Dog Attack Survey
Dog Attack Survey
Dog Attack Survey
Prepared by:
Ginger Kutsch, Advocacy Specialist
The Seeing Eye, Inc.
P.O. Box 375
Morristown, NJ 07963-0375
E-mail: [email protected]
Established in 1929, The Seeing Eye, Inc., provides specially bred and trained dogs to
guide people who are blind or visually impaired. With over 80 years of experience, The
Seeing Eye is a leading expert on advocacy issues related to the safe and effective travel
of guide dog teams. Nationwide, approximately 8,500 people who are blind or visually
impaired partner with guide dogs to increase their ability to move about safely,
effectively and independently. One significant issue that continually threatens both the
physical and emotional well-being of guide dog teams is attacks and interference by
aggressive dogs.
These incidents are far more dangerous than simple dog-to-dog altercations. The safety
of the guide dog team depends largely on the dog’s ability to concentrate on its work.
When distracted from these duties, the dog and its blind owner become instantly
vulnerable to harm. People who are blind must face dog attacks and interference
without the ability to use vision to protect themselves or their guide dogs.
Even without physical injury, attacks and interference can negatively affect a guide dog's
behavior and work performance. When a dog is no longer able to work as a guide due to
the physical or emotional effects of interference or attack, it is devastating to the blind
handler to lose this valued companion and source of mobility.
The blind person as well as the guide dog school may also suffer economic damages. In
many instances, the blind person is forced to incur an additional burden of veterinary
and/or medical expenses, lost wages, and/or unexpected transportation costs.
Additionally, the cost incurred by the guide dog school to breed, raise and train a
replacement guide dog and to instruct the blind person to work with a new dog well
exceeds $50,000.
According to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, 4.7
million Americans suffer dog bites each year, and almost 800,000 bites per year are
serious enough to require medical attention. Additionally, the American Veterinary
Medical Association and insurance company statistics report that there are over one
million dog bite reports filed annually.
While the prevalence of loose or uncontrolled dogs may be inferred by the frequency
with which Americans suffer dog bites, there is little data that indicates the extent of
adverse interactions between guide dog teams and loose or uncontrolled dogs.
In order to better identify the scope of this problem, The Seeing Eye conducted a study
to confirm anecdotal information indicating that guide dog teams experience a high
frequency of attacks and interference; to identify possible interventions to help reduce
their frequency; and to establish baseline data to assist with future studies.
The Seeing Eye designed a 55-question survey related to guide dog handlers'
experiences with attacks and interference by aggressive dogs. For the purpose of the
survey, the term "dog attack" was defined as "a negative encounter with another dog
that bites or otherwise physically harms you or your guide dog." The term "interference"
was defined as "any dog that aggressively obstructs, intimidates, chases, harasses or
otherwise jeopardizes the safety and emotional well-being of you or your guide dog."
The survey was open from December 13, 2010, to January 29, 2011, through a web
based survey vendor. Guide dog handlers from the United States and Canada were
notified of the opportunity to participate in the online survey through web
communications including emails, social networking sites, blogs, newsletters and word-
of-mouth. Those individuals who were unable to or did not wish to access the online
survey had the option of calling The Seeing Eye's toll-free phone number to request that
the survey be administered by telephone. The total number of respondents from the
United States was 744, 80 of which were interviewed by phone. This report only covers
the results collected from U.S. respondents. Persons seeking information from the
Canadian study should contact The Seeing Eye.
Since the topic of the survey was known in advance to those invited to participate, it is
possible that a self-selection bias positively influenced the frequency of attacks and
interference reported in the results of the study. The advocacy team attempted to
mitigate the possibility of any such self-selection bias by encouraging guide dog handlers
to participate in the survey regardless of whether they had or had not experienced an
attack or interference. Nevertheless, the effects of that encouragement were not under
strict control.
Survey respondents were asked to select from a list of circumstances under which
instances of attack and interference took place. Those who experienced more than one
attack were asked to mark all that applied. Results showed that:
76% of respondents reported they had been attacked at least once by a loose
47% of respondents said they had been attacked at least once by a dog that was
leashed but inadequately controlled by its handler
13% of respondents said they had been attacked at least once by a dog that was
tied but left unsupervised
Similar findings were recorded for incidents of interference by dogs that were loose but
the latter two circumstances increased substantially (see the chart below for more
details) during episodes of interference.
Over half of the respondents reported that they were “not sure” when asked if there
was a particular time of year (64%) or time of day (57%) that they were more likely to
experience interference. For those respondents who did identify a time of year, the
most common response (24%) was summer (June, July, and August) and for the time of
day, 17% reported that interference happened between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Out of those respondents who experienced interference, 73% (452 out of 617) did not
report their most recent incident to animal control or the police. The top two reasons
for not reporting interference were that the respondents did not feel that the emotional
harm was severe enough for them to file a complaint (48%); or because the respondents
were unable to identify the attacking dog or its owner (31%). Out of the 166
respondents that did report the incident, over half (55%) were dissatisfied with the way
the incident was handled.
The high incidents of dogs that have repeatedly caused problems suggest a lack of
responsibility on the part of the offending dog's handler. These incidents may also be
due, in part, to the handler's failure to report prior attacks and interference or because
of the lack of enforcement by local authorities.
In the more severe cases, 16% (52) of the guide dogs that were attacked were
temporarily unable to work and 3% (10 dogs) were retired from service. Out of the more
severe incidents of interference, 2% (15) dogs were retired from service.
The survey also explored the psychological effects of attacks and interference. Guide
dog handlers often experience varying degrees of anxiety when they become aware that
another dog is present. The fear of not knowing if the dog is friendly or aggressive or
whether or not the dog is properly restrained or confined can be most unsettling. The
level of concern is often greater for those who have previously experienced negative
encounters with aggressive dogs. For instance, 6% (41) respondents said they felt “no
concern” about dog attacks. Not surprisingly, nearly all (85%) of these respondents had
never experienced an attack. The most common response, 56% (413 respondents), said
that they had "Minor concern but generally does not affect my usual routine." Just over
half of these respondents (57%) had never experienced an attack. Out of the 30% of
respondents (226) who selected "Moderate concern such as planning alternate routes
to avoid known dogs," 39% reported never experiencing an attack. Finally, out of the 8%
(63) respondents who recorded "Major concern such as limiting travel whenever
possible in order to avoid loose or uncontrolled dogs," 35% had never experienced an
attack. In all four categories, respondents who had not been attacked showed less
concern than those who had been attacked -- particularly when the level of concern
increased. This same pattern held true for those respondents who experienced
30% Percentage Who
are Concerned
Percentage Who
Experienced an
Although the actual number of guide dog teams in the United States that are harmed
due to attacks and interference remains unknown, the 2011 Seeing Eye survey clearly
indicates that uncontrolled dogs can pose a serious threat to all guide dog teams.
Findings also show that attacks and interference can inflict considerable physical and/or
emotional damage on victims and substantially reduce the team’s ability to work safely,
confidently, and effectively. The Seeing Eye strongly believes that a well-planned,
proactive community approach is the best way to make a substantial reduction in the
number of guide dog teams who experience attacks and interference.
Guide dogs are not like ordinary pets. Thousands of dollars and hours are invested in the
breeding, raising and training of guide dogs before they are paired with a blind person.
Dogs that are permitted to disrupt the work of a guide dog, whether they are on or off a
leash, can pose a serious threat to the guide dog team. Pet owners should keep their
dogs properly restrained and confined at all times to prevent dangerous situations for
both the guide dog team and the pet dog. Members of the public who are aware of a
dog that is loose in their neighborhood should alert animal control. If someone
witnesses an attack on a guide dog team, they should identify themselves to the handler
and offer assistance. Finally, the owner of the attacking or interfering dog must take
responsibility for their dog’s actions.
If law enforcement agencies were to step up their efforts to restrain dogs at large,
especially in areas where guide dog teams typically travel, these negative encounters
could be greatly reduced. Likewise, timely action when responding to calls and
thoroughly investigating and reporting all interference and attack incidents involving
guide dog teams would also help to minimize future risks.
Guidance for State and Local Legislators
Most local and state laws prohibit dogs from roaming about unleashed and
unsupervised. Yet the majority of attacks and interference reported in this study
occurred on public property by a loose dog. These incidents grossly interfere with a
blind person's ability to walk freely and safely within their communities or anywhere
else they wish to go.
Tougher laws that offer around-the-clock protection by the police should be enacted.
Animal control officers, whose services are typically not available outside standard
business hours, and whose resources are often limited, cannot be relied upon to
successfully remedy an attack situation in a timely and effective manner. These laws
should also require that the owner of the attacking dog be responsible for all veterinary,
medical, and other costs resulting from the attack, including the costs for remedial
training or replacement of the guide dog.
Finally, practicing daily obedience in a variety of locations can help handlers maintain a
leadership position within the partnership. This will minimize the likelihood that a guide
dog will become overly distracted in the presence of other dogs. Handlers can check
with their guide dog schools for further tips.
The Seeing Eye would like to thank Ginger Kutsch, Volunteer Advocacy Specialist, for
contributing her time writing the survey questions, analyzing the data and writing the
final report with recommendations.
Kutsch was assisted by the following Seeing Eye staff member and volunteers: