Body Shaming Among Singers
Body Shaming Among Singers
Body Shaming Among Singers
Submitted By:
Ame, Reynald Jay
Corpuz, Janrey
Longboy, Mark Jefferson A.
Saoit, Christian
Abiva Michaella M.
Dacles, Ma. Francesca Dina D
Longboy, Jessabel A.
Ramos, Hanna Lyka T.
(Group 1)
Submitted To:
Mr. John Jufel Simpliciano
(Subject Teacher)
Feminism has been a great topic of arguments all throughout the world. With the main
goal of feminist therapy, which is empowerment, the idea of feminism is now dominating the
minds of women as well as men.
With the association of this therapy, a lot of cases about women empowerment have
been the talk of the society. Numerous number of woman are voicing out their opinions and
perfective about some issues of the humanity. This is their way of fighting for their equality
and sense of development among diverse sexes. In contrary, many women are still stuck in
the judgmental side of the world. Although we are now open for equality, some women are
not yet totally free from shame. Many cases are about body shaming. Even though they are
good role models to their fellow women, a lot of criticisms are being thrown at them.
Female singers are known for their distinctive and great voices but some are known
for being body shamed. Despite them serving their talents to the people, negative comments
are still inevitable.
Given the case of Demi Lovato reacted to a fat-shaming troll on Instagram, recently,
after one user shared a photo of the 'Confident' star, and asked to "discuss a diet plan" with
her. An Instagram user called @selenuer posted a paparazzi photo of Demi Lovato getting
into a car, and captioned it "hey demi dm me so we can discuss a diet plan for you." Demi -
who has recently spoken out about fat-shaming to the likes of Instagram - clapped back to the
troll, commenting on the photo saying "I actually am choosing not to diet and fall back into
unhealthy behaviors at the risk of losing my sanity or mental health but thank you for the
offer! Super sweet," before sharing a pink heart emoji. Many other Lovatics took to the post
to support Demi. One wrote "Never forget, you’re beautiful and worthy of life." (From
This case proves that females are always trapped in negative situations although the
feminist theory is already addressed by mostly of them. Even though this is already a natural
thing observed, feminist theory still have a great impact in empowering and protecting the
right of women.
Some of the women might start losing their confident because of their body shape.
Aside from that they might lost the chance of gaining confidence because of the negative
criticisms some singers received. Getting negative comments on social media might trigger
depression. A lot of women get their inspiration on their fellow women but some of them
might just get on the negative side and start bashing and body shaming flawed women. Some
women can possibly lack self-expression because of the being fed by criticism from trolls on
social networking sites.
Negative criticisms might attack them onwards but the way how Demi Lovato
accepted and faced her basher might be a good basis for them to fight for their right as a
In the case of Demi Lovato, woman might start recognizing their stand on the society
and being fed by negative opinions about them might not affect them anymore. Instead, they
might use it as a stepping stone in reaching the main goal of feminism which is empowerment.
Batting an eye in this case is a simple way of being aware about the negative insights
about women. Being aware of such cases are small ways of battling this negative happenings
toward women. But being aware about such is not enough to stop it. We need to do
something. We need to make a change.
People still have their judgmental inner selves. It’s inevitable but it’s controllable.
People should begin controlling what to say on social media. Although we are all
entitled with our own opinions, it is still immoral if we degrade people especially
women just to share our on insights about something because it might hurt their
Constructive criticisms are better than mere criticisms.
Mostly women are being fed up with negative criticisms about their body shapes and
their flawed visuals. It is better if we share constructive criticisms to them than giving
mere criticism that may affect them negatively. In that way, they’ll learn to accept
their flaws and know what to do in improving themselves as an individual and of
course as a woman.
You can be more than a number on a scale.
As what Demi Lovato said, ”You can be more than a number on a scale” With this
quote of her, people can reflect unto it that women, even men, should not just be after
quantities. We must focus also on qualities which are good attitude and being a good
inspiration to anyone who are experiencing similar situation with the case given
Focus on what’s more important.
Demi Lovato was known for her unique voice and people should focus on her talent
more than her physiques. Being fat or fit won’t make her a bad singer. Although being
healthy plays a vital role in keeping the singer’s voice but it doesn’t mean that people
should body shame her. Focus on what she serves than what you see on her
appearance because she is a singer, not a model.
Ma. Francesca Dina Dacles
Grade 11- Taurus (HUMSS 2)
Body shaming. This is something that I know intimately and regardless of the size of
Demi Lovato as a singer, there is never an end to it. She have been bigger than I am and I
have been smaller than I am but what is always consistent is the fact that no matter what size
she is she's always confident when singing, but there is always something that isn’t enough
and at the same time, too much.
One of the ways I have found to combat this feeling of inadequacy is to make self-
depricating jokes. She have done it for as long as. It is like a reflex that she do without
thinking. She have been told that it makes people uncomfortable when she do it. She have
been told that people don’t see her as herself see. Demi is always uncomfortable. She's
always aware of her body. She's always certain that everyone else is aware of it too — either
thinking that she look bigger or her clothes aren’t flattering or judging what she eat, how she
sing, when she workout. When she fail or experience rejection, she is certain it is because of
her appearance.
But she make people laugh at her expense. She's a good singer she makes every
person impressive of her. No matter how her body size she's still confident when singing.No
more reflecting but rather, being in the present moment.
Hanna Lyka Ramos
Grade 11- Taurus (HUMSS 2)
All I can say on Demi Lovato's body shaming is that we don't need to care about body
shamed. Body weight or the body figure aren't that important. I can say than like Demi
Lovato, I am also a body ashamed sometimes because yes, I am that fat person. But I know
that there are more important things aside on that body failure. Thoughtful conversation about
the damage body-shaming can cause, and what it takes to own up to your mistakes. As
Lovato wrote in her Instagram Stories, "Change is made [by] raising your voice, speaking
your truth and spreading love and compassion, not hate." Sometimes, I ever stop and think
about how often we are told to change our appearance? Magazines constantly offer tips about
how to lose weight “in days,” appear slimmer “instantly,” and hide our “imperfections”
without actually knowing anything about us, much less our appearance. Overweight
characters’ bodies as the basis of many of the show’s jokes. It has become the norm to
criticize aspects of our bodies as some type of bonding experience with friends – if we all
hate our bodies, it somehow makes us feel connected and united. Body-shaming (criticizing
yourself or others because of some aspect of physical appearance) can lead to a vicious cycle
of judgment and criticism. Messages from the media and from each other often imply that we
should want to change, that we should care about looking slimmer, smaller, and tanner. And
if we don’t, we worry that we are at risk of being the target of someone else’s body-shaming
comments. We should be proud on what body figure we have because it's us, only us.
Jessabel Longboy
Grade 11- Taurus (HUMSS 2)
Body shaming it’s absolute rubbish. But we’re all caught in the same cycle of judging
one another’s bodies. It has become the norm to criticize aspects of our bodies as some type
of bonding experience with friends – if we all hate our bodies; it somehow makes us feel
connected and united. Body-shaming (criticizing yourself or others because of some aspect of
physical appearance) can lead to a vicious cycle of judgment and criticism. Demi Lovato is
done being ashamed for being a normal human being. Lovato went on to explain that while
she’s no longer “triggered” by these kinds of stories, she feels a responsibility to speak out
about damaging rhetoric. She has been outspoken about her struggle with an eating disorder,
which she sought treatment for in 2010.Since then, she’s been on the path to self-acceptance,
using her music to celebrate body-positivity and encouraging her millions of fans to push
back against toxic beauty standards.
Michaella Abiva
Grade 11- Taurus (HUMSS 2)
With the case of Demi Lovato being body shamed on social media, it is already a
common case among women. Being body shamed has a great negative on our psychological
aspect as a human. It often leads to depressions or worst suicidal thoughts. But some women
might think this as a positive thing and leads them to the betterment of themselves. Being
body shamed is already a normal thing to me. I often here negative words regarding my body
shape. I tried improving myself in terms of physical appearance but this might not be my time
to accomplish such thing and focus more on my career and future goals aside from being fit.
As a song lover and a bit of interest on singers, I don’t think being slim or fat is the main
basis of how songs are created. It’s their voice not their body shape.
Women being fed up by the criticisms of people are already a normal thing but may
we not forget that physical appearance has nothing to do with being successful and not the
main basis in determining beauty and talent.
Reynald Jay Ame
Grade 11- Taurus (HUMSS 2)
On this case study I’ve learned to accept. Because on this case study I see that some
singers are depressed because of the bashers and I’m also one of bashers by some singers but
I dint realize that they have a lot of stress. Because they are always having a lot of works as a
singers. In my daily life I have seen a situation that some students are bullying a person who
have a body shape and this person they always could “baboy”. I could say that they don’t
need to bully this person because some of them are stress or they have a problems that’s why
they can eat a lot of foods. Despite the growing support, women’s health advocates say body
shaming is going to be difficult to fight. Today, a teenage girl is inundated with a tsunami of
“perfect” body images through their social media feeds. In addition, people comment on
these images, sometimes in disparaging and dismissive tones. It’s not that body shaming
causes eating disorders, but it can amplify the thoughts Body shaming is one of the biggest
problems in today’s generation. Society doesn't just find humor in degrading a woman's body;
they also find humor in degrading a man's body. Body shaming has become a problem for
both genders. People take their own insecurities and aim them at other people to make
themselves feel better about their own body. Body shaming, while common in both genders,
is especially harmful to women.