.
2 Mechatronic Design Concept
Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.
—Erich Fromm
18 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
Requirements Product
em D
Domain-specific design
Figure 2.1: General workflow in Mechanical
the development of mechatronic Software
Control System
systems according to the guide-
Modeling & analysis
line VDI 2206 [192]
motivation for supplementing the central control unit with decentralized units
for motor control and data processing are stressed and the requirements on the
real-time communication system are discussed.
Testing and
Task and
(Ensure Goal
(Plan Goal)
Solution Ideas)
Figure 2.2: Overview of the Munich Procedural Model (adapted from [107])
again verified on system-level. The design process then divides into smaller devel-
opment lines. Actual implementation of the subsystems and single components is
carried out in a domain-specific manner. The development lines can be handled
independently and simultaneously, nevertheless, synchronization is important
throughout the development process. Finally, the development lines get merged
into the complete system, where the interaction of the various components is veri-
fied. The development progress must be validated continuously with respect to
the overall design concept. Thus, all phases of development are supported by the
analysis of system properties by means of simulation models, taking into account
either the complete system, subsystems, or single components. Like engineering
design in general, the robot design process is iterative and open-ended and usually
requires more than one macro-cycle.
For problem solving within the micro-cycles, the “Munich Procedural Model,”
Figure 2.2, is adopted as the underlying procedural model [107]. It can be traced
back to the four well-known steps to solving technical problems: task planning
and clarification, conceptual design, embodiment design and detail design. Al-
though a standard procedure is proposed, the network-like connections enable
iterations or recursions.
x y
Figure 2.3: Kinematic scheme of the robot (R=internal/external
rotation, A=adduction/abduction, F=flexion/extension)
Gard and Childress [43] find that pelvic obliquity and knee flexion do not
reduce CoM vertical displacement as much as originally described, but they are
believed to provide shock absorption during loading response. Croce et al. [25]
quantified the contribution of pelvic rotation in reducing CoM vertical displace-
ment to only 10 %, suggesting that pelvic rotation is only a minor determinant
of gait. But the authors state that heel rise during terminal stance is probably
the most important motion in reducing CoM displacement. Nevertheless, Saun-
ders’ “six determinants of gait” provide a clear and useful basis to determine
the leg topology. Moreover, the hypothesis of minimal CoM motion is in line
with established biped walking control strategies: most of them are based on the
assumption that the CoM is kept at a constant height to decouple its fore-aft and
lateral dynamics [88].
The goal of this research is the development of a humanoid robot with human-
like proportions, range of motion, and kinematic structure. The robot should be
able to move in arbitrary directions with human-like gait and speed of locomotion.
The topology is thus mainly determined by the characteristics of human walking.
Starting from the topology of Johnnie, a suitable joint structure is developed, taking
into account literature on human gait analysis and coordination. Since the number
of actuated degrees of freedom considerably influences the robot’s complexity
and weight, Johnnie achieves the desired mobility with a minimum number of
DoFs [46]. Although this approach still applies to the new design, simulations and
experiments suggest that additional DoFs in a redundant configuration allow to
implement more natural and flexible gait patterns and, more generally, extend
the abilities of the robot. Moreover, kinematic redundancies can reduce the joint
loads, provided that appropriate algorithms for redundancy resolution are used.
The kinematic scheme for the robot is therefore planned with 25 actuated DoFs,
forming a tree-structure topology with the upper body as the root link. Figure 2.3
shows the proposed robot topology. The trunk has two and the head three joints,
the arms have six joints (three each) and the legs 14 joints (seven each). Regarding
the joints of leg and pelvis, the kinematic chain of the upper body with respect to
the stance foot is redundant with nine DoFs.
During experiments with Johnnie it became evident that testing new controller
22 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
concepts and gait patterns can benefit from larger workspaces. For instance,
moving over obstacles and climbing stairs were not considered in the design and
limited the robot’s agility to smaller obstacles and steps. Moreover, the maximum
step length was limited by the workspace of the ankle joints. For high mobility
and agility, the joint motion ranges are therefore enlarged. Table 2.1 lists the
angular workspaces of the joints.
about 40 % of the body weight is imposed on the toes in the final gait phases
[73]. As figured out by Kerrigan et al. [98], heel rise in human gait contributes
a considerable portion of the reduction in CoM vertical displacement. Heel rise
occurs during terminal stance, shortly before the swing leg touches ground [142].
An experimental study by Takao et al. [180] with humans wearing mechanically
constrained shoes shows that one-segment feet are clearly inferior to feet with toe
segments both for straight and slalom walking. Typical models of human gait
treat the feet as rigid links and provide six DoFs per leg, combining all movements
of the toes and other foot joints into the ankle joint. Since the anatomical structure
of the human foot is by far more complex, such simplifications are not valid for
faster locomotion and running [129]. A more detailed model proposed by Carson
et al. [22] separates the foot into three links: the hindfoot, forefoot and hallux, the
latter representing the toes.
Due to the importance of stance leg heel rise in human walking, the idea of
implementing toe joints on a humanoid robot is not new. One can basically dis-
tinguish between robots with passive and active toe joints. A simulative study
by Sellaouti et al. [170] proves the relevance of toe joints for step length aug-
mentation. By comparing gait patterns for flat and toed feet, the authors increase
the walking speed by 50 % for feet with passive toes. Ogura et al. [132] im-
plement passive toe joints in the robot Wabian-2R to walk with stretched knees
and heel-off gait patterns. Kajita et al. [90] develop spring-loaded, passive toe
joints for HRP-2LT to retrieve kinetic energy during running. The advantages of
passive toe joints are obvious: they are simple and lightweight in design, and heel
rise occurs automatically due to the whole-body dynamics. Like monolithic feet,
however, heel-off with passive toe joints cause an underactuated phase at the end
of single support because moments about the lateral axis cannot be transferred
to the ground. These problems are overcome by actively driven toe joints. But
the foot design gets more complex and the need for a motor-gear unit increases
the weight of the foot significantly. To the author’s knowledge, there are only
three full-size humanoid robots with active toe joints. The robots H6 and H7 use
actuated toe joints to reduce knee joint velocity during double support phase.
In an experiment with H6, Nishiwaki et al. [128] increase the walking speed
by 80 %. Toyota’s running robot [178] is able to run as fast as 7 km/h by using
active toe joints. Yamamoto et al. [206] develop a toe joint for the miniature
humanoid robot UT-µ2 using a parallel four-bar mechanism. The robot contacts
ground with the toe tips and a non-movable part of the toe segment which allows
to decrease the required joint torques and the actuator mass. The kinematics of
the mechanism yield a foot displacement in the fore-aft direction that depends on
the toe angle and the radii of the contact elements and must be taken into account
in the trajectory planning algorithms.
Design approach
For reduced joint loading and larger step lengths, an additional link is imple-
mented between the forefoot and heel, equivalent to the human toes. Figure 2.4
illustrates the benefits of actuated toe joints. The major advantage is the larger
step length. Heel lift-off is feasible and allows the swing leg to be in a more
extended configuration during mid-swing. The actively controlled area contact of
26 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
(a) Increased step length (b) Higher mobility (c) New motion
the toe segment allows to transfer stabilizing moments about the axes tangential
to the ground. Moreover, the joints facilitate rolling the feet from heel to toe which
reduces the joint loads in the hip and knee, as opposed to the conventional six-DoF
leg configuration. In general, actuated toe joints augment the robot’s mobility, it
is able to climb higher steps, and can execute more complex, or all new motion
stiffness of these elements under shear loading is considerably lower than under
pressure loading which limits the bandwidth of transferable forces and moments
and, thus, the performance of force control. Moreover, the material properties of
these rubber-metal elements is mainly elastic but damping is rather low. The shear
stiffness is increased in a refined version of the HRP-2 foot by a combination of
compression/shear mounts with ring mount elements [136]. Honda filed several
patent applications on design features of humanoid robot feet. The foot structure
of the robot P3 holds several elastic elements for shock attenuation. Position
sensors measure the displacement of the outer sole with respect to the main
foot segment [182]. Another approach improves shock absorption by means of a
reinforced elastomer layer with viscoelastic insets at the heel [49]. A more recent
patent application claims an ultra-lightweight foot design with plate springs made
from fiber-reinforced plastic and damping material, assembled in a sandwich-
like structure [184]. Another foot system which is adaptable to uneven terrain is
developed by Hashimoto et al. [62]. The contact elements are attached to each
corner of the foot and act as vertical sliding mechanisms. The sliders are locked
after they are adjusted to a surface. Gienger et al. [47] develop a foot structure
for the robot Johnnie which is similar to the foot mechanism of WL-12: it has four
chamfered ground contact elements coated with rubber. A large block-shaped
damper made from viscoelastic material is integrated between the upper and
lower foot plates to reduce landing impacts. Linear potentiometers measure the
deformations of the damping layer. A passive rotational DoF between the leading
and rear contact elements makes the foot-ground contact statically determinate
and allows to compensate smaller unevenness. However, the damper block is
rather compliant under shear and pressure loading which easily causes instability.
In particular, deformation of the damper by lateral moments considerably limits
controller bandwidth. Therefore, this design was replaced by a simplified foot
system with four point-contact elements. Each contact element comprises a
viscoelastic damping layer and a high-wear contact layer. Shear of the contact
elements due to tangential forces is omitted by a sliding contact bearing, allowing
only vertical compliance.
reduce the impact force itself but the rate at which body weight is transferred to
the stance foot [199]. The motion of the subtalar joint lowers the ankle and leg,
increasing the time over which the foot is decelerated and energy is dissipated
[13]. Due to their reaction time, however, active mechanisms can only attenuate
impacts of a certain bandwidth. Passive shock attenuators are body tissues in the
heel pad and the joints with viscoelastic properties, acting as low-pass filters by
absorbing higher-frequency components of the transient forces [146]. The heel pad
is between 10 mm and 20 mm thick and spreads the load over the whole plantar
surface [157]. The compression during initial contact ranges from 3 mm to 8 mm
During initial contact and early stance, the human foot is required to be a flexible
and adaptable structure to accommodate to unevenness in the terrain. Conversely,
during the propulsive phase it must perform as a rigid lever to transmit effectively
the propulsive forces which are applied to it. These apparently contradictory
functions are accomplished by a complex interaction of the subtalar and midtarsal
joint [13]. In addition, the progressive material properties of the heel pad tissue
ensure ground contact during stance [157].
Heel position after
initial contact 7
12 6 5
4 9
9 8 8
10 10
11 11
2 3
Figure 2.5: Design concept of the robotic feet. The passive heel segment and hydraulic
damper account for effective for shock attenuation at initial contact.
rubber. Both layers are connected without any rigid part in between. Thus, the
feet interact with the environment only via viscoelastic elements and can easily
adapt to the ground surface by deformation.
Several mechanisms are combined for effective shock attenuation at initial con-
tact, acting as mechanical low-pass filters for the transferred forces. Besides the
viscoelastic contact elements (9–11), the passive heel segment (2) and hydraulic
shock absorber (12) account for additional energy dissipation, similar to the hu-
man hindfoot. The mechanical end stop (13) determines the heel position after
initial contact and thus ensures proper transmission of the propulsive forces and
stabilizing moments during ground contact. Although necessary for the perfor-
mance of force control, the compliant foot-ground contact bounds the mechanical
bandwidth of the ground reaction forces and moments. The mechanisms for pas-
sive shock absorption are thus limited by the bandwidth required by the balance
controller and must be complemented by active mechanisms. Possible approaches
are vertical impedance control of the foot touching the ground [18], or joint servo
gain scheduling of the swing leg [127].
r tc
r tc
r sc
r sc
(a) Stiffness (b) CoM height (c) Link and leg inertia
Figure 2.6: Design objectives for improved dynamic behavior of the locomotor system
at higher speeds of locomotion. Left to right: high effective stiffness; maximal height
of the robot’s center of mass; low-inertia design of the leg links.
forces and moments necessary for propulsion and to stabilize the upper body
DoFs. In summary, the most important indices for evaluating the dynamics of
fully actuated biped robots are:
– Mobility (topology of the kinematic chain, space of motion of the legs and
arms, degree of redundancy, cf. Section 2.2)
– Agility (speed and acceleration capability)
– Force capability (magnitude of propulsive and stabilizing forces bounded by
the compliant unilateral ground contact, cf. Section 2.3)
– Actuator limits (joint torque limits)
– Mechanical properties (structural stiffnesses, natural frequencies, mass,
amount of moving masses)
– Accuracy
The acceleration capability of the locomotor system is closely related to the
actuator limits and mechanical properties. Evidently, lightweight mechanical
structures contribute to better dynamic properties, which are usually penalized
by added weight. Moreover, they allow for smaller servo actuators, which in turn
yield additional weight savings.
Focusing on stiffness and damping properties, Rivin [154] addresses critical
aspects of the mechanical design of fixed-base robotic systems. Most of these
approaches can be adapted to the specifics of biped robots. In addition, three
basic design objectives aiming at high-dynamic behavior of the locomotor system
are illustrated in Figure 2.6 and discussed in the following subsections: (a) high
effective stiffness; (b) maximal height of the robot’s total CoM; (c) low-inertia
design of the leg links.
l 1c
E, I , %, A v2 v3 khip
L ϕ̈
kknee ϕ̈stance
L3 m m2
m0 = 3 %Aϕ̈
u kcontact
kankle z
z mfoot x
(a) Cantilever beam (b) Swing leg (c) Stance leg
Figure 2.7: Requirements on the leg structure for high stiffness. Left: elastic cantilever
beam; right: changing kinematic configuration of the legs during the swing and
stance phases.
For an industrial manipulator arm, these results suggest high stiffness of the
proximal link, while low weight is more emphasized for distal links. In the case
of a biped robot with structure-varying topology, however, this design approach
would at a first glance alternately apply to the thigh and shank links. From robot
simulations, however, it can be seen that the highest link accelerations occur in
swing phase, hence this phase puts higher demands on leg dynamics than stance
phase, where the load-bearing capability is more relevant. Moreover, since a
timely ground contact of the stance leg is critical for walking stability, minimizing
deviations from the desired swing leg trajectory is an important design goal.
Although the roles of material, cross-sectional properties and support in altering
the fundamental frequency are limited, the influence of these parameters on lateral
vibrations can be studied using the dynamic beam equation:
2 2 u 2 u
EI + %A = f (x) (2.1)
x2 x2 t2
Here E is the Young’s modulus, I the second moment of area, A the cross-sectional
area, % the material density and f (x) an external load. For a uniform beam,
E, I, %, A = const., of length L the natural frequencies for free vibration, f (x) = 0,
can be computed from Eq. (2.1) as
ωi = λ2i . (2.2)
Here the eigenvalues λ2i relate to the boundary conditions of Eq. (2.1) and the
particular mode i of interest. The corresponding mode shapes, v i , for the first
three solutions are illustrated in Figure 2.7a.
34 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
The relationship between beam support, material and geometric parameters and
the fundamental mode of vibration can be seen from Eq. (2.2). While λ2i could only
be increased by providing additional support, the cantilever support naturally
limits beam stiffness. Length L is constant and given by anthropometric data,
so that the only parameters for maximizing the natural frequencies are material
and geometry. The material properties, denoted by specific modulus E/%, suggest
the use of high specific modulus materials, e. g., fiber-reinforced composites (cf.
Section 3.10). Beam cross-sectional geometry is represented by I/A. This ratio
is evidently maximized for geometries showing high second moment at small
cross-sectional area. In other words, the links should be designed with large,
closed cross sections and minimum wall thickness.
Joint and Drive Compliance
Joints, actuators and drive mechanisms are critical design components, since they
typically represent the largest part of total compliance of robotic structures [154].
Optimization of effective stiffness must therefore include compliance of joint and
transmission components.
Linkage joints must accommodate constraint forces and moments between
the links. Greater stiffness is achieved with rolling bearings in backlash-free
arrangements. O-arrangements with adjusted clearance or preload are preferred
for joints subjected to large tilting moments due to the increased “virtual” bearing
distance (cf. Section 3.2). Another major concern is the weight of a joint. An
optimal tradeoff is often achieved by using thin-section bearings with reduced
cross sections but larger bore diameters and greater number of rolling elements.
The issues related to an optimal selection and design of actuators and drive
mechanisms are addressed in Section 2.5.2.
In the following, effects of the structure-varying kinematic chain on the leg
joints are analyzed using a simplified 2-D model. For the sake of simplicity it
is assumed that the deflection of the leg endpoint due to link elasticity is small
compared to joint compliance. The leg is approximated as a planar mechanism
of two rigid links, i = 1, 2, each with length li , mass mi and CoM position lic . The
foot is modeled as a lumped mass mfoot attached to the free end of the second link.
Links and foot are connected by flexible joints with stiffnesses khip , kknee and kankle .
During swing and stance phase, the leg rotates about its base joint with constant
angular acceleration, ϕ̈swing and ϕ̈stance , respectively.
For the swing leg, the upper body is assumed fixed in space and the hip joint is
the base joint of the leg (Figure 2.7b). Then deviations of the desired foot motion
are mainly due to hip and knee joint compliances, while the effects of ankle joint
elasticity are less emphasized. By analogy with the above considerations of the
analytical bending beam, the hip joint stiffness must be the highest, followed by
the knee and ankle joint stiffnesses: khip > kknee kankle .
Conversely, the stance leg contacts ground with its free end (i. e., the viscoelastic
layer at the foot) to support the upper body, as illustrated in Figure 2.7c. Without
loss of validity the foot-ground contact is considered as a passive pivot with stiff-
ness kcontact , forming the “base joint” during stance phase. Contrary to the swing
leg, the foot-ground contact and ankle joint must show the highest stiffnesses in
order to minimize upper body deviations, while the knee and hip joint stiffnesses
2.4 General Requirements on a High-Dynamic Leg Architecture 35
are less critical: kcontact ≥ kankle > kknee > khip . However, contact stiffness is rated to
effectively attenuate impacts (cf. Section 2.3) and ensure performance of ankle
joint torque control, and distinctly lower than the stiffnesses of the hip joint and
other leg components: kcontact khip . Indeed, upper body deviations during stance
are dominated by compliance in the foot-ground contact.
As with the link structures, alternating leg topologies during the gait cycle yield
conflicting requirements on the leg joints. However, since the highest accelerations
occur during swing phase, the hip joint must evidently show the highest torsional
stiffness. Though torsional stiffness of the the knee and ankle joints can be
distinctly lower, yet large enough to ensure good control performance and high
bandwidth of the torque controller.
Design Approach
In summary, the leg structure must meet the following requirements to achieve
high stiffness and minimal deflection from the desired trajectories:
– Generally high stiffness of link structures in bending and torsion
– High stiffness of the thigh link. The shank link should be designed extremely
lightweight with less strict requirements to stiffness.
– Thin-walled cross sections with high second moment of area. Additionally,
links should taper in cross section and/or wall thickness to reduce associated
gravity and inertial loading (see also Section 3.2).
– High torsional stiffness of the hip joint, followed by the knee and ankle joints
– Joint drive mechanisms and their auxiliary transmission components de-
signed for high acceleration capability and sufficient bandwidth, see Sec-
tion 2.5.2
– Linkage joints in backlash-free arrangements, preferably O-arrangements
with adjusted clearance or preload
– Very lightweight foot design, see Section 2.3
According to this approximation, the CoM lateral swing ∆yCoM decreases with
higher CoM positions zCoM for a given single support period Ts . Lower lateral
swing augments the stability of the robot at higher walking speeds because the
angular momentum about the fore-aft axis is reduced. Maximizing the height of
the robot’s CoM is therefore a basic design guideline.
Moreover, achieving a human-like mass distribution by concentrating the mass
in the upper part of the robot would be desirable. As pointed out in Section 2.6,
most servo actuators typically are in the robot’s legs. Considering the resultant
mass distribution, it seems unlikely to shift the total CoM above the hip joint
without adding masses to the upper body, cf. Figure 2.6b. In particular, arranging
parts of the leg drive mechanisms in the upper body is very difficult. This approach
normally leads to very complex drive mechanisms with various transmission
components, spanning several links and multi-DoF joints. Moreover, the longer
transmission distance increases the motor-side inertia and may introduce backlash.
In summary, the practical influence on CoM height is limited. Shifting the total
CoM as close as possible to the hip joint is nevertheless an important design
guideline, provided that the robot’s performance is not affected by complicated
drive mechanisms.
leg apparatus and nonlinear effects due to varying inertia can further improve the
acceleration capability of the entire leg. Ideally, the individual link inertias should
decrease from the base to the end link. However, in many conventional biped
robot designs the actuator of a leg link is located at or close to the articulated
joint of the link. Hence the entire leg apparatus becomes heavy and bulky which
detracts from the desired dynamic performance. It is therefore proposed to locate
heavier component parts not only close to the articulated joint of an individual
link but near the pivot point of the hip joint, whenever possible.
Note that also the elastodynamic behavior of the drivetrains benefits from lower
link inertias since the load inertia enters the calculation of the natural frequency
and antiresonance of a drive mechanism, Eq. (3.17) on page 89. The problem is
becomes evident in the hip joint: the flexion/extension drive is subjected to high
torque loading and alternating speeds with high accelerations. Reducing the load-
side inertia increases the antiresonance frequency, along with the capability of
the actuator to compensate disturbances and respond to desired actions. Further
details are discussed in Footnote 6.
Finally, the performance and robustness of balance control can benefit from
a sophisticated leg design. Balance control and real-time trajectory generation
are currently only feasible by using simplified models. Most of them rely on an
“inverted pendulum model” approach, treating the robot as a single point mass.
The modeling error is mainly due to swing leg dynamics and leads to oscillations
of the upper body. Although more exact models, e. g., [17], may compensate
for some of these errors, the stability margin available for balance control is
narrowed by poor leg dynamics if a certain amount of stability reserves accounts
for compensating modeling errors. Conversely, greater stability reserves are
available for actual disturbances of the robot if the locomotor system is optimized
for low disturbances by leg angular momentum and other nonlinear effects.
2.5.1 Actuators
Although the literature survey in the previous section suggests certain “conver-
gence” towards the combination of electric motors and Harmonic Drive gears, it is
worth considering other actuation principles for humanoid robots [81]:
Pneumatic actuators have a rather poor power density and are compliant due
to air compressibility which makes them unsuitable for position-controlled
servo applications.
2 See the clarification of brushless motor terminology in Footnote 3 on the facing page.
2.5 Joint Mechanisms 39
3 Several ill-defined terms are used and mixed up in the literature and technical documents
on EC motors: since “AC servo motors” are often referred to as induction motors, the term
“AC Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor” (PMSM) is used for EC motors with sinusoidal
back-EMF. EC motors with trapezoidal back-EMF are referred to as “Brushless DC Motors”
40 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
peak torques for longer intervals which is of particular importance when the
motors are in reversing operation around zero speed. Although EC motors are
simpler in design than BDCM, they require more complex controllers and motor
electronics. But the integration level of current power and control electronics
allows the cost-effective and extremely compact design of the necessary electronics,
making EC motors the de-facto standard for high-performance servo motors in
industrial applications.
Comparing the different types of EC motors, BLDCM are apparently easier in
control and rotor position sensing: three Hall sensors provide six different switch
combinations per (electrical) revolution. The rotating field for a PMSM is usually
generated by field-oriented control [149, 166] and requires high-resolution rotor
position feedback (encoder or resolver). Both motor types are comparable in small-
signal and large-signal dynamic behavior. At higher speeds the commutation
torque ripples of a BLDCM are damped out effectively by rotor inertia but severely
affect low-speed performance. In particular, the accuracy and repeatability of
position-servo performance deteriorates [166]. PMSM on the other hand, have the
advantage of lower acoustic noise and torque ripple and are therefore preferred in
high-performance speed and position-servo applications.
Volume and size of the motors are critical factors in high-performance applications
such as robotics. In order to realize the desired motion patterns, the motors
must exhibit high power density and provide sufficiently large torque and speed
bandwidths. Before actually dimensioning the servo motors (see Section 3.3.2), a
motor family is selected by comparing the technical data using different indices.
Several performance measures for robotic servo systems were proposed. For
example, the “joint quality measure” by Hirzinger et al. [66] takes into account
peak torque, maximum velocity and mass of the servo motor and transmission
components. Gienger [46] proposes the “specific dynamic continuous torque”
which takes into account motor mass, motor and gear inertia, gear ratio and gear
friction. Both indices are based on parameters that can only be determined from
the final design. Thus, they are of limited use for component selection in an early
design stage, where only catalog data are available. For the pre-selection of a
motor family, benchmarks based on publicly available data are necessary. Again,
various selection criteria exist [103], and the most relevant ones are:
1. Power density
2. Acceleration capability
3. Efficiency and overall performance
Power density P /mm [W/kg] cannot be determined reliably if the motor phase
voltage is not known yet. Therefore, the ratio of continuous stall torque and motor
mass τc /mm [Nm/kg], referred to as “specific continuous torque,” is proposed to
indicate power density. The motor’s acceleration capability can be seen from the
peak-torque-to-inertia ratio τp /Jm [rad/s2 ]. The so-called “dynamic factor” indicates
motor acceleration at maximum torque without external load. Usually the inverter
is not rated to deliver the current corresponding to the peak torque τp , hence the
2.5 Joint Mechanisms 41
Figure 2.8 compares servo motors from different manufacturers4 . Figure 2.8(a) and
(b) show the specific continuous torque τc /mm as a measure of power density and
the continuous-torque-to-inertia ratio τc /Jm indicating the acceleration capability,
respectively. Figure 2.8(c) shows the motor constant Km which relates to the
motor efficiency. For the best power-to-weight ratio, only motors using rare-earth
magnetic material (NdFeB, SmCo) are considered. All motors have an inner rotor
design, that is, the rotor is designed inside the stator. This design is preferred in
incremental motion applications where low inertia and fast response are required.
Note that the analysis considers both frameless and housed motors. Frameless
motors (or kit motors) are delivered as individual components (stator, rotor, feed-
back sensor) and allow for very compact and lightweight actuator designs. Motor
housing and cooling can be tailored to the application, enabling the tight integra-
tion into the mechanical structure. The motor shaft and bearing arrangement are
designed in the same manner, matching the precise needs of the application. In
many cases the direct coupling of frameless motor and reduction gear is feasible
and eliminates auxiliary transmission components such as belts, pulleys, auxiliary
gears and couplings. Hence the drivetrain is less complex, free from backlash
and slip, and the resultant stiffness and bandwidth increase. The housings of
commercial motors, on the other hand, are industrially ruggedized and typically
made from steel. Also, the rotor inertia of a housed motor includes the shaft and
bearings, whereas the inertia of a frameless motor only considers the permanent
4 The analysis compares commercially available BDCM and PMSM from Aerotech [1, 2], Axsys
[8, 9], Kollmorgen [28], Maxon [115], Parker Bayside [141], RoboDrive [156], and Wittenstein
42 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
1.4 b
b b
b b b
b b b
b b
1.0 bb
b b
b bb b b
b b b b
b bb
2 b
b b r Lola b
b b
b b
b b
b b
r b
r b
b b b b b
0.6 b
b b
r r bbb b
bb b b b b
b b b b b
b b brb b b b
b bb b bb b
1 b b b bb b b
b bb
b r r
r b b
b b
b b
b rr r b b b b
b b b b b b b
bb r r r r r b b bb
0.2 b b b b b b b
r b
bb b b b rr r r bb b b b b
b b r r r r b rb b b r r b b b
r r r r b b
br r b r r rrr r b
rr r r r b r r b b
rb b b r b b b b b b b b b b b b b
rbrb bbr r r r
r r
b b b b
r r r rb r b b b r r b b rrr r
r r b
0 0 r b
b r r b r b r rr b r r br r r r r b b r r r b b b b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
τc [Nm] τc [Nm]
Aerotech (BDCM, housed)
Aerotech (PMSM, frameless)
Axsys (BDCM, frameless)
Km [Nm/ W]
b b
0.6 r
b b
Axsys (PMSM, frameless)
r b b
Maxon (BDCM, housed)
b b
Kollmorgen (PMSM, frameless)
Parker Bayside (PMSM, frameless)
b bb b b
r b b
b b
b b
b b
b b
RoboDrive (PMSM, frameless)
r rrr r b b
0.2 r b b b
r b b
Wittenstein (PMSM, housed)
b rr b b b
b rb
r bb b b b b
b rr b b b b r b
bb r br r b r r b b b b b
b r r r r b b br b b
b r r r r b b b b b b b b bb b b
r bb
r r bb bb b b b
0 r b r b b bb b b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
τc [Nm]
Figure 2.8: Power density, acceleration capability and efficiency of commercial BDCM
and PMSM, represented by the (a) specific continuous torque; (b) continuous-torque-
to-inertia ratio; (c) motor constant.
magnets. Thus, the comparison between frameless and housed motors using mass-
relateed benchmarks is limited. Nevertheless, servo actuators using frameless
motors are supposed to have a significantly higher power-to-weight ratio and
acceleration capability than actuators based on standard framed motors with the
same power rating.
Obviously, PMSM are clearly superior to BDCM both in specific continuous
torque and continuous-torque-to-inertia ratio. RoboDrive [156] offers frameless
PMSM in a segmented lamination design with a high pole count that are opti-
mized for robotic applications. The motors are characterized by a high torque
capacity at low power consumption and losses. Due to the high pole count, these
motors are optimized for high torque delivery and efficiency at low and medium
speeds. However, motors with high torque and speed bandwidths are required
for a humanoid walking robot which is targeted to achieve human-like speeds
of locomotion. Frameless PMSM from Parker Bayside [141], on the other hand,
2.5 Joint Mechanisms 43
Direct Drives
The kinematically simplest actuation mechanism interfaces an EC motor with
high-torque and low-speed characteristics between the links without any reduction
gear. Since mechanical gearing is completely eliminated, drive stiffness is high,
friction is significantly reduced, and mechanical backlash and hysteresis are
removed. Direct drives are fully backdrivable which would be particularly relevant
for the sagittal plane joints: similar to human walking [142], the knee and hip
actuators would accelerate the links at selected intervals of the gait cycle, while
5 Backdrivability is the ability to move the output of the drive mechanism throughout the
workspace without opposition. It is usually characterized by the backdriving friction of the
mechanism. Backdrivability is usually reduced by certain elements, such as gears and fric-
tion in the motors and drive mechanisms.
44 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
Figure 2.9: Working principle of the Harmonic Drive gear. The Circular Spline is fixed
to the environment and the Wave Generator is driven by an actuator. The arrows
indicate the relative position of the Wave Generator and Flexspline.
1 Wave Generator
2 Flexspline
3 Circular Spline
Figure 2.10: Harmonic Drive component set in a customized lightweight version. The
Circular Spline has a T-shaped cross section, the Wave Generator plug is a solid body
made from aluminum without Oldham coupling.
1 Screw shaft
3 2 Nut
3 Roller
4 4 Carrier
Figure 2.11: Mechanical design of a planetary roller screw (adapted from [78])
so that a large variety of types is available, e. g., [173], including special and
application-specific designs (actuated nut systems, large-lead screws, etc.).
The permissible rotational speed is limited by the ball recirculation system
in the nut housing. The static and dynamic load rating are determined by
the number of contacts and the contact areas between the balls and the nut
or screw, respectively. As the number of contact points is limited by the
ball size and other design factors, the obvious way of increasing the load
capacity is to select a screw with larger diameter. For joints that must cover
a wide speed range and are subjected to high loads (such as the knee joints),
however, shaft inertia and weight increase significantly. A very expensive
measure is to employ customized hollow-bored screw shafts which have
reduced inertia and weight and higher critical rotating speed but lower axial
stiffness and maximum permissible compressive load.
Planetary roller screws have grooved rollers as rolling members and are less
common than ballscrews. The components are shown in Figure 2.11. The
screw shaft (1) has a multi-threaded profile. The nut (2) has an internal
thread which is complementary to that of the screw shaft. The rollers (3)
have a single-threaded profile and are constantly engaged with the screw
(1) and the nut (2). In addition, rollers and nut are geared together to avoid
slip and the rollers are supported by carrier (4) to insure equal spacing.
The operating mechanism of a planetary roller screw is analogous to the
motion of a planetary gear, and one revolution of the screw shaft results in
an axial displacement on the nut corresponding to its lead [78]. The number
of contact points is significantly higher than at similar-sized ballscrews
and goes along with considerably higher static and dynamic load ratings.
Moreover, the large number of contact points results in greater axial stiffness
and better tolerance against shock loading. Since there is no recirculation
system necessary for the rolling members, the rotational speed is limited only
by the centrifugal forces in the nut. Planetary roller screws can therefore
be operated at higher speeds and can withstand higher acceleration and
deceleration rates.
For minimal inertia it is advisable to actuate the lead screw shaft and move the
nut along the shaft. The rolling contact makes ballscrews and planetary roller
2.5 Joint Mechanisms 47
Table 2.2: Comparison chart of Harmonic Drive gears, ballscrews and plane-
tary roller screws
Criterion Harmonic Drive Ballscrew Planetary roller screw
Load ratings ++ + ++
Lifetime ++ ◦ ++
Output speed + ++ +
Positioning accuracy ++ ++ ++
Backlash No∗ No† No†
Backdrivability ◦ + +
Stiffness + +† ++†
Shock loads ◦ ◦ ++
Space requirements ++ + ++
Available range of reduction ratios + ++ +
Efficiency at nominal torque ≥ 85 % ≥ 90 % ≥ 90 %
Backdriving efficiency ◦ ++‡ ++‡
Power density ++ + ++
∗ There are hysteresis losses and so-called “lost motion” in the low-torque region.
† Pre-loaded nuts eliminate backlash and increase stiffness.
‡ The backdriving efficiency depends on the pre-load, screw diameter and pitch.
gears are a very compact solution with high torque ratings and low backlash
(typically in the range of 4 arc min or even ≤1 arc min for position servo
applications) at efficiencies up to 97 %. Multi-stage planetary gear trains
can achieve reduction ratios well over 100. Despite these advantageous
characteristics, planetary gears are not suitable as main reduction gears
because of an unfavorable power-to-weight ratio. On the other hand, the
overall torque-to-weight ratio of an actuator can be improved by integrating
a planetary pre-stage within the Wave Generator of a Harmonic Drive gear
[174]. Such units provide high reduction ratios in a compact space envelope,
enabling the use of high-speed motors with a high power density.
Cycloidal gear reducers are widely used in the joints of industrial robots. They
are characterized by high torsional stiffness, compact measurements and a
high efficiency resulting from the rolling contact of all major load transmit-
ting components.
Auxiliary Transmissions
Actuator placement is a tradeoff between weight, link inertia, compliance and
complexity of the drive mechanisms. The early actuation concept of the robot
aimed at the direct coupling of electric motor and gear unit without any couplings
and other auxiliary transmission components in between. Besides reduced weight,
such drivetrains are free from backlash and slip and have higher stiffness and
system bandwidth. On the other hand, the considerations made in Section 2.4
suggest that actuator relocation by means of auxiliary transmissions is essential
to optimize the mass distribution of the legs for high acceleration capability. The
longer transmission distance reduces inertia and gravity loading but can introduce
compliance and backlash effects. System stiffness and transmission accuracy may
be impaired and oscillations of the servo drivetrain may occur. In summary, the
positive effects of actuator relocation on global system dynamics are much more
significant than the weight savings and greater drivetrain stiffness in the case of
the direct coupling of motor and gear unit. Possible transmission elements for
actuator relocation are band drives, cable drives, synchronous drive belts, bevel
gears and coupler links:
Band drives (e. g., steel, titanium, or aramid cord belt) are generally very stiff
and accurate transmission members. They are widely used in industrial ap-
plications for the transmission of limited-travel rotational and translational
movements, e. g., in SCARA-type robots. Because of the high stiffness and
load rating, band drives are usually implemented at the output of a torque
motor or conventional motor-gear unit, allowing to separate the entire servo
actuator from the joint axis. Using a band drive, it is difficult to span one or
more joint axes.
Cable drives are similar to band drives but steel wire ropes or bowden cables are
used as transmission members. Cable transmissions are used as tendons in
the WAM Arm built by Barrett Technology7 and some humanoids [7, 188],
allowing for a low-inertia design and the actuation of multi-DoF joints in a
7 Available at:
2.5 Joint Mechanisms 49
8 Although the term “timing belt” originates from combustion engine technology, it is widely
used in mechanical engineering. Still, the term “synchronous belt” which originates from
industrial power transmission is used throughout this thesis.
50 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
adduction/abduction and flexion/extension axes are offset from one another for
simplified mechanical design and easier integration of the actuators. A different
structure is applied to the robots HRP-2 and HRP-3. The internal/external rotation
axis is situated close to the sagittal plane, resulting in a cantilever structure of the
hip joint. The so-called “cantilevered crotch joint” reduced collisions between the
thighs and allows for walking in confined areas [95, 96]. Nakamura et al. [123]
propose a “double spherical joint” for the robot UT-θ. The spherical hip joints of
both legs have a shared center of rotation in the sagittal plane to fully decouple
the movements of the trunk and legs. To the author’s knowledge, very few robots
have a parallel mechanism applied to at least two hip joint DoFs. Konno et al.
[102] adopt a mechanism to the robot ROBIAN. A parallel mechanism composed
of two linear actuators drives the abduction/adduction and internal/external
rotation joints. The flexion/extension joint is driven independently by a rotary
drive. Hofschulte et al. [70] develop a three-DoF spherical parallel hip joint
for the robot LISA. All motors are situated in the pelvis. A spherical ball bearing
unloads the mechanism from the robot’s mass. The complex mechanism is com-
posed of several spatial links and shows considerable compliance. The three-DoF
hip joint of the robot iCub uses a two-DoF cable differential mechanism in the
flexion/extension and abduction/adduction axes, the internal/external rotation
of the thigh is actuated independently [188]. Finally, Rosheim [158] provides an
extensive survey of three-DoF wrist designs for industrial robots on the basis of
serial and parallel actuation principles, which can serve as a source of inspiration.
Solution Approach
The individual axes of the hip joint show very different loading profiles (see Ap-
pendix D). While the internal/external rotation and adduction/abduction axes are
subjected to moderate torque loadings at small motion arcs, the flexion/extension
axis is among the highest loaded leg joints. These characteristics suggest the use
of a parallel mechanism for the hip joint. However, the large angular workspace
of the flexion/extension axis makes the realization of a reliable three-DoF paral-
lel mechanism very difficult. The problem is reduced by combining a two-DoF
parallel mechanism with a third axis that is driven independently. While the
comparatively small angular ranges of the internal/external rotation and ad-
duction/abduction axes allow the design of a mechanism without considerable
posture-dependent stiffness variations, this architecture does not fully utilize the
advantage of load distribution. The highly loaded flexion/extension axis with is
large motion arc is actuated outside the parallel structure. Conversely, a mech-
anism comprising the adduction/abduction and flexion/extension axes avoids
these shortcomings, however, the large workspace of the flexion/extension axis
makes the realization very difficult. Moreover, the posture-dependent stiffness
may cause unacceptable deflections or structural vibrations at higher loads.
The positive experience of the Johnnie project, on the other hand, suggests
to actuate the hip joint in a serial configuration. The proper kinematic and
mechanical design ensures a high static and dynamic stiffness and can improve
the load distribution among the drives. Three serial drives compose a spherical
joint with all axes intersecting in a single point. The principle axes arrangement
is identical to the robot Johnnie because it avoids singular configurations in the
2.6 Kinematic Structure of the Leg Joints 53
Related Work
The knees of all full-size humanoid robots are designed as one-DoF hinge joints
and mostly actuated by Harmonic Drive gears. Using synchronous belt transmis-
sions, the electric motors are situated either in or close to knee joint axis, e. g., [46,
140] or close to the hip joint, e. g., [94, 127]. A very different concept is realized in
the robot UT-θ: the knee joint allows only unilateral torque transmission from
the knee actuator to the shank. The so-called “backlash clutch” allows the shank
to swing freely, exploiting its passive dynamics [134]. Espiau and Sardain [35]
employ slider-crank mechanisms in the knee joints of the robot BIP 2000. The
planetary roller screw drive is fixed to the thigh and connects to the shank with
a coupler link. A linear bearing is required to keep the roller screw free from
radial loads. A patent application filed by Honda [51] claims another approach
to reduce thigh inertia: the rotary drive (motor-gear unit) for knee actuation is
placed close to the hip joint. The output torque is transmitted to the knee joint by
a parallel-crank mechanism. Another patent application by Honda [181] proposes
a counterbalancing system based on a gas spring, similar to the mechanisms em-
ployed in industrial robots. The gas spring acts in parallel to the knee actuator
and serves to minimize the moments generated about the knee axis when the knee
is in motion and at rest.
Solution Approach
In the following, different kinematic configurations of the knee joint are analyzed
in terms of dynamic properties and simplicity of design. Figure 2.12 depicts
four possible kinematic chains. Although all mechanisms in question have a
planar structure the kinematic analysis is conducted in 3-D, taking into account
manufacturing and mounting tolerances, as well as elastic deformations during
operation. Kutzbach-Gruebler’s equation is used to calculate the degree of
freedom or mobility of a kinematic chain:
m = 6(n − 1 − j) + fk . (2.5)
54 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
4 7 8
9 10
1 1 1
5 3 3 3
9 8
2 2 2 2
Here n is the number of links, j the number of joints and fk the number of DoFs
of joint k. The chain is statically determinate for m = 0 and indeterminate for
m < 0. The chain may move for m ≥ 1 where m denotes the number of independent
motion variables that governs the motion of the mechanism.
The first solution approach K1 shown in Figure 2.12a is the conventional design
which is well-known from nearly all humanoid robots. The electric motor (4) is
placed near the hip joint and connected to the gear unit (5) in the knee axis via
the synchronous belt drive (6). Similar configurations with a coaxial assembly
of motor and gear in the joint axis are not considered because of unacceptable
dynamic properties. Placing the motor near the hip joint significantly reduces the
thigh inertia, yet the gear unit remains coaxially with the articulated joint axis.
Thus, this solution is unfavorable because the high joint loading requires a large
and rather heavy gear unit. Compared to a motor-gear unit situated in the knee
joint, thigh inertia is reduced only marginally, and a considerable portion of the
hip joint performance must spent on accelerating the heavier thigh.
Solution idea K2, Figure 2.12b, complies with a claim in [51]. The structure of
the mechanism9 is RSUR with mobility m = 1. It comprises a rotary motor-gear
unit (7) located next to the hip joint. The knee (3) is driven by a parallel-crank
9 The common notation for lower kinematic pairs is as follows: R – revolute pair (f = 1); P –
prismatic pair (f = 1); H – helical pair or screw pair (f = 1); U – universal pair (f = 2); C –
cylindrical pair (f = 2); S – spherical pair (f = 3). If the joint is actuated, the corresponding
letter is underlined, e. g., R or H.
2.6 Kinematic Structure of the Leg Joints 55
0 0
-10 10 30 50 70 90 110 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110
Knee angle ϕknee [deg] Knee angle ϕknee [deg]
Figure 2.13: Torque-speed characteristics of the knee joint mechanism. The knee joint
angle definition complies with Figure 2.12a. The human torque capacity data in plot
(a) are adapted from [142].
mechanism. The coupler link (12) comprises spherical bearings (9) at its ends10 .
Kinematic singularities limit the angular range of the gear output to less than half
a rotation. Furthermore, the four-bar mechanism induces high bending moments
in the crank and follower links and high tension/compression forces in the coupler
link. The output bearing of the motor-gear unit must therefore show high load
carrying capability and tilting rigidity.
Solution approach K3 illustrated in Figure 2.12c is a slider-crank mechanism.
The mechanism has the structure PSUR with mobility m = 1 and is similar to the
design proposed in [35]. The linear guide (10) is fixed to the thigh (1) and connects
to the shank (3) by the coupler link (12) which employs spherical bearings (9) at
its ends. The actuator of the linear carriage (7) is either based on a ballscrew or
planetary roller screw, and omitted here for clarity.
Solution approach K4, Figure 2.12d, proposes another four-bar mechanism.
Assuming the thigh (1) as the fixed member of the linkage, the linear actuator (11)
comprises the two intermediary links of the mechanism. The linear actuator (11) is
universally mounted (8) in the thigh (1) and shank (2) and acts as length-variable
coupler. Hence the structure is SHUR with mobility m = 1. As with the two
previous approaches, this solution shifts the large proportion of the drive’s mass
close to the hip and knee joint performance is increased while the thigh moment
of inertia is kept low. Therefore, this solution approach is adopted in the design of
the robot. The torque-speed characteristic of this “muscle-like” mechanism K4 is
nonlinear and corresponds to the human knee [142]. As illustrated in Figure 2.13,
the torque depends on the link position and has its maximum at around 55°, which
is advantageous for typical gait patterns of the robot. Conversely, the maximum
speed increases at a stretched leg configuration, where they are needed.
10 Spherical bearings simplify the mechanical design but allow rotation of the coupler link
about its axis. Since this rotation does not affect general mobility of the mechanism, it is
considered as a passive or redundant degree of freedom and neglected.
56 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
11 Parallel mechanisms with identical kinematic chains are denoted as n − hchaini where n is the
number of kinematic chains, and hchaini denotes the type of the kinematic chains, with the
last letter denoting the kinematic pair at the end-effector (cf. Footnote 9 on page 54). Since
the information on the type of kinematic chains and the number of actuators is not sufficient
for determining the mobility of the mechanism, the latter is stated explicitly.
2.6 Kinematic Structure of the Leg Joints 57
Torque τl [Nm]
-3 -50
Adduction/abduction Adduction/abduction
-4 Dorsiflexion/plantarflexion Dorsiflexion/plantarflexion
-5 -100
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Figure 2.14: Torque-speed requirements of the two-DoF ankle joint at a walking speed
of 5.55 km/h
motors are mounted on the thigh close to the hip joint and connected to the
gear input shafts by synchronous belt transmissions. Regarding leg dynamics
and lightweight design, this is undoubtedly an excellent solution. Gienger [46]
develops a parallel mechanism by for the robot Johnnie which has the structure
2-DoF 2 − HSS. Ballscrew-based linear drives are mounted on the shank and
drive two push rods which connect to the foot via coupler links. Each push rod
is guided by linear ball bearings to keep the ballscrew free from radial loads.
Due to the parallel structure the joint torques are distributed almost equally
among the two motors, which is the main advantage over Harmonic Drive-based
serial structures. Furthermore, torque control of the ankle joint which is an
important mechanism in balance control of the robot,benefits from the very low
rolling friction without stick-slip and the backdrivability of the ballscrews. During
operation the mechanism showed a few shortcomings. The angular workspace is
designed for normal walking and “jogging.” But self-collisions limit the maximum
step length and the robot’s ability to pass over obstacles and climb stairs: the push
rods move in the longitudinal axis of the shank and collide with the robot structure
at certain postures of the ankle joint. The push rod bearing arrangement has a
cantilever structure where the free length of the push rod depends on the ankle
joint posture. Especially for larger plantarflexion/dorsiflexion angles the free
length of the push rods increases and increases the inclination of the coupler links
with respect to the push rods. The induced bending moments cause considerable
deformations of the push rods and severely limit the lifetime of the push rods and
their bearings.
Solution Approaches
Figure 2.14 shows the torque and speed characteristics of the ankle joint at an
approximate walking speed of 5.55 km/h, obtained from the dynamics simulation
model (see Section 3.3.1). Because of apparently different lateral and sagittal
dynamics of the robot, both axes differ in their torque-speed characteristics. The
peak torques in the adduction/abduction and plantarflexion/dorsiflexion axes are
58 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
75 Nm and 175 Nm, respectively, the maximum joint velocities are approximately
1 rad/s and 5.5 rad/s, respectively.
If the ankle joint is actuated in a serial arrangement, a rather powerful drive
is required for the plantarflexion/dorsiflexion axis while a less powerful one is
sufficient to drive the adduction/abduction axis. Although it is possible (and
reasonable) to design tailored drives for both axes which differ in the motor per-
formance and gear output, it is unlikely to achieve significant weight reductions.
During stance the kinematic configuration of the leg in ground contact changes
and the ankle joint becomes its root joint. The gear units in both axes of the
ankle joint must show high torsional stiffness in order to avoid oscillations of the
stance leg and to minimize deflection (cf. Footnote 6). Hence the gear size in the
adduction/abduction axis cannot be reduced accordingly.
On the other hand, parallel actuation concepts can reduce the motor peak
torques significantly. Since the peak loads of both axes do not occur simultaneously,
the loads are distributed almost equally among the actuators. Thus, the motors
can be identical and smaller in size. Due to positive experience with ballscrew-
based parallel mechanisms in the ankle joints of the robot Johnnie, all solution
approaches considered in the following employ actuators based on ballscrews or
planetary roller screws. Figure 2.15 presents three possible kinematic structures
for the ankle joint that are based on linear actuators.
Solution approach A1 illustrated in Figure 2.15a allows to place almost the
entire drivetrain on the thigh. The linear carriages (10) are situated on either sides
of the thigh and driven by actuators based on ballscrews or planetary roller screws.
For clarity the screws are omitted in the figure. The carriage (10) drives the foot
(3) via the coupler links (11) and (12) and the ternary link (13) which rotates about
the knee joint axis (4). According to Eq. (2.5), the mechanism has two DoFs and the
structure is 2-DoF 2−PSSRSS. This solution allows an extremely low-inertia design
of the legs since most transmission components (in particular, the motors, screws
and linear carriages) are housed on the thigh (1). Only the coupler links (12) are
assigned to the shank (2). However, the large angular workspace of the knee joint
impairs the feasibility of this concept. A rather large stroke of the linear guides (10)
is needed in addition to the ankle joint motion to compensate the knee motion.
Moreover, the ternary link (13) may cause singularities at larger knee angles.
Solution approach A2,Figure 2.15b, has originally been proposed in [113]. Its
kinematics is similar to the knee joint mechanism presented in Section 2.6.2. The
linear actuators (9) act as length-variable couplers and are connected to the shank
(2) and foot (3) by the universal joints (7), resulting in the structure 2-DoF 2−UHU.
The mechanism is designed such that only tension and compression loads act upon
the drives, enabling the lightweight design of all components. The structure of
the drivetrain is rather simple and built from only a small number of components.
The linear actuators (9) are identical in design to reduce manufacturing effort and
part diversity. The shank length limits the length of the linear actuators (9) and
thus the angular workspace of the mechanism. The entire drivetrain is housed
on the shank which detracts from the low-inertia leg design. On the other hand,
relocating the motors to the thigh is unlikely because the drivetrain would have
to span the gimbal-mounting of the actuator (9). Finally, the linear actuators (9)
2.6 Kinematic Structure of the Leg Joints 59
10 1 1
1 4
8 7
6 2 10
13 8
2 12
8 2
5 7
3 3 3
Figure 2.15: Kinematic actuation principles for the ankle joint (knee joint actuator
omitted for clarity)
are exposed on the back of shank (2) and are easily be damaged in the case of
collisions. Solution approach A3 shown in Figure 2.15c was first proposed in [111]
and is similar to the design adopted to the robot Johnnie. The linear carriage (10) is
mounted on the shank (2) and actuated by a screw (not shown). It drives the foot
by two coupler links (11) which are connected to the carriage (10) and the foot
(3) by spherical joints (8) and universal joints (7), respectively. This configuration
results in the structure 2-DoF 2 − PSU. The main advantage of this solution is that
the screws are housed on the shank and protected from collisions. The workspace
can be larger than in the previous solution because collisions with the shank are
reduced by the slender design of the coupler links (11). Therefore, mechanism A3
is chosen for the ankle joints of the robot.
Until now, Figure 2.15 has considered only the principal structure of the mech-
anism. The motors and auxiliary transmissions to connect the motors to the
mechanism have been neglected and is worked out in the following. Figure 2.16
presents two variants of mechanism A3. Mechanism A3.1 shown in Figure 2.16a
is the simplest solution. The motors (6) are housed on the shank and connected
to the planetary roller screws (9) by synchronous drive belts (7). The posture-
dependent inclination of the coupler link (13) induces radial and moment loads
to the screw (9). To avoid non-axial loading of the screw, the linear bearing (10) is
used to accommodate these loads. The entire drive mechanism A31 is mounted
60 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
Oxyz 8
A1 A2
11 10
2 13 9
5 2 s 5
12 B1 K B2
3 12 3
(a) Drive mechanism A3.1 (b) Drive mechanism A3.2
Figure 2.16: Possible drive mechanisms for ankle joint mechanism A3. For clarity the
mechanisms are projected into the drawing plane.
on the shank which corresponds to the design adopted to the robot Johnnie [47].
Although the motors are situated close to the knee joint to minimize shank inertia,
the effect on the resultant leg inertia is barely visible. Moreover, because of limited
installation space on the shank small-diameter motors with larger stack length
must be used to produce the required torques. These motors are normally heavier
than larger-diameter motors with shorter stack length at the same power rating.
Mechanism A3.2, Figure 2.16b, goes one step further. The motors are located on
the thigh (1), as close as possible to the hip joint. Power transmission from the mo-
tors (6) to the planetary roller screws (9) is accomplished by two synchronous belt
drives (7) which connect to angular gears (8). The angular gears (8) are coaxially
with the knee joint (4) and redirect the axis of rotation from the knee joint axis to
the longitudinal direction of the shank (2). The output of the gearboxes (4) finally
drives the screws (9). This design allows to place the heavier transmission com-
ponents close to the hip joint, reducing their inertial contribution to a minimum.
The larger available space in the hip-thigh area allows to use motors with larger
diameter and reduced stack length which yields additional weight savings at equal
or increased motor performance. The additional transmission components allow
for the supplementary adjustment of the reduction ratio, for example by changing
the configuration of the belt drive (7) or the angular gear (8). On the other hand,
the additional transmission components reduce the overall efficiency. In addition,
2.6 Kinematic Structure of the Leg Joints 61
the angular gear (8) must be designed very carefully to avoid greater backlash on
the motor-side. Complexity and part count are considerably higher as opposed
to mechanism A3.1. The longer transmission distance between motors (6) and
screws (9) is expected to increase the overall mass of the mechanism and goes
along with a higher motor-side inertia Jm , which reflects through the gears to the
load-side by the square of the reduction ratio. In the final analysis, drive mecha-
nism A3.2 is selected to drive the ankle joint. The advantages of this solution are
particularly evident in the effects on global system dynamics due to the minimal
inertial contribution.
Here r OK denotes the vector from the origin of the shank coordinate system, Oxyz ,
to the ankle joint pivot point, K. Asf is the transformation matrix from the shank
into the foot frame, r KB,i are the vectors from the ankle joint to the foot hinging
points (i = 1, 2) and r OA,i the vectors from the shank origin to the hinging points of
the linear carriages. The corresponding screw rotations for given strokes l PRS are
ϕ PRS = l , (2.7)
where Ph is the roller screw pitch. The relative Jacobian that relates the angular
speed of the screws, ϕ̇ PRS , to the joint angles, ϕfl and ϕadd , is calculated from
Eq. (2.6) in a straightforward manner:
Finally, the reduction ratio yields from Eq. (2.8), and the reduction ratios of
synchronous belt drive and angular gear, Nbelt and Nbevel , respectively:
ϕ̇ PRS
N = Nbelt · Nbevel · . (2.9)
The resulting speed-torque curves of the ankle joint motors are compared in
Figure 2.17 to the serial actuation of the ankle joint axes using conventional gear
units. Note that, since drive mechanism A32 spans the knee joint, the motor speeds
ω m are also a function of the knee angle, ϕknee . Without loss of validity, the knee
angle can be assumed constant during the mechanism design, hence the relative
Jacobian, ω m/ q̇ , is given by Eq. (2.8). For better comparison, the reduction ratios
for serial actuation match the mean ratio of the parallel mechanism (Navg ≈ 58).
The motors in the serial configuration show apparently different torque-speed
62 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
2000 2000
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
0 0
b b
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Motor torque |τm | [Nm] Motor torque |τm | [Nm]
Figure 2.17: Torque-speed diagrams for the ankle joint motors in serial and parallel
configuration, cf. [113]
6 7
1 8 1 1
1 9
3 3 3 9 3
8 7 4
5 8
2 2 4 2 4 2
the knee joint, reducing leg inertia. Hence the anthropometric joint position is fully
kept. However, the actuating force must be transmitted over the two-DoF ankle
joint, so that the toe joint actuator must be capable of compensating the ankle joint
motion. However, the large angular workspace of the plantarflexion/dorsiflexion
axis complicates the realization of solutions T2 and T3. Finally, Figure 2.18d
illustrates solution T4 which overcomes the difficulties associated with the ankle
joint motion. Here, the toe joint is driven by an electro-hydraulic actuator with two
linear cylinders in a master-slave configuration. The driving cylinder is located
on the shank. It is actuated by an electric motor through a screw drive. The
driven cylinder is installed between the forefoot and toe (hallux). Connecting
both cylinders by a flexible hose allows to theoretically install the driving cylinder
on the pelvis or the upper body, providing the most effective reduction of leg
inertia. Despite high power density at compact dimensions, hydraulic systems can
develop leakage and the general difficulties with hydraulic systems mentioned in
Section 2.5.1 apply, too. The toe joint is therefore designed with a standard rotary
actuator, according to solution idea T1. Although other mechanisms may have a
smaller impact on leg inertia, the chosen design is advantageous as its kinematics
are most simple and there is no interference with other joints.
body, which is the root link for the kinematic chain in the simulation
and control of the robot, is chosen.
b) Joint angles with respect to the previous link
c) Joint angular velocities with respect to the previous link
2. External forces, i. e., floor reaction forces and moments
3. Contact state of the feet
4. Additional variables required for field-oriented motor control:
a) At least two motor phase currents
b) Angular position of the permanent magnet rotor with respect to the
stator windings
The requirements on the inertial measurement system used to estimate the up-
per body position and orientation are discussed in Section 2.7.1. Sections 2.7.2
and 2.7.3 define the requirements on the joint sensors and the force/torque sensors,
authors propose to take the planned translational acceleration of the robot into
account for estimation of the gravity vector. Gienger et al. [48] develop an IMS
for the robot Johnnie which is composed of three MEMS gyroscopes (measuring
range ±150 deg/s) and three MEMS accelerometers (measuring range ±2g). The
orientation of the upper body is estimated using complementary filtering of the
gyroscope and accelerometer signals. The IMS transmits the analog sensor signals
to the central control unit where the upper body orientation is calculated after
digitization. However, the transmission of the analog signals over a longer distance
results in rather noisy signals.
In order to define the requirements on the inertial measurement system, the
effects of various measurement errors on the walking stability are analyzed using
the robot simulation tool (cf. Section 3.3.1):
1. Sensor bandwidth
2. Noisy measurements
3. Data update rate
4. Sensor alignment
First, the overall sensor bandwidth is limited to 80 Hz13 and 20 Hz. The data
output rate of the IMS conforms to the sampling rate of the balance controller
of 1 kHz. The robot walks stably in both simulations without visible deviation
from the intended path. In the next study analyze the necessary quality of the
sensors is analyzed by adding white noise to the accelerometer and gyroscope
signals before sensor fusion. Using these noisy signals, the robot walks stably
but drifts laterally from its original path. If the noise level is reduced by 5 times
oversampling, the lateral drift of the robot is reduced significantly and barely
visible. Note that in the case of oversampling the individual sensors are sampled
at 1 kHz but the data output rate of the IMS goes down to 200 Hz, hence the upper
body orientation and angular velocities are updated every fifth controller cycle.
Finally, the influence of alignment errors is analyzed by adding constant angular
offsets about the x-axis so that the upper body seems to be tilted sideward. The
gait is stable at an alignment error of 0.2° but the robot deviates laterally from the
intended path. The stability problems get more emphasized with larger alignment
errors. The ground contact occurs unexpectedly at an angular offset of 2.0° which
results in a jerky gait and significant lateral drift due to unexpected impacts. After
a few steps the robot tips over and falls down. The same behavior is observed
during actual experiments with the robot Johnnie and leads to the conclusion that
the balance controller is very sensitive to alignment errors of the IMS. In summary,
the following requirements on the IMS are derived from these results:
– Increase in bandwidth of single sensors is not necessary
– High measurement accuracy
– High signal quality (minimal noise)
– Low offset (long-term bias) is achieved by heading aiding, e. g., by using
optical flow
– Reliable adjustment of mounting misalignment, either in hardware or soft-
ware. Reliable alignment procedure at power-up
13 This configuration corresponds to the single bandwidth of the MEMS gyroscopes used in the
IMS of Johnnie.
66 2 Mechatronic Design Concept
– Due to slow global system dynamics, the data update rates of the IMS can be
many times higher than the sampling rate of the balance controller
4 1 Ankle joint flange
2 Foot connecting flange
1 3
3 Shear beam
2 4 Strain gauge
5 Membrane
0 10 20 [mm]
Figure 2.19: Force/torque sensor of the robot Johnnie (adapted from [46])
F/T sensor composed of six load cells. Four load cells are located in the toe and two
in the forefoot. A six-axis F/T sensor with parallel support structure is developed
for the robot H7 [125]. Using such designs, the force metrology can be tightly
integrated to the feet which results in a rather lightweight and compact structure.
However, such sensors often suffer from limited accuracy and repeatability due to
hysteresis effects caused by backlash and friction in the load cells.
The physics of biped walking yield high vertical ground reaction forces and
lateral moments about the ankle joint axes but comparatively small forces and
moments in other axes. In addition, high impact transients up to a multiple of
the robot’s weight occur when the foot hits the ground (cf. Section 2.3). A market
survey has shown that commercial six-axis F/T sensors with appropriate measure-
ment range are rather bulky and heavy because of the industrially-ruggedized
transducer body made of steel. Moreover, the measurement ranges are equal
in all axes which results in a rather low sensitivity of less loaded axes. Most of
these sensors require external signal conditioning electronics which are usually
too bulky and do not integrate with the electronics architecture. Although the
design, manufacturing and calibration of multi-component F/T sensors are very
elaborate, the characteristics of the ground reactions suggest the development of a
customized solution based on the Johnnie-design.
Before actually defining the architecture of the robot’s F/T sensors, the custom-
made six-axis F/T sensor developed by Gienger [46] is discussed. The monolithic
transducer body is made from a high-strength aluminum alloy and holds three
shear beams as sensing members. It is shown in Figure 2.19 for reference purposes.
Its measurement range is tailored to the ground reaction forces and moments
that have been obtained from simulations [109]. The sensor is very compact
(∅ 90 × 30 mm2 ) and lightweight, weighing approximately 290 g including signal
conditioning electronics. The monolithic transducer body avoids setting and
hysteresis effects. Thin membranes reduce cross talk by decoupling the beam
deflections to a far extent. Due to narrow tolerances, the transducer body was man-
ufactured by EDM15 wire cutting. Each shear beam holds four strain gauges which
are selected to match the elastic properties of the transducer material. Two op-
posing strain gauges are series connected, allowing the temperature-compensated
15 Electrical discharge machining
2.7 Sensor Layout 69
2 z
1 3 y
1 Membrane
2 Strain gauge
3 Shear beam
for certain forces or moments is achieved by the four-beam design. Moreover, the
redundant setup with eight half-bridges can be utilized to improve measurement
accuracy. The application of forces beyond the yield point of the gauge pattern is
a typical failure mode of strain gauges. Overloading can easily occur during the
testing of new control strategies or sudden malfunctions. It may cause permanent
damage of the strain gauges and shear beams, finally yielding zero shift, non-
linearity and fatigue of the gauge pattern and transducer. Therefore, the F/T
sensor is equipped with an overload protection mechanism.
The F/T sensor is housed on the end link of the legs. A well thought-out
lightweight design is therefore essential and affects the measuring accuracy, as
well as the integration of the sensor into the foot structure. Significant weight
reduction is expected from the tight integration of the sensor into the foot. The
sensor frame acts an integral, load-bearing element within the foot structure,
eliminating the additional frame structure required for the integration of a self-
contained F/T sensor. Hence part count, bolted flange interfaces and, finally, the
weight of the entire foot are reduced. To this end, it is necessary to optimize the
load-bearing sections of the sensor body for flexural and torsional rigidity. To
ensure a high measuring accuracy the deformations of the sensing elements and
load-bearing sections must be mechanically decoupled. Further weight savings
can be achieved by the intelligent placement of the sensor within the foot structure.
In almost all humanoid robots the F/T sensor is situated immediately below the
ankle joint. This arbitrary placement results in different moment arms of the
forces acting on the heel and toe contact elements and yields a higher moment
loading of the sensor. Shifting the sensor towards the center of the foot contact
area, the moment loading is reduced while the resolution is increased. Hence the
same moment arms account for contact forces acting on the heel and toe, similar
to a claim in a patent application by Honda [183].
A/D conversion and signal conditioning are integrated to the sensor electronics,
allowing for higher cut-off frequencies of the anti-aliasing filters. In conjunction
with oversampling signal quality and bandwidth are improved. The ground reac-
tion forces and moments are then calculated by a microprocessor and transmitted
to the central control unit (cf. Section 2.8). The calibration should be independent
from the foot geometry to simplify future modifications of the feet. Hence the
sensor is calibrated with respect to reference system located at the center of the
transducer body.
In summary, the most important requirements on the F/T sensor are:
– Acquisition of the ground contact forces and moments from all three Carte-
sian coordinates
– Maltese-cross-shaped transducer body with monolithic structure to avoid
hysteresis and setting effects
– Shear beam geometry optimized for high sensitivity even of minor loaded
– Load-bearing structure designed for tight integration within the forefoot
– Sensor placement in the center of the foot contact area
– Integrated signal conditioning and A/D conversion
2.8 Computer Architecture 71
A customized PCI board interfaces the on-board PC to the sensors and motor
electronics. The board is situated in the upper body of the robot and connected to
the sensors and electronics with a rather complex and bulky cabling. Thus, the
cabling makes about 4.7 % of the overall mass [46]. Many other humanoid robots
employ centralized hardware architectures, for example HRP-2 [95], Wabian-2
[131] and H7 [127]. Most of them employ custom-developed interface boards for
hardware I/O16 . Nevertheless, an increasing number of biped robots employs
architectures with distributed nodes for low-level data processing and control. In
this case a key problem is the communication between the decentralized nodes
and the host PC. Most of these robots uses the CAN Bus communication protocol,
typically with multiple channels, for example HUBO [140], ARMAR-III [151] and
iCub [188]. Few robots employ other communication systems than CAN. The
prototype robot HRP-3P uses a custom-developed real-time Ethernet system [3,
92] but is migrated to CAN in the robots HRP-3 [96] and HRP-4C [93]. Sarker et al.
[161] propose a real-time control system for the robot MAHRU which is based on
IEEE 1394 (FireWire). DLR’s lightweight robots LWR-II and LWR-III and the two-
arm system Justin have a modular computer system with one controller module
per joint. SERCOS with fiber-optic cables is used as the communication system at a
rate of 1 kHz [68]. All electronics are fully integrated to the joint modules [67, 137].
The upper-body humanoid Robonaut developed by NASA employs FPGA-based
motor controllers and bi-directional host CPU communication using synchronous
RS-485 drivers [14].
16 Input/output
17 Unfortunately, the term “intelligence” lacks a precise definition. Throughout this thesis,
“intelligence” is used in accordance with the definition in the field of sensor technology: an
intelligent sensor senses and digitizes the input signal and takes some action on it, e. g., am-
plification, zero error compensation, linearization and scaling. The sensor is also able to
execute auxiliary logical functions and instructions and the processed data are communi-
cated digitally to a control unit. Consequently, an intelligent actuator receives desired values
and configuration commands from a control unit and executes them independently. Again,
only actual values and status information are communicated to the control unit.
2.8 Computer Architecture 73
extensions of the robot. Malfunction of the on-board computer system may cause
serious harm to the robot and its environment. The mechanical and electrical
robustness of the computer hardware is therefore essential. Furthermore, the
complex point-to-point cabling of sensors and actuators is replaced by bus systems
for communication and energy supply. Cable harnesses for connecting the servo
sensors, actuators and drives to the local controllers can be kept short and mostly
do not have to be routed across moving joints. Decentralized architectures are thus
expected to reduce the cabling effort and improve electromagnetic interference.
Further decentralization of higher-level control tasks is not considered, so
that trajectory planning and control of system dynamics run on the CCU. Nev-
ertheless, this architecture allows for the implementation of different levels of
decentralization, ranging from more centralized signal processing concepts to
fully decentralized motor control. In the first approach only the current loop is
closed in the drive and all other loops are implemented in the CCU. The second
approach closes all control loops, including motor position, velocity and current,
in the drive. In summary, the functions of the computer components are:
Central control unit (CCU): trajectory planning and stabilizing control; support
the implementation of control architectures with different levels of decen-
Distributed controllers: low-level motor control, including current, velocity and
position control, depending on the control architecture; evaluation of the
joint sensors; output control signals to the motor power electronics; parame-
terization of the motor controllers, e. g., for gain scheduling; data acquisition
from the force/torque sensor and inertial measurement system.
Real-time communication system: deterministic connection of CCU and local
controllers with low latency; transmission of actual and desired values, and
status and diagnostic messages; parameterization of the drives; switching
between different operating modes of the motor controller.
sensors and the communication system at compact measurements and low weight.
Briefly, the mandatory requirements for the decentral controllers are:
– Interface to the motor shaft encoder, link position sensor, limit switch,
current and temperature sensors of each joint
– Suitable to control three PMSM at an intermediate circuit voltage 80 V at up
to 25 A (continuous) and 50 A (peak)
– Cycle times of the position control loop as low as 1 ms
– Interface to the force/torque and foot contact sensors
– Interface to the inertial measurement system
– Small outline to allow for positioning close to the servo actuators
– Modular design for reduced development effort
– Low power consumption
– Interface to the real-time communication system
The full integration of the motor controllers and inverters into the servo actuators
would consistently follow the idea of a modular hardware design as discussed in
Section 3.4. Also, the cabling of the servo actuators would be improved. The huge
development effort, however, is beyond the scope of this project. Therefore, it is
proposed to integrate the low-level motor control co-located with the actuators.
This chapter presents the design of the mechanical structures. Figure 3.1 shows a
photograph of the robot Lola, the key data are summarized in Table 3.1. Further
dimensions are given in Appendix B.
The development of a complex mechatronic system such as a humanoid walking
robot is an iterative and open-ended process of design and simulation. To develop
the mechanical system both structured and systematically, the design methodol-
ogy described in Section 2.1.1 is applied. According to Pahl et al. [138], the design
process divides into the four phases of task planning and clarification, conceptual
design, embodiment design and detail design. The two last phases, which are
subject of this chapter, are based on the requirements and fundamental design
concept worked out in the previous chapter. The process of mechanical design
and the tools used are introduced briefly in Section 3.1. Additional design rules to
achieve a consistent lightweight construction with good dynamic properties are
given in Section 3.2. The design calculations, Section 3.3, are based on the dynam-
ics simulation of the full system developed within the sub-project “Simulation
and Control.” They include the dimensioning of the motors and drive mecha-
nisms and the dimensioning of structural components which are addressed in
Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3, respectively. To reduce the complexity, the overall system
is divided into well-defined sub-assemblies which can be developed consecutively
and independently. These are, the
– joint actuators (Section 3.4),
– camera head (Section 3.5),
– trunk and pelvis (Section 3.6),
– arms (Section 3.7),
– legs (Section 3.8), and
– feet (Section 3.9).
Many of these sub-assemblies include the mechanical design of link segments,
some prominent examples are described in Section 3.10. After assembly the
kinematic and inertial parameters of the robot are identified. The associated
procedures are described in Section 3.11. Lastly, Section 3.12 concludes with a
discussion of the mechanical design.
78 3 Mechanical Design
Height 180 cm
Mass 60.88 kg
Total DoFs 25
Maximum walking speed (target) 5 km/h
Power supply external
7 DoFs (3 hip, 1 knee, 2 ankle, 1 toe)
Thigh length 440 mm
Shank length 430 mm
Foot height 105 mm
Distance between hip joints 246 mm
The 3D-CAD system CATIA V5 from Dassault Systèmes1 is adopted for most
of these steps. The robot components are modeled using the CATIA modules
Part Design (PDG), Generative Sheetmetal Design (SMD) and Generative Shape
Design (GSD). Stress analysis and strength assessment are mainly conducted with
the built-in structural analysis modules (GPS/GAS) which provide automatic
finite element meshing from native CAD data. CATIA’s digital mock-up (DMU)
module is applied to confirm the assembly of critical components and identify self-
collisions. In particular, the drivetrains of the knee and ankle joints are analyzed
thoroughly because the complex kinematics of these mechanisms with several
moving parts affect the entire surrounding construction.
The CAD model is organized in the style of the modeling strategies of the
guideline VDI 2209 [193] and resembles the tight coupling of mechanical design
and dynamics simulation. Each sub-assembly of the CAD model corresponds to
a body of the dynamics simulation model (cf. Section 3.3.1). The “root part” of
all sub-assemblies does not contain any actual part geometry but a local frame of
reference which is defined in accordance with the multibody simulation model.
The “root part” further comprises some characteristic elements (reference planes,
points, axes, etc.) that are primarily used to define assembly constraints between
components. This approach ensures consistency of the CAD and simulation
models and simplifies the acquisition of new inertia properties from the CAD
from inadequate link and joint stiffnesses. Therefore, the objective of lightweight
system construction demands for a methodical procedure, taking lightweight
design into account even at the conceptual stage. From the system’s perspective,
“conceptual lightweight construction” generates savings through functional inte-
gration using highly integrated components that combine several functions and
parts. Further, the use of lightweight materials such as high-strength aluminum
alloys (“lightweight material construction”) provides the basis for great weight
reductions, cf. Section 3.10. Moreover, the geometrical optimization of single
components (“design for lightweight construction,” cf. Section 3.3.3) facilitates
reduced cross sections with appropriate stiffness.
In the following, a number of general design rules are established in order to
achieve a sophisticated mechanical system with appropriate structural dynamic
Direct load transfer and distribution: direct load transfer to the main structure;
avoid redirection of forces; establish large-area application of loads; design
sophisticated load application and distribution structures for thin-walled
components; optimized support conditions of areas of load transfer; addi-
tional ribbing of flange joints; symmetric design of components; preferably
closed instead of open cross sections (“Monocoque-like design”); cambered
cross sections for larger load rating.
Preferably filigree structures: prefer thin-walled cross sections with stiffness
reinforcing ribs over solid bodies; optimize mass distribution of a compo-
nent to achieve the largest second moment of area (bending) and/or polar
moments of inertia (torsion) for a given mass of the component.
Avoid stress concentrations: avoid weak spots by allowing only smooth changes
in cross-sectional shapes.
Systematic stiffening in directions of maximum stress: develop a judicious sys-
tem of ribs or other reinforcements to achieve anisotropic stiffness wherever
Integral part design: reduce part count and assembly complexity; prefer milling
from the solid over attaching parts whenever possible; avoid overlap due to
bolted or riveted flange connections.
Flange connections: prefer rivets over screws if non-detachable connections are
acceptable; arrange flanged joints within the load path (preferably close to
the wall or within recesses); design for a direct force flux between the flange
members; prefer a larger number of uniformly arranged smaller screws
over a lower number of larger screws; prefer longitudinal over transverse
stressed bolt connections; use friction enhancement shims [34] for safe load
transmission even over smaller flange structures; combine bolted connec-
tions with positive locking for high joint stiffness and reduced screw count;
reduced offset between the bolt pattern and line of action of the applied
forces provides the most effective means of increasing the joint stiffness.
Damping enhancement reduces strain and stress amplitudes: different excita-
tion frequencies act on the robot structure which cannot be determined a
priori, depending on the gait pattern, control strategies and other parameters.
Thus, a very effective way to reduce structural vibrations is to systematically
3.3 Design Calculations 81
sumptions, the dynamic performance data are obtained from this comprehensive
simulation model developed by Buschmann [19]. Considering the major effects
on bipedal locomotion, the robot is modeled as three coupled dynamical systems:
– Multibody dynamics (rigid body mechanics, drive friction, gear elasticity,
nonlinear kinematics in ankle and knee joints)
– Contact dynamics (unilateral, compliant foot-ground contact)
– Electrical motor dynamics
The stiffness and damping characteristics of the foot-ground contact are adjusted
by experiments with the robot Johnnie, so that the computed results can be ex-
pected to be close to reality [19]. Typical load profiles at a walking speed of
5.55 km/h are given in Appendix D.
The joint loads (torques and velocities), external forces (ground reactions) and
the constraint forces and moments of the links are very important data throughout
the design process. They are used for the dimensioning of the drive mechanisms
and structural components. Moreover, the angular ranges of typical gait patterns
are important constraints for the robot topology and link geometry. Conversely,
the topology of the kinematic chain, geometric dimensions of all links, motor
parameters, gear ratios, and the dynamic properties of the mechanical system
serve as input parameters for the robot simulation. After certain milestones of
the mechanical design have been completed, the inertia properties of the links
and actuators are calculated numerically from the CAD model and imported into
the robot simulation. After the balance controller has been adjusted to the new
parameters, new design data are calculated to be used in the dimensioning of the
mechanical system. In this way both simulation and CAD model are iteratively
refined and the final design of the robot is evolved. Finally, the mass parameters
of the real robot have been determined during assembly (see Section 3.11.2) to
further improve modeling accuracy. Hence the dynamics simulation can be used
as a reliable tool for developing and analyzing control system robustness and
performance before experimental verification on the real hardware.
Dynamics simulation
of overall system
Torque-based dimensioning
Elastodynamic analysis
Change configuration
Load-to-motor inertia ratio
Figure 3.2: Iterative selection procedure for the motors and drive mechanisms. This
section deals with the torque-based and elastodynamic dimensioning of the drive
mechanisms, and the effects of the load-to-motor inertia ratio on the performance of
the servo system.
Torque-based Dimensioning
The fundamentals of motor sizing are well-known and beyond the scope of this
thesis, so that only a rough overview is given in the following. The reader is
84 3 Mechanical Design
referred to the relevant literature, e. g., [165]. Only the continuous and intermittent
load ratings of the servo motors are discussed with special regard to thermal
In order to dimension the servomechanism, the torques acting on the motor and
drive mechanism must be analyzed. Assuming a stiff connection of motor and
gear, the motor torque τm necessary to follow a given load profile is
τ τf ,l
τm = Jm N ω̇l + l + τf ,m sgn(ωm ) + sgn(ωl ) . (3.1)
|{z} | {z }
=ω̇m =τf
In Eq. (3.1) the load-side quantities are calculated to the motor shaft using the
gear ratio N , which is constant in the case of a Harmonic Drive gear and posture-
dependent for the linear drives of the knee and ankle joints, cf. Eq. (2.9) on page 61.
τm is composed of the motor shaft acceleration torque resulting from the motor
inertia Jm and acceleration ω̇m . The latter is calculated from the load acceleration,
ω̇m = N ω̇l . τl is the load torque at the gear output. The friction torque τf is
composed of the motor and load-side friction, τf ,m and τf ,l , respectively, and sgn(·)
denotes the sign of the respective value.
Using Eq. (3.1) with Eq. (3.2) and the continuous stall torque rating τc of the motor,
the first criterion is obtained under consideration of the continuous load safety
factor fc :
Z 2
1 τ
τc ≥ fc Jm N ω̇l + l + τf dt . (3.3)
In order to fulfill the second criterion, the maximum torque during the load cycle
must be below the motor peak torque τp , including the static load safety factor fs :
τp > fs max Jm N ω̇l + + τf .
Finally, the maximum permissible speed of the motor ωm,max must be greater than
the maximum speed during the load profile, using the speed safety factor fωm :
If several motors match Eqs. (3.3) to (3.5), the motor constant Km , see Eq. (2.4)
on page 41, is used as an indicator for the power-to-torque ratio. In this case, Km
must be considered together with a motor’s thermal capability to determine its
true efficiency and capacity.
ωm = − 2 τm . (3.6)
Kτ Kτ
Here Kτ and R are the torque constant and winding resistance, respectively.
Although motor losses are neglected in Eq. (3.6), they must be considered in a
second step to determine the continuous operation area of the motor. The two
main sources of motor dissipation are electrical losses in the stator windings
and magnetic losses in the steel laminations of the stator. Electrical losses are
expressed as ohmic dissipation PR = I 2 R. Magnetic losses, or core losses, Pc
comprise eddy currents and hysteresis losses. They are typically expressed as an
exponential function of the motor speed ωm and core losses Pc0 measured at a
speed of 1,000 1/min. The core losses of the chosen frameless motor family from
Parker Bayside [141] are rated as
Pc = Pc0 ωm/2 .
The maximum allowed dissipation Pm,max of the motor is limited by the maximum
allowed temperature ϑm,max of the winding isolation3 and the ambient temperature
ϑm,max − ϑ∞
Pm,max = . (3.8)
Here Rth,m is the thermal resistance between the windings and the ambient. Rth,m
depends on the size and mechanical design of the motor and the thermal properties
of the surrounding structure, and can be reduced by cooling fins, or forced air or
water cooling. Subtracting Eq. (3.7) from Eq. (3.8) yields the maximum allowable
electrical losses. Using the torque-current relationship, τm = Kτ I, we finally get
the thermal boundary of the torque-speed curve:
" !#2/3
1 ϑm,max − ϑ∞ R 2
ωm = − 2 τm . (3.9)
Pc0 Rth,m Kτ
Obviously, the output is limited by the temperature rise in the stator coils. The
load rating is thus greatly enhanced if the motor is tightly integrated into the
robot structure which can serve as a high-capacity heat sink. Note that the motor
temperature also affects the winding resistance and magnetic characteristic values.
As a consequence, the torque-speed curve, Eq. (3.6), becomes steeper and the
peak torque τp is reduced. Winding resistance increases linearly according to the
thermal resistance coefficient αCu for copper4 , and the winding resistance at motor
temperature ϑm becomes R = R∞ [1 + αCu (ϑm − ϑ∞ )]. Hence, winding resistance
increases up to 1.5 times the nominal value R∞ for the maximum permissible
motor temperature ϑm,max . Practical experiments with the robot Johnnie have
shown that the motors reach their thermal steady-state after 20 to 30 minutes of
continuous operation [109]. As the dynamics simulation data usually account for
less than one minute, the transient heating of the motors is not considered and a
constant value for the winding resistance is used instead. It is therefore proposed
to create a safety margin by using the value for ϑm,max throughout the motor sizing
Using Eqs. (3.6) and (3.9), the continuous speed/torque curve can be plotted as
shown in Figure 3.3. The areas of constant and intermittent operation are shown
in ivory and orange, respectively. Since servo motors usually do not operate in
continuous duty, the peak torque τp during acceleration can be much larger than
the continuous stall torque: if the effective dissipation
R 2
Pm,avg = τm,avg , (3.10)
as calculated from Eq. (3.2), is within the continuous operation limits, the motor
can be overloaded intermittently. Typical peak torque multiplication ratios for
rare-earth-magnet based motors range from 3 to 5. The limitation is mainly due
to saturation effects in the loaded motor which cause a decrease in Kτ to 85 % to
90 % of its nominal value [141].
Losses [W]
3000 600 Pm,avg = 493.6 W
2000 400
Pm,avg = 193.4 W
1000 200
b b
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Motor torque |τm | [Nm] Time t [s]
Figure 3.3: Left, torque-speed diagram of the hip joint flexion/extension motor for a
walking speed of 5.55 km/h; right, motor power dissipation for different reduction
The average load torque is calculated as the root mean cube of the load torque τl ,
weighted by the load speed:
|τ (t)3 ωl | dt
T Rl
τl,avg = . (3.12)
|ω l | dt
The transmission ratio N sets the torque, speed and inertia relationship of the
servo drivetrain to the link. Moreover, it affects the motor dissipation. Figure 3.3
88 3 Mechanical Design
Gearbox (N , kϕ )
ϕm , τm ∗ = Nτ
τm m
ϕl τl ∗ = ϕ /N
ϕm kϕ ϕl τl
(a) Drivetrain with elastic gearbox (b) Two-mass system with flexible coupling
gearbox with constant ratio N and torsional stiffness kϕ . The motor and load-
side masses of the gearbox are lumped in Jm and Jl , respectively. For the sake of
simplicity and because it is a worst case assumption, damping is neglected. The
motor torque τm and load torque τl are active forces acting upon the masses Jm
and Jl , respectively. Reducing this model by reflecting the motor quantities to
the load side, leads to the unconstrained two-mass system with flexible coupling
shown in Figure 3.4b. The angle ϕm ∗ on the motor side differs from the angle ϕ on
the load side. The system is described by two ordinary differential equations for
the motor and load side, respectively:
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Jm ω̇m + kϕ (ϕm − ϕl ) = τm , (3.13)
Jl ω̇l + kϕ (ϕl − ϕm ) = τl . (3.14)
Here (·)∗ denotes motor quantities calculated to the load side. Note that the
resultant load inertia Jl is composed of several link inertias. Hence Jl is posture-
dependent for most drives and the elastodynamic properties must be analyzed for
a set of typical postures.
Using Eqs. (3.13) and (3.14), the transfer functions of the motor and load speed
are determined. The transfer functions Eqs. (3.15) and (3.16) describe the motor
and load response, respectively:
∗ (s)
ωm s2 + Jϕl
∗ = ∗ (3.15)
τm (s) s s2 + kϕ Jl +J∗m
J Jm l
ωl (s) ∗J
Jm l
∗ = ∗ (3.16)
τm (s) s s2 + kϕ Jl +J∗m
J Jm l
Here s is the complex variable. The natural frequency and antiresonance of the
mechanical system, ωr and ωar , correspond to the poles and zeros of the transfer
functions, respectively, and are written as
s s s
kϕ kϕ (Jl + Jm ) kϕ (Jl + Jm N 2 )
ωar = , ωr = ∗ = . (3.17)
Jl Jl Jm Jl Jm N 2
90 3 Mechanical Design
From Eq. (3.17) it can be seen that ωar and ωr are determined by the motor and
load inertia, as well as the gear ratio and stiffness. The antiresonance frequency,
ωar , is the frequency where an oscillation node coincides with the point of force
application [32] and can be taken as a natural frequency at the load side. A forced
torsional oscillation of the load side at ωar may cause the load side to oscillate at ωar
while the motor remains at standstill or nearly standstill (ωm ≈ 0, τm ≈ 0), and the
servo actuator may fail to respond to desired actions or compensate disturbances.
As an empirical value recommended by the gear manufacturer, far = ωar/2π should
be above 15 Hz for industrial robots and standard applications in mechanical
engineering to avoid such effects [59]. During operation, the resonance speed on
the motor side resulting from far should be passed rapidly.
ωr q Jl Jl
= 1 + Rj , where Rj = ∗ = . (3.18)
ωar Jm Jm N 2
Servo systems with low ratio Rj show good disturbance rejection and response
times. In order to prevent overshooting and oscillation at larger ratios (Rj > 5), the
control gains must be reduced which extends the settling time. Another solution is
to use control schemes which take the compliance of the motor-load coupling into
account, see for example [29, 166]. According to a closed-loop analysis by Zhang
and Furusho [209], the load-to-motor inertia ratio in high-response applications
should be 1 ≤ Rj ≤ 4. Finally, Rj affects power dissipation of the servo actuator
because the motor acceleration torque increases with larger inertia ratios which
goes along with higher power dissipation.
Practical Considerations
Rivin [155] addresses fundamental issues that must be considered when analyzing
the stiffness and damping of power transmission systems and servomechanisms.
The antiresonance and resonance frequencies, Eq. (3.15), greatly affect the
bandwidth of the speed control loop and the response time of the servo actuator
[10]. In order to avoid resonance problems and to achieve faster tracking and
closed-loop response, it is essential to increase the natural frequencies of the
drivetrain without increasing its mass. To this end, the most effective measures to
improve or avoid resonance problems are
3.3 Design Calculations 91
Topology optimization
FEA / Strength assessment Set up optimization problem
Figure 3.5: Comparison of empirical design to the automated process based on topol-
ogy optimization
conditions, one or more load cases are analyzed using the constraint forces and
moments calculated with the dynamics simulation (Section 3.3.1). This approach
is particularly useful for smaller components and/or components where the
weight saving potential is mainly limited due to manufacturing constraints and
capabilities (e. g., minimum wall thickness or cutter radii).
If a component has various complex load conditions, strict geometric con-
straints and/or other design limitations, the empirical design approach is not
always straightforward. Rather, it is difficult to find a satisfactory solution which
meets the requirements. Here the FEM-based topology optimization method [61]
aids the designer in achieving an effective lightweight design before modeling the
actual part geometry. The additional workflow is shown in the right-hand branch
of Figure 3.5. After the allowable designed space has been defined as a solid body
or shell structure in CAD, the finite-element model is generated including all
loads and constraints required to resemble the installation of the component or
assembly as realistic as possible. Then the optimization problem is formulated,
using mass or stiffness targets as possible goal functions. Optimization constraints
include the maximum allowable deflection, minimum wall thickness, symme-
try and manufacturing process parameters. Also, dedicated areas are reserved
that must not be modified, e. g., bearing seating surfaces or connecting flanges.
The design proposal is then determined iteratively without user interaction by
numerical optimization. The result is mathematically optimal and superior to
conventional designs, provided that the whole optimization model has been set
up properly. Several load cases must be considered for optimization in order to
obtain results which apply to typical, realistic scenarios. However, the implemen-
tation and verification of an optimization model are very time-consuming tasks.
Also, transferring the design proposal into an actual part geometry is very costly
3.3 Design Calculations 93
x y
(a) Mockup (b) Optimization model (c) Optimization result (d) Part design
z z
x y x y
(a) FE model (b) FE mesh (c) Deflection (d) von Mises stress
process and capabilities. The optimization model shown in Figure 3.6b is built
upon the mockup geometry. Since realistic results can only be achieved if the load
transfer by the drive mechanisms of the knee and ankle joint is taken into account,
the shank and the knee and ankle joint drives are modeled as elastic bending
beams. The constraint forces and moments are applied to the hip joint, while the
ankle joint and coupler links are cardanically supported to the environment. The
visualization of the results allows to locate the load step with the most significant
contribution to the maximum load case. After the optimization results have been
prepared by calculating an iso-surface of the material distribution, smoothing and
data reduction, they are imported in the CAD system. The optimization result
is shown in Figure 3.6c: the left-hand plot resembles an iso-plot of the element
density. The right-hand vector plot shows the principal stresses, indicating the
force flux. Finally, the part geometry shown in Figure 3.6d is developed based on
the optimization result.
Strength assessment
Iterative stress analyses are applied throughout the design process as it allows the
rather fast and simple evaluation and comparison of different design approaches,
see Figure 3.5. After completion, highly stressed components and sub-assemblies
3.3 Design Calculations 95
Mode 1 (317 Hz): side-to-side bending Mode 2 (360 Hz): upward bending
Figure 3.8: Natural mode shapes of the shank base body. Scaling is omitted since the
calculated deflections are only of qualitative nature. The red and blue areas indicate
zero and maximum deflection, respectively.
are assessed by finite element analyses (FEA) for a final strength and fatigue
evaluation [54]. The constraint forces and moments are again calculated with
the comprehensive robot simulation (see Section 3.3.1). Based on these dynamic
load profiles, different load cases are identified, e. g., maximum force, maximum
moment and average loading, and safety factors account for load uncertainty. The
material data are taken from different sources, such as manufacturer’s data sheets
or the standard work by Haibach [54]. Because of high manufacturing effort
and costs, major link structures and some other critical components are designed
conservatively to avoid failure. According to the infinite lifetime concept, stresses
are kept below the threshold of fatigue limit.
The FEA of the shank sub-assembly is shown in Figure 3.7 to exemplify the
workflow of strength assessment. In order to obtain a realistic and accurate
finite element model, Figure 3.7a, it is not sufficient to consider solely the main
body of the shank. Rather, a sub-assembly must be built consisting of the shank
base body, knee joint flanges and linear carriages of the ankle joint drives (cf.
Section 3.8.3). Moreover, the surrounding construction, including the thigh, knee
joint actuator and coupler links of the ankle joint are modeled as elastic bending
beams. The 1-D and 3-D meshes are connected by assembly constraints that
resemble fastened, sliding, rigid, or smooth connection properties. Since influence
on CATIA’s automated meshing algorithms is limited, it is essential to perform
iterative mesh refinement to obtain reliable results, Figure 3.7b. Lastly, Figure 3.7c
and d illustrate deflection and von Mises stress of the component.
96 3 Mechanical Design
Elastodynamic Analysis
The dynamic stiffness of the leg links determines to a far extent the positioning
accuracy of the feet. Structural vibrations can let the foot-ground contact occur too
early and may, thus, easily destabilize the robot. Therefore, the resonant behavior
of the major leg links is analyzed numerically with the FEM to determine the
natural mode shapes and frequencies of the structure during free vibration. Nu-
merical modal analysis supplies information about deflection modes and natural
frequencies which are present in the robot structure. The results can help tracing
poorly designed elements and structural weak points during the design stage. For
example, Figure 3.8 visualizes the natural frequencies and corresponding mode
shapes of the shank main body. They are basically characterized as side-to-side
bending, upward bending, torsion, and combinations thereof. The figure only
depicts the first five frequencies which are typically the most prominent modes at
which the shank will vibrate, dominating all the higher frequency modes.
mass, lower dynamic performance and reduced stiffness. The overall mass is gen-
erally higher because of the larger number of parts and their connections and goes
along with lower dynamic performance. Moreover, since all servo actuators are
located close to the corresponding joints, the inertia of modular serial-link robots
is higher than at comparable non-modular systems. If properly designed, the
latter have an improved mass distribution since the spatial separation between the
actuators and joints is possible. Finally, the stiffness of modular serial-link robots
is reduced due to the higher part count, the presence of numerous connections
and, frequently, unfavorable force flux resulting from the standardized flanged
connections and joint bearing structures.
Therefore, a fully modular robot architecture, where all functional unit are
independent from each other, is not useful for a high-dynamic robot and con-
tradictory to the fundamental design goals developed in Section 2.4. Rather, a
limited modular approach with actuators built on the unit construction principle
is proposed, while the main structure is non-modular. All rotary drives have the
identical structure and comprise a joint, the corresponding actuator (motor and
reduction gear) and a servo drive unit that also incorporates a low-level motion
controller (see Section 5.2). The sizes of the motors and gears are adapted to
the individual power requirements. Many parts are standardized for all drives,
only some housings and connecting flanges are customized for optimal force flux.
Moreover, the linear actuators of the knee and ankle joints (cf. Sections 3.8.2
and 3.8.3) employ the modular design features to a far extent. This approach
turned out to be the most reasonable and economic way of realizing the robot at
minimal mass while taking into account ease of manufacturing.
Although the main structure is non-modular, standardized flange connections
of many actuators (such as the shoulder and hip joints) and, particularly, the
separation of actuators and structural components yield certain modularity on a
higher level, allowing to easily exchange the arms and legs, as well as the upper
body. Conversely, a rather low level of modularity with joint-specific connections
is applied to the legs in order to achieve a particularly advantageous force flux,
high stiffness and low mass.
0 50 100 [mm]
Figure 3.9: Modular design of revolute joints based on Harmonic Drive component sets
(drawn to scale)
Except for the camera head described in Section 3.5 where the low power require-
ments allow to use off-the-shelf servo actuators, a total of 16 DoFs are actuated
by seven different rotary drives based on Harmonic Drive component sets. All
gears are customized lightweight versions with a T-shaped Circular Spline which
is, in the author’s opinion, the best tradeoff between mass and load rating. The
solid Wave Generator plugs are made from either aluminum or steel and modified
for low mass and inertia. Most drive units employ HFUC series component sets
[59], except for the hip joint flexion/extension axes. Here, CSG series component
sets [59] are used as they feature a significant increase in torque capacity in com-
parison to the HFUC series gears. The toe joint actuators employ off-the-shelf
CPL series lightweight component sets [57]. Figure 3.9 gives an overview of the
drives, starting from the high-performance drive ‘A’ used in the hip joint flex-
ion/extension axis, to the lightweight toe joint actuator ‘G’. Note that the type ‘B’
and ‘C’ actuators share the identical motor housing and differ only in the output
bearing. Type ‘D’ and ‘E’ differ only in the stack length of the motor, so that drive
‘E’ is omitted in the figure. The key technical data are listed in Appendix C.
Basically, two joint principles are employed that differ in the output flange
bearing. The first type uses a four-point contact ball bearing and an additional
support bearing. This type is applied to joints where a single bearing at the output
flange would impair the force flux and unacceptably decrease the tilting rigidity
of the joint, for instance the hip joint adduction/abduction and flexion/extension
axes. The second type employs a thin-ring crossed roller bearing at the output.
Although a single bearing is used, tilting rigidity and load rating are maintained,
space restrictions can be met easier and the adjacent construction is simplified
and more compact.
The design and mode of operation of the servo actuator with four-point con-
tact ball bearing are illustrated by Figure 3.10 which shows the hip joint flex-
ion/extension drive (type ‘A’). For optimal heat transfer, the stator (1) of the
3.4 Modular Joint Design 99
23 2 8 13
22 15
21 20 1 Stator
2 Motor housing
3 Permanent magnet rotor
1 4 Motor shaft
5 Motor shaft bearing A
6 Motor shaft bearing B
10 7 Wave Generator
8 Circular Spline
9 Flexspline
10 Output flange
11 Clamping ring (Flexspline)
12 Gap seal
13 Four-point bearing
14 Sensor mounting ring
15 Incremental encoder
16 Sensor shaft
17 Absolute angular sensor
17 19 18 Elastomer coupling
18 14
19 Sensor bearing
20 Limit switch
12 16 12 7 21 Protective cover
5 4 11 9
3 6 22 Cable grommet
23 Support bearing
Figure 3.10: Harmonic Drive-based revolute joint with four-point contact ball bearing
and support bearing, here: hip joint flexion/extension drive (type ‘A’)
frameless PMSM is bonded into the motor housing (2) with a thermally conduc-
tive epoxy. The motor housing (2) has cooling fins for natural convection. The
permanent magnet rotor (3) is bonded onto the motor shaft (4) which rotates on
two deep groove ball bearings in a locating/non-locating arrangement. The locat-
ing bearing (5) is placed next to the sensor area to maintain the axial position of the
magnetic ring of incremental encoder (15), ensuring optimal output signals and
reducing interpolation errors. The non-locating bearing (6) is placed on the gear
side where axial displacement due to thermal expansion is not critical. The Wave
Generator (7) is flanged on the motor shaft (4). The Circular Spline (8) is fixed to
the motor housing (2), and the Flexspline (9) is attached to the output flange (10),
using the clamping ring (11). Hence, turning the motor shaft (4) moves the output
flange (10) with respect to the motor housing (2). The EKagrip [34] friction shim
(not shown), inserted between the Flexspline (9) and the output flange (10), greatly
increases the coefficient of friction so that the maximum torques can be safely
transmitted. The gap seal (12) keeps the clearance between the gear components
and the housing within the specifications for grease lubrication. A four-point
contact ball bearing (13) is employed at the output flange (10). It is complemented
by the additional support bearing (23), which is a radial contact ball bearing. The
inner ring of bearing (23) is clamped in position by the sensor mounting ring
(14). The bearings (13) and (23) are sealed thin-section bearings with imperial
measurements which are widely used in robotics and aerospace applications. They
are characterized by low mass and small cross sections which remain constant
as the bore diameter increases. All sensors (cf. Section 4.1) are arranged on the
B-side of the motor in a separated dustproof section of the housing, opposite to
the gear unit. The incremental encoder (15) is mounted on the motor shaft (4) and
provides angular position and velocity of the permanent magnet rotor (3) with
100 3 Mechanical Design
23 24 17 21
13 9 18 19
11 8 15
2 16 12 1 Stator
2 Motor housing
3 Permanent magnet rotor
4 Motor shaft
5 Motor shaft bearing A
6 Motor shaft bearing B
1 7 Wave Generator
10 8 Circular Spline
9 Flexspline
10 Output flange
11 Clamping ring (Flexspline)
12 Gap seal
13 Crossed roller bearing
14 Sensor mounting ring
15 Incremental encoder
16 Sensor shaft
17 Absolute angular sensor
18 Elastomer coupling
20 19 Sensor bearing
14 22 20 Limit switch
3 5
6 4 21 Protective cover
7 12 22 Cable grommet
23 Clamping ring (bearing)
24 Grease nipple
Figure 3.11: Harmonic Drive-based revolute joint with crossed roller bearing, here: hip
joint internal/external rotation drive (type ‘C’)
respect to the stator (1). The flange of the absolute angular sensor (17) is fixed to
the gear housing using the mounting ring (14). It is connected to the gear output
(10) by the sensor shaft (16), enabling the direct measurement of the output angle
without obstructing the connection between the gear output and adjacent con-
struction. The sensor shaft (16) is free from moment and radial loading to ensure
an accurate transmission of the output angle. The groove on its output flange side
acts as an elastic flexure hinge. In conjunction with the backlash-free miniature
elastomer coupling (18), the sensor shaft (16) is angularly flexible to compensate
for radial and axial misalignment. The coupling (18) connects to the disk of the
angular sensor (17), which is supported by the sensor bearing (19). A double
row angular contact ball bearing is used as it takes up less axial space than two
single row bearings. The support configuration of the sensor shaft (16) and sensor
disk are thus statically determined. The short sensor shaft allows to maintain the
correct working distance between the disk and the measuring module of sensor
(17). Finally, the photoelectric fork sensor (20) limits the angular workspace of
the joint, using a cam fixed to the sensor shaft (16). The housing of the rotary
drive is divided into three areas: Harmonic Drive gear, electric motor and sensors
are installed in different areas, separated by the bearing flanges. Accordingly, all
bearings are equipped with seals, but gap seals are preferred over lip seals due to
reduced friction. In addition, the gap seals (12) prevent the grease from ingress
into the motor and sensor areas. Protection of the sensors against ingress of solid
foreign objects and dust is ensured by the cover (21) and the cable grommets (22).
The second type of rotary servo actuator shown in Figure 3.11 is applied to the
internal/external rotation axis of the hip joint. The basic structure is identical
to the previous actuator but this type actuator employs a single thin-section
3.5 The Stereo Robotic Head 101
6 2 3 4 5 9
6 2 3 4 5 9
crossed roller bearing (13) at its output flange. crossed roller bearings are typically
supplied with pre-load and can receive loads in all directions, including radial,
axial and moment loads. Due to the line contact between the cylindrical rolling
members and the bearing rings, these bearings achieve high tilting rigidity and
load ratings, eliminating the need for an additional support bearing. The bearing
outer ring is easily fixed to the housing by the clamping ring (23), while the inner
ring is fixed by the adjacent construction. During assembly of the drive unit,
the clamping ring (23) is fixed only by a few small screws. It is then tightened
tension-free and with the prescribed number of screws and tightening torque,
when the drive unit is assembled in the adjacent construction. The grease nipple
(24) eases maintenance of the crossed roller bearing (13).
Figure 3.12 illustrates the low-inertia design of the motor shafts. Since motor
shaft inertia is dominated by the inertias of the permanent magnet rotor (2) and
Wave Generator (7), the latter is customized for low inertia and mass. The solid
Wave Generator plug is made from aluminum or steel and omits the Oldham
coupling of the standard versions. The permanent magnet rotor (2) is bonded onto
motor shaft (1) while the Wave Generator (7) is screwed to it. The motor shaft (1)
is made from aluminum and shows extremely thin cross sections. It is supported
by locating bearing (3), which is fixed in position by adjustment shims (4) and
retaining ring (5), and non-locating bearing (6). Both bearings are thin-section
ball bearings. The magnetic encoder ring (9) is clamped onto the motor shaft.
4 1 Head mount 17 Support bearing
2 Pan segment 18 Coupler link
3 Tilt segment 19 Spherical plain bearing
30 4 Camera 20 Tilt bearing
2 5 Camera receptacle 21 Locknut
22 13 6 Pan motor 22 Limit switch
8 7 Pan gearbox 23 Servo actuator
7 8 End stop 24 Bellows coupling
6 9 9 Limit switch 25 Output bearing
11 10 DSP module 26 Lever arm
11 Motor controller 27 Coupler link
12 12 DC/DC converter 28 Vergence axis
1 13 Cable gland 29 Plain bearing
14 Servo actuator 30 Limit switch
10 15 Torque limiter 31 Camera spacer
16 Lever arm
(a) Overview
21 20 21 3
24 26
3 27
5 19
5 4
19 29
18 28
15 4
19 29
5 4 5 31 4
133 mm 240 m
(min.) (max.)
arm (26) is supported by two thin-section ball bearings (25) in an adjusted bearing
arrangement, the coupler links (27) employ spherical plain bearings (19). The
miniature bellows coupling (24) with integrated torque limiter [160] connects
the output of servo actuator (23) and the lever arm axis (26), reducing the risk
of damage in an emergency. Both vergence rotational axes (28) are supported by
plain bearings (29) with minimal clearance.
Finally, Figure 3.13d illustrates the manual adjustment of the camera stereo basis.
The stereo basis can be adjusted between 133 mm and 240 mm by interposing
camera spacers (31) between the receptacles (5) and the cameras (4).
2 2
6 5 9
4 4 11
7 3 3 8
3 5
1 1
1 Pelvis segment
17 18 2 Camera head
3 Arm
14 4 Shoulder joint flexion drive
20 5 Motor electronics
6 DC/DC converter
21 7 Inertial measurement system
8 Central control unit
9 Connector panel
10 Emergency stop pushbutton
11 Handle
12 Pelvis joint connecting flange
15 13 Main girder
16 14 Shoulder girder
15 Shoulder transverse tube
19 16 Shoulder joint flange
13 17 Head mount
18 Strut (head)
12 19 Strut (shoulder)
20 Fastening eye
21 Locating pin
(c) Trunk support structure
head strut (18) for increased tilting stiffness. In order to avoid damage of the robot
during experiments, it is secured by a safety rope. The rope is attached to the
robot by the fastening eyes (20). Lastly, two locating pins (21) are used to fixate
the upper body in the calibration jig (cf. Section 3.11.1).
The pelvis interfaces to the internal/external rotation joints of the legs and to
the upper body via the two-DoF pelvis joint. Using the pelvis joint, upper body
orientation is independent from leg motion except for flexion/extension. Pelvic
rotation can be utilized to increase the step lengths and provides an additional
means of compensation the total body angular momentum, as discussed in Sec-
tion 2.2.5. Leg swing induces high torsional moments into the pelvis structure.
The main body shown in Figure 3.14(a) must therefore show high stiffness to
106 3 Mechanical Design
4 1
1 Pelvis segment
2 Upper body support structure
3 Adduction/abduction joint
4 Internal/external rotation joint
5 End stop
6 Pelvis joint connecting member
(b) Pelvis joint
ensure accurate foot placement with low distortion. The compact and lightweight
pelvis segment is manufactured from aluminum by investment casting10 . The
two-DoF pelvis joint is shown in Figure 3.15(b). The adduction/abduction (3)
and internal/external rotation joints (4) connect to the pelvis segment (1) and the
upper body support structure (2), respectively. The mechanical end stops (5) limit
the angular motion of the adduction/abduction axis and avoid collisions with
electronics components and cable overstretching.
3 2
are driven by a type ‘F’ servo actuators with four-point contact ball bearings and
additional support bearings. The upper arm (5) and lower arm (6) are made of
thin-walled aluminum tubes. The connecting flanges to the servo actuators are
mounted with blind rivets and polyurethane adhesive bond. The lower arms (6)
are equipped with balance weights (7) at their ends. The upper arm holds the
motor controller (8) of the elbow joint.
performance, the static and dynamic stiffness of the connecting joint between
the leg and the pelvis is fundamental for the walking performance of the robot.
Figure 3.17 shows the mechanical design of the hip joint. The internal/external
rotation axis (2) is inclined 10° to the vertical axis to achieve a better power
distribution among the drives [46].
The hip joint drives are among the highest loaded joints of the robot. The
integration of these drives in a very narrow installation space is most challenging.
In addition, the hip joint structure and bearings must show high tilting rigid-
ity which is complicated by the large workspace of the flexion/extension axis.
Therefore, several design approaches were designed and compared in terms of
their static and dynamic properties. The chosen design shown in Figure 3.17a
comprises the internal/external rotation drive (2) with crossed roller bearing (type
‘B’, Figure 3.9) which is screwed to the pelvis segment (1). It is followed by the
adduction/abduction drive (3) and the flexion/extension drive (4) which are of
type ‘C’ and ‘A’, respectively. For high tilting rigidity and direct force flux, drives
(3) and (4) comprise four-point contact ball bearings at the output flanges and
additional support bearings (7). Both bearings (7) are thin-section deep groove
ball bearings in a non-locating arrangement. The fork-shaped rotation segment
(8) holds the adduction/abduction drive (3) and support bearing (7), surrounding
the hip joint adduction/abduction segment (9). Despite its slender shape, bending
and torsional stiffness of segment (8) are high enough.
Figure 3.17b explains the fixation of the hip joint in the pelvis segment. The
connecting flange of the internal/external rotation drive (2) is screwed on the
pelvis segment (1) together with the outer ring of crossed roller bearing (5). For
direct force transmission into the pelvis segment, motor housing (2) is additionally
supported by the polyurethane ring (6) inserted between the motor housing (2) and
bearing surface of pelvis segment (1). The viscoelastic properties of polyurethane
ring (6) enhance damping and provide an effective way to reduce structural
vibrations and oscillations of the swing foot.
3 1
4 2
Figure 3.17: Mechanical design of the hip joint composed of three serial drives with
intersecting axes
Because of limited available space in the knee joint axis, the absolute angular
sensor (8) is shifted towards the thigh (2) using a parallel-crank mechanism. Fig-
ure 3.18b explains the sensor arrangement. The four-bar mechanism is composed
of the lever arm (11) mounted on the shaft of the sensor (8) and the coupler (12)
which connects the shank segment (4) and the lever arm (11) using spherical plain
bearings. The length of lever arm (11) equals the distance from the knee joint (1)
axis to the shank articulation point of coupler (12), while the length of coupler
(12) corresponds to the distance between the knee joint (1) axis and the shaft of
the absolute angular sensor (8). Figure 3.18b shows the two extreme positions
of the shank segment (4) for knee angles of -120° and 5°. The positions of lever
arm (13) and coupler (14) at a knee angle of -120° show that coupler (14) must be
cranked to avoid collisions with the angular gear (10) which is coaxially with the
knee joint.
Figure 3.18c shows the compact design of universal joint (7) which connects the
output link of knee joint actuator (5) to the shank segment (4). The spider (15)
is made from high-tension steel in order to keep its dimensions to a minimum.
Precision plain bearings (16) with adjusted clearance are used in the one axis
of the spider (15), where only minimal rotation due to elastic deformation of
the leg structure occurs. Since the main axis of rotation is subject to higher
rotational speeds, it is supported by the needle roller bearing (17) which can
110 3 Mechanical Design
1 Knee joint
2 Thigh segment
3 Hip joint
4 Shank segment
5 Knee joint linear actuator
6 Universal joint (thigh)
7 Universal joint (shank)
8 Absolute angular sensor
9 Protective cable conduit
10 Angular gear (ankle joint)
3 11 Lever arm (-120° position)
12 Coupler (-120° position)
5 13 Lever arm (5° position)
14 Coupler (5° position)
15 Spider
16 Plain bearing
17 Needle roller bearing
18 Axial bearing
19 Grease nipple
20 Shank segment axis
6 21 Knee joint bearing
22 Bearing flange (thigh)
23 Bearing flange (shank)
24 Locking ring & adjustment shims
25 Screws
5 2
9 4 12
10 10
22 22
4 20 25 25
18 24 24
17 21 21
16 23 23
(c) Universal joint (shank segment) (d) Knee joint bearing structure
Output (driven) lin
Motor (driving) link
19 18
10 2 17
20 21 14
13 11
15 12
5 8 6
3 7
17 16
19 18
The permanent magnet rotor (3) is bonded onto the motor receptacle (4). For
assembly convenience, the receptacle (4) is divided into two parts which are
clamped together using radially arranged set screws that engage into a V-groove.
The cone clamping (5) fastens the receptacle (4) on the roller screw shaft (11).
The rotating part of the driving link which consists of the roller screw shaft (11)
and motor receptacle (4), rotates on two angular contact ball bearings (6) and a
thin-section deep groove ball bearing (9) in a locating/non-locating arrangement.
Unlike the Harmonic Drive-based revolute joints, cf. Section 3.4.2, where the
locating bearing is placed next to the incremental encoder, locating bearing (6) of
the the roller screw shaft (11) resides on the opposite side of motor housing (2),
providing ideal force flux to the thigh segment. Locating bearing (6) is composed
of two matched single row angular contact ball bearings with internal pre-load.
This arrangement allows to accommodate high axial loads acting in both directions.
Bearings (6) are mounted immediately adjacent to each other and axially located
by bearing spacer (7) and locknut (8). The non-locating bearing (9) provides
additional radial support and ensures reliable working distance between the
magnetic ring and the scanning head of incremental encoder (10). Cover (20) and
cable grommet (21) protect the encoder (10) against ingress of solid foreign objects
and dust. The motor link is cardanically supported in the thigh segment by the
spider (15). Oil-free precision plain bearings (16) with minimal clearance are used
in both axes of the universal joint, as they are better suited for oscillating bearing
motions with small angles of oscillation than rolling bearings. They run on steel
raceways (17) which are bonded onto the bearing journals of the motor housing (2,
not shown) and spider (15). The spider (15) is located in the thigh segment by the
cantilever axes (18). To prevent the motor link from floating, axial clearance of
the bearings (16) is adjusted with shims (19) during assembly. The output (driven)
link consists of the roller screw nut (12), which is flanged on the immersion tube
(13). The figure shows the working principle of the drive. The roller screw shaft
(11) plunges into the immersion tube (13), changing the distance between the
upper and lower hinging points of the actuator. The output link connects to the
shank segment by universal joint (14), see Figure 3.18c.
11 21 5 4
16 20 18 17 15 13 12 14
Figure 3.20a shows the overall structure of the mechanism. The two-DoF
ankle joint (1) connects the shank (2) to the foot segment (3). It is actuated by
two spatial slider-crank mechanisms (8–9) with one DoF each. The motors (5)
are mounted on the thigh segment (4), close to the hip joint. Each slider-crank
mechanism is basically composed of the linear carriage (8) which translates along
the longitudinal axis of shank (2). The coupler link (9) connects carriage (8) and
the foot segment (3). Moving the linear carriages (8) on both sides of the shank (2)
in equal directions results in a flexion/extension movement of the ankle joint (1),
moving them in opposite direction yields an adduction/abduction movement. The
linear carriages (8) are driven by the motors (5) which connect to the slider-crank
114 3 Mechanical Design
mechanisms (8–9) via synchronous belt drives (6) and angular gears (7).
Figure 3.20b explains the design of the ankle joint motor. The structure is
almost identical to the Harmonic Drive-based revolute joints, cf. Section 3.4.2.
The PMSM stator (10) is bonded into the motor housing (11). The permanent
magnet rotor (12) is bonded onto motor shaft (13) which is supported by bearings
(14) and (15) in a locating/non-locating arrangement. Thin-section deep groove
ball bearings are employed for both locating (14) and non-locating bearing (15).
For better accommodation of the radial forces resulting from the synchronous
belt drive (6), the motor shaft (13) is additionally supported by the self-aligning
ball bearing (16). The ability of this arrangement to compensate dynamic angular
errors as well as axial misalignment avoids internal forces in the bearing system of
the motor shaft. Accordingly, a high-strength yet lightweight design of motor shaft
(13) is achieved by a two-part design: the inner part which holds the permanent
magnet rotor (12) is made from aluminum. Since the output part of the motor
shaft is subject to considerable rotating bending resulting from the radial forces
of the synchronous belt drive, it is made from high-tension steel. The driving
pulley (18) of synchronous belt drive (6) is fastened onto motor shaft (13) using
cone clamping (20). The support bearing housing (17) holds the bearing (16) and
provides protection against accidental contact of the pulley (18). The incremental
encoder (21) is mounted on the opposite side of the motor shaft (13) and protected
by the cover (22) and cable grommets (23).
Figure 3.20c shows the synchronous belt drive that connects the motor (5) to the
input shaft of the angular gear (not shown). The driving pulley (18) is fastened
onto the motor shaft (5). The driven pulley (19) resides on the input shaft of
the angular gear, coaxially with the knee joint. The pulleys are connected by the
synchronous belt (24). The fixed idler (25) increases the wrap angle of the driving
pulley (18). Accordingly, the adjustable idler (26) increases the wrap angle of the
driven pulley (19) and allows to set belt tension and compensate the tolerances of
synchronous belt (24).
Figure 3.21 illustrates all drivetrain components situated on the shank. Fig-
ure 3.21a shows the spatial slider-crank mechanism (8–9), located on both sides of
shank (2). The main components are the linear carriage (8), which moves in longi-
tudinal direction of shank (2), and coupler link (9) which connects carriage (8) to
the foot (3). The linear carriage (8) is guided by a pre-loaded linear recirculating
ball bearing and guideway assembly (32), which can accommodate loads from
all directions—except for the direction of motion—and moments about all axes.
The linear bearing unit comprises a single guideway (32) and two ball bearing
carriages which are screwed to carriage (8). Using two smaller instead of one
larger carriage reduces the mass and increases rating life. In addition, guideway
(32) is inclined by 20° to the sagittal plane to achieve a better loading condition.
The linear carriage (8) is driven by a planetary roller screw. The screw shaft (27)
and nut (28) are attached to the shank (2) and carriage (8), respectively. The
screw shaft (27) is supported by the axial angular contact ball bearing (29) and
needle roller bearing (30) in a locating/non-locating arrangement. Coupler link
(9) connects to the linear carriage (8) by a heavy-duty rod end (33) with reduced
clearance (5 − 10 µm) that can support high alternating loads and shock loads. The
3.8 The Legs 115
31 32 24
27 8 17
28 33 19 43
31 9 16
30 36
2 39
1 34 37
3 35
41 42 29 27
45 55
52 54
3 46 41
3 53
other end of link (9) connects to the foot segment (3) by universal joint (34).
The slider-crank mechanisms (8–9) are arranged in the longitudinal direction of
the shank, perpendicular to the knee joint axis. It is therefore necessary to redirect
the axes of rotation of the motors (5) by angular gear units which are shown in
Figure 3.21b. Minimal backlash of these gears is crucial for servo performance
and accuracy, but can only be achieved by experience and very precise assembly.
Therefore, a commercial bevel gear (35–39) is employed in a customized version.
The precision gear unit is optimized for position servo applications and features
a lightweight aluminum housing (35) for good heat dissipation. The internal
gear design provides high efficiency ranging from 94 % to 97 % and minimal
angular backlash of less than 8 arc min [55]. The bevel gear unit is fitted with
hardened bevel gears (37) with spiral toothing, allowing for higher speed and
load rating and less vibration and noise. Moreover, the angular gears have amply
dimensioned ball bearings for a high degree of transmission accuracy. As the speed
range requires oil splash lubrication, the gear box is sealed with sealing rings (39).
Synchronous belt (24) connects the motor shaft (not shown) to the input shaft (36)
of the angular gear which is coaxially with the knee joint. The driven pulley (19)
of the synchronous belt drive is fastened onto the input shaft (36) using the cone
clamping (20). The self-aligning ball bearing (16) accommodates the radial forces
resulting from the synchronous belt drive and reduces the loading of input shaft
(36). Bearing (16) is mounted on the knee joint bearing flange using the support
bearing housing (17). The miniature bellows coupling (40) connects the output
shaft (38) of the angular gear to the roller screw shaft (27). It is characterized by
zero backlash, high torsional stiffness, low inertia and the ability to compensate for
axial, lateral and angular shaft misalignments. The coupling incorporates a blind
mate press-fit connection for assembly convenience. The roller screw shaft (27) is
axially located by the axial angular contact ball bearing (29), which is fastened
by the bearing spacer (42) and the locknut (41). The axial angular contact ball
bearing (29) is a double row unit with internal pre-load to accommodate radial
forces as well as high axial forces acting in both directions. It is optimized for
screw drives and characterized by high accuracy, high load carrying capacity, high
rigidity and low friction. The protective cable conduit (43) guides all cables in the
knee joint area and avoids cable jamming.
The large required workspace in the dorsiflexion/plantarflexion axis inhibits
the use of standard spherical plain bearings to connect the the coupler link (9)
and foot segment (3). Hence the universal joint (34) is developed as shown in
Figure 3.21c. The fork-shaped universal joint adapter (44) at the end of coupler
(9) clasps around the spider (45). The cranked shape of (44) is due to limited
space in the shank-foot area and avoids collisions with the foot (3) and shank.
The cantilever axis (46) is bolted into the foot segment (3) and holds the spider
(45). Both spider (45) and cantilever axis (46) are made from high-tension steel to
achieve extremely compact dimensions and the required mating material hardness
for the plain bearings (48). All axes of the universal joint run on oil-free bronze
bushings (48) which are assembled with minimal clearance (5 − 10 µm). Plain
bearings with solid lubrication are superior in abrasion resistance compared to
composite bushings. They can withstand heavy and shock loads and are suitable
3.9 The Feet 117
1 3
m 4
40 m
2 10
5 13
He e
foo t
9 Fore
(a) Overview
f ≈ t
14 Circular curve
lt /2
Transition curve
15 17 16 lt
Figure 3.23: Function of the heel and toe segments during one gait cycle. Besides
viscoelastic members, the passive heel segment with hydraulic damper contributes
to shock attenuation.
the hallux touches down. Ground contact during mid stance, Figure 3.23c, is
ensured by the heel and hallux. Then the robot’s weight is transferred to the
hallux and, finally, the heel lifts in terminal stance, Figure 3.23d. However, these
passive mechanisms of shock absorption are limited by the required bandwidth
for stabilizing the upper body orientation, see Section 2.3.
The modular mechanical configuration of the feet enables modifications of the
foot geometry (contact area size and shape, geometry of contact elements) by
simply replacing the contact elements. Moreover, it facilitates experiments with
different foot configurations. Figure 3.24a shows the default configuration of
Lola’s feet with active toe joints (8), using the lightweight rotary actuators type ‘G’,
cf. Figure 3.9. Figure 3.24b shows a configuration with passive toe joint. Because
the passive toe joint is more compact, the anthropometric position of the toe joint
can be fully kept. The toe joint bearings are designed in a locating/non-locating
arrangement. Due to the high radial loads, locating bearing (18) is a combined
needle roller/angular contact ball bearing which can accommodate axial loads in
both directions. Bearing (18) is fixed with locknut (19). A needle roller bearing
is used as non-locating bearing (20). A torsional spring (21) is employed that
supplies torque to restore the joint to its zero position. The absolute angular
sensor (22) acquires the toe joint angle, providing it for the trajectory planning
3.10 The Link Segments 121
18 19 22 21 20
Figure 3.24: Modular structure of the feet, enabling experimental evaluation of differ-
ent configurations
constructions. Despite good machinability, Magnesium and its alloys are mainly
cast materials due to limited cold forming properties. Complex-shaped single
copy Magnesium components can be manufactured by investment casting as de-
scribed below. But again, very high manufacturing costs are against Magnesium
castings. The robot Johnnie was made solely from various standard and high-
tensile Aluminum alloys. These materials have been proven successful during the
lab work, where accidental tipping over of the robot never caused serious damage
to components. Furthermore, subsequent modifications are possible and can be
conducted promptly in the in-house workshop. Consequently, using CFRP or
Magnesium alloys for the robot structure is abandoned but the tried and tested
aluminum alloys are used instead for most components. Less loaded parts and
covers are made from plastic (e. g., POM, ABS).
As stated in Section 3.2, lightweight design also affects the selection of joining
techniques, i. e., screwing, bolting, riveting and/or bonding. The weight analysis
of the robot Johnnie has revealed that screws make 4,7 % of the robot’s weight [46],
suggesting to reduce bolted flange connections to a minimum. In particular, other
joining techniques should be preferred for connections that need not to be loosened
for maintenance. Although bolted flange joints provide assembly convenience,
they contribute certain compliance to the robot structure. Thus, increasing the
stiffness of a flanged joint without increasing its mass is a worthwhile design
objective. More reliable transmission of forces and torques is achieved by EKagrip
shims [34]. These friction-enhancing shims provide microscale interlocking with
the joint surfaces, increasing the static friction coefficient by up to 300 %. EKagrip
shims are utilized in the highly loaded flange connections of the Harmonic Drive
Flexspline and the output flange, Section 3.4.2, as well as in the hip, knee and ankle
joint flanges (cf. Sections 3.8.1 to 3.8.3). On the other hand, joining aluminum
parts by bonding and/or riveting provides reliable force and/or material-locking
connections. Opposite to welding, the main benefits include the maintaining
of original material strength, no distortion and the possibility to connect non-
weldable, high-tensile Aluminum alloys or steel parts. As blind rivets are made
from Aluminum, they allow joining connections with virtually no increase in
weight. For adhesive connections of aluminum, polyurethanes are preferred over
epoxies due to their tough-elastic properties and good impact and peel resistance.
In addition, combined bonding and riveting connections have higher strength and
Generally speaking, prototype investment castings made from Aluminum are a
more economical solution than Magnesium castings. Nevertheless, this technology
enables the manufacture of very sophisticated, complex-shaped and thin-walled
parts with indentations, openings of any kind and complex rib structures. Since
there are almost no limitations in component shape, investment casting allows the
integration of various functions into a single part and the design of one-piece link
segments. It is possible to integrate attaching parts to reduce assembly complexity.
Thus, overlap due to bolted or riveted flange connections is avoided. Other than
“conventional” manufacturing techniques such as milling from the solid, prototype
investment casting allows for designing one-piece shell structures. Hence mainly
the part exterior is utilized to support the structural load [163], opposite to frame
3.10 The Link Segments 123
(a) Hip joint adduction segment (two parts, milling from the solid)
(b) Leg components (investment casting). Left to right: thigh base body, shank base body, ankle
joint connecting flange.
Figure 3.25: Examples of link segments, manufactured by milling from the solid or
investment casting
ment to check distortion and shrinkage, and X-ray imaging to check for internal
defects. The final CNC machining of the casting blank is essential as the castings
only become fully usable by the machining of all functional surfaces.
Figure 3.25 shows examples of link segments, manufactured either by milling
from the solid or prototype investment casting. Figure 3.25a depicts the fork-
shaped hip joint adduction/abduction segment which surrounds the hip joint
flexion/extension drive, cf. Figure 3.17. It is composed of two parts which are
manufactured by milling from the solid and joined using dowel pins and screws.
The left side of the assembly interfaces to the adduction/abduction drive by a
parallel key and screws. Figure 3.25b shows three components manufactured by
investment casting with machined functional surfaces: the main bodies of the
thigh and shank, and the ankle joint connecting flange. The castings incorporate
several functions: for example, the thigh base body has connecting flanges to the
hip and knee joints, bearing seats for the knee joint actuator, the flange for the
knee joint angular sensor, and two mounting surfaces for motor controllers with
cooling fins on their back. The shank base body comprises the connecting flange
to the knee joint, bearing seats for the ankle joint, and all mounting surfaces and
bearing seats for the ankle joint drive mechanism. The one-piece design allows to
combine all corresponding surfaces in a single component, which are machined
in a single setting in order to keep the geometric tolerances. This design and
manufacturing approach further ensures accuracy of kinematic parameters (e. g.,
location and orientation of neighboring links) which is necessary for precise and
robust trajectory planning and balance control.
Posture 2
Posture 1
Posture 3
Calibration jig
Figure 3.26: Schematic diagram of the calibration procedure for closed-loop calibra-
tion of the joint angles
Table 3.2: Mass distribution of the robot and percentage of the overall weight. The
amount of correction mass per segment was determined by weighing the robot. The
total masses per segment are the basis for the CAD-based approach for estimating
the full inertial parameters.
Shoulder 0.0 0.0 0.561 0.561 0.92 0.92
Upper arm 0.205 0.198 1.900 1.891 3.12 3.11
Lower arm 0.0 0.0 1.486 1.486 2.44 2.44
Subtotal 0.205 0.198 3.947 3.938 6.48 6.47
Hip rotation 0.0 0.0 1.844 1.844 3.03 3.03
Hip adduction 0.0 0.0 2.838 2.838 4.66 4.66
Thigh 0.309 0.393 6.419 6.503 10.54 10.68
Shank 0.125 0.125 3.403 3.403 5.59 5.59
Ankle 0.0 0.0 0.138 0.138 0.23 0.23
Forefoot 0.027 0.032 1.643 1.648 2.70 2.71
Toe (active) 0.013 0.013 0.797 0.797 1.31 1.31
Subtotal 0.473 0.563 17.082 17.171 28.06 28.20
Upper body
Head tilt 0.0 1.013 1.66
Head pan 0.0 0.249 0.41
Torso 0.597 9.884 16.23
Subtotal 0.597 11.146 18.31
Pelvis rotation 0.166 1.316 2.16
Pelvis adduction 0.411 6.281 10.32
Subtotal 0.577 7.597 12.48
Full body total 2.612 60.881 100.0
example, using the feet as proof masses, the masses, centers of mass and inertia
tensors relative to the link coordinate systems can be estimated by measuring the
joint torques, velocities and accelerations for given leg trajectories. Because of
limited mobility and the lack of accurate joint torque sensing, it is impossible to
estimate all inertial data [71]. Although the incomplete data may be sufficient
for fixed-base manipulators, all inertial parameters are required to calculate
whole-body dynamics of a humanoid robot with unilateral foot-ground contact.
Therefore, a CAD-based approach is proposed for estimating the full inertial
parameters. Accurate modeling of all purchased components is accomplished by
weighing the parts and adjusting the material properties of the CAD model. Still,
the calculated mass of the link segments can only be a rough estimate as long
as cable harnesses are not considered. Therefore, all components, including the
cables, are weighed during assembly. While the mass of components manufactured
3.12 Discussion 127
by milling and/or turning can be determined reliably from the native CAD data,
the castings are weighed and the material density is adjusted in the CAD model.
A large portion of the robot’s mass is due to the joint servo actuators. To take
account for an accurate mass distribution, all drives are weighed after assembly.
For the output side of the drives, the numerically obtained mass from CAD data is
sufficient. The link masses are adjusted in the CAD model by adding solids with
adjusted material density, thus, the inertial parameters can be assumed to be close
to reality. Finally, the new inertial parameters are determined for the multibody
simulation model of the robot (Section 3.3.1).
Table 3.2 shows the mass of each segment, the percentage of the total mass and
the amount of correction masses. The total amount of correction masses is 2.612 kg,
corresponding to an initial modeling error of 4.3 %. The largest correction masses
are applied to the thighs, pelvis and upper body, where most of the electronics
and cable harnesses are situated.
3.12 Discussion
This section discusses some of the most relevant design features of the mechanical
structure. Section 3.12.1 treats the mass distribution of the robot. The chosen
designs of some leg joints are compared against other approaches in Section 3.12.2
regarding their effect on the dynamic performance of the overall system.
the gear units via synchronous belt drives. An additional bevel gear redirects
the motor axis of the adduction/abduction axis. Despite its simple kinematic
structure, this drive mechanism is unfavorable with regard to leg dynamics. The
long transmission distance between the motors and gear units leads to a rather
high mass and shank inertia is very high due to the large perpendicular distance of
the gear units to the hip joint. The mass distribution also results in a high posture
dependence. At a knee angle of 90° the shank inertia decreases by 23 % compared
to the stretched leg configuration. Design variant A2 corresponds to Figure 2.15b,
a detailed description is given in [113]. The ankle joint is actuated by a parallel
mechanism composed of two linear actuators acting as length-variable couplers.
The actuators are connected to the shank and feet by universal joints. Design A2
has the lowest mass of all considered mechanisms because its structure is very
simple and requires only a small number of components. Compared to design
variant A0, the shank inertia reduces to 59.2 % in the stretched leg configuration.
The variation of shank inertia over the knee joint workspace is 22.3 %.
The structure of design variant A3.1 is shown in Figure 2.16a. Two spatial
slider-crank mechanisms mounted on the shank drive the ankle joint in a parallel
arrangement. The motors are placed close to the knee joint and drive the linear
carriage through synchronous belt drives. Hence the entire drivetrain is mounted
on the shank, similar to the Johnnie design [47]. The mass of the mechanism is
comparable to design variant A2. The shank inertia is 53.5 % in the stretched
leg configuration compared to design variant A0, and varies by 19.1 % over the
relevant knee angles. Finally, design variant A3.2 is the mechanism that is adopted
to the ankle joint of Lola, cf. Section 3.8.3 and Figure 3.20. The kinematic structure
(Figure 2.16b) is identical to design A3.1 but the motors are placed on the thigh,
close to the hip joint. Power transmission from the motors to the planetary roller
screws occurs by synchronous belt drives and angular gears that are coaxial with
the knee joint. The higher mass compared to design A3.1 results from the longer
transmission distance between the motors and screws. Although the mass is
similar, the contribution to the resultant leg inertia reduces to 40.8 % of the serial
arrangement A0 (stretched leg configuration). The shank inertia varies by only
17.1 % over the knee angle.
The analysis shows that drive mechanism A3.2 drastically improves the ac-
celeration capability if the legs. Although the mass is comparable to the serial
3.13 Chapter Summary 131
arrangement, which is found in most humanoid robots, it has by far the lowest
moment of inertia with respect to the hip joint. Also, the effects of varying shank
inertia are lower than in the other designs.
Toe Joint Mechanism
Table 3.5 compares the contribution of different foot configurations to the resultant
leg inertia. The mechanical design of the monolithic foot structure, passive and
active toe joint are shown in Figure 3.24.
Unsurprisingly, the monolithic foot structure, Figure 3.24c, has the lowest
inertia and mass. The inertia variation over the knee workspace is 34 %. The mass
of the passive toe joint illustrated in Figure 3.24b is 138 % of the monolithic foot,
likewise, the inertia increases to 137 % in the stretched leg configuration. With
34.8 %, the inertia variation is comparable. For the active toe joint, Figure 3.24a,
the mass and resultant inertia for the stretched leg configuration increase to 234 %
and 226 % of the monolithic foot, respectively. The inertia variation accounts for
34.7 % over the knee workspace.
Although a comparison between the different foot concepts is quite limited,
the analysis shows that the effort for improving the acceleration capability of
the locomotor system is little counteracted by the active toe joint. However, the
advantage of more flexible and natural gait generation and the potential to unload
other leg joints (see Section 2.2.6) outweigh the disadvantages.
This chapter introduces the sensor system of the robot. The joint sensors for
motor control and link position sensing are explained in Section 4.1. The custom-
developed force/torque sensor for measuring the ground reactions is presented
in Section 4.2. Finally, the motivation for employing a high-precision inertial
measurement system is given in Section 4.4.
134 4 Sensor System
(c) Absolute angular sensor, type 1 (d) Absolute angular sensor, type 2
Figure 4.1b is composed of a photoelectric fork sensor and a cam that is connected
to the gear output. The allowed angular range is determined by the cam which is
different for each degree of freedom. When a limit is encountered motor voltage is
interrupted inside the motor controller module with minimum software overhead
before reaching the joint’s mechanical end stops.
Figures 4.1c and 4.1d show the angular sensors for load-side feedback. Both
sensor determine the absolute joint angle within a single revolution. The rotary
encoders of type ECI are manufactured by Heidenhain and typically used as
resolver replacement in industrial motor control. The sensors of type 1 and 2 differ
in the size and resolution. Type 1 shown in Figure 4.1c has a diameter of 37 mm
and a resolution of 16 bit per revolution and is used in the ankle and toe joints.
The other joints employ sensor 2, Figure 4.1d, which has a diameter of 65 mm and
a resolution of 17 bit. Both sensors have a measurement accuracy of 0.1°, a cutoff
frequency 6 kHz and a latency for continuous sampling of position values of 5 µs.
Hence the delay in position feedback is minimal and velocity measurement can
be done by numerical differentiation. Position values and configuration data are
transmitted via the digital, bidirectional EnDat interface. ECI encoders utilize
the inductive measuring principle and come without integrated bearing. The
4.2 Force/Torque Sensors 135
Moment [Nm]
Force [N]
-400 20
-800 fx -40
-1000 fz
-1200 -100
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time [s] Time [s]
(c) FFT ground reaction forces (d) FFT ground reaction moments
200 25
fz 20 mz
Amplitude [–]
Amplitude [–]
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
Figure 4.2: Above, ground reaction forces and moments for a walking speed of
5.55 km/h obtained from simulation; below, frequency spectrum of the contact
encoder shaft is fixed to the output flange using an elastomer coupling, as shown
in Figure 3.10, and the encoder flange is fixed to the motor housing. Besides
rotational speed, the attainable accuracy depends on the air gap between rotor
and stator and the mounting conditions. The air gap between the scanning PCBs
is adjusted with shims during assembly. As changes in the air gap, e. g., due to
thermal expansion of the sensor shaft, or wobbling of the rotor PCB, affect signal
quality. These errors are minimized by the short distance between encoder shaft
bearing and the rotor PCB.
εxx ε̄SG
x ε̄SG
Strain-sensitive area F
Figure 4.3: Cantilever beam as basic transducer geometry. Left, high sensitivity is
achieved by applying the strain gauges close to the clamping; right, the strain gauge
averages strain over the area covered by the grid.
from the multibody simulation model by Buschmann, cf. Section 3.3.1. Using
these data, the measurement range of the force/torque sensor is derived:
500 100
F = ± 100 [N] ; M = ± 120 [Nm] . (4.1)
1200 50
Uchiyama et al. [189] propose a systematic procedure for the structural design
of a robotic force/torque sensor: the condition number of the strain-compliance
matrix serves as a measure for the maximum possible error in the measured forces
and moments. It is an indicator for the isotropy of structural compliance of the
transducer body with respect to sensor strain, and is equal to one in the case of
perfect isotropy. But the sensor performance is also affected by the relationship
of beam length l and sensor size L = r + l (cf. Figure 4.4) and other factors such
as stiffness, eigenfrequencies, decoupling, linearity, and hysteresis [52]. Lastly,
in order to obtain a wide enough bandwidth, the natural frequencies of the
transducer body should be higher than the frequencies of motion. To this end,
a fast Fourier transform (FFT) is conducted on the ground reaction forces to
provide an estimation of the frequency range of a typical gait pattern. The FFT
of the ground reaction forces and moments are shown in Figure 4.2(c) and (d),
respectively. These results indicate that the frequency spectrum of the reference
walking pattern ranges up to 25 Hz.
The following sections describe the mechanical design, sensor electronics and
the calibration and verification procedure. Most of these results are lifted from
the Diploma thesis by Schwienbacher [167].
bB , E, Iyy x
fz bM
bB bM l
l lM
E, Iyy hM x
f l
m0 = − 2z
u ⊕
r l x
u ⊕
Figure 4.4: Left, mechanical model of a shear beam (index B) supported by a mem-
brane (index M); right, reduced planar model of the shear beam. The elastic rela-
tions (shear Q, moment m, slope xu , deflection u) are shown qualitatively.
strain gauges are placed close to the clamping to achieve high sensitivity. The
transducer sensitivity βT obviously corresponds to the indicated strain ε̄SG and
can thus only be increased at the expense of reduced transducer stiffness kT :
βT ∝ ε̄SG ∝ (4.2)
On the other hand, the strain is typically not distributed uniformly over the active
area of a strain gauge. As a result, the averaging over the strain-sensitive area A
causes a loss of sensitivity as indicated on the right of Figure 4.3:
ε̄SG = ε dA . (4.3)
A B xx
All current Maltese cross sensors have shear beams with constant cross sections.
As shown by the following analysis, this design is not optimized for sensitivity
but mainly motivated by ease of design and manufacturing. The beam geometry
is therefore modified for high sensitivity by maximizing stress and achieving
constant strain in the active area of strain gauge installation. The “ideal” beam
geometry is examined using analytical beam theory and then verified numerically
by finite element analysis.
For a simplified analysis the Maltese cross-shaped transducer (cf. Figure 2.20)
is treated as a 2-D elastostatic mechanical system using shear beam theory. The
simplified model is shown on the left of Figure 4.4. Due to symmetry, the model
can be reduced to a single beam that extends along the x-axis. Without loss
of generality, we assume a square beam cross section of side bB . The beam is
supported by a prismatic bearing at its root (x = 0), allowing only rectilinear
translation along the z-axis: xu x=0 = 0. At x = l the beam is supported by a
membrane of thickness bM , height hM and length 2 · lM , which restrains the beam
end from rotation and transversal displacement. Provided that the membrane
is thin compared to the beam, blB bl M , the resisting moment caused by the
138 4 Sensor System
bB m
ε= . (4.4)
The standard rectangular shaped beam (bB = const.) illustrated in Figure 4.5a is
considered for reference purposes. Assuming a square cross section of side bB , the
second moment of area is
Iyy = . (4.6)
Using Eqs. (4.5) and (4.6), the surface strain becomes
6m0 (1 − xl )
ε(a) = . (4.7)
The elastic relations are normalized for better comparison of the different models.
For instance, Eq. (4.5) is being normalized to
m x
m0 = = 1 − x0 , with x0 = ∈ [0, 1] . (4.8)
m0 l
Here the prime (·)0 denotes unitless parameters. Normalizing Eq. (4.7) with
Eq. (4.8), E = 6 and bB = 1, we get the surface strain for the rectangular beam:
ε(a) = 1 − x0 . (4.9)
4.2 Force/Torque Sensors 139
ε(a) 0
1.25 1.25
1.00 1.00
0.75 0.75
0.50 0.50
0.25 0.25
0 0
l l
(a) Rectangular cross section (b) Constant strain cross section
ε(c) 0
1.75 1.75
1.50 κ = 0.4 1.50 κ = 0.7
κ = 0.5 κ = 0.75
1.25 κ = 0.62 1.25 κ = 0.81
1.00 κ = 0.8 1.00 κ = 0.9
0.75 0.75
0.50 0.50
0.25 0.25
0 0
κ b0
κ b0
l xm
Figure 4.5: Influence of shear beam geometry on surface strain and sensitivity
Here the indicated strain ε(b) is constant and chosen to match the properties of the
strain gauges. Furthermore, the initial beam width b0 is given by the maximum
load, max(fz ), and the beam length l and cannot be chosen arbitrarily. Normalizing
this equation using Eq. (4.8), E = 6 and ε(b) = 1 yields
bB0 = 1 − x0 . (4.11)
140 4 Sensor System
bB |x=l
Here b0 = bB |x=0 is the initial beam width and κ = b0 the slope ratio. Using this
equation in Eq. (4.4), we obtain
6m0 (1 − xl )
ε(c) = . (4.13)
Ebo3 [(κ − 1) xl + 1]3
0 1 − x0
ε(c) = . (4.14)
[(κ − 1) x0 + 1]3
The plot in Figure 4.5c shows the surface strain ε(c) for different slope ratios
κ. The sensitivity increases with decreasing κ but goes along with a significant
reduction in stiffness. A suitable trade-off between stiffness and sensitivity is
found for κ = 0.62: here ε(c) is flattened in the area of strain gauge installation
(0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.3).
κ−1 ·x+1 ,
b 0 · xm 0 ≤ x ≤ xm ;
bB = (4.15)
b · 1 − κ · x + κl − xm , x < x ≤ l .
0 l −x
l − xm m
6m0 (1 − xl )
3 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 2l ;
3 x
Eb 2(κ − 1) + 1
ε(d) = x (4.16)
6m (1
0 − l) l
, <x≤ .
Eb3 2(1 − κ) x + 2κ − 1 3 2
0 l
1 − x0
0 3 ; 0 ≤ x0 ≤ 0.5
[2(κ − 1)x + 1]
ε(d) = (4.17)
1 − x0 0
[2(1 − κ)x0 + 2κ − 1]3 ; 0.5 < x ≤ 1
The plot in Figure 4.5d shows the surface strain ε(d) at different slope ratios κ.
As in the previous design, strain is increased by the diminished cross section for
x ≤ xm . Conversely, the extending cross section for x > xm limits stiffness losses.
A suitable trade-off between stiffness and sensitivity is found for κ = 0.81 where
ε(d) is flattened in the area of strain gauge installation (0.1 ≤ x0 ≤ 0.3). From the
manufacturing point of view, the double-trapezoidal cross section is noncritical.
In summary, the stiffness-sensitivity relationship is improved by using the
double-trapezoidal beam geometry. The tapered cross section acts as a notch that
causes a stress raise and consequently increases the strain level in the strain gauge
active area. Moreover, an almost uniform strain distribution in the area of strain
gauge installation is achieved by choosing an appropriate slope rate κ.
Verification by FEA
In the following the analytical results are verified numerically by using a de-
tailed finite element model in order to overcome idealized assumptions about
the analytical model and principal limitations of beam theory. The beam with
double-trapezoidal cross section is compared to the beam with rectangular shape,
Figures 4.5a and 4.5d, in terms of the stiffness-sensitivity relationship. Each
model comprises a single shear beam with its end supported by a membrane,
and parts of the inner sensor hub. Different load cases are applied to the sen-
sor hub using a compound of rigid elements. The model results are presented
in Figure 4.6. Each load case a–d corresponds to a single-axis force or moment
loading. The isosurfaces show the strain distribution for both models. In addition,
the strain |ε| along the normalized node path ξ 0 is plotted in the area of strain
gauge installation, and the integral strains |ε̄SG | indicated by the strain gauges
are labeled. Due to the qualitative nature of the results scaling is omitted for all
variables but all isosurfaces share the same color mapping. The results obtained
from FEA qualitatively correspond well with the analytical models. The strain
0 0
levels, ε(a) and ε(d) , Figure 4.5, are comparable to |ε| along node path ξ 0 . For the
double-trapezoidal beam a more “flattened” strain distribution in the strain gauge
active area is achieved by parameter modification. A good tradeoff is found for a
slope rate of κ = 0.85 (analytical result: κ = 0.81), as the notch stress concentration
142 4 Sensor System
|ε̄SG,b |
|ε̄SG,c |
My ξ My ξ
|ε̄SG,d |
Strain |ε(c) | [−]
Mz Mz
ξ ξ
Figure 4.6: Numerical verification by FEA. The results for the rectangular and double-
trapezoid beams are shown qualitatively.
4.2 Force/Torque Sensors 143
Load case
Here, u and ϕ are calculated with respect to the point of force application. The
sensitivity of both designs is compared by the ratio of indicated strains:
|ε̄SG,d |
EB . (4.19)
|ε̄SG,a |
S B K·E . (4.20)
The indices given in Table 4.1 emphasize the superior performance of the novel
double-trapezoid beam geometry: although transducer stiffness is reduced by 12 to
16 %, sensitivity increases significantly by 38 to 44 %. Although the manufacturing
of the double-trapezoid shear beams is more involved, it is noncritical if a modern
CNC milling machine is used.
weight 290 g). Still, the integration of the sensor as a load-bearing element within
the forefoot structure eliminates most of the surrounding foot structure and finally
reduces the overall weight of the foot segment.
The cross-sectional view in Figure 4.8a gives an overview of the sensor assembly.
The monolithic transducer body (1) is the key component of the sensor and is
described below in full detail. The bushes (2) are bonded to the inner flange of
the transducer and insulate the sensor from the rest of the robot. They are made
from phenolic cotton fabric laminate (HGW 2088) which shows high compressive
strength and superior insulation properties. The contact pressure under the bolt
heads (10) is spread over the lower insulation bush (2) by the load-spreading disk
(3). The screws (10) connect the sensor and ankle joint (not shown). Four overload
protection pins (4a) are mounted to the inner flange by press-fitting and secured
by set screws (4b). The functional principle of the overload protection mechanism
is described below. The transducer body provides seating surfaces for the sensor
electronics (5). The sensor cable (not shown) supplies electric energy and is used
for transmission of sensor data and configuration commands. It is secured by
a cable gland (not shown) to ensure reliable connections. Covers are integrated
on the top (7), bottom (8) and membranes (9) to protect the sensor against dam-
age and ingress of solid foreign objects and dust. The bottom cover (8) is made
from aluminum for higher flexural rigidity of the sensor assembly, whereas the
top and membrane covers (7,9) are made from plastic. The inside of the plastic
covers is coated with a copper-based, highly conductive coating to shield from
electromagnetic waves. Figure 4.8b shows the monolithic transducer body in a
standard Maltese-cross design with four equally spaced and crosswise-arranged
shear beams (3). The transducer is made from the high-strength aluminum alloy
EN AW-7075 T651 which offers high dimensional stability and typically very low
residual stress. The inner flange (1) connects to the ankle joint. Four bolted flange
connections (2) situated at the corners of the sensor frame interface to the forefoot.
The four shear beams (3) have the double-trapezoid shear beam cross section
developed in Section 4.2.1. The novel geometry of the sensing members signifi-
4.2 Force/Torque Sensors 145
6 1 Transducer body
2 Insulation bush
3 Load-spreading disk
4a Overload protection pin
8 4b Set screw
5 Sensor electronics
6 Top cover
7 Bottom cover
8 Membrane cover
7 3 2 9 4b 4a 9 Ankle joint screw
(a) Cross-sectional view of sensor assembly
Detail X
X 10
3 4
Detail Y
cantly improves the overall sensitivity, while the reduction of transducer stiffness
remains acceptable. Details X and Y in Figure 4.8b illustrate the orientation of the
strain gauges (4) on the shear beams (3). The meander-shaped measuring grid is
aligned with the beam longitudinal axis. The strain gauges (4) are bonded to the
center of the locating face using a hot-curing adhesive. Silicone rubber coating
provides mechanical protection of the gauges and soldering terminals. The mem-
branes (5) have a thickness of 1.3 mm and are cut from the transducer body by thin
slots (6) on the top and bottom side. The ends of the membrane slots are radiused
and the greater wall thickness reduces notch effects. The ankle joint connects
to the inner flange (1) at the center of the sensor. The bolted flange connection
is electrically isolated by bushes which are bonded to the transducer body and
isolate both flange and screws (see below). The outer sensor frame has four bolted
connections (2) with inclined flange faces to connect to the forefoot: two flanges
connect to the heel segment and the toe joint, respectively. Because of space and
weight restrictions the forefoot interface has a comparatively small flange area
and reduced screw count. To provide additional safety margin when transmitting
146 4 Sensor System
the high ground reaction forces EKagrip friction shims (cf. Section 3.2) are placed
between the connecting members to safely transmit the high loads over the com-
paratively small flanges. The transducer body comprises a mechanical overload
protection of the sensing members. Overload pins (not shown) are fixed to the
inner flange bore (7) and extend into a bore (8) of slightly larger diameter in the
outer sensor frame: the gap between the overload pin and the bore (8) determines
the permissible beam deflection. The gap size has been determined by FEA so that
the protection mechanism engages at a vertical load corresponding three times the
weight of the robot. If the predetermined load limit is exceeded, the overload pins
engage into the sensor load path and the additional “overload bypass” protects
strain gauges and sensor geometry. The complex geometry was machined from
the solid on a 5-axis CNC milling machine, removing more than 75 % of the total
volume of metal. Precision and tight tolerances were ensured by manufacturing
the beam and membrane geometry in only two settings from the top and bottom
CATIA’s built-in FEA tool is used to iteratively refine the shear beam geometry
(dimensions, slope ratio, membrane shape, etc.). For a more thorough analysis
and fine tuning, a high-resolution finite element model is implemented in Altair
HyperWorks. The model setup shown in Figure 4.9 considers all components
within the sensor load path, including the transducer body, insulating bushes
and load-spreading disk. A hybrid mesh comprising tetrahedron and hexahedron
elements is created based on the CAD data. Good-quality hexahedral mesh is
chosen for the shear beams, while unstructured tetrahedral meshing is chosen for
other regions. This approach allows an accurate analysis of the sensor behavior
while the effort of mesh generation is kept manageable. Detail view X in Figure 4.9
illustrates the adaptive mesh refinement of the hexahedral mesh and the transition
to the unstructured mesh. The model is simply supported using appropriate
displacement boundary conditions for the forefoot flange surfaces. To ensure
homogenous and realistic load transmission to the sensor flange, the loads are
applied using a rigid body element and a reduced model of the ankle joint.
Figure 4.9 shows the results for different load cases that correspond to the maxi-
mum measurement range given in Eq. (4.1). Load case 3 (|my | = 120 Nm) yields
the highest stress: the maximum von Mises effective stress of approximately
140 N/mm2 occurs in the area of strain gauge installation and is below the threshold
of fatigue limit of the transducer material2 . Also, with |ε̄SG,my | = 1.424 · 10−3 the
indicated strain in this region is below the fatigue characteristics of the installed
strain gauges3 . From Figure 4.9 it can be seen that achieving high sensitivity both
for force and moment measurement are conflicting requirements: the sensor ge-
ometry is dimensioned for the lateral moments, mx and my , which finally reduces
the sensitivity of force measurement.
Table 4.2 specifies the translational and torsional stiffnesses of the transducer
body as calculated from the FEA results.
2 The dynamic fatigue strength of aluminum alloy EN AW-7075 T651 is rated at σFL =
150 N/mm2 [54].
3 The estimated fatigue life of the chosen strain gauges is rated at 107 cycles and a strain level
of ε̄SG = ±2.2 · 10−3 [194]
4.2 Force/Torque Sensors 147
Detail X
(a) Model setup
(b) Load case 1: |fy | = 500 N (c) Load case 2: |fz | = 1200 N
CS z = T lS . (4.21)
Uoff ,i
Wheatstone bridges (8×)
H US Excitation
circuit EEPROM
Amplifier Filter
(b) Single Wheatstone bridge
f 0 0 c1 0 0 0 −c1 0
fy c2 0 0 0 −c2 0 0 0
C S = fz 0 c3 0 c3 0 c3 0 c3
mx 0 0 0 −c4 0 0 0 c4
my 0 −c5 0 0 0 c5 0 0
mz c6 0 c6 0 c6 0 c6 0
are exactly known in magnitude and direction [42, 171, 198]. The set of forces
must be selected carefully, in particular,
– the number of applied forces k must at least equal the number of sensor
channels m; typically a redundant set is required (i. e., k m) to minimize
– the loads should be linearly independent;
– the loads should be of increasing magnitude, spanning the measurement
range in order to ensure accuracy over the entire working range.
Using Eq. (4.21), the series of measurement can be written in matrix notation as:
z1 l 1
z l 2
C S · .2 = . (4.23)
.. ..
zk lk
Each line of the load matrix L ∈ R6×k and the measurement matrix Z ∈ R8×k holds
the applied loads l i ∈ R6 and the associated strain gauge values zi ∈ R8 of load
case i, respectively. The total number of load cases is k. Using Eq. (4.23), the
calibration matrix C S is computed using the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse
(pseudoinverse) of the measurement matrix Z :
CS = Z +L . (4.24)
1 Force/torque sensor
2 Swivel rotary table
3 Loading fixture
4 Adapter
5 Proof-mass
(a) Calibration setup
r y
x I
Figure 4.11: Setup for sensor calibration. Above, the loading fixture mounted on the
swivel rotary table of a 5-axis milling machine allows the precise application of a
highly redundant set of loads in a very efficient way; below, three different proof-
mass configurations are used to span the working range of the sensor.
with known proof-masses attached to the sensor, so that the loads could be easily
estimated. The accuracy of this procedure, however, was limited by the kinematic
and positioning accuracy of the robot arm. Uchiyama et al. [189] applied vari-
ous forces and moments by hanging known weights on a lever arm in different
The load application procedure proposed here aims at applying and recording
a highly redundant set of load cases which should span the entire sensor working
range in a very accurate and time-effective way. Load application was conducted
in a semi-automated procedure on a 5-axis milling machine. High positioning
152 4 Sensor System
accuracy of the CNC machine enables precise and efficient application of a highly
redundant set of loads. Figure 4.11a shows the calibration setup. The F/T sensor
(1) is mounted on the swivel rotary table (2) of the milling machine by loading
fixture (3). Adapter (4) is bolted to the inner sensor flange. It provides five
mounting surfaces for the proof-masses (5) so that different load configurations
can be realized.
The procedure uses varying loads to determine the calibration matrix: three
different proof-mass configurations (Figure 4.11b) that differ in their CoM po-
sitions with respect to the sensor frame, span almost the entire sensor working
range. CoM positions are obtained from CAD data. For maximum accuracy all
components of the calibration setup were weighed and adjusted in the CAD model.
Depending on the proof-mass configuration, forces of approximately 500 N and
moments up to 80 Nm can be applied. The orientation of the force vector is mod-
ified incrementally by rotating the loading fixture about the T x and the T z axis
using the B-axis and C-axis of the swivel rotary table, respectively. Each sensor
was calibrated using 162 measured values per configuration, making a total of
486 load cases. The recording took approximately 3 hours per sensor.
The force T F i acting on the sensor is obtained from the proof-mass weight ml :
TFi = ml · AT I · I g . (4.26)
Here I g = (0, 0, −g)T is the gravity vector with respect to the inertial frame I, AT I
the transformation matrix from the inertial into the sensor frame. AT I depends
on the spatial orientation of the CNC swivel rotary table which was recorded
automatically during the load application procedure. Using the so obtained
load matrix L and the measurement data matrix Z , the calibration matrix is
obtained from Eq. (4.24). Figure 4.12 shows the deviations of the measured values
l T = (F T , M T ) from the actual loads l̂ i = (b b Ti ). l i is calculated from Eq. (4.21),
Fi , M
i i i
while the actual loads l̂ i are obtained from Eq. (4.25). The errors of force and
moment measurement are defined as:
∆F i kF i − b
F ik ∆M i kM i − M
b ik
= ; = . (4.27)
b kbF ik M
bi kMb ik
4.3 Contact Sensors 153
6.5 k
+ Forces
6.0 Average forces (0.64 %)
Moments k
Measurement error [%] 5.0
Average moments (0.52 %)
4.0 + k
3.0 k
2.0 + + k
+ + k
1.5 ++ +++++++
k k k
+++ + ++ + +
++ + + ++ +++ ++++ k
++ k k + k
kk k k
1.0 + + k
+ ++ ++ kk k
+++ ++ ++++ + +++ +++ +++++ ++++++++ ++++++ +++
+ +++
k k k k k
++ + +++++ ++ ++ k k k k k
+ + + ++ + +++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ +++ ++++++++ ++++ +++++++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ ++++ + +++ + + ++++++++ +++++++ +++
k k k k k k k
k k kkkkk kk k k
k k k k k k
k k kk kk k
k k
kkk k k k
k k k k k k kkk k k k
k k k kkk kkk k k kkk kkkkkkkkk kk k
0.5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ +++++++++++ ++++++++++ + ++++++++ + kkk
k k k k k k k kk k k kkk k k k k kkk k k k k k kkk
k k k kkk k kk k kk kkkk k kk k k k k k k k k k k k k k
+++++++++ + ++++++++++ +++++++ +++++ +++++++++ kkk k kk k k k k kk kkk
k k
k k k k k
k kkk kk k k
k k k
k k kkkkk k k kkkkk kkkkk kk kk kkkk kk
k kkk kkkkk
kk k k k kkkk k k k kk k k kk k k k k kk
k kk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kk kkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkk kkk kkkkkkkkk k k k k kk kkk
kkk k k kk kk kkk k k k k k
kk k kk kk k kk
k k kk k kk
k kkkk k
k k kk kk k k kk kk k
k kk k k kk k k kk k kkk k k k k kkk k k k kkk k kkkk kk kkkkkk k
+ +++ ++ +++++++++ kkk k k+
kk kk kkk
++ + + + kk k
+ + kk k
kk ++ ++ ++ ++ kk ++ k
k k k
k k kkk k k kkk
kk k k k
k kk k kk
k k kk
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Load case
Deviations are calculated from the norm of vectorial difference between the calcu-
lated load and the theoretical wrench. In addition, the mean deviations provide
information on the calibration accuracy of the proposed method. The achieved
accuracy is 0.64 % and 0.52 % for force and moment measurement, respectively.
Update rate [Hz] 200 100 125
Weight [kg] 0.8 1.6 1.6
Angular rate
Sensor range [deg/s] ±200 ±200 ±200
Short-term bias [deg/s] ±0.003 ±0.03 ±0.03
Long-term bias [deg/h] ±36 ±20 ±20
Scale error [%] <0.2 <2 <2
Linearity [%] <0.2 <1 <1
Resolution [ /s]
deg <0.001 <0.0025 <0.025
Bandwidth [Hz] 200 >100 >100
Random walk [deg/ h] <0.02 <0.4 0.4
Linear acceleration
Sensor range [g] ±2 ±4 ±4
Short-term bias [mg] 0.5 n/a n/a
Long-term bias [mg] 2.5 <12 <12
Scale error [%] <0.3 <1 <1
Linearity [%] <0.3 <1 <1
Resolution [mg] <0.1 <0.5 <0.5
Bandwidth [Hz] >200 >10 >75
Random walk [m/s h] <0.02 <0.1 <0.1
are fixed to that rigid body. Due to accelerometer and gyro errors, the measured
angular rates and accelerations show an offset (bias) that results in integration
drift. Even small errors in measurement are integrated into progressively larger
errors in velocity and orientation. Integration drift can be compensated by mea-
suring other states of the system. Any sensor can be used that provides speed
or position information, such as a GPS receiver or magnetometer [56]. Similar to
human beings that utilize the eyes to supporting the sense of balance, the stereo
vision system of the robot can be utilized to provide the IMS with heading aiding
information [108, 152]. The inertial measurement system for the robot can be
realized by revising the customized IMS of the robot Johnnie [46] or by applying a
commercial system.
The revision of the Johnnie-IMS includes the redesign of all signal processing
electronics using simultaneous sampling of all sensors and oversampling. The
sensor fusion algorithms are extended by, e. g., error models, heading aiding from
optical flow. However, accelerometers and, particularly, gyroscopes with better
performance are barely available. Only a few systems for aerospace and military
applications were found. But these sensors are too expensive, compared to off-the-
shelf IMS. In summary, revising the Johnnie-IMS is a very elaborate task. The high
complexity and the tight project schedule implies that only existing technologies
could be applied without any new scientific results.
On the other hand, an extensive market survey has revealed that several com-
4.4 Inertial Measurement System 155
mercial IMS math the requirements of a humanoid robot. The technical data and
accuracy of inertial measurement systems of similar performance are listed in
Table 4.3. The most relevant criteria for comparison are:
Update rate: because the IMS is used within a closed control loop (sampling rate
approximately 1 kHz), the update rate should be as high as possible.
Accuracy (bias, linearity, random walk): the long-term stability (bias) of the
first system is lower than the other systems. However, comparing the other
accuracy data, the iVRU system is expected to be of better performance.
Weight: the weight of the sensor is another decisive criterion. The weight of the
first system is about 50 % of the other systems which is mainly due to the
customized open-frame design.
The high-precision inertial measurement system iVRU-FC-C167 from iMAR
Navigation [77] is built from fiber-optic gyroscopes and MEMS accelerometers.
Fiber-optic gyroscopes are distinguished from other gyros (like MEMS) in very low
noise, insensitivity against vibrations, high bandwidth, high zero-point stability,
and the absence of g-dependent drift. For example, the noise of a fiber-optic
gyro is one order of magnitude below the noise of a MEMS gyro. At an update
rate of 200 Hz the system comprises the sensor fusion algorithms and internal
error models. Also, it provides an open interface for heading aiding, e. g., by
a GPS receiver, magnetometer, or optic flow. The IMS comes in a customized
lightweight version weighing approximately 0.8 kg. A plastic cover protects the
system mechanically. Figure 4.13 shows a photograph of the open-frame inertial
measurement system iVRU-FC-C167 from iMAR Navigation.
Figure 4.14 shows the mounting arrangement for the inertial measurement
156 4 Sensor System
Figure 4.14: Mounting arrangement for the inertial measurement system on the torso
system. The IMS (1) is mounted to the carrier (5) and protected by cover (2). The
connector (3) provides all the necessary interfaces for data output and configura-
tion. Two LEDs (4) indicate the status of the IMS. The support structure (6) which
holds the entire IMS assembly is mounted on the upper body using the clamping
(7). In the current setup, carrier (5) and support structure (6) are connected by
three pillars (not shown). The IMS is exposed to a rather high dynamic environ-
ment. In order to account for possible measurement errors, the support structure
is prepared for the installation of shock absorbers. A preliminary analysis of
walking on the spot showed peaks at 46 Hz, 55 Hz and above in the frequency
spectrum of the accelerometer and gyroscope signals. Since sensor fusion operates
at a sampling frequency of 100 Hz, a low-pass filtering of the raw sensor data with
a cutoff frequency of 50 Hz would be necessary to fulfill the sampling theorem.
According to signal processing theory, however, the accelerometer and gyroscope
signals cannot be filtered electronically. Therefore, it is be desirable to provide a
mechanism for vibration isolation that attenuates shock and vibrational energy
above 50 Hz. To this end, an isolation system can be interposed between the sensor
carrier (5) and the support structure (6). The system consists of three wire rope
isolators (8) that are capable of simultaneous shock and vibration attenuation in
all axes, have good damping properties and a fail-safe construction. The shock
absorbers (8) are arranged symmetrically with respect to the CoM of the sensor
assembly. The resultant force of each element passes through the sensor CoM
to avoid coupling modes. As a result of the external forces and torques, only
translational motion (x, y, z) of the IMS occurs, but rotation (from equilibrium)
about the coordinate axes (θx , θy , θz ) is omitted.
160 5 Electronics Architecture
Servo drive Servo controller b 48 V Computer power
Servo drive Servo controller c
Local controller i External processing
Servo drive Servo controller a Monitoring PC
Servo drive Servo controller b
Ethernet switch
F/T sensor
miniature head actuators that are supplied with 24 V. Head motor supply voltage is
converted from the motor power supply. The motor controllers allow for operating
the motors in four quadrants. Thus, decelerating a motor can induce current into
the intermediate circuit, causing overvoltage. Therefore the motor power supply
consists of a power supply and an electronic load, acting as current source and
sink, respectively.
Figure 5.2: Decentral control electronics composed of the DSP board, interface board
and two PCB-mounted Elmo servo controller modules
bedded systems in a small package that provide all necessary interfaces and
functionality are not available, thus, a proprietary development is necessary. The
small packaging goals and thus high integration density of the local controllers
requires to design multi-layer PCBs, using SMD-technologies with tiny chips like
ball grid arrays.
The design of the local controller modules follows a modular concept: the de-
central electronics are divided into a universal DSP board with an interface to the
real-time communication system. The DSP board is always used in combination
with an application-specific interface board that provides all the necessary inter-
faces and connectors to sensors, motor controllers, etc. Actual motor control is
done on dedicated servo controller modules by Elmo Motion Control [33] that are
commanded using the CANopen protocol. The Elmo modules are distinguished
by an extremely space-saving design and high power density due to the highly
efficient inverter. They comprise a fully digital motion controller that features cur-
rent, velocity and position loops, commutation alignment, gain scheduling modes
and built-in error protection. For most motors the PCB-mounted Whistle module
[33] is employed that weighs only 50 g and can support up to 20 A continuous and
40 A peak current. The maximum continuous power output is rated at 1.6 kW. The
hip joint flexion/extension and knee motors are driven by Guitar servo controllers
[33] that can deliver up to 25 A of continuous current and 50 A of peak current.
Weighing only 165 g, the maximum continuous power output is 2 kW.
Figure 5.2 shows a photograph of the local controller, the key features are listed
in Table 5.1. The DSP board is on top of the PCB stack and mounted piggyback to
the interface board. One local controller can connect up to three motor controllers:
two servo controllers are PCB-mounted to the bottom of the interface board and
fixed to the robot structure with their base plates for optimal heat transfer. The
third “satellite module” allows for tight integration of the controllers into the robot
structure and near the servo actuators. For example, the toe joint is controlled by
a satellite module housed on the shank, while the local controller is situated on
the thigh. Handling up to three motors by one controller is particularly useful
for multi-DoF joints because the inverse kinematics of the drive mechanism can
162 5 Electronics Architecture
DSP board
CPU DSP Freescale MC 56F8367
Communication interface SERCON 100S core on Xilinx FPGA XC3S400
Quadrature Decoder 2 channels
PWM 2×6 channels
Data bus 16 bit parallel bus (address range up to 16 MB)
CAN 2 ports
RS 232 2 ports
SPI 1 port for up to 5 slaves
Analog input 4 analog low pass filters up to fourth order
RAM Up to 8 MB SRAM mountable
Dimensions 80×55 mm2
Mounting Piggyback design
Interface board
Motor controllers 2 Elmo Whistle modules (PCB-mounted),
1 CAN port (satellite module)
RS 232 2 ports
Absolute angular sensors 3 EnDat IP cores on Xilinx FPGA XC3S400
F/T sensor 1 port (SPI)
Electronics power supply 12 V DC (plus on-board regulators)
Motor power supply 80 V DC
Dimensions 100×64.5 mm2
Mounting Piggyback design
Synchronization between the central control unit and the drives is realized by
hardware with minimal jitter for accurate coordination of all drives. Likewise, all
actual values are acquired simultaneously and the desired values become valid
simultaneously. SERCOS communications uses Master Synchronization Telegrams
(MST), Master Data Telegrams (MDT), and Amplifier Telegrams (AT) to send
real-time information. For cyclic master-slave communication each drive (slave)
has its own time slot assigned to transfer data to the central controller (master).
SERCOS also supports configurations where multiple motors are assigned to a
single slave. Such setups are particularly useful for the parallel mechanisms of
the ankle joints. SERCOS includes a non-cyclic channel (service channel) to trans-
fer communication data, parameters and diagnostic data. The service channel
allows the parameterization of the drives, gain scheduling and switching between
different operating modes.
The current standard SERCOS-III [76] combines the communication and syn-
chronization mechanisms described before with Ethernet physics and twisted-pair
copper cable. In addition to the cyclic real-time and the non-cyclic service channel,
an IP channel can be added for transfer of non-real-time data without affecting
the real-time data exchange. Both real-time telegrams and IP channel telegrams
are embedded into standard Ethernet frames. SERCOS-III does not add a new
protocol to the standard Ethernet stack but puts Ethernet under control of the
motion bus in order to achieve a high level of determinism. Typical standard
Ethernet networks use the star topology with all devices connected to a central
switching device. As many other real-time Ethernet solutions SERCOS-III has line
or ring topology to reduce cabling. To permit these bus topologies with switched
Ethernet, a switch is needed in every connected node [36]. Due to the greater
bandwidth of Ethernet, SERCOS-III can connect a large number of slaves at cycle
times down to 31.25 µs. Thus, it is possible to implement both decentralized drive
concepts where all control loops are closed in the drive, and centralized signal
processing concepts where only the current loop is closed in the drive and all other
loops are implemented in the central controller. The open standard allows to add
data types for connecting the force/torque sensor and the inertial measurement
system to the communication system. To summarize, SERCOS-III provides the
following advantages:
– Time-slot mechanism for collision-free real-time communication
– High efficiency of the communication protocol
– Transfer of real-time and non-real-time data
– Identical topology, telegram structure and synchronization as former SER-
COS implementations
– Capable of cross-communication between the slaves
– Connects to proprietary devices by adding SERCOS data fields (force/torque
sensors, inertial measurement system)
At the time of writing (March 2010), the implementation of the SERCOS-III
communication system on the robot not finished yet. Instead, a CAN-based
system with eight parallel buses enabling point-to-point connections to the local
controllers, was used in order to speed up the first-time operation of Lola.
5.4 Security System 165
Body Size
Due to the tight schedule, it was not possible to investigate the influence of
body size on the walking performance. The proportions of Lola are thus equal to
the robot Johnnie. In order to make the robot more human-friendly, the author
proposes to consider a reduction in body size. Moreover, smaller robots are easier
to handle and less dangerous to the operators and experiments are simplified. On
the other hand, the stride length reduces with the leg length and leads to lower
walking speeds or higher joint velocities due to increased step frequencies.
Arm Movement
Leg advancement yields high moments about the contact normals which must be
compensated to avoid slippage. An effective counterforce is created by moving
other body parts opposed to leg advancement. Possible approaches are the upper
body rotation or arm swing. Arm movement is thus essential for fast locomotion.
The shoulder adduction/abduction joints and the newly introduced elbow joints
greatly improve the effectiveness of arm swing. In this configuration, however, the
movements of the arm endpoints are not fully decoupled from the upper body
orientation. The elbow joints permit translational movement of the arm endpoints
in the sagittal plane. In the transverse plane, however, mainly rotation about the
pelvis joint occurs, again yielding moments about the contact normals. Therefore,
an additional internal/external rotation joint in the upper arms is proposed to
enable translational arm movement in the transverse plane.
Knee Kinematics
Flexion/extension of the human knee is not a simple hinge movement, rather,
it performs a rotary-gliding motion: the instantaneous center of rotation moves
upward and backward during flexion. Prosthetic knee mechanisms try to resemble
human knee kinematics, for example by four-bar linkage mechanisms. Such
mechanisms are designed for minimal energy consumption during stance [148].
168 6 Lessons Learned
The angular range of the knee joint is sufficient for walking and running. For other
movements such as kneeling down, getting up or passing through narrow spaces
larger flexion angles would be useful. One approach to extend the motion range
would be to apply such a four-bar linkage mechanism to the knee joint. Moreover,
such a mechanism can further reduce actuator performance if designed for the
load profiles typical gait patterns. However, this mechanism cannot be combined
with the ankle joint drive mechanism developed in Section 3.8.3.
1 Electromagnetic interference
7 Conclusions and Future Work
Wer am Ende ist, kann von vorn anfangen, denn das
Ende ist der Anfang von der anderen Seite.
—Karl Valentin
Humanoid robots are a new and promising application area for robotics. Bipedal
locomotion is considered one of the core technologies. All current full-size hu-
manoids are capable of stable dynamic walking but few are able to walk—or even
run—at speeds comparable to humans. Moreover, flexible motion generation in
realistic environments still remains challenging. Aiming at fast and autonomous
bipedal locomotion, the development of the humanoid walking robot Lola wishes
to make an important step towards this goal. Besides the challenging control
problems, fast bipedal locomotion puts high demands on the robot hardware—an
aspect which is often neglected or de-emphasized.
This thesis deals with the design and realization of the robot’s mechatronic
system. The issues covered include the mechatronic design concept, electrical
drive systems, design and analysis of the mechanical structure, sensor technology,
and contributions to the computer and electronics architecture.
The mechatronic system “humanoid walking robot” is characterized by a high
complexity. Here the systematic procedure adopted throughout the development
has proved to be successful. It is based on the virtual development of the complete
system prior to manufacturing actual hardware, using 3D-CAD and validation by
finite element analysis. The load profiles of the mechanical structure and actuators
are calculated with the comprehensive robot simulation model developed within
the sub-project “Simulation and Control.”
The robot has a kinematic structure with 25 actuated degrees of freedom in a
redundant configuration which allows more natural and flexible gait patterns. In
particular, actuated toe joints enable rolling the feet from heel to toe and reduce
the loads of other leg joints, compared to the standard leg configuration.
The mechanical structure is characterized by the consistent lightweight design
with high effective stiffness and natural frequencies. To this end, design proposals
for some components are created by topology optimization and the major links
are designed as aluminum investment castings in a Monocoque-like structure.
Numerical modal analysis is adopted to assess the dynamic properties of the
mechanical structure. The elastodynamic behavior of the drive mechanisms is
analyzed to avoid resonance oscillations and achieve high enough bandwidths and
fast response times of the speed control loops.
The joint drives form a basis for high dynamic performance and acceleration
behavior of the robot. The powerful yet lightweight servo actuators combine a
high-dynamic brushless servo motor with precision gearing and sensors into a
compact package. While most joints are driven through Harmonic Drive gears,
the knee and ankle joints employ linear actuators using planetary roller screws.
172 7 Conclusions and Future Work
The robot provides a reliable basis for the evaluation of different control ap-
proaches. In particular, the combination of vision system, mechatronics and
balance control give the robot a high degree of autonomy. At the HANNOVER
MESSE 2010, Lola was presented with a vision and path planning system de-
veloped by the Institute of Autonomous Systems Technology2 , University of the
Bundeswehr, München. The robot worked well and without considerable failure
during more than 25 demonstrations of vision-guided autonomous locomotion
and obstacle avoidance.
Future Work
Regarding the robot’s bipedal walking capabilities, the following recommenda-
tions for future work can be made.
The author believes that the further development of the foot dynamics concept,
Section 2.3, can make a significant contribution towards the goal of human-like
versatile locomotion.
Despite their importance for gait generation, the analysis in Section 3.12.2
has shown that the active toe joints counteract the low-inertia design of the legs.
Aiming at the development of ultra-lightweight feet, it is proposed to compare
active and passive toe joints with regard to their functionality in typical gait
patterns. Different concepts of passive toe joints should be evaluated, and passive
toe joints should be preferred if they are equal in effectivity to active toe joints.
The viscoelastic contact elements are crucial to the performance of ankle joint
torque control. Therefore, the systematic analysis and comparison of different
materials for shock attenuation and contact geometries is proposed. Finally, the
feet should be equipped with mechanisms for walking on uneven terrain.
Although reliable bipedal and autonomous locomotion are fundamental skills,
humanoid robots must have extended capabilities in order to be useful and com-
mercially successful. Possible extensions of the robot involve, for instance:
– The integration of manipulation capabilities (i. e., full arms and hands)
– Energy autarky
– Autonomous locomotion in more complex and realistic scenarios
– The implementation of safety features for human-robot interaction
Appendix A
Anatomic and Biomechanical
Fundamentals of Human Locomotion
Three basic reference planes are used in human anatomy that are shown on the
left of Figure A.1. Note that the same notation is used for planes that belong to the
total body or are fixed to a single link. The sagittal plane is the longitudinal plane
of symmetry (xz-plane) which extends from the front to the back of the body or
single link, dividing it into left and right portions. The sagittal plane runs through
the total or link CoM. The coronal plane is orthogonal to the sagittal plane and runs
through the CoM and divides the body or single link into anterior and posterior
sections (yz-plane). The transverse plane is orthogonal to the sagittal and coronal
plane and, running through the CoM, separates the body or a single link into
superior and inferior parts (xy-plane). The relative movement of body structures is
described with respect to these reference planes as shown on the right of Figure A.1.
The rotation of a link about an axis perpendicular to the coronal plane is called
flexion/extension. Flexion decreases the angle between two parts, and extension
increases it. For the ankle joint, these movements are called dorsiflexion and
plantarflexion; using the common notation for camera movement, these rotations
of the camera head are called tilt. Adduction and abduction describe the rotation of
a link about an axis that is orthogonal to the coronal plane. Adduction pulls a link
away from the midline, abduction pulls a structure or part towards the midline of
the body. Internal/external rotation describes the rotation of a link about an axis
perpendicular to the transverse plane. Internal and external rotation turn a link
inwards or outwards, respectively. For the camera head, this movement is called
176 Appendix A Anatomic and Biomechanical Fundamentals of Human Locomotion
Sagittal plane
Transverse plane
z rotation
Figure A.1: Reference planes in human anatomy (left) and movement of body struc-
tures (right)
Appendix B
Main Dimensions
≈ 1727
≈ 446
Appendix C
Technical Data of the Joint Actuators
C.1 Mechanical
Load rating Gear
Drive Mass Motor inertia Top speed Continuous Peak Type Ratio
m [kg] Jm [kgm2 ] ϕ̇l,max [rad/s] τl,avg [Nm] τl,max [Nm] N [−]
180 Appendix C Technical Data of the Joint Actuators
C.2 Electrical
Torque rating Constants
Load Profiles
The reference gait pattern for the dimensioning of the mechanical system has been
determined by Buschmann using his multibody simulation model of the robot
(Section 3.3.1). The following gait parameters were used:
Joint angle ϕl [rad]
0.7 2
0.6 1
0.5 0
0.4 -1
0.3 -2
0.2 -4
0.1 -5
0 -6
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
182 Appendix D Load Profiles
-0.125 0
-0.200 -1.0
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
Joint angle ϕl [rad]
-1.7 -7.5
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
0.23 0.4
0.18 0
0.13 -0.8
0.08 -1.2
-0.2 -2.4
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
Pelvis adduction/abduction
Joint velocity ωl [rad/s]
Joint angle ϕl [rad]
0.04 0.5
0 0
-0.08 -1.5
-0.12 -2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
184 Appendix D Load Profiles
-0.1 -1.0
-0.2 -2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
0.35 1.5
Joint angle ϕl [rad]
0.20 -1.0
0.15 -2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
-0.6 -6
-0.8 -8
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
1.0 2.5
0.4 -7.5
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
186 Appendix D Load Profiles
-0.03 -0.4
-0.04 -0.6
-0.05 -0.8
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
Joint velocity ωl [rad/s]
Joint angle ϕl [rad]
-0.3 2
-0.4 0
-0.7 -4
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
-0.3 -3
-0.4 -5
-0.5 -7
-0.6 -9
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s] Time t [s]
Joint torque τl [Nm]
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Time t [s]
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