Section 1.4: Velocity and Acceleration in Two Dimensions
Section 1.4: Velocity and Acceleration in Two Dimensions
Section 1.4: Velocity and Acceleration in Two Dimensions
$ 84.0 km '
= tan "1 & )
% 212.4 km (
! = 22°
Statement: The total displacement is 230 km [W 22° S].
(b) Given: !d = 230 km [W 22º S]; !t = 2.5 h
Required: vav
! !d
Analysis: Use vav = to determine the average velocity.
x-component of !v :
!vx = vf x " vi x
= 0 m/s " 20.0 m/s
!vx = "20.0 m/s
The x-component of !v is
!vx = vf x " vi x
= (80.0 km/h)(cos 60.0°) " ("(50.0 km/h)cos 60.0°)
= 40.0 km/h " ("25.0 km/h)
!vx = 65.0 km/h
The y-component of !v is
!v y = vf y " vi y
= (80.0 km/h)(sin 60.0°) " (50.0 km/h)(sin 60.0°)
= 69.28 km/h " 43.30 km/h
!v y = 25.98 km/h (one extra digit carried)
Determine the change in velocity from its components.
!v = !vx2 + !v 2y
$ 415.3 km '
= tan "1 & )
% 1045 km (
! = 22°
Statement: The total displacement is 1.1! 103 km [E 22° S].
(c) Given: !t = 18.0 h; !d = 1200 km
Required: vav
Analysis: Use vav = to determine the average speed.
Solution: vav =
1200 km
18.0 h
vav = 67 km/h
Statement: The average speed of the bird is 67 km/h.
(d) Given: !t = 18.0 h; !d = 1124 km [E 22o S]
Required: vav
! !d
Analysis: Use vav = to determine the average velocity.
r !d
Solution: vav =
1124 km [E 22° S]
18.0 h
vav = 62 km/h [E 22° S]
Statement: The average velocity of the bird is 62 km/h [E 22° S] .
$ 40.533 km '
= tan "1 & )
% 74.684 km (
! = 28.5°
Statement: The loon’s total displacement is 85.0 m [E 28.5° S].
(c) Given: !d = 1.0 " 102 m; !t = 4.0 min = 240 s
Required: vav
Analysis: Use vav = to determine the average speed.
Solution: vav =
1.0 " 102 m
240 s
vav = 0.42 m/s
Statement: The average speed of the loon is 0.42 m/s.
(d) Required: vav
! !d
Analysis: Use vav = to determine the average velocity.
! !t
! !d
Solution: vav =
84.9739 m [E 28.5° S]
240 s
vav = 0.35 m/s [E 28.5° S]
Statement: The average velocity of the loon is 0.35 m/s [E 28.5° S] .
! !
3. (a) Given: !d1 = 15.0 km [W 30.0° N]; !d2 = 10.0 km [W 75.0° N];
!d3 = 10.0 km [E 70.0° N]; !t = 0.50 h
(b) Required: vav
$ 26.556 km '
= tan "1 & )
% 12.158 km (
! = 65.4°
The average
! velocity is
! !d
vav =
29.207 km [W 65.4° N]
0.50 h
vav = 58 km/h [W 65.4° N]
Statement: The driver’s average velocity is 58 km/h [W 65.4° N] .
4. Answers may vary. Sample answer: Acceleration results from a change in velocity. The
change may involve a change in speed or a change in direction. Going around a curve at constant
speed is a situation where there is average acceleration and no change in speed.
= (59.95 km )2 + ( 299.55 km )2
= 305.49 km
!d2 = 3.1" 102 km
$ 299.55 km '
= tan "1 & )
% 59.95 km (
! = 79°
Statement: The second displacement is 3.1! 102 km [N 11° E].
! !
7. Given: vav = 3.5 m/s; !d1 = 1.8 km [E]; !d2 = 2.6 km [N 35° E]
Required: !t
Analysis: The jogger returns to his starting place, so the total displacement is 0 m,
! ! !
!d1 + !d2 + !d3 = 0 m . Use vector subtraction by components to determine the magnitude of the
third displacement vector. Use !d = !d1 + !d2 + !d3 to calculate the total distance the jogger
ran. Finally determine the time taken using vav = . Use east and north as positive.
Solution: The x-component of !d3 is
!d1x + !d2x + !d3x = 0 m
!d3x = "!d1x " !d2x
= "(1.8 km) " (2.6 km)(sin35°)
= "(1.8 km) " 1.491 km
!d3x = "3.291 km (two extra digits carried)
The y-component of !d3 is
!d1y + !d2y + !d3y = 0 m
!d3y = "!d1y " !d2y
= "(0 km) " (2.6 km)(cos 35°)
= "(0 km) " 2.130 km
!d3y = "2.130 km (two extra digits carried)
Combine these displacement components to determine the magnitude of the third displacement.
!d = !d x2 + !d y2
= ( "3.291 km )2 + ( 2.130 km )2
!d = 3.920 km
The total distance run is
!d = !d1 + !d2 + !d3
= (1.8 km) + (2.6 km) + (3.920 km)
!d = 8.320 km
Use the Pythagorean theorem to determine !v .
r r2 r 2
!v = !vi + !vf
% #vi (
$ 35.0 m/s '
= tan "1 & )
% 50.0 m/s (
! = 35.0°
Calculate the average acceleration.
r !v
aav =
61.033 m/s [E 35.0° S]
45.0 s
aav = 1.36 m/s 2 [E 35.0° S]
Statement: The average acceleration of the helicopter is 1.36 m/s 2 [E 35.0° S] .
The x-component of !v is
!vx = vf x " vi x
= (8.2 m/s)(cos 25°) " (8.2 m/s)(cos 25°)
= 7.432 m/s " 7.432 m/s
!vx = 0 m/s
The y-component of !v is
!v y = vf y " vi y
= (8.2 m/s)(sin 25°) " ("(8.2 m/s)(sin 25°))
= 3.465 m/s " ("3.465 m/s)
!v y = 6.930 m/s (two extra digits carried)
Determine the change in velocity from its components.
!v = !vx2 + !v 2y