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Humphrey, Ryan, "Embedded System Design of Robot Control Architectures for Unmanned Agricultural
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August, 2019
Engineering technology has matured to the extent where accompanying methods for unmanned field
agricultural tasks that have been traditionally performed by humans or human operated machines.
Additionally, the rapidly increasing world population and the daunting burden it places on farmers in
regards to the food production and crop yield demands, only makes such advancements in the agriculture
industry all the more imperative. Consequently, the sector is beginning to observe a noticeable shift,
where there exist a number of scalable infrastructural changes that are in the process of slowly being
implemented onto the modular machinery design of agricultural equipment. This work is being pursued in
effort to provide firmware descriptions and hardware architectures that integrate cutting edge technology
onto the embedded control architectures of agricultural machinery designs to assist in achieving the end
In this thesis, various types of autonomous control algorithms integrated with obstacle avoidance or
guidance schemes, were implemented onto controller area network (CAN) based distributive real-time
systems (DRTSs) in form of the two unmanned agricultural ground vehicles (UAGVs). Both vehicles are
tailored to different applications in the agriculture domain as they both leverage state-of-the-art sensors
and modules to attain the end objective of complete autonomy to allow for the automation of various
types of agricultural related tasks. The further development of the embedded system design of these
machines called for the developed firmware and hardware to be implemented onto both an event triggered
and time triggered CAN bus control architecture as each robot employed its own separate embedded
control scheme.
For the first UAGV, a multiple GPS waypoint navigation scheme is derived, developed, and evaluated to
yield a fully controllable GPS-driven vehicle. Additionally, obstacle detection and avoidance capabilities
were also implemented onto the vehicle to serve as a safety layer for the robot control architecture, giving
the ground vehicle the ability to reliability detect and navigate around any obstacles that may happen to
be in the vicinity of the assigned path. The second UAGV was a smaller robot designed for field
navigation applications. For this robot, a fully autonomous sensor based algorithm was proposed and
implemented onto the machine. It is demonstrated that the utilization and implementation of laser,
LIDAR, and IMU sensors onto a mobile robot platform allowed for the realization of a fully autonomous
non-GPS sensor based algorithm to be employed for field navigation. The developed algorithm can serve
First, I would like to thank by two co-advisors, Dr. John Boye and Dr. Santosh Pitla for all of the
invaluable guidance and insight they had to offer throughout this entire process. Had of it not been by Dr.
Boye, I would have never known about all the exciting engineering robotics projects that were happening
inside of Splintor’s laboratory, and I would have never gotten to benefit from getting to work on such an
exhilarating, hands on project for my thesis that allowed me to dive deeper into the engineering areas I’m
most passionate about – robotics and electronics design. Additionally, Dr. Pitla gave me the freedom to
select the available the projects to build upon as well as offered flexibility for areas of further
development from the projects that I chose. He equipped me with the tools necessary to succeed while
also allowed me to wrestle first hand with the engineering design problems that I would inevitably face
along the way throughout the course of my research. Their leadership coupled with the encouragement I
received from the two of them played an integral role in allowing me to successfully complete this
I’d also like to extend gratitude to my third committee member, Dr. Yufeng Ge. Thanks to his research
and suggestions for my project, I got to reap the reward of being able to see first-hand, an application for
Additionally, there are also several others I’d like to express gratitude towards who contributed, either
directly or indirectly, in some shape or form to this project. To my mom, for her never ending support and
encouragement. To my dad, for giving me inspiration to become an engineer and assuring me that this
was an endeavor I was capable of pursuing. To John Wurm, for lending a helping hand to assist in
troubleshooting during a critical stage of project testing. To my lab mate, CheeTown Liew, for all the
insight, wisdom, and assistance he offered throughout the entire process of formulating, developing, and
testing this project. Finally and most importantly, I’d like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for it
was through His enabling power that this was all possible.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................... 1
5.2 The Non-GPS Based Fully Autonomous Navigation Algorithm ............................ 111
List of Figures
Figure 1.2 - Distributive Real-Time System using the CAN protocol ........................................................... 7
Figure 1.4 – System nodes accepting or ignoring transmitted CAN data based on the ID field content ..... 9
Figure 1.5 - Example of a TTCAN messaging sequence in the time domain .............................................. 12
Figure 2.1 - Robot chassis with batteries, motors, and E-Stop switches (Troyer, 2017)............................ 16
Figure 2.3 - Kvaser Memorator CAN data logger (Retrieved from
Memorator-Pro-2xHS-v2/dp/B07N1W32L8) .............................................................................................. 18
Figure 2.4 - Fully assembled UAGV with all of the system nodes that constitute the DRTS ...................... 19
Dual-32A-Motor-Driver/dp/B00O1722NG) ............................................................................................... 20 .......................................... 21
.................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2.10 - Message packaging scheme for steering message based on LIDAR data ............................ 24
Figure 2.11 - Message packaging scheme for controller state message used to enable/disable the sensor
node ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 2.12 - UAGV Time Triggered CAN system message sequence design ............................................ 26
Figure 2.14 – Key fob and receiver module for operating mode switching (Troyer, 2017) ....................... 29
Figure 2.15 – Analog joystick for manual control mode (Troyer, 2017) .................................................... 30
Figure 2.16 - Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for system state visualization (Troyer, 2017) ....................... 30
Figure 2.17 - Finite State Machine of operating modes for the UAGV ...................................................... 32
Figure 3.4 - States or error parameters used for the P controller based GPS navigation scheme ............ 39
Figure 3.5 - Visualization of the geometry for the Pure Pursuit algorithm with all the important
parameters labeled...................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 3.6 - Trigonometric identity revealing the computed steering angle used in the Pure Pursuit
algorithm ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3.7 - Radius center point calculation of waypoint set for all four of the possible quadrants. ........ 44
Figure 3.8 – Tracking route accuracy via comparing the measurements of the radius of the calculated arc
of the circle (RC) corresponding to the desired path of travel with the actual radial distance between the
circle center point and the robot’s current position (RV) ............................................................................ 45
Figure 3.9 – Designed P controller for accessing and correcting for measured path deviations. ............. 47
Figure 3.11 - Block diagram of the implemented interrupt handler used for the GPS navigation scheme 53
Figure 3.12 - Timing diagram for interrupt handler execution in microscale (top) and macroscale
Figure 3.14 - Dynamic selection of path following algorithm based on the comparison of the heading and
bearing angles............................................................................................................................................. 56
Figure 3.15 - Allotted regions demonstrating the selection of the navigation algorithm to commission for
Figure 3.16 - Dynamic selection of the path following algorithm to execute for each individual waypoint
Figure 3.17 - Nebraska Tractor Test Track for autonomous navigation tests ............................................ 59
Figure 3.18 - Position map for the UAGV for an assortment of waypoints where just the line navigation
Figure 3.19 - Position map where an approximate clockwise curvature turn was performed utilizing just
the line navigation algorithm and a set of equally spaced waypoints ........................................................ 60
Figure 3.20 - Position map for an assortment of waypoints illustrating the integration of both the line and
Figure 3.21 - Cross track error for A-B waypoint set shown as a function of time .................................... 62
Figure 3.22 - Cross track error distribution for A-B waypoint set ............................................................. 62
Figure 3.23 - Radius error (top) and steering angle control set point (bottom) for B-C waypoint set shown
Figure 3.25 - Radius error (top) and steering angle control set point (bottom) for C-D waypoint set
Figure 3.27 - Cross track error for D-E waypoint set shown as a function of time ................................... 66
Figure 3.28 - Cross track error distribution for D-E waypoint set ............................................................ 67
Figure 4.7 - Final stage of the follow the gap algorithm ............................................................................ 79
Figure 4.9 – Stepper motor (SY35ST28-0504A) used for rotating LIDAR sensor (Retrieved from .......................... 81
Figure 4.10 - Stepper motor driver module (A4988) (Retrieved from
005A-00010) ............................................................................................................................................... 81 ....................................................................... 82
Figure 4.12 - Installation of stepper motor and LIDAR sensor onto the front cross frame of the UAGV .. 82
Figure 4.15 – Flowchart illustrating the data type conversion process of the transmitted steering angle
message ....................................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 4.17 - Selected objects to serve as obstructions in the conducted obstacle avoidance tests ........... 91
Figure 4.18 - Position map for test run where an obstacle was positioned to the left of the UAGV .......... 92
Figure 4.19 - Position map for test run where an obstacle was positioned to the right of the UAGV ....... 92
Figure 4.20 – Position map for test run where an assortment of obstacles were placed in the UAGV’s
path ............................................................................................................................................................. 93
Figure 4.21 – Position map for test run where the UAGV was faced with obstructions that were
unavoidable ................................................................................................................................................. 94
Figure 5.1 - Inter-row robot with all of the leveraged sensors and developed electronics fully mounted
Figure 5.3 - Modified CAN F303k8 PCB tailored to the latest Row Follower system design.................. 101
heavy-duty-5000mah-6s-60c-lipo-pack-xt-90.html).................................................................................. 102
Figure 5.5 - Power module unit (adjustable buck converter) (Retrieved from https://core- 102
Figure 5.6 -2x12 Sabertooth 12 A motor driver module (Retrieved from 103
Figure 5.7 - Daisy chain (left) vs star configuration (right) ..................................................................... 104
Figure 5.8 - Message packaging scheme for motor command message ................................................... 105
Figure 5.9 – Message packaging scheme for IMU control signal ............................................................ 105
Figure 5.10 - Message packaging scheme for row status control signal .................................................. 106
Figure 5.11 - Message packaging scheme for controller state (FSM) message ....................................... 106
Figure 5.12 – Motor driver node processing the CAN motor message via a multiplexer ........................ 109
Figure 5.17 - Embedded hardware architecture of the sensor 2 node ..................................................... 118
Figure 5.18 - CAN signal flow among all the system nodes in the DRTS architecture ............................ 120
Figure 5.20 - Flowchart illustrating the sequences of events that gets triggered for every state transition
Figure 5.22 - CAN shield for logging LIDAR and IMU data as CAN messages via the Kvaser (Retrieved
Figure 5.23 – Simulated test where the logged laser data (top), LIDAR data (middle), and IMU data
(bottom) demonstrate the working non-GPS sensor based algorithm for a time segment of 0-15 sec. .... 129
Figure 5.24 – Simulated test where the logged laser data (top), LIDAR data (middle), and IMU data
(bottom) demonstrate the working non-GPS sensor based algorithm for a time segment of 15-30 sec. .. 130
Figure 5.25 – Simulated test where the logged laser data (top), LIDAR data (middle), and IMU data
(bottom) demonstrate the working non-GPS sensor based algorithm for a time segment of 30-45 sec. .. 131
Figure 5.26 - Prototype corn rows used for the testing and development of the sensor based algorithm.
.................................................................................................................................................................. 133
Figure 5.27 - Field test where the laser data (top), LIDAR data (middle), and IMU data (bottom)
demonstrate the working headland navigation algorithm where the Inter-row moves to the next left row
.................................................................................................................................................................. 134
Figure 5.28 - Field test where the laser data (top), LIDAR data (middle), and IMU data (bottom)
demonstrate the working headland navigation algorithm where the Inter-row moves to the next right row
.................................................................................................................................................................. 135
Figure 5.30 – Completed and fully assembled second chassis with all of the required electronics and
Figure 5.31 - Completed assembly where the second chassis is connected to the rear of the Inter-row for
Figure 5.32 - Relative humidity data collected from autonomous navigation test in the field ................. 138
List of Tables
Table 3.1 - Variables from piecewise function with their associated description and hard coded values (as
applicable) .................................................................................................................................................. 49
Table 4.1 - The content of the steering command message transmitted to either avoid obstacles, stop the
robot, or transition out of the obstacle avoidance state if the detected objects have been successfully
evaded ......................................................................................................................................................... 88
Table 5.1 - CAN FSM message for operating modes of the Inter-row...................................................... 107
Table 5.3 - CAN motor message for operating modes of the Inter-row .................................................... 108
Table 5.4 - Serial synchronization of Arduino with the controller’s FSM ................................................ 125
List of Equations
Equation 3.5…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 48
1 Introduction
The motivation for the research undertaken in this thesis will be presented in this chapter. The chapter
will also introduce and discuss important technical concepts that were foundational in the design of the
two agricultural ground robots that were developed in this thesis. Finally, an outline with a set of
objectives for this thesis will be given. The goal of this chapter is to first inform the reader of the
imminent demand for incorporating robotics and automation into the agriculture industry. Subsequently,
this discussion will be followed by introducing and elucidating the general system design principles that
form the backbone of the conventional design architecture employed in modern field machinery
equipment. Finally, the chapter will conclude by laying out the roadmap for the remainder of the
document, where proposed solutions that address portions of this impending problem are presented via
1.1 Motivation
The rapidly increasing world population presents a challenging problem for the agriculture industry.
Developing an efficient method for food and fuel production to meet this ever increasing demand is easily
the most pressing issue that scientists and engineers in this sector are facing today. To further compound
the problem, the number of agricultural labors over the past decade has dipped substantially, in both fully
developed and developing countries [1]. The shortage of people working on farms today is becoming a
chronic worldwide issue. Consequently, to help combat this dilemma, the areas of robotics and
While the concept of automation, is not a foreign idea to the agriculture sector, as this technology has
been utilized in this field for years in the form of harvesting (albeit, still cab operated), it has long been
bottlenecked by the current state of technology itself. To put it simply, the engineering was just simply
not sufficiently developed or adequately refined to the point of being able to offer any sound solutions for
the automation or unmanned automation of any of the other more complex agricultural tasks. These more
complex agricultural tasks, in order to be successfully completed, would often require technological feats
and achievements such as localization, increased precision, improved dexterity, and/or more advanced
vision processing systems. These more advanced agricultural jobs are the tasks that fall under the
umbrella of what is often referred to as precision agriculture or smarting farming – agricultural related
tasks that necessitate precision in guidance and measurements which in turn, requires an appropriate
response to the variability in the field in regards to crop growth and raising livestock [2]. For decades, this
labor was performed manually by humans, and there was very little incentive for change as the supply
demands of the time were not as daunting and burdensome as they are today. Thankfully, as this
impending problem has become more imminent, it has hence generated an increasing amount of interest
and research towards merging the developmental progress made in robotics, mobile vehicles, and
automation over the recent years, with the agricultural machinery in use today.
Over the last couple of decades, the development of technologies such as global positioning systems
(GPSs), machine vision, laser-based sensors, and inertial devices have allowed for the concept of
autonomous, mobile vehicles to go from being a wishful, nonsensical idea to now being a technologically
and economically viable possibility. In the agricultural sector, the implications of these technological
advancements are pronounced as this ushered the beginning of developing cab-less field machinery
The benefits to having such a system are two-fold. First, autonomous ground vehicles remedy the labor
concerns as was mentioned earlier. Secondly, they can significantly increase production rates as they are
often appreciably more efficient than human laborers and can also yield higher quality products [3].
changes, where the engineering advancements being made in robotics and automation are starting to get
This thesis is an exploration into the further development of agricultural machinery, formulating and
further developing the embedded system design and control architecture of these robots and evaluating
the practical implementation and viability of various state of the art sensors and modules in serving as
navigational aids in unmanned automation. The work offered in this thesis is an extension of the current
technological trends being observed in the field today, where this restructuring of agricultural equipment
is necessary in order for the industry to keep pace with modern technology to be able to provide
innovative field machinery that can plausibly fulfill their rapidly expanding roles.
1.2 Background
This thesis focuses on the further development of two agricultural ground robots – the unmanned
agricultural ground vehicle (UAGV) and the Inter-row robot. In order to understand the work
accomplished in this thesis, it is incumbent to first address the basic operating principles and concepts that
served as the building blocks to designing and further developing these robots. The goal of this section is
to introduce and discuss important technical concepts that were foundational in the design of these two
agricultural ground machines. To alleviate any chance of confusion, this discussion must take place
before the actual design of the robots themselves can be addressed. In this section, there are two basic
important principles to be introduced and explained: distributive real-time systems (DRTSs) and
controller area networks (CAN). These new concepts, vital to design of both robots, will now be
The agricultural ground robots further developed in this thesis are classic examples of what are often
referred to as distributive real-time systems (DRTSs). Thus, this first section will be dedicated to giving
the reader a brief but meaningful overview of distributive real-time systems and the consequential
First, before distributive real-time systems can be discussed, it is important to address the notion of a real-
time system and its distinction to that of just a simple (time-unrelated) system. In both cases, the systems
will perform some type of operation on the given input to produce an output. However, in a real-time
system, the correctness of the system depends not only on the logical computational result, but also on if
the result was computed within a certain specified time frame [4]. Thus, a real-time system is evaluated
on the timeliness of the computed result and not just the result itself. This introduces a wide array of
design concerns that need to be taken into account when designing a real-time system as there are many
First and foremost, at the lowest system-level abstraction layer, the timeliness of a real-time system is
constrained by the physical speed limitations of the selected components in use that comprise the system.
Capacitors and transistors are the central components being alluded to here, as these are the circuit
elements that possess many time and speed specifications that stem from the component’s physical design
and construction [5]. Additionally, for digital electronics, the implemented hardware design governing the
combinational logic and thus the signals’ propagation paths from the input to the output has obvious
direct ramifications on the overall speed of the system as well. The hardware circuity could be a
physically designed circuit implemented onto a PCB. This would encompass both integrated circuitry,
which is self-contained in the selected integrated circuit (IC) chips being used in the electronic design,
and discrete circuitry (individual electronic components), which is commonly used for the external
supporting circuitry needed for the selected ICs being used on the designed and developed PCB.
Alternatively, the combinational hardware could also be synthesized from a written VHDL program
implemented onto a field programmable gate array (FPGA) board. Finally, in electronic designs where
microcontrollers are employed, the overall speed of the system is also dictated by the developed
algorithms in the software which are implemented onto the microcontrollers and perform all of the
necessary computations to produce the desired result for the application. Thus, there are many design
concerns that the engineer must consider and account for when designing a real-time system in order to
ensure that all the computational results are completed in a timely manner, before the assigned deadlines.
The time deadlines are assigned according the real-time system’s specific application. Meeting these
allocated target times ensures safe operation of the entire system [4].
Now that the reader has been briefed with the notion of a real-time system, the next step is to examine a
distributive real-time system (DRTS). If a real-time system is said to be distributive, the system includes
multiple subsystems which are all inner-connected together [6]. A DRTS thus, links together a number of
different computing entities, each of which, are working on a particular subtask that contributes to
accomplishing the broad overarching goal of the entire system. DRTSs are observed today in a vast array
of sectors and have a wide range of applications. Aviation, consumer electronics, medical equipment,
nuclear power plants, telecommunications, and obviously agriculture machinery are just a few of the
many examples where a DRTS is employed and makes up the backbone of the system design architecture
In a DRTS, there is a complex problem that the system as a whole is designed to solve. The problem often
involves many separate computational tasks and will demand the need for many different types of input
modules (joysticks, receiver modules, various types of measurement sensors, etc.) and output components
(motors, actuators, amplifiers, LEDs, LCDs, etc.). For this reason, the system will get broken down into
several subsystems, thus allowing the complex problem to get subdivided into several smaller
computational tasks, where each subdivided task can then get assigned to a particular subsystem. Usually
a microcontroller or a FPGA is selected to be used for each subsystem and can handle all of the
processing and computational requirements, specific to the subsystem’s allocated task. Each subsystem is
then assigned to its appropriate input and output modules, determined by the task that was issued to it. A
central communication bus, which inner-connects all the subsystems together, then allows for all the
subsystems to be in complete communication with one another. In this way, a DRTS can concurrently
handle a set of sub-processes in real time, where each sub-process constitutes to a small portion of the
overall complex computational task corresponding to the problem or job the DRTS was designed to
handle. Figure 1.1 presents an illustrative example of a simple distributive real-time system.
The next topic of discussion involves examining the communication medium in use for the DRTS. Since
CAN was selected as the communication protocol for these agricultural robots, the next section gives a
light introduction into CAN where the major, most important concepts are addressed and explicated.
The pervasive use of CAN in agriculture machinery warrants a formal discussion of this network
technology. The CAN bus is a robust communication protocol standard that allows microcontrollers and
other electronic control units (ECUs) on the bus to communicate back and forth with one another [7]. It
was originally designed with the intention that its main application would be in the automotive industry,
but it quickly found its way over to the aviation and agriculture sectors as well due to its low cost,
flexibility, portability, and rugged design structure, to highlight just a few of the many advantages it
The CAN bus is to an automobile what the nervous system is to a person. The nervous system enables all
parts of the body to communicate with each other which is analogous to how the CAN bus allows all of
the ECUs on an automobile to talk back and forth with one another. Thus, in distributive real-time
systems such as the automobile example, the CAN bus forms the backbone of the entire embedded
For a CAN-based DRTS, all of the components or ECUs (referred to as “subsystems” in the previous
section) that comprise the DRTS are physically connected to the CAN bus. These components are
commonly referred to as nodes [5]. For a basic illustration of a DRTS where the CAN bus is utilized as
As implicated from the figure above, the CAN bus employs a differential signaling scheme. When the bus
is idle, both the low and high CAN lines carry 2.5 V with a differential voltage of 0 V [8]. When data bits
are being transmitted, the CAN high line goes up to 3.75 V while the CAN low line drops down to 1.25V,
thus establishing a 2.5 V differential voltage between the two lines [8]. As is common for differential
signaling schemes, these two CAN cables are typically assembled in a twisted pair configuration to
minimize the effects of crosstalk and electromagnetic induction between the two wires. Additionally, this
ensures that any noise that happens to be present on either of the cables will be equally imposed onto both
wires, thus effectively making the noise common-mode where it will then be subtracted out when
obtaining the differential voltage. Finally, both ends of the CAN line are terminated with a terminating
resistor [8]. The resistor value is chosen such that its impedance will match the characteristic impedance
of the transmission bus which will help mitigate signal reflections and optimize signal integrity.
Thus, in a CAN-based DRTS, the CAN bus becomes the sole medium that allows the message or CAN
frames from one node to be sent out onto the bus and then processed and received by another node. Thus,
this introduces the issue of bus contention among the nodes, where multiple nodes may be simultaneously
trying to transmit a message across the bus. In order to understand how this problem is handled, a closer
A single CAN message frame can be broken into the specified fields seen above in Figure 1.3. The CAN
packet structure is very similar to that of other serial protocols. The packet contains a header, payload,
and the actual data content of the message. A description of each field as well as its function is offered
Arbitration – A unique identifier for the message that determines its priority
Ack – Transmitter sends a recessive (1) to which a receiver can assert a dominant (0)
The one field of particular interest in regards to solving the bus contention problem is the arbitration field
where the CAN message is given a unique ID specific to its CAN contents. The ID will inform all the
other system nodes about the contents of the CAN message [5]. Thus, the ID will allow each node to
know whether or not the associated CAN message is of any of use to that particular node. If it is, the node
will know how to handle the message and what to do with the data. This idea is illustrated below in
Figure 1.4.
Figure 1.4 – System nodes accepting or ignoring transmitted CAN data based on the ID field content
Moreover, the ID can also be used to determine the priority of the message [7]. If two or more nodes
transmit their start of frame bit simultaneously (i.e. multiple nodes attempt to take hold of the bus), a node
contending for the bus will give up the arbitration process when it detects a dominant level (0) when it is
attempting to send a recessive (1) [5]. The nodes will continue to relinquish hold of the bus through this
process until one node is left. The one remaining node then seizes hold of the bus and is able to transmit
its message [5]. The process then repeats as before for the remaining nodes that still have messages to
send [5]. Since the arbitration field is thus transmitted in order of the most significant bit (MSB) to the
least significant bit (LSB), we can say that the ID field with smallest numerical value is given the highest
priority while the ID field containing the largest value is given the lowest priority. Thus, a systems
engineer can assign the appropriate ID fields to each unique CAN message in the firmware according to
As it turns out, there is a more systems conscious approach to CAN bus management that does not
involve reliance on the data frame ID fields for access to the bus. There are two common approaches to
use to handle CAN bus communication when designing and implementing an embedded system onto a
DRTS – event triggered systems and time triggered systems. As each system design technique possesses
its own unique set of challenges, drawbacks, and advantages, being able to distinguish the difference
between the two is essential as this knowledge will allow the engineer to pick the appropriate, most
An event triggered system, as the name implies, is driven by events. The system is designed such that a
certain specified set of conditions will trigger the transmission and reception of certain messages which in
turn, will invoke the execution of a particular task [5]. An example of such a system could be a very
simple obstacle avoiding robot. Say the robot is equipped with two separate microcontrollers, motors, and
a simple vision sensor placed at the front of the machine. The first microcontroller is responsible for
processing the vision sensor data, while the second microcontroller commands the motors that drive the
robot forward. For the sake of discussion, assume the system was designed such that if the vision sensor
detects an obstacle within six inches of the vehicle, the microcontroller on the sensor node will send a
“stop” message to the motor node to inform it that an obstacle has been detected and that the robot should
stop moving. This example illustrates an event triggered system where an obstacle being within six inches
of the robot serves as the event that triggers the transmission of a message to the microcontroller
controlling the motors, which in turn, causes the robot to stop moving. Otherwise, no transmission will
occur and the robot will continue moving forward. Thus, event triggered systems unfold dynamically
during program runtime and are directed by the occurrence of asynchronous events outside the system
The major advantage with event triggered systems is their ability to react promptly to asynchronous
external events, since tasks are only executed when the appropriate event has occurred [9]. However, this
comes at the expense of system solidity, since correct node operation in a DRTS is then contingent on
external dependencies [5]. That is to say, reliable CAN bus operation in event triggered systems is
entirely dependent on the successfulness of the transmission and reception of messages by the associated
system nodes that constitute the DRTS. Moreover, it assumes that each node is always operating
correctly. In a more complicated, large-scale DRTS, where there exist multiple microcontrollers, each
concurrently executing an array of tasks and communicating back and forth among one another, there are
often many events that dictate what message is be transmitted and then what tasks need to be executed. If
any one of those external dependencies is not met (i.e., a task is not correctly executed by any one of the
nodes or a message is not properly transmitted or received), the system will suffer critical system
breakdown where the DRTS will no longer be able to respond appropriately to its dynamic environment.
Thus, event driven systems are generally not very robust and are more susceptible to system failure.
These systems might be adequate for relatively simple systems (where system failure would be less
likely) or smaller scale solutions (where system failure is relatively inconsequential). However, these
systems are understandably never used in the automobile or aviation industry where system failure would
A time triggered system is a more robust alternate method and is thus, generally the more preferred
approach when reliable CAN bus communication and proper system operation is crucial for the machine
in operation. In a time triggered CAN (TTCAN) system, a defined schedule is assigned for when each
CAN message is allowed to be transmitted out onto the bus [5]. Each message is given an allocated time
slot or time window for transmission where the assigned length of time is typically the same for each
message [5]. In this way, a time triggered system is able to make aperiodic or sporadic signals, periodic in
nature, since each signal, whether periodic, aperiodic, or sporadic, has an assigned time window within
the cyclic messaging sequence for when that message is allowed to be transmitted out onto the bus. Thus,
time-triggered systems are inherently deterministic in nature which makes for a more rugged system
design architecture.
If for whatever reason, a node misses the time window for the transmission of its associated message, or
say an event triggers the transmission of a message whose time window in the message sequence has
already passed, it will have to wait till the next cycle for message transmission. In most cases, this does
not present any problems or cause need for concern since the transmission frequency is usually
sufficiently fast to where experiencing such a delay would be negligible. This transmission cycle, which
encapsulates the time it takes for the transmission of all the messages in the system, is commonly referred
to as the basic period [5]. The basic period thus, dictates the transmission frequency of the DRTS, where
its period needs to be at least as long as the number of time widows needed to account for all of the
system messages but it could also be longer (BP >= Nmessages*TW). Figure 1.5 gives an illustration of what
This sense of node redundancy or replica determinism, characteristic of the time triggered system design
approach, eliminates the node contingency dilemma that debilitates event triggered systems, since proper
node operation is now determined by the statically defined cyclic schedule, which is completely
independent of the individual operations being executed by each of the existing system nodes. Thus, this
results in enhanced fault tolerance performance and thereby offers a more dependable, robust solution to
ensuring proper operation of the DRTS [10]. This improvement in the system’s reliability however,
comes at the expense of slower system response times and reduced flexibility and scalability when
looking to modify or expand the DRTS [10]. Thus, the systems engineer must consider the system
complexity and the intended application when deciding on which design architecture to employ. The
integration and implementation of event triggered messages onto a time triggered system will be
exemplified and thus, better understood, in Chapter 4, where an obstacle avoidance scheme (event
Time Synchronization
Another important design concern, specifically for TTCAN systems, that should be briefly addressed is
the notion of time synchronization. Every microcontroller is governed by an oscillator which provides
clock pulses which are required for the synchronization of internal events within the microcontroller [5].
The implication here is that since the entire DRTS (with is likely comprised of multiple microcontrollers)
operates on time-triggered schedule for collision-free communication, each node in the system needs to
be continuously updated on the “correct” time to ensure proper operation and to avoid clock drift among
each of the system nodes. Clock drift is a well-known phenomenon in electronics where there exists slight
deviances in the oscillator’s frequency due to internal disturbance (such as aging), external disturbances
(such as temperature changes), and imperfections and impurities in the crystal [4]. These deviances in the
oscillator’s clock frequency become more apparent over longer periods of time if left unaccounted for. To
compensate for this phenomenon, one node will get designated as the “master clock” where the
microcontroller’s associated oscillator will serve as the centralized clock source for the entire DRTS. The
master clock node will then transmit a time reference message at the beginning of every basic period. The
time reference message will be processed by all the remaining nodes in the system so that they are each
continuously updated or “corrected” on the global time (i.e., the master node’s oscillator clock) at the
beginning of every transmission cycle, and will therefore know the correct point in time within the
configured bus schedule to transmit their own associated messages. This principle was hinted at in Figure
1.5 which illustrated that the time reference message served as the lead off message in the transmission of
1.3 Agenda
In this section, the agenda of this thesis will be presented. It should be noted that this thesis is a
continuation of a former graduate student’s work. The graduate student had developed and worked on two
separate agricultural robots. Both of which, were tailored to different applications in the agriculture realm.
This thesis focuses on the further development of these two agricultural ground machines. To distinguish
between the two, the first robot will be referred to as an unmanned agricultural ground vehicle (UAGV)
from this point on in the document. Chapters 2-4 pertain to the past and present work that has been
completed on this ground vehicle. The second robot that was further developed in this thesis is a robot
that will be denoted as the Inter-row or Row Follower. All relevant information pertaining to this robot in
regards to its system design and functionality can be found in Chapter 5. An outline for the thesis agenda
is given below.
1) Chapter 2 – Summarize and give a top level overview of the unmanned agricultural ground vehicle
(UAGV) that was developed. This includes discussing its general system architecture, hardware
2) Chapter 3 – Discuss and demonstrate the development of GPS waypoint navigation and its
3) Chapter 4 – Discuss the principles of obstacle detection and avoidance and how this technology was
4) Chapter 5 – Introduce the Inter-row robot which employs a sensor based autonomous navigation
approach for field navigation. Its design, functionality, further development, and intended application
6) Chapter 7 – References
2 UAGV Overview
In this chapter, a high level overview of the unmanned agricultural ground vehicle (UAGV) will be given.
The goal of this chapter is to give the reader a basic understanding of the UAGV’s general design and
operation. Since this thesis is an extension of a former graduate student’s work, a summary and basic
outline of his work will be presented, supplemented with a brief introduction to the additional work and
development that was implemented onto the vehicle. This will allow the reader to walk away with a
technical understanding of the robot’s basic design methodology so that in the subsequent chapters where
newly designed nodes or nodes that were further developed will be explained in greater detail, the reader
will be already well-rehearsed and acquainted with the robot’s general system design and operating
principles and should therefore be able to quickly understand and follow these new developments.
The platform this UAGV used was manufactured at the Agricultural Machinery and Research Laboratory
on the campus of the University of Kentucky [5]. A 24 V DC motor (Model NPC 41250, NPC Robotics
Mound, MN) was selected as the motor to be fitted onto the chassis. The motor was then coupled to a
differential rear axis, which provided minimal tire skid [5]. The platform used Ackerman steering pinions,
where a 24 V linear actuator (Model 85915 Motion System Corporations, NJ) was used for electronic
control over the steering angle of the front wheels [5]. Additionally, the actuator had a built in
potentiometer which allowed for positional feedback. Two 24 V lead acid batteries were used to provide
power to the robot. Power was distributed via 80 A circuit breakers and a screw terminal array which was
located underneath the batteries. The chassis for the UAGV, installed with the basic hardware
components just described, is depicted below in Figure 2.1. The chassis served as the development
platform for embedded system architecture prototyping for agricultural machinery and allowed for the
Figure 2.1 - Robot chassis with batteries, motors, and E-Stop switches (Troyer, 2017)
As alluded to earlier, the UAGV employs a distributive real-time system architecture. Such systems allow
for scalability, maintainability, system modularity, and firmware simplification where software tasks can
be broken down and allocated appropriately to each of the existing system nodes [5]. In the DRTS, there
exist multiple nodes (or subsystems), each having their own assigned tasks, which constitutes to
accomplishing the overall goal of the entire system. Additionally, each node or subsystem has their own
associated set of modules, which is specific to the type of task each node was designed to perform and
execute. This particular DRTS predictably uses CAN as the communication medium, which inner-
connects all of the subsystems together, thus allowing for complete communication among all the system
nodes. In the UAGV’s current state of development, there exist five nodes, each with their own set of
accompanying modules necessary for accomplishing their assigned tasks. Figure 2.2 below offers an
1) Controller Node – Acts as the CPU of the entire system. Facilitates the state machine of the
UAGV, receives key fob commands (via the RX module) for state machine switching, and
monitors and processes the joystick commands (when operating in manual mode). Furthermore,
the node is responsible for receiving and processing all of the LIDAR, steering angle position,
and GPS CAN data needed to run the control algorithm to perform all the appropriate
computations for navigation (when operating in autonomous navigation mode). The calculated
controller outputs are then transmitted as a CAN control feedback message to both the motor
2) GPS Node – Provides the robot’s GPS position data needed to derive the control state signals.
3) Motor Driver Node – Receives and executes speed commands transmitted from the controller
4) Steering Node – Receives steering angle commands from the controller node and provides
positional steering angle feedback data to the controller node via the built in potentiometer on the
linear actuator.
5) LIDAR Sensor Node – Processes the LIDAR data to scan for and detect any obstacles or hazards
in the robot’s proximity and computes and transmits the required steering angle to the controller
It should also be noted that, while not shown in the figure, the robot was designed with a d’sub connector
attached at the end of the CAN bus such that a CAN data logger could be easily added to the system for
debugging, troubleshooting, and system data logging and collection purposes. The data logger (Kvaser
Memorator Pro) would essentially then act as the sixth node on the bus and allowed for all of the
processed CAN data to be logged and saved. The data logger is depicted below in Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3 - Kvaser Memorator CAN data logger (Retrieved from
Figure 2.4 depicts the completed UAGV, where all of the system nodes discussed are shown integrated
onto the robot chassis. As indicated in the figure, small, compact enclosure boxes were selected to be used
to house all of the associated hardware for each of the developed system nodes. This would include the
print circuit board (PCB), the microcontroller(s), and the external sensors and modules that each node
GPS Node
Controller Node
Figure 2.4 - Fully assembled UAGV with all of the system nodes that constitute the DRTS
The CAN based DRTS for the UAGV will be discussed in greater detail in the subsequent sections and
chapters, as this section was intended to just serve as a light, high level introduction to the UAGV’s
In this section, an overview of the hardware architecture for the UAGV will be given. The selected
microcontrollers and the PCBs designed by the previous graduate student will be briefly discussed. In this
section, it will become clear from a hardware perspective, how all of the system nodes were designed and
The former graduate student decided to use microcontrollers from the ST microelectronics family for the
system node development of the associated DRTS which allowed for CAN bus implementation. Thus,
these inexpensive STM32 microcontrollers come with all of the CAN features necessary for complete
communication across a CAN bus. STM32s are essentially development boards, complete with a
debugger/flash downloader device that interfaces the target microcontroller to an integrated development
environment (IDE) on a PC, allowing for rapid firmware development, where the algorithms and
Two different development boards were chosen to serve as the system nodes for the CAN based DRTS. It
was decided that the STM32f308k8 microcontroller would be used for both the motor driver and steering
nodes. The student selected this microcontroller for these two nodes due to its small form factor, which
allowed it to fit inside the small enclosure box where both nodes also required a motor driver board [5].
One driver module was used to drive the DC motor on the UAGV for translational movement, and the
other was utilized to drive the linear actuator which controlled the steering angle of the front two wheels.
The selected motor driver module is a 2x12 32 A Sabertooth and can be seen below in Figure 2.5.
The STM32f308k8, interfaced to the driver boards, included a 72 kHz, 32 bit ARM Cortex M4 processor,
and contains all the basic set of peripherals as standard for ST Micros [5]. The other development board
used for the development of the UAGV was the STM32f446RE microcontroller. The student selected this
development board for the controller and GPS node due to its fast processor clock, as it contains a 180
MHz ARM Cortex M4 processor [5]. Additionally, the STM32f446RE development board was selected
to be used for the newly implemented node to the system - the LIDAR sensor node. This development
board was tailored for high performance applications and was thus, delegated to handle the more
mathematically intensive and computationally demanding tasks. Pictures of both development boards can
In order to integrate all of the developed nodes onto a common CAN bus as was shown in Figure 2.2,
PCB boards needed to be designed and configured in a way that would allow for the CAN and power
lines to inner-connect all of the microcontrollers (or nodes) onto the DRTS. Figure 2.8 and Figure 2.9
show the developed CAN PCBs for both of the two development boards that allowed for all the nodes to
be daisy chained together via the connection of their CAN and power lines. Both boards were designed by
the previous graduate student. The PCB shown in Figure 2.8 was designed for the STM32f446RE while
the board seen in Figure 2.9 was designed for the STM32f308k8. As can be gathered from the figures, the
student designed the boards in a way that allowed the microcontrollers to be mounted onto the top of the
CAN Lines
Power Lines
Power Lines
CAN Lines
Analog Lines
PWM (Motor)
The 446 board included screw terminal blocks that connect to the CAN bus signaling pins as well as the
power and ground lines, where the power, ground, and CAN line traces all went directly across the board
to the terminal blocks on both sides of the PCB thereby allowing for the external wiring (or daisy
chaining) of these lines across all of the nodes that comprise the system. Vias were also added between
these traces to improve the noise immunity of those respective traces on the board [5]. The main
components for this PCB include a SN65HVD250 CAN bus transceiver, a 1 amp ATO fuse mount, and a
switching power supply module. The fuse was integrated into the power regulator circuitry to provide
protection from back EMF from the DC motors used in the steering and motor driver nodes. Some
additional status indicator LEDs were also implemented onto to the board to provide visual feedback, thus
For the 308k8 PCB, the board design was similar but with some distinct differences. Like the first board,
this PCB also included screw terminals for the CAN bus signal pins in addition to the power and ground
lines which again, allowed for the daisy chain connection of all the nodes onto the CAN bus.
Additionally, screw terminals were used for providing access to analog input channels and pulse width
modulation (PWM) output channels. For the analog channels (which were traced to ADC peripheral pins
on the STM32), the student implemented a clamping filter for transient surge protection purposes [5]. The
analog and PWM lines enabled the boards to be interfaced to the appropriate sensors, motors, and/or
modules according to what was called for in the initial robot design. As the intent of this section was to
just give the reader a brief overview of the implemented hardware, a more detailed, in-depth explanation
of these boards can be found in pages 22-24 and pages 91-96 of [5].
In this section, a top-level overview of the UAGV’s firmware will be presented. This involves observing
the data packing scheme for the CAN messages to be transmitted, addressing the time triggered CAN
(TTCAN) bus schedule setup, discussing the CAN peripheral which enables communication among all
the nodes on the bus, and finally, examining all the other utilized peripherals in the firmware that enabled
the microcontrollers to be interfaced to all of the implemented hardware introduced in section 2.2.
The first piece of information to address is the data encoding or message packaging scheme for the CAN
messages to be transmitted over the bus. The messages associated with the newly developed LIDAR
sensor node are outlined in Figure 2.10 and Figure 2.11, while the messages associated with the work
completed by the previous graduate student can be referenced in pages 105-109 in [5].
Figure 2.10 - Message packaging scheme for steering message based on LIDAR data
Figure 2.11 - Message packaging scheme for controller state message used to enable/disable the sensor
Both of the above messages only consist of a single byte of data. Hence, packaging these messages was
extremely simple as no bit shifting was required for transmission and reception. Descriptions of each of
the system message IDs (not just the newly developed ones shown above) are given below.
100 – Tim Ref Message: Time reference message transmitted from the GPS node (time master) to
keep all the system nodes synchronized and properly updated on the global time so that all
401 – Latitude Message: Latitude coordinate transmitted from the GPS node
402 – Longitude Message: Longitude coordinate transmitted from the GPS node
200 – Position Message: Northing-easting position transmitted from the GPS node to the
controller node.
201 – Velocity Message: Northing-easting velocity transmitted from the GPS node to the
controller node.
202 – Heading Message: Heading angle of the UAGV transmitted from the GPS node to the
controller node
206 – Steering Message: Steering angle position (of the linear actuator) transmitted from the
300 – Feedback Command Message: Steering and motor commands transmitted from the
450 – Data Message 0: UAGV’s X and Y coordinates transmitted from the controller node to the
451 – Data Message 1: UAGV’s heading angle, PSI, and speed transmitted from the controller
452 – Data Message 2: UAGV’s cross track error, steering angle, and steering command
453 – Data Message 3: Controller input signal and steering pot ADC transmitted from the
500 – Steering Message: Steering Angle transmitted from the LIDAR sensor node to the
controller node, informing the controller of the required steering angle needed in order to avoid
501 – Controller State Message: The current operating state of the controller is transmitted from
the controller node to the LIDAR sensor node to inform the sensor node on whether or not it
should look for obstacles. The sensor node will only scan for obstacles if it is autonomous mode.
The UAGV employs a time triggered CAN (TTCAN) approach where all the messages are each assigned
to a particular time slot in the deterministic periodic schedule. The transmission slot or time window for
each system message was chosen to be one 1 mS wide. This time window was selected to provide a 480
ms delay time for the worst case CAN message transmission time of 520 ms [5]. The overall
transmission frequency of the system messages shared across all of the nodes is 10 Hz, thereby implying
that the basic period of the entire system is 100 ms. The system could therefore accommodate for up to
100 separate system messages. A timer interrupt handler was used to establish the transmission time of
the time reference message for time tracking and synchronization across all of the nodes in the system.
Naturally, the timer was configured to operate at a 1 kHz frequency to accommodate for the transmission
of all the system messages within the basic period. Figure 2.12 illustrates this time triggered setup for the
Figure 2.12 - UAGV Time Triggered CAN system message sequence design
The CAN bx peripheral, found in the STM32 microcontroller family, was leveraged to develop the
TTCAN infrastructure for the UAGV. The peripheral provides a large number of options allowing for
optimal communication for a wide range of different applications. Since this work was done by the
former graduate student and is fairly involved, this information will not be covered here since it goes
beyond the scope of this thesis. For a complete explanation of all the details regarding how this peripheral
The CAN bx peripheral allows for the implementation of interrupts. An interrupt, when activated, will
jump from its current section of program memory to run a short segment of code, where that segment of
code is specific to that particular interrupt. An interrupt is usually triggered by some external event
outside of the processor. Having this ability from the peripheral was critical as it formed the groundwork
for developing the TTCAN infrastructure for the UAGV. Interrupt handlers were used to manage all of
the TTCAN related tasks as it pertained to time tracking and synchronization and message reception and
transmission. TX and RX ring buffers coupled with interrupt handlers were used for the processing and
transmission of system messages across the TTCAN bus. All of the aforementioned CAN messages that
comprise the TTCAN bus for the UAGV are each assigned to either a TX or RX ring buffer based on
whether the node is receiving or transmitting that message. When a TX or RX ring buffer contains a
message for transmission or reception, the appropriate interrupt for the associated microcontroller would
fire to transmit or process that CAN message accordingly during the allocated time slot that was pre-
Interrupts not only facilitated the operation of CAN message reception and transmission, they also
governed the operation of peripherals that were implemented to interface with all of the sensors and
modules that were illustrated in Figure 2.2. This includes analog to digital converters (ADCs) and direct
memory access (DMA) controllers for the joystick and RC remote, and a DMA controller and universal
synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter (USART) for the LCD. Figure 2.13 presents an in-depth,
top level overview of the developed firmware on the UAGV, where all of the utilized modules and
The majority of the information presented in this section was a simply a reiteration of the material
addressed in Troyer’s thesis, conveyed here in a more concise form. The goal of this section was to give
the reader the necessary background information regarding UAGV’s firmware infrastructure, highlighting
the key concepts and principles, so that in the subsequent chapters, where the firmware is further
developed, the reader will have been equipped with an adequate amount knowledge regarding the
Now that the reader is briefed on the both hardware and firmware architecture of the UAGV, it is
necessary to now address the operational modes of the UAGV, its associated finite state machine (FSM),
and the obligatory pieces of hardware necessary for each functioning mode.
A four button key fob remote and a 350 MHz RX module were selected to give the user access and
control over the UAGV’s functioning modes. Pushing a button on the key fob remote would activate the
corresponding pin on the RX module, giving the user remote control over the UAGV. The RX module
was naturally implemented on the controller node (as was implicated in Figure 2.2). In this way, the user
was able to have control over the FSM layer of the UAGV. Figure 2.14 below shows the key fob and the
associated RX module.
Figure 2.14 – Key fob and receiver module for operating mode switching (Troyer, 2017)
Additionally, one of the functioning modes of the UAGV was manual control. To achieve this, a simple
analog joystick was selected to be used which allowed the user to have control over the UAGV’s
movement while in this mode. This enabled the user to manually steer the robot to and from testing sites.
A picture of the selected joystick is shown in Figure 2.15. As with the RX module, the joystick was also
Figure 2.15 – Analog joystick for manual control mode (Troyer, 2017)
Finally, for feedback display, a thin film transistor liquid crystal display (LCD) was installed onto the
controller node as well. The LCD informs the user of helpful, relevant information such as the robot’s
current mode, the CAN bus status, and the GPS state parameters obtained from the GPS node. The LCD
Figure 2.16 - Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for system state visualization (Troyer, 2017)
As already stated, the operating modes of the UAGV are governed by a designed FSM to which the user
has control over via the key fob remote. The various states of the UAGV’s FSM are given below along
Init Mode – Robot enters this mode when initially turned on. No signals are routed to the steering
actuator or the motor drivers in this mode. Waits to receive commands from the user via the key
fob switch.
Manual Mode Ready – No signals are routed to the steering or motor drivers yet. Will enter
Autonomous (GPS) Mode Ready – No signals are routed to the steering or motor drivers yet. Will
Manual Run Mode – Signals are routed to the steering and motor driver nodes based on the
Autonomous (GPS) Run Mode (Line Navigation) – Signal are routed to the steering and motor
driver nodes based on the entered GPS waypoint set and the line control algorithm commissioned
which drives the UAGV in a straight line towards the second waypoint.
Autonomous (GPS) Run Mode (Curvature Navigation) – Signal are routed to the steering and
motor driver nodes based on the entered GPS waypoint set and the curvature control algorithm
commissioned which drives the UAGV in a curvature, circular arc towards the second waypoint.
Avoid Obstacle Mode – The obstacle avoidance algorithm computes the necessary steering angle
to be routed to the steering node to avoid and navigate around the detected obstacle(s).
Emergency Stop Mode – Halts operation of the robot where signals are no longer routed to the
steering and motor driver nodes. Will enter this mode when the corresponding E-stop buttons on
A visual representation of the UAGV’s FSM can be observed below in Figure 2.17. The figure shows the
specific buttons on the key fob remote that will trigger state transitions. Moreover, the diagram also
illustrates the different environmental factors that can also dictate whether or not a state transition will
Figure 2.17 - Finite State Machine of operating modes for the UAGV
The two navigation algorithms depicted in the above figure (line and curvature) and the state transitioning
that occurs between the two schemes while in autonomous mode, will be discussed further and thus,
The invention of global positioning systems (GPS) completely transformed the landscape of navigation.
This revolutionary innovation allowed for the extraction of the precise geographical location, velocity and
associated time of any GPS receiver in the world, provided that there are at least four satellites with an
unobstructed line of sight to the GPS receiver [11]. This technology thus allowed for the guidance,
control, and navigation of mobile robots [11]. When initially introduced in the 70s, it was only a matter of
time before this technology was eventually leveraged and utilized in the military sector, ultimately
becoming the core navigation system for military aircraft, vessels, tanks, and personal [12]. However,
since then, GPS navigation has found a vast array of other applications on a much broader scope which
includes (but is not limited to) aviation, marine, telecommunications, surveillance, financial services, road
transportation, and as of recently, agriculture. We even use this technology on a daily basis via the use of
our smart phones as navigational aids to help us get to our desired destination points. The development of
the GPS has reached a point to where it is now playing an integral role in the life of the everyday
This technology also has pronounced applications on the agriculture industry. Since robots can now be
guided via a GPS, this concept can then be applied to agricultural tasks such as planting, watering,
weeding and harvesting, all of which were tasks that were either previously performed by human laborers
or by machines being manually operated by humans. As a result, this technology has played a pivotal role
in spurring the practical realization and implementation of autonomous navigation practices in the realm
of agriculture via the emergence of unmanned agricultural ground vehicles (UAGVs) that can
autonomously perform agricultural tasks without requiring any human aid or intervention. Hence, this
technology is serving as one of the primary catalysts in regards to the many scalable infrastructural
changes the industry is beginning to experience, where GPSs and other innovative technologies are in the
process of gradually being implemented onto field machinery in effort to develop automated and
In this chapter, the reader will first be equipped with the necessary background knowledge which will
provide the framework for the development of the GPS waypoint navigation work that has been
accomplished in this project. This information involves addressing the initial state of the UAGV project
as it pertains specifically to the GPS waypoint navigation development. It also includes having a brief
discussion of the selected GPS module that is being used on the UAGV. This will be followed by a
discussion of several of the well-known path following algorithms or control schemes that will be
implemented onto the UAGV for GPS waypoint navigation control. The chapter will then offer an in
depth discussion and examination of the final implemented embedded system design for the GPS
waypoint navigation scheme. Finally, the chapter will conclude with the data obtained from several
conducted test runs where the performance of the developed control algorithms will be evaluated.
3.1 Background
As was briefly addressed in Chapter 2, a Swift Navigation Piksi unit was selected to be used as the GPS
receiver on the UAGV for the purpose of precision navigation. The unit is a high precision GPS receiver
platform with open source firmware and hardware, allowing for the implementation of real-time
kinematic (RTK) technology. RTK GPSs are able to achieve a much higher positioning resolution (up to
2-3 cm precision), as the configuration allows for the mitigation of atmospheric errors that the standard
GPS units suffer from [14]. For this reason, there has been an increasing amount of interest in employing
RTK-GPSs onto farm vehicles to perform precision agricultural related tasks [15]. Figure 3.1 below
This unit is classified as a carrier-differential or pseudo-differential GPS (CD-GPS) receiver. These types
of receivers do not give absolute position readings as compared to the standard, traditional GPS units.
They require a base station to be set up where the GPS base station then serves as the reference point for
all of the GPS readings on the receiver module [16]. Thus, all of the GPS position readings are relative to
the location of the base station. This unit was selected to be used as the GPS module for the UAGV due to
its high precision capabilities, which was particularly advantageous for the application of precision
The initial state of development the originally inherited UAGV was in (with regards to GPS navigation)
was that the UAGV would work for simple GPS line navigation which involves using just two GPS
waypoints. The control system or path following algorithm on the controller node would process the GPS
data transmitted from the GPS node and would then send the appropriate commands to the motor driver
and steering nodes to pilot the UAGV from the first waypoint to the second waypoint. The important
caveat to note here is that the system currently only works for an input of strictly two GPS waypoints.
Moreover, the user must manually stop the UAGV when the second waypoint has been reached as the
UAGV currently has no awareness of its position relative to the target waypoint it is approaching. These
primary concerns are addressed in section 3.3 where the implemented solution to these problems will be
discussed in detail. But before that discussion can take place, it is important to first overview the various
path following algorithms that were implemented, tested, and analyzed during the development of the
There are numerous path following algorithms or control schemes that have been studied and developed
in literature over the years for land based navigation problems. In GPS applications, these algorithms
determine the route the robot travels to go from one waypoint over to the next. In order for the ground
vehicle to honor the calculated path, which is specific to the selected algorithm in use, the model the
ground vehicle resembles must be that of a closed-loop system as shown in Figure 3.2.
Closed loop systems form the backbone of the equipment used in industrial control applications as they
allow for the regulation of important parameters of interest (temperature, pressure, speed, etc.) [17]. There
are a couple of key items that comprise that of a closed-loop system that should briefly be addressed.
First, the system consists of the main component which is commonly referred to as the process plant [17].
The process plant is simply the system that we are attempting to control [17]. The plant could be, say, an
automobile in cruise control or an aquarium with a heater that monitors the water temperature. In this
project, the UAGV would be considered the process plant. The second vital element in any closed-loop
system is the feedback loop [17]. The feedback loop is the part of the system where at least a portion of
the output signal gets fed back to the input of the system [17]. These are the important parameters that
need to be regulated. Various types of sensors can be used to obtain readings of these output signals. The
measured output can then get compared with the desired set point value on the input side to obtain an
error signal. A controller can then be designed to monitor the error, calculate a control signal to adjust the
measured outputs appropriately, and drive the measured error down to zero [17]. Figure 3.3 illustrates a
In this way, a closed loop system allows for the regulation of any measured parameter. To relate this
specifically to the problem in this thesis, implementing a path following algorithm on the UAGV equates
to making the UAGV resemble the closed-loop system model where the output (or feedback signal) is
equivalent to the steering angle of the UAGV. The path following algorithm which contains all the
necessary computations to calculate the required steering angle can be equated to the controller of the
system. In the subsequent section, some of the more prevalent path following algorithms or control
3.2.1 P Controller
The P controller is probably the simplest, most intuitive control scheme to employ for regulating a
The operating principle of the PID controller is that it performs mathematical operations (in the form of
proportional multiplications, integrals, and derivatives) on the measured error signal where the error
again, is the measured difference between the estimated value and the desired value. The individual
results from each of those operations are then multiplied by the appropriately weighted constants and
summed together to produce the output control signal that should assist in driving the system’s error
down to zero, if the coefficients for each error parameter are properly weighted and tuned. Equation 3.1
below shows the fundamental equation for the PID controller that was just described.
𝑢 = 𝐾𝑃 𝑒 + 𝐾𝐼 ∫ 𝑒𝑑𝑡 + 𝐾𝐷 𝑒 3.1
0 𝑑𝑡
These controllers are commonly used in industrial control applications to regulate some important
parameter of interest. Each of the three terms plays their own unique role that aids in controlling and
optimizing the response of the system. [17] documents various occasions over the past couple of decades
where a PID controller served as the guidance system of a mobile robot or tractor in agricultural
environments. However, for many applications, one often does not need to leverage all three terms in
order to suitably control the system and acquire a reasonable controller response. For this particular
UAGV project, the previous graduate student implemented a hybrid P controller model which achieved
satisfactory results.
In the P controller scheme, the error is just multiplied by some proportional constant [18]. For the P
controller implemented onto the UAGV, there are three proportional error parameters of interest: cross
track error, heading error, and steering angle error [5]. The cross error (XTE) is the distance between the
robot and the straight line between the two current waypoints, where the error distance is measured
normal to the line that connects the two waypoints together. The heading error (ψ) is the measured
difference between the robot’s current heading angle and the heading angle of the formed line that inner-
connects the two waypoints. The heading angle of the waypoint line is often referred to as the bearing
angle. Finally, the steering angle error (δ) is the measured difference between the heading angle of the
robot and the steering angle of the front two wheels. The cross track error and heading angle were
acquired through the GPS module, while the steering angle was obtained via the built in potentiometer on
the actuator that controlled the steering angle of the front two wheels. Figure 3.4 presents a visual
Figure 3.4 - States or error parameters used for the P controller based GPS navigation scheme
These three error parameters collected together, contain all the necessary information pertaining to the
robot’s current position relative to the desired position. Essentially, it yields all the information regarding
how well the UAGV is travelling in the desired straight line between the two waypoints. Thus, the P
controller processes all three of the error state signals to generate a control signal which then adjusts the
steering angle accordingly to mitigate the measured error parameters, minimizing the overall path error
thus, driving the system towards the established line between the two waypoints. Each of these error
parameters are assigned a proportional constant which weights each term accordingly, and the individual
terms are then all summed together to yield the control signal, which is the signal that gets routed to the
linear actuator to appropriately control the steering angle of the front two wheels. The equation governing
In a properly tuned control scheme, these three error parameters will be driven down to zero. Thus, if the
P controller worked perfectly, the robot would travel in a perfectly straight line between each waypoint.
Thus, in this GPS waypoint navigation application, the robot will instantly turn once it reaches its current
target waypoint so that robot’s new heading angle will align with the newly updated target waypoint. This
turns out to be one of the drawbacks of this path following algorithm as the optimal path for the vehicle to
travel to reach each waypoint is often not a straight line [18]. Additionally, the algorithm can be prone to
oscillation (i.e. swerving about the desired straight line path) [18], though this phenomena can usually be
mostly alleviated with properly tuned proportional weights. Despite the mentioned shortcomings, the
algorithm presents a relatively simple solution that can serve well for land based navigation applications
Another common path following algorithm that has been thoroughly researched and explored is the Pure
Pursuit method. The algorithm essentially calculates a curvature route (or circular arc) between the
robot’s current position and the current target waypoint it is approaching [18]. The operating principle of
the algorithm is actually quite trivial as understanding the inner-workings of the algorithm only requires a
general conception of some basic level geometry. The straight line formed between the two waypoints
forms the base leg of an isosceles triangle. This is also commonly referred to as the chord length [19].
The two other equilateral legs of the triangle form the radius of a circle. The arc or the curvature path that
the Pure Pursuit algorithm calculates is simply just a slice or portion of that circle, as the circle contains
both GPS coordinates (of the waypoint pair) along its circumference. Figure 3.5 below illustrates this idea
Figure 3.5 - Visualization of the geometry for the Pure Pursuit algorithm with all the important
parameters labeled
The D parameter (chord length) shown in the figure can be calculated by utilizing Pythagorean’s theorem.
Employing some trivial geometrical triangle equations and identities and performing some basic algebraic
manipulation, the radius corresponding to the circular curvature of the waypoint set can be acquired from
Equation 3.3. If the reader is interested in all the mathematical details regarding how the equation below
was obtained, a complete step by step derivation of the entire process is offered in [19].
𝑅= 3.3
Once the radius has been obtained, the steering angle can then be computed which will allow the UAGV
to follow the calculated curvature route. Figure 3.6 illustrates this idea while Equation 3.4 represents the
mathematical expression for this computation. The equation corresponds to the initially calculated
steering angle value that should in theory, enable the UAGV to track the calculated arc that will drive the
Figure 3.6 - Trigonometric identity revealing the computed steering angle used in the Pure Pursuit
δ = tan( ) 3.4
Hence, obtaining the steering angle for the robot just requires knowledge of the tangent trigonometric
identity once the corresponding radius for the curvature has been acquired. It should be noted that the
radius parameter, R, shown in Figure 3.6, corresponds to the radius for the circle shown in Figure 3.5. The
steering angle shown in Figure 3.6 corresponds to what the steering angle of the robot needs to be in order
for the UAGV to follow the curvature arc of the circle shown Figure 3.5. Thus, this steering angle can be
In most Pure Pursuit control schemes, the look-ahead distance determines the severity of the turn
performed to reach the desired destination point. This parameter is analogous to the distance to a spot in
front of a car that a human driver might look toward to track the roadway. In this design setup, the look-
ahead distance parameter will have both static and dynamic properties. The parameter can be described as
static in the sense that the parameter’s value will simply correspond to the distance between the two GPS
coordinates in the active waypoint set, a value that will remain unaltered as the vehicle approaches the
second waypoint. However, the parameter is also dynamic in the respect that the look-ahead distance will
change each time the vehicle reaches the target waypoint, where the waypoint set will then get updated.
An important note to reiterate here is that the computed steering angle message is not transmitted as a
steering command (or control signal) but rather, as a steering set point. However, the linear actuator that
controls the steering angle is driven via PWM, thereby implying that we can only directly control the
steering rate and direction of the front wheels and not the actual steering angle itself. Thankfully, as was
noted in chapter 2 when the UAGV was first introduced, the linear actuator comes with a potentiometer in
which its angular position can be abstracted via the deployment of an ADC. All of the detailed
information regarding the ADC and PWM configuration and calibration for steering control, will not be
addressed here as that goes beyond the scope of this thesis, but it can be found in pages 99-102 in [5] if
the reader is interested. This steering angle measurement is performed at the steering node and is
periodically transmitted as a CAN message (an ID of 206 as was stated in section 2.4) onto the bus during
its allocated time slot within the time triggered schedule. Thus, this positional feedback allows for the
steering angle of the wheels to be continuously monitored and compared with the computed set point
angle. The comparison of that result then determines the PWM commands to generate to either turn the
wheels left or right accordingly to drive the steering angle towards the calculated set point. This thus
allowed for steering angle set point control, which formed the foundation for the development of the
Due to external disturbances (terrain variations, slippage, wind, lateral slopes, etc.) and imperfections in
the initially computed steering angle, the UAGV may begin to deviate from the assigned curvature route
at any point in time. Thus, to compensate for this and ensure the vehicle stays on course, a control
algorithm must be implemented to access how accurately the vehicle is following the assigned curvature
path and increase or decrease the steering angle accordingly if significant deviations are being observed.
To realize a curvature controller, a new radius center point coordinate can be obtained for every time the
UAGV reaches its assigned waypoint and moves on to the next subsequent coordinate, which thereby
yields a new waypoint set. The radius center point corresponds to the center of the newly calculated
circular arc (via the Pure Pursuit algorithm) for the new active waypoint set. This center coordinate serves
as a reference point allowing for the actual radius (the distance between UAGV’s position and the circle
center point) to be calculated and compared with the target set point radius (actual radius of the circular
arc). The mathematical calculation for obtaining the center coordinates from the derived circle is
dependent upon the computed difference between the x and y components of the waypoint pair. Figure
3.7 depicts this idea below where the computations for acquiring the radius center point for all four of the
Figure 3.7 - Radius center point calculation of waypoint set for all four of the possible quadrants.
The figure above illustrates the mathematical equations for abstracting the radius center point from the
calculated curvature arc for a counter-clockwise turn. Taking the difference between the x and y
components of the two waypoints to obtain the delta values then allows for the waypoint pair to be placed
in one of four quadrants, thereby revealing the particular formula to be leveraged for acquiring the circle
center point coordinate of the calculated curvature arc. Though not explicitly shown here, the reader can
infer from the same figure to visualize how the mathematical equations can be altered accordingly to
attain the circle center point coordinate for a clockwise turn. Obtaining the radius center point of the circle
then allows for precise control over the steering angle where it can then be adjusted accordingly to help
keep the UAGV on course and counteract and compensate for when the vehicle begins to diverge from
Figure 3.8 – Tracking route accuracy via comparing the measurements of the radius of the calculated arc
of the circle (RC) corresponding to the desired path of travel with the actual radial distance between the
Thus in essence, the Pure Pursuit algorithm handles the path planning for the UAGV as it maps out the
curvature route, and the P controller aids in keeping the UAGV on the assigned course. Consequently, the
final implemented curvature navigation algorithm design is a hybrid controller that blends the Pure
Pursuit scheme with a P controller and is tailored to accommodate for the speed limitations of the
controller node in order to obtain optimal path following performance results. The Pure Pursuit algorithm
utilizes trigonometry to determine the steering angle set point for the vehicle to track the calculated the
curvature route which establishes the reference arc that ties the two active waypoints together. A P
controller is then employed to monitor the accuracy of the UAGV’s traveled course via comparing the
robot’s current radius with the desired radius as was depicted above. The controller will bias the steering
angle set point accordingly if the UAGV begins to deviate from the calculated curvature route. For the P
controller design, a set of boundary conditions were defined which dictated the controller’s response
when path deviations occurred. Figure 3.9 illustrates this concept in depth, visually detailing how the
Figure 3.9 – Designed P controller for accessing and correcting for measured path deviations.
As portrayed in the figure above, the designed controller can be broken down into four stages. In stage A,
the UAGV is on the assigned route. In stage B, the UAGV is outside of the outer boundary. The UAGV
will adjust its steering set point to a magnitude proportional to the vehicle’s distance from the assigned
route. In stage C, the UAGV is back within the middle boundary. The steering direction is then reversed
in effort to have the UAGV slowly approach desired route and avoid from over compensating. Finally, in
stage D, the UAGV has arrived back within the inner boundary and is thus, close enough to the desired
arc where the steering angle can then be set back to the original set point.
The implication drawn from Figure 3.9 is that the distance between the outer boundary and the target path
can be interpreted as the dead band zone since the controller won’t be activated unless the UAGV
meanders outside of this allotted region. Additionally, the boundary conditions illustrated above, which
determine the controller’s behavior, only apply when the UAGV is outside of the assigned route. When
the UAGV is inside the arc, the UAGV will reverse its steering angle direction, where the magnitude of
the new steering angle will be proportional to the UAGV’s distance from the desired curvature. The
steering angle will then be set back to the original set point when the UAGV is no longer inside the
curvature route
The derived mathematical equations for the controller that determines the exact value of the steering
angle set point can be observed below in Equation 3.5. Table 3.1 offers a description of each of the
−5, 𝑖𝑓𝑓 𝑟 < (𝑅𝐶 + 𝑀𝐵) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 δ𝑆𝑃 > 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡 > (𝑅𝐶 + 𝑂𝐵)
δ𝑆𝑃 , 𝑖𝑓𝑓 𝑟 < (𝑅𝐶 + 𝐼𝐵) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 δ𝑆𝑃 > 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑝𝑎𝑠𝑡 > (𝑅𝐶 + 𝑂𝐵)
f (r) =
𝑅𝐶 − 𝑟
δ𝑆𝑃 − , 𝑖𝑓𝑓 𝑟 < 𝑅𝐶
The piecewise equation shown above strictly applies for a clockwise turn (hence, the δ > 0 comparison).
The piecewise equation for a counter clockwise turn is mathematically equivalent where the steering
angle output is simply symmetrical to the outputs observed for the clockwise turn case. Thus, for the sake
of avoiding redundancy, the piecewise function for the counterclockwise turn will not be illustrated here.
The values for the parameters observed in the equation and table provided above were obtained
pragmatically, where an extensive amount of field testing was performed. It was determined that the
values displayed in Table 3.1 realized a reasonable controller response, where controller
overcompensation (stemming from an overly aggressive controller that is restricted or limited by a slow
As mentioned earlier, the controller scheme is unique in the regard that it is actually designed to generate
a new steering angle set point to compensate for observed path divergences. Controllers are customarily
designed to produce a control signal which appropriately administers the speed of an actuator or a motor
to drive the system towards the desired set point, where the proposed control strategy just presented,
actually continuously generates and adjusts the set point control parameter to keep the vehicle on the
mapped out circular route. Since the linear actuator that controls the steering angle of the front two wheels
is driven via PWM, the PWM values were saturated in both steering directions when adjusting the
steering angle to quickly drive the wheels towards the newly calculated set point. This was done to make
It is also worth mentioning that in most Pure Pursuit derivations, the control scheme is typically contained
within the algorithm itself. However, these control schemes usually require the use of trigonometric
microcontroller. Thus, the Pure Pursuit algorithm was integrated with a P controller to avoid the excessive
use of these trigonometric calculations which will considerably slow down the runtime speed of the
control algorithm. Thus, the most prominent challenge with implementing curvature navigation
algorithms onto embedded system platforms is the ubiquitous use of computationally expensive
calculations involving trigonometric and/or square root computations. The controller was designed in a
way to accommodate for this concern and therefore reduce the heavy use of these cumbersome floating
To further complicate matters, the controller node already has an exhaustive number of additional tasks
that it is responsible for executing. The controller node is accountable for receiving and processing all of
the GPS CAN messages and periodically updating all the GPS position information on the LCD screen.
Additionally, it governs the operation of the entire state machine via monitoring and receiving the key fob
button commands and processing the joystick commands when operating in manual mode. Furthermore, it
transmits the CAN steering and motor commands over to the steering and motor driver nodes in addition
to transmitting the supplementary CAN messages (IDs of 450-453) over to the data logger for system data
collection and analysis and controller response evaluation. Hence, the control algorithm was just one
small piece of what all was being processed and executed by the controller node. Thus, for this reason, the
controller node was somewhat bottlenecked by the limited processing speed at which the control
algorithm could be executed, as the calculated outputs from traditional curvature navigation schemes that
would keep the UAGV on course, would inevitably lag severely in real-time performance testing. Thus,
devising a controller to minimize the use of floating point math as well generating a steering angle set
point output instead of a control signal, helped remedy this dilemma to an extent and allowed for the
conceived and developed Pure Pursuit / P controller model to feasibly be implemented onto the embedded
An important distinction to make here between the Pure Pursuit method that was integrated with a P
controller and the unique P controller scheme that was addressed in the first section, is that the Pure
Pursuit approach allows the robot to take a curvature-like route when travelling to and from GPS
waypoints, while the PID control scheme simply forces the robot to attempt to drive in a straight line
between each of the two successive coordinates. Thus, as was mentioned earlier, vehicles that utilize a
PID control scheme will often have to make sharp turns when travelling from waypoint to waypoint.
These sharp turns will generally be avoided in the Pure Pursuit method thanks to the smooth circular route
the algorithm will have the vehicle take. For this reason, the Pure Pursuit method is generally the more
preferred approach for most agricultural machinery in use today. Moreover, the curvature turning
algorithm is better suited for the Ackerman steering configuration, which is ubiquitous among the
machinery seen today within the agriculture industry. Thus, while the described P controller is a suitable
navigational solution for waypoint navigation, it is expected that the proposed hybrid Pure Pursuit / P
controller model just described, will yield more desirable results when turning is required.
In this section, the implemented embedded system design for the multiple GPS waypoint navigation
algorithm will be discussed in detail. Additionally, a feature was added to the UAGV to allow it to
heuristically determine the appropriate control algorithm to commission for each GPS waypoint pair. This
The overall end goal for this portion of the project was to obtain a fully controllable GPS driven UAGV,
where the user could define an assigned route for the UAGV to travel via feeding the UAGV an
arrangement of GPS waypoints. In order to achieve this objective, the UAGV must have some way of
knowing when it is time to update and move on to the next waypoint. The implication here is that the
UAGV must be able to intermittently check its current position relative to the waypoint it is heading
towards. Since the X and Y coordinates of the current target GPS waypoint are obviously already known,
Pythagorean’s theorem can then be applied for the two coordinates to compute the hypotenuse of the
formed triangle once the updated X and Y coordinates corresponding to the UAGV’s current position are
received over the CAN bus from the GPS node (which occurs at a base period frequency of 10 Hz). The
hypotenuse of the triangle corresponds to the measured distance between the UAGV’s current position
and the waypoint that the UAGV is currently approaching. This distance value will be referred to as the
look-ahead distance (LD). Additionally, a radius defining a circle around the GPS waypoints can then be
assigned to serve as the threshold for determining whether or not the UAGV is close enough to the
waypoint that it can update and move on to the next GPS coordinate. This is the basic operating principle
governing how the embedded system for the GPS navigation scheme was designed. This concept is
A simple timer peripheral was selected to be used in this design. All the timers on STM32 boards have
the same general architecture as they are all designed to accommodate for both hardware and software
related tasks. Software tasks mainly involve giving time bases, timeout event generation, and time
triggers while hardware tasks primarily consist of generating waveforms on output pins (for PWM
applications). For this particular application, a timer needs to be configured for the sole purpose of simply
controlling the frequency at which an interrupt handler would execute. Naturally, the interrupt handler
would contain the code for checking the robot’s position and then computing the corresponding distance
between UAGV’s position and the current target waypoint. Thus, the UAGV’s position check will be
governed by a timer driven interrupt. Figure 3.11 illustrates the logical functionality of the interrupt
Figure 3.11 - Block diagram of the implemented interrupt handler used for the GPS navigation scheme
The timer peripheral needed to be configured such that it would count at an appropriate clock frequency
and also have a suitable period. For this design, as noted in the figure above, it was decided that the
UAGV should check its current position once every two seconds. Additionally, the radius defining the
circle associated with each GPS waypoint was selected to be two meters, thus setting the error margin to
be within plus or minus two meters of the goal GPS waypoint. Since the UAGV’s default speed was
configured to be at around 1 meter per second, this setup should provide the UAGV with an ample
number of checks for the computed distance of the UAGV’s position to be within the range of the error
tolerance radius.
Setting the interrupt frequency to 2 seconds required proper configuration of the associated timer
peripheral. Thankfully, this was a relatively straight forward procedure as there were just a couple of
design parameters that needed to be set accordingly. First, the timer4 peripheral was selected to be used
which has a clock rate of 90 MHz. Selecting a pre-scaler of 45,000 divides tick frequency down to 2 kHz.
Additionally, the top count value of the timer was selected to be 4,000 thereby yielding the desired period
of 2 seconds. The top value determines the highest tick value the timer will count to before triggering the
interrupt handler event and resetting the counter. A visualization of this setup can be observed below in
Figure 3.12.
Figure 3.12 - Timing diagram for interrupt handler execution in microscale (top) and macroscale
(bottom) form
As already implicated from Figure 3.11, the interrupt handler contains the code to compute the UAGV’s
current distance relative to the waypoint it is currently approaching, using the latest position coordinates
received from the GPS node. Once the distance is calculated, the system would then check to see if that
distance was less than the defined radius being used for all of the GPS waypoints. If it is, the UAGV will
know that it is close enough to the current target waypoint and can therefore update and move on to the
next waypoint in the assigned route. In the firmware, there was a statically declared one dimensional array
which contained all of the GPS waypoints for the UAGV. Hence, the waypoint set gets updated via
incrementing the index to that array. Additionally, whenever the UAGV moves on to the next waypoint,
the new bearing angle is computed for the new waypoint set. Figure 3.13 gives an illustration that visually
Finally, when the last waypoint is reached (i.e., the index comes to the last coordinate in the waypoint
array), all commands being routed from the controller node to the steering and motor driver nodes will
cease as the robot has completed its assigned route and will therefore stop and exit out of GPS navigation
Another feature that was added and implemented onto the UAGV was the ability to dynamically select
the appropriate navigation algorithm to execute each time the waypoint set was updated. In essence, the
UAGV would be able to decide if the P controller or Pure Pursuit algorithm should be utilized for the new
waypoint set. The decision making process depends on two variables: the current heading angle of the
robot and the bearing angle of the new waypoint set. Based on the measured discrepancy of these two
angles, the UAGV will then be able to determine if a turn needs to be performed (Pure Pursuit) or if the
line navigation algorithm would be best suited for the vehicle. Figure 3.14 illustrates this idea below.
Figure 3.14 - Dynamic selection of path following algorithm based on the comparison of the heading and
bearing angles
In the firmware, North is designated as the 0° degree mark when performing the heading and bearing
angle computations. The angle value then increases from 0° to 360° in the clockwise direction such that
the East direction would be at 90°. For determining whether to perform a left or right turn, the heading
angle and bearing angle are compared. A left turn is executed when the bearing angle is less than the
heading angle and a right turn is performed for the reverse case. Figure 3.15 below illustrates the exact
allotted regions for determining which navigation algorithm to utilize each time the waypoint set gets
Figure 3.15 - Allotted regions demonstrating the selection of the navigation algorithm to commission for
As depicted in the figure above, the curvature algorithm will only get called upon when the heading angle
and bearing angle disparity are within either the 30° to 90° or 270° to 330° range. Otherwise, the line
navigation algorithm will be employed. The line navigation algorithm is robust in the sense that it can
handle all the possible transitions to any four of the existing quadrants which is why the line navigation
algorithm was configured to be executed for the 90° to 270° range. If the user desires the UAGV to utilize
the curvature navigation algorithm to complete a 180° turn, a total of three waypoints (two waypoint
pairs) would need to be used. This requirement stems from the nature of how the curvature algorithm was
derived. The mathematical computations for calculating the circle center point will only work correctly if
the waypoint pair falls into one of the four available quadrants based on the X and Y delta values (as was
illustrated in Figure 3.7) where the heading and bearing angle delta is less than 90°. In general, the line
navigation should be used to handle tight turns while the curvature navigation performance is optimal for
wider turns. The user should be mindful of this when assigning a GPS waypoint path for the vehicle to
Since the end goal is to obtain a fully controllable GPS driven UAGV, this feature enables the UAGV to
be fed an array of waypoints where the UAGV can dynamically determine if line navigation (P controller)
or curvature turning (hybrid Pure Pursuit / P controller) should be performed for each waypoint set. This
decision is made each time the UAGV reaches its current target waypoint and moves on to the next
subsequent coordinate. This sense of intelligence allows the UAGV to optimize its travelled path for each
individual waypoint set by determining the most fitting navigation algorithm to commission. Figure 3.16
offers a depiction of this concept where the UAGV is fed a batch of waypoints and must determine the
Figure 3.16 - Dynamic selection of the path following algorithm to execute for each individual waypoint
The developed multiple GPS waypoint navigation scheme implementation on the UAGV was thoroughly
tested to access its overall performance. The data acquired from these experiments will now be presented
and discussed.
A series of tests were performed on the UAGV to verify the developed GPS navigation algorithm was
operating as intended. Figure 3.17 below depicts the tractor test track which is the location of where all of
the GPS navigation testing was performed for the refinement of the developed algorithms. Also indicated
in the figure is the location of the base station for all of the navigation tests which served as the reference
Figure 3.17 - Nebraska Tractor Test Track for autonomous navigation tests
For the first verification test, the UAGV was fed an assortment of waypoints that would require the
vehicle to update its waypoint set each time the current target waypoint was reached. Additionally, line
navigation was the only control algorithm that was employed for this test. This allowed for the conceived
and developed multiple GPS waypoint navigation scheme outlined in section 3.3.1 to be tested and
evaluated to ensure that the UAGV would properly update its waypoint set at the appropriate time and
would opt out of autonomous navigation mode when the last assigned waypoint has been reached. Figure
3.18 shows the position map for the UAGV for an assortment of waypoints demonstrating the working
Figure 3.18 - Position map for the UAGV for an assortment of waypoints where just the line navigation
algorithm is utilized
The second verification test conducted involved attempting to have the vehicle perform a smooth,
curvature turn via the utilization of just the line navigation algorithm. In this approach, the semi-circular
route was partitioned into a set of equally spaced waypoints to approximate the curvature path. The
position map depicting the performance results for this test is shown below in Figure 3.19.
Figure 3.19 - Position map where an approximate clockwise curvature turn was performed utilizing just
For the above test, the frequency at which the periodic position check would occur needed to be increased
to half a second to account for the finer waypoint resolution that the assigned route required. Fortunately,
increasing the frequency of the position check by this amount did not noticeably slow down the execution
For the third test iteration, the UAGV was fed a set of waypoints where the same clockwise turn would be
performed. However, in this experiment, the curvature navigation algorithm was enabled. Additionally,
the waypoints were strategically assigned such that both navigation algorithms would need to be utilized.
This allowed for the accuracy and reliability of the UAGV’s ability to dynamically determine the most
appropriate navigation algorithm to execute for each waypoint pair to be accessed. Additionally, this
allowed for the accuracy and stability of the curvature algorithm to be inspected and evaluated. Figure
3.20 depicts the third verification test where a position map is shown, illustrating the GPS waypoint
Figure 3.20 - Position map for an assortment of waypoints illustrating the integration of both the line and
As can be observed in the figure above, the UAGV performed a clockwise turn and was successfully able
to navigate to each waypoint and stopped when the last waypoint was reached. Moreover, the UAGV
correctly selected the appropriate navigational algorithm to execute for each waypoint pair. This strategy
yielded similar performance results to the second verification test (Figure 3.19) where the same curvature
turn was performed, but this configuration required far fewer waypoints. The figures that follow offer a
visually more detailed description of the path tracking accuracy results (from Figure 3.20) of the executed
Figure 3.21 - Cross track error for A-B waypoint set shown as a function of time
Figure 3.22 - Cross track error distribution for A-B waypoint set
Figure 3.21 displays the cross track error as a function of time while Figure 3.22 depicts the cross track
error distribution of the A-B waypoint set via a histogram. The UAGV had a settling time of around 25
Figure 3.23 - Radius error (top) and steering angle control set point (bottom) for B-C waypoint set shown
Figure 3.23 displays both the radius error and the resulting steering angle set point (adjusted by the
controller) together as a function of time while Figure 3.24 depicts the radius error distribution of the B-C
waypoint set via a histogram. The histogram indicates a relatively even distribution from about -.5 m to .6
m. Figure 3.23 visually illustrates and reveals the controller latency where the parameter could thus be
graphically obtained. The plot displayed the controller’s response to the vehicle’s measured position
(relative to the curvature arc) where the steering angle set point is adjusted accordingly when the vehicle
begins to deviate too far from the calculated curvature route. Additionally, a closer examination of the
curvature navigation algorithm provided in Figure 3.23 reveals a noticeable amount of undesirable
oscillation about the target curvature arc (i.e., the X axis corresponding to the black dashed line). Since
the steering angle will only be adjusted in the event that the UAGV has moved outside of the pre-
determined boundary thresholds, oscillating, to some extent, is unavoidable, since vehicle will inevitably
begin to drift from the curvature route as time progresses. The controller was designed with the primary
goal of keeping the UAGV within a reasonably close vicinity to the curvature arc. Eliminating
Figure 3.25 - Radius error (top) and steering angle control set point (bottom) for C-D waypoint set
Figure 3.25 displays the both radius error and the resulting steering angle set point (adjusted by the
controller) together as a function of time, while Figure 3.26 depicts the radius error distribution of the C-
D waypoint set via a histogram. Figure 3.25 indicates a noticeable increase in the magnitude of the
oscillations around the desired curvature when compared with the prior B-C arc. This therefore prompts
the activation of the boundary conditions for the P controller to keep the UAGV on the curvature path (as
was explained in section 3.2.3). When the error radius increases beyond the extent of the outer boundary
(1 meter), it can be observed that the controller incrementally increases the steering angle to a value
proportional to the vehicle’s distance from the desired arc. Additionally, when the vehicle re-enters the
middle boundary, the steering angle was reversed in attempt to have the vehicle slowly approach the
desired curvature. Finally, when the vehicle’s position was back within the inner boundary, the steering
angle was set back to the original steering angle set point. The controller lag or latency depicted in Figure
3.23 and Figure 3.25 was observed to be negligible since the implemented control technique minimized
the use of computationally expensive floating point calculations. Again, the observed oscillations stem
from the nature of the controller’s design as the proposed and developed scheme was primarily
implemented as a means to prevent the vehicle from venturing too far off of the calculated course.
Figure 3.27 - Cross track error for D-E waypoint set shown as a function of time
Figure 3.28 - Cross track error distribution for D-E waypoint set
Figure 3.27 displays the cross track error in the time domain while Figure 3.28 depicts the cross track
error distribution of the D-E waypoint set via a histogram. The UAGV had a settling time of around 20
seconds with a mean steady state error of 3.52 cm. This was the last waypoint set of the GPS assigned
The autonomous multiple GPS waypoint algorithm was demonstrated to be fully operational where the
UAGV could be completely controlled via the GPS module. A curvature navigation scheme was proposed
in effort to further optimize the vehicle’s traveled path. The UAGV could intelligently select the most
fitting control algorithm to execute for each waypoint pair based on the comparison of the bearing angle
of the active waypoint set and the current heading angle of the vehicle itself. The most noticeable room
for improvement would be further refinement of the curvature navigation algorithm to further extenuate
4 Obstacle Avoidance
The topic of obstacle detection and avoidance will be discussed in this chapter. With the trends in
agricultural machinery over the recent years and the motivation and rationale for autonomous navigation
implementation, the area of obstacle detection and avoidance is a pressing area of research in the
agriculture sector. In order to accomplish the goal of complete autonomy, the designed robot must be
developed to closely and effectively mimic and perform all the functions of that of a human. In a typical
robot control architecture configuration, a microprocessor serves as the robot’s brain and the decision
making is determined by the developed algorithms and programs. Actuators and motors serve as the
robot’s “feet”, allowing the robot to move, break, and steer accordingly. However, the most difficult
function to emulate is that of the human eye. The act of being able to take in all the information regarding
one’s surroundings and process the information quickly to respond appropriately is a feat effortlessly
performed by a human. However, implementing this onto a robot can be quite the arduous quandary for
an engineer to tackle. This is the problem that will be addressed in this chapter. Various vision
technologies used for obstacle detection will first be discussed. Several obstacle avoidance algorithms
will then be introduced and explained. Subsequently, the implemented sensor node with the selected
vision sensor and obstacle avoidance algorithm will be addressed in which the hardware architecture,
embedded firmware design and overall implementation will be explained in detail. Finally, the chapter
will conclude with a discussion and analysis of the obtained data from the conducted test runs.
An analysis of the vision sensor technology realm for autonomous robots reveals a handful of obstacle
detection sensor possibilities. Each has their own unique set of advantages and drawbacks that makes
each sensor technology suitable for different applications. In this particular project, the main concern is
developing a reliable object detection scheme for obstacle avoidance in agriculture applications where the
location (relative to the robot) and size of the obstacles can be extracted. Following will be a discussion of
two different vision sensor technologies used today that are especially applicable to this project. Their
advantages and drawbacks will be examined and their use in unmanned agriculture ground vehicles
4.1.1 Ultrasonic
One common technology used for obstacle detection and avoidance is the ultrasonic sensor, also referred
to as sonar. Ultrasonic sensors operate on the basis of sound waves. Bats and whales use this principle for
navigation and obstacle avoidance. Ultrasonic sensors can generally be placed into two categories: active
or passive. Active ultrasonic sensors generate sound waves that propagate through the environment where
their echo returns can be measured to detect the presence and location of obstacles. Passive ultrasonic
sensors merely listen for sound echoes. Thus, an active ultrasonic sensor has both a transmitter and
One application of sonar technology is that it can be leveraged to aid in navigation and obstacle
avoidance. This was first realized in the 80s when a sonar ring was developed onto a robot for the purpose
of obstacle detection [20]. Additionally, in the same year, a sonar based mapping and navigation system
was developed onto an autonomous mobile robot as a means for obtaining a multilevel two dimensional
description of the robot’s environment to assist with path planning and navigation [21].
Due to the sound wave’s ability to penetrate water, ultrasonic technology has found many applications in
underwater or marine navigation as well. In [22], chirp sonar was utilized to analyze and classify marine
sediments. In [23], multi-beam forward looking sonar was employed for underwater obstacle detection,
avoidance, and tracking. Sonar can also be applied to autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs). In [24], a
scanning strategy for sonar was presented in which ASVs would be able to navigate and avoid obstacles
in lake and harbor environments, relying entirely on the received and processed sonar data.
Though sonar’s main area of application has remained in the marine domain, sonar technology, on a
smaller scale, has been explored and harnessed in different areas of the agriculture sector as well for the
purpose of aiding mobile robots in navigation and automation. In the early 90s, an ultrasonic based
sensing scheme was developed onto a robot to allow for furrow guidance [25]. In [26], an ultrasonic
based weed detection system was contrived to be used on cereal crops. In [27], a comprehensive study
was conducted to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the use of ultrasonic sensors for the
application of object detection in agriculture environments where several objects commonly encountered
in agricultural settings were used in the experiment to assess the ultrasonic sensor’s ability to reliably
identify them. In another study, ultrasonic sensing technology was investigated as an approach for corn
One of the defining characteristics and unfortunate drawback of the ultrasonic sensor is the necessity to
use a myriad of sensors together if a detailed picture of the environment is desired [29]. An additional
requirement for proper object detection is that the object must be roughly perpendicular to the sensor for
successful detection since the sensor operates on the basis of measuring echo returns [29]. Moreover,
sound waves travel at a relatively slow rate when compared with the many other vision sensors on the
market today that utilize waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Hence, this makes their reaction time a
concern. Furthermore, this makes sonar less capable of tracking moving objects due to the sensors’ slower
signal speeds and sampling rates. Many of these mentioned limitations among other constraints have
prevented sonar from being widely used as the primary sensor for obstacle detection and avoidance on an
autonomous agriculture machine. Still, sonar provides a low-cost obstacle detection scheme that serves
well for applications where simple object detection is required and could potentially have applications in
4.1.2 LIDAR
Another relevant vision detection technology scheme is light detection and ranging, or more commonly
referred to as LIDAR. The operating principle of LIDAR is actually quite simple: illuminate a designated
area (which consequently emits pulse of electromagnet light) and measure the time it takes for the light
waves to come back to the source [30]. Most commonly this is accomplished through high frequency
lasers where the LIDAR instrument will fire rapid pulses of laser light in a designated area, and the
scattered photons will come back and get collected at the receiver [30]. The photons are then measured as
a function of a time, thus allowing for obstacles and their placement relative to the sensor to be extracted
LIDAR possesses several distinct advantages that make it a technology of particular interest, specifically
in the area of autonomous vehicle research. Most notably, since LIDAR technology employs laser
scanners for data collection, it thus has high resolution capabilities, which consequently allows for very
accurate and precise measurements of depth, spanning a large field of view, to be performed [30]. Hence,
LIDAR technology enables vision instruments to procure descriptive pictures of the environment, with
high granularity. Additionally, the amount of light present in the environment has little to no effect on the
performance of these sensors [30]. Moreover, since these sensors emit laser pulses of light, their response
time is exceptionally fast [30]. Furthermore, lasers can travel at far distances thus giving these sensors a
broad detection range [30]. LIDAR is a newer form of obstacle detecting technology when compared to
sonar so it is still in the early stages of development, but it has been starting to make a name for itself over
the recent years with all of these compelling advantages being brought to light.
Consequently, this technology has quickly started to gain traction in the research industry of autonomous
navigation and obstacle avoidance. Most notably, researchers are looking to incorporate this technology
into future autonomous, self-driving automobiles to aid in obstacle detection and avoidance. There is an
extensive amount of research being done today in the sector of self-driving automobiles, and one of the
key instrumental sensors at the forefront of the entire operation is the utilization of a LIDAR sensor. It is
quickly being realized in the industry as the one indispensable ingredient to one day possibly attaining the
end goal of having a fully self-drivable car. Research has been done to utilize this technology to aid GPSs,
implemented onto commercial vehicles, to achieve autonomous navigation in urban environments [31].
Additionally, the detection of traversable road terrains for positive and negative obstacle detection was
accomplished via the implementation of a LIDAR histogram [32]. In [33], 2D-LIDAR was leveraged to
run in parallel with a precise localization algorithm for vehicles in 3D urban environments. 2D-LIDAR
was also utilized for obstacle detection and avoidance for ground mobile robots in [34]-[35]. In [36],
LIDAR was instrumented onto a GPS guided mini-bus to achieve obstacle detection and avoidance.
Though LIDAR sensing technology has shown an immense amount of promise in the area of self-driving
automobiles, over just the past decade, it has quickly started to gain momentum in the agriculture industry
as well. In [37], a 3D LIDAR sensor was utilized on an agricultural robot for plant detection and feature
extraction. As [38] notes, LIDAR is becoming widely used to measure the structural and geometrical
characteristics of trees and crops which reveals important scientific, biological information such as
photosynthesis, growth, CO2 sequestration, and evapotranspiration. Though the geometrical abstraction
and biological analyzation of plants is one of the most eminent applications of LIDAR technology in the
agriculture sector, LIDAR can also be used for simple object detection to aid in the navigation of mobile
agricultural ground robots. As the technology is being researched, further developed, and better
understood, LIDAR is becoming the most popular utilized sensor for obstacle detection and avoidance in
autonomous field applications. In numerous studies, it was used as the primary obstacle detecting device
LIDAR is the undeniable future when it comes to obstacle detection and identification technologies. Its
many attractive advantages have allowed it to find a wide variety of possible applications which has
consequently, motivated engineers and scientists to research and investigate the technology further. The
implications the technology has, specifically on the agriculture industry is apparent. However, the most
substantial roadblock for LIDAR remains that it is still a relatively young, rudimentary technology and
An investigation into obstacle avoidance algorithms discloses an innumerable assortment of options, due
to the knowledge accumulated from the extensive amount of research that has been performed in this area
over the past half century. Obstacle avoidance has been a pressing area of research for the past several
decades due to possessing a very diversified scope of applications that span a wide variety of industries.
This would include (but is not limited to) construction, manufacturing, waste management, space
exploration, military transportation, and obviously agriculture. This consequently has opened the gateway
to the development and commercialization of a countless number of obstacle avoidance algorithms that
are being utilized on robots today for a widespread range of applications. In this section, some of the more
established, well-known reactive obstacle avoidance techniques will be examined, culminating with the
The simplest obstacle avoidance algorithm ever developed is an avoidance scheme called “the bug
algorithm”. The basic idea of the algorithm is that once an obstacle is encountered, the robot will fully
circle the object to find the point with the shortest distance to the goal location [42]. The robot proceeds
towards the target location once a complete circle of the encountered object has been made and the closest
point to the goal location has been established. An illustration of this principle can be seen below in
Figure 4.1.
As the reader might have conjectured, the algorithm has long been crippled by its obvious inefficiency,
which has prevented the algorithm from gaining much traction as a viable, adequate solution for real-
world obstacle avoidance problems. Moreover, since the algorithm relies only on recent sensor
measurements, the system is very susceptible to sensor noise [42]. Despite these conspicuous
shortcomings, there have been some modifications and improvements made to the algorithm over the
years to help decimate the obvious efficiency issue [42]. However, the algorithm still remains as a very
inefficient avoidance scheme, especially when compared with all of the other modern algorithms that
have been developed and are in use today. The main advantage with the bug algorithm is its simplicity.
However in this case, simplicity fails to provide a sound, elegant solution to the problem at hand.
Another pretty common obstacle avoidance scheme is the vector field histogram (VFH) algorithm. This
algorithm maps all of the sensor readings into a histogram where the histogram corresponds to a
probability distribution function (PDF) – the probability of obstacles being present at individual position
segments (i.e., bins of a histogram) spanning the robot’s field of view [42]. Figure 4.2 gives an illustration
of this concept.
Although it is not too difficult to obtain a high level understanding of how this algorithm works, the
algorithm itself is actually rather mathematically rigorous. There are a lot of advance and rather complex
computations that will be glossed over in this short presentation of the scheme. The algorithm is described
in full detail in [43] if the reader is interested in a more detailed explanation of this avoidance approach.
Since this algorithm employs a histogram to obtain a map of its surrounding, this algorithm is much more
immune to sensor noise than that of the bug algorithm [42]. Sensor noise will only slightly raise the bins
but it will not be by a sufficient amount for it to erroneously register as an object. Thus, sensor noise will
not have any influence on the robot’s overall peripheral field of vision. The histogram is thus designed to
filter out and reject noise fluctuations as outliers. Hence, this scheme offers a more robust, noise resistant
The most prominent drawback with the VFH, however, is the considerable computation load that this
algorithm requires [42]. This presents a difficult challenge for many real-world problems where one
would have to develop a practical implementation of this algorithm onto an embedded system platform.
Though still viable as it can still most certainly be accomplished, this disadvantage prevents the VFH
algorithm from being a satisfactory solution for this thesis problem from a complexity standpoint, since
Another common avoidance algorithm is one that is called the potential fields approach. This algorithm
assumes the robot is driven by virtual force where the goal location is an attractive force and obstacles
and obstructions serve as repulsive forces [42]. The final path the robot will take to head towards the goal
location is the combination of all the contributing forces. A visual illustration of this algorithm can be
Essentially, this algorithms equates the robot’s surrounding to a vector field where obstacles are given an
opposing electric charge while the destination point is assigned an opposite, attractive charge. The most
prominent disadvantage with this algorithm is the immense amount of math involved in computing these
vector fields which obviously can present a challenge for implementing such a scheme on an embedded
system application [42]. Additional drawbacks include poor performance in narrow passages, trap
situations that can easily occur, possible fluctuations in the travelled path when obstacles are present, and
sometimes avoiding the shortest path if the passageway is narrow [44]. All of these drawbacks stem from
the nature of the algorithm which operates on the principle of vector fields. While the algorithm is
definitely suitable for some applications, these drawbacks prevented this algorithm from ultimately being
The last and most important obstacle avoidance scheme to be addressed in this section is an algorithm
known as the “Follow the Gap” method. The algorithm essentially detects all obstacles in front of the
vehicle, finds the associated gaps, determines which gap is the largest, and then guides the robot down the
center of that gap [45]. An illustration of this idea can be seen below in Figure 4.4.
This algorithm presented several compelling advantages. First, the algorithm was pretty intuitive as
implementing the algorithm onto a microcontroller that controls a robot would be relatively
straightforward. Secondly, the computations required were comparatively simple and thus could be easily
would serve well as a reactive obstacle avoidance algorithm for a UAGV which, in this case, would cause
the vehicle to temporarily override the GPS navigation control scheme until the detected obstacle (s) are
no longer in sight and have been safely eluded. For these reasons, it was decided that this obstacle
avoidance algorithm would be implemented onto the UAGV. Since this avoidance scheme was selected,
the overall workings of the algorithm will be explained in a little more detail than the priors ones were.
The algorithm essentially detects all of the obstacles present and uses the edges of the obstacles to
compute the lengths of all the corresponding gaps [45]. In order to understand how the algorithm
accomplishes this, the algorithm can be broken down into several steps.
The first step involves using the detected obstacle edges and their measured distances relative to the
sensor to obtain the associated X and Y coordinates for each detected edge. These coordinates can be
obtained by employing Pythagorean’s theorem. An illustration of this concept can be observed below in
Figure 4.5. The associated equations for this step are shown in Equations 4.1-4.4.
𝑌1 = 𝑑1 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙1 4.1
𝑋1 = 𝑑1 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙1 4.2
𝑌2 = 𝑑2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜙1 4.3
𝑋2 = 𝑑2 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜙2 4.4
Now that the coordinates for the detected edges have been obtained, one can then compute the gap
distance by again, employing Pythagorean’s theorem. This step is illustrated below in Figure 4.6. The
𝛥𝑋 = 𝑋1 − 𝑋2 4.5
𝛥𝑌 = 𝑌1 − 𝑌2 4.6
𝐷 = 𝛥𝑋 2 + 𝛥𝑌 2 4.7
Finally, once the gap length has been determined, the algorithm then computes the next successive gap
via the same process just described (if another gap exists). Once all of the gaps have been computed, all
the gaps are compared and the largest gap gets selected. The largest computed gap is then used for
calculating the necessary steering angle to drive the vehicle down the center of that gap. This is
accomplished by employing the law of cosines, utilizing some additional fundamental trigonometric
identities, and applying some basic algebraic manipulation. An illustration of this idea with all the
relevant parameters labeled can be observed below in Figure 4.7. The derived equation for the steering
angle computation is shown in Equation 4.8. If the reader interested in a complete explanation of this
derivation, the reader can reference [45] where the entire step by step derivation is outlined and discussed
in detail.
𝑑1 + 𝑑2 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜙1 + 𝜙2 )
𝜃 = arccos ( ) − 𝜙1
𝑑1 2 + 𝑑2 2 + 2𝑑1 𝑑2 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜙1 + 𝜙2 ) 4.8
The overarching objective for this portion of the project was to implement a real-time reactive obstacle
avoidance algorithm onto the UAGV where the UAGV would be able to detect obstacles and then
navigate around those detected obstructions. This obstacle avoidance scheme would operate in line with
the GPS waypoint navigation program, thus, enabling the UAGV to safely complete its assigned route
that was mapped out by the respective GPS waypoints that it was given via the user. Since the curvature
navigation algorithm is not currently designed to be able to recover from extreme path divergences, the
UAGV will be configured to only attempt to avoid detected obstacles if the line navigation algorithm is in
operation. Otherwise, the UAGV will simply stop when an obstacle is detected. The first piece of material
that needs to be addressed is the hardware components that were chosen to be used on the implemented
The Garmin 1D LIDAR-lite V3HP was selected to be used as the vision sensor for the UAGV. A LIDAR
sensor was chosen due to its many intriguing advantages that were noted in the earlier section. Moreover,
this particular sensor was compact, light-weight, reasonably priced, and came with pre-developed low-
level driver firmware that allowed for the sensor to quickly and easily be interfaced to a microcontroller.
The pre-developed firmware was an especially attractive feature since it significantly sped up the
development time. This LIDAR sensor will essentially act as the “eyes” for the vehicle. A picture of the
Additionally, since the sensor is only 1D, the device needs to be rotated in order for the UAGV to obtain a
complete field of view of its surroundings. To accomplish this, a stepper motor (model: SY35ST28-
0504A) was used for the LIDAR sensor to be mounted on. The selected stepper was a bipolar stepper
with a step size of 1.8° (200 steps/revolution) and consisted of two motor coils. Figure 4.9 below shows a
Figure 4.9 – Stepper motor (SY35ST28-0504A) used for rotating LIDAR sensor (Retrieved from
While a pair of H-bridges can serve as suitable driver for stepper motors, such a configuration puts a lot
of additional requirements on the microcontroller. In such a setup, the microcontroller has to figure out
the step sequence signals to send to the H-bridges which will in turn, control the stepper motor response.
This method can thus take up a lot of the processing power of a microcontroller and hence, from a
processor standpoint, is seen as an inefficient approach to controlling a stepper. Thankfully, there exist
stepper driver modules on the market today that are self-contained, where the modules themselves
perform all the necessary step sequence computations for controlling the stepper motor based on the
digital pules received from the microcontroller. The A4988 module was selected to serve as the stepper
Figure 4.10 - Stepper motor driver module (A4988) (Retrieved from
Additionally, the stepper motor and LIDAR sensor were directly interfaced to an Arduino microcontroller
due to the available pre-written low-level driver libraries that existed for the LIDAR sensor which was
exclusively compatible with the Arduino. The Arduino Uno is depicted below in Figure 4.11.
Additionally, a picture illustrating how all of the discussed hardware was assembled and mounted onto
Figure 4.12 - Installation of stepper motor and LIDAR sensor onto the front cross frame of the UAGV
Now that the selected pieces of hardware have all been discussed, we can now begin discussing the
As previously noted, an Arduino was used to interface with the LIDAR sensor. It was also used to control
the stepper motor that the LIDAR sensor was to be mounted on. Since the available low-level module
driver libraries were only compatible with the Arduino platform, it was decided that the Arduino would
be integrated into the sensor node for purpose of avoiding the need of having to write our own custom
register-level driver libraries from scratch. The Arduino was configured to communicate with the LIDAR
sensor over the I2C communication protocol. Additionally, the Arduino was linked to a STM32f446RE,
which served as the central microcontroller for the LIDAR sensor node. The Arduino and STM32
communicated with each other serially over the USART peripheral. This step was essential since the
STM32 has the discussed CAN peripheral necessary for communicating with all of the other nodes in the
DRTS. Thus, the Arduino acts as the “middle man” between the components and the STM32. A visual
illustration of the setup just described can be observed below in Figure 4.13.
With the embedded system design architecture for the sensor node now fully explained, the framework
for the implemented firmware on the sensor node and the controller node can now be discussed. For the
sensor node, the discussion will be broken down according to the two microcontrollers and their assigned
The Arduino has three primary tasks: 1) Control the position of the stepper motor which rotates the sensor
giving the UAGV a full range field of view. 2) Process the LIDAR data to scan for possible obstructions.
3) Run the obstacle avoidance algorithm in the event an obstacle is detected to compute the necessary
In the firmware, the Arduino was configured to rotate the sensor from 30° to 150° in increments of .9°
(the micro step pins on the stepper driver chip can be utilized to further increase the resolution of the
stepper position). At each positional increment, the Arduino would process the LIDAR reading and store
the result in a “LIDAR array”. The LIDAR array contains all the LIDAR readings at each degree point
spanning the 30°-150° range. For this setup, a defined radius for the LIDAR readings was decided to be
4.5 meters. This threshold radius determined the detection range for the UAGV’s line of sight. Any
reading that fell below this radius threshold would register as an obstacle while any reading that was
greater than this threshold would be interpreted as a gap. A visual illustration of what has just been
Performing a complete sweep spanning 30°-150° would take approximately two seconds for the stepper
to complete. Thus, the UAGV would receive an updated vision map of its surroundings approximately
every two seconds. Since this design scheme is limited by the speed at which the LIDAR sensor can be
rotated, the UAGV has a somewhat slow reaction time to a detected obstacle. To compensate for this, the
threshold radius was defined to be sufficiently large to provide the UAGV with an ample amount of time
to detect and navigate around obstacles. Once a complete sweep has been performed (i.e. the LIDAR
array obtains all readings spanning the 30° to 150° range), the Arduino will then check to see if there was
a LIDAR reading that fell below the radius threshold. If there was, the Arduino will then run the “follow
the gap” obstacle avoidance algorithm using the data obtained in the LIDAR array to compute what the
steering angle needs to be in order to safely maneuver the vehicle around the detected obstruction(s).
The STM32’s central responsibility is to receive and transmit data across the CAN bus. The controller
node will repeatedly send out a CAN message informing the sensor node of the UAGV’s current
operating mode in the FSM (ID of 501 as noted in section 2.4). Thus, this CAN message gets processed
by the STM32 at the sensor node. The STM32 will then convey that information to the Arduino over the
USART. Thus, if the UAGV is in autonomous run mode, the STM32 will serially transmit a “b” character
over the USART to the Arduino which will notify it to begin rotating the stepper and utilizing the sensor
to start scanning for obstacles. Otherwise, the Arduino will be idle, waiting to receive a “b” from the
STM32, which will only occur if the UAGV’s current operating state is autonomous run mode.
Additionally, the STM32 is also responsible for sending the steering angle computed by the Arduino onto
the CAN bus to be received and processed by the controller node. As was discussed in section 2.4, the
steering message has an allocated time slot for transmission and reception. Thus, if the STM32 receives a
steering angle from the Arduino, the STM32 will convert the serial character data to an unsigned integer,
which can then be stored as data in a CAN packet (ID of 500) matching the message packaging scheme
that was shown in Figure 1.3. Additionally, the STM32 is configured to wait for the appropriate time slot
to transmit the steering message during its assigned time window within the TTCAN bus schedule (Figure
2.12). The sensor node will know the correct point in time to transmit the message by utilizing the time
reference message it will periodically receive from the GPS node, as this message serves as the baseline
time reference point and helps keep all the nodes in the system synchronized. If no obstacle is detected or
the UAGV is not in autonomous run mode, the STM32 on the sensor node will simply just be idle and no
message will be transmitted during the allocated time frame for the steering angle message. In this way,
an event triggered message was integrated onto a deterministic, time triggered structured system.
The other piece of firmware that should be addressed briefly is the implemented firmware on the
controller node. The firmware design of the controller node had to be modified to resemble that of the
updated FSM depicted in Figure 2.17. Essentially, in autonomous navigation mode, the controller node
would process the CAN messages from the GPS node to obtain its current position in order to compute
the appropriate steering and speed commands to be sent over to the steering and motor driver nodes to
drive the UAGV towards the target GPS waypoint. However, if the controller node received a steering
angle message from the LIDAR sensor node, the controller would then enter the Obstacle Avoidance
state. In this mode, the controller node would temporarily ignore the GPS data and would instead, process
the steering angle message received from the LIDAR sensor node. A steering set point message would
then periodically get transmitted by the sensor node over to the controller node each time a complete
sweep from the stepper was performed, provided that there is still a detected object within the UAGV’s
There is still an unresolved issue with the current design setup however that needs to be addressed. The
UAGV still has no way of transitioning out of the obstacle avoidance state and going back into
autonomous navigation mode when an obstacle has successfully been evaded. This was remedied by
having the Arduino transmit a unique serial “path is clear” notification to the STM32 if there are no
longer any obstacles detected after a complete LIDAR sweep has been performed. The STM32 on the
sensor node will then respond by transmitting the “path is clear” CAN message over to the controller
node. This message will effectively need to be transmitted twice in order for the UAGV to transition out
of the obstacle avoidance state and to go back into GPS navigation mode. The first transmission will
cause the controller node to straighten out its wheels. The second transmission will actually trigger the
state transition within the FSM. Thus, two consecutive obstacle-free scans need to be performed in order
for UAGV to transition back into the GPS navigation state. In this way, the UAGV will appropriately
transition out of the obstacle avoidance state in the FSM when all of the obstructions have been
successfully evaded. If the detected obstacle is too close to the vehicle to be safely avoided, a “stop”
command will be transmitted as the steering message to halt the UAGV. Table 4.1 specifies how the data
contained within the steering message is mapped to a unique, respective driving command.
Table 4.1 - The content of the steering command message transmitted to either avoid obstacles, stop the
robot, or transition out of the obstacle avoidance state if the detected objects have been successfully
Figure 4.15 illustrates the signal flow chain and the data type conversion process for the transmission of
the LIDAR obstacle avoiding steering message throughout the relevant nodes within the DRTS over the
Figure 4.15 – Flowchart illustrating the data type conversion process of the transmitted steering angle
If an obstacle is detected, the Arduino generates an unsigned integer value (65-115) corresponding to the
steering angle that is needed in order to avoid the detected obstacle(s). However, the unsigned integer
must be converted into a character in order to be serially transmitted over the USART to the STM32.
Referencing the ASCII table provided below in Figure 4.16 depicts the one to one mapping between the
serial characters and the unsigned integer values. Once serially transmitted, the character is then
converted back to its original unsigned integer value. The controller node will receive this value from the
sensor node over the CAN bus. The unsigned integer can then be subtracted by 90 and packaged into a
CAN message again which, when transmitted, can then be interpreted by the steering node as a steering
angle set point for the front two wheels (in the -25°-25° range). Thus, when an obstacle is detected, the
steering node will receive the new steering command CAN message in the span of two transmission
The UAGV underwent a series of verification tests to evaluate and validate the performance of the
proposed obstacle avoidance scheme. Since the obstacle detection and avoidance algorithm was designed
to operate in conjunction with the developed GPS waypoint navigation algorithm, the tests were
performed where obstacles or barriers were placed at varying positions along a GPS assigned route. The
data acquired from these test runs will be presented and discussed in this section. Figure 4.17 below
depicts the selected physical barriers that were used in the obstacle avoidance test runs.
Figure 4.17 - Selected objects to serve as obstructions in the conducted obstacle avoidance tests
It was decided that the same GPS route will be issued for all of the test runs that would be performed. For
the sake of simplicity, the assigned route will simply be a straight line containing just two GPS
waypoints. The variables to alter in the experiment will be the number of obstructions and the placement
of each obstruction. All test runs were conducted on the Nebraska Tractor Test Track that was depicted in
Figure 3.17. The base station was kept in the same location as before for the conducted obstacle
avoidance test runs. Thus, all distance measurements shown in the position map that depict the vehicle’s
X-Y position are location readings relative to the base station location depicted in Figure 3.17.
The first set of experiments called for a very basic test set up where only a single obstacle was placed at
either the right or left side of the UAGV and was positioned somewhere in between the two GPS assigned
coordinates. The two figures below illustrate the results, revealing the performance of the implemented
avoidance scheme.
Figure 4.18 - Position map for test run where an obstacle was positioned to the left of the UAGV
Figure 4.19 - Position map for test run where an obstacle was positioned to the right of the UAGV
The two figures above demonstrate the UAGV temporarily diverging off course in attempt to avoid the
detected obstacle on the left (Figure 4.18) and the right (Figure 4.19). When the vehicle has determined
that it has safely maneuvered around the identified obstruction, the UAGV will revert back to autonomous
(GPS) mode where it will return to driving down or tracking the preplanned course. Figure 4.20 illustrates
a slightly more challenging experiment where the UAGV is presented with an assortment of objects that it
must avoid and navigate around. This more advanced test run allowed for the reliability and robustness of
Figure 4.20 – Position map for test run where an assortment of obstacles were placed in the UAGV’s
Figure 4.21 shows the results from a test run where the two large objects were then placed closer together
at a distance that happened to be less than the width of the vehicle. This test simulated the scenario for
when obstacles are unavoidable due to the kinematic constraints and physical dimensions of the UAGV,
thus verifying that the vehicle would promptly halt its autonomous operation if a detected obstacle was
measured to be too close to be avoided or the largest available pathway was calculated to be too small for
Figure 4.21 – Position map for test run where the UAGV was faced with obstructions that were
The conducted test trials provided empirical evidence that the implemented obstacle detection and
avoidance scheme on the UAGV functioned as intended. The selected LIDAR sensor would reliably
detect all of the selected obstructions (shown in Figure 4.17), and the selected threshold range of 4.5
meters provided enough time for the vehicle to react and maneuver around the detected obstacle(s). The
scheme does leave some room for improvement however. During the experimental tests, it was noticed
that the sensor would occasionally erroneously detect obstacles when the path in front of the vehicle was
in fact, obstruction-free. Applying some additional filtering onto the sensor readings would likely
improve the sensor’s performance and eradicate those erroneous readings. Additionally, it was discovered
that the obstacle avoidance algorithm would perform less reliably when obstacles were placed on both
sides of the vehicle, a functional performance flaw that originates from the nature of how the obstacle
detection scheme was designed. Since the utilized vision sensor is a 1D device and requires the
deployment of a stepper to effectively make the sensor 2D, the sensor is unable to instantaneously obtain
a vision map of what is in front of it. Rather, the vision map is obtained incrementally in the span of about
a second by rotating the stepper from left to right. Thus, since these measurements are obtained while the
vehicle is moving, objects located on the left side of the vehicle will appear slightly further away than
objects positioned on the right, which can easily frustrate the computed steering angle result. If this
current vision sensor design topology remains in place for future operation, it is recommended that the
vehicle be programmed to just stop when obstructions are detected on both sides of the UAGV. Scaling
the LIDAR readings to offset these distance measurement deviations between the left and right LIDAR
The second agricultural ground robot that was further developed in this thesis is the Inter-row follower. In
this chapter, all of the accomplished work related to this ground vehicle will be discussed. In the first
section, the necessary background information will be given in which the reader will be given a general
top level overview of all the design aspects of the ground vehicle. The reader will be briefed on the laser
based under the canopy navigation scheme that was designed and developed by the former graduate
student. Additionally, the first section will also be supplemented with a light introduction to the additional
work that was performed on the machine, where design changes made to the hardware and firmware
architecture to accommodate for the added functionality, will be noted and introduced here. In the second
section, the additional work accomplished on this robot will be discussed in detail where a fully
autonomous non-GPS sensor based algorithm was developed and implemented onto the machine to yield
a robot capable of autonomously navigating its way through a field via the utilization of just three
different types of sensors. All of the auxiliary functionality associated with this algorithm along with the
implemented embedded system design will be diligently analyzed and explained. Finally, the chapter will
conclude with an examination and discussion of the tests results obtained from the navigation experiments
5.1 Background
Since the additional work performed on this robot further expounded on the work completed by the
precedent graduate student, it is necessary to first offer a brief, but informative recapitulation of the
project that was inherited, addressing robot’s initial stage of development. That way, the reader will be
adequately informed on the initial project state and design configuration, and can therefore follow the
supplementary work that was performed. A light, top level overview of the additional work performed on
the robot will also be offered in this section. The first important piece of information to address is the
The discovery of the GPS is responsible for many of the drastic changes being observed in the agriculture
industry today. Developing GPS based navigation schemes has allowed for the unmanned automation of
agricultural related tasks to really gain momentum in the agriculture sector over the past decade as it is
starting to become a feasible alternative to manual labor. However, there are also numerous incidents
In the realm of agriculture, there are certain situations where the GPS reception is unreliable and cannot
be depended on for navigation. The most obvious example of such a circumstance is crop row navigation.
Overhang of crop canopies can easily be enough to interfere with a GPS signal, thereby rendering any
GPS based navigation scheme ineffective [5]. The most prominent application for under-canopy
navigation and thus, the motivation for the development of this robot, is microclimate sensing.
Microclimate sensing is the utilization of various types of sensors to perform a diversified set of crop
measurements that are useful for studying and analyzing the stalks’ overall health. The collected
information will be especially valuable for accessing and predicting crop yield.
Under canopy navigation in particular, can reveal crop information that is difficult to achieve from the
alternative method of deploying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAVs are limited in the sense that
they are mostly only able to measure and collect data from the top portion of crops, where under canopy
navigation allows for the crop measurements to be taken anywhere along the height of the stalk. Thus,
under-canopy navigation allows for more informative, comprehensive crop data to be collected which will
aid in being able to more accurately predict and access crop yield in a field. Hence, developing reliable
autonomous navigation solutions in cluttered crop canopies, where GPS signals are capricious, is a
challenging yet prevalent problem to address in the agriculture industry today. As noted in [46],
developing a means for the reliable navigation of autonomous machines in the absence of a GPS is crucial
to the development and design of low-cost, light, compact, agricultural ground robots. The attention thus,
turns to adding supplementary navigation instruments to aid and improve navigation reliability.
Developing an autonomous machine which utilizes sub-canopy sensors and instruments to successfully
navigate through crop rows, in the presence of unreliable GPS reception, is the exact problem that the
The robot platform that housed all of the developed electronics was a six wheeled aluminum prototype
frame, denoted as the “Dagu Wild Thumper”, which served as the robot’s chassis. Additionally, each
motor-wheel had a clamped spring for added suspension. This helped compensate for unpredictable
external disturbances in the environment such as dirt clods, puddles, and pivot tracks [5]. Additionally, a
front buffer, leaf guard ring, and mounting brackets for the two distance sensors were installed onto the
The top surface of the aluminum frame contained a grid of equally spaced mounting holes which allowed
for rapid prototyping where all of the hardware could be easily mounted, tested, modified, and/or
removed accordingly during the design and development stages. All of the hardware that was mounted
onto the prototype frame will be addressed in section 7.1.4. The robot chassis was driven by a 2x12 12 A
Sabertooth motor driver, where a differential steering approach was employed. A depiction of robot
prototype platform with all of the installed hardware is offered below in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1 - Inter-row robot with all of the leveraged sensors and developed electronics fully mounted
As was the case with the UAGV, the Inter-row robot exhibits a DRTS architecture. The DRTS for the
Inter-row follower consists of four nodes. Like the UAGV, the agricultural ground vehicle employs CAN
as the communication protocol for multi-subsystem interfacing and data transportation among all the
developed nodes. Figure 5.2 illustrates the CAN based DRTS with all of the associated modules that were
Sensor 1
Motor Driver Node: Sends the appropriate serial commands to the motor driver on the Inter-row to skid
Controller Node: Can be thought of as the CPU of the entire embedded system. Governs the FSM which
controls the system operating mode of the robot. Receives data from the sensor 1 and sensor 2 nodes,
processes them according to robot’s current operating state, and then transmits the appropriate motor
command signals over to the motor driver node. Additionally, the controller node will transmit state
machine messages out to the sensor 1 and 2 nodes to keep them updated on the robot’s current operating
mode to ensure that each node is executing the appropriate task, specific to the robot’s active operating
Sensor 1 Node: Utilizes the two laser distance sensors for row following navigation and the ultrasonic
sensor for emergency stopping. Receives state machine control signals from the controller node which
notifies the node on whether or not to leverage the laser sensors for row following navigation.
Sensor 2 Node: An IMU is utilized to obtain the yaw or heading angle of the machine which is essential
for turning in the headland. Additionally, LIDAR sensors are used for crop row detection. Like the sensor
1 node, the sensor 2 node receives state machine control signals from the controller node which informs
the node on the application task to execute (i.e., which sensor modules to utilize for navigation).
In this section, an overview of the implemented hardware for the Inter-row robot will be given. This
involves having a discussion of the selected microcontrollers and the corresponding PCB that was
interfaced to it. It also entails of giving the reader a brief overview of the system components that
comprised the Inter-row robot. Finally, it also requires addressing the modified wiring topology that the
robot employed.
Board Design
As noted in the previous section, the Inter-row robot is comprised of four nodes. In this hardware setup,
the STM32f308 microcontroller shown in Figure 2.6 was used for all four of the system nodes. Thus, the
corresponding CAN PCB (as was shown in Figure 2.9) was originally implemented onto each of the
microcontrollers in the initial design. However, as the embedded firmware continued to evolve as a result
of integrating additional functionally onto the machine, it became necessary to revise the board design to
accommodate for the various software and hardware modifications that had been made to the originally
inherited design. The final board design, depicted below in Figure 5.3, is specifically designed to be
compatible with the latest row follower design configuration, which contains all of the recently added
sensors along with the upgraded firmware which includes all of the developed supplementary
functionality. The board contains additional sets of terminal blocks that are routed on the PCB to the
appropriate peripherals on the microcontroller, which are to be interfaced to all of the appropriate external
modules that constitute the system (motor drivers, IMUs, vision sensors, etc.). Each terminal block is
Figure 5.3 - Modified CAN F303k8 PCB tailored to the latest Row Follower system design
Hardware Components
To power the robot, a 13 V 3-cell lithium battery (5000mAh 3S, Turnigy, Hong Kong, CN) was used. A
power unit module (DFR0205) supplied regulated power to the Kvaser CAN data logger (Figure 2.3)
which would be added to the CAN bus for system data collection purposes during field navigation tests.
The power module was tied to a d’sub connector attached at the rear of the robot which allowed for the
Kvaser to easily be connected onto the CAN bus. The battery and power module are shown below in
Figure 5.5 - Power module unit (adjustable buck converter) (Retrieved from https://core-
The selected distance sensors to be mounted at the front of the robot were O1D100 laser sensors from
IFM-efector. As was shown in Figure 5.1, they were placed at the front of the robot, each positioned
inwards at 45° in opposite directions to provide distance measurements on both sides of the crop row.
They operated at 24 V DC and provided an analog output voltage (0-10 V DC) proportional to the
detected distance of the closest object within range of the sensor. Consequently, a boost converter was
leveraged to step the approximate input voltage of 13 V coming from the battery to 24 V to power the
laser sensors. Additionally, a voltage divider was implemented on the distance sensors to drop the
maximum output voltage of 10 V down to 3.33 V to ensure safe operating levels for the pins on the
microcontroller of the sensor 1 node. These laser sensors were leveraged for under-canopy crop row
navigation as will be discussed in the subsequent section. Ultrasonic (HC-SR04) and LIDAR sensors
(HC-SR04) were also implemented onto the two sensor nodes. The LIDAR sensors were utilized to detect
the starting and ending points of crop rows, while the ultrasonic sensor was used for emergency stopping
situations. Additionally, an inertial measurement unit (IMU) was instrumented onto the system to allow
for precision steering in the headland for navigating over to the next subsequent row in the field.
Furthermore, the same 433 MHz receiver module that was used on the UAGV was also implemented onto
the motor driver node of the Inter-row-robot to allow the user to easily start and stop the robot via the
remote. The same power module shown in Figure 5.5 that was used for powering the Kvaser, was also
used to supply regulated power to the entire CAN bus system, where the module was placed in between
the battery power source and all of the system nodes connected onto the CAN bus. The selected DC
motor driver was a dual channel 2x12 12 A Sabertooth module, which is depicted below in Figure 5.6.
Figure 5.6 -2x12 Sabertooth 12 A motor driver module (Retrieved from
The motor driver could either be controlled serially (over the USART) via 7 bit characters or by an analog
voltage that can be controlled via PWM. This is an important design change to take note of as the prior
configuration used Victor SP motor drivers which could only be driven by PWM (hence the PWM
channels that can be observed on the original 308k8 PCB in Figure 2.9). The Sabertooth motor driver
presented the compelling advantage of being able to control the polarity (and thus the direction) of the
motors. This is an imperative feature for the goal of being able to have the robot turn in the headland once
the end of the row has been reached. Additionally, PWM control bottlenecked the capability of the
original motor driver as the STM32 microcontrollers generated a maximum output voltage of only 3.3 V,
while the DC motors on the mechanical chassis had a 7.5 V rating. Thus, the serial control capabilities
that the new motor driver module provided, remedied this dilemma as the driver was no longer
constrained by the limited voltage available from the microcontroller pins, thus allowing for the motors
Wiring Topology
An additional important modification that was made to the design architecture of the Inter-row that is
worth drawing attention to is the implemented wiring topology. As mentioned earlier, a daisy chain
wiring scheme was originally employed, and while this topology proved suitable for the operation of the
original three system nodes, the configuration was rendered ineffective when the second sensor node was
added on to the system. The daisy chain wiring topology inherently connects all of the nodes in series
which therefore equally divides the voltage of the power source across each node. While this wiring
scheme worked suitably for the original three nodes in use, adding an additional node to the system
consequently dropped the supplied voltage across each node below the voltage threshold required to
effectively power and turn on each microcontroller. Thus, the daisy chain wiring scheme was replaced
with a star configuration, which effectively connects all of the nodes in parallel. This rectified the voltage
power up dilemma as this wiring setup allows all of the system nodes to receive the same amount of
voltage, equivalent to the voltage of the power device (i.e., 13 V battery), regardless of the number of
nodes in the system. An illustration of the two wiring topologies is shown below in Figure 5.7.
In this section, an overview of the implemented firmware for the Inter-row robot will be presented. This
involves observing the data packing scheme for the CAN messages to be transmitted, addressing the
evented triggered system architecture setup, and finally, examining all the implemented peripherals in the
firmware that enabled all the nodes to perform their designated tasks.
There are several CAN messages that needed to be configured to allow for complete communication
among all of the four nodes to ensure proper system operation. These include CAN messages for the
various measurement sensors, flags or event trigger messages that notify the controller node of the
occurrence of a significant event, and state machine control messages that notify the sensor nodes of a
state transition within the operating FSM. The message packaging scheme for the newly developed
Figure 5.10 - Message packaging scheme for row status control signal
Figure 5.11 - Message packaging scheme for controller state (FSM) message
Descriptions of each of the CAN system message IDs (not just the newly developed ones shown above)
042 – IMU Message: Flag or event triggered message that gets transmitted by the sensor 2 node
to notify the controller node when the robot has completed a 90° turn.
041 – Row Status Message: Flag or event triggered message that gets transmitted by the sensor 2
node and is used to notify the controller node of start/end of crop row detections.
040 – FSM Controller State Message: Message contains the information regarding the
controller’s current operating state in the FSM. Message gets transmitted by the controller node to
the two sensor nodes after a state transition occurs to synchronize all the nodes with the central
FSM being managed by the controller. Consequently, each node is therefore able to respond
accordingly by executing the appropriate task according to the new operating state.
201 – Distance Sensor Measurements (not shown here): Distance sensor measurements obtained
from the two laser scanners. The measurements are produced by the sensor 1 node and
200 – Motor Message: Messages transmitted by the controller node over to the motor driver node.
The messages are processed by the motor driver node and are converted into serial commands to
be sent to the motor driver module to steer and drive the robot accordingly. The information
contained in the data [4] byte informs the motor node of the controller node’s current operating
state in the FSM, which dictates the resulting transmitted serial motors commands.
The FSM control message (040) is the CAN message that gets transmitted by the controller node after a
state transition as it contains the content that informs all of the other system nodes on the bus of the
controller’s new state or operating mode within the FSM. Table 5.1 below outlines the data content to
operating state mapping where each operating mode within the FSM gets assigned to a particular number
in the data [0] byte of the CAN FSM message. The table effectively illustrates all of the developed
operating states of the Inter-row. The various states of the Inter-row’s FSM will be explained in detail in
section 5.2.5.
CAN FSM Message (040) – Data[0] Content State (Operating Mode) in FSM
0x00 Enter Row Mode
0x01 Follow Row Mode
0x02 Leave Row Mode
0x03 Turn Left (90°) Mode
0x04 Turn Right (90°) Mode
0x05 Move to Left Row
0x06 Move to Right Row
0x07 Stop Mode
Table 5.1 - CAN FSM message for operating modes of the Inter-row
As already indicated in the CAN message descriptions, the row status message (041) and IMU message
(042) can be thought of as flags or event trigger messages that are transmitted by the sensor 2 node. They
will effectively trigger a state transition within the FSM at the controller node end. These messages are
essentially control signals that notify the controller node of the occurrence of an important event. The
message will therefore be processed by the controller node for state transitioning within the FSM. The
descriptions detailing these two messages’ contents are outlined below in Table 5.2.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier in the motor CAN message description, the motor node gets
continuously updated on the controller node’s current state via the content contained in the data [4] byte
of the motor message (200). The information contained in data [4] notifies the motor node of the current
operating state, thus informing the node on whether the robot is to turn on a dime (Turn Left/Right
Modes), drive forward at a constant speed (Move to Next Left/Right Row Mode or Enter Row Mode), or
use the data received in data [0] to steer the robot accordingly (Follow Row Mode). The content contained
in data [4] of the motor state message that determine the controller state and thus, the serial motor
command to transmit to the motor driver module, is outlined and decrypted below in Table 5.3.
CAN Message – Data[4] Content State (Operating Mode) of the Controller Node
0 Follow Row Mode
1 Move to Left/Right Row
2 Turn Left (90°) Mode
3 Turn Right (90°) Mode
4 Enter Row Mode
5 Stop Mode
Table 5.3 - CAN motor message for operating modes of the Inter-row
The content contained in the data [4] byte of the CAN motor message can essentially be equated to the
select lines of a multiplexer, where the data contained in the byte determines which motor command will
get routed (multiplexed) to the motor driver module. An illustration of this concept is offered below in
Figure 5.12.
Figure 5.12 – Motor driver node processing the CAN motor message via a multiplexer
It is now time to address the original development stage the Inter-row robot was in when the project was
initially inherited. More specifically, we will examine the embedded system design architecture that was
in place. This will then allow the reader to follow the supplementary work that was accomplished which
At the sensor 1 node, the two distance sensors were sampled at a frequency of 250 Hz, a process
controlled by a hardware timer. The sampled analog signals were converted to digital values via a 12 bit
analog to digital converter (ADC) coupled with a direct memory access (DMA) controller. The digital
voltages could then be mapped to their corresponding distance values which could then be packaged into
a CAN message to be transmitted out onto the CAN bus for the controller node to process.
At the controller node, the received distance values from the sensor 1 node could then be processed and
handled accordingly. Since the primary application for the Inter-row robot is under-canopy crop row
navigation without the aid of a GPS, the problem demanded for a robust sensor based navigation scheme.
The proposed solution was to employ a Kalman filter. A Kalman filter is a computationally recursive
algorithm that achieves an optimal averaging factor via a predictor-corrector type estimator scheme [47].
The Kalman filter takes into account the correlation between the different types of measurements being
performed, the uncertainty of external disturbances, and the existing sensor noise to obtain an increasingly
accurate estimate of the measured state as time progresses, which results in the minimization of the
overall error covariance [47]. [48] offers a complete, in-depth analysis of the Kalman filter where all of
the necessary mathematical concepts and principles that are foundational to the Kalman filter design are
introduced and explained in detail. Additionally, all of the complex, rigorous equations and matrices that
comprise the filter are outlined and thoroughly discussed. Though the filter has a wide range of
applications, the application pertinent to this thesis is the filter’s usefulness in aiding with guidance
navigation. [49]-[51] offer just a few of the many examples where a Kalman filter served as the primary
navigation and localization algorithm for a mobile vehicle in an agricultural setting. In this application,
the Kalman filter works to accommodate for the variability in the crop rows, filtering out outliers such as
overhanging leaves and inner-row gaps between each stalk to more accurately estimate and predict the
Thus, the individual distance measurements received from the two laser distance sensors were each sent
through a Kalman filter. Once filtered, the difference between the two distance measurements was taken
to obtain an error signal. If the robot was perfectly centered in the row, the distance measurements for the
two laser sensors should both be equivalent, and the error signal would thus be zero. A PI control scheme
was then implemented to determine and generate the appropriate motor command based on the calculated
error signal. The motors would then be actuated accordingly, where the measured error would be driven
down to zero, therefore maintaining a centered position for the robot as it navigates through the crop row.
The controller node would then transmit the motor commands over the CAN bus to the motor driver
node. The motor driver node would then process these motor command messages and generate the
corresponding serial commands to send to the motor driver module. An in depth explanation of this
navigation setup, supplemented with visual aids, is offered in pages 17-21 and 30-33 of [5].
This proposed sensor based navigation scheme was thoroughly tested in the fields and yielded satisfactory
results. The data from all the tests can be found in pages 33-38 of [5]. Thus, when this project was
inherited, the embedded system design framework for a reliable laser-based navigation scheme for under-
canopy applications was fully in place and implemented onto the Inter-row machine.
An important note to make here is that, implicit in the embedded system design description, the Inter-row
robot employs an event triggered system design approach, contrary to the UAGV which demonstrates a
time triggered architecture. The whole system is governed (or “triggered”) by the various measurement
sensor readings which serve as the “event” that drives the operation of the entire system. The distance
readings for the sensors (or the “event”) triggers the controller to process the filtered data and to run the
control algorithm which determines the appropriate motor commands to be transmitted to the motor
controller node. Since the distance sensors are sampled at a rate of 250 Hz, the actual event is inherently
driven by time. Thus, the system can be thought of as an event triggered system where the event itself is
Although the Inter-row robot was developed to the point where it could reliably navigate through crop
rows using just the two installed laser sensors, the robot still had no way knowing when the end of a row
(or start of a row) was reached. Moreover, it was also unable to navigate around to the next successive
row in the field. This limited autonomy prevents the Inter-row robot from serving as a practical, useful
solution for the vast majority of agricultural related tasks. Thus, the next important stage of further
development on the Inter-row robot was to further expound upon this design to make the robot fully
autonomous. This involves developing a mechanism where the robot could successfully detect the starting
and ending points of crop rows. Additionally, it requires deriving a navigational method to accomplish the
headland turning required to properly reposition the robot over to the next adjacent row. The end goal is
to have a fully autonomous robot that is able to navigate through an entire field without the need for any
human intervention. This demand thus inherently calls for the development of a robust, non-GPS sensor
based fully autonomous navigational algorithm that is specifically tailored to the smaller UAGVs that are
utilized and designed for field row navigation in under canopy sensing applications. The proposed and
developed fully autonomous navigational scheme that was designed in this thesis as a feasible solution to
this problem will now be presented. The algorithmic concepts will first be introduced and explained. This
will be followed by an in depth examination of the additional node (with the supplementary sensors) that
was developed and instrumented onto the Inter-row to realize the algorithm. Finally, the embedded
system design and the implemented FSM for the algorithm will be discussed and described in detail.
In order for the robot to be able to navigate around rows at the end of a field, the robot first has to be
given the ability to recognize when it has reached the end of the current row it is driving through. The
same LIDAR sensor that was used on the UAGV for obstacle detection and avoidance was also selected
Two LIDAR sensors were thus implemented onto the newly developed sensor 2 node. As shown in
Figure 5.1, the sensors were placed on the left and right front sides of the robot platform, facing directly
outwards. This location enabled the sensors to be able to detect the beginning and ending points of field
rows. In this new configuration, the sensor 2 node would now be able to receive lateral distance readings
on both sides of the robot from the newly added LIDAR sensors.
For detecting the end of crop rows, gaps between the stalk rows could potentially cause the robot to
erroneously perceive that it has reached the end of the crop row. To account for this concern, the sensor 2
node was designed so that it would only initiate an “end of row” detection event after a predetermined
sufficient number of consecutive distance readings measured above a certain threshold defined in the
firmware. The defined threshold can be equated to a set distance value that is greater than the crop row
width in the field. Additionally, when the robot is located at the very beginning of a field row, the robot
needs to able to reliably identify when it has successfully entered that particular crop row. The same
threshold used to trigger the “end of row” detection could also be employed to enact a “start of row”
notification. Thus, this design configuration allowed for the sensor 2 node to utilize the LIDAR sensor to
search for and reliably identify the beginning and ending point of crop rows in the field, while the sensor
1 node would simultaneously read and use the laser distance measurements for navigating the robot
through the crop row. Figure 5.13 depicts the “end of row” detection process just described.
Once the end of the crop row has been detected, the robot must have an implemented navigation scheme
to be able to maneuver over to the next successive row in the field. There are a couple of different
approaches one can take to solve this problem. In [52], a variable field of view (FOV) camera was used to
guide the robot over to the next row. A similar FOV method was proposed in [53] for navigation between
rows in a field. In [54], a predefined path in the form of a Bezier curve was implemented onto a robot to
handle the headland turning requirements in an agricultural field. In [55], odometers were employed to
allow the agricultural ground vehicle to maneuver its way over to the next row in the field. Another
alternative to these proposed schemes is to employ a GPS driven approach. Since the robot is no longer
operating under the canopy, it should theoretically be easier to establish a reliable GPS signal, implying
that GPS waypoint navigation could serve as a viable approach to handling the headland steering
requirements. However, the successfulness of this approach is still contingent on there always being a
reliable GPS signal at the end of every row, which is a volatile assumption to hold. Another possible
solution would be to implement a sensor guided turning scheme where the LIDAR sensors can be used to
guide the robot over to the next row and an IMU could be utilized to handle the precise steering
requirements, somewhat similar to the design implementation for the agricultural robot described in [56].
In the final design approach that was ultimately selected, the same LIDAR sensors that were used to
detect the beginning and ending points in the field rows was also used to guide the robot over to the next
row. Meanwhile, an IMU can handle the precise turning requirements needed to successfully navigate the
Inter-row over to the next adjoining row in the field for the robot to then navigate through. The selected
IMU was a BNO055. The IMU is a 9 degree of freedom (DOF) sensor and contained an accelerometer,
gyroscope, and magnetometer that were all implemented onto an ARM Cortex-M0 based processor. The
IMU was chosen due to the available developed low-level driver firmware that allows the sensor to easily
be interfaced with an Arduino which expedited the development time. The IMU is depicted below in
Figure 5.14.
Utilizing an IMU to aid in the precise steering control of mobile vehicles is a concept that has long been
vigorously researched and developed and is thus well documented in literature. [57] discusses the
implementation of well-established data fusion algorithms (in form of a complimentary filter and a
Kalman filter) onto a real time embedded system platform. The developed algorithms optimally combine
the data received from the three sensors that comprise the IMU to achieve accurate position and
orientation estimation. In [58], a Kalman filter is developed that effectively fuses the data received from a
gyroscope and magnetometer to obtain an accurate estimate of the yaw angle of the robot. In [59], a real-
time turning angle acquisition method is developed on an agricultural ground robot, utilizing a tri-axial
accelerometer sensor.
It is also very common for IMUs to be utilized as secondary sensors to compliment the primary sensing
system, which is usually a GPS. This notion holds true for many of the autonomous agricultural ground
vehicles in development today. Such examples can found in [60]-[63]. In this particular design, the IMU
will operate in conjunction with the LIDAR sensors to guide and steer the robot over to the next row.
The proposed algorithm for headland navigation can be broken down into several distinct stages. In the
first stage, the LIDAR sensors detect when the robot has reached the end of the crop row which results in
the transmission of the “end of row” message (041) from the sensor 2 node to the controller node. The
controller node will then transmit the appropriate motor command message to the motor driver node to
have the robot perform either a right or left turn. Meanwhile, the sensor 2 node will leverage the IMU to
measure the yaw angle of the robot and will wait to observe either a positive or negative 90° delta heading
angle, based on whether the robot is completing a left or right turn. This is accomplished via the pre-
written low-level driver firmware for the IMU that integrates and fuses the data received from the
gyroscope and magnetometer to obtain an optimal heading angle measurement. Once the 90° turn has
been accomplished, the first stage of the algorithm has successfully been completed.
In the subsequent stage, the robot will then slowly start to drive forward while the sensor 2 node either
utilizes the left or right LIDAR sensor to notify the robot when it has reached the next adjacent crop row.
The LIDAR sensor will first be used to scan for a distance reading that falls within a pre-determined
proximity threshold that was determined experimentally and is defined in the firmware. This notifies the
robot that it has just detected the next subsequent crop row in the field. When this event has occurred, the
sensor 2 node will then wait for a successive number of LIDAR readings (where the selected number was
again determined empirically) to fall outside of this proximity threshold. This event serves as the indicator
that the robot has successfully reached the next gap corresponding to the next contiguous stalk row in the
field. At which point, the Inter-row will then perform another 90° turn just as before and will then be
properly aligned and positioned and ready to enter the next row in the field. Figure 5.15 outlines this
entire procedure.
1 2
4 3
In stage 1 of Figure 5.15, the robot has detected the end of the row and will perform a 90° left turn. In
stages 2-4, the LIDAR sensor is used to guide the Inter-row over to the next successive row. The sensor
will first be used to look for LIDAR readings that fall within the defined proximity threshold which
would indicate that the Inter-row has reached the next adjacent stalk row (stages 2-3). The LIDAR sensor
will then be utilized to look for a successive number of LIDAR readings that fall outside of the proximity
threshold indicating the Inter-row has successfully made it over to the next neighboring field row (stage
4); at which point, the Inter-row will perform another 90° left turn and will be properly aligned and
positioned to be able to enter and drive through the next succeeding row in the field.
Since the robot is fully autonomous and driven by a multitude of sensors, erroneous readings from any of
the sensors could cause the robot to go off path and/or potentially run into crops or any other obstructions
that may happen to be present in the field. Thus, a simple ultrasonic sensor was selected to serve as an
additional safety measure to the robot’s operation and was implemented onto the sensor 1 node. Thus, the
sensor 1 node would read the laser scanner sensor measurements for row guidance and navigation while
simultaneously also taking ultrasonic readings. The sensor was placed directly in front of the robot as its
purpose was to simply identify if there were any obstacles directly in front of the robot’s path. The
particular sensor that was chosen was a HC-SR04 as shown in Figure 5.16.
Sonar technology, as was noted in section 4.1, served as a competent vision sensor technology in this
simple application since the problem strictly demanded for observing vertical obstructions in the field that
stand directly in front of the robot’s path. Moreover, while it is certainly not a viable standalone sensor for
autonomous navigation, it served as a nice complementary sensor to the central navigational laser/LIDAR
and inertial sensors and acted as an additional safety layer to the robot’s operation.
The developed sensor 2 node that was integrated into the Inter-row system design has a very similar
design architecture to that of the LIDAR sensor node that was developed on the UAGV as was discussed
in section 4.3. The selected IMU device came with pre-developed low-level driver libraries that handled
all of the low-level sensor fusion and I2C communication between the IMU IC and the Arduino
microcontroller. Thus, since the driver firmware was only compatible with the Arduino, an Arduino was
chosen to interface directly with the IMU to accelerate the development time. As was the case with the
developed LIDAR node, the STM32 microcontroller was also selected to be used on the node to handle
the CAN communication with all of the other nodes in the system. Additionally, the two microcontrollers
communicated with each other serially over the USART peripheral. The Arduino was interfaced to the
IMU and LIDAR sensors over the I2C communication protocol. Since the node utilized two separate
LIDAR sensors, each sensor needed to be given its own unique address in order for the Arduino to be able
to talk to each sensor individually over the I2C bus. The embedded system architecture for the sensor 2
The Arduino is responsible for processing the sensor data from the IMU and LIDAR sensors, while the
STM32 is in charge of transmitting and receiving CAN messages to and from the controller node. The
controller node will transmit a CAN FSM state message after every state transition to update the two
sensor nodes on the Inter-row’s new active operating state. This FSM message will be received and
processed by the STM32 microcontroller of the sensor 2 node. The STM32 will then notify the Arduino
of the new operating state over the USART. The Arduino will then respond by reading from the
appropriate sensor to aid in the autonomous navigation procedure. When the task has been completed, the
Arduino will serially notify the STM32, thereby triggering the transmission of the appropriate CAN
message out to the controller node over the CAN bus. This will all become clearer in the next section to
follow, where the implemented FSM along with all of the associated system modes will be explained and
examined in detail.
Now that the reader is briefed on the row detection and headland turning scheme and the added sensor 2
node implementation, it is now time to address how this additional work was integrated into the overall
In order to implement the row detection and headland turning schemes onto the Inter-row robot, an FSM
needed to be developed and designed to control the operating modes of the Inter-row robot. As was noted
earlier, the Inter-row employed an event driven embedded system architecture. Therefore, an event
triggered FSM will be developed. The developed FSM will be implemented onto the controller node.
Thus, from a top level perspective, the controller node would manage the operating mode in the FSM of
the robot. The controller node will be configured to receive and process the data and signals transmitted
by the sensor 1 and sensor 2 nodes so that it can respond accordingly by sending the appropriate motor
command out to the motor driver node to put or keep the robot in the appropriate state within the FSM.
The controller node would then send out an FSM CAN message every time it performed a state transition,
to inform the other nodes of the new operating mode the robot is now in. Therefore, the two sensor nodes
on the receiving end would be able to properly respond and execute the appropriate tasks based on the
robot’s new operating mode. Figure 5.18 depicts a visual illustration of this top level design where the
CAN signal flow among all of the system nodes within the DRTS is depicted.
Figure 5.18 - CAN signal flow among all the system nodes in the DRTS architecture
As the Inter-row is a CAN based DRTS, all the messages being transmitted back and forth across the
CAN bus among all the system nodes (as depicted above) are all unique CAN messages, where each
message was specified and described in section As the figure above suggests, an important
distinction to make between the two sensor nodes is the type of messages that are being transmitted by
each one. The sensor 1 node transmits the laser distance readings over the CAN bus for the controller
node to process. The sensor 2, however, does not actually transmit any sensor measurement data, but
instead, transmits control signals or event trigger messages that notify the controller to update its state
within the FSM. Thus, all of the data acquisition for the LIDAR and IMU sensors happens strictly at the
sensor 2 node end. Thus, the important design implication being driven at here is that the sensor 2 node is
effectively responsible for detecting the events that will trigger a state transition. Additionally, the motor
driver node does not receive or process the FSM message being transmitted by the controller node. This is
because the motor driver node is already properly informed on the active operating state of the controller
node via the data [4] byte contained in the CAN motor command message.
The various states of the implemented FSM are given below with a brief description of each state.
Enter Row Mode: The LIDAR sensor is continuously sampled and read to search for the start of
the row in the field using the method described in section 5.2.1. Once the robot has entered the
row, a control signal will be transmitted by the sensor 2 node to notify the controller node to
Follow Row Mode: The Inter-row will navigate through the crop row using the laser based
method described in section Meanwhile, the sensor 2 node will simultaneously be
sampling the LIDAR sensor to search for the end of the row as was described in detail in section
5.2.1. When the end of the row is detected, the sensor 2 node will transmit a control signal to the
controller node. The controller node will respond by transitioning the robot into the Turn Left
Turn Left Mode: The Inter-row will complete a 90° left turn using the process outlined in section
5.2.2. When the turn is complete, the sensor 2 node will transmit an IMU control signal message
to notify the controller node, to which the controller will then make the appropriate state
transition. If the Inter-row was previously in the Follow Row Mode state, the robot will enter the
Move to Left Row state. If the Inter-row was previously in the Move to Left Row state, the robot
Turn Right Mode: The Inter-row will complete a 90° right turn using the process outlined in
section 5.2.2. When the turn is complete, the sensor 2 node will transmit an IMU control signal
message to notify the controller node, to which the controller will then make the appropriate state
transition. If the Inter-row was previously in the Follow Row Mode state, the robot will enter the
Move to Right Row state. If the Inter-row was previously in the Move to Right Row state, the
Move to Left Row: The Inter-row will use the left LIDAR sensor when transitioning between
rows using the procedure outlined in stages 2-4 of Figure 5.15. When the robot has successfully
reached the next adjacent row over, the sensor 2 node will transmit the appropriate control
message to the controller node to enable robot to then enter the Turn Left Mode state.
Move to Right Row: The Inter-row will use the right LIDAR sensor when transitioning between
rows using the procedure outlined in stages 2-4 of Figure 5.15. When the robot has successfully
reached the next adjacent row over, the sensor 2 node will transmit the appropriate control
message to the controller node to enable robot to then enter the Turn Right Mode state.
Stop Mode: The robot will enter this mode when the Inter-row has gone through the last row in
the field. The controller will transmit a control signal that informs that other nodes to halt their
operation. The controller node will refrain from sending CAN motor commands to the motor
driver node at this time as it has completed its assigned route and will therefore terminate its
A visual illustration of the implemented event triggered FSM for the Inter-row is shown below in Figure
5.19 where the FSM is depicted in block diagram form. The developed state machine is an event driven
FSM, where state transitions are dependent on certain conditions being met (i.e., the occurrence of a
specific event detected by one of the utilized sensors). For example, in Row Follow Mode, a state
transition will only occur in the “event” that the LIDAR sensor from the sensor 2 node detects the end of
the crop row. Additionally, the FSM messages are utilized by the controller node so that the other nodes
in the system are properly informed on the robot’s current operating state. This transaction is cardinal for
proper system operation as the robot’s active operating state will directly dictate the associated tasks that
both of the two separate sensor nodes are to execute. For example, in Row Follow Mode, the sensor 1
node will utilize the two laser sensors for crop row navigation while the sensor 2 node will leverage the
LIDAR sensors for end of row detection. Meanwhile, the IMU will not be utilized as there is no use for
the unit in this particular operating state. However, in Turn Left Mode, the sensor 2 node will leverage the
IMU to obtain the yaw angle of the robot, while the laser and LIDAR sensors will temporarily not be
utilized as there is no need for sampling those sensors in this operating mode. Thus, the robot’s mode of
operation directly dictates the specific set of tasks that the two sensor nodes are to carry out, and the FSM
message being transmitted out by the controller node to notify the two nodes of the robot’s new operating
state is crucial in order for those tasks to all be executed at the appropriate time.
Unlike the motor driver and sensor 1 node, whose STM32s are directly interfaced to their associated
modules, the STM32 microcontroller on the sensor 2 node is indirectly linked to its associated sensors via
the Arduino which performs all of the actual measurements on the sensors. Consequently, there are an
additional number of steps that need to be executed by the sensor 2 node in response to a state transition
in order for both the STM32 and the Arduino to remain synchronized with the central FSM being
managed by the controller node. Figure 5.20 depicts a flowchart detailing the corresponding sequence of
events that occur for each time a state machine transition takes place at the controller node. The flowchart
depicts all the mandatory tasks that are executed by each of the system nodes, which includes the
additional tasks that are enacted at the sensor 2 node to ensure FSM synchronization with the Arduino.
Figure 5.20 - Flowchart illustrating the sequences of events that gets triggered for every state transition
Table 5.4 depicts the serial commands that govern the synchronization process between the STM32 and
the Arduino at the sensor 2 node which ensures that both microcontrollers remain coincident with the
current operating state of the FSM at the controller node. Thus, the Arduino is able to execute the
appropriate task via the serial state machine updates it receives from the STM32 over the USART. The
Arduino will then serially notify the STM32 when the task is complete. The STM32 will respond by
transmitting the appropriate control message over the CAN bus which will then alert the controller node
to update its state in the FSM as the current task to perform has been fulfilled.
Figure 5.21 visually illustrates the top-level firmware architecture of the Inter-row Follower that formed
the framework for the developed FSM. The figure illustrates the embedded firmware infrastructure from
the controller node’s perspective, where all of the outside sensors, modules, microcontrollers, and
peripherals (coming from the additional nodes) are shown integrated into the entire system. Additionally,
all the peripherals and modules depicted in the figure that are not linked to the Arduino, belong to one of
the STM32s from one of the four respective nodes, which are not shown explicitly.
As implicated in the figure, the state machine CAN control message can be represented as a select line to
a multiplexer which controls the particular CAN input messages (coming from the sensor 1 and 2 nodes)
that will be processed and used by the controller node. The state machine control signal, transmitted by
the controller node, updates all the other system nodes on the robot’s current operating state which in
turn, governs the applications tasks to be executed by each node in the system and the essential CAN
input messages that need to be monitored and processed. Thus in essence, the figurative multiplexer at the
controller node essentially determines via the FSM message (i.e., the select line) which application tasks
need to be executed which then results in the appropriate CAN input messages getting multiplexed from
their respective nodes to the controller node over the CAN bus.
Verification tests that demonstrate and substantiate the working sensor based algorithm for the Row
Follower were performed and will be presented and discussed in this section.
Data was collected and logged for the three sensors that were utilized to achieve autonomous navigation.
Since the LIDAR and IMU sensors were interfaced with the Arduino (and not a STM32), both of the
channels on the Kvaser (that was shown in Figure 2.3) were deployed in which one channel was used to
log the laser sensor data (from the STM32) and the other was used to simultaneously collect the LIDAR
and IMU data (from the Arduino). Since the data was being logged as CAN messages via the Kvaser, a
CAN shield needed to be interfaced with the Arduino in order to feasibly log and collect the LIDAR and
IMU CAN data. The shield was able to convert the IMU/LIDAR data into CAN messages that can then
be processed and logged by the Kvaser for system data collection and analysis. The selected CAN shield
that directly mounts onto the Arduino, is depicted below in Figure 5.22.
Figure 5.22 - CAN shield for logging LIDAR and IMU data as CAN messages via the Kvaser (Retrieved
The three graphs shown below (Figures 5.23-5.25) exhibit the logged data and visually demonstrate the
working algorithm for a simulated test, where the data collected for each of the three sensors are each
shown simultaneously as a function of time. The logged data was sliced into three separate time segments.
Thus, the three graphs displayed below, each depict a fifteen second time segment of operation, thus
encapsulating an entirety of forty five seconds worth of time, which proved to be a sufficient amount to
effectively demonstrate all the functioning operating states of the developed sensor based algorithm.
Additionally, the operating states within the FSM are depicted and labelled appropriately throughout each
plot as the operating mode of the robot can be inferred from the collected sensor data.
Figure 5.23 – Simulated test where the logged laser data (top), LIDAR data (middle),
and IMU data (bottom) demonstrate the working non-GPS sensor based algorithm
Figure 5.24 – Simulated test where the logged laser data (top), LIDAR data
(middle), and IMU data (bottom) demonstrate the working non-GPS sensor based
Figure 5.25 – Simulated test where the logged laser data (top), LIDAR data
(middle), and IMU data (bottom) demonstrate the working non-GPS sensor based
It is important to note that the logged laser data was the calculated delta value between the individual
distance measurements obtained from the left and right laser sensor (i.e., the difference between the data 1
and data 2 byte from the ID 200 CAN message – as was portrayed in Figure 5.8). Thus, the depicted laser
sensor data observed in the three plots effectively indirectly illustrate how accurately or successfully the
Inter-row is maintaining a centered position within the row of the field. Additionally, the reader might
have also noticed the moments of time in the graphs where the laser difference measurements appeared to
be zero, seeming to indicate that the row follower was perfectly centered within the row. This
phenomenon could be specifically observed in the 9-11 second time segment of Figure 5.23 and the 28-30
second time segment of Figure 5.24. This was actually the inherent result of the row follower nearing the
end of the row where a threshold of a 150 cm on the distance sensor measurements was applied in the
firmware. When the row follower approaches the end of a row, the fired laser pulses will begin to extend
beyond the crops. The distance measurements would thus saturate at 150 cm as the laser distance sensors
will no longer be detecting the crop rows, hence resulting in the observed differential measurement of
zero between the two laser sensors. This is consistent with what the graphs illustrate above as this event
would occur right before the headland turning portion of the developed navigational algorithm would be
There are also a couple of other features in the plots that are worth drawing attention to as some of the
other plot characteristics in the figures may not be explicitly clear or explained via the provided state
machine descriptions. Detecting the end of crop rows would require approximately about a half second’s
worth of time for the sampled LIDAR data to fall outside of the pre-determined threshold defined in the
firmware. This can be observed at around the 10 second mark of Figure 5.23 and around the 39 second
mark of Figure 5.25. The variability in the LIDAR measurements stem from the high frequency at which
the LIDAR sensors are being sampled. Thus, the high sampling rate results in the LIDAR sensors
detecting the stalks, the leaves, and the gaps in between the crops. Furthermore, for Moving to the
Left/Right Row states, the next subsequent crop row is first detected via the LIDAR sensor when readings
fall below the pre-determined threshold (17 second mark of Figure 5.24 and 38 second mark of Figure
5.25) which will be followed by a consecutive number of LIDAR readings that will then inevitably fall
outside the threshold, implying that the Inter-row has successfully reached the next adjoining row.
Finally, the IMU data corresponds to a 0-360° value where values less than 0 will wrap back up to 360
and values greater than 360 will wrap back around to 0, as can observed in Figure 5.23 and Figure 5.25.
The designed and developed state machine allowed the DRTS to intelligently and strategically utilize the
pertinent sensors at the appropriate point in time based on the Inter-row’s current location in the field.
Lastly, all of the testing, development, and refining of the algorithm was performed by simulating a corn
field in the machine shop via utilizing some prototype field rows illustrated below in Figure 5.26.
Figure 5.26 - Prototype corn rows used for the testing and development of the sensor based algorithm.
Test runs for the headland navigation algorithm were also conducted in an actual corn field to evaluate
how the Inter-Row would perform in an actual field environment. The two figures that follow depict the
logged data from all three of the sensors which are shown together for the same time segment. The graphs
illustrate the working algorithm where the Inter-row was able to successfully navigate over to the next left
row (Figure 5.27) and the next right row (Figure 5.28). Figure 5.29 shows the Inter-row operating in the
corn field.
Time (s)
Figure 5.27 - Field test where the laser data (top), LIDAR data (middle), and IMU data (bottom)
demonstrate the working headland navigation algorithm where the Inter-row moves to the next left row
Figure 5.28 - Field test where the laser data (top), LIDAR data (middle), and IMU data (bottom)
demonstrate the working headland navigation algorithm where the Inter-row moves to the next right row
Additionally, a second chassis was designed to house the additional electronics and modules required for
the end goal of utilizing the Inter-row and the developed autonomous navigation algorithm in the field for
the application of microclimate data collection. An Arduino was used to log the sensor data and a SD card
module was used to save the logged data. A PVC pipe was selected to allow for the placement of the
deployed sensors to be adjusted accordingly. The microclimate sensor utilized for the preliminary field
test was an EE181 relative humidity sensor probe which came with a solar radiation shield. A depiction of
the completed second chassis which housed this sensor (positioned 50 cm above the ground) and would
be pulled by the Inter-row is provided below in Figure 5.30. Additionally, Figure 5.31 displays the final
assembly where the Inter-row is shown operating in the field with the second chassis attached at the rear
of the robot via a hitch. Finally, Figure 5.32 depicts the collected relative humidity data from the
conducted autonomous navigation field test where Inter-row autonomously navigated through two rows
Figure 5.30 – Completed and fully assembled second chassis with all of the required electronics and
Figure 5.31 - Completed assembly where the second chassis is connected to the rear of the Inter-row for
Figure 5.32 - Relative humidity data collected from autonomous navigation test in the field
The application for this conducted experiment was motivated by the plant high throughput field
phenotyping research where high resolution measurements on plant traits (such as height or biomass) and
environmental variables (such as solar radiation and wind speed) are needed [64]. This form of crop data
is traditionally collected by sensors deployed on field vehicles or UAVs that are driven by human
operators, where the data is usually collected from above the crop canopy [65]-[66]. The proposed
autonomous navigation strategy executed and assessed in this experiment is therefore novel in two
aspects. First, the Inter-row robot realizes full autonomy for field data collection. Second, the relative
humidity data was collected from under the maize canopy, which has not been addressed by other plant
phenotyping platforms.
During the outdoor field tests, the most prominent point of failure would occur at the end of the rows
where the robot exhibited unpredictable behavior in regards to the row detection success rate. Further
scrutiny revealed that this erratic behavior stemmed from inaccurate readings in the LIDAR sensor
measurements – a phenomenon that only manifested in sunny, outdoor environments. It was empirically
discovered that exposure to direct sunlight hindered the sensor’s reliability and overall performance as the
likelihood of receiving occasional false measurements from the sensor increased substantially in bright,
sunlit environments. Since the row detection scheme depended on receiving a consecutive number of
samples for proper row distinguishing, just a single inaccurate reading would therefore be enough to skew
the row detection mechanism, thereby crippling the Inter-row’s ability to reliably identify the end of field
rows. This issue was resolved by implementing a running average filter on the LIDAR sensor
measurements which effectively minimized the impact of the faulty outlier readings. Additionally,
extremely small erroneous measurements (less than 5 cm) that were also commonly triggered by direct
Since successful navigation over to the next adjacent row was predicated on the LIDAR sensor’s ability to
reliably detect the next subsequent row in the field, the Inter-row would occasionally miss the next row
during the headland navigation process. Adding supplementary encoders or odometers onto the machine
to further aid in guiding the robot over to the next row could nicely compliment the LIDAR sensors as
these sensors could take additional distance measurements during the row repositioning procedure and
could potentially improve the performance and reliability of the unmanned headland navigation
algorithm. However, this would also come at the expense of having to increase the cost of the machine to
account for the additional hardware required. The design strategy presented in this thesis provided a
minimalist, cost sensitive approach, demonstrating that full autonomy in a field could feasibly be
Another formal observation made from the conducted experiments was the Inter-row’s susceptibility to
getting stuck during the test runs due to the turbulent, unpredictable terrain that characterized the corn
field. This was particularly apparent when the Inter-row was attempting to perform a left or right turn in
the headland as the robot would often require user assistance in order to complete the turn. Moreover, this
was also especially evident when Inter-row was pulling the second chassis for microclimate data
collection. This particular shortcoming mostly originates from the mechanical limitations of the chassis in
use as transitioning over to the larger platform with larger wheels and more powerful motors would
mostly likely alleviate this issue. Though the design does leave some room for further improvement and
optimization, the work provided in this chapter offers a novel, sensor-based fully autonomous algorithm
for field row navigation, which could serve as a viable alternative method to the deployment of UAVs for
A complete summary of the accomplished work as well as its implications on the agriculture industry will
be reviewed in this chapter. Additionally, ideas for future work and further development will also be
6.1 Summary
This thesis was an exploration into the further development of the embedded system design architecture
of UAGVs and served as a tangible snapshot into the slow moving yet indisputable scalable
infrastructural shift in this sector that is being observed today, where the industry is beginning to undergo
an arduous period of research and development in effort to provide innovative unmanned automation
methods than can practically be implemented onto field machinery. This evolution of agricultural
machinery is a necessary alteration to effectuate in order to engineer and streamline improved food
production operation techniques and practices for the rapidly increasing world population. The
technological advancement of these machines will be instrumental in allowing farmers to be able to meet
these impending demands. Hence, continuing to upgrade the modular machinery design of agricultural
equipment by adopting the modern, cutting edge technology available today, is an essential endeavor that
must be diligently sought after in order to attain the end goal of being able to dispatch agricultural
automation machines in the field to carry out and accomplish agricultural related tasks. Moreover, the
embedded system design architectures and modern control techniques that these autonomous machines
employ, must be rigorously examined, extensively tested and evaluated, and continually refined to ensure
vehicle safety and system design reliability and robustness. The continued technological progression in
this sector has obvious and pronounced implications on the rest of the world, as the ingenuity and further
refinement of this equipment will be pivotal to being able to provide farmers with competent unmanned
agricultural machinery that can conceivably keep pace with their rising quotas.
The work accomplished in this thesis offered new algorithms that integrate state of the art technology
onto field machinery prototype test platforms to demonstrate that the end goal of complete unmanned
autonomy for agricultural automation can plausibly be attained. The developed algorithms were
implemented onto both event-triggered (Inter-row) and time triggered (UAGV) CAN bus control
architectures. The time triggered system design technique in particular, offers many intriguing advantages
for autonomous machine design due to its deterministic nature and the resulting intrinsic safety
implications it lends itself to, where the benefits to employing such a system remain mostly untapped by
the agriculture sector. The firmware descriptions presented in this thesis for both autonomous machines,
serve as a developmental starting point to establishing a new, modern, robust, industry standard system
design infrastructure for agricultural machinery that is tailored to attain the recently imminent and
The next step of further development for the first UAGV discussed in this thesis involves incorporating a
more reliable GPS module onto the machine. The current RTK GPS in use suffers from somewhat
unreliable and unpredictable behavior. During the conducted test runs for GPS navigation and obstacle
avoidance appraisal, the module in operation proved to be notorious for arbitrarily losing its GPS
reception where the diagnosis for this spurious and recurrent behavior was ambiguous. Perplexingly, there
were no overt causes or discernible grounds to explain the reason for this defect since, during these
observed failures, the vehicle was being operated at the Nebraska Tractor Test Track, where it was
isolated from tall buildings, power lines, and other possible sources of signal interference. Additionally, it
was discovered that the GPS module’s performance was also greatly hindered when it was being operated
within the vicinity of power lines which significantly limits the places where the UAGV can effectively
be used. As a possible remedy to these concerns, a new promising, more robust RTK GPS module was
purchased earlier this year (Duro Inertial RTK); however it has yet to be thoroughly tested. The next step
would be to interchange the old GPS module with this new unit and to evaluate its performance.
Additionally, as was noted in Chapter 3, the curvature control algorithm needed to be uniquely designed
to accommodate for the slow or lagging processing time of the controller node. Having the curvature
algorithm utilize fixed point math in comparison to floating point operations would be a good place to
start for further improving this algorithm. Thus, other areas worth exploring would be looking into a
means to make the curvature turning algorithm more computationally efficient and to investigate the
feasibility and possible advantages of potentially breaking the controller node into two separate nodes to
reduce the processing demands on the microcontroller. The later suggestion should only be pursued if the
designer is confident that his proposed solution will be an improvement upon the current design (from a
program efficiency standpoint), as it will likely entail a redesign of the controller node which will thus
For the inter-row robot, there are several changes or modifications that are strongly encouraged to be
made in order for this ground vehicle to be realized as a robust, autonomous navigation solution in actual
outdoor field applications. Firstly, it is recommended that the chassis platform gets upgraded to a wider,
heavier contraption with larger wheels which would allow the robot to be more capable of handling the
rougher terrain. This would reduce the likelihood of the robot getting stuck during outdoor field tests,
especially during autonomous navigation operations when the second trailer is also being pulled for
Also, adding a second motor driver onto the chassis is a critical design change that needs to be made. The
row follower would struggle to perform skid turns in the headland during outdoor field tests due to the
rough terrain which presented a higher coefficient of friction compared to the smooth flat floor the robot
operated on in the simulated tests. Two dual channel motor drivers would allow for a left motor and a
right motor to be individually driven by one of the modules, while the four remaining motors would be
driven by the second dual channel driver board. Thus in this design arrangement, only two motors on both
the left and the right side of the chassis would then be connected in parallel. This would be a significant
improvement from the present-day configuration where all three motors on both the left and right side of
the chassis are currently connected in parallel (i.e., the first channel is connected to the three motors on
left and the second channel is interfaced to the three motors on the right). The inherent design drawback
in this currently deployed topology stems from the fact that the parallel connection will cause the motors
that encounter the most amount of friction from the wheels being in firm contact with the ground, to
receive the least amount of current from the driver. This is because current will always take the path of
least resistance. Hence, adding a second motor driver onto the system will significantly improve the
robot’s performance in outdoor field environments and help alleviate this issue.
Additionally, examining a new power distribution model would also be a worthwhile venture, as the
robot’s current runtime is capped at around thirty minutes of operation. The solution could be as simple as
just connecting two or three of the currently used batteries in parallel. Finally, incorporating an additional
node onto the robot via implementing a GPS module onto the machine would also be a fruitful endeavor.
GPS capabilities would nicely complement the dead reckoning algorithm and would make for a more
robust, versatile robot, essentially adding another protective layer of autonomous navigation as well as
offering more flexibility to the system, enabling another means by which unmanned navigation can be
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