Marketing Case Study
Marketing Case Study
Marketing Case Study
Meet ASIMO! He is 4 feet tall, with a pleasant childish voice, and the ability to recognize and
interact with people; however, ASIMO is no child. He is the humanoid robot “brainchild” of
scientists at Honda. ASIMO’s technology includes two camera eyes to map its environment
and recognize unique faces. Its body construction is so humanlike that it can run at 3.5 mph,
toss a ball to play with a child, and use its opposable thumbs to open a bottle and serve you
a cold drink. ASIMO is the perfect household companion.
Honda has not yet made ASIMO available to purchase for home use but it is only a matter of
time until families can have their own humanoid robot. But not everyone is interested.
Consumers are a bit nervous about a robot serving them meals or sitting down and telling
them the news of the day. Why? Perhaps it is Hollywood’s influence on our perception of
robots. It might not be sweet WALL-E that comes to mind when we think about robots, but
the Terminator or another threatening machine.
If consumers are not ready for ASIMO, perhaps they are ready for some of its features.
Facial Recognition Technology (FRT), the ability for a computer to “read” your face, is seeing
strong development and application. According to some analysts, the FRT market is
expected to grow from $1.92 billion to $6.5 billion within the next 5 years. Advertisers and
big brands are taking notice of FRT. Imagine a billboard in a mall that advertises
Abercrombie to a teen girl and Target to a busy mom. Immersive Labs is one company that
has develops digital billboards that measure the age range, gender, and even attention level
of a passerby to deliver a tailored ad.
According to researchers, FRT can do more than read your face and estimate general
physical characteristics. It can map out a biometric profile that is unique as your fingerprint.
Red Pepper is a company that uses this advanced technology to develop Face deals, a
smartphone app that provides personalized offers to consumers. Here’s how it works. You
download the app, walk into a store with a Face deals camera, and are recognized. Face
deals interfaces with your Facebook information, analyzing your content for favorite brands,
relationship status, places visited, and other information. Then, Face deals presents you with
a personalized offer.
The marketing applications for FRT are numerous. Google is considering letting individuals
use a body motion, perhaps a “wink” or “eyebrow movement,” as their FRT password. has unveiled an app where your webcam watches your facial responses when
you view ads to learn what products and ads you like and dislike. Many brands know one key
to successful marketing is to offer the right product to right consumer at the right time. With
FRT, marketers can achieve can achieve this goal at a whole new level.
Q1. What are the most likely market segments for ASIMO?
This type of products can target various market segments. For instance, it could be useful in a
household in order to help to the daily tasks or even in the medical industry as a robot assistant
for manufacturing drugs. The consumer characteristics in order to buy the robot are the
following: wealthy household, or if an industry wants to buy it for manufacturing purpose.
Q2. How could Honda overcome resistance to the idea of a home robot?
Ans- To insure, that they people that will want to own ASIMO and having him around the house
is to show that there is no way that anything like a virus to be inputted into ASIMO mainframe.
First most people that are scared of robots are because in most robot movies like the terminator
and I robot one day the robot comes under control and start to turn on every people that
created them. And that is always on the back of people mind when they see a robot that moves
and can talk. I feel that in order to make the public less afraid of a home robot is to once finished
with the prototype and once all the bugs and glitches are all fixed to have a public display of how
ASIMO performs in a real life situation to show that ASIMO is a robot that can be under control
that there is no chance that ASIMO can do any harm to anyone. Because a robot can only do
what they are programmed to do and that is it. The only way in order for robots to go bad is if
somehow a virus or a program telling the robot to go rogue was entered into the robot’s
Ans- With the FRT some people might be too into privacy they might feel that this app is to
invasive and to always have a camera on you when you are using your phone. Or on the other
hand what if someone hacks into the app and was able to start spying on every person that has
this app.
Q1. Based on concepts discussed in this chapter, describe the factors that have
contributed to Bose’s new product success.
Ans- That idea was under running researches for new innovations. A reference would be
“Internal Sourcing” and “Product Development”. These are the main factors led Bose’s
new product success.
The founder of Bose Amar Bose once said, “we are not in it strictly to make money”.
Thus, he rooted the DNA of Bose as a company that is focusing on its customers’ values
rather than building revenues, profits, and stock prices.
Q2. Is Bose’s product development process customer centered? Explain.
Ans- The center by finding new ways to solve customer problems, and creating more
customer-satisfying experiences Definitely yes. Bose company puts its customers in. By
that Bose is giving its customer a prominent value. Moreover, Bose’s first slogan was
“Better sound through research”.
Q4. With respect to the product life cycle, what challenges does Bose face in managing
its product portfolio?
Ans- In my opinion, doing researches serves Bose in knowing their customers’ needs
better than its competitors. This also shows its customers “we are here to give you the
best product”. As I mentioned, sustaining its relationship with its customers, and keep
improving their products accordingly are the two major challenges.
The challenges Bose faces in managing its product portfolio are keeping improving their
products as they keep researching and giving their customers value.