Chapter 09
Chapter 09
Chapter 09
For such posts, the Select List of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes officers should be
drawn up separately to fill the reserved vacancies. Officers belonging to these classes should
be adjudged separately and not alongwith other officers· and if they are fit for promotion, they
should be included in the list irrespective of their merit as compared to other officers. Prom-
otions against reserved vacancies will be subject to the candidates satisfying the prescribed
minimum standards.
For determining the number of vacancies to be reserved for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes, a separate roster on the lines of the roster prescribed in Annexure I to O.M.
No. 1/11/69-Est. (SCT) dated 22-4-1970 (in which points 1, 8, 14,22, 28 and 36 are reserved for
Scheduled Castes and points 4, 17 and 31 are reserved for Scheduled Tribes) should
be followed.
The following instructions will apply to the filling of vacancies reserved for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes in such promotions:-
(please see note helow).
(1) (a) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Officers who are within the normal
zone of consideration shouM be considered for promotion along with others
and adjudged on the same basis as others and those Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes amongst them who are selected on that basis may be
included in the general select list in addition to their being considered for
separate select lists for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled TribesI
(b) If candidates from' Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes obtain on the
basis of their positions in the aforesaid general select list, less vacancies than
are reserved for them, the difference should be made up by selected can-
didates of these communities who are in the separate select lists for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively.
(4) Where promotions in the above manner are first made on a longterm officiating
basis, confirmations should be made according to the general rules viz., That an
officer who has secured earlier officiating promotion on the basis of his place in
the select lists should also be confirmed earlier and thus enabled to retain the
advantage gained by him, provided that he maintains an appropriate standard vide
para. 1 (Hi) of the Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum No. F. 1/1/55-
RPS, dated the 17 February, 1955. But the principle of reservations would not
apply against at the time of confirmation of promotees.
Deptt. of Person- Promotions on tbe basis of seniority subject to fitness.
nel O.M. No. 27/
2171 Estt. (SCI) As indicated in para 2.1 (iii) (c), there is a reservation of 15 per cent and
da~d 0 27-11-72. 7% per cent of the vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respec-
~~21nn~' ~~ tively in promotions made on the basis of seniority subject to fitness in
(SCf) dated 25-2- appointments to all Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D (Class I, Class
1976. II, Class III and Class IV) posts in grades or, services in which the element of
direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75 per cent.
Deptt. of 9.6 (i) Special steps should be taken to ensure that ad-hoc promotions
~~or;eI3:02A/Ri are kept to the barest minimum and that they do not continue for long periods.
76 ·ES~·. (s~ However, in cases where such ad-hoc promotions become inescapable in public
dated 2(}.4-1978 interest, the claims of officers belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
~:. (S~2~~~ Tribes who are eligible should also be duly considered alongwith others eligible
16-4-79. in the field *in accordance with the guiq.elines contained in O.M. No 36011/14/
83-Estt (SCT) dated 30-4-83 and 30-9-86, though there is to be no formal reservation for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in ad-hoc promotions.
(i) ,In promotions to Group A and within Group A.-Such cases should be submitted to
. the Minister, Minister of State/Deputy Minister concerned, as the case may be.
NOTEs.-(The eligibility of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates for consideration against reser-
ved vacancies is to be determined in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate orders relating to reser-
vations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotions by selection/seniority-cum-fitness etc., as the
case may be, vide parts 9.2(b), (c) and 9.3).
(ii) In promotions to Group B and within Group B.-Such cases should be reported to
the MinisterIMinister of State/Deputy Minister concerned as the case may be,
within a period of one month of the finalisation of the select list.
(Hi) In Promotions to and in Group C and Group D.-such cases should be reported to
the Head of the Department, if the appointing authority is lower than the level of
Head of the Department and where the Head of the Department is himself the
appointing authority, to the Secretary of the administrative Ministry/
Subject :- Reservation for members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts fIlled on the
basis of departmental examination of a competitive nature.
As the Ministry of F'inance etc. are aware reservations in the public ~ervices 'are made in favour of mem-
bers of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts which are filled by direct recruitm,ent,from the open
market but not in those filled by~epartmental promotion. The procedure to be follpwed in making selections
against the reserved vacancies filled by direct recruitment from the open market as well as aga~ns!)he vacancies
filled by departmental promotion in the case of members of the Scheduled Castes and SchedutedTribes has
been laid down in this Ministry's Office Memorandum No. 2/1l/55-RPS dated the 7th May, 1955.Where promo-
tion is made on the principle of seniority subject to the rejection of thOlJnfit or subject to a.e passing of
departmental tests oJ; a qualifying nature, the instructions are that officer belonging to the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes should be judged in a sympathetic manner and the standards applied to 'them 'need not be
unduly high. '. 0'
2. It has been represented to the Ministry of Rome Affairs from time to timethattlle exi$ting instructions
do not ensure adequate representation of the Scheduled Castes and Schedule4 Tripes in the highet:,grades of the
public services. As a result, for recruitment to Grade III of the Central SecretatiatService through the limited
competitive examination prescribed under the Scheme, an ad hoc reservation of vacancies, in relaxation of the
normal rules, has been agreed to in favour of candidates of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tn"bes.Similar
reservations exist also in certain cadres in the Posts and Telegraphs Department which are filled Qn~e basis of
competitive examinations restricted to the departmental candidates serving in lower grades. In the interest of
securing uniformity of practic~ and procedure, it has now been decided that the principle of reservation should
be extended to all in all services which are filled by promotion through competitive examitiation limited
to departmental candidates, and that the quantum of reservation in each case should be the same as has been
prescribed for posts fIlled by direct recruitment through open competitive examination, viz. 121hper, cent for the
Scheduled Castes and 5 per cent for the Scheduled Tribes. As in the case of dire~t recruitment by examination
the appointing authority, the Union Public Service Commission, or othe,r recl1Iiting authority as the case may
be, will have full discretion to appoint, or recommended for appointmelit, cartdidates of Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes who may have obtained comparatively low places in the examinations except where such
authority considers that the minimum standard necessary for the maintenance of the efficiency of the adminis-
tration has not been reached. Where candidates are selected in this manner, the appointing ~uthorities will
make necessary arrangements to give them additional training and coachfng so that they ~ay come up to the
standard of the others appointed along with them.
Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 1/l0/61-Estt.(D)
dated the 8th November, 1963 to all Ministries, etc.
Subject :- Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes', in posts filled by promotion.
2. The Government of l~diir:have reviewed their policy in regafa to reservations and other' concessions
granted to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts fIlled by promotion and have, in supersession of all
previous Orders in this regard, decided as follows:-
3. The above'decisions Jake effect frolIl'the date of issU;eof theso-,orders except where selections by the
Departmental Promotion COmmittee under the old orders have already beep, made or rules fora competitive
examination published.
4. Ministry of Finance etc. 'are requested to bring the above -,decisions to the', notice of all
Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 1/12/67-Estt.(C)
dated 11th July, 1968 to all Ministries etc.
In this Ministry's Office Memorandum No. 1/10/61-Estt.(D) dated 8th November, 1963, reservations at
12\02%and 5 per cent of the vacancies were provided for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Class III and
IV posts filed by promotion based on (i) selection or (ii) the results of competitive examinations limited to
departmental candidates, in grades or services to which there was no direct recruitment whatsoever. The
aforesaid Office Memorandum of 8-11-1963 also provided that there would be no reservations for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes in appointments made' by promotion to a Class II or a higher service or post,
whether on the basis of seniority-eum-fitness, selection or competitive examinations limited to
departmental candidates.
2 The Government of India have reviewed their policy in regard to reservations and other concessions
to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts filled by promotion and have, in supersession of the orders
in the aforesaid Office Memorandum dated 8-11-1963 decided as follows:-
A. Promotions through Dmited departmental competitive examinations:
There Will be reserVations at 12\02%and 5% of vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes res-
pectively in promotions made on the basis of competitive examinations limited to departmental candidates,
within or to Class II, ill and IV Posts, in grades or services in which the element of direct recruitment, if any,
does not exceed 50%.
B. Promotion by selection method:
(a) Class I and H appointments:
In promotion by selection from Class III to Class II and within Class II and from Class II to the lowest
rung or category in Class I, the following procedure will be adopted:-
In promotions made by selection, employees in the ;rone of consideration numbering 5 or 6 times the
estimated number of vacancies are normally considered for inclusion in the select list, vide Ministry of
Home Affairs' Office Memorandum No. F. 1/4/55 RPS, dated 16-5-1957. After :rejecting those who are
unfit for promotions, the Departmental Promotion Committee proceeds to categorise the remaining elig-
ible employees into three categories namely,'Outstanding' 'Very Good' and 'Good'. 'fhtreafter the Com-
mittee draws up a Select List placing all employees in the 'Outstanding' categories at the top, followed by
those categorised as 'Very Good' and then by those categorised as 'Good', the inter. se seniority within
each category being maintained. As a measure of improving representation of Scheduled Castes/
Scheduled Tribes in services it has now been further decided that:-
(i) If within the zone of consideration, there are any Scheduled Castes and S<;heduled Tribes employees,
those amongst them who are considered unfit for promotion by the Departmental Promotion Com-
mittee will be excluded from consideration. Thereafter the remaining Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes employees will be gi~n by the Departmental proQlotion Committee one grading
higher than the grading otherwise assignable to them on the basis of their record of servi~ i.e. if any
Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes employees has been categorised by the Committee on the basis
of his record of service as 'Good', he should be recategorised by the Committee as 'Very Good'.
Likewise if any Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes employees is graded as 'Very Good' on the
basis of his record of service, he will be recategorlsed by the Committee as 'Outstanding'. Of course, if
any Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes employees has already been categorlsed by the Committee
on the basis of his record of services as 'Outstanding' no recategorisation will be needed in
his case.
The above concession would be confined to only 25% of the total vacancies in a particular grade or post
filled in a year from the Select lisl While' making promotions from the Select List the appointing
authority should, therefore check up that the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes employees prom-
c>ledin a year on the basis of this concession are limited to 25% of the posts ftlled in a year from the
Select List prepared according to the procedure outlined above; and
(ii) Those Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes employees who are senior enough in the zone of con-
sideration so as to be within the number of vacancies for· which; the Select· List has to be drawn,
should be included in the Select List, if they are not considered unftt for promotion and should also
be given one grading higher. than the grading otherwise assignable to them on the basis of their
reeord of service and their place in the Select List detel1l).ined on the basis of this higher cateogorisa-
tion. This would imply that even where in some cases, the Select List were to consist of say only
'Outstanding' non-Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates, adequate number of them being
available from the zone of consideration, those Scheduled Castes/Scheduled !ribes candidates, who
are high up in the zone of consideration and are within the number- of estimated vacancies for which
the Select List is being prepared will even if they are only 'Good' and after higher categorisation by
~ one degree are categorised as 'Very Good' have to be included in Select List, but they will be placed
below the 'Outstanding' candidates in the Select List
(b) Class III and IV appointments:
There will be reservation at 121h% and 5% of the vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
respectively in promotions made by selection in or to Class III and IV posts, in grades or services in which the
element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 50%. "
Select Lists of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes officers should be drawn up separately to ftll the reser-
ved vecanciesas at present; officers belonging to these classes will be adjudged separately and not along with
other officers; and if-they are ftt for promotion, they should be included in the list irrespective of their merit as
compared to other officers. Promotions against reserved vacancies will continue to be subject to the candidates
satisfying the prescribed minimum standards. '
C. Promotions ort the basis of seniority subject to fitness:
There will be no reservation for SC,heduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in appointments made by prom-
otion on the basis of seniority subject to ftntness, but cases involving supersession of Scheduled Castes and
Schedulec;l Tribes Officers in Class I and II appointments will, as at present, be submitted for prior approval to
the Minister of Deputy Minister concerned Cases involving supersession of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes Officers in Class III and IV appointments wil( as at present, be reported within a month to the Minister
or Deputy Minister concerned for information.
3. The following instructions will apply to the fJlling of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes under the orders contained in this Office Memorandum:-
" (I) (a) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Officers who are within the normal zone of considera-
tion should be considered for promotion along with others and adjudged on the same basis as others
and those Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes amongst them who are selected on that basis may
be included in the general Select List in addition to their being considereli for separate Select List for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively.
(b) If candidates from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes obtain on the basis of their positions in
the aforesaid general Select List less vacancies than are reserved for them, the difference should be
made up by selected candidates of these communities who are in the separate Select List for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively.
(2) In the separate Select List drawn up for (i) Scheduled Castes and (ii) Scheduled Tribes, Officers
belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes as the case may, will be adjudged separately
amongst themselves and not along with other Officers, and if selected, they should be included in the
concerned separate Select List, irrespective of their merit as compared to other ·Officers. It is needless
to mention that Officers not belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will not be con-
sidered whilst drawing up separate Select Lists for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. For being
considered for inclusion in the aforesaid separate Select Lists the zone of consideration for the
Scheduled Castes and Schedulec;l Tribes as the case may be, would be of the same size as that for the
general Select List, that is, if for the general Select List, the zone of consideration is 5 times the
number of vacancies likely to be· fllied. the zone of consideration for the separate list fOTScheduled
Castes will also be 5 times the number of reserved vacancies for them and likewise for Scheduled
Tribes. Subject of cOlirse to the condition that Officers coming within such zone are eli&ible by length
of serviceete.. as prescribed for being considered for promotion.
(3) For giving effect to the reservation in promotion prescribed in this Office Memorandum it has been
decided that a separate roster on the lines of the roster prescribed in Annexure I to Office Memoran-
dum N~ 1-3-63-SCT(I), dated the 21stD~ember, 1963(in which points 1,9,17,25 and 33 are reserved
for Scheduled Castes and point4 and 21 for Scheduled Tribes) should be followed. If owing to non-
availability of suitable candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, 8$ the case
may be, it becomes necessary to de reserve a reserved vacancy, a reference for dereservation should be
made to this Ministry indicating whether claims of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates,
eligible for promotion in reserved vacancies have been considered in the manner indicated in (1) and
(2) above. Whell dereservation are agreed to by this Ministry, the reserved vacancies can be ftlled by
other candidates, subject to the reservation being carried forward to two recruitment years in accor-
dance with this Ministry's Office Memorandum No. 1/4/64-SCT(I), dated the 2nd September,
(4) Where promotions in the above manner are first made on a long-term officiating basis, confirmations
should be made according to the general' rule viz., that an officer who has secured earlier officiating
promotion on the basis of his place in the Select List should also be confirmed earlier and thus
enabled to retain the advantage gained by him, provided that he maintains an appropriate standard
vide para l(iii) of this Ministry's Office· Memorandum No. F. l/I/55-RPS, dated the 17th February,
1955. But the principle of resevations would not apply again at the time of confirmation of
protnotees ..
4. The above instructions take effect from the date of issue of these orders except where selections by the
Departmental Promotion Com1}littee under the old orders have already been made, or rules for a competitive
examination have already been published.
5. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decisions to the notice of all
6. In so far as officers working in offices under the C & AG. are concerned separate orders will issue in
due course.
Ministry of Home Affairs O.M.No. lOJ9/69-Estt (SeT)
dated 8th July, ,1969 taiathMinistries etc.
In para 2 B(a) (i) of this Ministry's Office Memorandum No. 1/12/67-Estt. (C) dated 11th July, 1968, it has
been provided ~hat inpromotiol\ by selection from Class· III to Class Il witki;n.Class II. and from Class II to the
lowest rung or oategory in Class I, the Schedulc:dCasies and Scheduled Tribes employees in the .zone of con-
si~.ration. excluding those. who are considered unfit for promot~n. should be given by the.Departmental Prom-
otion Committee one grading higher than the grading othetwisc assignable to them on, the basis of their record
of service.' Thus. if any Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes employee has been categorised by the Committee
on the basis of his, record of service as 'Good' he would berecate-gorised by. the Committee as 'Very Good' and
likewise. if any Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes employee is,graded as 'Very Good~.ort the basis of his
record of service he ,would berecategorised by the Committee,as 'Outstanding'. The above, concession is,
however, to be confined to 25 per cent of the total vacancies in a particUlar grade or post filled in a. year from the
Select List. and while making promotions from the Select List. the; appointing authority has to check up that the
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes employees promoted in a year on the basis of this'eoncession are limited to
25 per cent of the vacancies Tilled in a year from the Select List.,The question as to how the exact number of
vacancies on the basis of 25 per cent formula should be calculated fot purpose of the aforesaid, concession has
been considered and the position in. this regard, is clarified below.
The concession of higher grading to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes envisaged in para 2 B(a) (i)
of Office Memorandum No. 1I12/67-Estt (C) dated Uth July, :1968 should be given .to one employee of
Scheduleq, Castes/Scheduled Tribes against every four vacancies. For this purpose a continuous account of
vacancies should be kept showing all vacancies filled from II th July, 1968. If the number of vacancies in a year
is not divisible by four, the remainder should be carried forward to the following year for the purpose of this
accounting. For example, of there were six vacancies in the year 1968 (from 11-7-1968 to 31-12-1968), the conces-
sion would be given to one employee of Scheduled Castes/Tribes against the first four vacancies and the balance
of 2 vacancies would be notionally carried forward to the following year. If in the following year i.e. 1969, there
are 3 vacancies, the 2 vacancies brought forward from 1968 would be added to these 3 vacancies or 1969 making
a total of 5 and the concession would be given to one employee or Scheduled Castes/Tribes against four of these
vacancies and the 5th vacancy would be carried forward to the following year.
2. ,Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all
Ministry of. Home AtTairs O.M. No. 16/8/69-Estt. (SeT) (1)
dated 31st October 1969 to all Ministries etc.
Subject :-Recroiment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes""-Class m and IV non-technical and
quasi-technical posts.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this· Ministry's Office Memorandum No. 24/7/67 (I)-Bstt. (SCT)
dated the 24th September, 1968 which provide· that ·in cases where .the requisite number of SCheduled Castes/
Scheduled Tribes candidates fulftlling eve!! the lower standards are not available to ftll the vacancies reserved
for them, the selecting authorities should. to the'extent of the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes/
Scheduled Tribes in non .•technical and quasi.•technical Class m and Class IV Services/posts requiring to be
filled by direct recroitment otherwise than by written examination select for appointment the best among the
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates who fulfil the minimum educational qualifications laid down in
the notice for recroitmentladvertisement and that in order to bring ·them upto the minimum standard necessary
for the posts and for the maintenance·of effICiencyof administration, they should be given in-service training. It
is requested that Ministry of Finance etc. may instruct all authorities under them to prepare a list of non-
tech'nieal and quasi-technical posts in Class III and IV under each authority to which the orders in the aforesaid
Office Memotandum of 24th September, 1968would apply. Copy of the consolidated list of such posts in respect
of the Ministry/Department and its attached and subordinate offices may be sent to the Commissioner for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled TribeS', Ramakrishnapuran, New Delhi and to the Ministry of ~(jme
2. It is also requested that while notiyfing vacancies in posts referred to in para 1 above, or advertising
them it should be indicated that the posts are non-technical or quasi-technical in Class III and IV.
Ministry of Home AITairs O.M. No. 1/9/69·Estt. (SeT), dated 26th March, 1970
Subject :-Concessions to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trib~s in' posts mied by promotion-Class I
The question of increasing the representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes employees in
Class I Services/posts uJlder the. Government; of India has been under the consideratjon for some time past In
this Ministry's O.M. No .. 1/12/67-Estt (C). datedllth July, 1968" certain concession have been provided to
3cheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, inter alia,in the matte., of promotion by selection to the lowest rung or
Category in Clasll I. It has now been decided that the following concessions and facilities will be provided to
Scheduled Castes '~lnd Schedule.d Tribes officers for their promotions. within Class I also ..
2. In promotions by selectio-n to posts within Class I, which carry an ultimatesalatY of Rs. 2,000 per
month, or less the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes officers, who are senior enough in th~ zone of considera-
tion for promotion so as to be within the number of vacancies for which the Select list has to be drawn up,
would be included in that list provided they are not considered unfit for promotion: Their position in the Select
list would, howe'Ver, be the same as assigned to them by the Departmental Promotion Committee on the basis of
their record or service: They would not be given, for this purpose, one grading higher than the grading otherwise
assignable to them on the' basis of their record of service.
3. In order to improve the chances of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes officers for selection to the
higher categories of posts in Class'I, it ,has further been decided that:
(i) Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes officers in Class I Services/posts should be provided with more
opportunities for institutional training and for attending seminars/Symposia/conferences. Advantage
could in this connection 'be taken of the training facilities available at the National Academy of
Administration Mussoorie, National Police Academy, Mount Abu, Indian Institute of Public
Administration, New Delhi, the Administrative Staff College, Hyderabad, etc.; and
(ii) It should be the special responsibility of the immediate superior officers of the Scheduled C~stes/
Scheduled Tribes officers in Class I to give advice and guidance to the latter to improve the quality of
their work.
Ministries!Departments under whom Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Class I officers might be serv-
ing should ensure that these decisions are implemented with expedition, Ministries!Departments (or the Heads
of Departments) under whom such officers might be serving may specially watch the progress of these officers so
that all appropriate steps are taken, wherever necessary, to improve .the efficiency of these officers for the pur-
pose of their selection to higher posts.
4. The orders contained in paragraph 2 above take effect from the date of issue except in respect of selec-
tions >already made prior to the issue of these orders.
5. Ministry of Finance etc., are requested to bring the above decisions to the notice of all
6. In so far as persons serving in offices under the Comptroller and Auditor General of India are con-
cerned, separate orders will issue in due course.
Department of Personnel O. M. No. 27/4 (T)/70..Estt. (SCT)
dated 3rd September. 1970 to all Ministries etc.
Subject :-Cases of supersession of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts ·filled by promotion-
Annual statement regarding.
According to this Ministry's o. M. No. l/12/67-Est. (C) dated 11-7-1968,while there is no reservation for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in appointments made by promotion on the basis of seniority subject to
fistness cases involving supersession of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes officers in Class I and II
appointments are required to be submitted for prior approval to the Minister or Deputy Minister concerned.
Cases, involving supersession of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trib~s officers in Class III and IV appoint-
ment are required to be reported within a month to the Minister or Deputy Minister congerned for information.
In order to enable this Ministry to watch the implementation of these orders and since information in this
regard is also required by the Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the Ministries/
Departments are requested to furnish to this Ministry and. to the Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes an annual statement in the attached proforma, by 31st March every year. The statement for the
year 1969 may be. furnished by 30th September, 1970. MinistrieslDepartments are requested to send only one
consoldated statement in respect of the Ministry/Department proper and all its atta~hed and
subordinate offices.
Name Grade to which and Class to Numbers ofS. Cs./ Reasons Whether cases of super- RE-
of the from which promo- which STs. superseded for super- session were submitted MARKS
Office tion was considered the post session in for prior approval to the
Sch. Sch.
P in Col. 2 each case Minister/Deputy Minis-
Promo- romo- Castes Tribes
f belongs ter or reported to
tion 10n
Minister/Deputy Minis-
to the from the
ter as required by orders
grade of grade of
in para 2 (c) or M. H. A
O. M. No. 1/12/67-Est
(C) dated 11-7-1968
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Signature _
Department,of Personnel O.M. No. 27/2171-Estt. (SeT)
dated 27th November, 1972 to all Ministries etc.
Subject :';""'Reservations fot Scheduled Castes· and Scheduled Tribes in posts fined by promotion-
Promotions on the basis of seniority subject to fitness.
The nndersigned iS'directed to refer to para 2-C of the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 1/12/67-Ests.
(C) dated the 11th July, 1968·according to which there is no reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes in appointments made by promotion oil the basis of seniority subject to fitness, although. cases involving
supersession of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes offICers in Class I and Class II appointments are
required to 1?esubD\i~tedfor pryor approval to the Minister or Deputy Minister conceme~ and c~ses of superses-
sion in CIFlss,~It~nd Class IV appointments have to be reported within a month to the Minister or Deputy
Minister concerned for information.
2.. The policy in regard to reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes officers in posts filled
by promotion on the basis of seniority subject to fitness has now been reviewed and it has been decided in
supersession of the orders contained in the aforesaid para 2-e of the O.M. dated lIth July, 1968,that there will
be reservation at 15 per cent for Scheduled Casts and 7lh per cent for Scheduled Tribes in promotions made on
the basis of seniority subject to fitness, in appointments to all Class 1, Class II, Class III and Class IV posts in
grades or services in which the element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 50 per cent
3. The procedure to be followed where promotions are made on the basis of seniority subject to fitness
has been laid down in paragraph Ib of Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 1/9/58-RPS, dated the 16th May,
1959which provides that in such cases a decision has to be taken on the suitability of each individual officer for
such promqtion although there is no need for a comparative evaluation of their respective merits and that a
decision on the fitness or the unfitness of an officer for promotion should be taken by the Departmental Promo-
tion Committee instead of by an individual officer. While, therefore. referring proposals to the Departmental
Promotion Committee for promotion on the basis of seniority subject to fitness in respect of vacancies expected
to arise during a year; the following procedure may be followed to give effect to the decision mentioned in
paragraph 2 above:-
(i) A separate 40-point roster to determine the number of reserved vacancies in a year should be
followed on the lines of the roster prescribed in Annexure I to the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No.
1/11/69-Est. (SCT). dated the 22nd April, 1970,in which point 1, 8, 14, 22, 28 and 36 are reserved for
Scheduled Castes and points 4, 17 and 31 are reserved for Scheduled Tribes.
(ii) Wherever according to the points in the roster 'there are any vacancies reserved fpr Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes. separate lists should be drawn up of the eligible Scheduled Castes or the
Scheduled Tribes officers, as the case may be, arranged in order of their inter-se seniority in
the main list.
(iii) The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes offiers should be adjudged by the Department Promo-
tion Committee separately in regard to their fitness.
(iv) When the Select List of officers in the general category and those belonging to Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes have been prepared by the Departmental Promotion Committee, these should be
merged into a combined Select List in which the names of all the selected officers, general as well as
those belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, are arranged in the order of their inter-se
seniority in the original seniority list of the category or grade from which the promotion is being
made. This combined select list should thereafter be followed for making promotions in vacancies 81
and when they arise during the year.
(v) The select list thu~ prepared would normally be operative for period of one year, but this period may
be extended by six months to enable such of the officers included therein, as could not be appointed
to the higher posts during the normal period of one year, to be appointed during the
extended period.
(vi) If the number of eligible candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes found fit for
promotion falls short of the number of vacancies reserved for eithet of them during the year, the
extent of such shortfall should be reported to this Department along with proposals, if any, for
dereservation of vacan.c~s ~n'respect of which the shortfall has occurred. If on a scrutiny of the data
furnished in this regard, any dereservation is agreed to by this Department, the vacancy so dereserved
may be filled up by another candidate included in the combined select list subject to the instructions
. contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 27/25/68·Estt. (SCT) dated the 25th March, 1970,
ill respect of carry •.forward of such reserved vacancyfQrthe subsequent three recruitment years and
exchange of vacancies between Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the last year to which the
reserved vacanCies. are carried forward.
4. The abo~e instructions take effect from the date otiss~e of these orders except Where a Select List, if
any, for promotion by seniority subject to fitness has already been prepared by a Departmental Promotion Com-
mittee and approved by the appropriate authority before the date of issue of these orders.
5. The Ministry of Finance, etc. are requested kindly to bring the above decisions to the notice of all
Attached and Subordinate Officers under them and semi-Government and Autonomous Bodies with which they
are administratively concerned.
6. In so far as officers serving under Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, separate
orders will issue in due course.
Department of Personnel & Administrative Reform!? O. M. No. lO!41!73-Estt. (SeT)
dated 20th JUly, 1974 to all Ministries etc.
Subject :-Reservationsfor Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in post filled by promotion-
Promotions by .selection to Class II, within Class II and upto the lowest rung of Class I.
The question whether the scheme of reservations fqr candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in promotions by selection should be extended to posts in Class II services and beyond, and if
so to what extent, has been under ·the consideration of Goverttment. It has now been decided, in supersession of
th.eorders contained in paragraph 2B(a) of the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 1/12/67-Estt. (C) dated the
11th July, 1968 that there will be reservations at IS and 7lh% ot: the vacancies for Scheduled Castes and-
SCheduled Tribes respectiv~IYin promotions ~ade by selection froril C;::l~ssIII to Class II, within Class II and
from Class II to the lowest rung or category in Class I,·in grades or services in which the element of direct rec-
ruitment, if any, does not exceed 50 per cent.
2. The following instructions will apply to the mling up of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in terms of the instructions contained in this Office Memorandum:-
(i) Selection against vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will be made only
from among those Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes officers who are within the normal
zone of consideration.
(ii) If candidates from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes obtain on the basis of merit with due
regard to seniority, on the same basis as others, less number of vacancies than that reserved for them,
the difference should be made up by selecting candidates of these communities who are in the zone
of consideration irrespective of merit but who are considered fit for promotion.
(iii) A Select List should then be prepared in which the names of the selected officers, general as well as
those belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, are arranged in the order of merit and
seniority according to the general principles for promotion to selection posts laid down in the Minis-
try of Home Affairs O.M:No. 1/4/55-RPS, dated 16th May, 1957,i.e. by placing the names in the three
categories viz., 'Outstanding', 'Very-Good' and 'Good' in that order, without disturbing the seniority
inter-se within each category. This Select List should, thereafter, be followed for making promotions
in vacancies as and when they arise during the year.
(iv) For determining the number of vacancies to be reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
in a Select List, a separate roster on the lines of the roster prescribed in Annexure I to Office
Memorandum No. 1/11/69-Estt (SCT) dated the 22nd April, 1970 (in which point 1, 8, 14,22, 28 and
36 are reserved for Scheduled Castes and points 4, 17 and 31 for Scheduled Tribes) should be
followed. If, owing to non-availability of suitable candidates belong to Scheduled Castes or
Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be, it becomes necessary to dereserve a reserved vacancy, a
reference for dereservation should be made to this Department indicating whether claims of
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates eligible for promotion in reserve vacancies have been
considered in the manner indicated in this O.M.
(v) There will, however, be no carry forward of reservations from year to year in the event of an adequate
number of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates not being available in any particular
(vi) While vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will continue to be reserved for
the respective community only, a Scheduled Caste officer may also be considered for appointment
against a vacancy reserved for Scheduled Tribes, or vice versa, in the same year itself in which the
reservation is made, where the appropriate reserved vacancy could not be filled by a Scheduled
Tribes or a Scheduled Caste candidate, as the case may be.
(vii) Where promotions in the above manner are first made on a long-term officiating basis, confirmation
should be made according to the general rule, viz, that an oficer who has secured earlier officiating
promotion on the basis of his place in the select list should also be confirmed earlier and thus enable
to retain the advantage gained by him, provided that he maintains an appropriate standard vide para
(iii) or Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum No: F; 1/1/55-RPS dated the 17th February,
1955. But the principle of reservations would not apply again at the time of confirmation of
3. The above instructions take effect from the date of issue of these orders except where a Select List for
promotion by selection has already been prepared by the Departmental Promotion Committee and approved by
the appropriate authority before the date of issue of these orders .
. : .~._.Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decisions to the notice of all
5. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders
issue in cOnsultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General.
Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms O.M. No. 8/11/73-Est. (SeT)
dated 12th September, 1974 to all Ministries etc.
Subject :--Reservationsfor Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts filled by promotion!
Appointment to Selection Grade posts.
The undersigned is directed to say that in this Department's O.M. No. 27/2nl-Est (SCT) dated the 27th
November, 1972, reservation have been provided at 15% for Scheduled Castes and 7WJbfor Scheduled Tnbes in
posts;filled by promotion on the basis of seniority subject to fitnessiri grades or services in which the Jelement of
direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 50%. In Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. l/12/67-Est (C) dated the
11th July, with O.M. No. 27/25/68-Est (SCT) dated the 25-3-1970 and this Department O.M. No: 10/411
73-Est (SCT) dated the 20th July, 1974, reservations at 15% for Scheduled Castes and 7lh% for Scheduled Tribes
have been provided in posts ftIl~d by promotions on the basis of selection to 'and/or in posts belonging to class
IV, ill and II, and from Class II to the lowest rung or category in Class I, in grades or services in which the ele-
ment of direct recruitment, if any does not exceed 50%. In Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 1/9/69-Estl (SCT)
dated the 26th March, 1970. Certain concessions have been provided to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
for promotion by selection fi> posts within Class I which carry an ultimate salary of Rs. 2000 p.m. or less.
References have been received in this Deptl seeking clarification whether the above orders regarding
reservationslconcessions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotion would apply to appointments
made to the Selection Grades in various services/posts. The matter has been carefully examined and it is now
clarified that since appointment to Selection Grade also constitutes promotion, the appropriate orders relating to
reservations/concessions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnoes in promotions made by 'selection' or on the
basis or 'seniority subject to fitness' would apply to appointments to the Selection Grade, according as such
appointments are made on the basis of "Selection" or "Seniority-eum-fitness".
2 MinistrieslDepartments etc. may kindly take note of the above clarification for appropriate
Department ofPersonneJ an~_A.R. O.M. No. 1/l0/74-Estt. (SeT)
dated 23-12-1974 to aU Ministries etc.
Subject :-Concessions to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts ·filled by promotion by
selection-posts within Class I.
The undersigned is directed to invite a ·reference to the Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum
No. 1/9/69-Estt. (SeT) dated the 26th March. 1970 which provides that in promotion by selection to posts within
Class I. which carry an. ultimate salary of Rs. 2000 p.m. or lells, the ScheduledCastesfScheduled Tribes officers,
who are senior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion so as to be.-within the number of vacancies
for which the select li$t haS' to be drawn up, would -beincluded in that list provided •they are not considered unfit
for promotion andt,o state that as the scales of pay of Class I POsts have been revised on the basis of the recom-
me ndatiq p.&.of the Third Pay COmmission, the orders in the aforesaid Of4ce Memorandum dated the 26th
March~ 1970 would apply to promotions by selection to posts whithin Class I carrying an ultimate salary of Rs.
2250 Or' less in the revised scale of pay.
2. The Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all
Department of
Personnel &A.R. O.M. No. 10/37/74-Est. (SeT)
dated the 3rd February, 1975 to all Ministries' etc.
Subjed:'-Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnoes in posts ftlled by promotion by selec-
til'n to Class II, within Class II and from Class II to the lowest rung of Class I-Carry forward
of reservations.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Deptt's O.M. No. lO/4ln3-Estt (SCT), dated 20th July, 1974
providing for reservations at 15% for Scheduled Castes and 1lh% for Scheduled Tribes in promotions made by
(, selection from. Class III to Class within Class II and from Class II to the lowest rung or category in Class I in
grades or serVice in which the element of direct recruitment, if artY, does not exceed 50%. According to para 2(v)
of the said ~M .• in. Sllch promotions, there is no carry forward of reservations from year to year in the event of
I> an'adequate numbtt·of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tnbes candidates not being available in any particular
year. The question as to. whether any exception should be made in this regard in respect of cases where a
•. vacancy falling on reserved poin.t in the roster is treated as unreserved due to the fact that there is omy one
vacancy in the year of promotion, has been raised and has been examined. It has now been decided that in par-
tialmodificationofpara 2(v) of the O.M. dated 20th ltdy 1974, in the case of promotions to which the orders in
the said O.M., dated 20th July 1974 apply, when a vacancy falling on a reserved point in the roster is treated as
unreserved due to its being the only vacancy during the year of promotion. the reservation so due against the
reserved point should be carried forward to subsequent three recruitment years.
2. The instructions in para 2(vi) .of the aforesaid O.M. dated 20th July, 1974 relating to exchange of
vacancy reserved for Scheduled Tribes in favour of Scheduled Castes and vice versa in the same year itself. In
which reservation is made, would remain unaffected. In other words, when in the circumstances mentioned in
para 1 above, a reservation is carried forward and in a subsequent-year is actually treated as reserved
against a "Carry forward" reservation. the provision relating to exchange of reservation for Scheduled Tribes in
favour of Scheduled Castes and vice versa would apply to such reservation.
Department of Personnel & A.R. O.M. No. 360U/6/7S-Estt. (SeT)
dated the .7th May, 1915 to all Ministries etc.
Subject :-Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotions made by selection in or
to Class IL .and upto the lowest rung of Class I-zone of consideration.
The undersigned is directed to say that in para 2(i) of this D~partment O.M. No. 1O/41n3-Estt. (SCl),
dated 20th July, 1974, it has been stated that in the case of promotions by selection from Class ITI to Class rr.
within Class II and from Class IT to the lowest rung of Class I, selection against vacancies reserved for
Scheduled Cas1es and Scheduled Tribes will be made only from among those Scheduled Cas~/Scheduled .~
Tribes officers who are within the " of consideration". Enquiries have been received in this Depart-
ment seeking clarification whether the words "normal zone of consideration" mean that there wolild be only a
single zone for consideration for all the vacancies including those vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes or there would be a separate zone of consideration of the reserved vacancies. It is clarified that
in the case of promotions by selection from Class III to Class IL within Class II and from Class II to the lowest
rung of Class L there is no $eparate zone of consideration. for reserved vacancies. The zone in such cases would
therefore be the one fIXed with reference to the total number of vacancies (inclusive of the reserved vacancies)
for·which a select list is being drawn. Only those Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates who are within
such normal zone of consideration would be considered for promotion against the reserved vacancies. A3 an
illustration. if a selection is being made for 30 vacancies (in promotion to Class II or beyond) and there are 5
reserved vacancies, out of the total of 30, there will be only one zone of consideration for all the 30 vacancies
together, i.e. 30X5 or 6 times. There will be no separate zone for the 5 reserved vacancies (of 5x5 or 6 Scheduled
Caste or Scheduled Tribe ,candidates) alone.
2 Ministries/Departments etc. may kindly take note of the above clarification for appropriate
Department of Personnel & A.R. O.M. No. 8/7/74·Estt. (SeT)
dated the 22nd A~gust, 1975 to all Ministries etc.
Subject :-Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled rribes in posts fIlled by Pfomotion-';:post of
industrial workers in the industrial establishments of the Government
As Ministries/Departments etc. are aware the Government of India's policy has been to make reservations
for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes for posts/services under the Central Govern-
ment in accordance with the provisions of Articles 16(4) and 335 of the Constitution. Various instructions have
been issued from time to time, in implementation of this policy indicating the reservations for candidates of
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in all vacancies in posts/grades under the Central Government filled by
direct recruitment, and, subject to certain conditions, in 'Vllcancies mled also by promotion both on the basis of
seniority-eurit-fitness and selection. These orders have generally referred to the posts/grades under the Central
Government as these belonging to Class l U III and IV. In addition there may be posts/grades under the Cen-
tral Governme~t particularly in the industrial establishments under the Government of India which have not
been specifically classified as Class L II, III and IV, mainly due to historical reasons. Many of the Departments/
Ministries and their offices have been applying, mutatis-mutandis, the instructions regarding reservations of
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes to the cases of appointments to such grades and posts also. Still enquiries
are sometimes bcin& received as to whether the scheme of reservations for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes
covers posts and grades in industrial establishments of Government, which may not have been strictly classified
as belonging of Class I,lL III and IV.
2. Government of India's intention has always been that the scheme for reservation for Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes will embrace all the posts and grades under Central Government irrespective of
whether they have been classified as Class. I, II, III and IV or not, and never to exclude posts in the industrial
establishments whether classified or not from the purview of the scheme of reservations. The incumbents of the
posts in the industrial establishments whether classified or not, are also governed usually by the normal service
rules and regulations or Central Government on the same lines as other employees holding posts in Classes L II.
III and IV. Also the incumbents of such unclassified posts in the industrial establishments are also governed by
the provisions of Article 311 of the Constitution, on par with the other employees holding posts in Class I, U III
and IV. As such, there is no doubt that industrial establishments are also covered by the Scheme of reservations.
The various instructions of this Department in regard to reservations for SC/STs therefore apply mutatis-
mutandis to such posts/grades also.
Department of Personnel & A.R. O.M. No. 36021/7/75-Estt.
dated the 25th February, 1976 to all Ministries etc.
'Subject :-Reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts fIlled by promotion-
applicability to grades or services in which the element of direct recruitment does not exceed
~ per cent
The question of enlarging the scope of the existing scheme of reservations for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in posts filled by promotion by extending them to grades or services in which the element of
direct recruitment is not more than 66-¥.lper cent (as against the existing limit of 50 per cent) has been under the
consideration of Go»iCmment Under the existing orders reservations have been provided at 15 per cent and 7~
per cent of the vacancies for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively (i) in promotions through
limited departmental competitive examinations in Groups B, C and D (formerly Classes II, III and IV) (ii) in
promotions by selection in Groups B, C and D (formerly Classes IL III and IV) and from 'B' (Class II) to the
lowest rung of Group 'A' (Class I) and (iii) in promotion on the basis of seniority subject to fitness in all Groups
ie. Groups A. B, C and D (formerly Classes L IL In and IV) (in all these cases), in grades or services in which
the element of direct recruitment if, any, does not exceed 50 per cent, vide orders in para 2A and 2B(b) of the
Ministry of Home Affairs (Now Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms).Office Memorandum
No. 1/12/67·Estt (C) dated 11-7-1968, read with Office Memorandum No. 27/25/68-Estt(SCT), dated 25-3-1970.
Office Memorandum No. 27/2/71-Estt (SCT), dated 27-11-1972 and Office Memorandum No. 10/41173-Estt.
(SCT), dated 20-7-1974. It has now been decided in partial modification of these orders, that the reservations in
posts fIlled by promotion under the existing scheme as indicated above should be made applicable even to
grades or services, in which the element of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 66-¥.l per cent.
2 The above instructions take effect from the date of issue of these orders except where a Select List for
promotion under the relevant orders has already been prepared by the Departmental Promotion Committee and
approved by the appropriate authority, before the date of issue of these orders.
3. Ministry of. Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all
4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders
issue on consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Department of Personnel & Adiministrative Reforms O.M. No. 22011/2/76 Estt. (D)
dated 30th April, 1976 to all Ministries. etc.
Subject :-Reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts fllled by promotion-
vacancies which should be taken into acc~)Unt for drawing up a Select List for
The undersigned is directed to say that the Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes has
made the following recommendation in his Report for the year 1971-73:-
Recommendation No. 73
''There is a tendency in some of the Central Government Offices to pool together long term and short
term vancncies while applying reservation orders. This results in the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes officers being placed at the bottom of the combined select list and thus getting only ad hoc and•..•..
temporary appointments on the basis of promotion. depriving them of getting appointments against
regular temporary vacancies. One such case that came to notice is under correspondence between the
Commissiner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Ministry of Inforamtion and Broad-
casting since February, 1970, without any satisfactory result yet It is necessary that immediate action
is taken to issue suitable clarification in the matter pointing out the right procedure to be followed in
such cases to the authorities concerned in all Central Government Offices."
2. The above recommendation has been considered. The instructions relating to reservation of vacancies
for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotion apply only to the regular vacancies. It is, therefore,
essential that a select list for promotion should be drawn up after carefully assessing the number of vacancies as
accurately as possible. Purely short-term vacancies should not be taken into account for this purpose; nor
should any addition be made to cover unforeseen vacancies. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that
the number of vacancies is not unnecesarily reduced and select lists are drawn only for a smaller number of
vacancies than required, because this would seriously affect the chances of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes. All clear vacancies arising due to death, retirement, resignation and long term promotion of incumbents
from one post/grade to a higher post/grade should be taken into account while fIXing the number of vacancies
and the number reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
3. As regads vacancies arising out of deputation. it is clarified that the provisions contained in the Minis-
try of Home Affairs Office Memorandum No. 2/4/67-Estt 'D', dated the 8th June 1967, according to which inter
alia only vacancies arising out of deputation for periods exceeding 3 years are to be brought on to the recruit-
ment roster, will not be quite relevant in the context of fIXing the number of vacancies for promotion and the
number of the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, because the purpose of the Office
Memorandum in question is mainly to see that direct recruitment in not resorted to in short-term deputation
vacancies. For the purpose of drawing up a select list for promotion, therefore, and for reserving therein vacan-
cies in according with the scheme of reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, in addition to all.
regular vacancies arising out of circumstances mentioned in the previous paragraph, vacancies aising, out of
deputation for periods more than one year should also be taken into account; due note, however, being kept also
of the number of deputationist likly to return to the cadre and who have to be provided for.
4. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all the appoint-
ing authorities under them.
Department of Personnel & Adminitrative Reforms O. M. No. 15034/2/76-Estt. (D)
dated 15th July, 1976 to all Ministries etc.
Subject :-Ad hoc promotions-need to ensure that they are made only in exceptional circumstances and
are not continued for inordinately long periods. '
Instances have come to the notice of this Department where MinistrieslDepartments have made large
number of ad hoc promotions in a particular grade on along term basis against regular vacancies either because
of pending court cases or unresolved seniority desputes within the Department As the Ministries/Departments
have made large number of ad hoc promotions in a particular grade vacancies. Resorting to ad hoc promotions/
appiontments on along term basis, deprive the rightful persons for their promotions for long periods and also
tends to create a vested interest for the ad hoc promotions to continue. It is therefore, suggested that if-there are
any difficulties in preparing a regular panel, they should be sorted out in inter-departmental meetings at approp-
riate levels is which, if need be, the Union Public Service Commission should also be associated, Where cases
are pending in courts, the administrative Ministries may have to move the courts to expendite the disposal. In
other words, all possible steps be taken to ensure that as for as possible no appiontments are made at aU except
in short-term vacancies.
2. The Ministry of Finances etc. are requested to bring this to the notice of all cadre controlling
authorities for necessary actions.
Department of Penonnel & A.R.O. M. No. 36012/3/75-Estt. (SeT)
dated 6th October, 1976 to all Ministries etc.
The undersigned is directed to say that in its 41st Report, the parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes has recommended (Recommendation No. 26) that all cases of superses-
sion of Scheduled Castes and'Scheduled Tribes Officers in so far as the promotional posts are concerned should
be referred to a Quasi-judicial Tribunal to be constituted to examine proposal for dereservation of vacancies.
The recommendations has been examined by Government. Government have come to the conclusion that while
there is no need to constitute a Quasi-judicial Tribunal for examining the proposals for dereservation or for
considering cases of supersession of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates in promotion, keeping in
view the spirit of the. recommedation, it would be necessary to ensure that the, claims of eligible Scheduled Cas-
tes and Scheduled Tribes candidates have been duly considered in the matter of selection. It has been decided
accordingly that in posts fJIled by promotion (by selection or on the basis of seniority subject to fitness) wherever
the orders regarding reservation apply, the following procedure should be observed by the appionting
authorities, in:.regard to cases where eligible Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates, though available,
are not appointed/selected for the reserved vacancies:-
(i) In promotion to Group A and within Group A.-·Such cases should be submitted to the Ministerl
Minister of State/Deputy Minister concerned, as the case may be.
(ii) In promotion to Group B and within Group B.-Such cases should be reported to the MinisterlMinister
of State/Deputy Minister concerned, as the case may be, within a period of one month of the
finalisation of the select list
(iii) In promotion and to in Groupe and within Group D.-Such cases should be reported to the Head of
the Department. if the appointing authority is lower than the level of the Head of the Department.
and where the Head of the Department is himself the appointing authority, to the Secretary of the
administrative Ministry/Department
NOTE :- The eligibility of Scheduled Tribes candidates for consideration against resered
vacancies is to be determined in accordances with the appropriate orders relating to reservation of
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in promotion by selectionlseniority-cum-fitness etc. as the case may
.• 2. In regard to promotions by selection to posts within Group A. which carry an ultimate salary of Rs.
2250 p. m. or less, where there is no reservation ·but the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes officers who are
'" senior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion so as to be within the number of vacancies for which
the select list has to be drawn. are to be included in that list provided they are not considered unfit for promo-
tion vide O. M. No. 1/9/69-Estt (SCT) dated 26-3-1970 read with O. M. No. 1/10/74-Estt (SCT) dated 23-12-1974,
cases where eligible Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates though available in the seniority list within
the number of vacancies for which the select list is drawn, are not selected, should be submitted to the Minister/
Minister of State/Deputy Minister conserned as the case may be.
3. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above procedure to the notice of all
Departt. of Personnel & A. R. O.M. No. 22011/4/77-Estt. (D)
dated 30-7-77 to all Ministries/Departments, etc.
Subject :-Procedure to be followed in cases where the findings of the Departmental Promotion Commit-
tee are kept in sealed cover.
Attention of the Ministries/Departments is drawn to the instruction contained in the Ministry of Home
Affairs office memorandum No. 39/3/59-EstL (A) dated 31st August, 1960 which provides that in cases of Persons
where the findings of the Departmental Promotion Committee are kept in sealed cover because they are under
suspension or vigilance enquiries are pending against them a vacancy should be kept reserved fOf them and it
should be ftlled only on an officiating basis till the finalization of the departmental proceedings. If the officer is
completely exonerated and the charges levelled against him are proved to be wholly unjustified then he should
be promoted thereafter to the vacancy which had been filled on and officiating basis and which was reserved for
2. It has been the experience of this Department that in many cases the candidates belonging to the
Schc:.duled Castes and Scheduled .Tribes occupy the lowest position in the panels prepared by the' DPC. Where
the findings of the DPC about an officer are kept in sealed cover due to disciplinary proceedings. If the officer is
completely exonerated he is straightaway promoted after reverting the junior-most officer offiCiating in the
grade. In such cases itis the SC/ST officers who are generally reverted since they occupy the lowest positions in
the panel. This affects the representation of the SC/ST officers in the panel. Had the officer been not under a
cloud he would have been included in the panel and the SC/ST officer would have also found a place in the
panel because of the availability of reservation in promotion. Thus the present instuction have the effect of
adversely affecting the interests of SC/ST offices and upset the reservation of SC/ST community in the
3. This matter has been carefully examined and it has been decided that where such reversion becomes
necessary the reversions should be made in such a manner that the total number of reservation for SC/ST in the
select list is not reduced.
4. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to take note of the above decision and also bring it to the notice
of the officers working under them for guidance and necessary action.
D~partt. of Personnel & A. R. O.M. No. 36021/8/76-Estt. (STC)
dated 20-4-78 to aU Ministries etc.
Subject :-A.d~hoc .promotion-need to ensure that ad h.oc promotions ~re kept to the barest minimum and
are not continued for long periods.
The undersigned is directed :W invite a ref~rence to the i~tructions containt:;din this Department's O.M.
NoAS034/2/76-Estt (0), d4ted 15th July, 1976inwhich it was stated that since resortina to ad-hoc promotion /
appiontments on a long-term basis deprived the righful perso,ns of their promotion for long period and also ten-
ded to create a vested interest for at ad-hoc promotees to continue,. there was need to see that if there were any
difficultid in preparing a, regular panel, they were sor.e'd out in inter-departmental meetings at appropriate
levels in which the Union Public Service Commission could also be associated if necessary. It was also stated
that where cases were pending in Courts, the administrative Ministries might have to move the Courts to
expedite the disposal. It was further emphasised that all po~sible .steps should be taken to ensure that, as far as
possible, no Qd-hoc appointments were made at all, except in short-term vacancies. The above mentioned
instructions are again brought to·the notice .of the MinistteslDepartments with the request that it should be' seen
that again.t lona-term vacancies only 'regular promotion are made in..accordance with the recruitment rules, par-
ticularly in posts fl11edby promotion within the purview of orders regarding reservation for Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes special steps should be taken to ensure that ad-hoc promotion where they are inescapable,
are kept to the berest minumum number and that they do not also continue for long periods.
Departt. of Personnel & A. R. O.M. No. 36021/7/78-Estt. (STC)
dated 16th April, 1979 to all Ministries etc.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the instructions issued in this Department's O.M. No. l503412/76-
Esu. (D), dated 15th July, 1976 No. 36021/8/76-Estt. (STC), date 20-4-1978 in which the Ministries/Departments
were requested to see that against long term vacancies only regular promotion were made in acordance with the
Recruitment Rules, particularly in posts fdled by promotion within the purview of orders regarding reservation
for Scheduled Castes and Sheduled Tribes. It was also emphasised that special steps should be taken to ensure
that ad-hoc promotion where they were inescapable, were kept to the barest minimum and that they did not con-
tinue for long periods.
2 The question of reservation in ad-hoc promotion was further considered at the meeting of the High
Power Committee held on 20-10-1978 under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister to review the performance
in the matter of recruitment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in service. While noting that ad-hoc pro-
motion sometimes continued for over one year and, in some cases, it was· due to the non-framing of the Recruit-
ment Rules, the Committee, desired that the dalay in framirtg the Recruitment Rules should be eliminated. The
Committee further observed that ordinarily no ad-hoc promotion should be made and if ad-hoc promotion were
to be made, the claims of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribt:S employees should also be considered therein even
though no formal reservation were to be made for them. Attention is invited in this connection to Dep~rtment of
Personnel and AR.'s O.M. No. 14017/17/78-Estl (RR) dated 22-1-1978 under which variOU3 steps to prevent ad-
hoc appiontments have been mggested. While it is expected that, following these intructions, the incidence of ad-
hoc promotion will be largely minimised, it may still, in certain very exceptional cases, be necessary to resort to
such promotions. In the circumstances, where such ad-hoc promotions become inescaple in public interest, the
claims of the officers belonging to Schp.duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes who are eligible should also be duly
considered along with others eligible in the field, though there is to be no formal reservation for Scheduled Cas-
tes and Scheduled Tribes in ad-hoc promotions.
Subject :-Reservation for SC/ST in posts ruled by promotion-promotions by selection to Class n, Within
class II and up to the lowest rung of Class I-Clarification regarding scope and extent of the
term "lowest rung".
Attentions is invited to Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms's O.M. No. 10/4/73-Estt
(SCT) dated 20-7-74 wherein it has been provided t.hat there will be reservation at 15% and 712% of the vacancies
for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes respectively in promotions made by selection from Class ill to Class II,
within Class n and from Class II to the lowest rung ss category in Class I. It has been brought tl. the notice of
this Department that some times promotions are made directly from Group B (Rs. 650-1200) to the senior scale
of Group A (Rs. 1100-1500) or (Rs. 1200-1600). Question has also been posed whether, in these situations. the
senior scale of Group A will be covered by the expression "lowest rung or category of Group "A" used in the
order dated 20-7-74..
2 The matter has been carefully examined. It is clarified that in the situations mentioned in para 1 of
this O.M. orders dated 20-7-74 will be applicable and reservation for SC/ST at the rate 15% and 7~% respectively
will be provided when promotions are made from Group B to the senior scale of Group A directly by passing
any intermediate grade (Rs. 700-1300) in between.
3. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above clarification to the notice of all concerned.
The provisions of this order will be applicable from the date of its issue.
Departt. of Personnel & A. R. O.M. No. 220U/3/76-Estt. (D)
dated 24-12-80 to all Ministries/Departments.
Large number of clarifications are being sought by the various MinistrieslDepartments on various aspects
while preparing a panel for posts to be filled on the basis of Selection. The various points raised are
as below:-
(1) The absence of clearly dermed limits in the matter of ftxation of the zone ot consideration has led to
lack of uniformity of practice betwee,n the various DPCs;
(2) In a number or cases the meeting of the DPCs are not held annually as required even though there
were vacancies resulting in the bunching of vacancies which in turn enlarged the fiild of choice and
upset the relative seniority positions in the higher grade on account of supersessions.
(3) In a number of cases some of the senior officers even though included in the panel for promotion do
not get promotion due to their beitig away from the parent department and at the same time are also
not eligible for proforma promotion under the NBR due to the application of the one to one corres:'
pondence or due to the fact that they are being the junior most in the panel there is no junior in the
panel below them and this has resulted in their reconsideration by the next DPC thereby resulting in
loss of seniority to them;
(4) In certain cases Recuitment Rules are amended when a panel already prepared is still in operation
and therefore whether the panel can still be operated after the amendment
2. All the above aspects have been carefully considered and the following instmctions are issued for the
guidance of all Ministries.
Zone of cosideration for promotion to posts filled by selection
3. Reference is invited to the Ministry of Home Affairs (now Department of Personnel & AR.) O.M. No.
1/4/55-RPS dated 16-5-57 laying down certain principles for promotion. In the operation of these principles it
has been observed that the absence of clearly deftned limits on the extent of the fteld of choice has led to lack of
uniformity in the practices being followed by the DPCs. Similarly it is felt that a large field of choice might
result in excessive supersessions. Again. despite repeated instructions of the Government to hold DPCs annually
there have been quite a few cases of delays resulting in vacancies being bunched: This would enlarge the field of
choice and upset the relative seniority positions in the higher post with reference to the positions which would
not have resulted had the DPCs met at the appropriate time. In view of these considerations it has been decided
in consultation with the UPSC as under in supersession of the Department's O.M. No. 1/4/55-RPS dated 16-5-57
and all other memoranda having any bearing on the matter herein dealt with.
(a) The Departmental Promotion Committee (DPe) shall for the purpose of determining the number of
officers who should be considered from out of those eligible officers in the feeder grade(s) restrict the
fteld of choice as under, with reference to the number of clear regular vacancies proposed to be filled
in the year.
1 5
2 8
3 10
4 or more three times the number of vacancies.
(b) Where, however, the number of eligible officer in the feeder grade(s) is less than the number in Col.
(2) above, all the officers so eligible should be considered.
(c) Where adequate number of SC/ST candidates are not available within the normal field of choice as
above, the field of choice may be extended to 5 times the number of vacancies and the SC/ST can-
didates (and not any other) coming within the extended field of choice, should also be considered
against the vacancies reserved for them.
Officers belonging to SC/ST selected for promotion against vacancies reserved for them from out of the
extended field of choice under sub para (c) above, would, however be placed en bloc below all the other officers
selected from within the normal field of choice.
Preparation of year-wise panel by DPC's where they have not met for a number of year.
4. (a) Instructions already exist that DPC's should meet at regular annual intervals for the preparations
of select lists and where no such meeting is held in any year, the appointing authority should record a certificate
that there were no vacancies to be fIlled during the year. Administrative Ministries should obtain periodical
infonnatioI;l!certificates on the regular holding of DPC's.
(b) Where, however,for reasons beyond control; DPC could not be held in any year(s) even though the
vacancies arise during that year (or years), the first DPC that meets thereafter should follow the
following procedure:
(i) Determine the actual number of regular vacancies that arose in each of the previous year/years
immediately preceeding and the actual number of regular vacancies proposed to be fIlled in the
current year separately.
(ii) Consider in respect of each of the years those officers only who would be within the field of choice
with reference to the vacancies of each year starting with the earliest year onwards.
(iii) Prepare a 'select list' for each of the year starting with the earlier year onwards.
(iv) Prepare a consolidated 'select list' by placing the select list of the earlier year above the one for the
next. and so on.
DInstration: DPC meets in 1980. number of vacancies in the year 1978 and 1979 were 8 and 7 respec-
tively. It is proposed to fill also 9 more vacancies during 1980. There are 100 eligible officers.
Panel for 1978
No. of' Vacancies 8
Field of choice 24
Take officers It024
DPC classified SI. No. 20 as 'outstanding' and SI. Nos 7, and 15 'not fit' and rest
'Very Good'.
SI. Nos. 20, 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 8,
No. of vacancies 7, field of choice 21. This Comprises officers Nos. 7, 9 to 19,21 to 29 (total, .... 21). The
DPC classified No. 7 as 'not yet fit' and rest 'Very Good.' Panel will comprise of S. Nos. 9 to 15.
Panel for 1980
No. of vacancies 9-Fie1d of choice 27. This will comprise Nos. 7, 16 to 19, 21 to 42
No. 40 is graded 'Very Good' and the rest as 'Good.'
Consolidated select list-
Sl. Nos. 20, 1 to 6, 8, 9 to 15, 40, 7, 16 to 19, 21 to 26.
(c) For the purpose of evaluating the merit of the officers the record of service of the officers for the pur-
pose of considering for inclusion in the panel relevant to any of the earlier years as contemplated in clause (b)
above should be limited to the record that would have been available had the DPC met at the appropriate time;
for instance, for preparing the panel relating to the vacancies of 1978, records of service of the officers only upto
1978 should be taken into account and not the subsequent ones. However, if on the date of actual DPC (1980 in
the illustration) Departmental proceedings are in progress and under the existing instrutions sealed cover pro-
cedure is to be followed, such procedure should be observed even if no such proceedings· were in existence in the
year to which the vacancy related (e.g.if in the illustration, in respect or officer No.6 empanelled against a 1978
vacancy even though the disciplinary proceedings were started only in 1980 (prior to DPC meeting), his name
has to be kept in the sealed cover till the proceedings are finalised).
(d) While promotions will be made in the order of the consolidated select list, such promotion will have
only prospective effect, even in the cases where the vacancy relates to an earlier year.
Consideration of the cases of officers who are away on deputation by DPC "'here they have been empanelled by the
earlier DPC but not eligible for benefits under the N~B.R.
5. Under this Department's O.M. No. 1/4/55-RPS dated 16 May 1957, the select list prepared for the pur-
pose of promotion should· be periodically reviewed and the names of those officers who have already been pro-
moted (otherwise than a local of purely temporary basis) and continue t.o officiate should be removed from the
list as having been promoted and rest of the names alongwith others who may now be included in the field of
choi~ should be considered for the select list for the subsequent period. Again, in this Department's O.M. No. 1/
25/65-£stt. (0), dated 11-10-1966, it has been laid down that a select list drawn by the DPC should normaJIy be
operative only for one year and in any case it wduld cease to be in force after 18 months or when the fresh list is
prepared whichever is earlier.
The effect of these circulars would pe that every officer included in the panel who at the time of expiry of
the vailidity of the earlier panel or at time of the fresh DPC does not hold a regular promotion post needs to be
reconsidered and every officer who holds such a regular post on these crucial dates need not be so considered by
the DPC.
in this Department's O.M. No. 22011/6/75-£stt. (D) dated 30-12-1976 [para V (5)], it has been laid down
that DPC should consider the claims of all officers who are on deputation or on foreign service in public interest
or on their own volition. Thus their names would be considered for inclusion in the panel based on their records
of service alongwith others holding posts within the Department concerned. However, in Para X(4) of the cir-
cular dated 30-12-76 referred to above, it has been envisaged that such officers who had gone on deputation
foreign service in the public interest should be protected to enable them to regain their temporarily lost seniority
in their higher grades on return to his cadre. In the case of others who have taken up ex-cadre posts on their
own volition, such protection is not available and they could be considered for promotion only after they return
to their parent cadre.
The application of Department O.M. dated 11th October 1966 and 16th May 1957, referred to above has
caused certain anomalies in the case of persons proceeding on deputation or foreign service etc. in public
interest, in the matter of protecting their seniority in the higher grade. In respect of such officers who, while on
deputation/foreign service are given proforma promotion under the NBR with referenc.e to the date of promo-
tion of their juniors no problem of maitaining their panel seniority would arise. In other cases where, the num-
ber of officers out-side the line exceeds the number of juniors who are promoted within the cadre, proforma
promotion under NBR could not be given all such seniors in view of the condition of one-to-one correspon-
dence under the guiding principles of NBR
The effect of this would be that those of the efficers higher in the panel and on deputation who could not
be given NBR will cotiune to be shown as working in the lower posts while junior officers within the department
would continue to be shown against higher posts. In a case where this position continues after the validity
period of panel or at the time of a fresh DPC the junior would not be required to be considered by the fresh
DPC while the senior who is shown against the lower post and not actually officiating against a higher post even
under NBR may have to be considered by the DPC. .
In order to avoid such an anomalous situation, it has been decided that Para X(4) of this department
O.M. No. 22011/6/75-£stt. (D) dated 30th December 1976 may be amended as under.
"4 If the panel contai9-s the name of a person who has gone on depution or on foreign service in the
public interest including the person who has gone on study leave, provision should be made for his
regaining the temporary lost seniority in the higher grade on his return to the cadre. Therefore, not-
withstanding the provision .of sub Para 3 above as well as the provision of Para XII below, such
officers need not be reconsidered by a fresh DPC, if any, subsequently held, while they continue to be
on depution/foreign service/study leave so long as any officer junior to him in the panel is not
required to be so considered by a fresh DPC irrespective of the fact whether he might or might not
have got the·benefit of proforma promotion under the NBR The same treatment will be given to an
officer included in the pane] who could have been promoted whithin the currency of the panel but for
his being away on deputations.".
In the case the officer has gone on ex-cadre post on his own volition by applying in response to adver-
tisements, he should be required to revert to his parent cadre immediately when due for promotion, failing
which his name shall be removed from the panel, On his reverting to the parent cadre after the period of two
years or the 'extended period, if any, he will have no claim for promotion to the higher grade on the basis of that
panel. He should be considered in the normal course along with other eligible officers when the next panel is
prepared and he should be promoted to the higher grade according to his position in the fresh penal. His
seniority, in that event shall be determined on the basis of the position assigned to him in the fresh panel with
reference to which he-is promoted to the higher grade. (If the contains the name of an officer on study leave, he
should be promoted to higher post on return from the study leave, the should also be given seniority according
to his position in the panel and not on the basis of the date of promotion.).
DP&AR O.M. N~. 36013/6/80-Estt.(SCT) dated 28-1-82
The undersigned is directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and to say that the Commissioner for
SC/ST has made the following recommen.dation in his 25th Annual Report for the year 1977-78:-
"In promotion on the basis of selection, the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates in some cases
against the unreserved vacancies may not be included in the select list on the basis oflow categorisa-
lion assigned to them by the DPC. It is strongly felt that in posts fined by promotion on the basis of
selection even against the unreserved vancacies all cases of supersession of SC & ST employees
should be submitted to the MinisterIMinister of State/Deputy Minister concerned for their
prior approval."
2 In this connection, attention is invited to Department of Personnel and AR. O.M. No. 3601213/75-
Estt(SCT) dated 6-10-1976 (copy enclosed) in which Ministries and Departments were asked to submit the cases
of supersession of SC/ST officers in promotion against reserved vacancies to the Minister/Minister of State/
Deputy Minister concerned as the case may be. The Govt. have decided to accept the above recommendation of
the Commissioner. It has been decided accordingly that in posts filled by promotion, supersession SC/ST can-
didates even against unreserved vacancies should be reported to the MinisterlMinister of StatelDeputy Ministe~
as the case may be, in accordance with O.M. No. 36012/3175-Estt(SCT) dated 6-10-1976.
Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all attached and
subordinate offices.
Department of Persnnnel and A. R. O.M. No. 36011114/83-.Estt.(ST)
dated 30th April, 1983
Subject :-Adhoc promotions-consideration of cases of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes
The undersigned is directed to refer, to the Department of Personnel & AR. a.M. No. 3602117178~
Estt.(SCT) dated 16-4-1979on the above subject'where Ministries and Departments were requested to report to
adhoc promotions, only when it became inescapable in the public interest and that where' such adhoc prom-
otions had to be. resorted to unavoidably, in the public interest, the claims of eligible officers belonging to
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes should also be duly considered alongwith other eligible in the filled, though
there was to be no formal reservation for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes in such promotions. A number of
MinistrieslDepartments have asked for clarification regarding the procedure to be followed and the guidelines,
if any, prescribed fotconsidering the claims of the Seheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates while making
such adhoc promotions.
2. It is once again reiterated that the basic approach ofthis Department is that adhoc' promotions should
be minimised, if not eliminated altogether. How~ver,if such ad hoc promotions are to be made in exceptional
circumstances, such as during pendency of court cases protracted seniority disputes, non-fr~ming of recruitment
rules, unforeseen delay in direct recruitment or convening of DPCs for reasons beyond the control of the
appointing authorities, etc. the following guidelines may be followed so as to ensure that the claims of eligible
officers belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes are also duly considered;
Guidelines :
(1) Adhoc promotions should be considered only against vacancies in excess of 45 days;
(2) Since in cases where reservation orders for SC & ST are applicable all vacancies for periods in excess
of 45 days are necessarily to be placed on the appropriate roster, the number of vacancies falling to
the share' of SC & ST, if the vacancies were to be filled on regular basis should first be
3. Since adhoc promotions are made on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness, all the Scheduled Castes/
Scheduled Tribes candidates covered in the relevant seniority list within the total number of such vacancies
against which ad hoc promotions are to be made, should be considered in the order of their general seniority as
per the gradation list, on the principle of seniority-cum-fitness and if they are not adjudged unfit, they should all
be promoted on adhoc basis;
4. If, however, the number of SC/ST candidates found fit within the range of actual vacancies is less than
the number of vacancies identified as falling to their share if the vacancies were filled on a regular basis vide (2)
above then additional SC/ST candidates to the extent required should be located by going down the seniority
list, provided they are eligible and found fit for such adhoc appointment. This procedure should be adopted on
every occasion on which adhoc appointment is resorted to;
5. All adhoc appointees have to be replaced by regular incumbents at the earliest opportunity. Accor-
dingly, when regular promotions are made subsequently reversion of the adhoc appointees should take place
strictly in the reverse order of seniority, the junior-most candidate being reverted first No special concessions
are to be given to SC/ST candidates at the time of such reversion;
6. It will be clear from what is stated above that there is no need for maintaining any separate formal
roster for adhoc promotions. The concept of dereservation, carrying forward of the reservation etc. will also not
be applicable in the case of adhoc appointments. However, a simple register called Adhoc Promotions Regbter
may be maintained for the different categories of posts for which adhoc appointments are made to facilitate a
record being kept of the adhoc appointments and for ensuring reversion in the proper order on regular prom-
otions being made to the posts in question; and
7. For regular promotions when eventually made the procedures and instructions laid down in the
Brochure will continue to apply.
Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the contents of this a.M. to their attached and subordinate
offices and all concerned for strict compliance.
Department of Personnel and A.R. O.M. No. 36011/13/83-Estt.(SCT)
dated 2nd May, 1983
Subject :- Principles
for promotion to selection posts-further clarification regarding Application to
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes employees.
The undersigned 1.sdirected to refer to this Department's O.M. No. 22/11/3/76-Estt(D), dated the 24th
December, 1980,wherdn the field of choice in respect of the posts to be filled by promotion on selection basis
and the system of preparing select list have been revised. It has been mentioned therein that if adequate number
of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes are not available, the field of choice could be
extended to five times the numbe; of vacancies but Schedule~ Castes/Sch~duled Tribes officers so cOIl,sideredin
the extended field will be placed enblocat the bottom. Various MinistrieslDepartments have beeJ;lseeking
clarifications in the matter of applications of these orders to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled l'ribesemployees
particularly in the context of the earlier orders contained in this Department O.M. No. 1/12/67-Estt(C) dated the
11th July, 1968: After careful examination of the issues, it is clarified as follows:
(a) In promotions by selection in Groups 'c' and 'D', the earlier instructions contained in the O. M. No.
1/12/67-Estt. (C), dated 11-7-1968would continue to apply in the case of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled
Tribes employees as these are not superseded by the instructions of 24-12-1980.However, the pro-
cedure for identifying year-wise vacancies and preparation of year-wise panels as contained in the O.
M. dated 24-12-1980 will be applied for preparation of separate panels for Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes.
(b) As regards promotion by selection from Group 'c' to Group 'B' within Group 'B' and from Group 'B'
to the lowest rung of Group 'A'the principles enunciated in the O. M. of 24-12-1980 will apply to
Scheduled C~stes and Scheduled Tribes officials subject to the modification that meritorious
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates, even in the extended field of choice should not be
made to lose the advantage earned by virtue of their superior merit in comparison to others in the
normal zone. It has, therefore, been decided that such of the meritorious Scheduled Castes/
Scheduled Tribes candidates who are in the extended field and get selected should retain their posi-
tion in the panel in accordance with their gradation by the D. P. C. To this extent, para 3 (c) of the O.
M. dated 24-12-1980 may be deemed to have been amended.
2. Ministry of Finance etc. may circulate this to all other offices for appropriate necessary
Dep.rtm~Dt 'ofPersonoel and A. R. 0..' M. No. 3601l!14/83-Estt; (SeT)
dated 30th September, 1983
2. It has not 'been decided that the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates who are within the
number of actuarvatanCieS should be consideted in ac~t-dance with their general seniorityori the principle of
seniority cum fitness andir they are not adjudged unfit, they should all be promoted on adhoc basis. If, how~ver,
~ the number of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tn"bes candidates found fit within the' range of actual vacancies is
less than the number of vacancies identified as falling to their share, than additional Scheduled Castes/
Scheduled Tnbes catididates to the extent required should be located by going down the seniority list but within
5 times the number of vacancies being fllled on a particular occasion, subject, of course, to their
eligibility and fitness.
3. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the contents of this O. M. to the notice of all their
attached and subordinate offices.
Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 360 12/12/88-Estt.(SCT),
dated 2l-9-88
Subject :-Concessions to Schc;duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in posts filled by promotion by
selection-posts within Group A (Class I)
The undersigned is directed to invite .a reference to the Ministry of Home Affairs a.M. No. 1/9/69-
Estt.(SCT) dated 26th March, 1970 as amended vide a.M. No. 1/lOl74-~stt.(SCn, dated 23rd December, 1974
according to which in promotions by selection to posts within Group A (Class I) which carry an ultimate salary
of Rs. 2250/- (per revised), the SC/ST officers, who are ~enior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion
so as to be within the number of vacancies for which the select list has to be drawn up, would be included in
that list provided they are not considered unfit for promotion. The scales of pay of group A post have been
revised on the b~sis of the recommendations of the 4th Central Pay Commission. It has, therefore, been 4ecided
that 9rders containedin the aforesaid a.M. would apply to promotions by selection to posts within Group A car-
rying an ultimate salary of Rs. 5700/- or less in the revised scale of pay.
2. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested, t() bring the above decision to the notice of all
Deptt.of Personnel & Training No. 22038/l/88-Estt.(D) New Delhi
dated the 1 February, 1990 To all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India
A reference is invited to this Department's O.M. No. 28038/1/88-Estt.(D) dated 9-10-1989laying down the
procedure and criteria to be followed by the Selection Committee for selection for appointment to the non-
functional Selection Grade in Group 'A' Services.
It has since been decided that SC/ST officers considered for being appointed in their turn to posts in the
NFSG against available vacancies may be included in the select list even if they do not fulfil the critetia laid
down in the aforesaid O.M. provided they are not considered unfit by the Selection Committee.
3. These instructions may please be brought to the notice of all concerned for guidance and
Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 36024/4/86-Estt.(SCT)
dated 6-6-1990
Subject :-Reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in vacancies fIlled by promotion by
selection-promotion to vacancies in posts in Group B, within group B and from group B to
lowest rung of Group A
The undersigned is directed to invite attention to the DP&AR O.M. No. I0/4 II73-Estt.(SCT), dated 20-7-74
No. 10/37174-Estt.(SCT) dated 3-2-75 and O.M. No. 1/9174-Estt.(SCT) dated 29-4-75 on the above
mentioned subject.
2. Para 2(v) and 2(vi) of O.M. No. 10/41173-Estt.(SCT) dated 20-7-74 providing for res~rvation in promo-
tion by selection from Group C to Group }J, within Group B and from Group B to the lowest rung of Group A.
lay down that there will be no carry forward of reservation from year to year and in the event of adequate num-
ber of SC/ST candidates not being available in any particular year, a SC candidate may be considered for
appointment against a vacancy reserved for ST and vice versa in the same year itself in which the reservation is
made. However, in para I of OM dated 3-2-75 it is laid down that when a vacancy falling on a reserved point in
the roster is treated as unreserved due to its being the only vacancy during the year of promotion, the reservation
so due against the reserved point should be carried forward to subsequent three recruitment years. As in case of
promotion by selection method from Group C to Group B, within Group B and from Group B to the lowest
rung of Group A the reservations are not to be carried forward, it is hereby clarified that in such promotions
where a vacancy falling at a reserved point in the roster is treated as unreserved due to the fact that there is only
one vacancy during the year of promotion, it will be carried forward to three recruitment years and exchange
between SC and ST would be allowed only in the third year of carry forward in the event of non-availability of
candidates belonging to the community for which the reservation has been provided.
3. These instructions modify the instructions contained in OM No. IO/37174-Estt.(SCT), dated 3-2-75 and
O.M. No. 1/9174-Estt.(SCT), dated 29-4-75 to the extent indicated above and take effect from the date of issue of
this OM.
Department of Personnel & Training No. AD. 14017/30/89-Estt. RR New Delhi
the 10 July, 1990
Subject :-Filling up of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, falling in the pro-
motion quota.
The undersigned is directed to say that according to the existing instructions, where eligible candidates
(within the zone, where promotion is made by the selection method) belonging to Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes are not available in the feeder cadre for promotion to reserved vacancies falling in the promo-
tion quota, it becomes necessary to de-reserve the vacancies and fill them up by promotion of eligible "general"
candidates, if available.
2 A Committee of Members of Parliament which examined various matters relating to representation of
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Government services has recommended that wherever substantial
backlog is still persisting due to non-availability of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes in the feeder cadres, direct recruitment should be arranged to fill up the reserved vacancies.
3. The recommendation has been examined and it has been decided that where recruitment to a "grade is
made both by promotion "and direct recruitment i.e. where separate quotas for promotion and direct recruitment
are prescribed in the recruitment rules, reserved vacancies falling in the promotion quota which cannot be IDled
due to non-availability of eligible persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the feeder
cadre may be temporarily diverted to the direct recruitment quota and filled by recruitment of candidates
belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as the case may be in accordance with the provisiGns relat-
ihg to direct recruitment contained in the recruitment rules. In the subsequent year(s) when reserved vacancies
in the direct recruitment quota become available they may be diverted to the promotion quota to make up for
the vacancies diverted earlier and IDled from Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe candidates in the feeder cadre
who might by now have become eligible for promotion" The excha"nge of vacancies in this manner will ensure
that the structure and composition of the cadre remain unaffected over a period.
4. The proposed diversion of vacancies from the promotion quota to the direct recruitment quota and
vice-versa involves relaxation of the recruitment rules prescribing separate quotas for promotion and direct rec-
ruitm~nt. It is possible to effect the proposed diversion in exercise of the powers conferred by the relevant relaxa-
tion clause in the recruitment rules. As far as Group C and D posts are concerned, MinistrieslDepartments are
themselves competent to effect such diversion in exercise of the powers for relaxation of recruitment rules. In
respect of Group A and· Group B posts, the concurrence of the. Department of Personnel and Training and the
Union Public Service Commission is essential. It has been decided that in the matter of diversion of reserved
promotion quota vacancies for direct recruitment and vice versa in the circumstances mentioned above, the
MinistrieslDepartments may themselves exercise the powers for relaxation. even in respect of Group A & G.roup
B posts, subje6t to" the approval of the U.P.S.C.
5. The procedure outlined in paras 3 and 4 above will not apply in cases where the posts in a cadre are
filled 100%by promotion or in which there is no element of direct recruitment prescribed in the recruitment
rules. In such cases, the existing procedure will continue to be followed.
6. All Ministries/Departments are requested to take necessary action in the matter accordingly. It is
requested that diversion of vacancies may be effected after careful consideration of all aspects. It: for instance, a
candidate be onging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribe is likely to become eligible for promotion in the
near future, it may be preferable to keep the ,reserved vacancy unfilled till that time, rather than diverting the
vacancy for direct recruitment of a candidate from outside. The powers for relaxation of recruitment rules in the
manner indicated -above may be exercised judiciously to ensure that the interests of persons belonging to
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are taken care of and are not adversely affected by following these
instructions mechanically.
Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 22011/l/90-Estt.(D)
dated the 12th October, 1990.
Subject :-Zone of consideration for promotion by selection-Revised instructions.
Attention of the Ministry of Finance etc. are invited to this Department's OM No. 2201l/3n6-Estt(D) dated
24-12-80 in which the zone of consideration of officers for promotion by selection is prescribed as under:
No of vacancies No. of officers to be considered
three times the number of vacancies
It is also laid down that where adequate number ofSC/ST candidates are not available whether the normal field of
choice as indicated above, the field of choice may be extended to five times the number of vacancies and die SC/ST
(and not any other) coming within the extended field of choice be considered against the vacancies reserved
for them.
2. The existing zone of consideration for promotion to selection posts has been examied in the light of the
concepts of ,benchmark' introduced in the revised DPC guidelines vide O.M. No. 2201l/5/86-Estt(D), dated 10-3-89
and dated 10-4-89 and it has been decided to modify the zone of consideration as under:
Number of vacancies Number of officers to be included in the zone of
10+twice the number of vacancies in excess of
, three vacancies.
(see statement attached)
The existing provision relating to extension of the field of choice to five times the number ofvancacies in respect of
SC/ST will, however, continue.
3. These instructions will take effect from 1-11-1990.
4.!Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned. including
their attached and subordinate offices, for guidance and also to ensure their compliance.
15 34
16 36
17 38
18 40
19 42
20 44
30 64
40 . 84
SO 104
60 124
10 144
80 164
90 184
100 204
x 2X+4
Department of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 36012/6/85-Estt.(SCT)
dated 1-11-90.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the O.M. No. 1/9/69-Estt.(SCn dated 26-3-70 as ;,tmended vide
O.M. No. 1/10174-Estt.(SCT), dated 23-12-74 and O.M. No. 360I2/12/88-Es'tt.(SCT), dated 21-9-88 on the above
mentioned subject (copy enclosed).
2. Though in the OM cited above it has been clearly mentioned that in promotion by selection within
Class I (now group A) to posts which carry an ultimate salary of Rs. 20001- per month or less (since revised to
Rs. 5700), the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will be given a concession namely "those Scheduled Cas-
tes and Scheduled Tribes who are senior enough in the zone of consideration for promotion so as to be within
the number of vacancies for which select list has to be drawn up, would be included in that list provided they are
not considered unfit for promotion", doubts have been expressed in certain quarters as to whe!her the conces-
sion given herein above is a reservation or a concession.
3. It is hereby clarified that in promotion by selection within group A to posts which carry an ultimate
salary of Rs. 5700/- p.m. there is no reservation.
Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P. G. & Pensions Deptt. of Personnel & Training
No. 22011/l/90-Estt.(D) New Delhi, the 22 April, 1992
In this Department's O.M.No. 22011/3n6-Estt(D), dated the 24th December, 1980 the zone of considera-
tion of officers for promotion by selection was prescribed as under:-
3 times the number of vacancies
It was also laid down that where adequate number of SC/ST candidates are not available within the normal
field of choice as indicated above, the field of choice may be extended to five times the number of vacancies and
the SC/ST (and not any other) coming within the extended field of choice be considered against the vacancies
reserved for them. This provision relating to an extended zone of five times the number of vacancies in respect
of SC/ST has been retained in O.M. No. 220l1/S/86-Estt(D) dated 10-3-89 and 10-4-89 and also in O.M. No.
22011/l/90-Estt(D) dated 12-10-90 in which the normal zone of consideration for general category was reduced
for vacancies numbering S and above.
2. It is hereby clarified that the intention is to have an extended zone of five times the number of vacan-
cies in all cases where adequate number of SC/ST candidates are not available in the normal zone of a smaller
size. For a single vacancies, since the normal zone itself is 5 i.e. five times the number of vacancies, there is no
intention to extend the zone. The normal zone and the extended zone for vacancies will accordingly
be as follows:
1 S 5
2 8 10
3 10 15
4 12 20
5 and above Twice the number of S times the number of vacancies.
3. All MinistrieslDepartments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned
including their attached and subordinate otTtces for guidance and compliance.