Reviewer For Midterm Exam Ss1d
Reviewer For Midterm Exam Ss1d
Reviewer For Midterm Exam Ss1d
● Is a perspective in international relations where actors and institutions ● Idealists and Constructivists hold the notion that values and norms play pivotal
emphasize relationships and negotiations. roles in sustaining and reforming the process and works of individuals, groups
● Liberalists observe the importance of interaction and communication and focus and nations.
on solving problems and conflicts affecting them. ● This theory emphasizes on the functions of ideologies, frameworks, systems and
● Liberal accounts describe the transformation of political-economic structures identities in understanding globalization and international order.
and the development of global interconnectedness in terms of: ● Its core beliefs centers on the centrality of ideas, beliefs, emotions and
Spread of Democracy and Institutions collective values that shape the political and economic landscapes of the world.
● Idealism presents the changing norms and evolutions of individuals, groups and
▪ Liberals discounted realism as a barrier in the progress of relations
states with the goal of influencing the dynamics and pattern of social structure.
between nations.
● idealists and Constructivists value the importance of “appropriateness” and
▪ They believe in the vital function played by rule of law as a safeguard or
“transparency” in reshaping and framing rules affecting the general welfare of
self-respect and social stability.
its members, may it be individual or collective.
▪ Transparency is also identified as a measurement in sustaining
international cooperation and global understanding.
▪ In some respects, democratic institutions are highly recognized by many
if they perform and practice in accordance to the rule of law and
democratic accountability.
Global Economic Ties ● Ideas are non-material entities of culture, it embodies one’s perception of his
social world or environment.
▪ Liberals see economic ties and cooperation such as market integration
● It defines on how values, norms and beliefs are used by governments and respond to the economizing problem.
institutions in hold and exercising powers (Nau, 2008)
● When ideas are used well based on their intended application, development THREE TYPES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS
takes place.
● It could be utilized for linking and transfer of knowledge in a transnational 1. Market Economy
community of nations, scientific and social innovation, increase in the ● There is private ownership of economic resources in the use of market and prices to
understanding of people in their day-to-day life. coordinate and direct economic activity.
● Singleton, 2008 elaborated the three important technological trends in the last ● An economic system in which the decisions regarding investment, production and
twenty years that made significant changes in the interaction of nations and distribution are guided by the price signals created by the forces of supply and
people: demand.
▪ Knowledge and technology are significant determinants of wealth ● Market economy, also known as Capitalistic or Free Market Economy, relies on
and power. The success of economy of a country requires pool of capitalism, free enterprise and freedom of choice.
resources like ideas and technology. The technological advancement
of a nation is an identity of its economic power. 2. Command Economy
▪ The fast pace of technological change. From industrialization to ● Government owns most property resources and there is central economic planning.
modernization, technology has taken a significant role in business, ● The government decides how the factors of production used.
governments and individuals. ● The government determines who owns the businesses, who buys and sells to whom
▪ Dispersed knowledge and technology. The increasing trends in and who makes the ultimate decisions regarding businesses, including who works
communication revolutions make it more possible to move data and for them.
ideas from people to people and country to country at a faster and
more convenient way. 3. Mixed Economy
CHAPTER 3: Global Economy ● An economic system wherein the basic or key industries are either owned or
controlled by the government or by the people collectively.
● World-wide activity between various countries that are considered intertwined
● Mixed economies typically maintain private ownership and control of most of the
and thus can affect other countries negatively or positively.
means of production, but often under government regulation.
● The system of industry and trade around the world that has developed as a result
of globalization. INTERNATIONAL TRADE (IT)
● Is the process and system when goods, commodities, services cross national
● It is all the economies in the world which we consider together as one economic economy and boundaries in exchange for money or goods of another country.
system. To put simply, it is one giant entity.
▪ Economic Surveillance
o The IMF oversees the international monetary system and monitors
the economic and financial policies of its 189 member countries. As
part of this process, which takes place both at the global level and in
individual countries, the IMF highlights possible risks to stability and
advises on needed policy adjustments.
▪ Lending
o The IMF provides loans to member countries experiencing actual or
potential balance of payments problems to help them rebuild their
international reserves, stabilize their currencies, continue paying for