Water Tank Analysis Using STAAD PRO: Mainak Ghosal

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International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019

Water Tank Analysis Using STAAD PRO

Mainak Ghosal1
Jt.Secretrary,Coal Ash Insitute of India
([email protected])
Abstract- Every design comes out when there is a problem. A design is created to solve the existing problems. People
in the region where there is scarcity of water, don’t get enough flow or speed or discharge especially those living on the
upper floors in a multi-storied building. As a consequence people suffer from lack of water due to insufficient supply
for compensating their daily needs. As a first solution of this problem, one needs to develop a water storage project as
has been designed with the help of STAAD principles, known as Overhead Water Reservoir. The present study reports
the analysis and design of an elevated circular water tank using STAAD.Pro V8i. The design involves load calculations
manually and analyzing the whole structure by STAAD.Pro V8i. The design method used in STAAD.Pro analysis is
Limit State Design and the water tank is subjected to wind load, dead load, self – weight and hydrostatic load due to

Keywords— Design; Problem; Tank; Water

1. Introduction
In India, water has been an object of worship from time immemorial but in recent years, water issues have been the focus
of increasing concern and debate. The NITI Aayog, also called as National Institution for Transforming India, a
policy think tank of the Government of India, established with the aim to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and to
enhance cooperative federalism by fostering the involvement of State Governments of India has released a ‘Composite Water
Management Index’(CWMI) in 2018 which states that all other things remaining constant India’s water demand will exceed
supply by a factor of two by 2030.

Figure1.Demand and supply of water in India (forecast) in BCM

Note 1.Water supply for 2008 is Narasimhan’s estimates of 650 BM which differs from the Planning Commission’s
estimate of 1123BCM.2.Demand for 2008 are based on Planning Commission’s estimate.3.Supply & Demand for 2030 are
projections by McKinsey & Water Resource Group (WRG).
So in present scenario, there is much emphasis for water storage projects all around the world. Reservoir is a common
term applied to liquid storage structure and it can be below or above the ground level. Reservoirs below the ground level are
normally built to store large quantities of water whereas those of overhead type are built for direct distribution by gravity
flow. Water tank is a reservoir type structure used to store water for supplying to households as drinking purpose, for
industries as a coolant and irrigational water for agricultural farming in some areas. In design of water tanks, design aspects
are to be followed as per code books and loads is to be applied carefully. Water tanks are classified into two types based on
position and shape of the tank. Based on the location the water tanks are classified into three ways:
1. Underground water tanks
2. Tank resting on grounds
International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019 Mainak Ghosal

3. Elevated or overhead water tanks.

Also, the water tanks are classified based on shape:

1. Circular tanks
2. Rectangular tanks
3. Intze tanks
4. Circular tank with conical bottom
5. Square tanks.
2. Literature Review
Issar Kapadia et al. [3], had done the “DESIGN, ANALYSIS AND COMPARISON OF UNDERGROUND
Rectangular tank that how the shape deflected and what are the actions will be produced when tank empty or full by using
STAAD Pro software is discussed.
B.V. Ramana Murthy, M Chiranjeevi [4] had done the “DESIGN OF RECTANGULAR WATER TANK BY USING
STAAD PRO SOFTWARE”. In this paper he said that this mini project is conducted for a period of 15 days from 21-05-2010
to 07-06-2010 to have complete practical knowledge of various techniques and problems faced in the field. A different topic
like Construction Aspects, Design Parameters, Details of Formwork, Details of reinforcement, Process of Water Treatment
Plant and Execution have been dealt with in the course of our mini project.
Thalapathy .M et al. [5], had done “ANALYSIS AND ECONOMICAL DESIGN OF WATER TANKS”. In this paper he
said this project gives the detailed analysis of the design of liquid retaining structure using working stress method. This idea
for safe design with minimum cost of the tank and give the designer relationship curve between design variable. This paper
helps in understanding the design philosophy for the safe and economical design of water tank.
Nallanathel. M et al. [6], showed that corner stresses and maximum shear and bending stresses are less in case of circular
tanks than remaining other designs and the shapes of water tanks plays vital role in the stress distribution and overall economy
and by using Staad pro, the results obtained was very accurate than conventional results.
Nikunjr.P,Mistry. J [7] have concluded the following facts that (i) Deflection can be reduced by bracing system;(ii)
Stability of water tank can be improved by providing heavy column at bottom level;(iii)At the mid span of top portion get
maximum stresses;(iv) Fluid density must be considered in design and (v) Slab thickness also effect on deflection.
Dubey.D.,Dubey.S.,Bajpai.Y.K’s [8] work k deals with the Wind analysis of elevated INTZE type water tank using STAAD-
Pro Software package. They concluded that Designed Wind forces for zone I is about 19 to 21% less than the that of zone II,
about 35 to 37% less than that of zone III, about 45 to 47 % less than that of zone IV, about 55 to 57% less than that of zone
V, about 71-73% less than that of zone VI. Also Lateral displacements for zone I is about 29% less than that of zone II, about
45 to 46 % less than that of zone III, about 50 to 52% less than that of zone IV, about 56 to 58% less than that of zone V,
about 63 to 65 % less than that of zone VI.
Patel Kulvendra’s [9] project involves the analysis of the entire structure by STAAD.Pro and the analysis of the response
spectrum along with the time-history analysis provides the displacement, the bending moment, the axial force, the torsion
values and the cutting force. He also concluded that design of elevated cylindrical water tank involves lots of mathematical
formulae and calculation and it is also time consuming. But Staad – pro gives a base shear value from the analysis
IITK-GSDMA [10] Guidelines (For Seismic Design of Liquid Storage Tanks) says that, most elevated tanks are never
filled completely with liquid. Hence a two mass idealization of the tank is more appropriate as compared to a onemass
idealization, which was used in IS 1893: 1984. Two mass models for elevated tank were proposed by Housner (1963) and are
being commonly used in most of the international codes.
3. Aim of the Work
Making this water reservoir will serve plenty of water to the families of the locality named Kholsagota,Baigachhi to
fulfill their daily water demand and also keep in mind that there will be no scarcity of water if the population increases in
4. Scope of the Work
We have surveyed on thewater demand in a locality named Kholsagota,Baigachhi in West Bengal.Here we found about
120 families having 4 persons(average) in each family.
The normal need of water is 185 litres/person/day.
On this basis there is a demand of water of (185x4x120) = 88800 litres.
So, we are making a water reservoir to serve these families of this locality to fulfill their daily water demand and also keep
in mind that there will be no scarcity of water if the population increases in future.
International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019 Mainak Ghosal

5. Methodology
Open V8i and create a new Space structure with Meter and Kilo Newton as Length Units and Force Units. Select
the Beam page under Geometry tab; the Snap Node/Beam window is displayed. Close the Snap Node/Beam window. In
the Nodes window, create the nodes with the relevant data as provided. Now, we will create the members in the upward
direction so that the plates could be created with the same orientation. If the plates are created in different orientation, you
cannot assign a single load case to plates with different orientations. Create the members with the relevant data. Now, we will
create a segment of the tank using the Circular Repeat tool.

Figure 2. 3D Circular Tool in Staad Pro.

Select all the members and then choose the Circular Repeat tool from the Geometry menu; the 3D Circular dialog box
is displayed. Enter the values as obtained. Choose the OK button; the model will be repeated at 20 degrees with rotational
axis as Y-axis. Select all the members and then select the Create Infill Plates option from the Geometry menu; the plates will
be automatically created in the areas enclosed by the members. Select the outer periphery beams and delete them. Now, we
will apply loads to the plates. Select the Loads & Definition page from the General tab; the Load & Definition window is
displayed. Select the Load Cases Details node in the Load & Definition window and choose the Add button; the Add New:
Load Cases dialog box is displayed with the Primary node selected by default. Select the Fluids option from
the Loading Type drop-down list and enter Fluid Loads in the Title text box. Choose the Add button; the primary load case
will be created under the Load Case Details node of the Load & Definition window. Close the Add New: Load
Cases dialog box. Select the newly created Fluid Loads load case and choose the Add button from the Load &
Definition window; the Add New: Load Items dialog box is displayed. Select the Plate Loads node in the Add New: Load
Items dialog box; the Pressure on Full Plate page is displayed by default. Enter -76 as load intensity in the W1 text box and
select GY as the load direction. Choose the Add button; the load is added under the Fluid Loads load case. Select
the Hydrostatic page from the Plate Loads node in the Add New: Load Items dialog box; the Hydrostatic page is
displayed. The options are unavailable as no plates are selected. Choose the Select Plate(s) button from the Add New: Load
Items dialog box; the Selected Items dialog box is displayed. Choose the Plates cursor and select the plate in the Staad
window; the plate number is displayed in the Selected Items(s) dialog box. Choose the Done button from
the Selected Items(s) dialog box; the Selected Items(s) dialog box is closed and the options are available in
the Hydrostatic page. Enter -53.9 in the W1 edit box and -0.009 in the W2 edit box. Select the Y and Local Z radio buttons
in the Interpolate along Global Axis and Direction of pressure areas, respectively. Choose the Add button; the load is
added under the Fluid Loads load case. Similarly, add the hydrostatic load of the magnitude ranging from -53.9 to -66.4
kN/m2 on the plate just below the vertical plate, in your Staad window. Now we will assign the uniform pressure created in
previous steps onto the bottom plate of tank. Select the uniform pressure load and assign it to the plate. Create a new load case
for dead loads and add self-weight and a uniform load for railing. Now we will provide sectional properties to the model.
Select the Properties page from the General tab; the Properties – Whole Structure window is displayed. Choose
the Thickness button from the Properties – Whole Structure window; the Plate Element/Surface Property dialog box is
displayed. Enter 0.15 as thickness in the Node 1 edit box and make sure that the Concrete option is selected from
the Material drop-down list. Choose the Add button; the Plate Element/Surface Property dialog box is closed. Select
the Assign to View radio button from the Properties – Whole Structure window and then choose the Assign button; the
property is assigned to each plate created. Choose the Define button from the Properties – Whole Structure window;
the Property dialog box is displayed. Select the Rectangle node; the Rectangle page is displayed. Enter 0.45 and 0.30 in
the YD and ZD edit boxes respectively. Choose the Add button; the Property dialog box is closed and the property is added
to the Properties – Whole Structure window. Assign the newly created property to the members in the model. Select

International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019 Mainak Ghosal

the Support page from the General tab; the Supports – Whole Structure window is displayed. Choose the Create button;
the Create Support dialog box is displayed with the Fixed tab chosen by default. Choose the Add button; the fixed support
is added to the Supports – Whole Structure window. Assign the fixed support created to the lowermost nodes. Select the
plates and members using the Geometry Cursor and choose the Circular Repeat option from the Geometry menu; the 3D
Circular dialog box is displayed. Enter the relevant values. Choose the OK button; the model will be repeated at 360 degrees
with rotational axis as Y-axis.
Select the Perform Analysis option from the Analysis fly-out in the Commands menu; the Perform Analysis dialog
box is displayed. Close the Perform Analysis dialog box and select the Run Analysis option from the Analyze menu;
the STAAD Analysis and Design window is displayed showing the progress of solution. Once the analysis is complete;
select the Go to Post Processing Mode radio button and choose the Done button; the Results Setup dialog box is displayed.
Choose the Apply and the OK button; the post-processing mode is displayed along with various results [2].

International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019 Mainak Ghosal

Figure 3. Model creation and 3D rendered views of the water tank

International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019 Mainak Ghosal

Figure 4. Job Information of the water tank

6. Project Work

Details of Work:-
 The volume of the water reservoir be made is 365.47m3.
 Capacity of the water reservoir is 365470 liters or 80392.16 Gallon.
International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019 Mainak Ghosal

Followings are the design details of the water reservoir:-


 Beam Dimension: - 400 x 450 mm.

 Column Dimension: - Circular Column of 450 mm () dia.

Plate Thickness:

 Top most plate :- 200mm

 Upper inclined plate :- 200mm
 Vertical plates :- 300mm
 Bottom inclined plates :- 300mm
 Base plate :- 350mm

Clear Cover as per IS: 456, 2000[1]:

 Column :- 40mm
 Beam :- 25mm
 Plate :- 25mm

Reinforcement Details:-

 Column :- 6 nos. of 25mm  Fe-500 main bars @ 170 mm c/c ;12mm  Fe-500 bars as stirrup @ 300mm c/c.

 Beam :- 4 nos. of 25mm  Fe-500 main bars ; 12mm  Fe-500 bars as stirrup @ 300mm c/c.

 Plate: - 12mm  Fe-500 main bars @ 125 mm c/c for base plate, bottom inclined plates & vertical plates.

10mm  Fe-500 main bars @ 125 mm c/c for upper inclined plates & top most plate.

Load Cases :-
1. D.L  Dead Load  Self Weight.
2. E.L  Element Load  Plate Loads  Hydrostatic Load.
3. W.L.X  Wind Load at X-direction.
4. W.L.Z  Wind Load at Z-direction.

Note – Seismic load is not considered here as the location of the construction is situated under Zone II (low intensity) as per
IS 1893 Part 1.

International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019 Mainak Ghosal

Figure 5. STAAD Pro page statement

7. Conclusion
(i) I/we have achieved our goal to serve families with supplying enough water as per minimum I.S. requirements
for their everyday use. But as per the Bureau of Indian Standards, IS: 1172-1993, a

International Transaction on Engineering & Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, January 2019 Mainak Ghosal

minimum water supply of 200 litres per capita per day (lpcd) should be provided for domestic
consumption in cities with full flushing systems.
(ii) At present there is no scarcity of water in that locality.
8. Acknowledgements

The author is extremely grateful to a private engineering college of Kalyani Shilplanchal, Kalyani, Nadia, West
Bengal, India for providing logistic support to this piece of work.

[1] Indian Standard Plain & Reinforced Concrete Code of Practice (Fourth Revision), IS-456, 2000.
[2] https://bimncad.com/2017/08/12/over-head-water-tank-staad-analysis/
[3] Issar Kapadia, Purav Patel, Nilesh Dholiya and Nikunj Patel (2017). “Design, Analysis and Comparison of Underground
Rectangular water tank by using STAAD Provi8 software”. International Journal of Scientific Development and
Research (IJSDR), January 2017, Volume2, Issue 1, ISSN: 2455-2631.
[4] B.V. Ramana Murthy, M Chiranjeevi.“Design of Rectangular Water Tank by Using Staad Pro Software”. - International
Journal of Computer Science information and Engg., Technologies, issue 6-volume 1, series 3, ISSN 2277-4408.
[5] Thalapathy.M, Vijaisarathi.R. P,Sudhakar.P, Sridharan.V, Satheesh.V. S(2016). “Analysis and Economical Design of
Water Tanks”. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 3, ISSN 2348 –
[6] Nallanathel. M,Ramesh. B, Jagadeesh. L(2018). “Design and Analysis of Water Tanks using Staad Pro”. International
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Vol.119,No.17,3021-3029 pp, ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version). url:
http://www.acadpubl.eu/hub/ Special Issue.
[7] Nikunjr.P,Mistry. J., “Analysis of Circular Water Tank Stresses Under Hydrostatic Loading by Using Stadd Pro
Software”. Indian Journal of Research, Vol. 5, Issue 9, September 2016.
[8] Dubey.D.,Dubey.S.,Bajpai.Y.K., “Wind Force Analysis of Intze Type Water Tank in Various Wind Zones Using
STAAD-PRO”. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, Vol. 4, Issue 6, June -2017,
e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470, p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406.
[9] Patel Kulvendra. “Wind and Seismic Analysis of Elevated Tank using Staad Pro”. International Research Journal of
Engineering and Technology, Vol. 05, Issue 10, Oct 2018, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072.
[10] Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur – Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (IITK-GSDMA) Guidelines for
Seismic Design of Liquid Storage Tanks, National Information Center of Earthquake Engineering (NICEE) Publication,
October 2007, ISBN 81-904190-4-8.


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