This document provides an alphabetical list of phrasal verbs starting with G and their meanings and examples. Some of the phrasal verbs included are:
- Get about/around: Move from place to place or spread/circulate
- Get along (with): Be on good terms or work well with
- Get down to: Start to actually do something
- Get off: Leave (bus, train, plane) or remove from something
- Get on: Board (bus, train, plane) or continue doing something
- Get over: Recover from (illness, disappointment)
- Give away: Give something free of charge or reveal something
- Give back: Return something to its owner
This document provides an alphabetical list of phrasal verbs starting with G and their meanings and examples. Some of the phrasal verbs included are:
- Get about/around: Move from place to place or spread/circulate
- Get along (with): Be on good terms or work well with
- Get down to: Start to actually do something
- Get off: Leave (bus, train, plane) or remove from something
- Get on: Board (bus, train, plane) or continue doing something
- Get over: Recover from (illness, disappointment)
- Give away: Give something free of charge or reveal something
- Give back: Return something to its owner
This document provides an alphabetical list of phrasal verbs starting with G and their meanings and examples. Some of the phrasal verbs included are:
- Get about/around: Move from place to place or spread/circulate
- Get along (with): Be on good terms or work well with
- Get down to: Start to actually do something
- Get off: Leave (bus, train, plane) or remove from something
- Get on: Board (bus, train, plane) or continue doing something
- Get over: Recover from (illness, disappointment)
- Give away: Give something free of charge or reveal something
- Give back: Return something to its owner
This document provides an alphabetical list of phrasal verbs starting with G and their meanings and examples. Some of the phrasal verbs included are:
- Get about/around: Move from place to place or spread/circulate
- Get along (with): Be on good terms or work well with
- Get down to: Start to actually do something
- Get off: Leave (bus, train, plane) or remove from something
- Get on: Board (bus, train, plane) or continue doing something
- Get over: Recover from (illness, disappointment)
- Give away: Give something free of charge or reveal something
- Give back: Return something to its owner
Phrasal Verb Meaning Example 1) It's not easy to get around the city without get 1) Move from place to place a map. about/around 2) Spread, circulate 2) News of their separation soon got about. get along Be on good terms / work I get along (well) with my mother-in- (with) well with. law. What exactly are you trying to get get at Imply at? get away Escape The robbers got away in a black car. Manage to cope or to get by (on) It's difficult to get by on a low salary. survive. Start to actually do It's time to get down to some serious get down to something. work! get in Enter How did the burglar get in? get into (+ How did the burglar get into the Enter noun) house? 1) Get of the bus at Trafalgar 1) Leave (bus, train, plane). Square. get off 2) Remove from something. 2) She's trying to get of the stain. You can pay when you get on the get on Board (bus, train, plane) bus. Continue to do something / Be quiet and get on with your get on with make progress homework. get on (well) Have a good relationship I get on very well with my with with colleagues. get out Leave How did he get out? get out of Leave How did he get out of the house? (+noun) Some husbands manage to get out get out of Avoid doing something of (+verb) doing any housework. Recover from (illness, Charlie had the 'flu but he got get over disappointment) over it. get rid of Eliminate It's difficult to get rid of old habits. Find the necessary time to I finally got round to making the list get round (to) do something. that I promised. get together Meet each other Let's get together for lunch one day. get up Rise / leave bed I usually get up at 7 o'clock. 1) He gave away most of his 1) Give something free of paintings. charge. give away 2) The names of the witnesses will 2) Reveal something. not be given away. Return something to its He promised to give back the money give back owner. he borrowed.. The authorities refused to give in to give in Accept defeat; surrender the demands of the population. Stop doing something Give over complaining! It doesn't give over! irritating. help at all! 1) Sarah gave up smoking five years