How To Use Pee in Your Garden

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How To Use Pee In Your Garden

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How To Use Pee In Your Garden

March 19, 2013 by Erica 96 Comments If you can get over the ewwww factor, pee-cycling your own urine into the garden makes good sense. Fresh urine is high in nitrogen, moderate in phosphorus and low in potassium and can act as an excellent high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer or as a compost accelerator.

Components of Urine
The exact breakdown of urine varies depending on the diet of the pee-maker. The more protein a person consumes, the more nitrogen will be excreted into the urine. Typical Western Diet pee has an NPK ratio of about 11-1-2. In comparison, blood meal is 12-2-1 and cottonseed meal is 7-2-2. Urine also contains salt sometimes quite a lot of it if you are hopped up on a diet of canned soup and french fries. Because of both the salt and high nitrogen levels, urine should generally be diluted 10:1 before use on garden crops. Greater dilution 20:1 or more is appropriate for more tender plants, seedlings and potted plants which are more susceptible to salt build up. Keep in mind that areas with a lot of rain (Seattle!) tend to leach salts out of the soil, so salt build up is something gardeners in arid climates should be more concerned about. Fresh pee can have a pH anywhere from 5 to 9 depending on a persons diet, but it tends to move toward neutral as it ages and breaks down when 1/20


How To Use Pee In Your Garden

applied outside. I would not personally worry too much about the variable pH of urine for garden use.

Safety Issues
In a healthy person, urine is sterile. In someone with decent hygiene and wiping technique, it should more-or-less stay that way as it leaves the body. Cross contamination with fecal matter (health risk!) can be a concern, so perfect your front-to-back TP technique if you are going to pee-cycle. If you are on medication, dont fertilize with your pee. If you have a UTI or other infection or well, lets just say anything funky going on in or around your pee-hole your urine is not fit for garden use.

Grossness Issues
Assuming the safety issues are satisfactorily addressed, then the grossness issue is cultural programing and you should think about if its programming you want to keep in your brain. Most gardeners, after all, are pleased as punch to get ahold of a big load of cow poop for their garden, and that fertilizer has a far greater chance of spreading harmful pathogens than pee. Heres a few other things to think about: Urine accounts for only 1% of the total volume of wastewater, but it contains up to 80% of all the nutrients. -Science Daily A typical toilet flusher wastes up to 22 liters of drinkable water every day, one three- to six-liter flush at a time. What followsis the long and costly process of sanitizing the water that was clean before you answered natures call. Using so much water per flush unnecessarily increases the volume of our waste and the cost of its transportation and treatment, ecologists say.The process also leaves a huge carbon footprint. -Time Magazine Basically, the environmental and financial cost to piss in a bunch of drinking-quality water and then process it back into drinking water is huge. Separating urine from solid waste through direct pee-cycling or urine-separating toilets could go a long way to offset this cost by reducing the burden on wastewater treatment programs. If the tree-hugger eco stuff doesnt move you to action, consider the cost of a bag of blood meal. Now consider the cost of your pee. You will never find a more easy-to-acquire, cheaper source of fast acting nitrogen. Basic courtesy is to not apply urine to those parts of the plant that will be consumed (i.e., as a foliar feed for spinach). Even so, if pee-cycled fertilizer on food crops just grosses you out, consider using this resource on fruit trees, perennials, and ornamental plantings, including your nitrogen-lovin lawn, instead.

5 Ways To Use Pee In The Garden

Okay, Ive convinced you! You are ready to drop trou and add your liquid gold deposit to your garden. But how do you pee in the garden in the most effective way (and without getting arrested for indecent exposure in the process!)? 1. Compost Accelerator Is your compost pile cold? A little long on carbon and low on nitrogen? Pee, poured or ahem directly deposited on the pile can start to speed things up and add moisture. If you are nervous about using urine directly on your plants, incorporating urine into a compost pile is the way to go. 2. Dilution is The Solution Dilute fresh urine at a 4:1 ratio and apply to the root-zone of corn every two weeks or as needed. (Some people say corn, being a grass, can handle fertilization with straight urine. Proceed with caution.) Dilute fresh urine at a 10:1 ratio and apply to the root-zone of fruiting plants like tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, or to leafy crops like cabbage, broccoli, spinach and lettuce every two weeks or as needed. Dilute fresh urine at a 20:1 ratio and water in to the root zone of seedlings and new transplants. 3. The Straw Bale Sprinkle When Straw Bales are used for gardening, they must be conditioned or partially broken down / composted before use. This is accomplished with the addition of a very high nitrogen fertilizer. Guess which free, Bud Lite-hued high-nitrogen fertilizer Id recommend? 4. Deep Mulch Direct Application If you thickly mulch your woody perennials, cane fruit and fruit trees with a high-carbon material like leaves or woodchips, you can apply your urine straight onto the mulch, which will absorb and moderate the straight shot of nitrogen in your pee. 5. That Asparagus Smell! If asparagus makes your pee smell funny, take revenge and pee on your asparagus! Nutrient hungry, deep rooted, perennial and salt-tolerant, asparagus might be the ideal crop to fertilize with pee. If you grow your asparagus under a thick layer of carbonaceous mulch, like straw or wood chips, use the 2/20


How To Use Pee In Your Garden

Direct Mulch Direct Application technique, otherwise dilute 2:1 if your asparagus is in the sandy soil it prefers, or 4:1 in heavier soil. Apply throughout the growing season, along with a good source of potassium, like bone meal, in the early spring.

Pee-cycling Sexism
So Adam and Eve are standing in the Garden of Eden right after the Creation and God is handing out the last of the talents, qualities and features he has for each of them. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a slip of paper. Ability to Pee Standing Up, booms God. Okay, who wants this one? Oh, pick me! yells Adam, Pick me! Peeing while standing up sounds like such a very male thing to do, God. I really think that one has to go to me. Sorry Eve, but I really think I need this one. God looks at Eve, who just shrugs. Sure, if its that important to him, give Adam the peeing thing. I dont really care. God hands Adam the slip of paper and says, Forevermore, Adam, by your choice shall men be endowed with the ability to pee whilst standing. Adam grins and God reaches to the very bottom of his bag. Just one more, and I guess since Adam got Peeing While Standing Up, this last one goes to you, eh, Eve? Lets see God unfolds his final slip of paper. Okay, here you go Eve: Multiple Orgasms is all yours. {ba-dum-bum} It is a fact of life that men are better equipped to pee all over things. If you are a male gardener, combine your skills and start marking your veg territory with pride. The Deep Mulch Direct Application method will be simplest if you want to water directly from the hose, so to speak. Ladies, I highly recommend you use Adams gift to all men to your advantage, too. Got a husband? Boyfriend? Better yet, a son or two? Give them carte blanche permission to pee on the compost pile. Direct that natural ability (and, dare I say, inclination) for outdoor pee marksmanship towards something good for your garden. But dont let the guys have all the fun. Youll notice that most of the techniques for applying urine as a fertilizer call for dilution anyway, which means a watering can or container is going to be involved. Most women with regular access to lady-specific medical care have had plenty of practice peeing in cups put that experience to use, for the good of your garden. Do you already pee on the compost, or does the very idea of pee-cycling leave you pissed!?

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Filed Under: Greener Living, Vegetables Tagged With: Fertilizer, Permaculture, Urine



Wence Dusek says: March 19, 2013 at 5:27 am Great post. Thank you. Nice picture too Reply


Dogs or Dollars says:



How To Use Pee In Your Garden

March 19, 2013 at 5:41 am Is it bonus points if you drink a bunch of coffee first? Reply Erica says: March 19, 2013 at 5:35 pm LOL. Sounds like a post! Combine urine from drinking coffee with coffee grounds. Reply 3. KL says: March 19, 2013 at 6:05 am My dogs pee in the garden all the time. Does that help? Reply Grace says: March 20, 2013 at 11:31 am KL I notice that when dogs pee, they often pee in the same spot and it kills the grass ( It is probably related to that dilution thing that Erica is talking about.) I would make sure that they use different parts of the garden (or train it to pee in the compost pile). Reply SB says: March 20, 2013 at 11:46 am Yep, Ive got a burned ring around the rhodie because my dog loves to go in that same place all of the time. Reply 4. JenniferB says: March 19, 2013 at 6:15 am I first read about it in an edition of Earth Garden, the Australian alternative lifestyle magazine (started in 1972: Somewhere else I read that you can keep a square metre of vegetable garden fertilised all year with one persons urine. In any case, Ive been recycling my urine for a few years now and believe it really works. Also good for compensating for nitrogen depletion caused by using fresh mulching plant materials such as chipped branches. Unfortunately it doesnt do much to keep away 4-legged pests. And just this week I have reinstalled my 5 litre plastic bucket with lid (ex-baby nappy bucket) next to the toilet. The season has reopened! Reply 5. Maria says: March 19, 2013 at 6:17 am I never never peed in our compost but this is actually useful information. good to know. My 8 yr old will be glad to pee anywhere I tell him too! lol Reply 6. Max Morgan says: March 19, 2013 at 6:36 am I pee in a 1/2 gallon milk jug that I keep in the garage. When its full, I add it to one of my compost bins. Easy. Reply



How To Use Pee In Your Garden

rose bergeroni says: May 6, 2013 at 11:32 am Guldkannan Towa is equal parts chamber pot and watering can easier for women. 7. dr. Dave says: March 19, 2013 at 6:46 am Piss on it ! Another great article. Are you going to do one on night soil ? Reply 8. Samaine Lockwood says: March 19, 2013 at 6:50 am I love this post! Thanks. I have only used urine around raised beds and fruit trees to discourage predatorsit has worked fairly well, though not perfectly. I cant wait to start fertilizing with urine, and Im guessing my two young gardening sons will be thrilled about it, too. Reply Samaine says: March 19, 2013 at 2:12 pm Whoops! I meant to write we use our own predator pee so to speak to discourage critters from eating our precious veggies. Reply 9. Tia says: March 19, 2013 at 8:12 am Im not usually one to plug products, but this one has been a game changer for me, and given the post today, I thought it was appropriate. For those of us without the hose for easy direct application, I would recommend this Also great for camping, road trips, and nasty porta potties/public bathrooms. It takes a little getting used to at first, but you can practice in the shower first so you dont end up peeing in your boots. Reply 10. Samantha M. says: March 19, 2013 at 8:46 am My mother always got my father to pee on the lemon tree when it was looking a bit worse for wear. He used to pee along the drip line and the tree would perk right up. Reply 11. Ien in the Kootenays says: March 19, 2013 at 9:11 am Great post. My lawn, or what passes for it, bears witness to the power of well-placed liquid fertilizer. You can see the tell-tale dark-green spots where Natures call has been answered. But I keep forgetting to save the indoors production for use in the garden. Thanks for the timely reminder. Here is one more reason: recycle the minerals from your garden/food/supplements. Reply



How To Use Pee In Your Garden


SB says: March 19, 2013 at 9:17 am Okay, I was getting all excited to start peeing in the garden, and then I got to the part about medications. Im on various types (birth control, allergy medicines, antidepressants). I promise not to pee directly on my plantsbut just to confirm, I should avoid the compost pile, too? Reply Erica says: March 19, 2013 at 9:53 am Well its a judgement call. I would definitely avoid pee-cycling while on antibiotics because of the risk to the microbial soil life. The things you mention allergy meds, BC, AD I cant specifically speak to what the risk would be. Honestly, its probably low, but if I were in your situation, I would research how completely the specific meds are metabolized and go from there. If you arent sure, it will always be safer to feed your pee to a compost pile and get that intermediate breakdown step, than to water plants directly with it. Reply SB says: March 19, 2013 at 10:21 am Thanks! Just in case, I texted my fiance to let him know I need him to start peeing in the garden (hes not on any meds). Not sure how thrilled he is with this new task as I havent yet gotten a reply. Its strange because hes usually quite prompt. Reply


Heather says: March 19, 2013 at 9:41 am I just asked Joel Karsten (straw bale gardening) about this yesterday! I asked about using urine for conditioning straw bales. His response: Yes, it does work. Urine is actually quite sterile, and is full of protein. Protein decomposes into ammonia and nitrogen, so is a good source. As too how much, I think if you put on a couple quarts every other day it would take all of that nitrogen easily. You might want to even supplement with a little bit of additional nitrogen like feather meal in addition. The feather meal will break down more slowly and thus provide nutrients for a longer time as the season begins and you plant. Great post. So happy to be able to close the loop! Reply Sarah says: March 25, 2013 at 7:31 am Urine from a healthy individual should NOT have protein in it. Does contain nitrogenous waste products though. Reply


6512 and growing says: March 19, 2013 at 10:15 am Theres a mason jar in our bathroom during the summer time. Thats all Im saying. Reply


Jennifer says: March 19, 2013 at 10:17 am Thanks for this post it is awesome! Reply



How To Use Pee In Your Garden


SB says: March 19, 2013 at 10:28 am I can see it now: folks all across the PNW dropping trou in their gardens. Reply


Barry says: March 19, 2013 at 10:29 am Permission requested to briefly suspend Wheatons Law here but now we can repurpose that dusty old hose end sprayer in the garden shed (you know, that Miracle-Grow thingie?) into a giant working example of the schoolboy rhyme: Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? I pee on it! OK, Wheatons back on. Perfectly good fertilizer for ornamentals, especially roses, urine has been listed in several homemade fertilizer recipes, too. Reply Erica says: March 19, 2013 at 4:20 pm Nothing about that great comment violated Wheatons Law! :) Reply


Anne F. says: March 19, 2013 at 10:35 am I love this post When we visited the Bollock Homestead on Orcas Island last summer, the instructions were, Outhouses are only for #2; for #1, find a nice tree or bush and sprinkle freely. Unfortunately at our house, both adults are on BP meds. However, both grandsons love peeing on the compost pile. Reply


Nicole says: March 19, 2013 at 10:58 am We collect our cat urine in a Smart Cat Box (designed in Oregon), dilute it and pour it on the compost pile. These are indoor, unvaccinated, unmedicated healthy cats. Much better than dealing with the usual litter box sand and a nitrogen source to boot. So far so good. Reply


Rebecca says: March 19, 2013 at 11:13 am Smallholders in the British Isles, pre-industrialization, saved their urine to scour sheeps fleeces. It was saved all year in a large vat, and it was highly effective in removing lanolin from fleece, so the wool could be carded & spun. Urine was a highly prized commodity in a villages life. Reply


michele says: March 19, 2013 at 11:22 am I have insomnia and foster dogs and live on a farm-and a husband that sleeps lightly. My dogs bark when I go to the bathroom at 1am-so I pee outside alot. Now, I know where to pee productively-thank you! Reply



How To Use Pee In Your Garden


Grace Judson says: March 19, 2013 at 11:41 am Having once upon a time many years ago lived in New York City, and therefore having rather vivid smell-memories of how rank certain areas of the subways and alleyways could get, I have to ask: is there a smell issue? Or do the outdoors/plenty of air and light/lots of other organic material factors make taht concern irrelevant? I LOVE the idea just wondering about this one small (or not so small) question Reply Cheryl says: March 20, 2013 at 3:03 pm Fresh pee doesnt really smell at all pee in a bucket and leave it overnight and it will start to smell as it changes from nitrogen to ammonia. In the garden, especially diluted or spread round a bit, you dont smell it. Reply


Miranda Jackson says: March 19, 2013 at 12:33 pm This is by far the most entertaining thing I have read in a long time. And yet- still educational. Im so glad I discovered this blog. :-) Reply


Jamie says: March 19, 2013 at 12:35 pm I was wondering why the grass was greener in patches where my dog was peeing Reply


Tammy says: March 19, 2013 at 12:36 pm My husband asks me at least once a day which garden bed he should pee in. Ive been sending him to the wheat cover cropped bed, and it looks lovely- lush and green! Reply


Susan says: March 19, 2013 at 1:15 pm Hubby and I did the pee thing one summer. We sometimes peed directly into the garden, but often in a gallon plastic jug (with a lid on it to contain smell) in the bathroom. Id have to pee into a measuring cup, then transfer to the jar. It was a pain in the ass, plus I was always concerned with the dribbles. Our bathroom was carpeted. The smell when you opened the jar was intense (-ly bad). Our new home has vinyl flooringyippeeso I imagine Ill start the pee collecting again soon. Reply


kirsten says: March 19, 2013 at 1:37 pm i read about this a while ago, and my husband periodically fills a milk jug for my compost bin now. =) Reply


Joyce says:


How To Use Pee In Your Garden

March 19, 2013 at 3:08 pm This is hilarious. My family and I were just talking about this very topic, as we build our own compost. My husband was particularly taken with the idea. The compost is quite visible from the street, however, so I might encourage him to do his watering at night. :) Thanks for the great post. I really enjoy your blog! Reply 29. Jean says: March 19, 2013 at 3:17 pm I know that it has its benefits. But I just cant think of a better thing NOT to do! I find it really really apalling. I guess I would rather stick with what I am doing now. Fertilizing like I do now by buying my fertilizer. I dont need to know the details of what is even in my organic fertilzer, I just have to pay the clerk! haha I want to make sure its understood here, I do believe in recycling, just not my pee. Personally. na ah. Couldnt do it. Just cantdoit. But thanks for the article. I know of many people that would do this, so I will be sure to pass it along. :) Reply Julia Bennett says: March 19, 2013 at 3:32 pm Never knew! Given all the specs and health issues, guess would be ok. Shame I am on lots of meds. Thanks for info. Reply Barbara says: March 19, 2013 at 7:09 pm That is a problem for me also. Hubby & I both on many meds and are empty nesters. :-( Reply Texistent says: April 17, 2013 at 11:57 am Almost 50% of water used in the US is used for landscaping and the amount used to frack oil & gas is alarmingso its kinda sad that youd rather use more water to flush, pay more on your water bill, spend money on something you dont need instead of say, buying a meal for someone who cant just because you dont want to get a couple of drops on your fingers which you could step one foot away and splash rinse under the faucetif you pee 2xs per day, thats 60+ gals/mo water saved. Jus sayin Reply SB says: April 17, 2013 at 12:45 pm Oh dear, how shrill. Reply 30. Chris and Joe Pasek says: March 19, 2013 at 3:35 pm I read this to my hubby.he wasnt exactly happy about my request but being he doesnt type and needs lots of things done on the computer for his many interests he will oblige so as not to have to do the typing or computer thing himself. I want to save money on getting some compost starter etc and I cant think of a better way of doing this for free. He is the gardener but I am the one in charge of the compost so his gardens look healthy, beautiful and inviting with lots of things to eat. I take care of the roses though so I am looking forward to getting some things going with them too. We had a dog for many years and a yucca plant in the middle of our front yard.since the dog has gone over the rainbow bridge and isnt peeing on my yucca anymore I am not getting as many tall stalks with flowers as before. Reply 9/20


How To Use Pee In Your Garden


slywlf says: March 19, 2013 at 3:39 pm ROFL love some of the comments! Using urine in the garden is nothing new to me. Jerry Baker had a bunch of different uses for it in his TV show and booklets which I still have these many years later. I had all but forgotten about this in the past few years though, and I guess its time to start again! Thanks for the reminder ;-) Reply


John Austin says: March 19, 2013 at 5:03 pm There is one difficulty here, our compost bins are visible from the Quinninup pub. This difficulty has been overcome by waving at people looking from the pub while peeing in the compost. More seriously, I have found that the breakdown process is two way, that the urine is broken down without odour when put in via the compost heap Reply


Kay says: March 19, 2013 at 5:25 pm This made me laugh and made my day!! Thank you! Reply


Susan Arthen says: March 19, 2013 at 5:59 pm A conversation with a composting toilet advocate talked about pee separating toilets-and he said that milk weed flourishes with dilated urine and with flourishing milk weed you get lots and lots of butterflies. Cant eat them but it would be so beautiful to have them around. Reply


Sheila says: March 19, 2013 at 6:33 pm My great-grandfather had a milk jug full of pee next to his toilet. I was quite puzzled as to why he was saving it he was a frugal guy (virtually independent on one acre) but saving pee was beyond me. Now I save my babies pee. When theyre potty training and youre emptying the little potty all day why not just empty it into the watering can, fill up with water, and use it where you need it? Always perks yellowing plants up. Reply


Barbara says: March 19, 2013 at 7:04 pm I need to research and think about this one. Reply


Max Carter says: March 19, 2013 at 7:39 pm Comfrey loves a direct application of urine. 2 years and ago when I was prepping the area for my orchard I had several compost piles going and my wife caught me peeing in one of the piles. My granddaughter who was 5 at the time and my assistant egg gatherer overheard the conversation, after that I started noticing little pieces of toilet paper on top of my compost piles. After several days of head scratching my son asked me why the hell Lexi will only pee in the garbage can. Turns out she would take the bathroom garbage can with the nights collection out with her every morning when she collected eggs and pour it on my compost pile.



How To Use Pee In Your Garden

Reply 38. Kitty Sharkey says: March 19, 2013 at 11:19 pm Okay, Erica This time youve inspired me into my own little confession. In answer to this post, Ive written one of my own entitled Time to confess my little nitrogen secret. It can be found at the following location: Three words: Wood Stove Pellets! Reply Tammy says: March 24, 2013 at 7:10 am This is brilliant, Kitty! My husband just replaced all the toilet seats in the house- Ill just plunk one of the old ones onto the ubiquitous 5-gallon bucket, put a few wood stove pellets in there, and there ya go! Weve also got cats, so youve solved that problem, too. Reply 39. Patrick says: March 20, 2013 at 5:05 am Well, I dont normally discuss peeing on the Interwebs, but I also dont normally see this type of discussion. Nicely done. Okay, for the record, Ive been doing this for awhile. Usually, I just walk outside and let er rip in one of the planting boxes where Im soil building. Of course, I live on 3 acres with nobody around (Virginia farm country) There, I said it. Reply 40. rachelanwen says: March 20, 2013 at 5:30 am I keep two allotments, so free fertiliser is always welcome. My nieces and nephews will always come up the plot with me, and they often bring their friends too. I often wonder what their parents must think when the kids go home and tell them theyve been having a competition to see who can pee the most times in a red bucket and pour it over a compost heap! And though they range between 6 and 12, there is just something wildly exciting to kids about peeing outdoors! Reply 41. Annie says: March 20, 2013 at 7:26 am Our shed and compost pile are adjacent, so my husband usually just steps inside the shed, fills a large cup with recycled beer, and walks it the few steps to the compost pile. Saves him a trip inside (up the back stairs, remove the boots, walk through the house, pee, then the same in reverse) and it helps the garden, too. Im thinking of putting our old camping porta-john in the shed for myself, but I need to check my meds first to make sure my pee is safe. Reply 42. Janey says: March 20, 2013 at 8:53 am MEDS !!! OK here goes. I have a greenhouse facing the road (escitment for the drivers). I use aquaponics to grow vegtables and fish. The fish provide the fertilizer to grow the plants. Sometime the fish need a little help,(ammonia) so I give them the help. I am on BP and allergy meds and no dead fish yet. Some times it is a little hard to pee in a 3 foot tall fish tank.. 11/20


How To Use Pee In Your Garden

Reply Andrea says: June 17, 2013 at 11:42 am OOh, Id like to see that. Reply 43. Lisa says: March 20, 2013 at 11:30 am Here is another bit of info about pee in the garden. If you are having problems with squirrels digging up or destroying plants, get the first morning male pee (the strong smelling one) and pour it around the problem area. Seems to work like a dog marking territorysaved a bed of gerbera daisies that the critters had decided would be fun to rip up! Reply 44. Bruce Parshall says: March 20, 2013 at 11:55 am Living in the desert it is often difficult to keep the old compost pile active and cooking. A daily dose of race water is all it takes to keep it in full breakdown mode. I save mine starting in the evening and in the morning I add enough water to fill the 5-gallon bucket I mix it in and pour that on the compost pile. These daily additions and turnings keep my pile steaming even during the hot summer months and it certainly speeds up the process time. If you do put it directly on the garden, make sure that you remember to wash everything before you eat it. Since I love to pop a fresh cherry tomato in my mouth or pull a tender carrot now and then as Im working in my garden, I content my self with using this amendment in the composting process. My young grandsons have no problem with climbing up on the compost pile and making their contributions. I dont discourage them either. It all helps to teach them that in nature there is no such thing as waste. One organisms byproducts are the staff of life for another. Pretty good object lesson, too. Reply 45. david bambic says: March 20, 2013 at 5:18 pm We use our harvested water for blending of the pee water if its toxin free watch the medication we like to think a little clean ? We are going to add a couple more barrels to harvest water this year as well building the frame now to put them on at least 24 off the ground for better presure and flow and the bucket will fit under . Reply 46. MQ says: March 21, 2013 at 5:40 pm It was such a pain having to stop playing int dirt, aka working in the garden, to run up the back stairs into the house to pee and I groused about it enough that my most wonderful husband built me an out house, which we refer to as the euphemism, in the middle of the garden. We had an adult potty chair courtesy of heel surgery I had a few years ago. It now has a five gallon bucket under it. The bail makes it very easy to take the fertilizer to the hose and then to whatever lucky plant asks for it the loudest that day. We have built two hugels and they will have their nitrogen needs supplied very nicely. We have plans to make all our garden hugel-y; here in central TX we need all the water trapping help we can get. Hmmmm sounds like well need to have a few parties with lots of beer this summer Reply 47. Anjalie Srinivasan says: March 22, 2013 at 9:15 am


How To Use Pee In Your Garden

Theres a great book on this topic: Liquid Gold: The Lore & Logic of Using Urine to Grow Plants. Its the source, including of the term pee-cycle. Myself, I dont bother diluting. Reply 48. Nancy says: March 22, 2013 at 4:05 pm Thanks, Erica, for spreading the word :) I tried a couple of hilarious capture methods, and then a friend told me about Nesquicks plastic, lidded, container for their chocolate drink powder (I made brownies to use it up). It is even yellow! and fits perfectly to catch the liquid gold, hands free if necessary :) Covered and filled again til approaching the top, it then goes into the prefilled (2/3 3/4) watering canwhich is then ready for distribution. I started with the small size, but find the larger better.. and I have two so have one in deodorize mode with baking soda water :) Reply Nancy says: March 22, 2013 at 4:40 pm Oh, I forgot. someone mentioned night soil check out the conversion to black soldier fly larvae great chicken and fish food. Reply 49. Jessie - Rabid Little Hippy says: March 22, 2013 at 4:42 pm My husband and son peed on our old lemon tree all the time. The poor tree was so riddled with gall wasps that when I pruned it I had to cut out 3/4 of the tree if not more. Even with all the gall wasps the tree was prolific and I attribute that entirely to pee. :) My son loves to water things and we have a new compost garden bed inside our greenhouse. Hes going to love peeing in there. Daughter too Im sure (4.5 and 3 respectively). Reply 50. cyrene says: March 23, 2013 at 5:49 am Wow! Im going to use it on my tomato seedlings for a start and then the vegetable plot. thank you so much for sharing such valuable info. I love your blog and I think they should make you the Minster of Agriculture, you rock. :) Reply 51. Lindsey says: March 23, 2013 at 8:13 am All spring and summer, my husband pees into a milk bottle that I empty every dayeither diluted onto plants or stright into the compost pile. It performs miracles if you have a nitrogen deficient plant. No problem in over 6 years of doing this. Now, one of the National Trust gardens in Britain has installed a pee bale and are asking male staffers to relieve themselves on straw bales that are then used to jump-start the compost heap. According to the lead gardener, the men only do this after visiting hours because we dont want to scare the publicthere are obvious logistical benefits to limiting it to male members of the team, but also male pee is preferable to womens, as the male stuff is apparently less acidic. According to their calculations, The 10 men from the 70-strong garden and estates team will make more 1,000 individual trips to the pee baleit will have saved up to 30% of its daily water use by not having to flush the loo so many times. Reply slywlf says: March 23, 2013 at 12:04 pm I have been following the comments with great interest, and this one, I admit, gave me a chuckle. The logistics of ladies adding to the straw bales might be a tad more complicated that it is for the men ;-) As for the acidity, they might want to reconsider that. This got me curious, and I did a quick search, and found an interesting study that seems to indicate that relative acidity has more to do with age and diet than gender. 13/20


How To Use Pee In Your Garden

Omnivores seem to produce a more acidic urine than veggies, for example. Just another tidbit to add to the discussion ;-) Reply 52. Shannon says: March 23, 2013 at 10:58 pm I apologize, but Im not terribly good at figuring ratios. When you say the urine needs to be diluted 20:1, is that 20 parts urine to 1 part water? Or is the 20 parts water to 1 part urine? Or am I way off and its something else entirely? Reply Kristen says: March 24, 2013 at 5:09 am 20 water to 1 urine Reply 53. KG says: March 26, 2013 at 11:56 am Question: What about urine made right after taking vitamin or mineral supplements? Or other medications? Im picturing that bright yellow urine right after a high-dose of vitamin C and thinking, Would this be better or worse for my veggie garden? Reply 54. Dagmar says: March 27, 2013 at 11:00 am Great idea. But what about horse pee? Can I pour the pee of my horses on the compost too?? Reply 55. Benjamin Harris says: March 27, 2013 at 11:43 am I just wanna say thanks for the good info on dilution factors and such. I have an empty milk jug waiting in the bathroom (been thinking about this for a while), and with the particulars discussed here, Ill begin today! Ill start with the compost pile since no veggies are in the ground, just seedlings under lights indoors. I wonder: If the raised beds were doused from now to planting time (last frost date), would they hold the nitrogen for future use? Rain is not an issue here, unfortunately, so leaching isnt a factor. Reply Lori says: April 30, 2013 at 9:43 pm If soil is high in organic material, it will hold onto much of the nitrogen. Thin soils wont. If the soil gets really dry, nitrogen can evaporate as ammonia vapor. Maybe keep the beds covered with thick mulch, which could be pulled aside while adding pee, then put back in place afterwards. Reply 56. Kit says: March 28, 2013 at 3:54 am Great article thanks for sharing this. My herb garden is desperately in need of some nutrients, so since reading this Ive started saving pee at least once a day. Unfortunately my kids are old enough to think the idea is gross rather than cool, so they need a little more persuading to join in the endeavour! Reply 14/20


How To Use Pee In Your Garden


Gordon says: March 31, 2013 at 2:58 pm Great post and a timely reminder that our fertilizer supplies are going to run out, so we need to be finding, and getting used to using, alternatives. Theres a very good paper here: with more information. Reply


Nelson says: April 4, 2013 at 10:02 pm I just that using urine in the garden is just a myth! A very good alternative to fertilizers. Reply


frugguy says: April 5, 2013 at 7:18 am When you dillute the urine 20:1, you are using more water than your toilet. Reply Gerard says: April 10, 2013 at 3:31 pm Yes (or close, at least), but: you can use rain barrel water or grey water instead of drinking water you were going to add that much water to your plants anyway, by watering them Reply


Doug says: April 10, 2013 at 5:47 pm Erica just found this site. what a blessing. I love the pee advice and the joke. i will be having my two boys (4&2) take aim. do you have any advice for homemade apple cider vinegar with mother and no pasteurization. Reply


Dave says: April 15, 2013 at 3:20 pm It may sound gross to some, but we have and older toilet that uses almost 6 gallons of water per flush. I drink a lot of coffee and soda pop, and urinate about 20+ times a day. I started thinking What a waste. Flushing 6 gallons of pure, fresh water just to get rid of a half cup of pee. So I started peeing in 4 litre milk jugs (the hole is the perfect size for my fit). Every 3 days, I have 3 full milk jugs of urine which is then poured evenly over our veggie garden, then diluted with a garden hose. After 2 months of doing this, I noticed a huge improvement in our crops of peppers and tomatoes. I have also noticed since I started doing this that we have at least 10 times more earthworms in the soil. Some may call me cheap and disgusting for saving my pee, but I hate the idea of wasting toilet water, and hate the idea of throwing away free fertilizer. The author states that one should not use urine if you are on medication. Does aspirin count? That is all I take. Reply

62. says: April 21, 2013 at 3:42 pm



How To Use Pee In Your Garden

Came clueless, left worried. Thanks for the post. All sorts of computer errors are now turning up. Youd be surprised to know the number of doctors who claim they are treating pregnant men. Attributed to Isaac Asimov Reply 63. Rebekah says: May 1, 2013 at 7:22 am This is great! We only have one bathroom for six people in this house, and after deciding to homeschool all my kids next year, I decided to invest in a toilet seat that would fit on a 5 gallon bucket for all the times we have more than one person needing the bathroom at the same time. Now I have a better idea it will become the pee bucket! Reply 64. Jaimee says: May 6, 2013 at 10:32 am I just watered my plant starts with diluted urine! Im hoping it will stop the leaf yellowing before I can get them out into the garden later this month. I was so excited that I finally did it that I wanted to share, but then realized no one would want to hear about that except maybe you! Hahaha! :) Reply 65. rose bergeroni says: May 6, 2013 at 11:31 am Guldkannan Towa is equal parts chamber pot and watering pot Pee makes for excellent fertilizer. Its got lots of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate all important nutrients for growing healthy plants. One study showed that tomato vines fertilized with a urine mixture bore more than four times as much fruit as plants grown using traditional fertilizer. Reply 66. Deana says: May 11, 2013 at 1:57 pm Hello! Ive been reading your blog for a while now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from New Caney Tx! Just wanted to say keep up the excellent work! Reply 67. cuke pickler says: May 25, 2013 at 10:18 am Already doing it with great success. Reply 68. Emmers says: May 28, 2013 at 12:31 pm Definitely avoid doing this if you are on hormonal BC. Studies have shown that the hormones come through in urine (and theres a lot of debate surrounding that, because nothing in water treatment gets that back out, which is *very* bad news for the environment). Reply 69. Pat says: June 26, 2013 at 11:35 am pstyle girls can pee standing up too. I havent implemented yet, but this is definitely on my gardening radar! 16/20


How To Use Pee In Your Garden

Reply 70. Jennifer says: July 5, 2013 at 12:08 pm Thanks for this post, it has been amazing for my fruit trees and roses, also it has kept the carpenter ants out of the roots of my trees and berry bushes! Thanks so much, I cannot express my gratitude enough for this idea/information! Oh, and my fruit trees and roses are doing to well because of this, amazing! Reply

1. Sunday Morning Fish Wrap: Its Springtime and its bloody well snowing | 101 Centavos says: March 24, 2013 at 9:56 am [...] Northwest Edible Life: How To Use Pee In Your Garden. Yes, you read that right. Used to be a time when night soil collectors paid for the [...] Reply 2. Saturday Linkages: Poison, Pee and Plagiarism | Root Simple says: March 30, 2013 at 3:01 am [...] Pee How To Use Pee In Your Garden [...] Reply 3. All The Way Home | Green Tech Chicago says: March 31, 2013 at 1:50 pm [...] story comes from Northwest Edible Life, and offers up suggestions for How To Use Pee In Your Garden. Seriously. If you can [...] Reply 4. Using Pee & Menstrual Blood in the Garden | DIY or Die: Survival in a Post-Apocalyptic World says: April 17, 2013 at 9:42 am [...] Edible Life has a fantastic post about using pee in the garden. Like the post says, if you can get over the ewwww factor, recycling pee in your garden makes a [...] Reply 5. Prepper News Watch for July 8, 2013 | The Preparedness Podcast says: July 8, 2013 at 3:20 pm [...] How To Use Pee In Your Garden [...] Reply

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