Mol 2, September 2020
Mol 2, September 2020
Mol 2, September 2020
Magazine of Dispuut Geo-Engineering “De Ondergrondse”
Sponsors 2
The Board During the COVID-19 Period
Dianne Frode
When I heard that the university would close for The first few weeks of quarantine were actually
three weeks (more like months at the time of not that bad. The assignments from Numerical
writing), I decided that I wanted to spent the lock- Modelling were taking up a lot of time, so the
down at my parents place. They live in a beautiful free time really came in handy. However, it did
village (Groesbeek) and going there also meant start getting annoying that meetings in person
that I could spend more time with them and also were not allowed in the fourth quarter. The on-
my grandma. To keep the study time separated line meetings were very inefficient. Also, I really
from my spare time, I studied at my grandma’s started to miss the social part of studying. There
place. This was quite a nice solution, since I did were no Geodrinks, no end-of-the-year BBQs,
a lot more work and I spent more time with my not even a little chat with other people after lec-
grandma. Because of the lockdown she saw a tures.
lot less people, so she appreciated it that I was During the summer break, the restrictions from
there every day. After some weeks I started do- the government were loosened. It was nice to
ing home workouts, since the gym was of course see my friends again after such a long time, but
closed. And I spoke my friends from Enschede still, things were not really the same as before. On
a lot more often then before the lockdown, be- most days, the only thing I did was sit at home
cause we figured out that we can also just meet and watch Netflix or play video games.
up online rather than travelling three hours to I hope that the corona virus will not cause an-
see each other. This summer I just stayed in the other peak in the future, so that we don’t have to
Netherlands and enjoyed the beautiful weather wait long for the next Geodrinks. And trust me,
over here. this will be a Geodrinks you do not want to miss!
Emy Sybren
After some intense weeks in Q3 working on the A lot has changed since the outbreak of the coro-
numerical modelling assignments, I must say that na virus. Suddenly we were forced to study from
it was weird not seeing most of you in the weeks our homes. It was a strange to see your fellow
(and months) to follow. I think that quarantine students only through a video connection and to
life was a big change for all of us, and I hope take exams in your own room. I hope everyone is
you’ve all been healthy and stayed mentally sane healthy and was able to finish their courses in Q3
during it all. I think we were lucky to have great and Q4 of last year.
weather in the first months, which made it possi- As commissioner of education I evaluated the
ble to still meet people outside. online education and tried to support the teach-
Apart from studying and doing my part as the ers wherever needed together with the GEEC. As
treasurer, I took up a lockdown hobby. Since the online teaching continues, I will also continue
most sports facilities closed down (and I had al- doing this. During the summer I have recharged
ready finished all my puzzles), I decided to pur- myself and I am ready to take up this task!
sue a yogic lifestyle. Thankfully, the sports center I enjoyed seeing the new first year Geo-Engineer-
is now almost back to ‘normal’ and I don’t have ing students during the introduction day. We are
to force myself into impossible yoga poses any- planning to organize more real-life events which
more. comply with the corona measures. I look forward
As for my Ondergrondse duties, I am still a bit to meeting you all there!
saddened that we were not able to organize the
GE Trip Abroad this summer. I really hope that
we still get to organize some other fun activities
when the COVID-19 measures are eased. Enjoy
your holidays, and hope to see you all soon!
by Mitch Frissen, MSc
Determination of differential settlements of
high-rise building foundations in soft soil
A framework for daily engineering practice
5 Graduate Thesis
PLAXIS 3D calculation.
proach for determining the load distribution on soil-displacement pile (groups) in combination
the pile heads. Subsequently, the accuracy for with embedded beams because, group effects
determination of settlements is increased due are still not completely incorporated.
to the improved soil-structure interaction. Com-
pared to current approaches where linear springs If you are interested in my research topic you
are used for single pile behaviour in the structural can read my complete Master Thesis on the re-
pository website of the TU Delft. After finishing
my Master Thesis on the TU Delft, I followed
my dreams and moved to the mountains in
Austria. Currently, I am working at Amberg
Engineering AG in Innsbruck. This engineering
firm is specialized in design of tunnels in hard
rock environments.
- NEN 9997-1. (2017). Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design, including
Dutch national annex and NCCI. Nederlandse Norm. NEN.
- Smulders, C. M. (2018). An improved 3D embedded beam element
with explicit interaction surface [Master Thesis]. Delft University of
- Tomlinson, M., & Woodward, J. (1977). Pile Design and Construction
Practice, Fifth edition (Vol. 5). Taylor & Francis.
Graduate Thesis 6
by Rajasekar Subbian
I’m Rajasekar Subbian The goal of this program is to equip the
and I graduated from existing bridges to deal with the fatigue
TU Delft in the year resulting from ever-increasing traffic and
2017. I wrote my dis- to ensure its safety per current standards
sertation about a grav- and requirements.
ity-based foundation
for offshore wind tur- One such bridge that I am currently work-
bines under the super- ing on is the Van Brienenoord bridge lo-
vision of Dr. Ken Gavin. cated in Rotterdam connecting the banks
of river Nieuwe Maas. Van Brienenoord
Currently, I work as a graduate geotech- bridge is a twin arch bridge with a main
nical engineer at an international engi- span of 300 m.
neering firm called Arup. In this article,
I’d like to share my experience in the ge- An interesting fact for a geotechnical en-
otechnical industry. gineer would be that one of the bridg-
es (from 1960) was founded on a cais-
Arup, as an engineering firm has al- son foundation whereas the other (from
ways been of interest and the impor- 1980) was founded on both the existing
tant aspect that attracted me towards it caisson and new pile foundations.
is the philosophy of total architecture,
quality of the product, and its ethics. To ensure the compliance of the founda-
tions to transfer the additional load when
The reader could read the key speech by the renovated bridge is in place, advanced
Sir Ove Arup, which will provide great- computational analyses were performed.
er insight into the philosophy and the
principles on which our firm is based. A difference in soil stratigraphy was ev-
idenced on both sides of the river from
The other aspect which I like about my the archive ground investigation data
job is that every day is not the same. whilst the ground model development.
My day-to-day tasks constantly change
from GI interpretation to foundation Furthermore, the information on the
design, from analytical analysis to finite deeper layers within the zone of influence
element analysis, from digital develop- was limited. Besides, one of the piers sup-
ment to site visit. porting the arch is located on the island
whereas the other in the water. Thus, the
Besides, the responsibility to deliver loading history is also different from each
high-quality infrastructure which serves other.
the society in the long term keeps me
motivated and updated with the state- To establish a good ground model, a new
of-the-art technologies in the industry. ground investigation program was car-
ried out.
Bridge renovation in the Netherlands
has been one of the talks of the town
programs in the infrastructure market.
7 Alumni Corner
A layer of dumped rocks was encoun- Furthermore, as a member of De on-
tered in the surroundings of the piers in dergrondse, I have cherishing memo-
water making it difficult to perform the ries from the activities such as lectures,
(deeper) CPTs closer to the substructure. symposiums, and most importantly the
borrel evenings.
This introduced the uncertainty in the
deeper soft layers. However, such uncer- My suggestion to the current students in
tainty was taken into account in the FE terms of job search would be to spend
analysis with the help of sensitivity anal- time researching the companies to look
ysis and the available deformation mon- for a fit with your specific requirements.
itoring data.
Besides, make use of the interview as an
Of course, I can speak about this project opportunity to get to know the company
for days but if I need to point out one in detail and assess their suitability for you.
take away for me in this project then it
would be the art of dealing uncertainty. Framing the questions beforehand
will help you in assessing them. In
While I was a master’s student at TU Delft, this way, it’ll eventually result in a
I loved the group projects involving other win-win situation for both parties.
disciplines. This helped me appreciate the
total architecture in the engineering chal- Wishing you all the very best and make
lenges by getting a bird’s eye view while sure to enjoy your tenure at TU Delft.
at the same time, not losing the specifics. Feel free to ontact me on LinkedIn for
any questions.
Alumni Corner 8
©2020 [email protected]
CRUX Engineering BV +31 (0)20 4943070
My name is Vincent Leclercq (24), and I started working at
CRUX after my graduation in February. When looking for a
job I realised I wanted to be involved in the development
of sustainable energy. At the same time I also enjoyed the
challenge of designing complex geotechnical structures in
densely urbanised areas. This brought me to CRUX. I would like
to take this opportunity to introduce to you CRUX’s newest
workfield: Energy Geotechnics.
Vincent Leclercq
When people think about working in Geotechnics, Another elegant aspect of the Energy Sheetpile
they usually think about tunnels, dykes, sheetpiles, comes from its good compatibility with ATES sys-
and building foundations. CRUX offers the chance to tems. In summer, the extracted heat can be stored in
work with colleagues having specialised knowledge aquifers. This allows for precise calibration of heat
in all these fields. The projects you start vary in size supply and demand for a building (or neighbour-
and style, which means you get to explore the whole hood), which greatly increases the performance of
spectrum of Geotechnical activities. the system.
The newest workfield of CRUX particularly drew me: CRUX has been the leading group in the Energy
Energy Geotechnics. CRUX is developing the activ- Sheetpile experiment at “De Zweth”. In cooperation
ities related to energy extraction from the shallow with several other companies, TU Delft (Phil Vardon,
subsurface with geotechnical structures. CRUX is Ivaylo Pantev) and TU Eindhoven, an experiment has
also active in the design of ATES systems, and their recently been set up to test the efficiency of the sys-
influence on surrounding structures. tem. The testing will start in September, and will last
for 2 years.
Waterways form a large part of our Dutch landscape.
Surface water often is slightly warmer than the am- If I managed to get you curious about this topic, or if
bient air. It also has an extremely high heat capacity. you have questions about my experience working at
This combination allows for a great thermal ex- CRUX you can always contact me at
traction potential. In urban areas sheet piles are of- [email protected]!
ten chosen as retaining structure. By installing heat
exchanger on the sheetpiles (or quay walls/ founda-
tion piles), thermal energy can be extracted from the
surface water and soil.
11 International Geo-Corner
ThuyLoi University (2020)
In this period, my task was researching the every single moment being a TU Delft stu-
bearing capacity of the soft soil ground, dent. Now, my first year has ended; all the
specifically soft clay in Ca Mau, in the south knowledge invigorates me to keep it up, all
of Vietnam. I also participated in building the memories embrace my heart, I want to
a physical model to study the behaviour of study here, not only my second year, but
different shapes of shallow foundation in even longer.
Ca Mau’s soft soil. This was the first time I
learnt how to conduct a research based on I am still on my way studying and re-
in-situ data and I liked this so much that I searching.
made a decision to become a researcher at
that moment. To all my classmates, I wish you the best.
Miss you all.
When I completed my first internship, my
parents had a conversation with me. First- Hanoi, 6th of August 2020
ly, they were surprised with the fact that I
did not choose to work in our company,
but then encouraged me to keep studying
on my own. With their financial support, 4
months after I graduated, my first interna-
tional flight was happening, and I was on
my way to Delft!
International Geo-Corner 12
are looking
for you!
Water Authority Drents Overijsselse Delta (WDODelta)
is a government organization responsible for safe dikes,
dry polders and sewage treatment.
We maintain and control approximately 240 kilometers of
primary river levees and a lot of constructions in the area
of West-Overijssel and South-West Drenthe.
A team of six enthousiastic flood control experts are working
on dike reinforcement projects and safety assessments of
the primary river levees in the area.
Contact Circulation: 250
“De Ondergrondse“
p/a Stevinweg 1, Room 0.0.43 Editors: Gokul Krishan Balaji, Teodora Barbuntoiu,
2628 CN Delft Simon Dehout, Frode van der Drift, Maarten Zijlstra