Reasons For Animal Cruelty To Happen

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Causes and effects for animal cruelty to happen

i) Entertainment
Production of films- big budget Hollywood movies. This action had cause serious harm to the
animal mentally and physically including death.
For example, the movie Filming of The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey had caused 27
animals died due to dehydration during shooting in an unmonitored New Zealand farm.
According to one of the animal trainers, John Smythe, the animals were being neglected after
shooting even though he had complained to the AHA’s management.
The working condition and living conditions of circuses are not suitable for health and
survival of animals. This is because events such as bull-fighting or performance of trick are
inhumane activities for entertainment without caring thought of animals and what they are
suffering. Since 2018, an elephant named Molly was forced to separate from its mother when
she was only two years old for genetic diversity. However, she ended up to be kept in chain,
performing tricks and carry around tourists on her back for ride across multiple zoos with
very little time to rest. Sometimes, Molly was found by the roadside or garbage dump,
feeding on passerby’s food. This situation had seriously cause Molly suffer from mentally
and physically.
ii) Poaching
Poaching refers to the unlawful killing and trafficking of wildlife. Animal and plant parts are
occasionally offered for sale as trophies, "folk medicines," or even as pets or indoor plants.
Although poaching or illegal hunting are illegal, there were still people conducting this
activity as it’s a big business because high prices were paid. Wildlife and animal parts
estimated to be worth US $4-20 billion per year were trafficked. The examples are like
poaching of elephants for ivory and sharks for their dorsal fins to use in the making of
jewellery, instruments or decorative pieces. Every year, there were approximately 100 million
sharks killed. During the process of shark finning, people usually slice off the shark’s fin and
dispose the rest of the body or dump it back into the ocean alive as the fin is more valuable
with medicinal benefits. This action is extremely cruel as the finned shark could not die
peacefully. Without their fin, the shark could not even swim properly and would die of blood
iii) Psychological reasons
People with psychopathic personality disorder have a tendency to torture pets and other small
animals. (Zoosadism).A 1983 study notes that animal abuse was found in 88% of homes in
which physical child abuse was being investigated. If a child is cruel to animals, research
shows it may be a sign that serious abuse or neglect has been inflicted on the child. Children
who witness animal abuse are at greater risk of becoming abusers themselves. A 2017 study
showed that 89% of women who had companion animals during an abusive relationship
reported that their animals were threatened, harmed, or killed by their abusive partner.
i) Leads to Extinction
Inhuman activities such as poaching are the main reason that causes extinction of animals and
categorised other animals as endangered species. For example, the process of shark finning
reduces the number of sharks in large amount and cause a great impact in the shark
population. Due to the low growth rate and reproductive rate of shark, it become challenging
for them to increase their population as fast as they are diminished. Besides that, action such
as neglecting domestic pet causes them to breed more feral cats and dogs. Based on what
stated in National Geographic News, there are more than 70 million feral cats that kill
hundreds of millions of birds and over a billion of small animals every year in United States.
The endangered species such as piping plover were also affected in it.
ii) Increased Violence and Crime
Animal cruelty has a strong relation with domestic violence. This is because abuser normally
use the victim’s pet to control their victim as they know that their target is concern of their
pet’s safety. Therefore, abusers may choose to threaten animals in front of their partner or
children to prevent from reporting abuse or leaving. However, children who witnessed animal
cruelty often fall into a cycle that play a role of abuser in relationship and abuse animals in
future. This is because a chain reaction had begun in our society when an animal is abused.
Based on the study from Northeastern University, 70% of people who are involved in
abusing animals would have four times probability to commit crime against property and
three times probability to participate in drunken or disorder crime. Thus, this prove that
animal abuse not only affects animals, it would also increase the probability of violence and
crime in our society which is extremely dangerous to people.

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