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Citation: Flinn, L., Braham, L., & dasNair, R. (2014). How Reliable are Case Formulations? A
Systematic Literature Review. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/bjc.12073

How reliable are case formulations? A systematic

literature review
Lucinda Flinn1,2*, Louise Braham1,2 and Roshan das Nair1,3,4
1Trent Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Division of Psychiatry and Applied
Psychology, University of Nottingham, UK
2 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK

3Department of Clinical Psychology & Neuropsychology, Nottingham University

Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK

4Division of Rehabilitation & Ageing, University of Nottingham, UK

Objectives. This systematic literature review investigated the inter-rater and test –
retest reliability of case formulations. We considered the reliability of case formulations
across a range of theoretical modalities and the general quality of the primary research
Methods. A systematic search of five electronic databases was conducted in addition to
reference list trawling to find studies that assessed the reliability of case formulation. This
yielded 18 studies for review. A methodological quality assessment tool was developed to
assess the quality of studies, which informed interpretation of the findings.
Results. Results indicated inter-rater reliability mainly ranging from slight (.1 –.4) to
substantial (.81 –1.0). Some studies highlighted that training and increased experience
led to higher levels of agreement. In general, psychodynamic formulations appeared to
generate somewhat increased levels of reliability than cognitive or behavioural
formulations; however, these studies also included methods that may have served to
inflate reliability, for example, pooling the scores of judges. Only one study investigated
the test–retest reliability of case formulations yielding support for the stability of
formulations over a 3-month period.
Conclusions. Reliability of case formulations is varied across a range of theoretical
modalities, but can be improved; however, further research is required to strengthen our

Practitioner points
 The findings from the review evidence some support for case formulation being congruent with the
scientist-practitioner approach.
 The reliability of case formulation is likely to be improved through training and clinical experience.
 The broad inclusion criteria may have introduced heterogeneity into the sample, which may have
affected the results.
 Studies reviewed were limited to peer-reviewed journal articles written in the English language, which
may represent a source of publication and selection bias.

Formulation, also referred to as case formulation and case conceptualization, has been
identified as an important and generic skill for applied psychologists (British Psychological
Society [BPS], 2008). For clinical psychologists in particular, formulation is seen to be a
fundamental core skill (Division of Clinical Psychology [DCP], 2010). Although there are
many definitions of ‘formulation’ (BPS, 2011), the DCP (2010) offer a succinct definition:

Psychological formulation is the summation and integration of the knowledge that is acquired
by this assessment process that may involve psychological, biological and systemic factors and
procedures. The formulation will draw on psychological theory and research to provide a
framework for describing a client’s problem or needs, how it developed and is being
maintained. (pp. 5–6)

Due to various schools within the profession of psychology, formulations inevitably focus
on different aspects of a case depending on the theoretical orientation of the clinician. For
example, a cognitive therapist is likely to focus on cognitive mechanisms, whereas a
psychodynamic therapist may focus more on unconscious processes. Furthermore,
formulations can be developed at the problem level or the case level. The former focuses
on a specific issue whereas the latter takes account of all of the client’s difficulties.
It has been purported that formulation follows the scientist-practitioner approach
(Tarrier & Calam, 2002) by utilizing an evidence base to understand a concept. More
specifically, formulation uses ‘psychological science to help solve human problems’
(DCP, 2010, p. 3). For the cognitive model (Beck, 1976) in particular, formulation has
been described as ‘the heart of evidence-based practice’ (Kuyken, Fothergill, Musa, &
Chadwick, 2005, p. 1188). However, for a skill considered so pertinent to the role of a
clinical psychologist, there is a paucity of empirical research and formulation should be
open to scientific examination.
One area of scientific investigation concerns reliability. Investigations into the reliability of
formulation can be traced back to 1966, where Philip Seitz (1966) published ‘the consensus
problem in psychoanalytic research’ (p. 206). This article detailed a 3-year research study
involving a group of sixpsychoanalysts, which concluded that agreement was achieved in very
few of the formulations. Seitz refers to one possible reason for this being the ‘inadequacy of
our interpretive methods’ (p. 214) where participants demonstrated the tendency to develop
complex inferences regarding the cases. Seitz also recognized that participants had the
tendency to rely on intuitive impression without critically checking these. Theoverall value of
Seitz’ work was highlighting the ‘consensus problem’, however, in the years following, a range
of researchers sought to improve reliability in case formulations. One key researcher and the
first to achieve this was Lester Luborsky (1977) using his core conflictual relationship theme
(CCRT) method. Whilst the majority of formulation methods were developed within a
psychodynamic framework, other methods such as cognitive-behavioural, behavioural and
integrative have also been proposed (Eells, 2007).
Formulations must not be wholly subjective, it is therefore important to understand
and establish reliability. Bieling and Kuyken (2003) review of literature in relation to
cognitive case formulation concluded that good levels of reliability have been obtained
for descriptive aspects of a case, with reliability being somewhat compromised and
subsequently decreasing for the more inferential and theory-driven aspects. In addition,
they briefly reviewed the psychodynamic literature, which showed promising results for
reliability. Other reviews of case formulation literature have reported similar results
(Aston, 2009; Mumma, 2011). Most research has focused on inter-rater reliability, that is,
the rate of consistency between clinicians on aspects of a case. Test–retest reliability,
whether formulations remain stable over time, has had much less of a focus (Bieling &
Kuyken, 2003), with some research evident in relation to the psychodynamic model (e.g.,
Barber, Luborsky, Crits-Christoph, &Diguer, 1995) and none known to the cognitive
model. Whilst the Bieling and Kuyken (2003), Aston (2009) and Mumma (2011) reviews
considered some of the available research in the area, they were not systematic reviews
and were by no means exhaustive.

Rationale and aim

Whilst it could be argued that some theoretical modalities place more emphasis on the
relation of formulation to evidence-based practice, it is a skill central to the work of all
clinical psychologists. It is therefore important to develop a scientific foundation for
formulation, which includes reviewing the reliability. Clinical psychologist Gillian Butler
(2006) suggests that low reliability is inevitable due to there being no one correct way to
formulate. She argues that clinicians presented with the same information may well
develop alternative formulations, even if they are formulating from the same psycholog-
ical model. Whilst this may be the case, the literature suggests a tension between
formulation being viewed as a ‘science’ (with its trappings of measurability, reliability,
etc.) and an ‘art’ (with its emphasis on an ideographic approach that is beyond the realms
of scientific scrutiny). We therefore felt that from a scientific perspective, a systematic
literature review appears necessary to draw conclusions from the available literature
about constructs related to reliability. To date, there has been no systematic literature
review on any aspect of formulation. The overall aim of this systematic review is to
answer the following question: What is the reliability of case formulations? In attempting
to answer this question, we focus on the reliabilities of various theoretical modalities, and
comment on the overall quality of the primary research.

Due to previous reviews of case formulation (e.g., Aston, 2009; Bieling & Kuyken,
2003), we were aware that the number of studies that examined the reliability of case
formulation would be limited. Therefore, no restriction in date was applied other than
the start of the searched databases.

Inclusion criteria
Studies were eligible if they:
 Examined the inter-rater or test–retest reliability of case formulation. This required
reporting the results of a reliability measure.
 Outlined the theoretical model of the formulation method, as psychology is a
profession based on a variety of theoretical modalities.
 Included adult, child formulations, or both.
 Investigated the reliability of case formulations developed by any mental health
professional, including studies that utilized a combination of clinicians and students.
 Were peer-reviewed journal articles, to control for quality.
 Were written in the English language.

Exclusion criteria
Studies were excluded if they:
 Had formulators recruited entirely from a student population, which would reduce
the ecological validity of this review.
 Consisted of a review of previous research with no new research being undertaken.
 Focused on the assessment and reliability of measures that may serve to influence
the process of formulation, for example, pre-therapeutic assessment tools.

Search overview
Studies were accessed through a range of databases in addition to reference list trawling. This
included reference list trawling of reviews of formulation research such as those of Barber
and Crits-Christoph (1993) and Bieling and Kuyken (2003). Five databases were searched in
April 2014: PsycINFO (18061); MEDLINE (1948); AMED (1985); CINAHL (1981); Web
of Science (1900). These databases are similar to the ones utilized in a narrative review of the
case formulation literature (Aston, 2009), and cover journal articles that relate to psychology.
The following search terms were used: formulation OR case formulation OR case
conceptualization OR case conceptualization AND statistical reliability OR reliability OR
inter-rater reliability OR inter-rater reliability OR test reliability OR test–retest reliability.
These search terms yielded a total of 4,318 articles from all five databases. After
applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria in addition to reference list trawling, 18
articles remained (see Figure 1 for the quorum diagram).

Data extraction
Specific data were extracted for each selected study. Table 1 details the data extracted.

Assessment of methodological quality

Several scales have been developed to assess methodological quality of studies and to
standardize this process. However, due to the variability in research designs of the
selected articles, none of the pre-existing tools could be applied to the current review.
This follows from suggestions that authors can develop their own tool by adapting
available tools (e.g., Parker, 2004). Therefore, our quality assessment tool was developed
with reference to the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP, 2004) and the
Newcastle-Ottowa Scale (Wells et al., 2010). The resultant tool comprised five
questions, each with a rating out of three and a total sum of 15. Furthermore, a separate
section incorporated information regarding additional sources of bias to provide further
information related to quality. This information is tabulated in Table 2.
For the current review, a hierarchy was decided upon for the reliability data. This was
based on ecological validity and the real life experiences of formulators. Therefore, video
recordings were assigned a score of 3, audio recordings were assigned a score of 2, and
transcripts or written vignettes were assigned a score of 1. Furthermore, if reliability data
were not outlined then studies were also assigned a score of 1. With regard to reliability
Articles retrieved through database searching (PsycINFO;
MEDLINE; AMED; CINAHL; Web of Science) n =

Articles excluded
through title/abstract
screening due to not
Removal of meeting the exclusion
duplicates n = 17 criteria n = 4237

Potentially eligible articles accessed

in full copy n = 64

No reliability
measure, review of
previous studies,
student formulators,
measures n = 49

Full text articles considered for

inclusion n = 15

Articles identified
from reference lists
and retrieved n = 5
Student formulators

Articles included for review

n = 18

Figure 1. Quorum diagram detailing study selection.

measurement, studies were assigned a score of 3 if they used an appropriate statistical

measure of reliability (that accounts for chance agreement) for all aspects of data analysis.
To obtain a score of 3, studies could also incorporate percentage agreement but would be
required to report statistical measures also for the same focus of agreement or reliability.
A score of 2 was assigned if studies used statistical measures for some aspects and
percentage agreement for others, and a score of 1 was assigned if studies used percentage
agreement only.
Inter-rater reliability for quality assessment was assessed through the use of a second
rater (LB) scoring over 20% of the studies. For this review, articles were not excluded
through quality assessment. This was to avoid excluding potentially relevant studies.
However, the quality assessment tool informed the interpretation of the findings. Quality
rating was conducted by two reviewers (LF and LB) and inter-rater reliability between the
Table 1. Study details

Study ID, author(s)

andlocti ethodlgy
M articpnhes
P eyfindgs
1. Kuyken et Quantitative Total (n = 115) . Results indicated that participants could
al. (2005) Percentage agreement, formulations Clinical psychologists (n = 35) agree with each other and the benchmark on
compared with each other and to benchmark Pre-qualification students (n = 29) the descriptive aspects of the case.
England Materials Highest qualification (D.Clin.Psy./ However, agreement decreased for the
Benchmark formulation provided by J. Beck, Ph.D./M.D. (n = 29) more inferential and theory-driven aspects
video and assessment measures Years post-qualification clinical . Higher percentage agreement was
Theoretical modality – cognitive experience (average = 7.31 years) associated with accreditation status
Trained participants – yes . The pre-qualified group were least likely to
identify an important part of the benchmark
formulation, however, on some aspects they
demonstrated higher agreement that
accredited practitioners, that is, the core
belief ‘I’m unlovable’
2. Persons, Quantitative Total (n = 46) . Inter-rater reliability for underlying
Mooney, and Intraclass correlation coefficients and Students (4.3%) mechanisms ranged from 0.07 to 0.70 for a
Padesky percentage agreement Previous training in formulation randomly selected single judge and 0.27–
(1995) Materials (69.6%) 0.92 for a random sample of five judges
America 2 clients (depression and anxiety) Previous training in cognitive therapy . Percentage agreement for the problem list
Audiotapes/transcripts -12 min of session (average = 89.1%) ranged from 13% to 97.8% for the first case
Participants could list up to 6 problems and 67.4–100% for the second case
Multiple-choice questionnaire for underlying
cognitive mechanisms. These were rated on a
scale 0–10 for relevance to the case
Theoretical modality – cognitive
Trained participants – yes
3. Persons and Quantitative Total (n = 47) . Inter-rater reliability for underlying
Bertagnolli (1999) Intraclass correlation coefficients and Students (12.8%) mechanisms ranged from 0.44 to 0.91 for
percentage agreement Previous training in formulation (63%) five judges and 0.13 to 0.66 for single judges
Table 1. (Continued)

Study ID, author(s)

andlocti ethodlgy
M articpnhes
P eyfindgs
America Materials
2clients(depressionandanxiety) Percentage
.averaged agreement for the problem list
Audiotapes of first two sessions . Providing participants with specific contexts
Participants could list up to 8 did not increase reliability
problems Multiple-choice
questionnaire for underlying
cognitive mechanisms. These
were rated on a scale 0–10 for
relevance to the case. At times
participants were given specific
contexts in which to identify
4. Mumma and m echanisms
Quantitative Clinical formulators . ICC ratings ranged from .83 to .94 averaged
Smith (2001) Intraclass
Theoreti correlation
calmodal e
ity– cognitivcoefficients Total (n = 4) across 10 raters and ranged from .33 to .63
America Materials
Trained participants – yes Clinical psychologists (n = 1) for single ratings
4 female patients (3 depression 1 generalized Students (n = 3) . Results demonstrate reliability for clinical
anxiety disorder) Clinical raters scenarios at a situation-level formulation
Raters rated Total (n = 10)
Cognitive-Behavioural-Interpersonal Clinical psychologists (n = 6)
Scenarios (CBIS) using a multidimensional Counselling psychologists (n = 2)
rating scale
Theoretical modality – cognitive
Trained participants – no
5. Dudley, Park, Quantitative Total (n = 85) . There was greater agreement for
James, and Percentage agreement Clinical psychologists (n = 5) behavioural, physical symptoms and triggers
Dodgson (2010) Materials Students (n = 17) and less agreement for more theory-driven
England 1 client (psychosis) role-played by a clinical Other (n = 3) and inferential aspects such as the
Table 1. (Continued)

Study ID, author(s)

andlocti ethodlgy
M articpnhes
P eyfindgs
30 min video recording of assessment session Highest qualification (D.Clin.Psy./ identification of core beliefs and dysfunc-
and timeline Ph.D./M.D. (n = 7) tional assumptions
Benchmark provided by expert panel . Overall percentage agreement ranged from
Theoretical modality – cognitive 8.9% to 95% but overt behaviour resulted in
Trained participants – no the most agreement (91.6%)
. Greater clinical experience improved
agreement with the benchmark
6. Muran, Segal, Quantitative Therapists
and Samstag Intraclass correlation coefficients Total (n = 5) . Mean ICC scores
therapists, on ratings
formulators were .92
clients from
(1994) America Materials Experience in cognitive therapy for stimulus situation, .93 for cognitive, .90
8 clients (5 with mood disorders 2 with (average = 3.1 years) for affective and .91 for motoric component
anxiety disorders and 1 with a mood and Formulators
anxiety disorder) Total (n = 2)
Audiotapes of 2 assessment interviews Experience in cognitive therapy
2–3 scenarios combined with 2–3 less or not (1 = 1 year; 1 = 3 years)
Rated for relevance by therapist, formulator
and client on a 9 point Likert scale
Theoretical modality – cognitive
Trained participants – no
7. Wilson and Quantitative Total = 118 (65 in 3 problem . Percentage agreement for the low complexity
Evans (1983) Percentage agreement and concordance experimental condition and 53 in 6 (3 problem) group ranged from 38% to 42%
America coefficients problem experimental condition) and 30% to 43% for the high complexity (6
Materials Primary profession problem) group
3 fictional child cases. Written narratives Direct clinical service = 30% . Kendall coefficient of concordance statistics
Theoretical modality – behavioural Administration = 11% ranged from .13 to .58 for the low
Trained participants – no
Table 1. (Continued)

Study ID, author(s)

andlocti ethodlgy
M articpnhes
P eyfindgs
All participants had either a Ph.D or complexity group and .13 to .52 for the high
Psy. D degree complexity group
. When clinicians were asked to select target
behaviours, reliability was low
8. Barber et al. Quantitative RAP interviewer (n = 1 research
(1995) Percentage agreement and weighted kappa assistant) Weighted
. ranged kappa
from clustered
.60 to categories
for CCRT from RAP
America Materials Judges (n = 2 interviews, .64 to .81 for CCRT from
19 clients with depression psychodynamic clinicians) sessions 3 and 5 and .40 to 1.0 when
Transcribed interview comparing CCRT from RAP interviews to
Standard categories of CCRT CCRT from sessions
Theoretical modality – psychodynamic . Results suggest agood level of agreement
Trained participants – yes for deriving CCRT between two methods
(RAP interviews and sessions) and that
relationship themes that emerge during
therapy are similar to the ones that emerge
during a pre-therapy interview
9. Shefler and Quantitative Formulators (n = 9 psychoanalytically
Tishby (1998) Intraclass correlation coefficients and orientated therapists) correlation
. reliability coefficients
slight three of
scores forfor
Israel chi-square test Clinical psychologists = 5 the cases ( R < .40) and fair to substantial
Materials Psychiatrist = 1 for the remaining twelve, ranging from R =
15 clients (5 = no diagnosis, 5 = adjustment Social workers = 3 .46 to R = .85. The mean ICC for 15 cases
disorder, 3 = anxiety disorders, 2 = Similarity judges (n = 15) was R = .54
depressive disorders) Psychologists = 10 . The chi-square test was calculated. In 10
Transcribed intake interviews Social workers = 5 out of 15 cases inter-rater agreement was
The accuracy rating scale (developed for greater than would be expected by chance.
study) T values ranged from .30 to .74
Central issue for each case and a second less

Table 1. (Continued)

Study ID, author(s)

andlocti ethodlgy
M articpnhes
P eyfindgs
relevant but plausible central issue
Theoretical modality – integrative
Trained participants – yes
10. Rosenberg, Quantitative Formulators (n = 4 or 5 clinicians who . Intraclass correlation over the 5 patients
Silberschatz, Intraclass correlation coefficients and shared the theoretical modality) ranged from .14 to .88 for the average judge
Curtis, Sampson, Pearson correlations Reliability judges (n = 4 who shared and .39 to .97 for pooled judges
and Weiss (1986) Materials the theoretical modality) . To assess the degree of overlap between the
America 5 clients (neurotic and personality disorders) clinicians and reliability judges, Pearson
Transcripts of the first 2 hr of therapy correlations were compared. These ranged
Formulations combined with less relevant but from .70 to .97 across all 5 patients
plausible items
Relevance rated on a 9 point Likert scale
Theoretical modality – cognitive
Trained participants – not for the study but
unclear about previous training
11. Curtis, Quantitative Formulators (n = 3–5 clinicians) . For plan component items, intraclass cor-
Silberschatz, Intraclass correlation coefficients Reliability judges (n = 4–5) relations for the mean of 5 judges’ ratings
Weiss, Materials were .96 for goals, .97 for obstructions, .94
Sampson, and 1 case vignette (unclear if fictional) for tests and .94 for insights
Rosenberg Formulations reduced to concise statements . For the reliability of the formulation, intra-
(1988) America and combined with less relevant but plausible class correlation coefficients for the mean of
items the reliability judges were .90 for goals, .93
Relevance rated on 9 point Likert scale for obstructions, .72 for tests and .84 for
Theoretical modality – Cognitive insights
Table 1. (Continued)

Study ID, author(s)

andlocti ethodlgy
M articpnhes
P eyfindgs
Trained participants – not for the study but . Between the mean ratings of the formulation
unclear about previous training and reliability teams, interclass correlation
coefficients were .88 for goals, .88 for
obstructions, .62 for tests and .83 for insights

12. Collins and Quantitative Clinical judges . Intraclass correlation coefficients for pooled
Messer (1991) Intraclass correlation coefficients and Mount Zion Panel (n = 5 psychologists judges for the Rutgers Plans in time 1 ranged
America percentage agreement or psychiatrists with at least 3 years from .81 to .93. The Mount Zion coefficients
Materials clinical work) fortime 1 were also substantial, rangingfrom
2 clients (depression) Rutgers Panel (n = 5 clinicians, 3 who .81 to .95
A pre-existing narrative for Case B had between 2 and 5 years of clinical . Intraclass correlation coefficients for pooled
Theoretical modality – experience, 1 with 3 months judges for the Rutgers Plans for time 2
cognitive-psychoanalytic experience and 1 with over 20 years of ranged from .75 to .96
Trained participants – yes clinical experience) . Pearson product-moment and percentage
agreement ratings indicated high levels of
stability. Between 85% and 97% of Case A
items and between 90% and 96% of Case B
items were retained at a 3-month follow-up
13.D e W i t t , Quantitative Formulators (n = 9) . Intraclass correlation coefficients for the
Kaltreider, Weiss, Intraclass correlation coefficients Psychologist = 1 identification of hypotheses were .78 using
and Horowitz Materials Psychiatrists = 6 the pooled estimate and .74 for the single
(1983) 18 clients with pathological grief reactions Social workers = 2 rater estimate
America Audiotapes or videotapes of evaluation 3 teams of 3 judges . Intraclass correlation coefficients for the
session 1 team formulated same case both at identification of criteria were .84 for the
Hypothesis and criteria set intake and follow-up pooled estimate and .72 for the single rater
Theoretical modality – psychodynamic Agreement raters (n = 4) estimate

Table 1. (Continued)

Study ID, author(s)

andlocti ethodlgy
M articpnhes
P eyfindgs
Trained participants – not for the study but Psychiatrist = 1
unclear about previous training Psychologist = 3
14. Caston and Quantitative Formulators ( n = 2) Agreement on order and magnitude for the four
Martin (1993) Spearman rho, chi-square (unreported) and T Text-wise judges (n = 4 text-wise judges yielded Spearman rho
America statistic psychoanalysts) made independent correlations of .61–.96 and T statistics of .15 –
Materials ratings .65. For wishes, Spearman rho correlations
1 client (low self-esteem and a lack of sexual Mannequin ‘text-less’ judges (n = 4 ranged from .02 to .91 and T statistics ranged
responsiveness) psychoanalysts) made ratings on the from .42 to .91
Verbatim transcripts of the first 5 analytic same domains Agreement on order and magnitude for the
hours four text-wise judges and the 4 text-less
5 Psychoanalytical domains rated on 9-point judges yielded Spearman rho correlations of
Likert scales .08–.77 and T statistics of .00–.15. For
Theoretical modality – psychodynamic wishes, Spearman rho correlations ranged
Trained participants – not for the study but from .31 to .87 and T statistics ranged from
unclear about previous training .03 to .49
15. Crits- Quantitative Relationship episode identifiers (n = 2) Interjudge agreement when picking standard
Christoph et al. Intraclass correlation coefficients, weighted Psychiatrist (n = 1) categories was 95%
(1988) kappa and percentage agreement Research assistant (n = 1) Intraclass correlation coefficient of pooled 4
America Materials CCRT Judges (n = 2) similarity judges for mismatched cases was
35 clients (variety of mental disorders) Psychiatrist (n = 1) .79
Transcripts for 2–3 sessions Clinical psychologist ( n = 1) Using standard categories, weighted kappa for
Assessed completeness of relationship Similarity judges (n = 4) the wish and negative responses of self were
episodes on scale of 0–5 Research assistants (n = 4) .61. For negative response from other,
Theoretical modality – psychodynamic weighted kappa was .70
Trained participants – yes
16. Perry, Quantitative Formulators (n = 2 clinicians with at The intraclass reliability of the consensus
Augusto, and Intraclass correlation coefficients and least 5 years post-qualification ratings of similarity ranges from .54 to .75.
Table 1. (Continued)

Study ID, author(s)

andlocti ethodlgy
M articpnhes
P eyfindgs
(1989) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) experience) The ICC was then recalculated, subtracting
America Materials Similarity judges (n = 4 students) out the means for each type of comparison
20 clients who had a videotaped interview and where ratings ranged from .51 to .68
written ICF (8 with borderline personality . ANOVA of means for matched cases were
disorder 6 with antisocial personality significantly higher than the means for either
disorder and 6 with bipolar type II) type of mismatched comparison
Theoretical modality – psychodynamic
Trained participants – yes
17. Ee Quantitative Formulators . Intraclass correlation coefficients for pooled
lls et al. Intraclass correlation coefficients and t-tests Team 1 (n = 12) scores of 20 similarity judges generated a
(1995) Materials Clinical psychologists (n = 2) mean of.74 for RRMC items and .89 for RRM
America 2 clients (1 = pathological grief and 1 = Students (n = 10) items
social phobia) Team 2 (n = 3) . Intraclass correlation coefficients for RRM
Transcripts of first 5 sessions Clinical psychologists (n = 2) quadrants yielded mean scores of .74 for
Similarity ratings made on a 6-point Likert Psychiatrist (n = 1) the Desired RRM quadrant to .87 for the
scale Similarity judges (n = 20 students) Dreaded RRM quadrant
Theoretical modality – integrative . Matched-group t-tests indicated that cor-
Trained participants – not for the study but rectly matched pairings were more similar
unclear about previous training than incorrectly matched pairings
18. Poppet al. Quantitative Judges (n = 2 with undefined . Weighted kappa of two judges for dreams was
(1996) Weighted kappa demographics) 0.58 (wish) 0.70 (response from other) 0.83
America Materials (response of self) and for narratives was 0.67
13 clients with a minimum of20 usable dreams (wish) 0.74 (response from other) 0.75
Standard categories of CCRT (response of self)
Theoretical modality – psychodynamic . The results suggest the presence of a central
Trained participants – not for the study but relationship pattern that is expressed in
unclear about previous training waking narratives as well as dreams

Note. RRMC, Role-Relationship Model Configuration; RRM, Role-Relationship Model.

Table 2. Assessment of methodological quality
Participant Sample Formulation Reliability
Study Author(s) demographics representativeness data Blinding measurement Other potential sources of bias
1 uykental.(205)
K * * * * * htfiosud;
w o k s h o p s
w i h t
n o a b l e t
d i f e r e n c e
s i n
c o n t e n t
2 ersontal.(195)
P * * * * * ategorisfcnvm
35 ersonadB
tgli(19)PDudley, Park, James, and ** * * * * ategorisfcnvm
h sycholgitrepadn
Dodgson (2010) rovidep
64 andS
ith(201)r,egls94* * * * * * orm
providegenratiw fom
7 v(1983)W
ilsonadE * * * * * ictonalseud
8 rb(195)
etal.B * * * * * ightsandrceopvf
9 isby(198)
S * * * * * lausibetrvnfom
10 osenbrgtal.(1986)R * * * * * orm
F ulatinsdevp
1 uris(198)
etal.C * * * * * orm
F ulatinsdevp
F o r m u l a t i o n
i t e m s c o m b i n e d
w i t h l e s s
r e l e v a n t b u t
p l a u s i b l e
i t e m s
12 er(19)C
olinsadM * * * * * orm
F ulatinsdevp Continued
13 i(1983)
etal.D * * * * * orm
F ulatinsdevp
14 ri(193)
C * * * * * atingspoledvrfuj
Table 2. (Continued)

Participant Sample Formulation Reliability

Study Author(s) demographics representativeness data Blinding measurement Other potential sources of bias
15 rits-hopeal.(198)
C * * * * * ightsandrceopvfE
eachform ultinp
16 erytal.(198)P * * * * * orm
F ulatindevps
17 s(195)
etal.E * * * * * orm
F ulatinsdevp
18 op(196)etal.
P * * * * * ightsandrceopvf
eachform ultinp

Note. (1) Participant demographics (formulators/raters not clients): ***participant demographics are reported clearly **participa nt demographics are reported partially
*participant demographics are reported inadequately. (2) Sample representativeness: ***parti cipants consisted of clinicians **participants consisted of a range of
clinicians and students *participants mainly consisted of students. (3) Formulation data: ***the study used video recordings **the study used audio recordings *the
study used transcripts, written vignettes or does not define the formulation data. (4) Blinding: ***the study reports adequate blinding **the stud y reports partial
blinding *there is no evidence of blinding. (5) Reliability measurement: ***the study used a statistical measure of reliability **the study uses a statistical measure of
reliability in addition to percentage agreement *the study uses percentage agreement.
two raters resulted in 83% agreement. Discrepancies were resolved through discussion.
The 18 studies included in the review yielded total quality scores ranging from 7 to 14.

All 18 studies tested the inter-rater reliability of formulations with one study (12) also
investigating test–retest reliability. This was achieved by investigating the stability of
formulations over a 3-month period in the absence of new client information.

Study location
The majority of studies were conducted in the USA, two studies were conducted
in England (1 and 5) and one study was conducted in Israel (9).

Theoretical modality
Six studies formulated from a cognitive modality (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) and six studies
formulated using a psychodynamic modality (8, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18). One study used a
behavioural modality (7) and five studies used an integrative approach (9, 10,11, 12 and 17).

Participant demographics
In total, the studies used data from 152 client participants and between 550 and 553
formulators/raters. The exact number is not available as Studies 10 and 11 provided
participant numbers within a range.
The majority of studies explicitly detailed the demographics of participants, including
reference to amount of clinical experience and professional role. However, several
studies (11, 14, 15 and 18) provided only minimal demographics, often referring to
‘experienced clinicians’ with no information as to how they defined experience.

Some studies reported training that was offered to participants as part of their
participation (1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 12, 15 and 16). Another study directly recruited from training
courses (5). Some studies did not refer to training (4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 18), but it is
possible that participants had completed training as part of their professional role. A
study where training was completed (12) demonstrated higher levels of agreement in
comparison to a study that offered no training (7). However, for two studies where
participants completed training as part of the research (2 and 3), intraclass coefficients
ranged between .07 and .70 for underlying mechanisms and between 13% and 100%
agreement of a client’s presenting problems.

Some studies (6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14) used clinicians to assess the reliability of case
formulations. However, several studies used both clinicians and students (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16
and 17), although the students in study number 17 were recruited to assess the similarity
of formulations as opposed to the formulators. Two studies (8 and 15) recruited both
clinicians and research assistants.
Results from Studies 1 and 5 indicated that greater clinical experience was linked
to increased agreement with the benchmark formulations. Study 1 found that the pre-
qualified student participants were least likely to identify an important aspect of the
benchmark formulation. However, it is of note that for some of the inferential aspects of
the formulation, pre-qualification students actually demonstrated a higher rate of
agreement in comparison to the accredited practitioners.

Formulation data
The majority of studies provided participants with one source of material in which to
formulate clients’ problems, including transcripts (2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 15), written
vignettes (7 and 11), audio recordings (2, 3, 6 and 13), video recordings (1, 5, 13 and 16), or
a combination (2 and 13). However, one study did not outline the full material used but
referred to a written narrative for one of the two cases (12). Two studies (1 and 5) used
multiple sources of information (video and assessment measures), which could provide
more ecological validity with clinical practice. However, factors that may have served to
decrease ecological validity were also present, including the use of a fictional vignette (1)
and having an actor role play a client (5). In comparison to other studies, using more than
one source of material did not appear to increase levels of agreement (1 and 5).
Some studies asked participants to combine their formulation items with those
considered plausible but less relevant (6 and 9), which were then rated by separate
participants. This could be a potential source of bias with the alternative formulation
being ‘straw men’ and therefore easier to rate, inflating reliability. One study combined
formulations of a different theoretical modality, which may have inflated reliability
through theoretical bias (12).
Several studies provided participants with standard categories to choose from, for
example, lists of wishes and fears for the CCRT method (8, 15 and 18) and lists of
underlying cognitive mechanisms (2 and 3). Although this could serve to increase
reliability, the results from the current review do not necessarily support this and
results ranged from slight to substantial for cognitive formulations (2 and 3) and
moderate to substantial for psychodynamic formulations (8, 15 and 18).

The majority of studies evidenced no use of blinding (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 17 and 18)
which may have introduced bias into the research. Several studies, however, did evidence
some or full use of blinding (7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16). For example, study number 11
used reliability judges that adhered to the same theory as the formulators but were blind to
the identities of the client, therapist and treatment outcome. Study number 15 used
matched and mismatched formulations based on three possible types, that is, mismatched
for diagnosis but matched for gender. Similarity judges in this study were blind to the
hypothesis and comparison type.

Reliability measurement
Although percentage agreement can be used as a measure of reliability, it has been
described as flawed in many respects (Hayes & Krippendorff, 2007) as it does not take
into consideration agreement based on chance (McHugh, 2012). To account for this,
alternative measures of reliability were developed such as Cohen’s kappa (Cohen, 1960)
and the intraclass correlation coefficient (Shrout & Fleiss, 1979).
The studies used a range of reliability measurements, including percentage
agreement (1,2,3,5,7,8, 12and15),intraclasscorrelationcoefficients(2,3,4,6,9,
10,11,12,13,15, 16 and 17), weighted kappa (8, 15 and 18), chi-square tests (9 and 14),
spearman rho (14), concordance coefficients (7), Pearson correlations (10), analysis of
variance (16), and t-tests (17).

Key findings
Graham, Milanowski, and Miller (2012) have suggested that there are no universal rules
regarding the level of agreement required to ascertain reliability, however, there have
been suggestions put forward for the various measurements of reliability. For
percentage agreement, Luborsky and Diguer (1998) proposed that 70% or higher
indicates good reliability, however others have suggested that anything over 75%
demonstrates acceptable agreement (Hartmann, 1977; Stemler, 2004). For intraclass
correlation coefficients, Shrout (1998) proposed that a score in the range of 0–.1 relates
to virtually no reliability, .1–.4 relates to slight reliability, .4–.6 relates to fair reliability,
.6–.8 relates to moderate reliability and .81–1.0 relates to substantial reliability. To
answer the research question posed by the current review, the key results from the
studies will be considered in relation to these levels of agreement.
Results from the 18 studies demonstrated agreement and reliability ranging from
virtually none to substantial (14). Six studies yielded slight to substantial reliability (2, 3, 4,
7, 9 and 10). However, fair to moderate reliability was found in two studies (16 and 18),
moderate reliability was demonstrated in two studies (13 and 15), moderate to substantial

Table 3. The range of reliability scores across studies included in the review
Total number of studies and study numbers
Overall reliability range
Virtually none to substantial 1 (14)
Slight to substantial 6 (2, 3, 4, 7, 9 and 10)
Fair to moderate 2 (16 and 18)
Moderate 2 (13 and 15)
Moderate to substantial 4 (8, 11, 12 and 17)
Substantial 1 (6)
Cognitive reliability range
Virtually none to moderate 1 (2)
Slight to moderate 2 (3 and 4)
Substantial 1 (6)
Behavioural reliability range
Slight to fair 1 (7)
Psychodynamic reliability range
Slight to substantial 1 (14)
Fair to moderate 1 (16)
Moderate to substantial 5 (8, 13, 14, 15 and 18)
Integrative reliability range
Slight/fair to substantial 2 (9 and 10)
Moderate to substantial 3 (11, 12 and 17)
reliability was shown in four studies (8, 11, 12 and 17), and substantial reliability was
shown in one study (6). The full range of reliability across all studies included in the review
(excluding 1 and 5 which used percentage agreement) is detailed in Table 3.

Cognitive formulations
The reliability of cognitive formulations ranged from virtually none to substantial. In
general, there was higher agreement for the descriptive aspects of cognitive formulations,
that is, overt difficulties (1, 2 and 3) and less agreement for the more theory-driven
inferential aspects (1 and 5). Although not accounting for agreement based on chance,
studies that employed purely percentage agreement for all aspects of the formulation
demonstrated less than a third of items meeting the 70% threshold (1 and 5). With the
limitations associated with percentage agreement, it is possible that agreement may be
even less. Although these studies used both clinicians and students, these findings were
maintained when levels of agreement were considered for the accredited clinicians only.
Case level formulations appeared to produce fairly low levels of reliability (1 and 5),
with problem/situation specific formulations yielding substantial reliability (4). However,
when study number 2 attempted to increase the reliability of a case level formulation by
replicating the study but providing clinicians with specific contexts in which to rate a
client’s schemas, reliability was not increased (3).

Behavioural formulations
As there was only one study that used a behavioural formulation (7), comparisons with
the same theoretical modality were not possible. However, it is of note that this study
demonstrated low percentage agreement (30–43%) in the identification of overt problems
in addition to low coefficients (.13–.58).

Psychodynamic formulations
Formulations developed from a psychodynamic theoretical modality mainly yielded
moderate to substantial reliability (8, 13, 15 and 18). However, study number 16
generated fair to moderate levels of reliability. Clinicians in study 14 largely demonstrated
moderate to substantial levels of reliability for order – whether items are ranked in a
similar way. However, for agreement in relation to the magnitude of items, scores ranged
between slight and substantial. It should be noted that scores in Studies 14 and 15 were
pooled over four judges, which may have served to inflate reliability.

Integrative formulations
When correlations were pooled and averaged over several judges, results for integrative
formulations demonstrated moderate to substantial reliability (10, 11, 12 and 17).
However, when an average was taken for a single judge, reliability appeared to be in the
slight/fair to substantial range (9 and 10), which demonstrates that pooling scores can
serve to inflate reliability. There was only one study that assessed the test–retest
reliability of formulations (12). Integrative formulations demonstrated good stability over a
3-month period through Pearson product-moment and percentage agreement ratings
(85–97% for Case A and 90–96% for Case B; 12).
How reliable are case formulations?
This review investigated the reliability of case formulations. Studies yielded mixed results,
with reliability mainly ranging from slight to substantial. Reliability did not appear to
increase when formulators were asked to identify discrete areas, for example, overt
problems in behavioural formulations (7). However, results indicated the moderate
agreement for the identification of underlying cognitive mechanisms and overt problems
in cognitive formulations (2 and 3). When comparing different theoretical modalities,
psychodynamic formulations appear to generate higher levels of reliability, however, these
studies utilized methods that may have inflated reliability, such as using standard
categories (8, 15 and 18) and pooling the scores of judges (14 and 15). In general, results
indicate that reliability in case formulation can be achieved across all modalities. However,
it is difficult to draw clear conclusions due to the dearth of literature, the varying
methodologies employed and the limitations associated with these.
One methodological limitation concerns the use of students (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). It is
difficult to ascertain the standard at which a student can formulate. In clinical psychology
doctoral training programmes, case formulation features heavily and is an essential skill
that all trainees are required to develop (BPS, 2011). There is much less of an emphasis on
case formulation in undergraduate or masters level psychology courses. It is therefore
questionable at what level a psychology student or graduate could formulate. This is
particularly relevant when considering the more inferential and theory-driven aspects of a
case that may require advanced training and clinical experience. Although some studies
incorporated training into their research (1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 12, 15 ad 16) or recruited from
training programmes (5), it is questionable whether this can be comparable to the years of
experience a clinician may have within a particular theoretical modality.
Another limitation concerns the use of transcripts (2, 8, 9, 10 and 14). It has been
argued that using transcripts is likely to increase reliability due to the decreased chance of
idiosyncrasies (Barber & Crits-Christoph, 1993). In general, these studies indicated a
moderate level of reliability. However, as reliability ranged from slight to substantial it is
difficult to draw clear conclusions regarding the impact that the use of transcripts has on
inter-rater reliability. It could be argued that the use of transcripts, vignettes, and audio
recordings decreases the ecological validity of case formulation research. In clinical
practice, formulations are largely developed through engagement and exploration with
the client and the use of such materials loses the collaboration that is often associated with
formulation. Whilst this is unlikely to be overcome for research, it could be argued that
using such materials prevents the formulator from noticing and interpreting non-verbal
cues. Therefore, studies that incorporate video recordings (1, 5, 13 and 16) may be more
ecologically valid than transcripts or vignettes.
The difficulties forming conclusions are further compounded by the different measures
of reliability employed by the studies. The variability and levels of agreement required by
measures make comparisons difficult (Bland & Altman, 1990). Furthermore, the use of
certain statistical methods has been criticised. For example, Rankin and Stokes (1998)
suggest that the Pearson correlation coefficient is inappropriate because the measurement
responds to the linear association as opposed to agreement. It is of note that this measure
was used to investigate the only known study of test–retest reliability of case formulation
(12). In addition, there are several intraclass correlation coefficient equations available,
which can result in different values being produced from the same data (Shrout & Fleiss,
1979). It has been suggested that Cohen’s kappa is the most appropriate
statistical measure of reliability for nominal data, weighted kappa is most appropriate
for ordinal data and the one-way analysis of variance is the most appropriate measure
for continuous data (Haas, 1991).

Implications for clinical practice

Although results from the current review highlight that reliability in case formulation can
be achieved, from a scientific perspective, the wide range in levels of inter-rater reliability
provides modest support for formulation being at ‘the heart of evidence-based practice’
(Kuyken et al., 2005, p. 1188). Results from the current review suggest that training may
lead to higher levels of agreement and reliability, particularly with inferential and theory-
driven aspects of a case. Therefore, in clinical practice, it is plausible to suggest that
training and greater clinical experience may serve to increase reliability between clinicians.
Although not linked to reliability, research suggests that an increase in training leads to
higher quality case formulations (Kendjelic & Eells, 2007). Whilst several of the studies
offered training to their participants, the amount of training varied and it is unlikely that a
single workshop would be adequate to develop the skill of formulation.
A possible explanation for the limited inter-rater reliability for the inferential aspects of
formulation concerns the potential of cognitive shortcuts that therapists may take, such as
availability and anchoring heuristics (Corrie & Lane, 2010; Kuyken, Padesky, & Dudley,
2009). It is of note that study number 16 requested that participants include supporting
evidence for their formulations and generated fair to moderate reliability. The authors
suggest that this may have kept inferences at a low level. Whilst inferential aspects of a
formulation are important, providing evidence may limit the amount of cognitive
shortcuts that therapists take, potentially leading to higher reliability.
High levels of reliability do not necessarily imply validity and it is questionable whether
validity could be scientifically evaluated, particularly with clients who are acquiescent with
credible formulations. Butler (2006) suggests ‘formulations, as hypotheses (are) a way of
making theory-based guesses’ (p. 9) and therefore may be very different but potentially
equally valuable. However, this poses questions regarding the implications for treatment
outcome if reliability between clinicians is low and different areas are being targeted
through treatment. It should be noted that not everyone advocates the importance of
case formulation reliability. For example, Wilson (1996) has likened the case formulation
to clinical judgement, which he argues ‘can be all too fallible’ (p. 299). He has therefore
placed more emphasis on treatment outcome, arguing that standardized manual-based
treatments are no less effective than formulation-based individualized therapy (Wilson,
1996). Unfortunately, there is a paucity of research investigating the link between
formulation and treatment outcome (BPS, 2011).

Future research on the reliability of case formulations

1. Future research should utilize reliability statistics that control for chance
agreement, for example, the intraclass correlation coefficient.
2. Future research should use blinded raters to decrease the possibility of bias.
3. To increase ecological validity, future research should aim to recruit participants who
use case formulation as part of their professional role. However, as students are often
recruited in research, future research should separate professional groups in order to
draw comparison between levels of qualification and experience.
4. With regard to formulation data, it has been argued that the use of transcripts may
lead to scientific bias with researchers selecting particular cases or small samples
(Barber & Crits-Christoph, 1993). As explained previously, this may also lead to
important non-verbal cues being missed. To provide more ecological validity,
future research should use audiovisual material.
5. Developing formulations in teams is likely to increase reliability. Although formu-
lations can be developed as part of a multi-disciplinary team (BPS, 2011;
Johnstone & Dallos, 2006, 2014), such research may have limited applicability to
clinical practice where clinicians work alone. Therefore, future research should
compare the reliability of two or more independent formulators.
6. The BPS (2011) highlights best practice guidelines for the use of formulation, which
includes grounding formulation in an appropriate level of assessment. This is likely to
include information from multiple sources, such as assessment measures and clinical
interview. In this way, information can be triangulated to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the client. Although two studies (1 and 5) used more than one
source of material, that is, video recordings and assessment measures, most studies
used only one. Future research may benefit from examining differences in reliability
when participants are provided with more than one source of client information.

One potential limitation of the current review concerns the broad inclusion criteria, which
may have introduced heterogeneity into the sample, potentially affecting the results. This
is one possible reason why the range of reliability was so varied, from virtually none to
substantial. As can be seen from the data extraction table (Table 1), there were a variety of
disorders within the client samples and a range of professions in the formulator and rater
samples. It is possible that narrower inclusion criteria may have affected the levels of
agreement and reliability, and subsequently the conclusions that can be made.
Furthermore, we only included peer-reviewed journal articles written in the English
language, which may represent a source of selection and publication bias.

This review has shed light on the reliability of case formulation and demonstrated that
it can be achieved through a range of psychological modalities. However, this review
has also highlighted a fairly under-researched area for a skill so pertinent to the
profession of clinical psychology and requires further investigation.

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