Curse of Dimensionality, Dimensionality Reduction With PCA

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Curse of Dimensionality,

Dimensionality Reduction with PCA

Curse of Dimensionality: Overfitting
 If the number of features d is large, the number of
samples n, may be too small for accurate
parameter estimation.
 For example, covariance matrix has d2
  1   1d 

    
   2 
 d1 d 

 For accurate estimation, n should be much bigger

than d2, otherwise model is too complicated for
the data, overfitting:
Curse of Dimensionality: Overfitting
 Paradox: If n < d2 we are better off assuming that
features are uncorrelated, even if we know this
assumption is wrong
 In this case, the covariance matrix has only d
parameters:  12  0 
    
 0  2 
 d

 We are likely to avoid overfitting because we fit a

model with less parameters: model with more

model with less

Curse of Dimensionality: Number of Samples
 Suppose we want to use the nearest neighbor
approach with k = 1 (1NN)
 Suppose we start with only one feature
0 1

 This feature is not discriminative, i.e. it does not

separate the classes well
 We decide to use 2 features. For the 1NN method
to work well, need a lot of samples, i.e. samples
have to be dense
 To maintain the same density as in 1D (9 samples
per unit length), how many samples do we need?
Curse of Dimensionality: Number of Samples
 We need 92 samples to maintain the same
density as in 1D

Curse of Dimensionality: Number of Samples
 Of course, when we go from 1 feature to 2, no
one gives us more samples, we still have 9

0 1

 This is way too sparse for 1NN to work well

Curse of Dimensionality: Number of Samples
 Things go from bad to worse if we decide to use 3

0 1

 If 9 was dense enough in 1D, in 3D we need

93=729 samples!
Curse of Dimensionality: Number of Samples

 In general, if n samples is dense enough in 1D

 Then in d dimensions we need nd samples!

 And nd grows really really fast as a function of d

 Common pitfall:
 If we can’t solve a problem with a few features, adding
more features seems like a good idea
 However the number of samples usually stays the same
 The method with more features is likely to perform
worse instead of expected better
Curse of Dimensionality: Number of Samples
 For a fixed number of samples, as we add
features, the graph of classification error:

1 # features
optimal # features

 Thus for each fixed sample size n, there is the

optimal number of features to use
The Curse of Dimensionality
 We should try to avoid creating lot of features
 Often no choice, problem starts with many features
 Example: Face Detection
 One sample point is k by m array of pixels
 
 
  
 
 

 Feature extraction is not trivial, usually every

pixel is taken as a feature
 Typical dimension is 20 by 20 = 400
 Suppose 10 samples are dense enough for 1
dimension. Need only 10400 samples
The Curse of Dimensionality
 Face Detection, dimension of one sample point is km
 
 
  
 
 

 The fact that we set up the problem with km

dimensions (features) does not mean it is really
a km-dimensional problem
 Space of all k by m images has km dimensions
 Space of all k by m faces must be much smaller,
since faces form a tiny fraction of all possible images
 Most likely we are not setting the problem up with
the right features
 If we used better features, we are likely need much
less than km-dimensions
Dimensionality Reduction
 High dimensionality is challenging and redundant
 It is natural to try to reduce dimensionality
 Reduce dimensionality by feature combination:
combine old features x to create new features y
 x1    x1  
 x2     y1 
x     f   x2       y with k  d

x       y k 
 d  
  xd  

 For example,  x1 
 x2   x  x2 
x  1  y
x3  3
x  x 4
 
x4 
 Ideally, the new vector y should retain from x all
information important for classification
Dimensionality Reduction
 The best f(x) is most likely a non-linear function
 Linear functions are easier to find though
 For now, assume that f(x) is a linear mapping
 Thus it can be represented by a matrix W:

 x1   x1  w 11  w 1d   1 
 y1 
 x2   x2 
    W         x2      with k  d
x  x  w     y k 
 d  d  k1 w kd  x
 d  
Feature Combination

 We will look at 2 methods for feature

 Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
 Fischer Linear Discriminant (next lecture)
Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
 Main idea: seek most accurate data representation in
a lower dimensional space
 Example in 2-D
 Project data to 1-D subspace (a line) which minimize the
projection error
dimension 2

dimension 2
dimension 1 dimension 1

large projection errors, small projection errors,

bad line to project to good line to project to
 Notice that the good line to use for projection lies in
the direction of largest variance

 After the data is projected on the best line, need to

transform the coordinate system to get 1D
representation for vector y

 Note that new data y has the same variance as old

data x in the direction of the green line
 PCA preserves largest variances in the data. We will
prove this statement, for now it is just an intuition of
what PCA will do
PCA: Approximation of Elliptical Cloud in 3D

best 2D approximation best 1D approximation

PCA: Linear Algebra for Derivation
 Let V be a d dimensional linear space, and W be a k
dimensional linear subspace of V
 We can always find a set of d dimensional vectors
{e1,e2,…,ek} which forms an orthonormal basis for W
 <ei,ej> = 0 if i is not equal to j and <ei,ei> = 1
 Thus any vector in W can be written as
1e1   2e2  ...   k ek    i ei for scalars 1,...,  k
i 1
PCA: Linear Algebra for Derivation
 Recall that subspace W contains the zero vector, i.e.
it goes through the origin
this line is not a
subspace of R2

 For derivation, it will be convenient to project to

subspace W: thus we need to shift everything

this line is a
subspace of R2
PCA Derivation: Shift by the Mean Vector

 Before PCA, subtract sample mean from the data

1 n
x   x i  x  ̂
n i 1

 The new data has zero mean.

 All we did is change the coordinate system

x 2
x 2
̂ x 1
x 1 ̂
PCA: Derivation
 We want to find the most accurate representation of
data D={x1,x2,…,xn} in some subspace W which has
dimension k < d
 Let {e1,e2,…,ek} be the orthonormal basis for W. Any
vector in W can be written as  e
i 1
i i

 Thus x1 will be represented by some vector in W


i 1
1i ei

 Error of this representation: x1

k 2
error  x 1    1i ei
i 1
 1i ei
PCA: Derivation
 To find the total error, we need to sum over all xj’s
 Any xj can be written as 
i 1
ji ei

 Thus the total error for representation of all data D is:

sum over all data points

n k 2

J e1,..., ek , 11,... nk    x j    ji ei
j 1 i 1
unknowns error at one point
PCA: Derivation
 To minimize J, need to take partial derivatives and
also enforce constraint that {e1,e2,…,ek} are
n k 2

J e1,..., ek , 11,... nk    x j    ji ei
j 1 i 1

 Let us simplify J first:

n n k n k
J e1 ,..., ek ,11 ,... nk    x j 2   ji x tj ei    2ji

j 1 j 1 i 1 j 1 i 1
PCA: Derivation
n n k n k
J e1 ,..., ek ,11 ,... nk    x j 2   ji x tj ei    2ji

j 1 j 1 i 1 j 1 i 1

 First take partial derivatives with respect to ml

J e1,..., ek ,11,... nk   2 x mt el  2 ml
 ml

 Thus the optimal value for ml is

 2xm
el  2 ml  0   ml  x m
PCA: Derivation
n n k n k
J e1 ,..., ek ,11 ,... nk    x j 2   ji x tj ei    2ji

j 1 j 1 i 1 j 1 i 1

 Plug the optimal value for ml = xtmel back into J

   
n n k n k
J e1 ,..., ek    x j 2  x tj ei x tj ei   x tj ei

j 1 j 1 i 1 j 1 i 1

 Can simplify J
 
n n k
J e1 ,..., ek    x j   x tj ei

j 1 j 1 i 1
PCA: Derivation
 
n n k
J e1 ,..., ek    x j   x tj ei

j 1 j 1 i 1

 Rewrite J using (atb)2= (atb)(atb)=(bta)(atb)=bt(aat )b

 
 
n k n
J e1,..., ek    x j   eit   x j x tj

j 1 i 1  j 1 
n k
  xj   eit S ei

j 1 i 1

 Where S   j j
x x t

j 1

 S is called the scatter matrix, it is just n-1 times the

sample covariance matrix we have seen before
  
ˆ 
 
n  1 j 1
x j  ˆ x j  ˆ t
PCA: Derivation
n k
J e1,..., ek    x j   eit S ei

j 1 i 1
 Minimizing J is equivalent to maximizing  i S ei
e t

i 1
 We should also enforce constraints eitei = 1 for all i
 Use the method of Lagrange multipliers, incorporate
the constraints with undetermined l1 ,…, lk
 Need to maximize new function u
 
k k
u e1,..., ek    eit S ei   l j e tj e j  1
i 1 j 1
PCA: Derivation

 
k k
u e1,..., ek    eit S ei   l j e tj e j  1
i 1 j 1

 Compute the partial derivatives with respect to em

u e1,..., ek   2Sem  2lmem  0
Note: em is a vector, what we are really doing here is
taking partial derivatives with respect to each
element of em and then arranging them up in a
linear equation

 Thus lm and em are eigenvalues and eigenvectors of

scatter matrix S
Sem  lmem
PCA: Derivation
n k
J e1,..., ek    x j   eit S ei

j 1 i 1

 Let’s plug em back into J and use Sem  lmem

n k n k
J e1 ,..., ek    x j   li ei  x j   li
2 2 2

j 1 i 1 j 1 i 1

 Thus to minimize J take for the basis of W the k

eigenvectors of S corresponding to the k largest
 The larger the eigenvalue of S, the larger is the
variance in the direction of corresponding eigenvector
l1  30

l2  0.8

 This result is exactly what we expected: project x into

subspace of dimension k which has the largest
 This is very intuitive: restrict attention to directions
where the scatter is the greatest

 Thus PCA can be thought of as finding new

orthogonal basis by rotating the old axis until the
directions of maximum variance are found
PCA as Data Approximation
 Let {e1,e2,…,ed } be all d eigenvectors of the scatter
matrix S, sorted in order of decreasing corresponding
 Without any approximation, for any sample xi:
error of approximation
x i    j e j  1 e1     k ek   k 1 ek 1 ...   d ed
j 1
approximation of xi
 coefficients m =xtiem are called principle components
 The larger k, the better is the approximation
 Components are arranged in order of importance, more
important components come first
 Thus PCA takes the first k most important
components of xi as an approximation to xi
PCA: Last Step
 Now we know how to project the data
 Last step is to change the coordinates to get final
k-dimensional vector y

 Let matrix E  e1  ek 

 Then the coordinate transformation is y  E t
 e1  0 
 Under Et, the eigenvectors  
E ei   ei  ei   1
become the standard basis:  
e  0
 k
Recipe for Dimension Reduction with PCA
Data D={x1,x2,…,xn}. Each xi is a d-dimensional
vector. Wish to use PCA to reduce dimension to k
1 n
1. Find the sample mean ̂   x i
n i 1
2. Subtract sample mean from the data zi  x i  ̂
3. Compute the scatter matrix S   zi zit
i 1
4. Compute eigenvectors e1,e2,…,ek corresponding to
the k largest eigenvalues of S
5. Let e1,e2,…,ek be the columns of matrix E  e1  ek 
6. The desired y which is the closest approximation
to x is y  E t z
PCA Example Using Matlab
 Let D = {(1,2),(2,3),(3,2),(4,4),(5,4),(6,7),(7,6),(9,7)}
 Convenient to arrange data in array
1 2   x1 
X       
9 7   x 8 

 Mean   mean X   4.6 4.4 

 Subtract mean from data to get new data array Z
    3.6  4.4 
Z  X      X  repmat  ,8 ,1     
   4.4 2.6 
 
 Compute the scatter matrix S
 3.6   ...  4.4
S  7  cov Z    3.6  4.4   2.6  24.4   57 40 
 4.4 
   .6  40 34 
matlab uses unbiased estimate for covariance, so S=(n-1)*cov(Z)
PCA Example Using Matlab
 Use [V,D] =eig(S) to get eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of S
l1  87 and e1   0.8 
 0.6 
l2  3.8 and e2  0.06.8 
 

 Projection to 1D space in the direction of e1

Y  e1t Z t    0.8  0.6   3.6  4.4    4.3   5.1

 
 4.4  2.6 
 
 y 1  y 8 

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