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Autonomic Neuroglycopenic
Symptoms Signs Symptoms Signs
• Autonomic neuropathy
EPI = epinephrine
NE = norepinephrine
ESRD = End Stage Renal Disease
Inpatient Setting (1)
5. Indecipherable orders
ACE/ADA Task Force on Inpatient Diabetes. Endocr Pract 2006;12:458-68 .
Hierarchy of Responses
to Decreases in PG Concentrations
90 –
80 – Counter-regulation
70 – Autonomic symptoms
60 –
Neuroglycopenic symptoms
50 –
40 –
30 –
20 –
10 – Permanent damage
0 – Death
PG = plasma glucose
< 40 30 g
40-50 25 g
51-60 20 g
61-70 15 g
>70 with symptoms 5-10 g
After a long day at work, he did not eat dinner when he got
home. In the morning, his family found him unresponsive and
sweating profusely.
Mr. P., a 52-year-old obese man, has had diabetes for
11 years. At the outset, he was managed with
metformin 500 mg TID and gliquidon 1x30 mg.
He enjoyed good glycemic control with FBG and PPBG
~ 100-130 and 150-178 mg/dL, A1C 6.8-7.6%. Blood
pressure is within normal range with no need
for pharmacotherapy.
Mr. P. returns…
Two years ago, he found he no longer had good control.
He came to see you with a complaint about his eyes, and
tests showed that his A1C was 9.7%, FBG 189 mg/dL and
PPBG 356 mg/dL.