Money Ebook
Money Ebook
Money Ebook
Biblical and
Practical Approach
to Financial
By Doris Ng
Biblical and Practical Approach to Financial
[email protected]
[email protected]
4| Money
Foreword ....................................................................... 8
Acknowledgement ...................................................... 11
Introduction ................................................................ 13
My Services to You: ..................................................... 17
ABOUT MONEY .......................................................... 19
Week 1 – Ten Biblical Principles of Money
Management............................................................... 21
GOAL SETTING AND PLANNING .................................. 27
Week 2 – Setting Your Faith Financial Goals.............. 29
Week 3 – Write Your Plan and Goal............................ 33
Week 4 – Where Am I? ............................................... 37
Week 5 – Prepare Your Plan ....................................... 43
WISE SPENDING ......................................................... 47
Week 6 – Budgeting and Spending ............................. 49
Week 7 – Let Go of a Luxury ....................................... 53
Week 8 – Cease Comparing ........................................ 55
Week 9 – Spend Smart ................................................ 57
Week 10 – Eat Economically ....................................... 59
Week 11 – Restructure Your Recreation .................... 61
Week 12 – Spend in Sync with Your Spouse ............... 63
Week 13 – Pare Your Presents .................................... 65
Week 14 – Stop Buying on Impulse ............................ 67
Week 15 – Watch Wastefulness ................................. 69
Week 33 - Young and Energetic ................................ 159
Week 34 - Faith and Work ........................................ 161
Week 35 - Should I Start a Business? ........................ 163
Week 36 - Man-Made Economy ............................... 167
Week 37 - Food For Thought .................................... 171
Week 38 - Practical and Scriptural Insights on Taxes 175
Week 39 - Wrong Master… Wrong Outcomes.......... 179
Week 40 - Who Owns Your Stuff?............................. 183
PRUDENT INVESTING ............................................... 185
Week 41 – Biblical Principles and Investment
Opportunities ............................................................ 187
Week 42 – Wise Investing ......................................... 191
Week 43 – Saving and Investing ............................... 195
Week 44 - The Real Deal about Real Estate .............. 199
RETIREMENT PLANNING ........................................... 203
Week 45 – Retirement Planning (Part 1) .................. 205
Week 46 – Retirement Planning (Part 2) ................. 209
ESTATE PLANNING ................................................... 213
Week 47 - Life Insurance and Estate Planning .......... 215
Week 48 - Estate Planning ........................................ 221
Week 49 - Power of Attorney Power ........................ 225
Week 50 - Wills and Trusts........................................ 227
THE CHALLENGE ....................................................... 233
Week 51 - Do Not Miss the Miracles ........................ 235
Week 52 – Lasting Treasure ..................................... 239
8| Money
30 years ago, I was plunged into the most serious
financial crisis in my life. I can still vividly remember
reading the Straits Times in December 1985 with the
big headline: “Stock markets closed for 3 days in
Singapore and Malaysia” and I knew, there and then
that I was a man “doomed for bankruptcy”. You see, as
a young man in a hurry to get rich quick, I speculated
very heavily in the stock market and all with borrowed
money. When the markets re-opened 3 days later, I
was forced to liquidate all my share positions and by
the time I realized the extent of my losses, it was too
late –total amount of S$350,000 owing to 2 stock
broking firms. As a trained accountant and working as
a loan officer in the bank, I am not ashamed to confess
that I had messed up my finances.
Thanks to:
Most of all I thank God for His love, for the miracles it
took to turn this book into tangible reality, for apart
from Him, I would have nothing to say.
I n t r o d u c t i o n | 13
This book:
My Services to You:
• “Multiplying Marketplace Miracles” and
“Marketplace Manna” are made available at 51 Bras
Basah Road, #07-02 Manulife Centre, Singapore
Price: S$20/- each.
Doris Ng
Senior Director, Financial Services
Life Coach
A b o u t M o n e y | 19
W e e k 1 T e n B i b l i c a l P r i n c i p l e s | 21
It has been said that “When Jesus is all you’ve got, Jesus
is all you need.”
1. If God owns it all, what does that mean for me?
2. Have you ever had any major financial setback?
Describe the situation and how you felt.
3. How do you put the above biblical principles into
G o a l S e t t i n g a n d P l a n n i n g | 27
28 |G o a l S e t t i n g a n d P l a n n i n g
W e e k 2 – S e t t i n g G o a l s | 29
Failing to Plan
Setting Goal
1. What goals are important to you?
2. What are the personal benefits of accomplishing
your goal?
3. Are you keeping your goals visible so you stay on
the right track?
32 |G o a l S e t t i n g a n d P l a n n i n g
W e e k 3 W r i t e Y o u r P l a n & G o a l | 33
What is Planning?
Once you get the green light from God, write down
your overall plan and your goals. You need to divide
your goals into two categories: short-term and long-
term. The short-term goals represent what you’d like
to achieve within the next three years.
Short-Term Goals:
1. What obstacles or problems might you encounter
in achieving your goals?
2. What additional training or skills do you need?
3. Are there other ways to accomplish your goals? If
so, list them.
W e e k 4 W h e r e A m I ? | 37
Week 4 – Where Am I?
Assets $ Liabilities $
Cash/Near Cash Current
Credit Card
Savings Income Tax
Total Cash/ Total Current
Near Cash Liabilities
Inflows $ $
Interest Income
Total Inflow
Less Expenses
Credit Card
Total Outflow
Net Cash Flow
1. Where are you now?
2. Are you satisfied with your findings?
3. Are you keeping your goal visible so you stay on
the right track?
W e e k 5 P r e p a r e Y o u r P l a n | 43
Less Expenses
Credit Card
Total Outflow
Net Cash Flow
Cash Flow
W e e k 5 P r e p a r e Y o u r P l a n | 45
1. Where are the four major actions to note in budget
2. Are you willing to make changes in your spending?
3. What are your objectives and cash flow margin
that you want to create?
W i s e S p e n d i n g | 47
48 |W i s e S p e n d i n g
W e e k 6 B u d g e t i n g & S p e n d i n g | 49
1. What can I do to help myself get started on a
budget and stick to it?
2. What can I do to balance my budget and save
3. Does God really care how we spend our money?
52 |W i s e S p e n d i n g
W e e k 7 L e t G o o f a L u x u r y | 53
You can start now by asking God to take the desire out
of your heart to spend money on things that are really
just indulgences. The Scriptures admonish us to not
love the world or anything in the world (1 John 2:15a).
Your love for the things of this world will only fade
with the help of your heavenly Father.
1. How married are you to your current lifestyle?
2. Are you prepared to get rid of your luxuries? If yes,
what is it?
3. What does Philippians 4:12 mean to you?
W e e k 8 C e a s e C o m p a r i n g | 55
1. What do you really enjoy?
2. What must you buy to keep up?
3. Can you make a commitment to yourself to buy
only what you can afford? If yes, why? If no, why
W e e k 9 S p e n d S m a r t | 57
Electronic Shopping
Electronic shopping has seduced many into buying
items that they do not need or use once they have
acquired them. Do not be fooled by the conveniences
of ordering those items which you do not need.
Basic Clothing
When you must limit your shopping budget, consider
buying items that you can pair with other outfits in
your wardrobe. Do you really think that it is wise to
buy those hot pink shoes to match those hot pink
Why not try a black pair you can wear over and over
again? Before you go shopping, do a quick inventory of
your closet to see which basics (white shirt, black
skirts, etc.) are most needed.
58 |W i s e S p e n d i n g
Used Cars
I am often reminded that “the blessing of the LORD
makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it”
(Proverbs 10:22 NLT). Because a new vehicle loses so
much of its value immediately when you drive it off the
lot, a two- to three-year-old used car can often be a
better investment. Of course, it goes without saying
that before you buy, you will have the car checked out
by a good mechanic.
1. Are you too proud to use second hand cars?
2. Is there any areas in your spending that need
3. How can you resist the temptation to spend?
W e e k 1 0 E a t E c o n o m i c a l l y | 59
Cook in Bulk
You can devote a few hours to the kitchen and cook
several of your favourite entrees at once. Put them in
meal-sized portions in freezer bags. This really is a
healthier and less expensive route. Eating out is
enjoyable, but it can really blow your budget. When
eating out, try the money saving strategies below to
tame the cost of this increasingly popular pastime.
Split a Meal
Depending on the serving size, I often split a meal and
certainly the dessert with my close friend. You would
be surprised at how little it takes to satisfy your
appetite. I’m just now getting it in this area. I was
raised with a get-full, clean-your-plate mentality.
1. How can you eat economically, moving forward?
2. Is there any ideas you can apply after reading this
3. How can your friends or spouse support you in
making the changes?
W e e k 1 1 R e s t r u c t u r e R e c r e a t i o n | 61
1. Do you find the idea of eliminating or cutting back
on expensive sports unthinkable?
2. Can you pick up jogging, bike riding or swimming
that is less expensive?
3. Can you find someone to encourage or run
alongside with you for new hobby or recreation?
W e e k 1 2 S p e n d i n S y n c | 63
1. Do both of you believe in or practise tithing to the
2. Do both of you systematically save money out of
your income?
3. Do you have a common agreement on your major
W e e k 1 3 P a r e Y o u r P r e s e n t s | 65
1. Do you feel obliged to give during Christmas
2. What were the three most memorable gifts that
you received for Christmas last year?
3. Do you prefer to receive a gift from your loved ones
in exchange of his/her time spend with you? If no,
why not?
W e e k 1 4 S t o p B u y i n g o n I m p u l s e | 67
1. Do I really need it?
2. Will I use it immediately?
3. How can I glorify God with this purchase?
W e e k 1 5 W a t c h W a s t e f u l n e s s | 69
1. Is there a difference between being frugal and
2. Are you wasteful in any area of your life or do you
actively seek ways to practice frugality?
3. Do you always turn the lights off when you leave
the room?
G i v i n g a n d S h a r i n g | 71
72 |G i v i n g a n d S h a r i n g
W e e k 1 6 H o w S h o u l d W e G i v e ? | 73
The real issue is not how much of your money you plan
to give to God, but rather how much of His money you
will keep for yourself.
1. How much of God’s money shall I keep?
2. How does your giving help your spiritual growth?
3. What does sacrificial giving mean to you?
76 |G i v i n g a n d S h a r i n g
W e e k 1 7 S a v e S t r a t e g i c a l l y | 77
Systematic Saving
More savings can be accumulated through a
disciplined, habitual saving approach. You might be
able to afford $100 into a savings plan at the first of
every month. However, if you wait to save what is
leftover at the end of the month, there may not be
anything to save. For savings to become a reality, treat
your savings as a regular expense. Set up a giro account
just for your savings and give it high priority.
W e e k 1 7 S a v e S t r a t e g i c a l l y | 79
Tax-Advantage Saving
As Singaporeans, we can create an account called a
Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS). Every dollar
you contribute into that account reduces your taxable
income. So if your tax rate is 7%, contributing S$12,750
a year effectively saves you S$892.50 in taxes every
year. It is purely voluntary, meaning that you can
contribute any amount you like, up to a cap of S$12,750
a year. By not paying S$893 in taxes, that means that
you have earned a guaranteed 7% return on your
S$12,750 for that year. Of course, there are certain
limitations to this account, such as the early
withdrawal penalty before age 62. Do check with your
financial planner for more details.
1. Are you saving nearly 10% each month?
2. Have you embarked on a savings or an investment
program to achieve your goal?
3. Do you have a diversified investment portfolio?
80 |G i v i n g a n d S h a r i n g
W e a l t h a n d P r o s p e r i t y | 81
82 |W e a l t h a n d P r o s p e r i t y
W e e k 1 8 T r u e W e a l t h | 83
My Observation
Many people equate wealth with happiness but
evidence shows otherwise.
It is not easy to handle money. Many times our true
priorities are revealed through the way we use our
There is a danger of wealth. 1 Timothy 6:10a warns
us the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
The problem of being wealthy is we tend to rely on
our wealth rather than God and one way to skirt
around this situation is to start giving. True wealth
comes from the gift of giving.
o Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth,
it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of
heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to
enter the kingdom of God." When the disciples
heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked,
"Who then can be saved?" Jesus looked at them and
said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all
things are possible." (Matthew 19:23-26).
1. What does Proverbs 10:22 mean to you?
2. What does God say about money and happiness in
1 Timothy 6:17?
3. Realistically, what can we expect from God in
Proverbs 8:18?
W e e k 1 9 T h e D a n g e r & M o t i v e s | 87
Bible warns us, "No one can serve two masters. Either
he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be
devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot
serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24).
1. What is your motive of accumulating money?
2. What is the real danger of greed in 1 Timothy 6:10?
3. What are the rich to avoid in 1 Timothy 6:17-18?
W e e k 2 0 G o d ’ s W a y o f P r o s p e r i t y | 93
#8 Be Diligent
1. What is God’s way of prosperity?
2. What do you struggle with most?
3. Share your action plan and solution.
W e e k 2 1 T r u e B i b l i c a l P r o s p e r i t y | 99
The prosperity gospel teacher will tell you that you can
become prosperous by sending a seed-faith offering
into his or her ministry and then simply confess that
you are prosperous. Yes, we need to give to God
without string attached. Stop treating God like your
investment broker who is supposed to give you thirty,
sixty or hundredfold returns on your money. This is
not biblically sound. God wants us to build His house
through discipling the nations, teaching them to
observe all that Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:16-20).
When we focus so much on building our own
kingdom, it produces an overload of teaching about
personal prosperity and career. Be careful lest we
follow the pattern of Israelites when we seek other
false gods.
God provides for those who love him and who obey His
commandments. In today’s uncertain world, it is good
to be in the hands of our loving God who knows what
we need before we even ask Him for it. Jesus also
pointed to us that our love for Him is always
accompanied by obedience (John 14:15). For when we
truly love the Lord with all our heart, obedience to His
commandments is no longer a burden.
God’s Restoration
1. What is true biblical prosperity?
2. How would you like to consecrate your personal
and business wealth?
3. How can you love God with all your heart, mind,
soul and strength?
A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m | 105
106 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W e e k 2 2 D i m i n i s h i n g Y o u r D e b t | 107
Debt Reduction
Make every effort to get and stay out of debt. You can’t
begin to plan for investments that may yield a 5 to 15
percent return when you are burdened with debt
costing you 18 to 22 percent.
110 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
1. How can debt hurt your personal witness?
2. What warning do you read in Proverbs 22:26-27?
3. What type of debt does God warns us about in
Proverbs 17:18?
W e e k 2 3 T o B e C o n t e n t e d | 111
Week 23 – To Be Contented
One of the key steps to slaying discontentment is to
become grateful for everything. Take nothing for
granted. At the end of each day, take a few minutes to
remind yourself of every provision God has made for
you and your family that day. Did you drive a car to
work today? Did you have a choice of what outfit to
wear today? Were you able to obtain the food you
wanted today?
Solid Relationships
A key factor in avoiding the pitfall of discontentment
is to become more relationship focused and less “stuff”
1. What does it mean to be contented?
2. How can you apply Philippians 4:11?
3. How can you tame your finances starting from
W e e k 2 4 G o d ’ s W i l l i n F i n a n c e | 117
The key to understanding God’s will in finances is the
proper understanding of stewardship. Webster’s
dictionary says that a steward is a person who manages
another’s property. We are merely stewards of God’s
property. He can choose to entrust us to manage as
much or as little as He desires, but in no case will we
ever become owners.
1. Are you seeking God’s will when you make any
financial decision?
2. Do you trust God for your tomorrow?
3. Are you a good steward in managing God’s
120 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W e e k 2 5 H o w M u c h i s E n o u g h ? | 121
1. Are you willing to release something of value to
2. Explain why stewardship can be defined as living
all of life for God’s purposes.
3. What does sacrificial giving means to you?
130 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W k 2 7 G o d l y F i n a n c i a l D e c i s i o n s | 131
Financial Breathing
In this section we will consolidate some of the previous
principles into a plan for financial breathing. That is,
exhaling bad habits and inhaling good principles.
3. Avoid Co-Signing
My son, if you have put up security for your
neighbor, if you have struck hands in pledge for
another … then do this, my son, to free yourself,
since you have fallen into your neighbor's hands:
Go and humble yourself; press your plea with your
~ Proverbs 6:1, 3
136 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
1. Do you really believe God will do what is best, or
do we just say we believe it in Matthew 6:30?
2. What is God’s promise and requirement written in
Matthew 6:30?
3. How can you apply God’s wisdom?
W e e k 2 8 M o n e y W i s e | 139
Insurance Planning
Becoming money wise includes understanding and
using insurance planning to protect against risk and
losses. In order to do so, you can transfer the risk to
the insurance company. Proverbs 27:12 says The
prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep
going and suffer for it. Although this verse does not
refer specifically to insurance, it definitely talks about
planning. Investigate your insurance portfolio. Let us
look at some areas of insurance where we, as good
stewards, should focus our attention.
1. How does the sowing and reaping principle apply
to Luke 6:32 and Proverbs 3:9-10?
2. How can you save systematically?
3. What lifestyle pleases God?
142 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W k 2 9 - 1 2 M o s t C o m m o n M i s t a k e s | 143
1. What are your thoughts regarding changes you
might make in your lifestyle?
2. List some things you can give up to reduce your
3. Explain the total impact of having money in
savings earning compound interest
146 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W e e k 3 0 H e l p i n g a n d S a v i n g | 147
1. Who really deserves our help?
2. When you do something for the unsaved, who are
you really doing it for?
3. Who should you help?
W e e k 3 1 F i n a n c e A t a G l a n c e | 151
3. Develop a Budget
7. Teach Others
1. What is your immediate financial goal?
2. What do you think about tithing? Is it necessary?
Where should it go?
3. How can you better manage your money?
W e e k 3 2 R o m a n c e a n d F i n a n c e | 155
1. Is it wrong to hide money from your spouse?
2. How should a man deal with a wife who earns
more money?
3. Who has the final say regarding financial
decisions in the home?
W e e k 3 3 – Y o u n g a n d E n e r g e t i c | 159
1. What is the four strategies that you can use to
transform your finances?
2. What is the one thing I am committed to do to help
me to create a financial future?
3. Where should I place my priorities for a spending
plan now that I just started my first job?
W e e k 3 4 F a i t h a n d W o r k | 161
The LORD God took the man and put him in the
Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
~ Genesis 2:15
So the Lord took Adam and gave him a job and put him
in charge and be productive! God is not concerned
about our profession but He is more concerned about
the attitude with which we approach our job. In God’s
economy there is equal dignity in the labour of all
honest and sincere men and women.
1. I hate my job and want to change careers, what
should I do?
2. How should I discover my authentic career?
3. What is my purpose of working?
W k 3 5 S h o u l d I S t a r t a B u s i n e s s ? | 163
1. What should I do to prepare for starting a business
of my own?
2. Should I go into debt to start a business?
3. Is it ok to go into business with someone I know?
166 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W e e k 3 7 F o o d F o r T h o u g h t | 167
1. Acquire Knowledge
Take hold of your time while you are on the train
or during your lunch or coffee break, read up
articles of business from the website. In these
publications you will find some helpful tips that
will give you advice that you need to know about
2. Know Your Financial Weakness
A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the
simple keep going and suffer for it. (Proverbs 22:3).
For instance, if you have credit card debt, try to
settle the debt as soon as possible.
3. Re-examine Your Lifestyle
You may need to rearrange and reduce your
spending. Change your spending habit, swallow
your pride, tighten your budget and eliminate
unnecessary expenses.
W e e k 3 7 F o o d F o r T h o u g h t | 169
5. Investment
Do not time the market. Professional investors
cannot even do it successfully. Remember that the
premises of investing is to buy low, and sell high.
When the financial markets are experiencing a
financial famine, price are low. It may also mean
that it is a great time to buy and not sell.
Investment advisor will usually advise you to stay
invested and ride out the downturn. But it all
depends on you. If you do not have the emotional
fortitude to hang in there, then you need to reduce
your exposure to the stock market significantly, at
least enough for you to be able to sleep.
1. How to put your financial life back together?
2. How should you invest?
3. “I am deep in debt.” Is this wrong?
W e e k 3 7 F o o d F o r T h o u g h t | 171
7. Obedience
Obedience many a time will bring about blessing.
The key to your financial future may be predicted
on your total obedience to the Lord. In the same
way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by
action, is dead. (James 2:17).
1. What do you learn about money through this
2. Are you seeking God’s kingdom and His
3. Have you been obedient to the Lord?
174 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W e e k 3 8 I n s i g h t s o n T a x e s | 175
1. What strategies can you explore in your tax
2. What scriptural insight have you learnt about tax
3. What does Romans 13:7 mean to you?
178 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W k 3 9 W r o n g M a s t e r & O u t c o m e s | 179
1. What are your highest priorities in life?
2. How do you know?
3. How are they proven by your time and money
182 |A p p l y G o d l y W i s d o m
W e e k 4 0 W h o O w n s Y o u r S t u f f ? | 183
1. Are you taking care of God’s stuff with open hands?
2. Does God truly own your stuff?
3. Are you the ultimate authority in the way you
handle your money?
P r u d e n t I n v e s t i n g | 185
W e e k 4 1 B i b l i c a l P r i n c i p l e s | 187
In other words, is the risk that you are taking worth it?
Can you afford it?
Specific Investments
1. How important is it for us to seek knowledge and
wisdom in our investing? (Proverbs 10:14, 15:14,
16:16, 23:23, 24:3-5)
2. What warning are we given about get-rich
schemes? (Proverbs 10:2)
3. Where does God want some of our treasures to go?
(Proverbs 3:27, Acts 2:45)
W e e k 4 3 S a v i n g a n d I n v e s t i n g | 195
1. What happens to those who put their wealth
before God? (Proverbs 28:20).
2. What are the consequences for not diligently
managing and investing money? (Proverbs 24:33-
3. How important are effort and discipline in our
financial activities? (Proverbs 14:23, 21:5).
W e e k 4 4 T h e R e a l D e a l | 199
1. Is it better to pay off my mortgage early or keep
taking the tax deduction (investment property)?
2. What is the best way to pay off our mortgage early?
3. What should I know before buying any investment
202 | P r u d e n t I n v e s t i n g
R e t i r e m e n t P l a n n i n g | 203
204 | R e t i r e m e n t P l a n n i n g
W k 4 5 R e t i r e m e n t P l a n n i n g P t 1 | 205
Ideally you should plan for both but if you are tight on
fund, than planning for retirement funding is more
important. Please understand that I am answering
purely from the financial point of view. I know you love
your children and want to help them fulfill their
dreams and achieve their success but on the other
hand you are also concerned whether or not you can
retire comfortably.
People tend to start too late, save too little and earn
too little with their saving and investment. Our
Singapore government recognises the fact that
Singaporeans are living longer, and hence will need
more money to see them through old age. In light of
this, the government proposed all CPF members to set
aside savings in their retirement accounts, to allow
them to use their savings to buy an annuity from an
approved life insurance company. Instead of
purchasing an approved annuity, you can also deposit
the minimum sum in a CPF approved bank or you can
choose to leave your money with the CPF board.
208 | R e t i r e m e n t P l a n n i n g
1. What is the average life expectancy for man and
2. Have you started too late, saved too little or earned
too little in your retirement plan?
3. How do you see yourself spending your time as a
retired person? How much will it cost?
W k 4 6 R e t i r e m e n t P l a n n i n g P t 2 | 209
Insurance Issues
Health Insurance
1. Why would eliminating credit cards and
instalments be an important step rather than
putting money in savings?
2. Are you financially prepared for your retirement?
If not, what action do you need to take in order to
reverse the situation?
3. Do you intend to set aside more of your time in
serving the Lord during your retirement?
212 | R e t i r e m e n t P l a n n i n g
E s t a t e P l a n n i n g | 213
214 | E s t a t e P l a n n i n g
W k 4 7 L i f e I n s u r a n c e & E s t a t e P l a n | 215
We know that we will die one day but we will not know
exactly when and under what circumstances we are
going to die. Being in the insurance business for over
20 years, I have seen some people left either little or no
money behind for their family. Far too many men and
women are financially unprepared for the day they
meet their Marker because of procrastination, fear and
ignorance about life insurance and estate planning.
1. What four areas do I need to look into in my
2. Why is it important for me to buy insurance?
3. How much do I need?
220 | E s t a t e P l a n n i n g
W e e k 4 8 E s t a t e P l a n n i n g | 221
1. What are the reasons given for not planning?
2. What strategies can I adopt in estate planning?
3. What procedure do I need to develop in order to
provide a sound estate plan?
1. What is the purpose of executing a power of
2. Why do people need it?
3. Why is the selection of your agent important?
W e e k 5 0 W i l l s a n d T r u s t s | 227
Laws of Intestacy
Deceased dies leaving…
No Issue and No To Spouse
Parents. $100,000.
Issue and No Parents. To Spouse
Issue and Parents
Spouse To Issue $50,000.
To Spouse
No Issue But Parents.
To Parents
Issue and No Parents. To Issue
Issue and Parents. $100,000.
No Issue, No Parents To Brothers &
But Brothers & Sisters. Sisters $100,000.
No Issue, No Parents,
To Grandparents
No Brothers & Sisters,
But Grandparents.
No Issue, No Parents,
No Brothers & Sisters, To Uncle & Aunt
No Grandparents, But $100,000.
Uncle and Aunt.
No Parents, No Issue,
No Brothers & Sisters, To Government
No Grandparents, No $100,000
Uncle and Aunt
230 | E s t a t e P l a n n i n g
o Legally adopted children but not illegitimate children
have succession rights on the death of an intestate
under the Intestate Succession Act.
o The Act does not apply to the estate of any Muslim or
affect any rules of the Muslim law in respect of the
distribution of the estate of any such person.
o No distinction is made between relatives of the same
class whether of the paternal or maternal side.
o Full blood relatives take before half blood relatives of
the same class.
1. What is a will?
2. What happens if I die without a will?
3. What is the advantage of setting up a trust?
232 | E s t a t e P l a n n i n g
T h e C h a l l e n g e | 233
234 | T h e C h a l l e n g e
W k 5 1 D o N o t M i s s t h e M i r a c l e s | 235
1. What has Jesus fed you when you have been
spiritually hungry lately?
2. If you went to a solitary place with Jesus, what
would you talk about?
3. What do you learn from this article?
~ Adpated from “Master Your Money – By Ron Blue”.
W e e k 5 2 L a s t i n g T r e a s u r e | 239
Nothing can make up for the loss of one’s soul. Yet how
many of us regularly exchange our lives for much less
than the whole world? For we brought nothing into the
world, and we can take nothing out of it. (1 Timothy 6:7).
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is
eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18b). That is why we keep our
minds on the things that cannot be seen. And now
these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the
greatest of these is love.(1 Corinthians 13:13).
1. What will you gain if you own the whole world but
lose your soul?
2. What should be our main motivators for our life
3. What is the overall goal of everything we have
P a g e | 241
My Services to You:
• “Multiplying Marketplace Miracles” and
“Marketplace Manna” are made available at 51 Bras
Basah Road, #07-02 Manulife Centre, Singapore
Price: S$20/- each.
Doris Ng
Senior Director, Financial Services
Life Coach
P a g e | 243
Doris Ng
[email protected] | [email protected]
Tel: 6833 8433
Websites: | | |
246 | P a g e