BS LIS Prospectus Aut 19 Draft3

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DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND gives students a proficiency in the skills of management,

INFORMATION SCIENCES research, ICT, advocacy, problem-solving, and decision making

relevant to information work in a rapidly changing environment
Introduction along with integrity and social responsibility.
Postgraduate library education in Pakistan started in 1956 by the
University of Karachi. In the mid-eighties there were six library Eligibility Criteria and Procedure of Admission
science departments all over the country. But they were not An applicant having intermediate/higher secondary school pass
producing the required number of trained professional graduates certificate or equivalent in second division (at least 45% marks)
as per demand. Moreover, the rate of technological change with any subject(s) from any recognized institution is eligible for
created by television, computer and other mass media was so admission. There is no merit and age determination. All students
stunning that many librarians had been unable to assess clearly who fulfil above criteria will be given admission. Students are
its far-reaching effects on the sphere of their services and required to fill the admission form available in AIOU prospectus.
operation. Thus keeping in view the demand of professional staff The filled admission form and the required attested documents
and mission of AIOU, the Department of Library and (e.g. copies of CNIC or B form, domicile, certificates of
Information Sciences was established in 1985 within the Faculty matriculation and intermediate, and photographs, along with
of Social Sciences and Humanities to cope with this shortage and prescribed admission fee should be deposited in any designated
change. It contributes to meeting the professional requirements nearby bank on or before the closing date.
of the existing libraries and training skilled manpower scattered
all over the country in accordance with the emerging need and Note: All the eligible candidates across Pakistan will be given
trend. admission provided they have fulfilled the required formalities.
But, the tutorial classes and workshops will only be held in
BS (Library and Information Sciences) Program Islamabad and Lahore. There is also hostel facility at AIOU
Main Campus, Islamabad, for students at nominal charges.
This is a new 4-year program. This scheme of study focuses to Pre-requisites from BS (LIS) Students
give students an understanding of the general subjects and A BS (LIS) student must have a computer with internet
theories, principles and methodologies that form the foundation connection to successfully complete this program. The
of LIS. This program intends to enhance student’s abilities in University will provide helping books (for some courses only) or
planning and controlling library functions. The new scheme of study guides (for some courses only) or links to online resources
study will produce highly skilled professional human resource to (for some courses only) to students. Most updates are available
serve the libraries, resource centers, documentation centers, at AIOU website <https:\\> such as matters relating
archives, museums, information centers, and LIS schools. This to admission, exam and result, tutorials, workshops, assignments,

and so on. A student should willingly be hard-working enough to 2nd Semester (Spring)
get information and knowledge. Consult your AIOU-appointed
tutors for technical and conceptual guidance. Take full benefit Sr# Course Code CrHrs
from your tutorial classes and workshops. We are also providing 1 English-II 9408 3
guidance to students via our website <> and 2 Islamiyat (‫ )اﺳﻼﻣﯿﺎت‬OR 9401 3
our Facebook page <LIS@AIOU official>; hence join our Ethics (‫( )اﺧﻼﻗﯿﺎت‬for non- OR
Facebook page as well. Muslims) 5437
3 Language Skills and 9266 3
Scheme of Studies (BS-LIS) Communicative Abilities
4 Introduction to 8411 3
Duration Psychology
The Duration of BS (LIS) program is eight semesters, i.e. four 5 Introduction to Library 9202 3
years. However, AIOU reserves the right to make any change(s) and Information
anytime in this program partly or wholly without prior notice. Professions
Courses 3rd Semester (Autumn)
A student will have to complete 42 courses comprising 129
credit hours. All courses are of 100 marks each except Research Sr# Course Code CrHrs
Project (Code 9227) which comprises 200 marks. The semester- 1 English-III 9409 3
wise break-up of these courses is as under.
2 Pre-calculus 4431 3
3 General Science 6404 3
1st Semester (Autumn)
4 Introduction to Sociology, 9410 3
Course Culture & Society
Sr# Code CrHrs
1 English-I 9407 3 5 Economy of Pakistan 8432 3
6 Information Literacy 9204 3
2 Pakistan Studies 9374 3
3 Basics of Information and 5403 3
4th Semester (Spring)
Sr# Course Code CrHrs
4 Introduction to Logic 8413 3 1 English-IV 9416 3
5 Soft Skills (Personality 9201 3
2 Introduction to Statistics 4485 3

3 Planning Library Building, 9205 3 3 Developing Digital 9216 3
Space and Services Library
4 Collection Development 9206 3 4 Emerging Trends in 9217 3
and Management Library and
5 Classification and Subject 9208 3 Information Services
Headings 5 Management Basics for 9218 3
6 Cataloguing and RDA 9209 3 Information
6 Library Analytics and 9219 3
5th Semester (Autumn) Big Data

Sr# Course Code CrHrs 7th Semester (Autumn)

1 Information 9203 3
Architecture Sr# Course Code CrHrs
2 Information Science in 9207 3 1 Library Security and 9220 3
Transition Safety
3 Integrated Library 9210 3 2 Marketing of Library 9221 3
Automation Systems and Information
4 Library Public Services 9211 3 Services
5 Library and Web 9212 3 3 Archives, Records, and 9222 3
Technology Information
6 Library and Database 9213 3 Management
Technology 4 Knowledge 9223 3
6th Semester (Spring) 5 Auditing Information 9224 3
Sr# Course Code CrHrs 6 Development of 9225 3
1 Modern Information 9214 3 Library
Retrieval Systems and Information
2 Communication Skills 9215 3 Professionals
for Information

8th Semester (Spring) collectively). students’ work may also be checked with Turnitin
for plagiarism.
Sr# Course Code CrHrs
1 Research Methodology 9226 3 Pass marks for Research Project (Code 9227) are 50% both in
in Library and evaluation of project report and viva voce examination
Information Sciences separately.
2 Research Project 9227 6
Fee Tariff
Mode of Study Item Fee
This BS (4-year) in LIS will be offered in blended mode. Face- Registration Fee (once, if not already registered 500
to-face tutorial classes for each 3-credit hour course in every with AIOU)
semester with non-compulsory attendance and workshop (03 Admission Fee 500
days for each 3-credit hour course in every semester with at least Technology Fee + Postal Charges 135
70% compulsory attendance) support will also be provided. Tuition fee per 3 Credit Hours course = Rs.1,510 7,550
Face-to-face tutorial classes and workshops will only be held in ×5 courses
Islamabad and Lahore. Matters related to Research Project (Code Total fee for 1st Semester Rs. 8,685
9227) will be dealt with in accordance with AIOU rules/practice.
Fee for subsequent semesters will be informed at the time of
Medium of Study their admission.
English language only will be the medium of study for any of the
components of this program. However, Urdu and/or English Note: The AIOU reserves the right to make any change(s)
language can be opted for a course on Islamiyat OR Ethics only. anytime in this program partly or wholly without prior notice.

Assessment/Evaluation Criteria
Multiple criteria have been adopted to assess students’ work for
all courses, except Research Project, as under.

a). Written examination to be assessed by the Examination

Department, AIOU at the end of each semester = 70% marks
(pass marks 50%).
b). Two assignments and/or equivalent to be assessed by the
relevant tutor/resource person = 30% marks (pass marks 50%

Faculty Members

1. Dr. Pervaiz Ahmad

Email: [email protected]
Ph. 051-9057819, 051-9250179

2. Dr. Muhammad Arif

Assistant Professor (on leave)
Email: [email protected]

3. Muhammad Jawwad
Ph. 051-9057205
Email: [email protected]

4. Dr. Amjid Khan

Ph. 051-9057235
Email: [email protected]

5. Dr. Sajjad Ullah Jan

Ph. 051-9057235
Email: [email protected]

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