-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Review lesson 45
Tuần 16 Review lesson 46
Review lesson 47
Review lesson 48
Tuần 17 Review lesson 49
1st term test 50
Test correction 51
Tuần 18 Unit nine: The post offfice 52 Reading
Unit nine: The post offfice 53 Speaking
Unit nine: The post offfice 54 Listening
Tuần 19 Unit nine: The post offfice 55 Writing
Unit nine: The post offfice 56 Language focus
Unit ten: Nature in danger 57 Reading
Tuần 20 Unit ten: Nature in danger 58 Speaking
Unit ten: Nature in danger 59 Listening
Unit ten: Nature in danger 60 Writing
Tuần 21 Unit ten: Nature in danger 61 Language focus
Unit eleven: Sources of energy 62 Reading
Unit eleven: Sources of energy 63 Speaking
Tuần 22 Unit eleven: Sources of energy 64 Listening
Unit eleven: Sources of energy 65 Writing
Unit eleven: Sources of energy 66 Language focus
Tuần 23 Test yourself D 67
45–minute- test 68
Test correction 69
Tuần 24 Unit twelve: The Asian Games 70 Reading
Unit twelve: The Asian Games 71 Speaking
Unit twelve: The Asian Games 72 Listening
Tuần 25 Unit twelve: The Asian Games 73 Writing
Unit twelve: The Asian Games 74 Language focus
Unit thirteen: Hobbies 75 Reading
Tuần 26 Unit thirteen: Hobbies 76 Speaking
Unit thirteen: Hobbies 77 Listening
Unit thirteen: Hobbies 78 Writing
Tuần 27 Unit thirteen: Hobbies 79 Language focus
Test yourself E 80
45–minute- test 81
Test correction
Tuần 28 Test correction 82
Unit fifteen: Space conquest 83 Reading
Unit fifteen: Space conquest 84 Speaking
Tuần 29 Unit fifteen: Space conquest 85 Listening
Unit fifteen: Space conquest 86 Writing
Unit fifteen: Space conquest 87 Language focus
Tuần 30 Unit sixteen: The wonders of the world 88 Reading
Unit sixteen: The wonders of the world 89 Speaking
Unit sixteen: The wonders of the world 90 Listening
Tuần 31 Unit sixteen: The wonders of the world 91 Writing
Unit sixteen: The wonders of the world 92 Language focus
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Test yourself F 93
Tuần 32 Review lesson 94
Review lesson 95
Review lesson 96
Tuần 33 Review lesson 97
Review lesson 98
Review lesson 99
Tuần 34 Review lesson 100
Review lesson 101
Review lesson 102
Tuần 35 Review lesson 103
2nd term test 104
Test corection 105
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Divide the class into 8 groups and gives each group a handout. Ask Ss complete the
network.The winner will be the group completing the network in the shortest period of
10ms B.Pre-reading:
Ask Ss t look at the picture on page 12 and ask them some questions: Whole class
1.What are the girls and boys doing in the picture? Pair work
2. How do they feel?
3. What does the picture tell you?
Keys: 1. One boy is playing the guitar and the other girls and boys are singing.
2. They seem very happy because I can see their smile.
3. The picture tells me that friends can happily do many things together/Friendship is a
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Ask Ss to learn by heart all of the new words and do tasks in the notebook then do
extra exercises in the workbook.
12ms Task 1:
Introduce:You are going to look at the picture of four people on page 15 and describe them Whole class
in pairs. Pair work
Ask Ss to read “Useful Language” on page 16 and guess the meanings of the adjectives
Teach some words: forehead (n)
crooked (adj)
Have Ss provide some adjectives/expressions used to describe people’s
apppearance, or give Ss a handout of these adjectives and expressions:
Describing people’s appearance
1.Height Tall,medium,short
2.Build Slim,plump,overweight,obese,thin,athletic muscular,stocky,well-built,of
medium/average/normal build
Length: long, short, shoulder-length
Style: straight, wavy, curly, crew-cut
3.Hair Colour: black, grey, red, brown
Others: a fringe, a bun, plait(s), receding, bald
4.Face Oval,round,large,square,skinny,chubby,long,with high cheekbones.
5.Eye Small,big,black,brown,blue
6.Nose Straight,crooked,turned-up,big,small,flat
7.Chin Pointed chin, double chin,no chin
8.Lips Thin ,full,narrow,heart-shaped
9.forehead Broad,high
White, pale,suntanned
10.Skin Oriental,dark,brown,coffee-coloured, black
A smooth, complexion, pale-complexion, dark complexion,clear
skin,greasy skin.
11.apperanc Beautiful(woman),handsome(man),pretty,goodlooking,plain
She is in her late teens
He is in his early twenties(21-23)
He is about twenty years old.
His twelve-year-old son/ a middle-aged woman/a man in his is sixties.
Have Ss work in pairs to describe the people in the picture and then call on some Ss to
present their answer.
Give feedback:
1. The boy is about 16 years old. He may be short-sighted because he is wearing a pair of
glasses.He has short black hair, a round face with a broad forehead, a small nose, thin lips
and a small chin.He’s quite good-looking.
2. The girl is about 14. She’s also wearing a pair of glasses.She has a shoulder-length black
hair and she’s wearing a ribbon.She has an oval face with a straight nose, full lips and a
pointed chin.She’s quite pretty.
3. The man is in his forties.He’s tall and well built. He has short brown hair and a square
face with a broad forehead small eyes, a crooked nose and thin lips.He’s quite goodlooking.
4. The woman in her twenties. She’s quite tall and skin. She has long curly brown hair and an
oval face with a broad forehead, big eyes, a straight nose,heart-shaped lips and a small chin.
She’s very beautiful.
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
6 7
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Cross:1. kind,friendly,patient when dealing with people
4.showing kindness, making you feel relaxed and as though you are among friends to think quickly, intelligent
6.pleased to welcome guests, generous and friendly to visitors to wait for a long time or accept annoying behaviour or difficulties without becoming
9.always telling the truth and never stealing or cheating
Down: 1. giving or willing to give freely
2. willing to help somebody
3.not talking much about your own abilities or possessions
7.spending a lot of time studying or reading
KEY: Cross:1. goodnatured 6.hospitable
4. friendly 8.patient
5.quicked-witted 9.honest
Down: 1.generous 3.modest
2.helpful 7.studious
10ms B.Pre-listening:* talking about your best friend: Whole class
Ask Ss to discuss the questions on page 17 in pairs
Call on some Ss to give their answers and comments on the answers
Get Ss guess what they are going to listen about
* Vocabulary pre-teaching: Teach some new words / phrases:
Apartment building
Sense of humour
Give s.b a ring
Go through a rough time
Have Ss give some examples and give corrective feedback
Have Ss read all the words or phrases given in the textbook
C.While- listening:
Task 1: Have Ss read the statements to understand them and underline key words. Individual work
15ms Have Ss listen to the tape, pay attention to the key words to decide whether the statements Group work
are true or false Whole class
Have Ss work in groups of 4 to compare their answer
Check Ss’ answers and give the correct answers:
Lan’s talk:1.F(they used to live in the same building there)
2.F (It is what people think) 3.T
4.F(Lan went to DS first and then called Hoa, so Ha rode on her motorbike to DS to meet
5.T 6.F (They’ve been friends since Lan’s trip to DS)
Long’s talk: 1.F ( They went in college) 3.T 5.T
2.F (Minh was a guitarist) 4.T
Task 2: Instruct:You are going to listen to the tape again and fill the table in the book with
Ask Ss to try to fill the table with the things theu remember from the previous times of
Have Ss listen to the tape , get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers
Suggested asnewer:
How and where did they meet What do they like about their friends
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
They used to live in the same apartment He’s very friendly and helpful
building in HN Ha’s sociable.She’s got many friends in
Lan went on a holiday in DS and Ha went DS and she introduced Lan around
there to help her
They met in college Minh has a sense of humour
Minh played the guitar and Long was a Minh likes to go to plays and movies
singer Minh is a good listener
They worked together Minh is friendly and helpful
D.Post –listening:
10ms Get Ss to work in pairs to talk about how Ha as been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has Whole calss
been Long’s best friend Pair work
Go round to offer any help and collect Ss’ mistakes.
Have Ss present their answers
Elicit feedback from the class and give final comments
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole calss
Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words and do the extra exercise as homework:
“You class is organizing a writing contest with yuyr teacher of English being the
examiner.You are given the following statement and required to write a
short paragraph explaining how you understand its meaning: A friend is one who
knows us, but loves us anyway”
+ We use the bare infinitive after “let” and make”, let sb do st = allow sb to do st, make sb
do st = force sb to do st
b.Practice: Exercise 2: Have Ss do exercise 2 in pairs
Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers
Give correct answers:
1.The police watched them get out of the car
2.They let him write a letter to his wife
3.I heard them talk in the next room
4.The custom officer made him open the briefcase
5.The boy saw the cat jump through the window
6.Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money?
7.I felt the animal move towards me
8.Do you think her parents will let heer go on a picninc?
Have Ss tell a story:
Prepare a handout with six pictures in the right order, ask Ss to work in groups of 5 to tell
the story about the crow in the pictures
Get across to Ss that they should use as many sentences with to-infinitive and bare infinitive
as possible.The group which produces the most logical story with the most appropriate
sentences using to/bare infinitive will be the winner
Call on some groups to tell their story and elicit feedback from the class
Give final comments and provide correction if necessary
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
3ms Have Ss rewrite the story in their notebooks Whole class
7. He won several chess championships at a young age.Actually, he was the country’s
youngest ………….
8. In her glorious singing carreer Celine Dion has earned various music awards.She is the
most ………… Canadian singers
9. Only a little boy saw the car hit and run. He was the only ………… of the accident.
10. Washington DC is the …………city of the United States
11. My flat is quite ………… It is located in Hoan Kiem district, the city center
12. My mother always ………… me to go ahead, and realize my dreams
Have Ss find out the key word, then explain the word “embrassing” and introduce the topic:
An embrassing situation
5ms B.Pre-reading: Whole class
Have Ss work in oairs and try to make sense of the pictures on page 22, then get them to put Pair work
the pictures in the order (that they think is most appropriate)
Have some present their ideas
C.While- reading: Whole class
Get the scene:You are going to read a story in which a girl’s telling about her most Individual work
embarassing situation.Then you do the rask that follow Pair work
8ms Task 1: Have Ss read the passage silently and do task 1
Give the correct answer:
1.glanced 3.embarassing 5.sneaky
2.making a fuss 4.idols
5ms Task 2:
Get Ss to read the passage silently again and then with a peer work out the sequence of the
pictures given on page 22 again
Have some Ss give and explain her/his answer
Give correct feedback:
1.picture d 2.picture b 3.picture f
4.picture e 5.picture a 6.picture c
10ms Task 3:
Have Ss do the task without looking at books
Call on some to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices
Give correct answer:
1.A floppy cotton hat (line 2-3,par1) buy a floppy cotton hat
3.A wad of dollar notes that look exactly like those her father had given her
4.She thought that was her own money and the boy had stolen it from her.She wanted to take
it back without making a fuss.
5.She thought the hat of her dream
D.Post –reading:
10ms Have Ss work on groups, discuss the questions Group work
Teach some structures and adjectives Whole class
Perhaps she could
She might want to
Call om some groups to tell and explain their choices
Give correct feeback:
1.She might feel embrassed and guilty /ashamed because that was not her money
2.Perhaps the girl could place a notice on a local newspaper to apologize the boy and
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Divide the class into 3 or 4 groups and have them discuss the questions in textbook
Provide correct feedback after that
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
Have Ss write a summary of the story they listened in class
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a personal leter telling about a past experience,using the
structures and vocabulary that they have learnt in previous lessons
II. Materials: Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
6.He was very …………when he saw those big dogs running toward him.
Give the answer: 1. proud 3.embarassed 5.sad
2.jealous 4.angry 6.frightened
Ask Ss: When did you last feel, angry?
12ms B.Pre-writing: Individual work
Set the scene: You are going to write a friendly letter to a pen friend telling him/her about Pair work
one of your most memorable past experiences Whole class
Get Ss to read the task and give the answer
Draw a network of ideas on the board for Ss to follow
happened? Where it
When it happened?
Who was
How it
How it affected happened?
Elicit the verb tense that can be used for describing a past event(past
Get Ss to plan their stories according to the questions on the board, then compare and check
with a peer
8ms Choose one letter and read it to the class Whole class
Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson
Have Ss rearrange these events to make a story: Whole class
a.Immediately I picked up a heavy stick and ran to see what was wrong.
b.As I looked around I saw more and more people and to my horror, I spotted two
film cameras and a T.V van.
c.When I got home, I told my brother the story and he laughed uncontrollably
d.One day, I went jogging in the park near my home.
e.”Run” I screamed at the girl, but to my surprised, she just stood there staring at
me and then she started to shout “Stop it!Please stop it”.
f.I got up, feeling very stupid and apologized.
g.Suddenly, I heard cries of “help!help!” coming from behind some trees.
h.Without a second thought I crashed at the man and started hitting them with my stick
i.Then the young girl gave me a strange look and said:“thank you very much for trying to
help me, but you see, we’re making a T.V program”.
j.As I came nearer the bush where I heard the noise coming from, I saw two men
attaching a young girl.
k.I learned an important lesson “ Look before you leap”.
l.Then from behind some more trees three more men appeared, jumped on me, and
pulled me away and out me to the ground.
Give the answer: 1.d 4.j 7.l 10.f
2.g 5.h 8.b 11.c
3.a 6.e 9.i 12.k
Model these sounds /m/ , /n/ and /η/ for a few times and explain the differences in Whole class
producing them:When producing /m/, close the lips, when producing /n/, Ss’ tongues touch
the roof of their mouths, when producing /η/ , their tongue touch their soft palates.For all
these sounds, the air goes through the nose
Have Ss listen to the words and repeat
Have Ss read out
2. Practising sentences containing the target sounds:
Have Ss listen to the sentences and repeat
Have some read out
13ms Exercise 1: a.Presentation: Individual work
If necessary, T reviews the forms, meanings and uses of the present simple, present perfect Pair work
and present continuous Whole class
Have Ss do exercise 1 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Give the correct answer:
1.invites 4.waves 7.contains shining
2.sets 5.promises 8.has baked 11.are singing
3.gets 6.carries
10ms Exercise 2: Individual work
a.Presentation: Pair work
Have Ss review the forms, meanings and uses of the past simple and past continuous Whole class
Have Ss do exercise 2 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Give the corrective feedback:
1.broke/was playing 4.started/were walking 7.phined/didn’t answe/were doing
2.wrote/was 5.told/were having 8.didn’t wear/didn’t notice/was driving
3.was working/broke 6.didn’t listen/was thinking
12ms Exercise 3: Individual work
a.Presentation:Have Ss review the forms, meanings and uses of the past perfect and Pair work
compare it with other past tenses Whole class
Have Ss do exercise individually
Get Ss to check the answer with a partner
Give the correct answer:
1.had eaten/arrived left 7.went/said/had not arrived
2.found/had taken arrived 8.had looked/asked/cost closed 6.paid/had phoned
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
3ms Have Ss put verbs into the correct form: Whole class
1.When I (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) a beautiful candle-lit
2.Since I began acting, I ( perform) in two plays, a television commercial and a T.V
drama.However I (speak)/never/even) publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985.
3.By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin/already) without me.My boss (be)
furious with me and I ( be) fired.
4.When I (turn) the radio on yesterday, I (hear) a song that was popular when I
was in high school. I(not/hear) the song in years, and it (bring) back some great
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
Have Ss write a short paragraph about how VNese people celebrate their birthdays
or wedding anniversaries
Complete the word map with the words from the box and add two more words to each category
Coloured lights dancing dress milk pizzas
Decoration Activities
What do you I think may I agree… Well, may be,but Perhaps/I’ May be we
think be…. I think so, That might be d prefer/ could/let’s/pe
about….? I feel….. too… true,but… I’d rather/ rhaps we
What’s your In my That’s true, Well, my feeling May be can/why
opinion opinion…. and… is that… could be a don’t we/how
about…..? I am That’s right Well, I don’t better about/should
How do you considering. and… think so, I choice/ we/would it
feel . think…. I would go be a good
about…? I am for….. idea if….?
Do you have thinking
opinions about….
Divide the class into four groups and get them to do task 3
Go around to check and offer help
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening for
specific information
II. Materials: Textbook, cassette tapes, handouts,picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
they’ve produced
5ms D.Post –writing:
Ask Ss to work in pairs, exchange their letters and correct each other Whole class
Choose one letter and read it to the class
Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give the final comments afterwards
Draw Ss’ attention to the format of the letter, the organization of ideas and language use
E.Wrapping up:
3ms Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to revise their letters according to their peer’s suggestions Whole class
and submit for making in the next lesson
distinguish the uses of infinitive and gerund in active and passive voices
use the structures to solve communicative tasks
II. Materials: Textbook,handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss might have difficulty distinguishing and using infinitives and gerunds.Therefore the teacher should be ready to help
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
10ms A.Pronunciation: Individual work
1.Distinguishing sounds: Pair work
Model the three sounds /l/ , /r/ and /h/ for a few times and explain the differences in Whole class
producing them:When producing /r/, we curl the tongue more backward when we
produce /l/.When producing /h/, we move our vocal folds from wide apart to close together
Have Ss listen to the sounds and repeat after
2. Practising sentences containing the target sounds:
Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read about the given sentences
Provide corrective feedback
Exercise 1:
12ms a.Presentation: Individual work
Have Ss review the verbs that are followed by an infinitive, a gerund and both Pair work
Infinitive only Gerund only Both Whole class
agree,arange,ask,choose,decide,ask Admit,enjoy,keep, Begin = start, continue,
demand,deserve,expect,fail,hesitate, avoid,deny stop,like,love,hate,
hope,intend,learn,manage,offer,plan Verb + prep, adj remember,forget,
refuse,seem,wait,advice,tell,beg….. + prep… try,regret….
Have Ss point out which verbs have different meanings when are used with an infinitve or
gerund (such as: stop,hate,regret,try,remember)
Have Ss do exercise 1 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Check with the whole class and provide corrective feedback:
1.having 4.practising
2.getting see tell
Exercise 2:
10ms Have Ss review the forms of passive infinitive nad gerund and emphasize their uses: Individual work
Form: Passive infinitive: to be + past participle Pair work
Passive gerund: being + past participle Whole class
Use: to emphasize the action / event rather than the agent
b.Practice:Have Ss do exercise 2 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Give the corrective feedback:
1.B 3.B 5.A
2.A 4.B
Exercise 3:
10ms Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner Individual work
Give the correct answer: Pair work
1.D 3.B 5.C Whole class
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
2.C 4.B
Communicative practice:
Divide the class into small groups of 4, then introduce the task “ A Celebrity Interview” : “
You are going to work in groups of 4.Two of you will act as a celebrity and his/her
manager.The other two will act as reporters for a local paper.Discuss among yourselves
which celebrity you’d like to act and interview, basing on the questions in the worksheet.The
reporter will work out the interview questions that they want to ask about the celebrity. After
5 minutes you are going to do the interview in your own groups”
Worksheet for the celebrity
Future plan
Worksheet for the reporters
Future plan
Model questions:
What do you like/love doing?
What do you hate doing?
What do you plan to do in the future?
What award do oyu have to achieve in this year’s competition?
What do you think you need to do to achieve your objectives/make your dream
come true?
E.Wrapping up:
Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, Ss review the uses of different verb tenses that have been covered in
the lesson
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I.Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials: Textbook,picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
10ms A.Listening: Whole class
Ask Ss some questions about their friends Individual work
Have Ss listen to the tape and give the answer Pair work
Give corrective answer:
1.A 3.B
2.D 4.A
10ms B.Reading: Whole class
Take out the picture and have Ss describe it Individual work
Have Ss give some information about their birthday party they like best Pair work
Have Ss read the passage and answer the questions
Check the answer:
1.Because they had been childless for 10 years after they were married
2.To make some photographs of the happy family
3.The boy was dressed in a smart, brand-new outfit and looked like a little prince
4.Because he was interested in the toys
5.He felt that it was delighted and looked forward to the next day to have the films developed
10ms C.Pronunciation and grammar:
Have Ss listen and put a tick (V) in the right box Individual work
Give the corrective answer: Pair work
Have Ss complete the sentences: see phone be met be be appointed
12ms D.Writing:
Have Ss write an outline about their birthday party.Then correct some Whole class
Have Ss write draft and one or two student(s) read out Individual work
Elicit corrective feedback form the class and give final comments afterwards
3ms E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
Have Ss write a paragraph about the birthday party of their friend’s
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
C. Remember sending this letter for me D. Don’t forget sending this letter for me
4. I have never had a bigger problem.
A.It’s the biggest problem I have never had B. It’s the biggest problem I have ever had
C. I have never had a big problem D. I have never had such a big problem
5.We will send you the results as soon as they are ready.
A.You will be sent the results as soon as they are ready B. You will send the results as soon as they are ready
C. The results will be sent you as soon as they are ready D. The results will send you as soon as they are ready
V. Give the correct form of the words in the parentheses:
1. The children told us about the (perform) they liked best.
2. He has a large (collect) of picture books.
3.Books is said to (wide) our (know)
4. Many foreigners love the peaceful (beautiful) of Vietnamese coutryside.
5.The New Year (celebrate) has been considered a great holiday in our country.
VI. Choose the item (A,B,C ,D) that best answers the question about the passage :
An Unfortunate Misunderstanding
Last year we couldn’t afford to have an expensive holiday, so we (1) to visit some friends, Brian and Ann,
who(2) to live by the sea.They (3) to put us up for two weeks, and as we always enjoyed seeing them, it (4)
to be a good idea. They asked us if we (5) sleeping on the sofa, and said that they would try to make us
comfortable.We (6) to get there by bus, and when we arrived we could see Brian and Ann sitting in the
garden. They (7) to be glad to see us, but it was obvious that they hadn’t (8) to see us. They said that we
had (9) to tell them when we were arriving, and they kept asking us how long we were going to stay.We
(10) feeling embarrassed , so the next day we went home.
1. A.fancied B.tried C.wished D.decided
2.A.meant B.kept C.hoped D.happened
3.A.offered B.admitted C.enjoyed D.intended
4.A.began B.seemed C.imagined D.expected
5.A.minded B.suggested C.wanted D.remembered
6. A.suggested B.tried C.managed D.started
7.A.intended B.pretended C.expected D.suggested
8.A.preferred B.forgotten C.promised D.expected
9.A.forgotten B.denied C.seemed D.chosen
10.A.amagined B.minded C.couldn’t help D.seemed
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Number II
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is differently from the others in each group.
I.A. occupation B. college C. comfortable D. knowledge
2.A. determined B. researched C. obtained D. harboured
3.A. mingling B. simplicity C. variety D. difficulty
4.A. insect B. apes C. seal D. whales
5.A. forest B. resort C. reason D. visit
II. Choose the best answer:
1. When my friends left, they ....three tickets for the next recording. B.has booked C.had booked D.was booking
2.My sister and I watched Remember after I .......... your view on the Internet. B.reading C.has read D.was reading
3. Remember is one of the most interesting films I years.
A.see B.saw C.have seen D.had seen
4..................... do you think of the new Jake Watson movie? It’s quite good.
A.What B.How much C.Which D.How often
5.Her jewellery .................... very expensive.
A.look B.looks looking D.are looking
6.Do you know that Gary’s new car Italy.
A.made B.was made C.was making D.had made
7. We take……………. in most activities of our school.
A.duty B.part C.task D.role
8. My uncle thinks gardening is the best way of ……………. B.recreation C.holidays D.trips
9. They usually ………….. on the beach in the morning.
A.ride B.climb C.promise D.sunbathe
10. Do you know the woman…………… lives next door?
A.she B.who C.her D.whom
III. Give the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses:
1.If you drink coffee so much, it (take) you ages to get to sleep.
→ ……………………………………..…………………………………………………………….………………………………………
2.You’d better be quick.The train (leave) in five minutes.
→ ……………………………………..…………………………………………………………….………………………………………
3. She upset because she (not/invite) to the meeting yesterday.
→ ……………………………………..…………………………………………………………….………………………………………
4. When I was fifteen. I usually (go) to school by bus.
→ ……………………………………..…………………………………………………………….………………………………………
5. I am really annoyed with Hellen. He is always (criticize) me.
→ ……………………………………..…………………………………………………………….………………………………………
IV. Choose the best sentence that has the same meaning as the given one:
1. This is the first time I have met such a nice teacher.
A.This is the most nice teacher I have ever met B. This is the nicest teacher I have ever met
C. This is the nicest teacher I have ever meet D. This is the nicest teacher I met
2.I came here two hours ago and have been waiting for my friends since then.
A.I have waited for my friends here for two hours B. I have waited for my friends here since two hours
C. I have waited for my friends here two hours ago D. I have waited for my friends here for two hours ago
3. Remember to send this letter for me.
A.Not forget to send this letter for me B. Don’t forget to send this letter for me
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
C. Remember sending this letter for me D. Don’t forget sending this letter for me
4. I have never had a bigger problem.
A.It’s the biggest problem I have never had B. It’s the biggest problem I have ever had
C. I have never had a big problem D. I have never had such a big problem
5.We will send you the results as soon as they are ready.
A.You will be sent the results as soon as they are ready B. You will send the results as soon as they are ready
C. The results will be sent you as soon as they are ready D. The results will send you as soon as they are ready
V. Give the correct form of the words in the parentheses:
1.You can’t pass an exam without ………………… ……… .(prepare)
2.You should practise your English more………………… ……… (regular)
3. You should . …………..… ………. to your teacher when you are late for school.(apology)
4.The …… ……………….. of my mother in buying books helps me a lot.(choose)
5. There will be a talk on …………… …….art at our club tonight.(music)
VI. Choose the item (A,B,C ,D) that best answers the question about the passage :
An Unfortunate Misunderstanding
Last year we couldn’t afford to have an expensive holiday, so we (1) to visit some friends, Brian and Ann,
who(2) to live by the sea.They (3) to put us up for two weeks, and as we always enjoyed seeing them, it (4)
to be a good idea. They asked us if we (5) sleeping on the sofa, and said that they would try to make us
comfortable.We (6) to get there by bus, and when we arrived we could see Brian and Ann sitting in the
garden. They (7) to be glad to see us, but it was obvious that they hadn’t (8) to see us. They said that we
had (9) to tell them when we were arriving, and they kept asking us how long we were going to stay.We
(10) feeling embarrassed , so the next day we went home.
1. A.fancied B.tried C.wished D.decided
2.A.meant B.kept C.hoped D.happened
3.A.offered B.admitted C.enjoyed D.intended
4.A.began B.seemed C.imagined D.expected
5.A.minded B.suggested C.wanted D.remembered
6. A.suggested B.tried C.managed D.started
7.A.intended B.pretended C.expected D.suggested
8.A.preferred B.forgotten C.promised D.expected
9.A.forgotten B.denied C.seemed D.chosen
10.A.imagined B.minded C.couldn’t help D.seemed
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Tell the rules to Ss:T gives a secret word and the groups will take turn to guess it by telling
what letters they think there are in this word. If Ss choose a letter that appears one or more
times in the secret word, the letters and their positions will be revealed and Ss can keep on
guessing the next letter.On the other hand, if Ss guess a letter that is not in the secret word,
then a piece of the man being hanged will be added to the gallows and they will lose their
turn to other group. Ss’ll get one point for each letter they can guess correctly.When the
game is over, T will count how many points each groups has collected and the group with
more points will win the game
Draw the number of dashes as the number of letters in the secret word:VOLUNTEER
- - - - - - - - -
10ms B.Pre-reading:
Have Ss look at the picture on page 46 and answer the questions: Pair work
What is the old woman doing in the picture? Whole class
What does this mean by “ Little Moments Big Magic” ?
What does the picture tell you?
Give suggested answer:
The old man is teaching the boy to read
The phrase means that your little contribution and hep may lead to significant results /
may greatly change a person’ s life
The picture tells me that everybody, no matter what they are young or old can do
volunteer work
Have Ss work in pairs to discuss the meaning of short poem
Give the answer:The saying means that if you help somebody by giving them some money,
it’s just a temperory solution. It’s better to instruct them how to make money legally by
teaching them necessary working skills
Preteach vocabulary:
to volunteer- volunteer (n)
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
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-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
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-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
3. 250 children
Task 2:
9ms Have Ss read the questions carefully , then listen to the tape to answer the questions
Call on some Ss to give the answers and elicit feedback from other Ss
Give correct answers:
1.It provides classes to disadvantaged children in HCM city
2.Dance, theatre, singing and circus classes were set up in 1999
3.Because they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes
4.They dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in HCM city
5.Because they need help to contact sponsors and expand the school activities
D.Post –listening:
8ms Have Ss work in groups to summarize the story about Spring school, using the Whole class
suggestions.Each group member has to take notes of the discussion Group work
Go round to offer help and collect Ss’ mistakes
Call on some Ss to present their summary
Elicit feedback from the class and give final comments
3ms E.Wrapping up: Summarize the main points of the lesson
Ask Ss learn by heart all new words and write some information about Spring Whole class
school on their notebooks
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
1.Talking to her friend, she forgot ……………
2.Watching the news everyday, we know ……………
3.Being begetarians, they ……………
4.Hainvg asked her mother’s permission, the boy ……………
5.Having drunk too much , he didn’t ……………
uniform.Maybe he’s a border soldier and works as a volunteer teacher.There is only one
textbook for each desk.It seems that this is a very poor area because the class is poorly
equipped and the children are wearing old clothes.
Introduce the topic of the lesson: Illiteracy
C.While- reading:
7ms Task 1: Individual work
Have Ss find the VNese equivalent to the expressions Pair work
Check the answers with the whole class and give corrective feedback Whole class
Get Ss to make sentences with important vocab items
Keys: 1.phæ cËp gi¸o dôc tiÓu häc 4.Kû thuËt canh t¸c
2.Héi khuyÕn häc ViÖt Nam 5. KÕ ho¹ch ho¸ gia
5ms 3.Xo¸ mï ch÷
Task 2:
Have Ss read the passage silently and do task 2 themselves
Have Ss check their answer with a peer
Give the correct answer: D
8ms (Option A is too general. B, C are too specific)
Task 3:
Have Ss skim the five questions to understand them, then answer the questions
Call on some Ss to write the answer on the board and ask them to explain their choices
Give the correct answers:
1.94% of the population (line1 , paragraph 1)
2.The campaign for illiteracy eradication (lines 1-2, para 2)
3.600 in 2000 (line3 , paragraph 2) and 800 in 2001 (lines 5-6 , paragraph 2)
4.They willingly / voluntarily spent their vacations teaching ethnic minority illiterate people
to read and write (lines 3-4 , paragraph 3)
5.Illiteracy will soon be eradicated (lines 5-7 , paragraph 4)
10ms D.Post –reading: Group work
Have Ss work in groups and discuss the question: “ How to help illiterate people in the Whole class
disadvantaged areas to read and write?”
Go round to check and offer help
Call on the groups to tell and explain their answers.Then give corrective feedback
Suggeted answers: Many people in disadvantaged areas do not have chance to go to
school.To help them participate in the society, along with other things(e.g, improving their
knowledge of their rights and responsibility), we need to teach them how to read and
write.We could do this by:
+ Opening schools/upgrading schools in these areas
+ Sending teachers/volunteer teachers there
+ Buying books for Ss
+ Providing individual assistance to Ss
+ Giving financial rewards to families that send their children to school
+ Training local people to be teachers who will help their own people…
3ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
Have Ss summarize the reading passage for homework
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
adequate knowledge
important skills and practice
help Ss study effectively
guide Ss how to learn on their own
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Good teacher
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Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
C.While- writing:
Help Ss analyze the table and organize information in the most logical order by asking these
1. What is the topic of the table?Does it describe the past/present or the future?
2.What patterns are shown?How are the pieces of information related?
a. Which region had the highest rate of literacy in 1998? 2002? 2004? 2007?
b. Which region had the lowest rate in each year?
c. Did the rate of literacy in the lowlands increase or decrease between 1998 and 2007?
d. What about that rate for Midlands and Highlands?
Have Ss write up a description individually
Go round to check and offer help& ask Ss to work in pairs and correct each other’s writing
Sample writing: The table describes the literacy rates in different regions of the Shunshine
country from 1998 to 2007. Generally, except for Highlands, where the rates slightly
decreased between these years.Lowlands abnd Midlands both witnessed a rise.In lowlanbds,
for example, the rates were 50% , 53% and 56 % in 1998, 2002 and 2004. In 2007, the rate
7ms sharply rose to 95%, which was a remarkable progress.Midlands saw a less dramatic Whole class
change, however.The rate went up gradually from 70% and 75% in 1998 and in 2002 to 80%
in 2004 and 2007.Unlike these two regions, Highlands witnessed a gradual decrease in the
rate of literacy of its population. In 1997, the rate was 50%, however it decreased by 5% in
2002 and continued to go down in the following years, reaching only 30 % in
3ms 2007.Obviously, this region needs to improve its literacy rate. Whole class
D.Post –writing:
Choose on or two description(s) and read to the class
Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards(T should draw
Ss’ attention to the organization of the description and the language use, especially the verb
tenses, expressions of changes
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework have Ss write their descriptions based on T’s nad Ss’ suggestions and
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
1. Name of competition
2. Participants
3. Organized by
4. Aim
5. Sponsored by
6. Competition’s rules
7. Awards for winner
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
8. Results
Have Ss close their books and work in groups
Get Ss to stick the posters on the BB
Check the answer with the class
1. Name of competition Annual Final English competition
2. Participants Representatives of three classes
3. Organized by English teachers
4. Aim to stimulate the spirit of learning English among Ss
5. Sponsored by The Ss’ Parents society
6. Competition’s rules Work in groups of three to complete 5 activities.Answer the
Qs within 2ms.Which group gets the highest score will win
12ms 7. Awards for winner a set of CDs in English and an Oxford dictionary
8. Results Group B got 70 points, Group A got 65, Group C got 60 Individual work
Whole class
D.Post –reading:
Have Ss look at the table and retell this competition
2ms Whole class
Feedback to the class
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to practise reciting the poem and then translate it into VNese
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
5ms A.Warm up: Group work Whole class
Take out a picture of “SAO MAI DIEM HEN” Group work
Ss choose the number to answer three questions (a lucky number).Who guesses what
program on the picture is first will be the winner
1. Do you like singing contest?
2. Which TV channel is “Who’s millionaire” on?
3. Have you ever met Anh Tuan?
Lead in :Today we’ ll talk about competitions or contests Whole class
8ms B.Pre-speaking: Group work
Task 1:
Prepare a small survey and copy it on the board, get Ss to copy it down in their own
notebooks, explain how to do the task
Have Ss move around and collect their friends’opinions
Call on some to report the result of their survey
e.g:All of us like/dislike……
Five of us like/dislike……
Lots of us like/dislike……
Nearly all of us like/dislike……
Competition/contest survey
Do you like or dislike following Competition/contest ?
Type of competition/contest Like Dislike
General knowledge
English Competition
Art Competition (painting, drawing, sculpture…)
Poetry Reading/Reciting Competition
Singing Contest
Athletics Meeting (running, jumping..)
15ms C.While- speaking:
Task 2: Whole class
Give the following handouts to Ss: Group work
Fill in the column with sentences which are asking for opinions, and sentences which
are giving opinions:
It’s an opportunity to test my knowledge
What do you think about …?
It’s dull
It’s good/wonderful/extremely interesting/perfect/stimulating/amusing
What’s your opinion about …?
It’s the best way to practise my English
I feel bored
How do you feel about ... ?
It’s silly
It’s an opportunity for my creative activities
Do you like …?
I feel disappointed
It’s boring
It makes me feel sleepy
It makes me cheerful/feel happy
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Giving opinions
Asking for opinions
Agree Disagree
………………………………………. ……………….……………………………….
………………………………………. ……………….……………………………….
………………………………………. ……………….……………………………….
………………………………………. ……………….……………………………….
………………………………………. ……………….……………………………….
………………………………………. ……………….……………………………….
………………………………………. ……………….……………………………….
……………….……………………… ……………….……………………………….
……………….……………………… ……………….……………………………….
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-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Ask Ss look at statements and guess whether they are true or false (underline key words)
Get Ss to listen twice and then check the answers with their partners
Check the answers with the whole class
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Lesson D: Writing
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter to reply to the request of information
II. Materials:
- Textbook,handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may have little experience writing such letter type, so the teacher should be ready to assist them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Helping Ss review the usage of relative clause and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language practice
II. Materials: Textbook
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
students from different schools.They have to answer several questions about general
knowledge of natural and social sciences. Many questions are very challenging for me.I am
interested in watching it but I don’t think I am able to take part in the programme.
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
Have s do exercises in the workbook for homework
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Whole class
9ms H A N D S O M E Individual work
Pair work
Discussing the picture:
Get Ss to work in pairs to look at the two pictures on page 80 and discuss the questions on
page 81
Call on some Ss to give the answers to the questions and elicit comments from other Ss
Give some suggested answers:
Preteach vocabulary
10ms to double it’s time sb did st Pair work
average to continue to do st Whole class
birth-control methods
C.While- reading:
Task 1:
Have Ss read the words in the box and then fill each blank with a suitable word
Ask Ss for their answers and tell them to explain their choices
Give the corecct answers:
1.Although 4.resources
3ms 2.method 5.figures 8.control Whole class
3.increases 6.limit
Task 2:
Have Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in the textbook
Call on each pair to ask and answer each question
Elicit feedback from other Ss and give the correct answer:
1.The population of the world in 10,000 BC was 10 million, in 1750 it was 685 million,in
1850 it was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, in 1985 it was 1760 million, in 2000 it
was 66 billion
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
2.By the year 2015, the population of the world is expected to be over 7 billion
3.Some scientists say it can, but others say it can’t
4.No, they don’t
5.Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children
D.Post –reading:
Write the names of 10 countries on the board and ask Ss to work in pairs to order these
countries according to the population.Then have Ss work out where these countries are and
which is the richest, which is the poorest of them
Indonesia Pakistan United States Japan Bamgladesh
China Brazil Russia Nigeria India
Answers: 1.China 2.India 3.USA 4.Indonesia 5.Brazil
6.Pakistan 7.Bangladesh 8.Russia 9.Nigeria 10.Japan
The richest country is the USA, the poorest country is Nigeria
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to learn by heart all of the new words and do task 1, 2 in the
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
overpopulati ms
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening for
specific information and and listening for general information
II. Materials: Textbook, cassette tapes, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not also be familiar with the note-taking task, so the teacher should be ready to provide them some tips with the
IV. Procedure:
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Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
4.They are shortage of foods, lack of hospitals and schools, illiteracy and poor living
8ms 5.The experts offered four solutions……. Whole class
D.Post –listening: Group work
Get Ss to work in groups to orally summarize the main ideas of listening passage, using some
cues below:World population today/World population by 2010/main cause of population
explosion/problems caused by population explosion/solutions to the problems
3ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss write a summary of the main ideas of the listening passage .
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write descriptions of pie charts, using appropriate language
II. Materials: Textbook,handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
The graph shows the chief uses of apple crop in the US. Overall, the bulk of the harvest is
either eaten fresh or made into juice.
The biggest slice of the pie chart is taken up by fresh fruit. About 60 % of the crop is eaten
fresh.The is three times as much as the next use, which is for juice. Less than 20% of apples
in the US are turned into apple juice.A further 12% is canned and a total of 5% either frozen
or dried.Other remaining uses, such as apple vinegar, account for just 5% of the crop.
It’s clear that although a small amount of apples are processed into frozen, dried or canned
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read out the given dialogue on page 87
Call on some pairs to read the dialogue again and provide corrective feedback
15ms 1. Revision of conditional sentences(type 1,2,3) Whole class
a.Presentation: Individual work
Elicit the form and use of conditional sentences from Ss Pair work
Give Ss the following handout if necessary:
Type Form Use
1 If + S + simple present + S + In these sentences, the time is the present or
will/shall… future and the situation is real.They refer to a
possible condition and its probable result
e.g: If I find her address, I’ll send her an
If I run, I’ll get there in time
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Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Whole class
Have Ss guess the meaning of the words based on the contexts in the sentences
Give the correct answers:
1. grand: impressive and large
2.banner: along piece of cloth with a message on it that it carried between two poles or
hung in a public place to show support for st
3. sugared apples: t¸o dÇm ®êng
4.agarian: connected with farming and the use of land for farming
5.pray: to speak to God, especially to give thanks or ask for help
6.excitement: the state of feeling excited
Task 2:
Have Ss read the statements and decide whether they are true or false
Call on some Ss to give their answers and ask them to explain their choices
Give the correct answers:
1. F ( it falls between 19th January and 20th february)
2. F ( it’s just for agrarian people)
3. T
4. F (according to the passage, lucky money tends to be given to children)
Task 3:
Ask Ss to work individually to do the task, then discuss their answres with their peers
Call on some Ss to write their answes on the board and ask them to explain their choices
Give the correct answers:
1. It sometimes between 19th January and 20th February
2.Tet’s preparations and celebrations used to be spread over months
3.They are decorated with coloured lights and red banners
4.They buy gifts, clean and decorate theirh ouses and cook traditional foods
5.It is made from sticky rice, grean beans, fatty pork
6. Mut is candied fruit
7.Visiting friends and other family members, exchanging wishes, going to the pogoda,
playing games…..
D.Post –reading:
Ask Ss to work in groups to tell each other abou thier last Teet holiday
Call on some Ss to report their ideas to the class, then elicit corrective feedback
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to learn by heart all of the new words and write a paragraph
about their last Tet holiday
Period 43 December 10th 2012
Lesson B: Speaking
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the celebrations of Tet and other festivals’ activities
II. Materials:
- Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready toprovide help
IV. Procedure:
(America) (5) folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsyvania
Dutch country during the 1700s.The (arrive) (6) of the “Oschter Haws” was
considered “ childhood’ s great pleasure next to a visit from Chirist- kindel on
Christmas Eve.The children believed that if they were good the “Oschter Haws”
would lay a nest of colored eggs.
Answers: 1.known 4.made 7.greatest
2.its 5.American
3.first 6.arrival
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening for
specific information and taking notes while listening
II. Materials: Textbook, cassette tapes, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may have difficulty doing the first task, so the teacher should be ready to give them some strategies
IV. Procedure:
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of a popular celebration
II. Materials: Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Christmas is an annual holiday that (1) …… the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.Christmas Day
falls on December 25. It’s preceded by Christmas Eve on December 24, and in some
countries it is (2) ….. by Boxing Day on December 26, when many people go shopping for
sales.It is a (3) …… when people get together with (4) …….. People give (5)….. to each
other or send (6) ……. wishing each other a (7) …… Christians. At Chirstmas trees and put
up (11) …… around the house. A common Christmas dinner is (12)…….. . There are also
lots of (13) ………goodies for the kids. People love Christmas because it is the time when
they can share (14) ………. moments with their family.
Answers: 1. marks 6. cards 11. lights
2. followed 7. merry 12. turkey
3. holiday 8. sing 13. baked
13ms 4. family 9. spirit 14. peaceful Whole class
5. presents 10. decorate Pair work
B.Preparing Ss to write:
Have Ss raed the passage in the Warm up and discuss the main points included in the passage
in pairs
Ask Ss to give the answer
Give suggested answer:The discription includes 6 main points:
+ Name of the festival
+ Purpose of the festival
+ Time of the festival
+ Main ideas of the festival /What people do in the festival
+ Food eaten
+ People’s feeling about the festival (like/dislike/reason)
15ms Have Ss work individually to write an outline for their description
Go round and provide help when necessary Individual work
8ms Get Ss to describe the festival they have chosen in 15ms
Go round to observe and offer help with vocab or structures Pair work
D.Feedbak on Ss’ writing: Whole class
Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction
Go round and collect mistakes and errors
2ms Choose one or two description(s) and read it/them to the class Whole class
Elicit corrective feedback form the class and give final comments afterwards
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss do writing task in the notebook
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I.Objectives: Helping Ss review reading skills by doing the passage comprehension on some topics such as: population,
friendhsip, competitions, celebrations, etc
II. Materials: Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough vocabulary to understand the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
2.Write your report.Remember to organize your information in a logical way.Make sure your
report has a clear structure: a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence
3.Check what you have written.Make sure the report used a variety of vocab and structures
Drop-out rates among children aged between 10-15 in 2000-2006
2000 2003 2006
Province A 50 40 30
Province B 80 60 40
Province C 75 74 76
Province D 53 67 87
Ask Ss to write a description, then exchange their writings and correct each other
Go round to offer help
19ms II.Write a description of teacher’s day(at least 120-150 words).Your description shoold
include the following main points:
Name of the celebration
Time of the celebration
Purpose of the celebration
Main activites of the celebration
Your feeling about the celebration
Get Ss to exchange their writings and correct each other
Go round to offer help
Elicit feedback form the class and give final comments after two essays.T should draw Ss’
attention to the format of the description, the organization of ideas and language use Whole class
2ms C.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to write about World population( about 150-200 words)
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I.Objectives: Helping Ss review tenses, infinitive and gerund, passive infinitive and gerund, gerund and present
participle, perfect gerund and pferfect participle
II. Materials: Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may need to practise furthermore, so the teacher should be ready to provide them as many exercises as possible
IV. Procedure:
Have Ss supply the verbs with the corerct form:
1.Your front door needs (clean) , you had better have it (do) this week.
2.My mother doesn’t allow (enter) the garden to prevent the fruits from (steal)
3.Martin denied (see) the accused man on the day of the crime.
4.Mary said “ I regret (not/meet) him earlier in my life”.
5.The man (walk) along the corridor is our boss.
6.Everyone likes (congratulate) when they have got some success.
7.But after (think) it over, I decided to laugh at myself and just join anyway.
8.After (fall) from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
Answers: be cleaned/done 4.having met 7.having thought
2.entering /being stolen 5.walking 8.having fallen
3.having seen 6.being congratulated
18ms III. Gerund and present participle, perfect gerund and perfect participle:
Have Ss review the form and uses of gerund, present participle, perfect gerund and perfect
participle by doing the following exercises:
1.Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses:
a. I can’t help (feel) worried about the situation in the middle East.
b. I think most people prefer (ride) in comfortable cars to (walk)
c.She (love) (swim) in the lake.
d.Don’t keep on (shout) like that, you will wake up your mother.
e.I enjoy (rest) in the afternoon after (try) (finish) (do) my English homework.
Answers: a. feeling d.shouting
b.riding/walking e.resting/trying/to finishdoing
2.Rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a present participle or a perfect
a.She was talking to her friend and forgot everything around her.
b.Since we watch the news everyday we know what’s going on in the world
c.They are vegetarians and don’t eat meat
d.The boy asked his mother’s permission and then went out to play
e.As he had drunk too much, he didn’t drive home himself.
Answers: a.Talking to her friend, she…………..
b.Watching the news everyday, we know…………….
c.Being vegetarians, the don’t eat meat.
d.Having asked his mother’s permission, the boy ……………
e.Having drunk too much, he didn’t ……………..
3ms B.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
I.Objectives: Helping Ss review conditional sentences, conditional in reported speech, indefinite pronouns
II. Materials: Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may need to practise furthermore, so the teacher should be ready to provide them as many exercises as possible
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
15ms I.Conditional sentences: Whole class
Have Ss review the forms and usage of conditional type 1,2,3 Individual work
Get Ss to rewrite the following sentences: Pair work
1. We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money
If it
2.He din’t take more photographs because he didn’t have more films
3.Unless you learn hard, you’ll fail your exam.
4.He didn’t take my advice, so he lost his way
5.He had spent his money carelessly and bacame broke
6.Women can delay having children due to effective birth control methods
7.He can’t find a good job because he doesn’t know how to use a computer
Answers:1.If it hadn’t been for my father’s money, we couldn’t …..
2.If he had had more films, he’d have taken more photographs
3.If you don’t learn hard, you’ll fail your exam
4.If he had taken my advice, he’d not have lost his way
5. If he had not spent his money carelessly, he’d not have become broke
6.If there were not effective birth control methods, women could not delay having children
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Have Ss work individually and then exchange the answers to their partners
Go round to offer help and have Ss answer
Give the correct answers:1.send letters
send money
send a document
2.offer the best services
offer a very competitive rate
offer a speedy and secure service
Ask Ss to work in pairs to do task 2
Get some pairs to ask and answer
Give correct answers:
1.Thanh Ba post office is equipped with advanced technology and a spacious pretty place
for transaction
2.Mail and Parcel services, Express money transfer service,Phone calls and faxes, Press
distribution service
3.They are air mail , surface mail and the Express Mail service(EMS)
4.It is used for notifying the recipient of the time and the place to receive the call
5.You will have subscribe to your favourite newspapers and magazines
Get Ss to work in pairs to do task 3
Ask them to give their answers
Give the correct answers:
1.The post office opens daily from 7a.m to 9p.m
2.We offer a very competitive rate for parcels of under 15 kg
3.We also have the Express Mail Service and your EMS mail will be delivered in the shortest
possible time
4.We offer a speedy and secure service of transfering money in less htan 24 hours
12ms D.Post –reading: Group work
Have Ss work in groups to answer the two questions in the textbook Whole class
Call on some representatives of their groups to report their ideas
Elicit corrective feedback
3ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to write a paragraph about a post office service you like most
Period 54 December 30th 2012
Lesson B: Speaking
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use appropriate language to talk about post office services
basing on given situations
II. Materials: Textbook, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to make a dialogue for the following situation:“You want to
use Express Mail service to send some documents (as quickly as possible) to
3ms your office in HaNoi” Whole class
3.With a mobile phone, you can contact other people easily.You always feel close to your
family even when you are away from home.However you don’t have much
privacy.Sometimes it’s irritating to get a call when you are sleeping or in a meeting.
2. Vocabulary preteaching:
Teach some of these words and have Ss read out:
commune ['kɔmju:n] digit subscriber ['didʒit səb'skraibə]
rural network [ ['ruərəl 'netwə:k] capacity [kə'pæsiti]
communal growth ['kɔmjunl grouθ]
15ms C.While- listening: Whole class
Task 1: Individual work
Get Ss to read the statements carefully and guess the answers Pair work
Have Ss listen to the passage and check the answers
Have Ss exchange their ideas/answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to give the answers
Give correct answers:1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.C
Task 2:
Have Ss read the questions and try to answer them
Get Ss to listen again and answer the questions
Get Ss to exchange their answer with their partners
Call on some Ss to answer the questions, then give correct answers:
1.China has the best growth in telephone numbers
2.there were only 140.000 telephones
3.The fixed telephone numbers were changed from six to seven digits in HaNoi and HCM as
well as five to six digits in other provinces.
4.In 2001
5.There are 6014 communal post offices in VN
12ms D.Post –listening: Whole class
Ask Ss to work in groups to summarize the main ideas of the listening passage using the Group work
suggestions in the textbook
Get some representatives of groups to report
Elicit corrective feedback from the class, then give some comments
3ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss write a paragraph about the development of VN’s telephone
system over the past few years
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop reading, listening and writing skills, use indefinite and definite relative
clauses correctly and conditional sentences appropriately
II. Materials: Textbook
III. Anticipated problems:
The lesson is too long, so the teacher has to distribute the time properly to help Ss understand the lesson
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
8ms A.Listening: Whole class
Get Ss to read the expressions in the textbook carefully Individual work
Have Ss listen to the tape and put the telephone expressions in the order Pair work
Have Ss exchange their ideas with their partners
Call on some Ss to present
Give correct answers:
10ms B.Reading: Whole class
Ask Ss to read the passage and answer the questions Individual work
Go round to offer any help Pair work
Get Ss to exchange the answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. They gather before midnight and select twelve grapes from a large bunch
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
2.Because the twelve grapes are symbols of the twelve months of the year
3.In Iran
4. It lasts for thirteen days
5.They read from the Koran, then all embrace each other and say,“May you live 100 years”
C.Pronunciation and grammar:
10ms 1.Pronunciation: Whole class
Get Ss to listen and put a tick (v) in the right box Individual work
Have Ss exchange their answers with their partners Pair work
Call on some Ss to present
Give correct feedback from the class and correct answers
Ask Ss to join the sentences using who or which
Give correct answers:
1. Earth is a planet which can suppport life
2.The book is about a girl who runs away from home
3.A dictionary is abook which gives you the meaning of words
Get Ss to match the clause in column A with the one in column B to make a complete
conditional sentence
Give correct answers: 1.b 2.c 3.a
15ms Have Ss write a paragraph on what they like and don’t like about Tet holidays basing on Whole class
given suggestions Individual work
Gte Ss to exchange their writing with other partners Pair work
Go round to offer any help and give corrective feedback
E.Wrapping up:
3ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework have Ss make 6 sentences using relative clauses and conditional
2.They often live in the forests, zoos,or national parks Individual work
3.If their habitats were destroyed,animals would die/the environment would be Pair work
polluted/nature would be in danger.
Introduce new lesson: NATURE IN DANGER Whole class
B.Pre-reading: Group work
Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the two questions in the textbook
Gice suggested answers: Whole class
1.The fact above shows that the numbers of some wild or rare animals such as cheetahs,
pandas and Siberian tigers become small or extinct
2.The numbers of these animals become small because they are killed for food, medicines ,
fur or skin
Take out the following handout to Ss:
Put the verbs given into the right column:
Establish-kill-destroy-save-protect-prohibit-set up-cut down-plant-ban-burn-hunt
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
2. peace
3. natural
4. actively
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to give reasons why nature is threatened and possible measures
for protecting the environment/nature.
II. Materials: Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may need help with the discussion tasks, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of Cat Ba national park using the facts and
figures given
II. Materials:Textbook,picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
total area
Description of
National park
historic features animals and plants
Call on two Ss to write their description on the board
D.Post –writing:
Get Ss to exchange their writing with their partners
8ms Have Ss correct the two descriptions on the board Whole class
Give some comments and common mistakes Ss often make Pair work
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
2ms For homework, have Ss write a description about a national park you have visited Whole class
recently (about 120-150 words)
Call on some Ss to give the answers
Give correct answers:
1. Snow of swims in a small lake
2.He snores so loudly that the baby can’t sleep
Have Ss look at the pictures and tell what they are
Give correct answer:
1.a pair of slippers 3.some sweets
2.a snail 4.a blacksmith
Get Ss to read out the sentences and phrases and introduce new lesson
2.Distinguishing sounds:
Model the three clusters and explain how to produce them
Play the tape (or read) for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters and have them
repeat after
Call on some Ss to read out aloud
3. Practising sentences containing the target sounds:
Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given dialogue on page 121
Call on some pairs to read the dialogue again and provide corrective feedback
32ms B.Grammar: Whole class
Get Ss to combine the pairs of the sentence using relative pronoun: Individual work
The man is living near your house.I talked to him on the phone last night Pair work
Call on a student to give the answer:
The man whom I talked on the phone last night is living near your house
= The man to whom I talked on the phone last night is living near your house
Get Ss to give remark
Introduce new lesson
Have Ss review use of relative clauses with prepositions
Have Ss do exercise 1 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Give the correct answer:
1.whom 3.whim 5.which 7.which
2.which 4.who 6.whom
Get Ss to list prepositions go with whom /which
Have Ss do exercise 2 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Give the corrective feedback:
3.The man to whom I talked yesterday was being kind
4.The man about whom I told you works in the hospital
5.The woman about whom I am telling teaches me English
6.The movie about which they are talking is fantastic
7.The picture at which she was looking was beautiful
8.I’ll give you the address to which you should write
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Give the correct answer:
1.that 3.who 5.which/that 7.who
2.which 4.whom 6.which 8.whom
3ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss do the following exercises:
Exercise 1:Combine he following sentences using relative pronouns with
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
1.He fell in love with the girl.The girl left him after a few weeks
The girl ……………………………….……………………………….
2.The bed wasn’t very comfortable. I slept in it last night
The bed ……………………………….……………………………….
3.Do you know the man? The teacher is talking to him
Do you ……………………………….……………………………….
4.Mary is looking at a cat.It’s very lovely
The cat ……………………………….……………………………….
Exercise 2: Complete the folloing sentences:
1.The strong to which ……………………………….
2.Lan is the girl about whom……………………………….
3.I thank my friend from whom……………………………….
4.The book about which………………………………
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and identifying meaning in context, filling in the gaps
II. Materials: Textbook, pictures, handout
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may need help with the task 2, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
the environment
2. I thnk solar energy is the most potential because it can be produced at most houses in
all parts of the world/can be popular to many households
Task 4:
Give the following handout to Ss:
Reorder the words in the following sentences so that they agree with what mentioned in
the passage
Give suggested answers:
1.People depend on fossil fuels to run machines, heat and cool their houses
2.Fossils fuels will be exhausted due to the rapid increase of power demand
3.To save them people should start using alternative sources of energy
4.Nuclear energy, water power and solar energy are useful because they can create
D.Post –reading:
Have Ss complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank with a suitable
10ms word from the box Whole class
Get Ss to exchange their answer with their partners Individual work
Give suggested answer: Pair work 3.fuels 5.alternative 7.unlimited 6.sources 8.environment
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
2ms For homework, ask Ss to do the close test page 115 in the Ss’ book Whole class
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages
of using solar energy as an altarnative source of energy
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
2.The Sport Games, which held in India in 1951, were the first Asian games.
The Sport Games, held in India in 1951, were the first Asian games
3.Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew into space
Yuri Gagarin was the first man to fly into space
Call on some Ss to answer
Give some remarks: - the same in meanings
- different in structures
- active Ving phrase
- passive past participle
- the first/the last ……. to inf-phrase
Exercise 1:
Have Ss do exercise 1 individually and then check the answer with a partner Whole class
Call on some Ss to do exercise 1 Individual work
Give the correct answer: Pair work
1.The boy playing the piano is Bend
2.The woman coming toward us……..
3.The people waiting for the bus ……..
4.The scientists researching the causes of cancer are making progress
5.The fence surrounding our house……..
6.An apartment overlooking the park ……..
Exercise 2:
Have Ss do exercise 2 individually and then check the answer with a partner Whole class
Have some Ss do exercise 2 Individual work
Give the corrective feedback: Pair work
1.The ideas presented in that book are interesing
2.a city located in the southern part of the country
3.a house built in 1890
4.The photographs published in the newspaper were extraordinary
5.The experiment conducted at the University of Chicago was sucsessful
6.A hospital sponsored by the government
Exercise 3:
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner Whole class
Call on some ss to give their answers Individual work
Give the correct answer: Pair work
1.the last man to reach the top
2.the last person to leave the room
3.the first person to see is Mr Smith
4.the second to be killed in that way
5.the first person to catch
E.Wrapping up:
3ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, have Ss do execise 3, 4 page 72,73 in the workbook
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
8ms A.Listening: Whole class
Get Ss to listen to the water conservation and complete the sentences Individual work
Have Ss work individually and then exchange their answers with their partners Pair work
Call on some Ss to present
Give correct answers:
1.Without water, people and other living things can not live
2. If there were no plants, water would run off after it rains
3.Water can be held on the land by planting vegetation
4. Dams are built across the rivers to help hold back the water
5.Water is stored in reservation during wet seasons for use in dry seasons
10ms B.Reading: Whole class
Get Ss to read the passage silently and then discuss the topic of the reading passage Individual work
Have Ss work in pairs to answer the questions Pair work
Call on some pairs to answer
Give correct answer
1. Air, water and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things
2. Badly polluted air can cause illness and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other
marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food
3. Because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust from
automobiles provides transportation for millions of people
4. They would have to stop using many things that benefit them
5. Government can pass and enforce laws that reuire business and individuals to stop or cut
down on certain polluting activities
C.Pronunciation and grammar:
10ms 1.Pronunciation: Whole class
Have Ss listen to the words and put a tick in the right box Individual work
Call on some Ss to present and then give correct answer Pair work
Gets Ss to do the exercise individually and then exchange the answer with their partners
Call on some Ss to present and then give correct answers: leave 5.invited
2. ringing 4. to drink 6. blown
Get Ss to write a paragraph, then exchange their writing with their partners
15ms Call on some Ss to write on the board Whole class
Have Ss correct mistakes and give some comments Individual work
E.Wrapping up: Pair work
Summarize the main points of the lesson
2ms For homework have Ss do exercises in the workbook Whole class
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and use the information they have read to discuss the topic.
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
3. They won the gold medals in bodybuilding, billiards and women’s Karatedo at the Games
in Busan, Korea
10ms D.Post –reading: Whole class
Get Ss to talk about the events mentioned in the passage using the following figures as Group work
cues:1951, 1954, 1958, 1998, 2002
Get Ss to work in groups
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit from the class and give some comments
2ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to write a summary of the Asian Games
3. Japan 20
4. 1962 13
5. Thailand 18
6. 1970 13
7. 1974 25
8. Thailand 19
9. 1982 33
10. Korea 25
Handout B
Games Host countries Year Number of Number of
No countries sports
1. 1951 6
2. Philippines 18
3. 20
4. Indonesia 1962 13
5. 17
6. Thailand 18
7. Iran 16
8. 1978 25
9. India 21
10. 1986 27
C.While- speaking:
Set a model:
10ms A: In which sports did VNese athletes won medals? Whole class
B: Body building, billiards, karatedo, shooting, wushu Pair work
A:How many medals did they win?
B: 10
A:In which sport did VNese athletes win 2 gold and 1 broze medals?
Get Ss to work in pairs using information given in task 2
Call on some pairs to present
Give some remarks
D.Post –speaking:Get Ss to work in groups to talk about the Asian Games and the sports
results of the VNese athletes at 14th aAsian Games basing on the following questions:
15ms When and where were……………………? Whole class
How many countries……………………? Group work
How many sports ……………………?
Which sports did……………………?
How many medals ……………………?
Go round to offer any help
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class and give some comments
2ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to write about athletes or sports you like best
Lesson C: Listening
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening for
specific information about activities of the Asian Games and talk about famous athletes they know well
II. Materials:Textbook, cassette tapes, pictures
III.Anticipated problems
Ss may not familiar with the topic of the listening passage, so T should give the some help
IV. Procedure:
pole vaulting
4.High Jump (was the last sports event mentioned in the report)
5.He look very disappointed
D.Post –listening:
12ms Get Ss to work in groups to name some of the famous Vietnamese gymnasts who won Whole class
medals they know and what sports they won, then give some information about them Group work
Go round to offer any help
Call on some representatives to report and the whole class listen to and guess who she/he is
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some comments
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss write a short paragraph about a famous athlete they know
2ms clearly/well. Whole class
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a paragraph to describe the preparation for the Asian
Games organized in VN
II. Materials: Textbook,handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
/str/,/skr/ or /skw/
Give correct ansers:
/str/: strong, street, strange
/skr/ : ice-cream,screaming
/skw/ : squeezing, squeaking, square
28ms C.Grammar: Relative clauses: Whole class
Give the situation: Individual work
T:Do you know the man?
S:Which man?
T: The man whom you met in the street yesterday
S: Oh, yes.He’s my cousin
T: So the man you met yesterday is your cousin
Write down the two sentences on the BB and get Ss to give remarks
Give correct answer:
a. Ralative clauses
b. Omission of relative pronouns
Exercise 1: Whole class
Have Ss complete the sentences to make a relative without a pronoun, using a suitable Individual work
sentencce in the box Pair work
Have Ss exchange their answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to answer
Give the correct answer:
1.Have you found the bike you lost?
2. Most of the classmates he invited to the party couldn’t come
3.The short stories John told were very funny
4. The dictionary I bought yesterday is expensive but very interesting
5.I didn’t like the man we met this morning
6.The beef we had for lunch was really delicious
Exercise 2:
Get Ss to complete each of the sentences using a suitable sentence in the box to make a Whole class
relative clause with a preposition Individual work
Have Ss check the answers with a partner Pair work
Call on some Ss to present
Give the corrective feedback:
1.I enjoy my job because I like the people I work with
2.The dinner party we went to wasn’t vey enjoyable
3.The house we’re living in is not in good condition
4.I wasn’t interested in the things they were talking about
5.He didn’t get the job he applied for
6.The bed I slept in was very modern
Exercise 3: Have Ss tick (v) the sentences in which the relative pronouns can be imitted
Get Ss to exchange the answers with a partner Whole class
Call on some Ss to answer Individual work
Give the correct answer: Pair work
1.who(v) 4.that
2.that 5.who(v)
2ms 3.who(v) 6.that(v)
E.Wrapping up: Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, have Ss do the following exercise:
Complete the sentences with relative clauses:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
playing football
collecting coins cooking
17ms C.While- reading:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use appropriate language to talk about their hobbies basing on
the given situation
II. Materials: Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic,so the teacher should be ready to assist them
IV. Procedure:
to get
Stamps to buy
to throw
to classify
to organize
to exchange
Ask Ss : T: Who often does these things?
S: A stamp collector
10ms B.Pre-speaking: Whole class
Set a model and get Ss to work in pairs: Individual work
A: Which of the hobbies would you like to do? Pair work
B: Swimming.I like it best because I find it interesting to swim in the swimming pool with my
friend.It’s also good for my health and helps me to stay fit
A: And which one wouldn’t you like to do?
B: Fishing.I am not patient enough
Call on some pairs to present
Elicit feedback from the class and give final comments
10ms C.While- speaking: Whole class
Give the situation to Ss: Two friends talking about their collection of books Individual work
Get Ss to read the dialogue in pairs Pair work
Give corrective feedback
D.Post –speaking: Whole class
15ms Have Ss go through the suggestions in the textbook and make a dialogue about collecting Individual work
stamps Pair work
Get Ss to work in pairs
Go round to offer any help
Call on some pairs to present
Elicit feedback from the class and give final comments
Give a sample/model:
A: What is your hobby?
B:Well, I like collecting stamps.I have been collecting them for more than five years
A:Wow! You must have a lot of stamps now.Could you tell me how you collect your stamps?
B:I get them from old envelopes and sometimes my relatives or my friends give me some.If I
have money, I can go to the post office and buy some valuable ones
A:Where do you keep your stamps?
B:In albums, of course. I’ve had three albums so far
A:Do you put them all in one album or do you put them in categories?
B: In categories, of course. I put local stamps in one and foreign stamps in another, then I
classify them into categories like plants, birds, landscape……..
A:I see. What do you plan to do next?
B:I’ll attend stamp exhibitions to learn more from experienced collectors to make my
collection more valuable
A:I wish you every success.I’d love to see your albums someday
B:Sure.See you!
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to write how a person collects stamps
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening for
specific information to identify and correct false statements, fill in the blanks with missing information, talk abut
advantages and disadvantages of a hobby.
II. Materials: Textbook, cassette tapes, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to talk about disadvantages of over-reading from the listening passage, so the teacher should be
ready to assist them.
IV. Procedure:
Have Ss read the statements in the textbook and guess the answers
Present new words when necessary
Have Ss listen to the tape
Get Ss to exchange their answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct asnwers:
1.T 3.F 5.T 7.T
2.F 4.F 6.T 8.F
Task 2: Whole class
Have Ss read the passage carefully and try to fill in the gaps Individual work
Get Ss to listen again and check the answers Pair work
Ask Ss to exchange their answer with their partners
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answer:
1.wonderful 3.jungle 5.ignorantly
2.disease 4.certainly
12ms D.Post –listening: Whole class
Gte Ss to work in groups to discuss about the disadvantages of over-reading Group work
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback form the class and give final comments
Give suggested answers:
weak body(not move too nuch)
not have time for not have much time
other activities
of over for studying
2ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss write a short paragraph about the disadvantages of over-reading
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write about a collection of their or someone using the guidelines
II. Materials: Textbook,handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
6ms A.Warm up: Whole class
Have Ss find words going with “ collect ” Group work
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Ss may find it difficult to understand cleft sentences, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
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-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
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-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
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C.While- reading:
5ms Task 1:
Get Ss to read the passage quickly and then circle the correct answer Whole class
Get Ss to exchange their answers with their partners Pair work
Call on some Ss to present
Give correct answers: 1.A 4.A
2.B 5.B
3.B 6.A
10ms Task 2:Deliver posters to Ss and ask them to write down the answers of the questions in the Whole class
textbook Group work
Get Ss to exchange their answers with other group
Call on some members of each group to answer
Give correct answers:
1. They can become dull/bored without recreation and entertainment
2. They like watching football and rugby in winter and cricket and athletics in
3. They like to take part in walking and swimming
4. These courses give them pleasant, help them relax and improve their minds
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Unit fourteen:RECREATION
Lesson B: Speaking
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to express their agreement or disagreement when discussing
II. Materials:Textbook, pictures
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult when expressing the agreement or disagreement,so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Task 2:
Say the situation
Get Ss to read the conversation in pairs
Give some comments
15ms C.While- speaking:
Task 3: Whole class
Say the situation Group work
Have Ss work in groups to discuss
Call on some groups to present
Elicit feedback from the class and give some comments
12ms D.Post –speaking: Whole class
Task 4: Group work
Get Ss to do task 4 in groups basing on suggestions in task 2,3
Go round to offer any help
Call on osme representatives report
Elicit corrective feedback from the class
Give final comments
Give some examples:
* We have decided to go camping because all of us can get close to nature.We can have a lot
of outdoor activities and can become more active
* We have decided not to go camping because if we go camping for 2 days we’ll have to hire
a bus, which is expensive.Moreover, we’ll have to sleep in the tent, which makes us sick and
can’t go to school the next day
2ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to make a dialogue to discuss about they agree or disagree to go
for a picnic this weekend
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Guessing Key
1. Anna doesn’t like summer weather.
2. Anna usually spends two weeks in a natural park every
3. Terry has never been to the mountains or the desert in
4. Terry is attracted to the beauty of nature.
5. Marry wants to live in nature and enjoys it because of the
solitude of the wilderness.
6. Marry enjoys the comfortable life in the city.
Have Ss listen to the tape twice, then ask Ss to exchange the answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answer:
1.T 2.T 3.F(he used to)
4.T 6.T
5.F(she doesn’t want to live in nature and enjoy it because of the solitude of the
Task 2: Gap filling
10ms Give the following handouts to Ss: Group work
Listen again and choose a suitable word/phrase from the box to fill in each space of the
following paragraph:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Unit fourteen:RECREATION
Lesson D: Writing
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to wirte a paragraph about their camping holiday
II. Materials:Textbook,pictures
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
7ms A.Warm up: Whole class
Take out the picture and ask Ss Pair work
1.What activity do you see in the picture?
2.How often do you take part in this activity?
3.When did you last do it?
Call on some Ss to answer
Give suggested answers: 1. It’s a camping day
3. Last year
Lead into new lesson: Today we a are going to practise writing about a camping holiday
8ms Task 1: Get Ss to match activities with the correct pictures Whole class
Have Ss exchange their answer with their partners Individual work
Call on some Ss to answer Pair work
Give correct answers: Picture a: 2 Picture d: 6 Picture g:1
Picture b:3 Picture e:9 Picture h:7
Picture c:6 Picture f:5 Picture i:8
C.While- writing:
18ms Get Ss to answer the following questions: Whole class
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Helping Ss review the usage of relative clause and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language practice
II. Materials: Textbook
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
3. I like pilot because I want to travel everywhere
I like to be an astronaut because I want to go to the moon/fly into the space
10ms Listen into new lesson: SPACE CONQUEST
B.Pre-reading: Whole class
Activity 1: Give the following handout to Ss Individual work
Look at the pictures and match them with the descriptions Pair work
Descriptions: a.The first VNese astronaut
b.Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin- a cosmonaut
c.The orbit and a satellite
Have Ss look at the pictures and match, then exchange the answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to present
Give correct answers:
Picture 1- b Picture 2 – c Picture 3-a
Activity 2: Get Ss to answer the questions in the textbook
Call on some Ss to present
Give correct answers:
1.The first human to fly into space is Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin
2.The first human to set on the moon are Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin
3.The first VNese to fly into space is Pham Tuan
Activity 3: Give the following handout to Ss
Answer the following questions:Have you ever heard of Gagarin?
What do you want to know about him?
What you already know about him What you want to know about him
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Have Ss answer the questions, then exchange the answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to present
Give suggested answers:
What you already know about him What you want to know about him
1.Gagarin-astronaut 1.Why did he become famous?
2.Russian 2.What made him become famous?
3.The first human to fly into space ………….
17ms C.While- reading:
Activity 1: Get Ss to skim the reading passage to take some notes about Gagarin Whole class
Have Ss exchange the answers with their partners Individual work
Call on some Ss to present Pair work
Give correct answers:
He was the first person in the orbit around the Earth
He became the first person to eat and drink in weightlessness
The success of his flight attracted worldwide attention and made him a hero
Activity 2: Give the follwing handout to Ss:
Find the owrds in the passage that best suit each of the following definition:
1. ………………: to rise from the launching site
2.………………: to wathc something carefully
3.………………: state of being uncertain
4.………………: to tell someone htat one is pleased about his achievements
5.………………: causing great sadness
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Get Ss to work individually and then exchange the answers with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers: lift off congratulate view 5.tragic
Activity 3: Get Ss to match the headings to the paragraphs
Have Ss exchange the answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to present
Give correct answers:
Paragraph 1-B Paragraph 4-C
Paragraph 2-E Paragraph 5-A
Paragraph 3-D
Activity 4: Give the following handout to Ss:
Complete the sentences by using the information from the text:
1.People didn’t know ………… what would happen to him in space
2.American people ………… Gagarin on his safe flight
3.There were still ………… uncertainties before Gagarin’s flight
4.Gagarin’s flight attracted ………… of many people all over the world
5.Gagarin couldn’t make a new space flight because he died in a ………… in March
Have Ss work individuallly and exchange the answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.precisely 4.attention
2.congratulated 5.plane crash
Activity 5: Get Ss to answer the questions in the textbook
Have Ss exchange the answers with their partners
Call on some Ss to present
Give correct answers:
1.He was 27 then
2.He was in space for 108 minutes
3.They were “What’d happen to human being in space or how the body would react to the
extreme changes in temperature or how the mind would deal with the spychological
4.It was more than 17,000 miles per hour
5.Because he died in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968
6.After his death his hometown of Gzahatsk was renamed Gagarin, and the Cosmonaut
Training Centre at Star City Russia, was given the name of this national hero
D.Post –reading:
10ms Get Ss close their books and work in groups to complete the summary of the reading passage Whole class
Go round to offer any help Group work
Call on some Ss to give their answers
Give correct answers: Whole class
1.comonaut 3.lasted 5.gravity 7.impossible space 4.success 6.view 8.named after
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
2ms For homework, ask Ss to write a sort paragraph about the first human into the
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know some information about the launch of China’s first
manned spacecraft into space and talk about the important events in space explorations
II. Materials:Textbook, pictures
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss about the events in space exploration, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
B:There have been three.They are Russia, the United States and China
15ms C.While- speaking: Whole class
Get Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the important events in spcae conquest Pair work
Set A model :
A: When did Russian launch its first artificial satellite?
B:On October 4, 1957
A:What is the name of Russia’s fisrt artificial satellite?
A:How important was the artificial satellite to Russia?
B:The first artificial satellite marked the beginning of space Age
Call on some pairs to present
Elicit feedback from the class
Give final comments
D.Post –speaking:
12ms Get Ss to close their books and work in groups to talk about important events in the space Whole class
conquest Group work
Go round to offer any help
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class and give some comments
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to write short paragraph about the one important event in space
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the first human moon landing, one of the most
important historical events in the 20th century
II. Materials:Textbook, cassette tapes, pictures
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.
IV. Procedure:
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a biography of Neil Amstrong from the information given
and biography of a famous person or someone they know well
II. Materials: Textbook,picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to write a biography, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Lead into new lesson:Writing about Neil Amstrong’s biography Whole class
15ms C.While- writing: Individual work
Have Ss read some information about Neil Amstrong, then put each of the headings in the
box in the appropriate blank
Get Ss to work individually and then exchange the answer with their partners
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers: 1.birth of birth
3.klnown as 5.Quote
10ms D.Post –writing: Whole class
Have Ss write a biography of Neil Amstrong from the information given Pair work
Go round to offer any help
Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction
Go round to collect mistakes and errors
Choose one or two descripition(s) and read it/them to the class
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards
2ms E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, have Ss write a paragraph pf a famous person or someone else they know
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
10ms Introduce new lesson: The wonders of the world - The Great Pyramid of Giza
B.Pre-reading: Whole class
Activity 1: Take out the pictures and ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the following Pair work
1. Who built the Great pyramid?
2.When was it built?
3.Where is it located?
4.How long did it take them to build it?
5.Why was it built?
Call on some pairs to answer
Give suggested answers:
1. Pharaoh Khufu
2.It was built around the year 2560 BC
3.It is located in Egypt
4.It took them over 20 years
5.To serve as a tomb and protect burial chamber form the weather and thieves Whole class
Activity 2: Preteach vocab: Individual work
Get Ss to look at the pictures and match the right words to the right pictures: Pair work
a.ramp b.tomb c.spiral d.treasures e.burial chamber
Have Ss work individually and then exchange the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to match
Give correct answers:
Picture 1: tomb Picture 4: spiral
Picture 2: treasures Picture 5: ramp
Picture 3: burial chamber
Ask Ss to answer the questions: Among these words which words are used to tell about the
purpose and which are used to tell about the construction?
Check the answer
Give suggested answers:
+ Burial chamber, tomb and treasures are used to tell about the purpose
17ms + Spiral and ramp are used to tell about the construction
C.While- reading: Whole class
Task 1: Individual work
Have Ss read the passage quickly and do task 1 Pair work
Get Ss to work individually ansd then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give corect answers: 1.tomb 3.ramp 5.mysterious
2.wonder 4.chamber 6.spiral Whole class
Task 2: Individual work
Get Ss to answer the qustons in the textbook Pair work
Have Ss exchange the answers with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.It is situated on the west bank of the river Nile and it was built around the year 2560 BC
2.It was about 147 high on a base of 230 meters square
3.The purpose of this huge stone pyramid was to serve as a tomb when he died and to protect
the burial chamber from the weather and from the thieves who might try to steal the
treasures and belongings there
4.It is thought that the ancient Egyptians used straight or spiral ramps or huge weight arms
to lift and place the blocks of stone
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
5.The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on
earth before being buried iniside the pyramid
Task 3:
Get Ss to scan the passage and do task 3 individually Whole class
Exchange the answers with their partner Individual work
Call on some Ss to give the answers Pair work
Give suggested answers:
1.who(line 4) refers to thieves
2.It (line7) refers to the Great Pyramid
3.It(line8) refers to the Great Pyramid
4. Each (line 10) refers to a block of stone
10ms D.Post –reading: Whole class
Have S work in groups to fill in the chart with the right information found in the reading test Group work
The Great pyramid
1.The purpose of the Great pyramid - to serve as a tomb where (a)
2.The construction of the Great Pyramid - to protect the (b) from the (c) and (d)
3.The special features of the Great Pyramid -It was built around the year (e)
-It took over (f) to complete the pyramid
-The height of the great pyramid was (g)
-It was built on a base of (h)
-The ancient Egyptians used two million (i)
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to tall about some facts opinions of the Great pyramid
II. Materials: Textbook, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to write a paragraph of more than 50 words about the
construction of the Great pyramid
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know some information about the Great Wall of China-one
of the greatest wonsders in the world
II. Materials:Textbook, cassette tapes, object, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.
IV. Procedure:
Get Ss to read the information carefully then listen to the passage about the Great Wall of Individual work
China and fill in the missing words Pair work
Have Ss work individually and then exchange the answers with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.the moon 3.The Ming Dynasty 5. 500 BC 7. 11meters
2.1987 4. 200 6. 6000 km 8. stones
Task 2: Whole class
Get Ss to read the questions in the textbook Individual work
Have Ss listen again and answer the questions Pair work
Ask Ss to exchange the answers with their partner
Give correct answers:
1.They started building the Great Wall in 1368
2.The wall covers 5 provinces
3.Because it can be seen from the moon
4.The part in the North West of Beijing is the best choice for visit.Because it is still in its
orginal state
10ms D.Post –listening: Whole class
Have Ss work in groups to talk about the Great Wall and tell the reason why it is considered Group work
one of the greatest wonders in the world and how it was built
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
2ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss write a paragraph about the Great Wall of China (about 8-10 lines)
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a report on their visit to somewhere (they like most)
II. Materials:Textbook,pictures
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
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Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
= Many families
Test yourself F
Helping Ss review passive voice and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language practice
II. Materials: Textbook, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Review lesson
Period one:
I.Objectives: Helping Ss review defining anmd nondefining relative clauses, relative pronouns with prepositions, relative
clauses replaced by participles and omission of relative pronouns
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
6.His first book, which was published in 1979, didn’t get as much praise/preiz] sự tán
dương; sự ca ngợi as he expected.
IV. Omissions of relative pronouns:
Have Ss review cases of omissons of relative pronouns
Ask Ss to do the following exercise:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to
Review lesson
Period one: Relative clauses
I.Objectives: Helping Ss review defining anmd nondefining relative clauses, relative pronouns with prepositions, relative
clauses replaced by participles and omission of relative pronouns
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
Review lesson
Period two: cleft sentences,conjunctions,special passive
I.Objectives: Helping Ss review cleft sentencees, conjunctions and special passive
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
Pair work
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.Ss may not
familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task
IV. Procedure:
Pair work
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, have Ss
Exercise 3:
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Give the correct answer:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
Test yourself F
Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language practice
II. Materials:
- Textbook
III. Anticipated problems:
so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Whole class
D.Writing: Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
Review lesson
Period one: Relative clauses
I. Objectives: Helping Ss review cleft sentences, conjunctions and special passive
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
10ms A. Presentations: Whole class
10ms Individual work
10ms Pair work
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
3ms Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
Review lesson
Period two: cleft sentences, conjunctions, special passive
I. Objectives: Helping Ss review cleft sentences, conjunctions and special passive
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
10ms A. Presentations: Whole class
10ms Individual work
10ms Pair work
3ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson Individual work
For homework, ask Ss to Pair work
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Task 2:
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.He’s a peasant / farmer.
2.He gets up at 4.30 and then he goes down the kitchen to boil some water for his
morning tea.
3. In the morning, he ploughs on his plot of land, drinks tea and smokes tobacco during
his break.
4.In the afternoon, they repairing the banks of their plot of land. Mr Vy pumps water
into it and his wife does the transplanting.
5.Yes, they are. Because they love their working and their children.
Task 3:
Have Ss work in groups (three ones)
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class and then give suggested answer:
4.30: alarm goes off, Mr Vy gets up, goes down the kitchen, boils
water for tea, drinks tea, has quick breakfast, leads the buffalo to
the field.
In 5.15: leaves house
the 5.30: arrives in the field, ploughs and harrows
morning 7.45: takes a break
10.30: goes home
11.30: has lunch with family
2.30: Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet go to the field again, repairing the
In banks of the plot of land. He pumps water into the plot of land.
the She does the transplanting.
afternoon 6.30: finish work
7.00: have dinner
After Watch T.V, go to bed
dinner Sometimes visit neighbors, chat with them
D. Post –reading:
12ms * Have Ss close their books and work in pairs: Look at the picture and tell about Mr Vy Whole class
and Mrs Tuyet’s daily routines. Group work
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
* Have Ss work in groups to tell about your parents ’routines
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E. Wrapping up:
3ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to write a short paragraph about VN farmer’s daily
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
safely fasten
Have Ss read the passage again and find all the verbs used in the past simple and the
connectors, then exchange the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer and give correct answers:
Task 2:
Have Ss work in groups to identify the events, the climax and the conclusion of the story
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class and give suggested answers:
* The events: got the plane, plane took off, air-hostesses were just beginning to serve
lunch when the plane began to shake, plane seemed to dip, people screamed in panic
* The climax: We thought we had only minutes to live
* Conclusion: The pilot announced everything was all right , we landed safely.
C. While- writing:
Ask Ss some questions:
Did you see a fire?
When/ Where did it happen?
15ms How did you feel? Whole class
Ask Ss to write the events, the climax and the conclusion about a fire Pair work
Have Ss build up a narrative about a hotel fire using the prompts individually Individual work
Go round to offer any help
D. Post –writing:
Get Ss to exchange their writing with their partner
Go round to offer any help
Choose one or two writing(s) and read it/them to the class
10ms Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards Whole class
Last year, I spent my summer holidays at a seaside hotel. The hotel was modern and Pair work
comfortable. I had a wonderful holiday until the fire.
It was Saturday evening and everybody was sitting in the discotheque on the ground floor.
It was crowded with people. They were dancing and singing happily. Suddenly we smelt
smoke. The black smoke began to fill in the room. Everybody started to scream in panic.
People ran toward the fire exits. One door was blocked. Many people began coughing and
Then, just as we thought we had only minutes to live the fire brigade arrived. Firemen
fought their way into the room and soon everyone was safely out of the building. Luckily
no one was seriously hurt. It was the most frightening experience in my life.
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss write about their unforgettable experience in their life
(about 150 words)
use the simple present and the simple past tense and adverbs of frequency appropriately
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to distinguish the sounds, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context; use the information they have read to
discuss the topic.
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Get Ss to work individually and then exchange the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers
Task 3:
Get Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions
Call on some pairs to answer
Give correct answers:
1.he studies at Chu Van An High school
2.he studies Math, physics, chemistry, biology, literature, history, geography, English
and so on
3. Because it’s an international language
4.It’s hard work but she enjoys it because she loves working with children
5. Because his son has to ride his bike in narrow and crowded streets to get to school
12ms D. Post –reading: Whole class
Have Ss work in three groups: Group work
Group 1: talk about subjects you like best and why
Group 2: talk about your likes and dislike at school
Group 3: talk about what you worry about at school
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments and suggestions:
Group 1: I like learning math because it’s useful, interesting, important, necessary….
Group 2:Doing a lot of homework, taking part in social activities, talking with my
friends, joking with my friends, playing football/games….…
Group 3: I worry that many students cheat in exams, many Ss live far from the school,
many Ss leave the school before completing it, many Ss have difficulty in speaking
English/learning English……..
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to write about the subject(s) they like best
Problems at
cheating in exams
learning English
leaving school
before completing it
Problems at
Exercise 1:
Have Ss do exercise 1 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Elicit feedback from the class and give suggested answers
2. Gerund and to-infinitive:
a. Presentation:
Have Ss review the functions and positions of gerund and to- infinitive by filling in the
table (Divide the class into two groups, one group write the functions and positions of
gerund, and the another write the functions and positions of to- infinitive)
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Lesson B: Speaking
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make an interview to get someone’s background
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
5ms A. Warm up: Whole class
Give cues words and have Ss make sentences: Individual work
1. born/Marie Curie/November 7th 1867/Warsaw.
2. awarded/Nobel/She/chemistry/Prize.
Call on two Ss to answer and then give correct answers:
1. Marie Curie was born on November 7th 1867 in Warsaw
2. She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Ask Ss a question:
Where can you get information about one famous person?
Lead in new lesson: Today we’ll know how to conduct an interview
10ms B. Pre-speaking: Whole class
Task 1: Pair work
Take out a picture and have Ss answer the following questions:
1. What do you see in the picture?
2. What are they doing?
3. How do you know they are conducting an interview?
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. I can see some students. They are in class. They are talking
2. They are interviewing
3. They are holding pad of paper/writing paper, pens in hand and taking some notes
Ask Ss to decide which of the items below can tell them about somebody’s
background: family, hobby, education, dislikes, appearance, experience
Have Ss discuss what questions they can ask when they want to know about someone’s
Elicit feedback from the class and give some comments
C. While- speaking:
16ms Present some special expressions to help Ss make a dialogue more easily: Whole class
Hello, I am Individual work
Hello, Nice to meet you! How do you do? Pair work
How nice to see you!
Since when have you studied at this school?
Could you tell me something about tour parents?
Let me see
Oh. Good! / Oh, yes / Oh, come on
I think it’s time to stop. Thanks a lot
Than you for giving me time
Thank you very much. That is very interesting
Have Ss make questions using the following cues in the textbook
Call on some Ss to answer and give suggested answers:
1. Good morning/Hi/Hello….
2. What’s your birthday? / When were you born?
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Love story
Sports teacher
Teacher’s diploma
C. While- listening:
Task 1:
16ms Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner Whole class
Call on some Ss to answer Individual work
Give correct answers: Pair work
1. T 2. T 3. F
4. T 5. F
Task 2:
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. a general education 2. lives/family
3. different/swimming 4. love stories
5. teacher’s diploma
D. Post –listening:
Have Ss work in groups to talk about Sally
12ms Call on some representatives to report Whole class
Elicit feedback from the class Group work
Give some final comments
Get Ss to close their books and fill in the gaps:
Sally was born in (1) . She(2) a general education at local schools and when she was
15, she (3) the star sports Club near her (4) . It’s in (5) . She lives with her (6) and two Individual work
(7) .She doesn’t have (8) free time but she likes (9) sports-basketball and (10) for Pair work
examples and just (11) at home and (12) .She ;loves reading love stories-romantic
books. In the future, she wants to be a (13) . She is a student at (14) .She wants to get
her teacher’s (15).
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer and give correct answers:
1. 1980 6. parents 11. sitting
2. got 7. brothers 12. reading
3. joined 8. much 13. sports teacher
4. home 9. different 14. college
5. Manchester 10. swimming 15. diploma
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
2ms For homework, have Ss write a paragraph about a famous Olympic champion Whole class
they know well
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Exercise 1:
Have Ss do exercise 1 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. had broken 4. had not returned 7.had left 10. had broken
2. had done 5. had ever seen 8. had moved
3. had met 6. had been 9. had not seen
Take out a picture and ask Ss:
How did she feel?
Have Ss complete the sentences:
She felt happy because ……………
They played volleyball after……………
Call on some Ss to answer
Give suggested answers:
She felt happy
She felt happy because she had got a good mark
They played volleyball after they had come back from work
Have Ss distinguish the differences between the past simple and past perfect
Elicit feedback from the class and give some comments
Exercise 2:
Have Ss do exercise 1 individually and then exchange the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. had just finished/came 2. had seldom traveled/went
3. went/had already taken 4. Did…. manage/had gone
5. had just got/phoned/had been
Take out a picture and ask Ss:
What are they?
What can they do?
Explain the new word: What’s up= What happens?
Exercise 3:
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.had climbed climbed 2. had turned turned
3. had called called 4.had heard heard
5.already went had already gone
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, have Ss do exercises in the workbook
Test yourself A
I. Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
IV. Procedure:
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context; use the information they have read to
discuss the topic.
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
Whole class
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Requirements Yes No
Aid instruments
C. While- reading:
Have Ss listen to the tape and read silently
Have Ss read the passage again and [pick out the sentences which express the
following words:
Task 1:
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers: 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d
Task 2:
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers: 1.d 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.d
Task 3:
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. disabled 3. write 5. opposition 7.math 9.fingers
2. read 4. efforts 6.time-consuming 8.arms 10. proud
D. Post –reading:
Have Ss work in groups to talk about special education
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to write a short paragraph about Mrs Thuy’s special class
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening
for specific information and taking notes while listening.
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them
IV. Procedure:
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of complaint
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Tran Phu
1. Address of sender 2.Date
3.Address of receiver 4.Salutation
5.Reason for writing 6.Complaints
7.Solution for the problem 8.Closing
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. 77 Ngoc Ha Street, Ha Noi
2. June, 18th 2004
3. Sunshine holidays 137 Thuong Thanh street Ha Noi
4. Dear Sir
5. I am writing to complain….
6. The journey about it
7. I short, improve it
8. Your faithfully
9. Tran Phu
Task 1:
Have Ss give the answer using the information in the table:
What were advertised Hat happened to you
* Narrative teachers only * Only one native teacher
* No more than 20 students per class *About 40 students in class
* Free books and cassettes tapes * Paid 80.000 Dong for books and
* All air-conditioned rooms cassettes
* 5.30 p.m – 8.30 p.m * The classroom was very hot
* Waited for half an hour because the
room was bit ready or the teacher arrived
C. While- writing:
15ms Have Ss complete the letter of complaint using the information from the dialogue in Whole class
task 1 Individual work
Go round to offer any help
D. Post –writing:
12ms Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction Whole class
Collect some writings for quick feedback Pair work
Provide general comments on the writings and give an sample:
You say that there are only native teachers but my class has two Vietnamese teachers
and only one native teacher. You also say that each class has no more then 20 students,
but there are about 40 ones in my class. This is not ideal for a language class at all. In
the advertisement, you say we can have books and cassettes tapes free of charge, but in
reality, we had to pay for them. To make the matter worse, the classroom is not air-
conditioned. This is not quite acceptable. Finally what I do not like most about your
centre is the time. The class is not the same as what the advertisement says. Classes not
only start late but also finish early.
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
2ms For homework, have Ss write a letter of complaint Whole class
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
with sympathy
3. Computers can be used to replaced human in the future
4. People have not got any trouble or problems when
using computers
5. Computers are used for working , studying,
entertainment and other daily activities
Have Ss work in groups to answer the following questions using the cues given in the
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class, then give suggested answers:
1. Computers can help us send and receive mails in a very short time, visit shops,
offices and places of interest, pay all kinds of bills, read newspapers and magazines.
We learn not only languages but also other subjects like biology, geography, history
and so on
2. Because it’s capable of doing anything you ask. It can speed up calculations,
manage large/collection of data. It allows you to type and print
D. Post –reading:
12ms Have Ss brainstorm: Whole class
Group work
buying many things paying bills
students shopping
Uses of computer
businessmen reading news
getting information
for study
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
memory refuse
15ms C. While- listening: Whole class
Task 1: Individual work
Have Ss read the statements in the textbook and decide whether they are true or false Pair work
Get Ss to listen to the tape and give the answers and then check the answer with their
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.F(he wasn’t worried) 2.T
3.T 4.F (understood about…)
5.F (didn’t understand well) 6.F (stopped learning)
Task 2:
Have Ss guess the missing words and listen again to check the answers
Get Ss to exchange the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. invited 3. refused 5. anything
2. still 4. excuse
D. Post –listening:
12ms Have Ss work in pairs to answer the following questions: Whole class
1. Was the man worried when his son bought a computer? Pair work
2. When did he really become worried?
3. Who taught him computing lessons?
4. Did he understand the computing lessons well?
5.What did he suggest at last?
Have Ss retell the story basing on the questions given above
Call on some Ss to retell
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments and suggestions:
He wasn’t worried when his son bought a computer but he became really worried
when his secretary asked him to buy one in the office. So he decided to have his son
teach him some computing lessons. But he didn’t understand them well. Therefore,
after some lessons, he made his excuse and stopped learning how to use the computer
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
2ms For homework, have Ss write the story in their notebooks Whole class
Next, select the channel by pressing number 1,2,3, 4. Then press the program button
to select the program you like. Finally press the volume button up and down to select
the volume and if you want to turn off, press the power button again
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
3ms For homework, have Ss write a set of instructions on how to use an ATM card Whole class
IV. Procedure:
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to the botanical garden and master main ideas of the
lesson and tell about their plan for a picnic at the weekend
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, pictures
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them. Ss may not
familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task
IV. Procedure:
Pick sb up
Be convenient for
Let sb do st
As soon as possible
C. While- writing:
Have Ss read the situations
Divide the class into two groups, have groups A write a conformation letter responding
to the situation one and group B write a conformation letter responding to the situation
Go round to offer any help
D. Post –writing:
Ask two groups to report
Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards
Give samples when necessary:
* The first letter:
Dear Lan,
I am glad to join your birthday party next Sunday. I have no lesson on that day so I’ll
be glad to g o shopping for you. You can be sure that I will bring bananas, oranges and
mangoes to your house at 7.00 on that day
Let me know if you need more help
I look forward to seeing you then
* The second letter:
Dear Minh,
I have just got your letter this morning in which you asked me to lend you a book
about wild life. Of course, you can get it as long as you need. The only problem is that
I am going to the market with my mother this Saturday so I can’t be back home at that
time. Why don’t we meet at 2 in the afternoon?
I’ll be waiting for you then
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss write a conformation letter
10ms Have Ss find the word which is pronounced differently from the others: Individual work
10ms 1. earn bird fir other
12ms nurse about of
3ms Have Ss read again and lead in new lesson
A. Pronunciation: /ə:/ and / ə/ Whole class
1.Distinguishing sounds: Individual work
Explain how to pronounce the two vowels / ə:/ and / ə/ Pair work
Have Ss listen to the words and repeat
Have Ss read out
2. Practicing sentences containing the target sounds:
Have Ss listen to the sentences and repeat
Have some read out
B. Grammar: Whole class
The present progressive tense (with a future meaning) and be going to: Individual work
a. Presentation: Pair work
Give the situations and have Ss choose the best answer:
1. Tom: I hear Mary is in hospital now
Jim: Really? I am going to see her tomorrow/I will see her tomorrow/ I am seeing
her tomorrow
2. Mary: Let’s go to the cinema tonight
Jack: Sorry, I am helping my mother with her housework/I am going to help my
mother with her housework
3. Look! It’s windy and cloudy. Run and look for a shelter. It is going to rain hard/ It
will rain hard
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. I will see her tomorrow
2.I am helping my mother with her housework
3.It is going to rain hard
Have Ss distinguish the differences between the simple future and the near future,
between the near future and the present continuous with a future meaning
Say again to help them understand more clearly:
* be going to + bare infinitive: talking about something planned before the moment of
speaking or something which is surely to happen soon
*Will/Shall + bare infinitive: talking about something coming out the moment of
* Be +adv denoting the future: talking about plans as in agenda
b. Practice:
Exercise 1:
Have Ss do exercise 1 individually and then exchange the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. are doing 2. is getting married
3.Are you going to watch 4. is Tom going to/is going to
5. is going to
Exercise 2:
Have Ss do exercise 2 individually and then exchange the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. are going 2.are having going to catch
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Test yourself B
I. Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
1. Cartoon a. Road to Olympia Peak
2. Drama b. Tom and Jerry
3. Comedy c Gala Cuoi
4. Documentary d. Hon Truong Ba Da Hang Thit
5. Quiz show e. Journey along the Mekong
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.b 2.d 3.c 4.e 5.a
15ms C. While- reading: Whole class
Task 1: Individual work
Have Ss match the words in A with their definitions in B, then check the answer with Pair work
their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b
Task 2:
Have Ss read some popular T.V programs and decide whether the statements are true
or false. If they are false, correct them
Get Ss to exchange the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1.T 2. T
3.F (… on VTV 3) 4.T
5.F( and the last program starts at 23.30/ends after 23.30)
Task 3:
Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the textbook
Call on some Ss to answer
Elicit feedback from the class and give correct answers:
1. five films are on 2. The news can be watched at 9,12,19
3. VTV2 4. The quiz show is
5. VTV1 6. The football
D. Post –reading:
12ms Have Ss work in pairs to talk about their one of the T.V programs they like watching Whole class
best and explain the reasons Pair work
Call on some Ss to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to write a short paragraph about he program on T.V they
like best and give the reasons
IV. Procedure:
Time Steps Interaction
7ms A. Warm up: Whole class
Have Ss listen to the following information and guess what it is and find out the key Pair work
1. It was invented in 1925
2.We can listen to the news but we can’t see it
3.It contains information and pictures
4. We use it to find information quickly, chat with friends and send email
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
1. television 3. newspaper
2. radio 4. internet
Key word: MASS MEDIA
Lead in new lesson
10ms B. Pre-speaking: Whole class
Have Ss look at the table and point out features of each of mass media by ticking ( ). Pair work
12ms Have Ss work in groups to talk about some features of any types of the mass media Whole class
they like Group work
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson Whole class
For homework, ask Ss to write about features of the mass media
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write advantages and disadvantages of some types of the
mass media
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
7. entertain us
8. take much time away form activities such as chatting and games
9. learn more about eh world and to know and see many new things
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
Advantages: 2–5–7–9
Disadvantages: 1 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 8
Task 2:
Divide the class into six groups to tell about Advantages and disadvantages of: Whole class
Listening to radio Group work
Reading newspapers
Using the Internet
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class and give some suggestions:
Advantages Disadvantages
* make people happy, life easier *waste time
Listening * relax *make people passive
to * get / enlarge / broaden knowledge
radio and understanding
* share opinions and experiences
* make people happy, life easier * harm people’s eyes: be short
Reading * get in formation on many fields: sighted
news- culture, art, business… * cost time and money
papers * relax and entertain * make people passive
* get information quickly and
* make people happy, life easier * cost lots of time and money
* provide quick and daily access to * harm people’s eyes: be short
Using information and entertainment sighted
the * get information on many fields: * make people passive, violent
Internet culture, art, business... and lazy
* relax and entertain * influence on the way people
think/affect people’s life
* take time away from other
activities: sports, games
C. While- writing:
Have Ss write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass
12ms media discussed in task 2 Whole class
Go round to offer any help Individual work
D. Post –writing:
Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction
10ms Collect some writings for quick feedback Whole class
Provide general comments on the writings Pair work
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
2ms For homework, have Ss write a paragraph about Advantages and disadvantages Whole class
of radio
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context; use the information they have read to
discuss the topic.
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, picture and table
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
Whole class
8ms B. Pre-reading: Pair work
Take out 6 pictures about the countryside now and before. Have Ss look at them and
arrange the pictures about the country now and the pictures about the country before
Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the following questions:
1. Where are people doing?
2. How are they working?
3. What do you think of crop?
4. What helps produce good crops?
C. While- reading: Whole class
17ms Task 1: Individual work
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner Pair work
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
do the teacher’s request. Look at the words given by the teacher, explain the meaning
or do any action for each group guess the word is:
medical centre
Lead in new lesson
10ms B. Pre-speaking: Task 1: Whole class
Present some new words: Individual work
Cash crop Pair work
Have Ss match each of the plans with its possible result by asking and answering
e.g.: A: Why should we widen the roads?
B: We should widen them so that cars and lorries can get to the village
15ms C. While- speaking: Whole class
Task 2: Pair work
Have Ss read the conversation and give them some notes: You should pay attention on
the words:
I know what we should do first. We should …….
That’s s good idea
Can get…….
We won’t have to …….
And we should also…….
Will be bale to…….
Have Ss work in pairs of three and make other conversations
10ms D. Post –speaking: Whole class
Have Ss work in groups to talk give some more plans to improve the life in the village Group work
and their possible results
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
3ms E.Wrapping up: Whole class
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to write a short paragraph about plans to improve
the life in their village
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening
for specific information and taking notes while listening.
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them. Ss may not
familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter giving directions to somewhere
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, a map
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Test yourself C
I. Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context; use the information they have read to
discuss the topic.
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, pictures
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
shark seal
Sea animals
shark whale
D. Post –reading:
12ms Have Ss work in groups to summarize the passage by filling in the blanks with ht Whole class
missing words, then report (close their books) Group work
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments and correct answers:
1. three –quarters 5. biodiversity
2. mysterious 6. huge
3. modern 7. plants and animals
4. discoveries 8. closely connected
E.Wrapping up: Whole class
2ms Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to write a paragraph about a sea animal they like
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening
for specific information and taking notes while listening.
II. Materials: Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.Ss may not
familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task
IV. Procedure:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner Whole class
Call on some Ss to answer Individual work
Give correct answers: Pair work
Task 2:
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner Whole class
Call on some Ss to answer Individual work
Give correct answers: Pair work
Have Ss work in groups to talk about the Great Wall and tell the reason why it is
considered one of the greatest wonders in the world and how it was built
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction
Collect some writings for quick feedback
Provide general comments on the writings and give an sample:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
Exercise 3:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
Test yourself F
I. Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context; use the information they have read to
discuss the topic.
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening
for specific information and taking notes while listening.
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.Ss may not
familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task
IV. Procedure:
Have Ss work in groups to talk about the Great Wall and tell the reason why it is
considered one of the greatest wonders in the world and how it was built
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss
Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
Exercise 3:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
Test yourself F
I.Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context; use the information they have read to
discuss the topic.
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening
for specific information and taking notes while listening.
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.Ss may not
familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task
IV. Procedure:
Have Ss work in groups to talk about the Great Wall and tell the reason why it is
considered one of the greatest wonders in the world and how it was built
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss
Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction
Collect some writings for quick feedback
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
Exercise 3:
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Test yourself F
I.Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context; use the information they have read to
discuss the topic.
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
12ms B.Pre-speaking:
3ms Task 1: Whole class
Get Ss to work individually ansd then check the answer with their partner Individual work
Call on some Ss to answer Pair work
Give correct answers:
Whole class
C.While- speaking: Individual work
Task 1: Pair work
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner
Call on some Ss to answer Whole class
Give correct answers: Individual work
Pair work
D.Post –speaking:
Have Ss work in groups to talk about the Great Wall and tell the reason why it is Whole class
considered one of the greatest wonders in the world and how it was built
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening
for specific information and taking notes while listening.
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.Ss may not
familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task
IV. Procedure:
Task 2:
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner Whole class
Call on some Ss to answer Individual work
Give correct answers: Pair work
Have Ss work in groups to talk about the Great Wall and tell the reason why it is
considered one of the greatest wonders in the world and how it was built
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss
Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction
Collect some writings for quick feedback
Provide general comments on the writings and give an sample:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
Exercise 3:
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Test yourself F
I.Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
Lesson A: Reading
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such reading –micro skills as scanning for specific
ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context; use the information they have read to
discuss the topic.
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may find it difficult to discuss the topic because they have no enough vocabulary and information, so the teacher
should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, ask Ss to
I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop such listening – micro skills as intensive listening
for specific information and taking notes while listening.
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts, picture
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them
Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so the teacher should be ready to assist them.Ss may not
familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task
IV. Procedure:
Get Ss to work individually and then check the answer with their partner Whole class
Call on some Ss to answer Individual work
Give correct answers: Pair work
Have Ss work in groups to talk about the Great Wall and tell the reason why it is
considered one of the greatest wonders in the world and how it was built
Call on some representatives to report
Elicit feedback from the class
Give some final comments
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework,have Ss
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
For homework, have Ss
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Exercise 3:
Have Ss do exercise 3 individually and then check the answer with a partner
Call on some Ss to answer
Give correct answers:
E.Wrapping up:
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school
Giao An Tieng Anh 11
Test yourself F
I.Objectives: Helping Ss consolidate the knowledge and improve listening, reading skills and giving them language
II. Materials:Textbook, lesson plan, handouts
III. Anticipated problems:
Ss may not have enough time to finish their work, so the teacher should be ready to help them
IV. Procedure:
E.Wrapping up:
Summarize the main points of the lesson
-Nguyen Thi Mai Huong - Phan Boi Chau High school