How To Inspect A Gearbox
How To Inspect A Gearbox
How To Inspect A Gearbox
Jane Muller Robert Errichello
Tags: gear lubrication
Overcoming constraints in order to allow an inspection can help to extend gearbox life
and avoid catastrophic failure. This might save time, money, injury to personnel and
damage to adjacent equipment.
This article describes the equipment and techniques necessary to perform an on-site
gearbox inspection.
Getting Prepared
Before beginning an inspection, prepare an inspection form for documenting your
observations. It should be designed for your specific application. Next, assemble the
necessary equipment (see sidebar on page 14).
Detecting Overheating
The following are signs of overheating:
Water in sight glass or sludge on filter element (may indicate oil cooler failure)
Metal chips on magnetic plugs, chip detectors or filters (may denote gear or
bearing failure caused by overheating)
Visual walkaround
Inspect magnetic debris collectors
Visual inspection through inspection
ports On-site analysis of lubricant
For pressure-fed systems with an oil cooler, measure temperature at the gearbox
oil inlet and outlet, as well as the cooler water inlet and outlet.
Analyze gearbox oil for signs of oxidation or thermal degradation using on-site
and laboratory tests.
Clean the inspection port cover and the surrounding area. Remove the cover, being
careful not to contaminate the gearbox interior. Count the bolts and store them in a
separate container so there is no chance they will fall into the gearbox. Observe the
condition of the gears, shafts and bearings.
If the gears or bearings are damaged but still functional, management may decide to
continue operation and monitor damage progression. In this case, the gear system
should be continuously monitored. You should also make certain there are no risks to
human life.
For critical applications, examine the gears with magnetic particle inspection to ensure
there aren’t any cracks that prevent safe, continued operation. If there are no cracks,
you should periodically perform a visual inspection and measure temperature, sound and
Collect samples of the lubricant for analysis, examine the oil filter for wear debris and
contaminants, and inspect magnetic plugs for wear debris.
The best place to take an oil sample from a gearbox is as close to the gearset as
possible. Using a minimess sample port with tube extension will allow you to mount the
sample port in the drain and manipulate the tube so that it terminates exactly where you
want it.
The rule of thumb for installing sample port tube extensions is to keep the end of the
tube at least 2 inches away from any static or dynamic surface.
You will need to flush the entire combination of tube extension, minimess sample port,
sample port adapter and sample tube before you take your sample for analysis. Flush at
least 10 times the volume of all the components prior to taking the sample for analysis.
This typically works out to 3 or 4 ounces of fluid for a sample port with a tube extension
of 12 inches.
To prevent further damage to the gears and bearings from wear debris, replace the filter
element and then drain, flush and refill the reservoir with new lubricant. Continue to
monitor lubricant properties during operation and repeat the maintenance if necessary.
If cracks are found or the damage is severe enough to warrant removal of the gearbox,
measure shaft coupling endplay and alignment before removing the gearbox. Note the
condition and loosening torque of fasteners including coupling and mounting bolts. To
check for possible twist in the gear housing, install a dial indicator at each corner of the
gearbox and then measure movement of the mounting feet as bolts are loosened. If
there’s no twist, each indicator will record the same vertical movement. If there is twist,
calculate the twist from relative movements.
If no obvious damage is detected, document the condition of gears and bearings with
photographs, sketches and written descriptions. Also, record gear tooth contact patterns
for future reference (see Recording Gear Tooth Contact Patterns section).
PT-650 Tooth Marking Grease for no- Fiber-optic attachment for LED
load contact patterns flashlight
Sweatband Borescope
DSLR camera with close-up flash
Metric/inch tape measure
Sound meter
Vibration probe
Digital thermometer
Telescoping magnet
Infrared thermometer or infrared
imaging camera
Leatherman “super tool"
To measure shaft endplay, mount a dial indicator at the end of a shaft and move the
shaft in the axial direction. In most cases, this requires a fixture with a ball bearing on
the central shaft that allows pushing and pulling the shaft while it is rotated to seat the
bearing rollers.
The compound PT-650 Tooth Marking Grease from Products/Techniques Inc. works best.
Scotch No. 845 Book Tape (2 inches wide) is preferred for lifting contact patterns.
Figure 2 shows contact tapes that indicate a contact pattern wandering from centered in
some sectors of the gear to biased toward the left end of the face width in other sectors.
This type of misalignment is caused by runout of the gear. It can only be corrected by
replacing the gear with a more accurate one.
If possible, record loaded contact patterns under several loads, such as 25, 50, 75 and
100 percent of full load. Inspect the patterns after running about one hour at each load
to monitor how the patterns change with load. Ideally, the patterns shouldn’t vary with
load. Optimum contact patterns cover nearly 100 percent of the active face of the gear
teeth under full load, except at extremes along tooth tips, roots and ends, where contact
should be lighter as evidenced by traces of lacquer.
Recording Macropitting
A permanent record of macropitting can be obtained by painting teeth with marking
compound and lifting the macropitting pattern with transparent tape. The procedure is:
1. Clean the tooth by rubbing with a clean, lint-free cloth soaked in fast-drying
2. Paint teeth with a thin coat of marking compound. The compound “PT-650 Tooth
Marking Grease” available from Products/Techniques Inc. works best.
3. Place a length of transparent tape over the entire tooth. Allow the tape to fold
over the edges and topland to define boundaries of the tooth. Scotch No. 845
Book Tape is preferred.
4. Rub the back of the tape with a clean cloth to ensure intimate contact with the
tooth surface.
5. Starting at one end, carefully peel the tape from the tooth.
6. Place one end of the tape (with adhesive side down) on white paper and carefully
spread the tape across the paper. Macropitted areas will appear white.
Recording Micropitting
A permanent record of micropitting can be obtained by rubbing fine graphite into
micropitted areas and lifting the graphite pattern with transparent tape. The procedure is
as follows:
1. Clean the tooth by rubbing with a clean, lint-free cloth soaked in fast-drying
2. Place a clean lint-free cloth on a flat surface and rub a drafting pencil on a file or
sandpaper to coat the cloth with graphite.
3. Rub the entire tooth surface with the cloth so graphite covers micropitted areas,
topland and edges of the tooth.
4. Rub the entire tooth surface with a clean lint-free cloth to remove loose graphite.
5. Place a length of transparent tape over the entire tooth. Allow the tape to fold
over the edges and topland to define the boundaries of the tooth. Scotch No. 845
Book Tape works best.
6. Rub the back of the tape with a clean cloth to ensure intimate contact with the
tooth surface.
7. Starting at one end, carefully peel the tape from the tooth.
8. Place one end of the tape (with adhesive side down) on white paper and carefully
spread the tape across the paper. Micropitted areas will appear as dark gray,
machining marks as lighter gray and polished areas will look white.