Enrollment Shifting Online As Digital Divide Lingers: Aug 01 A006
Enrollment Shifting Online As Digital Divide Lingers: Aug 01 A006
Enrollment Shifting Online As Digital Divide Lingers: Aug 01 A006
Ada News
Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Stillwater NewsPress
as digital divide lingers
Page By Janelle Stecklein nology is very fluid right
CNHI State Reporter now because of the en-
94% rollment spike,” she said.
OKLAHOMA CITY – Its model prioritizes
The state’s largest virtu- purchasing new devices
al public charter school and ensuring internet
is seeing hundreds connectivity for every
of new students from student. Hickman said
across the state enrolling the school expects to
each day. spend at least $30 mil-
So many students lion on technology, hard-
enrolled recently that ware and connectivity.
administrators with Epic Statewide, more dis-
Public Charter Schools tricts are offering dis-
now expect it will be- tance-based learning
come the largest public options to students who
school district in the don’t want in-person in-
entire state when classes struction. School leaders
resume in September. say enrollment and in-
Shelly Hickman, an as- terest in distance-based
sistant superintendent, learning options is grow-
said about 60 percent ing. However, education
of new families say the advocates say it’s an
COVID-19 pandemic is expensive proposition
the reason they’re ditch- for districts, which are
ing traditional brick-and- now facing unexpected,
mortar public schools in unfunded and mounting
favor of Epic, which has technology tabs that
specialized in virtual ed- state lawmakers didn’t
ucation for about decade. cover.
“How much we are
going to spend on tech- See Online, Page A8
Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Aug 2020 Page resized From
01 A008 45% A001
Stillwater NewsPress
g p g yg p
pass legislation that puts intendent of Santa Fe ders, he said. don’t know what parents those.”
Sh o p
initiatives could widen for districts that needed ing COVID-19 situation.
the gap between the to pass bonds to pay for For safety reasons, the
wealthiest districts that technology. There was lit- school decided to have
Fr e e
tle interest. only 25 percent of the
have the tax bases to
provide a computer to “It is certainly an issue students present at any
every student and the when the school can’t given time. On days when
poorest districts that provide technology to be students will not attend
don’t. able to access the virtual in person, they’ll attend
Donna Campo, execu-
tive director of the Okla-
option,” Campo said.
On Friday, state Super-
Brewster’s district is
at. Aug. 7th &
Fri. & 8th
homa Technology Asso- intendent Joy Hofmeis- trying to purchase tech-
ciation, said districts al- ter announced that 175 nology for all 3,600 stu-
ready are grappling with school districts were given dents so each child will
state legislative budget mobile internet access have a Chromebook, the
cuts. District funding devices to help ensure all software and internet ac-
woes are exacerbated by students needing distance cess needed to run it from
the pandemic, the result- or hybrid learning models home. Nearly 93 percent
ing economic shutdowns have access. of the district’s students Girls’ Cactus
and the struggling oil “The pandemic has un- are at or below the pover- Print Shirt
and gas industry. derscored the inequities ty line. $
Many districts are of the digital divide that Brewster said he’s ap- 2299
just trying to make ends hinder opportunities for plied for a hotspot grant
meet, she said. Without so many of our children,” to help offset COVID-19
the funds to buy the she said. “We know one- expenses, which are al-
necessary technology to fourth of our students ready into the seven-fig- Girls’ Lyndie
support remote learning, lack reliable home inter- ures. He’s expecting near- Low Rise
some districts are telling net access.” ly $1.5 to $2 million in Jeans
parents they’re on their She said many districts unanticipated costs for his
own if they choose that already used a portion of small district. 3799
option. federal coronavirus relief With hundreds of
Campo’s organiza- money to purchase devic- thousands of districts all
tion aims to integrate es. competing for the same Girls’ Cactus
technology to transform “But a device without technology, Brewster Boots
teaching and learning in connectivity is like a book said he’s run into another $
schools. in a pitch-dark room,” unanticipated problem – 7599
“There have not been Hofmeister said. order backlogs.
the discretionary (state) Districts that receive “The type of pressure on
funds to be able to in- the hotspots must pay a the supply and demand is
vest in technology like “nominal monthly fee” for enormous right now,” he
we normally would if we unlimited services for at said. Boys’
had good, solid budgets,” least six months and en- With school scheduled
Campo said. “That’s sure that the devices are to start in days, he’s still
something we’ve been assigned only to low-in- 300 to 400 devices short, Blue Shirt
talking about a long come students. School and doesn’t know when $
time in Oklahoma. It is systems can purchase his final orders will ar-
a situation where, unfor- additional hotspots for rive. Only
teachers, staff and other Other districts may
tunately, we are going
to have to rely on the students. have to wait until Christ-
federal government to Chris Brewster, super- mas to receive their or-
Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Norman Transcript
Enrollment shifting
online as digital
divide still lingers
By Janelle Stecklein ber.
CNHI News Oklahoma Shelly Hickman, an
assistant superintendent,
OKLAHOMA CITY — said about 60% of new
The state’s largest virtual families say the COVID-19
public charter school is pandemic is the reason
seeing hundreds of new they’re ditching traditional
students from across the brick-and-mortar public
state enrolling each day. schools in favor of Epic,
So many students which has specialized in
enrolled recently that virtual education for about
administrators with Epic a decade.
Public Charter Schools “How much we are going
now expect it will become to spend on technology
the largest public school
is very fluid right now
district in the state when
classes resume in Septem- See ENROLLMENT Page A5
Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Aug 2020 Page resized From
02 A005 57% A001
Sunday, Aug. 2, 2
the struggling oil and gas needing distance or hybrid child will have a Chrome-
Enrollment: industry.
Many districts are just try-
learning models have access.
“The pandemic has un-
book, the software and in-
ternet access needed to run
From Page A1 ing to make ends meet, she derscored the inequities of it from home. Nearly 93% of
said. Without the funds to the digital divide that hinder the district’s students are at
because of the enrollment buy the necessary technol- opportunities for so many or below the poverty line.
spike,” she said. ogy to support remote learn- of our children,” she said. Brewster said he’s applied
Its model prioritizes ing, some districts are telling “We know one-fourth of our for a hotspot grant to help
purchasing new devices and parents they’re on their own students lack reliable home offset COVID-19 expenses,
ensuring internet connectiv- if they choose that option. internet access.” which are already into the
ity for every student. Hick- Campo’s organization She said many districts seven-figures. He’s expecting
man said the school expects aims to integrate technology already used a portion of nearly $1.5 to $2 million in
to spend at least $30 million to transform teaching and federal coronavirus relief unanticipated costs for his
on technology, hardware and learning in schools. money to purchase devices. small district.
connectivity. “There have not been the “But a device without con- With hundreds of thou-
Statewide, more districts discretionary (state) funds to nectivity is like a book in a sands of districts all compet-
are offering distance-based be able to invest in technol- pitch-dark room,” Hofmeis- ing for the same technology,
learning options to students ogy like we normally would ter said. Brewster said he’s run into
who don’t want in-person if we had good, solid bud- Districts that receive the another unanticipated prob-
instruction. School leaders gets,” Campo said. “That’s hotspots must pay a “nomi- lem — order backlogs.
say enrollment and interest something we’ve been nal monthly fee” for unlim- “The type of pressure on
in distance-based learning talking about a long time in ited services for at least six the supply and demand is
options is growing. However, Oklahoma. It is a situation months and ensure that the enormous right now,” he
education advocates say it’s where, unfortunately, we are devices are assigned only to said.
an expensive proposition for going to have to rely on the low-income students. School With school scheduled to
districts, which are now fac- federal government to pass systems can purchase addi- start in days, he’s still 300
ing unexpected, unfunded legislation that puts money tional hotspots for teachers, to 400 devices short, and
and mounting technology into the school districts.” staff and other students. doesn’t know when his final
tabs that state lawmakers At the start of the pan- Chris Brewster, superin- orders will arrive.
didn’t cover. demic, Campo said she tendent of Santa Fe South Other districts may have
Advocates fear that urged lawmakers and elec- Schools, said about 20% of to wait until Christmas to
distance-based learning tion officials to offer more the families attending his receive their orders, he said.
initiatives could widen the election dates for districts south Oklahoma City char- “(Some districts) are sim-
gap between the wealthiest that needed to pass bonds ter school expressed interest ply saying, ‘Parents, you’re
districts that have the tax to pay for technology. There in full-time virtual education on your own. You’ve got to
bases to provide a computer was little interest. because of the rapidly evolv- figure out a device,’” Brews-
to every student and the “It is certainly an issue ing COVID-19 situation. ter said. “I don’t know what
poorest districts that don’t. when the school can’t pro- For safety reasons, the parents are going to do if
Donna Campo, executive vide technology to be able school decided to have only they haven’t already figured
director of the Oklahoma to access the virtual option,” 25% of the students present out how to get a device at
Technology Association, said Campo said. at any given time. On days home in districts that are not
districts already are grap- On Friday, state Super- when students will not at- already providing those.”
pling with state legislative intendent Joy Hofmeister tend in person, they’ll attend
budget cuts. District funding announced that 175 school virtually. Janelle Stecklein covers the
woes are exacerbated by districts were given mobile Brewster’s district is trying Oklahoma Statehouse for CNHI’s
the pandemic, the resulting internet access devices to to purchase technology for newspapers and websites. Reach
economic shutdowns and help ensure all students all 3,600 students so each her at [email protected].
Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.