Design of S R Flanged Beam: Bending Only. (Limit State Method)
Design of S R Flanged Beam: Bending Only. (Limit State Method)
Design of S R Flanged Beam: Bending Only. (Limit State Method)
New Beam fck 30 N/mm2 Web width 400.0 mm Flange width 1250.0 mm
fy 500 N/mm2 Beam depth 750.0 mm Flange depth 150.0 mm
Cover 75.0 mm
Depth of NA (xu) 166.88 mm
Reinforcement reqd. 51.13 cm2 i.e. 1.89 % of web area
1. Application to be used only when flange (e.g. slab) is available on compression side.
2. Application is for singly reinforced design of flanged beam for bending only.
3. Only strength aspects are considered here. User should take care of other
requirements such as minimum % of steel etc.
4. For design for shear use other application.
5. Cells with yellow fill are for data input.
6. Data should be entered in specified units only.