Recommendations For SC PDF
Recommendations For SC PDF
Recommendations For SC PDF
N° 144-145
3eet 4etrimestres 2013
Introduction Fields of application
(1) The columns referred to in these guidelines are
vertical piles made of cohesionless granular materials 2 .1
that are driven into the soil and then compacted by
repetitive action. By type of structure
Comment 1: These columns do not contain anypar (1) The most common uses of stone column treat
ticular type of binder at any level. In this document, the ment involve structures with concrete slabs or raft
term ""stone column"is limited to the definition above. foundations with surface loads sensitive to settlement:
(2) The columns can be constructed in regular or ■ Hangars and warehouses.
variable grids in rows or groups, or even in isolation. ■ Industrial and commercial buildings.
(3) Their design takes into account the type of struc ■ Silos and tanks of all kinds.
ture to be built, the kind of load, tolerances, and requi
rements regarding absolute and differential settlement, ■ Watertight hydraulic structures (tanks, sewage
as well as the nature and characteristics of the soil to treatment plants, etc.)
be treated. (2) By extension, they can be used under other types
(4) The purpose of stone columns is to give the of structures, too, as long as the residual deformations
soil under the structure to be built new general and/ of the treated soil and underlying layers are consistent
or local characteristics so that the structure's various with the structure in question and with associated
infrastructure elements (isolated or strip footing, raft technical measures:
foundations, concrete slabs, embankments, etc.) will ■ On-shore civil engineering works (roads,
demonstrate predictable and justifiable behavior embankments, bridges, retaining walls), and maritime
consistent with the regulations and tolerances that structures (seabed, lake and riverbed reinforcement).
apply to the structure of the building and its intended ■ Under shallowbuilding foundations.
(5) Treating soil with stone columns involves a com (3) They can also be used for stable heterogeneous
bination of the following actions, of which one or more embankments where systematic treatment with an
may be intended: appropriate and regular grid can help improve and/or
homogenize the soil characteristics to make it suitable
■ Improving bearing capacity. for surface construction.
■ Reducing settlement.
■ Improving uniformity of geotechnical characte 2.2
■ Increasing the consolidation rate by creating Use in seismic zones
drainage elements.
■ Increasing equivalent ground mass characteris (1) It is also possible to use stone columns in seismic
tics (horizontal shear strength, angle of internal friction zones where they may reduce the risk of soil liquefac
and deformation parameters). tion and increase shear resistance.
(6) A stone column is a soil improvement measure. (2) Refer to the guidelines entitled "Procédés d'amé
It is neither a foundation element, nor a deep founda lioration et de renforcement de sols sous sollicitationssis
tion element. miques" published by the French Association of Earth
(7) The foundation of a structure built on soil treated quake Engineering (AFPS).
by stone columns is always superficial (isolated or strip
footing, raft foundations, concrete slabs, etc.). It can 2 .3
also be part of the "foundation" of an embankment.
(8) The objective is to control the behavior of these Limitations of use
structures, and in particular to reduce the settlement.
Comment 1: Depending on the existing grid density (1) The lateral earth pressure exerted by the sur
and geotechnical conditions, this coefficient is usually rounding soil is a determining factor in column
between 1.5and 4 under distributed loads. construction, behavior and capacity.
(9) The need for soil treatment should be analyzed (2) Therefore:
by the project's geotechnical engineer, who should ■ Stone columns must not be used in soil that exhi
provide and approve the calculation hypotheses. bits a potential risk of a loss in volume and/or mecha
Comment 2: A reminder: the stone column geo nical soil characteristics, especially waste dumps and
technical study should examine not only the soil to be peat deposits. More generally, stone columns should
treated, but any soil that could potentially settle under not be used in soils with a loss on ignition of more than
the treated layer. 5%as specified by standard XP 94-047.
Comment 3: The contractor must involve the geo Comment 1: There is also standard NF P 94-055
technical engineer in the design and the execution of which specifies a chemical method for determining the
the project in compliance with standard NF P 94-500 organic material weight content of asoil.
concerning geotechnical procedures in France. ■ Unless particular measures have been provided
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for, such as preloading or consolidation, or a specific
compatibility study, treatment with stone columns in
highly compressible soils (silt, mud and soft clay) with
a thickness greater than 50 cm and weak characteris Comment 1: Los Angeles test, standard DIN EN
tics (Cu<20 kPa or qc<300 kPa) is not possible. 1097-2; Micro De-val test, standard NFEN 1097-1.
■ In any case, essential design verifications must (4) The particle size test depends mainly on the
be carried out to calculate potential stone column fai backfill material. Bottom-feed vibrators are more sen
lure and deformation as described in Chapter 5 of this sitive and an unsuitable particle size can plug the pipe.
document. Specific stresses related to the site must (5) The following indicative values can be used as a
also be taken into account. reference:
■ Bottom-feed vibrators with a material transfer
3 pipe on the side: the most commonly used particle size
is 8/40.
Procedure ■ Other methods: the most commonly-used par
ticle size is 20/75.
.13 (6) The standard for particle homogeneity: less than
5%particles smaller than 80 m.
Methods and materials
(1) The two following methods meet the definition 4
given in the forward (see glossary for a detailed des
cription): Construction provisions
■ Vibro-compaction.
■ Vibro-stone columns: |
- vibro-displacement by a "dry" method where
compressed air jetting is used, or Diameter of stone columns
- vibro-replacement by a "wet" method where (1) The diameter of the stone columns depends on:
water jetting is used. ■ the device used and its suitability to the soil at
Comment 1: Any other method requires its own the site,
technical specifications. ■ the layers of soil penetrated and their characte
(2) Which device, wet or dry method, characteris ristics,
tics and the implementation method to use depends
largely on the nature and the level of soil saturation, ■ the total amount of energy used (power output,
the desired objectives, and the characteristics of the vertical force and running time).
gravel fill materials. It is up to the contracting company (2) The diameter of the column may vary over its
to decide on the basis of its expertise and experience length, depending on the resistance of the different
which process is best adapted to each situation. layers penetrated.
Comment 1: The diameter of most dry method
.m columns is between 50and 80 cm.
(3) All things equal, the diameter of wet method
Pre-drilling columns is usually greater than dry method columns
due to the soil extraction caused by water jetting.
(1) Soil displacement through compacted layers or
obstacles can be facilitated by pre-drilling, with or with
out earth excavation. 4.2
(2) Excavated or altered volumes should be filled
and compacted with the column material. Interface between the treated soil
and the building structure
3.3 (1) If the foundation element does not have enough
inertia to distribute load bearing in a homogeneous
Gravel backfill way on the initial column grid, it is necessary to add
(1) The gravel backfill must be of high quality, and a load transfer platform between the foundation ele
its particle size must be as homogeneous as possible. ments and the treated soil. The purpose of this plat
form is to improve the load bearing distribution.
(2) In most cases natural, pea gravel or crushed (2) If the stone columns are being used for their
stone gravel is used. draining properties, a drainage layer (with outlet)
Comment 1: Except in the case of specific docu should be added at the top of the columns.
mentation showing an absence of short and long-term Comment 1: In practice, isolated and strip footings
problems (expansion, pollution, physical-chemical reac and raft foundations do not require aload transferplat
tions, etc.), recycled materials may not be used. form, as opposed to concrete slabs (reinforced or not)
(3) The minimum characteristics for gravel backfill which do.
are: (3) With few exceptions, in general, soil treatment
■ Los Angeles test loss <35%. with stone columns does not in and of itself improve
■ Micro De-val test loss <30%. the behavior of surface soil between columns where
■ Combined Los Angeles + Micro D-val test loss there is no increase in the values for either the EV2
<60%. modulus or the Westergaard coefficient.
54 FIG. 1
(2) In general, the justifications that need to be pro determine the vertical stress-rupture point qr for an
vided inthe calculations are based on these two criteria: isolated column based on the characteristics of the
ULS stress
(1) The maximum stress for calculation qaULSwithin
the column is obtained by applying a safety factor of where:
1.5 on the vertical failure stress qr: • ai :the replacement ratio for layer i
* qaULS = qr/ l ·5 =min(qre/1.5; qrp/1.5; 1.06 MPa) • Ecol : Young's modulus for the column
Comment 1: This means applying a coefficient of • Esj : Young's modulus for layer i
1.33to the allowable stress at the ULS:
*qaULS=1.33 . qaSLS • vsi : Poisson's ratio for layer i
• t : average vertical stress exerted by the building
• hi:thickness of layer i
5. Comment 1: If there are results from laboratory
Evaluating stress and settlement oedometer tests (oedometric modulus for soil layer i:
Esoli), the above formulas become:
at the service limit state (SLS)
(1) The methods described below (§ 5.5.1 and 5.5.2)
are usually onlyvalid if:
• The additional load on the soil between the
columns (calculated according to the aforementioned
methods) remains inferior to the allowable stress for and the stress within the column at the layer i (Sci) can
the untreated soil. be expressed as:
• The column bases rest on a more compact ground
Comment 1: A layer is considered more compact
when it is characterized by Cupgreater than or equal to Comment 2: If there are results frompressuremeter
150kPa (approximatelyp1* 0.8MPa or gc 2.5 MPa) or tests (modulus EM,coefficient a), in keeping with Inter
such that 9.Cup>qr. national Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical
(2) They are based on the soil elasticity hypotheses Engineering recommendations, the ratio EM/ is com
and on the conservation of flat, horizontal sections pared to the oedometric modulus.
and depend on the stiffness of each element (soil and In the traditional hypothesis with aPoisson's ratio of
Comment 1:Aspart ofpressuremeterandconepene 1:3, the Young's modulus for soil Esis then equal to 2/3
tration test methods, to remain within the elastic range of the oedometric modulus.
under the foundation element (raft foundation, concrete The above formulas become:
slab, footing, etc.) it must be verified that in the SLS:
Comment 3: If there are results from electric cone Bearing capacity In the Ultimate Limit State (ULS)
penetration tests (CPT), the following correlations can
be made for the most common and normally consolida (1) For a given footing (with area Ss = B . L) sup
ted soil types: ported on n columns (with area Scol), with a surface
• Essolol = cC . qc avec cC common values appear in the overload qULS, the following must be verified:
table below ·(n.Scol ·qaULs+(Ss- n ·Scol . q'/ 2}>qULSSs
• with the oedometric modulus Esolfor the soil Comment 1: If there is a need for deformation at
the ULS, the method described for SLS can be used as
an initial approach.
TABLE II Values for c.
5 .6 .1
Simplified method
Comment 4: Since pressuremeter and CPT corre
lations can be difficult to make for certain types of soil (1) The value of Mxis increased by a factor xequal
(saturated soft clay, unsaturated soil, etc.), oedometric to:
moduli measured in alaboratory may be preferable. • 1.25if there are columns along several axes paral
(4) The stresses should remain belowthe maximumlel to the x axis
allowable values specified in • and 1.5 ifthe opposite is true (all columns are alig
* ci < q a i
ned along the x axis).
The total settlement ( Wi, increased if necessary (2) The value of M is increased by a factor xequal
by the settlement of layers under the bases of the to:
columns) should remain below the values set by the • 1.25 ifthere are columns along several axes paral
operating conditions. lel to the y axis
Comment 1: If the load varies from one area to ano • and 1.5 ifthe opposite is true (all columns are alig
ther and/or if the stratigraphyis not uniform, it is neces ned along the y axis).
sary to also check if the differential settlement values are (3) The eccentricity values ey= x. Mx/Q and ex= y
acceptable. . M y/Q should verify:
Comment 2: If the column bases do not rest on a ex < dxand ey<dy.
more compact layer, a specific explanation is offered.
(4) Therefore, we can refer to an equivalent rectan
gular layout (Meyerhof) q':
q' = q . B . L/Sr
Columns under footings with vertical with Sr= (B- 2 . ey).(L- 2 . ex)
and centered load bearing (5) It is then possible to apply the simplified methods
describedin§ compressedpart ofthefooting.
(6) For a column to be taken into account in the cal
SLS loads culation, it is necessary to verify that it is located in
the part of the soil that is entirely compressed. The
(1) The steps for calculation are the following for a increase in y of 1.25 and/or 1.5 makes it possible to
given footing (whose surface Ss=B . L) supported on n avoid this verification by determining the dimensions
columns (with area Scol), bearing surface load qSLS. in advance.
N° 144-145
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TABLEIII Phases ofcalculationunderfootings.
0 First checkthe condition: Comment 1:Thisvalueq'umustbeprovidedorapproved
{ n·Scol).q'u/3}>qSLS.Ss bythegeotechnical engineer.
withqamaximumallowablestress withinthe colum(see §5.2)
andq'usoil failurestress before improvement under acentered
load.n=number ofcolumns, Ss=surfaceofthefooting.
1 Calculatethe settlementwswithout treatment accordingtothe Basedonapressuremeter test:
rules ineffect. Thusthefollowingcanbe determined: ws=qsls (B .As/Ec+Ad.B/Ed)
ks=qsLS/Ws withAs= .c/9
andwhereEcandEdarethe equivalent pressuremeter
moduli correspondingrespectivelytothe areas
ofspherical anddeviatoricstress.
withEsol=c. qcwherecsee §5.5.1
andC=0.5for isolatedfootings and1.1for stripfootings.
2 Thesettlement equationfor acolumnwcolwithstress at thehead,
W ol='H·qiscothe
wchere l.Hlevel
/Ecolat whichthe settlement iscalculated
' isaratiothat shows that there isadistributionofstress from
the columntothesoil.
Comment 1:Inpractice, H=min(2.5B;Lc)isusedsinceover85%
ofsoilsettlement occursbetween 0and2.5B
Comment 2:As aninitial approach, use'=1 (nodistribution);
whenthedistributioncanbecalculated, thereis' =qmoy/qcol
whereqm oy istheaverageofstressesinthecolumn.
Forahomogenoussoil over2.5B, 'mini=0.67
3 Thecolumnstiffness canbe deducedandexpressedas:
kcol=qcol/wcol=Ecol/(' .H)
4 Thestiffness oftheentire "footing+column" structureat the
height inquestion:
5 Thefollowingcanthenbe deduced:
the settlement aftertreatment at height H
thefinal =qsettlem
SLS/k ent aftertreatment
wsf=wsH/0.85the stress under thefooting: qsol=wsf.ks
the stresswithinthe column: qcol=wsf.kcol
6 Thencheckthat thevalues are still withintherange
qsol<limit ofsoil'selasticbehavior qsol<kp . ple/2+q'o
andqcol<limit ofcolumn's elasticbehavior uptoqaSLS qsol<kc.qc/ 2+q'o
andthat thefinal settlement, includingthat ofunderlyingsoil
layers isacceptable.
Otherwise, start overfromstep 1changingthe number of
columns, their diameter and/or footingsize.
permanent SLS, 100%of the surface remains com
pressed, andtheninthe ULS, about half ofthe num (1) Other methods (without increasingMxandMy)
berofcolumnsremainsundertheentirelycompressed arepossible. It isthennecessarytomakesurethat the
surfaceSr. referencevalueforthesoil stressq'refafterthecalcula-
N° 144-145
• n r · S col . q aSLS + ( S r - n r · Scol) . q ' 3/ > q ' sLS · S r
with nrnumber of columns under the compresses sur
face S in the SLS
• n r. S col · q aULS + (S r - n r . So l) . q 'u/2 > q 'ULS . S r
with nrnumber of columns under the compressed sur
face Srin the ULS
• with qaSLS: maximum allowable stress in the
column at the SLS
• with qaULS: maximum allowable stress in the
column at the ULS
• q'u: soil failure stress before improvement
under a centered load
• Check that in the rare SLS, 75% of the surface
of the footing remains compressed, that in the quasi
permanent SLS, 100% of the surface remains com
pressed, and then in the ULS, about half of the num
Taking into account columns in compressed ber of columns remains under the entirely compressed
areas. surface Sr.
Comment 1: As part of pressuremeter and CPT Other evaluation methods
methods, the followingmust be verified:
• The stresses in the soil must remain within allo (1) In all cases, step 0 described in § must be
wable limits: applied.
• q 're f < k p . P el, / 2 2+ q 'o
• q' réf<kc qce/2 +q' (see step 6 on the table in
§5.52.1) Numerical finite element approach
• The stresses within the columns must remain wit
hin allowable limits: (1) The finite element method consists of defining
a geometric model (soil + columns) in numerical sub
• qcol <qaSLSin the SLS sets based on conditions of displacement and stress in
• qcol < qauLsin the ULS order to build an overall rigidity matrix.
• The overall bearing capacity is verified as follows:
(2) Then for each given lawof behavior and for each
• q' =q .B . L/[(B-2. ey)(L-2. ex)] load situation studied, the displacement, deformation,
(1) The model provides a distribution of surface
springs equivalent to the "load transfer platform +
reinforced soil" combination. In practice, this distri Quality control during installation
bution can be described with two types of values: the
values applicable vertically and around the column set
by a slope of 2V/1H from the top of the column, and
those applicable to the additional surface. Calibration tests
30minutes long.
(6) The column is unloaded in four increments held
for 5minutes.
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3eet 4etrimestres 2013