Critical Appraisal On Journal of Clinical Trials: Murdani Abdullah, M. Adi Firmansyah
Critical Appraisal On Journal of Clinical Trials: Murdani Abdullah, M. Adi Firmansyah
Critical Appraisal On Journal of Clinical Trials: Murdani Abdullah, M. Adi Firmansyah
Critical appraisal merupakan bagian dari kedokteran berbasis bukti (evidence-based medicine) diartikan
sebagai suatu proses evaluasi secara cermat dan sistematis suatu artikel penelitian untuk menentukan
reabilitas, validitas, dan kegunaannya dalam praktik klinis. Komponen utama yang dinilai dalam critical
appraisal adalah validity, importancy, dan applicability. Tingkat kepercayaan hasil suatu penelitian sangat
bergantung dari disain penelitian dimana uji klinis menempati urutan tertinggi. Telaah kritis meliputi semua
komponen dari suatu penelitian dimulai dari komponen pendahuluan, metodologi, hasil dan diskusi. Masing-
masing komponen memiliki kepentingan yang sama besarnya dalam menentukan apakah hasil penelitian
tersebut layak atau tidak digunakan sebagai referensi. Kemaknaan secara statistik yang didapat hendaknya
juga dibandingkan dengan kemaknaan secara klinis.
Kata kunci: critical appraisal, telaah kritis, evidence-based medicine, uji klinis, clinical trial.
Critical appraisal is an element of evidence-based medicine, which is defined as the process of carefully
and systematically examining a research article to determine its reliability, validity and value in clinical
practice. The major components evaluated in critical appraisal are validity, importancy, and applicability. The
level of reliability of study results depend on the design of study, in which clinical trial has the highest rank.
Critical appraisal includes all components of the research starting from the introduction, method, results and
discussion. Each component has similar value to establish whether the results can realistically be applied as a
The results of statistical significance should also been compared with its clinical significance.
randomized clinical trials (RCT), systematic what action to take from the findings including
reviews on RCT; [2] cohort study; [3] applying the eveidences for clinical practice; and
casecontrolled study; [4] case report or case 5) evaluate the practice performed according to
series; and [5] expert opinions.1 the evidencebased medicine (Figure 1).2,3
Method of appraising information should be Formulating question by using PICO
done sistematically to provide a good conclusion, concept can also be the element of critical
which is the best kind of information. It includes appraisal itself. The following is the example
appraisal of various sources of information as of PICO concept: “In a 50-year-old female
well as appraising the conclusion by providing patient who is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
supporting evidences. One of the methods is mellitus (Patient), how great is the role of
critical appraisal. By performing critical
three-month diet and exercise program
appraisal, we are expected to be able to evaluate
results, validity and value of scientific article (Intervention) to help normalize the fasting
publications systematically. This manuscript is blood glucose (Outcome) compared to diet
going to discuss about critical appraisal and focus restriction alone (Comparator)?”
on the appraisal of clinical trial articles in Starting Critical Appraisal of Clinical Trial
scientific journals. Before we are performing critical appraisal
of a research article in a scientific journal, we
CRITICAL APPRAISAL should first comprehend the article. A good
comprehension of an article will make our
Definition evaluation better. In general, the basic
By definition, critical appraisal is regarded as components of a research article are
a process of evaluating a research article carefully introduction, methods, results and discussion
and systematically to determine the reliability, (Figure 2).
validity and application in clinical practice.2 In Usually, when we take a look at a research
other words, through critical appraisal, we decide article, the abstract is the first part that we read.
a research article is reliable or not. The ability to Most of us believe that the answer to our
perform critical appraisal should be one of basic questions is there in a concise form, while it
competence of a clinician in order to recognize would be too risky to consider an abstract as a
and use reliable study data efficiently. true summary of a research. Use it only to
The next question is how do we know that the decide about the topic that we are interested in
and to avoid further reading if by reading it we
obtained data has good quality and reliable? How
can already see a poor method of study.
could we decide which study is more reliable
In fact, we do not have to read the article
when we have data of two different conclusion on
word by word from beginning to end. In critical
the same topic? For this reason, therefore, we
appraisal, we would evaluate the article
should performm critical appraisal.
systematically. The list of questions that we
Critical appraisal is an important element of
should find the answer when reading a research
EBM. As we have known that there are five steps
in EBM when evaluating a clinical case, i.e.: 1) article are shown in Table 1.
formulating questions with the concept of PICO Overall, components of critical appraisal
(Population, Intervention, Comparation, for a research article are validity, importance
Outcome); 2) search for the evidence or and applicability, which is more familiar as the
reference; 3) appraise the evidence on the abbreviation of VIA as shown in Figure 3 as
component of validity and importancy; 4) decide the following.
Clinical problems Search Appraise Decide Evaluate
Figure 1. Steps of evidence-based medicine and the role of critical appraisal Figure 2. Components of a
research article that should be comprehended before doing critical appraisal
Vol 44 • Number 4 • October 2012 Critical appraisal on journal of
clinical trials
Comprehend Evaluate
Outline Abstract
I. Study validity
Research question
- Is the research question well-defined that can be answered using this study design?
- Were the patients randomized to the intervention and control groups by a well-defined method of randomization?
- Was the randomization list concealed from patients, clinicians and researchers?
- Do the patients in each group have similar characteristics at the beginning of the study?
- Were the patients and clinicians kept blinded (masked) to which treatment was being given?
- Were they kept blinded until the end of the study?
- Were all patients counted at the end of the study?
- If not, how many patients were lost to follow up and for what reason?
- Were the patients analysed in the group they originally were randomized to?
Interventions and co-interventions
- Were the performed interventions described in sufficient detail to be followed by others?
- Other than intervention, were th two groups cared for in similar way of treatment?
II. Results
Selection of outcomes
- Does the article report all relevant outcomes including side effect?
Effect size
- Was there a difference between the outcomes of the treatments, and how big was the difference?
- How reliable is the results: what are the confidence intervals?
III. Applicability
Using results in your own setting
- Are your patient so different from those studied that the results may not apply to them?
- Is your environment so different from the one in the study that the methods could not be use there?
Murdani Abdullah Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern
validity of selection
Non-causal validity of information
internal validity validity of control for confounding
validity of analysis
Degree of association
Validity Causal internal Dose response
validity Consistency
Biological plaussability
Transportability,patient’s condition,
Applicability service capacity, economy,
socio-culture, religion
4 ,5
Figure 3. Components of critical appraisal Table 2. List of questions for the introduction of clinical
journal article4
Component Explanation
The component of validity is aimed to proof What is the data that Prevalence, incidence, impact.
whether the result is a fact or not; while the has been
presented to show
component of importancy and applicability are
the magnitude of
directed to evaluate the value and feasibility. problems?
The Introduction What data that Substantial and methodological
In the introduction component of a research has been known elaboration
article, there are usually two or three paragraph before
in brief statement. In this section, the researcher
tries to explain about the reason of why he/she Is there still any gap? Substantial and methodological
conducted the study. Generally, when we read it gap and confirmation of previous
study results.
carefully, there are a pattern of introduction
component in a research article. The pattern What are the major The most important objective of
includes the formulation of data to determine the aims (primary the study. It provides the basis
endpoint)? of sample size calculation and
degrees of problem (for instance the data of the study is usually designed to
prevalence, incidence, number of cases, the answer the major aims.
magnitude of effect in certain cases), elaboration
What are the minor It does not serve as the basis of
of data that has been known before, formulation aims (secondary sample size calculation. It may
of current gap (problems) and the aim or endpoint)? be elaborative and provides
hypothesis of study. The list of component baseline data for further studies.
associated with the introduction is shown on the What is the study It consists of non-inferiority trial
following Table 2. hypothesis? (or negative clinical trial to
provide evidences that the
The Methods outcomes of each intervention
The method of a research article usually are equal) and inferiority trial
(positive clinical trial, i.e. to proof
provides information about the study population, that the outcomes of
sample size, inclusion and exclusion criteria, as intervention
well as randomization method (since our are different
manuscript discusses about clinical trial, we will subjects; study design; sample size; analysis
focus on randomization method), blinding plan. Table 3 shows a list of question that
information and the analysis plan used in the relevant to the methods section.4,6,7
study. In brief, this part can generally divided Table 3. List of questions for the methods of clinical
journal article4
into four sub-components, i.e. population and
Vol 44 • Number 4 • October 2012 Critical appraisal on journal of clinical trials
Murdani Abdullah Acta Med Indones-Indones J Intern
Number Risk of Number
of events Odds
of Odd ratio cure Risk ratio Risk difference needed to
(Ex. of cure
patients (frequency) treat
Intervention 1,000 150 150/850 150/850 150/1000 150/1000 150 _ 100 = 0.05 1 / 0.05 =
= 1.59 = 1.5 1000 1000
Control 1,000 100 100/900 100/900 100/1000 100/1000 (=0.05%) 20
and effect size. Outcomes may appear as the value The following Table 5 illustrates those
of relative risk and proportional difference (if the parameters.
outcomes are categorical scale); mean difference
The Discussion
(when the outcomes are numerical scale); it may
also appear as hazard-ratio and incidence In the discussion section, we will find
difference (for outcomes of survival).4 Please information about the researcher’s steatement
notice that statistical significance, which is usually regarding validity, clinical significance and
applicability that related to the study results.
Vol 44 • Number 4 • October 2012 Critical appraisal on journal of clinical trials
However, the researchers are usually only 7. Juni P, Altman DG, Egger M. Systematic reviews in
discuss validity limited to three ascpects, which health care: Assessing the quality of controlled clinical
trials. BMJ. 2001;323:42–6.
are the power and limitation of study;
8. Burls A. What is critical appraisal? What is series?
comparing the study with other studies; and its London: Hayward Medical Communications; 2009..
explanation (biological plausabiity). A list of
questions relevant to the discussion section is
presented in Table 6 as follows.
Critical appraisal is extremely needed as an
assessment of information found in scientific
journal articles before we are convinced to
apply the information as guidelines in clinical
practice. The level of reliability of a study
tremendously depends on the study design,
which places clinical trial as the highest in
rank. Critical appraisal evaluates all
components in a research article including the
introduction, method, results and discussion. A
good knowledge about how to evaluate each
component is very necessary to perform a good
critical appraisal. However, it should be
considered that statistical significance should
be compared with clinical significance.
1. Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Levels of
evidence. 2012. [cited on June 10, 2012]. Available
online on http://www.
2. Belsey J. What is evidence-based medicine? London:
Hayward Medical Communications; 2009.
3. Pwee KH. What is this thing called EBM? Singapore Med
J. 2004;45:413-7.
4. Dahlan MS. Membaca dan menelaah jurnal uji klinis.
Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2010.
5. Makela M, Witt K. How to read a paper: critical appraisal
of studies for application in healthcare. Singapore Med J.
6. Moore A, McQuay H. Clinical trials. Bandolier’s little
book of making sense of the medical evidence. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2006.