Chapter 12 - 2021

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Understanding Intercultural

Communication Second Edition

Chapter 12

How Can We Become Ethical Intercultural


Stella Ting-Toomey & Leeva C. Chung


PowerPoint Slides Designed by Alex Flecky and Noorie Baig

I. Intercultural Communication Ethics:
Contemporary Issues

II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

III. Becoming Ethical and Flexible

Intercultural Communicators
I. Intercultural Communication Ethics:
Contemporary Issues

Ethics: set of principles of conduct that

governs behavior of individuals and
groups; a set of standards that uphold the
community’s expectations concerning
“right” and “wrong” conduct.
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Three ethical positions used to assess

ethical violations in diverse cultures:
Complete 12.1 on p. 256.
A. Ethical Absolutism Position
B. Ethical Relativism Position
C. Ethical Universalism Position
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

A. Ethical Absolutism Position
• Emphasizes principles of right and wrong
(good and bad behavior) in accordance with
a set of assumed universally fixed standards
regardless of cultural differences.
• Universality: one set of consistent
standards guides behavior on a global level;
cultural context is minimized. The
standards, however, are often reflective of
dominant or power-holder cultural group.
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

B. Ethical Relativism Position

• Emphasizes the importance of understanding

cultural context and its underlying traditions,
beliefs, and value patterns in judging conduct.
• Relativists emphasize that ethical/unethical
practices should be understood (but not
necessarily agreed with) from cultural
insiders’ viewpoint.
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

C. Ethical Universalism Position
• Emphasizes importance of deriving inclusive
universal ethical standards and then placing
ethical judgments against these all-
encompassing standards.
• Judgments require knowledge about
underlying similarities across cultures and
about the unique features of a culture and
involve collaborative dialogue, open attitudes,
and hard work from all cultural/ethnic and
marginalized groups and voices.
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Ethical Ethical Ethical
Absolutism Relativism Universalism
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Ethical Ethical Ethical
Absolutism Relativism Universalism
Pros Fixed standards
for all practices
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Ethical Ethical Ethical
Absolutism Relativism Universalism
Pros Fixed standards Takes role of
for all practices culture
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Ethical Ethical Ethical
Absolutism Relativism Universalism
Pros Fixed standards Takes role of Involves
for all practices culture collaborative
seriously dialog, open
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Ethical Ethical Ethical
Absolutism Relativism Universalism
Pros Fixed standards Takes role of Involves
for all practices culture collaborative
seriously dialog, open
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Ethical Ethical Ethical
Absolutism Relativism Universalism
Pros Fixed standards Takes role of Involves
for all practices culture collaborative
seriously dialog, open
Cons Culturally
perspective by
culture, and
cultures are
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Ethical Ethical Ethical
Absolutism Relativism Universalism
Pros Fixed standards Takes role of Involves
for all practices culture collaborative
seriously dialog, open
Cons Culturally Encourages too
imposed much cultural
perspective by flexibility,
dominant may perpetuate
culture, and intolerable
nondominant cultural
cultures are practices by
marginalized being too
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

Ethical Ethical Ethical
Absolutism Relativism Universalism
Pros Fixed standards Takes role of Involves
for all practices culture collaborative
seriously dialog, open
Cons Culturally Encourages too Requires hard
imposed much cultural work from all;
perspective by flexibility, most using this
dominant may perpetuate position are
culture, and intolerable “imposed
nondominant cultural ethics,” relying
cultures are practices by heavily on
marginalized. being too Eurocentric
culturally moral
accepting philosophies
II. Multiple Ethical Positions: Assessing

Pros and Cons

D. Meta-Ethics Contextualism Position: An
Alternative 4th Position:
Meta-ethics: ethical way of thinking that
transcends particular ideologies; the
application of ethics is understood only
through systematic analysis of the multiple
layers of the ethical dilemma
• Strength: emphasizes fact-finding and layered
interpretations, takes into serious consideration
importance of culture, context, persons, etc.
• Problem: time-consuming approach
III. Becoming Ethical and Flexible
Intercultural Communicators
A meta-ethical decision is a discovery
process—into our own values,
inconsistencies—and prompts us to gather
multiple-level information.

• Can you think of creative solutions other than

the ones investigated?
• Is there a way to prevent similar ethical
dilemmas or pressures from arising in
the future in this culture?
III. Becoming Ethical and Flexible
Intercultural Communicators
B. Becoming Flexible: Final Passport
• Practice parallel thinking.
• Responsibility for peace lies with each of
us—starts with inner peace.
• Dynamic flexibility: integrating
knowledge, open-minded attitude, culture-
sensitive skills, and communicating
ethically with culturally dissimilar others.
Final Parting Thoughts…

An intercultural life is a creative life that demands both

playfulness and mindfulness in transforming one’s
intercultural journey into a discovery process.
~ Stella Ting-Toomey & Leeva Chung

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