Charter School Demands Lawmaker Retract Comments: Clip Resized 109%

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The Anadarko Daily News

r decades-long process behind it. r

Charter school A
d. demands lawmaker th

Page d retract comments re

f- TULSA, Okla. (AP) — Okla- w
homa's largest virtual charter school
f is demanding a state lawmaker stop
making what it calls "false, destruc-
tive, defamatory and baseless alle- sl
gations" about the school. S
— A letter from Oklahoma City- T
s based Epic Charter Schools' attor- a
f neys to Republican state Sen. Ron b
g Sharp and obtained by the Tulsa fa
e World says Sharp has seven days to in
n "cease and desist" comments about c
the school and retract previous tw
t statements, or face legal action.
e The Oklahoma State Bureau of h
s Investigation is investigating Epic H
- founders David Chaney and Ben S
n Harris for allegedly embezzling
- more than $10 million state dollars p
- by illegally inflating student enroll- to
, ment numbers in order to receive a
- additional state funding between H
2013 and 2018. Both men deny sa
n wrongdoing.
- Sharp says it's "troubling" that a in
e school that's receiving public fund- b
- ing doesn't understand that it's sub- h
n ject to public scrutiny. to

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Poteau Daily News




Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Sep 2019 Page resized
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Eastern Times Register

EPIC Charter Schools Announces Free

Mental Health Services For Students, Staff
Every student at EPIC Charter (3,&6XSHULQWHQGHQW%DUW%DQÀHOG of death in Oklahoma. The state has ing cause of self-harm in students,”
Schools will now have access to men- said the time has come to end the the 15th highest suicide rate among %DQÀHOG VDLG ´(3,&·V PRWWR LV ¶'DUH
tal health counseling thanks to a stigma surrounding the discussion the 50 states. Nationally, in the same Greatly,’ and part of that ethos must
partnership between EPIC and Youth- of mental health issues, especially in year, according to the American include daring to open the door for
Care of Oklahoma and YCO Alliance. the state’s school systems. Foundation for Suicide Prevention, real change when it comes to the
The initiative, which includes free “As educators, we, along with par- 7.4 percent of youth in grades 9-12 mental health of our children and
counseling for EPIC students, was HQWV DQG IDPLOLHV DUH RIWHQ WKH ÀUVW reported at least one suicide attempt citizens.”
announced in recognition of National line of defense when it comes to spot- in the last 12 months. If you or someone you know is in
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. ting and addressing the warning 7KHVHDODUPLQJVWDWLVWLFV%DQÀHOG crisis, please call the National Sui-
Additionally, EPIC faculty and staff VLJQV RI VHOIKDUPµ %DQÀHOG VDLG said, are proof that the time is long cide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-
will continue to have access to free “National Suicide Prevention Aware- overdue for a change in the way Okla- 273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis
counseling sessions from Chance to ness Month is an excellent opportu- homans approach mental illness. Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.
Change, an Oklahoma City-based nity to double down on our efforts to “As the state’s third-largest public EPIC is the state’s third-largest
mental health and substance abuse end the stigma surrounding open and school system, we place a high pre- public school system. It serves ap-
FRXQVHOLQJQRQSURÀWZLWK\HDUVRI honest discussions about the state of mium on self-care and wellness,” he proximately 28,000 students state-
experience. Services can be utilized mental health of our students and all said, “not only for the students in our wide in the 2019-2020 school year
in person but are guaranteed via Oklahomans.” care but for every EPIC employee.” and currently employs more than
phone or video conferencing. Employ- According to the most recent data “Students come to EPIC for a myri-  FHUWLÀHG WHDFKHUV DQG SULQFL-
ees also have access to online cours- (2017) from the Centers for Disease ad of reasons, not the least of which is pals located in every county across
es pertaining to self-care and mental Control and Prevention, suicide that bullying occurred in their tradi- the state. For more information, visit
health awareness. ranked as the eighth-leading cause tional school setting, which is a lead-

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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