DLL g7 English q2 w4
DLL g7 English q2 w4
DLL g7 English q2 w4
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Jayson Manuel L. Osong Learning Area ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time August 10-16, 2019 Quarter, Week 2nd, Week 4
Tuesday Wednesday Friday Monday
(August 10, 2019) (August 11, 2019) (August 12, 2019) (August 16, 2019)
The learner demonstrated understanding of: Philippine Literature during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various purposeful listening and viewing strategies;
difference between literal and figurative language; ways to extract and condense information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral communication; and types of
A. Content Standards
phrases, clauses, and sentences.
The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting information and noting details from texts
B. Performance Standards to write a precis, summary or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and figurative language and non-verbal cues; use phrase, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and
EN7SS-IId-1.3/1.4: Get information from the EN7VC-IId-10.1.2: Identify figures of speech EN7G-IId-1: Use phrases, clauses, and sentences EN7SS-IIa-1: Use appropriate mechanisms/tools
different parts of a book and from general that show comparison (simile, metaphor, appropriately and meaningfully in the library for locating resources
resources in the library personification)
EN7LT-IId-4: Discover the conflicts At the end of the period, the students will be EN7SS-IIb-1.5.3: Use the card catalog, the
presented in literary selections and the EN7WC-IId-5.1: Identify key ideas able to: online public access catalog, or electronic
need to resolve those conflicts in non- 1. Use noun and Verb phrases. search engine to locate specific resources
violent ways At the end of the period, the students will 2. Create a summary of the selection read.
C. Learning Competencies/ be able to: At the end of the period, the students will be
Objectives At the end of the period, the students will 1. Distinguish Literal language from able to:
be able to: Figurative language. 1. Identify the entries of a library cards and its
1. Use library resources to know unfamiliar 2. Identify what figure of speech is used in uses.
concepts and words. a sentence. 2. Apply knowledge on library cards to search
2. Give possible solution to family problems 3. Illustrate the highlight of a story read. learning resources in the library.
through group discussions.
3. Illustrate the conflict of the story read
through a film strip.
Module 2
The Centipede, Film Strip, Word Bank Literal Vs. Figurative Language, Word Bank Phrases, Summary Long Live the Library, Kinds of Library Card
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learners’ Material pages 160-164 166-168 169-170 173-174
3. Textbook pages
4. Addt’l materials from LR
B. Other learning resources Rubrics as tool to assess the Film Strips MMP on the topic MMP on the topic Library, Author Cards, Title Cards, Subject Card
A. Reviewing previous lesson Facilitate unlocking of difficulties through a Task 10: Ask the members to go over the Refer to notes phrases for a review. Have Stress to the learners the relationship of
or presenting the new vocabulary building activity by letting elements of a story and draw important additional examples and explain further. different tasks with library use.
lesson volunteer learners match words with their events or highlights of the story on the film
synonyms strip and label them properly.
B. Establishing a purpose for Let them add the new words into their Process Question: What is the connection Retain triads of learners and let their members
the lesson Word Banks of these events to the theme? distinguish noun phrases from verb phrases.
C. Presenting examples/ Lead the oral reading of the text by Rony Answers:
instances of the new Diaz while the learners follow by reading 1. Had told - VP Present examples of various library cards.
lesson silently. Remind them of the guide 2. had passed – VP Remind them to take down notes
questions. 3. three pigeons – NP …
D. Discussing new concepts Guide learners by reminding them to Introduce to the class the background Ask:
and practicing new skills observe the “think” and “search” way information of Literal and figurative 1. How are phrases used in the sentences?
#1 of manner of reading. language. Add more information and 2. What is the significance of phrases? Ask:
Ask questions in Task 9 examples for clarification. 1. How do you use the library card to
E. Discussing new concepts Review Task 5 and group learners Task 15. In A Nutshell locate or search for information?
and practicing new skills accordingly. Acquaint learners about the SUMMARY 2. What is the connection between library
#2 and connect with the message of the use and your tasks?
story read.
F. Developing mastery (leads Let the members construct statements Form triads and facilitate a GENERAL Direct the learners to make a summary of
to formative assessment 3) using the words in the previous INFORMATION GAME (GIG). Distribute The Centipede based on the guide
vocabulary building exercises. the mini-boards, pieces of chalk and questions.
G. Finding practical Let them go to the library and use erasers to the members. Ask: What is the significance of Summary?
applications of concepts references or sources.
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations Process and give feedback to the Ask: How would you know if a Ask:
and abstractions about Task 20: Adventure to the Library
learners’ outcome in the group sentence is using a literal or figurative
the lesson dynamics. Ask: If you were the father, How do you write a Summary?
language? Refer to the mechanics stipulate in the
what would you do to guide your How do phrases help in the construction of
LM, page 176
children and to help them maintain a a meaningful sentence?
harmonious relationship?
I. Evaluating learning Task 10: Centipede View, FILM STRIP Answers to Task 11 & 12 the GIG shall Task 14: Phrase to Phrase
Use rubrics to assess the illustrations be recorded. ¼ Sheet of paper
J. Additional activities for
application or
V. REMARKS Grade 7 subject is taken only four (4) times a week with one (1) hour per meeting. Friday is a non-meeting day with the class.
A. No. of Learners who earned 80% in the evaluation - 58
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson -n/a
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? Using varied learning activities
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? None
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Making use of teacher-prepared MMP