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Quantarctica 3: Norwegian Polar Institute, February 2018 Project Website

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Quantarctica 3

Norwegian Polar Institute, February 2018

Project website: quantarctica.npolar.no

Quantarctica is the result of an initiative

by the Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI) to
develop and host a collection of freely
available geographical datasets and soft-
ware, with offline capabilities to explore
the Antarctic region, aimed at research,
education, management and operational
use. The current version is the third release
of the package, with data gathered from
data centres around the world, based on
recommendations by an international
editorial board for the various diciplines.
This is a tool for and by the user
community. Data sharing is encouraged!

In the practical sense, Quantarctica (Quantum GIS [Since 2.0 just QGIS] + Antarctica = "Quantarctica") is a QGIS
project presenting a basemap of the world south of 40 degrees latitude, on top of which the end users can work with
preloaded scientific datasets or load their own; to create, visualise, analyse and present Antarctic geographical data.

In published works produced using Quantarctica, you are required to cite each dataset that was used in the work.
Quantarctica provides all dataset citation information in each layer’s Metadata tab in QGIS, in a text file in the data
folder, and in the online Quantarctica Data Catalog. You are also required to acknowledge or cite Quantarctica and the
Norwegian Polar Institute in your work.

The Quantarctica package

QGIS. This is the software part of Quantarctica. QGIS (qgis.org) is a powerful, user friendly and
open source geographic information system (GIS) that runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and BSD. It
was first released in 2002, and is licensed under the GNU General Public License. It supports a
range of vector, raster and database data formats, and connects to a several types of online map
services. The core functionality can be extended with plugins and scripting.

The basemap data. Quantarctica comes with basemap data for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean,
featuring coastlines and ice edges, elevation contours, facility locations, place names etc., provided
as vector data in the ESRI Shapefile format. Also included are e.g. elevation models and satellite
imagery, provided as raster data in GeoTIFF, JPEG and JPEG2000 formats.

The scientific data. The package includes scientific data, with the following main themes:
atmosphere, biology, environmental management, geology, geophysics, glaciology, oceanography,
sea ice, and social science.

The Quantarctica package or individual datasets are available for download at the project website in
three different structures:

- The whole package as a single zip file (5 GB)

- The whole package devided into smaller zip files:
- Basemap and scienctific data (1.3 GB)
- Satellite imagery (1.6 GB)
- Terrain models (1.6 GB)
- Software (QGIS installers, user guides) (0.3-0.4 GB)
- The whole Quantarctica project on FTP structure where any file or folder can be downloaded individually.
The project website also includes a gallery where the various themes and datasets can be browsed.

Quantarctica setup

Download Quantarctica. The package components mentioned above, can be downloaded from the
project website.

The rest of this guide is based on QGIS 2.18.16 for Windows.

Install QGIS. Launch the QGIS standalone installer (.exe file) included in the Software package,
and follow the instructions. When completed, double-click the QGIS project file Quantarctica.qgs
in the Quantarctica folder to launch the project for the first time.

Install Plugins. Beyond the core functionality, numerous plugins are available to extend it. Plugins
can be easily installed to QGIS through the core embedded Plugin installer, and run from the
Plugins toolbar and menu (some install to other menus). As part of the installation of QGIS, some
plugins might be assumed handy to install. While online, click the Plugins menu in QGIS, and
select Manage and Install Plugins, search for and install plugins, such as:

- Points2One Convert a series of points into tracks (installs to Vector menu)

- Profile Tool See the cell values along a profile of a raster layer, e.g. elevation
- Value Tool See the value of the raster cell below the mouse cursor
- Copy layers and groups
to clipboard Copy Layer Panel content to another QGIS project

Other plugins to consider:

- autoSaver* Auto save current project at specified intervals
- Dockable MirrorMap Duplicate the map canvas, and view different layers in each.
- GarminCustomMap** Export map to KMZ (for Google Earth or custom Garmin GPS map).
- Point Sampling Tool Transfer multiple raster values to point dataset at point position.
- Qgis2threejs View your dynamically in 3D in the web browser.
- Search Layers Enhanced textual searching on all QGIS layers and fields.
- Spreadsheet Layers Load layers from spreadsheet files (ods, xls, xlsx)
- Statist Calculate and view different statistics for a vector layer field.
- TimeManager Animate temporal vector dataset, like animal movements.
* Optionally also autosave layers in edit mode. Be careful, enabling this will save edits without user confirmation.
** Visit Garmin website to see which handheld GPS units support custom KMZ maps.

First time launch: QGIS tuning

The next step is some optional and one-time QGIS tuning and customisations.

From the Plugins menu, click Manage and Install Plugins. In the Settings tab in the appearing box,
enable QGIS to Check for updates on startup, and select it to do so e.g. once a day.

From Settings/Options menu, consider the following adjustments:

- In the General tab, change Icon size to 16 pixels.
- In the Data sources tab, uncheck Ignore shapefile encoding declaration.
- In the Rendering tab: Set No Stretch in Rasters / Contrast enhancement dropdowns.
- In the Locale tab, check Override system locale, and set to U.S. English
Click OK to finish.

Consider hiding rarely used toolbars from the interface. Right-click e.g. to the right of the Help
menu, and have uncheck all but these: Layers Panel, Attributes Toolbar, Digitizing Toolbar, Manage
Layers Toolbar, Map Navigation Toolbar, and Project Toolbar.

You might want to have neither the Value Tool nor the Browser panels visible by default. Simply
click the close button in the top right corner of the panels. However, if you want to
keep them, you can group them to take less space (creates tabs) , by taking
hold of the rubber band right of the Browser Panel label, and drag and drop it on top of the Value
Tool panel, and then minimise both in vertical extent by dragging the rubber band below the Layers
panel downwards.

An overview map is essential to many, and QGIS has the capabilities for it. In the View menu,
expand the Panels sub-menu, and click Overview Panel. The panel should appear in the interface,
but it contains no map. For this, right-click the ADD Simple basemap layer, and from the appearing
context menu, click Show in Overview.

This is much about personal preference, but some might think the width of the map canvas is too
large compared to the height. You can expand the height at expense of the width by docking the
different top toolbars on the left side of the QGIS application interface. You might want to keep the
most frequently used toolbars closes to the map canvas for convenience. Suggestion: Click and hold
the left "rubber-band" edge of the File toolbar , and drag and drop it to the same height
and on the left side of the Layers panel. Beneath, place the Digitizing toolbar .
To the immediate right of the File toolbar, drop the Manage Layers toolbar , and
beneath, the Plugins toolbar . To the right of the Manage Layers toolbar, drop the Map
Navigation toolbar , and beneath this, the Attributes toolbar .

Close and restart QGIS to save and apply any of these changes requiring restart to take effect.

Some general Quantarctica recommendations

- Rename the MyDataFolder folder in Quantarctica, to your own user name.
- Save the default Quantarctica project as a new and personal project file in this folder.
- Save your own data in this folder too.
- Add your own data in your personal project file.
- Save regularly when editing data, and do data backups.

Explore Quantarctica – Basic operation

When opening the Quantarctica QGIS project, a basic map of Antarctica is the only visible data in
the map canvas. However, a range of preloaded datasets are available for display in the tree
structure in the Layers panel. Let's go through some basic operation of Quantarctica.

Activate detailed basemap. To turn on a more detailed basemap, check the box to the left of the
Detailed basemap item in the Layers panel.

Navigate in the map. Click the Zoom In button in the navigation toolbar, and draw a rectangle
around e.g. the Antarctic Peninsula, and repeat to zoom closer in to a specific area. As you will see,
the level of detail increases as you zoom in. Click the Pan Map button in the navigation toolbar
to pan around in the map. Try using the mouse wheel, and see how zooming is very convenient that
way too.

Toggle place names. The project includes three place names datasets. One for overview purposes,
one with all place names in Antarctica (as reported to SCAR), and one with undersea feature names.
Now, zoom out to see the whole of the continent, do this by clicking the Zoom Full button .
Then, expand the Miscellaneous folder by clicking the tree node to the left of it, and check the
Overview place names layer (don't click the Miscellaneous folder checkbox, it will toggle all layers
in the group, not just the place names). Zoom in a step or two to see more clearly the selected
Antarctic overview names. Turn off the place names again, and now check the SCAR Composite
gazetteer layer. A lot of points populate the map canvas. To see the actual place name labels, zoom
further in. (This kind of scale dependent rendering is used for many layers to keep large-area views
simple and small-area views information rich.) Collapse the Miscellaneous folder, or scroll in the
layers list to locate the Detailed basemap entry. Toggle it to get a feeling with which landscape
features the names represent.

Switch to satellite view. Uncheck Detailed basemap (for performance reasons), and expand the
Satellite imagery folder. From the expanded list, click the LIMA Landsat low-resolution mosaic
(240m) checkbox, and the image appears on top of the simple basemap. To view the image in its
native resolution, make sure that the layer is marked in grey or blue in the layers list (meaning, it
has the focus), and click the concurrently enabled Zoom to Native Pixel Resolution button .

Get map feature info. Turn off all layers except the Simple basemap, expand the Miscellaneous
folder, and check the COMNAP listed facilities layer. Zoom to the full extent of the dataset by
clicking the Zoom to Layer button . To read the specific info on any particular facility in the map,
zoom in on one of the facilities, make sure that the COMNAP layer is selected (shown in gray or
blue) in the layers list, click the Identify Feature button in the toolbar and then on a facility point
in the map. A box titled Identity Results appears, and here are all the data about this specific facility
for you to study. Close and click e.g. on the Pan Map button to leave identify mode.

View dataset metadata. To read the general info about a dataset, e.g. the IBCSO Elevation model,
surface (500m) dataset, place your mouse over the layer name in the Layer Panel for a second, and a
metadata box will pop up. You can also access it by double-clicking the layer in the layers list. A
Layer Properties box appears. At the left of this, several tabs are shown. Click the Metadata tab.
Finally, the metadata accompanies any single dataset in the file folders as a .TXT file.

See layer legend. You can see any layer's legend (symbols and explanations) by expanding the tree
node to the left of the layer name.

Export map. Besides regular printscreens, the most straight-forward way to take your current map
view out of QGIS, is to export it into a graphical image file, like TIFF or JPEG. From the File
menu, simply click the Save as Image. However, if you want more advanced exports with higher
resolution and perhaps a scale bar, a north arrow, a legend and maybe some other customisations,
the Print Composer in Project menu is more versatile and can produce both vector and raster
exports for your papers.

Explore Quantarctica – More useful essentials

View country specific place names. To just view e.g. the names approved by New Zealand, right-
click the SCAR Composite gazetteer layer, and from the appearing context menu, click Filter... In
the appearing Query Builder, double-click country_na in the Fields list, then the equals sign in the
Operators box, and then click the All button in the Values box. From the appearing list, double-click
New Zealand. As you can see in the box Provider specific filter expression, you now select to show
only the place names where "Country" = 'New Zealand'. Press OK, and you'll see only the names
approved by New Zealand.

View attribute table. A vector dataset has an associated data table that hosts all the non-geometric
information on the features, like the information you've seen with the Identify Feature tool in the
Basic Operation tutorial. To view more than one feature's associated data at a time, you can open
the attribute table by right-clicking the layer, e.g. the SCAR Composite gazetteer, and selecting
Open Attribute Table. The box that appears, resembles spreadsheet software, and you can expand
columns, sort and select records similarly as in regular spreadsheets. In this particular place name
table, you will see only the New Zealand approved place names, because of the data query above.
Select a few of the records (click on the record number to the left, hold down the Ctrl key, and click
some others). Now, minimize the table, and click the Zoom to Selected button. Deselect with the
Deselect Features from all layers button.

Adjust image contrast. If you zoom in on any specific part of a satellite image, you can stretch the
contrast to see the details better, e.g. fine glacier structures in Radarsat imagery. A convenient way
to do this is with a right-click on the image in the layers list, and then Stretch using current extent.

Layer styling and styling panel. Layers in Quantarctica come with preset styling in QGIS project
file, including labeling, transparency and scale-dependent rendering settings. If this doesn't suit your
needs for any particular dataset, you can change the styling manually in the layer's properties, under
the Style and Label tabs. Then saving the project means that the style is also saved, so if you at any
point want to go back to the previous default styling, remove the layer from the Layers Panel, open
a second instance of QGIS with the default Quantarctica project, locate the layer there and activate
it (highlights), click the copy button visible in the Copy layers and groups to clipboard plugin
toolbar (see page 2 about plugins) , go to your own project file and, similarly, click the
Paste button to insert the layers in the Layer Panel.

For easier access to the layer styling properties, you can enable the Layer Styling panel and dock it
in the QGIS interface: Right-click on any toolbar and activate the panel in the appearing context

If you have a personal layer like a GeoTIFF raster and you would like to add and apply the regular
Quantarctica colours to it, the package includes the file Quantarctica_ColourRamp.xml in the root
folder. This file must be loaded into QGIS a single time: Click Settings menu, and then Style

Manager (here you can also create your own colour ramps), then the blue link button in the lower
right corner of the appearing box, click Import and browse for the XML style file to import it. The
colour ramp will then stay available in the Style tab's Color (raster) or Colar ramp (vector)
dropdown menu thereafter.

Terrain models: Customise terrain model hillshades and contour line intervals. The Terrain
models layer group contains certain layers with suffixes "virtual hillshade" and "customizable
interval". The former are terrain models rendered as hillshades, where you can set the hillshade
effect to the amount of vertical exaggeration you prefer (open layer Style tab and enter value in Z
factor box). The latter are contour lines with preset drawing rules where only the lines of preferred
height interval are shown, but where the actual dataset contains all heights. If you prefer e.g. 1000
m intervals, you can set this by opening the layer properties General tab, press the lower right
Query Builder button, and enter "nnn"%1000=0, where nnn is the attribute name holding the height
values. The interval value must be present in the dataset itself for this filter to be valid.

Increase readability. If symbols and labels appear to small on your computer, you can either
change the symbol size and labels manually in the layer properties, or apply a magnification factor
on the map canvas itself. This is done by entering the desired magnify percentage in the Magnify
box located in the QGIS status bar in the lower right corner.

Rotate map canvas. If your geographical area of interest is far away from the Greenwich Meridian,
you can rotate the map to how you are used to view the continent with the Rotation option in the
status bar. Note that hillshades in the Detailed basemap layer group will appear different, but that
virtual hillshades in the Terrain models layer group can be manually adjusted through the Azimuth
box to make light source appear from top right corner of the map canvas, which produces the
hillshade effect most are used to.

Working with GPS data. QGIS supports uploading and downloading of data to a range of
handheld GPS units, directly and through GPX file import and export. (Functionality located in the
Vector/GPS menu). Also, there are some capabilities to connect a GPS through a serial port on the
computer, or USB on some tablets, and have live tracking in the map as you go. (Toggle GPS
Information Panel through the View/Panels/GPS Information Panel menu entry.)

Some more Quantarctica recommendations

- If the project launches very slowly or if you use Quantarctica on a not too powerful computer, you can consider
removing layers loaded in the default project but irrelevant to you. This will make the project launch faster.
Right-click the layer in the layer list and select Remove. (Removes from the project only, not from disk.)
- Generally, have only visible layers checked. A layer totally covering another layer (lies above it in the Layers panel,
and without preset/custom transparency), makes the covered layer unnecessary to render, and decreases performance.
- Although QGIS can render and work with data of different projections at the same time, it is generally recommended
that when creating data, it should be projected to the default projection. This shortens rendering time and software

Further reading
- Included in the Software folder in the Quantarctica main project component, there is the official QGIS User
Guide. Also, online resources exists on the QGIS website at https://qgis.org.

Please read the Quantarctica_ReadMe text file in the main Quantarctica folder for general terms and disclaimer.

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