HW 4

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EE263 Homework 4

Autumn 2022

3.600. Estimating link delays from route latencies. We consider a communications network
with m links that connect p nodes. There are n routes in the network, and each route is a
path from some source node, going along one or more links in the network, to a destination
node. The routes are determined and known.
We associate a delay di > 0 with each link i, representing the time needed to travel the
link. We use d = (d1 , . . . , dm ) to denote the vector of link delays in the network. We have
a latency lj > 0 associated with the route j, which corresponds to the total time needed to
travel from the source node to the destination node of the route. We use l = (l1 , . . . , ln ) to
denote the vector of route latencies in the network.
We say that the latency vector l is consistent with the underlying link delays if there exist a
set of link delays which give that latency vector. In this problem we assume that all measured
latency vectors are consistent.
Before we get to the questions, we define a matrix that might be useful. The route-link
incidence matrix R specifies which routes are using which links and its (i, j)th entry is defined
1 route j utilizes link i

Rij =
0 otherwise.
a) When can we perfectly and without ambiguity recover all the link delays in the network
given the route latencies? (Express your answer using defined terms such as l, d, and

b) True or False: If Ry = 0 for some y ∈ Rn and lT y 6= 0, then l is not a consistent latency

vector. State if this is a true or false statement and explain your reasoning.

c) A route latency vector l and a route-link matrix R are given in the file route_latency_data.json.
If possible, find the link delays in the network from the latency data, otherwise state
that this is not possible and give two different link delays both producing the same given

d) Mr. Johnson (our favorite engineer) proposes the following method to compute link
delays in the network from the latency data. Here is his proposal to the Boss.

We define the count matrix F ∈ Rm×m as follows: Fij is the number of routes
that utilize both the link i and j. Therefore, Fii is the number of routes
utilizing the link i.
For each link i, we define gi as the sum of all latencies lj , where j is over routes
that contain link i.
Then we compute the link delays as d = F −1 g, where we require that F is

Choose one of the following:

• Boss rewards Johnson since the method works whenever the delays can be perfectly
recovered from the latencies.

By ‘works’ we mean that F is invertible, and that F −1 g is the unique d that gives
the route latencies l. If you believe this is the case, explain why.
• Boss fires Johnson since the method can fail, even when the delays can be perfectly
recovered from the latencies.
To justify the firing, give a specific example, where the delays can be perfectly
recovered from the latency measurements, but the method above fails, i.e., either
F is singular, or F −1 g does not have the required latency totals. (Please try to give
as simplest example as you can think of.)

4.600. Sensor integrity monitor. A suite of m sensors yields measurement y ∈ Rm of some vector
of parameters x ∈ Rn . When the system is operating normally (which we hope is almost
always the case) we have y = Ax, where m > n. If the system or sensors fail, or become
faulty, then we no longer have the relation y = Ax. We can exploit the redundancy in our
measurements to help us identify whether such a fault has occured. We’ll call a measurement
y consistent if it has the form Ax for some x ∈ Rn . If the system is operating normally then
our measurement will, of course, be consistent. If the system becomes faulty, we hope that
the resulting measurement y will become inconsistent, i.e., not consistent. (If we are really
unlucky, the system will fail in such a way that y is still consistent. Then we’re out of luck.)
A matrix B ∈ Rk×m is called an integrity monitor if the following holds:

• By = 0 for any y which is consistent.

• By 6= 0 for any y which is inconsistent.

If we find such a matrix B, we can quickly check whether y is consistent; we can send an
alarm if By 6= 0. Note that the first requirement says that every consistent y does not trip the
alarm; the second requirement states that every inconsistent y does trip the alarm. Finally,
the problem. Find an integrity monitor B for the matrix
 
1 2 1
 1 −1 −2 
 
A=  −2 1 3 .
 1 −1 −2 
1 1 0

Your B should have the smallest k (i.e., number of rows) as possible. As usual, you have to
explain what you’re doing, as well as giving us your explicit matrix B. You must also verify
that the matrix you choose satisfies the requirements. Hints:

• You might find one or more of the Julia functions nullspace or qr useful. Then again,
you might not; there are many ways to find such a B.

• When checking that your B works, don’t expect to have By exactly zero for a consistent
y; because of roundoff errors in computer arithmetic, it will be really, really small. That’s

• Be very careful typing in the matrix A. It’s not just a random matrix.

5.680. Least-squares residuals. Suppose A is skinny and full-rank. Let xls be the least-squares
approximate solution of Ax = y, and let yls = Axls . Show that the residual vector r = y − yls
krk2 = kyk2 − kyls k2 .
Also, give a brief geometric interpretation of this equality (just a couple of sentences, and
maybe a conceptual drawing).

6.741. Image reconstruction from line integrals. In this problem we explore a simple version
of a tomography problem. We consider a square region, which we divide into an n × n array
of square pixels, as shown below.

x1 xn+1


xn x2n xn2

The pixels are indexed column first, by a single index i ranging from 1 to n2 , as shown above.
We are interested in some physical property such as density (say) which varies over the region.
To simplify things, we’ll assume that the density is constant inside each pixel, and we denote
by xi the density in pixel i, i = 1, . . . , n2 . Thus, x ∈ Rn is a vector that describes the density
across the rectangular array of pixels. The problem is to estimate the vector of densities x,
from a set of sensor measurements that we now describe. Each sensor measurement is a line
integral of the density over a line L. In addition, each measurement is corrupted by a (small)
noise term. In other words, the sensor measurement for line L is given by

n 2
li xi + v,

where li is the length of the intersection of line L with pixel i (or zero if they don’t intersect),
and v is a (small) measurement noise. This is illustrated below for a problem with n = 3. In

this example, we have l1 = l6 = l8 = l9 = 0.

line L

x1 x4 l7

x2 x5 x8

x3 x6 x9


Now suppose we have N line integral measurements, associated with lines L1 , . . . , LN . From
these measurements, we want to estimate the vector of densities x. The lines are characterized
by the intersection lengths

lij , i = 1, . . . , n2 , j = 1, . . . , N,

where lij gives the length of the intersection of line Lj with pixel i. Then, the whole set of
measurements forms a vector y ∈ RN whose elements are given by

n 2
yj = lij xi + vj , j = 1, . . . , N.

And now the problem: you will reconstruct the pixel densities x from the line integral measure-
ments y. The class webpage contains the file tomo_data.json, which contains the following

• N, the number of measurements (N ),

• npixels, the side length in pixels of the square region (n),

• y, a vector with the line integrals yj , j = 1, . . . , N ,

• line_pixel_lengths, an n2 × N matrix containing the intersection lengths lij of each

pixel i = 1, . . . , n2 (ordered column-first as in the above diagram) and each line j =
1, . . . , N ,

• lines_d, a vector containing the displacement (distance from the center of the region in
pixel lengths) dj of each line j = 1, . . . , N , and

• lines_theta, a vector containing the angles θj of each line j = 1, . . . , N .

(You shouldn’t need lines_d or lines_theta, but we’re providing them to give you some
idea of how the data was generated. Similarly, the file tmeasure.jl shows how we computed
the measurements, but you don’t need it or anything in it to solve the problem. The variable
line_pixel_lengths was computed using the function in this file.)
Use this information to find x, and display it as an image (of n by n pixels). You’ll know
you have it right.
Julia hints:

• The reshape function might help with converting between vectors and matrices, for
example, A = reshape(v, m, n) will convert a vector with v = mn elements into an
m × n matrix.

• To display a matrix A as a grayscale image, you can use: (or any method that works for
heatmap(A, yflip=true, aspect_ratio=:equal, color=:gist_gray,
cbar=:none, framestyle=:none)
You’ll need to have loaded the JuliaPlots package with using Plots to access the
heatmap function. (The yflip argument gets it to plot the origin in the top-left rather
than the bottom-left.)

Note: While irrelevant to your solution, this is actually a simple version of tomography,
best known for its application in medical imaging as the CAT scan. If an x-ray gets attenuated
at rate xi in pixel i (a little piece of a cross-section of your body), the j-th measurement is

zj = e−xi lij ,

with the lij as before. Now define yj = − log zj , and we get

n 2
yj = xi lij .

7.1060. Curve-smoothing. We are given a function F : [0, 1] → R (whose graph gives a curve in
R2 ). Our goal is to find another function G : [0, 1] → R, which is a smoothed version of F .
We’ll judge the smoothed version G of F in two ways:

• Mean-square deviation from F , defined as

Z 1
D= (F (t) − G(t))2 dt.

• Mean-square curvature, defined as

Z 1
C= G00 (t)2 dt.

We want both D and C to be small, so we have a problem with two objectives. In general
there will be a trade-off between the two objectives. At one extreme, we can choose G = F ,
which makes D = 0; at the other extreme, we can choose G to be an affine function (i.e.,
to have G00 (t) = 0 for all t ∈ [0, 1]), in which case C = 0. The problem is to identify the
optimal trade-off curve between C and D, and explain how to find smoothed functions G
on the optimal trade-off curve. To reduce the problem to a finite-dimensional one, we will
represent the functions F and G (approximately) by vectors f, g ∈ Rn , where

fi = F (i/n), gi = G(i/n).

You can assume that n is chosen large enough to represent the functions well. Using this
representation we will use the following objectives, which approximate the ones defined for the
functions above:

• Mean-square deviation, defined as

d= (fi − gi )2 .

• Mean-square curvature, defined as

n−1  2
1 X gi+1 − 2gi + gi−1
c= .
n−2 1/n2

In our definition of c, note that

gi+1 − 2gi + gi−1
gives a simple approximation of G00 (i/n). You will only work with this approximate version
of the problem, i.e., the vectors f and g and the objectives c and d.

a) Explain how to find g that minimizes d + µc, where µ ≥ 0 is a parameter that gives
the relative weighting of sum-square curvature compared to sum-square deviation. Does
your method always work? If there are some assumptions you need to make (say, on
rank of some matrix, independence of some vectors, etc.), state them clearly. Explain
how to obtain the two extreme cases: µ = 0, which corresponds to minimizing d without
regard for c, and also the solution obtained as µ → ∞ (i.e., as we put more and more
weight on minimizing curvature).

b) Get the file curve_smoothing.json from the course web site. This file defines a specific
vector f that you will use. Find and plot the optimal trade-off curve between d and c.
Be sure to identify any critical points (such as, for example, any intersection of the curve
with an axis). Plot the optimal g for the two extreme cases µ = 0 and µ → ∞, and for
three values of µ in between (chosen to show the trade-off nicely). On your plots of g,
be sure to include also a plot of f , say with dotted line type, for reference.

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